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Foundations of Sustainable Business Test Bank

Chapter 1

Multiple Choice Questions

1) Sustainability requires today’s generation to steward __________ for the benefit of future
a. Success
b. Entrepreneurship
c. Natural resources
d. Products and services

Correct answer: c
Difficulty Level: easy
Reference: 1.1.1, definition of key term “principle of stewardship”
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.1 Define sustainability and explain its relevance to business.

2) The triple bottom line consists of ______, _______, and _______ metrics of organizational
a. Competition, innovation, risk
b. Risk, reward, opportunity
c. Management, operations, marketing
d. Social, economic, environmental

Correct answer: d
Difficulty Level: easy
Reference: 1.1.1, definition of key term “triple bottom line”
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 1.1 Define sustainability and explain its relevance to business.

3) Sustainable business is characterized by the trend of measuring and managing success in

terms of _____, ______, and ______ performance.
a. Risk, marketing, financial
b. Social, economic, environmental
c. Operations, supply chain, leadership
d. Employee, supplier, managerial

Correct answer: b
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.1.1, definition of key term “sustainable business”
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.1 Define sustainability and explain its relevance to business.

4) Small and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are responsible for _____ of global industrial
a. 60-70%
b. Very little
c. Disposal
d. Outsourcing

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Foundations of Sustainable Business Test Bank

Correct answer: a
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.1.1, Global Insight: Sustainability at Small and Mid-sized Enterprises
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.1 Define sustainability and explain its relevance to business.

5) Global human population and per capita consumption levels are _______.
a. Optimistic
b. Decreasing
c. Uncertain
d. Increasing

Correct answer: d
Difficulty Level: easy
Reference: 1.1.2, Figure 1.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Application
Learning Objective: 1.1 Define sustainability and explain its relevance to business.

6) Developed economies are responsible for substantially greater levels of ______ than
developing economies.
a. Income equality
b. Inequality
c. Aggregate consumption
d. Insider trading

Correct answer: c
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.1.2, Figure 1.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 1.1 Define sustainability and explain its relevance to business.

7) Natural capital is the ______ of natural resources upon which human life and economic
activities depend.
a. Deficit
b. Available stock
c. Management
d. Stewardship

Correct answer: b
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.1.2, definition of key term “natural capital”
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 1.1 Define sustainability and explain its relevance to business.

8) A negative externality is created when an organization’s activities generate a risk that is

shifted to a third-party without that party’s _______ or _______.
a. Forethought, intention
b. Consent, compensation
c. Disapproval, regret
d. Knowledge, injury

Correct answer: b

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Foundations of Sustainable Business Test Bank

Difficulty Level: medium

Reference: 1.1.4, definition of key term “negative externality”
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.1 Define sustainability and explain its relevance to business.

9) Ray Anderson founded one of the world’s largest carpet manufacturing companies, and
launched “Mission Zero,” a campaign to ______ the company’s environmental impacts.
a. Monitor
b. Partially reduce
c. Completely eliminate
d. Market

Correct answer: c
Difficulty Level: easy
Reference: 1.1.2, Leadership call-out box
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 1.1 Define sustainability and explain its relevance to business.

10) According to the 2012 WWF Living Planet Report, humanity’s projected resource
consumption levels “______ our planet’s capacity to sustain us.”
a. Underscore
b. Provide
c. Exceed
d. Are less than

Correct answer: c
Difficulty Level: easy
Reference: 1.1.2, text accompanying Figure 1.2
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.

11) The human population’s ______ now surpasses the available biocapacity of the planet.
a. Productivity
b. Resilience
c. Genius
d. Ecological footprint

Correct answer: d
Difficulty Level: easy
Reference: 1.1.2, Figure 1.3 and Figure 1.4
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.

12) Global primary production and processing sectors generate $7.3 trillion in ______ annually.
a. Profit
b. Revenue
c. Shareholder dividends
d. Externalities

Correct answer: d
Difficulty Level: hard
Reference: 1.2.1, Ethical Decisions call-out box

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Foundations of Sustainable Business Test Bank

Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge

Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.

