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Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri
Türkiye Geneli YDT Deneme I / 2020-21

5. Until birth, a fetus ---- its mother to provide all the

1. - 8. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uy- essentials, and the placenta is the channel that
gun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. lets mom pass the baby everything it needs to
support its development.

1. The first time we find ---- of life on a planet A) gets on B) relies on

orbiting another star will probably be by C) puts away D) gives off
analysing the gases in its atmosphere.
E) looks into
A) reality B) accountability
C) comparison D) annoyance
E) evidence

6. While self-control ---- positive outcomes in many

aspects of life, research ---- that frequent acts of
self-control may harm mental health.

2. Education reformers ---- by the late 19th century A) has led to / found
that a standard calendar with a summer break B) leads to / has found
would provide a/an opportunity for students and

C) had led to / will find

teachers alike to refocus.
D) would lead to / finds
A) shook B) delivered
E) will lead to / was finding
C) contributed D) reasoned
E) included

7. While you ---- the newly-discovered black hole

while stargazing from your backyard, stars
3. With new technologies introduced every passing orbiting it ---- by skywatchers in the Southern
day, our time spent on video calls has risen ---- in Hemisphere.
the last few years. A) cannot find / could have been seen

A) arguably B) previously B) must not find / would be seen

C) considerably D) carefully C) don’t have to find / might be seen
E) subtly D) may not be able to find / can be seen
E) aren’t supposed to find / should be seen

4. Brazil, where only one percent of the population,

the rich elite, owns more than half of the arable 8. Mistakenly ---- with other medieval artefacts in
land, is notorious for its extremely ---- land an Italian museum, one of the oldest swords on
distribution. record was spotted by a keen-eyed archaeology

A) unequal B) invaluable
A) to be grouped
C) unlikely D) indispensable
B) having grouped
E) unintentional
C) grouping
D) to group
E) grouped

Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Türkiye Geneli YDT Deneme I / 2020-21

13. Almost ---- of the cells in our body need to divide

9. - 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere and to do this, the cell’s DNA makes a copy
uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. of itself, but ---- mistakes can happen in this
process, which results in cancerous cells.
9. Antarctica is one of the driest places ---- the
planet, but there is a surprising amount of liquid A) no / all

water hidden ---- the continent’s frozen surface. B) all / some
A) in / above B) to / over C) some / many
C) on / below D) of / among D) many / much
E) off / into E) none / no

10. More than 70% of Earth is covered ---- water, so it

is no surprise that scientists find inspiration ----

exploring these great depths.

A) by / of B) amid / for
C) over / on D) with / in
E) out / by 14. Biodiesel made from palm oil grown on newly
deforested land results in ---- greenhouse gas
emissions ---- burning fossil fuels.

A) more / than B) either / or

C) whether / or D) neither / nor
E) not only / but also
11. Naked mole rats are supremely weird creatures
as they do not need much oxygen, and indeed

they may have seizures ---- they don’t get enough

carbon dioxide.

A) since B) in case
C) if D) though
E) before

15. You might be surprised by how far the small

changes to your usual routine can go; for
12. The pre-Incan civilization living in what is now instance, drinking one cup of coffee a day ----

Peru created the Nazca Lines ---- we have no idea three can add up to 12 gallons of water saved a
how they were able to do so. month.

A) although B) because A) in addition to B) in terms of

C) as soon as D) unless C) instead of D) despite

E) until E) on account of

2 Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri
Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Türkiye Geneli YDT Deneme I / 2020-21

16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. A) into B) over
C) amid D) through
Sleep is something we all need to survive. (16) ----
E) by
popular belief, it is not a bad idea to wear socks in bed.

In fact, it (17) ---- you a better night’s sleep. A 2007 study
at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience found
that people who wore socks in bed fell asleep faster
than those without. The reason is that warming your
feet tricks your body (18) ---- thinking it is too hot, and
so it increases blood flow to the skin. This causes your
core temperature to drop (19) ----, and the reduced core
temperature is one of the signals that tell the brain to
prepare for sleep. Considering such ease and comfort,
it may be worth try trying. (20) ----, it is a good idea to
change your daytime socks when you come home – just
to keep things feeling fresh.

A) hardly B) deliberately
A) With regard to B) Owing to C) carelessly D) slightly
C) For the purpose of D) On behalf of E) intentionally
E) Contrary to

A) would give B) may give
A) Namely B) Otherwise
C) has to give D) must give
C) In contrast D) Likewise
E) should have given
E) However

Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Türkiye Geneli YDT Deneme I / 2020-21

23. As long as they don’t experience an adverse

21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde childhood experience at home, ----.
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) children will benefit from the supportive
21. While we know that some marine animals seem environment provided by their family
to eat plastic, ----.

B) there won’t be a different outcome for parents
A) the amount of plastic pollution in the oceans is even if they have different educational levels
increasing at a great pace
C) only children end up being relatively
B) the best thing we can do is to keep plastic from disadvantaged compared to children having
getting into the ocean at all grown up with siblings

C) other species on land also consume plastic in one D) parents have to be able to provide a supportive
form or another and generally advantaged home for their child

D) less research has been carried out into how it E) children will have to understand that a loving
harms these creatures family can reduce a child’s risk of depression

E) some turtle species become ill and stranded on

the beach due to their ingestion of plastic

24. Because it is not eliminated in the body like other

22. ----, they will get tired more quickly because of vitamins, ----.
the high carbohydrate ingredient of the food.
A) having a severe deficiency in Vitamin D can lead
A) As long as an athlete combines high-intensity to further problems
training with long runs regularly
B) too much vitamin D can cause a build-up of
B) Although marathon runners need to experience a calcium in the blood
long run before the marathon itself
C) vitamin D and Zinc can easily be consumed by
C) If marathon runners eat starchy foods on agents in the body that absorb vitamins
marathon day
D) vitamin D and Zinc intake might be crucial for
D) As marathon runners want to be able to use less preventing respiratory diseases
energy during the race

