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(Terms of Reference

Health Facility Supply Side Readiness and LGU Survey in the

Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
August 2016


The purpose of this consultancy is enable the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Department of
Health (ARMM DOH) to have a reliable database of its health facilities and their readiness to provide key
services. The database will be created with information gathered through a survey. The consultancy will
be for a firm to undertake and manage all aspects of the health facility supply side readiness and LGU
survey in the ARMM. The survey will be undertaken for all 126 rural health units (RHUS) in the DOH
ARMM database (attached). Hospitals, barangay health stations and private health facilities will not be
included in this survey. A survey among RHU patients will also be undertaken.


The ARMM health system is uniquely different from the rest of the country due to a multitude of factors
such as non-contiguous geographical setting and varying socio-economic conditions, which is
occasionally beset by sporadic conflict and has persistently poor health indicators. The Department of
Health in ARMM’s (DOH-ARMM) mandate is to ensure that all necessary and essential health services
are available and accessible to its constituents. It should ensure that all the required manpower,
supplies and commodities are available in all its health facilities. In order to do this, the DOH-ARMM
should have readily available information as to the state of its health facilities and the overall status of
the Region’s service delivery network especially in areas that will be affected by strife and population

“All for Health Towards Health for All’ is the battlecry of the Duterte Administrations’ Philippine Health
Agenda (PHA). It focuses on a health system that ensures financial risk protection and attains favorable
health outcomes that is responsive to the needs of its constituents. It is committed to implement
universal health insurance that provides care for all life stages and addresses the triple burden of
disease through an accessible and functional service delivery network.

In order to implement the PHA, the DOH-ARMM must ensure the integrity of its service delivery network
and will only be able to accomplish this if it has the necessary information available at its fingertips. This
TOR seeks to provide the DOH-ARMM with the information that it needs to meet this expectation.


The Consultant shall be responsible for all aspects and costs of the conduct of the health facility supply
side readiness survey, from the development and field testing of the survey instrument to analysis of the
survey data. The Consultant should base the survey instrument on the WHO’s Service Availability and
Readiness Assessment (SARA) reference manual (Rev. 1 dated July 2015) and implementation guide
(Version 2.2 dated September 2015) with inputs coming from the World Bank’s Impact of Incentives and
Information on Quality and Utilization on Primary Care (I3QUIP) impact evaluation baseline survey data
collection tools. The survey will utilize the following sections of the SARA tool:
1. Module 1: Service Availability
a. Section 2: Staffing
b. Section 3: Inpatient and Observation Beds
2. Module 2: Service Readiness
a. Section 4: Infrastructure
b. Section 5: Available Services
i. A. Reproductive, Maternal and Newborn Health
1. Family Planning Services
2. Antenatal Care Services
3. Obstetric and Newborn Care Services
4. Immunization
ii. B. Child and Adolescent Health
1. Child Preventative and Curative Care Services
iii. C. Communicable Diseases
1. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
2. Tuberculosis
3. Malaria
iv. D. Non-Communicable Diseases
c. Section 6: Diagnostics
d. Section 7: Medicines and Commodities (except questions for ARVs, cesarean section and
palliative care)
e. Supply Chain

Additional input for collection of basic information on the health facility may be based on the World
Bank’s Impact of Incentives and Information on Quality and Utilization on Primary Care (I3QUIP) survey
tool. The survey will also utilize the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire 18 (PSQ18) for patient exit

The Consultant shall be responsible for and manage all aspects of the survey (data collection, training of
data collectors, creation of database, analysis of the results, etc) and will also be responsible for putting
together a survey team responsible for the task – a survey team manager, a survey management team
composed of field enumerators, a data encoder and a statistician. The Consultant shall mobilize the
Survey Management Team Manager, the Survey Management Team (SMT), the Field Teams, and Data
Encoding Team. The following is a short description of tasks and responsibilities for each actor:

3.1 Survey Management Team Manager (SMT Manager)

The SMT Manager is appointed by the Consultant. The SMT Manager will head the SMT and is in charge
of (i) providing substantive input into the field instruments and survey methodology; and (ii)
coordinating and training all Field Teams and the Data Encoding Team. S/he is also in charge of the day-
to-day project management and shall report progress and/or problems on the implementation of the

survey, such as delays in the fielding of activities and other essential logistical problems to the World
Bank through the WB Task Team Leader. S/he shall make all efforts to overcome these problems to
ensure the progress of field activities.

Phone conversations and email are the preferable modes of communication between the SMT Manager
and the World Bank Task Team Leader.

3.2 Survey Management Team (SMT)

The SMT will support the SMT Manager for the daily coordination of survey execution, and for the
hiring, training, and coordination of Field Teams and the Data Encoding Team.

3.3 Field Teams

The Field Teams are recruited and trained by the SMT and SMT Manager. Each team will conduct the
interviews and other data collecting activities. Each field team is responsible for fieldwork. While the
team composition is left to the Consultant to decide, a typical Field Team should at least consist of a
team leader (i.e. field supervisor) and a number of enumerators.