13) The Global Living Planet Index is a(n) ______ assessment of the vitality of the planet given
the impact of _____.
a. Financial, the economic recession
b. Invalid, climate change
c. Science-based, human activity
d. Economics-based, natural events

Correct answer: c
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.1.2, definition of key term “Global Living Planet Index”
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.

14) Sustainability is a global megatrend, driven by ______ forces.

a. Technological
b. Social and political
c. Economic and environmental
d. All of the above

Correct answer: d
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.1.3, first paragraph
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.

15) The general trend in sustainable business practices is to ________.

a. Do less bad and more good
b. Increase managerial control
c. Leverage assets
d. Externalize risk

Correct answer: a
Difficulty Level: easy
Reference: 1.1.3
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Application
Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.

16) Overconsumption of natural resources occurs when ______ exceeds ______.

a. Yield, harvest
b. supply, demand
c. Ecological footprint, biocapacity
d. Carbon emissions, regulatory limits

Correct answer: c
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.1.2, Figure 1.3
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.

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Foundations of Sustainable Business Test Bank

17) The world’s food supply depends upon productive fisheries, about half of which are _____.
a. Abundant
b. Fully exploited
c. Unknown
d. Over-regulated

Correct answer: b
Difficulty Level: hard
Reference: 1.1.4, statistic from the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.

18) Environmental, social, and governance issues have become ______ to investors.
a. Enablers
b. Irrelevant
c. Material
d. Opaque

Correct answer: c
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.2.2, text accompanying Figure 1.5
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.

19) Shareholder resolutions concerning environmental, social, and governance issues ______
from 1999 to 2009.
a. Plateaued
b. Increased
c. Decreased
d. Ceased

Correct answer: b
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.2.2, Figure 1.5
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.

20) Business representatives attending the Rio+20 Summit on Sustainability voted to _______
certain statements of principle and action related to sustainable business.
a. Oppose
b. Repeal
c. Amend
d. Support

Correct answer: d
Difficulty Level: easy
Reference: 1.2.4
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.

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Foundations of Sustainable Business Test Bank

21) Five stages of sustainable business maturation, from basic to advanced, are defined by the
following motives: profit, philanthropy, _______, _______, and _______.
a. Management, innovation, strategy
b. Media, projects, investments
c. Investment, risk, profit
d. Marketing, control, responsibility

Correct answer: d
Difficulty Level: hard
Reference: 1.3.2, Table 1.2
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 1.3 Distinguish between the levels of commitment to sustainable business.

22) Internalizing a risk means that the party who creates a risk ultimately _____ for it.
a. Gets compensated
b. Gets insurance benefits
c. Takes responsibility
d. Gets sued

Correct answer: c
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.2.1, definition of key term “internalize”
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.3 Distinguish between the levels of commitment to sustainable business.

23) The “gearing up” metaphor represents these four successive attitudes toward the business
case for sustainability:
a. Complying, benchmarking, partnering, integrating
b. Opposing, accepting, complying, exceeding
c. Discussing, planning, implementing, reviewing
d. None of the above

Correct answer: a
Difficulty Level: hard
Reference: 1.3.3, Table 1.3
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 1.3 Distinguish between the levels of commitment to sustainable business.

24) As organizational commitment to sustainability matures, old priorities such as legal

compliance are ______ while new priorities are added.
a. Abandoned
b. Included
c. Ignored
d. Controlling

Correct answer: b
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.3.3, paragraph following Table 1.3
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Application
Learning Objective: 1.3 Distinguish between the levels of commitment to sustainable business.

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Foundations of Sustainable Business Test Bank

25) Sustainability initiatives were initially challenged because they were perceived as ______ to
core business activities, they proceeded _______ in fits and starts, and existing incentive
structures made these initiatives appear _______.
a. Senior, wholesale, strategic
b. Peripheral, incrementally, uneconomical
c. Prior, rapidly, lucrative
d. Detrimental, long term, outdated

Correct answer: b
Difficulty Level: hard
Reference: 1.3.1, first paragraph
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.3 Distinguish between the levels of commitment to sustainable business.

