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September 26, 2021 - Pentecost 18 - PSALM 75:1-7

INTRO.: We like to think we are in control. Growing in wisdom we learn that our loving, heavenly
Father is in control. He carefully guides our footsteps on his path that leads to life. All too often our
sinful will strays from that path. Our gracious God guides us back. It is good to know that the Lord’s
will is done no matter what we might decide to do today or tomorrow. “You do not know what
tomorrow will bring. What is your life? Indeed, it is a mist that appears for a little while and then
disappears.” (JAMES 4:14) WE ARE THANKFUL FOR THE LORD’S WORKS. I. The Lord
judges rightly. II. The Lord’s choice prevails.


A. Verse 2. Powerfully the Lord declares: “I choose the appointed time.” All times in God’s hands.
1. “I am the one who judges rightly.” Comforting truth in the midst of so many unjust judges.
2. Judgment Day is coming at the Lord’s appointed time. God will justly judge rightly.
B. Verse 3. Nature itself groans in expectation of the Lord’s Day of judgment. Last day.
1. Until that Last Day the Lord God of Armies holds the earth’s foundations firmly.
2. Seasons change. Planets remain in their orbits. Sun rises. Sets. Lord provides.
C. Verse 4a. The proud are not to boast. They may think so, but they are not in charge, control.
1. Verses 4b, 5. “Do not raise a horn…your horn to the heights.” Horn means strength.
2. Human strength does not, will not, and cannot match God’s almighty strength.
3. “Do not speak insolently…outstretched neck.” No room for pride, boasting. Stiff-neck.

D. Envy infects all of us. It is a dangerous sin. Our eyes constantly look at others. All too often we
compare and despair. They seem to have more than we have. Newer than us. And bigger. Even worse
it seems as if the wicked prosper. It can seem that Christ followers take a back seat to the successes of
the wicked. The wicked may seem to succeed in this world. But they will not be blessed in eternity.
“Do not envy evil people, and do not wish to be with them, because their hearts plan violence, and their
lips speak trouble.” (PROVERBS 24:1) The wicked plan violence. They speak trouble. Do we really
want to be like them? The Lord judges rightly.

E. Our new man constantly battles against our old man. Our sinful nature would love to overcome our
Christian nature. We live in a very wicked world. Our society emphasizes satisfaction in the number of
things we have. Lots of stuff can bring lots of happiness. At least the world around us wants us to
believe their harmful lies. “For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the desire of the eyes,
boasting about material possessions—is not from the Father but from the world.” (1 JOHN 2:16)  Our
worldly lust and desires do not last. Will not truly satisfy. We boast about our many physical
possession. All of this sinfulness is from the world not the Lord. God judges rightly.

F. What are we to do when the wicked prosper? What is the answer for our pride? Envy? Boasting?
We will want to be thankful for the Lord’s works. The Lord God of Armies works all things for the
good of those who love him. Those called according to his purpose. Do not worry the Lord cares for
you. Do not be afraid the Lord protects you. Be thankful for the Lord’s just judgment. “I said in my
heart, ‘God will judge the righteous and the wicked. Yes, there will be a time for every case to be settled
before God.’" (ECCLESIASTES 3:17) Mercy and forgiveness = just judgment.

WE ARE THANKFUL FOR THE LORD’S WORKS. The Lord will judge justly and rightly.
A. The Lord warns against boasting. Warns against pride. Reminds all of his almighty strength.
1. Verse 6. Power and authority do not really come from any earthly dominance.
2. Verse 7a. “No, it is God who makes the decision.” The Lord decides times, places.
B. Verse 7b. “He (God) brings down one. He raises up another.” Earthly kingdoms rise and fall.
1. Any earthly authority that exists exists because of God’s choice. His choice prevails.
2. The Lord raises up kingdoms for his purpose. They turn away. God also turns away.
C. Verse 1. “We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks.” To God be all the world’s thankfulness.
1. “Your wonderful deeds reveal that your name is near.” We are thankful for the Lord’s works.
2. The name of the Lord is near. It is in hearts of believers. On their lips. In their lives.

D. We might feel that our society is changing too quickly. Too alarmingly. What has happened to our
freedoms? Our choices? Our individual control? Our government? Nothing has taken place that our
Lord God of Armies has not allowed. The choice of the Lord prevails. It is true humans want to act on
their will. We pray with boldness and confidence: “Thy will be done!” The powers that exist exist
only with the authority that God gives to them (Romans 13:1-7). God raised up Babylon for judgment
against Israel. Daniel was a man of faith living in Babylon. Daniel always testified to God’s truth. “He
changes times and eras. He removes kings, and he brings kings to power. He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to those who have good judgment.” (DANIEL 2:21)

E. Our Lord warns us against pride and boasting. Not all boasting is bad. Or prohibited. “Instead, let
those who boast boast about this: that they have understanding, and that they know me. They know that
I am the LORD, who shows mercy, justice, and righteousness on earth, for I delight in these things,
declares the LORD." (JEREMIAH 9:24) We are encouraged to boast about our knowledge about the
Lord. The Lord knows us. We know the Lord. It is the Lord God of all creation “who shows mercy,
justice, and righteousness…” People in this world need to hear this boasting. The Lord delights to
show all “mercy, justice, and righteousness”. This wonderful work of God is our reason for our

F. We are thankful for the Lord’s works which he shows us every day. We are thankful that the Lord
God of Armies has revealed himself to us. We know the Lord God is our loving, heavenly Father. He
loves us perfectly. He calls us. Chooses us. Gives us purpose in our lives. "You did not choose me, but
I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will endure, so that the Father will give
you whatever you ask in my name.” (JOHN 15:16) Fruit that will last is spiritual fruit. Only spiritual
fruit endures eternally. In today’s second lesson (James 3:13-18) the Lord describes such spiritual fruit.
“Wisdom…from above is pure…peaceful…gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial,
and sincere…sown in peace”. This spiritual wisdom reveals itself in thankful living. It is the very
wisdom our world desperately needs to hear. Know. Seen in thankful lives for Lord’s works.

CONC.: Dear friends may the worries and unfounded fears in your lives be replaced with the
thankfulness in knowing the Lord’s marvelous deeds. The works of the Lord are many. Perfect. The
Lord judges rightly. When condemned innocent Jesus entrusted himself to the one who judges justly.
The Lord’s choice prevails. Always. Thankfully we boldly confess: "I praise you because I am
fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and my soul knows that very well.”

PENTECOST 18 rdgs: JEREMIAH 11:18-20; JAMES 3:13-18; MARK 9:30-37; (PSALM 31)
Sunday radio broadcast @ 9:00am on KQNK 106.7FM or 1530AM & Facebook & for recorded worship services

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