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Tentative Agreement 9/24/21



1. Eugene School District 4J (District) and Oregon School Employees Association, Chapter 1
(OSEA) enter into the following agreement related to the implementation of Oregon’s statewide
COVID-19 vaccination mandate for teachers and school staff as reflected in Oregon
Administrative Rule (OAR) 333-019-1030.

2. The district has extended the requirements of OAR 333-019-1030 to all employees.

3. The district and OSEA agree that the following terms and conditions apply to the district’s policy
requiring that all bargaining unit employees be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by October
18, 2021.


1. Employees shall submit to Human Resources by 5:00 PM on October 5, 2021, proof that they
will be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by October 18, 2021. The deadline for submitting an
exception request and documentation was September 13, 2021.

2. “Fully vaccinated" means having received both doses of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine or one
dose of a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine and at least 14 days have passed since the individual’s
final dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

3. Employees who will not be fully vaccinated by 5:00 PM October 18, 2021 or who do not have a
district-approved medical or religious exception by October 5, 2021, will be permitted to resign
by emailing Human Resources of their intent to resign effective 5:00 PM on October 18, 2021;
written notice of resignation must be provided via email to [email protected] or by a letter delivered
to Human Resources, 4J Education Center, 200 N. Monroe Street, Eugene OR 97402 by 5:00 PM
on October 5, 2021. Employees who do not submit proof of vaccination, have an approved
medical or religious exception, or who have not given notice of their decision to resign by the
deadline of October 5, 2021 will be terminated, effective 5:00 PM on October 18, 2021, for
failing to meet a requirement of their employment. The Association agrees that it will not file a
grievance or take any other legal action against the district on behalf of any employee whose
employment is terminated pursuant to and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this
Agreement. It is understood that Human Resources may, in individual cases, adjust the deadline
of October 5, as part of the interactive process.

4. Should an employee submit evidence of partial vaccination by October 18, 2021 and a plan to
become fully vaccinated, the district may in its discretion permit the employee to take unpaid
leave for a maximum of 6 weeks for the purpose of becoming fully vaccinated. The district shall
not pay medical benefits during any such period of leave, and employees shall not be permitted to
use accrued paid leave. In exceptional circumstances, Human Resources may permit paid leave,

Tentative Agreement 9/24/21

however, such decisions are final with the Human Resources Director and may not be grieved or
appealed in any forum.

5. Should an employee become ill due to receiving a COVID-19 vaccination, such employee may
use up to 2 days of their accrued sick leave for their absence, and thereafter may use up to 2 days
of paid leave to be approved by Human Resources.

6. A request for a medical exception must have been made to Human Resources by noon on
September 13, 2021, and corroborated by a document signed by a medical provider, who is not
the individual seeking the exception, on a form prescribed by the Oregon Health Authority,
certifying that the individual has a physical or mental impairment that limits the individual’s
ability to receive a COVID-19 vaccination based on a specified medical diagnosis, and that
specifies whether the impairment is temporary in nature or permanent. The district may request
additional documentation. Employees unable to schedule an appointment with their health care
provider by noon on September 13, 2021, must make a request for an extension to Human
Resources by the same date and time.

7. A request for a religious exception must have been made by noon on September 13, 2021 and
corroborated by a document, on a form prescribed by the Oregon Health Authority, signed by the
individual stating that the individual is requesting an exception from the COVID-19 vaccination
requirement on the basis of a sincerely held religious belief and including a statement describing
the way in which the vaccination requirement conflicts with the religious observance, practice, or
belief of the individual. The district may request additional documentation.

8. The District will consider medical and religious exception requests to the vaccination requirement
on an individualized basis in accordance with applicable state and federal laws. Employees are
required to cooperate in the interactive process and to timely provide all requested

9. When required by law, the District will provide reasonable accommodations to employees who
are granted a medical or religious exception to the vaccination requirement, while also taking
reasonable steps to ensure that all staff are protected from contracting and spreading COVID-19.
Reasonable accommodations may include but are not limited to reassignments, unpaid leave, or
schedule adjustments. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to limit the district’s determination
as to whether an accommodation may pose an undue hardship or whether granting an exception
would create a direct threat to the health and safety of others. If the district’s decisions as regards
accommodation or the granting or denial of an exception are grieved to arbitration, the decision
may only be changed if found to be arbitrary or capricious or taken in bad faith.

10. Human Resources may adjust the deadlines in this Agreement as necessary to accommodate
members on leave or to address exceptional and unforeseen circumstances.