26) The “gearing up” metaphor describes organizational _______.

a. Stasis
b. Acceleration
c. Culture
d. Transformation

Correct answer: d
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.3.3, second paragraph
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.3 Distinguish between the levels of commitment to sustainable business.

27) Even the most advanced level of private sector commitment to public health and
environmental protection is driven by the traditional ______ motive.
a. Ethical
b. Defense
c. Profit
d. Competition

Correct answer: c
Difficulty Level: easy
Reference: 1.3.2, Table 1.2 and accompanying text; IV.A., first paragraph
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 1.4 Make the business case for sustainability.

28) When compared to traditional product market share, sustainable product market share
growth is ______ in food production and construction market sectors.
a. Dominating
b. Diminishing
c. Losing
d. Slowly Growing

Correct answer: a
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.4.1, Table 1.4
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.4 Make the business case for sustainability.

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Foundations of Sustainable Business Test Bank

29) According to the Rio+20 Summit on Sustainability, businesses should focus less on ______
and more on ______.
a. Philanthropy, Profit
b. Short-term competitiveness, long-term performance
c. Water issues, climate change
d. Fisheries, Rainforest conservation

Correct answer: b
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.2.4, definition of key term “Rio+20 Summit on Sustainability” and accompanying
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.4 Make the business case for sustainability.

30) In the energy sector between 2002 and 2011, consumption of renewable energy grew by
over _____, while non-renewable energy consumption ________.
a. 50%, slightly increased
b. 10%, increased
c. 400%, decreased
d. 30%, greatly decreased

Correct answer: c
Difficulty Level: hard
Reference: 1.4.1, Table 1.4 and accompanying text.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 1.4 Make the business case for sustainability.

31) Between 2005 and 2011, ______ building construction grew by 1700% despite a 17%
contraction in the overall construction market.
a. Traditional
b. International
c. Domestic
d. Sustainable

Correct answer: d
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.4.1, Table 1.4
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.4 Make the business case for sustainability.

32) Between 2002 and 2011, sales of ______ vehicles grew by 646%, while the overall vehicle
market ______ by 15%.
a. Hybrid, decreased
b. Imported, decreased
c. Luxury, decreased
d. Hybrid, increased

Correct answer: a
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.4.1, Table 1.4
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.4 Make the business case for sustainability.

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Foundations of Sustainable Business Test Bank

33) When compared to traditional products, sustainable products and services are _______ in
market share of food, consumer products, construction, finance, energy, and transportation
a. Socially responsible
b. Relinquishing
c. About the same
d. Taking over

Correct answer: d
Difficulty Level: easy
Reference: 1.4.1, Table 1.4 and accompanying text
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.4 Make the business case for sustainability.

34) During the global economic recession of 2007-2010, Socially Responsible Investing
portfolios experienced ______.
a. Contraction
b. Asset growth
c. Stability
d. Instability

Correct answer: b
Difficulty Level: hard
Reference: 1.4.1, Table 4.1
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.4 Make the business case for sustainability.

35) The growing threat of natural resource shortage means businesses may face increased
a. Marketing costs
b. Bids for supply contracts
c. Operating costs
d. Employee turnover

Correct answer: c
Difficulty Level: easy
Reference: 1.4.2, Table 1.5
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.4 Make the business case for sustainability.

36) Blue ocean strategy is the simultaneous pursuit of both ______ and ______.
a. Control, profit
b. Growth, direct competition
c. Water conservation, profit
d. Differentiation, low cost

Correct answer: d
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.4.3, definition of key term “blue ocean strategy”
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 1.5 Explain the role of entrepreneurialism and innovation in sustainability.

