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Writing Reports


17.0 Objectives
11.1 Introduction
17.2 Questionnaire Method: Definition
17.3 Questionnaire Construction
11.7.1 Types of Questionnaires
11.7.2 Types of Questions
11.7.3 Use of Scales
11.7.4 Precautions
17.4 Pretesting of Questionnaire
17.5 Distribution of Questionnaire
17.6 Response Rate
17.7 Advantages and Limitations of Questionnaire Method
17.8 Summary
17.9 Answers to Self Check Exercises
17.10 References and Further Reading

After reading this Unit, you will be able to:
• understand the meaning of questionnaire;
• state the methodology of its construction;
• learn the technique of preparing and pretesting the questionnaire and the
precautions to be taken;
• elucidate the administration of questionnaire distribution and collection;
• identify advantages and limitations of questionnaire method; and
• comprehend the emerging trends in this field.

In the field of Library and Information Science, survey research is heavily used
in exploring the user information needs and use patterns. In order to strengthen
the information resources and services in the libraries the researchers conduct
surveys. These library surveys are attempted to gather data for investigations
and to know the characteristics of users, their needs, etc.

In survey research, the data is gathered by using three types of methods:

Observation, Interview and Questionnaire. In this Unit we will learn the technique
of preparing questionnaire, its distribution, advantages, limitations and emerging
trends in this area.

Advanced Writing Skills
Questionnaire is an instrument of data collection. The researchers most commonly
use this method for collecting data. In order to gather data on a particular research
topic, the researcher lists the questions to which s/he requires answers. The list
of questions arranged in some order is either given personally, or sent / mailed to
the target population.
A questionnaire is a set of written questions for respondents to answer. These
answers become primary data for investigation. According to Krishan Kumar
(1992) “a questionnaire is a written document listing a series of questions
pertaining to the problem under study, to which the investigator requires the
answers”. Schvaneveltd (1985) defined questionnaire as “a data-gathering device
that elicits from a respondent the answers or reactions to printed (pre-arranged)
questions presented in a specific order.” Questionnaires are often used in surveys
as the primary data collection instruments.


While preparing a questionnaire, caution must be taken in selection of questions
and variables so that the researcher could receive accurate answers to the issues
that a researcher wants to explore. The purpose of this type of data gathering
technique is to obtain valid and reliable information so that smooth investigation
can be conducted and the hypothesis can be tested. It is essential for the researcher
to have a clear understanding of the problem under study. Hence, s/he needs to
review the related literature before finalising the contents of the questionnaire.
Often you may require a covering letter to validate the authenticity of your
research. The covering letter explains the identity of the researcher, the objectives
of the research. It also includes the need for questionnaire to be addressed to the
respondent. It should tell the respondents what use will be made of the results
and precisely what will happen to their answers. Hence, a covering letter,
requesting the respondent for cooperation should explain the purpose of the
questionnaire, while ensuring the confidentiality of their answers. This assurance
will motivate the respondents to express their views freely.
Please find below a specimen copy of the covering letter is given:
For Private Circulation Only
Impact of the Internet on Scholarly Communication of Social Scientists of Central
Universities in Delhi
Dear Respondent,
I am conducting a research on the impact of Internet on scholarly communication of
social scientists. In this connection I have designed a questionnaire to get the responses
of social scientists. I request you to spare some of your valuable time in filling in this
questionnaire. The answers will be kept confidential and will be used for the purpose
of research only.
Please find enclosed the questionnaire and a self addressed stamped envelope. You
are requested to fill the questionnaire and post it within a week. Your cooperation in
this regard will be highly appreciated.
With thanks
Yours sincerely,
48 Name and address of the Researcher
Only those types of questions should be asked which the target population can Questionnaire Method
understand and has the knowledge to answer them. Williams (1997) is of the
opinion that researcher should conduct some fieldwork with the target group in
the form of interview or observation work. This in turn assists the researcher in
knowing the pulse of the sample and also their reaction to a particular section of
the questionnaire.
In the mailed questionnaire stamped self-addressed envelope should be provided.
Reminders should be sent two to four weeks after posting the initial questionnaire.
Let us look at some of the steps that should be followed in constructing a
questionnaire and writing the final report.
Steps to be followed in questionnaire construction and writing the report:
1) Determining the scope of the questionnaire.
2) Deciding the type of questions (close ended or open ended) to be asked.
3) Preparing the draft questionnaire.
4) Pretesting the questionnaire with a sample population.
5) Revising the questionnaire according to the suggestions received.
6) Distributing of the questionnaire to the actual sample.
7) Sending reminders to the population under study.
8) Receiving the responses.
9) Analysing and interpreting of the data received.
10) Writing the report.
Length of the Questionnaire
There is no prescribed length for a standard questionnaire. However, there is a
belief that if the questionnaire is too long its response rate drops. Length of the
questionnaire depends on the topic of the research problem and size of the target
population. The response rate may vary according to the type of clientele as
well. The length of the questionnaire must definitely take into consideration the
cost and the willingness of the target population to answer. Hence, a general
statement about the length of questionnaire cannot be made.
Questionnaire is not simply listing of relevant questions on a subject. The
researcher must know what is the objective of the research undertaken and what
type of questions to ask. Questions should be such which will elicit the required
Guiding Principles to be followed in the questionnaire:
1) It should be self-explanatory.
2) Questions should be restricted to close ended as opened ended questions
could receive vague and incomplete responses, which are difficult to interpret.
3) Less number of questions in the questionnaire helps in receiving high
response rate.
4) Attractive layout of the questionnaire is necessary. It helps in completion of
the questionnaires.
5) Proper instructions should be provided to the respondents in filling up the
questionnaire. 49
Advanced Writing Skills Self Check Exercise
Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answer given at the end of this Unit.
1) Explain why length of a questionnaire determines its response rate.
2) Why covering letter is necessary in a mailed questionnaire?

