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Saint James Academy

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics




A Research Proposal Presented to the

Faculty of Senior High School Department
Saint James Academy
Ibaan, Batangas

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for
Research /Capstone Project

GUERRA, Helaiena Mae S.

JAVIER, Diana Mae U.

MIÑAS, Aira Carmela R.


Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


TITLE PAGE .......................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER I: THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND ....................................... 3

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3

Objectives of the Study ................................................................................................... 8

Significance of the Study .............................................................................................. 10

Scope and Delimitations of the Study ........................................................................... 11

Conceptual Framework ................................................................................................. 13

Definition of Terms....................................................................................................... 16

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ......................................... 20

I. CONCEPTUAL LITERATURE............................................................................ 20

Solid Wate................................................................................................................ 20

Types of Waste ......................................................................................................... 21

Solid Waste Management ........................................................................................ 23

Reverse Vending Machine ....................................................................................... 24

Sensor Unit................................................................................................................ 30

Waste Disposal......................................................................................................... 32

Efficiency of Reverse Vending Machine .................................................................. 33

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Testing and Experimentation .................................................................................... 35

II. RELATED STUDIES ............................................................................................ 36

Local Studies ............................................................................................................. 36

Foreign Studies ......................................................................................................... 39

III. SYNTHESIS OF THE STUDY ........................................................................... 43

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................................... 45

Research Design............................................................................................................ 45

Conceptualization and Development of Prototype ....................................................... 46

Design of Reverse Vending Machine ........................................................................... 47

Operating Parameters of the Prototype ......................................................................... 49

Integration of Software and Development of Software ................................................ 51

Preliminary Testing of the Reverse Vending Machine ................................................. 55

Preliminary Testing of the Sensors of the Reverse Vending Machine ......................... 56

Troubleshooting of the Reverse Vending Machine ...................................................... 56

Final Testing of the Reverse Vending Machine ........................................................... 57

REFERENCE LIST ........................................................................................................ 59

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics



This chapter discusses the introduction, background of the study, conceptual

framework, conceptual paradigm, statement of the problem, the significance of the

study, scope and limitation and definition of terms.


The population in earth increases more often which includes the solid wastes.

Solid waste are any garbage or discarded materials including solid, liquid, semi-

solid, or gaseous materials coming from industrial, commercial, agricultural, and

residential operations. These wastes are disposed through solid waste management.

It is a process wherein solid wastes are collected and treated. Solid waste

management includes collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste,

together with monitoring and regulation of the waste management process. It is

implemented for it helps in protecting the environment and the health of the

population. Chemicals and toxins emitted by waste can cause air and water

pollution. It also may harm people and cause diseases such as Meningitis, Hepatitis,

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Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

and Skin infections. Solid waste management reduces these negative effects and

helps in improving the environmental state of the world.

However, improper solid waste management may also cause harmful effects

to the environment and the people. It leads to soil, water, and air contamination,

spreading of infectious diseases, and loss of biodiversity. It is one of the major

environmental problems in different municipalities. Lack of proper solid waste

management and inadequate space for these wastes are evident in some areas. In the

municipality of Ibaan, three thousand two hundred eighty-five cubic meters of solid

wastes are collected every year wherein nine cubic meters of solid wastes that are

limited to only seven barangays of the town are collected and disposed per day.

Thus, losing space for the collected wastes and causing negative impacts to the


The municipality of Ibaan has difficulty in disposing of solid wastes

especially plastics. Plastic are a type of solid waste made of long chains of synthetic

and usually use polymer as the main ingredient. These are generally cheap and

inexpensive. Thus, many companies use plastics for its durability and for being

lightweight at low cost. It is preferred to use by many because plastic is strong

enough for their weight and has resistance to shock, corrosion, chemicals, and water.

These are more efficient in protecting and preserving products and food in terms of

packaging. Due to being lightweight, plastics reduce weight in transportation that

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Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

saves fuel and decrease emission of greenhouse gases. These are also used in

developing technologies such as computers, cellphones, televisions and

microwaves. Having the characteristics of being durable and lightweight at same

time affordable, plastics help in revolutionizing and improving electronics we use

in daily basis. Plastics are then for an indispensable part in our everyday life.

On the other hand, plastics are made of polymers, which do not break into

natural and environmental state. It also takes years to decompose. The plastics bags

that are used today can take up to one thousand years to break down, while the

plastic bottles can take up four hundred fifty years or more. As the result of the

blessing of Plastics’ durability, it becomes non-biodegradable and turns into the

curse of imperishability.

The high rate of consumption of plastics in the Philippines is challenging the

disposal capacity of waste authorities with more than seventeen billion five hundred

million are being consumed and thrown away into the environment, mostly in

oceans, by Filipinos according to Marjaleen Ramos (2020). Most of the time,

residents burn down their plastic wastes or their local government collects and

disposes them into landfills. Both ways are useful in disposing plastics waste

however neither of the ways are environmental-friendly and ecological.

Moreover, burning of plastics releases toxic gases (dioxins, furans, mercury

and polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.) into the atmosphere which indicates threat to

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Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

vegetation, human, and animal life. It also damages the earth’s ozone layer that

aggravates global warming and climate change and if not restrained might lead to

extinctions in the majority of the world especially its valuable ecosystems.

Plastics are evident and used everywhere. Companies, factories, markets, and

restaurants use plastics for packaging and protecting their product and food.

Vending machines contains products that are made of plastic packaging such as

snacks and beverages. Many consumers use vending machine because it is

convenient, affordable, and has wide range of items to choose from. Commonly, the

consumer feeds bill or coins into the vending machine to purchase their desire item.

Subsequently, this study was formulated to be a potential solution to improve

and enhance the solid waste management and plastic waste disposal in the

municipality of Ibaan. It is inspired from the conveniency of vending machines. It

focuses on developing a reverse vending machine wherein instead of purchasing

items, consumers will benefit and make money out of it. In this reverse vending

machine, consumers will feed the machine with plastic bottles and will receive a

designated amount of money based on how many plastic bottles are inserted in the

machine. Its system will operate with the use of Arduino microcontroller and several

sensors. Once it recognizes the correct components for plastic bottles, the machine

will automatically give the users an amount of money based on what is programmed

within the system. The reverse vending machine contains its own built-in shredder

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Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

to increase the machine’s capacity and to give ease and conveniency while

transporting the collected plastic waste.

The shredded plastic bottles are collected and transferred to a grinding

factory to pulverize that will serve as an ingredient in making concrete hollow

blocks. These are then sold off at the market. The income earned through selling

concrete hollow blocks will then be used to fund the money placed on the reverse

vending machines.

