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with Lower Activity

December, 2020

Text Page Section


Galaxy DAY First Day Only - Verses to the Four Categories of the Eight Noble
Auspicious Ones
Galaxy 113 Great Clouds of Blessings
Galaxy 1 Seven Line prayer
Galaxy 3 Prayer to Three Kayas of the Lama
Galaxy 5 Prayer to Padmasambhava
Galaxy 9 Prayer to Attain the Citadel of Intrinsic Awareness
Insert Lotus Hook prayer


Vajrakilaya 1 Lineage Supplication

Vajrakilaya 4 8 branch offering
Vajrakilaya 6 Self-visualization
Vajrakilaya 95 First Day Only - White torma for local deities
Vajrakilaya 96 Offering the red torma (Gektor)
Vajrakilaya 6 Commanding the obstructing spirits (Gektor, continued )
Vajrakilaya 7 Establishing the boundary
Vajrakilaya 7 Confession
Vajrakilaya 8 Descent of blessings
Vajrakilaya 9 Blessing the offering substances
Vajrakilaya 38 First Day Only - Lower activity preparation


Vajrakilaya 10 Main practice

Vajrakilaya 15 Invitation to the Pristine Awareness aspects
Vajrakilaya 16 Request
Vajrakilaya 16 Homage
Vajrakilaya 17 General offerings
Vajrakilaya 18 Special offerings – medicine
Dudjom Insert Morning only Medicine offerings

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Vajrakilaya 18 Offering of torma
Vajrakilaya 19 Offering of rakta
Vajrakilaya 19 Offering of three poisons
Vajrakilaya 20 Offering of union and liberation
Vajrakilaya 21 Praises


Vajrakilaya 22 Exhortation
Vajrakilaya 23 Visualization
Vajrakilaya 25 Root mantra accumulations
Vajrakilaya 40 Lower activity, then mantra (…RAKSHA KURU BHRUM)
Vajrakilaya 41 Warding off harm, then mantra (...BAD JHYO DOG)
Vajrakilaya 42 Slaying, then wrathful razor mantra
Vajrakilaya 85 Longevity sadhana
Galaxy 13 Sanskrit vowels and consonants, 100 syllable mantra, Essence
of interdependent origination
Vajrakilaya 26 Offering and praise
Galaxy 99 Butterlamp offering prayer
Galaxy 15 Prayers between sessions


After Lunch – start again at p 9, Blessing the offering

substances, and do everything through and including the
praises on p26, then on to Protectors


Protectors 63 Dam Chan Kyii Tor

Protectors 69 Dam Chan Kyii Tor, cont’d
Protectors 3 Guardians of the 4 Cycles, and continue through…
Protectors 121 Invocation to the general assembly of Protectors
Protectors 195 Za Ngo Protector prayer
Protectors 59 Offering to the Local Protectors


Galaxy 17 Inexpressible Ultimate Confession

Galaxy 25 Essence of Confession
Galaxy 31 100 Syllable mantra
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Insert Prayer of aspiration: NAM KHE TARTUK…CHIN PAR SHOK


Vajrakilaya 27 Blessing offering materials

Vajrakilaya 28 Inviting the Feast Assembly
Vajrakilaya 28 First portion of the feast
Vajrakilaya 29 Confession
Vajrakilaya 43 Exhorting the Rigdzins
Vajrakilaya 45 Exhorting the Principal Deities
Vajrakilaya 46 Exhorting the Oath-Bound Ones
Vajrakilaya 47 Offering the Golden Drink
Vajrakilaya 49 Requesting a Fair Witness
Vajrakilaya 52 Visualization for Power of Truth
Vajrakilaya 54 Power of Truth
Vajrakilaya 56 Dispatching the Messengers
Vajrakilaya 57 Depriving Them of Their Defenses
Vajrakilaya 58 Casting Them into the Effigy
Vajrakilaya 59 Binding Them into Suppression
Vajrakilaya 59 Rendering Them Mad
Vajrakilaya 60 Transfixing Them with the Spike
Vajrakilaya 64 Crushing Them to Dust
Vajrakilaya 64 Feeding Them to the Mouths of the Deities
Vajrakilaya 89 Kangwa
Galaxy 33 Tsog offering by Jigmed Lingpa
Galaxy 35 Tsog offering by Dudjom Rinpoche
Galaxy 37 2 line tsog prayer
Insert Tsog offering by Throgyal
Start serving tsog plates
Galaxy 49 Barchad Lamsel (DU SUM SANGYE…)
Ati Ling various Long life prayers
prayer book
Receive tsog blessings
Vajrakilaya 30 Remainders
Vajrakilaya 66 Calling upon the Sacred Bonds
Vajrakilaya 68 Enjoining the Enlightened Activity that Averts Negativity
Vajrakilaya 71 Clapping of Hands
Vajrakilaya 97 Wrathful Razor mantra with appended words
Vajrakilaya 125 Power of Truth for Averting Negativity
LAST DAY – skip now to page 4 of this list and continue from
where it says “L A S T D A Y”

