Exp-1 DevOpsLab

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Name: Sonam Gupta

Roll No. : 201903015 (14)

Subject: DevOps Lab
Experiment No. 1

Aim: To understand DevOps: Principles, Practices, and DevOps Engineer Role

and Responsibilities.
What is DevOps ?
DevOps stands for development and operations. It’s a practice that aims at
merging development, quality assurance, and operations (deployment and
integration) into a single, continuous set of processes. This methodology is a
natural extension of Agile and continuous delivery approaches.
By adopting DevOps companies gain three core advantages that cover technical,
business, and cultural aspects of development.

Fig 1:DevOps

Higher speed and quality of product releases. DevOps speeds up product

release by introducing continuous delivery, encouraging faster feedback, and
allowing developers to fix bugs in the system in the early stages. Practicing
DevOps, the team can focus on the quality of the product and automate a
number of processes.

Faster responsiveness to customer needs. With DevOps, a team can react to

change requests from customers faster, adding new and updating existing
features. As a result, the time-to-market and value-delivery rates increase.
Better working environment. DevOps principles and practices lead to better
communication between team members, and increased productivity and agility.
Teams that practice DevOps are considered to be more productive and cross-
skilled. Members of a DevOps team, both those who develop and those who
operate, act in concert.
These benefits come only with the understanding that DevOps isn’t merely a set
of actions, but rather a philosophy that fosters cross-functional team
communication. More importantly, it doesn’t require substantial technical
changes as the main focus is put on altering the way people work. The whole
success depends on adhering to DevOps principles.

DevOps principles:

DevOps is initially the culture and mindset forging strong collaborative bonds
between software development and infrastructure operations teams. This culture
is built upon the following pillars.

Constant collaboration and communication. These have been the building

blocks of DevOps since its dawn. Your team should work cohesively with the
understanding of the needs and expectations of all members.

Gradual changes. The implementation of gradual rollouts allows delivery

teams to release a product to users while having an opportunity to make updates
and roll back if something goes wrong.

Shared end-to-end responsibility. When every member of a team moves

towards one goal and is equally responsible for a project from beginning to end,
they work cohesively and look for ways of facilitating other members’ tasks

Early problem-solving. DevOps requires that tasks be performed as early in

the project lifecycle as possible. So, in case of any issues, they will be addressed
more quickly

Automation of processes
Automating as many development, testing, configuration, and deployment
procedures as possible is the golden rule of DevOps. It allows specialists to get
rid of time-consuming repetitive work and focus on other important activities
that can’t be automated by their nature.

Measurement of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

Decision-making should be powered by factual information in the first place. To
get optimal performance, it is necessary to keep track of the progress of
activities composing the DevOps flow. Measuring various metrics of a system
allows for understanding what works well and what can be improved.

Sharing is caring. This phrase explains the DevOps philosophy better than
anything else as it highlights the importance of collaboration. It is crucial to
share feedback, best practices, and knowledge among teams since this promotes
transparency, creates collective intelligence and eliminates constraints. You
don’t want to put the whole development process on pause just because the only
person who knows how to handle certain tasks went on a vacation or quitted.

DevOps model and practices

DevOps requires a delivery cycle that comprises planning, development, testing,
deployment, release, and monitoring with active cooperation between different
members of a team.

Fig 2: DevOps model & Practices

To break down the process even more, let’s have a look at the core practices
that constitute the DevOps:

Agile planning
In contrast to traditional approaches of project management, Agile planning
organizes work in short iterations (e.g. sprints) to increase the number of
releases. This means that the team has only high-level objectives outlined, while
making detailed planning for two iterations in advance. This allows for
flexibility and pivots once the ideas are tested on an early product increment.
Check our Agile infographics to learn more about different methods applied.

Continuous development
The concept of continuous “everything” embraces continuous or iterative
software development, meaning that all the development work is divided into
small portions for better and faster production. Engineers commit code in small
chunks multiple times a day for it to be easily tested.

