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European Heart Journal (2021) 00, 194


2021 ESC Guidelines on cardiac pacing and

cardiac resynchronization therapy

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Developed by the Task Force on cardiac pacing and cardiac
resynchronization therapy of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)

With the special contribution of the European Heart Rhythm

Association (EHRA)

Authors/Task Force Members: Michael Glikson * (Chairperson) (Israel),

Jens Cosedis Nielsen* (Chairperson) (Denmark), Mads Brix Kronborg (Task Force
Coordinator) (Denmark), Yoav Michowitz (Task Force Coordinator) (Israel),
Angelo Auricchio (Switzerland), Israel Moshe Barbash (Israel), José A. Barrabés
(Spain), Giuseppe Boriani (Italy), Frieder Braunschweig (Sweden), Michele Brignole
(Italy), Haran Burri (Switzerland), Andrew J. S. Coats (United Kingdom),
Jean-Claude Deharo (France), Victoria Delgado (Netherlands), Gerhard-Paul Diller
(Germany), Carsten W. Israel (Germany), Andre Keren (Israel), Reinoud E. Knops
(Netherlands), Dipak Kotecha (United Kingdom), Christophe Leclercq (France),

* Corresponding authors: Michael Glikson, Jesselson Integrated Heart Center, Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel,
Tel: þ972 2 6555975, Email: [email protected].
Jens Cosedis Nielsen, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University and Department of Cardiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus N, Denmark,
Tel: þ45 78 45 20 39, Email: [email protected].
Author/Task Force Member affiliations: listed in Author information.
ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee (CPG): listed in the Appendix.
ESC subspecialty communities having participated in the development of this document:
Associations: Association for Acute CardioVascular Care (ACVC), Association of Cardiovascular Nursing & Allied Professions (ACNAP), European Association of
Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI), European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI), European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), Heart Failure
Association (HFA).
Councils: Council for Cardiology Practice, Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science, Council on Cardiovascular Genomics, Council on Hypertension, Council on Stroke.
Working Groups: Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology, Cardiovascular Regenerative and Reparative Medicine, Cardiovascular Surgery, e-
Cardiology, Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases.
Patient Forum
The content of these European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines has been published for personal and educational use only. No commercial use is authorized. No part of
the ESC Guidelines may be translated or reproduced in any form without written permission from the ESC. Permission can be obtained upon submission of a written request to
Oxford University Press, the publisher of the European Heart Journal and the party authorized to handle such permissions on behalf of the ESC ([email protected]).
Disclaimer: The ESC Guidelines represent the views of the ESC and were produced after careful consideration of the scientific and medical knowledge and the evidence available at
the time of their publication. The ESC is not responsible in the event of any contradiction, discrepancy, and/or ambiguity between the ESC Guidelines and any other official recommen-
dations or guidelines issued by the relevant public health authorities, in particular in relation to good use of healthcare or therapeutic strategies. Health professionals are encouraged
to take the ESC Guidelines fully into account when exercising their clinical judgement, as well as in the determination and the implementation of preventive, diagnostic, or therapeutic
medical strategies; however, the ESC Guidelines do not override, in any way whatsoever, the individual responsibility of health professionals to make appropriate and accurate deci-
sions in consideration of each patient’s health condition and in consultation with that patient and, where appropriate and/or necessary, the patient’s caregiver. Nor do the ESC
Guidelines exempt health professionals from taking into full and careful consideration the relevant official updated recommendations or guidelines issued by the competent public
health authorities, in order to manage each patient’s case in light of the scientifically accepted data pursuant to their respective ethical and professional obligations. It is also the health
professional’s responsibility to verify the applicable rules and regulations relating to drugs and medical devices at the time of prescription.
This article has been co-published with permission in the European Heart Journal and EP Europace. V C the European Society of Cardiology 2021. All rights reserved.

The articles are identical except for minor stylistic and spelling differences in keeping with each journal’s style. Either citation can be used when citing this article. For permissions,
please email [email protected].
2 ESC Guidelines

Béla Merkely (Hungary), Christoph Starck (Germany), Ingela Thylén (Sweden),

José Maria Tolosana (Spain), ESC Scientific Document Group

Document Reviewers: Francisco Leyva (CPG Review Coordinator) (United Kingdom), Cecilia Linde
(CPG Review Coordinator) (Sweden), Magdy Abdelhamid (Egypt), Victor Aboyans (France), Elena Arbelo
(Spain), Riccardo Asteggiano (Italy), Gonzalo Baro  n-Esquivias (Spain), Johann Bauersachs (Germany),

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Mauro Biffi (Italy), Ulrika Birgersdotter-Green (United States of America ), Maria Grazia Bongiorni (Italy),

Michael A. Borger (Germany), Jelena Celutkien e_ (Lithuania), Maja Cikes (Croatia), Jean-Claude Daubert
(France), Inga Drossart (Belgium), Kenneth Ellenbogen (United States of America), Perry M. Elliott
(United Kingdom), Larissa Fabritz (United Kingdom), Volkmar Falk (Germany), Laurent Fauchier (France),
Francisco Ferna  ndez-Avilés (Spain), Dan Foldager (Denmark), Fredrik Gadler (Sweden), Pastora Gallego
Garcia De Vinuesa (Spain), Bulent Gorenek (Turkey), Jose M. Guerra (Spain), Kristina Hermann Haugaa
(Norway), Jeroen Hendriks (Netherlands), Thomas Kahan (Sweden), Hugo A. Katus (Germany),
Aleksandra Konradi (Russia), Konstantinos C. Koskinas (Switzerland), Hannah Law (United Kingdom),
Basil S. Lewis (Israel), Nicholas John Linker (United Kingdom), Maja-Lisa Løchen (Norway), Joost Lumens
(Netherlands), Julia Mascherbauer (Austria), Wilfried Mullens (Belgium), Klaudia Vivien Nagy (Hungary),
Eva Prescott (Denmark), Pekka Raatikainen (Finland), Amina Rakisheva (Kazakhstan), Tobias Reichlin
(Switzerland), Renato Pietro Ricci (Italy), Evgeny Shlyakhto (Russia), Marta Sitges (Spain), Miguel Sousa-Uva
(Portugal), Richard Sutton (Monaco), Piotr Suwalski (Poland), Jesper Hastrup Svendsen (Denmark),
Rhian M. Touyz (United Kingdom), Isabelle C. Van Gelder (Netherlands), Kevin Vernooy (Netherlands),
Johannes Waltenberger (Germany), Zachary Whinnett (United Kingdom), Klaus K. Witte (United Kingdom)
All experts involved in the development of these guidelines have submitted declarations of interest.
These have been compiled in a report and published in a supplementary document simultaneously to the
guidelines. The report is also available on the ESC website
For the Supplementary Data which include background information and detailed discussion of the data
that have provided the basis for the guidelines see European Heart Journal online

Keywords Guidelines • cardiac pacing • cardiac resynchronization therapy • pacemaker • heart failure • syncope •
atrial fibrillation • conduction system pacing • pacing indications • alternate site pacing • complications •
pacing in TAVI • bradycardia • temporary pacing

Table of contents ..
3.4.3 Cardiac resynchronization therapy (endo-and/or
epicardial) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1 Preamble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
.. 3.4.4 Alternative methods (conduction system pacing,
2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .. leadless pacing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.1 Evidence review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .. Conduction system pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2 Relationships with industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .. Leadless pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
.. 3.4.5 Pacing modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3 What is new in these guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ..
2.3.1 New concepts and new sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .. 3.4.6 Rate-responsive pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3.2 New recommendations in 2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 .. 3.5 Sex differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3.3 Changes in cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization .. 4 Evaluation of the patient with suspected or documented
therapy guideline recommendations since 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 .. bradycardia or conduction system disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 .. 4.1 History and physical examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.1 Epidemiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 .. 4.2 Electrocardiogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2 Natural history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 .. 4.3 Non-invasive evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3 Pathophysiology and classification of bradyarrhythmias .. 4.3.1 Ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
considered for permanent cardiac pacing therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 .. 4.3.2 Exercise testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.4 Types and modes of pacing: general description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 .. 4.3.3 Imaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.4.1 Endocardial pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
.. 4.3.4 Laboratory tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.4.2 Epicardial pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . 4.3.5 Genetic testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
ESC Guidelines 3

4.3.6 Sleep evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

.. 6.5 Pacing in patients with reduced left ventricular ejection
4.3.7 Tilt testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 .. fraction and a conventional indication for antibradycardia
4.4 Implantable monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 .. pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.5 Electrophysiology study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 .. 6.6 Benefit of adding implantable cardioverter defibrillator in
5 Cardiac pacing for bradycardia and conduction system disease . . . . . 23 .. patients with indications for cardiac resynchronization therapy . . . . 38
5.1 Pacing for sinus node dysfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 .. 6.7 Factors influencing the efficacy of cardiac resynchronization
5.1.1 Indications for pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 .. therapy: role of imaging techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021 Sinus node dysfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7 Alternative pacing strategies and sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
.. Bradycardia—tachycardia form of sinus node .. 7.1 Septal pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
dysfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 .. 7.2 His bundle pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.1.2 Pacing mode and algorithm selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 .. 7.2.1 Implantation and follow-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.2 Pacing for atrioventricular block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 .. 7.2.2 Indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.2.1 Indications for pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 .. Pacing for bradycardia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 First-degree atrioventricular block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 .. Pace and ablate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
.. Second-degree type I atrioventricular block .. Role in cardiac resynchronization therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
(Mobitz type I or Wenckebach) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
.. 7.3 Left bundle branch area pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
.. Second-degree Mobitz type II, 2:1, and advanced .. 7.4 Leadless pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
atrioventricular block (also named high-grade atrioventricular
.. 8 Indications for pacing in specific conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
block, where the P:QRS ratio is 3:1 or higher), third-degree .. 8.1 Pacing in acute myocardial infarction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
atrioventricular block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
.. 8.2 Pacing after cardiac surgery and heart transplantation . . . . . . . . . 44
.. Paroxysmal atrioventricular block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 .. 8.2.1 Pacing after coronary artery bypass graft and valve
5.2.2 Pacing mode and algorithm selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
.. surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
.. Dual-chamber vs. ventricular pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 .. 8.2.2 Pacing after heart transplantation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
.. Atrioventricular block in the case of permanent atrial .. 8.2.3 Pacing after tricuspid valve surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
fibrillation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 .. 8.3 Pacing after transcatheter aortic valve implantation . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.3 Pacing for conduction disorders without atrioventricular block . . . 28 .. 8.4 Cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization therapy in
5.3.1 Indications for pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 .. congenital heart disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
.. Bundle branch block and unexplained syncope . . . . . . . . . . . 28 .. 8.4.1 Sinus node dysfunction and bradycardia—tachycardia Bundle branch block, unexplained syncope, and .. syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
abnormal electrophysiological study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 .. Indications for pacemaker implantation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Alternating bundle branch block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 .. 8.4.2 Congenital atrioventricular block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.3.1 Bundle branch block without symptoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 .. Indications for pacemaker implantation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Patients with neuromuscular diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 .. 8.4.3 Post-operative atrioventricular block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.3.2 Pacing mode and algorithm selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 .. Indications for pacemaker implantation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.4 Pacing for reflex syncope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 .. 8.4.4 Cardiac resynchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.4.1 Indications for pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 .. 8.5 Pacing in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.4.2 Pacing mode and algorithm selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 .. 8.5.1 Bradyarrhythmia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.5 Pacing for suspected (undocumented) bradycardia . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 .. 8.5.2 Pacing for the management of left ventricular outflow
5.5.1 Recurrent undiagnosed syncope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
.. tract obstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.5.2 Recurrent falls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 .. 8.5.3 Pacemaker implantation following septal myectomy
6 Cardiac resynchronization therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
.. and alcohol septal ablation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
6.1 Epidemiology, prognosis, and pathophysiology of heart .. 8.5.4 Cardiac resynchronization therapy in end-stage
failure suitable for cardiac resynchronization therapy by
.. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
biventricular pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 .. 8.6 Pacing in rare diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
6.2 Indication for cardiac resynchronization therapy: patients
.. 8.6.1 LongQT syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
in sinus rhythm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 .. 8.6.2 Neuromuscular diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
6.3 Patients in atrial fibrillation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 .. 8.6.3 Dilated cardiomyopathy with lamin A/C mutation . . . . . . . . 51
6.3.1 Patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure who .. 8.6.4 Mitochondrial cytopathies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
are candidates for cardiac resynchronization therapy . . . . . . . . . . . 35 .. 8.6.5 Infiltrative and metabolic diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
6.3.2 Patients with uncontrolled heart rate who are .. 8.6.6 Inflammatory diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
candidates for atrioventricular junction ablation (irrespective .. Sarcoidosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
of QRS duration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 .. 8.7 Cardiac pacing in pregnancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
6.3.3 Emerging novel modalities for CRT: role of conduction .. 9 Special considerations on device implantations and perioperative
system pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 .. management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
6.4 Patients with conventional pacemaker or implantable .. 9.1 General considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
cardioverter defibrillator who need upgrade to cardiac .. 9.2 Antibiotic prophylaxis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
resynchronization therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 . 9.3 Operative environment and skin antisepsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4 ESC Guidelines

9.4 Management of anticoagulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

.. Recommendations for cardiac pacing in patients
9.5 Venous access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 .. with suspected (undocumented) syncope and unexplained falls . . . . . . 32
.. Recommendations for cardiac resynchronization therapy in
9.6 Lead considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 ..
9.7 Lead position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 .. patients in sinus rhythm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
9.8 Device pocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 .. Recommendations for cardiac resynchronization therapy in
10 Complications of cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization .. patients with persistent or permanent atrial fibrillation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 .. Recommendation for upgrade from right ventricular pacing to
.. cardiac resynchronization therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

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10.1 General complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
10.2 Specific complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 .. Recommendation for patients with heart failure and
10.2.1 Lead complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 .. atrioventricular block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
10.2.2 Haematoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 .. Recommendations for adding a defibrillator with cardiac
10.2.3 Infection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 .. resynchronization therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
10.2.4 Tricuspid valve interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 .. Recommendations for using His bundle pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
10.2.5 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 .. Recommendations for using leadless pacing (leadless pacemaker) . . . . 44
11 Management considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 .. Recommendations for cardiac pacing after acute myocardial
11.1 Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with implanted .. infarction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
cardiac devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 .. Recommendations for cardiac pacing after cardiac surgery and
11.2 Radiation therapy in pacemaker patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
.. heart transplantation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
11.3 Temporary pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 .. Recommendations for cardiac pacing after transcatheter aortic
11.4 Peri-operative management in patients with cardiovascular
.. valve implantation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
implantable electronic devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 .. Recommendations for cardiac pacing in patients with congenital
11.5 Cardiovascular implantable electronic devices and sports
.. heart disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 .. Recommendations for pacing in hypertrophic obstructive
11.6 When pacing is no longer indicated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
.. cardiomyopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
11.7 Device follow-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 .. Recommendations for cardiac pacing in rare diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
12 Patient-centred care and shared decision-making in cardiac .. Recommendation for patients with LMNA gene mutations . . . . . . . . . . 51
pacing and cardiac resynchronization therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 .. Recommendations for pacing in Kearns—Sayre syndrome . . . . . . . . . . 51
13 Quality indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 .. Recommendations for pacing in cardiac sarcoidosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
14 Key messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 .. Recommendations regarding device implantations and
15 Gaps in evidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 .. peri-operative management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
16 ‘What to do’ and ‘what not to do’ messages from the .. Recommendations for performing magnetic resonance imaging
guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 .. in pacemaker patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
17 Supplementary data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 .. Recommendations regarding temporary cardiac pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
18 Author Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 .. Recommendation when pacing is no longer indicated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
19 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 .. Recommendations for pacemaker and cardiac resynchronization
20 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 .. therapy-pacemaker follow-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
.. Recommendation regarding patient-centred care in cardiac pacing
.. and cardiac resynchronization therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Tables of Recommendations ..
.. List of tables
Recommendations for non-invasive evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 ..
Recommendation for ambulatory electrocardiographic .. Table 1 Classes of recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 .. Table 2 Levels of evidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Recommendations for exercise testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 .. Table 3 New concepts and sections in current guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Recommendations regarding imaging before implantation . . . . . . . . . . . 20 .. Table 4 New recommendations in 2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Recommendations for laboratory tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 .. Table 5 Changes in cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization
Recommendations for genetic testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
... therapy guideline recommendations since 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Recommendation for sleep evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 .. Table 6 Drugs that may cause bradycardia or conduction
Recommendation for tilt testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 .. disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Recommendation for implantable loop recorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 .. Table 7 Intrinsic and extrinsic causes of bradycardia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Recommendations for electrophysiology study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 .. Table 8 Choice of ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring
Recommendations for pacing in sinus node dysfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 .. depending on symptom frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Recommendations for pacing for atrioventricular block . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
.. Table 9 Advantages and disadvantages of a ‘backup’ ventricular
Recommendations for pacing in patients with .. lead with His bundle pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
bundle branch block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
.. Table 10 Predictors for permanent pacing after transcatheter
Recommendations for pacing for reflex syncope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 . aortic valve implantation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
ESC Guidelines 5

Table 11 Management of anticoagulation in pacemaker .. AVB Atrioventricular block

procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 .. AVJ Atrioventricular junction
Table 12 Complications of pacemaker and cardiac .. AVN Atrioventricular node
resynchronization therapy implantation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 .. BBB Bundle branch block
Table 13 Frequency of follow-up for routine pacemaker and .. BLOCK-HF Biventricular versus RV pacing in patients
cardiac resynchronization therapy, either in person alone or .. with AV block (trial)
combined with remote device management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 .. b.p.m. Beats per minute

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Table 14 Topics and content that may be included in patient BRUISE CONTROL Bridge or Continue Coumadin for
education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 ..
.. Device Surgery Randomized Controlled
Table 15 A selection of the developed quality indicators for .. Trial
patients undergoing cardiovascular implantable electronic device ..
.. BRUISE CONTROL-2 Randomized Controlled Trial of
implantation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 .. Continued Versus Interrupted Direct
.. Oral Anti-Coagulant at the Time of
List of figures .. Device Surgery
Figure 1 Central Illustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 .. CABG Coronary artery bypass graft
.. CARE-HF CArdiac REsynchronization in Heart
Figure 2 Classification of documented and suspected ..
bradyarrhythmias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 .. Failure (trial)
.. CHD Congenital heart disease
Figure 3 Initial evaluation of patients with symptoms suggestive of ..
bradycardia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 .. CI Confidence interval
.. CIED Cardiovascular implantable electronic
Figure 4 Evaluation of bradycardia and conduction disease ..
algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
.. device
.. CMR Cardiovascular magnetic resonance
Figure 5 Optimal pacing mode and algorithm selection in sinus ..
node dysfunction and atrioventricular block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
.. COMPANION COmparison of Medical therapy, PAcing
.. aNd defibrillatION (trial)
Figure 6 Decision algorithm for patients with unexplained syncope ..
and bundle branch block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
.. CPAP Continuous positive airway pressure
.. CRT Cardiac resynchronization therapy
Figure 7 Decision pathway for cardiac pacing in patients with ..
reflex syncope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
.. CRT-D Defibrillator with cardiac
.. resynchronization therapy
Figure 8 Summary of indications for pacing in patients >40 years ..
.. CRT-P Cardiac resynchronization therapy-
of age with reflex syncope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ..
Figure 9 Indication for atrioventricular junction ablation in patients .. pacemaker
.. CSM Carotid sinus massage
with symptomatic permanent atrial fibrillation or persistent atrial ..
fibrillation unsuitable for atrial fibrillation ablation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 .. CSS Carotid sinus syndrome
.. CT Computed tomography
Figure 10 Patient’s clinical characteristics and preference to be ..
considered for the decision-making between cardiac .. DANPACE DANish Multicenter Randomized
.. Trial on Single Lead Atrial PACing vs.
resynchronization therapy pacemaker or defibrillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 ..
Figure 11 Three patients with different types of transitions in .. Dual Chamber Pacing in Sick Sinus
.. Syndrome
QRS morphology with His bundle pacing and decrementing ..
pacing output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 .. DDD Dual-chamber, atrioventricular pacing
.. ECG Electrocardiogram/electrocardiographic
Figure 12 Management of conduction abnormalities after ..
transcatheter aortic valve implantation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 .. Echo-CRT Echocardiography Guided Cardiac
.. Resynchronization Therapy (trial)
Figure 13 Integrated management of patients with pacemaker and ..
cardiac resynchronization therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
.. EF Ejection fraction
.. EHRA European Heart Rhythm Association
Figure 14 Flowchart for evaluating magnetic resonance imaging in ..
pacemaker patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
.. EMI Electromagnetic interference
.. EORP EurObservational Research Programme
Figure 15 Pacemaker management during radiation therapy . . . . . . . . . 60 ..
Figure 16 Example of shared decision-making in patients
.. EPS Electrophysiology study
.. ESC European Society of Cardiology
considered for pacemaker/CRT implantation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 ..
.. EuroHeart European Unified Registries On Heart
.. Care Evaluation and Randomized Trials
Abbreviations and acronyms .. HBP His bundle pacing
.. HCM Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
AF Atrial fibrillation .. HF Heart failure
APAF Ablate and Pace in Atrial Fibrillation
.. HFmrEF Heart failure with mildly reduced ejection
(trial) .. fraction
ATP Antitachycardia pacing
.. HFpEF Heart failure with preserved ejection
AV Atrioventricular .. fraction
6 ESC Guidelines

HFrEF Heart failure with reduced ejection ... SAR Specific absorption rate
.. SAS Sleep apnoea syndrome
HOT-CRT His-optimized cardiac resynchronization .. SCD Sudden cardiac death
.. SND Sinus node dysfunction
HR Hazard ratio .. SR Sinus rhythm
HV Hisventricular interval (time from the
.. TAVI Transcatheter aortic valve implantation
beginning of the H deflection to the .. VKA Vitamin K antagonist

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

earliest onset of ventricular .. WRAP-IT World-wide Randomized Antibiotic
depolarization recorded in any lead, .. Envelope Infection Prevention Trial
electrophysiology study of the heart) ..
ICD Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator ..
ILR Implantable loop recorder ..
1 Preamble
LBBB Left bundle branch block
.. Guidelines summarize and evaluate available evidence with the aim of
LGE Late gadolinium contrast enhanced ..
LQTS Long QT syndrome .. assisting health professionals in proposing the best management
.. strategies for an individual patient with a given condition. Guidelines
LV Left ventricular ..
LVEF Left ventricular ejection fraction .. and their recommendations should facilitate decision-making of
MADIT-CRT Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator .. health professionals in their daily practice. However, the final deci-
Implantation with Cardiac .. sions concerning an individual patient must be made by the responsi-
Resynchronization Therapy (trial) .. ble health professional(s) in consultation with the patient and
MI Myocardial infarction .. caregiver, as appropriate.
MIRACLE Multicenter Insync RAndomized Clinical .. A great number of guidelines have been issued in recent years by
Evaluation (trial) ... the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), as well as by other soci-
MOST MOde Selection Trial in Sinus-Node
.. eties and organizations. Because of their impact on clinical practice,
Dysfunction .. quality criteria for the development of guidelines have been estab-
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
.. lished in order to make all decisions transparent to the user. The rec-
MUSTIC MUltisite STimulation In .. ommendations for formulating and issuing ESC Guidelines can be
Cardiomyopathies (trial)
.. found on the ESC website (
NOAC Non-vitamin K antagonist oral .. The ESC Guidelines represent the official position of the ESC on a
.. given topic and are regularly updated.
anticoagulant ..
NYHA New York Heart Association .. In addition to the publication of Clinical Practice Guidelines, the ESC
.. carries out the EurObservational Research Programme of international
OAC Oral anticoagulant ..
OMT Optimal medical therapy .. registries of cardiovascular diseases and interventions which are essen-
.. tial to assess diagnostic/therapeutic processes, use of resources, and
OR Odds ratio ..
PATH-CHF PAcing THerapies in Congestive Heart .. adherence to guidelines. These registries aim at providing a better
.. understanding of medical practice in Europe and around the world,
Failure (trial) ..
PCCD Progressive cardiac conduction disease .. based on high-quality data collected during routine clinical practice.
.. Furthermore, the ESC has developed and embedded in this docu-
PCI Percutaneous coronary intervention ..
PET Positron emission tomography .. ment a set of quality indicators (QIs), which are tools to evaluate the
.. level of implementation of the guidelines and may be used by the
PM Pacemaker ..
RA Right atrium/atrial .. ESC, hospitals, healthcare providers, and professionals to measure
RAFT ResynchronizationDefibrillation for .. clinical practice as well as in educational programmes, alongside the
Ambulatory Heart Failure Trial .. key messages from the guidelines, to improve quality of care and clini-
RBBB Right bundle branch block .. cal outcomes.
RCT Randomized controlled trial
.. The Members of this Task Force were selected by the ESC, includ-
RESET-CRT Re-evaluation of Optimal Re- .. ing representation from its relevant ESC subspecialty groups, in order
synchronisation Therapy in Patients with
.. to represent professionals involved with the medical care of patients
Chronic Heart Failure (trial) .. with this pathology. Selected experts in the field undertook a com-
REVERSE REsynchronization reVErses Remodelling
.. prehensive review of the published evidence for management of a
in Systolic left vEntricular dysfunction .. given condition according to ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines
.. Committee (CPG) policy. A critical evaluation of diagnostic and ther-
RV Right ventricular/right ventricle .. apeutic procedures was performed, including assessment of the
.. riskbenefit ratio. The level of evidence and the strength of the rec-
RVA Right ventricular apical ..
RVOT Right ventricular outflow tract .. ommendation of particular management options were weighed and
.. graded according to pre-defined scales, as outlined below.
RVS Right ventricular septum ..
S. aureus Staphylococcus aureus .. The experts of the writing and reviewing panels provided declara-
.. tion of interest forms for all relationships that might be perceived as
ESC Guidelines 7

Table 1 Classes of recommendations

Wording to use
Classes of recommendations

Class I Evidence and/or general agreement Is recommended or is indicated

that a given treatment or procedure is

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Class II

Class IIa Weight of evidence/opinion is in Should be considered

Class IIb May be considered

established by evidence/opinion.

Class III Evidence or general agreement that the Is not recommended

given treatment or procedure is not

©ESC 2021
useful/effective, and in some cases
may be harmful.

Table 2 Levels of evidence

Level of Data derived from multiple randomized clinical trials

evidence A or meta-analyses.

Level of Data derived from a single randomized clinical trial

evidence B or large non-randomized studies.

Level of Consensus of opinion of the experts and/or small studies,

©ESC 2021

evidence C retrospective studies, registries.

real or potential sources of conflicts of interest. Their declarations of .. endorsement process of these Guidelines. The ESC Guidelines
interest were reviewed according to the ESC declaration of interest .. undergo extensive review by the CPG and external experts. After
rules and can be found on the ESC website ( .. appropriate revisions, the guidelines are signed-off by all the
guidelines) and have been compiled in a report and published in a .. experts involved in the Task Force. The finalized document is
supplementary document simultaneously with the guidelines. .. signed-off by the CPG for publication in the European Heart
This process ensures transparency and prevents potential biases in .. Journal. The guidelines were developed after careful consideration
the development and review processes. Any changes in declarations .. of the scientific and medical knowledge and the evidence available
of interest that arose during the writing period were notified to the .. at the time of their dating.
ESC and updated. The Task Force received its entire financial support .. The task of developing ESC Guidelines also includes the creation
from the ESC without any involvement from the healthcare industry. .. of educational tools and implementation programmes for the recom-
The ESC CPG supervises and coordinates the preparation of .. mendations including condensed pocket guideline versions, summary
new guidelines. The Committee is also responsible for the .. slides, summary cards for non-specialists, and an electronic version
8 ESC Guidelines

for digital applications (smartphones, etc.). These versions are .. Pericardial Diseases, as well as the Association of Cardiovascular
abridged and thus, for more detailed information, the user should .. Nursing & Allied Professions.
always access to the full text version of the guidelines, which is freely ..
available via the ESC website and hosted on the EHJ website. The .. 2.1 Evidence review
National Cardiac Societies of the ESC are encouraged to endorse, .. This document is divided into sections, each with a section coordina-
adopt, translate, and implement all ESC Guidelines. Implementation .. tor and several authors. They were asked to thoroughly review the
programmes are needed because it has been shown that the out- .. recent literature on their topics, and to come up with recommenda-
.. tions and grade them by classification as well as by level of evidence.

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

come of disease may be favourably influenced by the thorough appli-
cation of clinical recommendations. .. Where data seemed controversial, a methodologist (Dipak Kotecha)
Health professionals are encouraged to take the ESC Guidelines .. was asked to evaluate the strength of the evidence and to assist in
fully into account when exercising their clinical judgement, as well as .. determining the class of recommendation and level of evidence. All
in the determination and the implementation of preventive, diagnos- ..
.. recommendations were voted on by all authors of the document and
tic, or therapeutic medical strategies. However, the ESC Guidelines .. were accepted only if supported by at least 75% of the co-authors.
do not override in any way whatsoever the individual responsibility ..
.. The leaders (Jens Cosedis Nielsen and Michael Glikson) and the
of health professionals to make appropriate and accurate decisions in .. coordinators of this document (Yoav Michowitz and Mads Brix
consideration of each patient’s health condition and in consultation
.. Kronborg) were responsible for alignment of the recommendations
with that patient or the patient’s caregiver where appropriate and/or .. between sections, and several members of the writing committee
necessary. It is also the health professional’s responsibility to verify
.. were responsible for overlap with other ESC Guidelines, such as the
the rules and regulations applicable in each country to drugs and devi- .. HF guidelines and the valvular heart disease guidelines.
ces at the time of prescription.
.. 2.2 Relationships with industry
.. All work in this document was voluntary and all co-authors were
2 Introduction ...
required to declare and prove that they do not have conflicts of inter-
.. ests, as defined recently by the Scientific Guideline Committee of the
Pacing is an important part of electrophysiology and of cardiology in .. ESC and the ESC board.
general. Whereas some of the situations requiring pacing are clear and ..
have not changed over the years, many others have evolved and have .. 2.3 What is new in these guidelines
been the subject of extensive recent research, such as pacing after syn- ... 2.3.1 New concepts and new sections
cope (section 5), pacing following transcatheter aortic valve implanta- ..
tion (TAVI; section 8), cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) for .. Table 3 New concepts and sections in current
heart failure (HF) and for prevention of pacing-induced cardiomyop- ..
.. guidelines
athy (section 6), and pacing in various infiltrative and inflammatory dis- ..
eases of the heart, as well as in different cardiomyopathies (section 8). .. Concept/section Section
.. New section on types and modes of pacing, including con- 3.4
Other novel topics include new diagnostic tools for decision-making ..
on pacing (section 4), as well as a whole new area of pacing the His bun- .. duction system pacing and leadless pacing
dle and the left bundle branch (section 7). In addition, attention has .. New section on sex differences in pacing 3.5
increased in other areas, such as how to systematically minimize pro-
.. New section on evaluation of patients for pacing 4
cedural risk and avoid complications of cardiac pacing (section 9), how .. Expanded and updated section on CRT 6
to manage patients with pacemakers in special situations, such as when
.. New section on alternative pacing strategies and sites 7
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or irradiation are needed (section .. Expanded and updated section on pacing in specific con- 8
11), how to follow patients with a pacemaker with emphasis on the
.. ditions, including detailed new sections on post TAVI,
use of remote monitoring, and how to include shared decision-making .. postoperative and pacing in the presence of tricuspid
in caring for this patient population (section 12).
.. valve diseases, and operations
The last pacing guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology ..
.. A new section on implantation and perioperative manage- 9
(ESC) were published in 2013; therefore, a new set of guidelines was .. ment, including perioperative anticoagulation
felt to be timely and necessary. ..
.. An expanded revised section on CIED complications 10
To address these topics, a Task Force was established to create .. A new section on various management considerations, 11
the new guidelines. As well as receiving the input of leading experts in ..
.. including MRI, radiotherapy, temporary pacing, periopera-
ESC 2021

the field of pacing, the Task Force was enhanced by representatives .. tive management, sport activity, and follow up
from the Association for Acute CardioVascular Care, the Heart ..
.. A new section on patient-centred care 12
Failure Association, the European Association of Cardiothoracic ..
Surgery, the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular .. CIED = cardiovascular implantable electronic device; CRT = cardiac resynchroni-
.. zation therapy; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; TAVI = transcatheter aortic
Interventions, the ESC Working Group on Myocardial and .. valve implantation.
ESC Guidelines 9

2.3.2 New recommendations in 2021 ... Laboratory tests

.. In addition to preimplant laboratory tests,d spe-
Table 4 New recommendations in 2021 .. cific laboratory tests are recommended in
Recommendations Classa Levelb
.. patients with clinical suspicion for potential
.. causes of bradycardia (e.g. thyroid function tests,
Evaluation of the patient with suspected or documented brady- .. Lyme titre, digitalis level, potassium, calcium, and
cardia or conduction system disease .. pH) to diagnose and treat these conditions.

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Monitoring .. Sleep evaluation
In patients with infrequent (less than once a .. Screening for SAS is recommended in patients
month) unexplained syncope or other symp- .. with symptoms of SAS and in the presence of
.. I C
toms suspected to be caused by bradycardia, in
.. severe bradycardia or advanced AVB during
whom a comprehensive evaluation did not dem- .. sleep.
onstrate a cause, long-term ambulatory monitor- .. Electrophysiological study
ing with an ILR is recommended. ..
.. In patients with syncope and bifascicular block,
Ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring is .. EPS should be considered when syncope
recommended in the evaluation of patients with
I C .. remains unexplained after non-invasive evalua-
suspected bradycardia to correlate rhythm dis- .. tion or when an immediate decision about pac- IIa B
turbances with symptoms.
.. ing is needed due to severity, unless empirical
Carotid massage .. pacemaker implantation is preferred (especially
Once carotid stenosis is ruled out , carotid sinus .. in elderly and frail patients).
massage is recommended in patients with syn-
.. In patients with syncope and sinus bradycardia,
cope of unknown origin compatible with a reflex I B ... EPS may be considered when non-invasive tests
mechanism or with symptoms related to pres- .. have failed to show a correlation between syn-
sure/manipulation of the carotid sinus area.
.. cope and bradycardia.
Tilt test .. Genetics
Tilt testing should be considered in patients with
.. Genetic testing should be considered in patients
suspected recurrent reflex syncope. .. with early onset (age <50 years) of progressive IIa C
Exercise test .. cardiac conduction disease.
.. Genetic testing should be considered in family
Exercise testing is recommended in patients ..
who experience symptoms suspicious of brady- I C .. members following the identification of a patho-
.. IIa C
cardia during or immediately after exertion. .. genic genetic variant that explains the clinical
In patients with suspected chronotropic incom-
.. phenotype of cardiac conduction disease in an
petence, exercise testing should be considered IIa B .. index case.
to confirm the diagnosis.
.. Cardiac pacing for bradycardia and conduction system disease
In patients with intra-ventricular conduction dis- .. Pacing is indicated in symptomatic patients with
.. the bradycardia-tachycardia form of SND to cor-
ease or AVB of unknown level, exercise testing IIb C ..
may be considered to expose infranodal block. .. rect bradyarrhythmias and enable pharmacologi- I B
Imaging .. cal treatment, unless ablation of the
Cardiac imaging is recommended in patients
.. tachyarrhythmia is preferred.
with suspected or documented symptomatic .. Pacing is indicated in patients with atrial arrhyth-
.. mia (mainly AF) and permanent or paroxysmal
bradycardia to evaluate the presence of struc-
I C .. I C
tural heart disease, to determine left ventricular .. third- or high-degree AVB irrespective of
.. symptoms.
systolic function, and to diagnose potential ..
causes of conduction disturbances. .. In patients with SND and DDD PM, minimiza-
.. tion of unnecessary ventricular pacing through I A
Multimodality imaging (CMR, CT, PET) should ..
be considered for myocardial tissue character- .. programming is recommended.
ization in the diagnosis of specific pathologies .. Dual chamber cardiac pacing is indicated to
associated with conduction abnormalities need-
IIa C .. reduce recurrent syncope in patients aged >40
ing pacemaker implantation, particularly in .. years with severe, unpredictable, recurrent syn-
patients younger than 60 years.
.. cope who have:
Continued .. • spontaneous documented symptomatic asys- I A
.. tolic pause/s >3 s or asymptomatic pause/s
.. >6 s due to sinus arrest or AVB; or
.. • cardioinhibitory carotid sinus syndrome; or
.. • asystolic syncope during tilt testing.
10 ESC Guidelines

In patients with recurrent unexplained falls, the ... HBP with a ventricular backup lead may be con-
same assessment as for unexplained syncope .. sidered in patients in whom a “pace-and-ablate”
should be considered. .. strategy for rapidly conducted supraventricular IIb C
AF ablation should be considered as a strategy .. arrhythmia is indicated, particularly when intrin-
to avoid pacemaker implantation in patients with .. sic QRS is narrow.
AF-related bradycardia or symptomatic pre- IIa C .. HBP may be considered as an alternative to right
automaticity pauses, after AF conversion, taking .. ventricular pacing in patients with AVB and LVEF
.. IIb C

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into account the clinical situation. .. >40%, who are anticipated to have >20% ven-
In patients with the bradycardia-tachycardia var-
.. tricular pacing.
iant of SND, programming of atrial ATP may be IIb B .. Leadless pacing
considered. .. Leadless pacemakers should be considered as an
Dual-chamber cardiac pacing may be considered .. alternative to transvenous pacemakers when no
to reduce syncope recurrences in patients with
.. upper extremity venous access exists or when
the clinical features of adenosine-sensitive .. risk of device pocket infection is particularly
syncope. .. high, such as previous infection and patients on
Cardiac resynchronization therapy
.. haemodialysis.
In patients who are candidates for an ICD and .. Leadless pacemakers may be considered as an
.. alternative to standard single lead ventricular
who have CRT indication, implantation of a I A .. IIb C
CRT-D is recommended. .. pacing, taking into consideration life expectancy
In patients who are candidates for CRT, implan- .. and using shared decision-making.
tation of a CRT-D should be considered after
.. Indications for pacing in specific conditions
IIa B ..
individual risk assessment and using shared deci- ... Pacing in acute myocardial infarction
sion-making. .. Implantation of a permanent pacemaker is indi-
In patients with symptomatic AF and an uncon- .. cated with the same recommendations as in a
trolled heart rate who are candidates for AVJ .. general population (section 5.2) when AVB does I C
ablation (irrespective of QRS duration), CRT IIa C .. not resolve within a waiting period of at least 5
rather than standard RV pacing should be con- .. days after MI.
sidered in patients with HFmrEF. .. In selected patients with AVB in context of ante-
In patients with symptomatic AF and an uncon-
.. rior wall MI and acute HF, early device implanta- IIb C
trolled heart rate who are candidates for AVJ .. tion (CRT-D/CRT-P) may be considered.
ablation (irrespective of QRS duration), RV pac-
IIa B ..
.. Pacing in cardiac surgery
ing should be considered in patients with HFpEF. .. 1) High-degree or complete AVB after cardiac
In patients with symptomatic AF and an uncon- .. surgery. A period of clinical observation for at
trolled heart rate who are candidates for AVJ .. least 5 days is indicated in order to assess
IIb B ..
ablation (irrespective of QRS duration), CRT .. whether the rhythm disturbance is transient and
may be considered in patients with HFpEF. .. resolves. However, in the case of complete AVB
Alternate site pacing .. with low or no escape rhythm when resolution
.. is unlikely, this observation period can be
His bundle pacing ..
In patients treated with HBP, device program- .. shortened.
ming tailored to specific requirements of His I C .. SND after cardiac surgery and heart transplanta-
bundle pacing is recommended. .. tion. Before permanent pacemaker implantation,
.. IIa C
In CRT candidates in whom coronary sinus lead .. a period of observation for up to 6 weeks should
implantation is unsuccessful, HBP should be con-
.. be considered.
IIa B ..
sidered as a treatment option along with other .. Chronotropic incompetence after heart trans-
techniques such as surgical epicardial lead.
.. plantation. Cardiac pacing should be considered
In patients treated with HBP, implantation of a .. for chronotropic incompetence persisting more IIa C
.. than 6 weeks after heart transplantation to
right ventricular lead used as “backup” for pacing ..
should be considered in specific situations (e.g. .. improve quality of life.
.. Continued
pacemaker-dependency, high-grade AVB, infra-
nodal block, high pacing threshold, planned AVJ ..
ablation), or for sensing in case of issues with ..
detection (e.g. risk of ventricular undersensing ..
or oversensing of atrial/His potentials). ..
ESC Guidelines 11

