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Michael Odom

Mrs. Patricia Cone

Public Speaking

27 October, 2017

Complete Sentence Outline

General Purpose: to inform

Specific Purpose: to inform my audience about the golden age of comic books.



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Many of us have seen the countless superhero movies coming out today, some would say too
many, but where do these characters come from? Is some genius sitting in a Hollywood office writing

new concepts about warrior princesses or men in metal suits? Of course not these characters date back
generations. rs e
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(Transition: the dawn of these characters started in a time called the golden age. )

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I. The golden age started 1938, with the first appearance of superman.
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A. The popularity of superman made comics be taken seriously in publishing.

B. This success would of course cause rival companies to create super heroes of their own.
C. PBS tells us that While DC comics created character at this time like superman, batman, robin,
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wonder woman, the flash, and aquaman, timely comics, which would later go on to become
marvel comics, created characters like the human torch and captain America.
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D. The best selling hero of this time wasn’t superman, batman or captain America, it was a
character created by Fawcett that went by the name, captain marvel.
E. His comics sold about 1.4 million comics per issue, with bi weekly issues, according to research

done by the journalists at tv tropes


(Transition: these prosperous times couldn’t last forever though, and anyone who knows the 40s knows
that war was coming )

II. The comic industry changed greatly during world war 2.

A. Comics have often been used as a way to push political ideas, and this began in world war 2.
B. Many comics of this time showed the well-known superheroes of this time fighting Nazis, who
were often portrayed as disfigured abominations.

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C. NPR remembers how One famous comic from this time shows captain America punching Hitler
in the face, right on the cover
D. This cover was printed before America even entered the war, but has become a symbol of
American patriotism through history.
E. Spiderfan also notes how Superman had a series of covers about the pearl harbor attacks.

(Transition: A. After the war people were largely tired of seeing fighting, and wanted to focus on
normal life, this caused superheroes to drop in popularity greatly. )

III. The golden age ended with the censorship endorsed by the comics code authority.
A. Comic Book Legal Defense Fund details how Many parents were convinced that superheroes,
and comics were damaging children’s morals.
B. This growing concern caused the creation of the Comics Code Authority, who would censor

anything they deemed inappropriate for children

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C. The reason this organization was created can be traced back to a psychiatrist named Dr.

Frederick Wertheim.

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D. Wertheim was notorious for his crusade against comics, and he claimed they caused juvenile

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E. He is famously quoted as saying “I think Hitler was a beginner, compared to the comics industry”
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F. The CCA is infamous for being ridiculously strict.
G. Some of their rules included, comics were not allowed to use the words horror, terror, or crime
on the covers,

H. The website Comic Research says Many publishers went out of business because their new
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toned down comics were not selling very well.

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(Transition: A. These strict regulations almost killed the comics industry, and brought the golden age of
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comics to its end. )

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In conclusion, this was the beginning of the modern comic book, but also a very troubled time for the
industry. While the problems of the golden age would be resolved and comics would continue to be

printed until this very day, the spirit of this time has been lost. Whether it be the beginning of the
industry, the war to end all wars, or censorship, nothing can stop the creative minds that have blessed us
with this medium, and allowed us to watch wonderful movies starring these characters.

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