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Nigeria’s Flour Milling Industry

(An Analyst’s Perspective)

Prepared by


March 2008

This report is based upon information from various sources that we believe are reliable. However, no representation is made as to the
completeness and accuracy of the report. This report is not an offer to buy or sell, nor a solicitation to buy or sell the securities
mentioned therein. This report is provided solely for the information of clients of LeadCapital Limited (LeadCapital) who are expected
to make their own investment decisions without sole reliance on this report. LeadCapital accepts no liability for any direct or
consequential loss arising from any use of this report or its contents. Investments can fluctuate in price and value and the investor may
get back less than was originally invested. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. This information has
been issued by LeadCapital, which is licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Nigerian Stock Exchange
(NSE). Enquiries relating to any matters in this report should be directed to Bamidele Adewole (01 4611269 ext 130)
Macro-Economic Overview Furthermore, consumer prices (year on
year) declined sharply in 2005 due to the
Over the last few years, the Nigerian application of strict monetary and fiscal
economy has experienced a series of policy measures. With single digit inflation
reforms and restructuring of its key already being experienced, the economy is
sectors. Such reforms include the financial, gradually moving towards a more stable
petroleum, power sector, among others. and investor friendly position. This decline
The financial sector reform has been the in inflation figures is further aided by the
most noticeable as the banks and boost in agricultural production which has
insurance companies have been mandated led to the general rise in the food supply
to recapitalise in line with government resulting in reduced price level.
Government’s favorable monetary and
regulatory requirements. The
telecommunications industry also fiscal policies have also contributed to the
favourable consumer price index position.
experienced a major transformation when
the general system for mobile
The capital market has experienced a
telecommunications (GSM) was
introduced in 2001. The deregulation of phenomenal growth over the past couple
of years. The deluge of public offerings
the downstream petroleum sector and
privatization of many previously and rights issues have increased the overall
government-owned parastatals also level of activity in the market with volumes
and values attaining unprecedented levels.
represent some of the many structural
changes that have been made in recent The CBN enforced recapitalization drive
years. (for banks) in 2005 is largely responsible
for the bullish trend that has been
experienced in recent times. With the
The size of the Nigerian economy as
Pension reforms having had its desired
measured by the country’s GDP has
effect through the injection of fresh capital
increased by a compound annual growth
into the market by the PFAs and increase
rate (CAGR) of 20.68% (in nominal terms)
between 2001 and 2006. A noticeable in private equity investments, the level of
capital market activities have increase
trend in the economy’s growth pattern is
the increasing contribution of the non-oil tremendously.
sector, particularly the agricultural and
manufacturing sectors to the nation’s The country has experienced 8 years
democratic rule for the first time in its
GDP. It is expected that in the years ahead,
recent history and for the first time in the
other key sectors such as construction,
post-independence period, political power
consumer goods and tourism may begin
has been successfully transferred from one
to play more important roles in overall
civilian government to another.
economic growth and development. As
Furthermore, the country has retained its
the on-going economic reforms continue
BB- credit rating by S&P and Fitch and has
to trickle down into other segments, and
continued to receive rave reviews both as a
baring any unforeseen circumstances, we
expect a much more balanced and self- result of its ongoing reforms and agendas.
Sustainability of these initiatives will
sustaining economy in years to come.
however remain a major challenge for the
new administration in the years to come.

