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Part I: Bidding / Tendering Documents

Section 2: Bid / Tender Data Sheet (BDS)

Notes on Bid / Tender Data Sheet (BDS)
The Bid / Tender Data Sheet or Particular Instruction to Bidders / Tenderers / Applicants (BDS or
PITB) provides specific information and / or provisions that are unique to a particular Bidding and / or
Project necessary to supplement, amend or replace (as the case may be) the Standard / General
Instruction to Bidders / Tenderers / Applicants provisions.
The BDS or PITB when amends or replaces the information and / or provisions of the Standard /
General Instruction to Bidders / Tenderers / Applicants; It enjoys contractual priority over the
information and / or provisions provided in the Standard / General Instruction to Bidders / Tenderers /
The information and / or provisions provided in the BDS or PITB shall bear the same clause number
as given in the Standard / General Instruction to Bidders / Tenderers / Applicants unless additional
information and / or provisions are supplemented; in which case their clause number continue from
the last number of each clauses or sub clauses.
The Employer must specify in the BDS or PITB the Information and / or Provisions that the Standard /
General Instruction to Bidders / Tenderers / Applicants refer or request to be specified and; the
prospective Bidders / Tenderers / Applicants must ensure that no referred clauses or sub clauses
shall be left blank.
The prospective Bidders / Tenderers / Applicants must request clarifications when any gaps and / or
ambiguities and / or discrepancies exist / identified or additional information and / or provisions are
required on the BDS or PITB to submit responsive and qualified Bid / Tender Offer.
The BDS or PITB will not be part of the Contract; however can be the bases for Contract Document
Priority provision requirements of the Conditions of Contract when called upon as part of the Tender

ABAY BANK S.C. Head Quarter Building Project

ABAY BANK S.C. Design and Build Head Quarter building Project
Section 3: Bid / Tender Data Sheet or Particular / Special Instruction to Bidders / Tenderers

Bid / Tender Data Sheet / Particular Instruction to Bidders / Tenderers

Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in the Standard Instructions to Bidders.

SITB Clause
Particular Information
Sub Clause 1.1 The Employer’s Address is:
President’s Office, Abay Bank S.C.
Postal Code / PO Box No: 5887
Country: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Telephone: +251 5 528690 or +251 5 571348
Fax: +252 5 571283
Name of Project: Abay Bank S.C. Design Build Head Quarter Building Project
Procurement Reference No.: ABHO/PROC/HQB/PO/001/2018
1.2 Periods of Completions:
 1461 calendar days or Four Years including mobilization
 365 calendar days of Defect Liability
 10 Years of Warranty Period for the Building
 Relevant Years for Specific Components or Materials incorporated in the Building
2.1 Source of Fund: ABAY Bank S.C. has allocated fund for the project from own source. However,
Bidders proposing to provide / arrange contribution or loan from local or international sources are
welcomed and such arrangement will be taken into consideration in the Bid Evaluation.
3.2 Eligibility & Qualification Requirement:
The Invitation is open to all invited Responsive DB Contractors who has fulfilled the EOI
requirements, to submit sealed bids comprising Bid Security, Other Responsiveness & Qualification
documents, and Financial Bid for the DB Services and / or Works of Building Project indicated in
BDS Sub Clause 1.1 above.
Bidders shall submit the following documents with the Letter for Responsiveness and Qualification
Application, if not submitted in accordance with the EOI Requirements including Authentications
thereof in the case for foreign Bidder’s:
a) In the case of Ethiopian Bidders’ / Partners’ only, its Certificate of registration from relevant
Government Institutions,
b) Other appropriate documentary evidence demonstrating the Bidder’s compliance, which shall
(i) Its trading licence renewed for 2009 EFY; and
(ii) Tax Clearance Certificate, which states that the Bidder can participate in any public
tender, valid at bidding date and VAT Registration Certificate, for Local and for Bidders
other than Ethiopian relevant TAX Registration documents.
c) In the case of Bidders other than Ethiopians, any legally supported relevant professional
practice certificate and business licenses from country of establishment,

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ABAY BANK S.C. Design and Build Head Quarter building Project
Section 3: Bid / Tender Data Sheet or Particular / Special Instruction to Bidders / Tenderers

