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JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION – Vol. II - The Internet as a Mass Communication Medium - Marwan M.



Marwan M. Kraidy
American University, Washington, DC, USA

Keywords: Internet, Mass Communication, Information Economy, Culture, Access,

Cost, Information Gap, Digital Divide, Education, Governance, Networks, Sustainable
Development, Interactivity, Localization, Globalization, Glocalization, History of
Technology, Information Revolution, Technology and Power, Neo-liberalism, Cultural
Imperialism, Cultural Pluralism, Cultural Diversity, Audience, Virtual Community.


1. Introduction
2. From Mass Society to Mass Communication
3. The Emergence of the Internet
4. The Internet, the Information Economy, and World Society
5. Internet Access and Cost: From the Information Gap to the Digital Divide
6. Regulation and Civil Liberties in the Internet Age
7. The Internet and Globalization: From Economics to Culture
8. The Internet and Localization: From Macro- to Micro-perspectives
9. The Internet, Interactive Communication, and Sustainable Development: Potential
and Pitfalls
10. Conclusion
11. Chronology of Technological Inventions Leading to the Internet
12. Internet Related Organizations
Biographical Sketch


This article will review the development of the Internet as a mass communication
medium. After surveying the origins and development of the concept of mass
communication within the context of inventions of new media and information
technologies, this article will examine the Internet from its initial development as a
wartime communication network to its contemporary civilian applications. As the
engine behind the information society, the Internet plays an important role in shaping
world society. As such, the Internet has aggravated the divide between those who have
access to information and those who do not. At the same time, the Internet has the
potential to bridge the information gap. It contributes to the process of globalization,
and it is shaped by it. The impact of the way in which it connects the global and local
realms is still in dispute among scholars. As a result, the Internet has attracted various
degrees of regulation and control worldwide.

Finally, the Internet poses a fundamental challenge to previous models of mass

communication. Its bottom-up, decentralized, networked, and interactive characteristics
stand in sharp contrast to the top-down, centralized, linear, and mostly mono-directional

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION – Vol. II - The Internet as a Mass Communication Medium - Marwan M. Kraidy

mass communication models of the past. As such, the Internet holds the promise of
sustainable development, because it can contribute to coordinating global resources with
local needs. For that potential to be realized, the Internet has to be considered as a
public resource, and must not fall under the control of corporations or governments.

1. Introduction

From the beginning of its existence, humankind has used elements from its natural
environment to express its feelings, fears, and aspirations. In other words, humans have
communicated for as long as they have existed, using a variety of physical and symbolic
devices to create and convey meaning. Cave paintings from more than one hundred
thousand years ago remain to this day as indelible proof that communication is an age-
old phenomenon. The devices and methods that humans have historically used have
evolved with the societies in which they were used. This evolution occurred in a process
of mutual influence whereby social, cultural, economic, political, religious, and natural
forces affect the means of communication, and whereby in return the means of
communication influence and shape ideas, values, traditions, and institutions.

The evolution of means of communication witnessed a substantive boost in the past two
hundred years. The pace of invention has accelerated from one every fifty years or so in
the eighteenth century to several per year at the dawn of the twenty-first century (see the
Chronology of Technological Inventions Leading to the Internet at the end of this
article). The decisive turn was taken during the second half of the nineteenth century,
when a flurry of technical inventions changed the communication landscape. By the late
nineteenth century, important inventions had already been made public: the telegraph,
the telephone, the motion picture camera, and the motion picture projector were among
the most prominent information and media technologies to emerge. Perhaps more
important was the invention of electricity, which would become the bloodline of the
information revolution. These early inventions created the conditions that made the
process of mass communication possible; equally important is the fact that these
inventions established the early foundations for the current global communication

2. From Mass Society to Mass Communication

It is in the context of this invention fever that early concerns about media emerged.
Historically, new ideas and inventions and their bearers have been at the center of
concerns about public welfare and morals. Sometimes, this occurred as mere anxiety in
the face of the new and unfamiliar. At other times, however, communities found a
scapegoat in novel ideas and creations, as they were blamed for the ills of the societies
in which they developed. In addition, intellectual and moral standard bearers, such as
men and women of letters and members of the clergy, have tended to be pessimistic
about the societal influence of new technologies. Their outlook was especially bleak
when facing information and media technologies. This was due to the belief, which
largely persists today, that whereas industrial and agricultural technologies were
sometimes seen as a threat to the economic and political status quo, communication
technologies were usually seen as a danger to the souls, hearts, and minds of the
population at large. At a time when the vast majority of the world population did not

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION – Vol. II - The Internet as a Mass Communication Medium - Marwan M. Kraidy

have the benefit of education, and at a time when superstition reigned supreme, the
media emerged at the heart of public concerns and moral panics.

