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Unit 8 Imię i nazwisko: 

MiniMatura Total/50
Group A Klasa: 

3 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi formami czasowników

podanych w nawiasach.

1 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. W ramce podano dwa It’s high time you started (start) revising for your final
dodatkowe słowa. exams.
zrównoważony 1 If only the government (take) wildlife
sustainable error companion wonder protection more seriously!
remote embark misconception tip - końcówka 2 I wish I (can) make everyone aware of the
odległy zacząć
The concept of sustainable tourism is fortunately importance of sustainability.
receiving more and more attention. 3 It’s time we, the people, (speak) our mind
1 Susie is a great friend but she makes a very annoying about this burning issue!
travelling companion . 4 I’d rather they (stop) poisoning our soil with
2 Even the slightest navigational  error can make those toxins!
you end up hundreds of miles away from your desired pożądany 5 If only I  (vote) against that regulation!
destination. What a mistake I made.
3 I must admit I was anxious to  embark on the journey. /5
4 The Yosemite Park is a natural  wonder – you simply
must visit it! jak to przedstawiasz
4 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak, aby miało takie samo
5 You’re wrong – it’s not a ‘well-known fact’, as you put it, znaczenie jak pierwsze.
but rather a common misconception . Scientists have invented a new way of purifying water.
What has happened is that scientists have invented a new
way of purifying water.
2 Uzupełnij luki wyrazami utworzonymi od słów podanych 1 The media will not be allowed inside the school under
wielkimi literami, tak aby poprawnie uzupełniały zdania. any circumstances.
The concept of sustainable tourism is fortunately Under no circumstances will the media be allowed
receiving more and more attention. SUSTAIN  inside the school.
1 This part of the beach is a nesting area of sea 2 The water has never been polluted to such an extent
turtles. NEST before.
2 Most scientists agree that carbon emission have Never before has the water been polluted
przyczynić się contributed to the greenhouse effect. EMIT to such an extent.
3 Two dangerous toxic  contaminations have lately been 3 It pollutes our water and also becomes a hazard for
gleba discovered in the soil around here. CONTAMINATE marine wildlife.
4 The rapid  industalisation of the area has had Not only does it pollute water, but it also is a hazard
a negative effect on the natural environment. INDUSTRY  for marine wildlife.
5 In my work I deal with renewable energy sources. 4 I find it outrageous that the law allows them to dump
RENEW the rubbish just like that.
RES What I find outrageous is the fact that the law.....
-able (możliwy do..)  dump the rubbish just like that.
5 That kind of irresponsible behaviour has made pollution
such a great problem.
It’s that kind of irresponsble bahaviour that has made
 pollution such a great problem.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura Focus 4 (B2/B2+)
MiniMatura Unit 8 Group A


