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It is kind of research that tests for relationships between two variables.

Answer: Correlational Research

This is the population in research to which the researchers can apply their conclusions.
Answer: Accessible Population

In this kind of interview is a form of personal interviewing, but instead of completing a questionnaire,
the interviewer brings along a laptop or handheld computer to enter the information directly into the
Answer: Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing

The power of a test is the probability of finding significance if the alternative hypothesis is true.
Answer: True

Paper-pencil questionnaires can be sent to a large number of people and saves the researcher time and
Answer: True

It is a group used to produce comparisons.

Answer: Control Group

In this sampling we sample either proportionately or equally to represent various strata or

Answer: Stratified sampling

One of the disadvantage of computer assisted personal interviewing is expensive to set up and requires
that interviewers have computer and typing skills.
Answer: True

A researcher will represent and manipulate certain observations that they are studying.
Answer: True

It is defined as any set of persons/subjects having a common observable characteristic.

Answer: Population

It is kind of research that uses interviews, questions, and sampling polls to get a sense of behavior with
intense precision.
Answer: Survey Research

It is a series of actions or steps performed on data to verify, organize, transform, integrate, and extract
data in an appropriate output form for subsequent use.
Answer: Data processing

Correlational research involves comparative. In this research the study of two or more groups is done
without focusing on their relationship.
Answer: False
In this sampling is conducted by randomly selecting a first case on a list of the population and then
proceeding in the nth case until your sample is selected.
Answer: Systematic sampling

When conducting research, one must often use a money of the population as opposed to using the
entire world bank.
Answer: False

It is kind of research that is not conducted between the two groups on each other rather than look
solely for a statistical relationship between two variables.
Answer: Casual Comparative Research

It is kind of validity that refers to inferences about whether it is reasonable to presume conversation
given specified alpha level and the obtained variances.
Answer: Statistical Conclusion Validity

In this scale are the ultimate nirvana when it comes to measurement scales because they tell us about
the order, they tell us the exact value between units.
Answer: Ratio Scale

It is kind of validity that uses an example in the study are pretest, an experimental treatment and follow-
up posttest.
Answer: Internal Validity

It is true experiments but use naturally formed or pre-existing groups.

Answer: Quasi-Experiments

The research study can usually be replicated or repeated, given its low reliability.
Answer: False

It is a subject that has an equal probability of being selected for either the treatment or control group
Answer: Random Assignment

One of the disadvantage of telephone interview is the response rate is not as high as the face-to-face
interview as but considerately higher than the mailed questionnaire.
Answer: True

Casual-comparative research is the bedrock of most sciences most specifically natural sciences.
Answer: False

In this scale it is the order of the values is what is important and significant but the differences between
each one is not really known.
Answer: Ordinal Scale

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