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Different ATP-EMTP versions

3 Different ATP-EMTP versions

This report gives an overview about the main characteristics of different ATP versions
available on PC platforms today. Besides the traditional Salford ATP, there are many other
alternatives, which provide comparable (or faster) execution speed for users and more user
friendly programming environment for developers. First a short description is given about all
existing versions, then capabilities of different version are compared.

• Salford ATP
This 32-bit ATP-EMTP version created using Fortran compiler of Salford Software runs
under MS-DOS, Windows 3.1x and Windows 95/98, but not under Windows NT. True
multitasking i.e. running multiple ATP cases simultaneously is not supported, however. A 32-
bit DOS extender Salford DBOS/486 version 3.5 is required to execute this version.
Installation procedure of Salford DBOS requires to modify SYSTEM.INI of Windows to
include WDBOS.386 driver, if work with ATP under Windows 3.x or 95 is considered.

Users are advised to avoid using long file or directory names that are not tolerated by MS-
DOS or include blank characters in file names at installation or later when running this

EEUG Association distributed the latest Salford version to members in August, 1999 which
was compiled and linked by the program developers in Portland, USA but with a bigger
absolute limits in table sizes. EEUG distribution supports automatic installation using
InstallShield Express, which is similar to the installation of any other Windows based

• Watcom ATP
The ATP/Watcom version runs only under Windows 95/98 or NT4 and has been compiled by
using Watcom Fortran for Windows 95/NT. The Watcom version supports long file names
and program dimensions were increased substantially. This version does NOT provide
capabilities identical to those of the Salford version of the program. The most notable
difference from Salford is that SPY graphics are not supported. Data files of up to 150,000
lines can be accommodated by Watcom ATP, so it is the preferred for those making large data
cases. ATPWNT can run multiple cases simultaneously, even in the same working directory.
True multitasking is one of the advantages of this program release.

EEUG Association distributed the latest Watcom version to members in August, 1999.
Interactive program execution by a double click on the icon "ATP for Win95'NT - drag &
drop" or by just dragging and dropping ATP input file names using Windows-Explorer are
also available.

ATP-EMTP Beginner's Guide 19

Different ATP-EMTP versions

GNU versions offer the advantage of using a free compiler. It is important for those using
compiled TACS or FOREIGN MODELS features, because they do not need to purchase the
rather expensive Watcom and/or Salford Fortran (and C) compilers. GNU version also offers
the advantage of compatibility with Linux.

• GNU ATP/MingW32

ATP/Mingw32 version of ATP has been compiled by native GNU/Mingw32 Fortran for
Windows and runs only under Windows 95/98/NT. This version of ATP is a native Win32
application and an attractive alternative to the free DOS extender DJGPP (see later). Like
Watcom ATP, this avoids DOS completely. ATP compiled by Mingw32 has the following
benefits: long file name support; quick starting and less real memory of PC is required.

The performance of "GNU/Mingw32" ATP is comparable to "Watcom" ATP, which is also a

32-bit Windows program. The big advantage that a free compiler is available and user can
modify the program dimensions according to the needs, provided the object files are available.

EEUG Association distributed the latest GNU/Mingw32 version to its members in August,
1999. Another version of GNU/Mingw32 ATP could be provided by the EEUG upon request,
which includes interactive SPY plotting. However, the execution of "GNU/Mingw32" ATP
slows down, when the graphics routine DISLIN is included.

• GNU ATP/djgpp

It has been compiled and linked by DJGPP/GNU-Fortran(g77). Operating environments for

this ATP version are: MS-DOS, Win3.1x, Win95/98 and WinNT. ATP/DJGPP works with
only go32-v2.exe extender. An earlier disadvantage of slow start-up has been eliminated
recently. This version is not supported/distributed by EEUG.

• GNU ATP/Linux

It was compiled with GNU-Fortran(g77) under Debian/GNU/Linux using the source code
created by the Can/Am EMTP User Group. This version is not supported/distributed by
EEUG, interested users are advised to download it from the secure web site of the Japanese
ATP User Group (JAUG)

3.1 Initialization files of Salford, Watcom and GNU/Mingw32 ATP

A brief description about initialization files of ATP versions running under MS-DOS, MS-
Windows 95/98/NT is given in the following table.

ATP-EMTP Beginner's Guide 20

Different ATP-EMTP versions

n files Description
Initialization of various installation-dependent variables at startup. These
STARTUP include, e.g. numerical values, file handlings, batch-mode, vector graphic
adjustments (see Rule Book, section I-E)

Definition of vector-graphic plot parameters for screen, SPY plotting,

HP_GL and Postcript output (see Rule Book, section I-E)
ATP table size limits for dynamic dimensioning (see Rule Book, section I-

LISTSIZE.EEU Maximum table size limits for EEUG program distribution

Additionally, BLOCKD51.BIN that contains whole program warnings and error messages as
direct accessible file is required for GNU/Mingw32 ATP version. That file is integrated in the
program code of Salford and Watcom ATP, so it is not needed.

3.2 Main characteristics of different ATP versions

Characteristics Salford Watcom GNU/ GNU/ GNU/

ATP ATP MingW32 djgpp Linux
Name of the executable Tpbig.exe Atpwnt.exe Tpbig.exe Tpbig.exe Tpbig
Operating platform DOS/Win3 Win95/98 Win95/98 DOS/W3/9 Linux
/95/98 /NT /NT 5/NT
Compiler version Salford Watcom EGCS- GNU GNU
Fortran Fortran Mingw32 Fortran Fortran
ver. 3.50 ver.10.6
Size of TPBIG.EXE 3.3 MB 3.4 MB 3.27 MB 3 MB 3 MB
Total simulation time of 10 sec 9.5 sec 12 sec 12.5 sec + 10.7 sec
DC1.DAT as reported in start-up
the .LIS file (1)
Time spent in the delta T 9 sec 7.4 sec 9.7 sec 8.7 sec 9.3 sec
loop (1)

MODELS ; ; ; ; ;
Compiled TACS ; ; ; ; ;
Noda Line ; (2) ; ; ; ;

ATP-EMTP Beginner's Guide 21

Different ATP-EMTP versions

Characteristics Salford Watcom GNU/ GNU/ GNU/

ATP ATP MingW32 djgpp Linux
Type 58 SM model ; ; ; ; ;
SPY and Calcomp screen ; ; (3)
Long file name support ; ; ; ;

PL4 file format formatted formatted formatted formatted formatted

binary binary widenn widenn widenn
widenn widenn C-like C-like C-like
C-like C-like unformatte unformatte unformatte
d d d
Output for plotting .PS, .HPG, .PS, .HPG, .PS, .HPG, .PS, .HPG, .PS, .HPG,
Installation Wizzard ; ; ;

Measured on a 166 MHz Pentium with 48 MB RAM under Win95
“EEUG Salford” only
upon request

ATP-EMTP Beginner's Guide 22

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