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FILED FOR RECORD at Gulla dco LM DECLARATION OF LOCAL STATE, OCT 36 2021 OF DISASTER AND ORDER REGARDING INVASION (CTY ATCT CLR NE 2, WHEREAS, on April 21, 2021, Kinney County issued a Declaration of Local State of Disaster due to the imminent threat caused by the human trafficking occurring on our border with Mexico and the elevated risk of exposure to contagious diseases, including unknown variants of COVID-___ 19; and WHEREAS, the health, life, and property of the residents of Kinney County continues to remain under an imminent threat of disaster from the human trafficking and cartel activity occurring on our border with Mexico. This continual violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ‘Texas has resulted in thousands of illegal aliens invading Kinney County and overwhelming local governmental resources and law enforcement. Kinney County residents continue to sustain vast amounts of property damage and are threatened with imminent harm by the continual invasion of illegal aliens; and WHEREAS, Kinney County has experienced large numbers of illegal aliens, asylum applicants, and/or migrants entering the county who are unvaccinated for COVID-19, untested for COVID- 19, and COVID-19 positive; and WHEREAS, on May 10, 2021, the Commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health advised the Secretary of State of Texas that he had, for the entire State of Texas, issued “A declaration of a Public Health Disaster Declaration, stating that the novel coronavirus (SAR-CoV- 2, that causes the disease COVID-19) continues to present an immediate threat, poses a high risk of death to a large number of people and creates a substantial risk of public exposure because of the disease”s method of transmission and evidence that there is community spread in Texas”; and WHEREAS, as reported by BPR Business and Politics on August 12, 2021, up to 40% of migrants who have illegally entered the U.S. are positive for the COVID-19 virus; and WHEREAS, as reported by Axios on September 30, 2021, Panama’s Foreign Minister, Eri Mouynes, warned that over 60,000 immigrants are traveling from South America towards the Texas border with the intent of illegally entering the United States; and WHEREAS, the County Judge of Kinney County, Texas has determined that extraordinary measures must be taken to ensure the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of county residents against the invasion of persons illegally entering the United States and violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Texas; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Texas Disaster Act of 1975, the County Judge is designated as the Emergency Management Director of the County of Kinney and may exercise the powers granted to the governor on an appropriate local seale; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE COUNTY JUDGE OF KINNEY COUNTY, TEXAS: 1. That a local state of disaster is hereby declared for Kinney County, Texas, pursuant to Section 418.108(a) of the Texas Government Code. 2. Pursuant to Section 433.005(a) of the Texas Government Code (Calling of Stare Military Forces) and Article 4, Section 7 of the ‘Texas Constitution (Governor as commander-in-chief of military forces), this declaration does hereby request the Governor to immediately deploy 2,000 state military personnel to Kinney County to repel an invasion and protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Texas. 3. Pursuant to Section 433.005(a) of the Texas Government Code (Calling of State Military Forces) and Article 4, Section 7 of the Texas Constitution (Governor as commander-in-chief of military forces), this declaration does hereby request the Governor to immediately deploy state military air assets to Kinney County to repel an invasion and protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Texas. 4, That this declaration hereby requests the Governor to utilize all authority granted under Article 4, Section 7 of the Texas Constitution and Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution. 5. Pursuant to Section 418.108(b) of the Texas Government Code, the local state of disaster shall continue for a period of not more than seven days from the date of this declaration unless continued by the Commissioners’ Court of Kinney County, Texas. 6. Pursuant to Section 418.108(c) of the Texas Government Code, this declaration of a local state of disaster shall be given prompt and general publicity and shall be filed promptly with the County Clerk of Kinney County, Texas. 7. Pursuant to Section 418.108(d) of the Texas Government Code, this declaration of a local state of disaster activates the Kinney County emergeney management plan. 8. That this declaration shall take effect immediately from and after its issuance and, upon approval by the Kinney County Commissioners’ Court, shall continue in effect until terminated by the County Judge. Pursuant to this declaration, additional directives may be issued by the County Judge at any time deemed necessary, DECLARED this 5 day of October 2021. Ze Judge saat Kinney County, Texas

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