11. Staff not currently vaccinated must undergo weekly at-home COVID-19 screening testing by mail
through Oregon Health Authority’s COVID-19 Testing in Oregon’s K-12 Schools Program.

12. Staff who are granted unpaid leave pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall, by April 1,
2022, provide written notice to Human Resources of their intent to comply with district policy
concerning vaccination against COVID-19, with or without accommodation, and to return to

Tentative Agreement 9/24/21

work for the 2022-23 work year. Written notice may be provided in email to [email protected] or by
a letter delivered to Human Resources, 200 N. Monroe Street, Eugene OR 97402. Failure to
provide such notice will constitute a resignation from district employment and will terminate
recall rights, if applicable.

13. The district will implement the 4J COVID-19 temporary paid leave (TPL) bank as provided in
Attachment 1 to this Agreement.

14. This Agreement, once ratified, shall be retroactive to August 30, 2021. It is understood that in
order to comply with legal requirements, the district may begin implementation prior to

15. This Agreement expires June 30, 2022, unless extended in writing by the parties.



__________________________________ ____________________________________
Sheila Waggoner Date Cydney Vandercar Date
President Superintendent

__________________________________ ____________________________________
Steve Sears Date Judy Newman Date
Field Representative - OSEA Chair, Board of Directors

4J COVID-19 Temporary Paid Leave (TPL) Bank

Qualifying Reasons for Leave

Access to the 4J COVID-19 Temporary Paid Leave (TPL) Bank will be granted to employees
unable to work (including telework if authorized) in the following circumstances:
(1) The employee has a positive COVID-19 diagnosis;
(2) The employee is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and is seeking a COVID-19 test
or is awaiting test results; or
(3) The employee is subject to a quarantine or isolation order (directed by Lane County
Public Health or district COVID administrator or designee).

In addition to any applicable bereavement leave provided by a collective bargaining agreement,

up to five (5) days of TPL may be granted at the discretion of the Human Resources Director for a
death related to COVID-19.

TPL may not be granted for any other purpose.

To be eligible to access the 4J TPL:
● The employee must be employed by the district in a regular, benefits-eligible position. In
addition, eligibility extends to non-benefits eligible employees in regular-status positions
covered by the OSEA collective bargaining agreement.
● For employees represented by a bargaining unit, there must be a signed, ratified
agreement extending the program to the applicable bargaining unit. This program does
not include coaches, seasonal workers, substitutes, or unrepresented temporary staff.
● The employee is not presently receiving long-term or short-term disability benefits
through OEBB or other third-party supplemental insurance program.
● The employee is not applying for or receiving unemployment compensation or Workers
Compensation payments for the time off due to quarantine, isolation or experiencing
COVID-19 symptoms.
● The employee is fully cooperative with Human Resources in providing information
requested, and in taking COVID-19 diagnostic tests requested by the district or the
employee’s health care provider.
● The employee has followed district notification protocols meaning that they are to notify
their supervisor and stay home if they have a presumptive or confirmed diagnosis of
COVID 19, have been exposed to a person with COVID 19 or are being tested for COVID
19 due to symptoms or exposure concerns.
● Pay continuation for up to 10 days total during the 2021-22 year, at the employee’s
regular daily rate. The days need not be consecutive.
● After exhausting 10 days of TPL and other applicable leaves, eligible employees
experiencing a serious COVID-19 related health condition may request an award of an

Attachment 1 1
4J COVID-19 Temporary Paid Leave (TPL) Bank

available contractual sick leave bank in accordance with the terms of the applicable labor
● After an employee has exhausted all paid leave and is or about to be in unpaid status,
additional leave of up to 10 days may be provided at the HR Director’s discretion based
on extraordinary circumstances. For purposes of this program only, paid leave includes
TPL, sick leave, sick leave bank award (if applicable), vacation time (in excess of 40
hours), personal days and compensatory time.

The employee must cooperate with and follow directions provided by the district contact tracer.
This may include a requirement to submit a request for TPL to [email protected], provide
all required documentation and follow all required steps to obtain approval for leave.

The district may require documentation of the need for leave.

Any denial of leave under this program may be appealed to the Assistant Superintendent for
Operations whose decision shall be final.

Duration of Program
● The district has authorized 10,000 hours for the temporary leave program bank for the
2021-22 year. The district in its sole discretion reserves the right to continue the program
should the 10,000 hours be exhausted, through all available means including sick leave
● This benefit is intended to be available through June 30, 2022 only.
● The district may terminate or modify the program at any time if:
o The leave bank is exhausted.
o The district determines in good faith there is a reason to do so.
o Law is enacted providing or requiring some or all of the benefits provided by this

Attachment 1 2

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