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i ' _ 'c'v_ ' HOUSTON. TEXAS

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l This is the transcription of the Apollo 9 flightcrew communications

as recordedThe onDSEA
(DSEA). the tape
module (_,i) datausestorage
after onboard equipment assembly
the _4, were trans-
ferred to the command module for return to earth. The magnetic tapes,

on a single channel, were then forwarded to the NASA _4anned Spacecraft

Center, Houston, Texas. Mission elapsed time was adjusted and appears
containing multiplexed voice and onboard-recorded mission elapsed time
as ground elapsed time in this document. Some of the timing _as not
% recovered as is indicated by the blank or semiblank timing annotations
in this transcript. The loss of timir_ is attributed to the fact that
the design 3-second VOX record time delay was

i cut
from toacquiring
0.8 seconds.
a lock This
on the change
signal. theWhen
the crewtranslators
to ICS mode (continuous recording), acquisition of lock on the timing
signal returned to normal. Transcription of these tapes was managed by
David M. Goldenbaum, Test Division, Apollo Spacecraft Progra_ Office,
to whom questions regarding this document should be referred.

The Apollo 9 mission %_s flown_rch 3 to March 13, 1969.

Communicators in the text are identified as follows:

CDR Commander James A. McDivitt

Carp Command module pilot David R. Scott

LMP Lunar module pilot Bussell L. Schweickart

SC Unidentiflable cre_nember

_4ission Control Center:

CC Capsule communicator (CAP C0_4)

In the text, a series of tD_ee dots (...) is used to designate

those portions of the communications which could not be transcribed be-
cause of garbling. One dash (-) is used to indicate a speaker's pause
or a self-interruption. Two dashes (- -) are used to indicate an inter-
ruption by another speaker or a point at which a recording was abruptly


f (

i Day 2 - Page 1

Tape 09-03601
) DAY 2

O1 20 00 46 LMP Gumdrop, Spider. How do you read?

O1 20 O0 49 CMP ...

and I can't seem to squelch it out.

l 01 20 00 52 _ You're terrible. I got all kinds of noise here

01 20 0l 03 LMP I got the squelches all the way up.

01 01 15 LMP Same. Let me try my other PTT here. Okay, how

do you read that?

O1 20 01 24 LMP Okay, fine. I'm going to try the VOX now.

0l 20 01 37 LMP Roger. 1, 2, 3, ...; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

01 20 01 43 LMP Okay. How about-now?

O1 20 01 47 L_P Okay. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

O1 20 01 51 L&_P Now, I'm going to switch antennas here.

01 20 01 57 LMP Okay. I still got all kinds of noise; how do you

read me?
2O 02 02 LMP
i O] ... you switching antennas.

01 20 02 09 LMP That's a little bit louder, but I still got all

the noise. Stand by.


lZ_ Day
Tape 2 09-03601
- Page 2

me turn dow_ my S-band.

i O1
O1 20
20 02
02 20
13 LMP
_4P Guess
Wait awhat.
was all S-band S-band
probably noise. noise. Let

; 01 20 02 25 _4P Okay. I'm going back on the other antenna. How's

that now?

1% O1 20 02 31 LMP -.- 5 square. Let's Just stay here.

t O1 20 02 39 LMP Yes, I do have the tape on.

O1 20 02 54 _4P There it is. I've got it set on about 4-1/2.

i O1 20 02 50 _'_'P Okay. Stand by. _{F B SQUELCH coming down.

O1 20
20 03
03 10 _._P Let's goYouSimplex
I 06 _4P Okay. ready A.
to go over to A?

O1 20 03 17 LMP Okay. How do you read on Simplex A?

O1 20 03 21 _4P ... square.

i O1 20 03 33 LMP VHF B TRANS_._TTER

to DATA. coming - I mean VHF B TRM_SMITTER

) O1 20 03 42 LMP We want the tape off now also, right?

01 20 03 52 LMp Gumdrop, Spider. You want the tape off now also?
I O1 20 04 0h LMP Tape coming off.

Okay,it's 4_:27:00. Starting the
tunnel closeout
i 01 20 27 00 _4P tape, we're starting installation

i I should say.
O1 20 27 17 CDR Dave, I don't guess you'll need me for anything, do
4 you? Oh, shoot, he can't read me. Dave, I don't
guess you'll need me for anything more in the tunnel
here. I'll go ahead and close up our hatch.