E) doctors’ advice on vitamin D intake is strictly

E) Until athletes learn how to combine a carb- followed by many
intensive diet with correct amounts of protein

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Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Türkiye Geneli YDT Deneme I / 2020-21

25. ---- before checking out any emotional 27. Though extracting poison or other chemicals
expressions that you might have on your face. from an animal was the norm in the past for its
use in potential medicines, ----.
A) Dogs spend more time looking at other dogs and
cats A) previous practice included harming the animals’

B) Dogs are experts at sensing most emotions of
humans B) animals have long been exploited for their
medicinal properties
C) Your bodily movements can pose more threat to
dogs than your hands C) the vast majority of these traditional remedies are
not backed up by any scientific evidence
D) You might think dogs will take a look at your body
motions D) today all we need is the animal’s DNA – without
collecting or harming a single animal
E) Research suggests that dogs are likely to first
look at your hands E) specific molecules with medical potential have
historically been too difficult to locate or extract

26. Sending e-mails to employees at night is not only

impolite, ----. 28. While, months ago, anyone wearing a mask
in public would have drawn ‘stares’ in many
A) yet it might also create a positive environment
countries, ----.
in the workplace, promoting the productivity of
employees A) they are now a reminder of the strange times with
contagious diseases
B) and people working from home do not have to
bear with this under any circumstances B) the mask today should have at least three layers

C) but it creates a hectic work schedule that requires C) there is still debate about whether people should
people to be constantly available as well wear face masks

D) since nobody can make others do work after they D) a key point is that people can reduce the spread

get home following a hard day’s work of the disease by wearing masks in public

E) but this practice shouldn’t extend to having a E) even wearing a damp homemade mask can
culture that expects people to be available all the reduce the number of droplets we inhale

Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Türkiye Geneli YDT Deneme I / 2020-21

30. According to the passage, one of the benefits of

29. - 31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre turning subtitles on is ----.
A) the opportunity for children to correctly pronounce
Watching subtitled films, TV programmes and videos the words in their language
has huge benefits for children. It can help them boost

their reading skills and learn other languages, as well B) that all children from minority groups can learn
as providing more comprehensive access for children the language of the country they live in
with disabilities or those who speak a minority language.
C) that students can boost their fluency in speaking
This small change – turning on subtitles – can make a
big difference. Research shows that turning on subtitles
in the same language as the TV show or film can indeed D) the chance for teachers to bring a new teaching
improve children’s reading skills. Watching video content tool into the classroom
with same language subtitles, both when used as a
teaching tool and for entertainment outside the classroom, E) the fact that there is a lot of scientific research on
can improve children’s decoding skills – their ability to this hot topic
use their existing knowledge of letters and sounds to
pronounce words correctly. It can also help them improve
their vocabulary and boost their comprehension skills

and reading fluency. Subtitles have also been shown to

improve the literacy skills of economically disadvantaged
children, those who are struggling with reading, and
minority language speakers learning the official language
of the country in which they live and receive schooling.

31.The passage is mainly about ----.

29. It is pointed out in the passage that economically
disadvantaged children ----. A) how economically disadvantaged children can
use subtitles in learning
A) can do better than those struggling with reading
whether subtitles are on or not B) the difficulties encountered by children with
disabilities while learning a language
B) are almost always members of minority groups in
a developed country C) the benefits of turning on subtitles for children
while watching TV, films or videos
C) might have comprehensive access to reading
opportunities if subtitles are enabled D) some ways for children to improve their
vocabulary and literacy skills
D) can have better literacy skills if they turn subtitles

on while watching something E) the methods children use to improve their

decoding skills
E) benefit more when subtitles are used for
entertainment outside the classroom

6 Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri
Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Türkiye Geneli YDT Deneme I / 2020-21

33. The underlined word ‘harness’ in the passage is

32. - 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre closest in meaning to ----.
A) recycle B) exploit
Trees have a remarkable range of traits that can help C) defend D) delay
reduce urban air pollution, and cities around the world

E) curb
are looking to harness them. In January 2019, the mayor
of London announced that 7,000 trees would be planted
before the end of the following year. Meanwhile, China’s
Hebei Province, home to Beijing, has been working on a
“green necklace” of plants that could help reduce pollution
from factories that surround the capital. And Paris is
planning an urban forest that will encompass its most
iconic landmarks in an effort to adapt to climate change,
and also improve the city’s air quality. While trees are
generally effective at reducing air pollution, it isn’t as
simple as the more trees you have in an urban space,
the better the air will be. Some trees are markedly more
effective at filtering pollutants from the air than others. To

make the most difference in air quality in a street or city, it

has to be the right tree for the job.

32. According to the passage, planting many trees 34. Which of the following is true about the plans to
in urban spaces might not reduce air pollution as plant trees in cities?

A) Different cities need the same type of trees to get
A) the trees should not be over a pre-specified rid of air pollution.
B) London is going to follow Beijing’s example in
B) some cities have different air pollutants than setting up a green necklace.
C) Paris is trying to curb the air pollution produced
C) the type of the tree determines how effective it will by factories.
D) Air pollution in big cities can hardly be prevented
D) cities in different sizes will need a certain number by planting more trees.
of trees
E) Enhancing the quality of air is only one of the
E) a tree that is good for Beijing might not be so for objectives.


Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Türkiye Geneli YDT Deneme I / 2020-21

36. Which of the following can be said about people

35. - 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre who are deceived by mass-market scams?
A) Their number is much higher than those who
ignore or delete messages containing scams.

