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Module 5:

Getting from A to B
Module 5:
Getting from A to B

► can and can't

► Articles: a/an, the and zero
► Vocabulary and reading: Transport
► Listening and vocabulary: At the airport
► Task: Complete a survey about transport
► Real life: Buying a ticket
Warming- up

How do you travel to university

How about your parents?
How about your friends?
How about other people in your
Means of transport/ Types of transport

An aeroplane a bus
A motorbike, a car, a An underground/ a
A train A bicycle

A ferry A ship
A tram A scooter
How do you go/get/ travel to
work? /university?
By car/ By bus/….
 On foot.

How do/does +S+ go/get/

travel + to + location?
By + means
( On foot)
Vocabulary and reading
3. How do these people usually travel in
your town?
 schoolchildren
 students and young people
 businesspeople
 old people
 police officers
 How do schoolchildren usually travel in your town?
 By bus./ On foot.

 How do students and young people usually go in your


By motorbike.

How do businesspeople usually travel in Ha Long?

By car.

How do old people usually travel in your town?

On foot.
How do police officers usually travel in your town?
By car.
Vocabulary and reading

3. How do these people usually travel in your

 schoolchildren ->by bus, bicycle/
 students and young people
->by bus, bicycle/ motorbike
 businesspeople ->by bus, bicycle/
motorbike /car/plane /train.
 old people -> by bus, bicycle/ motorbike
 police officers ->a scooter/ motorbike




Vocabulary and reading :Transport
6, Look back at the text and choose the correct words to
go together.
 1. drive / ride a car
 2. drive / ride a bicycle

 3. wait / wait for a train

 4. get on / in a train

 5. get off/out a train

 6. fly in / to Atlanta

 7. go with / by underground

 8. take / go a train or a bus

 9. walk to / in work
1. Look at the photos and read about Karen. Where
is she? Where does she want to go?
taxi 60 minutes 35 dollars

Subway + bus 90 minutes 2 dollars

Walking+Subway + Airtrain 92 minutes 7 dollars

Subway + NYA Express bus 70 minutes 15 dollars




Language focus 1 -p43
can and can't

1. We use can to say that it is possible to

do something.
You can take a train from Paddington
Station to Heathrow.
2 . We use can't to say it is impossible to
do something.
We can't take a taxi because we've only
got £20.

A> we always use the base form of

the verb after can.
She can eat Chinese food in the
city centre. (Not: she can eats)
B> We don't use do or does to
make the question form
Can you find taxis on the street?
( not : Do you can find…?)
Positive form I Can / kƏn/ go by train.
He swim
Negative form It Can’t / kæn’t/ play the guitar
We (cannot)
They speak English

Question form Can I/You/He/She dance?

It/We/They play football?
Yes, I/You/He/She It/We/They can / kæn/
No, I/You/He/She It/We/They can’t / kæn’t/

1. Gina is asking… Listen and


2. Ask and answer. Work in

Writing and speaking

 Write eight sentences about things you can

do and can’t do in your city.

You can’t smoke on buses.

You can drive in the city center.

Hand in to your teacher when you finish.

 What can you do if you are
A.In New York now
B.Have 3 billions US dollars.
 I can take seabath.
 I can eat seafood.
 I can climb the mountains.
 I can sky- dive at Bai Chay bridge.
 I can go fishing at the sea.
 I can look sunrise and sunset at the sea.
 I can visit Ha Long Bay.
 I can earn a lot of money.
 I can go to the supermarket.
 Can you go overnight in Ha Long?
 Can you pass the boarder of Vietnam and China?
 Can you live happily and safely in Ha Long?
 Can you get a degree for this course at the right
 Can you pass the English exam?
At the airport

18.30 and 09.35

London Heathrow and Milan Malpensa
Flight AA100 and 8A0572

At desk 4
Is delayed by 1 hour

Gate 12

To the transit desk to Milan

Gate 12
Language focus 2
o o o
a a an
a the
0 o o
the the the
the the the
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

What is article?

