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This Contract is entered into between the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) and Conduent State
& Local Solutions, Inc. (CONTRACTOR).

A. ODJFS issued a Statement of Work (SOW) titled Call Center Services numbered JFSR2223148228 and
dated July 8, 2021, which is hereby incorporated by reference.

B. The ODJFS proposal review team recommended for award the SOW Proposal of CONTRACTOR, submitted
by CONTRACTOR by July 14, 2021, which is hereby incorporated by reference.

C. In the event of any inconsistency or ambiguity between the provisions of the SOW, the SOW Proposal, or
this Contract, the provisions of this Contract will determine the obligations of the parties. In the event that this
Contract fails to clarify any inconsistency or ambiguity between the SOW and the SOW Proposal, the SOW
will determine the obligations of the parties. In the event of a disputed issue that is not addressed in any of
the aforementioned documents, the parties hereby agree to make every reasonable effort to resolve the
dispute in keeping with the objectives of this Contract and the budgetary and statutory constraints of ODJFS.

D. Key personnel that are identified by the CONTRACTOR as critical to the success of the Contract may not be
removed without a reasonable notice to ODJFS, and replacements will not be made without ODJFS approval.


A. CONTRACTOR will perform its responsibilities (Deliverables) under this Contract as follows: Provide up to
200 tier 1 agents to answer calls from claimants on their unemployment insurance applications and benefits.

B. The ODJFS Contract Manager is Laura Miller, or successor.

C. The ODJFS Contract Manager may periodically communicate specific requests and instructions to
CONTRACTOR concerning the performance of the Deliverables described in this Contract. CONTRACTOR
agrees to comply with any requests or instructions to the satisfaction of ODJFS within 10 business days after
CONTRACTOR’s receipt of the requests or instructions. ODJFS and CONTRACTOR expressly understand
that any requests or instructions will be strictly to ensure the successful completion of the Deliverables
described in this Contract and are not intended to amend or alter this Contract in any way. If CONTRACTOR
believes that any requests or instructions would materially alter the terms and conditions of this Contract or
the compensation stated hereunder, CONTRACTOR will immediately notify ODJFS pursuant to the notice
provisions of this Contract. CONTRACTOR agrees to consult with the ODJFS Contract Manager as
necessary to ensure understanding of the Deliverables and the successful completion thereof.

D. Ownership of Deliverables.

1. All Deliverables provided by CONTRACTOR under this Contract or with funds hereunder, including
any documents, data, photographs and negatives, electronic reports/records, or other media, are the
property of ODJFS, which has an unrestricted right to reproduce, distribute, modify, maintain, and
use the Deliverables. CONTRACTOR will not obtain copyright, patent, or other proprietary protection
for the Deliverables. CONTRACTOR will not include in any Deliverable any copyrighted material,
unless the copyright owner gives prior written approval for ODJFS and CONTRACTOR to use such
copyrighted material in the manner provided herein. CONTRACTOR agrees that all Deliverables will
be made freely available to the public unless ODJFS determines that, pursuant to state or federal
law, such materials are confidential or otherwise exempted from disclosure.

2. All Deliverables provided or produced pursuant to this Contract will be considered “works made for
hire” within the meaning of copyright laws of the United States and the State of Ohio. ODJFS is and
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will be deemed sole author of the Deliverables and sole owner of all rights therein. If any portion of
the Deliverables is deemed not a “work made for hire,” or if there are any rights in the Deliverables
not conveyed to ODJFS, CONTRACTOR agrees to, and by executing this Contract does, assign
ODJFS all worldwide rights, title, and interest in and to the Deliverables. ODJFS acknowledges that
its sole ownership of the Deliverables under this Contract does not affect CONTRACTOR’s right to
use general concepts, algorithms, programming techniques, methodologies, or technology that
CONTRACTOR developed prior to or as a result of this Contract or that are generally known and

3. CONTRACTOR understands that it must submit a written request to ODJFS and receive express
written permission from ODJFS to include any of its own pre-existing, proprietary materials in any of
the Deliverables under this Contract. ODJFS’s approval of the inclusion of pre-existing, proprietary
materials is predicated on CONTRACTOR granting to ODJFS and the State of Ohio a worldwide,
non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free license to use, modify, sell, and otherwise distribute all such
materials that are included in the Deliverables under this Contract. Upon request by CONTRACTOR,
ODJFS will incorporate into any future copies of the Deliverables under this Contract any proprietary
notice(s) CONTRACTOR may reasonably require for any pre-existing, proprietary materials included
in the Deliverables of this Contract. Any proprietary notices will be the minimum required by law so
as not to be seen as an endorsement by ODJFS or an advertisement for CONTRACTOR.


A. This Contract is in effect from August 30, 2021 or the date of ODJFS Director signature, whichever is later,
through April 1, 2022, unless this Contract is suspended or terminated prior to the expiration date. This
Contract may be renewed by ODJFS upon satisfactory completion of activities hereunder, appropriation of
funds by the Ohio General Assembly, and at the sole discretion of ODJFS. Each renewal may be up to 12
weeks in duration. ODJFS will issue a notice to CONTRACTOR if ODJFS decides to renew this Contract.
CONTRACTOR will not obligate resources in anticipation of a renewal until notice is provided.

B. It is expressly understood by both ODJFS and CONTRACTOR that this Contract will not be valid and
enforceable until the Director of the Ohio Office of Budget and Management, first certifies, pursuant to Section
126.07 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC), that there is a balance in the appropriation not already allocated to
pay existing obligations. The ODJFS Contract Manager will notify CONTRACTOR when this certification is


A. The total amount payable under this Contract is Eleven Million Seven Hundred Ten Thousand Nine Hundred
Twenty Five and Sixteen Cents ($11,710,925.16). ODJFS will pay an amount up to $11,710,925.16 for State
Fiscal Year (SFY) 2022, expressly for the completion of the Deliverables. CONTRACTOR understands that
the terms of this Contract do not provide for compensation in excess of the total amount listed in this section.
CONTRACTOR hereby waives the interest provisions of ORC 126.30.

D. Compensation will be paid upon completion and acceptance of the Services by the Productive Minute,
pursuant to the Billing section of the CONTRACTOR’s SOW Proposal as attached and incorporated herein.

E. CONTRACTOR will submit a detailed invoice(s) on a monthly basis to the ODJFS Contract Manager, at a
designated Office Address or the Bureau of Accounts Payable at 30 East Broad Street, 37th Floor, Columbus,
Ohio 43215. CONTRACTOR agrees to use an invoice instrument to be prescribed by ODJFS and will include
in each invoice:

1. CONTRACTOR’s name, complete address, and federal tax identification number;

2. Contract number and dates;

3. Purchase order number;

4. Amount and purpose of the invoice, including such detail as required per the compensation section
of this Contract; Deliverables completed, description of services rendered, hourly rates and number
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of hours (if applicable), amount of monthly fee (if applicable), and itemized travel and other expenses
if permitted by this Contract;

5. Description of Deliverables performed during the billing period; and

6. Other documentation requested by the ODJFS Contract Manager.

F. CONTRACTOR expressly understands that ODJFS will not compensate CONTRACTOR for any work
performed prior to CONTRACTOR’s receipt of notice from the ODJFS Contract Manager that the provisions
of ORC 126.07 have been met as set forth in ARTICLE II, nor for work performed after the ending date of
this Contract.

G. CONTRACTOR expressly understands that ODJFS does not have the ability to compensate CONTRACTOR
for invoices submitted after the State of Ohio purchase order has been closed. State of Ohio purchase orders
are issued per SFY. CONTRACTOR must submit final invoices for payment for each SFY no later than 90
calendar days after the end date of each SFY, or if earlier, the end date of this Contract. Failure to do so will
be deemed a forfeiture of the remaining compensation due hereunder.

H. CONTRACTOR understands that availability of funds is contingent on appropriations made by the Ohio
General Assembly or by funding sources external to the State of Ohio, such as federal funding. If the Ohio
General Assembly or the external funding source fails at any time to continue funding ODJFS for the
payments due under this Contract, this Contract will be terminated as of the date funding expires without
further obligation of ODJFS or the State of Ohio.

I. CONTRACTOR and ODJFS understand that the terms of this Contract, when combined with any other
payments made to or open encumbrances with CONTRACTOR during the same SFY, cannot establish
compensation in excess of $50,000.00 aggregate without prior approval from the State Controlling Board in
accordance with ORC 127.16.


A. Contract Termination. If CONTRACTOR fails to perform any one of its obligations under this Contract, it will
be in default and ODJFS may terminate this Contract in accordance with this section. The termination will be
effective on the date delineated by ODJFS.

1. Termination for Default. If CONTRACTOR's default is unable to be cured in a reasonable time,

ODJFS may terminate the Contract by written notice to the CONTRACTOR.

2. Termination for Persistent Default. ODJFS may terminate this Contract by written notice to
CONTRACTOR for defaults that are cured but are persistent. "Persistent" means three or more
defaults. After ODJFS has notified CONTRACTOR of its third default, ODJFS may terminate this
Contract without providing CONTRACTOR with an opportunity to cure, if CONTRACTOR defaults
for a fourth time. The four defaults are not required to be related to each other in any way.

3. Termination for Endangered Performance. ODJFS may terminate this Contract by written notice to
the CONTRACTOR if ODJFS determines that the performance of the Contract is endangered
through no fault of ODJFS.

4. Termination for Financial Instability. ODJFS may terminate this contract by written notice to
CONTRACTOR if a petition in bankruptcy or similar proceeding has been filed by or against the

5. Termination for Delinquency, Violation of Law. ODJFS may terminate this Contract by written notice,
if it determines that CONTRACTOR is delinquent in its payment of federal, state or local taxes,
workers' compensation, insurance premiums, unemployment compensation contributions, child
support, court costs or any other obligation owed to a state agency or political subdivision. ODJFS
also may cancel this Contract, if it determines that CONTRACTOR has violated any law during the
performance of this Contract. However, ODJFS may not terminate this Contract if the
CONTRACTOR has entered into a repayment agreement with which the CONTRACTOR is current
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6. Termination for Subcontractor Default. ODJFS may terminate this contract for the default of the
CONTRACTOR or any of its subcontractors. The CONTRACTOR will be solely responsible for
satisfying any claims of its subcontractors for any suspension or termination and will indemnify
ODJFS for any liability to them. Subcontractors will hold ODJFS harmless for any damage caused
to them from a suspension or termination. The subcontractors will look solely to the CONTRACTOR
for any compensation to which they may be entitled.