Unwanted messages and solicitations – the act of asking B) They lose money, and most of them have health
someone for money – bombard us on a regular basis. problems after being victims of scams.
Most of us hit ignore or delete, knowing that these
messages and solicitations are most likely so-called C) They are prone to falling for scams more than
mass-market scams. Others aren’t so lucky. Scams – a once in many cases.
dishonest way of getting money from people – cost
individuals, organizations and governments trillions of D) They are vulnerable as they think they can’t resist
dollars each year in estimated losses, and many victims clicking suspicious material.
endure depression and ill health. There is no other
E) Their numbers will eventually dwindle as new
crime, in fact, that affects so many people from almost
services and apps become popular.
all ages, backgrounds and geographical locations. To
best protect yourself from being targeted, you need to be
careful and use resources to help avoid scams. There are
some services and apps intended to assist in screening

calls and to prevent identity theft. And some telephone

companies allow you to opt for such services. And more
consumer education on the dangers of scams would help.
It is also important to resist clicking and responding to
suspicious material in any way. Consumers who quickly
identify a solicitation as a risk and dispose of it without
wasting time are less vulnerable.

35. It can be concluded from the passage that mass- 37. Which of the following could be the best title for
market scams ----. the passage?

A) were done by regular mail and phones in the past A) Mass-market Scams Are No Joke: Learn to
Protect Yourselves
B) no longer affect many people these days
B) Mass-market Scams: How Can People Be So
C) are not as bad as solicitation e-mails Naive to Be Deceived by Them?

D) have a unique position among all other crimes C) To Click or Not to Click: The Undeniable Allure of
Scam Mail
E) make many people waste their time online
D) Mass-market Scams Explained in Brief

E) Those Who are Deceived by Mass-market Scams

are Not Alone

8 Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri
Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Türkiye Geneli YDT Deneme I / 2020-21

39. Which of the following can be inferred from the

38. - 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre passage about Shakespeare?
A) He was most probably alive and living in England
Shakespeare’s work spoke to Elizabethan concerns – in 1776.
but in many ways, he speaks more clearly and directly

to American concerns than to English ones. America B) He wrote works specifically for English people as
embraced Shakespeare as its national poet even after the well as for Americans.
US broke with England in 1776, and he has never really
C) His most famous play in England is Twelfth Night.
had a rival as the writer that everyone in the nation reads.
Another thing to note is that America’s Shakespeare is D) He definitely influenced two different cultures in a
not England’s or Britain’s Shakespeare. Certain plays, profound way.
such as Othello, take on a distinctive political and social
meaning in the US that they don’t in England, and works E) His use of English was such that he influenced
such as Twelfth Night matter in terms of class in the UK many cultures.
in a way they don’t in the US. The link between William
Shakespeare and the United States even goes back to
pre-revolutionary times (before 1776). Indeed, Hamlet’s
famous lines ‘To be or not to be’ were appropriated both

by those who wanted to get rid of the British and by

defenders of the British in America. Finally, Shakespeare
has become a way for Americans to engage with social
and political issues that are not easily spoken about
or confronted: race, immigration. Time and again in
American history, his work has been a way of speaking to
those concerns.

40. According to the passage, ----.

A) the defenders of the British rule in America

used lines from the famous Twelfth Night by

Shakespeare to get their message across

38. It is clear from the passage that the perception of B) it can be said that American culture was shaped
Shakespeare ----. more by Shakespeare’s works than any other
A) has changed throughout the centuries American writer

B) has been stable in the US for centuries C) the impact that Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night has
made on the British class system was similar to
C) is quite different in the UK than in the US the one in America

D) in the United States is a little extraordinary D) difficult subjects such as race and immigration
were handled by Shakespeare in a natural way
E) has influenced concepts like race and immigration
E) it is not the British but the Americans who

resorted to the works of Shakespeare to express

their concerns about race

Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Türkiye Geneli YDT Deneme I / 2020-21

42. Which of the following is TRUE according to the

41. - 43. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap- passage?
A) The writer’s analogy of Pinocchio is not suitable
A 51-year-old man we will call “Mr Pinocchio” had a as the patient’s nose did not grow.
strange problem. When he tried to tell a lie, he often

passed out and had convulsions. In essence, he became B) Mr Pinocchio’s negotiating partners fail to realize
a kind of Pinocchio, the fictional puppet whose nose grew whether lies or not.
with every unimportant lie he told. For the patient, the
C) There were cases similar to Mr Pinocchio’s before
consequences were all too real: he was a high-ranking
his case was revealed in 1993.
official in the European Union, and his negotiating
partners could tell immediately when he was bending D) University Hospitals of Strasbourg in France
the truth. His condition was dangerous, and it was bad performed the first brain tumour removal.
for his career, too. Doctors at the University Hospitals
of Strasbourg in France discovered that the root of E) The brain has little tolerance for even the slightest
the problem was a tumour in his brain about the size changes in its structure.
of a walnut. The tumour was probably increasing the
excitability of a brain region involved in emotions. Once
the tumour was removed, the fits stopped, and he was

able to resume his duties. The doctors, who described

the case in 1993, named the condition the “Pinocchio
syndrome.” Mr Pinocchio’s plight demonstrates the far-
reaching consequences of even minor changes in the
structure of the brain.

43. The passage is mainly about ----.

41. According to the passage, the man mentioned in
the passage ----. A) the troubles a brain tumour caused for a high-
ranking official in the European Union
A) started telling lies after his work experience in the
European Union B) the importance of brain tumours in revealing
those who tend to tell lies frequently
B) was called “Mr Pinocchio” because of the troubles
he endured when he tried to lie C) the successful brain operation performed by
University Hospitals of Strasbourg in France
C) later lost his life because of a brain tumour that
also caused him trouble while telling lies D) the similarity between a fictional character and a
real person from Europe
D) was younger than 50 in 1993, when doctors

described his condition E) the lies people tell to their colleagues even in
high-ranking positions
E) was able to deceive his colleagues almost every
time he told a lie

10 Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri
Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Türkiye Geneli YDT Deneme I / 2020-21

44. - 48. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. Teacher:

– Well, then. It is time to check homework. As you

well know, it was on the use of phrasal verbs in

Daisy: daily speech.