These then widely held views generated the idea of mass society, which was the first
time that the word “mass” was used by scholars to refer to processes that affected large
segments of the population. The mass society theory was based on the premise that
modern technologies disrupted the life of rural communities and led to an exodus
towards cities where individuals were absorbed in an urban mass. This mass was
believed to be a passive, gullible, undifferentiated group of people with potential for
mob-like behavior. In that urban environment, into which large populations were
crowded for the benefit of the industrial elite in whose factories the masses worked,
people were left vulnerable to the influence of the new media technologies.

The theory of mass society was held by members of the political, intellectual, and
business elite in the nineteenth century. These elites felt that their privileged status and
way of life were threatened by the mass of urban dwellers from the working classes.
Their fears were mainly directed at the emerging mass media, because media content
was extremely sensational and catered to the lowest common denominator in terms of
social sensibility and aesthetic taste. Among the media prevalent in those times was the
penny press, whose content ranged from the garish to the outrageous, and whose main
aim was to provoke, titillate, and entertain, rather than to provide meaningful news. As a
result, the ruling classes attacked the mass media for the vulgarity of their content and
for subverting the traditional sociocultural order of things.

The mass society perspective continued to inform much of the scholarly work on media
that emerged in the first half of the twentieth century. It suffered a decline when no new
technological inventions were visible, and enjoyed heightened salience when new media
technologies appeared to pose a threat to the prevailing sociopolitical order. In the
decade after the Second World War, the work of Paul Lazarsfeld began to question the
mass society theory. Having established the Bureau for Applied Social Research at
Columbia University after emigrating from Nazi-dominated Austria, Lazarsfeld
launched empirical studies using sociopsychological statistical methods to measure the
impact of media on society. His most significant finding was that the influence of the
mass media on society was considerably weaker than previously believed. Lazarsfeld’s
work came to be known as the “limited effects” theory.

The most important aspect of Lazarsfeld’s work is that it established social scientific
foundations for the study of mass communication. Since then, the study of mass media
institutions, messages, and audiences has been known as the field of mass
communication. Defined simply as social interaction through media technologies, mass
communication was premised on a model that framed communication as a process
originating from the few (mass media institutions) and destined for the many (the mass
media audience). This “one sender, many receivers” model was as much a reflection of
the technologies of the time, mainly over the air broadcasting, as a reflection of the
values of the sociocultural elite who wanted to be in control of the new media.

This model found different applications. In the public broadcasting philosophy that
guided most broadcasting efforts in Western Europe, the primary function of mass

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JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION – Vol. II - The Internet as a Mass Communication Medium - Marwan M. Kraidy

communication was to serve the public by providing information to citizens about

important issues. In much of the developing world, however, mass communication has
been regarded as primarily a tool for national development. In countries like the United
States, Brazil, and Lebanon, mass communication was from its inception a capitalistic
enterprise whose main function was to make money by generating advertising revenue.
In authoritarian regimes, mass communication was harnessed as a tool for ideological

With the invention of every new medium, such as the moving picture, radio, television,
and finally the Internet, notions of mass society have been invoked because of the
anxiety resulting from unfamiliarity with the new medium. However, the mass society
view is now held by only a small minority, and most mass communication researchers
are proponents of views more congruent with the limited effects perspective. Critical
scholars are especially weary of the “effects” language, arguing that mass
communication is a two way flow of meaning creation, and that the “effects” tradition
has wrongly emphasized a causal, rather than a constitutive, model of communication.
A constitutive model of communication, widely held by critical and interpretive
scholars whose research is influenced by the humanities, believes that mass
communication messages are polysemic, in that they have numerous meanings
embedded in them, and that mass media audiences are active, in that their reception of
media messages is shaped by personal, social, and cultural factors specific to audience
members. As a result, it is appropriate to point out that a unifying theory of mass
communication does not exist. Rather, numerous theories, with their own assumptions
and points of emphasis, have attempted to shed light on various dimensions of the mass
communication process. It is, therefore, more accurate to refer to mass communication
theories in the plural, rather than theory in the singular.

