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Learning Area BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION Grade Level 7/8

Quarter THIRD Date

I. LESSON TITLE Lesson 1: Types and Uses of Cleaning Materials / Disinfectants

LO2. Perform basic preventive maintenance
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT 1. Types and uses of cleaning materials / disinfectants.
2. Tools are cleaned in accordance with standard procedures.

Jatayna, T. M. (2012.). K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and
Livelihood Education Learning Module, Bread and Pastry Production
Exploratory Course for Grade 7&8. Department of Education. pp. 40-46

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction
Panimula Day 1 At the end of the lesson, the students you are expected to:
1. Identify the different types and uses of cleaning
2. Discuss the methods of cleaning and sanitizing baking tools and
3. Sanitize baking tools and equipment;

Cleaning is the process of removing food and other types of soil

From a surface, such as a dish, glass, or cutting board. Cleaning is
done with a cleaning agent that removes food, soil or other
substances. The right cleaning agent must be selected because not
all cleaning agents can be used on food-contact-surfaces.
Disinfection does not necessarily kill all microorganisms,
especially nonresistant bacterial spores; it is less effective than
sterilization, which is an extreme physical and/or chemical process
that kills all types of life.
Let us determine how much you already know about basic
preventive maintenance. Write your answers in your TLE notebook.

Direction: Read each statement below carefully. Write True if you
think the statement is correct and write False if you think the
statement is not correct.
_______1. Vinegar is a great natural cleaning product as well as a
disinfectant and deodorize
_______2. Disinfecting your kitchen on a regular basis should be an
essential part of your housekeeping routine.
_______3.Effective cleaning must occur after sanitizing.
_______4. Lemon juice is not safe to mix with vinegar and baking
soda for cleaning purposes.
_______5. Irregular cleaning of food preparation areas can leave
you susceptible to dangerous bacteria like salmonella.
_______6. Good sanitation starts with every individual.
_______7. Borax is much stronger than baking soda.
_______8. Baking soda can be used as oven cleaner
_______9. Maintaining a clean work environment is critical in
preventing foodborne illness.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
_______10. Disinfection is less effective than sterilization.

Kindly click the link address to answer the Pre-Test. (PDF Type-You can
copy and answer it in a sheet of paper)

B. Development DAY 2 The learners will answer the questions below as part of identifying
what they already know. They will refer to their modules to identify
the task they need to accomplish.

Activity Number 2
Direction: After reading Types and uses of cleaning materials /
disinfectants. Put a check (√) on the appropriate box if the given
agent is a chemical or natural.

Types of Cleaning/ Natural Chemical

Disinfecting Materials Agents Agents
1. Borax
2. Detergents
3. Lemon
4. Abrasives
6. Acid Cleaners
7. Baking Soda
9. Tea tree oil
10.Solvent Cleaners

For this Activity 2, open your book, Technology and Livelihood Education K
to 12 Learning materials, on page 41-43.

For the online and blended you may visit this sites for more information Add
link address to the messenger :

C. Engagement DAY 3 Through their module, the learners will be provided with varying real-
life activities that will strengthen their concepts as discussed in the
Development phase
A. Kitchen Inspection
Look around your kitchen and list down 10 tools, materials and
agents used in cleaning and disinfecting kitchen tools and
equipment and its uses. Follow the following sample format.

Tools and Agents used Uses

in Cleaning and
Ex: Scrubbing pad A pad, having a soft, sponge-like side
and a more abrasive side, used to
remove deep dirt. It replaces steel wool
and metal sponge.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
Ex: Solvent Cleaners Also called degreasers used to remove
the grease on the surfaces that has
burned on like ovens and grills.










For ODL and blended modality. Kindly click the link address below

B. Assimilation Day 4 The learners will demonstrate their ideas and gained knowledge as
to how these are used and useful in day-to-day living experiences.

Activity Number 4
Direction: Write the appropriate cleaning/Disinfecting agents and
procedure in cleaning the following. Write your answers in your TLE
notebook. Use the following format in presenting your work.

Dirt in the Microwave 1. 1. Put some dishwashing liquid in

oven a microwave-safe bowl and fill it with
warm water.
2. 2. Place the bowl in the microwave
and run it on high for five minutes.
3. 3. Let it stand for another five minutes.
4. 4. Take the turntable out and wipe it off
with a damp sponge and dry it with a
paper towel.
1. Dirt in the Baking Pan
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
2. Dirt in Bowls and

For ODL and blended modality. Kindly click the link address below
V. ASSESSMENT Activity Number 5
Day 5
A. Direction: Identify what is referred to in each number.
________ 1. Cleaning product made by mixing vinegar, lemon and
baking soda.
_________ 2. It is a great scrubber and a kitchen disinfectant.
_________ 3. Destroys microorganisms that are present in the object.
________ 4. It is completely non-poisonous and bit expensive as
compared to other natural disinfectants.
________ 5. This can be used to scrub surfaces just like other abrasive
cleanser and also a good deodorizer.
B. Direction: Identify 5 natural cleaning materials and their use.
1. ______________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________
For ODL and blended modality. Kindly click the link address below

For Teachers: Google Sites

VI. REFLECTION Day 5  The learner communicates the explanation of their personal
assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
 The learner, in their notebook, will write their personal insights about
the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.

Prepared by: Mylene L. Huliganga Checked by: Edwina C. Nabo

Norlyn E. Pagapong

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