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Contemporary Frameworks in Management [CFM 207]


Q1. Emotional intelligence draws from branches of behavioral, emotional, and ____________ theories.
A. Communication
B. Psychological
C. Scientific
D. Leadership

Q2. Greater career success, Stronger personal relationships and Increased optimism and confidence are ____________ of
emotional intelligence
A. Types
B. Nature
C. Functions
D. Benefits

Q3. ______ refers to the ability to regulate distressing affects like anxiety and anger and to inhibit emotional impulsivity.
A. Emotional Beneficial tendency
B. Emotional Self awareness
C. Emotional Self-Management
D. Emotional Self Distressing

Q4. _______ means to stop trying to do something because you are not having success doing it.
A. To give in
B. To give up
C. Emotional weakness
D. Personal disability

Q5. Who gave the concept of 7 habits of highly effective people.

A. Daniel Goleman
B. Stephan Covey
C. Jim Collins
D. Peter Druckur

Q6. The intersection of knowledge, skill, and desire is _______.

A. Ability
B. Factors of a professionalism
C. Habit
D. Principals of leadership

Q7. ________________ means recognizing our responsibility to make things happen.

A. Being proactive
B. Starting with the end
C. Understanding and then Acting
D. Thinking win-win
Q8. Being proactive, Synergize and Sharpen the saw are the parts of______________.
A. Independence
B. Interdependence
C. Renewal
D. No of the above.

Q9. Who describes the five dysfunctions of a team.

A. Jim Collins
B. John Maxwell
C. Patrick Lincioni
D. Daniel Goleman

Q10. A lack of healthy conflict is a problem because it ensures the _________.

A. Fear of conflict
B. Lack of commitment
C. Low standardization
D. Ego and Attitude

Q11. _________ helps break down barriers by allowing people to better understand and empathize with one another.
A. Certainty
B. Experimental Exercises
C. Mining
D. Personality preference profile

Q12. Team members who are particularly close to one another sometimes hesitate to hold one another accountable
precisely because they fear jeopardizing a valuable___________.
A. Personal Relationship
B. Professional Relationship
C. Team rewards
D. Attentions for results

Q13. What is the true measure of Leadership?

A. Making Impact
B. Earned Respect
C. Number of achievements
D. Influence

Q14. _________ is a foundation of Leadership.

A. Trust
B. Communication
C. Ability
D. Support

Q15. Effective leaders know that he first have to touch people’s hearts before he ask them for a hand.
A. Law of Trust
B. Law of Communication
C. Law of respect
D. Law of Inner circle
Q16. Don’t Buy in + Buy in = _____________.
A. Get another vision
B. Get behind the vision
C. Get another leader
D. Get behind the leader

Q17. How many phases are there to know the curiosity?

A. Five
B. Three
C. Six
D. Four

Q18. The _________ is needed in people decisions in order to take a company from good to great.
A. Getting right people in company.
B. The sheer rigor
C. The right flexibility
D. The perfect policies of company

Q19. Unlike the comparison companies the good to great companies, continually ___________ to greatness with brutal
fact of reality.
A. Marks the goals
B. Makes Strategies
C. Refines the Path
D. Defines the values

Q20. An understanding of what you can be best at is _________.

A. Hedgehog Concept
B. Fannie Concept
C. Framework Concept
D. Nucor’s Concept

Q21. Empathy builds on _____________; the more open we are to our own emotions, the more skilled we will be in
reading feelings.
A. Social Skills
B. Managing Emotions
C. Motivation
D. Self Awareness

Q22. The people are said as __________ when who have no idea what they feel about themselves, are at a complete loss
when it comes to knowing what anyone else around them is feeling.
A. Emotionally tone-dumb
B. Emotionally tone-blind
C. Emotionally tone-deaf
D. Emotionally tone-lazy

Q23. The roots of empathy can be traced to infancy.

A. True
B. False
Q24. Emotional intelligence is important, but the unbridled enthusiasm has obscured side of it. New studies show that
when people hone their emotional skills, they become better at manipulating others. This is,
A. Reverse EI
B. Other Side of EI
C. Power of EI
D. All of above

Q25. Emotional Intelligence cannot be recognized as a form of intelligence.