Surgery for valvular endocarditis and intraopera-

.. Ambulatory ECG monitoringg or electrophysiol-
tive complete AVB. Immediate epicardial pace- .. ogy studyh may be considered for TAVI patients
maker implantation should be considered in
.. with pre-existing conduction abnormality who IIb C
patients with surgery for valvular endocarditis .. develop further prolongation of QRS or PR
and complete AVB if one of the following predic- .. >20 ms.
tors of persistence is present: preoperative con- .. Prophylactic permanent pacemaker implantation
duction abnormality, Staphylococcus aureus .. is not indicated before TAVI in patients with III C

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infection, intracardiac abscess, tricuspid valve RBBB and no indication for permanent pacing.
involvement, or previous valvular surgery. .. Various syndromes
Patients requiring pacing at the time of tricuspid ..
.. In patients with neuromuscular diseases such as
valve surgery. Transvalvular leads should be .. myotonic dystrophy type 1 and any second- or
avoided and epicardial ventricular leads used.
.. I C
.. third-degree AVB or HV >_70 ms, with or with-
During tricuspid valve surgery, removal of pre- .. out symptoms, permanent pacing is indicated.i
existing transvalvular leads should be considered
.. In patients with LMNA gene mutations, including
and preferred over sewing-in the lead between IIa C .. Emery-Dreifuss and limb girdle muscular dystro-
the annulus and a bio-prosthesis or annuloplasty
.. phies who fulfil conventional criteria for pace-
ring. In the case of an isolated tricuspid annulo- .. maker implantation or who have prolonged PR IIa C
plasty based on an individual risk-benefit analysis,
.. with LBBB, ICD implantation with pacing capabil-
a pre-existing right ventricular lead may be left in .. ities should be considered if at least 1-year sur-
place without jailing it between ring and annulus. .. vival is expected.
Patients requiring pacing after biological tricuspid ..
.. In patients with Kearns-Sayre syndrome who
valve replacement/tricuspid valve ring repair. .. have PR prolongation, any degree of AVB, bun-
When ventricular pacing is indicated, transve- .. IIa C
.. dle branch block, or fascicular block, permanent
nous implantation of a coronary sinus lead or
.. pacing should be considered.
minimally invasive placement of an epicardial ... In patients with neuromuscular disease such as
ventricular lead should be considered and pre- ..
.. myotonic dystrophy type 1 with PR >_240 ms or
ferred over a transvenous transvalvular .. QRS duration >_120 ms, permanent pacemaker
.. implantation may be considered.i
Patients requiring pacing after mechanical tricus- ..
.. In patients with Kearns-Sayre Syndrome without
pid valve replacement. Implantation of a trans- .. cardiac conduction disorder, permanent pacing IIb C
valvular right ventricular lead should be avoided. ..
.. may be considered prophylactically.
Pacing in transcatheter aortic valve implantation .. Sarcoidosis
Permanent pacing is recommended in patients
.. In patients with cardiac sarcoidosis who have
with complete or high-degree AVB that persists I B ..
for 24 - 48 h after TAVI.
.. permanent or transient AVB, implantation of a
.. device capable of cardiac pacing should be
Permanent pacing is recommended in patients ..
I C .. considered.i
with new onset alternating BBB after TAVI. .. In patients with sarcoidosis and indication for
Earlye permanent pacing should be considered in
.. permanent pacing who have LVEF <50%, implan- IIa C
patients with pre-existing RBBB who develop .. tation of a CRT-D should be considered.
any further conduction disturbance during or
IIa B ..
.. Special considerations on device implantations and periopera-
after TAVI.f ..
.. tive management
Ambulatory ECG monitoringg or an electro- .. Administration of preoperative antibiotic pro-
physiology studyh should be considered for ..
.. phylaxis within 1 h of skin incision is recom- I A
patients with new LBBB with QRS >150 ms or IIa C .. mended to reduce risk of CIED infection.
PR >240 ms with no further prolongation during ..
.. Chlorhexidine alcohol instead of povidone-
>48 h after TAVI. .. iodine alcohol should be considered for skin IIa B
Continued ..
.. antisepsis.
.. Continued
12 ESC Guidelines

For venous access, the cephalic or axillary vein
.. In-office routine follow-up of single- and dual-
should be considered as first choice. .. chamber pacemakers may be spaced by up to 24
.. IIa A
For implantation of coronary sinus leads, quadri- .. months in patients on remote device
polar leads should be considered as first choice.
IIa C .. management.
To confirm target ventricular lead position, use .. Temporary pacing
of multiple fluoroscopic views should be IIa C .. Temporary transvenous pacing is recommended
considered. .. in cases of haemodynamic-compromising bra-

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

Rinsing the device pocket with normal saline sol- .. dyarrhythmia refractory to intravenous chrono-
ution before wound closure should be IIa C .. tropic drugs.
considered. .. Transcutaneous pacing should be considered in
.. cases of haemodynamic compromising bradyar-
In patients undergoing a reintervention CIED .. IIa C
procedure, the use of an antibiotic-eluting enve- IIb B .. rhythmia when temporary transvenous pacing is
.. not possible or available.
lope may be considered. ..
Pacing of the mid-ventricular septum may be ... Temporary transvenous pacing should be con-
considered in patients with a high risk of perfora- IIb C .. sidered when immediate pacing is indicated and
tion (elderly, previous perforation). .. pacing indications are expected to be reversible,
In pacemaker implantations in patients with pos-
.. such as in the context of myocardial ischaemia,
sible pocket issues such as increased risk of ero- .. myocarditis, electrolyte disturbances, toxic
.. exposure, or after cardiac surgery.
sion due to low body mass index, Twiddler’s ..
syndrome or aesthetic reasons, a submuscular .. Temporary transvenous pacing should be con-
.. sidered as a bridge to permanent pacemaker
device pocket may be considered. ..
Heparin-bridging of anticoagulated patients is .. implantation, when this procedure is not imme- IIa C
III A .. diately available or possible due to concomitant
not recommended. ..
Permanent pacemaker implantation is not rec-
.. infection.
ommended in patients with fever. Pacemaker .. For long-term temporary transvenous pacing, an
implantation should be delayed until the patient
III B .. active fixation lead inserted through the skin and
.. IIa C
has been afebrile for at least 24 h. .. connected to an external pacemaker should be
.. considered.
Management considerations ..
Remote monitoring
.. Miscellaneous
Remote device management is recommended to .. When pacing is no longer indicated, a decision
.. on the management strategy should be based on
reduce number of in-office follow-up in patients ..
with pacemakers who have difficulties to attend .. an individual risk-benefit analysis in a shared I C
I A .. decision-making process together with the
in-office visits (e.g. due to reduced mobility or ..
other commitments or according to patient .. patient.
.. MRI may be considered in pacemaker patients
preference). ..
Remote monitoring is recommended in case of a .. with abandoned transvenous leads if no alterna- IIb C
.. tive imaging modality is available.
device component that has been recalled or is ..
on advisory, to enable early detection of action-
.. Continued
I C ..
able events in patients, particularly those who ..
are at increased risk (e.g. in case of pacemaker-
dependency). ..
Continued ..
ESC Guidelines 13

.. Cardiac resynchronization therapy

Patient-centred care ..
In patients considered for pacemaker or CRT, .. Patients who have received a conventional pace-
the decision should be based on the best .. maker or an ICD and who subsequently develop
available evidence with consideration of .. symptomatic HF with LVEF <_35% despite OMT
.. I IIa
individual risk-benefits of each option, the .. and who have a significantb proportion of RV
patients preferences, and goals of care, and it is I C .. pacing should be considered for upgrade to
recommended to follow an integrated care .. CRT.
.. CRT rather than RV pacing is recommended for

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approach and use the principles of patient- ..

ESC 2021
centred care and shared decision making in .. patients with HFrEF (<40%) regardless of NYHA
the consultation.
.. class who have an indication for ventricular pac- IIa I
.. ing and high-degree AVB in order to reduce
AF = atrial fibrillation; ATP = antitachycardia pacing; AV = atrioventricular; AVB ..
= atrioventricular block; AVJ = atrioventricular junction; BBB = bundle branch .. morbidity. This includes patients with AF.
block; BMI = body mass index; CIED = cardiovascular implantable electronic .. CRT should be considered for symptomatic
device; CMR = cardiovascular magnetic resonance; CRT = cardiac resynchroniza- ..
tion therapy; CRT-D = defibrillator with cardiac resynchronization therapy; .. patients with HF in SR with LVEF <_35%, a QRS
CRT-P = cardiac resynchronization therapy-pacemaker; CSM = carotid sinus
.. duration of 130149 ms, and LBBB QRS mor- I IIa
massage; CT = computed tomography; DDD = dual-chamber, atrioventricular
.. phology despite OMT, to improve symptoms
pacing; ECG = electrocardiogram; EPS = electrophysiology study; HBP = His .. and reduce morbidity and mortality.
bundle pacing; HF = heart failure; HFmrEF = heart failure with mildly reduced ..
ejection fraction; HFpEF = heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; HV = .. In patients with symptomatic AF and uncon-
Hisventricular interval; ICD = implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; ILR = .. trolled heart rate who are candidates for AVJ
implantable loop recorder; LBBB = left bundle branch block; LV = left ventricular; .. IIa I
LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; MI = myocardial infarction; MRI = mag- .. ablation (irrespective of QRS duration), CRT is
netic resonance imaging; OMT = optimal medical therapy; PET = positron emis-
.. recommended in patients with HFrEF.
sion tomography; PR = PR interval; QRS = Q, R, and S waves; RBBB = right .. Specific indications for pacing
bundle branch block; RV = right ventricular; SAS = sleep apnoea syndrome; SND ..
= sinus node dysfunction; SR = sinus rhythm; TAVI = transcatheter aortic valve .. In patients with congenital heart disease, pacing
implantation. .. may be considered for persistent postoperative
Class of recommendation. .. IIa IIb
Level of evidence. .. bifascicular block associated with transient com-
CSM should not be undertaken in patients with previous transient ischaemic
.. plete AVB.
attack, stroke, or known carotid stenosis. Carotid auscultation should be per- .. Management considerations
formed before carotid sinus massage. If a carotid bruit is present, carotid ultra- ..
sound should be performed to exclude carotid disease .. In patients with MRI-conditional pacemaker sys-
Complete blood counts, prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, serum .. temsc, MRI can be performed safely following IIa I
creatinine, and electrolytes. ..
Immediately after procedure or within 24 h. .. manufacturer instructions.
Transient high-degree AVB, PR prolongation, or QRS axis change.
.. In patients with non-MRI-conditional pacemaker
Ambulatory continuous ECG monitoring (implantable or external) for 730 .. systems, MRI should be considered if no alterna-
days. ..
.. tive imaging mode is available and if no epicardial IIb IIa

ESC 2021
Electrophysiology study with HV >_70 ms may be considered positive for perma-
nent pacing. .. leads, abandoned or damaged leads, or lead
Whenever pacing is indicated in neuromuscular disease, an ICD should be con- ..
sidered according to relevant guidelines. .. adaptors/extenders are present.
.. AF = atrial fibrillation; AVB = atrioventricular block; AVJ = atrioventricular junc-
.. tion; CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy; HFrEF = heart failure with
.. reduced ejection fraction; ICD = implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; LBBB =
.. left bundle branch block; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; MRI = magnetic
2.3.3 Changes in cardiac pacing and cardiac .. resonance imaging; NYHA = New York Heart Association; OMT = optimal med-
resynchronization therapy guideline recommendations .. ical therapy; RV = right ventricular; SR = sinus rhythm.
since 2013 a
.. Class of recommendation.
.. A limit of 20% RV pacing for considering interventions for pacing-induced HF is
... supported by observational data. However, there are no data to support that any
.. percentage of RV pacing can be considered as defining a true limit below which
Table 5 Changes in cardiac pacing and cardiac .. RV pacing is safe and beyond which RV pacing is harmful.
resynchronization therapy guideline recommendations
.. Combination of MRI conditional generator and lead(s) from the same
since 2013
.. manufacturer.
2013 2021 ..
.. 3 Background
............................ ..
Cardiac pacing for bradycardia and conduction system disease ..
.. 3.1 Epidemiology
In patients with syncope, cardiac pacing may be .. The prevalence and incidence of pacemaker implantation are
considered to reduce recurrent syncope when
IIa IIb .. unknown in many countries, yet several estimations have been pub-
asymptomatic pause(s) >6 s due to sinus arrest .. lished based on the analysis of large observational studies and data-
are documented.
.. bases. There is considerable variability in reported pacemaker
Continued .. implant rates between European countries, ranging from <25
14 ESC Guidelines

New in these guidelines

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Pacing in TAVI
CRT indications

HBP in bradycardia
Leadless pacing
or CRT

Minimizing Pacing in Pacing in

Preimplant Pacing for High risk
complication patients with patients after
evaluation bradycardia reflex syncope
risk rare diseases cardiac surgery

Figure 1 The 2021 ESC Guidelines on cardiac pacing and CRT present new and updated recommendations for these treatments in relevant patient

pacemaker implantations per million people in Azerbaijan, Bosnia and .. pacemaker-treated patients.912 In contrast, SND follows an unpre-
Herzegovina, and Kyrgyzstan, to >1000 implantations per million .. dictable course, and there is no evidence to show that pacemaker
people in France, Italy, and Sweden.1 These differences may result .. therapy results in improved prognosis.1315
from under- or overtreatment with pacemaker therapy in some .. Improving life expectancy is not, however, the only objective of
countries, or from variations in sociodemographic characteristics .. pacemaker therapy. Quality of life is an essential metric for measuring
and pathological conditions. There is a continuous growth in the .. a patient’s clinical status and outcome, and provides a holistic picture
use of pacemakers due to the increasing life expectancy and age- .. of clinical treatment effectiveness.16 Studies have been unanimous in
ing of populations.28 The estimated number of patients globally .. finding improved quality of life in patients receiving pacing
undergoing pacemaker implantation has increased steadily up to .. therapy.1722
an annual implant rate of 1 million devices.2 Degeneration of the ..
cardiac conduction system and changes in intercellular conduc- .. 3.3 Pathophysiology and classification of
tion can be manifestations of cardiac pathology or non-cardiac
.. bradyarrhythmias considered for
disease, and are most prevalent in older patients. Therefore, most ..
bradycardias requiring cardiac pacing are observed in the elderly,
.. permanent cardiac pacing therapy
.. Definitions of various conduction disturbances are presented in
with >80% of pacemakers being implanted in patients above the ..
age of 65 years.
.. Supplementary Table 1.
.. Sinus bradycardia can be considered physiological in response to
.. specific situations, such as in well-conditioned athletes, young individ-
3.2 Natural history .. uals, and during sleep. Pathological bradyarrhythmias are dependent
High-degree atrioventricular block (AVB) and sinus node dysfunction .. on their underlying cause and can be broadly categorized into intrin-
(SND) are the most common indications for permanent pacemaker
.. sic and extrinsic aetiologies. Advanced age and age-related degenera-
therapy. Conservatively treated (i.e. non-paced) patients with high- .. tive changes are important intrinsic causes of modifications in
degree AVB have notably poorer survival compared with
.. electrical impulse initiation and propagation of the conduction
ESC Guidelines 15

Patient with bradycardia-related symptoms

Y Persistent bradycardia

Sinus node disease

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AV block
Sinus rhythm
Atrial fibrillation

Documented arrhythmia
Paroxysmal AV block
Sino-atrial block and sinus arresta
Reflex syncope
Atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular condition
Carotid sinus
Extrinsic (functional) Tilt-induced
Vagally induced sinus arrest or AV block
Adenosine hypersensitivityb
Idiopathic AV block Unexplained syncope

Figure 2 Classification of documented and suspected bradyarrhythmias. AV = atrioventricular; BBB = bundle branch block; ECG = electrocardiogram.
Including the bradycardiatachycardia form of sick sinus syndrome. bDeharo et al.32 Figure adapted from Brignole et al.33

system. In addition, genetic mutations have been linked to conduction ..

.. 3.4 Types and modes of pacing: general
disorders (see section 4.3.5), and atrial cardiomyopathy23 may be a .. description
specific disease that can result in supraventricular tachyarrhythmia, ..
.. 3.4.1 Endocardial pacing
SND, and atrioventricular node (AVN) disease.24 .. Endocardial lead-based pacemakers consist of a pulse generator com-
It is essential to differentiate reversible from non-reversible ..
.. monly placed in the pectoral region and transvenous lead(s)
causes of bradycardia. Potential reversible causes of bradycardia .. implanted into the myocardium with the ability to sense cardiac activ-
include adverse drug effects, myocardial infarction (MI), toxic
.. ity and provide therapeutic cardiac stimulation. Since the introduc-
exposure, infections, surgery, and electrolyte disorders. In a study ..
including 277 patients referred to the emergency department
.. tion of transvenous endocardial pacemakers in the 1960s, major
.. technological advances have improved their efficacy and safety. In
with bradycardia, electrolyte disorders were the underlying cause ..
in 4%, intoxication in 6%, acute MI in 14%, and adverse drug effects
.. general, pacemaker implantation is considered a low-risk procedure,
.. yet it is not exempt from device- and procedure-related complica-
in 21%.25 ..
In the case of non-reversible pathological causes of slow heart
.. tions and malfunction. Pacemaker implantation is covered in detail in
rate, the presence and severity of symptoms play an essential role
... a recent European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) consensus
.. document.34
in the consideration for permanent antibradycardia pacemaker ..
therapy. This may be challenging in patients with competing mech- ..
anisms for their symptoms. In general, candidates for pacing ther- .. 3.4.2 Epicardial pacing
apy can be broadly classified into two groups: patients with .. Some clinical scenarios dictate implantation of an epicardial pace-
persistent bradycardia and patients with intermittent [with or .. maker system. These include patients with congenital anomalies and
without electrocardiographic (ECG) documentation] bradycar- .. no venous access to the heart or with an open shunt between the
dia. Persistent bradycardia usually indicates an intrinsic disease in .. right and left sides of the circulation, recurrent device infections,
the sinus node tissue or the atrioventricular (AV) conduction sys- .. occluded veins, and—most commonly today—in conjunction with
tem, whereas intermittent bradycardia can be a result of a wide .. open cardiac surgery. Epicardial leads are currently implanted using
variety of intrinsic and extrinsic pathological processes, as illus- .. various (minimally invasive) thoracotomy or thoracoscopy and
trated in Figure 2.2631 .. robotic techniques.35
16 ESC Guidelines

3.4.3 Cardiac resynchronization therapy (endo- and/or .. heart rate during emotional or physical activity by sensing body
epicardial) .. motion/acceleration, minute ventilation, intracardiac impedance, or
Cardiac dyssynchrony is a difference in the timing of electrical and .. other surrogates of physical and mental stress, and are indicated in
mechanical activation of the ventricles, which can result in impaired .. cases of chronotropic incompetence.5157 Dual-sensing rate-respon-
cardiac efficiency. CRT delivers biventricular pacing to correct elec- .. sive pacing (e.g. accelerometer and minute ventilation) may be used
tromechanical dyssynchrony in order to increase cardiac output.36 In .. in selected patients.58 A brief overview of the most commonly used
multiple trials, CRT has shown a significant morbidity and mortality .. rate-responsive pacing sensors is given in Supplementary Table 3.

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

benefit in specific patient groups with reduced left ventricular ejec- ..
tion fraction (LVEF).3740 ..
.. 3.5 Sex differences
3.4.4 Alternative methods (conduction system pacing, .. Pacing indications and complication rates differ between male and
.. female patients. In male patients, primary pacemaker implantation is
leadless pacing) .. Conduction system pacing
.. more often indicated for AVB and less so for SND and atrial fibrilla-
.. tion (AF) with bradycardia.59,60 In female patients, the rate of
Compared with right ventricular (RV) pacing, His bundle pacing ..
(HBP) provides a more physiological simultaneous electrical activa-
.. procedure-related adverse events is significantly higher, corrected
.. for age and type of device. This higher rate is driven mostly by pneu-
tion of the ventricles via the HisPurkinje system. HBP can restore ..
conduction in a subset of patients with high-degree AVB, and shorten
.. mothorax, pericardial effusion, and pocket haematomas.5961
.. Possible explanations for this are a smaller body size in women and
QRS duration in some patients with left bundle branch block (LBBB) ..
or right bundle branch block (RBBB).4144 More studies are ongoing
.. anatomical differences, such as smaller vein diameters and RV
.. diameters.
and required to evaluate whether HBP has clinical benefits over CRT ..
or RV pacing. In addition, left bundle branch area pacing is being ..
studied as a pacing modality for patients in whom the conduction dis- ..
ease is too distal for HBP (see section 7.3). .. 4 Evaluation of the patient with
.. Leadless pacing .. suspected or documented
Miniaturized, intracardiac leadless pacemakers have been introduced. ..
.. bradycardia or conduction system
These devices are inserted percutaneously through the femoral vein ..
and implanted directly in the RV wall using customized catheter- .. disease
based delivery systems. The first-generation leadless pacemakers ..
have been proven to provide effective single-chamber pacing .. 4.1 History and physical examination
.. A careful history and physical examination are essential for the evalu-
therapy.4550 Albeit a promising technology, potential difficulty with ..
leadless pacemaker retrieval at the end of service is a limitation. Thus .. ation of patients with suspected or documented bradycardia
.. (Figure 3). Current guidelines emphasize the importance of the his-
far, there are no randomized controlled data available to compare ..
clinical outcomes between leadless pacing and single-chamber trans- .. tory and physical examination in the initial evaluation, particularly for
.. identifying patients with structural heart disease.62,63
venous pacing. ..
.. A complete history should include family history, comprehensive
.. cardiovascular risk assessment, and recent/historical diagnoses that
3.4.5 Pacing modes
.. may cause bradycardia. The history should be focused on frequency,
Technological advances in pacemaker therapy have resulted in a wide .. severity, and duration of symptoms that might suggest bradycardia or
variety of pacing modalities. Pacemakers can sense the heart’s intrin-
.. conduction system disease. The relationship of symptoms to physical
sic electrical activity and restore the rate and AV sequence of cardiac ..
.. activity, emotional distress, positional changes, medical treatment
activation. Abnormal cardiac automaticity and conduction may be .. (Table 6), and typical triggers (e.g. urination, defecation, cough, pro-
treated by single-lead atrial sensing/pacing, single-lead ventricular ..
.. longed standing, and shaving) should be explored too, as well as pulse
sensing/pacing, single leads that pace the right ventricle (RV) and .. rate if measured during an episode.
sense both the atrium and ventricle, and dual-lead systems that sense ..
.. Family history may be especially important in young patients with
and pace the right atrium (RA) and RV. For common pacing modes, .. progressive cardiac conduction disease either isolated or in associa-
refer to Supplementary Table 2. The choice of the optimal pacing ..
.. tion with cardiomyopathies and/or myopathies.64,65
mode in the presence of conduction disturbances is driven by the .. Physical examination should focus on manifestations of bradycar-
underlying morbidity, the impact of pacing therapy on morbidity, and ..
.. dia and signs of underlying structural heart disease or systemic disor-
the potential harmful effect of the chosen pacing modality. The .. ders (Table 7). Symptomatic slow peripheral pulses should be
choice of pacing modes in specific situations is discussed in section 5. ..
.. confirmed with cardiac auscultation or ECG to ensure that other
.. rhythms are not misrepresented as bradycardia (e.g. premature ven-
3.4.6 Rate-responsive pacing .. tricular contractions).
The sinus node modulates the heart rate during different types and .. Autonomic regulation disorders are important in the differential
loads of exercise (i.e. physical exercise, emotions, postural change, .. diagnosis of syncope or near syncope, and, therefore, orthostatic
and fever) proportional to the metabolic demand. Rate-responsive
.. changes in heart rate and blood pressure may help in the evaluation
pacemaker systems strive to produce an appropriate compensatory . of the patients.
ESC Guidelines 17

Initial evaluation of patients with symptoms suggestive of bradycardia (SND or AV block)

History Physical examination ECG Cardiac imaging

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Cardiovascular risk
Complete history
focusing on symptoms
Family history
Medical treatment

Figure 3 Initial evaluation of patients with symptoms suggestive of bradycardia. AVB = atrioventricular block; ECG = electrocardiogram; SND = sinus
node dysfunction.

Table 6 Drugs that may cause bradycardia or conduction .. Table 6 Continued
disorders ..
.. Sinus node AVB
Sinus node AVB .. bradycardia
.. Others
Beta-blockers 1 1 ..
.. Muscle relaxants 1 –
Antihypertensives .. Cannabis 1 –
Non-dihydropyridine calcium channel 1 1 ..
.. Propofol 1 –
blockers ..
Methyldopa 1 –
.. Ticagrelor 1 1
.. High-dose corticosteroids 1 –
Clonidine 1 – ..
.. Chloroquine – 1
Antiarrhythmics ..
1 1
.. H2 antagonists 1 1
Amiodarone .. Proton pump inhibitors 1 –
Dronedarone 1 1 ..
.. Chemotherapy
Sotalol 1 1 ..
.. Arsenic trioxide 1 1
Flecainide 1 1 .. Bortezomib 1 1
Propafenone 1 1 ..
.. Capecitabine 1 –
Procainamide – 1 ..
.. Cisplatin 1 –
Disopyramide 1 1 .. Cyclophosphamide 1 1
Adenosine 1 1 ..
.. Doxorubicin 1 –
Digoxin 1 1 ..
.. Epirubicin 1 –
Ivabradine 1 – .. 5-fluorouracil 1 1
Psychoactive and neuroactive drugs ..
.. Ifosfamide 1 –
Donepezil 1 1 ..
.. Interleukin-2 1 –
Lithium 1 1 .. Methotrexate 1 –
Opioid analgesics 1 – ..
.. Mitroxantrone 1 1
Phenothiazine 1 1 ..
.. Paclitaxel 1 –
Phenytoin 1 1 .. Rituximab 1 1
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors – 1 ..
.. Thalidomide 1 1
ESC 2021

Tricyclic antidepressants – 1
.. Anthracycline – 1
Carbamazepine 1 1 .. Taxane – 1
Continued ..
.. AVB = atrioventricular block.
18 ESC Guidelines

Table 7 Intrinsic and extrinsic causes of bradycardia

... Table 7 Continued
Sinus AVJ
.. Sinus AVJ
bradycardia disturbances .. bradycardia disturbances
or SND .. or SND
Intrinsic .. Hypothermia 1 1
Idiopathic (ageing, degenerative) 1 1 .. Neurological disorders
Infarction/ischaemia 1 1 ..

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

Increased intracranial pressure 1 1
Cardiomyopathies 1 1 .. Central nervous system tumours 1 1

ESC 2021
Genetic disorders 1 1 ..
.. Temporal epilepsy 1 1
Infiltrative diseases .. Obstructive sleep apnoea 1 1
Sarcoidosis 1 1 .. AV = atrioventricular; AVB = atrioventricular block; AVJ = atrioventricular junc-
Amyloidosis 1 1
.. tion; SND = sinus node dysfunction.
.. Adapted from Mangrum et al. and Da Costa et al.
71 72a
Haemochromatosis 1 1 ..
Collagen vascular diseases ..
Rheumatoid arthritis 1 1
Scleroderma 1 1 ..
.. Carotid sinus massage (CSM) can be helpful in any patient >_40
Systemic lupus erythematosus 1 1 .. years old with symptoms suggestive of carotid sinus syndrome (CSS):
Storage diseases 1 1
.. syncope or near syncope elicited by tight collars, shaving, or turning
Neuromuscular diseases 1 1 ..
.. the head.66,67 Methodology and response to CSM are described in
Infectious diseases .. section 4.1 in the Supplementary data. Diagnosis of CSS requires both
Endocarditis (perivalvular abscess) – 1 ... the reproduction of spontaneous symptoms during CSM and clinical
Chagas disease 1 1 .. features of spontaneous syncope compatible with a reflex
Myocarditis – 1 .. mechanism.6870
Lyme disease – 1 ..
Diphtheria – 1 .. 4.2 Electrocardiogram
Toxoplasmosis – 1 .. Together with the history and physical examination, the resting ECG
Congenital heart diseases 1 1 .. is an essential component of the initial evaluation of patients with
.. documented or suspected bradycardia. A 12-lead ECG or a rhythm
Cardiac surgery ..
Coronary artery bypass grafting 1 1 .. strip during the symptomatic episode provides the definitive
.. diagnosis.
Valve surgery (including 1 1 ..
.. For those in whom physical examination suggests a bradycardia, a
transcatheter aortic valve ..
replacement) .. 12-lead ECG is useful to confirm the rhythm, rate, nature, and extent
.. of conduction disturbance (Supplementary Table 1). Furthermore, an
Maze operation 1 – ..
Heart transplant 1 1
.. ECG may provide information about structural heart or systemic ill-
.. ness (e.g. LV hypertrophy, Q waves, prolonged QT interval, and low
Radiation therapy 1 1 ..
.. voltage) that predict adverse outcomes in symptomatic patients.62
Intended or iatrogenic AVB – 1 ..
Sinus tachycardia ablation 1 –
.. 4.3 Non-invasive evaluation
Extrinsic ..
Physical training (sports) 1 1 .. Recommendations for non-invasive evaluation
Vagal reflex 1 1
.. Recommendations Classa Levelb
Drug effects 1 1 ..
Idiopathic paroxysmal AVB – 1 .. Once carotid stenosis is ruled out,c CSM is rec-
Electrolyte imbalance
.. ommended in patients with syncope of unknown
.. origin compatible with a reflex mechanism or I B
ESC 2021

Hypokalaemia 1 1
.. with symptoms related to pressure/manipulation
Hyperkalaemia 1 1 ..
Hypercalcaemia 1 1
.. of the carotid sinus area.6870
Hypermagnesaemia 1 1 .. CSM = carotid sinus massage.
a .. Class of recommendation.
Metabolic disorders b .. Level of evidence.
Hypothyroidism 1 1 c ..
.. attack,
CSM should not be undertaken in patients with previous transient ischaemic
Anorexia 1 1 .. stroke, or known carotid stenosis. Carotid auscultation should be per-
.. formed before CSM. If a carotid bruit is present, carotid ultrasound should be
Hypoxia 1 1 .. performed to exclude the presence of carotid disease.
Acidosis 1 1
ESC Guidelines 19

4.3.1 Ambulatory electrocardiographic .. Exercise testing can be used to diagnose symptomatic chrono-
monitoring .. tropic incompetence, defined as an inability to increase the heart rate
The intermittent nature of most symptomatic bradycardia secondary .. commensurate with the increased metabolic demands of physical
to conduction system disease often requires prolonged ambulatory .. activity.74,75 The most commonly used definition of chronotropic
ECG monitoring to correlate rhythm disturbances with symptoms. .. incompetence has been failure to reach 80% of the expected heart
This monitoring allows detection of interruption of AV conduction
.. rate reserve. Expected heart rate reserve is defined as the difference
by either primary disease of the conductive system, a vagal or neuro- .. between the age-predicted maximal heart rate (220  age) and the
cardiogenic mechanism, or reflex AV block.72,72a

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

.. resting heart rate. However, some medical treatments and comor-
Ambulatory ECG identifies defects of sinus automaticity, which .. bidities cause exercise intolerance and make the diagnosis of chrono-
includes sinus pauses, sinus bradycardia, bradycardiatachycardia
.. tropic incompetence by exercise testing more difficult.
syndrome, asystole post-conversion of atrial flutter or AF, and chro- .. In patients with exercise-related symptoms, the development or
notropic incompetence.
.. progression of AVB may occasionally be the underlying cause.
Different versions of ambulatory ECG monitoring have been .. Tachycardia-related exercise-induced second-degree and complete
reviewed recently in a comprehensive expert consensus .. AVB have been shown to be located distal to the AVN and predict
(Supplementary Table 4).73 Ambulatory ECG selection depends on .. progression to permanent AVB.7678 Usually, these patients show
the frequency and nature of the symptoms (Table 8). .. intraventricular conduction abnormalities on the resting ECG, but a
.. normal resting ECG has also been described in such cases.77,79
.. Exercise testing may expose advanced infranodal AVB in the pres-
.. ence of conduction system disease of uncertain location.
Table 8 Choice of ambulatory electrocardiographic
.. In rare cases, conduction disturbances induced by exercise are
monitoring depending on symptom frequency .. caused by myocardial ischaemia or coronary vasospasm, and exercise
Frequency of .. testing may reproduce the symptoms.80,81
symptom .. There are no data supporting an indication for exercise testing in
Daily 24-h Holter ECG or in-hospital telemetric .. patients without exercise-related symptoms. Exercise testing may be
monitoring .. useful in selected patients to distinguish AVN from conduction dis-
Every 4872 h 244872 h Holter ECG .. turbances in the HisPurkinje system below the AVN in the setting
Every week 7-day Holter ECG/external loop recorder/
.. of conduction disturbance at an unclear level.
external patch recorder
Every month External loop recorder/external patch .. Recommendations for exercise testing
ESC 2021

recorder/handheld ECG recorder ..
<1 per month ILR .. Recommendations Classa Levelb
ECG = electrocardiogram; ILR = implantable loop recorder. .. Exercise testing is recommended in patients
Adapted from Brignole et al.33 ..
.. who experience symptoms suspicious of brady-
.. cardia during or immediately after
.. exertion.62,7480
.. In patients with suspected chronotropic incom-
Recommendation for ambulatory electrocardiographic .. petence, exercise testing should be considered IIa B
.. to confirm the diagnosis.74,75
.. In patients with intraventricular conduction dis-
Recommendation Classa Levelb ..
.. ease or AVB of unknown level, exercise testing
ESC 2021
Ambulatory ECG monitoring is recommended in
.. may be considered to expose infranodal
the evaluation of patients with suspected brady- .. block.76,77,79
ESC 2021

cardia to correlate rhythm disturbances with

I C ..
.. AVB = atrioventricular block.
symptoms.73 .. a
Class of recommendation.
.. b

ECG = electrocardiogram. .. Level of evidence.

Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence. ..
.. 4.3.3 Imaging
.. In patients with suspected or documented symptomatic bradycardia,
4.3.2 Exercise testing .. the use of cardiac imaging is recommended to evaluate the presence
Exercise testing may be useful in selected patients with suspected .. of structural heart disease, to determine LV systolic function, and to
bradycardia during or shortly after exertion. Symptoms occurring .. diagnose potential reversible causes of conduction disturbances
during exercise are likely to be due to cardiac causes, whereas symp-
.. (Table 7).
toms occurring after exercise are usually caused by a reflex .. Echocardiography is the most commonly available imaging techni-
.. que for evaluation of the above factors. It can also be used in the
20 ESC Guidelines

context of haemodynamic instability. When coronary artery disease .. Recommendations for laboratory tests
is suspected, coronary computed tomography (CT), angiography, or ..
stress imaging is recommended.82 Cardiovascular magnetic reso- .. Recommendations Classa Levelb
nance (CMR) and nuclear imaging techniques provide information on
.. In addition to pre-implantation laboratory tests,c
tissue characterization (inflammation, fibrosis/scar) and should be ..
considered before pacemaker implantation when specific aetiologies
.. specific laboratory tests are recommended in
.. patients with clinical suspicion for potential
associated with conduction abnormalities are suspected (specially in ..
.. underlying causes of reversible bradycardia (e.g. I C

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

young patients). Late gadolinium contrast enhanced (LGE) and T2 ..
.. thyroid function tests, Lyme titre, digitalis level,

ESC 2021
CMR techniques allow the diagnosis of specific causes of conduction
.. potassium, calcium, and pH) to diagnose and
disturbances (i.e. sarcoidosis and myocarditis). Late gadolinium con- ..
.. treat these conditions.9094
trast enhancement CMR helps in the decision-making of individuals
with arrhythmic events; the presence of large areas of LGE (scar/fib- .. a
Class of recommendation.
rosis) has been linked to an increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias .. b
Level of evidence.
.. c
Complete blood counts, prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, serum
regardless of LVEF and may indicate the need for an implantable .. creatinine, and electrolytes.
cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD).8385 T2 CMR sequences are suited ..
for the detection of myocardial inflammation (i.e. oedema and hyper- ..
aemia) as a potential cause of transitory conduction abnormalities ..
that may not need permanent pacemaker implantation.86 Similarly, .. 4.3.5 Genetic testing
positron emission tomography (PET) combined with CMR or CT .. Most cardiac conduction disorders are due to either ageing or struc-
helps in the diagnosis of inflammatory activity status of infiltrative car- .. tural abnormalities of the cardiac conduction system caused by
diomyopathies (i.e. sarcoidosis).87,88 .. underlying structural heart disease. Genes responsible for inherited
.. cardiac diseases associated with cardiac conduction disorders have
.. been identified.65,95,96
Recommendations regarding imaging before ..
implantation .. Genetic mutations have been linked to a range of abnormalities
.. that may present in isolated forms of cardiac conduction disorder or
Recommendations Classa Levelb .. in association with cardiomyopathy, congenital cardiac anomalies, or
.. extra-cardiac disorders. Most genetically mediated cardiac conduc-
Cardiac imaging is recommended in patients ..
.. tion disorders have an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance65,95
with suspected or documented symptomatic .. (Supplementary Table 5).
bradycardia to evaluate the presence of struc- ..
I C .. Progressive cardiac conduction disease (PCCD) may be
tural heart disease, to determine LV systolic .. diagnosed in the presence of unexplained progressive conduction
function, and to diagnose potential causes of ..
.. abnormalities in young (<50 years) individuals with structurally nor-
conduction disturbances. .. mal hearts in the absence of skeletal myopathies, especially if there is
Multimodality imaging (CMR, CT, or PET) should
.. a family history of PCCD.97 Common PCCD-associated genes are
be considered for myocardial tissue character- .. SCN5A and TRPM4 for isolated forms and LMNA for PCCD associ-
ization in the diagnosis of specific pathologies
IIa C .. ated with HF.
associated with conduction abnormalities need- ..
ESC 2021

ing pacemaker implantation, particularly in

.. The diagnosis of PCCD in an index patient is based on clinical data
.. including history, family history, and 12-lead ECG. The potential pres-
patients younger than 60 years.8386,88 ..
.. ence of congenital heart disease (CHD) and/or cardiomyopathy must
CMR = cardiovascular magnetic resonance; CT = computed tomography; LV = .. be investigated with cardiac imaging.
left ventricular; PET = positron emission tomography.
a .. Early-onset PCCD, either isolated or with concomitant structural
Class of recommendation. .. heart disease, should prompt consideration of PCCD genetic testing,
Level of evidence. ..
.. particularly in patients with a positive family history of conduction
.. abnormalities, pacemaker implants, or sudden death.97
.. A consensus panel has endorsed mutation-specific genetic testing
.. for family members and appropriate relatives after the identification
4.3.4 Laboratory tests ..
Laboratory tests, including full blood counts, prothrombin time, par- .. of a PCCD causative mutation in an index case. Such testing can be
.. deferred in asymptomatic children because of the age-dependent
tial thromboplastin time, renal function, and electrolyte measure- ..
ments, are warranted as part of pre-procedural planning for .. nature of cardiac conduction diseases and incomplete penetrance.65
.. However, every case should be individually evaluated depending of
pacemaker implantation. ..
Bradycardia or AVB may be secondary to other conditions .. the risk of the detected mutation.
.. Asymptomatic family members who are positive for the family’s
(Table 7). When suspected, laboratory data are useful for identifying ..
and treating these conditions (e.g. thyroid function, Lyme titre to .. PCCD-associated mutation should be regularly followed for devel-
.. opment of cardiac conduction disease-related symptoms, deteriora-
diagnose myocarditis in a young person with AVB, endocarditis, ..
hyperkalaemia, digitalis levels, and hypercalcaemia).8994 .. tion of cardiac conduction, and beginning of HF.
ESC Guidelines 21

Recommendations for genetic testing

.. 4.3.7 Tilt testing
.. Tilt testing should be considered to confirm a diagnosis of reflex syn-
Recommendations Classa Levelb ..
.. cope in patients in whom this diagnosis was suspected but not con-
Genetic testing should be considered in patients
.. firmed by initial evaluation.62,107 The endpoint of tilt testing is the
with early onset (age <50 years) of progressive IIa C ... reproduction of symptoms along with the characteristic circulatory
cardiac conduction disease.c 65,97 .. pattern of the reflex syncope. The methodology and classification of
.. responses are described in section 4.2 in the Supplementary data and
Genetic testing should be considered in family ..