Ol 20 27 28 CMP I'd like to check the capture latches.

01 20 27 30 CDR Oh, okay. I'm up here waiting for you.

O1 20 27 3_ C_,U
_ ...

CT. '7'.2 ..... ' --

t [IAL Tape -09-03601
Pa e3

O1 20 27 39 CMP Roger, those hoses are really something.

i O1 20 27 37 CDR Yes, I see your problem.
O1 20 28 31 LMP Sure getting a lot of noise on the S-band.
O1 20 28 33 CDR Are we?

I O1 20 28 43 IMP Houston, Spider.

! O1 20 28 46 CC Spider.
on the S-band again here.

i O1
O1 20
PO 28
P8 47
.54 LMP We're
Roger, picking up an awful lot _._=_
of _--'r_"
and static
CC understand. G,mmdrop, +_.._ ¢+._
! also?
Ol 28
20 59 CMP Roger, not bad.

O1 20 29 05 CDR Did you say you were not getting it bad, Dave?

O1 20 29 08 CMP No, I'm not getting it bad, but Gumdrop sounds

_' clear ... I'm staying in S-band.

01 20 29 14 CC Okay, copy that. Did you copy Spider?

O1 20 29 18 LMP Roger, I copied.

O1 20 29 23 CDR Davey, I'm right here.

f O1 20 29 26 CMP Okay.

O1 20 29 57 CDR Yes. Okay, that looks like it did it.

O1 20 30 02 CMP Okay, I get a pole; and it flipped off.

O1 20 30 04 CDR Yes, and all 3 out.

O1 20 30 06 CMP Roger.

O1 20 30 08 CDR Alrighty, I'll see you later. I'm going to close

the door.

O1 20 30 11 _4P Alrighty, have a nice time.

O1 20 30 13 CDR We will.

Day 2 - Page 4
Tape 09-03601

0] 20 30 14 _4P I'll get dinner ready when you're ready.

01 20 30 16 CDR Man, am I hungry.

O1 20 30 22 CDR Okay, let's go back to - oop. Where did the clip

go that was on it?

O1 20 30 30 LMP I don't know.

l O1 20 30 41 CDR Well, shoot. Well, I'll let you read it to me.

01 20 30 49 CDR No, I haven't. Is that - Is that's - what's next?

t O1 20 30 48 LMP Okay, you got the hatch closed?
Close the hatch; is that next?

O1 20 30 55 CMP ... how much longer do we have here?

O1 20 30 53 LMP Right.
Od 20 30 57 CC Okay, we're going to have you here for about another
I 3 minutes, and then we're coming up over Antigua
I at about 53. And I would like to pass to Spider

nominal flight plan at Antigua with the secondary

also that we would like to try to pick up the
S-band check. We recommended eliminating the

COMM check, plan

and whatever you have to do to pick up
the flight at that time.

I O1 20 31 25 CDR Tell him I think that's a great idea.

O1 20 31 28 LMP Okay, Houston, we read you. This is Spider. What
time is that pass at Antigua?

O1 20 31 39 _4P Roger, we'll be ready for you.

O1 20 31 35 CC Okay, Antigua will be at 53.
01 20 31 40 CMP Gumdrop copies.

O1 20 31 43 LMP ... - -

O1 20 31 44 CC Spider, we have no good data for that AOT ...

We'll have to eliminate that ....

O1 20 31 59 LMP Roger, understand.

O1 20 32 02 CDR Okay, what - -

· Day 2 - Page 5
Tape 09-03601

01 20 32 04 CC ... burn ...

O1 20 32 07 CDR Okay ...

_I 01 20 32 09 I_4P The hatch is closed and locked.

01 20 32 12 CC Gumdrop, I know with all the activity, I'd like to

remind you of your CO 2 cartridge change that's
due at h_:10.

01 20 32 20 CMP Roger, I'll have to get the tunnel closed out first,
but I'll do it first chance.

01 20 32 24 CDR Why don't you read the rest of it, Rusty?

._ 01 20 32 27 LMP Okay.

I O1 20 32 28 C_4P Roger ...

