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Shami-Amourae, the Lady of

Dark Gifts Delights

Certain gods are willing to bestow powerful abilities to Shani-Amourae's gift is the power of persuasion. This dark
mortals they deem worthy of their favor. These abilities are gift allows you to cast the suggestion spell as an action once
called dark gifts. They grant unnatural powers to their per long rest, and saving throws against the spell have
beneficiaries, but at a price. disadvantage.
At certain levels, your class gives you the Ability Score you gain an extra finger on each hand as well as the
Improvement feature. Using the optional dark gifts rule, you following flaw: "I can't get enough pleasure. I desire others to
can forgo taking that feature to take a dark gift of your choice create bueaty for me at all times."
instead. You can take each dark gift only once, but may take
any number of dark gifts.
Drizlash, the Nine-Eyed Spider
Fekre, Queen of Poxes Drizlash's gift is the power to walk on walls and ceilings. This
Fekre's gift is the power of spreading disease. This dark gift dark gift allows you to climb difficult surfaces, including
allows you to cast the contagion spell as an action once per upside-down on ceilings without needing to make an ability
long rest. check.
You reek of filth. Whenever you are hit with a melee attack You grow 1d6+1 eyes on random locations all over your
you emit an involuntary cloud of stench and any creature body. The eyes are blind and cannot open.
within 5 feet of you must succeed on a DC 10 Consitution
saving throw or be poisoned until the start of your next turn. Dahlver-Nar, He of the Many
On a successful save, a target is immune to your stench for Teeth
24 hours. Dahlver-Nar's gift is the power to live many lives. Upon
receiving this dark gift, when you die, roll a d20. On a result
Zrin-Hala, the Howling Storm of 11 or higher, you instantly become reincarnated as though
Zrin-Hala's gift is the power to create lightning. This dark gift you were the target of a reincarnate spell. The new body
allows you to cast the storm sphere spell as an action once appears within 10 feet of the old one.
per long rest. You must choose the point you occupy as the You lose all of your teeth upon being reincarnated.
epicentre of the spell and you are immune to it's effects.
As soon as this dark gift is recieved, one half of your face Zantras, the King Maker
sags and loses all feeling. Zantras' gift is power that comes from great presence and
force of personality. This dark gift grants you the ability to
Sykane, the Soul Hungerer cast the command spell a number of times equal to your
Sykane's gift is the power to raise the recently deceased. This proficiency bonus per long rest as well as advantage on all
dark gift allows you to cast the raise dead spell as an action Charisma (indimidation) checks.
once per long rest. A mouth with jagged teeth grows on each of your hands.
As soon as the dark gift is received, your eyes glow a sickly You have disadvantage on Dexterity (Sleight-of-hand) checks
yellow and you also the following flaw: "If I help someone, I and you gain the following flaw: "I won't take no for an
expect payment in return." answer."
Savnok, the Inscrutible Delban, the Star of Ice and Hate
Savnok's gift is the power to shield the mind. This dark gift Delban's gift is the power to unleash deadly cold. This dark
takes the form of a mind blank spell cast on you. gift allows you to cast the cone of cold spell as an action once
Upon recieving this dark gift, you have disadvantage on per long rest. You also gain the benefits of a ring of warmth.
Charisma (persuasion) checks and your eyes melt away, Your skin becomes icy-cold to the touch and appears
leaving empty sockets that can still see. You have blindsight frostbitten. You are vulnerable to fire damage and you gain
out to a range of 60 feet, but are blind beyond this distance. the following flaw: "fire terrifies me."
Tarakamedes, the Grave Wyrm Khirad, the Star of Secrets
Tarakamedes's gift is the power of flight. As an action, you Khirad's gift is the power of divination. This dark gift allows
can grow skeletal wings. You gain a flying speed of 50 feet you to cast the scrying spell as an action once per long rest.
and each creature within 5 feet of you that sees you Your voice becomes a low whisper, and your smile becomes
transform for the first time must succeed on a DC 12 evil and cruel.
Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the start of your
next turn. You can dismiss your wings as a bonus action on Yrrga, the Eye of Shadows
your turn. Yrrga's gift is the power of true-seeing. This dark gift grants
You cannot grow your wings while wearing medium or you truesight out to a range of 30 feet.
heavy armor. You must eat bones or grave dirt to survive. At Your eyes become starry voids and you gain the following
dawn, if you have not eaten at least 1 pound of bones or grave flaw: "I beleive that all life is pointless and look forward to
dirt in the past 24 hours, you drop to 0 hit points. death when it finally comes."

Shami-Amourae, the Lady of

Great Taar Haak, the Five-Headed Upon recieving this gift, your mouth melts away leaving a
smooth patch of skin where your mouth was. You can no
Destroyer longer eat or drink, nor do you require it to survive.