I. Bidders shall also furnish the following documents with their Letter for Responsiveness
and Qualifications Application document during bid submission.
a. Reports on financial standing of the bidder including profit and loss statements and
independent auditor’s report for the last five years.
b. Evidences for having experience in similar (Design-Build) projects.
NB: Failure to meet any of these requirements will automatically result in rejection of bids.
5.1 Add or Supplement the following to SITB Sub Clause 5.1:
All partners should be jointly and severally liable for the forthcoming DB Contract.
7.2 Pre-Bid Meeting will be held Fifteen days before the Tender Submission Date
All bidders shall participate in the pre-bid meeting at the Venue: ABAY Bank Head Office
All bidders shall be required to conduct site visit before the scheduled date for the pre-bid meeting.
Addresses for Queries, if any:
Manager: President Office, ABAY BANK S.C.
Tel.: +251 5 528690 or +251 5 571348
Fax.: +252 5 571283
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
10.1 Addresses for Clarification requests, if any:
Manager: President Office / HQ Project Advisory Committee (HQ PAC) to be assigned by the
Tel. +251 5 528690 or +251 5 571348
Fax.: +252 5 571283
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
12.1 The Language for this Bid and the forthcoming Contract is: English
Amharic Language is Auxiliary Language for the Contract.
13.1 Bidding / Tendering forms and / or templates includes (A) General, (B) Responsiveness &
Qualification, (C) Technical and (D) Financial Bid Proposals forms and / or templates as defined
A. General Bid Proposal Forms and / or Templates
GEN 1 Letter of Application for Bid / Tender Offer GEN 5 Template for Appendix to General Form of Bid
GEN 2 Letter of Application for Responsiveness and GEN 6 Template for Comments on the Bid / Tender
Qualification Proposal Documents
GEN 3 Letter of Application for Financial Bid / Tender GEN 7 Template for Power of Attorney
GEN 4 Template for General Form of Bid / Tender GEN 8 Template for Understanding of DB Services
and/or Works & Declaration of Site Visit
B. Responsiveness & Qualification Bid / Tender Proposal Forms and / or Templates
R&Q 1 Bidder(s) Information & Eligibility R&Q 5 Bidder(s) Current Contract Commitment
R&Q 2 Form of Bid Security R&Q 6 Bidder(s) General and Specific Experiences
R&Q 3 Bidder(s) Historical Contract Non-Performance R&Q 7 Bidder(s) Personnel Capabilities
R&Q 4 Bidder(s) Financial Situations, Sources & R&Q 8 Bidders(s) Equipment Capabilities
Average Annual Turnover R&Q 9 Foreign Currency Proportions

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ABAY BANK S.C. Design and Build Head Quarter building Project
Section 3: Bid / Tender Data Sheet or Particular / Special Instruction to Bidders / Tenderers