? O1 20 32 32 CDR CABIN DUMP VALVE going to AUTO.

i i O1 20 32 36 CC Spider - -

_ O1 20 32 37 LMP Okay. CABIN REPRESS to AUTO.

i O1 20 32 38 CC - - bit rates.

O1 20 32 LO L_P Roger, going LOW bit rate.

I O1 20 32 42 CDR CABIN REPRESS to AUTO. Clunk. Okay, we're AUTO.

lot of nuts and bolts around this

t O1 20 32 51 I_.TP Boy, we got a

01 20 32 54 CDR Yes ... we sure do. Okay, CABIN REPRESS i3 AUTO.

O1 20 32 59 L_._P Okay, PRESS REGS A and B to CABIN.



01 20 33 ll LqP Okay, CABIN FkN CONTROL, CLOSE. Got it.

O] 20 33 14 CDR Okay.

f i<
Day2 - Page
Tane 09-03601

01 20 33 15 LMP Look at this rasher.

what's next?

i O1 20 33 17 CDR Yes. Well, that's a good place for it. Okay,

O1 20 33 25 LMP Okay. Glycol pump check.

O1 20 33 28 CDR Okay.

O1 20 33 29 IMP Except that's supposed to be done over the ground.

O1 20 33 32 CDR Well - -

t O1
O! 20 33 33
20 33 36 _
CDR That's
Let's dodesirable
it. overdo the
Let's it ground,
now. but not mandatory.

! O1 20 33 39 LMP R&D INSTRUMENTATION A, CLOSE. They might be ON;

go ahead and do it.


O1 20 33 44 LMP DFI POTS, ON.

O1 20 33 48 CDR DFI PO'gER, ON.

O1 20 33 50 IMP GLYCOL p_,fP to 1 - GLYCOL PIP,CO1, OPEN; excuse me.

I O1 20 33 53 CDR GLYCOL PUMP 1, OPEN.

O1 20 33 55 II4P Okay. What was that? That was DFI POWER, ON.
O1 20 34 01 CDR No, that was MAS - that was GLYCOL PIP.C
° l, OPkq_.

i I got that.
· O1 20 3h 06 I24P Oh, okay.

01 20 34 07 CDR Why don't we have a component light on there?

I O1 20 34 12 LMP Because you didn't push in the circuit yet.

i 01 20 34 15 CDR Oh, yes.

t O1 20 34 17 I_CO Okay, we got the component light. INSTR_4t_NTATION,

O1 20 34 22 CDR Okay. ?
; T_,.T,.JlN I j L..,,,"l-- ..... ,,

i· Day
Tape2 - Page 7

i O1 20 34 24 LMP Okay, and it's 7- Wow!

t 01 20 34 33 CDR It really comes on, doesn't it.

O1 20 34 34 I34P Good.

O1 20 34 42 IMP Okay, now it's OPEN. GLYCOL PUMP to 2 .... is

out of ....again.
O1 20 34 36 CDR Okay.



Oi 20 35 04 _ ua_, _u_,_ to P_._F v_.y, there's .......

i O1 20 35 16 CDR AUTO
} 01 20 35 18 I24P R&D TELEMETRY GAL, ON for 15 seconds.

i ( O1 20 35 21 CDR Okay, ON.

i 01 20 35 27 i_4P Maybe you turn that DFI on, it heats the glycol up

t to the point where it puts on the light.

'_ 01 20 35 32 CDR Huh!

01 20 35 43 CDR Okay, go ahead.

O1 20 35 45 LMP Okay - -

I O1 20 35 47 CDR DFI POWER, OFF.


O1 20 B5 51 CDR A, OPEN.

O1 20 35 5h IJqP Ohhhh, boy. This tape re - You want to get this

stuff behind me?

O1 20 35 58 CDR Sure, I'll get all that stuff, Rusty. You Just
reed it to me, I'll ...

O1 20 36 01 LMP Okay, SUIT GAS DIVEETER. Pull to EGRESS. This

is - a pressure integrity check.

_C _-, '4 FIL;I-IN i I/-% L

Day 2 - Page 8
Tape 09-03601

01 20 36 04 CDR PULL/EGRESS.


0] 20 36 09 CDR CABIN - Oh, CABIN GAS RETURN, EGRESS. Roger,


01 20 36 16 _ SUIT RELEASE, CLOSE.

01 20 36 18 CDR CLOSE.