17.3.1 Types of Questionnaires

Mc Kornam (1996) categorized questionnaires into three types: i) Mailed
questionnaire ii) Group administered questionnaire iii) Personal contact

First of these three types is a postal questionnaire. Williams(1997) calls this type
self-completion questionnaire. This type has a pre determined set of questions.
The respondents are provided with self-addressed stamped envelope to return
within two to four weeks after posting the questionnaire. This type of questionnaire
contains a covering letter, which explains the purpose, objectives of the research.
It also requests the respondent for co-operation and assures them of confidentiality
of their answers. This type of questionnaires costs less compare to other types.
Respondents can take their own time in filling it. The advantage of this type is
that it covers a wider geographical area. The biggest disadvantage of mailed
questionnaire is low response rate. While most of the questionnaires return after
two weeks, some may even return after two months adding to the time and cost
of data collection. Mailed questionnaire may be filled by someone other than the
respondent. The answer may also be incomplete; incomplete questionnaire
sometimes pose a serious problem at the time of analysis of data.

The second type is group-administered questionnaire. In this method the

respondents gather at one place and complete the questionnaire. This type of
method is basically used by the teachers to gather data on any research query. In
the third, category the researcher and the respondents come together and
questionnaire is filled in the presence of the researcher or by the researcher.

17.3.2 Types of Questions Questionnaire Method

What type of Questions should be included in the questionnaire for survey

research? There is no unanimity on this issue. Each type has its own advantages
and disadvantages. Numen (1997) asserts: “The crucial issue is not which form
is best. Rather it is under which conditions a form is most appropriate”. The
choice of questions also depends upon the topic of research, the target population,
etc. Survey questions can be grouped into two categories i.e. open ended and
close-ended questions.

Open Ended Questions

Open-ended questions give liberty to the respondents to express their views.
They give tremendous freedom to the respondents to answer according to their
interpretation. Given below is an example of an open-ended question.

Example of Open Ended Questions:

Can you suggest some ways to further improve the use of Internet in your research?
Advantages of Open Ended Questions
• Unanticipated answers can be obtained from the respondents.
• Researcher can get the real views of the respondents.
• Respondents can give their views in their own language reflecting creativity,
self expression and richness of detail.
• Such answers reveal the logic of the respondents.