This study will discuss applicability of the reverse vending machines as a

potential solution for the management of the plastic waste in Ibaan. It will be

conducted in order to develop an automated recycling mechanism using an Arduino

Uno operated system that would help in improving the present plastic waste

management. This is a recycling system for plastic bottles based on the

implementation of reverse vending machines, stressing the importance of the

creation of policies that promote recycling and public participation.

Hence, this study was conceptualized to test the solid and plastic waste

management of Ibaan after the development of the reverse vending machine. This

innovation would suffice the needs of proper solid waste management since it

recycles plastic bottles and therefore, helping and saving the environment.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Objectives of the Study

The main extent of the study is to design a prototype called Reverse Vending

Machine (RVM) that can be a potential solution to minimize the plastic waste and

improve plastic waste management based on the implementation of the recycling

system and to promote recycling and public participation in the Municipality of


Specifically, the study aims:

1. To design a reverse vending machine taking into considerations the


1.1. System Components

1.2. Materials Specifications

1.3. Safety Mechanism

2. To determine the operating parameters of Reverse Vending Machines in

terms of:

2.1. Capacity

2.2. Properties of Plastic Bottles

2.3. Working Duration

3. To develop program that will be used in the Reverse Vending Machine using

Arduino considering the following sensors:

3.1. Capacitive Proximity Sensor

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

3.2. Strain Gauge Weight Sensor

3.3. Ultrasonic Sensor

4. To test the efficiency of the sensors of the Reverse Vending Machine

considering the following:

4.1. Speed of Sensors

4.2. Operating Capacity

5. To test the efficiency of the develop Reverse Vending Machine in terms of:

5.1. Responsiveness

5.2. Sensitivity


This research study aims to develop a reverse vending machine that would

improve the locality of Ibaan in terms of plastic waste management and recycling

system. This section provides a formulated hypothesis which serves as a guide for

the researchers in the conduction of the study.

H0: There is a significant difference between the present plastic waste

management of Ibaan and proposed plastic waste management and recycling system

using the develop reverse vending machine.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Significance of the Study

The current study aims to design a Reverse Vending Machine that can be a

potential solution to minimize the plastic waste in the Municipality of Ibaan and

improve the plastic waste management and recycling system of the said


The study also accommodates benefits to the following:

To the Environment. This will help the environment as one of its major

problems is the increasing rate of plastic waste used by the humanity and this study

is a big help for the environment as plastic waste are not soluble in water.

To the Community. This will allow the community to prevent negative

impacts on the environment caused by the outraging number of plastic wastes in the

community. This will utilize the effectiveness of waste segregation and recycling in

solving environmental problems regarding wastes to achieve more control in

collecting wastes in the community.

To the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. This will be

beneficial to this sector to give them knowledge that some of the individuals are

willing to take part or support their programs that will help the surroundings to be a

healthy condition.

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Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

To the researchers. This will involve their intellectual creativity in designing

machines and enhance their knowledge which they can apply the acquired learning

and information in this study for the near future or even in their daily lives.

To future researchers. The researchers who will conduct a study parallel to

this could gain insights and will help them explore and create more effective

researches for the improvement of plastic waste management in the community.

This will be a functional tool serving as a basis, source or reference to their future

and effective studies of the same context.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This research study will focus on the development of reverse vending

machine as a potential solution for the plastic waste management of Ibaan to help

the environment in reducing plastics. This is a great way to lessen the often-scattered

plastic bottles in Ibaan. This machine is only intended for plastics that will

ultimately help reduce waste and will ultimately help for a small amount of money.

It will cover the process of making a reverse vending machine process by accepting

plastic items and gives coins as a reward according to the weight of plastic bottles.

The concept of reverse vending machine is an approach towards green

engineering technology. The reverse vending machine is an integration of sensorics,

LabVIEW programming along with data acquisition and pneumatics technology.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

This machine is a low-cost automatic machine, which crushes the plastic bottle to a

reduced size, thereby, requiring less storage space for final disposal. the operating

parameters of Reverse Vending Machines in terms of capacity, properties of plastic

bottles and working duration.

The system is implemented with an Arduino microcontroller and several

sensors. The program that will be used in the Reverse Vending Machine using

Arduino considering the capacitive proximity Sensor, strain gauge weight sensor

and ultrasonic sensor.

The initial research testing will be carried out using the Reverse Vending

Machine, its sensors, to assess and test the efficiency of the sensors of the machine

considering the speed of sensors and the operating capacity. This will be achieved

throughout the Municipality of Ibaan to evaluate whether there is a decrease in the

reduction of plastic bottles. This method of prototyping will concentrate on

lessening and recycling of plastic bottles.

However, this study will not conduct to remove all the plastic waste in the

said municipality but to lessen the time in minimizing plastic waste. The volume

capacity and the power supply are limited as the basis of assessing the efficacy of

Arduino system. The researchers will not use any other microcontroller other than

indicated in the study. Moreover, this study will focus on the efficiency of recycling

of plastic bottles with the help of the designed reverse vending machine.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework is the blueprint of the study wherein principle and

assumptions hold together the ideas incorporating the whole concept of the study.

The study is based on the efficiency of reverse vending machine that will minimize

the plastic waste based on the implementation of the recycling system and to

promote recycling and public participation in the Municipality of Ibaan.

In order to have an intensified overview of the paper, the researchers

constructed a conceptual paradigm in a Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate or

CDIO model that illustrated the development stages for the assessment of the study.

In the Conceive Stage, the researchers will establish and present the

knowledge and hardware requirements that is essential to the study. Knowledge and

process about basic electronics, programming and troubleshooting, basic

programmable logic controller (PLC), and robotics technology are necessary and

required. Furthermore, hardware requirements which includes Arduino Mega,

Breakout Board, Inductive Proximity Sensor, Capacitive Proximity Sensor, Micro-

servo Motor, Alphanumeric LCD Ultrasonic Sensor and Bread Board were also vital

to the study. Software requirement such as VM Controller is critical requirement to

accomplish this study.

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Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

In the Design Stage, the researchers will use the Auto Cad and SketchUp

program in creating the plan and structure of the reverse vending machine.

In the Implement Stage, conceptualization of the prototype design will be

prepared and organized. Hardware requirements will be combined and then, a

software that will recognize the different solid waste inserted in the machine will be

developed. Next, software and hardware requirements will be completely combined

and after, a preliminary testing of the designed reverse vending machine will be

conducted. Performing troubleshooting process will help improve the operation of

the prototype. And lastly, the accuracy and efficacy of the reverse vending machine

will be tested and evaluated further.