– Hi, Sean. I need a favour. Can you please Student:

borrow Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales from the
– ----
library for me?
– What? I am pretty sure it is. Look at my
- ----
notepad. It says Phrasal Verbs for Section 108
Daisy: on Wednesday.

– I would if I could, but my quota is full and I need Student:

this one urgently for the assignment.
– Sir, we are Section 118.

– OK, then. I am heading to the library right away.

– Oops. You are right. Well, let’s check your
A) Why do you need that ancient book anyway? section’s homework then.
Even the British stopped reading it.
A) I really don’t understand why we need them. The
B) Why don’t you buy the book? That way, you won’t language has thousands of verbs, anyway.
need the library.
B) That is not our homework, sir. We were supposed
C) Why aren’t you borrowing the book yourself? Is to do drills on the Subjunctive Mood.
there a problem?
C) Sir, could we please postpone it to another day?
D) You have put a lot of books on reserve again, Personally, I find them quite confusing.
haven’t you?
D) Are you sure it is the homework for next
E) I am sorry but I can’t. The book has been put on Wednesday, sir?

reserve by an academician.
E) Phrasal verbs? We can’t even tell the difference
between regular and irregular verbs, sir.

Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Türkiye Geneli YDT Deneme I / 2020-21

46. 47.

Patient: Youngster:

– I’ve tested negative for the flu, so why am I – I think I am losing it. First, they have postponed
being transferred to a ward full of flu patients? our exam to the end of July, and now we have

to take it at the end of June.
– It is because your test results showed signs of
infection in your lungs. – But you still have time for the exam, so you
should keep it cool.
– ----
– ----
– That’s not possible; I am afraid. The infection is
big enough for us to keep you in hospital. – You are right, but you should try not to lose
your concentration before the exam. If you
focus on studying, things will be alright.
– Alright, then. At least let me call my family so

A) Easier said than done. Having to adjust myself to

that they can bring some essentials for my
these changes is tougher than you think.
hospital stay.

A) Is this the standard procedure for every patient B) And I am not alone. Most of my friends are in no
whose test you have done? better situation than me.

B) What is the average duration of treatment for a C) I know self-pity is not a good thing for our mental
patient with my symptoms? health.

C) Is there any other thing that I should know? Will D) We’ve had to continue our education “online.” You
there be damage in my lungs, for instance? know exactly what I mean, don’t you?

D) Can’t I have medication in my own house if I E) What was it like when you were preparing for the
isolate myself from the family members? University Entrance Exam?

E) Can I let my girlfriend know about this? She thinks

I will be coming back home.

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Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Türkiye Geneli YDT Deneme I / 2020-21


Stephen: 49. - 53. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en

yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
– It is happening! I’ve found plane tickets for a
ridiculous price, and we’re going to Prag in
49. As rural areas become less productive as a result

of climate change, cities will have to become
Michael: internally productive.

– ---- A) One reason why cities will have to become

internally productive is climate change and its
effects on the productivity of rural areas.
– Why should I? With the lockdown totally ending
B) In the future, cities will need to produce their
in July, things will become normal again.
goods themselves since climate change will
Michael: cause rural areas to become less productive.
– I wish I had your attitude to life. There is no way C) As long as cities can remain productive, they
things will become normal as we know it. won’t be affected by the loss of productivity in
rural areas due to climate change.
A) For real? How much did you pay for the return trip

for two? D) Being internally productive will be an obligation

for cities if the level of production in rural areas
B) You should have let me know! Do you think I can
decreases because of climate change.
also find tickets for a bargain price?
E) Cities, as well as rural areas, will be affected
C) Shouldn’t you be at school in September? They by climate change as they will both lose their
will call us back sooner, I think. productive capacity to a great extent.

D) Don’t you think you should not take advantage of

the situation to buy cheap tickets?
50. Whether the emergency is a hurricane,
E) And I think you should postpone that trip earthquake, or disease outbreak, you need to be
indefinitely, with the economic crisis and the prepared with an emergency kit in your car and
current pandemic. home.

A) One has to be prepared for emergencies at home

rather than in a car, and it doesn’t matter if it is a
hurricane, earthquake, or disease outbreak.

B) There has to be an emergency kit in your car and

home for possible emergencies like earthquakes,
hurricanes, or disease outbreaks.

C) It is necessary for you to be prepared with

an emergency kit in your car and home for
any emergency – whether it is a hurricane,
earthquake, or disease outbreak.

D) What you need to do is to buy an emergency kit

for your car and home for possible emergencies

like hurricanes, earthquakes and disease


E) An emergency kit must be ready in your car and

home at all times, and the type of emergency
doesn’t matter; it could be a hurricane,
earthquake, or disease outbreak.

Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

Türkiye Geneli YDT Deneme I / 2020-21

51. Although there are many ways of dealing 53. Studies suggest that people who drink coffee are
with poachers, technology is providing new less likely to get certain illnesses, such as heart
opportunities for the police and rangers to track disease, but we don’t know why this is so.
and find them.
A) As far as studies are concerned, coffee drinkers
A) There are different ways of dealing with poachers, are not likely to get certain illnesses such as heart

but technology is providing the police and rangers disease, but the reason for this is a mystery.
with new opportunities to track and punish them.
B) Why people who drink coffee get some illnesses
B) There are too many poachers to deal with, yet like heart disease less than others is a mystery
technology is providing new opportunities for the according to studies.
police and rangers to track and find them.
C) Though coffee drinkers are less prone to get
C) Though poachers could be dealt with in some some illnesses like heart disease according to
different ways, technology is also helping studies, we don’t know why this is the case.
provide the police and rangers with some new
opportunities to track and find them. D) Heart disease and other certain illnesses are less
frequently seen among coffee drinkers according
D) Poachers can be dealt with in many ways, but to some studies, yet we have no idea why it is the
new opportunities are provided by technology for case.

the police and rangers to track and find them.