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Foundations of Sustainable Business Test Bank

37) The aim of blue ocean strategy is _____ to out-perform the competition in the existing
a. Always
b. More often than not
c. Not
d. Sometimes

Correct answer: c
Difficulty Level: easy
Reference: 1.4.3, definition of key term “blue ocean strategy”
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.5 Explain the role of entrepreneurialism and innovation in sustainability.

38) In construction, resource extraction, health care, IT, and tourism sectors, environmental
changes and limitations will create risks as well as ______ of economic growth.
a. Contraction
b. Green shoots
c. Stagnation
d. Discounts

Correct answer: b
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.4.3, Table 1.6
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.5 Explain the role of entrepreneurialism and innovation in sustainability.

39) Addressing the business implications of environmental limits will require private sector
commitment to _______, _______, and _______.
a. Innovation, transparency, stewardship
b. Conservative values, foreign-investment, cost
c. Liberal values, employee retention, philanthropy
d. Growth, decision-making, quarterly earnings

Correct answer: a
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.4.2, paragraph following Table 1.5
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.5 Explain the role of entrepreneurialism and innovation in sustainability.

40) Water resources are _______ because of pressure from ______ and ______.
a. Threatened, environmental activists, regulators
b. Growing, competition, emerging markets
c. Threatened, overconsumption, pollution
d. Growing, shareholders, regulators

Correct Answer: c
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.4.2, Table 1.5
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Application
Learning Objective: 1.5 Explain the role of entrepreneurialism and innovation in sustainability.

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Foundations of Sustainable Business Test Bank

41) There are opportunities for sustainable business leadership in most sectors of the economy,
except for the ______ sector.
a. Chemicals
b. Finance
c. Tourism
d. None of the above

Correct answer: d
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.4.3, Table 1.6
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Application
Learning Objective: 1.5 Explain the role of entrepreneurialism and innovation in sustainability.

42) This environmental issue has substantial implications for the private sector in the coming
a. Greenhouse gas emissions
b. Water shortage
c. Habitat loss
d. All of the above

Correct answer: d
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.4.3, Table 1.5
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.5 Explain the role of entrepreneurialism and innovation in sustainability.

43) In the coming decade, global average surface temperatures, flooding, water consumption,
habitat loss, chemical exposure, and electronic waste are expected to ______.
a. Decline
b. Increase
c. Stabilize
d. Improve

Correct answer: b
Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.4.3, Table 1.5
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.5 Explain the role of entrepreneurialism and innovation in sustainability.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

1) The triple-_______ perspective means that companies should measure success in terms of
profits and losses, the organization’s impact on people, and the extent of pollution and
resource depletion.

Correct answer: bottom-line

Difficulty Level: easy
Reference: 1.1.1, definition of key term “triple-bottom-line”
Learning Objective: 1.1 Define sustainability and explain its relevance to business.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge

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Foundations of Sustainable Business Test Bank

2) Natural capital is the ______ of natural resources upon which human life and economic
activity depends.

Correct answer: available stock

Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.1.2, definition of key term “natural capital”
Learning Objective: 1.1 Define sustainability and explain its relevance to business.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge

3) When a company’s actions, such as polluting a river, shift costs onto local communities
without consent or compensation, this is called a(n) ______.

Correct answer: negative externality

Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.1.4, definition of key term “negative externality”
Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge

4) Sustainable development is economic activity that meets the needs of ______ without
compromising the ability of ______ to meet their own needs.

Correct answer: current generations, future generations

Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.1.1, definition of key term “sustainable development”
Learning Objective: 1.1 Define sustainability and explain its relevance to business.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge

5) According to the Global Living Planet Index, the available biocapacity of Earth is ______, and
at the same time, humanity’s ecological footprint is ______.

Correct answer: decreasing, increasing

Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.1.2, Figure 1.2, Figure 1.3, Figure 1.4
Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension

6) The ______ for sustainability applies to small and mid-sized enterprises as well as larger

Correct answer: business case

Difficulty Level: hard
Reference: 1.1.1, Global Insights call-out box
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension
Learning Objective: 1.4 Make the business case for sustainability.