In the Operate Phase, the researcher will be able to develop reverse vending

machine that is able to shred plastic bottles that often gives back a deposit or refund

in exchange.

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Conceive Design Implement Operate

Knowledge Requirements: • System components

• Basic Electronics o Power Supply
1. Create and conceptualize the
• Programming and Unit
reverse vending machine
Troubleshooting o Open-close
• Basic Programmable Logic prototype design.
Controller (PLC) 2. Combine the hardware
• Robotics Technology
o Circular panel requirements and program
o Trash bins and test the sensitivity of
Hardware requirements: o LCD different sensors.
o Wood Case 3. Conduct a preliminary
• Arduino Mega 2560
• Breakout Board Structure testing of the automated
• Capacitive Proximity o Wheels reverse vending machine
Sensor prototype.
• Micro-servo Motor Effective Reverse Vending
• SketchUp design 4. Perform a troubleshooting
• Alphanumeric LCD Machine Operated by
• Auto Cad process to improve the
• Strain Gauge Weight Arduino
operation of the prototype.
5. Evaluate the accuracy and

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• Ultrasonic Sensor
• GPS Module efficiency of the reverse
• Buzzer, Piezo vending machine.
• Single turn Potentiometer
• Switch Actuator
• Jump Wires
• Battery
• Bread Board
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Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm

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Definition of Terms

For clarity and better understanding of this study, the following terms are

hereby defined operationally.

Arduino Uno. A popularly used open-source micro-controller board that

runs on ATmega 328P micro-controller. This board is developed by

which is an Italy based hardware company. This board contains a set of digital and

analog I/O data pins that are used to interface this board with other electronic

components (Iyer A. B., 2018).

Codes. It is used to describe text that is written using the protocol of a

particular language by a computer programmer (Computer Hope, 2017). As to be

used in the study, it is to utilize the use of programming of Arduino Uno as

instructions to produce the reverse vending machine.

Environment. It is comprised of the interacting systems of physical,

biological and cultural elements which are interlinked both individually and

collectively. Environment is the sum total of conditions in which an organism has

to survive or maintain its life process. It influences the growth and development of

living forms (Mondal, 2019).

Imperishability. As to be used in the study, it is a property of plastic that

causes resistance to decomposition.

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

LabVIEW. Is systems engineering software for applications that require test,

measurement, and control with rapid access to hardware and data insights. It is a

visual programming language; a system-design platform and development

environment that was aimed at enabling all forms of system to be developed.

Microcontroller. MCU or Microcontroller Unit. It is a single Integrated

Circuit (IC) that gathers input, processes this information, and outputs a certain

action based on the information gathered. Microcontrollers usually operate at lower

speeds, around the 1MHz to 200 MHz range, and need to be designed to consume

less power because they are embedded inside other devices that can have greater

power consumptions in other typically used for a specific application and

designed to implement certain tasks (Gudino, 2018).

Plastic. It is a polymeric material that has the capability of being molded or

shaped, usually by the application of heat and pressure. This property of plasticity,

often found in combination with other special properties such as low density, low

electrical conductivity, transparency, and toughness, allows plastics to be made into

a great variety of products (Rodriguez,2020).

Polymer. Any of a class of natural or synthetic substances composed of very

large molecules, called macromolecules, that are multiples of simpler chemical units

called monomers. Polymer makes up many of the materials in living organisms,

including, for example, proteins, cellulose, and nucleic acids. It forms the basis of

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such minerals as diamond, quartz, and feldspar and such man-made materials as

concrete, glass, paper, plastics, and rubbers.

Programming. It is the art of developing computer programs with the aid of

selected programming language by a computer programmer. It is a special skill

whose quality is tested by the quality of the resulting program or software. In

programming, programming stages must be properly followed, i.e from problem

definition to maintenance and review (Lateef, Abimbola , Owoade, & Ogunsanwo,


Reverse Vending Machine. Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) is used in an

automated way to collect, sort and handle the return of used drink containers. It is a

machine where people can return empty beverage containers like bottles and cans

for recycling.

Sensors. It is a device that receives a stimulus and responds with an electrical

signal (Sinha, 2017). As to be used in the study, this is the material measured in

producing the prototype that signals to classify the plastic bottles inserted in the


Servo Motors. It is an electrical device which can push or rotate an object

with great precision (Apoorve, 2015). As to be used in the study, the servo motors

will connect directly to Arduino to control the shaft position of objects and move

sensors very precisely.

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Waste Management. It is the collection, transport, treatment and disposal of

waste together with monitoring and regulation. It also encompasses the legal and

regulatory framework that relates to waste management encompassing guidance on


Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics



This chapter presents different concepts and theories that provide significant

relation to the project. For the purpose of this research study, sources primarily

from 2008 to present were utilized, except for earlier literature that was used for a

historical perspective.

I. Conceptual Literature

1. Solid Waste

Waste has been a major environmental issue everywhere since the industrial

revolution. Besides the waste we create at home, school, and other public places,

there are also those from hospitals, industries, farms, and other sources.

(eSchoolToday, 2008-2019).

Solid wastes are any garbage, refuse, sludge from a wastewater treatment

plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility, and other

discarded material resulting from industrial, commercial, mining, and agricultural

operations and from community activities. Solid waste damps are seriously spoiling

the environmental conditions in developing countries. Negative environmental

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impacts from improper solid waste dumping can be easily observed everywhere in

the developing world. (Heritage, 2013)

2. Types of Solid Waste

Solid waste includes garbage containing solid, liquid, semi-liquid, gaseous

materials, although generally, Solid waste is solid. There are various types but

mainly there are six kinds of solid wastes:

2.1. Municipal Waste

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) are non-hazardous solid wastes coming from

city, towns, or villages including private homes, commercial establishments,

schools, and other institutions. It contains a wide variety of materials such as food

waste, plastic, paper, tetra pack, plastic cans, newspaper, glass bottles, cardboard

boxes, aluminum foil, meta items, wood pieces. Municipal wastes are different from

every municipal and are changing constantly.

2.2. Hazardous Waste

Waste is considered as hazardous waste if it contains characteristics of

physical or chemical properties of toxicity, reactivity ignitability and corrosively.

Hazardous wastes are collected from Chemical manufacturing companies,

petroleum refineries, paper mills, smelters and other industries and are treated

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before disposing it. Hazardous wastes cause harmful effects to humans and the


2.3. Industrial Waste

Industrial wastes have more toxins and chemicals contents and need special

treatment before disposing. It is discharged from Food processing industries,

metallurgical chemical and pharmaceutical unit’s breweries, sugar mills, paper and

pulp industries, fertilizer and pesticide industries. The environment and the people

living close to dumpsites are deeply affected by industrial wastes.