3.4 Data Encoding Team

The Data Encoding Team is recruited and trained under the responsibility of the SMT and SMT Manager.
Although it is left up to the Consultant to decide the location of data encoding (in Manila or at the
regional level), if the Consultant opts for a decentralized data encoding, the Consultant must present
measures for ensuring quality control of data encoding. The Data Encoding Team is in charge of
verifying incoming hard copy data from the field, checking the accuracy of data received (such as
respondent’s identification and linkages among questionnaires), coding all open-ended and “other”
responses. Team composition is left to the Consultant to decide.


The Consultant’s assignment includes the tasks enumerated below.

4.1 Pilot Testing of Survey Instruments and Submission of Inception Report and Work Plan

Within the first two weeks after contract signing, the Consultant shall pilot test the instruments and
prepare the Inception Report.

The Inception Report and Work Plan will lay out the following:

 Inputs into the design of draft survey instruments based on the pilot testing
 Team composition and recruitment plan
 Detailed workplan which includes the following specifics:
o Numbers, dates, duration, and location of training sessions; including composition of
training teams, preparation of logistics

o Expected duration of survey implementation and work plan for Field Teams
o Expected date and duration of the Data Encoding and Cleaning activities, including
delivery dates of the different datasets
o Expected date of deliverables

Most of the above items will be discussed during contract negotiations. The work plan will be updated
by the SMT according to the progress of data collection and data processing activities. Any modification
of the survey shall be reported to the World Bank.

Deliverable #1:
 Inception Report within two weeks of signing the contract

4.2 Assembly of Field Teams

The SMT is responsible for advertising, interviewing, and hiring all members of the Field Teams.
Collaboration with local research institutions in putting together teams is highly recommended. The
recommended tasks and qualifications of the Field Teams are shown in Annex 1.

The SMT shall provide the list of team members at least one week before the start of the relevant
training sessions. As not all training participants will be selected to join the survey, it is recommended
that the SMT and SMT Manager recruit 15 percent additional participants, to cover possible dropouts
and other emergencies during fieldwork. The Consultant must not replace interviewers with untrained
personnel during the fieldwork.

Deliverable #2:
 List of Field Team members along with their proposed positions (i.e. field supervisor,
LGU/Key Informant interviewer, facility survey enumerator, patient chart reviewer, physician
interviewer, patient exit survey enumerator, reserve enumerator) and their contact information
at least one week before the start of relevant training sessions.

4.3 Assembly of Data Encoding and Cleaning Team

The SMT is responsible for advertising, interviewing, and hiring all members of the Data Encoding and
Cleaning Team. The recommended tasks and qualifications of the Data Encoding and Cleaning Team is
shown in Annex 1. As data encoding/cleaning are crucial during the survey, it is highly recommended
that each applicant should pass a data encoding test.

Deliverable #3:
 List of Data Encoding and Cleaning Team members along with their proposed positions
(i.e. data encoding supervisor, and data encoder) and their contact information at least one
week before the start of data encoding training.

4.4 Development and Finalization of Enumerator Manual

The SMT is responsible for developing and finalizing the enumerator and supervisor manual. The
enumerator and supervisor manual must provide clear definitions of the terminologies used in the
questionnaires, as well as clear guidelines outlining the logistics of data collections.

Deliverable #4:
 4.1 Draft Enumerator and Supervisor Manual must be submitted at least one week before the
Training of Trainers.
 4.2 Draft Final Enumerator and Supervisor Manual, incorporating comments of World Bank to
the draft manual. To be submitted one week after the Training of Trainers.

4.5 Development and Finalization of Data Encoding Program

The SMT is responsible for developing and finalizing the Data Encoding Program. The Data Encoding
Program must use an industry standard software (CSPro is recommended) and must be programmable
to create checks for quality control of data encoding.

Deliverable #5:
 5.1 Draft Data Encoding Program must be submitted at least three weeks before the start of the
data encoding training.
 5.2 Final Data Encoding Program, incorporating comments of the World Bank to the draft
program. To be submitted at least one week before the start of the data encoding training.

4.6 Training of Trainers

During the first month of commencing consulting services, the SMT Manager shall assign a team to
undergo a Training of Trainers (TOT) on survey instrument, where final survey instruments and
interviewers’ manuals will be thoroughly explained to the participants. The Consultant will be in charge
of the training, all the logistics, including making adequate copies of all training materials.

The SMT is also responsible for developing and finalizing the enumerator and supervisor manual. The
enumerator and supervisor manual must provide clear definitions of the terminologies used in the
questionnaires, as well as clear guidelines outlining the logistics of data collections.

Prior to the TOT, participants shall participate in piloting all survey instruments in two municipalities that
are not among the sample areas. The purpose of the pilot fieldwork is to get exposure to survey
materials as well as survey logistics. Based on the pilot fieldwork, some edits to the questionnaires may
be suggested, however all changes to the questionnaires must be approved by the World Bank before
they are made. The World Bank may participate in the fieldwork as observers. The TOT will conclude
with a two-day discussion on fieldwork experience and a plan for implementing training sessions as well
as for translating questionnaires into local dialects.

The SMT shall prepare a brief training report that documents major points of discussion during the
training and the agreements made (e.g. changes in the survey instrument). It shall also include a list of
training participants that completed the training.

