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Nama : Ni Nyoman Yesi Ariani Parastuti

No. : 31
Kelas : XI IPA 5
Write a text that tells us about covid-19 vaccine, how effective the vaccine is, who can be
vaccinated and who can't, why does the vaccine not available for all citizen? Why do
many people also reject to be vaccinated? And write any more information related to it.
State your sources when you cite or copy something on your writing.

Getting the COVID-19 vaccine can protect the body by creating an antibody response in
the body without having to get sick because of the corona virus. The COVID-19 vaccine is
able to prevent a person from contracting the corona virus. Or, if you catch COVID-19,
vaccines can prevent your body from becoming seriously ill or the potential for serious
By getting a vaccine, you will also help protect the people around you from the corona virus.
Especially people who are at high risk of developing severe disease due to COVID-19. For
that, know the following facts about the COVID-19 vaccine:

 The COVID-19 Vaccine Does Not Make A Person Catch COVID-19

The COVID-19 vaccine currently being developed does not contain the live virus that causes
COVID-19. This means that the COVID-19 vaccine cannot make you sick with COVID-19.
There are several types of vaccines being developed. All of them contain substances that can
boost the immune system that makes the body recognize and fight the virus that causes the
corona virus. Sometimes, this process produces symptoms such as low-grade fever. These
symptoms are normal and are a sign that the body is building protection against the virus that
causes COVID-19.

 After Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, Does Someone Test Positive for COVID-19 on
a Virus Test?
The answer is, no. Neither the recently approved and recommended vaccines nor the other
COVID-19 vaccines currently in clinical trials cannot cause you to get a positive test for the
virus, when looking to see if someone is infected.
If the body manages to create a specific immune response against the corona virus, it is
possible that you will get positive results on several antibody tests. Antibody tests show that
you have had a previous infection and that your body has a certain level of protection against
the virus. However, experts are still monitoring how COVID-19 vaccination can affect
antibody test results.
 People who have been infected and recovered from COVID-19 need to be vaccinated

This is due to the health risks associated with COVID-19 and the fact that reinfection with
COVID-19 is very likely. The vaccine must be given to someone who has been infected with
At this time, experts do not know how long someone will be protected from getting sick
again after recovering from COVID-19. The immunity a person gets from infection (natural
immunity) varies from person to person.
Some preliminary evidence suggests natural immunity may not last long. However, this is
still being studied further. Meanwhile, vaccine priorities will be focused on those who have
not been infected first.

 Vaccines Protect the Body from COVID-19 Infection

The COVID-19 vaccination works by shaping the immune system on how to recognize and
fight the virus that causes COVID-19, and protect the body from COVID-19 infection.

 The COVID-19 Vaccine Will Not Change A Person's DNA

The COVID-19 vaccine does not alter or interact with DNA in any way. The Messenger
RNA vaccine or mRNA vaccine is the first COVID-19 vaccine authorized for use in the
United States. This vaccine contains a portion of the protein in the virus that triggers an
immune response in the body. Please note, the mRNA from the COVID-19 vaccine never
enters the cell nucleus, where DNA is stored. This means that mRNA cannot influence or
interact with DNA in any way.
At the end of the vaccination process, the body learns how to protect itself from future
infections. It is the immune response and the production of antibodies that protect the body
from infection if the real virus enters the body.
 why does the vaccine not available for all citizen?
According to PAPDI recommendations, not all ages 18-59 years old can be injected with the
Covid-19 vaccine. The following are individuals aged 18-59 years who do not deserve to be
vaccinated against Coronavac
Allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis and severe allergic reactions due to the first dose of
Covid-19 or due to the same components contained in the Covid-19 vaccine.
Someone who is experiencing an acute infection. If the infection is resolved then vaccination
can be done. In TB infection, OAT treatment needs at least two weeks to be eligible for
Individuals with primary immunodeficiency disease.
 Why do many people also reject to be vaccinated?
In Indonesia, a video of a member of parliament strongly rejecting vaccination over fears that
it represents business interests went viral right after Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi”
Widodo received his first shot.
The lack of trust in the vaccine industry is contributing to vaccine hesitancy and the anti-
vaccine movement.

While these two terms are often used interchangeably, they have differences.

Vaccine hesitancy usually refers to delays of acceptance or refusal by a person, usually

parents, of vaccination. The anti-vaccine movement usually refers to an active campaign by
various groups that reject the use or even the idea of vaccines.

People’s distrust of vaccines emerges due to pharmaceutical companies’ longstanding

negative reputation. That’s due to various examples of misconduct in the past. Among these
are bribing health officials and a lack of transparency in clinical trials.

The strong presence of the pharmaceutical industry on the Gavi board risks adding to the
problems of distrust.

The Gates Foundation’s role is another case of how private involvement may contribute to
vaccine hesitancy and anti-vaccine movements.

The foundation is not a pharmaceutical company but a private foundation. It has a significant
role in Gavi and holds a permanent seat on the board. Its substantial financial contribution to
the partnership means Bill Gates, the founder, is a key player in the global vaccination
program, including during the COVID-19 pandemic.

His involvement, however, has led to a conspiracy theory promoted by anti-vaccine

groups, including in Indonesia. They claim the global COVID-19 vaccination program
represents Bill Gates’ personal interest in putting microchips in people around the world.

 What’s next
At least two things can be done to respond to this re-emerging anti-vaccine movement amid
the pandemic.

First, all actors in the health sector must work together to build understanding among the
public of the importance of involving private entities in the distribution of vaccines
worldwide. That’s because the WHO, as the leading international health organisation, has
limited material and financial resources and can’t do the job alone.

Second, it is also important to strengthen key international organisations such as the WHO
institutionally and financially to maintain its central role in managing vaccine development
and distribution.

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