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T: Abdelghafour Raquibi

Function Linking Words Translation Example sentences

in addition, /additionally ‫إضافة إلى ذلك‬ Computers are cheaper nowadays; furthermore, they are
furthermore / moreover, ‫عالوة على ذلك‬ lighter.
‫اإلضافة‬ I'm cold, and I'm also hungry and tired.
also / too/ as well ‫أيضا‬
Because / as/ since ‫ألن‬ I stayed at home because it was raining.
Because of /due to /owing to ‫بسبب‬ I stayed at home because of the rain.
Thanks to ‫بفضل‬ Thanks to this treatment, her condition has improved.
Therefore / consequently, ‫وبناء عليه‬ It was raining, therefore I stayed at home.
Effect/ Result as a result, ‫ونتيجة لذلك‬ She worked hard. As a result, she had good grades.
‫النتيجة‬ thus/ hence, ‫وبالتالي‬ There was a lot of traffic; thus, we were late.
for this reason, ‫لهذا السبب‬ She's just found out she failed her exams, hence her bad mood.
Although /Even though ‫رغم أن‬ even though he is rich, he lives in a small house.
but ‫لكن‬ “He works hard, but he doesn’t earn much.”
However, / Nevertheless, ‫ومع ذلك‬ The problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we shall need to
Nonetheless, yet tackle them soon.
Contrast and Despite / In spite of ‫ رغم‬/ ‫بالرغم من‬ In spite of the rain, we went for a walk.
Concession Despite the fact that We went for a walk despite the rain.
‫االستدراك‬ In spite of the fact that We went for walk despite the fact that it was raining.
‫والتناقض‬ On the contrary/ conversely ‫ في‬/‫على العكس‬ The risk of infection hasn’t diminished. on the contrary, it has
/ In contrast ‫المقابل‬ increased.
Whereas/ while ‫بينما – في حين‬ Life in the city is fast, whereas life in the countryside is slow.
on the one hand ... on the ‫ ومن‬... ‫من جهة‬ Laptops are convenient; on the other hand, they can be
other hand ‫جهة أخرى‬ expensive.
First /, second /, third ..‫ ثالتا‬،‫ ثانيا‬،‫أوال‬ Firstly, you should exercise regularly. Secondly, you need to
firstly, secondly, thirdly cut down on fast food. Thirdly, you have to see a doctor
Sequencing To begin with / First of all ‫ بادئ ذي بدْء‬/‫بداية‬ regularly. Last but not least, you should have a balanced diet.
‫التسلسل‬ Next/ then/ after that ‫ بعد ذلك‬،‫ثم‬
Last/ Lastly/ Finally ‫أخيرا‬
Last but not least ً‫أخيراً وليس آخرا‬
Summarizing In conclusion ‫ختاما‬ To sum up, there are three main ways of tackling the
Concluding To sum up/ in brief ‫خالصة‬ problem…
‫الختم والتلخيص‬ In a nutshell, In a nutshell, we’re all responsible for the environment.

Explaining For example ‫على سبيل المثال‬ Many countries, for example/ such as Mexico and Japan, have
Like / Such as ‫مثل‬ a lot of earthquakes.
And giving
Namely ‫تحديدا‬ “There are 2 problems: namely, the cost and the time.”
examples He was economical with the truth; in other words, he lied.
in other words, / to put it ‫بعبارة أخرى‬
‫الشرح والتفسير‬ I’ll deal with the second point first, that is to say the change to
‫وإعطاء االمثلة‬ the club’s rules.
that is to say ‫ أي‬/‫هذا يعني‬
In order to / so as to ‫ لكي‬/‫من أجل‬ He gave up a permanent job in order to freelance.
In order not to/ so as not to ‫لكي ال‬ I agreed to her suggestion in order not to upset her.
So that ‫لكي‬ I've reorganized my files so that I can easily find them.
as a matter of fact, / in fact ‫في الحقيقة‬ It's not that difficult. As a matter of fact, it's quite easy.
Emphasis Undoubtedly ‫بدون شك‬ Undoubtedly, this topic is very important.
‫التوكيد‬ Particularly / in particular ‫خصوصا‬ I love coffee, in particular ones from Brazil
Especially ‫خاصة‬ The car is quite small, especially if you have children.

Similarly, / likewise ‫وبالمثل‬ Alex enjoys telling jokes; in the same way/similarly, his son
Comparison equally ‫على حد السواء‬ adores funny stories.
‫المقارنة‬ in the same way, ‫بنفس الطريقة‬ Tajin was delicious. Likewise, the salad was yummy.
by the same token, ‫على نفس المنوال‬ .

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