C.Technical Bid / Tender Proposal Forms and / or Templates

Tech 1 Conceptual Design at Schematic Level Tech 4 Design Services Task-Team Composition
Tech 2 Project Organization & DB Services and / or Tech 5 Construction Works Proposed Subcontractors
Works Method Statements & Suppliers
Tech 3 DB Services and / or Works Program / Tech 6 DB Services and / or Works EHS and Fire
Schedule Precautions Management Plan
D.Financial Bid / Tender Proposal Forms and / or Templates
FIN 1 Specific Forms of Bid / Tender FIN 3 Price Adjustment
FIN 2 Tender Price Schedule FIN 4 Cash Flow Schedule
NB: All Credentials necessary to demonstrate all the Responsiveness, Qualification and Evaluation
Criteria Requirements shall be submitted.
16.1 The Contract Type is Lump Sum and Cost Plus for the predetermined items indicated in Sub Clause
16.2 of this BDS.
16.2 The predetermined items whose rates need to be redefined during Contract Negotiation based on
the bidder(s) proposal to be submitted with his Financial Bid Proposal for the Cost Plus part of the
Contract are:
No. Trades of Services and / or Works Unit Unit Price
CP 1 Dewatering, if any Liters
CP 2 Hard Rock Excavation , if any M3
CP 3 Removal of Unsuitable Materials including Cart Away, if M3
17.1 Bidders shall quote entirely in the currency of the Employer’s Country (Birr) and payment shall be
applicable in Currencies of Employer’s country and three freely convertible currencies, which are
17.5 The Rate of Exchange shall be the selling rates for similar transactions published by the Abay Bank
S.C., on the date 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of tenders.
17.8 The Bank Account of the successful bidder shall be at the Abay Bank S.C.
18.1 The period of Bid Validity shall be 148 days from the latest date for submission of Bids, extended, if
applicable, in accordance with the provisions of sub-clause 25.2 of the Standard Instructions to
18.3 The factor to be adopted shall be the ratio of the Current Foreign Currency to the Base Foreign
Currency applied to the Local portion of the Currency only. The factor to be adopted to the foreign
currency proportion shall be One.
19.1 The Bid Security shall be USD 25,000.00 (USD Fourty Five Thousand) or ETB 750,000.00.
Conditional Bid Security is not allowed.
19.2 Bid Security shall be from a bank located in Ethiopia except ABAY Bank S.C. or any of the
International Banks which have close attachment with ABAY Bank S.C.
20.1 Variations in Bidding Document and alternatives if any, except allowed in Part II: Employer’s
Requirements and those indicated below; are not permitted and submission / inclusion of variations
and alternatives other than allowed will lead to rejection of the bid.
Variations and / or Alternatives are only allowed with respect to the Intended Design Program
(without changing the total number of floors and areas recommended) and the Indicated Finishing

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ABAY BANK S.C. Design and Build Head Quarter building Project
Section 3: Bid / Tender Data Sheet or Particular / Special Instruction to Bidders / Tenderers

Materials Schedules in which case the differences from the bid documents need to be clearly stated.
The Bidder(s) shall provide the financial bid proposals both for the requirements set in the Original
Bid Documents and their own Variations and / or Alternatives proposed.
21.1 The number of Copies shall be three.
24.2 The Bid shall be addressed as follows:
a) Address of the Employer
Abay Bank S.C.
Ziquala Complex Building
P.O.Box: 5887
Addis Ababa
Tel.: +251 5 528690 or +251 5 571348
Fax.: +252 5 571283
b) Name: DB Services and / or Works for ABAY BANK S.C. Head Office Building
Procurement Reference Number: AB
c) Warnings:
Do not Open this Bid / Tender Proposal before …….. for the Outer and Original Inner
Do not Open this Bid Security before ……
Do not Open this Original Responsiveness and Qualification Bid / Tender Proposal before
Do not Open this Copy of Original Bid / Tender Proposals unless allowed by the Bidder(s)
applicable for only one of the three Copies submitted and sealed separately.
Do not Open this Copy of Original Bid / Tender Proposals before …..
Do not Open this Original Financial Bid / Tender Proposal except for Responsive and
Qualified Bidders.
Do not Open this Copy of Original Financial Bid / Tender Proposals unless allowed by the
Bidder(s) applicable for only one of the three Copies submitted and sealed separately.
Do not Open this Copy of Original Financial Bid / Tender Proposals except for Responsive
and Qualified Bidders.
Bid / Tender Proposals shall be prepared and submitted as follows:
Envelopes Naming and Enclosures
Envelope 1 Outer Envelope named Bid / Tender Proposal enclosing two Inner Envelopes
Two Inner Envelopes named “Original” and “Copies” for Bid / Tender Proposals respectively
Envelopes 2 & 3 enclosing Bid / Tender Security, Responsiveness and Qualification, and Financial Bid / Tender
Proposals sealed separately
Envelope 4 Bid / Tender Security enclosed in the Original Bid / Tender Proposal only.
All other Responsiveness and Qualification Bid / Tender Proposal named “Original” and “Copies”
Envelope 5 sealed separately and enclosed in Envelopes 2 & 3 sealed separately.
NB: One of the Copies shall be Separately Sealed.
Financial Bid / Tender Proposal named “Original” and “Copies” sealed separately and enclosed in
Envelope 6 Envelopes 2 & 3 sealed separately.
NB: One of the Copies shall be Separately Sealed.
NB: The Conceptual Designs, the 3D Animation and the 3D Rendering Proposals either can be in Envelope 5 or
submitted Separately clearly indicated in the Letter for Bid / Tender Proposal Application.
NB: All Envelopes shall bear the Name and Address of the Bidder(s) together with the Procurement Reference Number.