5 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym wyrazem, 7 Przeczytaj trzy teksty o inicjatywach na rzecz lokalnej
tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. społeczności. Do każdego pytania (1–5) dopasuj
właściwy tekst (A–C). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: dwa teksty pasują do dwóch pytań każdy,
a jeden tekst tylko do jednego pytania.
Travelling around El Salvador, I did volunteer
work in a sea turtle reserve, in exchange for which A MOROCCAN MEDINAS AND MOONLIGHT SKIES
I got free accommodation. We were meant to This ten-day tour takes you on an unforgettable journey into
work (1)                          four hours a day, but no one history and nature without any stress. We start in the bustling
really paid any attention. However, every volunteer narrow streets of Marrakech, filled with people, noises, smells,
(2)                          efforts to do the expected share of sights and sounds that you will never forget. You can shop for
work or even more. There were a few basic tasks: souvenirs or sit and relax in a rooftop café while watching
helping out in the kitchen, composting, cleaning the the madness below. After two days in the city, we set out for
dehydrating machine and filling it up with coconut Merzouga, on the edge of the scorching Sahara Desert where
pieces, cleaning the beach, watering the garden, etc. sand dunes stretch into the distance and you can camp out
I was usually followed (3)                          by the hostel under a star-filled sky. After watching the sun come up, it is on
owner’s friendly little dog that took a liking to me. to Fes, the UNESCO listed city where time stood still. With its
(4)                          completed work for the day, we were traffic-free old city, home to over 150,000 people, Fes can be
a shock to the senses but our guides will make sure you never
free to do anything we wanted. I spent three weeks
get lost. Fes is what Marrakech looked like before the tourists
there and unfortunately I didn’t get to see how any arrived. After sightseeing on the first day, we take you on a
turtles lay eggs, but I did see little turtles hatch! On special tour of the spice market and restaurants where your
my last day I took a boat trip with a few other people guide will help you to order freshly cooked meat and sticky,
and swam in the ocean. It was so beautiful, we lost all sugary desserts which are loved by everyone.
(5)                          of space and time, until the sunset
rushed us back to the hostel. B WAY OUT WEST, HALFWAY TO AMERICA
The Azores are a group of islands between Portugal and
America. They are isolated but not desolate as the volcanic
hills are covered in beautiful flowers most of the year because
the winters are warm and the rain falls steadily all year round.
6 Przetłumacz fragmenty podane w nawiasach na język Our package offers return flights from Lisbon as well as six free
angielski. Do przetłumaczenia każdego fragmentu ferry rides on any routes on offer. Each island offers something
w języku polskim użyj maksymalnie sześciu słów. different but all offer that Azores magic. On all islands, you can
find gentle walks to unspoilt beaches, volcanic rock, crystal
It was that invention that (To właśnie ten wynalazek)
clear lakes and historic cities. You can take a helicopter ride
helped us clean our water supplies. and look into the crater of a volcano, you can swim with
1 You’ve been under a lot of stress lately. dolphins or dive with sharks. Bird watchers can spot eagles
and other birds of prey and the Azores are famous for the best
whale watching in Europe. Most of all, the Azores are a place
(To, czego potrzebujesz, to) some rest – and lots of it! to relax. The nine largest islands have a combined population
2 I’d rather of only 250,000 so there is plenty of empty space and, so far,
(żebyś przestał mówić mi, co) to do. I can make my own the islands have avoided being swamped by mass tourism.
3 This seven-day tour takes you from frozen glaciers to erupting
(Już najwyższy czas, żebyś zaczął) recycling like everyone volcanoes. You can explore inside caves carved out of lava and
else. swim in lagoons heated by water bubbling up in hot springs.
Each day you will be taken by mini bus in groups of no more
4 Never than fourteen people, to an area of outstanding natural beauty.
(nie doświadczyłem takiej) arduous journey. You need to be in reasonably good health as there will be
5 fairly arduous uphill hikes every day to lead you from roads
to empty spaces inaccessible to motor vehicles. Our guides
(Co mnie martwi, to to) that they’re inexperienced
will ensure your safety at all times as well as telling you more
travellers. about the geology and history of this incredible, and at times
inhospitable, landscape. All equipment necessary is provided
/5 by us but, please remember, Iceland is an empty place. There
are more sheep than people here and our tours will take you
far away from any shops or restaurants so you will need to
bring a packed lunch and any snacks that you require to keep
your strength up during the day.
Which offer
1 involves a lot of physical exercise?
2 is a great idea for people with a sweet tooth?
3 gives you a chance of seeing exciting wildlife?
4 is not recommended for people who dislike crowds?
5 is good for independent travellers?


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura Focus 4 (B2/B2+)
MiniMatura Unit 8 Group A


8 TRACK 9 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę w radio na 9 Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne.

temat wiewiórek. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz Napisz list do redakcji czasopisma przyrodniczego
właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B,
o miejscu w twojej okolicy, które bardzo szybko staje się
C albo D.
ulubionym miejscem odpoczynku lokalnej ludności.
1 We know that W liście wyjaśnij, z czego wynika popularność tego miejsca,
A red squirrel numbers have fallen in Scotland. oraz przedstaw negatywne skutki tego zjawiska dla
B most of the UK’s red squirrels live in Scotland. środowiska naturalnego.
C red squirrels originally came to the UK from
mainland Europe. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać
D red squirrel numbers in the UK are falling faster than wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu.
ever before.
2 Red squirrels have recently been introduced for the first 
time to
A the Scilly Isles. 
B Anglesey. 
C Ireland.

D The Isle of Wight.
3 Red squirrel numbers are not affected by 
A a loss of habitat. 
B diseases caught from grey squirrels.
C a reduced number of acorns to eat. 
D a lower birth rate. 
4 One reason why there are a lot of red squirrels in

Scotland is that
A Scotland has more trees that red squirrels like. 
B there are no animals there which hunt them. 
C grey squirrels can’t live so far north.
D grey squirrels have been hunted by cats. 

5 A possible title for Pauline’s book is: 

A Aggressive behaviour by grey squirrels and how to 
stop it.
B Learning from Europe: How other countries saved 
the red squirrel. 
C Squirrels and other species: Successfully living

D Reintroducing the red squirrel into Britain. 


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura Focus 4 (B2/B2+)

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