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

members following the identification of a patho- .. in Supplementary Figure 1.
.. A positive cardioinhibitory response to tilt testing predicts, with
genic genetic variant that explains the clinical IIa C ..

ESC 2021
phenotype of cardiac conduction disease in an .. high probability, asystolic spontaneous syncope; this finding is rele-
.. vant for therapy when cardiac pacing is considered (see section 5.4).
index case.65 ..
.. Conversely, the presence of a positive vasodepressor, a mixed
Class of recommendation. .. response, or even a negative response does not exclude asystole dur-
Level of evidence. ..
Progressive cardiac conduction disease: prolonged P wave duration, PR interval,
.. ing spontaneous syncope.62
and QRS widening with axis deviation.96 ...
.. Recommendation for tilt testing
4.3.6 Sleep evaluation .. Recommendation Classa Levelb

ESC 2021
Nocturnal bradyarrhythmias are common in the general population. .. Tilt testing should be considered in patients with
In most circumstances, these are physiological, vagally mediated .. IIa B
.. suspected recurrent reflex syncope.62
asymptomatic events, which do not require intervention.98100 ..
Patients with sleep apnoea syndrome (SAS) have a higher preva- ..
Class of recommendation.
b.. Level of evidence.
lence of sleep-related bradycardia (both sinus and conduction system ..
related) during apnoeic episodes.101,102 SAS-induced hypoxaemia is a ..
key mechanism leading to an increased vagal tone and bradycardic ..
rhythm disorders.101,102 Another rare mechanism of sleep-related
bradycardia (usually in the form of prolonged sinus arrest) is rapid .. 4.4 Implantable monitors
eye movement sleep-related bradycardia, unrelated to apnoea. This
.. Patients with infrequent symptoms of bradycardia (less than once per
mechanism can also be diagnosed by polysomnography.103 Although .. month) need a longer duration of ECG monitoring. For these
most cases quoted in the literature have been treated with pace-
.. patients, the implantable loop recorder (ILR) is an ideal diagnostic
makers, the evidence for this is scant, and there is no consensus on .. tool given its capacity for prolonged monitoring (up to 3 years) and
how to treat these patients.103
.. without the need for active patient participation (Table 8).
Treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) alle- .. In patients with unexplained syncope after the initial evaluation
viates obstructive sleep apnoea-related symptoms and improves car- .. and infrequent symptoms (less than once a month), several studies
diovascular outcomes. Appropriate treatment reduces episodes of .. have demonstrated a higher efficacy of initial ILR implantation com-
bradycardia by 7289%,104 and patients are unlikely to develop .. pared with a conventional strategy. Many conditions diagnosed by
symptomatic bradycardia at long-term follow-up.104106 Therefore, .. ILR are bradycardia mediated.108112 For further discussion on the
patients with asymptomatic nocturnal bradyarrhythmias or cardiac .. diagnostic roles of ILR and ambulatory ECG, and indications for their
conduction diseases should be evaluated for SAS. If the diagnosis is .. use, refer to the ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of
confirmed, treatment of sleep apnoea with CPAP and weight loss can .. syncope.62
be effective in improving bradyarrhythmias occurring during sleep, ..
and permanent pacing should be avoided. In patients with known or ..
suspected SAS and symptomatic bradyarrhythmias not associated ..
.. Recommendation for implantable loop recorders
with sleep, a more complex assessment of the risks associated with ..
bradyarrhythmias vs. the benefit of cardiac pacing is needed. .. Recommendation Classa Levelb
.. In patients with infrequent (less than once a
Recommendation for sleep evaluation .. month) unexplained syncope or other symp-
Recommendation Classa Levelb .. toms suspected to be caused by bradycardia, in
.. whom a comprehensive evaluation did not I A
Screening for SAS is recommended in patients .. demonstrate a cause, long-term ambulat
ESC 2021

with symptoms of SAS and in the presence of .. ory monitoring with an ILR is
ESC 2021

I C ..
severe bradycardia or advanced AVB during .. recommended.108112
sleep.101106 ..
.. ILR = implantable loop recorder.
a .. Class of recommendation.
AVB = atrioventricular block; SAS = sleep apnoea syndrome.
a b .. Level of evidence.
Class of recommendation. ..
Level of evidence.
22 ESC Guidelines

4.5 Electrophysiology study .. In patients with syncope and sinus bradycardia, the pre-test
The development of non-invasive ambulatory ECG technologies has .. probability of bradycardia-related syncope increases when there is a
reduced the need for the electrophysiology study (EPS) as a diagnos- .. sinus bradycardia (<50 b.p.m.) or sinoatrial block. Observational
tic test. EPS is generally an adjunctive tool in the evaluation of patients .. studies have shown a relationship between prolonged sinus node
with syncope in whom bradycardia is suspected but has not been .. recovery time with syncope and the effect of pacing on
documented after non-invasive evaluation (Figure 4). The goal of an .. symptoms.113,114
EPS in the context of bradycardia evaluation is to identify abnormal .. In patients with syncope and bifascicular block, a prolonged

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

sinus node function or the anatomical location of the cardiac conduc- .. Hisventricular interval (HV) >_70 ms, or HV >_100 ms after pharma-
tion disorders (in the AVN or in the HisPurkinje system distal to .. cological stress (ajmaline, procainamide, flecainide, or disopyramide),
the AVN). .. or induction of second- or third-degree AVB by atrial pacing or by

Patient with symptoms suggestive of bradycardia or conduction system disease

History, physical examination, 12-lead ECG and cardiac imaging

Early onset
of progressive
Bradycardia cardiac Clinical
Suspected Suspected
or cardiac conduction suspicion Syncope and Exercise
scar or recurrent
conduction disease or for potential bifascicular induced
infiltrative reflex
disorders family history causes of block symptoms
cardiomyopathy syncope
during sleep inherited cardiac bradycardia

EPS or ET for
induced block
Polysomnography Genetic Laboratory imaging CSM/ tilt
or empirical ET
/sleep study test test (CMR, CT, test
pacemaker in
PET etc.)
elderly and
frail patients


Y N (non-diagnostic)

SND AV block <1 per ILR
(See section 5.1) (See section 5.2) month

CCD without
Reflex syncope
AV block Non- Clinical
(See section 5.4)
(See section 5.3) diagnostic follow-up

Figure 4 Evaluation of bradycardia and conduction disease algorithm. AECG = ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring; AV = atrioventricular;
CCD = cardiac conduction disease (or disorder); CMR = cardiovascular magnetic resonance; CSM = carotid sinus massage; CT = computed tomography;
ECG = electrocardiogram; EPS = electrophysiology study; ET = exercise test; ILR = implantable loop recorder; PET = positron emission tomography;
SND = sinus node dysfunction.
ESC Guidelines 23

pharmacological stress, identifies a group at higher risk of developing .. be considered as an appropriate indication for permanent pacing
AVB.115122 .. only when bradycardia due to SND is symptomatic.126 Patients with
The efficacy of EPS for the diagnosis of syncope is highest in .. SND may manifest symptoms attributable to bradyarrhythmia and/or
patients with sinus bradycardia, bifascicular block, and suspected .. symptoms of accompanying atrial tachyarrhythmias in the bradycar-
tachycardia,62 and lowest in patients with syncope, a normal ECG, no .. diatachycardia form of the disease. Symptoms may be present
structural heart disease, and no palpitations. Therefore, EPS is pre- .. either at rest or at the end of the tachyarrhythmic episode (conver-
ferred over ILR in patients with syncope who have a high pre-test .. sion pause also named pre-automaticity pause), or develop during

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

probability for significant conduction disease (e.g. abnormal ECG, .. exercise, and may range from mild fatigue to light-headedness, dizzy
BBB, ischaemic heart disease, or scar-related cardiomyopathy). For .. spells, near-syncope, to syncope. Dyspnoea on exertion may be
patients with a low pre-test probability (no structural heart disease, .. related to chronotropic incompetence. Syncope is a common mani-
normal ECG), ILR is preferred over EPS. EPS is also preferred when .. festation of SND and has been reported in 50% of patients who
there is a high likelihood that another syncopal episode will be dan-
.. receive a pacemaker for SND.127
gerous or life-threatening and an immediate diagnosis is likely if EPS is .. Establishing a correlation between symptoms and bradyarrhyth-
.. mia is a crucial step in decision-making. However, age, concomitant
A negative EPS does not exclude an arrhythmic syncope, and fur- .. heart disease, and other comorbidities may pose difficulties in
ther evaluation is warranted. Approximately one-third of patients
.. establishing a clear causeeffect relationship between SND and
with a negative EPS in whom an ILR is implanted develop AVB at fol- .. symptoms.
.. The effect of cardiac pacing on the natural history of bradyarrhyth-
.. mias was evaluated in non-randomized studies undertaken at the
Recommendations for electrophysiology study ..
.. beginning of the pacemaker era, which suggested a symptomatic
.. improvement with cardiac pacing.128131 This was confirmed by one
Recommendations Classa Levelb ..
.. randomized controlled trial (RCT)14 in which 107 patients (aged 73
In patients with syncope and bifascicular block, .. ± 11 years) with symptomatic SND were randomized to no treat-
EPS should be considered when syncope .. ment, oral theophylline, or dual-chamber (DDD) rate-responsive
remains unexplained after non-invasive evalua-
.. pacemaker therapy. In this study, the occurrence of syncope and HF
tion or when an immediate decision about pac- IIa B .. was lower in the pacemaker group during a follow-up of 19 ± 14
ing is needed due to severity, unless empirical
.. months.
pacemaker implantation is preferred (especially .. In patients presenting with exercise intolerance in whom chrono-
in elderly and frail patients).115121
.. tropic incompetence has been identified, the usefulness of cardiac
In patients with syncope and sinus bradycardia, .. pacing is uncertain, and the decision to implant a pacemaker in such
.. patients should be made on a case by case basis.
EPS may be considered when non-invasive tests ..
ESC 2021

IIb B ..
have failed to show a correlation between syn- In some cases, symptomatic bradyarrhythmias may be related to
.. transient, potentially reversible, or treatable conditions (section 4,
cope and bradycardia.113,114 ..
.. Table 7). In such cases, correction of these factors is required,
EPS = electrophysiology study. .. whereas permanent pacing is not indicated. In clinical practice, it is
Class of recommendation. ..
Level of evidence. .. crucial to distinguish physiological bradycardia (due to autonomic
.. influences or training effects) from inappropriate bradycardia that
.. requires permanent cardiac pacing. For example, sinus bradycardia,
.. even when it is 4050 b.p.m. while at rest or as slow as 30 b.p.m.
.. while sleeping, particularly in trained athletes, could be accepted as a
.. physiological finding that does not require cardiac pacing.
.. Asymptomatic bradycardia (due to either sinus pauses or AVB epi-
5 Cardiac pacing for bradycardia ..
.. sodes) is not uncommon and warrants interpretation in the clinical
and conduction system disease .. context of the patient: in healthy subjects, pauses >2.5 s are uncom-
.. mon, but this per se does not necessarily constitute a clinical disorder;
5.1 Pacing for sinus node dysfunction .. asymptomatic bradyarrhythmias are common in athletes.132 In the
SND, also known as sick sinus syndrome, comprises a wide spectrum ..
.. absence of published trials, no recommendations for bradycardia
of sinoatrial dysfunctions, ranging from sinus bradycardia, sinoatrial .. detected in asymptomatic patients can be made. On the other hand,
block, and sinus arrest to bradycardiatachycardia syndrome.124,125 ..
.. in patients investigated for syncope in whom asymptomatic pause(s)
An additional manifestation of SND is an inadequate chronotropic .. >6 s due to sinus arrest are eventually documented, pacing may be
response to exercise, reported as chronotropic incompetence. ..
.. indicated. Indeed, such patients constituted a small minority of those
.. included in an observational study and a randomized trial on pacing in
5.1.1 Indications for pacing .. reflex syncope.133,134 In patients presenting with sleep-related Sinus node dysfunction
.. asymptomatic intermittent bradycardia (sinus bradycardia or AVB),
In general, pacing for asymptomatic SND has never been shown to .. sleep apnoea and rapid eye movement sleep-related bradycardia
affect prognosis, as opposed to pacing for AVB. Therefore, SND can
.. should be considered as possible causes.
24 ESC Guidelines

.. Bradycardiatachycardia form of sinus node dysfunction .. Syndrome (DANPACE), which enrolled 1415 patients followed for a
The bradycardiatachycardia variant of SND is the most common .. mean of 5.4 years, found no difference between DDD(R) and AAIR
form, and is characterized by progressive, age-related, degenerative .. pacing in all-cause mortality.127 The DANPACE trial also found a
fibrosis of the sinus node tissue and atrial myocardium. .. higher incidence of paroxysmal AF [hazard ratio (HR) 1.27] and a
Bradyarrhythmias can be associated with various forms of atrial .. two-fold increased risk of pacemaker reoperation with AAIR, with
tachyarrhythmias, including AF.125 In this form of SND, the bradyar- .. AVB developing in 0.61.9% of patients every year.127 These findings
rhythmias may correspond to atrial pauses due to sinoatrial blocks or .. support the routine use of DDD(R) rather than AAIR pacing in

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may be due to overdrive suppression after an atrial .. patients with SND.
tachyarrhythmia.135 .. In view of these data, DDD(R) is the pacing mode of first choice in
Atrial tachyarrhythmias may be present at the time of diagnosis, .. SND (Figure 5). Unnecessary RV pacing should be systematically
typically with sinus arrest and asystolic pauses at the termination of .. avoided in patients with SND, because it may cause AF and deteriora-
atrial tachyarrhythmias or after device implant. Control of atrial
.. tion of HF, particularly if systolic function is impaired or border-
tachyarrhythmias in patients presenting with high ventricular rates .. line.144,148 This can be achieved by programming of the AV interval
may be difficult before implant, as drugs prescribed for rate control
.. or using specific algorithms for minimizing RV pacing. Programming
may worsen bradyarrhythmias. Ablation of the atrial tachyarrhythmia, .. an excessively long AV interval to avoid RV pacing in patients with
mainly AF, has been proposed in lieu of pacing and continuing medi-
.. prolonged AV conduction may be disadvantageous from a haemody-
cations for selected patients,136138 but no data are available from .. namic point of view by causing diastolic mitral regurgitation, which
RCTs to show whether catheter ablation of AF is non-inferior to car- may lead to symptoms and/or AF.144,149,150
diac pacing with respect to bradycardia-related symptoms in patients .. Pacing algorithms for minimizing ventricular pacing are often used
with bradycardiatachycardia syndrome.139 If drug treatment is .. in SND.144,151 A meta-analysis of algorithms for minimizing RV pacing
chosen, bradyarrhythmias during drug treatment for rate or rhythm .. failed to show a significant effect compared with conventional DDD
control may be managed by dose reduction or discontinuation as an .. pacing in patients with normal ventricular function with regard to
alternative to cardiac pacing, but in many cases bradyarrhythmias .. endpoints such as incidence of persistent/permanent AF, all-cause
persist. .. hospitalization, and all-cause mortality.152 However, the rationale for
.. reducing unnecessary RV pacing remains strong and is coupled with
.. the benefits of extending device longevity.151,152 Some manufacturer-
5.1.2 Pacing mode and algorithm selection .. specific algorithms are more effective in minimizing ventricular pacing,
In patients with SND, controlled studies found that DDD was supe- .. but may confer disadvantages in allowing decoupling between atria
rior to single-chamber ventricular pacing in reducing the incidence of .. and ventricles.153,154 Rarely, algorithms designed to minimize ventric-
AF. These studies also showed some effect of DDD pacing on the .. ular pacing can cause life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias that are
occurrence of stroke.140,141 Dual-chamber pacing reduces the risk of .. pause dependent or pause triggered.155158 No direct comparison
pacemaker syndrome, which may occur in more than a quarter of
.. of these algorithms has been performed so far, but pooled data from
patients with SND.21,142 Pacemaker syndrome is associated with a .. randomized trials do not show clear-cut superiority of any specific
reduction in quality of life and usually justifies the preference for
.. algorithm in improving clinical outcome.152,159
DDD vs. ventricular rate-modulated pacing in SND, when reason- .. In patients with severely reduced LVEF and a SND indication for
able.143 Potential exceptions are very elderly and/or frail patients
.. pacing, in whom a high percentage of ventricular pacing is expected,
with infrequent pauses who have limited functional capacity and/or a .. an indication for CRT or HBP should be evaluated (see section 6 on
short expected survival. In these patients, the benefit of DDD(R) vs.
.. CRT and section 7 on HBP).
VVIR pacing is expected to have limited or no clinical impact, and the .. The role of pacing algorithms for preventing AF has been the sub-
incremental risk of complications related to the second atrial lead .. ject of controversy. A series of algorithms for preventing/suppressing
required in DDD(R) implants should also be considered when .. AF has been tested, such as dynamic atrial overdrive pacing, atrial
choosing the pacing mode. In patients with SND treated with a DDD .. pacing in response to atrial premature beats, pacing in response to
pacemaker, programming of the AV interval and specific algorithms .. exercise, and post-mode-switch pacing. The clinical evaluation of
for minimizing RV pacing may further reduce the risk of AF and par- .. these algorithms, also applied at different atrial pacing sites, is not
ticularly of persistent AF.144 Dual-chamber pacing is safer and more .. convincing and no clinical benefit with regard to major clinical end-
sustainable than atrial-only pacing modes used in the past,127 even .. points has been demonstrated.160,161
though single-lead atrial pacing was found to be superior to single- .. Atrial antitachycardia pacing [ATP; i.e. delivery of atrial stimuli at
lead ventricular pacing.145,146 The results of studies that evaluated dif- .. high frequencies to convert an atrial tachyarrhythmia to sinus rhythm
ferent pacing modes in bradyarrhythmias, including in some cases .. (SR)] has also been tested for reducing the atrial tachyarrhythmia
both SND and AVB, are shown in Supplementary Table 6. .. burden and counteracting the tendency over time towards progres-
With regard to the choice between DDD(R) and atrial pacing .. sion to permanent AF.162 Conventional delivery of atrial ATP in a
atrial sensing inhibited-response rate-adaptive (AAIR) pacing, an RCT .. way that mirrors the delivery of ventricular ATP (bursts/ramp at
with only 177 patients suggested a reduced risk of AF with AAIR.147
.. arrhythmia onset) has a relatively low success rate, and indeed the tri-
However, the most recent DANish Multicenter Randomized Trial on .. als based on conventional atrial ATP showed no benefit on AF bur-
Single Lead Atrial PACing vs. Dual Chamber Pacing in Sick Sinus
.. den or clinical events.163 A new form of ATP delivery has been
ESC Guidelines 25

Optimal pacing mode in sinus node dysfunction and atrio-ventricular block

SND AV block

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Persistent or Persistent or
paroxysmal paroxysmal

Persistent Paroxysmal Persistent Paroxysmal



Sinus rhythm:
option + AVM + AVM + AVM AF: VVI +
rate hysteresis

Any reason Single Single
to avoid 2 chamber chamber VVI(R)a VDD VDD
leadsb AAIR AAI

Significant VVI + rate VVI +

comorbidity hysteresis rate hysteresis

Figure 5 Optimal pacing mode and algorithm selection in sinus node dysfunction and atrioventricular block. AF = atrial fibrillation; AV = atrioventricular;
AVM = atrioventricular management [i.e. AV delay programming (avoiding values >230 ms) or specific algorithms to avoid/reduce unnecessary ventricular
pacing]; CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy; SND = sinus node dysfunction. a(R) indicates that the programming of such a pacing mode is preferred
only in the case of chronotropic incompetence. bReasons to avoid two leads include young age and limited venous access. Note: in patients who are candi-
dates for a VVI/VDD pacemaker, a leadless pacemaker may be considered (see section 7). For combined CRT indications, see section 6. Adapted from
Brignole et al.62

proposed, specifically aimed at reducing atrial tachyarrhythmias, and

.. conventional DDD(R)]. The positive effect on the primary endpoint
its efficacy in reducing the progression to permanent AF was vali- .. was due to a lower rate of progression to permanent AF. A post-hoc
dated in an RCT.162,164 .. analysis indicated that this form of atrial ATP was an independent
In this trial,164 the primary composite outcome at 2 years (death, .. predictor of permanent or persistent AF reduction.162,164,165 In
cardiovascular hospitalizations, or permanent AF) was significantly .. CHD, where re-entrant atrial arrhythmias are very common, use of
reduced in patients with a device combining ATP and algorithms for .. DDD(R) pacemakers with atrial ATP may be considered (see section
minimizing RV pacing [36% relative risk reduction compared with .. 8 on pacing in CHD).
26 ESC Guidelines

Recommendations for pacing in sinus node dysfunction .. AVB, manifestations of fatigue, exertional intolerance, and HF are
.. sometimes underestimated. Deterioration of cognitive functions is
Recommendations Classa Levelb .. often only speculative so that the possibilities of improvement after
.. implantation of a pacemaker are unpredictable and unlikely. Death in
In patients with SND and a DDD pacemaker, ..
.. patients with untreated AVB is due not only to HF secondary to low
minimization of unnecessary ventricular
I A .. cardiac output, but also to SCD caused by prolonged asystole or
pacing through programming is ..
.. bradycardia-triggered ventricular tachyarrhythmia. Although RCTs of
recommended.144,151,159,164,166169 ..

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.. pacing in AVB have not been performed, it is clear from several
Pacing is indicated in SND when symptoms can
.. observational studies that pacing prevents recurrence of syncope and
clearly be attributed to I B .. improves survival.1012
Pacing is indicated in symptomatic patients with .. First-degree atrioventricular block
the bradycardiatachycardia form of SND in .. Usually the prognosis is good in the absence of structural heart
order to correct bradyarrhythmias and enable .. disease, and progression to high-degree block is uncommon.175 The
I B ..
pharmacological treatment, unless ablation of .. indication for pacing relies on an established correlation between
the tachyarrhythmia is .. symptoms and AVB. There is weak evidence to show that marked PR
preferred.17,20,21,136138,170,171 .. prolongation (i.e. >_300 ms), particularly when it persists or is pro-
In patients who present chronotropic incompe- .. longed during exercise, can lead to symptoms similar to pacemaker
tence and have clear symptoms during exercise, .. syndrome and/or that these can improve with pacing.176 Symptom
DDD with rate-responsive pacing should be
IIa B .. correlation is crucial, although it may be difficult if these are non-
considered.172,173 .. specific and subtle. In the absence of a clear correlation, a pacemaker
AF ablation should be considered as a strategy .. is generally not indicated.
to avoid pacemaker implantation in patients with ..
AF-related bradycardia or symptomatic pre- IIa C .. Second-degree type I atrioventricular block (Mobitz type I or
automaticity pauses, after AF conversion, taking .. Wenckebach)
into account the clinical situation.136139,174 .. In addition to the presence or absence of symptoms, the risk of pro-
In patients with the bradycardiatachycardia .. gression to higher degrees of AVB should be considered. Supranodal
variant of SND, programming of atrial ATP may IIb B .. block has a benign course, and the risk of progression to type II or a
be considered.164,165
.. higher degree of AV block is low. Small, retrospective studies have
In patients with syncope, cardiac pacing may be .. suggested that, over the long term, this type of AVB carries a higher
.. risk of death in patients aged >_45 years in the absence of pacemaker
considered to reduce recurrent syncope when
IIb C ..
asymptomatic pause(s) >6 s due to sinus arrest .. implantation.177,178 Infranodal block (rare in this form of block) car-
.. ries a high risk of progression to complete heart block, syncope, and
is documented.133,134 ..
Pacing may be considered in SND when symp- .. sudden death, and warrants pacing even in the absence of
.. symptoms.179,180
toms are likely to be due to bradyarrhythmias, IIb C ..
when the evidence is not conclusive. ..
.. Second-degree Mobitz type II, 2:1, and advanced atrioventricular
Pacing is not recommended in patients with bra- ..
dyarrhythmias related to SND that are asympto-
.. block (also named high-grade atrioventricular block, where the P:QRS
ESC 2021

III C ratio is 3:1 or higher), third-degree atrioventricular block

matic or due to transient causes that can be ..
corrected and prevented.33
.. In the absence of a reversible cause, due to the risk of occurrence of
.. severe symptoms and/or possible progression towards a more
ATP = antitachycardia pacing; DDD = dual-chamber, atrioventricular pacing; .. severe or complete AVB, patients should receive a pacemaker even
SND = sinus node dysfunction. .. in the absence of symptoms. In asymptomatic patients in whom a 2:1
Class of recommendation. ..
Level of evidence. .. AVB is found incidentally, the decision for implantation should be
.. made on a case by case basis including distinction between nodal and
.. infranodal AVB. This distinction may be based on observations such
.. as PR or PP interval prolongation before AVB, the effect of exercise
.. on AV conduction, and an EPS.
5.2 Pacing for atrioventricular block ..
5.2.1 Indications for pacing .. Paroxysmal atrioventricular block
Treatment of AVB aims at ameliorating symptoms and preventing .. Because of the risk of syncope and SCD and of the potential progres-
syncope and sudden cardiac death (SCD). First-degree AVB is usually .. sion to permanent AVB, the indications for pacing are the same for
asymptomatic. Syncope and dizziness are mainly observed in high- .. paroxysmal as for permanent AVB. It is crucial to rule out a reversible
degree and complete AVB, especially in the paroxysmal forms. HF .. cause and to recognize the reflex forms of AVB, which may not need
symptoms are more common in chronic AVB with permanent brady- .. pacing. Documentation of infranodal block by EPS or the documenta-
cardia, but can also be observed in first-degree AVB with a very pro- .. tion of initiation of the block by atrial or ventricular premature beats,
longed PR interval. Given the commonly advanced age at onset of . or increased heart rate (tachy-dependent AVB) or decreased heart
ESC Guidelines 27

rate (brady-dependent AVB), support a diagnosis of intrinsic infrano- .. symptoms due to bradycardia and of high-degree or infranodal block,
dal AVB.27 .. pacing is unlikely to be beneficial and is not indicated.
.. In patients with AF who undergo atrioventricular junction (AVJ)
.. ablation to control rapid ventricular rates, there is evidence to show
5.2.2 Pacing mode and algorithm selection .. Dual-chamber vs. ventricular pacing
.. that AVJ ablation plus RV pacing improves symptoms and quality of
.. life.192 In contrast, neutral results were found regarding the progres-
Large, randomized, parallel trials that included patients with only ..
.. sion of HF, hospitalization, and mortality,193 except in one study.194
AVB181 or with AVB and/or SND140 failed to show superiority of ..

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.. Compared with pharmacological rate control, AVJ ablation and CRT
DDD over ventricular pacing with regard to mortality, and have not
.. reduced the risks of death due to HF, hospitalization due to HF, or
consistently shown superiority in terms of quality of life or morbidity ..
.. worsening HF by 62%, and improved specific symptoms of AF by
(including stroke or transient ischaemic attack and AF).20,140,181 Dual-
.. 36% in elderly patients with permanent AF and narrow QRS.195 In
chamber pacing is beneficial over ventricular pacing due to the avoid- .. other studies, this beneficial effect was limited to patients with HF or
ance of pacemaker syndrome, which occurred in up to a quarter of ..
.. reduced ejection fraction (EF).166,196 For further discussion of the
patients with AVB in these trials. In a meta-analysis of 20 crossover .. role of CRT following AVJ ablation, refer to section 6. There is weak
trials, DDD was associated with an improved exercise capacity com- ..
.. evidence to support a benefit from para-Hisian and Hisian pacing
pared with ventricular pacing. However, the effect was driven by .. after AVJ ablation for refractory AF.197200 For further discussion,
non-rate-modulated ventricular pacemakers, and no benefit was ..
.. refer to section 7.
observed from the comparison of DDD with VVIR pacing.182
Pacemaker syndrome is associated with reduction in quality of life ..
and may require a reintervention for upgrading, justifying the prefer- .. Recommendations for pacing for atrioventricular block
ence for DDD when reasonable (i.e. in patients who do not present .. Recommendations Classa Levelb
with significant frailty, very advanced age, significant comorbidities ..
limiting their life expectancy, or a very limited mobility). Another con- .. Pacing is indicated in patients in SR with perma-
sideration is the diagnosis of AF, which is more reliable from device .. nent or paroxysmal third- or second-degree
.. I C
data in patients with DDD pacemakers. On a case by case basis, in .. type 2, infranodal 2:1, or high-degree AVB, irre-
frail elderly patients, and/or when AVB is paroxysmal and pacing .. spective of symptoms.c 912
anticipated to be infrequent, VVIR pacing may be considered as it .. Pacing is indicated in patients with atrial arrhyth-
carries a lower complication rate.140 .. mia (mainly AF) and permanent or paroxysmal
.. I C
There is strong evidence to show that chronic conventional RV .. third- or high-degree AVB irrespective of
pacing may be deleterious in some patients and may lead to LV dys- .. symptoms.
function and HF,148 even when AV synchrony is maintained.183 This .. In patients with permanent AF in need of a pace-
effect is only partly explained by the abnormal activation sequence
.. maker, ventricular pacing with rate response I C
and may involve myocardial perfusion, and humoral, cellular, and .. function is recommended.201204
molecular changes.184,185 Compared with a matched control cohort,
.. Pacing should be considered in patients with sec-
patients with a pacemaker and an RV lead have an increased risk of .. ond-degree type 1 AVB that causes symptoms
HF, which is also associated with older age, previous MI, kidney dis-
.. IIa C
.. or is found to be located at intra- or infra-His
ease, and male sex.186 Pacing-induced cardiomyopathy occurs in .. levels at EPS.177180
1020% of patients after 24 years of RV pacing.186188 It is associ-
.. In patients with AVB, DDD should be preferred
ated with a >20% RV pacing burden.187190 However, there are no ..
.. over single-chamber ventricular pacing to avoid
data to support that any percentage of RV pacing can be considered .. pacemaker syndrome and to improve quality of
as defining a true limit below which RV pacing is safe and beyond ..
.. life.20,140,181,182
which RV pacing is harmful. For discussion of potential indications for .. Permanent pacemaker implantation should be
CRT and/or HBP to prevent pacing-induced cardiomyopathy, please ..
.. considered for patients with persistent symp-
refer to sections 6 and 7. .. toms similar to those of pacemaker syndrome IIa C
.. and clearly attributable to first-degree AVB (PR Atrioventricular block in the case of permanent atrial fibrillation .. >0.3 s).205207
In the presence of AF, AVB should be suspected if the ventricular ..
.. Pacing is not recommended in patients with AVB
ESC 2021

rate is slow and the ventricular rhythm regular. During prolonged ..

monitoring, long ventricular pauses may be detected.191 In patients .. due to transient causes that can be corrected III C
.. and prevented.
with AF and no permanent AVB or symptoms, there is no identifiable, ..
minimum pause duration as an indication for pacing. In the absence of .. AF = atrial fibrillation; AVB = atrioventricular block; DDD = dual-chamber, atrio-
a potentially reversible cause, bradycardia or inappropriate chrono- .. ventricular pacing; EPS = electrophysiology study; SR = sinus rhythm.

tropic response (due to either intermittent or complete AVB) associ- .. a

Class of recommendation.
.. b
Level of evidence.
ated or reasonably correlated with symptoms is an indication for .. c
In asymptomatic narrow QRS complex and 2:1 AVB, pacing may be avoided if
cardiac pacing. Any high-degree or infranodal block is also an indica-
.. supra-Hisian block is clinically suspected (concomitant Wenckebach is observed
.. and block disappears with exercise) or demonstrated at EPS.
tion for pacing, even in the absence of symptoms. In the absence of .
28 ESC Guidelines

In patients with AF, compared with fixed rate pacing, rate- .. Isolated fascicular block and BBB are rarely associated with symp-
responsive pacing is associated with better exercise performance, .. toms; however, their presence may be a marker for underlying struc-
improved daily activities, a decrease in symptoms of shortness of .. tural heart disease. The presence or absence of symptoms referable
breath, chest pain, and palpitations, and improved quality of .. to intermittent bradycardia will guide the evaluation of these patients.
life.201203 It has also been shown to improve heart rate and blood ..
pressure response to mental stress compared with fixed rate pac- .. 5.3.1 Indications for pacing
ing.204 Therefore, rate-adaptive pacing is the pacing mode of first .. Bundle branch block and unexplained syncope

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choice. Fixed-rate VVI pacing should be reserved for older sedentary .. Although syncope is not associated with an increased incidence of
patients who have very limited activity. Commonly, the minimum .. sudden death in patients with preserved cardiac function, a high inci-
rate is programmed higher (e.g. 70 b.p.m.) than for patients in SR in .. dence of total deaths (about one-third sudden) was observed in
an attempt to compensate for loss of active atrial filling. .. patients with BBB and HF, previous MI, or low EF.208210 Indeed, in
.. those with low EF, syncope is a risk factor for death.211
.. Unfortunately, ventricular-programmed stimulation does not seem
5.3 Pacing for conduction disorders .. to identify these patients correctly; therefore, an ICD or a defibrilla-
without atrioventricular block .. tor with CRT (CRT-D) is indicated in patients with BBB and LVEF
This section focuses on patients with 1:1 AV conduction and QRS ..
.. <35% for the prevention of SCD (Figure 6).63
abnormalities caused by delayed or blocked conduction of the ..
HisPurkinje system: BBB, fascicular block in isolation or in combina- .. Bundle branch block, unexplained syncope, and abnormal elec-
tion with BBB, and non-specific intraventricular delay. Bifascicular .. trophysiological study
block is defined as LBBB or the combination of RBBB and with left
.. Electrophysiological assessment includes measurement of the
anterior or posterior fascicular block. . HV at baseline, with stress by incremental atrial pacing or by

Decision algorithm for patients with unexplained syncope and BBB

Bifascicular block

Y LVEF ≤ 35%

Elderly and frail patients

at risk of traumatic Y


No diagnosis Diagnosis


No diagnosis Diagnosis

ICD/CRT-D Clinical follow-up Adapted therapy Pacemaker implant

Figure 6 Decision algorithm for patients with unexplained syncope and bundle branch block. BBB = bundle branch block; CRT-D = defibrillator with
cardiac resynchronization therapy; CSM = carotid sinus massage; EPS = electrophysiology study; ICD = implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; ILR =
implantable loop recorder; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction.
ESC Guidelines 29

pharmacological provocation (ajmaline, procainamide, or flecainide). .. Recommendations for pacing in patients with bundle
Scheinman et al. studied the prognostic value of the HV: the progres-
.. branch block
sion rate to AVB at 4 years was 4% in patients with HV <70 ms, 12% ..
in patients with HV between 70 and 100 ms, and 24% in patients with
.. Recommendations Classa Levelb
HV >100 ms.121 Development of intra- or infra-His block at incre- .. In patients with unexplained syncope and bifas-
mental atrial pacing or by pharmacological stress test increases the
.. cicular block, a pacemaker is indicated in the
sensitivity and positive predictive value of the EPS to identify patients .. presence of either a baseline HV of >_70 ms, sec-
.. I B
who will develop AVB.116118,120,122,212 A positive EPS yielded a posi-

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.. ond- or third-degree intra- or infra-Hisian block
tive predictive value as high as 80% to identify patients who develop .. during incremental atrial pacing, or an abnormal
AVB. This finding has been indirectly confirmed by a study that .. response to pharmacological challenge.119,120
showed a significant reduction in syncopal recurrences in patients .. Pacing is indicated in patients with alternating
.. I C
with positive EPS treated with a pacemaker, compared with a control .. BBB with or without symptoms.
group of untreated patients with a negative EPS.119 In patients with ..
.. Pacing may be considered in selected patients
unexplained syncope and bifascicular block, EPS is highly sensitive in .. with unexplained syncope and bifascicular block
identifying patients with intermittent or impending high-degree AVB. .. IIb B
.. without EPS (elderly, frail patients, high-risk and/
However, a negative EPS cannot rule out intermittent/paroxysmal .. or recurrent syncope).213

ESC 2021
AVB as the cause of syncope. Indeed, in patients with a negative EPS, .. Pacing is not recommended for asymptomatic
intermittent or stable AVB was documented by ILR in 50% of cases. .. BBB or bifascicular block.115,121,215
Therefore, elderly patients with bifascicular block and unexplained ..
syncope might benefit from an empirical pacemaker, especially in .. BBB = bundle branch block; EPS = electrophysiology study; HV =
unpredictable and recurrent syncope that exposes the patient to a .. Hisventricular interval.
.. a
Class of recommendation.
high risk of traumatic recurrences. The decision to implant a pace- .. b
Level of evidence.
maker in these patients should be based on individual riskbenefit
evaluation.213 ..
.. 5.3.2 Pacing mode and algorithm selection Alternating bundle branch block .. In intermittent bradycardia, pacing may be required only for short
This rare condition refers to situations in which there is clear ECG
.. periods. In this situation, the benefits of bradycardia and pause pre-
evidence for block in all three fascicles on successive ECGs; examples .. vention must be weighed against the detrimental effects of perma-
are LBBB and RBBB morphologies on successive ECGs, or RBBB
... nent pacing, particularly pacing-induced HF. Low base-rate
with associated left anterior fascicular block on one ECG and left .. programming to achieve backup pacing, and manual adaptation of AV
posterior fascicular block on another ECG.214 There is general con- .. interval, programming AV hysteresis, or other specific algorithms
sensus that this phenomenon is associated with significant infranodal .. preventing unnecessary RV pacing, play a particularly important role
disease and that patients will progress rapidly toward AVB. ..
.. in this patient group.144,148
Therefore, a pacemaker should be implanted as soon as the alternat- .. In patients in SR, the optimal pacing mode is DDD. The strong evi-
ing BBB is detected, even in the absence of symptoms. ..
.. dence of superiority of DDD vs. VVI pacing is limited to improvement
.. in symptoms and quality of life. Conversely, there is strong evidence Bundle branch block without symptoms ..
.. of non-superiority with regard to survival and morbidity.20
Permanent pacemaker implantation is not indicated for BBB without .. Therefore, in elderly or frail patients with intermittent bradycardia,
symptoms, with the exception of alternating BBB, because only a ..
.. the decision regarding the pacing mode should be made on an individ-
minority of these patients will develop AVB (12% per .. ual basis, taking into consideration the increased complication risk
year).115,121,215 The risks of pacemaker implantation and long-term ..
.. and costs of DDD (Figure 5).
transvenous lead complications are higher than the benefits of pace- .. VDD may be a pacing mode alternative for patients with advanced
maker implantation.216,217
.. AV conduction abnormalities and spared sinus node function. In
.. comparison with DDD, VDD system implantation is associated with Patients with neuromuscular diseases
.. fewer complications, shorter procedure and fluoroscopy times, and a
In patients with neuromuscular diseases, cardiac pacing should be .. high incidence of atrial undersensing.218 Potential atrial undersensing
considered, as any degree of fascicular block can progress unpredict-
.. is contributing to the low use of this system as most operators are
ably, even in the absence of symptoms (see section 8.5). .. aiming for AV synchrony.
30 ESC Guidelines

.. rate of syncope with pacing of 15% at 2 years, significantly lower

5.4 Pacing for reflex syncope ..
Permanent pacemaker therapy may be effective if asystole is a domi- .. than the 37% rate observed in unpaced controls.219 The 3-year
.. recurrence rate was similar in patients with cardioinhibitory carotid
nant feature of reflex syncope. Establishing a relationship between ..
symptoms and bradycardia should be the goal of the clinical evalua-
.. sinus syndrome (16%), asystolic tilt response (23%), and spontane-
.. ous asystole documented by ILR (24%), suggesting similar indica-
tion of patients with syncope and a normal baseline ECG. The efficacy ..
of pacing depends on the clinical setting. The fact that pacing is effec-
.. tions and similar results for the three forms of reflex syncope.220
.. Whilst some scepticism prevails over the diagnostic accuracy of tilt
tive does not mean it is always necessary. In patients with reflex syn- ..