Modifier of Nouns. Used before


Types of articles
Indefinite: a / an
Definite: the
Language focus 2
Articles (2): a/an, the and zero

1.Indefinite article (a/an)

We use a or an:
a) with jobs.
 I'm an artist. ( a, e, i, o, u)
 He’s a doctor ( consonants)
Language focus 2
Articles (2): a/an, the and zero
1. Indefinite article (a/an)
We use a or an:
b) with a singular noun to mean 'one'.
 He wants to have a new car
 We have a real problem
 Give me an apple, please.
Language focus 2
Articles (2): a/an, the and zero

1. Indefinite article (a/an)

We use a or an:
c) with these phrases
 a long time ago
 A few minutes
 A lot of
 A little
Language focus 2
Articles (2): a/an, the and zero

2. Definite article
a) We use the when the noun is defined:
 I want a boy and a girl. The boy must be
able to speak English.

 I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black

and the dog is white.
Language focus 2
Articles (2): a/an, the and zero

2. Definite article
b) We use the when the noun is unique:
 The sun rises in the east.

c) With genetic meaning

The dog is a faithful animal.

d) With family names as the whole

The Smiths live here.
Language focus 2
Articles (2): a/an, the and zero

2. Definite article
e) We use the with half, double, all, both +
the + noun
 All the flowers are beautiful.

f) With nations
The Vietnamese are/is intelligent.

g) After nouns with of

The history of Hanoi is interesting.
Language focus 2
Articles (2): a/an, the and zero

2. Definite article
We use the

h) with parts of day.

 in the morning/afternoon
(BUT at night)
Language focus 2
Articles (2): a/an, the and zero

2. Definite article
We use the
i) with these phrases.
 in the city centre
 on the right / left
Language focus 2
Articles (2): a/an, the and zero

3. Zero article
We do not use a, an or the:

a) with towns and cities.

 I'm from Boston
b) with most countries.
 Lyon is in France.
(BUT the United Stores, the United Kingdom,
the Czech Republic)
Language focus 2
Articles (2): a/an, the and zero

c ) with 'by' + a type of transport.

 by bus/car / train
d) with time
 at one o'clock on Monday
e) with these phrases.
 go to work/at home / go to church/go to
go to class/ go to market/ go to bed/ go to prison
Complete the gaps with a/an, the or - (no word).
I live in (1) - Dubai. It's (2) fantastic city but we
have (3) real problem with traffic. Most people
come to work by (4) car so it's very busy in (5)
morning when they come into (6) city
centre, and in (7) evening when they go (8)
home. I'm (9) engineer and I have (1o) company
car. My journey to (11) work takes about twenty-
five minutes. I also use my car at (12) weekend
when I play golf.

Complete the gaps with a/an, the or - (no word).

 I live in Dubai. It's a fantastic city but we have a
real problem with traffic. Most people come to
work by car so it's very busy in the morning
when they come into the city centre, and in the
evening when they go home. I'm an engineer
and I have a company car. My journey to work
takes about twenty-five minutes. I also use my
car at the weekend when I play golf.
Work in groups of five or six. DO THE QUIZ.
Reading and writing
How often do you travel by car?

Do you ever take taxis?

How long does it take your journey?
Real life
Buying a ticket

Where are they? What are they doing?

Real life
Buying a ticket
1. Florance is in London. She
wants to travel to Paris. Put the
Here you are
conversation in a ticket office in
Platform 18
Singlethe correct order.
Single or return?
Thanks. Which platform is it?
That’s 94,50 pounds
A ticket to Paris, please… the six o’clock train.
Thank you. Sign there, please.
Real life
Buying a ticket

Conversation 1

The Heathrow Express airport

A single
At five to six
Real life
Buying a ticket

Conversation 2

A return
Buying a ticket

Customer: A return to Glasgow, please.