A. An Issue of EI
B. A nature of EI
C. A false fact of EI
D. Strategic concept of EI

Q26. It is how clearly you see your values, passions, and aspirations, and how well those standards fit with your
environment and your reactions.
A. External Self Awareness
B. Internal Self Awareness
C. External Intelligence
D. Internal Intelligence

Q27.___________ involves using available deepest preferences to move and guide the individual toward desired goals, to
help in taking initiative and striving.
A. Empathy
B. Sympathy
C. Motivation
D. Relationship Management

Q28. The Image here is about

A. EI-Model
B. EQ-Brain Model
C. Awareness Model
D. Trait Model

Q29. The ability to use emotions to facilitate various cognitive activities, such as thinking and problem solving, is _____.
A. Perceiving Emotions
B. Facilitating Emotions
C. Using Emotions
D. Managing Emotions

Q30. Influence is the ability to persuade, convince, or to impact on others in order to get support on specific agenda or
course of action.
A. Influence
B. Impact
C. Inspire
D. Instigate
Q31. __________ is a desire to help or serve others, in order to meet their needs.
A. Sympathy
B. Empathy
C. Optimism
D. Service Orientation

Q32. ____________ is the ability to be flexible and work effectively within a variety of changing situations and with
various individuals or groups.
A. Transparency
B. Initiation
C. Adaptability
D. Optimism

Q33. _________ is the ability to regulate distressing affects like anxiety and anger and to inhibit emotional impulsivity.
A. Relationship Management
B. Self Awareness
C. Self Management
D. Social Awareness

Q34. Emotional intelligence draws from branches of behavioral, emotional, and ___________ theories.
A. Statement
B. Leverage
C. Leadership
D. Communication

Q35. _________ is a score derived from one of several different standardized tests to measure intelligence.
C. A and B Both
D. None of the above

Q36. ________ intelligence offers virtually no preparation for the turmoil—or opportunity— life's vicissitudes bring.
A. Academic
B. Individual
C. Professional
D. Organizational

Q37. Principals of Personal Leadership are described as __________.

A. Begin with End in Mind
B. Think Win/Win
C. Sharpen the Sword
D. Synergize

Q38. When someone finally sees the composite picture in another way is known as __________.
A. Change in Perception
B. Shift in seeing Ability
C. Paradigm Shift
D. Substandard Shift
Q39. Our _______, correct or incorrect, are the sources of our attitudes and behaviors, and ultimately our relationships
with others.
A. Expectations
B. Intelligence
C. Perceptions
D. Paradigms

Q40. All Paradigm Shifts are instantaneous.

A. True
B. False

Q41. The personality ethic is illusory and deceptive.

A. Real and Honest
B. Illusory and Deceptive
C. True and Imaginary
D. Imaginary and Complex

Q42. The character ethic is based on the fundamental idea that there are principles that govern human effectiveness.
A. The Personality Ethic
B. The Behaviour Ethic
C. The Trait Ethic
D. The Character Ethic

Q43. ______ means to start first with self; even more fundamentally, to start with the most inside part of self -- with your
paradigms, your character, and your motives.
A. Inner Outcomes
B. Inter Expose
C. Inside Out
D. Within Away

Q44. Inside-Out is a dramatic Paradigm Shift because of the powerful impact of conditioning and the current social
paradigm of the personality ethic.
A. Dramatic Paradigm Shift
B. Sudden Change in Standards
C. Abrupt Modification in personality
D. Gradual Shift in Characteristics

Q45. ______ based on the four unique human endowments of imagination, conscience, independent will, and particularly,
A. First Understand then Understood
B. Always think About End in Mind
C. Put first thing first
D. You are the Creator and In-charge.

Q46. Put First Thing first is ______.