Nigeria’s Flour Milling Industry to a large extent will however depend on
The Nigerian Flour Milling industry (‘the certain exogenous factors such as inflation
industry’) comprises a large number of rate and availability of substitutes among
players that can be segmented on the others. Tariff policies and other
basis of their installed capacity. The top government regulatory requirements may
two players have an installed capacity of however hinder the supply capacities
approximately 11,000 MT per day and required to meet up to the expected
control over 65% of the market. Given the increase in demand.
industry’s high fixed cost regime,
profitability is largely dependent on the There are currently 21 flour milling
company’s ability to increase volumes. companies in Nigeria. Unfortunately,
about 80% of market share is dominated
Shortages of cassava flour coupled with by only 6 of the 21 firms and as such
surging wheat prices at the world market there’s a lot of disparity between the ‘big
are adversely affecting the operations of players’, the ‘mid size firms’ and the
flour milling companies in the country. In ‘smaller companies’. The 6 major players
the flour mills industry, almost 90% of the by market share include:
raw materials are imported because
Nigeria’s climate is not viable for ƒ Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc
production of wheat. Rising prices of ƒ Dangote Flour Mills Plc
wheat is therefore a major challenge being ƒ Ideal Flour Mills Ltd
faced in the industry as a ton of wheat is ƒ Honeywell Flour Mills Ltd
currently priced at between $180 and ƒ Standard Flour Mills Ltd
$240. ƒ Crown Flour Mills Ltd

Another major challenge is the problem of As a result of the strong hold of the total
low capacity utilization and erratic power market by the ‘big 6’, there are ‘invisible
supply by the state owned Power Holding entry barriers’ for prospective and aspiring
Company of Nigeria (PHCN). Rising prices flour millers. Keen competition exists only
of refined products has also led to an within the various tiers of the market with
increase in general overheads as many occasional movements between the small
manufacturing concerns are compelled to and mid tiers. There however exists a wide
source alternative forms of power gap between the top tier category and the
generation. These financial pressures other companies in the sector.
invariably make the unit cost of doing
business in Nigeria relatively expensive. The Flour Milling industry in Nigeria has a
total installed capacity of over 22,000
Wheat consumption in Nigeria at 69g per metric tones with Flour Mills of Nigeria
capita is currently among the lowest in the controlling about 38%. Other top
developing economies. With a population producers by installed capacity include
of 140 million as well as a projected Dangote Flour Mills (18%), Honeywell,
population growth rate of 3%, there is still Ideal Group and Crown Flour with 7%,
a lot of room for growth in flour 14% and 8% respectively.
consumption in the immediate future. This

Industry Characteristics and it is estimated that about 97% of the
The Nigerian Flour Milling Industry is wheat that is used by flour milling
characterized by many key features which companies is imported. With high tariffs
distinguish it from other sectors of the being imposed on imports, the cost of
economy. With turnover and earnings producing flour in Nigeria is very high.
driven primarily by market share and Many prospective companies are either
capacity utilisation, the major determinant forced out of business or have to grapple
of success among its players is organic with very thin margins and therefore
growth. A summary of the said features cannot compete effectively.
Stiff Competition The existence of seasonal variation is
The level of competition that exists within prevalent in the industry. Demand for
the industry is extremely keen. With the wheat based foods is usually higher in the
success of each individual company hinged dry season (between March and
on its ability to gain market share, industry September) while the wet season is
players go through various lengths to charaterised by demand for other
increase capacity. Also, being an oligopoly substitute foods such as maize,
the pricing is determined by the Flour groundnuts etc. These foods are cheaper
Millers Association who would determine and are more readily accessible and
a ‘fixed’ price which the producers are not therefore in higher demand when
allowed to exceed. This ‘sticky’ price is available. The strategy therefore is to take
however often violated especially by the advantage of the ‘peak periods’ by
companies which control reasonable share aggressively growing volumes while
of the market. reducing their outputs during the ‘off-
peak’ periods in line with forces of
High Volumes Demand and Supply.
The flour Milling Industry is volume driven
with most of the producers scrambling to Price Sensitive Demand
get increased capacity in order to boost Being a staple food with many substitutes
production and sales. Due to high within the consumer goods industry, the
overheads as a result of heavy cost products are characterised by high
burdens, margins within the sector are elasticity of demand. Any slight increase in
relatively thin and as such earnings are price could lead to a higher decrease in
determined by ability to increase sales. quantity demanded as consumers will
Therefore, the more profitable firms are instantly shift their preference to other
those that are capable of out-producing cheaper substitutes. Also, quality control
the competition while keeping costs standards are a key feature of the flour
relatively stable. milling industry with producers constantly
improving on the quality of their products
Heavy Cost Outlay in order to retain customers. The demand
The Flour Milling Industry is largely for flour is therefore dependent on several
dependent on imported inputs. The basic factors such as quality, price of substitutes,
raw material for flour processing is wheat seasons as well as other exogenous

