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Bio-Plastic From Waste Newspaper

Sudhanshu Joshi(Author) Ujjawal Sharma(Author)

Department of Applied Sciences Department of Applied Sciences
JIET Universe (co-ed campus), JIET Universe (co-ed campus),
NH-65, Pali Road, Mogra, NH-65, Pali Road, Mogra,
Jodhpur (Rajasthan), INDIA Jodhpur (Rajasthan), INDIA
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Garima Goswami(Co-Author)

Asst Prof. (Chem.) Department of Applied Sciences
JIET Universe (co-ed campus),
NH-65, Pali Road, Mogra,
Jodhpur (Rajasthan), INDIA
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: Fossil fuel plastics derived from petroleum anaerobic or aerobic environments, depending on how
are very common in our lives and we cannot think they are manufactured. There is a variety of materials
our day without their use. At the same time they are that bioplastic can be composed of,
non-biodegradable and produce greenhouse gases, including: starches, cellulose, or other biopolymers.
thus causing an environment problem. The solution Some common applications of bioplastics are packaging
to this problem is biodegradable bioplastic. materials, dining utensils, food packaging, and
Bioplastics are plastics derived from renewable insulation.
biomass sources, such as vegetable fats and oils, corn
starch, pea starch or microbiota. There is a variety of Polyactic Acid (PLA), the secondmost important
materials that bioplastics can be composed of, bioplastic of the world in regard to consumption in
including: starches, cellulose, or other biopolymers. volume. PLA is a transparent plastic produced
In this paper we are dealing with the making of from corn or dextrose. It not only resembles
bioplastics from cellulose and for cellulose we will use conventional petrochemical-based mass plastics in its
waste newspapers as our raw material. characteristics, but it can also be processed on standard
In this process cellulose is taken out from waste equipment that already exists for the production of some
newspapers by decomposing them. Then cellulose is conventional plastics. PLA and PLA blends generally
decomposed into starch/glucose by process called come in the form of granulates with various properties,
Cellulolysis which is done with the help of enzymes. and are used in the plastic processing industry for the
Finally, bioplastic is prepared in lab by production of films, fibers, plastic containers, cups and
starch/glucose. bottles. PLA, a plastic substitute made from fermented
Keywords: bioplastic, starch, cellulose, waste plant starch (usually corn) is quickly becoming a popular
newspapers. alternative to traditional petroleum-based plastics. As
more and more countries and states follow the lead
of China, Ireland, South Africa, Uganda and San
I. Introduction Francisco in banning plastic grocery bags responsible for
Bioplastic are plastic derived from renewable biomass so much so-called “white pollution” around the world,
sources, such as vegetable fats and oils, starch PLA is poised to play a big role as a viable,
or microbiota. Common plastics, such as fossil-fuel biodegradable replacement.
plastics, are derived from petroleum- these plastics rely Nowadays, bio-plastics are made by corn starch,
more on fossil fuels and produce more greenhouse gas. potatoes starch or banana starch which is used by
Some, but not all, bioplastics are designed to biodegrade. humans and animals for their living. So my suggestion is
Biodegradable bioplastics can break down in either that instead of using starch that are excreted from eatable
things we should use waste newspaper which are mainly strongly to each other, cellulolysis is relatively difficult
made up of cellulose and these newspapers are dumped compared to the breakdown of other
into oceans for disposal. polysaccharides. However, this process can be
significantly intensified in a proper solvent, e.g. in an
ionic liquid.
The raw material used here is newspaper, which is the The enzymes utilized to cleave the glycosidic linkage in
most common and easily available household asset. cellulose are glycoside hydrolases including endo-
Loads of newspapers are dumped into oceans for acting cellulases and exo-acting glucosidases. Such
disposal which come from 500,000 trees which are cut enzymes are usually secreted as part of multi enzyme
every week for their production and 88% of that is never complexes that may include dockerins and carbohydrate-
recycled. These newspapers can be put to utilization in binding modules.
preparation of bioplastic as raw materials, after
undergoing through some simple processing. There is a patented method to convert cellulose into
Waste newspapers are converted to pulp which can be
done using pulp mills. Pulp can be manufactured by Publication
US4487831 A
mechanical, semi chemical or fully chemical methods. number
This treatment can also be done using water which gets
rejected in other processes (like household rejected
water) to minimize water consumption and wastage. The Publication
waste newspapers are now segmented into small pieces type
in the mill and water is added to them to obtain a lingo
Cellulosic fibrous pulpy material which is then grinded Application
to finally obtain what is known as paper sludge. The US 06/380,025
process removes lignin from paper and leaves cellulose
fibers intact which facilitates in the process of extraction
of cellulose. Publication
11 Dec 1984
Filing date 19 May 1982
1. Extraction of cellulose from pulp:
Cellulose is extracted from paper sludge after treating it
with 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride which is a Priority date 19 May 1982
good solvent of cellulose. This co solvent addition is
kept at appropriate stirring conditions (600C).This allows Fee status Lapsed
the fractionation of a paper-grade Kraft pulp into a
separated cellulose and a regenerated hemicellulose Inventors Donal F. Day, Wesley E.
fraction. Both of these exhibited high levels of purity, Workman
without any yield losses or de polymerization. Thus, this
process represents an ecologically and economically Original
Research Corporation
efficient alternative in producing dissolving pulp of Assignee
highest purity.
BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan
2. Conversion of cellulose into dextrose: Citation
The process of breaking down of cellulose is called
Cellulolysis is the process of breaking down cellulose
into smaller polysaccharides called cellodextrins or
completely into glucose units; this is
a hydrolysis reaction. Because cellulose molecules bind
Cellulose is converted to glucose in a two stage process conversion rates considerably less than those obtained in
in which cellobiose is produced from a cellulosic our process.
feedstock under the influence of Trichoderma reesei in a
first stage and cellobiose from the first stage is converted 3. Preparation of PLA bio-plastic:
to glucose in a second stage by the action of purified
To produce PLA, starch is extruded from waste
cellobiase derived from Aspergillus terreus. Cellobiase
newspaper, which results in a simple starch
from A. terreus is purified by contacting a crude aqueous
called dextrose. Dextrose is a type of glucose, which is
extract of the cellobiase with an ion exchange resin and
a simple sugar that plants produce during
an anion exchange resin. The purified cellobiase may be
photosynthesis. Now dextrose is put through a
immobilized on a suitable substrate. fermentation process similar to the one used to
make beer. Instead of alcohol, however, the dextrose is
The present invention relates to a process for the
converted into lactic acid -- the same stuff that makes
production of glucose from cellulose. In one of its more
your muscles cramp when you exercise without proper
specific aspects, this invention relates to a process for
hydration. Heat is applied to the lactic acid polymers,
the conversion of cellulose to glucose wherein cellulose
causing them to link together and form a long chain that
is converted to cellobiose under the influence of
ultimately becomes the material used to make many bio-
Trichoderma reesei and cellobiose is converted to
plastic products.
glucose by a purified cellobiase derived from
Aspergillus terreus. In another of its more specific
aspects, this invention relates to a process for the IV. ADVANTAGES OF BIO-PLASTIC OVER
production of a purified enzyme having a very high PETROLEUM-BASED PLASTIC
activity for the production of glucose from cellobiose.
What sets bio-plastic apart from petroleum-based plastic
There is presently tremendous scientific and commercial is that the process used to make it can also be reversed
activity in the quest for economic means to convert when the plastic finds its way into a compost heap.
cellulose (abundant in the form of wood, waste paper, Fungi and bacteria found in soil get to work breaking
and agricultural products, e.g. bagasse) to glucose and down PLA into its basic parts. Under the proper aerobic
thence to ethanol and other chemicals. Cellulose may be (oxygen-rich) conditions, with heat and moisture, PLA
converted to glucose by the action of various enzymes will compost like any other organic material. The
derived from molds. microorganisms found in compost consume the bio-
plastic and break it down into humus, a nutrient-packed,
It is known from the prior art that Trichoderma reesei is soil-like substance that acts as natural plant food. The
a fungus that has the ability to degrade cellulose very waste products are carbon dioxide and water.
rapidly. Currently Trichoderma reesei is the preferred
orgnaism for studies in the hydrolysis of cellulose to
glucose for industrial purposes. The conversion of PLA Helps to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
cellulose to glucose is not yet economically feasible, due Proponents also tout the use of PLA—which is
partially to the fact that the cellobiase produced by technically “carbon neutral” in that it comes from
Trichoderma reesei has a low specific activity. renewable, carbon-absorbing plants—as yet another way
Additionally, glucose, which is the final product of to reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases in a quickly
reaction, further inhibits the activity of the Trichoderma warming world. PLA also will not emit toxic fumes
reesei enzymes. when incinerated.