7. Termination for Failure to Retain Certification. Pursuant to O.R.C. Section 123.151 and 123.152 of
the Revised Code, ODJFS may certify businesses for participation in state sponsored business
assistance programs. After certification is obtained it is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to
maintain certification. If the CONTRACTOR is awarded a contract pursuant to a certification program
and fails to renew its certification and/or is decertified, ODJFS may immediately cancel the contract.

8. Termination for Convenience. ODJFS may terminate this Contract for its convenience by issuing four
(4) weeks’ written notice to the CONTRACTOR. If the termination is for the convenience of ODJFS,
the CONTRACTOR will be entitled to compensation for any Deliverable that the CONTRACTOR has
delivered before the termination, along with CONTRACTOR’S documented unamortized costs of
project start-up and documented reasonable wind-down expenses. Such compensation will be the
CONTRACTOR's exclusive remedy in the case of termination for convenience and will be available
to the CONTRACTOR only after the CONTRACTOR has submitted a proper invoice for such, with
the invoice reflecting the amount determined by ODJFS to be owing to the CONTRACTOR.

9. Termination, Effectiveness, Contractor Responsibilities. The notice of termination whether for cause
or without cause will be effective as soon as CONTRACTOR receives it. Upon receipt of the notice
of termination, CONTRACTOR will immediately cease all work on the Project, if applicable, and
refuse any additional orders and take all steps necessary to minimize the costs the CONTRACTOR
will incur related to this Contract. The CONTRACTOR will immediately prepare a report and deliver
it to ODJFS. The report must detail either the work completed at the time of termination or the orders
received and not processed prior to termination, and if applicable, the percentage of the Project's
completion, estimated time for delivery of all orders received prior to termination, any costs incurred
by the CONTRACTOR in doing the Project to date and any deliverables completed or partially
completed but not delivered to ODJFS at the time of termination. Any and all work, whether
completed or not, will be delivered to ODJFS along with the specified report. However, if delivery in
that manner would not be in ODJFS's interest, then the CONTRACTOR will propose a suitable
alternate form of delivery.

B. Contract Suspension. If CONTRACTOR fails to perform any one of its obligations under this Contract, it will
be in default and ODJFS may suspend rather than terminate this Contract where ODJFS believes that doing
so would better serve its interest.

In the case of a suspension for ODJFS’s convenience, the amount of compensation due to the
CONTRACTOR for work performed before the suspension will be determined in the same manner as
provided in this section for termination for ODJFS’s convenience or the CONTRACTOR may be entitled to
compensation for work performed before the suspension, less any damage to ODJFS resulting from the
CONTRACTOR’s breach of this Contract or other fault.

The notice of suspension, whether with or without cause, will be effective immediately on the
CONTRACTOR’s receipt of the notice. The CONTRACTOR will immediately prepare a report and deliver it
to ODJFS as is required in the case of termination.

C. CONTRACTOR may terminate this SOW, without cause or for any reason, with eight (8) weeks’ notice to


A. ODJFS and CONTRACTOR agree that communication regarding Deliverables, scope of work, invoice or
billing questions, or other routine instructions will be between CONTRACTOR and the identified ODJFS
Contract Manager.
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B. Notices to ODJFS from CONTRACTOR that concern changes to CONTRACTOR’s principal place of
operation, billing address, legal name, federal tax identification number, mergers or acquisitions, corporate
form, excusable delay, termination, bankruptcy, assignment, any notice pursuant to ARTICLE VIII, and/or
any other formal notice regarding this Contract will be sent to the ODJFS Deputy Director of Contracts and
Acquisitions at 30 East Broad Street, 31st Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215.

C. Notices to CONTRACTOR from ODJFS concerning termination, suspension, option to renew, breach,
default, or other formal notices regarding this Contract will be sent to CONTRACTOR’s representative at the
address appearing on the signature page of this Contract.

D. All notices will be in writing and will be deemed given when received. All notices must be sent using a delivery
method that documents actual delivery to the appropriate address herein indicated (e.g., registered or
certified mail, postage prepaid).


CONTRACTOR agrees that all records, documents, writings, and other information, created or used pursuant to this
Contract will be treated according to the following terms, and that the terms will be included in any subcontract
agreements executed for the performance of the Deliverables under this Contract:

A. CONTRACTOR agrees that any media produced pursuant to this Contract or acquired with Contract funds
will become the property of ODJFS. This includes all documents, reports, data, photographs (including
negatives), and electronic reports and records. ODJFS will maintain the unrestricted right to reproduce,
distribute, modify, maintain, and use the media in any way ODJFS deems appropriate. CONTRACTOR
further agrees not to seek or obtain copyright, patent or other proprietary protection for any materials or items
produced under this Contract. CONTRACTOR understands that all materials and items produced under this
Contract will be made freely available to the public unless ODJFS determines that certain materials are
confidential under federal or state law.

B. All ODJFS information that is classified as public or private under Ohio law will be treated as such by
CONTRACTOR. Should the nature of any information be in question, ODJFS will determine whether the
information is public or private. CONTRACTOR will restrict the use of any information, systems, or records
ODJFS provides to the specific Deliverables of this Contract. CONTRACTOR and its employees agree to be
bound by the same standards and rules of confidentiality that apply to employees of ODJFS and the State of
Ohio. CONTRACTOR agrees that the terms of this section will be included in any subcontract executed by
CONTRACTOR for work under this Contract.

C. CONTRACTOR information that is proprietary and has been specifically identified by CONTRACTOR as
proprietary will be held as confidential by ODJFS. Proprietary information is information that would put
CONTRACTOR at a competitive disadvantage in CONTRACTOR’s marketplace and trade if it were made
public. ODJFS reserves the right to require reasonable evidence of CONTRACTOR’s assertion of the
proprietary nature of any information. The provisions of this ARTICLE are not self-executing. CONTRACTOR
must demonstrate that any information claimed as proprietary meets the definition of “trade secret” found at
ORC 1333.61. CONTRACTOR will defend such a claim.

D. For Audit Purposes Only: All records relating to cost, work performed, supporting documentation for invoices
submitted to ODJFS, and copies of all materials produced under or pertaining to this Contract will be retained
by CONTRACTOR and will be made available for audit by state and federal government entities that include
but are not limited to, ODJFS, the Ohio Auditor of State, the Ohio Inspector General and all duly authorized
law enforcement officials. The records and materials will be retained and made available for a minimum of
three years after CONTRACTOR receives the last payment pursuant to this Contract. If an audit, litigation or
similar action is initiated during this time period, CONTRACTOR will retain the records until the action is
concluded and all issues are resolved, or until the end of the three-year period if the action is resolved prior
to the end of the three-year period. If applicable, CONTRACTOR must meet the requirements of the federal
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Omni-Circular, Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
Part 200. CONTRACTOR acknowledges, in accordance with ORC 149.43, that financial records related to
the performance of services under this Contract are presumptively deemed public records.

E. All records relating to cost, work performed, supporting documentation for invoices submitted to ODJFS, and
copies of all materials produced under or pertaining to this Contract will be retained by CONTRACTOR in
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accordance to the appropriate records retention schedule. The appropriate records retention schedule for
this Contract three years. If any records are destroyed prior to the date as determined by the appropriate
records retention schedule, CONTRACTOR agrees to pay all costs associated with any cause, action or
litigation arising from such destruction.

F. CONTRACTOR agrees to retain all records in accordance with any litigation holds that are provided to them
by ODJFS, and actively participate in the discovery process if required to do so, at no additional charge.
Litigation holds may require CONTRACTOR to keep the records longer than the approved records retention
schedule. CONTRACTOR will be notified by ODJFS when the litigation hold ends and retention can resume
based on the approved records retention schedule. If CONTRACTOR fails to retain the pertinent records
after receiving a litigation hold from ODJFS, CONTRACTOR agrees to pay all costs, damages and expenses
associated with any cause, action or litigation arising from such destruction.

G. If applicable, CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to current and ongoing compliance with Title 42, Sections 1320d
through 1320d-8 of the United States Code (42 USC 1320d-1320d-8) and the implementing regulations found
at 45 CFR 164.502(e) and 164.504(e) regarding disclosure of Protected Health Information under the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). If applicable, CONTRACTOR further agrees to
include the terms of this section in any subcontracts that may be executed pursuant to this Contract.


A. This writing constitutes the entire agreement between ODJFS and CONTRACTOR with respect to all matters
herein. Only a writing signed by both parties may amend this Contract. However, ODJFS and CONTRACTOR
agree that any amendments to any laws or regulations cited herein will result in the correlative modification
of this Contract without the necessity for executing written amendments. It is agreed that line item budget
modifications may be made, in writing, upon approval by the ODJFS Contract Manager without a written
amendment pursuant to ARTICLE III. Any written amendment to this Contract will be prospective in nature.

B. CONTRACTOR agrees not to assign any interest in this Contract nor transfer any interest in the Contract
without the prior written approval of ODJFS. CONTRACTOR will submit any requests for approval of
assignments and transfers to the ODJFS Contract Manager at least 10 business days prior to the desired
effective date. CONTRACTOR understands that any assignments and transfers will be subject to any
conditions ODJFS deems necessary and that no approval by ODJFS will be deemed to provide for any
ODJFS obligation that exceeds the Contract amount specified in ARTICLE III of this Contract.


By accepting this Contract and by executing this Contract, CONTRACTOR hereby affirms current and continued
compliance with each condition listed in this ARTICLE. CONTRACTOR's certification of compliance with each of
these conditions is considered a material representation of fact upon which ODJFS relied in entering into this

A. If at any time, CONTRACTOR is not in compliance with the conditions affirmed in this Section, ODJFS will
consider this Contract void ab initio and will deliver written notice to CONTRACTOR. Any funds the State of
Ohio paid CONTRACTOR for work performed before CONTRACTOR received notice that the Contract is
void ab initio will be immediately repaid or the State of Ohio may commence an action for recovery against

1. Federal Debarment Requirements. CONTRACTOR affirms that neither CONTRACTOR nor any of
its principals or subcontractors, is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared
ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in transactions by any federal agency.
CONTRACTOR also affirms that within three years preceding this Contract neither CONTRACTOR
nor any of its principals:

a. Have been convicted of, or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of
fraud or other criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or
performing a federal, state, or local public transaction or contract under a public transaction;
for violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; for commission of embezzlement, theft,
forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements; or for
receiving stolen property; or
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b. Are presently indicted or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity

(Federal, State, or local) for the commission of any of the offenses listed in this paragraph
and have not had any federal, state, or local, public transactions terminated for cause or

2. Qualifications to Conduct Business. CONTRACTOR affirms that it has all of the approvals,
licenses, or other qualifications needed to conduct business in Ohio and all are current. If at any time
during the Contract period CONTRACTOR, for any reason, becomes disqualified from conducting
business in the State of Ohio, CONTRACTOR will immediately notify ODJFS in writing and will
immediately cease performance of all Deliverables.