Disadvantages of Open Ended Questions

• Responses can be vague, irrelevant or not to the point.
• Many interpretations of the same question may not lead to valuable analysis.
• Coding of the responses is not possible.
• Respondent needs more time to answer.
• More space is required for answers in the questionnaire.
• Respondents may use different terms for the same concept.
The responses to open ended questions are difficult to analyse but not impossible.
The researcher has to carefully study the responses and put them in different
categories. This process may be very time consuming.

Close Ended Questions

Close ended questions are best suited for large-scale surveys. They are easier
and quicker for the respondents as well as for the researcher. The Close-ended
Advanced Writing Skills questions in the questionnaire may sometimes suggest strange results. This
problem can be overcome by taking interviews, which can supplement the
information on the close ended questions.

There is another problem faced by the researcher while formulating different

choices for a particular question. If the choices are less the desired results cannot
be achieved. If the choices are too many, it may confuse the participant and
appropriate answers cannot be received.

Close-ended questions are provided with a list of accepted answers. A respondent

has to pick and choose the right answers. The responses chosen by respondents
may be best suited to them but they may not be the correct answers. There is a
possibility that the list of alternative answers may not be sufficient for the
respondent, hence, limiting his/her options. Given below is an example of a
close-ended question.

Example of Close Ended Question:

Given here are some reasons with regard to dissatisfaction with the current state
of Internet based resources. Rank your answers by 1,2,3….. etc. Rank no. 1 is
for the highest.
• There is dearth of research resources on the net _____.
• Instability of e- resources——.
• Difficulty in verifying the authenticity of information on the net ———.
• The state of Indexing and Search engines not helpful ———.
• Lack of standardization ———.
Paul Burton further classifies the close ended questions into single choice or
multiple-choice questions.


Single choice question:

Gender: Male Female

Multiple-choice question:

Which of the following computing skills do you have?

Word processing Internet browing E-mail etc.

Databasse Power point


Any other please specify ........................................

Advantages of Close Ended Questions

• Cost effective.
• Answers of the respondents can be compared.

• Easy for respondents to answer. Questionnaire Method

• Easy to code and tabulate.

• Performance of the respondents is more reliable.
• Researcher can also reliably interpret the answers.
• Sensitive questions can be properly answered.
• Less number of confused answers.
• Less knowledgeable persons can also answer.
• With limited number of answer options, the possibility of getting enough
responses to the options or categories may be useful for analysis.
Disadvantages of Close Ended Questions
• Ideas of the researchers are imposed on the respondents.
• Less knowledgeable can also answer due to the availability of multiple
• It is possible that respondents get frustrated by not getting the desirous options
of their choice.
• Multiple choices from the researcher may be confusing for the respondents.
The disadvantages of both types of questions can be reduced if there is a judicious
mix of both the categories in the questionnaire. Most of the questionnaires mix
these two types. Open and close-ended types of questions are required to get
facts or opinions of the respondents. Which type of the questions will be adopted
will depend on various factors. For quantitative data, factual questions are
required. In this case close-ended questions will suit the most. For qualitative
data the open-ended questions are required though they are less easy to categories
and less amenable to computer techniques.

Framing of Questions
Before framing the questionnaire the researcher has to review the literature on
the area to determine the type of questions to be asked. Flower (1987) has
suggested four queries to be addressed before finalising a question in the
1) Is this a question that can be asked exactly the way it is written?
2) Is this a question that will mean the same thing to everyone?
3) Is this a question that people can answer?
4) Is this a question that people will be willing to answer, given the data
collection procedure?
Terminology and jargon play a very important role in obtaining relevant responses.
The researcher who is immersed in the subject sometimes forgets the target
population’s limited knowledge to understand the terms. Paul Burton suggests
that to overcome the problem of use and relevance of technical terms, pretesting
the questionnaire is essential. Pretesting may also help in eliminating ambiguity
in the questions. For example, questions on frequency of use, visit to the library,
etc. should not use the terms like ‘Frequently’, ‘Often’, and ‘Occasionally’ as
the users may interpret these terms differently.
Advanced Writing Skills While drafting close ended questions, the researcher has to decide the inclusion
of negative answers, like not sure, not at all, do not know, etc. There is a possibility
that the target population finds it easy to just strike these choices without trying
out other options. If such a choice is not given, the respondent would definitely
choose some other option. Hence, it is advisable not to include negative options
in the close ended questions.