E) Coffee drinkers are lucky in that they suffer from
E) As technology provides new opportunities for the certain illnesses like heart disease, but several
police and rangers to track and find poachers, studies were unable to come up with an answer
old ways of dealing with them will eventually be to why this happens.

54. - 58. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş ola-

bilecek sözü bulunuz.

54. You call an ambulance because of the acute pain

52. Since flu is an infectious disease, it depends in your lower back. Still, when the ambulance
entirely on human hosts to carry and spread it. arrives, the paramedics refuse to take you to the
only hospital in town as they are busy because of
A) Flu is an infectious disease, so human hosts are
a huge traffic accident. You want to get rid of the
essential for its carriage and spread.
pain immediately, so you ask them: ----
B) Being an infectious disease, flu may need human A) Isn’t it your duty to take people with health
hosts to carry and spread it. problems to the hospital?
C) As in other infectious diseases, it would be B) Will you call my doctor so that he can come later
impossible for flu to spread without human hosts in the day for a shot?
carrying it.
C) When will it be safe for us to go to hospitals
D) If flu weren’t an infectious disease, it wouldn’t again?

need human hosts to carry and spread it.

D) So you say there is no place available in intensive
E) Its dependence on human hosts to carry and care, don’t you?
spread it makes flu an infectious disease.
E) Can you at least give me a strong shot of
painkiller now?

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55. You had hardly placed an order online for a 57. Your neighbour next door has left their pet rabbit
smartphone when you saw a better offer on a with you while they are on holiday. But the rabbit
different site, so you want to cancel the order. has run away, and you haven’t been able to find
However, the website doesn’t give you the option. him no matter what you have done. When they
So you call the hotline and politely explain the call you to ask if the rabbit is OK, you tell them

problem: ---- the truth: ----

A) What kind of business are you running? How can A) I am the last person to trust a pet with. Why did
you say I can’t cancel my order? you leave her with me?

B) I have placed my order for a smartphone, but I B) Aren’t you supposed to be coming today? The
want to cancel it, and the website doesn’t let me. rabbit seems to have missed you.

C) You claim on your website that we can cancel the C) I can’t seem to find enough food for her. She has
order if we find a better offer elsewhere. devoured the carrots you left.

D) I know I shouldn’t have attempted to buy things D) Look. I don’t know how, but she disappeared. I
online. have been looking for her for hours.

E) The website says unconditional cancel of deals, E) It looks like she has run away from me to look for

but apparently, it is a lie. you guys.

56. You follow a tech expert who gives solid advice 58. Walking down the street, a stranger hugs you

on Twitter. His advice helps thousands of and tries to kiss you. At first, you think she has
followers, but he sometimes makes grammar mistaken you for someone else, but it becomes
mistakes. When you see a hurtful comment by clear that she is doing it as part of a joke since
a follower about his mistake, you can’t help her friends are recording the situation. Irritated,
reacting, and so you write a reply to the follower: you say: ----
A) Do I know you? You somewhat look familiar to
A) What a nice way to say “thanks” to the person me.
who does nothing but help people like you!
B) Seriously? You can’t have mistaken me for your
B) You shouldn’t be disheartened by such boyfriend, can you?
comments. Please keep on supporting us.
C) Whenever I go out, why do jokes like this happen
C) This is the reason why I am going to deactivate to find me?
my account.

D) Will you please get off me? I don’t want to be a

D) This platform is full of people like you who give part of your silly joke.
positive support to content creators.
E) Pranks are good – especially when they involve
E) Enough is enough! I am not going to advise on some humour.
this platform anymore!

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60. The Valley of the Kings was the burial site of

59. - 63. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere parçada
many rulers of Egypt’s New Kingdom (circa 1539-
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek
1075 BC) when Egypt rose to new heights of
cümleyi bulunuz.
power and influence. Building this great desert
necropolis, or graveyard, began during the reign
59. You are locked inside and are encouraged to do

of Thutmose I, the third king of the 18th dynasty,
one hour of physical exercise per day. And you whose rule marked the rebirth of Egypt following
know it will be months before life will return to a long period of instability. A grand tomb was
normal. Sounds familiar? Not what you have prepared for Thutmose, cut into the rock of the
guessed though: it describes the life of an distant desert valleys on the Nile’s west bank.
astronaut aboard the International Space Station. ---- Other New Kingdom rulers placed their tombs
---- Earlier this year, an unnamed astronaut there, too, and the cemetery grew.
developed a blood clot in space for the first time
– a common health problem which affects at least A) In the 1st century BC, Diodorus Siculus described
one person in 1000 on Earth. the Valley of the Kings as a ruin.

A) Moreover, male and female astronauts have the B) Despite attempts to hide their contents, most
same pre-mission training schedules. tombs were extensively looted.

B) Thus, female astronauts could avoid using the C) Even with the loss of its golden grave goods,

medicine prescribed for male astronauts. Seti’s tomb still had many treasures.

C) There are, however, real physical risks to being in D) There is a structure known to scholars as KV17.
space, especially in a space station.
E) This remote spot was chosen to hide extravagant
D) Nevertheless, the physical activity of at least 30 royal burials from tomb raiders.
minutes per day is vital for health.

E) In contrast, astronauts are known to lose bone

density when they travel to space.