Taar Haak's gift is great strength. This dark gift grants you
the effects of a belt of fire giant strength. Tenebrous, Dusk Seer
You gain the following flaw: "I like to bully others and make Tenebrous' gift is increased awareness at night. This dark gift
them feel weak and inferior." grants you advantage on all Wisdom (perception) checks
made at night and disadvantage on Wisdom (perception)
Yog the Invincible checks made during the day. This effect persists even
Yog's gift is great physical resilience. Your hit point maximum indoors. You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet, or, if
increases by 30. you already had darkvision, the range increases to 120 feet.
You have disadvantage on Dexterity (acrobatics) checks You cannot sleep (but still gain the benefits of resting) and
and oily black fur covers your face and body. you gain the following flaw: "I am infuriated by the slightest
Norganas, the Finger of Oblivion
Norganas' gift is the power to tun life into undeath. This dark Zari'el the Ghost Raven
gift allows you to cast the finger of death spell as an action Zari'el's gift is the power of incorporealness. This dark gift
once per long rest. When you use this ability, you must allows you to spend 1 hit die to move through solid objects as
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or drop to 1 though they were difficult terrain. A character who ends his
hit point. or her turn inside an object takes 5 (1d10) force damage.
Your blood is pitch-black and viscid, like tar. You are considered undead for the purpose of spells and
effects (such as turn undead). At all times, you are followed by
Vaund the Evasive 1d4 ominous ravens that await your death.
Vaund's gift is the power of evasion. This dark gift grants you Minnerva, Dark Weaver
the benefits of an amulet of proof against detection and
location and a ring of evasion. Minnerva's gift is the power of darkness. This dark gift allows
You become twitchy and nervous and gain the following you to cast the darkness spell as an action once per long rest
flaw: "I can't give a straight answer to any question put to and grants you the ability to see through magical darkness
me." out to a distance of 60 feet.
You cast no shadow and gain the following flaw: "I believe
Seriach, the Hell Hound Whisperer others seek to undo me, and covet all I have and have
Seriach's gift is the power to summon and control hell
hounds. This dark gift allows you to summon a hell hound to Quaarth, Envoy of the Crypt
an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you as an action once
per long rest. The hell hound acts on your turn. Quaarth's gift is the power to communicate with the dead.
If the hell hound dies before slaying another creature, your This dark gift allows you to cast the spells speak with dead
hit point maximum is halved until you finish a long rest. You and zone of truth as an action.
gain the ability to speak and understand infernal. Sulfurous Your skin is sickly and necrotic, and you cannot willfully tell
smoke issues from your body when you speak it. a lie.
Zhudun, the Corpse Star Theros, Lord of the Fire Giants
Zhudun's gift is the power of reanimation. This dark gift Theros' gift is the power of fire. This dark gift allows you to
allows you to cast the create undead spell as an action once imbue any weapon you wield with the properties of a flame
per long rest. tongue as an action by expending one hit die.
Your bones are brittle and weak. You have disadvantage on Immediately upon receiving this dark gift, your hair falls
Strength and Constitution saving throws. out and your skin turns to burned and searing flesh, as
though burnt by an invisible flame.
Xivec, Mother of Twilight
Xivec's gift is the power of invisibility. This dark gift allows Golgora, the Skinwalker
you to cast the spell invisibility a number of times equal to Golgora's gift is the power of subterfuge. You can cast the
your proficiency bonus. spell disguise self as an action.
You grow a thick patch of black fur on your tongue and all You forget your true form, and must take the likeness of a
food you consume tastes foul. humanoid you have seen before and gain the following flaw:
"I have no identity, I feel like I do not fit in with any group."
Ahzrukahl the Unnering
Ahzrukahl's gift is to read and understand all languages. This
dark gift allows you to read all writing and understand all
languages and you gain telepathy out to a range of 30 feet.
Oztogoth of the Great Beyond Petra's gift is mastery over insects. This dark gift allows you
to cast the spell insect plague as an action once per long rest.
Oztogoth's gift is the power of oozes. This dark gift allows you Countless insects have taken residence in your ears. As an
to polymorph into a black pudding as an action once per long action, you can pull an insect from your ear, which can be
rest. This effect lasts up to 1 hour or until you drop to 0 hit consumed by any character to restore a number of hit points
points or polymorph back as a bonus action. equal to their level. A character can only benefit from eating
You Have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and you one of these insects once per long rest (eating additional
gain the following flaw: "I am extremely lazy, and would insects provides no benefit, and instead sickens the
rather make others do hard work for me." character).
You have disadvantage on Wisdom (perception) checks that
Dagon the Trickster rely on hearing and gain the following flaw: "I remember
Dagon's gift is the power of teleportation. This dark gift every insult I've received and nurse a silent resentment
grants you the benefits of a cape of montebank. toward anyone who's ever wronged me."