3. The Emergence of the Internet

As the latest, and arguably the most spectacular, of the series of information and media
technologies that emerged during the twentieth century, the Internet is a bearer of
enormous hopes and deeply seated fears. The circumstances surrounding the invention
of the Internet illustrate the fact that most important information and media technologies
are not invented at once, but rather develop because of several related and
complementary inventions. Most scholars agree that the Internet was originally
conceived by the United States Department of Defense as a communication network
that could survive and remain functional during a nuclear conflict. Initial research and
development were conducted under the auspices of the Advanced Research Projects
Agency (ARPA), involving a few selected individuals at United States research
universities. The resulting network was therefore known in the late 1960s as
ARPANET. In the early 1980s, legislation was passed in the United States Congress
that put the development of a computer network for civilian use in the hands of the
National Science Foundation, a federal agency of the United States government. The
resulting NSFNET was mainly used for research and academic purposes, and made the
public availability of the Internet a step closer. During the same period, Swiss
researchers invented the first protocols that would lead to the development of the World
Wide Web. Originally consisting of a multimedia component of the Internet, the World
Wide Web’s user-friendly format soon became the preferred interface for Internet

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JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION – Vol. II - The Internet as a Mass Communication Medium - Marwan M. Kraidy

usage, making the Internet available to the general population.

Technologically, the Internet is a global network of smaller networks of computers

connected by the information superhighway of telecommunications infrastructures,
including fiber-optic networks and coaxial cable grids, in addition to wireless and
satellite communications. As such, the Internet integrates millions of computers
worldwide, whose users can communicate via electronic mail and the World Wide Web
by sending packets of digital information to the destination of their choice. In other
words, the Internet is a network of networks, allowing those who are connected to it to
send and receive digital data from a virtually infinite number of sources.

4. The Internet, the Information Economy, and World Society

One of the primary concerns of some observers and analysts of the Internet is its
increased commercialization. This follows a trend that dates back to the invention of the
telephone, where a new information technology is appropriated by commercial
enterprises as soon as it demonstrates potential for financial profit. This, according to
some analysts, occurs at the expense of the social, participatory, and developmental
potential of new technologies. Currently, the Internet is heavily dominated by for-profit
ventures, as revealed by an analysis of Internet domain names which determines what
kind of an organization is at a particular address. As of November 2000, 77 % or more
than three quarters of Internet domain names were ‘.com’, indicating commercial
companies, while the more general domain name ‘.net’ stood at 14 %, and.’org’,
indicating not for profit status, stood at 9 %. Educational institutions and their Internet
domain name ‘.edu’ stood at 0 %, with 6256 sites, while the ‘.int’ (international), ‘.mil’
(military), and ‘.gov’ (government) were each statistically insignificant at 0 %. The
commercialization of the Internet is intricately connected to the globalization of the
world economy and culture. The Internet figures prominently in the new neo-liberal
regime, since it is assumed to be the lead engine driving economic growth and
dismantling economic and other boundaries between countries, companies, and
communities (see The Information Economy and the Internet). The frenzy over Internet-
related stock in the US equity markets in the late 1990s created hundreds of extremely
wealthy companies, dozens of new companies, and admittedly hundreds of new jobs.
However, there is convincing evidence that the Internet boom has not benefited most
segments of US and global society. Rather, critics see the commercialization of the
Internet to be the cause of a worrisome widening of the economic gap between those on
top and those at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder.