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ABAY BANK S.C. Design and Build Head Quarter building Project
Section 3: Bid / Tender Data Sheet or Particular / Special Instruction to Bidders / Tenderers

26.1 Deadline for submission of bids is:

Date: _________________________
Time: ________________________
29.1 The Employer will open the Bid Security and then All other Responsiveness, Qualifications
Documents (Envelopes 1 to 5) including withdrawals and modification if any made pursuant to
Clause 28 and in the presence of bidders’ designated representatives who choose to attend, at the
time, date and location specified below by a Procurement Committee and the Technical Evaluation
Abay Bank S.C. Head Office
Ziquala Complex Building
Board Room, 1st Floor
Addis Ababa
Date: _____________________________
Time: _____________________________
The remaining envelopes, namely; One of the Copy of the Original Bid / Tender Proposal and The
Original Financial Bid / Tender Proposal will remain sealed signed by the Technical Advisory Group
and the Bid / Evaluation Committee and deposited with the Chairperson of the Technical Advisory
Group and the Bid / Evaluation Committee or independent authority until they are opened publicly.
The bidders’ representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance.
39.1 Employers Country Currency; that is: Ethiopian Birr.
44.2 ABAY Bank S.C.
45.1 Name of DRE Proposed: Ethiopian Expert To Be Nominated after Concluding the Contract
46 Conceptual Design Requirements
46.1 The Bidders / Tenderers / Applicants shall submit Conceptual Design at Schematic Level that fulfils
the Employer’s Requirement (Section 3.3) in the following forms:
1. Design Requirements
The main objective of the design component of this bid is to acquire a conceptual design proposal
that can be developed into a headquarter building design capable of:
 symbolizing AB and its vision of becoming one of the ten best private banks in Africa by 2030,
 facilitating maximum contribution of its headquarter organ and its central management and
staff to achievement of this vision, and
 satisfying technical and regulatory requirements of high-rise office building development in the
Central Business District (CBD) of Addis Ababa.
Such a proposal is expected to be a product of thorough studies on program and design concept
development, spatial allocation and organization, interior space quality, exterior quality, and on
how to respond to technical and regulatory requirements of high-rise corporate office building
development in the Contract Business District of Addis Ababa.
2. Design Proposal Submission

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Section 3: Bid / Tender Data Sheet or Particular / Special Instruction to Bidders / Tenderers

The Conceptual Design proposals shall be submitted according to the requirements of this bid,
only, in order to make the deliverables uniform and facilitate their comparison.
3. Submission of Design Concept and Program Development
Written information concerning design concept, design process including literature review, case
studies, etc., and comments on the Tender Documents and proposed program shall be presented
on ring bound A4 size sheets in the form of a design report not exceeding 20 pages.
4. Submission of Space Allocation Proposals
Site plan showing allocation of space for the building, access, circulation, open space, etc. shall be
presented on one loose A3 or A1 size sheet in a scale 1:500.
Floor plans and sections showing the location and spatial allocation of the overall program types
such as headquarter organ, staff facilities, rental offices, public facilities, underground facilities, etc.
and individual rooms shall be presented in loose A3 or A1size papers in a scale 1:200.
Spatial allocation and organization shall reflect the work process and organizational structures
underlying each program and the above schedule of accommodation.
5. Interior Quality
Interior space quality must be viewed as an essential factor for employee satisfaction, productivity
and pride and for projecting a positive image of the Abay Bank.
Bidders / Tenderers / Applicants must illustrate the potentials of their proposal in terms of quality of
interior space by presenting interior designs for major spaces such as main entrance lobby,
banking hall, staff cafeteria, meeting hall, work pool, president’s office, and boardroom.
The main lobby and reception, the president’s office and other important spaces such as the
meeting hall shall be viewed as spaces whose qualities reflect, more than other spaces, on the
image of the AB and shall be designed aiming at uniqueness and identity.
Pool work spaces, if any; interior design shall be aimed at creating a working environment which
can be stimulating and conducive to creativity rather than routine work and which can incite in the
staff a sense of satisfaction, pride and dedication.
Social spaces like café shall be designed with the objectives of providing the staff with spaces for
stress break, entertainment and re-energization.
The branch bank interior shall be designed with the objective to reflect the fact that it
accommodates a rapidly changing function.
Detail plans, sections, and three dimensional views demonstrating the interior qualities of selected
major spaces such as main entrance lobby, banking hall, staff cafeteria, meeting hall, work pool,
president’s office, and board room shall be presented on two loose A3 or A1 size sheets.
The DB Contractor shall use interior design as a process of discovering appropriate finishing
materials and shall not be restricted by the finishing material schedule provided in section XXX of
the Employer’s Requirements for facilitating comparability of the financial proposals.