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

cope, cardiac pacing should be the last resort and should only be testing for the diagnosis of syncope, emerging evidence supports
considered in highly selected patients [i.e. those >40 years of age .. the use of tilt testing in the assessment of reflex hypotensive sus-
(mostly >60 years), affected by severe forms of reflex syncope with
.. ceptibility.107,221 Thus, tilt testing may be considered to identify
frequent recurrences associated with a high risk of injury, often with- .. patients with an associated usually antecedent hypotensive
.. response that would be less likely to respond to permanent cardiac
out a prodrome]. The 2018 ESC Guidelines on syncope62 give a ..
detailed description of the diagnostic pathway and indications for .. pacing. Patients with hypotensive susceptibility need measures
.. directed to counteract hypotensive susceptibility in addition to car-
pacing, and provide the evidence from trials that support such rec- ..
ommendations. Figure 7 summarizes the suggested decision pathway. .. diac pacing (e.g. physical counterpressure manoeuvres, discontinu-
.. ation/reduction of hypotensive drugs, and administration of
The algorithm shown in Figure 7 has been prospectively validated ..
in a multicentre pragmatic study, which showed a low recurrence .. fludrocortisone or midodrine).

Management of cardiac pacing in patients with reflex syncope

Y Severe, recurrent, unpredictable syncopes, age > 40 years N

Perform carotid sinus

massage and tilt table test

Cardioinhibitory carotid
Y Positive tilt-test N
sinus syndrome


Asystolic tilt-test Y
Implant a DDD PM
and counteract Implant a DDD PM
N hypotensive susceptibility (Class I)
(Class I)
Implantable loop

Asystole Y Positive tilt-test N

Pacing not indicated
(Class III)

Figure 7 Decision pathway for cardiac pacing in patients with reflex syncope. DDD = dual-chamber, atrioventricular pacing. Note: cardioinhibitory
carotid sinus syndrome is defined when the spontaneous syncope is reproduced by the carotid sinus massage in the presence of an asystolic pause >3 s;
asystolic tilt positive test is defined when the spontaneous syncope is reproduced in the presence of an asystolic pause >3 s. A symptomatic asystolic
pause(s) >3 s or asymptomatic pause(s) >6 s due to sinus arrest, atrioventricular block, or the combination of the two similarly define asystole detected by
implantable loop recorder. Figure adapted from Brignole et al.62
ESC Guidelines 31

5.4.1 Indications for pacing

.. vs. in 21 (46%) patients who had received a sham pacemaker pro-
This Task Force found sufficient evidence in the literature to recom- .. grammed off (P = 0.0001). In a propensity score-matched compari-
mend pacing in highly selected patients with reflex syncope (i.e. those
.. son study,229 the 5-year actuarial syncope-free rate was 81% in the
>40 years of age with severe recurrent unpredictable syncopal epi- .. pacing group and 53% in propensity-matched patients (P = 0.005; HR
sodes when asystole has been documented, induced by either CSM
.. = 0.25). Finally, the BioSync CLS trial was a multicentre RCT that
or tilt testing, or recorded through a monitoring system)133,222228 .. investigated the usefulness of the tilt-table test to select candidates
.. for cardiac pacing.228 Patients aged >_40 years who had at least two
(see Supplementary Table 7). There is sufficient evidence that DDD ..

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

pacing should be considered in order to reduce recurrence of syn- episodes of unpredictable severe reflex syncope during the past year
cope in patients with dominant cardioinhibitory CSS (asystolic pause .. and a tilt-induced syncope with an asystolic pause >3 s were random-
>3 s and spontaneous syncope during CSM) and in those in whom .. ized to receive either an active (63 patients) or an inactive (64
there is a correlation between spontaneous symptoms and ECG .. patients) dual-chamber pacemaker with close loop stimulation. The
who are >40 years of age and have severe recurrent unpredictable .. study showed that, after a median follow-up of 11.2 months, syncope
syncope.62 Permanent pacemaker therapy may be effective if asystole .. occurred in significantly fewer patients in the pacing group than in the
is a dominant feature of reflex syncope. Establishing a correlation .. control group [10 (16%) vs. 34 (53%), respectively; HR 0.23; P =
between symptoms and bradycardia should be the goal of the clinical .. 0.00005). This study supports inclusion of tilt testing as a useful
evaluation of patients with syncope and a normal baseline ECG. The .. method to select patients with reflex syncope for cardiac pacing.
efficacy of pacing depends on the clinical setting. A comparison of .. Based on the results of the above studies, sufficient evidence exists
results in different settings is presented in Supplementary Table 8. .. to upgrade from IIb to I the indication for pacing in patients aged >40
Since the publication of the 2018 ESC Guidelines on syncope,62 .. years with asystolic tilt response >3 s. Figure 8 summarizes the rec-
some trials have added relevant information regarding the subset of .. ommended indication for pacing. Although there is also a rationale
patients with tilt-induced asystolic vasovagal syncope. The SPAIN trial .. for pacing in patients aged <_40 years who have the same severity cri-
was a multicentre, randomized, controlled, crossover study, per-
.. teria as those >40 years, this Task Force cannot make any recom-
formed in 46 patients aged >40 years affected by severely recurrent .. mendation due to the lack of evidence from trials addressing this
(>5 episodes during life) syncope and cardioinhibitory tilt test
.. specific population.
response (defined as bradycardia <40 b.p.m. lasting >10 s or asystole .. There is weak evidence that DDD may be useful in reducing recur-
>3 s).226 During the 24-month follow-up, syncope recurred in 4 (9%)
.. rences of syncope in patients with the clinical features of adenosine-
patients treated with a DDD pacemaker with closed loop stimulation .. sensitive syncope.62 In a small multicentre trial performed in 80 highly

Indications for pacing in patients above age 40 with reflex syncope

Y Spontaneous asystolic pause(s)

Test-induced asystolic pause(s) N


Pacing indicated
(Class I)
Extrinsic (functional)
vagally-mediated or Asystolic tilt Undocumented syncope
Pacing indicated Pacing not indicated
Pacing indicated (Class I) (Class III)
(Class I)
Adenosine induced
AV block > 10 sec
Pacing indicated
(Class IIb)

Figure 8 Summary of indications for pacing in patients >40 years of age with reflex syncope. CI-CSS = cardioinhibitory carotid sinus syndrome. Note:
spontaneous asystolic pause = 3 s symptomatic or 6 s asymptomatic. Adapted from Brignole et al.62
32 ESC Guidelines

selected elderly patients with unexplained unpredictable syncope .. 5.5.1 Recurrent undiagnosed syncope
who had induction of third-degree AVB of >_10 s to intravenous injec- .. In patients with unexplained syncope at the end of a complete work-
tion of a bolus of 20 mg of adenosine triphosphate, DDD significantly .. up and absence of any conduction disturbance, the lack of a rationale
reduced the 2-year syncope recurrence rate from 69% in the control .. and the negative results of small studies234,235 give sufficient evidence
group to 23% in the active group.230 Finally, cardiac pacing is not indi- .. of inefficacy of cardiac pacing. Thus, cardiac pacing is not recom-
cated in the absence of a documented cardioinhibitory reflex.231,232
.. mended until a diagnosis is made (Figure 8).

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5.4.2 Pacing mode and algorithm selection .. 5.5.2 Recurrent falls
Even if the quality of evidence is weak, DDD pacing is widely pre-
.. Between 15% and 20% of unexplained falls may be syncopal in nature,
ferred in clinical practice to single-chamber RV pacing in counteract- .. possibly bradyarrhythmic. Retrograde amnesia, which is frequent in
ing blood pressure fall and preventing symptom recurrences. In .. the falling elderly, is responsible for misinterpretation of the event.62
patients with tilt-induced vasovagal syncope, DDD was used mostly .. The management of unexplained falls should be the same as that for
with a rate-drop response feature that provides rapid DDD if the .. unexplained syncope (see section 5.4.1). In a randomized double-
device detects a rapid decrease in heart rate. A comparison between .. blind trial,236 cardiac pacing was ineffective in preventing recurrences
DDD closed-loop stimulation and conventional DDD has been per- .. in patients with an unexplained fall in whom carotid sinus hypersensi-
formed by means of a crossover design in two small studies. Both .. tivity was unable to induce syncope.
studies showed fewer syncope recurrences with closed-loop stimula-
tion, both in the acute setting during repeated tilt testing233 and dur- .. Recommendations for cardiac pacing in patients with
ing 18-month clinical follow-up.227 However, until a formal parallel .. suspected (undocumented) syncope and unexplained
trial is performed, no recommendation can be given regarding the ... falls
selection of the pacing mode (i.e. DDD with rate-drop response or .. Recommendations Classa Levelb
DDD with closed-loop stimulation) and its programming. ..
.. In patients with recurrent unexplained falls, the
.. same assessment as for unexplained syncope IIa C
Recommendations for pacing for reflex syncope .. should be considered.62
.. Pacing is not recommended in patients with
Recommendations Classa Levelb
.. unexplained falls in the absence of any other III B
.. documented indication.236
Dual-chamber cardiac pacing is indicated to ..
.. Pacing is not recommended in patients with

ESC 2021
reduce recurrent syncope in patients aged >40
.. III C
years, with severe, unpredictable, recurrent syn- .. unexplained syncope without evidence of SND
cope who have:
.. or conduction disturbance. 234,235
• spontaneous documented symptomatic asys- .. SND = sinus node dysfunction.
tolic pause(s) >3 s or asymptomatic pause(s)
I A .. a
.. Class of recommendation.
>6 s due to sinus arrest or AVB; or .. b
Level of evidence.

• cardioinhibitory carotid sinus syndrome; or

• asystolic syncope during tilt ..
Dual-chamber cardiac pacing may be considered .. 6 Cardiac resynchronization
to reduce syncope recurrences in patients with
.. therapy
the clinical features of adenosine-sensitive ..
syncope. 230
... 6.1 Epidemiology, prognosis, and
ESC 2021

Cardiac pacing is not indicated in the absence of .. pathophysiology of heart failure suitable
a documented cardioinhibitory reflex.231,232
III B ..
.. for cardiac resynchronization therapy by
.. biventricular pacing
AVB = atrioventricular block. ..
Class of recommendation. .. The prevalence of HF in the developed world approximates 12%
Level of evidence. ..
.. of the adult population, rising to >_10% among people aged >70
.. years.237 The prevalence of HF is increasing (by 23% over the past
.. decade according to one estimate) mainly due to the ageing of the
5.5 Pacing for suspected .. population, with the age-specific incidence actually declining.238241
(undocumented) bradycardia .. There are three distinct phenotypes of HF based on the measure-
In patients with recurrent unexplained syncope or falls at the end of .. ment of LVEF [<40%, HF with reduced EF (HFrEF); 4049%, HF
the conventional work-up, ILR monitoring should be considered in .. with mildly reduced EF (HFmrEF); and >_50%, HF with preserved EF
an attempt to document a spontaneous relapse instead of embarking .. (HFpEF)].242 CRT is clinically useful mainly for patients with HFrEF
on empiric cardiac pacing.62 . and LVEF <_35%. Patients with HFrEF constitute 50% of the entire
ESC Guidelines 33

population with HF, and HFrEF is less prevalent among individuals .. had an ischaemic cardiomyopathy. At 7-year follow-up, the subgroup
aged 70 years or older. The prognosis of HF varies according to the .. of patients with LBBB, NYHA functional class I, and ischaemic cardio-
defined population. In contemporary clinical trials of HFrEF, 1-year .. myopathy showed a non-significant trend towards lower risk of death
mortality rates of 6% are seen, whereas in large registry-based sur- .. from any cause [relative risk 0.66, 95% confidence interval (CI)
veys, 1-year mortality rates exceed 20% in patients recently hospital- .. 0.301.42; P = 0.29]. Therefore, present CRT recommendations are
ized for HF, but are closer to 6% in those recruited with stable .. applicable to all patients in NYHA functional class IIIV of any
outpatient HF.243 The concept of CRT is based on the fact that in .. aetiology.
.. The MUltisite STimulation In Cardiomyopathies (MUSTIC),256,257

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

patients with HF and LV systolic dysfunction, high-grade intraventric- ..
ular conduction delays are frequently observed, with a prevalence of .. Multicenter Insync RAndomized Clinical Evaluation (MIRACLE),
QRS duration >120 ms in 2550% of patients and of LBBB in .. PAcing THerapies in Congestive Heart Failure (PATH-CHF) I and
1527% of cases. Moreover, in such patients, AV dyssynchrony is .. II,58,254,255,259 COmparison of Medical therapy, PAcing aNd
also often present with prolonged PR on the surface ECG in up to .. defibrillatION (COMPANION),260 and CArdiac REsynchronization in
52% of cases.244246 These electrical abnormalities may result in AV, .. Heart Failure (CARE-HF)39,261 trials compared the effect of CRT vs.
interventricular, and intra-LV mechanical dyssynchrony.247,248 .. guideline-directed medical therapy in NYHA functional class III or IV; in
Recommendations for CRT are based on the results of the major .. contrast, most recent trials have compared CRT-D with ICD on top
RCTs of CRT, most of which have been restricted to the 60% of
.. of best medical therapy in NYHA functional class II.37,40,262266 Few
HFrEF patients who are in SR. CRT is recommended (in addition to .. studies have compared CRT-pacemaker (CRT-P) with conventional
guideline-directed medical therapy) in only defined subsets of the HF
.. pacing.190,267,268 Most studies of CRT have specified that LVEF should
patient population, the majority being symptomatic HF patients in SR .. be <_35%, but MADIT-CRT40 and the Resynchronization
with a reduced LVEF and a QRS duration >_130 ms. Other smaller
.. Defibrillation for Ambulatory Heart Failure Trial (RAFT)37 considered
groups that may be considered for CRT include New York Heart .. an LVEF <_30%, and the REsynchronization reVErses Remodelling in
Association (NYHA) class III or IV HF patients in AF with a reduced .. Systolic left vEntricular dysfunction (REVERSE) trial262 specified <_40%.
LVEF and a QRS duration >_130 ms, provided a strategy to ensure .. Relatively few patients with an LVEF of 3540% have been random-
biventricular capture is in place or the patient is expected to return .. ized, but an individual participant data meta-analysis suggests no dimin-
to SR, and occasionally as an upgrade from a conventional pacemaker .. ution of the effect of CRT in this group.33
or an ICD in HFrEF patients who develop worsening HF with a high .. Not all patients respond favourably to CRT. Several characteristics
rate of ventricular pacing. A recent survey in the USA, which derived .. predict reduction in ventricular volume (reverse remodelling) and
a nationally representative estimate of the entire US population of .. improvement in morbidity and mortality. QRS width predicts CRT
hospitalized patients, found that over a 10-year period (20032012), .. response and was the inclusion criterion in all randomized trials (for
there were an estimated 378 247 CRT-D implantations, representing .. ECG criteria for LBBB and RBBB, see Supplementary Table 1). QRS
40 000 per year, or roughly 135 per million per year.249 In Europe, .. morphology has been related to a beneficial response to CRT.
previous estimates have reported that 400 patients per million .. Several studies have shown that patients with LBBB morphology are
population per year might be suitable for CRT. This was based on an .. more likely to respond favourably, whereas there is less certainty
estimated prevalence of 35% for LVEF <_35% in a representative HF .. about patients with non-LBBB morphology. Sipahi et al.269,270 per-
population, of which 41% of patients were estimated to have a QRS .. formed a meta-analysis in which they examined 33 clinical trials inves-
duration >_120 ms. The change to a higher threshold of QRS duration .. tigating the effect of QRS morphology on CRT, but only four
of 130 ms will reduce these estimates modestly.250,251 In Sweden, a
.. (COMPANION, CARE-HF, MADIT-CRT, and RAFT) included out-
recent survey of 12 807 HFrEF patients showed that 7% had received .. comes according to QRS morphology. When they evaluated the
CRT and 69% had no indication for CRT, but 24% had an indication
.. effect of CRT on composite adverse clinical events in 3349 patients
and had not received CRT. These data highlight the underuse of .. with LBBB at baseline, they observed a 36% reduction in risk with the
CRT.252,253 Finally, the Task Force stresses the point that the decision
.. use of CRT (relative risk 0.64, 95% CI 0.520.77; P < 0.00001).
to implant CRT requires a shared decision-making with the patient. .. However, such benefit was not observed in patients with non-LBBB
.. conduction abnormalities (relative risk 0.97, 95% CI 0.821.15; P <
.. 0.75). When the analysis was limited to trials without ICD (CARE-HF
6.2 Indication for cardiac ..
.. and COMPANION), the benefit of CRT was still observed only in
resynchronization therapy: patients in .. patients with LBBB (P < 0.000001). In a meta-analysis excluding
sinus rhythm .. COMPANION and MADIT-CRT, LBBB was not found to be a pre-
CRT improves cardiac function, symptoms, and well-being, and .. dictor of mortality, in contrast to QRS duration.266 In a recent large
reduces morbidity and mortality in an appropriately selected group .. meta-analysis of five RCTs (COMPANION, CARE-HF, MADIT-CRT,
of HF patients. CRT also improves quality-adjusted life-years among .. RAFT, and REVERSE) including 6523 participants (1766 with non-
patients with moderate to severe HF. The beneficial effects of CRT .. LBBB QRS morphology), CRT was not associated with a reduction in
have been extensively proven in patients with NYHA class II, III, and .. death and/or HF hospitalization in patients with non-LBBB QRS mor-
IV.37,39,40,254266 In contrast, there is rather limited evidence of CRT .. phology (HR 0.99, 95% CI 0.82 - 1.2).271 As patients have been aggre-
benefit in patients with NYHA functional class I and ischaemic cardio- .. gated in the non-LBBB category in nearly all studies and post-hoc
myopathy.40,265 In the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator .. analyses on the beneficial effect of QRS morphology in CRT, it is not
Implantation with Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (MADIT-
.. possible to provide a separate recommendation for CRT in patients
CRT) study,265 a total of 265 (7.8%) of 1820 patients were class I and . presenting with diffuse intraventricular conduction disturbance and
34 ESC Guidelines

RBBB.272277 Patients with RBBB do not benefit from CRT278 unless .. ECG criteria of intraventricular conduction disturbance, LBBB, and
they show a so-called masked LBBB on ECG,277 characterized by a .. non-LBBB have not been consistently defined and reported in any of
broad, slurred, sometimes notched R wave on leads I and aVL, .. the past CRT studies.287,288 Similarly, the modality of QRS measure-
together with a leftward axis deviation. Individualized positioning of .. ment (automatic or manual, and ECG recording machine) was not
the LV lead is crucial in these patients. .. reported in CRT studies. However, the selection of ECG criteria
An important recent notion is the possible role played by a pro-
.. appears to influence hard endpoints.287290 Similarly, ECG recording
longed PR in HF patients with non-LBBB. A few single-centre studies .. modality and ECG manufacturer have been shown to possibly affect

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

and two post-hoc analyses of large RCTs (COMPANION and .. the automatically measured QRS duration.
MADIT-CRT) indicated a potential benefit of implanting CRT in this .. Finally, CRT is considered in patients on optimal medical treatment
patient subgroup.244,279,280 In MADIT-CRT, the subgroup of non-
.. (OMT), including beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme
LBBB patients who had a prolonged PR did benefit from CRT-D, with .. inhibitors, or angiotensin receptor blockers, and mineralocorticoid
a 73% reduction in the risk of HF or death and an 81% reduction in
.. receptor antagonists. However, a study raises the question of the
the risk of all-cause mortality compared with ICD-only therapy.279 In .. timing of CRT, because the efficacy of the medical treatment can be
non LBBB patients with normal PR, CRT-D was associated with a limited in patients with LBBB, suggesting considering CRT sooner.291
trend towards an increased risk of HF or death and a >2-fold higher .. Moreover, whereas everyday clinical practice supports the use of
mortality compared with ICD therapy, suggesting a bidirectional sig- .. sacubitril/valsartan, ivabradine, and sodiumglucose co-transporter-
nificant interaction. However, the data are too limited to give a .. 2 inhibitors, it must be emphasized that in the landmark trials
recommendation.279 .. documenting the efficacy of these drugs, very few patients had an
The results of the MADIT-CRT, REVERSE, and RAFT trials suggest .. indication for CRT. Thus, there are no strong data to support the
. mandatory use of these drugs before considering CRT.292295
that in patients with LBBB, there is likely to be potential benefit in all
patients with LBBB regardless of QRS duration, and that no cut-off ..
point can be identified clearly to exclude patients who will not .. Recommendations for cardiac resynchronization ther-
.. apy in patients in sinus rhythm
respond according to the QRS duration.272,273,275 In contrast, any ..
benefit of CRT in patients with non-LBBB is evident mostly in those ..
.. Recommendations Classa Levelb
with a QRS duration >_150 ms. Importantly, as shown in the MADIT- ..
CRT long-term study and RAFT, the benefit in patients with QRS .. LBBB QRS morphology
<150 ms appeared later during follow-up.265,273 .. CRT is recommended for symptomatic patients
The Echocardiography Guided Cardiac Resynchronization .. with HF in SR with LVEF <_35%, QRS duration
Therapy (Echo-CRT) trial suggested possible harm from CRT when .. >_150 ms, and LBBB QRS morphology despite I A
baseline echocardiographic mechanical dyssynchrony in patients with .. OMT, in order to improve symptoms and reduce
QRS duration <130 ms is used.264,281 Therefore, selection of CRT .. morbidity and mortality.37,39,40,254266,283,284
patients based solely on the use of cardiac imaging data is strongly dis- ..
.. CRT should be considered for symptomatic
couraged in patients with so-called ‘narrow’ QRS (i.e. <130 ms). .. patients with HF in SR with LVEF <_35%, QRS
Individual patient data pooled from three CRT-D vs. ICD trials ..
.. duration 130149 ms, and LBBB QRS morphol-
enrolling predominantly patients with NYHA class II HF showed that .. ogy despite OMT, in order to improve symp-
women are more likely to respond than men.282 In the US Food and ..
.. toms and reduce morbidity and
Drug Administration meta-analysis of patient-level data, Zusterzeel et .. mortality.37,39,40,254266,283,284
al.283 found that the main difference occurred in patients with LBBB
.. Non-LBBB QRS morphology
and a QRS of 130149 ms. In this group, women had a 76% reduc- ..
tion in HF or death [absolute CRT-D to ICD difference, 23% (HR
.. CRT should be considered for symptomatic
.. patients with HF in SR with LVEF <_35%, QRS
0.24, 95% CI 0.110.53; P < 0.001)] and a 76% reduction in death ..
alone [absolute difference 9% (HR 0.24, 95% CI 0.060.89; P =
.. duration >_150 ms, and non-LBBB QRS morphol- IIa B
.. ogy despite OMT, in order to improve symp-
0.03)], whereas there was no significant benefit in men for HF or ..
.. toms and reduce morbidity.37,39,40,254266,283,284
death [absolute difference 4% (HR 0.85, 95% CI 0.601.21; P = ..
.. CRT may be considered for symptomatic
0.38)] or death alone [absolute difference 2% (HR 0.86, 95% CI
.. patients with HF in SR with LVEF <_35%, QRS
0.491.52; P = 0.60)]. A possible explanation for the greater benefit .. duration 130149 ms, and non-LBBB QRS mor- IIb B
of CRT in women has been attributed to sex difference in LV size, as ..
.. phology despite OMT, in order to improve
sex-specific differences in response disappear when QRS duration is .. symptoms and reduce morbidity.273278,281
normalized to LV end-diastolic volume.284 Recently, computer mod- ..
.. QRS duration
elling confirmed that sex differences in the LV size account for a sig- ..
.. CRT is not indicated in patients with HF and
ESC 2021

nificant proportion of the sex difference in QRS duration, and

.. QRS duration <130 ms without an indication for III A
provided a possible mechanistic explanation for the sex difference in ..
CRT response.285,286 Simulations accounting for the smaller LV size .. RV pacing.264,282
in female CRT patients predict 9 - 13 ms lower QRS duration thresh- .. CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy; HF = heart failure; LBBB = left bundle
olds for females. As with other ECG parameters (e.g. duration of QT .. branch block; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; OMT = optimal medical
and corrected QT), it is conceivable that QRS duration also has to .. therapy; SR = sinus rhythm.

reflect sex difference. .. b

Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
ESC Guidelines 35

6.3 Patients in atrial fibrillation .. In conclusion, despite the weak evidence due to lack of large,
.. randomized trials, the prevailing opinion of experts is in favour of the
This section considers indications for CRT in patients with perma- ..
nent AF or persistent AF unsuitable for AF ablation or after unsuc- .. usefulness of CRT in patients with permanent AF and NYHA class III
.. and IV with the same indications as for patients in SR, provided that
cessful AF ablation. AF ablation has been reported to improve LVEF ..
and reduce the HF hospitalization rate in selected patients. In particu-
.. AVJ ablation is added in those patients with incomplete (<90 - 95%)
.. biventricular capture due to AF (Figure 9). However, there are other
lar, AF ablation is recommended for reversing LV dysfunction in AF ..
patients when tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy is highly prob-
.. causes for incomplete biventricular pacing such as frequent prema-

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

.. ture ventricular beats, which may need to be treated (with drugs or
able, regardless of symptoms.296 Therefore, CRT should be consid-
ered in those patients with persistent AF and HFrEF when AF
.. ablation) before considering AVJ ablation. Importantly, evaluation of
.. the biventricular pacing percentage is mainly given by the percentage
ablation cannot be performed or is declined by the patient. With ..
regard to indications for rate control therapy and in particular to AVJ
.. of biventricular pacing using device memory, which does not reflect
.. exactly the rate of effective biventricular capture. Holter monitoring
ablation, refer to the ESC Guidelines for the management of AF.296 ..
.. may help to assess the real biventricular capture percentage.309,310 A
.. new algorithm has been developed that can continuously assess the
6.3.1 Patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure .. effective biventricular pacing.311
who are candidates for cardiac resynchronization therapy
.. For patients with permanent AF, there are no data supporting the
A major determinant of the success of CRT is the effective delivery .. difference in the magnitude of response to CRT according to the
.. QRS morphology or a QRS duration cut-off of 150 ms.
of biventricular pacing. A particular aspect of AF patients is that AF ..
rhythm with fast ventricular rate and irregularity may interfere with .. It is important to remember that limited data are available for
.. patients in NYHA class II.
adequate biventricular pacing delivery. AF may reduce the rate of ..
effective biventricular capture by creating spontaneous, fusion, or ..
pseudo-fusion beats. A high rate of biventricular pacing is not reached ..
in two-thirds of patients with persistent or permanent AF.297 .. 6.3.2 Patients with uncontrolled heart rate who are
Data from large registries show that AF patients undergoing CRT .. candidates for atrioventricular junction ablation
have an increased risk of mortality even after adjusting for several .. (irrespective of QRS duration)
clinical variables.297299 In most AF patients with intact AV conduc- .. AVJ ablation should be considered to control heart rate in patients
tion, an adequate biventricular pacing delivery can be achieved only .. unresponsive or intolerant to intensive rate and rhythm control ther-
by means of AVJ ablation.300302 A substudy of the RAFT trial300 was .. apy, or who are ineligible for AF ablation, accepting that these
unable to show benefit of CRT without AVJ ablation with regard to .. patients will become pacemaker dependent.296 In particular, AVJ
the combined endpoint of death or hospitalization for HF; notably, .. ablation combined with CRT may be preferred to AF ablation in
only 47% of the patients had a biventricular capture >90%. The deci- .. severely symptomatic patients with permanent AF and at least one
sion to perform AVJ ablation is still a matter of debate, but most stud- .. hospitalization for HF.296
ies have shown improvements in LV function, functional capacity,
.. AVJ ablation and permanent pacing from the RV apex provides
exercise capacity, and survival (with the same magnitude as in .. highly efficient rate control and regularization of the ventricular
patients with SR).301 Gasparini et al.302 compared total mortality of
.. response in AF, and improves symptoms in selected patients.192 A
443 AF patients who received AVJ ablation (n = 443) and of 895 AF .. large study with a propensity score-matched control group194
patients who received rate-slowing drugs with the mortality of 6046
.. showed a 53% reduction in total mortality in patients who underwent
patients who were in SR. The long-term survival after CRT among .. AVJ ablation compared with those treated with pharmacological rate
patients with AF and AVJ ablation was similar to that observed among
.. control therapy. A class IIa indication is provided in the 2020 ESC
patients in SR (HR 0.93); the mortality was higher for AF patients .. Guidelines on AF.296
treated with rate-slowing drugs (HR 1.52). The most common rate- .. The downside of RV pacing, however, is that it induces LV dyssyn-
controlling drugs used in AF are beta-blockers; although safe even in .. chrony in 50% of patients,312 and that this may lead to worsening of
the context of AF and HFrEF, they do not necessarily have the same .. HF symptoms in a minority. In the majority of patients, AVJ ablation
benefit as in patients with SR303 and the benefitrisk ratio is influ- .. improves LVEF even with RV apical (RVA) pacing due to amelioration
enced by other cardiovascular comorbidities.304,305 In a systematic .. of tachycardia-induced LV dysfunction, which commonly exists in
review and meta-analysis,306 AVJ ablation, compared with no AVJ .. these patients. CRT may prevent RV pacing-induced LV dyssyn-
ablation, reduced mortality by 37% and reduced the rate of non- .. chrony. The multicentre, randomized, prospective Ablate and Pace in
response by 59% in patients with biventricular pacing <90%, but .. Atrial Fibrillation (APAF) trial313 included 186 patients in whom a
showed no benefit in those with >_90% biventricular pacing. Similarly, .. CRT or RV pacing device was implanted, followed by AVJ ablation.
Tolosana et al. observed the same rate of responders (defined as .. During a median follow-up of 20 months, CRT significantly reduced
>_10% decrease in end-systolic volume) in AF patients who received .. by 63% the primary composite endpoint of death due to HF, hospital-
AVJ ablation or rate-slowing drugs and patients in SR who had .. ization due to HF, or worsening of HF. The beneficial effects of CRT
adequate biventricular pacing (97, 94, and 97%, respectively).307 .. were similar in patients with an EF <_35%, NYHA class >_III, and QRS
Importantly, AVJ ablation did not improve survival for patients in AF .. width >_120 ms, and in other patients with EF>35% or NYHA class
treated with CRT compared with those treated with rate-slowing .. < III or narrow QRS. Compared with the RV pacing group, respond-
drugs when an adequate biventricular pacing was achieved either
.. ers increased from 63% to 83% (P ¼ 0.003).314 A meta-analysis of
with ablation (97%) or with drugs (94%).308 . 696 patients from five trials showed a 62% reduction in
36 ESC Guidelines

Management of atrio-ventricular junction ablation in patients with:

Persistent AF unsuitable for atrial fibrillation ablation
Permanent AF

Controlled heart rate


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Candidate for CRT Candidate for AVJ ablation

CRT LVEF < 50%

if QRS ≥ 130 ms
(Class IIa)


< 40% LVEF < 50%
(HFrEF) (HFmrEF)

BiV BiV CRT CRT RV pacing

> 90 – 95%a < 90 – 95%a (Class I) (Class IIa) (Class IIa)

(Class IIb)


(Class IIb) (Class IIb)

No AVJ AVJ ablation

AVJ ablation
ablation (Class IIa)

Figure 9 Indication for atrioventricular junction ablation in patients with symptomatic permanent atrial fibrillation or persistent atrial fibrillation unsuit-
able for atrial fibrillation ablation. AF = atrial fibrillation; AVJ = atrioventricular junction; BiV = biventricular; CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy; ESC
= European Society of Cardiology; HBP = His bundle pacing; HFmrEF = heart failure with mildly reduced ejection fraction; HFrEF = heart failure with
reduced ejection fraction; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; QRS = Q, R, and S waves; RV = right ventricular/right ventricle. aDue to a rapid ventric-
ular response. Note: the figure is based on the recommendations in the ESC Guidelines on AF.296

hospitalization for HF and a modest improvement in LVEF compared

.. physical limitations of AF at 1-year follow-up (P = 0.004). In contrast to
with RV pacing, but not in 6-min walked distance and quality of life .. the main composite endpoint, the greatest symptomatic improve-
assessed by means of the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure ques-
.. ments were observed in patients with LVEF >35% (P = 0.0003).
tionnaire.315 In the APAF-CRT RCT, 102 elderly patients (mean age .. In conclusion, there is evidence from randomized trials of an addi-
72 years) with permanent AF, a narrow QRS (<_110 ms), and at least
.. tional benefit of performing CRT pacing in patients with reduced EF,
one hospitalization for HF in the previous year were randomized to .. who are candidates for AVJ ablation for rate control to reduce hospi-
AVJ ablation and CRT or to pharmacological rate control therapy.195 .. talization and improve quality of life. There is evidence that CRT is
After a median follow-up of 16 months, the primary composite out- .. superior to RV pacing in relieving symptoms, but not mortality and
come of HF death, hospitalization due to HF, or worsening HF had .. hospitalization in patients with mid-range reduced systolic function
occurred in 10 patients (20%) in the ablation (AVJ) plus CRT arm and .. (Figure 9).
in 20 patients (38%) in the drug control arm (HR 0.38; P = 0.013). The ..
results were mostly driven by a reduction in hospitalization for HF. .. 6.3.3 Emerging novel modalities for CRT: role of
The HR was 0.18 (P = 0.01) in patients with LVEF <_35% and 0.62 (P = .. conduction system pacing
0.36) in those with LVEF >35%. Furthermore, patients undergoing AVJ .. HBP, alone or in conjunction with coronary sinus pacing, is a
ablation and CRT had a 36% reduction in the specific symptoms and . promising novel technique for delivering CRT, useful in AF patients
ESC Guidelines 37

undergoing AVJ ablation.198,199,316318 Non-conventional CRT using

.. hospitalizations, which may be reduced by programming to maximize
HBP coronary sinus pacing (so-called ‘His-optimized CRT’) or left .. intrinsic conduction or prevented by CRT.148,183,190,324 Previously,
bundle branch area pacing, in comparison with conventional CRT,
.. the benefit of CRT upgrade had been investigated only by observatio-
can achieve a narrower QRS with a ‘quasi-normal’ axis morphology, .. nal controlled trials and registries,325339 mainly comparing upgrade
echocardiographic improvement of mechanical resynchronization
.. with de novo CRT; in early, small, observational pre- vs. post-CRT
indexes, and a better short-term clinical outcome.319321 In general, .. studies;340346 and in crossover trials,347350 providing only limited
the potential benefit of HBP depends on the ability to achieve a .. clinical outcome data.