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61. Flowing out of the Black Forest in Germany 62. The Colombian drug baron Pablo Escobar
across Europe, the Danube runs for more than surrendered and was subsequently jailed in June
1,700 miles before it meets the Black Sea. ---- 1991. ---- He was allowed to build a luxurious
The Danube created a natural border, and the prison, which became known as La Catedral. Not
rulers of Rome, starting with the first emperor, only did the facility include a nightclub, sauna,

Augustus, used it to mark the place where Rome waterfall, and soccer field, it also had telephones,
ended, and the frontier began. computers, and fax machines.

A) The river, Europe’s second-longest, has shaped A) Nevertheless, Escobar was able to escape
the history of the continent as much as it has custody in July 1992.
shaped the landscape.
B) Escobar inspired numerous books, movies, and
B) Roman writers did not differentiate among the TV projects in the decades after his death.
Germanic tribes who lived north of the Danube.
C) His imprisonment, however, had little effect on his
C) The two Roman fleets sailing the Danube criminal activities and his lifestyle.
performed the same functions on the river as the
legions did on land. D) In addition to rival drug traffickers, his victims
included police officers and civilians.
D) It has been harnessed for hydroelectric power,

and the cities along its banks have depended E) In the mid-1970s he helped found the crime
upon it for their economic growth. organization that later became known as the
Medellín cartel.
E) At Regensburg, the Danube changes its direction
towards south and crosses the vast, fertile and
level country.

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63. The composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is

remembered for his giftedness, his prolific 64. - 69. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlam-
output, and his beautiful and memorable ca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
melodies. With all due respect to the famous
opening bars of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik,
64. Australian soldiers served in North Africa in the

probably the most familiar melody associated
early wartime years, but many returned to defend
with Mozart is known to English speakers as
Australia from possible attack after the invasion
“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” ---- However, the
of south-east Asia by the Japanese.
story isn’t true. Mozart, in fact, composed a set of
variations on the tune for the piano. A) Savaşın ilk yıllarında Kuzey Afrika’da görev
yapan Avustralya askerleri, Güneydoğu
A) The complete work was published in 1785 and
Asya’nın Japonlar tarafından istilasından sonra
was described as variations on “Ah, Vous dirai-je,
Avustralya’yı muhtemel saldırıya karşı savunmak
için geri döndüler.
B) As for “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” it originated
B) Avustralya askerleri, savaşın ilk yıllarında
as a poem written by Jane Taylor and was
Kuzey Afrika’da görev yaptı, ancak Güneydoğu
published in 1806 as “The Star.”
Asya’nın Japonlar tarafından istilasından sonra
C) Among the other songs that have made use of Avustralya’yı muhtemel saldırıya karşı savunmak

the melody are “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep,” the için geri döndüler.
alphabet song, and a German sing-along.
C) Avustralya askerleri, savaşın ilk yıllarında
D) Indeed, it is commonly believed that the tune was Kuzey Afrika’da görev yaparken Güneydoğu
one of Mozart’s earliest compositions, written for Asya’nın Japonlar tarafından istilasından sonra
his older sister, Nannerl. Avustralya’yı muhtemel saldırıya karşı savunmak
için geri dönmek zorunda kaldılar.
E) Although some scholars have suggested that the
tune might be as old as 1740, the identity of its D) Savaşın ilk yıllarında Kuzey Afrika’da görev
composer is still a mystery. yapmakta olan Avustralya askerleri, Güneydoğu
Asya’nın Japonlar tarafından istilasından sonra
Avustralya’yı muhtemel saldırıya karşı savunmak
için geri çağrıldılar.

E) Avustralya askerleri, savaşın ilk yıllarında Kuzey

Afrika’da görev yapmış olsalar da Güneydoğu
Asya’nın Japonlar tarafından istilasından sonra
Avustralya’yı muhtemel saldırıya karşı savunmak
için geri döndüler.

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65. The year AD 1000 was far more globalized than 67. Emotionally intelligent people can communicate
we might think and may offer lessons for today’s their opinions and needs while respecting the
interconnected world. opinions and needs of the people around them.

A) MS 1000 yılı, düşündüğümüzden çok daha A) Etraflarındaki insanların fikir ve ihtiyaçlarına saygı
küreselleşmiş olabilir ve günümüzün birbirine duyup kendi fikir ve ihtiyaçlarını dile getirebilen

bağlı dünyası için dersler sunabilir. insanların duygusal zekası yüksektir.

B) Düşündüğümüzden çok daha küreselleşmiş olan B) Duygusal olarak zeki olanların bir özelliği de
MS 1000 yılı, günümüzün birbirine bağlı dünyası etraflarındaki insanların fikir ve ihtiyaçlarına
için dersler sunabilir. saygı duyup kendi fikir ve ihtiyaçlarını dile
C) MS 1000 yılı, düşündüğümüzden çok daha
küreselleşmişti ve günümüzün birbirine bağlı C) Duygusal zekaya sahip olmak için kişilerin,
dünyasının ondan alacağı dersler olabilir. etraflarındaki insanların fikir ve ihtiyaçlarına
saygı duyup kendi fikir ve ihtiyaçlarını dile
D) Günümüzün birbirine bağlı dünyasının, getirebilmeleri gerekir.
düşündüğümüzden çok daha küreselleşmiş olan
MS 1000 yılından alacağı dersler var. D) Duygusal olarak zeki olan insanlar, etraflarındaki
insanların fikir ve ihtiyaçlarına saygı duyarken

E) MS 1000 yılı, günümüzün birbirine bağlı dünyası kendi fikir ve ihtiyaçlarını dile getirebilmektedirler.
kadar küreselleşmişti ve sandığımızdan fazla ders
içermekteydi. E) Duygusal olarak zeki olan insanlar, etraflarındaki
insanların fikir ve ihtiyaçlarına saygı duymakla
kalmayıp kendi fikir ve ihtiyaçlarını dile getirebilir.