3. Unfair Labor Practices. CONTRACTOR affirms that neither CONTRACTOR nor its principals are
on the most recent list established by the Ohio Secretary of State, pursuant to ORC 121.23, which
would identify CONTRACTOR as having more than one unfair labor practice contempt of court

4. Finding for Recovery. CONTRACTOR affirms that neither CONTRACTOR nor its principals or
subcontractors, is subject to a finding for recovery under ORC 9.24, or it has taken the appropriate
remedial steps required, or otherwise qualifies under ORC 9.24 to contract with the State of Ohio.

B. If at any time CONTRACTOR is not in compliance with the conditions affirmed in this Section, ODJFS may
immediately suspend or terminate this Contract and will deliver written notice to CONTRACTOR.
CONTRACTOR will be entitled to compensation, upon submission of a proper invoice per ARTICLE III, only
for work performed during the time CONTRACTOR was in compliance with the provisions of this Section.
Any funds paid by the State of Ohio for work performed during a period when CONTRACTOR was not in
compliance with this Section will be immediately repaid or the State of Ohio may commence an action for
recovery against CONTRACTOR.

1. Americans with Disabilities. CONTRACTOR, its officers, employees, members, and

subcontractors hereby affirm current and ongoing compliance with all statutes and regulations
pertaining to The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
of 1973.

2. Fair Labor Standards and Employment Practices.

a. CONTRACTOR certifies that it is in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws,
rules, and regulations governing fair labor and employment practices, including ORC
125.111 and all related Executive Orders.

b. In carrying out this Contract, CONTRACTOR will not discriminate against any employee or
applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ancestry,
military status, disability, age, genetic information, or sexual orientation, in making any of the
following employment decisions: hiring, layoff, termination, transfer, promotion, demotion,
rate of compensation, and eligibility for in-service training programs.

c. CONTRACTOR agrees to post notices affirming compliance with all applicable federal and
state non-discrimination laws in conspicuous places accessible to all employees and
applicants for employment.

d. If applicable, CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with the provisions of Equal Employment

Opportunity Clause (41 CFR Part 60), the Davis-Bacon Act (40 USC 3141-3148), the
Copeland Act (40 USC 3145), and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40
USC Chapter 37), regarding labor standards for federally assisted construction contracts. If
applicable, CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with ORC Chapter 4115 and corresponding
Ohio Administrative Code rules.

e. CONTRACTOR will incorporate the foregoing requirements of this Paragraph 2 in all of its
subgrants or subcontracts for any of the work prescribed herein.
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3. Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Laws.

a. CONTRACTOR certifies that by executing this Contract, it has reviewed, knows and
understands the State of Ohio’s ethics and conflict of interest laws. CONTRACTOR further
agrees that it will not engage in any action(s) inconsistent with Ohio ethics laws or any
Executive Orders.

b. CONTRACTOR certifies, by executing this Contract, that no party who holds a position listed
or described in ORC 3517.13 (I) or (J), has made, while in his/her current position, one or
more personal monetary contributions in excess of $1,000.00 to the current Governor or to
the Governor’s campaign committee when he was a candidate for office, within the previous
two calendar years.

c. CONTRACTOR agrees to refrain from promising or giving to any ODJFS employee anything
of value that could be construed as having a substantial and improper influence upon the
employee with respect to the employee’s duties. CONTRACTOR further agrees that it will
not solicit any ODJFS employee to violate ORC 102.03, 2921.42, or 2921.43.

d. CONTRACTOR agrees that CONTRACTOR, its officers, employees, and members have not
nor will they acquire any interest, whether personal, business, direct or indirect, that is
incompatible, in conflict with, or would compromise the discharge and fulfillment of
CONTRACTOR’s functions and responsibilities under this Contract. If CONTRACTOR, its
officers, employees, or members acquire any incompatible, conflicting, or compromising
interest, CONTRACTOR agrees it will immediately disclose the interest in writing to the
ODJFS Chief Legal Counsel at 30 East Broad Street, 31st Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215.
CONTRACTOR further agrees that the person with the conflicting interest will not participate
in any Deliverables until ODJFS determines that participation would not be contrary to public

4. Lobbying Restrictions.

a. CONTRACTOR affirms that no federal funds paid to CONTRACTOR by ODJFS through this
Contract or any other agreement have been or will be used to lobby Congress or any federal
agency in connection with a particular contract, grant, cooperative agreement or loan.
CONTRACTOR further affirms compliance with all federal lobbying restrictions, including 31
USC 1352. If this Contract exceeds $100,000.00, CONTRACTOR affirms that it has
executed and filed the Disclosure of Lobbying Activities standard form LLL, if required by
federal regulations, and is in compliance with 31 USC 1352 the Byrd anti-lobbying

b. CONTRACTOR certifies compliance with the Ohio executive agency lobbying restrictions
contained in ORC 121.60 to 121.69.

5. Child Support Enforcement. CONTRACTOR agrees to cooperate with ODJFS and any child
support enforcement agency in ensuring that CONTRACTOR and its employees meet child support
obligations established by state and federal law including present and future compliance with any
court or valid administrative order for the withholding of support issued pursuant to the applicable
sections of ORC Chapters 3119, 3121, 3123, and 3125.

6. Pro-Child Act. If any Deliverables call for services to minors, CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with
the Pro-Children Act of 1994; Public Law 103-277, Part C – Environment Tobacco Smoke that
requires smoking to be banned in any portion of any indoor facility owned, leased, or contracted by
an entity that will routinely or regularly use the facility for the provision of health care services, day
care, library services, or education to children under the age of 18.

7. Drug-Free Workplace. CONTRACTOR, its officers, employees, members, any subcontractors

and/or any independent contractors (including all field staff) associated with this Contract agree to
comply with all applicable state and federal laws, including, but not limited to, 41 USC Chapter 10
and 2 CFR 182, regarding a drug-free workplace. CONTRACTOR will make a good faith effort to
ensure that none of CONTRACTOR's officers, employees, members, or subgrantees will purchase,
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transfer, use, or possess illegal drugs or alcohol or abuse prescription drugs in any way while working
or while on public property.

8. Work Programs. CONTRACTOR agrees not to discriminate against individuals who have or are
participating in any work program administered by any county department of Job and Family Services
under ORC Chapter 5101 or 5107.

9. MBE/EDGE. Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order 2008-13S, CONTRACTOR agrees to

purchase goods and services under this Contract from certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
and Encouraging Diversity, Growth, and Equity (EDGE) vendors whenever possible.
CONTRACTOR agrees to encourage any of its subgrantees or subcontractors to purchase goods
and services from certified MBE and EDGE vendors. In accordance with 2 CFR 200.321,
CONTRACTOR agrees to take affirmative steps to assure that minority businesses, women’s
business enterprises and labor surplus area firms are used when possible.

10. Expenditure of Public Funds for Offshore Services—Executive Order Requirements.

a. CONTRACTOR certifies that by executing this Contract, it has reviewed, understands, and
will abide by the Governor’s Executive Order 2019-12D and shall abide by those
requirements in the performance of this Contract, and shall perform no services required
under this Contract outside of the United States.
b. Prior to performing any services, and when there is a change in the location of any services
provided under this Contract, CONTRACTOR must disclose:

(1) The location(s) where all services will be performed by CONTRACTOR or any

(2) The location(s) where any state data associated with any of the services through this
Contract will be accessed, tested, maintained, backed-up, or stored; and

(3) The principal location of business for the contractor and all subcontractors.

c. CONTRACTOR also affirms, understands, and agrees to immediately notify ODJFS of any
change or shift in the location(s) of services performed by CONTRACTOR or its
subcontractors under this Contract, and no services shall be changed or shifted to a location
outside of the United States.

d. Termination, Sanction, Damages: ODJFS is not obligated and shall not pay for any services
provided under this Contract that CONTRACTOR or any of its subcontractors performed
outside of the United States. If services are performed outside of the United States, this will
be treated as a material breach of the Contract, and CONTRACTOR shall immediately return
to ODJFS all funds paid for those services.

In addition, if CONTRACTOR or any of its subcontractors perform any such services outside
of the United States, ODJFS may, at any time after the breach, terminate this Contract for
such breach, upon written notice to CONTRACTOR. If ODJFS terminates the Contract,
ODJFS may buy substitute services from a third party, and may recover the additional costs
associated with acquiring the substitute services.

11. Combating Trafficking in Persons.

a. CONTRACTOR agrees that it is in compliance with the Trafficking Victims Protection Act
(TVPA) of 2000, as amended (22 USC 7104), see 2 CFR Part 175 and the Federal
Acquisition Regulation (FAR) for Combating Trafficking in Persons, 48 CFR Subpart 22.17.
The provisions found in 48 CFR Subpart 52.222-50 are hereby incorporated into this
Contract by reference.

b. CONTRACTOR, its employees, its subcontractors, or subcontractor’s employees are

prohibited from: engaging in severe forms of trafficking in persons during the period of
Conduent State & Local Solutions C-2223-14-0482 Page 10 of 13

performance of the Contract; procuring commercial sex acts during the period of
performance of the Contract; or using forced labor in the performance of the Contract.

c. CONTRACTOR agrees that it shall notify its employees and require all of its subcontractors
to notify their employees, of the prohibited activities described in the preceding paragraph.

d. ODJFS has the right to immediately and unilaterally terminate this Contract if any provision
in this Section is violated and ODJFS may implement section 106(g) of the TVPA, see 2
CFR 175.10.

12. Civil Rights Assurance. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees that it will comply with Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq.) and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42
U.S.C. § 6101 et seq.).

13. Clean Air Act and Federal Water Pollution Control Act. CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with all
applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401-
7671q) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387). Violations
must be reported to the Regional Office of the United States Environmental Protection Agency

14. Procuring Recovered Materials. CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with section 6002 of the Solid
Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The
requirements of Section 6002 include procuring only items designated in guidelines of the USEPA at
40 CFR Part 247 that contain the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable, consistent
with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition, where the purchase price of the item exceeds
$10,000.00 or the value of the quantity acquired during the preceding federal fiscal year exceeded
$10,000.00; procuring solid waste management services in a manner that maximizes energy and
resource recovery; and establishing an affirmative procurement program for procurement of
recovered materials identified in the USEPA guidelines.

