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Department of Education

Region V- Bicol
Schools Division Office of Camarines Sur
Sto. Domingo, Calabanga,Camarines Sur


Quarter 3: WEEK 4
Name of Learner: ______________________________________________________________
Learning Area-Grade Level: _____________________________________________________
Date: __________________
After going through this learning material, you are expected to attain the following objectives:
1. selects relevant literature. CS_RS11-IIIfj-1
2. cites related literature using standard style. CS_RS11-IIIfj-2
3. synthesizes information from relevant literature. CS_RS11-IIIfj-3
4. writes coherent review of literature. CS_RS11-IIIfj-4


Lesson 4 Selecting Relevant Literature

Literature is an oral or written record of man’s significant experiences that are expressed
in an ordinary manner. It is conveyed directly or indirectly. Direct expressions are in books,
journals, periodic papers, and online reading materials. Indirect expressions are not written or
spoken at all but is mirror image of his environment (Ridley 2012).
The Review of Related Literature is one of the main components of a research study,
specifically in the second chapter. It gives an overview of all the writings relative to a specific
topic (Prieto, Naval & Carey, 2017). Therefore, selecting the right sources for the literature
review is very important in producing a quality research paper.
A review of related literature is the process of collecting, selecting, and reading books,
journals, reports, abstracts, and other reference materials. The following information may be
1) Background knowledge about the problem and associated ideas.
2) Theories that give details of the presence of the problem and certain variables that is
connected to the problem.
3) Data that prove the occurrence and gravity of the problem
4) Detailed and broad results of related studies
5) Gaps and recommendations for additional study specified in related studies

The significance and rationale of related literature and studies is to find out the
similarities and differences between the past and present studies, to get ideas into the critical and
controversial aspects of the problem. It helps recognize and define a research problem. It gives
the researcher a background analysis aspect, which have been studied. It guides the researcher on
what to do on the mechanism of the research methods; this also provides the thoughts to advance
with the study until its conclusion. It avoids redundant duplication of a study. Moreover, reading
extensively will enrich your background knowledge on your research topic that will enable you
to establish a good groundwork or course of your research endeavor.

What are the sources of Literature Review?

Primary Sources Secondary Sources
Provide first-hand information that is closest to Provide second-hand data or information.
the object of the study. Embody all sources that Sources that are non- original. Written about
are original primary sources
Different Types of Literature by Wallace and Wray (2006, p.92)
Theoretical Literature describes expected or anticipated relationships about the
way things happen
Research Literature refers to a report of a systematic investigation that has
been undertaken in need to answer a specific problem
Empirical Research deals with a research that was done through the
observation and measurement of the world around us.
Practice Literature written by practitioners about their field of expertise.
Policy Literature tells practitioners how to act in a set of circumstances.

Remember Me!
1) A Review of the Related Literature provides a concise summary of information and data
findings that describe current knowledge and facts.
2) It provides foundation of knowledge on a topic. It identifies areas of prior scholarship to
prevent duplication and give credits to researchers. It helps selects appropriate material in
designing your research methodology and find relationship among researches.
3) A good literature involves 5c’s; Cite, Compare, Contrast, Critique and Connect.
4) There are two sources of literature review; the primary sources which contains the first-hand
information and the secondary sources which contains non-original information.
5) There are five types of literature. It includes theoretical literature, research literature, empirical
research, practice literature and policy literature.

Activity 1: Answer Me! Directions: Identify which are the examples of primary and secondary
sources. ON A SERATE SHEET OF PAPER, write P for primary sources and S for secondary
________ 1.Letters
________ 2.Diaries
________ 3.Piece of art critique
________ 4.Autobiographies
________ 5.Artifacts
________ 6.Report on an original experiment
________ 7.Biography
________ 8.Book analyzing various cultures
________ 9.Interviews
________ 10. Article on ethnic group

Activity 2: Finding My Pair Listed below are the examples of literature, your task is to find its
pair. Directions: Match the 1st box (Types of Literature) to 2nd box (Examples). Write the letters
of the correct answer in A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER.
Activity 3: Activity 1.3: RELEVANT OR IRRELEVANT Directions: Written in the box is a
sample of qualitative research problem. Below it is a list of possible sources of literature. Your
task is to identify which of these samples are RELEVANT and IRRELEVANT to the given
research problem.

Bullied vs Bully: A Qualitative Study of Students

with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings

__________________ 1. Journal on the effects of bullying on student’s performance.

__________________ 2. Video clip of lived experiences of working students.
__________________ 3. Guidance counsellors report on student’s behavior.
__________________ 4. Yearbook including student awardees.
__________________ 5. Thesis on Effects of Teenage Pregnancy.


Ballesteros, Jeffrey O. ,Practical Research 1Module 1; Week 3and 4, 2020.

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