Deliverable #6:

 6.1 List of participants who have completed the training course
 6.2 TOT report, the week after the TOT

4.7 Translation of Patient Exit Survey Questionnaire

Data collection involves patient exit surveys wherein respondents are local constituents. The
questionnaire to be used for this survey is the well-tested Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire 18 short
form (PSQ 18) which is available in English. For some municipalities, it will be necessary to interview
respondents in the local dialect in order for the questions to be understood and for the intended
responses to be expressed.

The dialects that the questionnaires should be translated to will be determined by the SMT and
discussed with the World Bank. The SMT shall then submit to the World Bank a list of the dialects and
the corresponding municipalities where each dialect will be used.

Once translated, the instrument should be translated back by another set of translators back to English
in order to determine if the translated questionnaire is almost synonymous to the original

Deliverable #7:
 7.1 Translated PSQ18 , at least one week before the training of field teams
 7.2 A brief report on the process and result of translation and back-translation

4.8 Training of field teams

A fundamental premise for interviews is that the interviewer has clear understanding not only of the
design and content of the instruments, but also of how to administer these instruments in a manner
that does not introduce unintended biases into the response patterns. Training for all Field Team
members in one batch is considered ineffective as the level of comprehension among training
participants might be poor. The Consultant is to suggest a training strategy that will ensure a high
quality transfer of knowledge to respective participants.

Careful planning is needed to handle the logistics of such training. The Consultant is to guarantee
appropriate logistics and administrative support for trainers during the training. Recommendations on
the training schedule are provided in Annex 4. These recommendations are provided for information
only; it is the responsibility of the SMT to provide feedback to the World Bank and guarantee the quality
of the training of their teams. The training shall include field tryout conducted in municipalities/cities
that are not among the Survey areas.

The World Bank and DOH-ARMM will attend the training sessions. Any unresolved matters that may
arise during the course will be decided upon by the World Bank Task Team Leader and DOH-ARMM

The SMT shall prepare a brief training report that documents major points of discussion during the
training and the agreements made (e.g. changes in the survey instrument). It shall also include a list of
training participants that completed the training.

The SMT is in charge of printing all necessary survey instruments to perform training and fieldwork
activities. In addition, the SMT shall include related materials to the final draft of the enumerator and
supervisor manual before printing/duplicating. The latter includes, among others, a section on interview
techniques, appendices on targeted Municipalities/Cities, and glossary of the terminology used in the

Deliverable #8:
 8.1 List of field team members who have completed the training
 8.2 Training Report
 8.3 Final version of survey instruments
 8.4 Final version of survey and enumerator manual

4.9 Implementation of Fieldwork

The fieldwork involves two types of data collection. The type of questionnaire/activity and the number
of respondents required per Rural Health Unit/Health Center are outlined in Table 1. The expected time
for completion of each questionnaire/activity is also provided for information.

Table 1. No. of Respondents and Expected Completion Time by Survey Activity

Activity/Questionnaire No. of Units Expected Completion
Time per Respondent
(in minutes)
RHU/Health Center Survey One respondent 60
Patient Exit Survey Approx 20 patients per 10
RHU/Health Center

The field activities are expected to be conducted in January-March 2017. The Consultant should plan
carefully the arrangements for travel especially in areas with difficult geographical terrain. The
Consultant should also plan ahead for logistical difficulties such as problematic communication lines.

Data will be collected in all RHUs/HCs included in the study.

All questionnaires filled in must be reviewed by the enumerators and the supervisors on the day the
interview was conducted. Supervisors must highlight incomplete data or inconsistencies in data and
enumerators must correct them, by revisiting the respondent if necessary.

During fielding, team supervisors will regularly report (minimum twice a week) to the SMT/SMT
Manager on progress and/or difficulties faced. Important problems related to substance of the survey
instruments should be conveyed to the World Bank.

The location of field teams at each point in time during fielding is important to be identified, for planning
field supervisions and for cases of emergencies.

Emergencies. In the case of emergencies such as natural disasters or other unfavorable conditions, any
necessary rescue operations or emergency procedures should be put into effect by the SMT. If
unanticipated disasters occur in sample locations prior to the Field Team’s visit, the Field Teams must
change their fieldwork itineraries and conduct data collection in the subsequent sample

municipalities/cities. There will be no sanctions to changes in schedule due to unexpected disasters;
however, the Field Teams are required to report promptly to the SMT. The SMT must report to the
World Bank.

Deliverable #9:
 Weekly reporting of the progress of fieldwork

4.10 Training for Data Encoding, and Data Encoding and Cleaning

The Data Encoding and Cleaning Team is responsible for verifying incoming hard copies of the data and
punching-in the data into the data encoding program. It is highly recommended that all data of at least
20 percent of the questionnaires is punched in twice by different data encoders, verified and
corrected/cleaned. However, if the Consultant will not conduct double data entry, alternative quality
control measures must be presented. The data encoders are also responsible to code responses to
“other” categories. To conduct these tasks, members of the data encoding team shall attend a training
understanding the survey questionnaires, data encoding, verification and cleaning after double entry. If
the World Bank jointly with the SMT determines that the rate of mis-encoding identified by the double
data entry verification is unacceptably high, data encoding will be redone partially for specific sections of
the questionnaire(s) or recoded entirely for the questionnaire. The SMT Manager will decide when to
start coding activities; it is recommended that it begin as soon as 50 percent of data has arrived.