Your lungs burn as if from acute smoke inhalation, and you
exhale wisps of smoke with every breath. You suffer Demeter, Vigilant of Doom
disadvantage on all Strength (athletics) checks due to a Demeter's gift is the power of vigilance. You grow an
constant, irritating cough brought on by this affliction. additional face on the back of your head. While the second
face is uncovered you are considered proficient in Wisdom
Rashegul, Gaze of the Void (perception) checks that rely on sight (if you are already
Rashegul's gift is the power of the gorgon. This dark gift proficient, your proficiency is doubled) and you cannot be
allows you to turn a creature to stone as an action. A target surprised, except when incapacitated.
that can see you within 30 feet must succeed on a DC 15 At inopportune times it begins to argue with you, giving you
Wisdom saving throw or become petrified. (see pg. 291 in the disadvantage on Intelligence (investigation) checks and you
player handbook) You must finish a long rest before you can gain the following flaw: "I will run to preserve my own hide in
use this ability again. combat when the going gets tough."
You grow a grotesque third eye on your forehead and you
have disadvantage on saving throws to resist the effects of Gwynevere, Aegis of the Dawn
spells. Gwynevere's gift is the power of sunlight. One of your hands
erupts with searing pain (which quickly fades to a dull throb),
Erandul the Slayer as a network of jagged, recently-healed wounds appears from
Erandul's gift is the power of destroying life. This dark gift wrist to elbow. As a bonus action, you can flex the muscles of
allows your unarmed strikes to deal 1d8 necrotic damage and your scarred limb causing the wounds to tear open and shed
gain the properties of a nine lives stealer with 10 charges. bright daylight in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an
Your Constitution score decreases by 2 and your nails grow additional 30 feet and each creature that can see you within 5
to 6 inches in length. Each time you expend a charge from feet must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or
your unarmed strike, a fingernail falls off. When the last be blinded until the start of your next turn. While shedding
charge is expended, your soul is claimed by Erandul the light, the character’s arm is wracked with lancing pain
Slayer. making it impossible to hold or manipulate objects with the
injured limb.
You no longer have darkvision if you had it before, and you
Yamato, the White Serpent gain the following flaw: "I am terrified of the dark."
Your incisors grow into snake-like fangs, dripping with
venom. Your tongue forks like that of a serpent. You can make Gorza the Defiler
a bite attack as an action dealing 1 piercing damage and 1d6 Gorza's gift is the power of unfettered locomotion. You ignore
poison damage on a hit and the target must succeed on a DC difficult terrain and gain a climbing speed of 30 feet.
10 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of Your feet change to resemble those of an ape. You cannot
your next turn. wear shoes and your walking speed is reduced by 5 feet.
lying comes naturally, granting you advantage to all
Charisma (Deception) checks, but imposing disadvantage to
all Charisma (Persuasion) and Charisma (Intimidation) Alghul, the Mad Dog
checks. You also gain the following flaw: "I will speak lies if Alghul's gift is the power of foresight. You hear whispers from
they will benefit me in any way." an unseen malevolent source which taunt you with truth,
mistruth, and horrors beyond reason. Once per long rest, you
Petra, the Plague Maiden can attune to these voices, granting you the benefits of an
augery spell.
Each time you attune to the voices you must succeed on a
DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or gain one random effect of
long-term madness as determined by your DM. (see page 260
of the dungeon master's guide.)
Feldir, the Huntsman Lillethe's gift is the power of mental manipulation. This dark
gift allows you to cast the detect thoughts and telekinesis
Feldir's power grants you the power of the hunt. This dark gift spells as an action once each per long rest.
causes your face to lengthen and contort into a wolflike One of your arms becomes ghostly and incorporeal, it
muzzle and the bones in your legs to elongate into powerful, cannot hold or manipulate objects.
canine limbs. Your speed increases by 10 feet. You are
proficient with unarmed strikes and your claws are Xarfur-Tel, the Watchful Eye
considered light melee weapons that deal 1d6 slashing Xarfur-Tel's gift is the power of X-ray vision. This dark gift
damage on a hit. grants you the benefits of a ring of X-ray vision.
You are often mistaken for a werewolf unless you take You suffer from debilitating migrains. You have
special care to conceal your deformities through use of a disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws.
disguise kit, or are the target of a disguise self spell. Upon
recieving this gift, you must eat and drink 6 times the normal
amount each day. Tassidur, One with the Cosmos
Tassidur's gift grants you the power of cursing. This dark gift
Sehna, the Huntswoman allows you to cast the hex and bestow curse spells once each
Sehna's gift grants you the power of keen senses. You develop per long rest.
a bestial awareness, granting you advantage on Wisdom Upon recieving this gift, you become a genderless being.
