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City of Manila

One Mehan Gardens, Manila
Tel. No. 309-0588

Program : Bachelor Of Science In Business Administration

Major In Human Resource Development Management

Year Level : 3rd year

Course Title : Human Resource Management
Course Code : BAC 215
No. of Units : 3 units
Pre-requisites : Operations Management; Strategic Management

Course Description
Rationale : This course examines the role of human resource professional as a
strategic partner in managing today’s organizations. Key functions
such as recruitment, selection, development, appraisal, retention,
compensation, occupational health and safety and labor relations are
examined. Implications of legal and global environments are
appraised and current issues

Focus : Application of the basic functions of management such as planning,

organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Application of the basic
concepts that underlie Human Resources Management and employ
these concepts in various business situations. A complete
understanding of the concepts, principles, theories, philosophies in
Human resource and be able to handle the many diverse human
capital requirements of the organization, including recruitment, staffing,
training and career development. Evaluation and demonstration of
employment process and facilitate the integration process in the
corporate environment so they can be immediately productive once

Learning Outcomes : At the end of the course, you are expected to apply the basic
functions of management such as planning, organizing, staffing,
directing and controlling in the recruitment, selection and retention of
human resources. You are expected to be able to apply the basic
concepts that underlie Human Resources Management and employ
these concepts in various business situations. You must have
complete understanding of the concepts, principles, theories,
philosophies in Human resource and be able to handle the many
diverse human capital requirements of the organization, including
recruitment, staffing, training and career development. You must ear
the skill to evaluate and demonstrate employment process and
facilitate the integration process in the corporate environment so they
can be immediately productive once employed.

Module Title : Orientation & Introduction to the Course

Module No. : #1

Total Study Hours : 3 hours

Module Writer : G. Ochoa
Learning Facilitator : G. Ochoa
Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
Contacts : CP: 0923-3187950 ; [email protected]

Module Introduction: This module focuses on the first segment of the course Human
Resource Management (BAC 215 –HRDM; BAC 213 –MM; ECC 3111-
BEN). You will learn about the elements in an organization and the
importance of HRM from three related but different points of view. You
will be enlightened on the nature, basics, structure, functions, roles and
activities of human resource management.

You will spend a total of 6 hours on distance learning to complete this

module. You will be using a variety of resources to facilitate the learning
such as online lectures, power point presentation, video clips, and
reading materials.

In this module, you will be given an activities and quiz to assess your

Module Aims : This module aims to give you a complete understanding on the
elements in the organization and the importance of Human Resource
Management. This module will lead you to a deeper understanding on
the nature, basics, structure, functions, roles and activities of human
resource management.

Module Learning Outcomes: By the end of this module, you should be able to:
 profoundly explain the definition of human resource management;
 discuss the nature, basics and structure; and
 identify and differentiate the functions, roles and activities of HRM

Contents : A. What are the three elements in an organization?

There are three important elements in an organization. These are
people, ideas and things.

Activity 1 : Which among the three elements mentioned above

do you think is the most important? Justify your answer. Just
click the link, write and submit your answer here in the google

Organizations look for people (recruitment and selection) and hire

deserving applicants who will be working with the company. From
people, you will be able to acquire ideas; it may be a bright idea
which your company may benefit from it; or an indifferent idea from
which a new product may be introduced to the market or an
innovation of an existing product or service. From such idea, is the
creation of things which may be referred to as a product. A product or
service which may be offered to the market, which the market needs.

Economist recognized that human knowledge, skills and abilities are

significant determinants of organizational productivity. The
application of the combination of the three (human knowledge, skills
and abilities) will maximize the individual’s potential output that is
necessary in the profitability and success of an organization.

Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
B. What are the three related but different points of view that
consider Human Resource Management as important?

There are different points of view where Human Resource is

considered important. These are:
 As a Managerial Resource
 As Non-Managerial Resource
 As a Determinant of Technology

 As a Managerial Resource in its capacity as management.

The human resource is important in the managerial capacity.
The quality of the human resource engaged in management is
a major determinant of the productivity of employees in
organization. It means that the effectiveness of productive
effort, as measured in terms of the rate of output of employees
depends on the set of people in the administration, if they have
the heart and concern for employees, then employees will be
motivated to work at their best.

 As Non-Managerial Resource in its capacity as worker. The

human resource is also important in non-managerial, or worker
capacity. Without application of human effort, both physical
resource and technology, will result to little productive value to
other resources. Thus, if combined, it will give organizations
their synergistic potentials. The interaction or cooperation of
the worker capacity, physical resources and technology
produces a combined effect greater than the sum of their
separate effects. The potential ability will be more successful
and productive if they are integrated.

