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IT 253 Project One Company Overview

Your company designs, manufactures, and sells custom stereo equipment. It was founded in 1993 as a
small family business with a single store and quickly expanded to over 250 locations due to high demand
for its competitively priced, quality products. The company became publicly traded in 2005, which
means that it is subject to Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) regulations. It currently has 850 employees and
reported annual revenue of $110 million.

Due to cost pressures from larger retailers, the company decided to close all of its retail stores in 2015
and adopt and implement a fully online sales model. It has found a great niche market in targeting
consumers who want a higher level of support and customized features compared to what its
competitors offer. The company has a robust and easy-to-use e-commerce system that automatically
sends sales order information to other parts of the company’s information systems.

The company headquarters is in Detroit, MI, and contains Human Resources, Finance, Information
Technology, and the Data Center. Two offices in Sacramento, CA, and Austin, TX, support the Customer
Service and Marketing departments. The company’s engineering team is located in Frankfurt, Germany.
The company’s main manufacturing site is located in Beijing, China. The business serves customers from
all around the world, with its highest sales coming from the United States and England.

Business Objectives
In the past year, the company has identified the need to take a stronger stance on protecting its assets
and customer information and data. This is especially important because the company wishes to expand
its market significantly to reach a greater global audience in the coming year. Company leadership has
decided on the following business objectives:

● Grow the market share by creating an extensive global advertising campaign to reach new
audiences and showcase the company’s product line
● Increase revenue by 20% compared to the previous year
● Put measures in place to minimize cyberattacks that would affect business operations
○ This includes the availability of the e-commerce website and systems in the
manufacturing supply chain.
○ Ransomware has been a topic of expressed concern.
● Ensure alignment between company policies and practices and SOX regulations to maintain

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was put into law to protect shareholders (both internal and external) from
accounting problems and purposeful financial fraud by companies. SOX was created to improve
governance and accountability due to the disastrous scandals that happened at Enron, WorldCom, and
Tyco, which caused a combined loss to shareholders of over $280 billion. SOX imposes both financial and
criminal penalties for noncompliance.

While SOX focuses a great deal on accounting and finance controls, there are a number of information
technology and security concerns that must be addressed as well. Among these are:

● Access—This includes both physical access to facilities and electronic access to systems.

● Change Control—Processes must be in place to approve and record changes to the
● Backup—Systems must be backed up at regular intervals and must be able to be restored.
● Security—Controls must exist to detect and stop data breaches, and tools must be in place to
remediate incidents.

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