Data encoding Supervisors must conduct cleaning of data verified and cleaned by the data encoders.
S/he must ensure that unique identifier codes are indeed unique and consistent with PhilHealth
identifier codes that may be used.

The final dataset submitted to the World Bank shall be in original format as well as in STATA format.

Deliverable #10:
 10.1 List of trained data encoders and cleaners
 10.2 Submission of electronic data, bi-weekly
 10.3 Submission of final data sets, no more than four weeks after the conclusion of the field

4.11 Submission of Final Report and Secondary Data

In addition to the abovementioned deliverables, the Consultant shall submit a Main Findings Report and
secondary data to the World Bank. The Main Findings Report should consist of at least two
 Reporting on the survey implementation: lessons learned, suggestions for improvement,
assessment of data quality, and assessment incomplete and missing data
 Descriptive analysis and cross-tabulations of recorded variables

Secondary data and supporting documents (such as sampling forms, etc) shall also be submitted.

Deliverable #11:

 11.1. Draft Main Findings within three weeks after the conclusion of data encoding and cleaning
 11.2 Main Findings Report, within four weeks after submission of Draft Main Findings Reports,
or two weeks after receipt of comments from World Bank
 11.3 Secondary data and supporting documents (such as sampling forms, etc) no more than
four weeks after the conclusion of fieldwork
 11.4 Database of all RHUs (including GPS coordinates) with survey data
 Oral presentations (including softcopy) to World Bank and ARMM DOH on the findings and
recommendations, at about the time of submission of the Draft Main Findings Report


Contract signing is expected to be in December 2016. The consultancy is expected to take about 20
weeks from contract signing to submission of Draft Main Findings Report for the baseline, plus 4 weeks
for review and finalization of the Main Findings Report.

5. Other Contractual Obligations

5.1 Data properties

All primary data collected during the contract is the property of the World Bank. The use of the primary
data without the consent of the World Bank is strictly prohibited, until data embargo is lifted and the
dataset made public. The final report must not be made public until and unless World Bank explicitly
approved the publication of the final report. The Consultant shall store filled-out survey instruments
and supporting materials for a one-year period and the World Bank has the right to access them at any
time during that period.

5.2 Insurance
It is the responsibility of the Consultant to provide insurance to the SMT and all fieldworkers. Given the
extent or traveling required for the project, all workers must be covered by travel and/or health
insurance throughout the duration of the fieldwork.

6.0 Estimated Schedule

This consultancy will run from January 2017 to end of June 2017.

7.0 Management and Logistical Support

The consultant will report directly to the WB Task Team leader and other WB team members and
consultants involved in the work. Consultations with ARMM-DOH Secretary or his designated project

point person shall also be done in the process of survey questionnaire development and implementation
and data collection.

8.0 Payment Schedule

The assignment will be remunerated upon delivery of the agreed outputs:

 10% at signing of contract

 40% at submission of Draft Final Enumerator and Supervisor Manual (after submission and
acceptance of deliverable Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4)
 30% at submission of draft Main Findings Report (after submission and acceptance of
deliverables Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10)
 20% at submission of Main Findings Report (after submission and acceptance of deliverable No.

ANNEX 1 Firm Qualifications and Recommended Key Professional Staff Qualifications, Field Team Organization and Field Plan

A. Firm Qualifications

The firm must meet the following minimum requirements:

 Minimum 5 years-experience managing health facility surveys of similar scale (180+ facilities, 2000+ households); experience working on health-
related surveys preferred
 Strong capacity and experience in planning and organizing survey logistics
 Good network of experienced enumerators, supervisors and data entry clerks.
 Strong capacity in data management and statistics.
 Strong knowledge in the following software: CS-Pro, SPSS and STATA
 Strong interpersonal skills and a team oriented spirit.
 Must have experience working in Mindanao. Work experience in ARMM desirable.

In the technical proposal, the firm must also indicate the proposed staff and qualifications for each of the three key managerial positions based on the
following minimum requirements:

B. Qualifications of Proposed Key Professional Staff

The minimum required experience of proposed professional staff is:

Team Manager: Master’s Degree or equivalent with 10+ years of relevant professional experience as a team leader; direct experience managing and
leading a large survey team and overseeing large-scale household and facilities’ surveys; strong background in public policy or service delivery in the
Philippines; fluent in both English and Filipino.

Training Manager: Master’s Degree or equivalent with 5+ years of relevant professional experience as lecturer/trainer; strong background on
quantitative survey techniques; excellent command in lecturing/training a class of at least 40 participants.

Survey Manager (SMT Manager in the TOR): Master’s Degree or equivalent with 5+ years of relevant experience as survey team leader; excellent
command in dealing with fieldwork activities and their difficulties; excellent communication ability; willing to work around the clock as fieldwork
problems may occur at any time of the day and need urgent decision. Experience with Direct Observations and Patient Chart Reviewsis a plus.

Data Encoding and Cleaning Manager: Bachelor Degree or equivalent with 5+ years of relevant experience as data cleaning supervisor/data entry
operator; excellent communication skill with field data entry; excellent command in dealing with data cleaning activities such as data verification, look-up
and coding.