 As a Determinant of Technology. Research has shown that

the level of ability of human resources has a major influence on
the productive capability of a nation. The human resource
determines the level of technology available to an organization.
The kind of technology used by companies vary depending on
the human resource knowledge. The procurement and the
availability of the technology will rely on the personnel who will
control it.

C. What is Human Resource Management?

Human resources management is the art and science of acquiring,
motivating, maintaining and developing people in their jobs in the light
of their personal, professional and technical knowledge, skills
potentialities, needs and values and in synchronization with the
organization’s philosophy, resources and culture for the maximum
achievement of individual, organization and society’s goals. (Martires)

Human Resource Management is the strategic approach to the

effective management of people in a company or organization such
that they help their business gain a competitive advantage. It is
designed to maximize employee performance in service of an
employer's strategic objectives.( Wikipedia)

Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
HRM as a science has a process which implies the five functions of
management which are planning, organizing, staffing, directing and
controlling (POSDICON) as some proponents believe in. On the other
hand, there are proponents who stand on the functions of management
as planning, organizing, leading and controlling (POLC). HRM deals
only with people so that they can manage the other resources within
their domain of responsibility efficiently and effectively.

HRM, therefore, is a science drawing from the theories and principles

of management and other disciplines. It is also an art, being a highly
individual process eliciting human behavior skills. A combination of the
cognitive and affective aspects of management makes human
resources management efficient and effective. When we say cognitive
aspects, it refers to the intellectual functions and processes such as
attention, knowledge, memory, judgment, evaluation, reasoning,
decision-making, comprehension and production of language, while
affective aspects refer to the mental processes or behavior directed
toward action or change, including impulse, desire, volition and
Here, below is a powerpoint presentation of the topics being discussed
above for your clearer understanding.

1 elements to
functions of management.pptx

D. What is the nature of HRM?

Human Resource (HR) management is a field that has evolved a great
deal since its beginning about 1900. It began as a primarily clerical
operation concerned with payroll, employee record, and arranging
community visits. The social legislations of the 1960’s and 1970’s
forced dramatic changes. ‘Personnel department,’ as it was called,
became concerned with the legal ramifications of policies and
procedures affecting employees. In the 1990s, globalizations,
competitors, mergers, and acquisitions forced Human Resource
departments to become more concerned with cost, planning, and the
implications of various HR (human resource) strategies for both
organizations and their employees.

Click this link and read. This is about the Labor Law highlights.
Work on the summary -summarize the events emphasizing the

E. What is the basic of HRM?

For many organizations, talented employees are the cornerstone of a
competitive advantage. If the organization competes based on new
ideas outstanding customer service, or quick, accurate decisions,
having excellent employees is critical. Of course, not every
organization must compete on the basis of having the best employee,
not even for those that do not. Employees are the major source of
performance, problems, growth, resistance, and lawsuits.

Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
The main concept that underlies the practice of HRM is that human
beings are the most important critical resource and asset in the growth
and development of an organization. Both the individual and
organization interact with one another, each having its set of goals,
needs, perception, and culture but both influencing each other to
promote their ends.

F. What are the functions of HRM?

Functions refers to the purpose or responsibility. The functions of the
HRD according to Martirez can be categorized according to the
following: job organization and information; acquisition of human
resources; maintenance; development and research on human

1. Job Organization and Information. Prepares a job

descriptions and job specifications as part of job analysis. Development
and admits job evaluation programs for entire company. Assist and
coordinates with the production/operations Department in the
preparation of job design. Keeps an organized and functional file of
these job descriptions, specification, job design and evaluation, and
advises top management and other line managers on their use.

2. Acquisition of HR. Conducts HR planning for the entire

company. Recruits HR needed. Screens applicants for work. Selects
the best work applicants. Recommends its choice or choices to the line
department and top management. Places the selected applicant in the
right place in coordination with requisitioning department. Develops
sound recruitment, screening, selection and placement policies and
procedures in coordination with the other departments. Maintains a
complete record system of all HR of the entire organization, and
Maintains adequate HR at all times for the entire organization.

3. Maintenance. To maintain employees to stay in the

organization, the management must develop a sound compensation
program for the entire company. Administer wage, salary and benefit
schemes. Formulates, recommends and evaluates policies and
practices regarding employee welfare: health, safety, insurance,
transportation, housing, children’s benefits, etc. Acts as signatory for
approval of loans and other benefits given to workers. Formulates
performance evaluation tools. Administer performance evaluation tools
in coordination with other line managers.
Prepares and recommends budget of HR operations. Assist line
managers take care of the movement of the employees: promotion
layoff, transfer, resignation, retirement, etc.: Sees to it that every
decision as much as possible is made in light of labor laws and
government regulations: And takes care of management negotiations
over labor contracts.

