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API 304 Spring 2015
Harvard Kennedy School
Midterm Exam

Distribu(on of Exam Grades

85+ 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 50-59 <50

Comments on grading of the exam:
• The course is graded on a curve ! what matters is not your absolute score on the
exam, but how you did relative to others in the class
• Mean=70, Median=69 which is a bit lower than I had hoped, but see bullet point
• Please verify your score; while we make great efforts to make sure that your score is
added up correctly, mistakes do occasionally happen
• The answer key includes the rubric used to grade each question
• The exam counts for 40% (less than half) of your grade in the course overall, so if
you are disappointed in your performance on the exam, keep in mind that there are
several other factors that go into your course grade

If you feel like you were given inadequate credit for an answer given the grading rubric on
the exam, please write up a detailed explanation of your reasoning and submit it with your
graded exam to Kathleen Schnaidt ([email protected]). Professor
Madrian will evaluate your entire exam and get back to you.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. 5 questions (7 points each, 35 points total).

PLEASE NOTE: The Multiple Choice questions can have MORE THAN ONE CORRECT

Grading is 1 pt. for each option correctly chosen or not + 2 point bonus for getting the entire
question correct.

1. Under the prospect theory probability weighting function (there may be more than
one correct answer):

A) Individuals overweight low probability events in their decision-making and

underweight high probability events

B) Individuals overweight all probabilities in their decision-making

C) Individuals overweight the probabilities of more recent outcomes in their

decision-making and underweight the probabilities of things that have happened
in the more distant past

D) Individuals prefer (on average) a probabilistic lottery payout to a sure payout

with the same expected value if the probability of winning the lottery is very low,
and prefer (on average) the sure payout to the probabilistic lottery payout if the
probability of winning the lottery is higher (e.g. closer to a coin toss).

E) Individuals are risk averse for high probability events and risk seeking for low
probability events

2. Complexity (there may be more than one correct answer):

A) Leads to delay/procrastination

B) Leads to imperfect optimization

C) Leads individuals to use simplifying heuristics

D) Increases when the dimensions of choice are non-alignable

E) Increases when multiple choice exam questions can have more than one correct

3. The disposition effect (there may be more than one correct answer):

A) Arises because individuals overweight the probability that an asset will increase
in value in the future

B) Arises because individuals are risk averse

C) Arises because individuals are risk seeking over losses

D) Arises because individuals use the purchase price of an asset as their reference
point in evaluating their well being

E) Arises because individuals evaluate losses differently from gains

4. Present bias can explain which of the following education-related behaviors (there
may be more than one correct answer):

A) Students place more weight on tuition than on school fees in deciding which
school to attend

B) An immediate reward has a greater impact on student performance than a

delayed reward

C) An incentive framed as a loss has a greater impact on student performance than

a equal-sized incentive framed as a gain

D) Students drop out of school even when the return to additional years of school
are higher

E) Students don’t go through the complicated process to apply for financial aid even
when they would be likely to get it

5. Home Energy Reports (HERs) provide electricity consumers with information on
their electricity consumption relative to their neighbors along with energy saving
tips. These reports (there may be more than one correct answer):

A) Reduce electricity consumption for individuals in liberal neighborhoods but

increase electricity consumption for individuals in conservative neighborhoods
(relative to a control group of consumers who don’t receive these reports)

B) Reduce electricity consumption for individuals who initially consumed a high

level of electricity but increase electricity consumption for individuals who
initially consumed a low level of electricity (relative to a control group of
consumers who don’t receive these reports)

C) Have the greatest impact on electricity consumption right after a report is

received (relative to a control group of consumers who don’t receive these

D) Result in a greater reduction in electricity consumption the longer the period of

time over which households receive these reports (relative to a control group of
consumers who don’t receive these reports)

E) Reduce electricity consumption by more than a 10% short-run increase in the

price of electricity

True/False/Uncertain Explain. 3 questions (7 points each, 21 points total).

PLEASE NOTE: Your score will be based largely on your explanation, including your
ability to draw on examples from the readings or discussed in class.

6. T/F/U Explain (7 pts). Taxes that are less salient are preferable to taxes that are
more salient because other things equal, they raise more revenue.

• It is easier to raise taxes when taxes are not salient (examples from class include electronic
toll collection, property taxes, and sales taxes) because consumer respond less to a non-
salient tax (demand is less elastic)

• Increasing taxes usual leads to an increase in tax revenue (unless you are on the wrong side
of the Laffer curve—which we did not talk about in class and does not need to be mentioned
in your answer)

• Whether this makes less salient tax preferable or not is a matter of political philosophy.