C. Field Team Recommendations

Pre-testing experience shows that data collecting activities within an RHU/health centers can be completed within two days by a team comprised of 1
Field Supervisor and 2 enumerators. However, the Consultant should, in the proposal, add extra days in consideration of: (i) operating hours of the health
facilities; (b) travel time between municipalities; (c) possible delays due to heavy rain/storms; and (d) weekend breaks and national holidays for the team.

Recommended field team tasks and qualifications are the following:

Field Supervisor

Main tasks:
 Conduct interviews with LGU key informants, including local chief executive or representative
 Update progress, report problems, etc. to Survey Management Team
 Administrative work (payment of salary and per diem to field staff, report writing, etc.)
 Send filled-out questionnaires secondary and other supporting documents to SMT, office data cleaning team, and WB IE Coordinator
 Assist supervision mission teams from SMT and the World Bank/PhilHealth/KDI
 Make a work plan on a daily basis based on the field conditions; brief team members on latest development of field conditions
 Introduce the field team to the head of the facility and other key informants to ensure smooth data collection in the sample sites
 Arrange base camp for field team
 Supervise enumerators in conducting interviews and conduct spot checks
 Manually edit all filled-out questionnaires on the day interview was conducted
 Ensure that health profiles are reproduced properly (all pertinent fields can be read clearly for encoding, protocols on anonymity observed)

Note: Additional supervisory team members (e.g. regional supervisors) may share some of the above tasks with the field supervisor).

 Licensed physician or nurse
 3 years experience in research (preferably in facility surveys)
 Good command of interview techniques
 Excellent leadership skills
 Excellent logistical, operational, and coordination skills

Patient Exit Survey Enumerator and Facility Survey Enumerator

Main tasks:
 Conduct interview with the RHU/HC patients
 Conduct interview with facility representative, for the facility survey
 Ensure that all required secondary data/other supporting documents are properly collected
 Self edit filled-out questionnaires before passing them to the Field Supervisor

 Final-year college student
 1 year experience in conducting facility surveys
 Good command of interview techniques

Data Encoder and Cleaner

Main tasks:
 Check/Edit filled-out questionnaires prior to punching in the data
 Check for completeness of data, including secondary data and other supporting documents
 Verify and correct mismatches found based on double data entry

 Final-year college student
 1 year experience in punching-in survey research data

Field enumerators may share tasks in administering the different data collection tools as long as they are trained on the specific tool and have the
necessary qualification.

All team members should be willing to:

 Work during the whole contract duration (as it is impossible to replace team members without sufficient training)
 Work under adverse conditions (e.g. limited access to bathrooms, etc.)
 Work with high degree of mobility

Annex 2: Listing of Rural Health Units in ARMM
Inventory and List of Health Care Facilities
Region _ARMM___

Type of
PROVINCE Health Complete name of Health Facility City/Municipality Barangay/ Sitio Complete Address
Facility *

  ARMM   117    

SUR 126 37 RHUs 39    

LANAO DEL SUR RHU Bacolod Kalawi RHU Bacolod Kalawi Ilian Ilian, Bacolod Kalawi
Poblacion, Balabagan, Lanao
LANAO DEL SUR RHU RHU Balabagan Balabagan Poblacion
del Sur
LANAO DEL SUR RHU Balindong RHU Balindong Brgy. Salipongan Brgy. Salipongan, Balindong,
Lanao del Sur
Brgy. Pagalamatan,
Binidayan, Lanao del Sur
Brgy. Parao, Upper Bayang,
LANAO DEL SUR RHU Bayang RHU Bayang Parao
Bayang, Lanao del Sur

Brgy. Manacab Brgy. Manacab Poblacion,

LANAO DEL SUR RHU RHU Buadipuso Buntong Buadipuso Buntong Buadipuso Buntong, Lanao
Del Sur
Poblacion, Bubong, Lanao
LANAO DEL SUR RHU BUbong RHU Bubong Montia an
Del Sur

LANAO DEL SUR RHU RHU Bubong Ramain Bubong Ramain Brgy. Montian Montian, Bubong Ramain

Bumbaran RHU, Bumbaran Bumbaran Brgy. Frankport, Amai Brgy. Frankport, Amai
Manabiling Manabiling, Bumbaran, Lanao
del Sur
Poblacion, Butig, Lanao del
LANAO DEL SUR RHU Butig RHU Butig Poblacion

LANAO DEL SUR RHU Calanogas RHU, Calanogas Calanogas Poblacion Poblacion, Calanogas, Lanao
del Sur
Ditsaan- Ramain RHU, Ramain Ditsaan- Ramain Brgy. Bango Ingud Bago Ingud, Ditsaan-
Ramain, Lnao Del Sur
LANAO DEL SUR RHU ganasi RHU Ganasi Poblacion Poblacion Ganasi

Brgy. Lidasan, Kapai, Lanao

LANAO DEL SUR RHU Kapay RHU (Kapai), Kapai Kapai Brgy. Lidasan
del Sur
Dunguan, Kapatagan, Lanao
LANAO DEL SUR RHU RHU Kapatagan Kapatagan Brgy. Dunguan
del Sur
LANAO DEL SUR RHU Lumbatan RHU Lumbatan Poblacion Pooblacion LAC, Lumbatan