There are several possibly negative socioeconomic consequences of the information

highway. First, the sheer speed by which transnational capital can now be moved across
national boundaries, a process made possible by the Internet, can wreak havoc on
countries that are suffering from instability. The Asian financial crisis in 1997 was
mainly caused by tremendously rapid capital flight from Asian markets. Admittedly, in
this case the information superhighway was not the root cause of the crisis, but acted as
a catalyst. Still, many observers believe that electronic capital movements made the
Asian crisis exponentially worse. Second, at a time when the most valuable commodity
in the world economy is information, access to the Internet is a crucial determinant of
the ability of individuals and communities to participate in the economy. In other words,

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JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION – Vol. II - The Internet as a Mass Communication Medium - Marwan M. Kraidy

lack of access to information is not a mere inconvenience, but could be a fatal handicap
plunging entire communities into poverty and shunning them to the margins of world
society. Third, access and continuous connectivity to the Internet are heavily dependent
on national and global information infrastructures. This is a challenge to developing
countries, since many of them do not have the financial resources to acquire and
maintain adequate infrastructures. They are therefore trapped in a double bind: do they
attempt to increase spending on information hardware, at the expense of other sectors in
their economy, and at the risk of becoming more dependent on Western countries and
loaning agencies? Alternatively, do they succumb to the dominant, neo-liberal, global
economic discourse and privatize their information infrastructures, at the risk of giving
control of a valued resource to transnational corporations with no national loyalties, and
with the danger of restricting access to their populations due to the fees levied by
commercial providers?

These are some of the socioeconomic dilemmas caused by the rapid growth of the
Internet, which also have some cultural and political implications.

5. Internet Access and Cost: From the Information Gap to the Digital Divide

Today more than 100 million people worldwide use the Internet. Internet penetration
varies greatly across countries, with the highest levels registered in North America and
Scandinavia, and the lowest found in sub-Saharan Africa. A 1998 Nua Internet survey
indicates that 57 % of Internet users live in North America, 21.7 % are residents of
Europe, 17 % live in Asia, while South America, Africa, and the Middle East have the
lowest percentages at 3 % for South America, 0.71 % for Africa, and 0.5 % for the
Middle East. This distribution follows the availability of older media such as
newspapers, radio, and television in different parts of the world, glaringly demonstrating
that the availability of information is closely correlated to economic power and financial
ability. A 1992 survey of information databases, for instance, reveals that while North
America had 5396 databases, Africa only had eight. Between these two extremes are
Europe with 1810 databases, South America with 54 databases, and Asia with 34.
Within Europe, the numbers show a vast imbalance between Western Europe, where
1797 databases exist, and Eastern Europe, with a mere 13 databases. Generally, the
imbalance between North America and the rest of the world is vast and continues to the
time of writing, with the United States alone having more than half of the world’s
Internet users while having less than five percent of the world’s population. The divide
is especially strong if we compare the United States with Africa, where the island of
Manhattan in New York has more telephone lines than the entire African continent’s
fourteen million lines. More than 80 % of Internet content is in the English language,
while only one in ten people in the world can speak English. Having said that, Internet
content in languages such as Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, French, and Arabic is fast
growing. Still, people who have access to the Internet tend to be exceedingly Western,
male, urban, high-income, and English speaking. More importantly, the increased
commercialization of the Internet intensifies fears of lack of access and prohibitive costs
for the economically disadvantaged. Therefore, the concerns about Internet access and
cost are very real. First identified as the information gap, information inequality is
increasingly defined as the digital divide. It is important to note that the digital divide or
information gap exists both within and between nations.

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JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION – Vol. II - The Internet as a Mass Communication Medium - Marwan M. Kraidy

The widely held belief that the digital gap only separates wealthy Western countries and
poorer non-Western nations conceals the immense disparities that exist within rich and
poor nations alike. In the United States, for instance, by many measures the wealthiest
country in the world, and one of the leaders in the Internet sector, there is an alarming
digital divide between urban, white, and wealthy communities on one hand, and rural
and minority groups on the other. This gap between the “haves” and the “have-nots”
persists in spite of substantial increases in the numbers of Internet users. Studies
conducted by the US federal government show that US inhabitants of rural areas fall
below the national average in access to and use of the Internet, irrespective of their
income level. Disparity exists in spite of the fact that rural areas in the United States are
well connected to telephone networks, in fact better connected than inner-city
communities are. Reports have shown that at nearly all income levels, rural dwellers are
less likely to own a computer, less likely to have Internet access, and less likely to have
Internet access at home. Grade schools were the most popular place for rural people to
access the Internet.