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narrow QRS complex that is similar to the native QRS complex, Based on a recent meta-analysis of observational studies, mostly
rather than on the LVEF. Widespread adoption of this technique .. single-centre,351 echocardiographic and functional response as well
relies upon further validation of its efficacy in large RCTs and .. as the risk of mortality or HF events was similar in patients after de
improvements in lead design, delivery tools, and devices (see .. novo vs. upgrade CRT; however, in previous subgroup analyses from
section 7). .. large, randomized, prospective trials such as RAFT,37 morbidity or
.. mortality benefit was not confirmed.
Recommendations for cardiac resynchronization .. Clinical outcomes are also influenced by the clinical characteristics
therapy in patients with persistent or permanent atrial ..
fibrillation .. of patients referred to CRT upgrade. Based on data from the
.. European CRT Survey II,352 a high-volume registry, and clinical char-
Recommendations Classa Levelb .. acteristics from previous studies,351 patients referred for a CRT
.. upgrade differ from patients referred for de novo CRT implantation:
1) In patients with HF with permanent AF who are candidates ..
.. they are older (even compared with those in RCTs), mainly male
for CRT: .. patients, and have more comorbidities such as AF, ischaemic heart
1A) CRT should be considered for patients with
.. disease, anaemia, and renal failure.
HF and LVEF <_35% in NYHA class III or IV .. On average, the number of upgrade procedures reaches 23% of
despite OMT if they are in AF and have intrinsic
.. total CRT implantations, 60% from a conventional device and 40%
QRS >_130 ms, provided a strategy to ensure IIa C .. from an ICD352 in ESC countries, showing significant regional differ-
biventricular capture is in place, in order to
.. ences regarding the type of implanted device, such as CRT-P or
improve symptoms and reduce morbidity and .. CRT-D.352,353
.. Regarding procedure-related complications, several studies
1B) AVJ ablation should be added in the case of ..
.. described a higher burden during upgrade procedures, ranging from
incomplete biventricular pacing (<9095%) due IIa B
... 6.8% to 20.9% compared with de novo implantations.339,354 This was
to conducted AF.297302 .. not confirmed in a recent analysis of registry data, where upgrades
2) In patients with symptomatic AF and an uncontrolled heart .. had similar complication rates to de novo implantations.352 Notably,
rate who are candidates for AVJ ablation (irrespective of QRS .. 82% of these procedures were performed in high-volume centres.
.. However, data on the long-term infection rates or lead revisions after
2A) CRT is recommended in patients with .. CRT upgrade are scarce.354,355
I B ..
HFrEF.196,197,306,308 .. The first prospective, randomized trial, the BUDAPEST CRT
2B) CRT rather than standard RV pacing should
.. Upgrade study, is still ongoing, but may clarify these questions.356
IIa C ..
be considered in patients with HFmrEF. ..
2C) RV pacing should be considered in patients
IIa B ..
with HFpEF.188,196,323 ...
ESC 2021

2D) CRT may be considered in patients with

.. Recommendation for upgrade from right ventricular
IIb C .. pacing to cardiac resynchronization therapy
HFpEF. ..
AF = atrial fibrillation; AVJ = atrioventricular junction; CRT = cardiac resynchroniza- .. Recommendation Classa Levelb
tion therapy; EF = ejection fraction; HF = heart failure; HFrEF = heart failure with
.. Patients who have received a conventional pace-
reduced ejection fraction (<40%); HFmrEF = heart failure with mildly reduced ejection ..
fraction (40 - 49%); HFpEF = heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (>_50%)
according to the 2021 ESC HF Guidelines;242 LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; ... maker or an ICD and who subsequently develop

NYHA = New York Heart Association; RV = right ventricular.

.. symptomatic HF with LVEF <_35% despite OMT,
.. and who have a significantc proportion of RV
ESC 2021

Class of recommendation. ..
Level of evidence. .. pacing, should be considered for upgrade to
.. CRT.37,148,185,190,324352
.. CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy; HF = heart failure; ICD = implantable
6.4 Patients with conventional .. cardioverter-defibrillator; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; OMT = opti-
.. mal medical therapy; RV = right ventricular.
pacemaker or implantable cardioverter .. a
Class of recommendation.
defibrillator who need upgrade to .. b
Level of evidence.
.. c
A limit of 20% RV pacing for considering interventions for pacing-induced HF is
cardiac resynchronization therapy .. supported by observational data. However, there are no data to support that any
Several studies have demonstrated the deleterious effect of chronic .. percentage of RV pacing can be considered as defining a true limit below which

RV pacing with respect to an increased risk of HF symptoms or

.. RV pacing is safe and beyond which RV pacing is harmful.
38 ESC Guidelines

6.5 Pacing in patients with reduced left .. over CRT-P by reducing arrhythmic death, it does also add ICD-
.. specific risks such as lead failure and inappropriate shocks, as well as
ventricular ejection fraction and a ..
conventional indication for .. costs.
.. COMPANION is the only trial to randomize patients to CRT-P or
antibradycardia pacing ..
.. CRT-D, but was designed to assess the effects of CRT compared
Three randomized trials proved the superiority of biventricular pac- .. with OMT.260 Crucially, it was not designed to compare CRT-D and
ing over RV pacing in patients with moderate to severe systolic dys- ..
.. CRT-P. CRT-P was associated with a marginally non-significant
function who required antibradycardia pacing to improve quality of ..

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.. reduction in the risk of all-cause mortality (HR 0.76, 95% CI
life, NYHA class, and echocardiographic response.190,357,358 In the .. 0.58 - 1.01; P = 0.06), whereas CRT-D was associated with a signifi-
Biventricular versus RV pacing in patients with AV block (BLOCK .. cant, 36% risk reduction (HR 0.64, 95% CI 0.480.86; P = 0.004).
HF) trial, 691 patients with AVN disease and an indication for pace-
.. Analysis of cause-specific mortality showed that SCD was significantly
maker with a mildly reduced EF (<50% by inclusion criteria, average .. reduced by CRT-D (HR 0.44, 95% CI 0.23 - 0.86; P = 0.02) but not
42.9% in the pacemaker group) were randomized to biventricular or
.. CRT-P (HR 1.21, 95% CI 0.72.07; P = 0.50).363
RV pacing with or without an ICD, and followed for an average of 37 .. Nevertheless, the CARE-HF extension study proved that CRT-P
months.190 The primary endpoint (a composite of >_15% increase in .. alone reduced the risk of dying suddenly by 5.6%.261 In line with these
the LV end-systolic volume, HF events, or mortality) was significantly .. findings, subgroup analyses from RCTs in mild HF consistently found
improved in those assigned to CRT. CRT response is high among .. a reduction in ventricular arrhythmias with CRT.364368 These effects
patients with systolic dysfunction and expected frequent RV pacing. .. were especially observed among CRT responders, suggesting that
Based on the MOde Selection Trial in Sinus-Node Dysfunction .. the reduction in SCD risk is related to the extent of reverse LV
(MOST),183 at least 40% RV pacing is associated with an increased .. remodelling with CRT.
risk of HF hospitalization or AF. .. Meta-analyses have drawn different conclusions on the matter. In
For patients with normal or preserved EF, data on benefit of CRT ..
.. the study by Al-Majed et al.,369 the survival benefit of CRT was largely
are conflicting with respect to hospitalization, and no mortality bene- .. driven by a reduction in HF-related mortality, but SCD was not
fit was shown.166,268,323,359 However, adverse remodelling caused by ..
.. reduced. Lam et al.370 showed that CRT-D significantly reduced mor-
RV pacing was prevented by biventricular pacing, especially during .. tality compared with medical therapy alone [odds ratio (OR) 0.57,
long-term follow up.323,359,360 A single-centre study showed that ..
.. 95% CI 0.400.80], but not when compared with ICD without CRT
>20% RV pacing was associated with deleterious LV remodelling in .. (OR 0.82, 95% CI 0.571.18) or CRT-P (OR 0.85, 95% CI
patients with AVB and preserved LVEF.188 Frailty should also be ..
.. 0.601.22). However, more recently, a network meta-analysis of 13
taken into account in deciding on CRT implantation, because of the .. randomized trials including >12 000 patients found that CRT-D
higher costs and high complication rates of this procedure.
.. reduced total mortality by 19% (95% CI 133%, unadjusted) com-
.. pared with CRT-P.275
Recommendation for patients with heart failure and .. Some recent large observational studies highlighted the impor-
atrioventricular block .. tance of HF aetiology in the assessment of potential benefits of CRT-
.. D over CRT-P.371373 CRT-D was associated with a significant risk
Recommendation Classa Levelb .. reduction in all-cause mortality compared with CRT-P in patients
CRT rather than RV pacing is recommended for
.. with ischaemic cardiomyopathy. However, this difference was not
.. found in patients with non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy.
patients with HFrEF (<40%) regardless of NYHA ..
class who have an indication for ventricular pac-
.. These findings are consistent with the results from the DANISH
I A .. study, which assigned 1116 patients with HF and non-ischaemic cardi-
ing and high-degree AVB in order to reduce ..
ESC 2021

morbidity. This includes patients with

.. omyopathy to receive either a primary prophylactic ICD or usual
.. clinical care alone.374 In both groups, 58% of patients also had CRT.
AF.183,190,196,268,313,323,357359,361,362 ..
.. Subgroup analysis showed that CRT-D was not superior to CRT-P in
AF = atrial fibrillation; AVB = atrioventricular block; CRT = cardiac resynchroni- .. reducing the primary outcome of all-cause mortality (HR 0.91, 95%
zation therapy; HF = heart failure; HFrEF = heart failure with reduced ejection
fraction (<40%) according to the 2021 ESC HF Guidelines;242 NYHA = New
.. CI 0.641.29; P = 0.59) after a median follow-up of 67.6 months.
York Heart Association; RV = right ventricular. .. However, in a large multicentre registry of >50 000 patients, CRT-D
Class of recommendation. .. was associated with a significantly lower observed mortality.375
Level of evidence. ..
.. Similar results were found in a recent propensity-matched cohort,
.. where CRT-D was associated with a significantly lower all-cause
.. mortality than CRT-P in patients with ischaemic aetiology and in
.. patients with non-ischaemic HF under 75 years old.376 Furthermore,
6.6 Benefit of adding implantable ..
.. the CeRtiTuDe Cohort study377 showed better survival in CRT-D
cardioverter defibrillator in patients with .. vs. CRT-P mainly due to a reduction of non-SCD. In an Italian multi-
indications for cardiac resynchronization ..
.. centre CRT registry, the only independent predictor of mortality was
therapy .. the lack of an ICD.378 Whereas these studies are limited by their
The mortality benefit of CRT-D over CRT-P is still unclear, mostly .. observational design, important novel information on the issue of
because no head to head RCTs have been designed to compare .. CRT-D vs. CRT-P is expected to come from an ongoing randomized
these two treatments. While CRT-D may further improve survival . trial, Re-evaluation of Optimal Re-synchronisation Therapy in
ESC Guidelines 39

Patients with Chronic Heart Failure (RESET-CRT;

.. of the LV in relation to the LV lead position389,390 have been associ-
Identifier NCT03494933). .. ated with response to CRT. LVEF is the only parameter included in
In conclusion, prospective randomized trials are lacking, and avail-
.. the guidelines for the selection of patients for CRT and is key to
able data are insufficient to firmly prove a superiority of CRT-D over .. define the type of HF (<40%, HFrEF; 4049%, HFmrEF; and >_50%,
CRT-P. However, it is important to consider that CRT trials in mild
.. HFpEF).242 Echocardiography is the imaging technique of first choice
HF almost exclusively included patients with an ICD,37,40,262 and that .. for the assessment of LVEF. However, when intravenous contrast is
survival benefit of CRT without an ICD is uncertain in this particular
.. not available and the acoustic window does not allow accurate

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

group. Furthermore, observational data point towards significant sur- assessment of LVEF, CMR or nuclear imaging should be consid-
vival benefits by CRT-D over CRT-P in patients with ischaemic cardi- ered.242 Strain imaging (based on echocardiography or CMR) to
omyopathy, while no clear benefit has been shown in those with .. quantify LV systolic function has shown incremental prognostic value
non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy. .. in HF, and allows assessment of LV mechanical dys-
Further predictive power concerning the risk of ventricular .. synchrony.384,391393 CMR with LGE techniques (which show the
arrhythmia may be derived by contrast-enhanced CMR-guided scar .. presence of myocardial scar tissue) provide the best resolution to dif-
characterization.379,380 When discussing the choice between CRT-D .. ferentiate ischaemic cardiomyopathy and non-ischaemic cardiomy-
and CRT-P, it is particularly important to consider general predictors .. opathy.394 The location (posterolateral) and extent (transmural vs.
of ICD effectiveness such as age and comorbidities associated with a .. non-transmural and percentage of LV mass) of LGE on CMR or with
mortality risk that competes with sudden arrhythmic death. Thus, the .. nuclear techniques has been associated with the benefit from
addition of ICD to CRT should be considered, especially in younger .. CRT.380,387,395,396 Severe mitral regurgitation,397 lack of significant
patients with a good survival prognosis, ischaemic aetiology, and a .. electromechanical LV dyssynchrony,384,385,392 and RV systolic dys-
favourable comorbidity profile or presence of myocardial fibrosis .. function398 have been associated with less improvement in clinical
(Figure 10). Moreover, the benefit of the ICD is governed by the bal- .. symptoms and reduced survival after CRT. Several imaging techni-
ance between the risk of SCD and the risk of death from other .. ques have been tested to assess LV mechanical dyssynchrony, but
causes, as well as comorbidities. Generally, the rate of sudden
.. most measures of LV dyssynchrony have not been tested in random-
arrhythmic death in primary prevention appears to be declining (1%/ .. ized trials including patients with HFrEF and wide QRS.399 The pres-
.. ence of septal flash and apical rocking,400 time differences based on
Owing to the complexity of the matter and the lack of clear evi- .. radial strain and patterns of regional longitudinal strain,384,392,401403
dence, it is particularly important that the choice between CRT-P
.. non-invasive and invasive ECG mapping,385,404 and vector-cardiogra-
and CRT-D is guided by a process of shared decision-making .. phy405 have been proposed as novel techniques to predict response
between patients and clinicians, taking into account both medical
.. to CRT. Furthermore, LV myocardial work assessed with speckle-
facts and patient values. .. tracking echocardiography has been associated with survival in CRT
.. recipients.406 Coronary sinus venography is commonly performed to
.. detect a suitable coronary vein in which to deploy an LV lead.
Recommendations for adding a defibrillator with car- ..
diac resynchronization therapy .. Randomized trials have not systematically demonstrated that the
.. guidance of LV lead implantation based on imaging (assessing myocar-
Recommendations Classa Levelb .. dial scar or site of latest activation) is superior to standard prac-
.. tice.389,390,407,408 Initial experience on using artificial intelligence to
In patients who are candidates for an ICD and ..
.. combine clinical, electrical, and imaging parameters to define pheno-
who have CRT indication, implantation of a .. types of patients that will benefit from CRT is promising, but more
CRT-D is recommended.260,369,370,381 ..
.. data are needed.409
In patients who are candidates for CRT, implan- .. Significant (moderate to severe and severe) secondary mitral
tation of a CRT-D should be considered after ..
ESC 2021

IIa B .. regurgitation is frequent among candidates for CRT and has been
individual risk assessment and using shared deci- .. shown to affect long-term survival as well as response to ther-
sion-making.382,383 ..
.. apy.406,410 CRT can improve mitral regurgitation in as many as 40% of
.. patients.406 However, in 60% of patients, significant mitral regurgita-
CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy; CRT-D = defibrillator with cardiac ..
resynchronization therapy; ICD = implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. .. tion is not corrected and, at long-term follow-up, progression of the
Class of recommendation. .. underlying disease may lead to further deterioration of mitral valve
Level of evidence. ..
.. function and poor prognosis. Transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral
.. valve repair has been demonstrated to improve the response to CRT
.. in registries.411414 However, results from recent RCTs including
.. patients with symptomatic severe secondary mitral regurgitation
6.7 Factors influencing the efficacy of ..
.. despite guideline-directed medical therapy (including CRT when indi-
cardiac resynchronization therapy: role ..
.. cated) have not consistently shown a benefit from transcatheter
of imaging techniques .. edge-to-edge mitral valve repair.415,416
The role of cardiac imaging in selecting HF patients for CRT has
.. Therefore, selection of patients for CRT based on imaging is lim-
been evaluated mostly in observational analyses. Cardiac dys- .. ited to the measurement of LVEF, whereas the assessment of other
synchrony,384386 myocardial scar,387,388 and site of latest activation
. factors such as extent of myocardial scar, presence of mitral
40 ESC Guidelines


Shared decision making Other factors in favor

of choosing
CRT-P rather than CRT-D:

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Patient with Non-ischaemic
indication for CRT cardiomyopathy
Short life expectancy
Major comorbidities
Poor renal function
Shared decision making Patient preference


- Myocardial Fibrosis on CMR +

Figure 10 Patient’s clinical characteristics and preference to be considered for the decision-making between cardiac resynchronization therapy pace-
maker or defibrillator. CRT-P = cardiac resynchronization therapy-pacemaker; CRT-D = defibrillator with cardiac resynchronization therapy; CMR = car-
diovascular magnetic resonance.

regurgitation, or RV systolic function is important in identifying

.. 7.2 His bundle pacing
potential non-responders that may need additional treatment (mitral .. HBP was first reported in humans in 2000,199 and is steadily gaining
valve intervention, for example).
.. interest for providing a more physiological alternative to RV pacing. It
Alternatives to conventional coronary sinus pacing for CRT (epi- .. may also correct intraventricular conduction delay in a subset of
cardial, endocardial) are described in section 6.1 in the Supplementary .. patients, thereby providing an alternative to biventricular pacing for
data. .. treating HF. The advent of new tools has greatly facilitated implanta-
.. tion, which has become routine in a growing number of centres. HBP
.. is used in lieu of RV pacing, in lieu of biventricular pacing, and as His-
7 Alternative pacing strategies .. optimized CRT (HOT-CRT),319 which exploits a synergistic effect
and sites .. between HBP and RV pacing, LV pacing, or biventricular pacing to
.. improve synchrony. There is growing evidence, mainly from observa-
Alternative RV pacing sites (as opposed to RVA pacing) include pac- .. tional studies, that HBP may be safe and effective in these settings
ing from the RV outflow tract (RVOT), the mid and high RV septum .. (Supplementary Table 10), although large RCTs and long-term follow-
(RVS), HBP, para-Hisian pacing, and left bundle branch area pacing, .. up are still lacking.422 With more data on safety and effectiveness,
which includes LV septal pacing and left bundle branch pacing. .. HBP is likely to play a growing role in pacing therapy in the future.
7.1 Septal pacing .. 7.2.1 Implantation and follow-up
Since the 2013 ESC Guidelines,33 two randomized trials found no dif- .. The use of guiding catheters to deliver leads has facilitated implanta-
ference in clinical outcomes between RVS and RVA pacing in the set- .. tion, with success rates exceeding 80%.422 In an international registry,
ting of AVB417 or CRT,418 respectively. A meta-analysis reported an .. implant success was 87% after a learning curve of 40 cases.423
echocardiographic benefit of RVS pacing in patients with pre-existing .. Selective HBP is easily recognized by an isoelectric interval (corre-
reduced LVEF.419 In an observational study, RVS pacing was associ- .. sponding to the HV) between the pacing spike and QRS onset,
ated with a lower risk of perforation.420 However, true RVS pacing is .. whereas with non-selective HBP, a ‘pseudo-delta’ wave is observed
not easily obtained and ascertained,421 and neither beneficial nor .. due to capture of local myocardium.424 In addition, correction of BBB
harmful effects of RVS pacing compared with RVA pacing have been .. may be observed (Figure 11). It is important to distinguish non-
shown on relevant clinical endpoints (Supplementary Table 9).
.. selective HBP from para-Hisian pacing (where there is no capture of
Current evidence does not support systematically recommending .. conduction tissue) by evaluating transitions in QRS morphology by
either RVS or RVA pacing for all patients.
.. reducing pacing output or with pacing manoeuvres.425
ESC Guidelines 41


NS-HBP S-HBP NS-HBP Myo S-HBP corr+ S-HBP corr-

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Output (V/0.5ms) 8
6 NS-HBP NS-HBP S-HBP corr+ Thresholds
5 His
4 Myocardium
S-HBP corr-
S-HBP Myo Bundle branch

Figure 11 Three patients with different types of transitions in QRS morphology with His bundle pacing and decrementing pacing output. BBB = bundle
branch block; Corr± = with/without correction of bundle branch block; LBBB = left bundle branch block; LOC = loss of capture; Myo = myocardium;
NSHBP = non-selective His bundle pacing; S-HBP = selective His bundle pacing. (A) Non-selective to selective His capture. Note the presence of a
‘pseudo-delta’ wave with non-selective capture and an isoelectric interval after the pacing spike with selective capture. (B) Non-selective His capture to
myocardial capture only. (C) Selective His capture with correction of BBB to selective His capture with LBBB. Note: the graph on the right of the panel
shows a schematic representation of the different thresholds in the three instances.
42 ESC Guidelines

Table 9 Advantages and disadvantages of a ‘backup’
.. fare better in terms of HF hospitalizations than patients with RV pac-
.. ing if the percentage of ventricular pacing is >20% (HR 0.54; P =
ventricular lead with His bundle pacing ..
.. 0.01).42 Of note, the average baseline LVEF in patients with HBP in
Advantages .. that study was 55% and the average QRS duration was 105 ms. HBP
• Increased safety (in case of loss of capture of the HBP lead)
.. may therefore avoid clinical deterioration in these patients, particu-
• Can be used for sensing (lower risk of ventricular undersensing, no .. larly if the intrinsic QRS is narrow or if BBB is corrected by HBP.
risk of His or atrial oversensing)
.. In a series of 100 patients with AVB undergoing HBP by experi-
• Programming of pacing output with lower safety margins ..

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.. enced operators, implantation was successful in 41/54 (76%) patients
• May serve to narrow the QRS with fusion pacing in the case of selec- .. with infranodal AVB and higher in the case of nodal block (93%; P <
tive-HBP with uncorrected RBBB .. 0.05).433 Over a mean follow-up of 19 ± 12 months, lead revision
Disadvantages .. was necessary in 2/41 (5%) patients with infranodal block and in 3/43
• Higher cost .. (7%) with nodal block. Notably, the average LVEF in this series was
• More transvenous hardware .. 54%, and there are no data reported specifically on HBP in patients
• Risk associated with the additional lead (e.g. ventricular perforation)
.. with AVB and reduced LVEF. HBP is an option in patients with a nar-
• More complex programming .. row QRS or if HBP corrects BBB, but otherwise biventricular pacing

ESC 2021
• “Off-label” use (current regulatory approval and MRI-conditionality .. is indicated.
for HBP is only granted for His leads connected to the RV port) .. There is a need for RCTs to compare the safety and efficacy of
.. HBP with RV pacing. It is important to balance the potential benefits
HBP = His bundle pacing; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; RBBB = right bun- .. of HBP with the aforementioned issues of higher capture thresholds
dle branch block. .. and shorter battery longevity, a higher rate of lead revision, and more
.. frequent sensing issues, compared with RV pacing. It is also important
Compared with RV pacing, HBP capture thresholds are on average
.. to consider the operator’s experience and expertise with HBP, and
higher and sensing amplitudes lower. A recent observational study .. whether a backup ventricular pacing lead is indicated. The patient’s
raised concern with regard to increasing HBP pacing thresholds with .. safety should be first and foremost in decision-making.
intermediate follow-up.426 The higher capture thresholds lead to ..
shorter battery longevity (at 5 years there were 9% generator .. Pace and ablate
changes with HBP compared with 1% with RVP).427 Capture thresh- .. Seven observational series, totalling >240 patients treated with a
olds of HBP at implantation should aim to be <2.0 V/1 ms (or <2.5 V/ .. ‘pace-and-ablate’ strategy for rapidly conducted AF, found an
0.4 ms) and bipolar R-wave sensing amplitude >2.0 mV. With experi- .. improvement in LVEF and NYHA class compared with baseline with
ence, thresholds decrease as implanters gain confidence to reposition .. HBP.197199,434 Long-term results with a median of 3 years of follow-
leads. Sensing issues include not only ventricular undersensing, but .. up have been reported, with favourable outcomes.434 A single-
also oversensing of atrial or His potentials (which may be potentially .. blinded, randomized, crossover study in 16 patients compared HBP
lethal in a pacemaker-dependent patient). .. with RVA pacing over 6 months and found better NYHA and 6-min
An RV backup lead should be considered if the implanter is inex- .. walk distance with HBP, without differences in echocardiographic
perienced, or if there are high capture thresholds or sensing issues in .. parameters.200 However, only four patients in this study had con-
pacemaker-dependent patients, in those scheduled for AVN ablation .. firmed HBP (with para-Hisian pacing in the remaining patients).
(where there is a risk of compromising HBP), or in patients with high- .. These studies included patients with reduced as well as preserved
degree or infranodal block. Pros and cons are listed in Table 9. .. LVEF,197,198 and QRS width was on average <120 ms. HBP is of par-
Several series have shown that the rate of mid-term lead revision
.. ticular interest in patients with a normal baseline QRS morphology as
is relatively high at 7%,318,423,427,428 (and reported to be as high as .. it preserves intrinsic ventricular synchrony, However, a caveat is that
11%426), and is higher than RV pacing, which is 23%.427,429
.. AVJ ablation may result in an increase in HBP capture thresholds or
Therefore, it is advisable to follow-up these patients at least once .. in lead dislodgments in a minority of patients.197,199,318,426 Owing to
every 6 months or place them on remote monitoring (ensuring that
.. these issues and risk of HBP lead failure, a backup RV lead should be
automatic threshold measurements correspond to those measured .. considered.
manually, as this may not be the case and depends on device configu-
ration).430 Device programming should take into account specific .. Role in cardiac resynchronization therapy
requirements for HBP, which are covered in detail elsewhere.431,432 .. In 1977, Narula showed that pacing of the His bundle can correct
.. LBBB in a subset of patients, implying a proximal site of conduction
7.2.2 Indications .. disturbance with longitudinal dissociation within the His bundle.435 A Pacing for bradycardia .. recent mapping study reported intra-Hisian block in 46% of patients
One study reported that in patients with AVB and normal baseline .. with LBBB, in whom 94% were corrected by temporary HBP.436 HBP
LVEF, the incidence of RV pacing-induced cardiomyopathy was .. may therefore be used in lieu of biventricular pacing for HBP-based
12.3% and the risk was increased if the percentage of ventricular pac- .. CRT, as some data have shown that results are comparable (see
ing was >_20% (HR 6.76; P = 0.002).188 However, there are no data to .. Supplementary Table 10).437439 Nevertheless, especially in CRT can-
support that any percentage of RV pacing can be considered as defin- .. didates with LBBB, biventricular pacing has more solid evidence of
ing a true limit below which RV pacing is safe and beyond which RV
.. efficacy and safety, and therefore remains first-line therapy. However,
pacing is harmful. Observational data indicate that patients with HBP . HBP should be considered as a bailout solution in the case of failed
ESC Guidelines 43

LV lead implantation along with other options such as surgical epicar- .. HBP may be considered as an alternative to RV
dial leads424,440 (see section 6.7). An interesting population is patients ..
.. pacing in patients with AVB and LVEF >40%,

ESC 2021
with RBBB, who are known to respond less well to biventricular pac- .. who are anticipated to have >20% ventricular
ing, in whom HBP has shown promising preliminary results in a series ..
.. pacing.42,433
of 37 patients.441 HBP may sometimes incompletely correct BBB, and ..
can be used in conjunction with RV, LV, or biventricular pacing, as in .. AVB = atrioventricular block; AVJ = atrioventricular junction; CRT = cardiac
.. resynchronization therapy; HBP = His bundle pacing; LVEF = left ventricular ejec-
the HOT-CRT study.319 This is of particular interest in patients with .. tion fraction; RV = right ventricular.

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permanent AF, in whom a His lead may be connected to the vacant a
.. Class of recommendation.
atrial port, thus offering additional therapeutic options. .. Level of evidence.
7.3 Left bundle branch area pacing ..
With left bundle branch area pacing, the lead is implanted slightly dis- .. 7.4 Leadless pacing
tal to the His bundle and is screwed deep in the LV septum, ideally to .. Leadless pacemakers have been developed to address limitations typ-
capture the left bundle branch.442 Advantages of this technique are .. ically related to pulse generator pocket and transvenous leads of con-
that electrical parameters are usually excellent, it may be successful .. ventional pacemaker systems. Currently, two leadless pacemaker
in blocks that are too distal to be treated with HBP, and it also facili- .. systems have been studied in clinical trials, of which one is currently
tates AVJ ablation, which may be challenging with HBP. However, .. available for clinical use. Both are inserted into the RV cavity by a fem-
although the technique is very promising, data on this modality are .. oral venous approach using a specially designed catheter-based deliv-
still scarce (Supplementary Table 11), and there is concern regarding .. ery system.
long-term lead performance and feasibility of lead extraction. ..
.. A number of prospective registries have reported that implanta-
Recommendations for using left bundle branch area pacing cannot .. tion success rates are high, with adequate electrical results both at
therefore be formulated at this stage. However, conduction system ..
pacing (which includes HBP and left bundle branch area pacing) is
... implant and at follow-up (Supplementary Table 13). ‘Real-world’
.. results of one leadless pacemaker system, including 1817 patients,
very likely to play a growing role in the future, and the current rec- .. reported serious adverse events in 2.7% of patients.50 The prevalence
ommendations will probably need to be revised once more solid evi-
.. of leadless device infections is low as the principal sources of infection
dence of safety and efficacy (from randomized trials) is published. A .. (i.e. the subdermal surgical pocket and pacemaker leads) are absent.
comparison of RV pacing, HBP, and left bundle branch area pacing is
.. However, during the initial operator experience, there was a higher
provided in Supplementary Table 12. .. incidence of peri-operative major complications (6.5%), including
.. perforation and tamponade, vascular complications, ventricular
.. arrhythmias, and death.445 These data highlight the importance of
Recommendations for using His bundle pacing .. adequate training and supervision in this domain when starting with
.. leadless pacemaker implantation. In addition, implanting physicians
Recommendations Classa Levelb ..
.. should have the same competency and accreditation as those
.. required for standard transvenous pacing to be able to offer the most
In patients treated with HBP, device program- ..
ming tailored to specific requirements of HBP is I C .. suitable system for a given patient. Implantation of leadless pace-
.. makers should be performed in an adequate setting (i.e. with high-
recommended.430,431 ..
In CRT candidates in whom coronary sinus lead .. resolution multiplane fluoroscopy) and with cardiac surgery available
.. on site due to the risk of tamponade, which may be more difficult to
implantation is unsuccessful, HBP should be con- ..
sidered as a treatment option along with other IIa B .. manage than with standard pacing.446,447
.. Leadless pacemakers that only function in the VVI(R) mode
techniques such as surgical epicardial ..
.. restrict indications to patients with AF or very infrequent pacing (e.g.
In patients treated with HBP, implantation of an .. paroxysmal AVB). Recently, VDD pacing (by detection of atrial con-
.. traction by the accelerometer) has been introduced, which extends
RV lead used as ‘backup’ for pacing should be ..
considered in specific situations (e.g. pacemaker .. indications to patients with AVB with preserved sinus node function.
.. AV synchrony is maintained 7090% of the time, depending on the
dependency, high-grade AVB, infranodal block,
high pacing threshold, planned AVJ ablation) or .. patient’s position and activity, based on data from two studies includ-
.. ing 73 patients in SR and high-degree AV block.448 There may in
for sensing in the case of issues with detection ..
(e.g. risk of ventricular undersensing or over- .. future be an alternative to standard DDD pacemakers in selected
.. patients if the potential benefits of leadless pacing outweigh the
sensing of atrial/His potentials).423,426,444 ..
HBP with a ventricular backup lead may be con-
.. potential benefits of 100% AV synchrony, atrial pacing, and atrial
.. arrhythmia monitoring.
sidered in patients in whom a ‘pace-and-ablate’ ..
strategy for rapidly conducted supraventricular IIb C
.. Indications for leadless pacemakers include obstruction of the
.. venous route used for standard pacemaker implantation (e.g. bilateral
arrhythmia is indicated, particularly when the ..
intrinsic QRS is narrow.197,199,200,318
.. venous thoracic outlet syndrome or chronic obstruction of the supe-
.. rior vena cava), pocket issues (e.g. in the case of cachexia or demen-
Continued ..
.. tia), or particularly increased infection risk [e.g. in the case of dialysis
44 ESC Guidelines

or previous cardiovascular implantable electronic device (CIED) .. recommended in patients with AVB who have not yet received
infection]. Observational data showed that a leadless pacemaker was .. reperfusion therapy.469 AVB may require temporary pacing in the
a safe pacing alternative in patients with previous device infection and .. presence of refractory symptoms or haemodynamic compromise,
explant, and in patients on chronic haemodialysis. Whereas observa- .. but most often resolves spontaneously within a few days and only a
tional data indicate high efficacy and low complication rates with lead- .. minority of patients require permanent pacing.451,454,456,458,462 In
less pacemakers,50 there are currently no data from RCTs .. patients with persistent intraventricular conduction abnormalities
documenting the long-term safety and efficacy of leadless vs. standard .. and transient AVB in whom permanent pacing was recommended in
.. the past, there is no evidence that permanent cardiac pacing

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transvenous pacemakers, and therefore the indication for a leadless ..
pacemaker should be carefully considered on a case by case basis. .. improves outcome.454,470 These patients frequently have HF and
The absence of long-term data on leadless pacemaker performance
.. poor LV function, and should be evaluated for ICD, CRT-P, or CRT-
and limited data on retrievability and end-of-life strategy449 require .. D rather than conventional pacing if an early device implantation is
careful consideration before selecting leadless pacemaker therapy,
.. considered.471
especially for younger patients (e.g. with a life expectancy >20 years). .. If AVB does not resolve within 10 days, a permanent pacemaker
.. should be implanted. In the absence of robust scientific data, the wait-
.. ing period before pacemaker implantation has to be decided individu-
Recommendations for using leadless pacing (leadless ..
pacemaker) .. ally. It may last up to 10 days but can be shortened to 5 days
.. depending on the occluded vessel, time delay, and success of revascu-
Recommendations Classa Levelb .. larization. Conditions favouring consideration of earlier pacemaker
.. implantation include unsuccessful or late revascularization, anterior
Leadless pacemakers should be considered as an ..
.. MI, bifascicular block or AV block before MI, and progression of AV
alternative to transvenous pacemakers when no .. block within the first days after MI. Sick sinus syndrome after occlu-
upper extremity venous access exists or when ..
IIa B .. sion of the right coronary artery resolves in most cases. If revasculari-
risk of device pocket infection is particularly .. zation is incomplete, pacemaker implantation can usually still be
high, such as previous infection and patients on
.. postponed and implantation only be performed if symptoms due to
haemodialysis.45,4750,450 .. sinus bradycardia persist.
Leadless pacemakers may be considered as an .
alternative to standard single-lead ventricular ...
ESC 2021

pacing, taking into consideration life expectancy

IIb C .. Recommendations for cardiac pacing after acute myo-
.. cardial infarction
and using shared decision-making.45,4750 ..
a .. Recommendations Classa Levelb
Class of recommendation.
b ..
Level of evidence. .. Implantation of a permanent pacemaker is indi-
.. cated with the same recommendations as in a
.. general population (section 5.2) when AVB does I C
.. not resolve within a waiting period of at least 5
8 Indications for pacing in specific ..
.. days after MI.
conditions ..
.. In selected patients with AVB in the context of
.. anterior wall MI and acute HF, early device
8.1 Pacing in acute myocardial infarction .. IIb C
In patients with acute MI, significant bradyarrhythmia may occur .. implantation (CRT-D/CRT-P) may be
.. considered.471

ESC 2021
due to autonomic influences or damage of the conduction system ..
by ischaemia and/or reperfusion. The right coronary artery supplies .. Pacing is not recommended if AVB resolves after
.. revascularization or spontaneously.454456,458 III B
the sinus node in 60% and the AVN and His bundle in 90% ..
of patients.451,452 AVB is located above the His bundle in most ..
.. AVB = atrioventricular block; CRT-D = defibrillator with cardiac resynchroniza-
patients with inferior infarction, but is usually infra-Hisian and pre- .. tion therapy; CRT-P = cardiac resynchronization therapy-pacemaker; MI = myo-
ceded by intraventricular conduction disturbances in anterior
.. cardial infarction.
a .. Class of recommendation.
infarction.451,453457 b .. Level of evidence.
The incidence of high-degree AVB in patients with ST-segment ele-
vation MI has declined to 34% in the primary percutaneous coro- ..
nary intervention era.458460 High-degree AVB is most frequent in
.. 8.2 Pacing after cardiac surgery and
inferior or inferolateral infarctions.455,458461 .. heart transplantation
Patients with high-degree AVB have higher clinical risk and
.. 8.2.1 Pacing after coronary artery bypass graft and
larger infarctions especially when AVB complicates an anterior .. valve surgery
infarction.458460,462,463 New-onset intraventricular conduction dis- .. AVB may occur in 14% of cases after cardiac surgery and in
turbance is also associated with larger infarctions.464467 .. 8% after repeat valve surgery.472476 SND may occur after right
Sinus bradycardia and AVB at presentation can be vagally me- .. lateral atriotomy or transseptal superior approaches to the mitral
diated and may respond to atropine.455,468 Revascularization is .. valve.473,474
ESC Guidelines 45

Pacemaker implantation is more frequent after valvular than after .. or third-degree AVB. There have been doubts about the long-term
coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery.477 In clinical practice, .. performance of epicardial leads, but recent data indicate, at least for
an observation period of 37 days is usually applied before implant- .. epicardial LV leads, performance comparable with transvenous
ing a permanent pacemaker473 to allow regression of transient brady- .. leads.486
cardias. The ideal timing of pacemaker implantation after cardiac .. Ventricular pacing after mechanical tricuspid valve replacement
surgery remains a topic of controversy, due to the fact that 6070% .. using a coronary sinus lead appears safe and feasible, but only results
of patients implanted for SND and up to 25% of those implanted for .. from small patient cohorts have been published. Procedural success
AVB are not pacemaker dependent at follow-up.473,478 In the case of

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

.. of implantation was 100% in 23 patients; after 5.3 ± 2.8 years, 96% of
complete AVB occurring within the first 24 h after valvular surgery .. leads were functional with stable pacing and sensing parameters.487
and persisting for 48 h, resolution within the next 12 weeks is
.. HBP is emerging as a more physiological method of ventricular
unlikely and earlier implantation of a pacemaker may be consid- .. pacing and may evolve into a possible solution in patients with AV
ered.479,480 The same approach appears reasonable for complete
.. conduction disease after tricuspid valve surgery. One study investi-
AVB with a low rate of escape rhythm.473 The situation in CHD sur- .. gating 30 patients with HBP after cardiac valve operations reported
gery and in children may be different (see section 8.4).
.. successful permanent HBP in 93% of these patients.488 This study
In valvular endocarditis, predictors of AVB after surgery are pre- .. included 10 patients with tricuspid valve annuloplasty.
operative conduction abnormalities, Staphylococcus aureus infection, .. After replacement by a mechanical valve, transvalvular lead
intracardiac abscess, tricuspid valve involvement, and previous valvu- .. placement is contraindicated, and implanting either a coronary
lar surgery.481 In patients with endocarditis and peri-operative AVB, .. sinus lead for ventricular pacing or epicardial leads, which may be
early pacemaker implantation is reasonable, especially when one or .. placed minimally invasively, is recommended. To avoid damaging a
more predicting factors are present. In light of the infected state of .. repaired tricuspid valve or a tricuspid bioprosthesis, the optimal
the patient, intra-operative implantation of an epicardial pacemaker .. solution in patients needing ventricular pacing after such surgery
system during valvular surgery may be reasonable despite the .. should not include transvalvular lead implantation. Implanting a cor-
absence of solid data on infection rates of epicardial vs. transvenous .. onary sinus lead for ventricular pacing or minimally invasively
pacemaker systems. .. placed epicardial leads is judged to be the preferred choice.
.. However, as indicated in observational reports, transvalvular lead
.. implantation was used with acceptable results,489 and still may be
8.2.2 Pacing after heart transplantation .. considered in selected patients after tricuspid valve annuloplasty,
SND is common and leads to permanent pacemaker implantation ..
.. other types of repair, and replacement of a tricuspid valve by a
after heart transplantation in 8% of patients.473 Possible causes of ..
.. bioprosthesis.
SND include surgical trauma, sinus node artery damage, or ischaemia
.. Performing tricuspid valve replacement in a patient with an exist-
and prolonged cardiac ischaemic times.482,483 AVB is less common, ..
.. ing RV lead, removal of the old RV lead and implantation of an epi-
and is probably related to inadequate preservation of the donor
.. cardial RV lead should be preferred over sewing in the existing lead
heart.473,483,484 Chronotropic incompetence is always present fol- ..
.. between a bioprosthesis and annulus. The reasons are that sewing
lowing standard orthotopic heart transplantation, as a result of loss .. in the lead may be associated with higher risk of lead failure and, in
of autonomic control. As sinus node and AVN function improve dur- .. the case of future need for lead extraction, such a procedure is
ing the first few weeks after transplantation, an observation period ..
.. likely to require open heart surgery, which will be a reintervention
before pacemaker implantation may allow spontaneous improve- ..
.. with higher operative risk. In cases of tricuspid valve repair with a
ment of bradycardia.485 There is general consensus that patients in
whom symptomatic bradycardia persists after the third post-
... current annuloplasty ring with an open segment and without con-
.. comitant leaflet procedures, an existing RV lead may be left in place
operative week may require permanent pacemaker implantation. ..
DDD(R) mode with minimized ventricular pacing in the case of intact
.. without sewing it in between the ring and the annulus. However, even
.. in isolated annuloplasty procedures, an existing RV lead should
AVN conduction is recommended.483 ..
.. ideally be removed to avoid future lead-related complications to
.. the repaired tricuspid valve and an epicardial RV lead should be
8.2.3 Pacing after tricuspid valve surgery .. implanted. Particularly in patients not in need of a dual-chamber
An underestimated aspect of the surgical management of tricuspid .. device, the use of a leadless pacemaker for ventricular pacing may
valve disease is to address trans-tricuspid pacemaker or ICD leads. .. serve as a feasible future alternative after tricuspid valve repair or
Such leads can interfere with the function of a repaired tricuspid valve .. replacement by a bioprosthesis. However, experience is very lim-
or tricuspid valve prosthesis. .. ited, and no long-term data are available in this cohort. Crossing a
Placing an epicardial RV lead at the time of tricuspid valve surgery
.. mechanical tricuspid valve with the delivery sheath and a leadless
is the most straightforward alternative in cases with type II second- . pacemaker is contraindicated.
46 ESC Guidelines

Recommendations for cardiac pacing after cardiac sur-

.. 7) Patients requiring pacing after mechan-
gery and heart transplantation .. ical tricuspid valve replacement

ESC 2021
.. III C
Recommendations Classa Levelb
.. Implantation of a transvalvular RV lead should
.. be avoided.
1) High-degree or complete AVB after .. AVB = atrioventricular block; RV = right ventricular; SND = sinus node
cardiac surgery .. dysfunction.
A period of clinical observation of at least 5 ..
Class of recommendation.

