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Tell us about yourself

2. Why P&G?
3. Why do you think that you are suitable for the company?
4. Biggest strengths
5. Biggest weakness
6. Tell me a personal or business situation where you used your analytical thinking
7. Give an example about a time when you (sorted through complex set of data), weighed risks & rewards of various
options before making a recommendation on a course of action.
8. Why do you want to work in this role/ switching companies?
9. Tell me a time when you changed a process or project and made it better
10. How did you come up with a process that was innovative? What were the results?
11. Tell me a time when you simplified a process?
12. Tell me a time when you have completed a project on a tight deadline?
13. Describe a time you nearly missed a deadline. How did you respond?
14. Tell me about a time you were unable to meet a deadline
15. What would you do if you had a project where your deadline was originally a month but it was changed to 48 hours?
What would you do if you failed and missed the deadline?
16. If there is an assignment due next week what will you do to make it in time?
17. You have an assignment at 3rd day 7th day and 15th day how will you solve?
18. If you were given a project that you had to finish in 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and then 1 year what would you do for
each deadline?
19. You are junior most you have an idea how would you present
20. The problems faced by you and how do you solve them?
21. How did you deal with a difficult situation and what was the outcome?
22. Describe a time where you had to make a decision using incomplete information.
23. Tell us of a great achievement in a team?
24. Have you ever made an innovation?
25. Tell me about a time you had to overcome a significant hurdle in order to achieve objectives
26. Tell me about a situation where you were faced with conflict in a professional environment.
27. What if you are in a meeting and your manager opens the door and talk with you in a very confronting tone? What
would you do?
28. Describe a moral dilemma
29. Describe a situation in which you effectively developed a solution to a problem by combining different perspectives or
30. Tell me about a time that you had to deal with change
31. A Situation where you tackled a problem
32. A Situation where you showed your leadership skills
33. Have you ever had a conflict with a boss or professor? How was it resolved?
34. Give an example of a complex problem that you have had to solve. What happened? What was the result?
35. Tell me about a time when you had to convince someone.
36. What was the most difficult decision you made in your life?
37. Any decision you took that made impact on other people?
38. Describe a situation where you employed your technical skills to solve a problem. You need to provide a specific
situation, explain all the involved factors, how you came up with the solution and implemented it.
39. What was the time when you had to lead some team?
40. Tell me a time when you looked back at a past decision and realized you could have done it better had you had more
41. Describe a situation where you worked in a team and had problems with the person in charge, how did you handle it?
42. Tell us a situation when you had to improvise for having any resources to do a particular job
43. Tell us of a time when you had to analyze data from several different sources and how you did that
44. What if you have a new idea? How would you bring it forward to a team you are a part of? What if you face resistance
and its a good idea?
45. You have a great idea to innovate a product that's been around for a long time, but people oppose the change. How
would you implement your idea?
46. When did you save the company you worked for $$ or time?
47. Tell me how did you reduce costs for a project of yours
48. Tell us about a time when you noticed a defect in an established process and how did you fix it?
49. Tell me a time when you bring something new, creative
50. Tell me about a time when you came up with a better way to do things
51. Tell me about a time you analyzed a large set of data
52. Tell me about a time when you took a project in a different direction that saved time or money.
53. Something along the lines of "how would you handle a situation where you wanted to implement a new program but
received some push back from your team"
54. What's the most difficult challenge you've faced?
55. How did I deal with a difficult person?
56. If you were given a deadline by your boss that was nationally advertised for a product, but someone from
manufacturing told you that something went wrong and the product wouldn't be ready until three weeks after the
deadline how would you address the situation.
57. Tell me about a time when you had to diffuse tension between colleagues?
58. Tell about someone you gave feedback to who was not directly involved in a project with you
59. If your boss were to steal soda from the vending machine, how would you respond?
60. If a product launch was delayed, how would you go about solving that problem?
61. one time that you took a big risk and how you mitigated it
62. If your supervisor loved a specific project very much and you had realized that it didn't go well. What would you do ?
Would you tell him?
63. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it though completion.
64. Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue and played a leading
role to achieve the results you wanted.
65. Describe a situation when you managed to solve a problem with limited resources.
66. Tell me about a time when you had too many things to do and were required to prioritize your tasks.
67. If you were given a difficult project, how would you ensure its success?
68. Tell me about a time when you had to make a split-second decision
69. What would you do if you were set a goal and weren’t able to meet or achieve it?
70. If you received constructive criticism on a piece of your work, how would you handle it?
71. If you were part of a team where members had conflicting views, how would you ensure everyone worked together
72. If you were in a situation where you needed to bring someone round to your way of thinking, how would you persuade
them to see things your way?
1st interview:
1. Tell me about a time when you were in charge of a project and you
changed the direction in a way which resulted in reduced time or cost?