Critical Success Factors Good Management
Just like in any other industry, an essential
ingredient for success lies in the quality of
Capacity its management team. The track record,
One major critical factor for the success of experience and competence of top
flour millers is capacity. Being a volume management determines to a large extent
driven market, the ability to constantly the ability to grow volumes and margins.
increase its production capabilities clearly Most of the flour milling companies are
distinguishes the more successful players owner managed and so it bestows on the
from the less successful. The ability to owners to clearly distinguish family from
increase capacity is also directly related business. Also, competent staff should be
market share, ultimately leading to greater employed in strategic units to ensure a
output and profitability. positive impact on the company’s bottom
Marketing Strategy
Aggressive marketing is a significant factor Adequate Storage Facilities
for the success of flour millers. Being a Wheat is essentially a perishable
manufacturing related industry with keen commodity, therefore adequate storage
competition among its players, large remains a key success factor. With proper
resources should be deployed towards storage in place, losses and wastages due
promotions, advertisements and general to spoilage and deterioration will be
publicity. Various media for marketing are reduced to the bearest minimum. With
usually deployed such as print (newspapers companies incurring high cost outlays due
and magazines), electronic (TV, radios and to overheads from distributing, marketing
internet) as well as billboards and and other miscellaneous costs, reduction
sponsorships of events /programmes. All of wastages will greatly help reduce overall
these efforts create awareness in the cost burden and help improve profitability.
minds of consumers, invariably leading to Storage Facilities should therefore be
greater patronage. situated close to distributors in order to
reduce turnaround time and to save costs.
Adequate Distribution In addition to the quality of the facilities,
An effective and efficient distribution they should also be kept safe to prevent
network is a key requirement for the losses from theft and pilferation.
success of flour millers in Nigeria. Since
flour is consumed in virtually all areas of Pricing
the country, it is pertinent that the end Pricing within the flour milling market is
product gets to the final consumer as at regulated primarily by the Flour Millers
when needed. Also, the demand for flour Association. However, the big players
is heavy in certain areas and as such prefer to set prices which are higher than
producers should ensure a higher the fixed price in order to increase their
preference in such areas. Adequate margins and grow profits. Since costs are
distribution network therefore very high, most producers usually make
compliments the productive and the ‘extra cash’ through optimal pricing of
marketing strategies of the companies. their products.

