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Leyte Normal University

College of Education
Tacloban City

PROF ED 101:
MODULE 1 Lesson 3

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THE AUTHOR. Ms. Balintong is a faculty of the Professional Education Unit of Leyte Normal

THE COVER. LNU's iconic College Building speaks about a well-established and noble educational
institution approaching its 100 years of service to the people in the region.
[Photo by Mark Joshua Tan Photography]


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LESSON Periods of Development and Developmental Tasks


Key Terms
developmental task developmental stages

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you should be able to compare and contrast the stages and developmental tasks by
Havighurst and Santrock using a comparative matrix.

Learning Tasks:

Growing Up: My Timeline. Here is a timeline to show what you probably look like at different periods of your development.
Label each stage of development and write a short description about the different things that you could do when you were a
baby and a child, what you can do now, and what you will be able to do when you grow up.
Write your description here.
Sources of Developmental Tasks /

Developmental tasks arise from three different sources [Havighurst, 1948, 1953]. In his bio psychosocial
model, the first important issue us biology, second is psychology, and the last one is sociology. He identifies
three sources of developmental tasks [Havighurst, 1972]:

ol of bowel and urine, behaving in an acceptable manner to the opposite sex and adjusting to menopause.

occupation and figuring out one's philosophical outlook.

es are based on, for instance, laws, [example is minimum age for marriage], or pressures of society; for instance, we are requir

The Developmental Tasks

Let's describe the developmental tasks as described by Santrock:

1. Prenatal Period [from conception to birth] - it involves tremendous growth - from a single cell to
an organism complete with behavioral capabilities.
2. Infancy [form birth to 18-24 months] - a time of extreme dependence on adults. Many
psychological activities are just beginning - language, symbolic thought, sensorimotor
coordination, and social learning.
3. Early Childhood [end of infancy to 5-6 years [Grade 1] - these are the preschool years. Young
children learn to become more self-sufficient and to care for themselves, develop school readiness
skills and spend many hours in play with peers.
4. Middle and Late Childhood [6-11 years of age; the elementary school years] - the fundamental
skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic are mastered. The child is formally exposed to the larger
world and its culture. Achievement becomes a more central theme of the child's world and self
control increases.
5. Adolescence [10-12 years of age ending up to 18-22 years of age] - begins with rapid physical
changes - dramatic gains in height and weight, changes in body contour, and the development of
sexual characteristics such as enlargement of the breasts, development of pubic and facial hair,
and deepening of the voice. Pursuit of independence and identity are prominent. Thought is more
logical, abstract and idealistic. More time is spent outside of the family.
6. Early Adulthood [from late teens or early 20s lasting through the 30s] - it is a time of establishing
personal and economic independence, career development, selecting a mate, learning to live with
someone in an intimate way, starting a family and rearing children.
7. Middle Adulthood [40-6- years of age] - it is a time of expanding personal and social involvement
and responsibility; of assisting the next generation in becoming competent and mature individuals;
and of reaching and maintaining satisfaction in a career.
8. Late Adulthood [60s and above] - it is a time for adjustment to decreasing strength and health,
life review, retirement, and adjustment to new social roles [Santrock, 2002, cited by Corpuz et al.,
Now, let us compare them those listed by Havighurst himself.
Developmental Tasks by Robert Havighurst (1972)
Infancy and Early Middle Childhood Adolescence Early Adulthood Middle Later Maturity
Childhood [0-5) [6-12) [13-18) [19-29) Adulthood [61 and over)
1. Learning to walk 1. Learning physical skills 1. Achieving new and more 1. Selecting a mate 1. Adjusting to decreasing
2. Learning to take solid necessary for ordinary mature relations with 2. Learning to live with a 1. Achieving adult civic and physical strength and
foods games age-mates of both sexes marriage partner sociaI responsibility health
3. Learning to talk 2. Building wholesome 2. Achieving a masculine or 3. Starting a family 2. Establishing and 2. Adjusting to retirement
4. Learning to control the attitudes toward feminine social role 4. Rearing children maintaining an economic and reduced income
elimination of body oneself as a growing 3. Accepting one's physique 5. Managing a home standard of living 3. Adjusting to death of a
wastes organism and using the body 6. Getting started in an 3. Assisting teenage spouse
5. Learning sex differences 3. Learning to get along effectively occupation children to become 4. Establishing an explicit
and sexual modesty with age-mates 4. Achieving emotional 7. Taking on civic responsible and happy
affiliation with one's age
6. Forming concepts and 4. Learning an appropriate independence of parents responsibility adults
learning language to masculine or feminine and other adults 8. Finding a congenial 4. Developing adult leisure-
5. Meeting social and civil
describe social and social role 5. Preparing for social group time activities
physical reality obligations
5. Developing fundamental marriage and family 5. Relating oneself to one's
7. Getting ready to read spouse as a person 6. Establishing satisfactory
skills in reading, writing, life
6. Accepting and adjusting physical living
and calculating 6. Preparing for an
to the physiologic arrangement
6. Developing concepts economic career
necessary for everyday 7. Acquiring a set of values changes or middle age
living and an ethical system as 7. Adjusting to aging
7. Developing conscience, a guide to behavior; parents
morality, and a scale of developing an ideology
values 8. Desiring and achieving
8. Achieving personal socially responsible
independence behavior
9. Developing attitudes
toward social groups and
Source: Corpuz, B.B., Lucas, M.R.D., Borabo, H.G.L., & P.I. Lucido. (2015). Child and Adolescent Development: Looking at Learners at Different Life Stages. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Example: Havighurst proposes 8 developmental Santrock proposes 6 developmental