I O1 20 36 21 CDR PRESS REG A, going CLOSED.

=_ 36 =_ _= PR_ B, 02

O1 20 36 27 CDR DIRECT 02. Okay, you ready?

O1 20 36 29 LMP Ready.

01 20 36 59 CDR How you feeling? Okay? Alrighty. If you start

feeling ragged, give me a holler and I'll Just let
you rest.

O1 20 37 31 _4P Okay, you want to go to CLOSE, when we get to 8.85.

O1 20 37 35 CDR I can't see it very well.

t O1 20 37 36 I_' Okay, I'll - I'll let you know. We're at 8 now.

01 20 37 40 CDR Okay.

I O1 20 37 53 _,IP Okay, that's 8.85, essentially.

0l 20 37 57 CDR Alrighty, CLOSE.

O1 20 37 59 _4P Okay, the timer is counting. I'm reading 4.01, or

._ something like that.

O1 20 38 06 CDR I'm 4.05.

O1 20 38 08 D4P Okay.

01 20 38 15 L_,_ . .. a minute we want to read it again. Should be

less than 0.3. And you want to go - CO 2 CANISTER
to SEC0_DARY, right away.

2 9
C_ Day
Tape - Page

O1 20 38 31 CDR Okay.

O1 20 38 35 _ Boy, my throat is really dry.

O1 20 38 37 CDR Yes, mine too. I'd sure like to get some water
· and something to eat.

O1 20 38 40 LMP I don't know if I'm hungry or not.

O1 20 38 41 CDR Yes, my stomach is just dead ...

O1 20 38 45 I24P Okay, I'm reading 3.95.

O1 20 38 49 CDR Yes, me too.

01 20 38 50 _ Okay, you got about 5 more seconds. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 -

O1 20 38 57 LMP Go to SECOndARY.

O1 20 38 59 CDR SEC0_ARY.

01 20 39 O1 _P Okay, and it's reading 3.75 now.

, ( O1 20 39 04 CDR Yes.
O1 20 39 05 LMP And we'll time that.

01 20 39 12 CDR It felt nice and cool over here in the LM when I

came over - with my helmet off.

01 20 39 25 I_P The temp is 68. Another 30 seconds.

O1 20 39 36 LMP That's going to make it, too.

i O1 20 39 49 LMP ... seconds.

Ol 20 39 50 CDR Okay.

O1 20 39 54 LMP And at that point, let me tell you what you're

going to do.

O1 20 hO O1 CDR Okay, time's up.

i O1 20 40 03 LMP Okay, and it made it. CO 2 CANISTERS, SELECT, PRIME.

i O1 20 40 09 CDR PR_,_E.
. O1 20 40 11 _4P ... lights, OFF. SUIT CIRCUIT RELIEF to AUTO.

i - .SC; i
' Day 2 - Page 10
Tape 09-03601


01 20 ho 17 LMP PRESS REGS A and B to CABIN.

i 01 20 40 21 CDR PRESS REGS A and B to CABIN.

O1 20 40 24 _4P CABIN GAS RETURN to AUTO.


_ 01 20 40 32 _4P And SUIT GAS DIVERTER, PUSH to CABIN.

0! 20 hO 35 CDR Okay. Ready?

03 20 hO 36 IMP Ready. Wow! That's like, now.

O1 20 40 43 CDR Yes.

, O1 20 h0 45 LMP SUIT COIVfROL

That's in FULL- COI_
Okay, on
I'dthebetter get N0_hAL
SUIT and out a pen here.
on the

01 20 40 55 CDR FULL COLD on the SUIT, let's see this - -

O1 20 40 58 LMP No, that's where it is; I'm - -

01 20 hO 59 CDR Oh. Okay.

01 20 hi 00 U,_ - - not asking you to put it there.

i 01 20 41 32 LMP Okay, regulator check is next. Let me see what - -

O1 20 41 36 CDR Yes, we have about 12 minutes. Why don't we con-

figure the S-band so that we're ready to support
that thing? And then come back and we'll start
the REG checks and stuff like that. We can pick
these up later.

01 20 41 54 CDR Okay. As a matter of fact, _f we don't have to

use this card anymore - -

0] 20 41 59 _._ ... have any steerable antennas, so he wanted the

t backup voice, okay?