• Proponents of more government spending might be inclined to make taxes less salient
because doing so will enable them to advance their agenda more easily
• Proponents of less government spending probably want taxes to be more salient as a way to
limit the growth of government

• And, regardless of one’s opinions on the size of government, proponents of transparency in

government would support having taxes be salient
Grading notes:
* 1 point uncertain
* 3 points for the first bullet (it is easier to raise taxes when taxes are not salient)
* 3 points for a discussion of how this relates to political philosophy around the size of
government and why views on whether taxes should be salient might differ

7. T/F/U Explain (7 pts). Requiring an active choice about whether or not to be an
organ donor increases organ donation rates, although not as much as moving from
an opt-in to a presumed consent (opt-out) organ donation regime.

• Moving from an opt-in to a presumed consent (opt-out) organ donation regime increases
organ donation rates by 25-30%

• Moving from an opt-in to an active choice regime paradoxically reduces organ donation
o In California, organ donor registration rates declined after the state moved from an
opt-in to an active choice regime
o In a laboratory study on actual organ donor registration decisions, an active choice
regime yielded a lower probability of organ donor registration than an opt-in regime
• One explanation for the paradoxical finding is that family members ultimately have the final
say about organ donation. In an opt-in regime, families are much more likely to be willing
to donate organs of someone who is not registered as an organ donor than in an active
choice regime. Not registering as an organ donor in an active choice regime sends a stronger
signal about organ donation preferences than in an opt-in regime, where lack of registration
could be the result of either procrastination or not wanting to be an organ donor.

Grading notes:
* 2 points for False, 1 point for uncertain
* 2 points for getting the evidence on going from opt-in to opt-out roughly correct
* 3 points for getting the evidence on active choice vs. opt-in roughly correct

8. T/F/U Explain (7 pts). Giving consumers more options to choose from makes
consumers worse off.

• Giving consumers more options increases the likelihood that one of the options will be a
good match to a consumer’s idiosyncratic preferences, so more options can be a good thing.

• However, if there are too many options, choice can be overwhelming.

• When there are “too many” options, consumers can procrastinate making any choice which
can leave them worse off (e.g., delay signing up for their savings plan).
• When there are “too many” options, consumers may also adopt heuristics to simplify
making a choice, but sometimes these heuristics can results in choosing an inferior option.

• An increase in the number of options is more likely to increase (decrease) welfare if the
options are easy (difficult) to compare, for example, if they can (cannot) be aligned along a
single dimension.

• An increase in the number of options is more likely to increase (decrease) welfare if the
consumer has more (less) experience with similar choices and has (does not have) a clear
mapping between a choice and how it will impact welfare.

Grading notes:
*2 points for uncertain
* 1 pt for first bullet point above
* 2 pts for 2nd through 4th bullet points above
* 2 pts for a discussion of when choices are easier (alignable options, consumer experience) vs.
more difficult (the last 2 bullet points above)

Short Answer. 4 questions (44 points total)

PLEASE NOTE: Your score will be based largely on your explanation

9. (8 points) In sporting competitions, we often observe that the team in the lead plays
more conservatively (takes fewer risks) than the team that is behind. What
behavioral model that we have covered in class can explain this result, and what
evidence have we discussed in class that would support this observation?

• This outcomes is supported by prospect theory

• Under prospect theory, individuals (teams) evaluate how they are doing relative to a
reference point. In this case, a plausible reference point would be the performance of the
opposing team—are they doing better or worse than the opposing team.

• Under prospect theory, individuals (teams) are risk averse in the gain space (when they are
ahead) ! they play conservatively
• BUT, individuals (teams) are risk seeking in the loss space (when they are behind) ! they
take chances

• Evidence to support this:

o Individuals in last place are much more likely to accept a risky gamble relative to a
sure thing than individuals who are not in last place
o Individuals are more likely to accept a risky gamble relative to a sure thing if the
risky gamble is framed in terms of losses rather than framed in terms of gains (see
Lecture 4)
Grading notes:
* 3 points for “prospect theory”/evaluating relative to a reference point
* 3 points for prospect theory ! risk seeking in loss space (when behind), risk averse in gain
space (when ahead)
* 2 points for examples

10. (12 points) One concept that we have discussed in class is dynamic inconsistency.

A) What is dynamic inconsistency (as we have used the term in this class)?

B) What gives rise to this pattern of behavior?