Sensitive questions should also be avoided. Precaution must be taken in choosing

controversial, emotional words. The choice of words should be such which
increases willingness on the part of the respondents to answer as well as increases
the response rate for the questions. High technical jargon, confusing words, words
with multiple meanings also cause hindrance.

Sequence of Questions
Questions in the questionnaire should be arranged or grouped in logical sequences.
Questions should be arranged in such a way that they do not scare the respondent
but make him/her comfortable in answering/responding. Questionnaire should
start with general but relevant questions and then moves to the specific ones. It
helps to set the logical flow in the questionnaire. Similar questions may be put
together in a group or section. For example, Question nos.1 to 10 deal with the
use of library sources and services. This type of instruction helps the respondents
to understand the grouping of questions. If the need arises, relevance of questions
should be explained to the respondents. One can divide the questionnaire into
three parts namely, opening part, middle part and end part. In the opening part
the questions are basically on the personal background of the respondents. These
questions also come under the category of demographic information; for instance
questions on age, gender, qualifications, institution, contribution in the field,
specialisation, etc. This category also involves questions pertaining to elementary
information (relating to the topic of the survey), which helps in preparing the
respondents’ profile. The middle category involves questions directly concerning
the topic of survey. The questions here are also organised in smooth and logical
flow, which helps the respondents. The first question is related to the next one
and so on. The questions on the first topic create the context within which the
respondent moves on to the next without much hindrance. For example, if the
users in a particular survey are asked about their awareness of library services or
sources, the next question should be about the usage of library and services or
sources, and this should be followed by the question on improvement of services
or sources. Finally, the last portion of the questionnaire is basically loaded with
open-ended questions on suggestions for improvement and their opinion on the
research problem undertaken. The logical and proper organisation of questions
helps in getting a completed questionnaire

Format and Layout of the Questionnaire

The format of the questions and physical layout of the questionnaire should be
made attractive, neat and easy to follow.

Questions should be properly numbered, enough space should be given to write

answers and spacing between questions should also be adequate. This will increase
accuracy and completion of questionnaire. Questions whether mailed or
distributed personally, should have attractive layout to motivate the respondents
to answer. A polite covering letter with a sentence like thank you for your
cooperation is a must. The questionnaire should leave the respondent with the Questionnaire Method
feeling that he/she is very an important component in the research project; his/
her participation in the research is very much appreciated.

Consistency of format should be maintained. Close-ended question commonly

use boxes, brackets tick mark or cross to facilitate quick responses. However,
the researcher needs to use one type to maintain uniformity and consistency.

Examples of Question Format

Horizontal type:
What is the level of satisfaction for Internet search results? (Tick mark (√) the

High —— Moderate —— Low ——-

Vertical type:
What is the level of satisfaction for Internet search results?(Tick mark(√) the
High ———
Moderate ———
Low ———-
Example of Matrix Question Format
How frequently do you find information accidentally on the web? Tick mark (√)
the answers.
Methods Frequently Often Sometime Rarely Never
Browsing websites () () () () ()
Following hyperlinks () () () () ()
Through cited works () () () () ()
in the websites
Any other method please () () () () ()
Given below are examples of some ‘response category’ choices. The choices are
adapted from Neuman (1997).
Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor
Strongly Agree, Agree, Somewhat Agree, Somewhat Disagree, Disagree, Strongly
Regularly, Often, Seldom, Never
Always, Most of the Time, Rarely, Never
More Likely, Less Likely, No Difference
Very Interested, Interested, Not Interested

Advanced Writing Skills Self Check Exercise
Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answer given at the end of this Unit.
3) Differentiate between open ended and close-ended questions.

