Character - Dark Blue

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Dark Blue

An Expanded Universe Character from the

Dark Horse Star Wars Comic Book Series

By Cory Herndon

The graceful blue Twi'lek female Aayla Secura, onetime Jedi

Padawan of Master Quinlan Vos, once very nearly killed her
Kiffar mentor while both were still suffering from the effects
of a memory wipe. Her uncle, glitteryll smuggling figure Pol
Secura, had erased their memories to protect his interests,
keeping his unknowing niece as insurance against Jedi
reprisals and for his use as an ignorant, cold-blooded
enforcer. Eventually, Aayla lashed out with the dark side and
killed her uncle. She faced Quinlan Vos in a series of duels
that ended when Vos unleashed dark side energy.

Her memories restored, Aayla now has a new Master, Tholme.

The Council decreed that Aayla and Quinlan Vos had both
ventured too close to the darkness and would recover inner
peace more easily if separated. Soon, Aayla hopes to take the
trials and emerge a full-fledged Jedi Knight, but she still
shows impatience and anger stemming from the theft of her
memories and her dabbling in the dark side -- which, Master
Yoda bluntly says, is the reason she is still a Padawan.

Before the Battle of Geonosis, Aayla -- always a better pilot than her master Quinlan -- helped test the
droid-augmented Delta-7 starfighter with Master Adi Gallia. The following stat block dates from this
period, after Aayla's mind wipe but before the Geonosian arena.

Aayla Secura: Female Twi'lek Jedi Guardian 6; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Defense 17 (+5 class, +2 Dex); Spd 10
m; VP/WP 48/11; Atk +7/+2 melee (3d8, crit 19-20, lightsaber), +8/+3 ranged; SQ +1 species bonus to
Fort checks, bonus language (Speak lekku), Deflect (extend defense and attack), Force training, low-
light vision; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +2; SZ M; FP 3; DSP 4; Rep 2; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 9,
Cha 15, Challenge Code D.

Equipment: Twi'lek Jedi robes, lightsaber, Delta-7 Starfighter (assigned by Jedi Council). Skills:
Astrogate +2, Balance +11, Craft (lightsaber) +1, Knowledge (Jedi lore) +4, Pilot +11, Read/Write
Twi'leki, Read/Write Basic, Speak Basic, Speak Lekku, Speak Kiffar, Speak Twi'leki.

Force Skills: Battlemind +5, Enhance Ability +7, Force Grip +5, Move Object +6.

Feats: Alter, Combat Reflexes, Control, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), Force-Sensitive,
Sense, Weapon Finesse (lightsaber), Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, simple weapons.

See more of Aayla in the "Rite of Passage" story arc that begins in issue 42 of the Dark Horse Star
Wars comic book series.

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