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Name: Rica May D.

Grade : 11 ABM-1
Date: April 5, 2020

Lesson 2 Identifying Representative Texts from the Regions

What’s In

1. What are the different Literary Periods in Philippine Literature?

● The different Literary Periods in Philippine Literature are pre-
colonial period, the Spanish colonial era, the American
colonial era, the American colonial era and contemporary

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2. What are the basic elements of the literary pieces under the

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Japanese Regime? American Period? Spanish Period?
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1. The basic elements of the Philippines literary pieces under the

Japanese Regime which was between 1941 to 1945 are:

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● The major Filipino poetry themes at the time include

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nationalism, country, love, faith, religion, arts, and life in

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● Also, three distinct poems came to be which includes: Haiku,

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Tanaga, and Karaniwang.

2. During American Period which spanned between 1898 to

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1944, the basic elements of the literary pieces is that:


● Change in language: The writers changed from using Spanish,

Tagalog, and various dialects of several regions, to American
● Change in themes: during this period, the writers were
influenced to write according to American themes and
methods of writing.

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3. During Spanish Period, the basic elements of the Philippines
literary pieces under the Spanish Regime was:

● Filipino alphabets known as "Alibata" changed to the Roman

● European legends were infused into Filipino's songs and
● Folk songs became popular

3. What are changes in Literature during the 21 st Century?

● In the 21st century, forms of communication have multiplied,

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making the written word all the more important. After all, we all

message, email, blog, post on social media in our daily lives.

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Hence, the ability to write well and also to appreciate good

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writing by others can only enhance our experiences.
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What’s New
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1. What image does the poem, Gabu, try to create?

● He tries to create what he imagines in his mind and based on
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the poem it is the sea of Ilocos that he is referring to.

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2. Which word or group of words from the poem help you form this
image? Draw this on a separate sheet of paper.
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● The Restlessness of the Sea


What’s More

Activity 1. Graphic Organizer

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Assessment 1. Reflect On Me

1. In what language was the text, Maga Agos sa Disyerto written?

● The language of Maga Agos sa Disyerto is Tagalog.

2. What did the text aim to accomplish?

● The text aim to accomplish is to encouraged people to be
excited about literature.

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Activity 2. Outline

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Assessment 2. Theme’s Up

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1. What is the central theme of this text?
● The central theme of this text is anger or resentment.
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