15. Rights to Inventions. If applicable, if any products or services under this Contract meet the definition
of “funding agreement” under 37 CFR 401.2(a), and CONTRACTOR enters into a subcontract or
subgrant with a small business firm or nonprofit organization regarding the substitution of parties,
assignment or performance of experimental, developmental, or research work under that funding
agreement, the Contractor must comply with the requirements of 37 CFR Part 401, “Rights to
Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government Grants,
Contracts and Cooperative Agreements,” and any applicable federal and state regulations.

16. Boycotting. Pursuant to Division B of ORC 9.76, the CONTRACTOR warrants that it is not boycotting
any jurisdiction with whom the State of Ohio can enjoy open trade, including Israel, and will not do so
during the contract period.

17. Certification of Compliance. CONTRACTOR certifies that it is in compliance with all other
applicable federal and state, local laws, regulations, rules, and Executive Orders and will require the
same certification from its subgrantees or subcontractors.


A. Independent Contractor. CONTRACTOR agrees that no agency, employment, joint venture, or partnership
has been or will be created between ODJFS and CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR further agrees that as an
independent contractor, it assumes all responsibility for any federal, state, municipal or other tax liabilities
along with workers compensation, unemployment compensation and insurance premiums that may accrue
as a result of funds received pursuant to this Contract. CONTRACTOR agrees that it is an independent
contractor for all purposes including, but not limited to, the application of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the
Social Security Act, the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, the Federal Insurance Contribution Act, provisions
of the Internal Revenue Code, Ohio tax law, Workers Compensation law, and Unemployment Insurance law.
CONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees any individual providing personal services under this Contract is
not a public employee for the purposes of Chapter 145 of the Revised Code. Pursuant to ORC 145.038,
ODJFS is required to provide individuals and business entities with fewer than five employees the
Independent Contractor Acknowledgment (Form PEDACKN), please see Attachment A. This form requires
Conduent State & Local Solutions C-2223-14-0482 Page 11 of 13

CONTRACTOR to acknowledge that ODJFS has notified CONTRACTOR that he or she has not been
classified as a public employee and no OPERS contributions will be made on his or her behalf for these
services. If CONTRACTOR is a business entity with fewer than five employees, please have each employee
complete the PEDACKN form, the first two pages of Attachment A. If CONTRACTOR is not an individual or
a business entity with fewer than five employees, please complete page three of Attachment A.

B. Liability. To the extent allowable by law, CONTRACTOR agrees to hold ODJFS harmless in any and all
claims for personal injury, property damage, and third-party claims for infringement resulting, and/or any other
claims arising from the performance of the Deliverables to the extent caused by the negligence or fault of
CONTRACTOR, its employees or agents. CONTRACTOR’s sole and exclusive remedy for any ODJFS
failure to perform under this Contract will be an action in the Ohio Court of Claims pursuant to ORC Chapter
2743 that will be subject to the limitations set forth in this ARTICLE. In no event will either party be liable for
any indirect or consequential damages, including loss of profits, even if such party knew or should have
known of the possibility of such damages. To the extent that ODJFS is a party to any litigation arising out of
or relating in any way to this Contract or the performance thereunder, such an action shall be brought only in
a court of competent jurisdiction in Franklin County, Ohio. Except for personal injury, property damage,
disclosure and/or breach of State data including personally identifiable information and State sensitive
information, and/or infringement resulting from the Contract, and to the maximum extent permitted by law,
the parties’ liability for damages, whether in contract or tort, may not exceed the total amount of compensation
payable to CONTRACTOR under ARTICLE III or the actual amount of direct damages incurred by any party
whichever is less.

C. Infringement of Patent or Copyright. To the extent allowable by law and subject to ORC 109.02,
CONTRACTOR agrees to defend any suit or proceeding brought against ODJFS, any official or employee of
ODJFS acting in his or her official capacity, or the State of Ohio due to any alleged infringement of patent or
copyright arising out of the performance of this Contract, including all work, services, materials, reports,
studies, and computer programs provided by CONTRACTOR. ODJFS will provide prompt notification in
writing of such suit or proceeding; full right, authorization, and opportunity to conduct the defense thereof;
and full disclosure of information along with all reasonable cooperation for the defense of the suit. ODJFS
may participate in the defense of any such action. CONTRACTOR agrees to pay all damages and costs
awarded against ODJFS, any official or employee of ODJFS in his or her official capacity, or the State of
Ohio as a result of any suit or proceeding referred to in this Section C. If any information and/or assistance
is furnished by ODJFS at CONTRACTOR’s written request, it is at CONTRACTOR’s expense. If any of the
materials, reports, or studies provided by CONTRACTOR are found to be infringing items and the use or
publication thereof is enjoined, CONTRACTOR agrees to, at its own expense and at its option, either procure
the right to publish or continue use of such infringing materials, reports, or studies; replace them with non-
infringing items of equivalent value; or modify them so that they are no longer infringing. The obligations of
CONTRACTOR under this Section survive the termination of this Contract, without limitation.

D. Liens. CONTRACTOR will not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against ODJFS or the State
of Ohio because of any labor, services, or materials furnished. If CONTRACTOR fails, neglects, or refuses
to make prompt payment of any claims for labor, services, or materials furnished to CONTRACTOR in
connection with this Contract, ODJFS or the State of Ohio may, but is not obligated to, pay those claims and
charge the amount of payment against the funds due or to become due to CONTRACTOR under this

E. Delay. Neither party will be liable for any delay in its performance that arises from causes beyond its control
and without its negligence or fault. The delaying party will notify the other promptly of any material delay in
performance and will specify in writing the proposed revised performance date as soon as practicable after
notice of delay. The delaying party must also describe the cause of the delay and its proposal to remove or
mitigate the delay. Notices will be sent pursuant to ARTICLE V. In the event of excusable delay, the date of
performance or delivery of products may be extended by amendment, if applicable, for a time period equal
to that lost due to the excusable delay. Reliance on a claim of excusable delay may only be asserted if the
delaying party has taken commercially reasonable steps to mitigate or avoid the delay. Items that are
controllable by CONTRACTOR’s subcontractor(s) will be considered controllable by CONTRACTOR, except
for third-party manufacturers supplying commercial items and over whom CONTRACTOR has no legal
control. The final determination of whether an instance of delay is excusable lies with ODJFS in its discretion.

F. Insurance. CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain, at its own cost, automobile, fleet, and commercial general
liability insurance.
Conduent State & Local Solutions C-2223-14-0482 Page 12 of 13

G. Attachments. Attachments and documents referenced in this Contract are made a part hereof, and are
incorporated as terms and conditions of this Contract. In the event a conflict of terms, the terms and conditions
of this Contract shall take precedence over any conflicting terms.

H. Counterpart. This Contract may be executed in one, or more than one counterpart and each executed
counterpart shall be considered an original, provided that such counterpart is delivered to the other party by
facsimile, mail courier or electronic mail, all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement.


This Contract will be governed, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio. Should any
portion of this Contract be found unenforceable by operation of statute or by administrative or judicial decision, the
remaining portions of this Contract will not be affected as long as the absence of the illegal or unenforceable provision
does not render the performance of the remainder of the Contract impossible.

Signature Page Follows:

Remainder of page intentionally left blank

Call Center Services Statement of Work (SOW)


The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) seeks a qualified firm to provide up to 200 tier 1
agents to answer calls from claimants on their unemployment insurance applications and benefits. We
are looking for a company (Contractor) that has state unemployment (or other state agency) call center
experience, a Leader or Challenger in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Customer Service Business Process
Outsourcing (February 2021), has a General Services Administration (GSA) contract that we can leverage,
an Ohio Presence as defined in this SOW, will use Ohio residents for at least 50% of the call center agents,
and can scale up and down as needed. ODJFS has two existing contracts with call center service providers
and plans to maintain a multi-vendor call center environment where opportunities are provided to the
high performing provider under a champion/challenger model.

SOW Term and Timeline

The term of the SOW is valid from the effective date of the agreement through April 1, 2022 and may be
optionally extended by ODJFS with 4 weeks’ notice to Contractor. Each extension may be up to 12 weeks
in duration. ODJFS may terminate this SOW, without cause or for any reason, with 4 weeks’ notice to
Contractor. Contractor may terminate this SOW, without cause or for any reason, with 8 weeks’ notice

Call Center Agents

The agent ramp-up schedule, subject to the forecasting and scheduling process outlined below, is

50 agents: 10/4/2021
100 agents: 11/1/2021
150 agents: 11/29/2021
200 agents: 12/27/2021

Contractor may not subcontract unless disclosed in writing and approved by ODJFS in writing in advance.

Agents are trained through a train-the-trainer approach, where ODJFS trains the Contractor’s trainers who
then train the Contractor’s agents.

Hours of Operation and Coverage

The call centers operate Monday through Friday and provide fifty-five (55) hours of total coverage per
week. The call center agents provide eleven (11) hours of phone coverage each weekday starting at 7:00
AM Eastern Time and concluding at 6:00 PM Eastern Time. The Call Centers are closed on ODJFS’ holidays
and no coverage is provided.

ODJFS may change the contact center hours of operation with 2 weeks’ notice to Contractor.

Call Center Services Statement of Work (SOW)

Ohio Presence

For purposes of this SOW, ODJFS is applying a 5% Ohio preference to Proposals that satisfy one of the two
criteria below.

1. A vendor is an Ohio company if the company is headquartered in Ohio where services are
produced/performed. Vendors are to indicate the physical address of its Ohio headquarters and
the total number of Ohio and Nationwide employees, respectively.
2. A vendor has significant economic presence within the state of Ohio when the following criteria
are met:
a) Vendor has paid the required taxes due the state of Ohio.
b) Vendor is registered with the Ohio Secretary of State. Questions regarding registration
should be directed to (614) 466-3910 or visit their web site at:
c) Sufficient supporting documentation must be provided to demonstrate meeting items a
and b above.

The 5% Ohio preference is for the sole purposes of evaluating and selecting vendor(s) for contract award
and does not alter the vendors proposed pricing and firm rates. Where the preliminary analysis identifies
non-Ohio Presence quote(s), the preference shall be applied by increasing the non-Ohio quote(s) by five

Fee Structure

Respondents to the SOW must demonstrate the costs of performing the services according to the GSA
schedule and price list. Respondents must include all resources necessary to complete the scope of
services and may include additional rows as needed to adequately indicate the resources necessary to
perform the work described in the SOW.