Continuous automated testing

A quality assurance team sets committed code testing using automation tools
like Selenium, Ranorex, UFT, etc. If bugs and vulnerabilities are revealed, they
are sent back to the engineering team. This stage also entails version control to
detect integration problems in advance. A Version Control System (VCS)
allows developers to record changes in the files and share them with other
members of the team, regardless of their location.

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)

The code that passes automated tests is integrated in a single, shared repository
on a server. Frequent code submissions prevent a so-called “integration hell”
when the differences between individual code branches and the mainline code
become so drastic over time that integration takes more than actual coding.
Continuous delivery, detailed in our dedicated article, is an approach that
merges development, testing, and deployment operations into a streamlined
process as it heavily relies on automation. This stage enables the automatic
delivery of code updates into a production environment.

Continuous deployment
At this stage, the code is deployed to run in production on a public server. Code
must be deployed in a way that doesn’t affect already functioning features and
can be available for a large number of users. Frequent deployment allows for a
“fail fast” approach, meaning that the new features are tested and verified early.
There are various automated tools that help engineers deploy a product
increment. The most popular are Chef, Puppet, Azure Resource Manager, and
Google Cloud Deployment Manager.

Continuous monitoring
The final stage of the DevOps lifecycle is oriented to the assessment of the
whole cycle. The goal of monitoring is detecting the problematic areas of a
process and analyzing the feedback from the team and users to report existing
inaccuracies and improve the product’s functioning.

Infrastructure as a code
Infrastructure as a code (IaC) is an infrastructure management approach that
makes continuous delivery and DevOps possible. It entails using scripts to
automatically set the deployment environment (networks, virtual machines, etc.)
to the needed configuration regardless of its initial state.
Virtual machines emulate hardware behavior to share computing resources of a
physical machine, which enables running multiple application environments or
operating systems (Linux and Windows Server) on a single physical server or
distributing an application across multiple physical machines.
Containers, on the other hand, are more lightweight and packaged with all
runtime components (files, libraries, etc.) but they don’t include whole
operating systems, only the minimum required resources. Containers are used
within DevOps to instantly deploy applications across various environments and
are well combined with the IaC approach described above. A container can be
tested as a unit before deployment. Currently, Docker provides the most popular
container toolset.

The microservice architectural approach entails building one application as a set
of independent services that communicate with each other, but are configured
individually. Building an application this way, you can isolate any arising
problems ensuring that a failure in one service doesn’t break the rest of the
application functions. With the high rate of deployment, microservices allow for
keeping the whole system stable, while fixing the problems in isolation. Learn
more about microservices and modernizing legacy monolithic architectures in
our article.

Cloud infrastructure
Today most organizations use hybrid clouds, a combination of public and
private ones. But the shift towards fully public clouds (i.e. managed by an
external provider such as AWS or Microsoft Azure) continues. While cloud
infrastructure isn’t a must for DevOps adoption, it provides flexibility, toolsets,
and scalability to applications. With the recent introduction of serverless
architectures on clouds, DevOps-driven teams can dramatically reduce their
effort by basically eliminating server-management operations.

A DevOps Engineer: role and responsibilities

 DevOps engineers are still in demand on the IT labor market. Some consider
this person to be either a system administrator who knows how to code or a
developer with a system administrator’s skills.

DevOps Engineer Responsibilities:

In a way, both definitions are fair. The main function of a DevOps engineer is to
introduce the continuous delivery and continuous integration workflow, which
requires the understanding of the mentioned tools and the knowledge of several
programming languages.
Depending on the organization, job descriptions differ. Smaller businesses look
for engineers with broader skillsets and responsibilities. For example, the job
description may require product building along with the developers. Larger
companies may look for an engineer for a specific stage of the DevOps lifecycle
that will work with a certain automation tool

Fig 3:DevOps Engineer Role

The basic and widely-accepted responsibilities of a DevOps engineer are:

 Writing specifications and documentation for the server-side features
 Continuous deployment and continuous integration (CI/CD) management
 Performance assessment and monitoring
 Infrastructure management
 Cloud deployment and management
 Assistance with DevOps culture adoption

Conclusion: By doing this study for DevOps I understood the existence of

DevOps, its need, its requirements, what a crucial part DevOps playing in our
life and most of the other things.

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