66. Experts agree that we may never know for sure

how humans originally came to Australia and
whether it was intentional or by accident.

A) Uzmanların hemfikir olduğu şey, insanların ilk

başta Avustralya’ya nasıl geldiğini ve bunun
bilerek mi yoksa kazayla mı olduğunu asla

bilemeyecek olmamızdır.

B) Uzmanlar, insanların Avustralya’ya hangi yolla

geldiğini bilmektedir ve bunun bilerek mi yoksa
kazayla mı olduğunu asla bilemeyebileceğimiz
konusunda da hemfikirdirler.

C) İnsanların ilk başta Avustralya’ya nasıl geldiğini

ve bunun bilerek mi yoksa kazayla mı olduğunu
asla bilemeyebileceğimiz konusunda en azından
uzmanlar hemfikirdirler.

D) Uzmanlar çok az konuda hemfikirdir ve insanların

ilk başta Avustralya’ya nasıl geldiğini ve bunun

bilerek mi yoksa kazayla mı olduğunu asla

bilemeyebilecek oluşumuz bunlardan birisidir.

E) Uzmanlar, insanların ilk başta Avustralya’ya nasıl

geldiğini ve bunun bilerek mi yoksa kazayla mı
olduğunu asla bilemeyebileceğimiz konusunda

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68. The Black Death, which is now most widely used 69. Watching the wildlife outside your window can
to describe the Bubonic plague outbreak of the boost your mental well-being, and it is something
14th century, is, in fact, a 17th-century translation lots of people have been doing a lot more of
of a Danish name for the disease. lately.

A) Kara Ölüm, günümüzde en yaygın şekilde 14. A) Son zamanlarda birçok insan, pencerelerinin

yüzyıldaki Baloncuklu veba salgınını tanımlamak dışındaki doğal hayatı daha sık izliyor ve bu
için kullanılmaktadır, ancak aslında hastalığa sayede akıl sağlığını güçlendiriyor.
verilen Danca bir ismin 17. yüzyıldaki çevirisidir.
B) Son zamanlarda birçok insanın pencerelerinin
B) Kara Ölümün günümüzde en yaygın şekilde 14. dışındaki doğal hayatı daha sık izliyor olmasının
yüzyıldaki Baloncuklu veba salgınını tanımlamak sebebi, akıl sağlıklarını desteklemek istemeleri
için kullanılmasına karşın aslında bu isim olabilir.
hastalığa verilen Danca bir ismin 17. yüzyıldaki
çevirisidir. C) Pencerenizin dışındaki doğal hayatı izlemek, akıl
sağlığınızı destekleyebilir ve bu birçok insanın
C) Kara Ölüm, en yaygın şekilde 14. yüzyıldaki son zamanlarda daha çok yaptığı bir şeydir.
Baloncuklu veba salgınını tanımlamak için
kullanılıyor olabilir ama aslında hastalığın Danca D) Pencerenizin dışındaki doğal hayatı izleyince
isminin 17. yüzyıldaki çevirisidir. akıl sağlığınızda iyileşmeler olabilir ve son

zamanlarda birçok insanın daha fazla yaptığı şey

D) Günümüzde en yaygın şekilde 14. yüzyıldaki tam da bu.
Baloncuklu veba salgınını tanımlamak için
kullanılan Kara Ölüm, aslında hastalığa verilen E) Akıl sağlığını desteklemek istiyorsanız
Danca bir ismin 17. yüzyıldaki çevirisidir. pencerenizin dışındaki doğal hayatı birçok insanın
son zamanlarda yaptığı gibi daha sık izlemelisiniz.
E) Günümüzde, 14. yüzyıldaki Baloncuklu veba
salgınını tanımlamak için aslında hastalığın
Danca isminin 17. yüzyıldaki çevirisi olan Kara
Ölüm ifadesinin kullanımı yaygındır.

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71. Uzaktan çalışma, bilhassa üniversite mezunları,

70. - 75. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye an-lamca yöneticiler ve profesyoneller arasında yaygındır,
en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. ancak uygulanması aynı zamanda sektöre ve işin
doğasına bağlıdır.

70. Çoğu insan bilim kurguyu edebi olarak görmese A) Remote work is particularly common

de araştırmalar, her tür kurgunun eleştirel among university graduates, managers and
düşünme becerilerini geliştirebileceğini professionals, but its practice also depends on
göstermektedir. the sector and the nature of the job.

A) Most people may not consider science fiction to B) Although it is common among university
be “literary,” yet research shows that all kinds of graduates, managers, and professionals in
fiction can improve critical thinking skills. particular, remote work depends on the sector
and the nature of the job in terms of practice.
B) While most people do not consider science fiction
to be “literary,” research shows that all kinds of C) Since remote work is particularly common
fiction can improve critical thinking skills. among university graduates, managers and
professionals, its practice depends on the sector
C) Science fiction may not be considered “literary” by
and the nature of the job.
most people, but it has been shown by research

that all kinds of fiction can improve critical thinking D) Much as remote work is particularly common
skills. among university graduates, managers and
professionals the sector and the nature of the job
D) If science fiction were considered “literary”
define its practice.
by most people, there wouldn’t be a need for
research to show that all kinds of fiction can E) Remote work might be quite common
improve critical thinking skills. among university graduates, managers and
professionals, yet its practice strictly depends on
E) Research shows that all kinds of fiction can
the sector and the nature of the job.
improve critical thinking skills; however, most
people do not consider science fiction to be