7) Globally, human population levels and aggregate consumption levels are ______.

Correct answer: increasing

Difficulty Level: medium
Reference: 1.1.2, Figure 1.1
Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.

Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1-12

Foundations of Sustainable Business Test Bank

Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Comprehension

Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.

Short Answer Questions

1) Compare and contrast how sustainability applies in practice between a small enterprise and a
large multinational company.

Correct answer: The business case for sustainability applies to companies both small and large,
in terms of cost saving, risk reduction, and value creation. However, when compared to a
larger company, a small company has relatively smaller scale of operations, flexibility in
setting company mission, intimate engagement with local community, greater vulnerability to
external risk, and smaller operating budget. Because of these differences, smaller
companies are more sensitive to upside benefits such as operational cost savings, and
downside aspects of sustainability issues such as supply chain disruption.
Reference: 1.1.1, Global Insights
Difficulty: Medium
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Analysis
Learning Objective: 1.4 Make the business case for sustainability.

2) Evaluate Ray Anderson’s “Mission Zero” plan for Interface, Inc. Provide specific examples of
the success and/or failure of the Mission Zero plan.

Correct answer: The Mission Zero plan was both ambitious and successful. The goal of the plan
was to reduce the total environmental impacts of the carpet company to zero by the year
2020. Between 1994 and 2009, Interface reduced material waste, pollutant emissions, and
energy consumption. Specifically, the company accomplished an impressive 24% reduction
in greenhouse gas emissions, 60% reduction in fossil fuel consumption, 82% reduction in
waste being sent to landfills, and over 80% reduction in the amount of water used. The
financial effects of these pioneering innovations in sustainability were an avoided $450 million
in costs, an increase in sales by 63%, and the doubling of corporate earnings.
Reference: 1.1.2, Leadership
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Evaluation
Learning Objective: 1.5 Explain the role of entrepreneurialism and innovation in sustainability.

3) To what extent do primary production and processing sectors create externalities? In what
ways do these externalities threaten natural resources?

Correct answer: Primary production and processing, such as in agriculture, forestry, fisheries,
mining, oil and gas exploration, and utility sectors, are highly resource intensive. These
sectors generated environmental costs in the amount of 13% of the global economic output,
which is a sign of inefficient natural resource use. In 2009, these sectors generated $7.3
trillion in externalities measured in terms of water use, greenhouse gas emissions, waste, air
pollution, land and water pollution, and land use.
Reference: 1.2.1, Ethical Decisions
Difficulty: Hard
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Knowledge
Learning Objective: 1.2 Articulate how global trends drive sustainability in the private sector.

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Foundations of Sustainable Business Test Bank

4) Do you think the international oil company, Statoil ASA, deserves to be called a sustainable
business leader? Why or why not?

Correct answer: Yes. The company’s mission is to meet energy needs worldwide in a
sustainable manner. The company has taken proactive steps, going beyond what
governments require, to address climate change, environmental health and safety, and clean
air. Statoil ASA has been ranked the top oil company in the world multiple times on the Dow
Jones Sustainability Index.
Reference: 1.3.1, Leadership
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Evaluation
Learning Objective: 1.3 Distinguish between the levels of commitment to sustainable business.

5) Are the principles of balance and stewardship compatible with the pursuit of corporate profit?

Correct answer: Yes. The creation of value for all stakeholders, including share owners, over the
long haul, presupposes a stable, healthy society in which to do business. Only in such an
environment can a company’s profitable growth be sustained over time. Pursuing the
principle of balancing social, economic, and environmental factors, and the principle of
stewarding natural resources for future generations, is a logical corollary of a company’s
essential responsibility to the long-term interests of its share owners.
Reference: 1.4.1, Managerial Insight
Difficulty: Easy
Bloom’s Taxonomy Code: Application
Learning Objective: 1.4 Make the business case for sustainability.

Copyright ©2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1-14

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