O] 20 42 03 CDR He what? I thought they wanted secondary S-band
check at Antigua on the flight plan? Right here.

0] 20 42 20 _hP ... the secondary S-band checks.


i " DayTape
2 - 09-03601
Page 11

O1 20 42 21 CDR Yes.

01 20 42 29 CDR Okay. Very good. Clip, hot dog. A/right, and

O1 20 42 24 R4P Okay. We'll be ready to pick them up.
i _ we're - -

checkout, right now?

I 01
O1 20
20 42
42 37
41 LMP
Yes, don't we do
we Just did the
the ascent battery
pressure activation
integrity check. and

O1 20 42 43 LMP Yes, we can catch that regulator check some other

O1 20 42 45 CDR Yes.

O1 20 42 56 CDR Let's see, that's the thing we have the new

ehecksheet for, isntt it?

I O1 20 43 00 LMP Yes_ I and

ahead knowdo what
it. it is, if you want me to just go

O1 20 43 03 CDR Okay. Why don't you.

O1 20 43 05 _4P ASCENT

Yes, here CLOSED;
it is -PYRO
here T_,_ MONITOR, BAT 5. ECA
t O1 20 43 10 CDR it is here - ASCENT

t O1 20 43 15 LMP Okay, 5-

O1 20 43 17 LMP Ney, how about turning up the EL? Okay. Thank

O1 20 _3 16 CDR BAT 5, Okay,
you. NO_4AL5 FEED,
coming ONon.- -

O1 20 43 33 CDR What in heaven's name is that?

! O1 20 43 35 _P It's on. Going to 6. 6 is ON. Okay, now -
1, 2, 3, 4, OFF. Right?
O1 20 43 45 CDR Right, yes.

I O1 20 43 _9 LMP Okay, 1, OFF.

O1 20 43 53 _'_ 2 going OFF.

! 2 - Page12
i Tape 09-03601

O1 20 44 02 LMP 4 going OFF.

i 01
O1 20 44
43 03
57 CDR
_4P And the
3 going current
OFF. should Be zero.

t 01 20 44 10 _P Okay, let me look at BATS 5 and 6. 5 is reading

27; 6 is reading 24 .... pretty good. Okay, now
we go to BACKUP FEEDS, right?

i 01 20 19 CDR Yes, BACKUP FEEDS, both, ON.

01 20 44 31 LMP PRIMARY FEDS, OFF.

01 20 44 32 CDR PRIMARY FEEDS, both, OFF; RESET.

H 01 20 _*_'_
42 _, Okay, looks the same.

f O1 20 44 47 IMP ... back ON.

I 01 20 44 49 CDR Roger. BATS comin_ back ON, then.

O1 20 44 50 [Pip ON - -

O1 20 44 51 CDR Go ahead, Gumdrop.

O1 20 44 _3 CMP good;
Okay, the
the hatch
hatch works good. up; I'll
is closed the Just
probe put the real
tunnel in DELTA-T, unless you want to run it in

} O1 20 45 03 CDR We're pressurizing ourselves over here now, Dave.
Hey, were you getting a lot of noise on VHF, then?

O1 20 45 11 CMP No, but I seem to have a lot of noise - flow noise

in here now.

O1 20 45 17 CDR Okay, I was getting an awful lot of static all of

a sudden there.

O1 20 45 24 CDR Okay, when you get all those back on, Rusty.

01 20 45 26 U4P A is 36.8.... 37.5.

I O1 20 45 34 CDR What's that? Oh ~ -

I O1 20 45 35 L_._ PYRO A - -

i 4 ,i TiAL Day - age13

Tape 09-03601

01 20 _5 36 CDP PYROR.
O1 20 45 37 P4P - - and B.

O1 20 45 38 CDR Okay. Say that again. I'll write it down.

% 01 20 45 39 _ Okay, I'll get it here.

O1 20 45 41 CDR What is it? I got the pencil here, Rusty.

O1 20 45 _3 _4P 36.8,
now. 37-5 .... going to take this one back in

i O1 20 45 48 CDR Okay.

O1 20 45 59 CDR Daylight AOT that

going to get star done.
visibility check.whatOh,it we're
I wonder looks not
like out through there?

O1 20 46 07 CMP Okay, Jim, you want to vent the tunnel, or do you

( rant to leave it full?