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OTHER DAYS – continue below
Vajrakilaya 99 Power of Truth
Vajrakilaya 74 Offering Torma as a Power Substance
Protectors 72 Conclude Dam Chan Kyii Tor
Protectors 75 Protectors’ closing prayers
Vajrakilaya 31 Recalling the Contract (Chhad-do)
Vajrakilaya 32 Offering to the Tanma Sisters
Vajrakilaya 99 Power of Truth
Vajrakilaya 33 Performing the dance of Suppression
Vajrakilaya 17 General offerings
Vajrakilaya 21 Praises (first 4 lines only)


Vajrakilaya 34 100-syllable Heruka mantra

Galaxy 41 Stabilizing the presence of the Deity
Vajrakilaya 35 Eliminating the Extremes of Eternalism and Nihilism
Vajrakilaya 35 Dedication and Aspiration
Galaxy 13 Essence of Interdependent Origination
Vajrakilaya 36 Auspicious Wishes


Dedication of merit
Longchenpa’s aspiration prayer
other closing prayers


Perform the tsok and lower activity as in the previous days up

through Clapping of Hands (pg 71) and the first Power of Truth
which follows it (pg 125). Then continue below.
Vajrakilaya 17 Offerings - Recite mantra only
Vajrakilaya 21 Praises – first 4 lines only
Vajrakilaya 34 100 syllable mantra
Vajrakilaya 97 Wrathful Razor mantra with appended words
Vajrakilaya 99 Power of Truth
Vajrakilaya 74 Offering Torma as a Power Substance
Vajrakilaya 78 Offering of torma
Vajrakilaya 79 Opening the door

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Vajrakilaya 66 Calling upon the Sacred Bonds
Vajrakilaya 31 Recalling the Contract (Chhad-do)

Go outside to the fire and continue below.

Vajrakilaya 47 Offering the Golden Drink

Vajrakilaya 49 Requesting a Fair Witness
Vajrakilaya 80 From HUNG SANG GYAY KYIY NI…
Vajrakilaya 82 Zor ritual
Vajrakilaya 75 From HUNG NGA NI…
Vajrakilaya 68 Enjoining the Enlightened Activity that Averts Negativity
Insert Heart Sutra
Vajrakilaya 7 From HUNG TENG YANG…

Leave the fire and continue below just outside the

shrine room

Vajrakilaya 32 Offering to the Tanma Sisters

Vajrakilaya 99 Power of Truth
Vajrakilaya 33 Performing the Dance of Suppression
Vajrakilaya 36 Auspicious Wishes

Come back into shrine room

Vajrakilaya 85 Longevity Sadhana

Vajrakilaya 34 Requesting Siddhis
Vajrakilaya 88 Conclude Longevity Sadhana: “BHRUM…”
Protectors 72 Conclude Dam Chan Kyii Tor
Protectors 75 Protectors’ closing prayers
Vajrakilaya 17 General offerings
Vajrakilaya 21 Praises (first 4 lines only)
Vajrakilaya 34 100-syllable Heruka mantra
Galaxy 41 Stabilizing the presence of the Deity
Vajrakilaya 35 Eliminating the Extremes of Eternalism and Nihilism
Vajrakilaya 35 Dedication and Aspiration
Galaxy 13 Essence of Interdependent Origination
Vajrakilaya 36 Auspicious Wishes



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