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Plani I projektit lëndor

Viti mësimor:2021-2022

Lënda: Gjuhë e Huaj ” Anglisht”

Klasa  : XI (SHMKSH)
Mësuesi: Enkelejda Llaguri

TOPIC: “Travelling : The best places to visit

in Albania ”
1. Identify and present the best destinations in
Albania 2. The emotions and experiences related to
Main aim of the project
At the end of this project students will be able to mention and describe the top
destinations in our country
1) Enhancing our students’ interests related to travelling in general .
2) We aim to help them to identify the different purposes of travelling and present
,describe the destinations choosen in the best way possible.
3) Students will be able to organize and handle the project on time.
At the end of this project students will be able to :
 Identify and use the correct language structures and language in describing top
destinations that our country offers to tourists .
 To discuss and evaluate their own work and that of their classmates.
 To express their feeling towards travelling .
 To describe their own experiences related to travelling here or abroad
 To point out the pros and cons of the native tourism .
 To write about the tendencies of tourism in our country.

 First Step : The evaluation and the development of the ideas about the project.
 Second Step: Studying the ideas developed in the first step.
 Third Step : A detailed presentation of the project.
 Fourth Step: The realization of the final draft of the project.

Methods involved in the realization of the project according to the objectives:
1. Mind map
2. Description
3. Analysis and problematic

Activities involved: Presentation of the project in front of the class.

Project’s location: VLORË
The areas where activities will take place: The classes where students study English
Interested Groups
Class is divided into 5 groups.(Three students in each group CLASS :XI-A/B/C)
Project duration: 4 classes
Presentation: 1 class
Collaborators in project’s realization:
The Geography’s teacher: To present and identify some of the best destinations
(touristic attractions in our country)
IT’s teacher :The use of the different computer programs (WORD/POWERPOINT),in
order to realize the project final draft
1. Guided and oriented by a team of teachers that will help them understand the
various types of travelling destinations that our country can offer .
2. Teachers are here to let them find their way ,not to hinder their progress.
By trusting them ,we trust the future we are helping to create together.
3. The overall analysis of the draft.
4. Check out carefully the material about any lexical ,grammatical and language
structure misusage.
5. Presentation of the final draft in front of the class and discussion about it.

The working groups

1 First group
Theme : “ Travelling to experience new things “
- Students switch on the emotions that travelling can offer to each of us .
- Sudents have to choose and describe the best destionation.
2. Second group
Theme : “Different destinations, different emotions”
- A safe and respectful environment is the key to a good travelling experience .
- It doesn’t matter if the destination is at the seaside or at the mountain.
- The important role of travelling experiences in our lives.
3. Third group
Theme : “Travelling for pleasure here or abroad ?”
- The opportunities that our country can offer to tourists
- The points that we should consider when travelling for pleasure.
- A short summary of the pros and cons.

4. Fourth group
Theme:  “My best travelling experience ever “
- “My ideal destination is .................... because ..................”.
- The role and the emotions felt while visiting that place .

5. Fifth group
Theme: “ Our country : The ideal place to visit for everyone“
- Describe our country as far as touristics attractions are concerned .
- The best way to choose our next destination.

Discuss and handle the project:

Each group leader had to present the material that each group have worked on . The
presentation of the project to the rest of the class is done by using Power Point ,
leaflets, photos and other resources based on online applications.

The elements of project’s evaluation:

1. Each students have to keep notes about the project , presentation ,the tools and
sources used and the evaluation is individual.
2. Disscus about the work done from each class member .
3. Final evaluation : Individual and group work .



Month The steps of project’s realization

November Deciding on the groups and the topic of the project
January Bring and work on the information found. Organise
the material .
April Final draft presentation
June Evalaution


Project’s The starting date- Activities time table People involved
duration The handling date in the project

November 2021 :  Discuss and

November 2021- decide about the topic .
June 2022 Devide the groups for the realisation Teacher
of the project . Students
January 2022 :  Bring and discuss Geography
about the information found about teacher
the project .Select the points that we
are going to include .punës,
April 2022 :  Presentation of the first
draft of the project .
June 2022 : Handle and evaluate
the project for each group .

The working phases

Phases Notes
First Evaluate the necessities and Students are explained the leterary
possibilities resouces necessary for the project

Second Identify the idea of the project Discuss with their friends,parents
about their ideas and choose the
Third Organise the project After deciding about the topic
students have to decide about the
best ways of organising the
Fourth Project’s budget  

Fifth Activities and experiences  

Sixth Evaluate the project  

Resources :  
Human resources ( books, magazines,articles from internet resources ).
Financial resources .
The total budget needed for the realisation of the project.
The skill that we are going to develop further during the realisaion of the project .
Identify ; Distinguish;Present arguments; evaluate .
The people who are going to benefit from the project ; Students and the
Description of the activities throughout the project ‘s realisation
According to a chronological order after deciding the topic of the project :
1. Presents the sources of information
2. The students involved in the project
3. A detailed plan , the necessary tools
5. Distribution of the responsibilities 
7. The group of the project and the collaborators in the project’s realisation

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