2.4. Agricultural Waste

Agricultural wastes are waste coming from farms and agricultural operations

including crops and live stocks. Most of these wastes do not usually cause problems

and are sometimes used for fertilizers, manure, and biogas.

2.5. Bio-Medical Waste

Bio-Medical wastes are any waste discharged from clinics, hospitals,

medical colleges, research centers, etc. This kind of waste is treated by an authorized

person to avoid adverse effect to humans and the environment.

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3. Solid Waste Management

Solid waste management is an essential service in any society. It is the

process of collecting, treating, and disposing of solid material that is discarded

because it has served its purpose or is no longer useful (Nathanson, 2020).

Solid waste is the discipline associated with control of generation, storage,

collection, transport or transfer, processing and disposal of solid waste materials in

a way that best addresses the range of public health, conservation, economic,

aesthetic, engineering, and other environmental considerations (Leblanc, 2020).

3.1. The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

The Republic Act (RA) 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid

Waste Management Act of 2000, provides the necessary policy framework,

institutional mechanisms and mandate to the local government unites (LGUs) to

achieve 25% waste reduction through establishing an integrated solid waste

management plans based on 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycling). (Gamaralalage,

Canete, & Nagaishi, 2013). This law requires all Local Government Units in the

country to implement an ecological solid waste management program with their

jurisdiction and provide mechanisms that are necessary to attain the objective.

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3.2. Present Waste Management Status

In the 2017 baseline data report of waste management of the municipality of

Ibaan, solid waste management is one of the primary challenges in the municipal

because of the constant growth of the municipal’s population and industrialization

such as emerging businesses and commercial establishments. Improper solid waste

disposal, and inadequate space for collected waste are considered as top factors that

affects the municipal’s waste management.

However, the institution of Saint James Academy ought to propose and

provide a possible solution for the solid waste management of Ibaan through

developing and implementing a reverse vending machine.

4. Reverse Vending Machine

Figure 2. Reverse Vending Machine

Source: Environmental XPRT

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The reverse vending machine is a machine where people can return empty

beverage containers such as bottles and cans for recycling. The machine often

returns the amount of the deposit or refund to the end user in the form of money.

This is what makes it a "reverse" vending vehicle: instead of the user putting in the

money and getting out the product, the user puts in the product and gets out the


4.1. Basic Electronics

Basic electronics comprises the minimal “electronics components” that make

up a part of everyday electronics equipment. These electronic components include

resistors, transistors, capacitors, diodes, inductors, and transformers. Powered by a

battery, they are designed to work under certain physics laws and principles. Basic

electronics also concerns the measurement of voltage, current (electron flow) and

resistance in the assembled working "circuit."

Basic electronics measures the knowledge and ability to apply concepts,

terms, and principle involved in working on or near electrical and electronic

equipment. Electronics is the branch of science and engineering dealing with the

theory and use of a class of devices in which electrons are transported through a

vacuum, gas, or semiconductor. (Paul, O.,2017)

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4.2. Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting is the process of diagnosing the source of a problem. It is

used to fix problems with hardware, software, and many other products. The basic

theory of troubleshooting is that you start with the most general possible problems,

and then narrow it down to more specific issues. Troubleshooting requires for

measurements to be made and tests to be performed. (Electronics Troubleshooting

Techniques, 2017).

4.3. Basic Programmable Logic Controller

A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a special form of microprocessor-

based controller that uses a programmable memory to store instructions and execute

functions such as logic, sequencing, timing, counting and arithmetic to monitor

machines and processes and is designed to be controlled by engineers with probably

minimal programming and computer language skills (Bolton, 2006).

4.4. Robotics Technology

Robotics is an interdisciplinary sector of science and engineering dedicated

to the design, construction and use of mechanical robots. Our guide will give you a

concrete grasp of robotics, including different types of robots and how they're being

applied across industries. Robotics involves the design and creation of robotic

systems. A robotic system has the capability of performing tasks and duties for

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humans to simplify life and streamline work processes. The people who design

robotic systems are robotics engineers with specialized training in electrical and

mechanical engineering (Richards, 2019).

The robot technology is being applied in so many domains such as for

healthcare, medical and surgery, body-machine interface, telepresence robotics,

cyborgs, exoskeletons, and wearable robotics, humanoids, industrial, housekeeping,

collaborative robots, military robotics, underwater, flying and self -driving

machines, space robots, entertainment, art, environmental and alternately powered

robots, swarm and microbats, robotic networks, and modular robotics (Pagliarini &

Hautop Lund, 2017).

4.5. Reverse Vending Machine using Arduino

4.5.1. Arduino

Arduino is a great platform for prototyping projects and inventions. The

Arduino is a platform for the development of microcontrollers coupled with an

intuitive programming language that you develop using the Arduino Integrated

development environment. You can the Arduino into a programmable “brain” for

just about any control system by equipping the Arduino with sensors, lights,

speakers, additional module (called shields) and other integrated circuits (Blum,


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It is a small computer that can be programmed to process inputs and outputs

between your device and external components that was developed way back in 2005

by Massimo Banzi in Italy for non-engineers as a simple tool for creating hardware

projects but in a low cost. It was released under a Creative Commons license which

allows anyone to produce their own board. It is an open-source electronic platform

which means that it is an interactive system that interacts with its surroundings

(McRoberts, 2010).

4.5.2. Arduino Uno

One of the most popular Arduino boards out there is the Arduino Uno. While

it was not actually the first board to be released, it remains to be the most actively

used and most widely documented on the market. Because of its extreme popularity,

the Arduino Uno has a ton of project tutorials and forums around the web that can

help you get started or out of a jam (Everything you need to know about Arduino

Code, n.d.).

The main workhouse in the Arduino family is the Uno. It is based on the

ATmega328 microcontroller and has a clock speed of 16MHz. it has 6 analog input

pins and 14 digital input/output pins. It can be powered by a USB connection or a

DC barrel connector, or by using power input pin headers (Craft, 2013).

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4.5.3. Arduino Micro-controller

An Atmel microcontroller unit (MCU) is at the heart of each Arduino. Most

Arduino boards use the AVR ATMega microcontroller, including the Arduino Uno.

The microcontroller holds all your compiled code and executes the commands that

you specify (Blum, 2013). Microcontroller is a small computer that carries out

menial decision-making tasks that can be tedious, too fast, too slow or irritating for

a person to do. It can be meaningful and react to events in the real world by doing

something (Craft, 2013).