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

Level of evidence.
days is indicated to assess whether the rhythm ..
disturbance is transient and resolves. I C ..
However, in the case of complete AVB with
low or no escape rhythm when resolution is ..
unlikely, this observation period can be
.. 8.3 Pacing after transcatheter aortic
shortened.473,478 ..
.. valve implantation
2) Surgery for valvular endocarditis and .. For extended literature on patients with pre-procedural RBBB and
intraoperative complete AVB ..
.. post-procedural LBBB see sections 8.3.1 and 8.3.2 in the
Immediate epicardial pacemaker implantation .. Supplementary data.
should be considered in patients with surgery ..
.. Rates of permanent pacemaker implantation after TAVI range
for valvular endocarditis and complete AVB if
one of the following predictors of persistence is .. between 3.4% and 25.9% in randomized trials and large regis-
.. tries.490502 Whereas the association between pacing after TAVI and
present: pre-operative conduction abnormality, ..
Staphylococcus aureus infection, intracardiac .. outcome is controversial,503509 RV pacing may lead to deterioration
.. in LV function.183,510,511 Thus, efforts to minimize unnecessary per-
abscess, tricuspid valve involvement, or previous ..
valvular surgery.481
.. manent pacing are warranted.
.. Predictors for permanent pacing (Table 10 and supplementary table
3) SND after cardiac surgery and heart ..
.. 14), especially RBBB, which has been identified as the most consistent
transplantation .. and powerful predictor for permanent pacemaker implantation,
Before permanent pacemaker implantation, a IIa C ..
.. should be incorporated into procedural planning including transcath-
period of observation of up to 6 weeks should .. eter heart valve selection, implantation height, and balloon inflations.
be considered.473 ..
.. Patients with pre-existing advanced conduction system disease
4) Chronotropic incompetence after .. who may have an indication for permanent pacing irrespective of the
heart transplantation ..
.. TAVI procedure need consultation with an electrophysiologist
Cardiac pacing should be considered for chro- .. before the procedure. There is currently no evidence to support per-
notropic incompetence persisting for >6 weeks
IIa C ..
.. manent pacemaker implantation as a ‘prophylactic’ measure before
after heart transplantation to improve quality of .. TAVI in asymptomatic patients or in patients who do not meet the
.. standard indications for pacemaker implantation.
5) Patients requiring pacing at the time of .. A recommended approach for the management of conduction
tricuspid valve surgery .. abnormalities after TAVI is detailed in Figure 12. Patients without new
Transvalvular leads should be avoided and epi- .. conduction disturbances post-TAVI are at very low risk of developing
cardial ventricular leads used. During tricuspid .. high-degree AVB.533535 Conversely, management of patients with
valve surgery, removal of pre-existing transvalv- .. persistent complete or high-degree AVB should follow standard
ular leads should be considered and preferred
.. guidelines. Permanent pacemaker implantation appears warranted in
over sewing in the lead between the annulus ..
.. patients with intraprocedural AVB that persists for 24 - 48 h after
and a bioprosthesis or annuloplasty ring. In the .. TAVI or appears later. Data to guide the management of patients
case of an isolated tricuspid annuloplasty based ..
.. with other conduction abnormalities at baseline or post-procedure
on an individual riskbenefit analysis, a pre- .. are more limited.
existing RV lead may be left in place without jail- ..
.. Given the close anatomical proximity of the aortic valve and the
ing it between ring and annulus. .. left bundle branch, the most frequent conduction abnormality after
6) Patients requiring pacing after biologi- .. TAVI is new-onset LBBB.504,536538 Only a small minority of these
cal tricuspid valve replacement/tricuspid .. patients require pacemaker implantation.536,537 Thus, EPS539541 or
valve ring repair .. long-term monitoring536 in lieu of pacemaker implantation may be
When ventricular pacing is indicated, transve- .. considered542,543 (see section 8 in the Supplementary data). Several
nous implantation of a coronary sinus lead or IIa C .. high-risk subgroups of patients with new LBBB have been identified
minimally invasive placement of an epicardial .. (see Figure 12, and section 8 in the Supplementary data). In such
ventricular lead should be considered and pre- .. patients with dynamic progression of conduction abnormalities after
ferred over a transvenous transvalvular .. TAVI (new BBB with dynamic prolongation of QRS and/or PR), an
approach.487 .. extended monitoring period in hospital of up to 5 days should be
Continued .. considered. Conversely, patients with new-onset LBBB but QRS
ESC Guidelines 47

Table 10 Predictors for permanent pacing after transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Characteristics References
Right BBB
PR-interval prolongation
Left anterior hemiblock

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Older age (per 1-year increase)
Male sex
Larger body mass index (per 1-unit increase)
Severe mitral annular calcification
LV outflow tract calcifications
Membranous septum length
Porcelain aorta
Higher mean aortic valve gradient
Self-expandable valve
Deeper valve implantation
Larger ratio between prosthesis diameter versus annulus or LV outflow tract diameter

ESC 2021
Balloon post-dilatation
TAVI in valve-in-valve vs. native valve procedure
AVB = atrioventricular block; BBB = bundle branch block; ECG = electrocardiogram; LV = left ventricular; TAVI = transcatheter aortic valve implantation.
For more detailed data, see Supplementary Tables 14 and 15.

Management of conduction abnormalities in patients after TAVI

Persistent new
LBBB with
Pre-existing RBBB conduction
QRS > 150 ms
with new abnormality with
Persistenta New onset or PR > 240 ms
post-procedure prolongation of
high degree AVB alternating BBB with no further
conduction QRS (> 20 ms) or
disturbanceb PR (> 20 ms)f
during > 48h
after procedurec

Ambulatory ECG Ambulatory ECG

monitoringd monitoringd
(Class IIa) (Class IIb)


Permanent PM Permanent PM EPSe EPSe

(Class I) (Class IIa) (Class IIa) (Class IIb)

Figure 12 Management of conduction abnormalities after transcatheter aortic valve implantation. AF = atrial fibrillation; AV = atrioventricular; AVB =
atrioventricular block; BBB = bundle branch block; ECG = electrocardiogram; EPS = electrophysiology study; HV = Hisventricular interval; LBBB = left
bundle branch block; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; PM = pacemaker; QRS = Q, R, and S waves; RBBB = right bundle branch block; TAVI =
transcatheter aortic valve implantation. a24-48 h post-procedure. bTransient high-degree AVB, PR prolongation, or axis change. cHigh-risk parameters for
high-degree AV block in patients with new-onset LBBB include: AF, prolonged PR interval, and LVEF <40%. dAmbulatory continuous ECG monitoring for
7 - 30 days. eEPS with HV >_70 ms may be considered positive for permanent pacing. fWith no further prolongation of QRS or PR during 48-h observation.
48 ESC Guidelines

<150 ms may not require further evaluation during hospitalization. .. for pacemaker therapy in patients with CHD is based on expert con-
When EPS is contemplated, it should be performed >_3 days post- .. sensus and individual evaluation due to lack of evidence from RCTs.
procedure and after the conduction abnormalities have stabilized. .. In the presence of an intracardiac shunt between the systemic and
The type of permanent pacemaker implanted should follow stand- .. pulmonary circulation, endovascular lead placement is relatively con-
ard guidance (see sections 5, 6, and 7). Given the low rates of long- .. traindicated due to the risk of arterial embolism.551
term dependency on pacing,544,545 algorithms promoting spontane- .. The clinical presentation may vary considerably; even severe bra-
ous AV conduction should be used. .. dycardia in congenital AVB may remain oligosymptomatic or asymp-

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

.. tomatic. Periodic Holter recordings may be useful for patients at
Recommendations for cardiac pacing after transcath- .. specific risk of bradyarrhythmia.
eter aortic valve implantation ..
Recommendations Classa Levelb
.. 8.4.1 Sinus node dysfunction and
.. bradycardiatachycardia syndrome
Permanent pacing is recommended in patients .. There is no evidence that SND directly leads to increased mortality
with complete or high-degree AVB that persists I B .. in CHD. However, it may be associated with a higher rate of post-
for 24 - 48 h after TAVI.546 .. operative atrial flutter, with 1:1 AV conduction in CHD, and thus lead
Permanent pacing is recommended in patients
.. to morbidity and potentially mortality.552,553
with new-onset alternating BBB after I C ..
.. Indications for pacemaker implantation
Earlyc permanent pacing should be considered in .. In patients with symptomatic chronotropic incompetence, pace-
.. maker implantation is justified when other causes (see section 4) have
patients with pre-existing RBBB who develop
IIa B ..
any further conduction disturbance during or .. been ruled out.554,555 Increasing the heart rate through permanent
.. pacing to prevent atrial arrhythmias may be considered.556 The
after TAVI.d ..
Ambulatory ECG monitoringe or EPSf should be .. underlying evidence is weak, as the benefit of atrial-based pacing
.. observed in patients without structural heart disease could not be
considered for patients with new LBBB with ..
QRS >150 ms or PR >240 ms with no further IIa C .. validated in CHD.21,557,558 The general consensus is that if permanent
.. pacing is necessary, single-lead atrial-based pacing should be pre-
prolongation during the >48 h after ..
.. ferred to limit the number of leads, especially in young patients with
.. adequate AV conduction.559 In patients with congenitally corrected
Ambulatory ECG monitoringe or EPSf may be ..
.. transposition of the great arteries requiring ventricular pacing
considered for patients with a pre-existing con-
IIb C .. because of high-degree AVB, CRT should be considered. Current
duction abnormality who develop prolongation ..
.. evidence to use devices with atrial antitachycardia pacing to treat
of QRS or PR >20 ms.g ..
.. intra-atrial re-entrant tachycardias in patients with CHD560,561 is too
Prophylactic permanent pacemaker implantation
ESC 2021

.. limited to make general recommendations.

is not indicated before TAVI in patients with III C ..
RBBB and no indication for permanent pacing.
.. 8.4.2 Congenital atrioventricular block
AF = atrial fibrillation; AVB = atrioventricular block; BBB = bundle branch block; .. A number of maternal or fetal factors can cause congenital heart
CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy; ECG = electrocardiogram; EPS = elec- ..
trophysiology study; HV = Hisventricular interval; LBBB = left bundle branch .. block, particularly autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus eryth-
block; RBBB = right bundle branch block; SR = sinus rhythm; TAVI = transcath- .. ematosus and Sjögren syndrome (Supplementary Table 16).
eter aortic valve implantation. For the definition of alternating BBB, see section ..
.. Patients presenting with congenital AVB may be asymptomatic or
a ..
Class of recommendation. .. may present with reduced exercise capacity, syncopal attacks, con-
Level of evidence. .. gestive HF, ventricular dysfunction, and dilatation. Rarely, in SCD,
Immediately after procedure or within 24 h. ..
Transient high-degree AVB, PR prolongation, or QRS axis change. .. congenital AVB is diagnosed as the cause.562,563 SCD may occur
Ambulatory continuous ECG monitoring (implantable or external) for 730 .. through increased propensity to develop bradycardia-related ventric-
days.536,549 ..
EPS should be performed >_3 days after TAVI. Conduction delay with HV >_70
.. ular arrhythmias such as torsades-de-pointes.
ms may be considered positive for permanent pacing.540,541,550
With no further prolongation of QRS or PR during 48-h observation. .. Indications for pacemaker implantation
Note: CRT in patients requiring pacing after TAVI has the same indication as for .. There is general consensus that prophylactic pacing is indicated in
general patients (see section 6). ..
.. asymptomatic patients with any of the following risk factors: mean
.. daytime heart rate <50 b.p.m., pauses greater than three times
8.4. Cardiac pacing and cardiac .. the cycle length of the ventricular escape rhythm, a broad QRS
.. escape rhythm, prolonged QT interval, or complex ventricular
resynchronization therapy in congenital ..
.. ectopy.564566 Clinical symptoms, such as syncope, pre-syncope, HF,
heart disease .. or chronotropic incompetence, are indications for pacemaker
Permanent pacing in patients with moderate or complex CHD
.. implantation.564,567,568 If ventricular dysfunction is attributed to hae-
should be performed in centres with a multidisciplinary team and .. modynamic compromise caused by bradycardia, permanent pacing
expertise in CHD-related device therapy. Generally, decision-making . may be indicated.518,567 Despite a modest quality of evidence, there
ESC Guidelines 49

is strong consensus that patients with third- or second-degree AVB .. In patients with persistent post-operative bifas-
(Mobitz type II) must receive permanent cardiac pacing therapy if ..
.. cicular block associated with transient complete IIb C
symptomatic or with risk factors. In asymptomatic patients without .. AVB, permanent pacing may be considered.572
risk factors, opinion on the benefit of cardiac pacing diverges, and ..
.. In patients with complex CHD and asympto-
permanent pacing may be considered.567,569 .. matic bradycardia (awake resting heart rate <40

ESC 2021
.. b.p.m. or pauses >3 s), permanent pacing may be
8.4.3 Post-operative atrioventricular block .. considered on an individual basis.

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Post-operative high-degree AVB is estimated to occur in 13% of ..
patients undergoing surgery for CHD.518,569,570 In children, transient .. AVB = atrioventricular block; BBB = bundle branch block; b.p.m. = beats per
.. minute; CHD = congenital heart disease; ECG = electrocardiogram.
early post-operative AVB usually resolves within 710 days.571 In a .. Class of recommendation.
adults with CHD, there are no data to support a different waiting b .. Level of evidence.
period before deciding for permanent pacing post-operatively than ..
after other cardiac surgery. After recovery from complete AVB, bifas- ..
cicular block occasionally persists, which is associated with an .. 8.4.4 Cardiac resynchronization
increased risk of late recurrent AVB and sudden death.572 The prog- ..
.. Standard indications for CRT may be considered in CHD, taking into
nosis is poor for patients with untreated post-operative complete .. account that the anatomy, morphology of the systemic ventricle, and
AVB.573 ..
.. cause of dyssynchrony, as well as QRS morphology, may be atypi-
.. cal.574 Multidisciplinary teams in experienced centres should be Indications for pacemaker implantation
.. involved in the decision-making process.
There is a strong recommendation for permanent pacing in patients ..
with persistent second- or third-degree AVB. In patients with persis- .. 8.5 Pacing in hypertrophic
tent bifascicular block associated with transient AVB or permanent .. cardiomyopathy
prolonged PR interval, consensus for pacemaker implantation is mod-
.. 8.5.1 Bradyarrhythmia
est. Post-operative HV interval determination may help to estimate ..
the risk in patients with prolonged PR or bifascicular block.573 In
.. AVB in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) should generally be
.. treated according to the recommendations in this guideline (see sec-
patients with bifascicular block and long PR after surgery for CHD, ..
.. tion 5.2). Certain genetically inherited subtypes of HCM are more
the risk of extensive damage to the conduction system is high,572 .. prone to develop AVB, as is the case with transthyretin amyloidosis,
therefore pacemaker implantation may be indicated even without ..
.. AndersonFabry and Danon diseases, PRKAG2 syndrome, and mito-
HV measurement. Implantation of epicardial leads should be consid- .. chondrial cytopathies.575,576 An ICD/CRT-D rather than a pacemaker
ered during surgery in patients with complex CHD and a high lifetime ..
.. should be considered in patients with symptomatic bradycardia who
risk of pacemaker implantation, in order to reduce the rate of .. have LVEF <_35% or otherwise fulfil the criteria for primary preven-
reoperation. ..
.. tion of SCD by current guidelines.576 (For extended literature on con-
.. duction disorders in HCM see the Supplementary data, section 8.5.)
Recommendations for cardiac pacing in patients with .. 8.5.2 Pacing for the management of left ventricular
congenital heart disease
.. outflow tract obstruction
Recommendations Classa Levelb .. In patients with symptoms caused by LV outflow tract obstruction,
.. treatment options include drugs, surgery, septal alcohol ablation, and
In patients with congenital complete or high-
.. AV sequential pacing with a short AV delay. Three small, randomized,
degree AVB, pacing is recommended if one of .. placebo-controlled studies and several long-term observational stud-
the following risk factors is present:
.. ies reported reductions in LV outflow tract gradients, and variable
a. Symptoms .. improvement in symptoms and quality of life with AV sequential
b. Pauses >3 the cycle length of the ventricu-
I C .. pacing.577582 Myectomy achieved superior haemodynamic results
lar escape rhythm .. compared with DDD pacing,583 but is a more invasive and higher risk
c. Broad QRS escape rhythm .. intervention. In one trial, a subgroup analysis suggested that older
d. Prolonged QT interval .. patients (>65 years) are more likely to benefit from DDD AV
e. Complex ventricular ectopy .. sequential pacing.579 A recent meta-analysis—comprising 34 studies
f. Mean daytime heart rate <50 b.p.m. .. and 1135 patients—found that pacing reduced the LV outflow gra-
In patients with congenital complete or high- .. dient by 35%, with a non-significant trend towards reduction in
degree AVB, permanent pacing may be consid- IIb C .. NYHA class.584
ered even if no risk factors are present.566 .. Shared decision-making should be employed when considering the
.. treatment of choice for patients with obstructive HCM.
50 ESC Guidelines

.. As current ICDs provide all pacemaker functions, a standalone

Recommendations for pacing in hypertrophic obstruc- ..
tive cardiomyopathy .. pacemaker is rarely indicated in LQTS today. However, in individ-
.. ual patients with LQTS and catecholamine-induced torsades-de-
Recommendations Classa Levelb .. pointes, shock therapy may be disadvantageous or even fatal; in
.. these cases, pacing and beta-blocker therapy alone without an
AV sequential pacing with short AV delay may ..
.. ICD may be used. Pacemaker instead of ICD implantation repre-
be considered in patients in SR who have other .. sents a treatment option in neonates and small infants with
pacing or ICD indications if drug-refractory ..
IIb B .. LQTS,594 and an alternative in LQTS patients with symptomatic

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symptoms or baseline or provocable LV outflow .. bradycardia (spontaneous or due to beta-blockers) if ventricular
tract gradients >_50 mmHg are ..
.. tachyarrhythmias are unlikely or if ICD implantation is not desired
present.576581,584 ..
.. (e.g. patient preference).
AV sequential pacing with short AV delay may be .. An indication for a pacemaker in LQTS exists in neonates and
considered in selected adults with drug-refractory ..
symptoms, >_50 mmHg baseline or provocable LV
.. infants with a 2:1 AVB due to excessive corrected QT prolongation
IIb B .. with long myocardial refractory periods.595
outflow tract gradient, in SR, who are unsuitable ..
for or unwilling to consider other invasive septal
.. Temporary pacing at an increased rate (usually 90 - 120 b.p.m.) is an
.. important treatment in LQTS patients with electrical storm, because
reduction therapies.576581,584 ..
.. an increase in the basic heart rate shortens the window of vulnerability
AV sequential pacing with short AV delay may .. for reinduction of torsade de pointes ventricular tachycardia.
be considered in selected patients with drug- ..
refractory symptoms, >_50 mmHg baseline or
.. 8.6.2 Neuromuscular diseases
provocable LV outflow tract gradients, in SR, at ..
ESC 2021

.. Neuromuscular diseases are a group of heterogeneous inherited dis-

high risk of developing AVB during septal .. orders affecting the skeletal muscle and frequently also involve the
ablation.585,586 ..
.. heart (for extended literature on conduction disorders in neuromus-
AV = atrioventricular; AVB = atrioventricular block; ICD = implantable cardi- .. cular disease, see the supplementary literature on pacing in rare dis-
overter-defibrillator; LV = left ventricular; SR = sinus rhythm. .. ease and Supplementary Table 17). The cardiac phenotype variably
Class of recommendation. ..
Level of evidence. .. includes all types of cardiomyopathies, conduction defects with or
Pacing parameters should be optimized to achieve maximum pre-excitation of .. without cardiomyopathies, and supraventricular and ventricular
the RV apex with minimal compromise of LV filling (typically achieved with a rest- ..
.. tachyarrhythmias.596598 Duchenne, Becker, and limb-girdle types
ing sensed AV interval of 100 ± 30 ms).587
.. 2C, 2F, and 2I are muscular dystrophies in which the development of
.. dilated cardiomyopathy is common and usually the predominant fea-
.. ture. Arrhythmias and conduction disease can be associated with the
8.5.3 Pacemaker implantation following septal ..
myectomy and alcohol septal ablation .. development of cardiomyopathy.596598 Such patients are consid-
.. ered for pacemakers or ICDs on the basis of guidelines used for
In a study involving 2482 patients with obstructive HCM, 2.3% devel- ..
oped AVB after septal myectomy588 (only 0.6% in those with normal ... other non-ischaemic cardiomyopathies.242 Myotonic dystrophy types
baseline conduction vs. 34.8% in patients with pre-existing RBBB). .. 1 and 2, EmeryDreifuss, and limb-girdle type 1B often present with
.. conduction disease and associated arrhythmias, and variably with car-
Alcohol septal ablation causes AVB in 720% of patients;576 those ..
with pre-existing conduction defects, mainly LBBB, are at highest .. diomyopathy.596,597 The recommendations present guidance in the
.. instances where the recommendations for cardiac pacing differ from
risk.585 ..
... those used for other patients with bradycardia.
8.5.4 Cardiac resynchronization therapy in end-stage ..
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy .. Recommendations for cardiac pacing in rare diseases
Based on the findings of a small cohort study,589 CRT was given both .. Recommendations Classa Levelb
a class IIa and a class IIb recommendation in previous guidelines for ..
patients with HCM, HF, LBBB, and LVEF <50%.576,590 More recent .. In patients with neuromuscular diseases such as
studies did not demonstrate sustained efficacy of this therapy.591593 .. myotonic dystrophy type 1 and any second- or
.. I C
Until further evidence becomes available, standard criteria for CRT .. third-degree AVB or HV >_70 ms, with or without
are recommended in patients with HCM (section 6). .. symptoms, permanent pacing is indicated.c 599602
.. In patients with neuromuscular disease such as
8.6 Pacing in rare diseases .. myotonic dystrophy type 1 with PR >_240 ms or
ESC 2021

8.6.1 Long QT syndrome .. QRS duration >_120 ms, permanent pacemaker
.. implantation may be considered.c 600,603,604
There are multiple inter-relationships between the different forms of ..
long QT syndrome (LQTS) and bradycardia: LQTS can be associated ..
.. AVB = atrioventricular block; CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy; HV =
with sinus bradycardia; very long ventricular myocardial refractory .. Hisventricular interval; ICD = implantable cardioverter-defibrillator.
periods can cause 2:1 AVB; sudden rate changes can trigger torsades-
.. a
Class of recommendation.
.. b
Level of evidence.
de-pointes tachycardia; and treatment with beta-blockers to suppress .. c
Whenever pacing is indicated in neuromuscular disease, CRT or an ICD should
sympathetic triggers of torsades-de-pointes may cause bradycardia.
.. be considered according to relevant guidelines.
ESC Guidelines 51

8.6.3 Dilated cardiomyopathy with lamin A/C mutation

.. presentations.621,622 In KearnsSayre syndrome, the most common
Mutations in the LMNA gene, which encodes lamin A and C inter- .. cardiac manifestation is conduction disease, which may progress to
mediate filaments of the nuclear envelope, cause a variety of inherited
.. complete AVB and cause SCD.623625
diseases defined as ‘laminopathies’.605607 According to the type of ...
mutation, they can lead to isolated cardiac disorders or additional .. Recommendations for pacing in KearnsSayre
systemic or musculoskeletal disorders such as the EmeryDreifuss
.. syndrome
autosomal dominant variant or limb-girdle dystrophy. Around ..

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Recommendations Classa Levelb
510% of dilated cardiomyopathies are induced by LMNA gene ..
mutations, manifested as cardiac conduction disease, tachyarrhyth- .. In patients with KearnsSayre syndrome who
mias, or impaired myocardial contractility.596,606620 SND and con-
.. have PR prolongation, any degree of AVB, BBB,
duction disease are frequently the first manifestation, in many cases .. or fascicular block, permanent pacing should be
with preserved LV size and function.613,614 LMNA-related cardiomy-
.. considered.c 621625
opathy is more malignant than most other cardiomyopathies, carry- .. In patients with KearnsSayre syndrome with-
ing a higher risk of SCD in asymptomatic mutation carriers with .. out cardiac conduction disorder, permanent

ESC 2021
preserved or only mildly decreased LV contractility.610615 .. pacing may be considered
Pacemaker implantation does not reduce the risk of SCD in these .. prophylactically. c 621625

patients. A meta-analysis of mode of death in LMNA mutations dem- ..

.. AVB = atrioventricular block; BBB = bundle branch block; CRT = cardiac
onstrated that 46% of patients who died suddenly had an implanted ..
pacemaker. Sudden death rates were similar in those with isolated .. resynchronization therapy; ICD = implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; PR = PR
.. interval.
cardiomyopathy and those with an additional neuromuscular pheno- .. a
Class of recommendation.
type.611 Complex ventricular arrhythmias are common in patients .. b
Level of evidence.
.. c
Whenever pacing is indicated, CRT or an ICD should be considered according
with conduction disturbances.612,613,615 In two studies, patients with .. to the relevant guidelines.
LMNA mutations and an indication for permanent pacing underwent ..
ICD implantation, and appropriate ICD therapies occurred in 42% ..
and 52% of patients within 3 and 5 years, respectively.612,613 These ..
findings led to the clinical practice to consider ICD rather than pace- .. 8.6.5 Infiltrative and metabolic diseases
maker implantation in LMNA-related conduction disease.614,620 For ..
.. Infiltrative cardiomyopathy is secondary to abnormal deposition and
additional clinical risk factors for ventricular tachyarrhythmias and .. accumulation of pathological products in the myocardial interstitium,
sudden death found in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy due to
.. while storage diseases lead to their intracellular accumulation. The
LMNA gene mutations, see Supplementary Table 18. CRT(D) should ..
.. main cause of infiltrative cardiomyopathy is amyloidosis, while stor-
be considered if the patient has AVB and LVEF <50%, and a high fre- .. age diseases include haemochromatosis, Fabry’s disease, and glycogen
quency of ventricular pacing is expected (section 6 and Supplementary ..
Table 18). The risk score of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmia in
.. storage diseases. In patients with cardiac amyloid, conduction defects,
.. tachyarrhythmias, and SCD are common. Based upon current knowl-
laminopathies can be predicted by a recently developed and validated ..
module (
.. edge, conventional indications should be used for pacing in this group
.. of patients.
Recommendation for patients with LMNA gene muta- ..
.. 8.6.6 Inflammatory diseases
tions (for references, see Supplementary Table 18) ..
.. Infections (viral, bacterial including Borreliosis, protozoa, fungal, para-
Recommendation Classa Levelb .. sites), autoimmune (e.g. giant cell myocarditis, sarcoidosis, rheumatic
.. heart disease, connective tissue disease, eosinophilic myocarditis),
In patients with LMNA gene mutations, including ..
EmeryDreifuss and limb-girdle muscular dys- .. toxic (alcohol, cocaine, cancer therapies, especially monoclonal anti-
.. bodies), and physical reactions (radiation therapy) can cause inflam-
trophies who fulfil conventional criteria for pace- ..
maker implantation or who have prolonged PR IIa C .. matory heart disease. Involvement of the AVN and the conduction
.. system is more frequent than that of the sinus node. AVB may indi-
interval with LBBB, ICD implantation with pacing ..
ESC 2021

capabilities should be considered if at least 1- .. cate involvement of the septum in the inflammatory process and is a
.. predictor of adverse outcome. Ventricular arrhythmias may also
year survival is expected.616 ..
.. occur because of myocardial pathology.
ICD = implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; LBBB, left bundle branch block. .. When inflammatory heart disease is complicated by bradycardia,
Class of recommendation. ..
Level of evidence.
.. especially AVB, specific therapy should be applied if available, eventu-
.. ally backed-up by temporary pacing or intravenous administration of
.. isoprenaline. Otherwise, immunosuppressive therapy or awaiting
.. spontaneous resolution may be sufficient. If bradycardia does not
8.6.4 Mitochondrial cytopathies .. resolve within a clinically reasonable period or cannot be expected
Mitochondrial cytopathies are a heterogeneous group of hereditary .. to resolve (e.g. after radiation therapy), permanent pacing is indi-
disorders, in which cardiomyopathies, conduction defects, and ven- .. cated. Before choosing a device type, the indication for an ICD and/
tricular arrhythmias are the most common cardiac .. or CRT rather than a single-chamber or DDD pacemaker should be
52 ESC Guidelines

considered because most causes of inflammatory disease causing bra- .. pauses >3 the cycle length of the ventricular escape rhythm, wide
dycardia may also result in reduced myocardial contractility and ven- .. QRS escape rhythm, prolonged QT interval, complex ventricular
tricular fibrosis. .. ectopy, mean daytime heart rate <50 b.p.m.) is present. However,
.. women with complete heart block who exhibit a slow, wide QRS
.. Sarcoidosis .. complex escape rhythm should undergo pacemaker implantation
Persistent or intermittent AVB can occur in sarcoidosis, which shows
.. during pregnancy. The risks of pacemaker implantation are generally
a propensity to involve the basal intraventricular septum. In a Finnish .. low and can be performed safely, especially if the foetus is beyond 8

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registry, 143 of 325 patients (44%) diagnosed with cardiac sarcoidosis .. weeks gestation. A pacemaker for the alleviation of symptomatic bra-
had Mobitz II second- or third-degree AVB in the absence of other .. dycardia can be implanted at any stage of pregnancy using echo guid-
explanatory cardiac disease.626 A history of syncope, pre-syncope, or
.. ance or electroanatomic navigation minimizing fluoroscopy.636,637
palpitations points towards bradycardia, but also to potential ventric- ..
ular tachyarrhythmia. AVB is the most common clinical presentation
in patients with clinically evident cardiac sarcoidosis.627,628 Diagnostic .. 9 Special considerations on device
steps include ECG monitoring, echocardiography, cardiac MRI, and .. implantations and peri-operative
myocardial or other involved tissue biopsy. Fluorodeoxyglucose- ..
.. management
positron emission tomography may be useful.629 The chances and ..
time course of resolution of AVB with immunosuppressive therapy ..
.. 9.1 General considerations
are not clear,630 but may be low.88 Long-term data are available ..
mainly from a Canadian prospective study (32 patients),627 a Japanese .. Patients with clinical signs of active infection and/or fever should not
.. undergo a permanent pacemaker (including leadless pacemaker)
retrospective study (22 patients),628 and a Finnish registry (325 ..
patients).626 Reversibility of conduction disorder is unpredictable .. implantation until they have been afebrile for at least 24 h. Febrile
.. patients who have been started on antibiotics should ideally receive a
and, even in patients with transient AVB, permanent pacing should be ..
considered.631 Immunosuppressive treatment may increase risk of .. complete course of antibiotic treatment and should be afebrile for
.. 24 h after termination of antibiotic treatment before definite pace-
device infection. However, there are no firm data to support device ..
implantation before initiation of immunosuppressive medication. .. maker implantation is performed if acute pacing is not required. If
.. possible, the use of temporary transvenous pacing should be avoided.
Patients with cardiac sarcoidosis and AVB are at high risk of SCD dur- ..
ing long-term follow-up, even if LVEF is >35%.626 Patients with even a .. In patients in need of acute pacing, temporary transvenous pacing
mild or moderate decrease in LVEF (3549%) are at increased risk .. should be established, preferably with jugular or axillar/lateral subcla-
of SCD.632,633 Therefore, in patients with cardiac sarcoidosis who
.. vian vein access.638 In a multicentre, prospective study with 6319
have an indication for cardiac pacing and LVEF <50%, a CRT-D .. patients, fever within 24 h of implantation (OR 5.83, 95% CI
should be considered rather than a pacemaker634 (section 6).
.. 2.0016.98) and temporary pacing before implantation (OR 2.46,
.. 95% CI 1.095.13) were positively correlated with the occurrence
Recommendations for pacing in cardiac sarcoidosis .. of device infection.639 In the case of patients with chronic recurrent
.. infection, minimally invasive implantation of an epicardial pacemaker
Recommendations Classa Levelb .. may be considered.
In patients with cardiac sarcoidosis who have ..
.. 9.2 Antibiotic prophylaxis
permanent or transient AVB, implantation of a
device capable of cardiac pacing should be con- .. The use of pre-operative systemic antibiotic prophylaxis is re-
sidered.c 88,629,630 .. commended as the standard of care in pacemaker implantation
In patients with sarcoidosis and an indication for
.. procedures. The risk of infection is significantly reduced with a single
ESC 2021

permanent pacing who have LVEF <50%, implan- IIa C .. dose of prophylactic antibiotic (cefazolin 12 g i.v. or flucloxacillin
tation of a CRT-D should be considered.631,634
.. 12 g i.v.) given within 3060 min [90120 min for vancomycin
.. (15 mg/kg)] before the procedure.640643 The antibiotic prophylaxis
AVB = atrioventricular block; CRT-D = defibrillator with cardiac resynchroniza- .. should cover S. aureus species, but routine coverage of methicillin-
tion therapy; ICD = implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; LVEF = left ventricular ..
ejection fraction. .. resistant S. aureus is not recommended. The use of vancomycin
Class of recommendation. .. should be guided by patient risk for methicillin-resistant S. aureus col-
Level of evidence.
.. onization and the prevalence of the bacterium in the corresponding
Whenever pacing is indicated in sarcoidosis, an ICD should be considered .. institution.638
according to the relevant guidelines. ..
.. In contrast, post-operative antibiotic prophylaxis does not reduce
.. the incidence of infection.644,645
8.7 Cardiac pacing in pregnancy ..
.. 9.3 Operative environment and skin
Vaginal delivery carries no extra risks in a mother with congenital ..
complete heart block, unless contraindicated for obstetric rea- .. antisepsis
sons.635 For women who have a stable, narrow complex junctional .. The pacemaker implantation procedure should be performed in an
escape rhythm, pacemaker implantation may not be necessary or can .. operating environment that meets the standards of sterility as
be deferred until after delivery if none of the risk factors (syncope, . required for other surgical implant procedures.638,646
ESC Guidelines 53

Based on data from surgical and intravascular catheter procedures, .. depending on the clinical scenario and concomitant antiplatelet ther-
skin antisepsis should be performed using chlorhexidinealcohol .. apy, either stopping or continuing non-vitamin K antagonist oral anti-
instead of povidone-iodinealcohol.647,648 In a large RCT comprising .. coagulants might be reasonable at the time of device implantation.652
2546 patients, chlorhexidinealcohol was associated with a lower .. Patients on dual antiplatelet therapy have a significantly increased
incidence of short-term intravascular catheter-related infections (HR .. risk of post-operative pocket haematoma compared with patients
0.15, 95% CI 0.05 - 0.41; P = 0.0002).647
.. treated with aspirin alone or without antiplatelet therapy. In such
.. cases, P2Y12 receptor inhibitors should be discontinued for 37
.. days (according to the specific drug) before the procedure where

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9.4 Management of anticoagulation .. possible and based on an individualized risk assessment.638,653,654 For
It is well known that the development of a pocket haematoma after
.. more details on the management of anticoagulation in the pacemaker
the implantation of a pacemaker system significantly increases the .. procedure, refer to Table 11.
risk for subsequent pocket infection.641,643,649 The Bridge or
Continue Coumadin for Device Surgery Randomized Controlled ..
Trial (BRUISE CONTROL) proved that a clinically significant pocket
... 9.5 Venous access
haematoma is an independent risk factor for subsequent device infec- ..
tion (HR 7.7, 95% CI 2.920.5; P < 0.0001).649 Therefore, it is of .. Transvenous lead implantation for pacemaker implantation is com-
utmost importance to take all steps to avoid post-operative pocket .. monly performed by venous access via the cephalic, subclavian, or
haematoma. .. axillary vein. In the case of clinical signs of venous occlusion of the
Heparin bridging for pacemaker implantation in patients anticoagu- .. subclavian vein or the innominate vein, pre-operative imaging (venog-
lated with a vitamin K antagonist leads to a significant 4.6-fold increase .. raphy or chest CT scan) may be useful in planning venous access or
in post-operative pocket haematoma compared with a continued .. an alternative access ahead of the procedure. In the case of impossi-
warfarin strategy.650 International normalized ratio tapering and tem- .. ble superior venous access, appropriate, alternative approaches may
porary shifting of dual antiplatelet to single antiplatelet administration .. be transfemoral lead implantation, or implantation of a leadless
may significantly reduce the haematoma and infection rate by 75% .. device or epicardial leads.
and 74%, respectively, compared with heparin bridging.651 .. When using the Seldinger technique, there is a risk of a pneumo-
Regarding non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants, the .. thorax, haemothorax, inadvertent arterial puncture, and injury to the
Randomized Controlled Trial of Continued Versus Interrupted .. brachial plexus during venous puncture of the subclavian vein and
Direct Oral Anti-Coagulant at the Time of Device Surgery (BRUISE
.. (less so) the axillary vein. These risks are avoidable by using the ceph-
CONTROL-2) was stopped prematurely due to futility because the .. alic vein approach, which allows venous insertion of leads under
event rate was far lower than anticipated; however, it suggested that,
.. direct vision. Subclavian vein access is associated with a 7.8-fold