Challenges & Risk Factors equity contribution is dependent on single
individuals. Only 3 of the 21 flour milling
companies are quoted while the 18 private
Regulatory and Operating Environment companies are characterised by sole
Due to the strict and highly regulated ownerships by key men. As such, the
operating environment in which flour instance of death or incapacity of the
millers operate, import duties, levies, individual owners renders the companies
taxation and other encumbrances impose concerned vulnerable to possible financial
heavy burdens on manufacturers thereby crises and/or liquidation.
increasing overall cost of production. Such
heavy overheads reduce producers’ overall High Cost of Operations
margins. Even though the industry is highly
competitive with free entry and exit, the
Lack of Sufficient Infrastructure existence of high initial set-up costs means
The problem of infrastructure continues to that only high networth individuals and/or
be the bane within the real sector of the institutions have access to the financial
economy. With erratic power supply from capital required to run the business. Also,
the Power Holding Company of Nigeria the high cost structure and capital
(PHCN) as well as lack of adequate intensive nature of flour milling imposes
amenities such as water supply and good huge economic difficulties for prospective
roads, distribution and marketing costs are and existing manufacturers.
continually on the increase. Since flour
millers require constant electricity to run Foreign Exchange Fluctuation
their heavy duty machinery, its inadequacy Due to poor climatic conditions, majority
and/or ineffectiveness imposes heavy of the wheat used by local manufacturers
financial burdens. is imported especially from countries like
the US and Brazil. Such practices create
Low Demand for Wheat foreign exchange risks as currency volatility
Comparatively, demand for wheat in sometimes works against the producers.
Nigeria is very low. Official statistics However, the recent appreciation of the
suggest that at 69g per capita, wheat naira against the dollar seems like a good
consumption in Nigeria (relative to its omen which would help hedge against
2006 population figure of 140 million) is such risks.
below that of other developing economies
such as Syria (490g), Turkey (484g), Chile Inflationary Pressures
(370g), Egypt (397g), Argentina (344g) In the past, inflationary pressures have
and South Africa (318g) with much less been a major impediment to the growth
population headcount. This demand of producers. Official figures from the
inadequacy creates supply gaps especially Federal Office of Statistics (FOS) suggest
in certain areas where demand is extremely that the consumer price index has been on
low. the rise for the few years. However, due to
Nigeria’s economic recovery programme,
Continuity inflation is now on a steady and consistent
Most flour milling concerns have issues of decline having attained single digit figures
continuity since a large portion of their in recent times.

Key Players Currently, the largest milling company in
The flour milling industry is a highly Nigeria is Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc with an
competitive one. However, the installed daily capacity of over 4,500
competition is prevalent among the top tonnes. The company is however highly
echelon with the 6 largest companies diversified with income streams along the
controlling over 80% of market share. lines of flour milling, bag manufacturing
Being a volume driven market, with (through its subsidiary - Bagco), port
earnings dependent on the ability to operations, cement manufacturing and
produce in large quantities, the strategy trade, fertilizer blending and agricultural
for its major players is to continually business. The company also fully owns a
increase capacity to meet the ever growing publicly quoted flour milling company –
demand. As a result of these, entrance Northern Nigerian Flour Mills (NNFM).
into the highly capital intensive industry is With its 48 years of experience, the group
dependent on the ability of prospects to can leverage on its experience, reputation
build the required capacity needed to as well as position as the industry leader in
survive and compete. Also, the terms of turnover and capacity.
requirements of efficient distribution
networks, marketing strategy and Followed closely behind is Dangote Flour
competitive pricing makes it more difficult Mills (DFM) with an estimated daily
for the smaller concerns to break into the capacity of 4,000 tonnes. The company, a
‘league of the big players’ with many of subsidiary of Dangote Industries Limited
them forced out of business due to various recently listed by introduction 5 billion
inadequacies. shares on the floor of the Nigerian Stock
Exchange after a highly successful public
A close look at the top players within the offer for sale. Dangote Flour is structured
industry reveals that many of them are still around its fully owned subsidiary
privately owned and charaterised by ‘one companies – Dangote Agro Sacks and
man’ ownership structures. Such tight Dangote Pasta. DFM’s business
holdings create ‘key man risks’ and as such philosophy, in line with that of its parent
increase their perceived risk profiles. Alhaji company, is to occupy dominant presence
Aliko Dangote (Dangote Flour Mills), Oba in any sector in which it operates. It has
Otudeko (Honeywell Group) and George therefore committed huge resources
Coumantarous (Flour Mills) are some of towards increasing capacity. Some of its
the personalities behind the top flour mill efforts have already started yielding
producers. Others include Alhaji Arisekola benefits as the company has recorded
Alao of Lister Flour Mills and Chief Bode huge growth in recent times.
Akindele of Standard Flour Mills. Also,
majority of the companies have large Crown Flour Mills, owned by Chief Maan
foreign interests especially among the Labadidi is a highly diversified company
Lebanese, Greek-Americans and with interests in telecommunications,
Americans. Most of the top companies are fisheries, shipping, banking and industrial
parts of business groups with other bulk haulage. The company has an
activities that include telecommunications, installed capacity of about 1,100 tonnes
oil and gas and cement manufacturing. per day and is one of the major players in
the flour milling industry.

Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc Company Profile
Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc (‘Flour Mills’ or
‘the company’) was incorporated in 1960
Current Price (N)1 105.51 and listed on the flour of the Nigeria Stock
Exchange in 1978. The company has a
Shares Outstanding (bn) 1.55 diversified income base with its major
activities spanning flour milling, pasta
Market Capitalisation (N’bn) 163.86 production, cement manufacturing, port
operations, bags manufacturing and
Trailing PAT (N’bn) 7.39 agricultural business amongst others. The
largest contribution to its bottom line
Trailing P/E ratio (x) 22.17 however comes from its cement
manufacturing business as it contributes
Trailing EPS (N) 4.76 an estimated 49% while that of Flour
Milling is estimated at 30%.
Expected PAT (N’bn) 1.2
Flour Mills currently has an ownership base
Forecast P/E ratio (x) 18.62 in excess of 60,000 shareholders while its
market capitalisation of N163.862 makes it
Forecast Earnings Yield (%) 5.4 the fourth largest company in the
consumer goods sector by market cap. The
Forecast Dividend Yield (%) 2.7 company is however the largest in its
sector by turnover with an excess of
6 Month Target Price (N) 130 N105.6 billion as at FYE 2007. Profit after
Tax of N7.4 billion also ranks it as the
12 Month Target Price (N) 150 industry leader in terms of earnings

The Flour Mills group is made up of 7

Recommendation subsidiary companies which include
Nigerian Bag Manufacturing Company
Short Term BUY
(BAGCO), Northern Nigeria Flour Mills Plc
Long Term BUY
(NNFM), Niger Mills Company Limited,
Golden Pasta Company Limited, Golden
Shipping Company Nigeria Limited,
Southern Star Shipping Company Limited,
Analyst Bamidele Adewole
Niger Mills Company Limited and Apapa
[email protected]
Bulk Terminal Limited. One of its
subsidiaries, BAGCO recently approached
the capital market to raise N7 billion
through an IPO for subscription while
NNFM is an existing quoted company.

All prices are as at 5th March 2008 2
Based on prices as at 5th March 2008.

The company also has interests in other Investment Strategy
companies including Maiduguri Flour Mills Flour Mills is currently priced at N100.80.
Limited, United Cement Company Limited Year to Date, the company’s share price has
and Kaboji Farms Limited. Flour Mills can appreciated by 31.2% as compared with the
therefore leverage on the strengths of its NSE all share index of 11.09%. Its 52 week
subsidiaries and affiliate companies to price history reveals that the stock has
diversify and grow income and asset base. gained in capital appreciation by 44.24%
while its price history from year 2007 to
The company’s product portfolio can be date shows an upward movement of
broadly categorised into 5 divisions, 68.84%. This analysis reveals that although
namely: the stock might not be one of the fastest
moving stocks by capital appreciation, it has
• Foods (Wheat & Pasta Products) a history of slow and steady growth in value.
• Packaging
• Fertilizer Given its full year 2007 PAT of N7.4 billion,
• Cement Manufacturing its trailing Earnings per Share (EPS) is N4.76.
• Shipping and Port Operations The company is therefore trading at
multiples of 22.17x which compares
The wheat category of the foods division favourably with the industry average (for the
consists of household names such as consumer goods industry3) of 35x. Based on
‘Golden Penny Flour’ and ‘Golden Penny its full year 2007 dividend payment of 90
Semovita’ while that of packaging is kobo, and assuming they maintain a 50%
handled by industry leader BAGCO. The dividend pay-out, we project that the
bag manufacturing concern currently company will declare a cash dividend of
controls an estimated 35% of total market N2.13. This will in turn lead to a YE forecast
share and is expected to grow dividend yield of 2.7% - above the industry
phenomenally once the proceeds of its average of 2.1%. Its Net Asset per Share of
recent IPO are utilised. The Cement N9.80 is the highest in the industry.
Manufacturing arm of the company is
known for its production of Burham Our Forecast statistics reveals a projected
Cement. With emerging opportunities in year end after tax earnings of N8.8 billion.
the cement industry and the increasing Assuming the shares outstanding remains at
contribution of cement production to the 1.55 billion shares, its YE PE valuation stands
company’s revenues, we expect the at 18.62x, making it the cheapest stock
company to continue to strengthen its amongst its peers. Utilising various methods
competitive advantage in this core of valuation such as earnings (P/E multiples)
business area. and Net Asset per share, we arrive at a fair
value of N160. Based on the above analysis,
Flour Mills is made up of 12 directors and we recommend the shares of Flour Mills as a
16 members of its executive management BUY for investors with short and long term
team. The company has its branches, horizons.
subsidiaries and associated companies
strategically located in all the geographical 3
Constituents include Dangote Flour Mills, Nestle, PZ,
regions of the country. Cadbury and Dangote Sugar. NNFM was excluded due to
is negative full year earnings.