17.3.3 Use of Scales

The questions should be designed in such a manner that the answers could be
easily and quickly analysed. Some of the questions involve simple calculation of
number and percentage. To tackle other complex issues, scaling techniques such
as rating scale and rank order scale should be used. Analysis of responses to such
questions should be done on the basis of weighted averages.

Rating Scale
A rating scale is a measuring instrument that requires the observer to assign the
rated object to categories or continua that have numerals assigned to them. This
is perhaps the most used measuring instrument as they are easy and quick to use.
Time required for administering and measuring response is shorter than many
other instruments. As a consequence, it is less expensive. However, they “lack
validity due to their proneness to constant or biased error. If used with knowledge,
skill and caution, a rating scale can prove to be a valuable measuring
instrument.”(Krishan Kumar,1992)

Rating scale can be of several types. The most usual is simply a form of precoded
questions, e.g.,

Do you find the collection in your area of research in libraries you use adequate
enough to meet your demands? Please tick mark (√) the appropriate columns.

Excellent?____ Very Adequate?_____ Adequate?____ Inadequate?____ Poor?____

The number of categories affects the dispersion of answers. A variation on the

verbal expression scale may be used to elicit the extent of agreements with various
statements. It is a normal practice to have a range of five answers, from positive
to negative, with a neutral mid-point. The above responses may be assigned
weights 5,4,3,2,1 at the stage of analysis of data. Numerical rating scale is easy
to construct and use. The numbers can be used directly for the purpose of statistical

The procedure of Likert scale essentially involves allocating scores to statements

for which the respondents can select a range of responses from ‘very useful’ to
‘no use’. Example:

Do you consider conferences/seminars as useful sources of information? If yes, Questionnaire Method
please indicate (tick mark (√)) how useful they have been for your research work?

Very useful?____ Useful?____Satisfactory?____Little use?___No use?___

In this example, choices that are most favourable to the use of conferences are
assigned the greatest weights, and the least favourable responses are assigned
the lowest weights. In this method the weighted index has been created by
multiplying the number of respondents with the numerical value assigned to all
the scales (e.g., very useful = 4, useful = 3, satisfactory = 2, little use = 1, and no
use = 0) and then dividing the product by the total number of respondents. Next
the averages of all the variables in different scales are calculated according to
weighted index and are rearranged according to the rank order.

The responses are assigned weights like 5,4,3,2 and 1 or 4,3,2,1 and 0 in a
5-point scale and 3,2, and 1 in a 3-point scale. A three-point scale is developed
for the level of difficulty. The following Tables 17.1,17.2,17.3 clarify the point.

Table 17.1: Three-Point Scale

Scale Weights
3 2 1
Level of Difficulty High Moderate Low

Table 17. 2: Five-Point Scale

Scale Weights
4 3 2 1 0
Frequency Frequently Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Dependence Solely Most of Often Some extent Not at all
the time
Degree Very useful Useful Satisfactory Little use No use

Table 17.3: Five-Point Scale

Scale Weights
5 4 3 2 1
Adequacy Excellent Very adequate Adequate Inadequate Poor

Rank Order Scale

Another rating scale used in the questionnaires is rank order scale. It is a simple
and most useful form of scale. Here the respondent ranks a list of items in order
of preference. This method “is far more economical in time and effort, on the
part of respondents as well as investigators, particularly when a large number of
items is involved.”(Line, 1981). Example:

Which methods would you adopt to find out the sources of information the library
possesses on your topic of research? Mark 1,2,3, etc., indicating your preferences
(1 stands for first preferences and 2 for second, etc.)
Advanced Writing Skills Table 17.4: Rank Order Scale

Methods Order of Preference

Consult the Librarian
Consult the Library Staff
Consult Subject Bibliography
Consult Subject Catalogue
Searching the Shelves

Self Check Exercise

Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answer given at the end of this Unit.
4) What is a rating scale?