Clerk: When do you want to come back?
Customer: On Sunday.
Clerk: 33 pounds for a single and 55 pounds for a
return, please.
Customer: Here you are.
Clerk: Thanks. Sign there, please.
Customer: Thank you. What time is the train?
Clerk: The next train is at 5.00.
Customer: Thanks. And when does it arrive in
Clerk: 5.30
Customer: And the last question. Which platform?
Clerk: Platform 5
Thank you for
your attention

The present simple

Articles: a/an, the
Like + verb- ing
Can/ can’t
Consolidation 1 -5

lives a
the works


Consolidation 1- 5
Consolidation 1-5

Listening: Information about times and prices

What are the people talking about? Listen and tick (✓) the
travelling by plane
the zoo
the cinema
travelling by train
television programmes
a jazz concert
b Put the words in order to make
questions. Conversation 1

 1. the first train / Belfast / What

time / leave / does?
->What time does the first train leave
 2. does / arrive / When / it / in Dublin?
-> When does it arrive in Dublin?
 3. it / How / is / much?
-> How much is it?
Conversation 2

4 open / What time / the zoo / does?

What time does the zoo open?
5. it / What time / does / close?
What time does it close?
6 How much / it / does / for a ten-
year-old child / cost?
How much does it cost for a ten-year-
old child ?
7 you / can / there / travel / How?
How can you travel there?
Conversation 3

8. the football / When / does /

9. finish / does / When / it?
10. is /What time/ the film?
Conversation 3

8. the football / When / does /

-> When does the football start?
9. finish / does / When / it?
-> When does it finish ?
10. is /What time/ the film?
-> What time is the film?
1 Vocabulary: Alphabet quiz

Work in pairs. Complete the

sentences with words from Modules
1-5. The first letter of each word is
A>My father's sister is my aunt.
B>My mother's son is my b…
C>What time does the shop c……. ?
D>Every night I write in my d….
E> Her brother's an e…. , he works for
a big building company.
F> My f… colour is red.
G> Their new house has got a
beautiful g…. with a swimming pool.
H>When does Alan h… lunch?
A>My father's sister is my akwt
B>My mother's son is my brother…
C>What time does the shop close…….
D>Every night I write in my diary….
E> Her brother's an engineer…. , he
works for a big building company.
F> My favourite… colour is red.
G>Their new house has got a beautiful
garden…. with a swimming pool.
H>When does Alan have… lunch?
 i> Can I see your i… card, Madam?
 J> Sony is a J.. company.
 K> I'm sorry, I don't k.. your name.
 L> Ludmila studies l… at university.
 M> My sister's a m.. - she plays the piano.
 N> Underground trains stop at n…
 O> Banks o… at 9.30 in Britain.
 P> My son's a p… officer.
 Q> In Britain people wait in a q…- buy tickets for
the cinema.
 R> A lot of people r… bicycles in the
 I> Can I see your identity… card, Madam?
 J> Sony is a Japanese.. company.
 K> I'm sorry, I don't know.. your name.
 L> Ludmila studies literature… at university.
 M> My sister's a musician.. - she plays the
 N> Underground trains stop at nine…
 O> Banks open… at 9.30 in Britain.
 P> My son's a police… officer.
 Q> In Britain people wait in a queue…- buy tickets
for the cinema.
 R> A lot of people ride… bicycles in the
S> Jennifer's not married. She's s…
T> Many people t… to work by train.
U>My cousin's father is my u…
V> Kieron v… his grandfather every
W> I often w… for a bus for one hour!
Y> Liam is two y… old.
z.>This z… hasn't got many animals.
S> Jennifer's not married. She's single…
T> Many people travel… to work by train.
U>My cousin's father is my uncle…
V> Kieron visits… his grandfather every
W> I often wait… for a bus for one hour!
Y> Liam is two year… old.
z.>This zoo… hasn't got many animals.

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