2. Tell me about a time when you were able to come up with a new idea
/project /process / product or you reapplied an existing idea?

3. You are doing a project and you had overcome an obstacle. What is the
obstacle and how you overcame it?

4. Tell me about something (project/activity) you are most proud of?

5. Did you come across any major blocks or obstacles?

6. Why didn’t you have data for it?
7. Was there a time when you were working on this project when you guys
came across a conflict with each other?

8. Can you give an example of any other project where you had a conflict
which you had to resolve?

9. Tell me about a situation where you helped a team to succeed? How did
you help?

10. Tell me about a time when you had to meet an urgent deadline with
limited resources?

11. You have been working on a project for a month due next week. Your
manager wants project in next two days.
12. You are working with another person on a project. This person you know
to have a negative attitude already. He comes to you one day and confronts
you privately by saying: “Why are you sharing progress reports without
13. What do you think the emotional situation would be at that point?
2nd interview:
1. Tell me about a time when you stepped in a group decided to take lead and
achieved excellent results out of it.

2. What were some of the challenges you faced?

3. Anytime when you thought that there has to be a better way of doing
something and you came up with an improvement for an existing process
to make it better?

4. Did you come up with this idea yourself or your manager did? What did
you exactly observe to come up with this idea?

5. How were you tracking this?

6. Was it a gut feeling or was there some data to back this?

7. Is there any other example on coming up with a new idea?

8. Give me an example of a time when you changed the direction of a project

which resulted in the reduction of either time or cost?

9. How did you come up with the idea? Did you research on what are the
materials used?

10. If it wasn’t commonly used then it might not be commonly available

then how did you save cost on it? Or is it commonly available but not
commonly used?

11. When you were going against the Pros and Cons what were the
elements/factors you assessed apart from cost?

12. Give me an example of a situation where you had to overcome major

obstacles to make something important happen?
13. Were there any other obstacles? What was the outcome?
14. What was your proposal exactly?

15.How did you determine where would they be installed?

16. Did you also do any cost benefit analysis?

17. Tell me about a time when you were able to develop and maintain
productive relationships with your colleagues even when they had different

18. What was the thinking behind dividing the area into zones?

19. What was the outcome of this exercise?

20. Working on 3 projects. Different deadlines. 1 is due at end of week. 1 is

due at the end of next week and 1 is due at the end of month. How would
you go about approaching this (strategy) with different timelines while
working simultaneously on all 3?

21. If faced with obstacles on either of the projects e.g. you realize that 2-3
days down, one of the projects will be compromised e.g. stakeholder not
giving information. If you go for finishing one the other one gets
compromised. How would you navigate through is obstacle? How do you
deal with this situation? How do you interact with your stakeholders? How
do you manage expectations?

22. You have found a way to improve a process that has been in place for quite
some time. If you pursue this change your colleagues might not be up for it.

23. Tell me about a time when you led an entire group to achieve a significant
24. Can you guide me through whatever strategy you had in mind to be
able to make them ready for this?

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