LANAO DEL SUR RHU Lumbayanague RHU Lumbayanague Cabasaran Poblacion, Lumbayanague
LANAO DEL SUR RHU Lumba Bayabao RHU Lumba Bayabao Maribo Poblacion, Lumba Bayabao
LANAO DEL SUR RHU Lumbaca Unayan RHU Lumbaca Unayan Dilausan Poblacion Lumbaca Unayan

Poblacion, Madalum, Lanao

LANAO DEL SUR RHU Madalum RHU Madalum Poblacion
Del Sur

LANAO DEL SUR RHU Maguing RHU Maguing Borokot Bororcot, Maguing
Brgy. Bandara Ingud Brgy. Kampong Inudaran,
LANAO DEL SUR RHU Marantao RHU, Marantao Marantao
Camalig Marantao, Lanao del Sur
Poblacion, Marogong, Lanao
LANAO DEL SUR RHU Marogong RHU Marogong Pobalcion Marogong
Del Sur
LANAO DEL SUR RHU Masiu RHU Masiu Buadi Amaloy Baudi a Maloy, Masiu

Brgy. Poblcion Dado,
LANAO DEL SUR RHU Mulondo RHU Mulondo Brgy. Cairatan
Mulondo, Lanao Del Sur

LANAO DEL SUR RHU Pagayawan RHU Pagayawan Lumbac Pagayawan Pinalangka Pagayawan

LANAO DEL SUR RHU Piagapo RHU Piagapo Ilian Ilian, Piagapo

LANAO DEL SUR RHU RHU Picong Picong Brgy. Maladeg Brgy. Maladeg, Picong, Lanao
del Sur
Poona Bayabao RHU, Poona Brgy. Bansayan,Poona
LANAO DEL SUR RHU Poona Bayabao Brgy. Bansayan
Bayabao Bayabao, Lanao del Sur
LANAO DEL SUR RHU Saguiran RHU Saguiran Poblacion Poblacion, Saguiran
Poblacion, Sultan
LANAO DEL SUR RHU RHU Sultan Dumalondong Sultan Dumalundong Poblacion
Dumalundong, Lanao del Sur
Brgy. Kinggan, Tagoloan,
LANAO DEL SUR RHU RHU Tagoloan Tagoloan Kinggan
Lanao del Sur
Tamparan RHU, Tamparan Tamparan Brgy. Poblacion 2 Brgy. Poblacion 2, Tamparan,
Lanao del Sur
LANAO DEL SUR RHU Taraka RHU Taraka Moritao Lucsadatu Poblacion Taraka

LANAO DEL SUR RHU Tubaran RHU Tubaran Tangkal Tangkal Tubaran

Brgy. Dilimbayan, Tugaya,

LANAO DEL SUR RHU RHU Tugaya Tugaya Brgy. Dilimbayan
Lanao Del Sur

LANAO DEL SUR RHU Wao RHU Wao Western Poblacion Western Poblacion, Wao

MARAWI CITY   5 RHUs 1    

Rural Health
MARAWI CITY Brgy Cabingan Health Center Marawi City Cabingan MSU, Cabingan, MC
Rural Health
MARAWI CITY Brgy. Amito Marantao Health Center Marawi City Amito Marantao Amito Marantao, MC

Rural Health
MARAWI CITY Kapantaran Birthing Clinic Marawi City Kapantaran Kapantaran Marinaut, MC
Rural Health
MARAWI CITY Timbangalan Health Center Marawi City Timbangalan Timbangala, MC
Rural Health City Hall Compound, Barrio Fort,
MARAWI CITY City Health Office & Birthing Clinic Marawi City Barrio Fort
Unit MC

Poblacion, Ampatuan,
MAGUINDANAO RHU RHU Poblacion, Ampatuan Ampatuan Poblacion
Brgy. Lipawan, Barira,
MAGUINDANAO RHU RHU Barira Barira Bgry. Lipawan
RHU Poblacion Calaan, Buldon Brgy. Calaan, Buldon,
MAGUINDANAO RHU Buldon Brgy. Calaan
RHU Buluan, Buluan Buluan Poblacion Poblacion, Buluan,
RHU Banaba, Datu Abdullah Datu Abdullah Sangki Brgy. Banaba Brgy. Banaba, Datu Abdullah
MAGUINDANAO RHU Sangki Sangki, Maguindanao
RHU Adaon, Datu Anggal Datu Anngal Brgy. Adaon Brgy. Adaon, Datu Anggal
MAGUINDANAO RHU Midtimbang Midtimbang Midtimbang, Maguindanao
Poblacion, Datu Hoffer
MAGUINDANAO RHU RHU Poblacion, Datu Hoffer Datu Hoffer  
Ampatuan, Maguindanao
RHU Poblacion (Tunggol), Datu Datu Montawal Brgy. Tunggol Brgy. Tunggol, Datu
MAGUINDANAO RHU Montawal (Pagagawan) Montawal, Maguindanao
RHU Poblacion, Datu Paglas Datu Paglas Poblacion Poblacion, Datu Paglas,
RHU Datu Piang Datu Piang Poblacion Poblacion, Datu Piang,
RHU Dalican (Poblacion), Datu Datu Odin Sinsuat Poblacion, Dalican Poblacion, Dalican, D.O.S,
MAGUINDANAO RHU Odin Sinsuat Maguindanao

