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1. A. Explain the following terms as used in taxation

I. Tax base
II. Tax rate
III. Tax liability
IV. Tax compliance

B Explain the principles of taxation

2. A Explain the importance of taxation

B Give the disadvantages of taxation
C Explain the problems that face the tax system of Uganda

3. A Give the various sources of government revenue

B Outline the stake holders in the tax system of Uganda
C Explain the roles of Uganda revenue Authority

4. A Give the different types of trade unions

B Explain the tools used by the trade Unions to achieve their objectives

5. A Why do trade unions demand for higher wages?

B Explain the advantages and disadvantages of trade unions in Uganda

6. A Why is market research carried out?

B How is market research carried out?
C Explain the problems facing the traders while carrying out market research?

7. A Kwata traders association had the following records as at 31st December 2014
Debtors 390,000
Stock 840,000
Net profit for the year 620,000
Creditors 800,000
Equipment 280,000
Premises 950,000
Drawings 350,000
Bank loan 970,000
Capital 1,000,000
Cash at
Bank 540,000
Hand 40,000s
I. Prepare a balance sheet for the association
II. Determine
a. The value for total fixed assets
b. Total current assets
c. Long term liabilities
d. Working capital

8. A Out line four examples of itinerant traders

B Give the functions of a retailer to a consumer
c. Explain the qualities of a good retailer

9. A Give the different chains of distribution used in Uganda

B explain the advantages and the disadvantages of automatic vending

10. A Explain the following terms as used in commerce

I. Balance of trade
II. Balance of payment
III. Terms of trade
B Explain the limitations of International trade

11. A. What is meant by the term Regional Integration?
B Explain the advantages and disadvantages of regional Integration.

12. A Distinguish between a share and a debenture

B Give the advantages of Joint stock companies over sole proprietorship

13. A Give the demerits of Joint stock companies

B Explain the formation process of a Joint stock company

14. A Explain the Principles of co-operative societies

B What led to a decrease in the number of Co-operative societies in Uganda?

15. A Distinguish between Nationalization and Privatization

B Out line the different forms of Government involvement in business
B Give the advantages and disadvantages of Nationalization

16. A Explain the essentials of a transport system

B Why is transport important in Commerce?

17. A Give the requirements of a good port

B Why Road transport is more preferred than Water transport?

18. A. What hinders communication to be effective?

B Explain the services of the Uganda post office

19. A Define the following terms as used in commerce

I. Risk
II. Loss
III. Sum insured
IV. Insured
V. Policy
B Explain the procedures of taking out an insurance

20. A Give the qualities of good money
B what are the functions of money?
C What led to the down fall of Barter system?

21. A What may cause a cheque to be dishonored

B Why are cheques not commonly used in Uganda?

22. A. What factors are considered by the bank when giving a loan?
B Explain the methods used by the central bank to limit money in circulation

23. A Define the term mark up

B.1 The following records of 2014 were extracted from the books of Wanyama a small
Trader in Kasese trading centre
Turn over 584,000
Margin 25%
Expenses 58400
I. The total cost of sales
II. Gross profit
III. Net profit
IV. Net profit as a percentage of turn over

Opening stock Shs 12,000,000

Total purchases during the year Shs 8,000,000

Total sales during the year Shs 20,000,000

Sales return Shs 28,000

Closing stock Shs 200,000

Purchase returns Shs 32,000

expenses Shs 100,000

You are required to determine
I. Cost of sales III. Average stock V. Profit margin
II. Gross profit for the year IV. Rate of stock turn VI. Net profit

24. A prepare a trading profit and loss account and a Balance sheet from the following
Information extracted from the books of Kwata traders association.



Debtor 12407
Creditors 18669
Purchases 48985
Sales 142007
Return in wards 1046
Return out wards 2134
Cash at bank 8362
Cash at hand 978
Wages for the workers 36046
Salary 18591
Sewing machine 11650
Rent 6000
Packing materials 3259
Electricity 2814
Shop fittings 6950
Stock 1st January 2014 42161
Capital 36439
199249 199249

25. A The following information was extracted from the books of Henry and sons company ltd
On 31st December 2014

Stock 1 January 2014 35,000,000
Creditors 50,000,000
Capital 200,000,000
Loans 40,000,000
Purchases 132,000,000
Closing stock 40,000,000
Return out wards 7,000,000
Cash 10,000,000
Bank 35,000,000
Debtors 40,000,000
Lorry 120,000,000

I. Net purchases
II. Average stock
III. Sales at cost
IV. Rate of stock turn
V. Working capital
B If the business markup was 25%
I. The total net sales of the firm
II. The gross profit
III. The margin

26. A. Describe the methods through which an importer can pay for the goods he has received
b. Explain the characteristics of a good port

27. A. Give the ways through which the government can improve the Balance of payment
b. Explain the disadvantages of importing goods by less developed countries

a. Differentiate between Publicity and public relations
b. Identify the challenges faced in public relations
c. Give solutions to the challenges of public relations
d. Explain the importance of good public relations

29. a. Explain the services offered by the post office to the public
b. Why are post office services not so common these days?