4.5.4. Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a software platform

that enables a user to program Arduino or any controller of the ATmega family.

This IDE provides a user the liberty to program an Arduino using C language. It

connects to the Arduino and hardware to upload programs and communicate with

them (Iyer A. B., 2018).

The IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is free to download and will

run on Windows, Macintosh OS X, and Linux. This enables the users to write

computer programs (a set of step-by-step instructions, known as sketches in the

Arduino world) that will then be uploaded to the Arduino using USB cable. The

Arduino will carry out the instructions based on its interaction with the outside

world (Geddes, 2016).

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The IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a special program

running on your computer that enables you to write codes for the Arduino board in

a simple language modeled after the processing which will then be converted to C

language when the user uploads the codes to the board itself. It will then be passed

to the AVR-CC compiler, the piece of open-source software that will make the final

translation of the language to be understood by the microcontroller. The final step

is very important because this is where Arduino makes programming easy without

any knowledge of the complexity of programming microcontroller (Banzi, 2009).

5. Sensor Unit

A sensor is a device that detects and responds to some type of input from the

physical environment. Light, fire, motion, moisture, friction, or any one of a vast

range of other environmental phenomena may be the relevant input. The output is

usually a signal that is transformed at the sensor position to a human-readable

display or transmitted electronically over a network for reading or further.

(Automated Garbage Segregator for St. John Technological College of the

Philippines, 2012)

5.1. Capacitive Proximity Sensor

Capacitive proximity sensors are non-contact devices which, irrespective of

material, can detect the presence or lack of virtually any object. Based on a change

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in the electrical field around the active face of the sensor, they use the electrical

property of capacitance and the change of capacitance.

Like a basic capacitor, a capacitive sensor works. A metal plate is electrically

connected to an internal oscillator circuit in the sensing face of the sensor and the

target to be sensed serves as the capacitor's second plate. A capacitive sensor

generates an electrostatic field, unlike an inductive sensor that produces an

electromagnetic field. (Automation Insights, 2018)

5.2. Strain Gauge Weight Sensor

Strain gauges are sensors which are used in variety of physical

measurements. They change resistance when they are stretched or compressed.

Because of this property, strain gauges often are bonded to a solid surface and used

for measuring acceleration, pressure, tension and force. We can use the

measurement of tension to determine the weight applied to the load cell.

(Strogonovs, 2013)

5.3. Ultrasonic Sensor

An ultrasonic sensor is an instrument that measures the distance to an object

using ultrasonic sound waves. An ultrasonic sensor uses a transducer to send and

receive ultrasonic pulses that relay back information about an object’s proximity.

High-frequency sound waves reflect from boundaries to produce distinct echo

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patterns. Ultrasonic sensors work by sending out a sound wave at a frequency above

the range of human hearing. The transducer of the sensor acts as a microphone to

receive and send the ultrasonic sound. Our ultrasonic sensors, like many others, use

a single transducer to send a pulse and to receive the echo. The sensor determines

the distance to a target by measuring time lapses between the sending and receiving

of the ultrasonic pulse. (Burnett, 2020)

5.4. IR Sensor

An IR proximity sensor works by applying a voltage to a pair of IR light

emitting diodes (LED’s) which in turn, emit infrared light. This light travels

through the air and once it comes in contact with an object, it is reflected back

towards the detector. The waste is dumped into the AWS and comes in proximity

of IR proximity sensor module which marks the entry of the waste. When the IR

sensing unit becomes active, it sends a corresponding signal to controller which

in turn activates the other sensors (Wilson).

6. Wastes Disposal

Waste disposal has a huge cause for concern in the present world. Disposing

of waste has huge environmental impacts and can cause serious problems.

(Environmental impacts, n.d.)

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7. Efficiency of the Reverse Vending Machine

In order for the prototype to be successful, it would be observed and

evaluated in terms of specific factors. Testing of the prototype will assess the

viability of the proposed design and indicate unseen errors. The effectiveness of the

Reverse Vending Machine is based on the results of the tests.

7.1. Accuracy of Sensors

The accuracy of sensors is the maximum difference that will exist between

the standard value and the indicated value of the output of the sensors in the

prototype which can be expressed in percentage, or absolute terms. It measures the

degree of closeness of the output sensors to the typical accuracy level. The accuracy

would be tested through comparing several readings of the prototype’s sensors and

the standard accuracy of sensors.

7.1.1. IR Sensor

Infrared sensor detects and measures infrared radiation from its

surroundings. It meant to be used in the prototype as a proximity sensor which will

sense if there is a bottle inserted in the machine. The accuracy of the IR sensor

would be tested through collecting the indicated value of the IR sensor’s output.

The data collected would then be compared to standard accuracy value of the IR

sensor to identify if the sensor is working properly and not below average. IR sensor

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has an accuracy percentage of around ninety-two percent to ninety-five percent and

a repeatability of around ninety-seven percent (Mohammad, 2019).

7.1.2. Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic sensor releases ultrasonic sound waves which measure the

distance of an object. The reflected sounds are converted into electrical signals. In

the prototype, the sensor would sense if there is a bottle inserted through the sound

emitted by the bottle when it landed on the open-close mechanism. The Ultrasonic

sensor would be evaluated and tested to ensure its efficiency. The test will consider

the standard accuracy of the Ultrasonic sensor as the level needed to be reached to

guarantee that the sensor to be used is operating efficiently. The accuracy of

Ultrasonic sensor refers to the difference between the output value that is measured

by the ultrasonic sensor and the actual target distance. Accuracies of one percent to

three percent are realistic and standard in industrial applications for ultrasonic

sensors in the operating range of negative twenty-five degrees Celsius to seventy

degrees Celsius (Pepperl-Fuchs, 2015)

7.1.3. Capacitive Sensor

Capacitive proximity sensors are non-contact devices that can detect the

presence or absence of virtually any object regardless of material. It makes use of

capacitance's electrical property and the change in capacitance caused by a change

in the electrical field around the sensor's active face. Capacitive sensors can be

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effective in measuring presence, density, thickness, and location of non-conductors

as well. To test its accuracy, it requires the measurements be made under the same

conditions in which the sensor was calibrated. The capacitive sensor has a standard

accuracy that switches between eighty percent and one hundred twenty percent of

the effective sensing distance. (Kinney, 2015)

7.1.4. Strain Gauge Sensor

Strain gauge sensor is a resistor used to measure strain on an object and used

as a precautionary measure in many testing applications. When a strain gauge reads

a certain value, a warning is normally triggered to warn the user that the capacity

has been reached, allowing the problem to be resolved before it becomes dangerous.