17.3.4 Precautions
Preparation of a questionnaire is an art. It is an instrument for collecting data in
survey research. If it is constructed properly half of the survey research is done.
The researcher while constructing a questionnaire must take some of the
precautions. Neuman (1997) has suggested the following points to be avoided
while writing survey questions.
• Use of jargons, slang and abbreviations must be avoided.
• Ambiguity, confusion and vagueness have no place in a well-constructed
• Use of emotional language is not recommended; natural language makes
the respondents more comfortable.
• Double-barreled questions should be avoided and each question should be
asked for one specific aspect.
• Leading or loading questions must be avoided.
• The capability of the respondents should always kept in mind while framing
the questions otherwise it will lead to incomplete questions or questionnaires
with poor responses.
• Questions about hypothetical situations need not be asked.
• Questions about future intentions are not desirable.
• No question should have double negatives.
58 • Overlapping or unbalanced response options need to be avoided.
Busha and Harter (1980) suggest the following precautions “The investigators Questionnaire Method
have a professional responsibility:
a) To analyse carefully and understand their research problems;
b) To state their questions clearly;
c) To request only information that can be easily provided by respondents;
d) To place emphasis upon brevity and economy, consistent with an adequate
treatment of the subject;
e) The objectives of questionnaire and the nature of needed data must be made
f) Respondent’s background, ability and knowledge must also be considered.
If the respondent does not have adequate knowledge, it would be difficult
to obtain valid data;
g) Willingness of the Respondent must be ensured, otherwise questionnaire
will not be of any value;
h) Care must be taken to do away with unneeded or irrelevant questions. This
may discourage the participants to answer the questions;
i) With the help of a pre test, biased questions can be identified;
j) Ambiguous questions must be avoided; and
k) Questions that convey double meaning or pose two questions at once need
to be enter eliminated or restated/reworded. These types of questions are
called double-barreled questions.”


Survey research questionnaire act as an instrument for gathering data. It should
be pre tested before putting it to actual use. Pre testing helps in further improving
the questionnaire and works like a measuring yardstick, seeking perfection. Once
the final questionnaire is printed then there is no room for corrections and
improvement. If the researcher tries to make corrections it will be expensive as
well as difficult. To pre test the questionnaire it has to be circulated to the sample
population to receive useful comments and the researcher can revise accordingly.
Pre test also includes verbal communication with sample population about
confusing questions, difficult questions, over lapping categories, etc. In this
method the sample first fills up the questionnaire and then discusses with the
researcher on the unintelligible questions. Formal pre testing is an invaluable
part of questionnaire design process. It is a learning process for the researcher as
well. Pre testing helps the researcher in recording, simplifying, transforming
some of the questions. The process generally involves drafting the questionnaire
and discussing it with colleagues and also circulating it among the small sample
of the population for whom the questionnaire is designed. This helps in removing
any problem relating to clarity, understanding of technical or professional
terminology, order of questions, etc. Paul Burton (1990) states, pretesting may
therefore go through a number of iterations, but this is a necessary part of
questionnaire design. Pretesting, also called pilot survey, is very much desirable
to finalise the questionnaire. Krishan Kumar (1992) has also suggested that a
Advanced Writing Skills second pretest must be carried out with a revised questionnaire. He further
observes that if some difficulties cropped up, another pretest might be required.
Pretest also indicate the time required to fill up the questionnaire. It is a practice
not to include the pretest sample to the actual population.

Self Check Exercise

Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answer given at the end of this Unit.
5) Why pretesting is required before finalisation of questionnaire?


Questionnaire can be either distributed personally or through mail/ by e-mail/
Each of the system has its own merits and demerits.

In Person:
Questionnaire can be distributed personally to the respondents. For example, if
the researcher is surveying the use pattern of a particular library, then the
questionnaire can be given at the time when users enter the library. If, by chance,
the researcher does not find respondents there then it can be given to them
personally at the place of work or at their residence.

Questionnaire can be sent by post to the target population with a self-addressed

envelope stamped/pre-paid so that the respondents can return the filled
questionnaire in time without any trouble. Mailed questionnaires should also
accompany a covering letter stating the objective of the survey, requesting the
respondent to fill it on time, etc.

In order to deliver the questionnaire to the respondents in person, a number of

visits have to be made to their place of work, study or to the libraries, which they
usually consult. As it is not possible to contact each of the respondents some
questionnaires may be left with the library staff or with the department where
they work or study with the prior permission of the librarian / authorities.