30. a. Give some examples of insurable risks and non insurable risks
b. Explain the term pooling of risks as used in insurance
c. Insurance is gambling discuss
a. Give the meaning of Tourism
b. Describe the various tourism attractions in Uganda
c. Discuss the challenges facing tourism industries in Uganda
d. Suggest solutions to the tourism challenges in Uganda
a. State the aims of trade unions
b. Explain the challenges of trade unions
c. How can the above challenges be over come?

33. A. Explain the economies of small scale

b. State the law of demand
c. Explain the methods of determining prices
d. What may cause a consumer to buy more of a commodity in a given period?
a. Outline the different types of financial markets
b. Give the advantages of financial markets
c. Explain the functions of financial Markets
a. Give the various sources of Government revenue
b. What are the qualities of a good tax system?
c. Why are most people, not tax compliant?

36. a. Explain the ways the government can use to support the private sector
b. give the methods used by the government to control the private sector

37. a. Define the term privatization

b. Explain the arguments for and against privatization

39. a. Explain the steps taken by your government to promote trade with other countries
b. Explain the factors that limit the smooth flow of International trade

40. a. Distinguish between Pipe line transport and Containerization

b. Give the advantages and disadvantages of pipe line transport

41. a. Distinguish between the following terms as used in banks
I. Bank account and statement of account
II. An open cheque and a closed cheque
III. Credit transfer and standing order
b. Explain the precautions a drawer can take to ensure the security of his/her cheque
c. Why is a bank draft preferred as a means of payment?

42. a. Differentiate between a Peddler and a Hawker

b. Give reasons to explain why the number of Peddlers is on an increase in Uganda?

43. a. Distinguish between the following terms

I. Stock taking and stock valuation
II. Return in wards and return out wards
III. Income statement and balance sheet
IV. Turnover and Rate of stock turn
V. Bankruptcy and solvency
b. The following extract is from the books of Gandu and sons enterprises for the year 2016
ended 31st December

Stock 31st December 2016 1,098,000
Average stock 936,000
Purchase 13,320,000
Sales 16,560,000
Return outwards 342,000
Return in wards 126,000
Years overheads 1,026,000

I. Cost of sales
II. Gross profit ratio
III. Net profit ratio
IV. Markup
V. Rate of stock turn

44. a. Distinguish between Sales promotion and advertising

b. Explain the following terms as used in sales promotion
I. Sampling
II. Sales portfolio
III. Sales manual
IV. Premium
V. Contests

c. Outline the merits and demerits of personal selling as a form of sales promotion

45. a. Explain the following terms as used in taxation
I. Indirect tax
II. Direct tax
III. Death tax
IV. Custom tax
V. Tax incidence
b. Explain the importance of taxation in Uganda
c. Identify the challenges faced by the tax authorities in your country

46. a. Distinguish between after sales service and self service

b. Outline the merits of self service in business
c. Explain the ways of setting prices of the product in a market

47. a. Why do countries restrict International trade?

b. Explain the problems faced by the exporters in your country
c. What is the role of multinational organization (interstate enterprises)in the development of

48. a. Define the term Privatization

b. Outline the reasons why the government of Uganda has continued to sell off its enterprises
c. Despite the benefits of privatization, explain why the government still owns some of the

49. a. Why is small scale retailing the most common type of business in Uganda?
b. under what circumstances may whole sellers be eliminated from the chain of distribution
c. Explain the problems facing the Retailers of your country

50. a. Outline the ways retailers use to increase their turnover in the business
b. The following records were extracted from the books of ME and YOU enterprises ltd for the year
ended 31st December 2016

Capital 7,700,000
Debenture 10,500,000
Creditors 5,600,000
Land and buildings 12,600,000
Closing Stock 7,700,000
Cash in hand 3,360,000
Net profit 5,600,000
5 years bank loan 6,300,000
Bank over draft 5,320,000
Furniture 8,400,000
Debtors 7,560,000
Drawings 700,000
2 year bank loan 3,150,000
Equipment and tools 2,800,000
Cash at bank 2,450,000

I. Borrowed capital

II. Fixed capital

III. Circulating capital

IV. Working capital

V. Owners equity

VI. Capital employed

VII. Return on capital employed


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