Extended Fee
GSA Description GSA Hourly Rate Quantity

200 Tier 1 Agents 1419 hours

1419 hours

1419 hours

1419 hours

1419 hours

55 hours/week, 4.3 weeks/month, for 6 months = 1419 hours

Estimated Total Fees

Call Center Services Statement of Work (SOW)

The Estimated Total Fees above must be converted to a Productive Minute rate, which will be the basis
for billing and payment. Indicate the Productive Minute Rate below and include any assumptions made
in determining the Productive Minute Rate.

Description Productive Minute Rate

Call Center Services


Contractor shall bill ODJFS by the Productive Minute, summing all agent Productive Minutes across the
billing period and multiplying the sum by the agreed upon Productive Minute Rate. Productive Minutes
are those agent minutes that are customer facing, and consists of an agent’s talk-time, hold-time and
after-call-work specific to claimant calls. All other agent time is not billable to ODJFS, including breaks,
not ready time, idle time and training. All overhead costs, including supervisors, managers, trainers,
quality assurance, workforce management and project management are not billable to ODJFS. All such
overhead costs are assumed to be covered by the Productive Minute Rate.

Invoices shall be generated monthly after the completion of each month.

Service Level Agreements

Contractor and ODJFS agree to the performance standards below. ODJFS may, at its discretion, assess a
Service Credit as specified below for failure to meet the performance standard. The Service Credits due
to ODJFS in a month for failures shall not exceed the Monthly Fee At Risk for that month. The Monthly
Fee At Risk is equal to 5% of the monthly invoice amount. Where an assessment is defined as an “up to”
amount, the dollar value will be set at the discretion of ODJFS. The ODJFS Agreement Manager will give
Contractor written notice of deficiency for each failure to meet a performance standard. If ODJFS does
not assess a Service Credit in a particular instance, ODJFS is not precluded from pursuing other or future
assessments relating to those performance standards. The performance standards will be measured and
reported during an initial two (2) month stabilization period during which time Service Credit amounts for
non-compliant performance standards will not be applicable.


Average call 95% of incoming calls Total number of incoming Up to 2% of Monthly
handle time does are handled in less calls handled within [10 or monthly invoice if
not exceed [10 12] minutes divided by call handle time

Call Center Services Statement of Work (SOW)

minutes for UI than [10 or 12] the total number of exceeds [10 or
calls; 12 minutes minutes. incoming calls. “Handled” 12] minutes for
for PUA calls] includes agent talk time, 5% or more of
hold time and after-call- incoming calls.
Average call Average calls Total number of Up to 1% of Monthly
transfers do not transferred by agents transferred calls divided monthly invoice if
exceed 12%. for the month do not by the total number of average calls
exceed 12%. incoming calls. transferred for
the month
exceed 12%
Negative interval The sum of all A negative interval occurs Up to 1% of Monthly
staffing negative interval when the actual number monthly invoice if
variances do not staffing variances in a of agent-productive-hours the sum of
exceed 5% per month do not exceed delivered in an interval is negative interval
month. 5% of the sum of all less than the number of staffing variances
adjusted-agent- adjusted-agent- exceeds 5% of the
productive-hours- productive-hours- sum of all
committed interval committed for that committed
staffing for that interval. The negative interval staffing
month. interval staffing variance for that month.
is equal to the difference
between the actual
delivered agent-
productive-hours and the
committed for that
interval. The percentage
is calculated by taking the
sum of all negative
interval staffing variances
for a month and dividing
it by the sum of all
committed interval
staffing for that month.
Timely 100% Number of calendar days For each report, Daily
submission of beyond the due up to $500 per
Reports. Reports date for submission. calendar day
needed are after due date
weekly and
monthly status,
including reports
related to the
Forecasting and

Call Center Services Statement of Work (SOW)

process, billing
details, quarterly
business reviews,
training, errors,
customer, ramp
plans, attrition,
contributors, and
UI/PUA call 80% of UI/PUA call Number of UI/PUA call If UI/PUA Quarterly
center center customers are center customers customer
customers are satisfied with their participating in the satisfaction falls
satisfied with experience quarterly satisfaction below 80% for
their overall survey who are satisfied/ two consecutive
experience Number of quarters, 3% of
call center customers total monthly
participating in the survey invoice for the
third month.
Corrective Action 100% Number of calendar days For each CAP, up Daily
Plan (CAP) is beyond the due to $500 per
submitted date for submission of the calendar day
by the deadline CAP. after due date.
specified by
Contractor 100% Number of calendar days For each failure Daily
implements for to
corrective implementation of timely and
measures correction specified in correctly
required under approved CAP. implement an
the approved CAP,
approved CAP. $750 per calendar
day until full
compliance is

A. For any deficiency, including ones relating to the performance standards, the Contractor must prepare
and submit a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for any observation or finding contained in a notice of
deficiency. The Contractor must submit the CAP to ODJFS within ten Business Days of notification of
the deficiency or such longer time as may be agreed to by ODJFS.
B. The CAP must include:
1. Brief description of the findings including root cause analysis;
2. Specific steps the Contractor will take to correct the situation or reasons why it believes
corrective action is not necessary;
3. Name(s) and title(s) of responsible staff person(s);
4. Timetable for performance of the corrective action steps;
5. Monitoring that will be performed to implement corrective action; and

Call Center Services Statement of Work (SOW)

6. Signature of the Contractor’s Program Manager or a senior executive.

C. The Contractor must implement the CAP within the timeframe agreed to by the parties for that CAP.
Failure to implement a CAP, in the manner agreed to, may result in further action by ODJFS, including
a finding of default.
D. If ODJFS determines a deficiency to be a serious non-compliance with the selected Applicant’s
obligations under the agreement, ODJFS may find the Contractor in default.

Key Performance Indicators

Contractor and ODJFS agreed to the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) below. KPIs are quantifiable
measures used to evaluate the success of a Contractor in meeting objectives for performance. KPIs are
included in established Contractor reporting and become a part of the Contractor performance record.
While specific Service Credits are not included for failure to meet or exceed each measure, this
information may be used to evaluate Contractor performance for future contracting activities.


Monthly call 95% of incoming calls Total number of incoming calls per Monthly
answer time answered in less than 60 month answered within 60 seconds or
does not exceed seconds. less divided by the total number of
60 seconds. incoming calls per month.
Calls are not Monthly abandonment rate Number of abandoned calls per Monthly
abandoned is less than 5%, excluding calls month, excluding calls abandoned in
before being abandoned in 20 20 seconds or less /Total number of
answered by seconds or less. incoming calls per month.
call center staff.
Average error Monthly average of error Number of calls with documented Monthly
rate for agent rates for all agents’ calls is errors divided by the total number of
calls does not less than 0.4%. answered calls. Typically, errors are
exceed 0.4%. found during quality assurance
scoring, by either Contractor or
ODJFS, are written up on an Error
Report form, and submitted to
Contractor through a mutually agreed
Error Reporting process.
Quality Monthly average of all agents’ Each agent FTE shall have a minimum Monthly
assurance QA scores is 85% or above of 2 calls evaluated per week.
average monthly Average the scores of all calls
scores meet or evaluated over the month.
exceed 85%

SOW Proposal Instructions

Call Center Services Statement of Work (SOW)

Responding firms must provide a proposal that clearly demonstrates the ability and capacity to quickly
undertake and successfully perform the services described in the SOW. Proposal should also include 3
references that can attest to the firm’s past performance.

Responding firms must agree to leverage the attached ODJFS contract template (Attachment B) with
no exceptions unless leveraging a current agreement with the State of Ohio or public sector GSA.

Responding firms must propose a Productive Minute Rate. Leveraging a GSA, convert the GSA rates into
the Productive Minute Rate that will be used to bill for this SOW.

Responding firms must also complete and sign the attached Affirmation and Disclosure Form (Attachment
A) for offshore services and data.

The SOW proposal timeline, subject to ODJFS updates, is:

ODJFS Issues SOW 7/8/2021

Vendor Conference for Questions 7/12/2021 from 10am – 11am EST

Contractors Submit Proposals 7/16/2021 @8am

ODJFS Evaluates and Negotiates Contract 8/5/2021

ODJFS Obtains Controlling Board Approval 8/30/2021

The inquiry process for this solicitation will be from Thursday, July 8, 2021 through 8 am EST Tuesday, July
13, 2021.

To respond to this SOW, provide your proposal on Company Letterhead and include contact name,
business phone number(s) and e-mail address. The Proposal must be valid for 90 days and provided to
the following e-mail address: [email protected] with e-mail subject JFSR2223148228: Call
Center Services SOW on or before 8:00 AM, Friday, July 16, 2021. Proposals should not contain any
proprietary or confidential designations and late responses will not be evaluated.

ODJFS will rank the vendors based on the best value and apply an Ohio Presence Preference to qualifying
Proposals that include sufficient evidence of satisfying the Ohio Presence criteria.

ODJFS may not award to a vendor deemed not responsive or responsible, including not in good standing
with previous clients or the public sector, has unsatisfactory references, etc.

ODJFS reserves the right to waive minor errors or omissions in the Proposals; request clarifications from
vendors or cancel the solicitation.

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc.

Call Center Services
for the Ohio Department
of Jobs and Family Services

Cover Letter .......................................................................................................................................1

Executive Summary ..........................................................................................................................2

Corporate Information .........................................................................................................................3
Conduent Overview .........................................................................................................................3
Call Center Expertise ......................................................................................................................3

Conduent’s Presence in Ohio ..........................................................................................................4

Commitment to Department of Jobs and Family Services ..................................................................4
Other State Contracts .........................................................................................................................4

Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion .............................................................................................5

Supplier Diversity ................................................................................................................................5
Employee Diversity & Inclusion .......................................................................................................5

Unemployment Experience ..............................................................................................................6

Call Center Expertise ........................................................................................................................8

Workforce Development, Recruiting and Retention ............................................................................9
Training ...............................................................................................................................................9

References .......................................................................................................................................10

Approach to ODJFS Call Center Services SOW ..........................................................................14

Key Personnel ...................................................................................................................................14
Call Center Agent Ramp-up Plan ......................................................................................................14
Proposed Subcontractor – CFA, Inc .............................................................................................14
Training and Retention ..................................................................................................................15
Hours of Operation and Coverage ....................................................................................................15
Forecasting and Scheduling .............................................................................................................15
Technology ........................................................................................................................................15
Billing .................................................................................................................................................15
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) ....................................16

Fee Structure ...................................................................................................................................17

Attachments ....................................................................................................................................19
Attachment A – Location of Business Form ......................................................................................20
Exhibit A – Secretary of State Certificate of Good Standing.............................................................22
Exhibit B – Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities – Partner Letter ...........................................23
Exhibit C - CFA, Inc. MBE Certificate Approval ................................................................................14

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. i

Scott Cade
Vice President

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc.