The same federal studies indicate that ethnic minorities lag far behind the national
average in computer ownership and access to the Internet. In the late 1990s, Hispanic
families were still half as likely as their white counterparts to own a computer.
According to United States government figures, the computer ownership gap between
whites and Hispanics widened by 37.6 % between 1997 and 1998, and is still widening
at nearly all income levels. These low numbers are tempered by findings that many
Hispanics use public access points such as schools to connect to the Internet. The
situation is not much different for black Americans. Federal figures indicate that they
still have less access to the Internet than their white counterparts do at locations such as
home, school, work, and libraries. Between 1997 and 1998, the Internet access gap
between blacks and whites increased by 37.7 %. Between 1994 and 1998, the computer
ownership gap grew by 39.2 %. Significantly, government figures show that the
computer ownership gap between blacks and whites decreases sharply at high income
levels, beginning at US$75 000 per year. The digital gap hits those at the intersection of
marginalized groups the hardest. Black residents of rural areas, for instance, are one
third less likely to have a computer than the average black family in the United States.
Income, ethnic group, and place of residence (whether urban or rural) are all
determinants of access to the Internet.

6. Regulation and Civil Liberties in the Internet Age

The political and cultural impact of the Internet is still not well understood. Decades of
research will be needed to achieve a longitudinal and thorough understanding of the
impact of the new information technologies on culture. A survey of the research
conducted during the last decade of the twentieth century indicates that the emergence
of the Internet brought back old concerns about representation, and the impact of media
on social values and cultural identity.

In spite of inconclusive research, governments have rushed to regulate the Internet,

because old concerns about the impact of media on society have resurfaced with the
rapid spread and concomitant visibility of the new mass communication medium. The
level of control, enforcement mechanisms, and other regulatory bodies and procedures

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JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION – Vol. II - The Internet as a Mass Communication Medium - Marwan M. Kraidy

applied on the Internet vary vastly from one country to another (see Government and
Governance in the Networked Age). However, all governments quickly realized that the
Internet was a completely different medium from all other media they have regulated in
the past, and that the regulation of the new mass communication medium would pose
unique challenges to regulators, policy-makers, and law enforcement officials alike.
Opinions about Internet regulation also varied greatly, with civil liberties groups around
the world celebrating the new medium’s supposed resilience to any form of control,
while governments condemned the alleged elusiveness of the new medium as a conduit
for illegal or harmful information. However, because of the Internet’s growth and
popularity, government intervention is sure to remain for the foreseeable future.

In fact, recent reports by international non-governmental organizations point to a

worldwide increase in government restrictions placed on Internet access and use. This
trend is not restricted to countries ruled by authoritarian regimes repressive of all kinds
of information and free speech, but is also present in liberal democracies. In the United
States, for example, a legal case over whether the government had the right to regulate
Internet content, as stipulated in some portions of the Telecommunications Act passed
by the United States Congress in 1997, went all the way to the United States Supreme
Court. In this landmark case, known as Reno v. ACLU, the United States Supreme
Court ruled in favor of the American Civil Liberties Union and against United States
Attorney General Janet Reno, asserting that Internet content enjoyed the highest levels
of free speech protection under the United States constitution. Canada has restrictions
on hate-speech and obscene material on the Internet, while in the United Kingdom a
trade group is working on establishing guidelines for voluntary control of Internet
content. The situation in developing countries varies from China, where strong controls
are exercised on political content while more latitude is allowed for Internet use for
economic purposes, to Africa, where the presence of the Internet is still so minimal that
there are no official regulatory mechanisms. This results in uneven regulatory measures:
while some countries such as Botswana do not allow private Internet providers to
operate within their borders, other countries such as Burkina-Faso have allowed
international organizations and corporations to establish Internet connections.





Bell D. and Kennedy B. (2000). The Cybercultures Reader. 768 pp. London, UK and New York, USA:
Routlege. [An edited collection of essays examining the concept of cyberculture from critical and
interpretive perspectives.]
Beniger J. R. (1986). The Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins of the Information
Society. 512 pp. Cambridge, USA: Harvard University Press. [The definitive historical account of the