A. Physical Creation
B. Based on Imagination
C. Mental Creation
D. Psychological Creation
Q47.____________ it is the human endowment that really makes effective self-management possible.
A. Reality and Un-ethic
B. Imagination and conscience
C. Personality and Ability
D. Skills and Capacity

Q48. “Your planning tool should be your servant, never your master. Since it has to work for you, it should be tailored to
your style, your needs, and your particular ways.” This shows the ________.
A. Proximity
B. Portability
C. Flexibility
D. Temerity

Q49. ________ is the balance between courage and consideration.

A. Integrity
B. Mentality
C. Maturity
D. Relativity

Q50. Resources identify the human, financial, technical, or organizational support available to help accomplish the results.
A. Principals
B. Resources
C. Guidelines
D. Policies

Q51. ______________ is the principle key to effective interpersonal communication.

A. Seek first to understand, then to be understood
B. Be proactive
C. Think win/win
D. Put first things first

Q52. _________ means listening with intent to understand.

A. General Listening
B. Passive Listening
C. Active Listening
D. Empathic Listening

Q53. Absence of Trust is ________.

A. Artificial Harmony
B. Invulnerability
C. Ambiguity
D. Status and Ego

Q54. ________, it is not easy for team members to commit and buy-in to decisions, resulting in an environment where
ambiguity prevails.
A. Unhealthy Conflict
B. Giving firm Commitment
C. With Conflict
D. Without conflict
Q55. By _______________ of their humanity, members of functional teams overcome the natural tendencies that
make teamwork so elusive.
A. Acknowledge and Impression
B. Acknowledge and Perfection
C. Acknowledging the Imperfections
D. None of above

Q56. It requires team members to identify the single most important contribution that each of their peers makes to the
team, as well as the one area that they must either improve upon or eliminate for the good of the team.
A. Team Exercise
B. Personal Exercise
C. Personality Exercise
D. 360 Degree Exercise

Q57. ___________ create environments where back channel politics and personal attacks thrive.
A. Teams with avoidance of accountability
B. Team in which absence of trust
C. Teams that fear conflicts
D. Teams giving inattention to results

Q58. Teams that engage in conflicts will not minimize Politics.

A. True
B. False

Q59. In ____ someone needs to extracts buried disagreements within the team and sheds the light of day on them.
A. Mining
B. Real time permission
C. Checking Behavioural Pattern

Q60. A team that fails to commit ____________.

A. Moves forward without hesitation
B. Develops and ability to learn from mistakes
C. Takes advantages of an opportunity
D. Breeds lack of confidence and fear of failure

Q61. _________ can create a culture of accountability.

A. Progress Reviews
B. Publication of goals
C. Team Conflict
D. Team Reward

Q62. ________ refers to the familiar tendency of people to focus on enhancing their own positions or career prospects at
the expense of their team.
A. Individual Status
B. Team Status
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Q63. A team that focus on collective results ___________.
A. stagnates
B. Minimizes Individualistic Behaviours
C. Rarely defeats competitors
D. Gets distracted

Q64. The _____of a team is the tendency of members to care about something other than the collective goals of the group.
A. Ultimate Functionality
B. Ultimate Accountability
C. Ultimate Dysfunction
D. Ultimate Attention

Q65. Particularly in relation to team management, teams seek to "__________"

A. Grow together
B. Grow Individual
C. Grow simultaneously
D. Grow ultimately

Q66. When team members put their status and ego at priority then it is called as _____________.
A. Accountability
B. Inattention
C. Lack of Commitment
D. Fear of Conflict

Q67. Members of team with an absence of trust _____________.

A. Admit Weaknesses
B. Ask for Help
C. Accept Apologies
D. Hold Grudges

Q68. Number of tools for overcoming from dysfunction of absence of trust

A. Three
B. Two
C. Five
D. Four

Q69. __________ is the ability of a manager to induce subordinates to work with confidence and zeal.
A. Guiding
B. Leadership
C. Motivation
D. Responsibility

Q70. Setting goals, Organizing and Initiating Action are the ___________ of leadership.
A. Nature
B. Characteristics
C. Functions
D. Qualities
Q71. Leadership improves motivation and __________.
A. Tangibility
B. Dispirit
C. Morale
D. Dismay

Q72. How many laws are given for leadership.