750 First Street, NE
10th Floor
Washington, DC 20002

[email protected]
July 14, 2021

Mr. Matthew M. Damschroder

Interim Director
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
30 E. Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43215

RE: Call Center Services Statement of Work JFSR2223148228

Dear Director Damschroder,

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc., is pleased to submit our proposal to perform the services
required in the Call Center Services Statement of Work (SOW), number JFSR2223148228 issued
on July 8, 2021.
Conduent is a wholly owned subsidiary of Conduent, Incorporated. Conduent, Incorporated is a
global corporation, headquartered in Florham Park, New Jersey. The State & Local subsidiary,
headquartered in Washington D.C., is focused exclusively on delivering services to state, local, and
federal government customers.
We are an industry recognized customer service business process outsourcing (BPO) leader with
more than 50 years’ experience supporting state agencies and their constituents. We understand
the complexity of state government operations and provide the technology, resources, and
infrastructure to support their program services.
Conduent understands that ODJFS seeks a qualified vendor to provide consistent, high-quality call
center services including the appropriate number of fully trained staff to accurately respond to the
volume of calls with first call resolution to assist claimants with questions regarding unemployment
insurance applications and benefits. We stand by our previous commitment to have the appropriate
number of qualified agents to meet the ODJFS timeline and that we will have at least 50% of Ohio-
based agents with the goal of 100% to add to the nearly 200 employees we have in Ohio today.
We appreciate the opportunity to submit a proposal for your consideration. The terms of this
proposal are submitted subject to the execution by the parties of a definitive final contract that will
memorialize the parties’ discussions. As specified by the July 8 solicitation, Conduent is prepared
to leverage the ODJFS Contract Template (Attachment B) as part of this agreement, and we look
forward to finalizing this document promptly. Our proposal will remain valid for 90 days.
We hope to have the honor of serving the State of Ohio and its constituents by providing call center
services for ODJFS. For any questions or clarifications pertaining to our proposal please contact
me or Michelle Colbert at [email protected] or via phone at 978.902.7152.


Scott Cade
Vice President

Executive Summary

Conduent is an industry-recognized business process and technology services leader. For more
than 50 years, Conduent has been supporting state agencies with critical services to support their
At Conduent, we build partnerships not programs. We understand that the Ohio Department of
Jobs and Family Services (ODJFS) is seeking a qualified firm to provide up to 200 tier 1 agents to
respond to inquiries from claimants regarding their unemployment insurance application and
benefits. Conduent has extensive call center experience across multiple state agencies including
unemployment and also directly with ODJFS.
We meet all requirements including being named a Challenger in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for
Customer Service Business Process Outsourcing issued in February 2021, have a General
Services Administration (GSA) contract to leverage as well as Ohio Presence. We stand by our
commitment to utilize Ohio residents for at least 50% of our workforce for this project with a goal of
100% and have the demonstrated ability to scale up and down as needed. Conduent fully supports
the ODJFS champion/challenger model and we expect to be the high performing vendor.
We commit to meeting the ramp-up schedule specified in the Statement of Work (SOW) with the
appropriate number of qualified and fully trained staff and will adhere to the forecasting and
scheduling process. We believe that all of those factors, along with our competitive price, uniquely
qualify Conduent as the partner of choice to support ODJFS now as well as in the future.
Our proposal provides information on Conduent’s:
• Understanding of the services ODJFS is seeking
• Compliance with minimum requirements
• Agreement with SOW Term, timeline, ramp-up schedule, hours of operation and coverage as
well as forecasting and scheduling process
• Use of ODJFS technology
• Ohio presence
• Proposed MBE certified subcontractor
• References and past performance
• Agreement with the Billing Process, Service Level Agreements and Key Performance Indicators
• GSA Schedule Pricelist with fees converted to a per productive minute rate
In addition, we have provided a corporate overview, information on other services and contracts in
Ohio, our commitment to diversity and inclusion including with minority- and women-owned
enterprises, unemployment and call center expertise and our approach to delivering the required
services to ODJFS.

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 2

Corporate Information

Conduent Overview
Conduent Incorporated is a publicly-traded company (NASDAQ: CNDT), with more than $4.2 billion
in annual revenue and approximately 67,000 employees across 23 countries and more than 25,000
located in the U.S. Conduent Inc. has been focused on technology-enabled business processes
since our founding and is industry-recognized. The bidding entity, Conduent State & Local
Solutions, Inc. (Conduent), a for-profit corporation incorporate in the State of New York, is
headquartered in Washington, D.C., and also incorporated in New York delivers innovative
solutions to the federal government, all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Conduent Incorporated is a trusted partner to 65 Fortune 100 companies and over 500 government
entities, and has become the world’s leading enterprise for contact center services, business
process outsourcing (BPO), payments, and document management. Our sole corporate focus is
providing business process and technical services to commercial and public sector enterprises
worldwide. We deliver mission-critical services and solutions to businesses and governments,
creating exceptional outcomes for our clients and the millions of people who count on them.
Whether it is information technology (IT) services, eligibility management, call centers and
customer care services, claims processing, digital payments, or benefit administration, Conduent
manages and modernizes these interactions to create value for our clients to make the human
experience more effortless, seamless, and personalized for the people our clients serve.
Our bidding entity for this proposal, Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. (“Conduent”), is a
wholly owned subsidiary of Conduent Business Services, LLC, under our publicly traded parent
company, Conduent Incorporated. We support more than 500 federal state and local government
agencies including the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services (ODJFS).

Call Center Expertise

We are experts and innovators with experience across a
broad range of government and business process services Industry-recognized Leader
and, more importantly, we are a company of people that  Challenger, Garter’s Magic
understand how our work affects and changes lives every Quadrant Customer Service
day. Conduent is a recognized industry leader in contact BPS 2021
center services. Contact center operations and customer
services are at the core of what we do and have done for  “Leader” Business Process
more than five decades. Worldwide, we employ 44,000 Services – NelsonHall,
multi-skilled interaction specialists for expert handling of Everest Group, ISG
varied call and contact types. We engage in over 2.7 million  Customer Experience
interactions on a daily basis and handle over 1 billion annual “Leader” ISG, Everest Group,
customer communications. We support 30+ languages in Gartner
over 114 Interaction Centers across the globe, including four
(4) in Ohio with nearly 200 employees statewide.  Training Industry Inc.’s 2020
Top Training Companies™

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 3

Conduent’s Presence in Ohio

Conduent employs nearly 200 employees in Ohio across our four (4) office locations. Currently, the
majority of our Ohio-based employees are working remotely, but typically are located in our offices
in Columbus, Toledo, Troy and Westerville. We additionally have a number of permanently remote
employees. Conduent has several of our State & Local Solutions management team located in
Ohio and we also support multiple commercial clients from our locations in the State.
We commit to utilizing Ohio residents for at least 50% of our call center agents, with the goal of
having 100% of staff located in Ohio, including management personnel.
Exhibit A certifies that Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc., is registered with the Secretary of
State and that our taxes are up to date as of the preparation of this proposal on July 13, 2021.

Commitment to Department of Jobs and Family Services

Since 2005, Conduent has been supporting ODJFS with Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) services
for the electronic delivery of food assistance benefits, including magnetic stripe card account set up
and maintenance, transaction processing, retailer management, and call center customer service.
Additionally, we provide the same set of electronic delivery and other services via a branded debit
card for Temporary and Needy Families (TANF) benefits (Ohio Works, Ohio Works First Work
Allowance, Ohio Refugee Cash Assistance, and the Disability Financial Assistance benefits).
Within the past year, Conduent assisted ODJFS with its new Pandemic EBT program (P-EBT) by
issuing more than 1.8 million new cards to recipients and providing support to those recipients
through our call center. In response to the pandemic, we quickly enabled the ability for cardholders
to shop with online retailers. Specific to call center services, Conduent responded to more than 49
million IVR calls, along with 283,000 calls handled by customer service representatives (CSRs).
We’ve additionally supported two (2) data center moves for ODJFS.
Our support on these ODJFS initiatives and programs are recent and proven examples of our
commitment to ODJFS, our flexibility, and ability to quickly respond to change as well as ramping
staff up and down to accommodate volume fluctuations.

Other State Contracts

In 2020, Conduent was awarded a contract by the Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission to
modernize and maintain the Ohio Turnpike’s toll collection system along the 241-mile interstate.
Once implemented, we will capture tolls via credit card, coins, E-Z Pass RFID or vehicle license
plate. The project is progressing well and we expect an on-time implementation.
We additionally have longstanding contracts with the cities of Columbus and Cleveland for parking
management in which we issue and process citations and payments including through a payment
application for Pay-by-Web, Pay-by-App and IVR. We also offer a customer-facing application and
web portal to manage permits for Columbus. Both of these contracts have been in place supporting
the cities for over 25 years.

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 4

Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion

Supplier Diversity
Across our organization, we partner with minority- and women-owned businesses, veteran and
service disabled veteran owned businesses. Each year, Conduent spends more than $500 million
with our diversity suppliers. In 2020, more than $7 million was spent with Ohio-based diversity
suppliers and we will continue to increase that spending as the number of services we deliver
within the State increases.
As part of the project for ODJFS, we propose to utilize an Ohio-certified minority business
enterprise, CFA, Inc. (CFA) to supplement our own recruiting and onboarding process for agents.
We have a longstanding partnership with CFA to support multiple state agencies with recruiting and
hiring the right talent. Working collaboratively, we are confident in our ability to recruit and onboard
skilled and fully-trained agents with at least 50% in Ohio by each ramp date with all 200 agents in
place by December 27, 2021. Our ultimate goal is to have 100% of the agents located in Ohio.