RHU Poblacion, Datu Salibo Datu Salibo Poblacion, Datu Salibo Poblacion, Datu Salibo,
RHU Datu Saudi Ampatuan Datu Saudi Ampatuan Brgy. Upper Salbu Brgy. Upper Salbo, Datu
Saudi Ampatuan
RHU Datu Unsay, Datu Unsay Datu Unsay Brgy. Maitumaig Brgy. Maitum, Datu Unsay,
RHU General S. K Pendatun General S. K Pendatun Brgy. Badak Brgy. Badak GSKP,
RHU Guindulungan, Guindulungan Guindulungan Brgy. Tambunan II
Brgy. Tambunan II,
Guindulungan, Maguindanao
RHU Mamasapano Mamasapano Brgy. Mamangkaling Brgy. Mamakaling,
Mamasapano, Maguindanao
RHU Tombao, Mangudadatu Mangudadatu Brgy. Tombao Brgy. Tombao, Mangudadatu,
RHU Matanog Matanog Poblacion Poblacion, Matanog,
RHU Mother Kabuntalan, Mother Kabuntalan Lower Taviran Lower Taviran, Mother
MAGUINDANAO RHU Maguindanao Kabuntalan,Maguindanao
RHU Gayonga, Nortehrn Northern Kabuntalan Brgy. Gayonga Gayonga, Northern
MAGUINDANAO RHU Kabuntalan Kabuntalan, Maguindanao
RHU Nuru, North Upi North Upi Nuru Nuro Upi, Nort Upi,
RHU Datu Blah Sinsuat Datu Blah T. Sinsuat Brgy. Pura Poblacion (Pura), Datu Blah
MAGUINDANAO RHU T. Sinsuat, North Upi
RHU Poblacion Pagalungan Poblacion Poblacion, Pagalungan,
RHU Poblacion, Paglat Paglat Poblacion Poblacion, Paglat,

RHU Pandag, Pandag Pandag Brgy. Malangit Brgy. Malangit, Pandag,
RHU Parang Parang Poblacion I Poblacion I, Parang,
RHU Poblacion, Rajah Buayan Rajah Buayan Poblacion Zapacan Poblacion Zapakan, Rajah
Buayan, Maguindanano
RHU Mother Poblacion, Shariff Shariff Aguak Mother Poblacion Mother Poblacion, Shariff
MAGUINDANAO RHU Aguak Aguak, Maguindadanao
RHU Poblacion (Nabundas), Datu Shariff Saydona Brgy. Nabundas Brgy. Nabundas SSM
MAGUINDANAO RHU Saydona Mustapha Mustapha Municipality, Maguindanao
RHU South Upi, South Upi South Upi   Poblacion, South Upi,
RHU Barurao, Sultan sa Barongis Sultan Sa Barongis Brgy. Lambayong Brgy. Barurao, Sultan Sa
RHU Sultan Mastura Brgy. Tapayan, Sultan
MAGUINDANAO RHU Sultan Mastura Brgy. Tapayan
Mastura, Maguindanao
RHU Sultan Kudarat Brgy. Dalumangcob, Sultan
MAGUINDANAO RHU Sultan Kudarat Brgy. Dalumangcob
Kudarat, Maguindanao
Poblacion, Talitay,
MAGUINDANAO RHU RHU Poblacion, Talitay Talitay Poblacion
MAGUINDANAO RHU RHU Talayan, Talayan Talayan Poblacion
MAGUINDANAO BHS BHS Sapad, Matanog Matanog Brgy. Sapad Brgy. Sapad, Matanog
BASILAN   12 RHUs 12  

RHU Akbar Canas Upper, Bato Bato

BASILAN RHU Akbar Brgy. Upper Bato Bato
Akbar, Basilan

Brgy. Bato Bato Al Barka,
BASILAN RHU RHU Bato Bato, Al Barka Al- barka Brgy. Bato Bato
Brgy. Tuasan, Hadji
BASILAN RHU RHU Hadji Muhtamad Hadji Muhtamad Brgy. Tausan
Muhtamad, Basilan
Brgy. Atong Atong, Lantawa,
BASILAN RHU RHU Atong Atong, Lantawan Lantawan Brgy. Atong atong
Brgy. Materling, Lantawan,
BASILAN RHU RHU Lantawan Lantawan Poblacion
Maluso Main Health Maluso Main Health Center,
Center, Townsite Townsite, Maluso, Basilan
RHU Mohammad Ajul Brgy. Buton, Moh. Adjul,
BASILAN RHU Mohammad Ajul Brgy. Buton
RHU Tumahubong, Sumisip Brgy. Tumahubong, Sumisip,
BASILAN RHU Sumisip Brgy. Tumahubong
Brgy. Larawan Proper,
BASILAN RHU RHU Tabuan Lasa Tabuan Lasa Brgy. Lanawan Proper
Tabuan Lasa, Basilan
Tipo Tipo Proper, Tipo Tipo,
BASILAN RHU RHU Tipotipo Tipotipo Tipo Tipo Proper
Brgy. Tablas Usew, Tuburan,
BASILAN RHU RHU Tuburan Tuburan Brgy. Tablas Usew
Brgy. Bohe Pahu, Ungkaya
BASILAN RHU RHU Bohe Pahu, Basilan Ungkaya Pukan Brgy. Bohe Pahu
PUkan, Basilan