A. 22
B. 21
C. 20
D. 23

Q73. By raising leadership ability—without increasing _______ at all—one can increase original effectiveness.
A. Success Dedication
B. Success Rigid
C. Success Motivation
D. None of the above

Q74. A leader is one who captures the __________ of the world.

A. Impact
B. Influence
C. Attention
D. Imagination

Q75. A person can come out as a leader when having a strong ____________ on others.
A. Motivation
B. Impact
C. Influence
D. Dedication

Q76. A widespread misunderstanding is that _________ and managing are one and the same.
A. Controlling
B. Directing
C. Contributing
D. Leading

Q77. IQ doesn’t necessarily equate to leadership.

A. True
B. False

Q78. A misconception, that anyone who is out in front of the crowd is a leader, is___________.
A. The Knowledge Myth
B. The Pioneer Myth
C. The Entrepreneur Myth
D. The Position Myth

Q79. Leaders are not one who are created, but are __________.
A. Invented B. Shaped
C. Formed D. Self Made
Q80. Leverage is influence and without this leadership cannot be fulfilled even if you hold__________.
A. Command
B. Position
C. Power
D. Knowledge

Q81. According to Author, A windfall is becoming premium.

A. True
B. False

Q82. It is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that ___________ leaders from their followers.
A. Keeps on top
B. Positions
C. Distinguishes
D. None of the above

Q83. Because of their ______, leaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias.
A. Influence
B. Impact
C. intellectuality
D. Intuition

Q84. Successful individuals do not think in terms of what they can do.
A. True
B. False

Q85. Leaders who are humble, but driven to do what's best for the company is _____________.
A. The Brutal Fact
B. Culture of Discipline
C. Hedgehog Concept
D. Level 5 Leadership

Q86. Stop Doing lists are more important than __________ list.
A. Work List
B. Hobby List
C. To Do List
D. Effort List

Q87. The ______ of Discipline is about getting disciplined people who engage in disciplined thoughts and then take
disciplined actions.
A. Nature
B. Culture
C. Policies
D. Principals

Q88. Thoughtless reliance on technology is a _______ , not an _______.

A. Liability and Asset
B. Goal and Objective
C. Dependency and Reliability
Q89. The __________ is about understanding the best potential.
A. Culture Matrix
B. Ability Analysis
C. Hedgehog Concept
D. None of the above

Q90. The Hedgehog concept is a combination of ___________.

A. Our Passion – Where we Best at – what drives us economically
B. Our Knowledge – Strength – Ability
C. Our Vision – Our goals – Objective
D. B and C Both.

Q91. Leadership does not begin with just vision. It begins with getting people to confront the brutal fact and _______.
A. Realization
B. To act on implication.
C. Information
D. Details

Q92. Lead with Questions and not by answer is practiced to ________.

A. Create Culture
B. Create Networks
C. Create Ambience
D. Create Climate

Q93. Retain faith that you will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties AND at the same time Confronts the most
brutal facts of your reality, whatever they might be is_______.
A. Chaos Theory
B. Hedgehog Concept
C. Stockdale Paradox
D. None of Above

Q94. Good to great Companies turns information into information __________.

A. That cannot be ignored
B. That can be Utilized
C. That can be Analyzed
D. That can be Modified

Q95. Leading from good to great does mean that coming up with the answers and the motivating everyone to follow your
messianic vision.
A. True
B. False

Q96. To become good to great, companies need to refine their _______ to greatness.
A. Path
B. Culture
C. Goals
D. Vision
Q97. Good to great Management teams consist of people who debate _______ in search of best answers.
A. Calmly
B. Weakly
C. Vigorously
D. All of above

Q98. The good to great leaders are ______ not ruthless, in people decision.
A. Incorrect
B. Unapproved
C. Harsh
D. Rigorous

Q99. “When in doubt, don’t hire-keep looking” is a discipline for being ___________.
A. Rigorous
B. Leader
C. Strict
D. Harsh

Q100. The right people will do the right things and deliver the best results they're capable of, regardless of the ________
A. Reward
B. Promotion
C. Bonus
D. Incentive


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