Through E-mail
Nowadays with the coming of the Internet connectivity it is possible to circulate
the questionnaire through e-mail. In this method the respondents who have
e-mail id as well as the Internet connectivity can receive and send the questionnaire
as an e-mail attachment. This is a quick, easy and cost effective way of distribution
and collection of questionnaire. It can easily be extended or resent to respondents Questionnaire Method
any time at any place. E-mail based questionnaire is easy to construct, distribute
and manage the results. Through this method online surveys can be made available
to any one with Internet connectivity.

The pre requisite of this method is the Internet connectivity and list of e-mail
addresses of the respondents.

Web Questionnaire
There is another method of distribution and collection of questionnaire where
the population is widespread, covering state, country, etc. making it difficult for
the researcher to reach or meet the target population. In this method the
questionnaire is put on the website. Whosoever comes under the purview of the
survey can fill the questionnaire and submit it giving the required details. Web
questionnaire also require a time frame to complete/submit. This type of
questionnaire also has a set of respondents, for example, if the survey is on the
“Use of Search Engines by the Central University Teachers of India in the field
of Indian Politics” only the Central University teachers of India should fill up
the Questionnaire. It has the same layout, open as well as close ended questions.
The close-ended questions can be filled up with the help of mouse click. For
open-ended questions the respondents can simply type the answer and after
completion, the questionnaire can be submitted. A specimen of web questionnaire
is given below for your information.

Designing of web – based questionnaire

It should be designed in such a way that attracts the respondents to fill and submit
it. Here also the length should be restricted to achieve high response rate. Only
those questions should be included which are important and meaningful to the
research. It is advisable to use clear and specific wording for the questions.
Reassurance should be given to the respondents regarding the privacy measures
taken for their answers. 61
Advanced Writing Skills Advantages and disadvantages
The researcher gets answers from a large, widespread population. With this size
of the population, the old data analysis methods may not be suitable. It is for the
target population to access, fill and submit. The data may be accessed in a short
span of time. It is easy, fast and inexpensive. Researcher is free from the trouble
of collecting properly filled questionnaires. For example, if a respondent fills a
question wrongly, out side the defined range of answers or s/he misses some of
the questions: the web-based questionnaire program can detect the error and
direct the user to answer the particular question again and then submit. The data
received from the web –based questionnaire is automatically validated.

Some of the disadvantages are as follows:

This type of questionnaire may not successfully attract a representative sample
of the population. Since the population is widespread, it is not possible for the
researcher to personally contact them. Due to technical snags like server crash or
browser freeze, a lot of data may be lost. It is advisable to keep such questionnaire
small. If it has a number of pages, the respondent has to submit the answers page
wise. If a web-based questionnaire has six pages and after filling up five pages
the server crashes, in such a situation the data of those five pages already submitted
may be captured. There is a possibility that after submitting the questionnaire an
error message occurs in front of the screen and the respondent may not fill it
again. To overcome such a situation, it is necessary to test and retest the
questionnaire. Alternatively the web program should have a very soft and humble
error message, which prompts the respondent to return and fill it.

Self Check Exercise

Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answer given at the end of this Unit.
6) State the advantages of web-based questionnaire.


Response rate in survey research is very crucial. Different types of surveys have
a different response rate. For example, very high rate of response is required for
census survey. If the researcher fails to get adequate response then there is a need
for introspection. The reasons may include: i) the target population at the top-
level may not answer due to time constrain, ii) difficulty in approaching the
scattered respondents, iii) respondents refuse to answer due to ignorance of the
topic under research, iv) lengthy questionnaire or the use of highly technical
language discourages the respondents, v) if the questionnaire seeks more views
from the respondents they get conscious of their privacy and may not like to
reveal their opinion.
A researcher can increase the response rate to a point by contacting the respondents Questionnaire Method
frequently, on the phone or by mail or by meeting him/her personally. The
researcher may have to make repeated visits or may send soft reminder letters
periodically persuading the respondents to return the completed questionnaire.
If the questionnaire is short and simple, it generates a good response. Timing of
the distribution is also important in getting responses. If teachers or students are
given the questionnaire during vacations or weekends, it will generally yield
higher response.