We have discovered an efficient method for the

conversion of cellulose to glucose in a two stage process. V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
In the first stage, cellulose is converted to cellobiose by It is a great opportunity for us to write about subject like
the action of a cellulase produced by Trichoderma reesei, “BIO-PLASTICES”. At the time of preparing this paper
and in the second stage, cellobiose is converted to we had gone through different books and websites which
glucose by the action of a purified cellobiase produced help us to get acquainted with new topics. We are
by Aspergillus terreus. This is a distinct departure from actually focusing on those topics which are important for
the prior art processes in which Trichoderma reesei us to understand about this subject easily.
enzymes perform both functions at efficiencies and
We acknowledge with gratitude to Mr. Piyush Dutt 2.
Mishra sir, our respective teacher, who has always been
sincere and helpful in making me understanding the 3.
different system of research and conceptual problems in
my paper.
Apart from me this paper will certainly be immense 5. www.paperpulp
importance for those who are interesting to know about
this subject. We hope that they will find it 6.
comprehensible. 7.
We have tried hard and soul to gather all relevant between-glucose-and-cellulose
documents regarding this subject. We don’t know how 8.
far we will be able to do that. Furthermore I don’t claim
all the information in this paper is included perfectly. - -
There may be shortcoming, factual error, mistaken 9.
opinion which are all mine and we all are responsible for
those but we will try to give a better volume in future. 10.


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