4. Development. Prepares short and long range plans for

training and education for the entire organization from top management
to rank and file. Prepares criteria for the selection of applicants for the
program of staff development and outside of the organization.
Announces available training and education programs within and
outside of the organization. Helps screen the applicants for these
programs. Develops a career planning program for the entire
organization. Implements the career planning program together with
Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
line managers. Provides a counseling program for those who need the
counseling service and Prepares the budget for the programs.

5. Research on Human Resources. Prepares periodically a

list of possible research projects on HR that can be conducted by the
organization and by external groups. Conducts research studies on HR
of the entire organization. Recommends to top management some
external organizations that can be commissioned to conduct studies
that the organization itself may not be able to perform. Acts as
information group to external research groups. Helps the Information
Division and/or Public Relations Divisions put out a paper/ organ
disseminating information on HR policies, practices, programs and

G. What are the roles of HRM?

A Role is a part being played by someone in a particular situation, it is a
descriptive label identifying who they are. HRM ROLES according to
Mathis and Jackson. HR management professionals and their
responsibilities, approaches, and credibility with upper management
vary from organization to organization. In some, HR is full, contributing
partner to the mission and strategies of organizations. In such firm’s
senior executives would not even consider a merger without consulting
HR on the issues previously mentioned. However, in other
organizations HR remains more of a clerical and administrative
operation limited primarily to doing payroll and benefits works.

1. Administrative role for HR. At the most basic level, the

necessary HR activities in a company are handled by operating
managers or “outsource” under contract to specialized vendors. At this
level HR management is mostly a clerical and administrative support
operation. The organization may not even hire any employees directly,
but “lease” them for a free from an employee leasing firm that hires,
pays, provides benefits and dismisses them when necessary.

2. Employee advocate role for HR. HR has been viewed as

the “employee advocate” in organization. As the voice for employee
concerns, HR professionals traditionally have been seen as “company
morale officers” who do not understand the business realities of the
organization and do not contribute measurably to the strategic success
of the business. Some have been suggested dismantling HR
departments totally because they contribute little to the productivity and
growth of the organization.

3. Operational role of HR. Typically, the operation requires

HR professional to identify and implement needed programs and
policies in the organization in cooperation with operating managers.
This role traditionally includes many of the HR activities mentioned
earlier in the chapter.HR implements plans suggested by or developed
in conjunction with other managers, as well as those identified by HR
professionals. Even though priorities may change as labor markets and
the economy change, on the operational role of HR managers devote
time to a variety of HR concerns.

4. Strategic role for HR. For HR to play a strategic role it

must focus on the long-term implications of HR issues. How changing
Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
workforce demographics and workforce shortages will affect the
organization, and what means will be used to address the shortages
overtime, are example of the strategic role. A strategic role for HR is
important, but it requires a high level of professional and business

The importance of the strategic role has been the subject of extensive
discussion recently on the field, and those discussions emphasize the
need for HR management to become a greater strategic contributor to
the success of organizations. Even non-profit organizations, such as
governmental or social service entities, must manage their HR in a
“business-oriented” manner. The research in writing of a number of
scholars stresses the role of HR as a strategic business partner.

2 functions and
roles of HRM.pptx

According to Martires, in general, organization set up the following

departments: administration, production, (business setting) or
operations (government agencies), marketing (business setting),
finance, HR, services, public relation, legal, corporate affairs and
research development. In some organizations, the HRD is subsumed or
is included in other department or it may be a separate department by
itself. The formation or establishment of a separate HRD, more often
than not, is determined by size of organizational population, philosophy
of management, organizational emphasis and financial resources.

Structures of the HRD. There are three dimensions of organizational

structure, namely: structure of skills, structure of rewards, and structure
of authority. The structure of skills covers treating the staff
qualifications of the Human Resources Department while structure of
rewards covers compensation and benefits administration. The
structure of authority refers to the degree of centralization or
decentralization of decision- making normally expressed in terms of the
following four measures: width of the organization, height or tallness of
the organization, span of control and organization.
Width of the organization. The number of subsystems,
departments, sections and units comprises the width of organization.
The organization itself which is a subsystem of a society consists of
various departments. Depending on the type and objectives of the
organization, it can have as many departments to implement its
functions in order to achieve its objectives.

Height of organization. This refers to the existing levels, statuses

and positions. Just like the width, its height depends on available
resources. The flat organization is generally wide with relatively fewer
As per the study conducted by Poblador, the height or tallness and
width or flatness of an organization is a function of the philosophy of
management usually articulated in terms of leadership. Tall
organizations are usually associated with democratic leadership while
wide or flat organizations with autocratic leadership.

Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
Span of Control. This refers to the number of employees
supervised at various levels of the organization. The HRD in the
organizations studied by Martires, vary widely on this measure of
centralization. As few as one, to as many as 22 at any one level are
under one supervisor. The administrative component is smaller in the
private companies than in the public agencies.

Organizations are in a constant state of instability arising from

internal and external changes. It is difficult if not impossible, to
structure an ideal organization considering that it is not static.
Armstrong holds that “There is no one right way of organizing
anything, and there is no such thing as the perfect organization.
There are always alternatives…” He added that “people” is the factor
that causes “greatest concern” and that “…They will not slot
themselves conveniently into organizational boxes….”

The personal, professional and career development of people is a

prime concern of the organization if its human resources are to
become assets that will contribute to its growth and development. The
institutional variables such as the workplace, work design, reward
system, career system, and continuing training affect tremendously
worker productivity. While individual goals ultimately move staff and
workers to heights, the organization goals constitute another very
relevant factor, especially from the owners and management’s point of

ETHICS AND HR. As the issues faced in HRM increase in number

and complexity, so do the pressures and challenges of acting
ethically. Ethically issues pose fundamental questions about fairness,
justice, truthfulness and social responsibilities. Concerns arise about
the standards used by managers and employees, particularly those in
business organizations.

Ethical behavior. Ethics deal with what “ought” to be done. For the
HR professionals, it is the way in which the managers ought to act
relative to a human resource issue. However, determining specific
actions is not always easy. Just complying with the laws does not
guarantee ethical behavior. Laws and regulations cannot cover every
situation HR professionals and employees will face. Instead, people
must be guided by values and personal behavior “codes”

For you to understand the lecture in this module, please watch this:

3 structure.pptx

Teaching and Learning Activities : Blended Online lecture, independent study or with the
help of your guardian/parent, powerpoint presentation, ,
reading materials thru links provided.

Assessment Methods : Activities using google forms

Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
Classroom policies:

Expectations from student: The student should come in class prepared. He/she
is expected to take all examinations on the scheduled
date. He/she is expected to submit the requirement/s on
scheduled due dates. He/she should read the assigned
reading materials prior to class. He/she is expected to
attend each class and participate actively in discussions.

Policy on Absences: The student enrolled in a 1 ½ hour class is allowed

only to incur five (5) absences. Request for an excused
absence/s must be presented upon reporting back to
class. Special examinations will be allowed only in
special cases, such as prolonged illness. It is the
responsibility of the student to monitor his/her own tardy
incidents and absences that might accumulate leading to
a failing grade. It is also his/her responsibility to consult
with the teacher, chair or dean should his/her case be of
special nature. Two (2) tardiness is equivalent to one (1)

Academic honesty: All students are expected to be academically

honest. Cheating, lying and other forms of unethical
behavior will not be tolerated. Any student found guilty
of cheating in examinations or plagiarism in submitted
course requirements will receive a failing grade in the
course requirement or in the course. Plagiarism refers to
the use of books, notes or other intellectual property
without giving proper attribution to its author,
representing the work of another person as one’s own;
Cheating refers to securing help in test; copying test,
assignments, reports or reaction papers; collaborating
with other students during an examination or in preparing
academic work; signing another student’s name on an
attendance sheet; or otherwise practicing scholastic

Learning Environment : The teaching-learning environment must be as

contained in the Policies, Standards and Guidelines of
CHED, IATF and the Local government of Manila.

Related Learning Experiences:

Independent Study: Use of the Learner’s time spent outside the classroom are
areas for self-directed learning using available resources
(actual and online resources) equivalent to at least 30-45
hours of the total hours credited for the course.

Resources: Laptop and other Audio-visual equipment; Survey forms

Course Requirements: Attendance, Exercises, Quizzes, Case Study analysis and

Major Exams and other materials required to submit.

Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management
Relevant CHED Memo and Administrative orders s. 2006 and 2017, R.A. 11469

Davis, K. and Newstrom, J. Human Behavior at Work. New York. McGraw-Hill
International Book Co.
Mathis, R. and Jackson J. (2005) Foundation Series in Management: Human
Resource Management Essential Perspective 3 rd ed. Canada. South-Western
Medina, R. Human Behavior in Organization. Quezon City. Rex Bookstore Inc.
Newstrom, J. (2008) Organizational Behavior: Human Behavior at Work. McGraw-
Hill International Book Co.
Noe, R., et al. (2007Foundation of Human Resource Management. New York.
McGraw-Hill/ Irwin
Serrano, A. (2016). Strategic Human Resource Management. Manila. Unlimited
Books Library Services and Publishing, Inc.


Instructor Information : GERTRUDES N. OCHOA

Consultation Days :
Time :
Room : Faculty Room

Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning Plan for Human Resource Management

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