Table 11 Management of anticoagulation in pacemaker procedures

Dual antiplatelet therapy655,656 NOAC652 VKA650 OAC 1 antiplatelet657

Thrombotic risk after PCI
Intermediate or low High
>1 month PCI <1 month PCI
>6 months acute coronary <6 months acute coronary
syndrome at index PCI syndrome at index PCI
Low procedural Continue aspirin AND Elective surgery: Consider Continue or interrupt as Continuea Continue OAC (VKAa or
bleeding risk First Discontinue P2Y12 inhibi- postponement Otherwise: per operator preference. If NOAC). Discontinue anti-
implant tors: Ticagrelor at least • Continue aspirin interruption, then based on platelet per patient-specific
3 days before surgery • Continue P2Y12 CrCl and specific NOAC risk/benefit analysis
Clopidogrel at least 5 days inhibitor
High procedural before surgery Prasugrel at Continue aspirin AND
bleeding risk Device least 7 days before surgery Discontinue P2Y12 inhibi-
exchange, upgrade/ tors: Ticagrelor at least 3
revision procedure days before surgery,
Clopidogrel at least 5 days
before surgery, Prasugrel at
least 7 days before surgery.
ESC 2021

Bridging with GP IIb/IIIa

CrCl = creatinine clearance; GP = glycoprotein; NOAC = non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant; OAC = oral anticoagulant; PCI = percutaneous coronary intervention;
VKA = vitamin K antagonist.
Target international normalized ratio within therapeutic range.
54 ESC Guidelines

increased risk of pneumothorax.658 Prospective data on axillary vein .. developed to allow for full extractability in the long term. However,
puncture suggest a lower risk of access-related complications com- .. the ease of extractability at long term has not yet been
pared with subclavian puncture.659 Ultrasound guidance for axillary .. proven.667669
vein puncture has been described as a helpful technique for achieving ..
a safe and uncomplicated puncture.660 .. 9.7 Lead position
With regards to lead failure after implantation, there is evidence .. Ventricular pacing has traditionally been performed from the RV
that the axillary vein route is associated with a lower rate of lead fail- .. apex. Since the introduction of active fixation leads, alternative pacing
.. sites such as the RVOT septum or the mid-septum have been eval-

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

ures in long-term follow-up. In a retrospective study comprising 409 ..
patients and mean follow-up of 73.6 ± 33.1 months, lead failure .. uated in order to provide more physiological pacing. However,
occurred in 1.2% of patients with contrast-guided axillary vein punc- .. despite two decades of research, the clinical benefit of RV non-apical
ture, 2.3% of patients with cephalic vein cutdown, and 5.6% of .. pacing remains uncertain.670 This may be partly explained by variabil-
patients with subclavian vein puncture. In multivariable regression .. ity in the position of the lead, which is often unintentionally placed on
analysis, the only predictor of lead failure was subclavian vein punc- .. the anterior free wall, where it may be associated with adverse out-
ture instead of axillary vein access (HR 0.26, 95% CI 0.0710.954; P .. come.671673 The main advantage of septal pacing probably lies in
= 0.042). When analysing the success rates of the different venous .. the avoidance of perforation of the free wall. In a study of 2200
access approaches, the cephalic vein approach showed the lowest
.. patients implanted with a pacemaker or ICD lead, an apical position
success rate (78.2% vs. axillary vein 97.6% and subclavian vein 96.8%; .. was independently associated with cardiac perforation (OR 3.37; P =
P < 0.001).661
.. 0.024).420 A septal position may therefore be preferable in patients at
.. increased risk of perforation, such as elderly patients especially with a
9.6 Lead considerations .. 2 670,674
.. body mass index <20 kg/m , as well as women.
In choosing between active or passive fixation pacemaker leads in the .. Placing the lead on the mid-septum may be challenging (even more
RA or RV, one should consider the potential for perforation and peri- .. so in the RVOT septum, which is a smaller target area). The use of
carditis, as well as extractability. Active fixation leads have a higher .. multiple fluoroscopic views and specially shaped stylets is useful for
tendency to create pericardial effusions as well as overt perforations. .. this purpose and is outlined in a recent EHRA consensus paper.34 In
Passive fixation leads, due to the non-isodiametric design of the lead .. this context, it is important to mention that the accuracy and repro-
tip, may be a factor in lower procedural success rates and higher risk .. ducibility of fluoroscopic assessment of RV lead positions is often
for complications with lead extraction, although this point is far from .. inaccurate.421
being clear and is still under evaluation.662 An RCT is required to clar- .. Multiple fluoroscopic views are also recommended for placing
ify this issue. .. RVA leads, to ensure there is no inadvertent placement of the lead in
Regarding perforations, an uncontrolled, non-randomized study .. a coronary sinus tributary or in the LV via an intracardiac shunt or
comprising 3815 patients with implant of an RV lead showed no sig- .. arterial access.
nificant difference with regards to myocardial perforations between .. The coronary sinus may be used for LV pacing without the need to
active and passive fixation leads (0.5% vs. 0.3%; P = 0.3).663 Active fix-
.. cross the tricuspid valve. It may also be used in the case of other diffi-
ation leads also allow selective site pacing in regions of the RV that .. culties in deploying an RV lead (e.g. in the case of a tricuspid valve
are smooth walled (e.g. the mid-septum). The RA is, however, thin
.. prosthesis). In selected patients, the outcome is similar to RV
walled, and perforation of the RA free wall by active fixation leads has .. pacing.675,676
been demonstrated. Some implanting physicians prefer to implant
.. The RA appendage is usually the preferred site for atrial pacing.
passive leads in patients at elevated risk of perforation (e.g. elderly .. The lateral atrium may carry a risk of phrenic nerve capture.677,678
patients). However, based on expert opinion and on the results of a
.. Alternative pacing sites to avoid AF such as Bachman’s bundle and
single-centre, retrospective study on ICD leads (637 patients), in .. the region of the coronary sinus ostium have not shown benefit and
.. are not to be recommended in routine practice.679,680
young patients, the use of active fixation leads in the RA and RV is ..
recommended in terms of future extractability.664 ..
.. 9.8 Device pocket
Lead stability and phrenic nerve stimulation are important aspects ..
of coronary sinus lead implantation. With regards to both, quadripo- .. In recent years, there has been increasing awareness of the device
lar leads seem to have relevant advantages. The rate of phrenic nerve .. pocket as a source of complications. Avoidance of pocket infections
stimulation requiring lead revision is significantly lower compared .. has become a special focus in device therapy. The role of pocket hae-
with that in bipolar coronary sinus leads.665,666 Furthermore, lead .. matomas in the development of infections has been discussed earlier.
stability is increased because quadripolar leads can usually be .. It is evident that besides adequate management of anticoagulation, a
implanted in the wedged position. If implanted in an apical position .. proper surgical technique with meticulous haemostasis is of utmost
due to wedging, the use of the proximal poles avoids apical stimula- .. importance.
tion. Therefore, quadripolar leads are recommended for coronary .. Most pacemakers are implanted with the creation of a subcutane-
sinus lead implantation. Active fixation LV leads via a side helix have .. ous pocket.681 In patients with a low body mass index and therefore
been developed, and results have proved reliable stability, easy access .. little subcutaneous tissue, in the case of Twiddler’s syndrome, or for
to the target pacing site, and stable LV pacing threshold in the long .. aesthetic reasons, creation of a submuscular pocket may be prefera-
term. In comparison with passive fixation quadripolar leads, active fix- .. ble. However, this may require deeper sedation for implantation and
ation bipolar and quadripolar leads achieved similar results. The lead
.. generator replacements due to pain. To date, there are no data from
design with an active fixation mechanism via a side helix was . RCTs comparing the two approaches for creating device pockets.
ESC Guidelines 55

Historical data from 1000 patients with ICD implants showed signifi- .. In pacemaker implantations in patients with pos-
cantly shorter procedural times for patients with subcutaneous
.. sible pocket issues such as increased risk of ero-
device pockets. No significant differences with regard to pocket hae- .. sion due to low body mass index, Twiddler’s IIb C
matomas were found. There were no significant differences in the
.. syndrome, or for aesthetic reasons, a submuscu-
cumulative percentages of patients free from complication during fol- .. lar device pocket may be considered.
low-up.682 .. Heparin bridging of anticoagulated patients is
Pocket irrigation at the end of the procedure with normal saline ... not recommended.650,689 III A

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leads to dilution of possible contaminants and eliminates debris from
.. Permanent pacemaker implantation is not rec-
the wound before closure.683,684 Addition of antibiotics to the rinsing .. ommended in patients with fever. Pacemaker

ESC 2021
solution does not reduce the risk of device infections.683 III B
.. implantation should be delayed until the patient
The World-wide Randomized Antibiotic Envelope Infection .. has been afebrile for at least 24 h.638,639
Prevention Trial (WRAP-IT study) investigated the effect of an ..
absorbable antibiotic-eluting envelope on the development of post- .. CIED = cardiovascular implantable electronic device.
operative CIED infections. A total of 6983 patients undergoing a
.. Class of recommendation.
b .. Level of evidence.
CIED pocket revision, generator replacement, or system upgrade, or ..
initial implantation of a CRT-D were randomly assigned, in a 1:1 ratio, ..
to receive the antibiotic envelope or not. The rate of CIED infection ..
in patients who had the antibacterial envelope was 0.7% vs. 1.2% in ..
the control group (HR 0.6, 95% CI 0.360.98; P = 0.04).685 No effect .. 10 Complications of cardiac
on infection rate was observed in the subgroup with pacemakers.685
.. pacing and cardiac
Considering cost-effectiveness aspects, the use of an antibiotic enve- ..
.. resynchronization therapy
lope may be considered in pacemaker patients at high risk for CIED ..
infections. Risk factors to be considered in this context are end-stage ...
renal disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes melli- .. 10.1 General complications
.. Cardiac pacing and CRT are associated with a substantial risk of com-
tus, and device replacement, revision, or upgrade procedures.638 ..
.. plications (Table 12), most of which occur in the perioperative
.. phase,429,690 but a sizable risk remains during long-term follow-up.691
Recommendations regarding device implantations and .. Complication rates after dual-chamber pacemaker implantation in
peri-operative management .. the MOST trial were 4.8% at 30 days, 5.5% at 90 days, and 7.5% at 3
.. years.692 However, ‘real-life’ data indicate a higher risk.690,693 In a
Recommendations Classa Levelb .. recent study of >81 000 patients receiving de novo CIED implanta-
Administration of pre-operative antibiotic pro- .. tions, major complications occurred in 8.2% within 90 days of hospi-
.. tal discharge.694 Mortality in hospital (0.5%) and within 30 days (0.8%)
phylaxis within 1 h of skin incision is recom-
mended to reduce risk of CIED .. was low.
infection.641,643.686 .. Complication risks generally increase with the complexity of the
Chlorhexidinealcohol instead of povidone-
.. device and are more common in the context of a device upgrade or
iodinealcohol should be considered for skin IIa B .. lead revisions compared with de novo implantation. In a Danish
.. population-based cohort study, complications were observed in
For venous access, the cephalic or axillary vein .. 9.9% of patients at first device implantation and in 14.8% upon
IIa B .. upgrade or lead revision.354 Procedures limited to replacement of
should be considered as first choice.658,659 ..
To confirm target ventricular lead position, use
.. the generator had a lower complication risk (5.9%). In the prospec-
.. tive REPLACE registry, a similar proportion (4%) of complication
of multiple fluoroscopic views should be IIa C ..
.. risks in the setting of generator replacement was reported, but much
.. higher risks were found in those with one or more additional lead
For implantation of coronary sinus leads, quadri- ..
.. insertions (up to 15.3%).695 Accordingly, major complications were
polar leads should be considered as first IIa C .. particularly more common with CRT upgrade procedures, a finding
choice.665,666,687 ..
.. that was corroborated in a large US inpatient cohort339 and a pro-
Rinsing the device pocket with normal saline sol- .. spective Italian observational study.696 The rate of procedural com-
ution before wound closure should be IIa C ..
.. plications also increases with comorbidity burden.697
considered.683,684 .. Thus, careful shared decision-making is warranted when consider-
In patients undergoing a reintervention CIED .. ing upgrades to more complex systems. This also applies to prophy-
procedure, the use of an antibiotic-eluting enve- IIb B .. lactic replacement of recalled CIED generators and leads, a scenario
lope may be considered.685,688 .. in which procedural risks should be carefully weighed against the risks
Pacing of the mid-ventricular septum may be .. associated with device or lead failure.698
considered in patients at high risk of perforation
.. Overall, complication rates are closely linked to individual and
(e.g. elderly, previous perforation, low body .. 429,658,693
.. centre implantation volumes. Complications were increased
mass index, women).420,674 .. by 60% in inexperienced operators who had performed fewer than
56 ESC Guidelines

25 implantations.429 Data from a large national quality assurance pro- .. passive fixation RA lead (OR 2.2) were the most important risk
gramme for pacemakers and CRT-P showed that the annual hospital .. predictors.
implantation volume was inversely related to complication rates, .. A meta-analysis of 25 CRT trials noted mechanical complications
with the greatest difference observed between the lowest (1 - 50 .. in 3.2% (including coronary sinus dissection or perforation, pericar-
implantations/year) and the second lowest quintile (5190 implanta- .. dial effusion or tamponade, pneumothorax, and haemothorax), other
tions/year).699 Furthermore, emergency and out-of-hours proce- .. lead problems in 6.2%, and infections in 1.4%. Peri-implantation
dures are associated with increased complication rates.354 These .. deaths occurred in 0.3%.369

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data clearly suggest that CIED procedures should be performed by ..
operators and centres with a sufficient procedural volume. .. 10.2.2 Haematoma
.. Pocket haematoma is a frequent complication (2.19.5%), which can
.. usually be managed conservatively. Evacuation, required in 0.32%
10.2 Specific complications .. of cases, is associated with an 15 times increased risk of infection.639
.. Moreover, patients developing pocket haematoma stay in hospital
10.2.1 Lead complications ..
Pacemaker leads are a frequent source of complications due to dis- .. longer and have a higher in-hospital mortality rate (2.0% vs. 0.7%).724
.. Hence, appropriate precautions are critical, and reoperation should
lodgement, insulation defects, lead fractures, and sensing or threshold ..
problems. In a Danish cohort, lead-related interventions (2.4%) were
.. be limited to patients with severe pain, persistent bleeding, distension
.. of the suture line, and imminent skin necrosis. Many haematomas can
the most common major complication.354 LV leads have a particular ..
propensity for complications such as dislodgement and coronary vein
.. be avoided by careful haemostasis and optimal management of anti-
.. platelet and anticoagulant drugs.
dissection or perforation.700 In a nationwide registry, LV leads (4.3%) ..
were more commonly associated with complications compared with
RA leads (2.3%) and RV leads (2.2%).429 A CRT device (OR 3.3) and .. 10.2.3 Infection
.. Infection is one of the most worrying CIED complications, causing
.. significant morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs.725,726 Infection
Table 12 Complications of pacemaker and cardiac .. rates are higher with device replacement or upgrade procedures,695
resynchronization therapy implantation .. as well as CRT or ICD implants compared with simple pacemaker
Incidence of complications after CIED therapy % .. implantation.727 Olsen et al.702 reported the lifetime risk of system
Lead-related reintervention 354,639,690,692,695,700,701
.. infection in patients with: a pacemaker (1.19%), ICD (1.91%), CRT-P
(including dislodgement, malposition, subclavian crush .. (2.18%), and CRT-D (3.35%). Specifically, patients undergoing reop-
.. erations, those with a previous device-related infection, men, and
syndrome, etc.) ..
CIED-related infections, <12 0.71.7 .. younger patients had a significantly higher risk of infection.
.. Similar findings have been reported in a large cohort of patients
months354,639,641,645,685,695,702 ..
Superficial infection354 1.2
.. receiving an ICD, with infection rates of 1.4% for single, 1.5% for dual,
.. and 2.0% for biventricular ICDs.728 In addition, early reintervention
Pocket infections 354
0.4 ..
.. (OR 2.70), previous valvular surgery (OR 1.53), reimplantation (OR
Systemic infections354 0.5 .. 1.35), renal failure on dialysis (OR 1.34), chronic lung disease (OR
CIED-related infections, >12 months702709 1.14.6
.. 1.22), cerebrovascular disease (OR 1.17), and warfarin use (OR 1.16)
Pocket infections702 1.3 .. were associated with an increased risk of infection.702 Infections also
Systemic infections 702,705
0.51.2 .. occur more frequently with use of temporary pacing or other proce-
Pneumothorax354,658,690,692,700,701,707 0.52.2
.. dures before implantation (OR 2.5 and 5.8, respectively), early rein-
Haemothorax695 0.1 .. terventions (OR 15), and lack of antibiotic prophylaxis (OR
.. 2.5).639,729
Brachial plexus injury 695
<0.1 ..
Cardiac perforation354,663,690,692,695 0.30.7
.. Further comprehensive information on how to prevent, diagnose,
Coronary sinus dissection/perforation710,288 0.72.1 .. and treat CIED infections has been provided in a recent EHRA con-
.. sensus document.642
Revision due to pain/discomfort 354,690
0.10.4 ..
Diaphragmatic stimulation requiring 0.55
reintervention711,712,665,713 .. 10.2.4 Tricuspid valve interference
.. CIED leads may interfere with tricuspid valve function intra-
Haematoma 2.15.3 ..
Tricuspid regurgitation716718 515
.. operatively by causing damage to the tricuspid valve leaflets or the
.. subvalvular apparatus, or chronically after operation or lead extrac-
Pacemaker syndrome 146,701,719
120 ..
.. tion. This damage has been linked to haemodynamic deterioration
Generator/lead problem354,639,690 0.11.5 ..
.. and an adverse clinical outcome.730 In fact, moderate to severe tricus-
Deep venous thrombosis (acute or 0.12.6 .. pid regurgitation is generally associated with excess mortality731,732
chronic)354,720,721 .. and occurs at a significantly higher rate in CIED patients.733 The prev-
ESC 2021

Any complication354,639,690,692,695,707,722,723 515 .. alence of significant tricuspid regurgitation (defined as grade 2 or
Mortality (<30 days)354,694 0.81.4 .. above) following CIED implantation varies between 10% and 39%.
CIED = cardiovascular implantable electronic device. . Most studies attribute a greater harm with ICD leads and in the
ESC Guidelines 57

presence of multiple RV leads.45,46,49,445,642,685,697,709,728,730732 The .. decision-making. The integrated-care approach has its origins in the
issue of lead interference with bioprosthetic tricuspid valves or after .. chronic care model developed by Wagner et al.,740 and has the
annuloplasty or repair is debated. Furthermore, there is no firm evi- .. potential to improve clinical and patient outcomes in arrhythmia
dence supporting that pacing-induced RV dyssynchrony significantly .. management741743 (see section 12). Relevant specialists to be
contributes to tricuspid regurgitation. A recent study randomizing 63 .. included in the interdisciplinary team are included according to the
patients to pacing lead positions in the RV apex, RVS, or LV pacing via .. patient’s needs and local service availability (Figure 13).
the coronary sinus did not affect the development of tricuspid regur- ..
gitation.734 The diagnostic work-up of CIED lead-related tricuspid ..

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regurgitation based on clinical, haemodynamic, and in particular echo- ..
cardiographic (2D, 3D, and Doppler) evaluation is often challeng- .. 11.1 Magnetic resonance imaging in
ing.735 While clear guidance for the management of tricuspid .. patients with implanted cardiac devices
regurgitation in the presence of CIED leads is still lacking, a high level .. MRI is a frequent requirement in patients with implanted pacemakers.
of clinical suspicion is required, not discounting the possibility that .. It may cause adverse effects such as inappropriate device function
worsening HF may be a consequence of the mechanical effect on tri- .. due to device reset or sensing problems, interaction with the mag-
cuspid leaflet mobility or coaptation.730 General treatment options .. netic reed switch, induction of currents resulting in myocardial cap-
include medical therapy aiming to relieve congestion and lead extrac-
.. ture, heating at the lead tip with changes in sensing or capture
tion with careful replacement, or use of alternative pacing strategies, .. thresholds, or lead perforation. Risk factors for adverse events with
such as LV pacing via the coronary sinus or epicardial leads.
.. MRIs are listed in Supplementary Table 19.
However, transvenous lead extraction itself carries a risk of damage .. Currently, most manufacturers propose devices that are MRI con-
to the tricuspid valve and, hence, worsening tricuspid regurgitation.
.. ditional. It is the entire CIED system (i.e. combination of generator
While leadless pacing eliminates the need for transvalvular leads, it .. and leads, which need to be from the same manufacturer) that deter-
may still negatively affect tricuspid valve function, potentially due to .. mines MRI conditionality, and not the individual elements. MRI scans
mechanical interference and abnormal electrical and mechanical ven- .. may be limited to 1.5 T and a whole-body specific absorption rate
tricular activation.736 Indications for surgical valve repair or replace- .. (SAR) <2 W/kg (head SAR <3.2 W/kg), but some models allow 3 T
ment in the context of CIED-induced tricuspid regurgitation follow .. and up to 4 W/kg whole-body SAR. The manufacturer may specify an
current recommendations based on the presence of symptoms, .. exemption period (usually 6 weeks) after implantation, but it may be
severity of tricuspid regurgitation, and RV function. When consider- .. reasonable to perform an MRI scan earlier if clinically warranted.
ing tricuspid valve surgery, management of the RV lead should follow .. There is ample evidence that MRIs can be performed safely in non-
the recommendations outlined in section Methods for percu- .. conditional pacemakers, as long as a number of precautions are tak-
taneous tricuspid repair have recently gained major attention, but evi- .. en.744746 In 2017, the Heart Rhythm Society published an expert
dence in favour of such interventions in the context of lead-related .. consensus statement on MRIs in patients with CIEDs, which was
tricuspid regurgitation is still limited.738 .. developed with and endorsed by a number of associations including
.. the EHRA and several radiological associations.745 For detailed rec-
10.2.5 Other .. ommendations on appropriate workflow and programming, see
.. Supplementary Tables 20, 21, and 22 and Supplementary Figure 2.
Increased complication risks have been observed in women (mainly ..
pneumothorax and cardiac perforation) and in those with a low body .. When leads are connected to a generator, the latter component
.. absorbs part of the energy and dissipates heat via the large surface
mass index.354,739 Patients older than 80 years were also found to ..
have a lower risk of lead-related reinterventions compared with .. area. Abandoned transvenous leads are prone to heating of the lead
.. tip by 10 C as shown by an in vitro study.747 It is, however, difficult
patients aged 6079 years (1.0% vs. 3.1%).354 ..
Finally, suboptimal atrioventricular synchrony may lead to the
.. to extrapolate results from experimental models to the in vivo setting.
pacemaker syndrome, giving rise to cannon waves caused by simulta- .. No adverse events were reported from four series totalling 125
neous atrial and ventricular contractions and symptoms of fatigue,
.. patients with abandoned transvenous leads.748751 The largest study
dizziness, and hypotension (see section 5). Long-term RV pacing indu- .. reported 80 patients749 who underwent 97 scans (including the
ces a dyssynchronous ventricular activation pattern that may pro-
.. thoracic region), limited to an SAR <1.5 W/kg. Half of the cohort had
mote progressive LV dysfunction and clinical HF. Strategies to avoid .. measurement of troponin levels before and after the scan, without
and resolve the adverse effect of RV pacing have been discussed
.. any significant changes. Therefore, 1.5 T MRI scans (limited to SAR
above (section 6). .. <1.5 W/kg) may be considered in selected patients, taking into
.. account the riskbenefit ratio, particularly if the scans are extra-
.. thoracic and patients are not pacemaker dependent.
.. Epicardial leads connected to a generator result in a 10 C increase
11 Management considerations ..
.. in temperature during in vitro testing, and by as much as 77 C with
Integrated management of pacemaker and CRT patients, delivered by .. abandoned epicardial leads.747 Data from 23 patients with epicardial
an interdisciplinary team in partnership with the patient and family, .. leads have been reported,749752 including 14 patients with aban-
should be adopted in order to deliver comprehensive treatment .. doned epicardial leads,749751 without any adverse effect of MRI
across the continuum of healthcare (see section 12). The integrated- .. scans. Given the paucity of data related to safety in patients with epi-
care approach is indicated in pacemaker and CRT patients to ensure
.. cardial leads, lead adaptors/extenders, or damaged leads, recommen-
a patient-centred approach and patient involvement in shared . dations cannot be made at this stage regarding MRIs in these patients.
58 ESC Guidelines

Integrated management of patients with pacemaker and CRT

Emphasising patient-centred care and shared decision making

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Ensure optimal device Pre-implant assessment and adherence to
selection and implantation low-risk implantation surgery

Provide physiological pacing Structured follow-up with tailored device programming

and symptom control (remote monitoring and in-office)

Management of underlying Including stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation and

cardiac disease heart failure optimization

Patient education/
Including personal goals and/or action plan

Healthcare professional Including certifications for optimal quality

education in relevant specialities

Smoking cessation, alcohol, dietary

Lifestyle modification
and exercise interventions

Psychosocial management
Psychological assessment and/or treatment
and support

Strategies to promote Educate patients about what to expect from the device and
medical adherence medical treatment using available technologies

Including different disciplines when relevant;

electrophysiologists, cardiologists, nurses, allied professionals,
team approach
psychologist, dietician and pharmacist

Clear communication
between primary and Including timely end-of-life discussions
secondary care

Figure 13 Integrated management of patients with pacemaker and cardiac resynchronization therapy. CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy.

Evaluation must be made on a case by case basis by balancing the .. A flowchart summarizing the management of patients with a pace-
advantages of MRI with the potential risks and availability of alterna- .. maker undergoing MRI is shown in Figure 14.
tive imaging methods and using shared decision-making. .. There is evidence indicating that 1.5 T MRIs may be performed in
In general, MRIs should always be performed in the context of a .. patients with temporary epicardial wires756 as well as with transve-
rigorously applied standardized institutional workflow, following the .. nous pacemaker active fixation leads implanted to externalized pace-
appropriate conditions of use (including programming).744,746,753755 .. makers used for temporary pacing.751
ESC Guidelines 59

Evaluating magnetic resonance imaging in pacemaker patients

Y MRI-conditional system

Downloaded from by guest on 02 September 2021

Past exemption period Alternative imaging
after implementation mode available

Strongly Presence of epicardial leads,

reconsider Y or connected fractured leads,
MRIa or lead adaptors/extenders


Presence of
abandoned leads


MRI following MRI following MRI only if benefits

conditions of use MRI Alternative appropriate outweigh risk
and standardized imaging standardized (max. 1.5T,
workflow (Class IIa) technique workflow SAR < 1.5 W/Kg)
(Class I) (Class IIa) (Class IIb)

Figure 14 Flowchart for evaluating magnetic resonance imaging in pacemaker patients. MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; SAR = specific absorption
rate. aConsider only if there is no imaging alternative and the result of the test is crucial for applying life-saving therapies for the patient.

Recommendations for performing magnetic resonance ..
imaging in pacemaker patients .. 11.2 Radiation therapy in pacemaker
.. patients
Recommendations Classa Levelb .. An increasing number of patients with CIEDs are referred for radio-
In patients with MRI-conditional pacemaker sys- .. therapy,757 with a reported annual rate of 4.33 treatments per 100
.. 000 person-years. Radiotherapy uses high-energy ionizing radiation
tems,c MRIs can be performed safely following I A ..
the manufacturer’s instructions.745,753755 .. including X-rays, gamma rays, and charged particles, which might
.. cause software and hardware errors in CIEDs, especially when pho-
In patients with non-MRI-conditional pacemaker ..
systems, MRI should be considered if no alterna-
.. ton radiation beam energy exceeds 610 MV, and the radiation dose
.. to the device is high (>210 Gy).758,759 Hard errors are rare, and are
tive imaging mode is available and if no epicardial IIa B ..
leads, abandoned or damaged leads, or lead
.. most often due to direct irradiation to the device. This can cause irre-
.. versible hardware damage, requiring device replacement. Soft errors
adaptors/extenders are present.744,746 ..
.. are more common, and are associated with secondary neutron pro-
MRI may be considered in pacemaker patients .. duction by irradiation.760 Such errors typically include resets of the
ESC 2021

with abandoned transvenous leads if no alterna- IIb C ..

.. device without causing structural damage, and can be solved without
tive imaging modality is available.748751 .. replacement.757,759
MRI = magnetic resonance imaging. .. Electromagnetic interference during radiotherapy can cause
Class of recommendation. .. oversensing, although this very rarely occurs in clinical practice.760
Level of evidence. ..
Combination of MRI-conditional generator and lead(s) from the same
.. Device relocation before radiotherapy is very rarely recom-
.. mended, and only if the current location of the device interferes
60 ESC Guidelines

with adequate tumour treatment or in very selected high-risk .. prophylactically when the need for pacing is anticipated (e.g. after car-
cases.757,761 .. diac surgery).764,765 Modalities for emergency temporary pacing
According to published recommendations for CIED .. include transvenous, epicardial, and transcutaneous approaches. The
patients,745,759,762 the risk of malfunction (or adverse events) is higher .. transvenous approach often requires fluoroscopic guidance, although
in the following situations for pacemaker patients: .. echo-guided placement is also feasible.766 Balloon-tipped floating
.. catheters are easier to insert, more stable, and safer than semi-rigid
• With photon radiation applying energy >610 MV: the risk of mal- ..
.. catheters.767,768 Patients who undergo transvenous temporary car-
functions (usually soft errors) is due to secondary neutron pro- ..

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.. diac pacing have a high risk for procedure-related complications (e.g.
duction, is not associated with the target zone, and cannot be
.. cardiac perforation, bleeding, malfunction, arrhythmias, and acciden-
shielded. .. tal electrode displacement) and complications related to immobiliza-
• With a cumulative dose reaching the device >2 Gy (moderate risk) or ..
>10 Gy (high-risk): the dose reaching the pacemaker can be esti-
.. tion (e.g. infection, delirium, and thrombotic events).764,765,769775 In
.. addition, previous temporary pacing is associated with an increased
mated before and measured during treatment, is correlated with ..
.. risk of permanent pacemaker infection.639,641 A percutaneous trans-
the target zone, and can be shielded. .. venous active fixation lead connected to an external device is safer
• If the patient is pacemaker dependent. ..
.. and more comfortable for patients requiring prolonged temporary
.. pacing.776779 There are no good data that support either a jugular
Appropriate decision-making is suggested in Figure 15. ..
Experience with proton radiation therapy in CIED patients is lim-
.. or axillar/subclavian access; however, intrathoracic subclavian punc-
.. ture should be avoided to reduce the risk of pneumothorax. A jugular
ited. However, compared with photon irradiation, this radiation ..
.. access should be preferred if implantation of a permanent ipsilateral
modality produces more secondary neutrons, which may affect the .. device is planned. In selected cases where fast and efficient pacing is
risk of device errors or failure.763 Currently, no specific guidance can ..
.. needed, a femoral access may be used. Owing to instability of passive
be given regarding proton radiation therapy in CIED patients. ..
The specific recommendations of CIED manufacturers are .. leads placed through the femoral vein and immobilization of the
.. patient, the duration of this approach should be as short as possible
reported in Supplementary Table 23. ..
.. until bradycardia has resolved or a more permanent solution has
.. been established. The epicardial approach is mostly used following
11.3 Temporary pacing .. cardiac surgery. Removal of these leads is associated with complica-
Temporary pacing can provide electronic cardiac stimulation in
.. tions such as bleeding and tamponade.780782 Transcutaneous tem-
patients with acute life-threatening bradycardia or can be placed . porary pacing is a fast and effective non-invasive method, but is not as

Pacemaker management in patients undergoing radiation therapy

Device-specific treatment planning considerations:a

Avoid direct radiation
Limit cumulative dose
Reduce beam energy to minimize direct neutron radiation

Comprehensive PM evaluation before radiation therapy

treatment ( > 10 MV)


Weekly comprehensive Comprehensive PM evaluation

PM evaluation after end of radiation therapy

Figure 15 Pacemaker management during radiation therapy ECG = electrocardiographic; PM = pacemaker. aRelocation of the device, continuous ECG
monitoring, reprogramming, or magnet application are very rarely indicated.
ESC Guidelines 61

stable as the transvenous approach, and is limited by the need for

.. 11.4 Peri-operative management in
continuous sedation.783 This modality should only be used in emer- ..
.. patients with cardiovascular implantable
gency settings or when no other option is available, and under close ..
haemodynamic monitoring.784 Before starting temporary pacing, .. electronic devices
chronotropic medication should be considered, taking into account
.. Advisory documents to help manage patients with CIEDs in the peri-
.. operative period have been issued by several professional societ-
side effects, contraindications, and interactions with other ..
.. ies.786789 Supplementary Table 24 summarizes general
medication. .. recommendations on the management of these patients.

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This Task Force concludes that temporary transvenous pacing
should be avoided if possible; when it is required, the lead should .. • Electromagnetic interference (EMI) may induce oversensing
remain in situ for as short a time as possible. The use of temporary .. (more likely with unipolar leads), activation of rate-responsive
pacing should be limited to the emergency treatment of patients with .. sensors, device resetting, or other damage. The most common
severe bradyarrhythmia causing syncope and/or haemodynamic com- .. source of EMI is electrocautery, although it is rare during bipolar
promise, and to cases in whom those bradyarrhythmias are antici- .. electrocautery >5 cm from the CIED and monopolar electro-
pated. Temporary transvenous pacing is recommended when pacing .. cautery below the umbilicus.790 To reduce the risk of EMI,
indications are reversible, such as in the context of antiarrhythmic .. monopolar electrocautery should be applied in short (<5 s)
drug use, myocardial ischaemia, myocarditis, electrolyte disturbances, .. pulses, with the skin patches away from the area of the device.
toxic exposure, after cardiac surgery, or as a bridge to permanent .. Other sources of EMI include radiofrequency procedures, nerve
pacemaker implantation when this procedure is not immediately .. stimulators, and other electronic devices.
available or possible due to concomitant infection. Lastly, if a patient .. • The peri-operative strategy should be tailored based on the indi-
meets the permanent pacemaker implantation criteria, this proce-
.. vidual needs and values of patients, procedure, and
dure should be performed promptly. .. device.786789 Most procedures will not require any interven-
.. tion.791 In pacemaker-dependent patients, a magnet should be
.. applied during delivery of diathermy pulses, or, if EMI is likely to
Recommendations regarding temporary cardiac pacing ..
.. occur or magnet stability cannot be guaranteed, the device
Recommendations Classa Levelb
.. should be reprogrammed to an asynchronous mode (VOO/
.. DOO). The response to magnet application may differ between
Temporary transvenous pacing is recommended .. device manufactures. CIEDs with a rate-responsive function
in cases of haemodynamic-compromising bra- ..
I C .. using an active sensor may also require magnet application or
dyarrhythmia refractory to intravenous chrono- .. disabling of this function to prevent inappropriate rapid pacing.
tropic drugs.764,765
.. Post-operative CIED interrogation is recommended if malfunc-
Transcutaneous pacing should be considered in .. tion is suspected or if the device has been exposed to strong
cases of haemodynamic-compromising bradyar-
IIa C .. EMI.
rhythmia when temporary transvenous pacing is ..
not possible or available.783785
.. 11.5 Cardiovascular implantable
Temporary transvenous pacing should be con- ..
.. electronic devices and sports activity
sidered when immediate pacing is indicated and ..
pacing indications are expected to be reversible, .. Regular exercise is strongly recommended for prevention of cardio-
IIa C .. vascular disease.792795 Restrictions to patients with a pacemaker,
such as in the context of myocardial ischaemia, ..
myocarditis, electrolyte disturbances, toxic
.. where appropriate, are motivated by underlying cardiovascular dis-
.. ease. Therefore, it is important to address issues of exercise and
exposure, or after cardiac surgery.771773 ..
.. sports participation with all pacemaker patients as part of a shared
Temporary transvenous pacing should be con- .. decision-making process. Comprehensive recommendations for
sidered as a bridge to permanent pacemaker ..
.. physical activity in patients with cardiovascular disease have been
implantation when this procedure is not immedi- IIa C .. published.792,796
ately available or possible due to concomitant ..
.. There is consensus that contact sports (e.g. rugby or martial arts)
infection.771773 ..
.. should be avoided so as not to risk damage of device components or
For long-term temporary transvenous pacing, an
.. haematoma at the implantation site. For participation in sports such
active fixation lead inserted through the skin and ..
ESC 2021

IIa C .. as football, basketball, or baseball, special protective shields are rec-

connected to an external pacemaker should be .. ommended to reduce the risk of trauma to the device. Sport inter-
considered.641,776,777,779 .. ests and right or left arm dominance should be considered when
Class of recommendation. .. selecting the implantation site, and submuscular placement can be
Level of evidence.
.. considered to reduce the risk of impact. A lateral vascular access is
62 ESC Guidelines

preferable to prevent the risk of subclavian crush of the lead associ-

.. the device should be treated as a single entity, with programming tail-
ated with arm exercises above shoulder level. It is recommended to .. ored to meet the patient’s needs. The goals are to (i) ensure patient
abstain from vigorous exercise and ipsilateral arm exercise for 46 ... safety; (ii) provide physiological pacing; (iii) improve patient quality of
weeks post-device implantation. .. life; (iv) improve patient clinical management; and (v) maximize device
Of note, recommendations regarding sports activity in patients .. longevity. Requirement for follow-up of the underlying cardiac disease
with an ICD differ from those in pacemaker patients.797,798 .. should not be overlooked. In addition to the technical check and opti-
.. mization of programming, proper counselling of the patient and his/her

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family are necessary to meet these goals. The frequency of follow-up
11.6 When pacing is no longer indicated .. depends on the type of device (CRT and HBP are associated with
Different management options are available in patients with .. more clinical or technical issues and need closer surveillance) and
implanted pacemaker systems in whom pacing is no longer indicated: .. whether they are on remote device management (Table 13).
Leave pacemaker generator and pacemaker leads in situ. .. • Remote device management includes remote follow-up with full
Explant pacemaker generator and abandon leads. .. remote device interrogation at scheduled intervals (to replace
Explant pacemaker generator and leads. .. in-office visits), remote monitoring with unscheduled transmission
The feasibility of option 1 depends on the end-of-life behaviour of .. of pre-defined alert events, and patient-initiated follow-up with
the implanted generator, which is manufacturer dependent, and may .. unscheduled interrogations as a result of a patient experiencing a
be erratic and lead to complications in rare cases.799 Option 1 is the .. real or perceived clinical event. Most studies have focused on
preferred approach to selected frail and elderly patients. .. patients with ICDs and CRT-Ds, and have shown a significant
Option 2 comes with a low procedural risk but may be associated .. reduction in delay between event detection/clinical decision, and
with the disadvantages of lead abandonment, including future MRI. .. fewer inappropriate shocks.804 Two randomized non-inferiority
Especially in young patients, the potential necessary future require- .. trials with single-chamber805 or DDD805,806 pacemakers (no
ment for lead extraction of abandoned leads due to infection and the .. CRT-P) showed that in-office visits can be safely spaced to
associated elevated procedural risk due to longer duration of implan- .. 1824 month intervals if patients are on remote monitoring
tation procedure need to be taken into account. Several studies have .. with devices having automatic threshold algorithms. Spacing of
shown increased complexity, lower procedural success, and higher
.. scheduled in-office visits is particularly convenient for elderly
complication rates of lead extraction procedures of abandoned .. patients with limited mobility, but also for young or midlle-aged
.. patients with full-time jobs, family commitments, etc., and in spe-
Option 3 comes with the highest initial procedural risk, but elimi- .. cific situations (e.g. to avoid exposure during a pandemic).
nates all possibilities of future device-related complications. When
.. • It is important to conduct remote device management with an
performed in specialized high-volume centres with current extrac- .. appropriate set-up that delivers a structured approach to
tion tools, lead extraction procedures can be carried out with high
.. remote follow-up and a timely response to alerts. Third-party
complete procedural success rates and low complication rates.802 .. providers can be useful to triage alerts and assist with this
.. task.807 Importantly, compliance with the General Data
This approach may be appropriate for the combination of a young ..
patient, low risk for extraction, and an experienced extractor. .. Protection Regulation should be respected, as outlined in a
.. recent ESC regulatory affairs/EHRA document.808
As part of a patient-centred approach, the decision in such situa-
tions has to be based on an individual riskbenefit analysis in a shared ..
decision-making process together with the patient and his/her carers. ..
This includes providing sufficient information to achieve an informed .. Table 13 Frequency of follow-up for routine pacemaker
decision-making. Important factors to take into consideration are ..
.. and cardiac resynchronization therapy, either in person
patient age, patient condition, comorbidities, pacemaker system, lead .. alone or combined with remote device management
implant duration, and the patient’s life expectancy. ..
.. In-office only In-office 1 remote
Recommendation when pacing is no longer indicated .. All devices Within 72 h and In-office within 72 h and
.. 212 weeks after 212 weeks after
Recommendation Classa Levelb .. implantation implantation
.. CRT-P or Every 6 months Remote every 6 months and
When pacing is no longer indicated, the decision ..
.. HBP in-office every 12 monthsa
ESC 2021

on management strategy should be based on an

I C ..
.. Single/dual- Every 12 months then every Remote every 6 months and
ESC 2021

individual riskbenefit analysis in a shared deci-

.. chamber 3 - 6 months at signs of bat- in-office every 18 - 24
sion-making process together with the patient. ..
.. tery depletion monthsa
Class of recommendation. .. CRT-P = cardiac resynchronization therapy-pacemaker; HBP = His bundle
Level of evidence. ..
.. pacing.
.. a
Remote follow-up can only replace in-office visits if automatic capture threshold
.. algorithms perform accurately (and are previously verified in-office).
11.7 Device follow-up .. Note: additional in-office follow-up may be required (e.g. to verify the clinical
.. effect of modification of programming, or for follow-up a technical issue).
General principles of follow-up are covered here, as in-depth recom- .. Remote monitoring (i.e. of pre-defined alerts) should be implemented in all
mendations are beyond the scope of this document. The patient and
.. instances along with remote follow-ups.
ESC Guidelines 63

.. patient to make a balanced decision.824826 Choosing the appropri-

Recommendations for pacemaker and cardiac resynch- ..
ronization therapy-pacemaker follow-up .. ate educational material is an important component of promoting
.. the learning process of patients.827830 Based on the patient’s needs
Recommendations Classa Levelb .. and preferences, the education should be performed before implan-
.. tation, at discharge, and during follow-up using a person-centred
Remote device management is recommended to ..
.. approach (Table 14). All patients should receive a brochure provided
reduce the number of in-office follow-ups in ..
patients with pacemakers who have difficulties .. by the manufacturer as well as a device identification card before
I A ..