C) What empirical evidence is there to support to notion of dynamically inconsistent

D) What types of interventions might help reduce dynamically inconsistent

A) Dynamic inconsistency occurs when individual preferences about when to do something
depend on when in time they are making the evaluation (e.g., I will exercise tomorrow, but
when tomorrow comes I don’t exercise) Grading note: 3 points
B) Present-biased preferences, in particular, the beta parameter in a quasi-hyperbolic discount
function (you do not need to use this term) that uniformly discounts all periods in the future
relative to the present generates dynamically inconsistent behavior Grading note: 3 points
C) Where do we start? So many examples to choose from: Grading note: 3 points
• Chocolate today vs. fruit tomorrow
• Comedy today vs. high-brow movie tomorrow
• Cookies today vs. exercise tomorrow
• Good intentions to start saving tomorrow that aren’t followed up on
• Demand for commitment devices (savings accounts with penalties, buying fertilizer in
Kenya well before the next growing season)
D) Interventions: Grading note: 3 points
• Commitment devices (savings lock box, money shredding alarm clock, advance purchase
fertilizer contract)
• Automatic enrollment
• Deadline (infinite cost to procrastinating)
• Rewards for not procrastinating (likely to work better with a deadline)
• Require active choice today (cannot procrastinate cost of making a choice)
• Plan-making

11. (12 points) Explain how the following concepts can be applied to election outcomes
and discuss any relevant empirical evidence from class lectures or from the course

A) Choice architecture of the ballot
B) Planning
C) Framing
D) Social norms/social pressure
A) The physical design of the ballot (e.g., the order on the ballot, the length of the ballot, the voting
technology (e.g. punch card vs. touch screen) can impact election outcomes. Relevant empirical
• California gubernatorial recall election—position of minor candidates next to Arnold
Schwazenegger ! more votes for the minor candidates (presumably misvoting)
• Ballot order—ballot propositions are more likely to pass the close they are to the top of the
• Candidate order—candidates get a higher vote share when they are listed first relative to
other candidates
B) Individuals are more likely to follow through on an intended course of action if they make a
concrete plan. Evidence: single voters asked to make a concrete voting plan are 9 percentage
point more likely to vote than single voter who were not asked to make a plan
C) Framing refers to the fact that the way in which we evaluate of a choice changes depending
the contextual factors surround the choice. In the context of voting, the self reported
probability of voting is higher if past turnout is framed as having been high, rather than if past
turnout is framed as having been low. Realized voter turnout is also higher if an appeal to vote
is framed around the importance of “being a voter” rather than around the importance of
D) Social norms/social pressure. What others are doing and what we think other think about
what we are doing matters in the decisions we make for our own behavior. In the context of
voting, individuals are more likely to vote if they think that others will know whether or not
they voted (social pressure). As noted above, individuals are also more likely to vote if they are
led to believe that past voter turnout (social norm) was high.
Grading note: 3 points for each subpart of the question

12. (12 points) A recent study examined the amount of life insurance coverage obtained
by employees before and after their employer changed the life insurance coverage
options offered to its workers. The firm provides all workers with a baseline level of
life insurance coverage. In addition, employees can purchase additional coverage at
competitive rates through the employer. Employees can increase or decrease the
amount of supplemental coverage that they have at any time.

A few years ago, the employer substantially increased the level of baseline coverage
provided to employees. This change applied to all employees at the firm. The study
found the following results:

A) For employees hired before the increase in the baseline level of life insurance
coverage, the average total amount of life insurance (the baseline level of
coverage PLUS the amount of additional coverage purchased by employees)
increased one-for-one with the increase in the baseline level of life insurance
coverage after the policy change

B) For employees hired after the increase in the baseline level of life insurance
coverage, the average total amount of life insurance (the baseline level of
coverage PLUS the amount of additional coverage purchased by employees) was
no different than the total amount of life insurance coverage held by employees
with similar levels of tenure before the policy change.

Using principles of behavioral economics that we have discussed in class, provide a
coherent explanation for this pattern of results.

Inertia: employees hired before the change made a decision about how much supplemental life
insurance to purchase taking into account the availability of the baseline amount of insurance,
but they are slow to change this decision once the baseline level of coverage has changed. The
default is to stick with the choice already made, and there is a cost to re-optimizing in the wake
of the policy change. For newly hired employees, the default level of supplemental coverage is
0; conditional on taking action to purchase supplemental coverage, there is no default. Newly
hired employees take into account the higher level of baseline coverage when choosing how
much supplemental coverage to buy, and elect a lower level of supplemental coverage, leaving
them with the same total amount of coverage as the employees already at the firm had before
the policy change. The policy change increases the total amount of insurance coverage for the
existing employees, but not for the newly hired employees. We discussed similar behavior in
class w.r.t. health insurance plan choices and savings plan contribution rates (different
outcomes for newly hired vs. existing employees in the wake of plan changes).
Grading note: 4 points: inertia/status quo bias; 3 points: how this impacts the existing employees;
3 points: why this is not relevant for the newly hired employees; 2 points: appeal to other relevant
evidence of similar behavior discussed in class


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