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72. Bir zamanlar sadece Doğu ruhani gelenekleriyle 73. Bebeklerin görsel dikkati herhangi bir anda en
ilgilenen insanların aşina olduğu gizemli bir konu ilginç neyi bulurlarsa ona çekildiği için siz onları
olan farkındalık, bugün oldukça yaygındır. kucağınızda tutarken sizi görmezden gelirlerse
A) Though it was a mysterious topic only familiar
to people with interests in Eastern spiritual A) Infants’ visual attention is drawn to whatever they

traditions, mindfulness is pretty common today. find most interesting at any given moment, so you
shouldn’t be surprised if they ignore you while you
B) A mysterious topic, mindfulness was only familiar are holding them.
to people with interests in Eastern spiritual
traditions in the past, but it is pretty common B) If infants’ visual attention weren’t drawn to
today. whatever they find most interesting at any given
moment, you wouldn’t be surprised when they
C) Once a mysterious topic only familiar to people ignore you while you are holding them.
with interests in Eastern spiritual traditions,
mindfulness is pretty common today. C) The reason why infants will ignore you while you
are holding them is that their visual attention is
D) In the past, only people with interests in Eastern drawn to whatever they find most interesting at
spiritual traditions were familiar with mindfulness, any given moment.
yet now it is quite popular.

D) Infants will focus on whatever they find most

E) Even if mindfulness is quite commonplace today, interesting at any given moment, and thus they
it was once a mysterious topic only familiar might ignore you while you are holding them,
to people with interests in Eastern spiritual which shouldn’t surprise you.
E) Since infants’ visual attention is drawn to
whatever they find most interesting at any given
moment, you shouldn’t be surprised if they ignore
you while you are holding them.

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74. Katıksız meyve suyu, vitamin, mineral ve 75. İklim değişikliği ile ilgili korkular yoğunlaştıkça
antioksidan içerir ve bunlar bağışıklık sistemini doğaya aykırı eylemlerimiz için doğa tarafından
destekleyip enfeksiyon ve yangıyı uzak tutmaya cezalandırılıyor olduğumuzu düşünmemiz
yardım eder. normal.

A) Since pure fruit juice contains vitamins, minerals A) As fears about climate change intensify, it is

and antioxidants, it can boost the immune system normal to feel like we are being punished by
and help ward off infection and inflammation. nature for our unnatural activities.

B) Pure fruit juice contains vitamins, minerals B) Fears about climate change intensify, so it is
and antioxidants, and these can boost the normal to feel like we are punished by nature for
immune system and help ward off infection and our unnatural activities.
C) The more intense our fears about climate change
C) Were it not for pure fruit juice, which contains get, the more normal it becomes to feel like we
vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, our immune are being punished by nature for our unnatural
system would fail to ward off infection and activities.
D) It is normal to feel like we are being punished
D) The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that pure by nature for our unnatural activities, and this is

fruit juice contains can boost the immune system because fears about climate change intensify.
and help ward off infection and inflammation.
E) Fears about climate change intensify, and thus we
E) It is by the help of the vitamins, minerals and feel like we are being punished by nature for our
antioxidants pure fruit juice contains that our unnatural activities.
immune system can ward off infection and

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79. (I) Dinosaurs were the dominant species for nearly

76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğun-
165 million years, during a period known as the
da parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
Mesozoic Era. (II) Growing evidence suggests that
many dinosaurs were warm-blooded, bore colourful
feathers, and engaged in behaviours similar to those
76. (I) Physical water scarcity is the result of a region’s

of contemporary birds. (III) Their reign concluded at
demand outpacing the limited water resources found
the end of the Cretaceous Period when an asteroid
there. (II) Water scarcity is inextricably linked to
the size of a mountain slammed into Mexico’s
human rights, and sufficient access to safe drinking
Yucatán Peninsula with the force of 100 trillion tons
water should be a priority for global development.
of TNT. (IV) The impact created a crater 115 miles
(III) According to the Food and Agricultural
across and several miles deep and sent tons of rock,
Organization, around 1.2 billion people live in areas
dust, and debris into the atmosphere. (V) Darkness
of physical scarcity, and many of these people live in
descended across the planet that, along with other
arid or semi-arid regions. (IV) Physical water scarcity
related catastrophes, wiped out an estimated 80
can be seasonal, so an estimated two-thirds of the
percent of life on Earth.
world’s population lives in areas subject to seasonal
water scarcity at least one month of the year. (V) The A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
number of people affected by physical water scarcity
is expected to grow as populations increase and as

weather patterns become more unpredictable and


A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

77. (I) About three-fourths of cats’ sleep is a shallow,

almost-waking rest called slow-wave sleep.
(II) Cats doze in a kind of ready position, their senses
of smell and hearing in the “on” mode, so their ears
occasionally tremble. (III) Peaceful but alert, they are
ready to react instantly: to jump on prey or to scratch 80. (I) Among the most annoying of bugs that irritate us
you for petting them while they are sleeping. during summer are mosquitoes, whose bites can
(IV) These famous catnaps usually last 15–30 cause itching for days. (II) The thing bothering us is

minutes. (V) Hiding from humans and jumping that their nuisance doesn’t end when they bite us and
repeatedly is undoubtedly exhausting for cats. take our blood. (III) The best way to avoid the itching
is to avoid mosquitoes in the first place. (IV) Their
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
bite leaves us with a nasty itch that even disturbs our
sleep. (V) In fact, people with allergic sensitivity can
78. (I) According to some, the phrase “pair of pants” goes suffer for days, even weeks, from a single mosquito
back to the days when what constituted pants – or bite.
pantaloons, as they were originally known –consisted A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
of two separate items, one for each leg. (II) They
were put on one at a time and then secured around
the waist. (III) So, “pants” is a type of noun that is
used only in its plural form, even when there is only
one item being discussed. (IV) Calling them a pair of

pantaloons, or pants, as they were eventually known,

made sense when there were two components.
(V) The phrasing was retained even after pants were
made into one complete garment.



24 Merkezi ve Yayıncılık Hizmetleri

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