The standard accuracy of the strain gauge sensor will be used to determine the

degree of accuracy required to ensure that the sensor of the machine is working

properly. The strain gauge sensor has a standard accuracy of one hundred to one

hundred twenty percent of the effective sensing distance. (Zdero, 2015)

8. Testing and Experimentation

8.1. Preliminary Testing

Preliminary testing is a prior trial which evaluates the reliability and validity

of the system, and if the program and sensors are suitable and functioning properly.

It is done in order to see errors and malfunctions which can be a serious factor for

failure in the later part of the study. The system and sensors would undergo

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preliminary testing to ensure its effectiveness and accuracy. If the system and

sensors showed errors, the codes and program would be changed and improved until

it reached the appropriate system to be used for the study.

8.2. Final Testing

Final testing is done when all needed factors for the prototype are completed

and examined wherein the prototype as a whole is tested to ensure its responsiveness

and efficiency. It also helps in finding unexpected errors in the system which then

are solved and enhanced. In the final testing, the overall performance of the

prototype would be observed and evaluated. The results in the final testing would

justify if the developed design of the Reverse Vending Machine is effective and

works properly and accordingly.

II. Related Literature

1. Local Literature

In the paper presented by A. J. Rubio and J. Lazaro (2016) entitled “Solar

Powered Reverse Trash Vendo Machine” the reverse vending machine is

developed to reduce the improper waste disposal practices of Filipino citizens and

promote recycling. Upon conducting the study, the device has been proven to detect

if scanned material is a plastic bottle or aluminum can and give each material with

a respective monetary value of compensation. Gizduino X ATMega 1281, and the

Gizduino 644 controlled the entire process in the Solar Powered Reverse Trash

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Vendo Machine. The Gizduino X was connected along with inductive sensors to

recognize the waste material and the servo motor connected to the device will shift

depending on what type of waste material has been identified. Gizduino X uses

same micro controller as the Arduino Uno and is 100% compatible with the Arduino

Uno board. Thus, manifesting that Arduino Uno can be used in creating the system

for the reverse vending machine. From determining the input, to the outputs of the

LCD display, to the crushing of the input, to the dispensing of equivalent monetary

value of the inputs, and up to the communication between the device and the owner

through the GSM shield and the Android messaging application. The proponent has

successfully integrated the concept of trash can and reverse vending machines into

a device that is economic and environmentally friendly. (Rubio & Lazaro, 2016)

Moreover, in a study entitled “Two-Way Powered Microcontroller-

Based Plastic Bottles ‘Drop-And-Tap’ Reverse Vending Machine with

Stored Value System using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Scanner

Technology” conducted by W.G. Dumpayan et al (2017), that aims to address

the garbage problem of Metro Manila. The researchers have designed a Reverse

Vending Machine to help facilitate a better waste management system inside

the Colegio de San Juan de Letran. The center of the machine is a

microcontroller that controls the operation of the different inputs (sensors and

keypads) and outputs (displays and motors) of the devices connected to it. The

machine accepts plastic bottles and credits them as points which, in turn, can be

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used to purchase products. The operation of the system demonstrated

consistency in the identification of RFID accounts, the difference between

plastic and non-plastic bottles, the storing or upgrading of points for each

account, and the dispensing of the products to be purchased. The installation of

a solar panel and a battery not only generates a clean energy supply but also acts

as a back-up capacity in the case of commercial power interruptions. The

findings of the survey have shown that the Colegio supports the concept of

having a Reverse-Vending Machine and assumes that the implementation of the

machine would improve the existing waste separation scheme of the Colegio.

In addition, in a study conducted by A.J. Exito (2015), entitled

“Development of a Micro-controller based Solar-powered Reversed

Vending Machine for the Potential Application on Barangays in the

Philippines”, the prototype for this Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) will have

a brand name of “WISE Recycle Bin”. RVM is a device that accepts used

(empty) beverage containers and usually returns money to the user (the reverse

of typical vending cycle). Their solar-powered prototype enables the user to

recycle plastic bottle beverage containers and gives a mobile charging time in

return. The prototype of this study will be developed using the integration of the

commercially available Proximity Sensor Circuits, PIC16F48A

Microcontroller, Solar-Power System Package, and as addons, a Display Screen

and Street Lamp. Microcontroller PIC16F84A receives input from sensor

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circuits, and gives a necessary output. The prototype of Reverse Vending

Machine was successfully built and the whole system can function successfully.

The prototype is then ready to be introduced in different communities/barangays

in the Philippines. Reverse Vending Machines are available on other countries,

yet, its popularity in the Philippines is still on a low side. Though simpler unlike

the existing RVMs, this development of RVM in the Philippines will introduce

a technology that would really showcase the potential of renewable energies

while promoting proper waste disposal.

2. Foreign Literature

2.1. Reverse vending machine using Arduino

In a research study conducted by K. K. Wong et al (2019), entitled

“Development of Reverse Vending Machine using Recycled Materials and

Arduino Microcontroller” the Arduino’s main function is to control the system

and separate different materials found in waste streams and minimizing the amount

of goods sent to landfill. It controls the timer and sensor so the time consuming to

sort the machine will be much effective and efficiently. The machine was developed

to detect metal components and have a reward feature. The results obtained from

the number of metals detected and recycled by the reverse vending machine was

reliable and accurate to give users reward fairly. Through the use of Arduino, the

reverse vending machine constructed was capable to detect the presence of metal

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object (tin). The Arduino was used to detect the properties of metal and in the case

of the study being conducted the Arduino will be used to detect properties of plastic

bottles instead. The study proves that using Arduino as the main microcontroller of

the system makes the machine to function efficiently. (Wong, Samah, Sahimi, &

Othman, 2019)

Moreover, in a study conducted by R. Tomari et al (2016), entitled

“Development of Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) Framework for

Implementation to a Standard Recycle Bin” that was about the reverse vending

machine concept. The aim of the study was to develop an automated recycle bin

with a reward feature derived from a reverse vending machine (RVM) concept.

The prototype was equipped with microcontroller and collection of sensors

wherein the sensors are responsible for the weight scale and converting the weight

into corresponding points. This differs from the study being conducted in terms of

design and reward feature. The study being conducted has an extra feature which

is the shedder mechanism that will increase the machines storage capacity and

instead of points, users are to receive corresponding monetary value. However,

both studies are similar in terms of system. Both studies use a microcontroller as

the main controller of the process and sensors to detect and identify the materials

inserted in the machine. The system has been implemented in a small-scale user

testing and the framework shows its effectiveness for handling the whole process.