Developmental Stages stages stages

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Corpuz, B., Lucas, M.R., Borabo, H., & Lucido, P. [2018]. The child and adolescent learners and learning principles.
Cubao, Quezon City, Metro Manila: Lorimar Publishing. ISBN:978-621-8035-48-5
Corpuz, B.B., Lucas, M.R.D., Borabo, H.G.L., & Lucido, P.I. [2015]. Child and adolescent development: looking at learners
at different life stages. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Beckett, C & Taylor, H. [2016]. Human growth and development [3rd ed.]. SAGE Publications, Inc.
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Gillibrand, R., Lam, V., & O'Donnell, V.L. [2016]. Developmental Psychology [2nd ed.]. Pearson Education Limited.
Levine, L.E. & Munch, J. [2016]. Child development from infancy to adolescence: an active learning approach. SAGE
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Ormrod, J.E., Andermamn, E.M., & Anderman, L. [2017]. Educational Psychology: developing learners [9th ed.]. Pearson
Education Limited.
Rathus, S.A. [2017]. Childhood and adolescence: voyages in development [6th ed.]. Cengage Learning.
Santrock, J.W. [2011]. Educational Psychology [5th ed.]. McGraw-Hill.

Internet Sources:
Human Development. Retrieved from
Hasa, 2017, Difference between growth and development, retrieved from
Havighurst's developmental tasks for adulthood, middle age and old age. Retrieved from
Argumentative essays. Retrieved from documents/argumentative essays.pdf
Cherry, K. [2020]. The Age Old Debate of Nature vs. Nurture. Retrieved from
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Musi c: Dr. Virginia V. Fuentes
Lyrics: Mrs Rosario P lsiderio

Beloved Leyte Normal

We sing thee hymns of praise
Loyal ty and honor
To thy name embrace

Thy teachings we shall treasure

Thy words of wisdom true
So prec ious beyond measure
To guide our whole life through

As we sail to voyage
Life's uncertain seas
The haven of thy harbor safe
There we shall be

Beloved Leyte Normal

Thy name we shall adore
Thine honor ever shining
We'll keep forevermore

Leyte Normal Unive rsity

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