Employee Diversity & Inclusion

Conduent has been named to Forbes Magazine’s “America’s Best 500 Employers for
Diversity 2021” list.
Conduent is dedicated to diversity and inclusion. Conduent employees embrace and welcome
individual differences and know that these differences, when positively leveraged, are what make
Conduent an industry leader and a special place to work.
Conduent is committed to being a workplace where every associate feels like they belong and can
thrive. Our company is recognized for our support of individuals with disabilities. In 2018, Conduent
was recognized by the New York Industries for the Disabled (NYSID) as Corporate Partner of the
Year. As part of our contract with the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board, over fifty
percent of our workforce was comprised of individuals with disabilities. Many of these individuals
were some of the highest performers on the contract and were recognized by both Conduent and
NYSID for their success.
Recently, Conduent received the South Carolina Governor’s Committee on Employment of People
with Disabilities Award. We have a team of 50 trainers responsible for onboarding technology
teams for an account in North America. This team recognized they needed to adapt their training to
better meet the needs of some of our new associates. The training, which is delivered entirely
virtual, was not accessible to someone using a screen reader.
The team immediately went to work to understand the specific needs of our associates with visual
impairments, and then, updated the program to make sure it can be delivered via voiceover. Since
they made the changes, about 20 associates with visual impairments have been onboarded.
We can utilize individuals with disabilities as part of the call center services for ODJFS. We have
contacted Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) and the Cincinnati Association for the
Blind and Visually Impaired to initiate discussions on upcoming opportunities for customer
experience agents to support ODJFS. We have already provided an overview of the type of work
required and skill set so that we are positioned to immediately begin working with OOD to identify
resources. A partnership letter from OOD is included as Exhibit B. We can discuss options with
ODJFS to work with these as well as other organizations to provide meaningful and fulfilling
employment opportunities to Ohioans with disabilities as we have done in many other states.

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 5

Unemployment Experience

Conduent has experience across the full unemployment insurance lifecycle. We support multiple
departments of labor (including federal), employment security, children and families, temporary and
disability assistance, and jobs and family services as examples.
Conduent provides electronic payment cards for the distribution of unemployment insurance
benefits in 13 states which includes responding to claimant inquiries. In 2020, we successfully
supported all of our state clients with the unprecedented increase in the volume of unemployment
insurance recipients. We quickly provided new cards, responded to the increased number of calls
and implemented new programs such as Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation
(FPUC), Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-
EBT) and others to deliver critical benefits to recipients.
Our Verisight Identity and Transaction Verification Solutions protect unemployment insurance
claimants throughout the disbursement lifecycle the identify verification, payment and disbursement
account validation and continuous fraud monitoring.
As indicated in the client reference section on page 10, we previously provided the same general
unemployment insurance call center services as required in the SOW to a state department of
labor. The agency’s experience with Conduent for those services, along with our UI EPC services,
is outlined in the Letter of Recommendation in that section.
Conduent brings unemployment insurance experience, not only from a contact center perspective,
but also from a technology perspective. Our unemployment team consists of former state
unemployment program and technical personnel. This team provides project management and
information technology support services for processing the unemployment insurance claims for
interstate benefits through the Unemployment Insurance – Interstate Connection Network (UI-
ICON) contract.
The National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) administers the UI-ICON contract
under a Cooperative Agreement with the United States Department of Labor (DOL), Employment
and Training Administration, Office of Unemployment Insurance, for the 50 states and jurisdictions,
District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands; and Canada. UI-ICON stakeholders include
State Workforce Agencies (SWAs), UI Directors, Interstate Benefits Program Coordinators (IPCs),
Federal Program Coordinators (FPCs), ICON Programmers, Governing Committees (UI
Committee, IB Subcommittee, SWIS Advisory Groups), USDOL, and Military Branches. The UI-
ICON system is designed to enable SWAs with differing hardware and software configurations to
exchange pre-formatted data electronically and securely. Through the UI-ICON contract, Conduent
provides the following:
• Network connectivity and support (nationwide/near-shore network)
• Mainframe (CPU, DASD, VTS)
• Mid-range application processing
• 24/7/365 help desk and 800 number
• Customer service (1st, 2nd, 3rd tier support)
• Federal Claims Control Center (data entry and claims processing for ex-military)
• Disaster recovery (including the annual disaster recovery test)
• Applications development and maintenance for mainframe and mid-range application

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 6

Conduent also has experience with the Southeast Consortium for Unemployment Benefits
Integration (SCUBI). As a subcontractor, Conduent supported the SCUBI Design, Development
and Implementation (SCUBI-DDI) Project providing Amazon Web Services (AWS) Hosting and
Maintenance until July 31, 2020. We supported the development, test, production support, and
production environments for North Carolina and South Carolina. We provided software patching
when required as well as hardware. Our team included a dedicate Program Manager and Server

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 7

Call Center Expertise

Conduent is an industry-recognized leader in customer experience management. We deliver multi-

lingual omnichannel customer contact services, both human and digital, throughout the entire
customer life cycle, ensuring personalized, empathetic end-user experiences to reduce costs for
our clients and enable scale while driving speed to resolution and customer satisfaction.
With over 44,000 global contact center agents, we manage more than 2.7 million customer
interactions each day. Nearly half of our contact center agents are located in the United States. As
a longstanding provider of call center services for federal, state and local government agencies, we
understand the importance of employing U.S. based employees and ensure that we do not route
calls outside of the U.S.
Understanding the complexity of state government operations and programs, we provide the
technology, resources, and infrastructure to support their solutions, including call centers that
support multiple benefit programs including unemployment insurance. We provide program-specific
services to support each of our government clients. Our national government call center footprint
provides an in-depth understanding of federal and state benefit programs, customer service
requirements, program policies, regulations, operating environments and best practices.
On behalf of our state government clients, we provide call center services across a variety of
programs outlined below:
• Child Care. Call center, case management, voucher processing, system support services,
processing center, or provider credentialing services in Maryland and time and attendance
support to nine states including Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia and previously Ohio.
• Child Support Services. Child support services, including customer call center, processing
center, or system support services in 22 states including Alabama, Florida, Georgia, California,
New Hampshire, Michigan, Kentucky, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, New York, South
Carolina, and Wisconsin.
• Medicaid. Medical and/or pharmacy call center, processing center, or system support services
in 11 states including Kansas, North Carolina, Virginia, plus the District of Columbia.
• State Children’s Healthcare Insurance Programs (CHIP). Call center, processing center, or
system support locations including Connecticut, Kansas, New Jersey, and Virginia
• Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). State-specific customer call center,
processing center, or system support services, and business process services to 16 states such
as Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, and Virginia.
• Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Program-
specific call center, processing center, or system support services in Michigan with
implementations moving forward in Oklahoma and Virginia with previous services provided to
• Temporary and Needy Families (TANF) Programs. Call center, processing center, or system
support services in 12 states including California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio,
Oklahoma, and Virginia.
• Unemployment Insurance Programs. Call center, processing center, fraud prevention and
detection or system support services to UI applicants and card holders in 13 states including
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 8

Workforce Development, Recruiting and Retention
The path to a positive experience begins long before a customer calls ODJFS. Creating the proper
call center environment is critical to program success. Recruiting the right people includes not only
attracting people with the right skill set, but offering them a competitive wage and benefits package
and providing the appropriate training and coaching with opportunities for advancement.
We combine skilled workforce management staff, tools, and techniques to effectively plan for and
manage staffing volumes and service level goals. We hire employees for careers, not jobs. Talent
acquisition is a critical component of our Call Center Services solution for ODJFS. As such,
Conduent is utilizing our own recruiters in addition to our longstanding staffing partner which is
women-minority owned firm, in order to provide ODJFS with skilled, local agents to deliver high-
quality customer service. Our recruiting team has extensive experience recruiting agents
nationwide – but also specifically in Ohio.
Retention is also a critical element in building and maintaining a qualified workforce. To achieve
high results in retention, we place a strong emphasis on professional coaching/development to
ensure we provide agents who are committed to the ODJFS program and good attendance.
In order to retain trained staff and build our team of ODJFS knowledgeable agents, we will offer a
retention bonus for those agents that remain with the program at the end of the base term. In
addition, we will offer a second retention bonus to those agents that remain through the end of the
option term. This provides an incentive for employees, reduces attrition and the additional expense
of recruiting, onboarding and training a higher number of agents. It also provides consistency and
higher quality agents supporting the program through the development and retention of our
program knowledge base.

Training is one of the most important aspects of our solution and Conduent is consistently ranked
as one of the top 10 trainers by industry analysts. Initial training will occur in advance of go-live so
that we will have skilled, qualified and fully trained agents ready to support the volumes of calls.
Ongoing training includes refresher training in areas such as general customer service or specific
areas where assistance is required and includes coaching and team development.
Our training methodology is aligned with the “ADDIE” model for effective instructional design.
Paired with a reliable and proven approach to project management, we know that an effective
instructional design and training model is necessary for the success of our services for ODJFS.
ADDIE stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. By
implementing the ADDIE model for our training program, we effectively and efficiently plan for and
disseminate training in a way that suits our call center environment, adult learning methods,
scheduling constraints, and evolving policies and procedures.
In support of our training methodology, we use Conduent’s Learning Management System (LMS).
Designed specifically for call center environments, this training and coaching software incorporates
interactive learning to improve the development and retention of customer service soft skills, as
well as the specific procedures and workflows our staff need to know to support ODJFS. Our LMS
played an integral part of our virtual training needs during the COVID-19 pandemic to move to a
primarily remote workforce in the matter of days rather than weeks like other providers. It
additionally allows us to train new staff to support the increased volumes our state clients are
experiencing due to COVID-19.

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 9


Conduent has provided three (3) references that can attest to our past performance. To offer
ODJFS an opportunity to hear about our clients’ experience with Conduent regarding
unemployment call center, general call center and our ability to quickly ramp up, we have provided
references for direct unemployment insurance experience, including a Letter of Recommendation;
a recent and ongoing project in which we scaled from ~150 agents in in March to ~400 agents by
July to support a new program; and a longstanding client for which we perform child support
disbursements and respond to all child support related inquiries for the state.

Table 1. Unemployment Insurance Projects

Reference #1 State of Georgia, Department of Labor

Contact Information Kersha Cartwright, Director of Communications
Georgia Department of Labor
Suite 642
148 Andrew Young International Blvd, NE
Atlanta, GA 30303-1751
Tel: 404.232.7440
Cell: 687.767.0199
[email protected]
Overview For nearly 10 years, Conduent has performed the disbursement of
unemployment benefits for the Georgia Department of Labor. As part of the
services to the state, Conduent provides recipients with electronic payment
cards, receives the funding for payments and disburses benefits to each
cardholder/recipient. Conduent reconciles the payments and works with the
state to resolve any discrepancies. Conduent also responds to calls from
recipients related to their benefit payments including IVR and live agents calls.
Additionally, Conduent also provided general unemployment insurance
related calls for the state. A Letter of Recommendation is included below.