The prototype of Reverse Machine prototype that can be fitted to a standard

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recycle bin provided by the local municipal is successfully develop and tested.

(Kadirb, et al., 2016)

In addition, Shilpa Sambhi & Preeti Dahiya (2020) in their study “Reverse

Vending Machine for Managing Plastic Waste” states that managing plastic

waste is an important point of concern these days. Presenting the concept of

reverse vending machine which is proposed to serve as a solution to the problem

of pollution caused due to plastic items especially plastic bottles, which are

commonly used for storing cold drink, fruit juices etc. The concept of reverse

vending machine is an approach towards green engineering technology. This

machine is a low-cost automatic machine, which crushes the plastic bottle to a

reduced size, thereby, requiring less storage space for final disposal. The reverse

vending machine also focuses on the concept of cash-from-trash, where recycled

plastic can be used to produce useful products and help in reducing greenhouse

gas emissions and pollution.

Moreover, according to the study of Tomari, Zakaria, Kadir, Nurshazwani,,

Mohd & Wahab (2019) which is entitled “Empirical Framework of Reverse

Vending Machine (RVM) with Material Identification Capability to Improve

Recycling”, recycling is one of the keyways to efficiently handle waste. A Reverse

Vending Machine (RVM) with a material recognition module is proposed to accept

only empty recycling products to fix such a problem and reject the rest. The built

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device consists of a revolving mechanism and sensor array that can detect empty

PET bottles and aluminum. Such skill demonstrates a promising outcome for

preventing the misuse of recycling bins and can be used by adding an incentive to

the individual who correctly recycles to understand the RVM definition.

In a research study conducted by Balubai, VamsikiranSure, Reddy,

Gowtham, & Subbiah (2017), entitled “A New Approach in Manufacturing of

Reverse Vending Machine”, a reverse vending machine is a concept or an idea

which inculcate the habit of recycling the waste materials. Reverse vending

machine will be working by taking recyclable waste into the machine and gives a

use full thing as a token of appreciation. The mechanical component is used to

crush the recyclable waste that is held in the machine so that it is possible to

recycle and store more plastic and cans. The electronics part, consisting of a sensor

and microcontroller, is used as an LCD display to take the right input and segregate

the waste into its respective categories and provide a token of appreciation. With

the world's dwindling resources, we need to begin to protect them and put an end

to waste. We are developing and manufacturing reverse vending machines to

promote recycling through a rewards scheme.

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Synthesis of the Study

The amount of waste produced by human's are increasing and landfill sites

for dumping waste are limited these days and recycling is one of the innovative

approaches to manage the waste effectively. The present recycling practice in which

the people need to bring the waste in bulk to the recycling centre might bother and

become a discouraging factor for them to recycle. To overcome such an issue, an

automated recycle bin designed and installed in many countries on subways, malls

etc. with a reward featured is developed from a reverse vending machine (RVM)

concept. In present time, Reverse Vending Machine is become very popular in

countries like Greece, Japan, Europe, South Korea, America and China. Reverse

Vending Machine (RVM) reduce employee work, saves time and energy also

motivate human's being, even cost effective. The proponents of the present study

aim to design a Reverse Vending Machine with the help of Arduino to minimize the

plastic waste in the Municipality of Ibaan. The review of related literatures and

studies provided sufficient and feasible information that was utilized by the

researchers to help further advance and have a better understanding of the study

regarding Arduino as the core of the system and the monitoring mechanism of the

prototype. With these, the researchers were able to come up with a study that

integrates all the various technology to be able to create a machine that is both

efficient and effective.

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Other studies have clear and comprehensible similarities with the present

study conducted by the researchers including the proving and testing of the use of

the sensors. Moreover, almost all of the Reverse Vending Machine studies have very

attractive rewards for the users of Reverse Vending Machine, they get coins as a

reward or points to purchase items. In addition, the studies shared similar

implications and thrust in the search for the right sensors to be used. The researchers

also considered the use of Arduino Uno as suggested in the studies. The studies also

promote to be environmentally friendly and will be prove to be a stepping stone in

utilizing recycling that can be cultivated and improved through research.

In conclusion, the studies have both similarities and differences with the

present study. The researchers find substantial number of related studies and

literature that will be used as references of ideas, which will provide viable

information that, will improve the results. The information source will be able to

help in developing a reverse vending machine due to having supporting details that

will prove reliability and accuracy in the study and its functionality and purpose.

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This chapter presented the discussion of the design, plan, analysis, and

evaluation of the variables that would be used in the paper. Various research

methodologies would be utilized in order to achieve and acquire the needed data in

the study.

Research Design

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Conceptualization and Development of Prototype

The developed prototype that was responsible for collecting used plastic

bottles would utilize the following parts that would be considered for the prototype:

o System Components and Material specification

The machine would be composed of locally available materials. The

following were the materials that would be used in making the prototype

according to the components:

o Power Supply Unit: can either be Power Bank or Battery

o Open-close Mechanism: Aluminum, Servo Motor, Screws

o System Board: Aluminum Metal, Servo Motor, Screws

o Storage Bin: Metal Garbage Bin

o Sensors: Capacitive Proximity Sensor, Strain Gauge Weight Sensor,

Ultrasonic Sensor

o Coin Dispenser: Aluminum Metal, Servo Motors

o LCD Screen: 11x11 inches LCD

o Shredder: Metal, Screws

o RVM Cabinet: Textured Metal Steel (White), Screws, Hinges

o Case Structure: Aluminum Metal, Screws, Hinges

o Door: Aluminum Metal, Hinges

o Roof: Aluminum Metal

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Design of Reverse Vending Machine

Figure 3.0. Front view of the design and its parts

Figure 3.1. Back view of the design

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Figure 3.2. Left side view Figure 3.3. Right side view

Figure 3.4. Interior design of the machine

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o Safety Mechanism

Safety Measures would be taken to ensure that the materials that would be

used to construct the machine, and products used or created during its use, do not

endanger safety or health of people. The proponents of the machine ensure that the

design of the Reverse Vending Machine would not harm individuals who will use

the machine and near the area where it will be located. The shredder would be

placed inside the machine and it would be surrounded by metal casing. The machine

itself would be secured with a metal door and a cabinet where all the important

features of the machine mainly the coin dispenser for security purposes.