(Perception) checks that rely on smell and hearing. You also You become sterile and your voice echoes as if both a man
have advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least and a woman were talking simultaneously. You also gain the
one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally following flaw: "I am indifferent to the happenings of life, and
isn't incapacitated. no material thing brings me pleasure."
Animals (wild and domestic) are threatened by the
character, and consider you hostile and predatory. You suffer Minarkos, the Gray-Scaled Thing
disadvantage on all Wisdom (Handle Animal) rolls. Minarkos' gift is the power of physical toughness. You gain a
+1 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus to all saving throws.
CuSith, Lord of Wolves Your body is covered in itchy, cracked, gray scales and you
CuSith's gift is the power of lycanthropy. You grow a thick gain the following flaw: "I am weary and distrustful of
coat of scraggy wolf-like fur, which grants you advantage on members of other races."
Constitution saving throws made to resist the effects of cold
weather. You also gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons that are not
made of silver.
You also develop a painful allergy and mental aversion to
silver, which causes you to break out in blistering rashes on
contact. You are vulnerable to weapons that are silvered, and
when you are exposed to silver or in base physical contact
with silver, you suffer disadvantage on all attack rolls and
Dexterity checks for 1 minute.
Terrantec, the Many-Faced Horror
Terrantec's gift is the power of caustic retribution. Your blood
becomes a corrosive acid. A creature within 5 feet of you that
hits you with a melee attack must succeed on a DC 12
Constitution saving throw or take 1d10 acid damage. You are
immune to acid damage.
Your skin is covered in horrendous boils filled with acidic
pus and blood and you gain the following flaw: "I am
claustrophobic and abhor the close proximity of others."
Belrond, the Crimson Fang
Belrond's gift is the power of vamprirism. This dark gifts
grants you the power to cast the gaseous form spell once per
long rest. During the night, at the start of each of your turns,
you gain 1d6 hit points if you have at least 1 hit point
You exude an aura of dread and mistrust, you have
disadvantage on Charisma (deception) checks, you have no
reflection, and you are vulnerable to radiant damage.
Lillethe, Master of the Mind
A Dark Price for Unlife 51,52 Golgora, the Skinwalker
53,54 Oztogoth of the Great Beyond
When creatures die, their souls are sent to an eternal resting
place appropriate to their alignment or the supernatural 55,56 Dagon the Trickster
bonds they made in life. The entities of the afterlife are hard- 57,58 Rashegul, Gaze of the Void
pressed to part with the souls of the departed. As a result, any
attempt to ressurect a fallen comrade comes with a dark 59,60 Erandul the Slayer
price. 61,62 Yamato, the White Serpent
At your discretion, when a player character dies at 5th level 63,64 Petra, the Plague Maiden
or beyond, you can roll a d100 on the following table to
determine the dark gift the PC is resurrected with. A PC can 65,66 Demeter, Vigilant of Doom
take each dark gift only once, but may gain any number of 67,68 Gwynevere, Aegis of the Dawn
dark gifts.
69,70 Gorza the Defiler
Dark Gift 71,72 Alghul, the Mad Dog
d100 Dark Gift
73,74 Feldir, the Huntsman
1,2 Fekre, Queen of Poxes
75,76 Sehna, the Huntswoman
3,4 Zrin-Hala, the Howling Storm
77,78 CuSith, Lord of Wolves
5,6 Sykane, the Soul Hungerer
79,80 Terrantec, the Many-Faced Horror
7,8 Savnok, the Inscrutible
81,82 Belrond, the Crimson Fang
9,10 Tarakamedes, the Grave Wyrm
83,84 Lillethe, Master of the Mind
11,12 Shami-Amourae, the Lady of Delights
85,86 Xarfur-Tel, the Watchful Eye
13,14 Drizlash, the Nine-Eyed Spider
87,88 Tassidur, One with the Cosmos
15,16 Dahlver-Nar, He of the Many Teeth
89,90 Minarkos, the Gray-Scaled Thing
17,18 Zantras, The King Maker
91+ reroll
19,20 Delban, the Star of Ice and Hate
21,22 Khirad, the Star of Secrets
23,24 Yrrga, the Eye of Shadows
25,26 Great Taar Haak, the Five-Headed Destroyer
27,28 Yog the Invincible
29,30 Norganas, the Finger of Oblivion
31,32 Vaund the Evasive
33,34 Seriach, the Hell Hound Whisperer
35,36 Zhudun, the Corpse Star
37,38 Xivec, Mother of Twilight
39,40 Ahzrukahl the Unnering
41,42 Tenebrous, Dusk Seer
43,44 Zari-El the Ghost Raven
45,46 Minnerva, Dark Weaver
47,48 Quaarth, Envoy of the Crypt
49,50 Theros, Lord of the Fire Giants

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