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION – Vol. II - The Internet as a Mass Communication Medium - Marwan M. Kraidy

technological and economic factors that led to the development of the information society.]
Brook J. and Boal I. A., eds. (1995). Resisting the Virtual Life: The Culture and Politics of Information.
278 pp. San Francisco, USA: City Lights Books.
Castells M. (1999). The Information Age: Economy, Culture, and Society, 3 vols. (Volume One, The Rise
of the Network Society; Volume Two, The Power of Identity; Volume Three, End of Millennium).
Blackwell. [An encyclopedic treatment of the information age and the cultural, social, political, and
economic conditions that it creates and is shaped by it.]
Doheny-Farina S. (1996). The Wired Neighborhood. 244 pp. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University
Press. [A sustained critique of the concept of virtual communities, which proposes the idea of a wired
neighborhood as a real alternative to the virtual community.]
Ellul J. (1964). The Technological Society. 449 pp. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. [A critical examination
of how technology has systematized and therefore reduced a wide range of human activities.]
Gandy O. H., Jr. (1993). The Panoptic Sort. 255 pp. Boulder, Colorado, USA: Westview Press. [A
political and economic analysis of surveillance and other social implications of information and media
Negroponte N. (1995). Being Digital. New York: Knopf. [This is one of the most widely read popular
books about the digital age, written in a jargon-free style for a large audience.]
Pavlik J. V. (1998). New Media Technology: Cultural and Commercial Perspectives, Second Edition. 400
pp. Boston, USA and London, UK: Allyn and Bacon. [This is one of the standard textbooks in new media
technologies, focusing on the commercial and professional consequences of the Internet.]
Postman N. (1992). Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. 222 pp. New York: Random
House. [This is one of the most prominent criticisms of our age’s obsession with technology, from a
humanistic perspective.]
Rheingold H. (1994). The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier. 447 pp. New
York: Harperrenial. [One of the early classic works about the Internet, which advances the concept of the
virtual community.]
Schiller D. (2000). Digital Capitalism. 320 pp. Cambridge, USA: Harvard University Press. [This is one
of the political–economic critical analyses of the corporate control of the Internet.]
Schiller H. (1995) Information Inequality: The Deepening Social Crisis in America. 212 pp. New York,
USA, and London, UK: Routledge. [A critical analysis of how new media technologies are widening the
gap between the information rich and the information poor.]
Stoll C. (1995). Silicon Snake Oil: Second Thoughts in the Information Highway. 249 pp. New York:
Doubleday. [A critical evaluation of the enthusiasm about new communication technologies in the United
Tehranian M. (1990). Technologies of Power: Information Machines and Democratic Prospects. 272 pp.
Norwood, New Jersey, USA: Ablex. [A theoretical exploration of information technologies at the
intersection of discourses of development and democracy.]
Turkle S. (1984). The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit. 352 pp. New York: Simon and
Shuster. [An exploration of the psychological implications of the human and computer interface.]
Williams F. and Pavlik J. (1994). The People’s Right to Know: Media, Democracy, and the Information
Highway. 258 pp. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. [An edited collection of essays exploring
issues of access to information in the context of the US national information infrastructure.]
Wresch W. (1998). Disconnected: Haves and Have-Nots in the Information Age. 268 pp. New Brunswick,
New Jersey, USA: Rutgers University Press. [A descriptive analysis of the promises and perils of the
implication of information and media technologies for African countries.]

Biographical Sketch

Marwan M. Kraidy teaches global communication and culture in the Division of International
Communication, School of International Service, American University. His research focuses on global

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION – Vol. II - The Internet as a Mass Communication Medium - Marwan M. Kraidy

media and transcultural processes with a focus on Arab media and cultures. His work has appeared in
Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Communication Theory, Journal of Transnational Broadcasting
Studies, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly,
Media, Culture and Society, Global Media Journal, in addition to edited volumes, proceedings and
various encyclopedias. He is co-editor of Global Media Studies: Ethnographic Perspectives (Routledge, in
press), and is completing a book on global media and cultural hybridity. He has won several scholarly
awards from the International Communication Association, the National Communication Association,
and the Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication including the Ralph Cooley
Award, the Prosser/Sitaram Award for Excellence in International Communication Theory, and the
Outstanding Scholarship Award in International and Intercultural Communication for his 1999 article in
Critical Studies in Mass Communication. He is on the Editorial Boards of the American Communication
Journal and of the international journal Languages and Intercultural Communication. He previously was
Director of Graduate Studies, School of Communication, University of North Dakota. He can be reached
at [email protected]

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