Operating Parameters of the Prototype

o Capacity

In constructing the prototype, the capacity of the storage bin would be

considered. The Reverse Vending Machine would consider how many bottles can

it process per minute and the total possible capacity of its bin. The operating

parameters of the prototype’s capacity would keep track of the deposited bottles

collectively in its lifetime. When tested, the proponents would set an amount of

weight that would be the limit of the capacity of the machine and when reached, the

shredded plastic bottles would be ready for picking up and transporting to

processing facilities. Considering the capacity of the storage bin, it would allow for

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optimal cleanliness and effectiveness, and will be emptied and cleaned daily by a

designated Municipal employee.

o Properties of Plastic Bottles

The properties of a plastic bottles would be considered while making the

prototype and programming the system. In constructing the prototype, materials that

can operate, shred, and store plastic bottles considering their properties would be

utilize. The properties of plastic bottles such as strength, durability, and moisture

content would be assessed in order for the study to choose what materials to be used

for shredding and storing and what codes and commands to be programmed. The

Reverse Vending Machine would be constructed with materials that would function

effectively for a long period of time while taking the properties of plastic bottles in


o Working duration

The working duration of a reverse vending machine will be depending on

the type of power supply to be used. Two types of power supply would be tested

and be applied in order to ensure which of the two would last longer. The storage

bin would be filled up until it meets its maximum operating capacity. The first test

would be utilizing a power bank, and the last test a battery. Considering that both

power supplies would work efficiently, the source of energy to be used in the actual

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prototype would base on which of the trials made showed an effective working

duration for a relatively long period of time.

Integration of Hardware and Development of Software

In order for the researchers to develop and construct a Reverse Vending

Machine, they would follow this systematic process.

o Fabricating

1. Collect materials which are available locally that would be used in the

making the Reverse Vending Machine.

2. Assemble and construct the case structure of the Reverse Vending

Machine as the base of the prototype.

3. Attach the shredding machine inside the prototype where the plastics

bottles will be shredded before going to the storage bin.

4. Install the open-close mechanism at the upper portion of the


5. Attach an initial container wherein the inserted bottles will be detected

and classified by the different sensors connected to the open-close


6. Install the Arduino UNO microcontroller, different sensors, and motor

drivers into the prototype orderly.

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7. Lastly, paint the Reverse Vending Machine which will make the

prototype appealing and engaging.

o Programming

To develop the Reverse Vending Machine, programming the Arduino

board is needed. The Arduino IDE is the software to be used in order to program

the Arduino board. With the use of commands and codes that will be uploaded

to the Arduino board, the Reverse Vending Machine would be able to operate

effectively and accordingly.

o Flow Chart

The algorithm of this project is as follows:

Step 1: The bottles enter the Reverse Vending Machine.

Step 2: The bottles are then sensed by the IR sensor.

Step 3: The microcontroller, motors, and sensors are turned on.

Step 4: The proximity sensor is turned on to count how many bottles

were inserted and transfer the data to the system.

Step 5: A notification will appear in the LCD to address the user about

the rewards to be given. The system will give the user

corresponding rewards based on the number of bottles inserted.

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Step 6: The open-close mechanism will operate when the bottles are

classified as plastic. The doorway will lead to the machine’s

built-in shredder which will reduce the size of the bottles for

better and larger storage capacity.

Step 7: Finally, the shredded plastic bottles are dropped to the bin and

the process is completed. The system will proceed back to its

initial position. The Ultrasonic sensor is always turned on to

send signal if the bins are full already.

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Figure 4. Flow Chart

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Preliminary Testing of the Reverse Vending Machine

Conducting a preliminary testing is a vital and an essential part for the

performance of the Reverse Vending Machine. An unbiased and objective test

should be conducted and the prototype must be assessed first for a Reverse Vending

Machine to happen. The following factors would be needed to consider first for the

Reverse Vending Machine:

o Operating Capacity

The prototype would be considering the storage bin as its main body. The bin

has a rectangular external form. The volume capacity of it would be identified

through its height and weight. The shredded bottles would be measured and

computed which would provide the study the average weight of the shredded bottles.

Thus, enabling the study to identify the operating capacity of storage bin to be used

in the Reverse Vending Machine.

o Speed of Sensors in Sorting Waste

The different sensors such as IR sensor, proximity sensor, and ultrasonic

sensor are mainly used in terms of the process in the machine. Speed would be

measured and tested during the testing of the prototype. The speed of each sensors

to detect and store the inserted bottles would depend on the power supply used.

Different types of power supply will be tested to guarantee which one could make

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the machine last longer. The prototype would be used until the storage bin reached

its operating capacity. Power bank and battery are the power supplies to be tested.

The power supply with great efficiency and relatively long working duration would

be used in the prototype. The speed of the sensors would be compared to the

standard specification of the sensors.

Preliminary Testing of the Sensors of the Reverse Vending Machine

The effectiveness and accurateness of each sensors would be measured by

testing the sensors’ sensitivity on how the machine would detect the inserted bottles

and continue its process. The duration of process would be considered on how the

sensors would operate accurately and quickly in the Reverse Vending Machine.

Troubleshooting of Reverse Vending Machine

Troubleshooting is the method of deciding what is missing from the

prototype and what needs to be changed. Data faults and errors are fixed as part of

the troubleshooting process. The troubleshooting process would help the Reverse

Vending Machine develop more effectively. It would be necessary to test the

function of each component of the machine to establish a program and a prototype

that would help improve the municipality's plastic waste management.

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Final Testing and Evaluation of the Reverse Vending Machine

After the troubleshooting, a comprehensive evaluation of the Arduino system

base's output is needed. The following parameters will be used to test the Reverse

Vending Machine:

o Efficiency

The system's efficiency will be measured and tweaked so that it could operate

efficiently and continuously. This will include how the Reverse Vending Machine's

overall working time would react. The accuracy of the sensors will be used to assess

the system's effectiveness. The system must sense the plastic wastes that will

undergo recycling. The procedure that would be conducted was adopted from the

study of Sambhi S. & Dahiya, P. The method has included the testing of the system,

the accuracy in identifying the plastic waste and by recycling it by the used of the


o Responsiveness

The machine was modified to be able to be responsive by detecting plastic

bottles considering that the sensors will help the machine to shred all the plastic

bottles. When the required number of plastic bottles to be shred is completed, it will

eventually give a coin or reward. The responsiveness of the reverse vending

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machines will benefit the environment, end users and the municipality by collecting

bottles for recycling plastic wastes.

o Sensitivity

The machine was modified to detect the plastic bottles based on the

sensitivity of the sensors that will ensure that the plastic bottles to be put will be

crushed and shred. The sensitivity of the sensors measured the responsiveness of the

machine due to recycling plastic bottles. The overall impact and sensitivity of the

sensors will be the necessary equipment that will ensure that the machine could

recycle all the plastic bottles also considering the sensitivity and effectiveness of the

reverse vending machine.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

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