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to attend in-office visits (e.g. due to reduced ..
mobility or other commitments, or according to .. This Task Force emphasizes the importance of patient-centred
.. care and shared decision-making between patients and clinicians. The
patient preference).805,806,809 ..
Remote monitoring is recommended in the case
.. decision to implant a pacemaker/CRT should be based on the best
.. available evidence with consideration of the individual riskbenefits
of a device component that has been recalled or ..
is on advisory, to enable early detection of
.. of each option, the patient’s preferences, and goals of care. The con-
I C .. sultation should include whether the patient is a good candidate for
actionable events in patients, particularly those ..
.. pacemaker/CRT treatment, and possible alternative treatment
who are at increased risk (e.g. in the case of .. options should be discussed in a way that can be understood by
pacemaker dependency). ..
.. everyone involved in the discussion. Using the principles of shared
In-office routine follow-up of single- and dual- .. decision-making and informed consent/refusal, patients with
chamber pacemakers may be spaced by up to 24 ..
IIa A .. decision-making capacity have the right to refuse pacemaker therapy,
months in patients on remote device .. even if they are pacemaker dependent.
management.805,806 ..
Remote device management of pacemakers ...
should be considered in order to provide earlier .. Recommendation regarding patient-centred care and
.. shared decision-making in cardiac pacing and cardiac
ESC 2021

detection of clinical problems (e.g. arrhythmias) IIa B .. resynchronization therapy

or technical issues (e.g. lead failure or battery ..
depletion).806,810 .. Recommendation Classa Levelb
Class of recommendation. .. In patients considered for pacemaker or CRT,
Level of evidence. ..
.. the decision should be based on the best avail-
.. able evidence with consideration of individual
.. riskbenefits of each option, the patient’s pref-
12 Patient-centred care and .. erences, and goals of care, and it is recom- I C
.. mended to follow an integrated care approach
shared decision-making in cardiac ..

ESC 2021
.. and use the principles of patient-centred care
pacing and cardiac ..
and shared decision-making in the
resynchronization therapy ..
.. CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy.
Providing patient-centred care is a holistic process that emphasizes .. a
Class of recommendation.
partnerships in health between patient and clinician, acknowledging .. b
Level of evidence.
the patient’s needs, beliefs, expectations, healthcare preferences, ..
goals, and values.811813 In patient-centred care, the focus is on ..
shared decision-making, accepting that patients generally prefer to ..
take an active role in decisions about their health.814,815 This ..
approach has been shown to improve health outcomes and health- .. 13 Quality indicators
care experiences.814,816 Clinicians have a duty to define and explain ..
the healthcare problem and make recommendations about the best .. Quality indicators are tools that may be used to evaluate care quality,
available evidence across all available options at the time, including no .. including that of processes of care and clinical outcomes.837 They
treatment, while ensuring that the patient’s values and preferences .. may also serve as a mechanism for enhancing adherence to guideline
are considered (Figure 16).817820 ..
.. recommendations through quality assurance endeavours and bench-
Decision aids, such as written information and/or the use of inter- .. marking of care providers.838 As such, the role of quality indicators in
active websites or web-based applications, can complement the clini-
.. driving quality improvement is increasingly recognized and attracts
cians’ counselling and thus facilitate shared decision-making.822 When .. interest from healthcare authorities, professional organizations,
decision aids are used, patients feel more knowledgeable, have more .. payers, and the public.839
accurate risk perceptions, and take a more active part in the deci- .. The ESC recognizes the need for measuring and reporting quality
sion.823 In patients with poor language or literacy skills, as well as in
.. and outcomes of cardiovascular care. One aspect of this is the devel-
those with cognitive impairment, communication strategies, including .. opment and implementation of quality indicators for cardiovascular
the help of a qualified interpreter, is recommended, as this helps the .. disease. The methodology by which the ESC quality indicators are
64 ESC Guidelines

Seek the patient’s participation

Define and explain the healthcare problem and communicate that a choice exists. Discuss possible
alternative treatment options, including that patients with decision-making capacity have the right
to refuse PM/CRT therapy, even if the patient is pacemaker dependent.
The consultation should be discussed in a way that can be understood by everyone involved
in the discussion.
Encourage the patient to become involved in the consultation and invite family to participate.

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Help the patient explore and compare treatment options

Provide an overview of the implantation process, and address all aspects of how the device works
and the conditions it treats.
Discuss the benefits and risks with each option, including potential complications and
treatment refusal.

Access the patient’s values and preferences

Supplement the counselling with different decision aids to facilitate SDM. In patients with poor
language skills, cognitive impairment, or low health literacy, a variety of communication strategies
should be used in order for the patient to make a deliberate decision.
Take into account the patient´s preferences and goals of care, and what matters most to the patient.

Reach a decision with the patient

Make evidence based recommendations with consideration of individual risk-benefits of each option,
while ensuring that the patient's beliefs, expectations, values, goals, and preferences are considered.
Decide together on the best available option.

Evaluate the patient’s decision

Evaluate if the decision is reasonable and understood.

Based on the patient´s needs and preferences, the education should be repeated prior discharge,
and at the follow-up appointments using a person centred approach.

Figure 16 Example of shared decision-making in patients considered for pacemaker/CRT implantation. Modified from the principles of the SHARE
Approach.821CRT = Cardiac resynchronization therapy; PM = pacemaker; SDM = Shared Decision Making.

Table 14 Topics and content that may be included in patient education

Topics Content that may be included in patient education
Biophysiological Disease/condition, pacemaker indication, implantation process, possible periprocedural or late complications and malfunction,
pacemaker/CRT function and technical aspects, patient notifier (if applicable), battery replacement
Demonstration of pacemaker dummies
Functional Daily activities: mobility, physical activities and sports, possible physical restrictions (arm movements), sexual activities, driving
restrictions, travelling, wound care, medication use
Normal postoperative signs and symptoms and self-care; pain, stiffness in the shoulder, swelling or tenderness around the
pacemaker pocket
Financial Costs of treatment and rights in the social security system, insurance issues, sick leave
Emotional Possible emotions and reactions to pacemaker treatment: anxiety, worries, body image
Social Available support: telephone-based support, face-to-face group sessions, patient forums, and peer-support groups
Possible employment restrictions and electromagnetic interference
Ethical Rights and duties of patients and healthcare providers: consent/refusal of pacemaker or CRT therapy, or withdrawal
of therapy
Information about registration in the national pacemaker registry
Practical Pacemaker identification card contact information to the pacemaker clinic
ESC 2021

Follow-up routines: remotely or/and hospital based

Where to get more information: reliable web-based information/sources, which organizations provide reliable health
CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy.
ESC Guidelines 65

Table 15 A selection of the developed quality indicators for patients undergoing cardiovascular implantable electronic
device implantation
Quality indicator Domain
Centres providing CIED services should participate in at least one CIED registry Structural quality indicatora
Numerator: Number of centres participating in at least one registry for CIED
Centres providing CIED services should monitor and report the volume of procedures performed by individ- Structural quality indicator

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ual operators on an annual basis
Numerator: Number of centres monitoring and reporting the volume of procedures performed by individual operators
Centres providing CIED services should have available resources (ambulatory ECG monitoring, echocardio- Structural quality indicator
gram) to stratify patients according to their risk for ventricular arrhythmias
Numerator: Number of centres with an available ambulatory ECG and echocardiogram service
Centres providing CIED services should have a preprocedural checklist to ensure discussion with the patient Structural quality indicator
regarding risks, benefits, and alternative treatment options
Numerator: Number of centres that have a checklist to ensure discussion with patient regarding risks, benefits, and alternative treatment options before
CIED implantation
Centres providing CIED services should have established protocols to follow-up patients within 2 - 12 weeks Structural quality indicator
following implantation
Numerator: Number of centres that have an established protocol to follow up patients within 2 - 12 weeks following CIED implantation
Proportion of patients considered for CIED implantation who receive prophylactic antibiotics 1 h before their Patient assessment
Numerator: Number of patients who receive antibiotics 1 h before their CIED implantation procedure
Denominator: Number of patients undergoing CIED implantation procedure
Annual rate of procedural complicationsb 30 days following CIED implantation Outcomes

ESC 2021
Numerator: Number of patients who develop one or more procedural complicationsb within 30 days of CIED implantation
Denominator: Number of patients undergoing CIED implantation procedure
CIED = cardiovascular implantable electronic device; ECG = electrocardiogram.
Structural quality indicators are binary measurements (yes/no), and thus only the numerator is defined.
CIED-related bleeding, pneumothorax, cardiac perforation, tamponade, pocket haematoma, lead displacement (all requiring intervention), or infection.

developed has been published.839 To date, a suite of quality indicators .. 14 Key messages
for an initial tranche of cardiovascular conditions has been pro- ..
duced.839,840 To facilitate quality improvement initiatives, the disease- ..
.. • In the evaluation of candidates for permanent pacemaker implan-
specific ESC quality indicators are included in corresponding ESC
.. tation, a thorough and detailed pre-operative evaluation is rec-
Clinical Practice Guidelines.296,841 This is further enhanced by way of ..
.. ommended. This should always include careful history taking and
their integration in the ESC registries, such as the EurObservational .. physical examination, laboratory testing, documentation of the
Research Programme (EORP) and the European Unified Registries .. type of bradyarrhythmia requiring treatment, and cardiac imag-
On Heart Care Evaluation and Randomized Trials (EuroHeart) ..
.. ing. In selected cases, additional tests, EPS, and/or genetic testing
project.842 ..
.. are indicated.
A number of registries exist for patients undergoing CIED implan- .. • Ambulatory ECG monitoring is useful in the evaluation of
tation,843 providing ‘real-world’ data about the quality and outcomes .. patients with suspected bradycardia or cardiac conduction disor-
of CIED care.702 However, there is a lack of a widely agreed set of
.. der, to correlate rhythm disturbances with symptoms. Choice of
quality indicators that encompasses the multifaceted nature of CIED .. type of monitoring should be based on frequency and nature of
care, and that serves as a bridge between clinical registries and
.. symptoms and patient preferences.
guideline recommendations. Thus, and in parallel with the writing of .. • In patients with SND including those with bradycar-
these guidelines, a suite of quality indicators for patients undergoing
.. diatachycardia type of SND, when symptoms can clearly be
CIED implantation was developed. The full list of these quality indica- .. attributed to bradyarrhythmia, cardiac pacing is indicated.
tors, as well as their specifications and development methodology,
.. • In patients with SR and permanent or paroxysmal third- or
has been published elsewhere,844 with a selection presented in .. second-degree type 2 or high-degree AVB, cardiac pacing is indi-
Table 15. .. cated irrespective of symptoms.
66 ESC Guidelines

• In patients with permanent AF and permanent or paroxysmal .. chlorhexidinealcohol should be preferred for skin antisepsis,
AVB, single-lead ventricular pacing is indicated. .. and cephalic or axillary vein access should be attempted as first
• In patients with syncope and unexplained falls, the diagnosis
.. choice.
should be ascertained using the available diagnostic methods .. • Heparin bridging should be avoided in CIED procedures to mini-
before pacemaker treatment is considered.
.. mize the risk of haematoma and pocket infection.
• In patients with symptomatic HF and LVEF <_35% despite OMT .. • In patients undergoing a CIED reintervention procedure, using
who are in SR and have LBBB QRS morphology, CRT is recom-
.. an antibiotic-eluting envelope may be considered to reduce the
mended when QRS duration is >_150 ms, and should be consid- .. risk of infection.

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ered when QRS duration is 130149 ms. For patients with non-
.. • In the majority of patients with a pacemaker or CRT, a well-
LBBB QRS morphology, evidence for benefit of CRT is less con- .. indicated MRI can be performed if no epicardial leads, aban-
vincing, especially with normal PR and QRS duration <150 ms.
.. doned or damaged leads, or lead adaptors/extenders are
CRT should not be used in patients with HF and QRS duration .. present, and certain precautions are taken.
<130 ms, unless there is need for ventricular pacing.
.. • Radiation therapy can be offered to patients with a pacemaker
• Selection of patients for CRT based on imaging is limited to the .. or CRT if an individualized treatment planning and risk stratifica-
measurement of LVEF, whereas the assessment of other factors,
.. tion is done beforehand and the device is interrogated as recom-
such as extent of myocardial scar, presence of mitral regurgita- .. mended around the period of radiation therapy.
tion, or RV systolic function, is important to anticipate potential
.. • Remote device management is valuable for earlier detection of
non-responders who may need additional treatments (e.g. mitral .. clinical problems and technical issues, and may allow longer spac-
.. ing between in-office follow-ups.
valve intervention). ..
• In patients with permanent AF, symptomatic HF, LVEF <_35%, .. • The principles of patient-centred care and shared decision-
and QRS >_130 ms who remain in NYHA class III or ambulatory
.. making should be used in the consultation both pre-operatively
IV despite OMT, CRT should be considered. .. and during follow-up for patients considered for or living with a
• For patients with AF and CRT, AVJ ablation should be consid- .. pacemaker or CRT.
ered when at least 9095% effective biventricular pacing cannot ..
be achieved.
• For patients with high-degree AVB and an indication for cardiac ..
pacing who have HFrEF (LVEF <40%), CRT rather than RV pac-
.. 15 Gaps in evidence
ing is recommended. ..
• HBP may result in normal or near-normal ventricular activation,
.. Clinicians responsible for managing pacemaker and CRT candidates,
.. and patients, must frequently make treatment decisions without
and is an attractive alternative to RV pacing. To date, no data ..
from randomized trials support that HBP is non-inferior to RV
.. adequate evidence or consensus of expert opinion. The following is a
.. short list of selected, common issues that deserve to be addressed in
pacing with respect to safety and efficacy. Therefore, HBP may ..
be considered for selected patients with AVB and LVEF >40%,
.. future clinical research.
who are anticipated to have >20% ventricular pacing. .. • Best pre-implant evaluation programme, including when to apply
• In patients offered HBP, implantation of an RV lead used as .. advanced imaging methods to ensure optimal choice of CIED for
‘backup’ for pacing should be considered individually. .. each patient.
• HBP may correct ventricular conduction in a subset of patients
.. • Benefit of implementing genetic testing of CIED patients and
with LBBB and may therefore be used in lieu of biventricular pac- .. their relatives when conduction tissue disease is diagnosed.
ing for HBP-based CRT in selected patients.
.. • Whether use of rate-adaptive pacing in general is beneficial in
• In patients treated with HBP, device programming tailored to .. patients with SND.
specific requirements of HBP must be ensured.
.. • Whether catheter ablation of AF without pacemaker implanta-
• Implanting a leadless pacemaker should be considered when no .. tion is non-inferior to pacemaker implantation with respect to
upper extremity venous access exists, when risk of device ..
.. freedom from bradycardia-related symptoms in patients with
pocket infection is particularly increased, and in patients on .. symptomatic conversion pauses after AF.
.. • In patients with reflex syncope, studies of which pacing mode is
• Patients undergoing TAVI are at increased risk of developing .. superior are needed.
AVB. Decisions regarding cardiac pacing after TAVI should be ..
.. • In patients with an indication for VVI pacing, the long-term effi-
taken based upon pre-existing and new conduction disturbances. .. cacy and safety of choosing leadless pacing need to be docu-
Ambulatory ECG monitoring for 730 days or EPS may be con-
.. mented in RCTs.
sidered in patients post-TAVI with new LBBB or progression of .. • In patients with HF, it remains to be shown that CRT improves
pre-existing conduction anomaly, but not yet any indication for a .. outcome in patients without LBBB.
.. • In patients with permanent/persistent AF, HF, and BBB, any ben-
• In patients undergoing surgery for endocarditis or tricuspid valve .. eficial effects of CRT remain to be proven in RCTs.
surgery who have or develop AVB under surgery, placement of
.. • There is a lack of RCTs documenting the effect of CRT in
epicardial pacing leads during surgery should be considered. .. patients with HF treated with novel HF drugs including sacubitril/
• To reduce the risk of complications, pre-operative anti- .. valsartan, ivabradine, and sodiumglucose co-transporter-2
biotics must be administered before CIED procedures, . inhibitors.
ESC Guidelines 67

• The beneficial effects of upgrading to CRT from a standard pace- .. • In symptomatic patients with end-stage HCM and LBBB, there is
maker or ICD in patients with HF and a high frequency of RV .. a need to better define the criteria for CRT implantation and
pacing need to be documented. .. document the clinical features associated with sustained benefit
• When implanting the LV electrode, it is unknown whether tar- .. from the procedure.
geting the latest local activation mechanically or electrically .. • Optimal treatment including cardiac pacing for patients with
causes an improved effect of CRT and a better patient outcome. .. congenital AVB should be investigated.
• It is unknown whether employing any type of pre-implant imag- .. • In pacemaker candidates with cardiomyopathies with >1 year
ing to decide about LV and RV lead placement in CRT may cause .. expected survival who do not fulfil standard criteria for ICD

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better a patient outcome. .. implantation, criteria for ICD instead of pacemaker implantation
• In patients with an indication for permanent pacing and need for .. should be better defined.
a high frequency of RV pacing because of AVB, it is not known .. • The optimal pre-operative handling in CIED implantations and
which patient and treatment characteristics predict development .. potential use of pre-operative skin disinfection and/or pre-
of pacing-induced cardiomyopathy or HF. .. hospitalization decolonization in S. aureus carriers remains to be
• In patients with AVB and an indication for cardiac pacing, the .. determined.
long-term efficacy and safety of HBP as an alternative to RV pac- .. • The optimal approach for the different operational procedure
ing need to be proven in RCTs. In addition, the selection of .. elements in CIED implantations, especially for choice of venous
patients most likely to benefit from HBP is not yet defined. .. access, active or passive fixation leads in right-sided chambers,
• In patients with HF and an indication for CRT, the long-term effi- .. specific pacing sites, use of haemostatic agents in the pocket,
cacy and safety of implementing HBP as an alternative to or ele- .. choice of suture types, and application of pressure dressing at
ment of CRT with biventricular pacing need to be proven in .. the end of the procedure remains to be determined.
RCTs. In addition, the selection of CRT candidates who are .. • Patients with a need for immediate cardiac pacing occasionally
most likely to benefit from HBP is not yet defined. .. present with fever and infection; typically, treatment includes
• Further studies are needed to determine whether HBP could be .. temporary transvenous pacing and antibiotics, followed by
used to improve response in CRT non-responders. .. implantation of a permanent pacemaker after the infection has
• The efficacy and safety of left bundle branch area pacing remain .. resolved. It is unknown whether immediate implantation of a
to be documented. .. permanent pacemaker after initiation of antibiotics would be
• Superiority of a specific location for the RV lead (i.e. septal, out- .. inferior.
flow tract, or apical) has not been documented for standard pac- .. • The role of patient education, patient-centred care, and shared
ing indicated for bradycardia or for CRT.
.. decision-making should be studied in CIED populations.
• Better prediction of who will develop AVB after TAVI is needed. .

16 ‘What to do’ and ‘what not to do’ messages from the Guidelines
Recommendations Classa Levelb
............ ............
Evaluation of the patient with suspected or documented bradycardia or conduction system disease
Ambulatory ECG monitoring is recommended in the evaluation of patients with suspected bradycardia to correlate rhythm
disturbances with symptoms.
Carotid massage
Once carotid stenosis is ruled out,c CSM is recommended in patients with syncope of unknown origin compatible with a
reflex mechanism or with symptoms related to pressure/manipulation of the carotid sinus area.
Exercise test
Exercise testing is recommended in patients who experience symptoms suspicious of bradycardia during or immediately after
Cardiac imaging is recommended in patients with suspected or documented symptomatic bradycardia to evaluate the pres-
ence of structural heart disease, to determine LV systolic function, and to diagnose potential causes of conduction I C
Laboratory tests
In addition to pre-implant laboratory tests,d specific laboratory tests are recommended in patients with clinical suspicion for
potential causes of bradycardia (e.g. thyroid function tests, Lyme titre, digitalis level, potassium, calcium, and pH) to diagnose I C
and treat these conditions.
68 ESC Guidelines

Sleep evaluation
Screening for SAS is recommended in patients with symptoms of SAS and in the presence of severe bradycardia or advanced
AVB during sleep.
Recommendation for implantable loop recorder
In patients with infrequent (less than once a month) unexplained syncope or other symptoms suspected to be caused by bra-
dycardia in whom a comprehensive evaluation did not demonstrate a cause, long-term ambulatory monitoring with an ILR is I A

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Cardiac pacing for bradycardia and conduction system disease
In patients with SND and a DDD pacemaker, minimization of unnecessary ventricular pacing through programming is
Pacing is indicated in SND when symptoms can clearly be attributed to bradyarrhythmias. I B
Pacing is indicated in symptomatic patients with the bradycardiatachycardia form of SND to correct bradyarrhythmias and
enable pharmacological treatment, unless ablation of the tachyarrhythmia is preferred.
Pacing is not recommended in patients with bradyarrhythmias related to SND which are asymptomatic or due to transient
causes that can be corrected and prevented.
Pacing is indicated in patients in SR with permanent or paroxysmal third- or second-degree type 2, infranodal 2:1, or high-
degree AVB, irrespective of symptoms.e
Pacing is indicated in patients with atrial arrhythmia (mainly AF) and permanent or paroxysmal third- or high-degree AVB,
irrespective of symptoms.
In patients with permanent AF in need of a pacemaker, ventricular pacing with rate response function is recommended. I C
Pacing is not recommended in patients with AVB due to transient causes that can be corrected and prevented. III C
In patients with unexplained syncope and bifascicular block, a pacemaker is indicated in the presence of either a baseline HV
interval of >_70 ms, second- or third-degree intra- or infra-Hisian block during incremental atrial pacing, or abnormal response I B
to pharmacological challenge.
Pacing is indicated in patients with alternating BBB with or without symptoms. I C
Pacing is not recommended for asymptomatic BBB or bifascicular block. III B
Recommendations for pacing for reflex syncope
Dual-chamber cardiac pacing is indicated to reduce recurrent syncope in patients aged >40 years, with severe, unpredictable,
recurrent syncope who have:
• spontaneous documented symptomatic asystolic pause(s) >3 s or asymptomatic pause(s) >6 s due to sinus arrest or AVB;
• cardioinhibitory carotid sinus syndrome; or
• asystolic syncope during tilt testing.
Cardiac pacing is not indicated in the absence of a documented cardioinhibitory reflex. III B
Pacing is not recommended in patients with unexplained falls in the absence of any other documented indication. III B
Pacing is not recommended in patients with unexplained syncope without evidence of SND or conduction disturbance. III C
CRT is recommended for symptomatic patients with HF in SR with LVEF <_35%, QRS duration >_150 ms, and LBBB QRS mor-
phology despite OMT, to improve symptoms and reduce morbidity and mortality.
CRT is not indicated in patients with HF and a QRS duration <130 ms without indication for RV pacing. III A
In patients with symptomatic AF and an uncontrolled heart rate who are candidates for AVJ ablation (irrespective of QRS
duration), CRT is recommended in patients with HFrEF.
CRT rather than RV pacing is recommended for patients with HFrEF (<40%) regardless of NYHA class who have an indica-
tion for ventricular pacing and high-degree AVB in order to reduce morbidity. This includes patients with AF.
In patients who are candidates for an ICD, and who have CRT indication, implantation of a CRT-D is recommended. I A
Recommendations for using His bundle pacing
In patients treated with His bundle pacing, device programming tailored to specific requirements of His bundle pacing is
Pacing in acute myocardial infarction
Implantation of a permanent pacemaker is indicated with the same recommendations as in a general population (section 5.2)
when AVB does not resolve within a waiting period of at least 5 days after MI.
Pacing is not recommended if AVB resolves after revascularization or spontaneously. III B
ESC Guidelines 69

Recommendations for cardiac pacing after cardiac surgery and heart transplantation
High-degree or complete AVB after cardiac surgery: a period of clinical observation of at least 5 days is indicated to assess
whether the rhythm disturbance is transient and resolves. However, this observation period can be shortened in the case of I C
complete AVB with low or no escape rhythm when resolution is unlikely.
Patients requiring pacing after mechanical tricuspid valve replacement: implantation of a transvalvular RV lead should be avoided. III C
Recommendations for cardiac pacing after TAVI
Permanent pacing is recommended in patients with complete or high-degree AVB that persists for 24 - 48 h after TAVI. I B

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Permanent pacing is recommended in patients with new-onset alternating BBB after TAVI. I C
Prophylactic permanent pacemaker implantation is not indicated before TAVI in patients with RBBB and no indication for per-
manent pacing.
Recommendations for cardiac pacing in patients with congenital heart disease
In patients with congenital complete or high-degree AVB, pacing is recommended if one of the following risk factors is present:
i. Symptoms
ii. Pauses >3 the cycle length of the ventricular escape rhythm
iii. Broad QRS escape rhythm I C
iv. Prolonged QT interval
v. Complex ventricular ectopy
vi. Mean daytime heart rate <50 b.p.m.
Recommendations for cardiac pacing in rare diseases
In patients with neuromuscular diseases such as myotonic dystrophy type 1 and any second- or third-degree AVB or HV >_70
ms, with or without symptoms, permanent pacing is indicated.f
Recommendations regarding device implantations and peri-operative management
Administration of pre-operative antibiotic prophylaxis within 1 h of skin incision is recommended to reduce the risk of CIED infection. I A
Heparin bridging of anticoagulated patients is not recommended. III A
Permanent pacemaker implantation is not recommended in patients with fever. Pacemaker implantation should be delayed
until the patient has been afebrile for at least 24 h.
Recommendations for performing magnetic resonance imaging in pacemaker patients
In patients with MRI-conditional pacemaker systems,g MRI can be performed safely following the manufacturer’s instructions. I A
Recommendations regarding temporary cardiac pacing
Temporary transvenous pacing is recommended in cases of haemodynamic-compromising bradyarrhythmia refractory to
intravenous chronotropic drugs.
Recommendation when pacing is no longer indicated
When pacing is no longer indicated, the decision on management strategy should be based on an individual riskbenefit anal-
ysis in a shared decision-making process together with the patient.
Recommendations for pacemaker and cardiac resynchronization therapy-pacemaker follow-up
Remote device management is recommended to reduce the number of in-office follow-up visits in patients with pacemakers who
have difficulties in attending in-office visits (e.g. due to reduced mobility or other commitments, or according to patient preference).
Remote monitoring is recommended in the case of a device component that has been recalled or is on advisory, to enable early
detection of actionable events in patients, particularly those who are at increased risk (e.g. in case of pacemaker dependency).
Recommendation regarding patient-centred care in cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization therapy
In patients considered for a pacemaker or CRT, the decision should be based on the best available evidence with considera-
ESC 2021

tion of individual riskbenefits of each option, the patient’s preferences, and goals of care, and it is recommended to follow I C
an integrated care approach and use the principles of patient-centred care and shared decision-making in the consultation.

AF = atrial fibrillation; AVB = atrioventricular block; AVJ = atrioventricular junction; BBB = bundle branch block; b.p.m. = beats per minute; CIED = cardiovascular implantable
electronic device; CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy; CRT-D = defibrillator with cardiac resynchronization therapy; CSM = carotid sinus massage; DDD = dual-chamber,
atrioventricular pacing; ECG = electrocardiogram; EPS = electrophysiology study; HF = heart failure; HFrEF = heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; HV =
Hisventricular interval; ICD = implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; ILR = implantable loop recorder; LBBB = left bundle branch block; LV = left ventricular; LVEF = left ven-
tricular ejection fraction; MI = myocardial infarction; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; NYHA = New York Heart Association; OMT = optimal medical therapy; RBBB = right
bundle branch block; RV = right ventricular; SAS = sleep apnoea syndrome; SND = sinus node dysfunction; SR = sinus rhythm; TAVI = transcatheter aortic valve implantation.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
CSM should not be undertaken in patients with previous transient ischaemic attack, stroke, or known carotid stenosis. Carotid auscultation should be performed before CSM.
If a carotid bruit is present, carotid ultrasound should be performed to exclude carotid disease.
Complete blood counts, prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, serum creatinine, and electrolytes.
In asymptomatic narrow QRS complex and 2:1 AVB, pacing may be avoided if supra-Hisian block is clinically suspected (concomitant Wenckebach is observed and block disap-
pears with exercise) or demonstrated at EPS.
Whenever pacing is indicated in neuromuscular disease, CRT or an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator should be considered according to relevant guidelines.
Combination of MRI conditional generator and lead(s) from the same manufacturer.
70 ESC Guidelines

17 Supplementary data ..
Coordinator) (Sweden), Magdy Abdelhamid (Egypt), Victor Aboyans
(France), Elena Arbelo (Spain), Riccardo Asteggiano (Italy), Gonzalo
Supplementary data with additional Supplementary Figures, Tables, and
.. Baron-Esquivias (Spain), Johann Bauersachs (Germany), Mauro Biffi
text complementing the full text are available on the European Heart .. (Italy), Ulrika Birgersdotter-Green (United States of America ), Maria
Journal website and via the ESC website at ..
.. Grazia Bongiorni (Italy), Michael A. Borger (Germany), Jelena
guidelines. .. 
Celutkien_ e (Lithuania), Maja Cikes (Croatia), Jean-Claude Daubert
.. (France), Inga Drossart (Belgium), Kenneth Ellenbogen (United

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.. States of America), Perry M. Elliott (United Kingdom), Larissa Fabritz
18 Author Information .. (United Kingdom), Volkmar Falk (Germany), Laurent Fauchier
.. (France), Francisco Fernandez-Avilés (Spain), Dan Foldager
Author/Task Force Member Affiliations: Mads Brix ..
Kronborg, Department of Cardiology, Aarhus University Hospital,
.. (Denmark), Fredrik Gadler (Sweden), Pastora Gallego Garcia De
.. Vinuesa (Spain), Bulent Gorenek (Turkey), Jose M. Guerra (Spain),
Aarhus N, Denmark; Yoav Michowitz, Jesselson Integrated Heart ..
Center, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University, Shaare Zedek
.. Kristina Hermann Haugaa (Norway), Jeroen Hendriks (Netherlands),
.. Thomas Kahan (Sweden), Hugo A. Katus (Germany), Aleksandra
Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Angelo Auricchio, Department ..
.. Konradi (Russia), Konstantinos C. Koskinas (Switzerland), Hannah
of Cardiology, Istituto Cardiocentro Ticino, Lugano, Switzerland; ..
.. Law (United Kingdom), Basil S. Lewis (Israel), Nicholas John Linker
Israel Moshe Barbash, Leviev Heart Center, Sheba Medical
.. (United Kingdom), Maja-Lisa Løchen (Norway), Joost Lumens
Center, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Gan, .. (Netherlands), Julia Mascherbauer (Austria), Wilfried Mullens
Israel; José A. Barrabés, Department of Cardiology, Vall d’Hebron ..
.. (Belgium), KlaudiaVivien Nagy (Hungary), Eva Prescott (Denmark),
Hospital Universitari, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, CIBERCV, .. Pekka Raatikainen (Finland), Amina Rakisheva (Kazakhstan), Tobias
Barcelona, Spain; Giuseppe Boriani, Cardiology Division, ..
.. Reichlin (Switzerland), Renato Pietro Ricci (Italy), Evgeny Shlyakhto
Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences, ..
.. (Russia), Marta Sitges (Spain), Miguel Sousa-Uva (Portugal), Richard
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy; Frieder
.. Sutton (Monaco), Piotr Suwalski (Poland), Jesper Hastrup Svendsen
Braunschweig, Department of Cardiology, Karolinska University ..
Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden; Michele Brignole, Cardiology, .. (Denmark), Rhian M. Touyz (United Kingdom), Isabelle C. Van
.. Gelder (Netherlands), Kevin Vernooy (Netherlands), Johannes
IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy; Haran Burri, ..
Cardiology, University Hospital of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; .. Waltenberger (Germany), Zachary Whinnett (United Kingdom),
.. Klaus K. Witte (United Kingdom).
Andrew J. S. Coats, Faculty of Medicine, University of Warwick, ..
Coventry, United Kingdom; Jean-Claude Deharo, Cardiology La ..
.. ESC National Cardiac Societies actively involved in the review
Timone, Aix Marseille Université, Marseille, France; Victoria ..
Delgado, Cardiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
.. process of the 2021 ESC Guidelines on cardiac pacing and cardiac
.. resynchronization therapy: Algeria: Algerian Society of Cardiology,
Netherlands; Gerhard-Paul Diller, Department of Cardiology III, ..
Adult Congenital and Valvular Heart Disease, University Hospital
.. Brahim Kichou; Armenia: Armenian Cardiologists Association,
.. Armen Khachatryan; Austria: Austrian Society of Cardiology,
Muenster, Muenster, Germany; Carsten W. Israel, Department of ..
Medicine-Cardiology, Diabetology and Nephrology, Bethel-Clinic,
.. Daniel Scherr; Belarus: Belorussian Scientific Society of
.. Cardiologists, Alexandr Chasnoits; Belgium: Belgian Society of
Bielefeld, Germany; Andre Keren, Cardiology, Hadassah-Hebrew ..
University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel; Reinoud E. Knops,
.. Cardiology, Georges H. Mairesse; Bosnia and Herzegovina:
.. Association of Cardiologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mugdim
Cardiology and Electrophysiology, Amsterdam University Medical ..
.. Bajric; Bulgaria: Bulgarian Society of Cardiology, Vasil Velchev;
Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Dipak Kotecha, Institute of .. Croatia: Croatian Cardiac Society, Vedran Velagic; Cyprus:
Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, ..
.. Cyprus Society of Cardiology, Elias Papasavvas; Czech Republic:
United Kingdom; Christophe Leclercq, Department of Cadiology, .. Czech Society of Cardiology, Milos Taborsky; Denmark: Danish
Rennes University Hospital, Rennes, France; Béla Merkely, Heart ..
.. Society of Cardiology, Michael Vinther; Egypt: Egyptian Society of
and Vascular Center, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary; .. Cardiology, John Kamel Zarif Tawadros; Estonia: Estonian Society
Christoph Starck, Department of Cardiothoracic & Vascular ..
.. of Cardiology, Jüri Voitk; Finland: Finnish Cardiac Society, Jarkko
Surgery, German Heart Center Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Ingela ..
.. Karvonen; France: French Society of Cardiology, Paul Milliez;
Thylén, Department of Health, Medicine and Caring Sciences, .. Georgia: Georgian Society of Cardiology, Kakhaber Etsadashvili;
Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden; José Maria Tolosana, ..
Arrhythmia Section, Cardiovascular Institute, Hospital Clinic, .. Germany: German Cardiac Society, Christian Veltmann; Greece:
.. Hellenic Society of Cardiology, Nikolaos Fragakis; Hungary:
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. ..
.. Hungarian Society of Cardiology, Laszlo Alajos Gellér; Ireland: Irish
.. Cardiac Society, Richard Sheahan; Israel: Israel Heart Society,
.. Avishag Laish-Farkash; Italy: Italian Federation of Cardiology,
19 Appendix .. Massimo Zecchin; Kazakhstan: Association of Cardiologists of
ESC Scientific Document Group .. Kazakhstan, Ayan Abdrakhmanov; Kosovo (Republic of): Kosovo
.. Society of Cardiology, Ibadete Bytyçi; Kyrgyzstan: Kyrgyz Society
Includes Document Reviewers and ESC National Cardiac Societies. ..
.. of Cardiology, Kurbanbek Kalysov; Latvia: Latvian Society of
Document Reviewers: Francisco Leyva (CPG Review
.. Cardiology, Oskars Kalejs; Lebanon: Lebanese Society
Coordinator) (United Kingdom), Cecilia Linde (CPG Review . of Cardiology, Bernard Abi-Saleh; Lithuania: Lithuanian Society of
ESC Guidelines 71

.. 6. Ector H, Rickards AF, Kappenberger L, Linde C, Vardas P, Oto A, Santini M,

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