Dangote Flour Mills Plc Company Profile
Dangote Flour Mills Plc (‘DFM’ or ‘the
company’) commenced operations in 1999
Current Price (N) 45.89 as a division of Dangote Industries Limited
(DIL). DFM was incorporated in 2004 after
Shares Outstanding (bn) 5 which it restructured in January 2006. The
assets, liabilities and undertakings of the
Market Capitalisation (N’bn) 229.45 erstwhile flour division of the DIL were
therefore transferred to Dangote Flour
Trailing PAT (N’bn) 2.1 Mills Plc

Trailing P/E ratio (x) 109.29 The company has grown to become an
industry leader with a market share in
Trailing EPS (N) 0.42 excess of 30% within a six year period. The
company has two wholly owned
Expected PAT (N’bn) 4.6 subsidiaries which are:

Forecast P/E ratio (x) 49.7 • Dangote Agro Sacks Limited

• Dangote Pasta Limited
Forecast Earnings Yield (%) 2.0
In line with DIL’s business philosophy of
Forecast Dividend Yield (%) 1.1 establishing a dominant presence in any
sector it operates in, these subsidiaries
6 Month Target Price (N) 30 occupy leadership positions in their
respective industries.
12 Month Target Price (N) 35
The company is in the business of flour
milling, processing and marketing of
branded flour. Its product portfolio
comprises of Bread flour, Pasta Semolina
Recommendation and Wheat Offals. The company imports
Short Term SELL its principal raw material – wheat, from
Long Term HOLD United States of America in shiploads of
about 35,000 Metric Tonnes each.

To remain a market leader, the company

will continue to implement its aggressive
Analyst Bamidele Adewole
[email protected]
strategies to produce and sell significant
volumes thereby ensuring sustainable
profitability, as it is able to significantly
reduce the fixed cost per unit of its
products. DFM will focus on maximizing
returns in products where it has some
comparative advantage. DFM will also

continue to invest in high margin Investment Strategy
segments that are capable of delivering DFM was officially listed by introduction on
above average growth. The company also the 4th of February 2007 at N15.00 and has
intends to explore identified new markets. gained 151% since then. The company
approached the capital market in September
The company is planning an aggressive 2007 with a public offer for sale of 1.25
expansion strategy by investing in billion ordinary shares (25% of its paid up
additional production plants and a mill. share capital of 5 billion ordinary shares).
This expansion would afford the company The offer was over 600% subscribed making
the capacity to aggressively penetrate the it one of the most successful public offers in
lucrative export market, with encouraging 2007.
government incentives.

