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September 22, 2021 – 8:30 A.M.


Good day fellow teachers, the faculty LAC session will commence shortly. Kindly register on the link
that is flashed on your screen. Thank you!

MARICRIS: Good day everyone! It’s a brand new day! A brand new life! This is the day that the Lord
has made we should all rejoice and be glad in it because today is the perfect opportunity
for us to learn and to keep ourselves updated of the new normal education trends. I am
Mrs. Maricris M. Laude, one of the moderators for today’s LAC session.

KATHLEEN: And I am Mrs. Kathleen Lugtu, your moderator. We welcome

you all to our LAC Session with the theme: “Sustainable Head Start for the New Normal

**********NATIONAL ANTHEM**********
KATHLEEN: To formally start, let us join in the singing of the Nationalistic song to be led by Ms.
Gladys Lyn S. Soriano, followed by a prayer to be rendered by Mrs. Jeanneth Z. Santos.

**********FOOD FOR THOUGHT**********

MARICRIS: Thank you Ms. Gladys and Mrs. Jeanneth.
At this point in time, let’s call on Mrs. Rowena A. Calangian to give us something to
ponder on.

**********ATTENDANCE CHECK**********

KATHLEEN: Thank you Mrs. Rowena A. Calangian. At this juncture, let’s call on Mrs. Myra L. Delos
Reyes for the Checking of Attendance.

**********WELCOME REMARKS**********

MARICRIS: Thank you Mrs. Myra L. Delos Reyes.

This LAC session would not be possible without the support of our beloved and
respected principal, Mrs. Flora T. Teope for her welcome remarks. Let us all give her a
virtual round of applause!


KATHLEEN: Thank you so much Ms. Flora T. Teope for those wonderful remarks.
We often give motivation to our students to prepare them for the learning process and
today we are no different from our students. We came here today not as teachers or
facilitators but
as learners. So, to activate our tired and bored muscles let’s call on Mrs. Linda T. Varca
and Mrs. Floralinda E. Alfaro for the energizer.

**********SONG NUMBER**********

MARICRIS: Thank you so much Mrs. Linda Varca and Mrs. Floralinda Alfaro.
Before we move on to the highlight of this LAC session, lets have an intermission
number to be rendered to us by Mr. Jose E. Bilaran. Let us all give him a virtual round of


KATHLEEN: Thank you so much Mr. Jose Bilaran.

And now, to introduce to us the discussants for today’s LAC session, let’s call on Ms.
Emelyn May C. Almazan, a big hand please.

**********CLOSING REMARKS**********

MARICRIS: Thank you to our discussants. And now, we have come to the end of our LAC session
and to give us the closing remarks may I call on Mrs. Maureen F. Ortiz.

********** CLOSING**********

KATHLEEN: Thank you so much Mrs. Maureen Ortiz.

That’s it for today! Thank you so much for participating in our LAC session today. We
hope that you had a fun-filled learning experience. I am Mrs. Kathleen Lugtu, one of the

MARICRIS: And I am Mrs. Maricris Laude your moderator. Sending you all our virtual hugs and love!
May God bless us all!

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