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 10

Table 2. Call Center Services and Ramp-up Project

Reference #2 Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC)

Contact Information Tracey Beaver, Director of Program Management, Procurement
Universal Service Administrative Company
700 12th Street, NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20005
[email protected]
Tel: 202.263.1614
Overview Conduent delivers BPO and Contact Center Services for the Universal
Service Fund’s National Verifier program that is administered by the
Universal Service Administrative Company. Conduent’s role is to manage
all BPO services including call center, print mail, inbound mail processing,
application reviews and integrated IVR. Our entire solution meets NIST
800-53 security standards.
As the National Verifier was a new program when Conduent was awarded
the contract, we partnered with USAC’s to help define system
requirements, work flows and processes. As part of the PMO services,
Conduent provided an implementation plan to track all activities required for
a successful launch as well as draft a business continuity plan, privacy
plan, procedures manual and program management plan.
As part of the call center services provided to USAC, Conduent created the
Quality Assurance, Program Management and Continuous management
plan as well as develop the new hire training based on the policies and
procedures of the Lifeline program. Conduent created a ramp plan to
ensure that we were able to launch call center services on 1/29/2018, less
than 3 months after the contract being executed.
The National Verifier’s IVR system is provided by Conduent which allows
greater insight into call trends coming into the call center. Early in the
launch of the program, Conduent identified that 15% of the calls coming
into the call center were from consumers that we are unable to assist as
they were from “opt out” states or they were calling regarding Service
Provider issues such as broken or lost devices. Conduent suggested an
update in the IVR to provide menus that provided specific instructions for
the callers to take in order to gain resolution. This allowed us to drop these
calls 8% which results in approximately $400,000 savings over a year of full
NV implementation.
Recently, Conduent was selected to provide similar BPO services for
USAC’s new Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBBP). The
Authority to Proceed (ATP) letter was issued on 2/5/2021 with the basic tier
1 calls being taken 3/3/21 and full program launched on 4/26/21. USAC has
continually requested increases in staffing levels and today, Conduent is
providing 400 agents for the EBBP program along with another 200 agents
for Lifeline for a total of 600 agents supporting USAC.

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 12

Table 3. Longstanding Call Center Services Project

Reference #3 Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC)

Contact Information Gregory Yashinski, Director of Program Management, Procurement
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Department of Human Services
Bureau of Child Support Enforcement
1303 North 7th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17105
[email protected]
Tel: 717.705.5144
Overview Conduent has operated the State Disbursement Unit (SDU) for
Pennsylvania since 1999, and we were awarded a new eight-year contract
(six-year base plus two, one-year options) on August 23, 2019. We
currently provide the following services for more than 450,000
stakeholders: payment collection/processing (paper/electronic), mail
receipt/opening, image capture/retention, unidentified payment research
and exceptions processing, disbursement (check, direct deposit, debit
card), two customer call centers – one for child support customers in
Pennsylvania (payors, payees, employers and county agencies) and one
for debit card customers in 18 states – customer and employer Interactive
Voice Response (IVR), billing/noticing, balancing and reconciliation
functions, project management, security, mail and printing center for eight
Conduent projects, and disaster recovery for seven Conduent SDUs.
Our SDU Customer Call Center handles the following each month:
customer correspondence – 1,594; employer calls – 1,151; and customer
calls – 3,396
Our Debit Card Customer Call Center handles the following customer calls
each month: 28,165

In addition to the above references, ODJFS has direct experience working with Conduent in
delivering Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Services, including call center support.

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 13

Approach to ODJFS Call Center Services SOW

Key Personnel
The Conduent management team is dedicated, experienced, and attentive. They are experts with
unique and valuable experience gained from supporting a variety of state programs. Led by David
Wright, our team is committed to delivering high-quality and consistent services to the citizens of
the State without interruption. Our proposed Program Manager Is located in Ohio and has
extensive call center management experience. Our goal is to have the all agents and the majority
of the management team for ODJFS in Ohio.
Because we understand the talent acquisition process and requirements for delivering services by
October 4, 2021, or sooner, our recruiters have already started the initial recruitment process and
discussions with our staffing partners. Our team is on the ground and ready to apply their everyday
expertise in unemployment insurance; benefits assistance; call center operations; talent
acquisition; training and quality; workforce management; and security to deliver the service
excellence that Ohio citizens rely upon and expect from the State. We possess a unique
combination of experience, dedicated, primarily Ohio-based team, and proven record of success in
delivering similar services to state government agencies across the nation, including direct
experience with ODJFS.

Call Center Agent Ramp-up Plan

To provide Unemployment Insurance Call Center services for ODJFS, Conduent will provide 50
fully trained, remote, tier 1 agents that will begin taking calls on October 4, 2021, following the
ramp-up plan provided in the SOW with a full complement of 200 agents by December 27, 2021 to
accommodate current volumes as well as ODJFS typical peak season. Conduent will begin
recruiting and onboarding customer service agents in order to begin training and have the agents
fully ready to being taking calls at go-live.
We will utilize CFA which is a certified, minority-owned business, as well as our internal recruitment
office to recruit and onboard qualified agents. We will have at least 50% of our workforce as Ohio
residents with the goal of 100% Ohio-based agents. Any agents outside of Ohio, if required, will be
located nationwide. We can additionally discuss the option of Ohioans with disabilities as agents
with ODJFS.
At no time will any data be access outside of the United State and we will not utilize offshore
resources to provide services to ODJFS.

Proposed Subcontractor – CFA, Inc.

Conduent proposed to utilize CFA, Inc., as a subcontractor to provide staffing services to
supplement our own recruitment process. CFA is a certified, female-minority-owned staffing service
which Conduent utilizes in many states for multiple projects. CFA works closely with our team to
identify the right skill set, qualifications, any location requirements and compensation. We have
discussed the ODJFS project and CFA is committed to supporting Conduent and ODJFS with
delivering the appropriate number of agents to support the SOW timeline and ramp-up plan.

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 14

As a female-owned-minority company, CFA meets the guidelines for minority business certification,
is certified as a MBE in the State of Ohio and is listed as a member of the National Minority
Supplier Development Council. The MBE Certificate Approval for CFA is included as Exhibit C.

Training and Retention

We will provide two (2) weeks of training for all agents prior to go-live. Through the use of well-
designed call scripting, online reference tools, and ongoing quality monitoring, our staff strives to
provide the right – accurate, complete, and consistent – answers to callers’ questions the first time,
every time.
In order to ensure that we retain high performing, fully trained agents to deliver high-quality
services and first time call resolution, we provide a retention bonus to agents if they remain on the
program for the full base contract term. Another, higher retention bonus will be paid to agents that
remain on the program for the option term.

Hours of Operation and Coverage

We will support the State’s current hours of operation of Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM. to
6:00 PM Eastern Time. Additional extended hours may be provided with advance notice and
agreement between Conduent and ODJFS.

Forecasting and Scheduling

Conduent understands the Forecasting and Scheduling Process outlined in the SOW. We commit
that we can follow the scheduling process outlined in the RFP or a modified version that would be
based on mutual agreement as indicated in the SOW Question and Answers.
We understand that certain days such as Mondays have a higher volume of calls as well as certain
intervals such as in the morning and we will schedule our staffing accordingly, following the ODJFS
forecast. In finalizing the Forecasting and Scheduling process, Conduent suggests provisions that
would allow the Contractor to reduce staffing in the event that actual utilization rates fall below the
forecast by an agreed-upon specified margin. We appreciate the opportunity to adjust intraday
schedules as appropriate.

We understand from the SOW and the Questions and Answers that ODJFS will be providing 100%
of the technology including the telephony and Interactive Voice Response (IVR), OJI UI system as
well as workforce and quality management and that staff will access these systems through a
Virtual Private Network (VPN). Conduent will provide the desktops, monitors, head sets and
softphones for our agents.

Conduent will bill ODJFS on a per productive minute basis, summing all agent Productive Minutes
across the billing period and multiplying the sum by our Productive Minute Rate. We understand
that Productive Minute includes those agent minutes that are customer facing and consist of talk
time, hold time and after call work. We also understand that no other time is billable including

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 15

management staff and training time as this is included in our proposed Productive Minute rate. We
will generate monthly invoices following the completion of each month.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Conduent understands and acknowledges the SLAs and KPIs set forth in pages 4-7 of the July 8,
2021 SOW. Furthermore, Conduent acknowledges the proposed framework for administering the
SLAs and KPIs, including the two-month stabilization period, requirements for corrective action
plans (CAP) in the event of an SLA failure, the 5% Monthly Fee at Risk Amount, and other
features. Conduent would request that a provision granting SLA relief be established in cases
where actual volumes exceed forecast by a significant margin.

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 16

Fee Structure

Conduent has provided our Fee Structure in the required SOW format. We have provided our GSA
schedule and pricelist from our Contract Number GS-35F-0278W and Pricelist through PO-0034,
dated February 25, 2020 for SIN 132-51 and SIN 70-500 in Table 4. We’ve taken that Pricelist and
completed the provided fee structure table with the GSA Description and GSA Hourly Rate, using
the provided quantity of hours to calculate the Extended Fee Amount in Table 5. We have included
the number of the resources necessary to complete the scope of services in the GSA Description.

Table 4. GSA Schedule Pricelist

Table 5. GSA Schedule Rate and Estimated Total Fees

GSA Description GSA Hourly Rate Quantity Extended Fee Amount

200 Help Desk Specialists $65.72 1419 $9,769,830.05
10 Help Desk Team Leads $103.29 1419 $1,194,272.03
4 Quality Assurance Specialists $86.06 1419 $398,021.30
1.5 Program Manager $200.90 1419 $348,801.78
55 hours/week, 4.3 weeks/month,
for 6 months - 1419 hours
Estimated Total Fees $11,710,925.16

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 17

As the prices in the GSA Schedule are maximum, not to exceed rates, we have discounted those
rates for the ODJFS Call Center Services SOW based upon agent compensation (Ohio-based and
nationwide), overhead (program management, quality assurance and training) and utilization to
convert the Estimated Total Fees to a Productive Minute Rate provided in Table 6 below.

Table 6. Productive Minute Rate Conversion

Description Productive Minute Rate

Call Center Services $0.92

Finally, the terms of this proposal are submitted subject to the execution by the parties of a
definitive final contract that will memorialize the parties’ discussions. As specified by the July 8
solicitation, Conduent is prepared to leverage the ODJFS Contract Template (Attachment B) as
part of this agreement, and we look forward to finalizing this document promptly.

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 18


Required Attachment:
• Attachment A – Location of Business Form

• Exhibit A – Secretary of State Certificate of Good Standing
• Exhibit B – Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities – Partner Letter
• Exhibit C - CFA, Inc. MBE Certificate Approval

Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc. 19


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