As part of its competitive advantages, DFM Based on its audited consolidated financials
uses state of the art equipments and a for the five year period ended December 31st
fully automated production process 2006, the company grew its sales and asset
thereby optimizing and minimizing down base by Compound Annual Growth Rates
time. The company also has a wide branch (CAGR) of 34% and 30% respectively.
and distribution network with over 2000 During the same period, it however
distributors in various parts of the country. recorded declines in its Return on Assets
With an established brand name as well as (RoA), Profit margins as well as Return on
a leverage on the expertise and experience Capital Employed (RoCE) while its Cost to
of its parent company – DIL, DFM has in Sales ratio increased from 71.27% in 2002,
place a highly knowledgeable and to 86.89% in 2006.
experienced board and management staff
with proven track record. Based on a historical growth of 185% in its
PAT and assuming the company maintains
The major risk facing the company is its this trend, we consider the company’s
high debt financed capital structure. forecast earnings per share of N0.92 as
DFM’s gearing ratio is above industry achievable. The reporting accountants’
norms – leading to huge annual interest report in their offer prospectus indicates
payments. The equity injection from its that the company will start to pay dividends
September 2007 IPO should however help of 50 kobo from 2007 which will, in our
correct this imbalance. estimation, lead to a dividend yield of 1.3%
(at current market price). The forecast P/E
The Dangote group, founded by Alhaji valuation based on its forecast EPS would be
Aliko Dangote, is a highly diversified 49.7x - making the stock fundamentally
business concern with interests in sugar overvalued when compared to its YEF peer
refinery, pasta production, property, average P/E valuation of 35x. Its implied
transportation, polythene bags, salt price will therefore be N32 which means
manufacturing, cement production, that the stock is trading at a premium of
insurance brokerage, salt manufacturing, 42% above its fair value. We therefore
oil & gas, textile, shipping as well as recommend a SELL/HOLD on DFM’s
haulage. The group has been in existence shares for short and long term oriented
since 1976. investors respectively.

Northern Nigeria Flour Mills Plc Company Profile
Northern Nigeria Flour Mills Plc (‘NNFM’ or
‘the company’) was incorporated on the
Current Price (N) 47.89 29th October 1972 and began milling and
commercial operations in November 1975.
Shares Outstanding (million) 148.5 The company was subsequently listed on
the floor of the Nigerian Stock Exchange
Market Capitalisation (N’bn) 7.1 (NSE) in 1978. NNFM was the first flour
milling outfit in Kano and has continued
Trailing PAT (N’m) (104.4) to maintain its competitive advantage as
one of the fore runners in the northern
Trailing P/E ratio (x) N/A region of Nigeria.

Trailing EPS (N) N/A NNFM is a subsidiary of Flour Milling

conglomerate Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc.
Expected PAT (N’m) 114.1 The latter owns a majority stake in NNFM
and has continued to nurture the growth
Forecast P/E ratio (x) 62.3 and development of its subsidiary by
providing financial backing and know-how
Forecast Earnings Yield (%) 1.6 transfer.

Forecast Dividend Yield (%) 0.96 NNFM currently has a milling capacity of
1,750 tonnes per day which makes it one
6 Month Target Price (N) 45 of the top northern millers by installed
capacity. The company is reputed for
12 Month Target Price (N) 65 producing household brands such as
‘Golden Penny Flour’ and ‘Golden Penny

Investment Strategy
Recommendation NNFM has gained over 73% in capital
Short Term HOLD appreciation from January 2nd 2008 to
Long Term BUY date. The stock which recorded an FYE
2007 loss of N104.4 million is expected to
declare a profit of N114m based on its Q3
interim PAT of N86 million. Our expected
FYE 2008 P/E valuation therefore stands at
Analyst Bamidele Adewole 62.3x. NNFM is currently trading at its year
[email protected] high and is not expected to experience any
major rallies until the release of its full year
results. Based on the seeming turnaround
in profitability of the company, we
recommend its shares as a HOLD/BUY
for short and long term investors.

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