TAWI TAWI   15 RHUs 11    

Brgy. Pag- Asa, Bongao, Taiwi
TAWI TAWI RHU RHU Bongao, Bongao Bongao Brgy. Pag- Asa 5.
RHU Languyan, Languyan Darul Akram, Languyan, Tawi
TAWI TAWI RHU Languyan Brgy Darul Akram Tawi
RHU Mapun, Mapun
TAWI TAWI RHU Mapun Mapun Mapun, Tawi Tawi

RHU Panglima Sugala, Panglima Bato Bato, Panglima Sugala,

TAWI TAWI RHU Sugala Panglima Sugala Brgy. Bato Bato Tawi Tawi
RHU Sapa-Sapa, Sapa-Sapa
TAWI TAWI RHU Sapa Sapa Poblacion Sapa Sapa, Tawi Tawi

RHU Banaran, Sapa Sapa Brgy. Banaran, Sapa Sapa, Tawi

TAWI TAWI RHU Sapa Sapa Banaran 5.
RHU Sibutu, Sibutu
TAWI TAWI RHU Sibutu Sibutu Sibutu, Tawi Tawi

RHU Tandu Banak, Sibutu Brgy. Tandu Banak, Sibutu, Tawi

TAWI TAWI RHU Sibutu Tandu Banak Tawi
RHU Luuk Tonggosong Simunul, Tubig Indangan, Simunul, Tawi
TAWI TAWI RHU Simunul Simunul Brgy. Luuk Tunggosong Tawi
RHU Tubig Indangan, Simunul Brgy. Tubig Indangan, Simunul,
TAWI TAWI RHU Simunul Brgy. Tubig Indangan Tawi Tawi
RHU Sitangkai, Sitangkai
TAWI TAWI RHU Sitangkai Brgy. Imam Sapii Imam Sapii, Sitangkai, Tawi Tawi

RHU South Ubian, South Ubian Brgy. Tampakan Tampakan Dampong, South
TAWI TAWI RHU South Ubian 5.
Dampong Ubian, Tawi Tawi
RHU Lawn Tabawan, South Ubian Brgy. Lawn Tabawan, South
TAWI TAWI RHU South Ubian Lawn Tabawan 5.
Ubian, Tawi tawi
RHU Tandubas, Tandubas
TAWI TAWI RHU Tandubas Brgy. Silantup Silantup, Tandubas, Tawi Tawi

SULU   19 RHUs    
RHU Hadji Panglima Tahil Brgy. Likod, Bangas, Hadji
SULU RHU Panlima Tahil Brgy. Likod, Bangas Panglima Tahil, Sulu
RHU Indanan, Indanan Indanan KM 2, Kajatian
SULU RHU KM 2, Kajatian, Indanan, Sulu
RHU Jolo, Jolo Jolo BO Militar, Walled City BO Militar, Walled City, Jolo,
RHU Pitogo, K. Caluang Blk. 36, Lot 21, Blk. 36. Lot 21, Kasalamatan
Kasalamatan Village Village, K. Caluang Sulu
RHU Tandu Bato, Luuk
SULU RHU Luuk Brg. Tandu Bato Tandu Bato, Luuk, Sulu

RHU Poblacion,Maimbung Maimbung Brgy. Laum Maimbung Brgy. Laum Maimbung, Jolo,
RHU Lahing-Lahing, Omar
SULU RHU Omar Brgy. Lahing Lahing Lahing- Lahing, OMar, Sulu

RHU Pandami, Pandami
SULU RHU Pandami Brgy. Hambilan Brgy. Hambilan, Pandami, Sulu

RHU Punay, Panglima Estino

SULU RHU Panglima Estino Brgy. Punay Punay, Panglima Estino, Sulu

RHU Pangutaran Brgy. Simbahan, Pangutaran,

SULU RHU Pangutaran Brgy. Simbahan Sulu
RHU Poblacion, Parang Parang Poblacion
SULU RHU Poblacion, Parang, Sulu
RHU Saimbangon, Pata
SULU RHU Pata Brgy. Saimbangon Saimbangon, Pata, Sulu

RHU Patikul, Patikul

SULU RHU Patikul Brgy. Anulling Brgy. Anulling, Patikul, Sulu

RHU Siasi, Siasi

SULU RHU Siasi Siasi Siasi, Sulu

RHU Bilaan, Talipao Talipao Brgy. Bilaan
SULU RHU Bilaan, Talipao, Sulu
RHU Tapul, Sulu Tapul Tapul
SULU RHU Tapul, Sulu
RHU Lupah Pula, Tongkil Tongkil Brgy. Lupah Pula Brgy. Lupah Pula, Tongkil,


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