A polite reminder letter along with another copy of the questionnaire should
follow two weeks after the specified date of return the questionnaire. A second
copy is required because there is a possibility that the respondent has misplaced
the questionnaire. Researcher should be polite and patient while distributing and
reminding or receiving the questionnaire.


Let us look at some of the advantages of the questionnaire method:
• Easier and quicker to collect data. Through this method large amount of
data can be generated in a short span of time.
• Direct responses can be obtained.
• Information received is quantifiable. Quantitative as well as qualititative
responses can be procured. Back ground information of the respondents,
which is otherwise difficult to obtain, could be collected.
• Empirical data can be collected.
• It is cost effective.
• Response from a large population can be received covering a wide
geographical area.
• High rate of response can be generated from an educated population.
• Respondents get a chance to prepare and revise their answers before finally
answering the questionnaire.
• Researchers also get a chance though pretest to revise the final questionnaire.
• Responses are easy to analyse and tabulate.
• Questionnaire method provides the respondents to express their views on
any given topic freely.
• Questionnaire has a fixed format with a given number of questions. This
helps in eliminating variation in the questioning process.
Limitations of the Questionnaire Method:
• Difficult to receive adequate response rate. People often do not return the
questionnaire on time.
• Reliability of data can be questioned.
• Truthful answers cannot be ascertained.
• It is a time-consuming activity, which includes preparation, pretest, revision,
distribution and sending reminders adding to time and cost of data collection. 63
Advanced Writing Skills • Incomplete answers also cause problem during the analysis stage.
• Researcher cannot observe the respondents reaction at the time of filling up
of the questionnaire.
• The questions can be wrongly interpreted which can affect the analysis.
• Assumptions of the researchers for certain things may prove opposite to the
respondents perceptions.
• Technical jargon/ professional terminology may play havoc for the
respondents. It may be possible that the questionnaire is returned with
substantial number of unanswered questions.
• Complex worded questions also fetch poor results.
• There is a possibility that the questionnaire may be biased. It may not have
included certain important questions, due to the preference of the researcher.
• Verification of the accuracy of the responses received from questionnaires
might be difficult.

Paul Burton has very rightly said: “Properly designed and analysed questionnaires
can be a rich and reliable source of research data, both quantitative and
qualitative”. Hence, proper attention has to be paid to carry out a questionnaire
survey. If not done properly, it may lead to misleading results.

This Unit has described the method of construction of questionnaire. It has also
highlighted the type of questions to be asked and precautions to be taken while
listing the questions. Merits and demerits of asking open and close-ended
questions have also been discussed. Questionnaire is an effective tool to gather
both quantitative as well as quantitative data in survey research.


1) What should be the length of the questionnaire has been debated for a long.
There is a belief that if it is lengthy, the respondents may not fill the
questionnaire and leave it incomplete, resulting in low response rate. If the
questionnaire has less number of questions there is a possibility of getting
high response rate.
2) Covering letter explains the objective of the survey and it requests the
respondents to fill the questionnaire. The researcher through this letter assures
the respondents the confidentiality of their answers and the usage of data
for research purpose only.
3) Open ended questions are those questions where the respondents give answer
in their own language. They freely express their views and answer according
to their interpretation. These questions are also called unstructured questions.
Close-ended questions are structured questions. Every question has a number
of alternate answers. A respondent has to select one answer. These questions
are also called precoded questions.
4) Rating scale is a measuring tool that requires the observer to assign the
rated object to categories or continuum that have numerals assigned to them.
5) Pretesting as the name suggests is a process of finalising the questionnaire Questionnaire Method
before putting it to actual use. It is essential as it alerts the researcher to the
weaknesses, trouble points, and ambiguity in the questions. After pretesting,
the researcher revises it and circulate it to the target population.
6) Web-based questionnaire has an advantage over printed questionnaire. The
former can be distributed and received back from the large, widespread
population automatically. The answers can be validated. It is easy, quick
and inexpensive.


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