6. Exterior Quality
Exterior design in conjunction with the interior space quality, where applicable, shall:

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ABAY BANK S.C. Design and Build Head Quarter building Project
Section 3: Bid / Tender Data Sheet or Particular / Special Instruction to Bidders / Tenderers

 Offer organization of building and site elements such as landscaping and circulation space
that is high standard both functionally and aesthetically;
 Offer an overall visual quality that has the capacity to touch peoples’ feelings positively in
terms of volumetric, material, textural, and pattern compositions and contribute to the
experiential quality of the project area and the emerging Construction Business District of
Addis Ababa;
 Offer a design that can contribute to AB’s effort to earn greater visibility within the financial
industry of Ethiopia and the region;
 Contribute to the development of a coherent public space (streetscape) in the project area;
 Contribute to the development of modern Ethiopian and African Architecture
Glazed Facade: Glazed facades are suggested to be in curtain wall with 5mm + 12mm air +
5mm double glass in aluminum frames and aluminum mullions and transoms, if applicable.
Spandrels can be in glass, aluminum cladding or solid materials such as stone and granite.
The glass and aluminum curtain wall will be designed to resist wind and earthquake loads, to limit
air leakage, control vapor diffusion, prevent rain penetration, prevent surface and cavity
condensation in addition to resisting noise and fire. Solid walls are suggested to be finished in
aesthetical l concrete or cladding in granite or equivalent material on rust resistant steel
Site plan, elevation drawings, exterior three-dimensional views illustrating the external qualities of
the building and the streetscape shall be presented on one loose A3 or A1 size paper.
The DB Contractor shall use the exterior design as a process of discovering appropriate finishing
materials and shall not be restricted by the indicative finishing material schedule provided in
section 10 for the purpose of facilitating comparability of the financial proposals.
7. Responsiveness to Regulatory and Technical Requirements
A minimum plot to total floor area ratio (FAR) of 1:5 is required by planning regulations since the
project site is located in zone II of Addis Ababa.
The minimum permissible building height for zone I, the site’s zone, is 70m measured from the
pavement level on the main street side. AB intends to use the maximum possible height
considering the technological innovation allowing acceptable volume proportion for the building.
The planning regulation requires 1 parking lot for every 150m 2 of floor area. The design shall
however strive to achieve greater number of parking lots (Not less than 350).
Setbacks shall be provided consistent with the relevant building height regulations of AACA.
The DB Contractor is advised to employ a ‘building systems’ design approach in which different
elements of the building such as its façade (skin), structure, space enclosures and dividers, and
utility spaces such as for plumbing, electric power, fire alarm and suppression systems, data and
communication networks, are organized in integrated but separate systems for easier
management, maintenance and replacement
Technical Connectivity: The DB Contractor shall identify all necessary office function technological
systems and provide adequate equipment rooms for them.
Accessibility: An ‘inclusive’ and universal design principle which strives to produce spaces and
designs that can be accessed, understood and used by all people regardless of their age, or

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Section 3: Bid / Tender Data Sheet or Particular / Special Instruction to Bidders / Tenderers

disability shall be used.

Sustainability: The design shall include proposals on how to ensure efficient use of energy and
resources such as water, maximization of natural ventilation and lighting, and waste resource
management, and protection of the environment.
Floor plans, sections, three-dimensional drawings, and texts illustrating the responsiveness of the
Conceptual Design to the requirements of:
 Fire escape and firefighting,
 Services and utilities,
 Structure,
 Sustainability, and
 Planning regulations such as building setbacks, Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and building height
shall be presented on sheets not exceeding two A3 or one A1 size paper.

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