O1 20 _6 19 CDR It doesn't make any difference, Dave, I don't
% think.
O1 20 46 24 _4P Well, when we make our REG checks - -

] 01 20 46 25 CDR Yes - -

I O1 20 _6 26 CMP ... hatch the ... check is to vent the tunnel.

you go
O1 20 46 28 CDR Okay, why don't ahead and vent it?
I 01 20 46 29 CMP Okay, we'll see how it works.

O1 20 46 31 LMP Are you going to suggest whether - -

I O1 20 46 32 Q4P Is _our d_mp valve in AUTO?

' O1 20 46 34 CDR Roger, we're all configured.

! O1 20 46 36 CMP Okay.

] O1 20 46 _1 _._ Okay, we pick up the Antigua at 53, r_ght?

01 20 46 44 CDR Roger.
i '5
D_y 2 - P_ge 14 C_
Tape 09-03601

01 20 46 45 _P We have 7 minutes. Let's do something useful.

You want to start that REG check?
O1 20 46 50 CDR 'What the hell is that out there ... the tunnel.
Well _ _

O1 20 47 04 LMP I don't know. That REG check takes us up and down


i 01 20 47 05 CDR Yes.

i 01 20 47 09 CDR Stay in BACKUP VOICE; S-band steerable antenna

check - we don't need that.

I 01 20 47 20 CDR We've done the glycol pump check, haven't we?

f 01 20 47 23 _L ° Yes.

' O1 20 47 24 CDR ..., get that checked off.

{ 01 20 4'[ 26 CDR We have the window shades on yet? Drogues and
probe installation, OPS check and LM OVERHE_] HATCH,
f CLOSED; we've done that. Done that.

i 01 20 47 51 CDR Let's Just stand by until we get to Antigua.

t O1 20 _7 54 LMP Why don't you look ahead of that, Jim; and see
what we can do?

? O1 20 47 57 CDR Well, we got to get the PLSS out. Get the PLSS
i PREP, install the ISA. Wonder where we install

I O1 20 48 08 LMP Hey, stow the - stow the 0PS.

O] 20 _8 ]1 CDR Oh, yes, that's what we didn't do.

O1 20 48 13 LMP Yes. And get these he,nets out of here. That's

what - that's something we can do. Tell you, I
wish I could help you, hut I don't - -

O1 20 48 20 CDH Yes, that's okay. You can help me more by Just

being able to continue reading the checklist.
... straps that go - around this thing here. For
the - -

01 20 54 17 _,_ Tape, ON - - Okay, tape, we're doing the secondary

S-band check. And it's - 44:54:20.

Tape 09-03601
Day 2 - Page 15

everything works Just like it should.

t 01
01 20
20 54
54 23
32 CMP
CC And,
Roger, Houston,
Gumdrop; Gumdrop.
thank Tunnel's
you. closed out, and

01 20 54 41 _4P And Houston, this is Spider. How do you read?

01 20 54 44 CC We're reading you loud and clear, Spider. We had

a data dropout here, let's hang loose; see if we
can get a data check back.

O1 20 54 58 CDR Roger.

i O1
O! 20
20 54
55 59
02 LMP
CC I could
Very g_d_hear your data dropout.

01 20 55 13 CC And Spider, this is Houston. Could you give us
I HIGH bit rate?

t O1 20 55 17 I24P Roger; going HIGH.

i 01 20 55 36 CC Spider, we'll youhave

I'm getting VHF tonow,
hangwe loose
don't here
have for a minute.
a good lock
f on S-band.

O1 20 55 43 LM_ Roger.

01 20 55 48 CC And, while we're waiting, could you comment on if

I you
C_M accomplished
checks, are these up - onwith
you the the exception
flight plan, of

01 20 55 59 L_ We got the glycol check done and a suit integrity

check done. We have not accomplished the regulator
check or the rest of the COr_4 or the daylight star

01 20 56 11 CC Okay, we're scrubbing the daylight star visibility

and the C0!_4 checks. Row about the ascent battery_

01 20 56 18 _4P Roger. The ascent batteries checked out okay, and

the pyros. You ready to copy?

:i 01 20 56 22 CC GO ahead.

01 20 56 23 LMP Roger; 36.8, 37.5, A and B.

j Tape 09-03_01
i O1 20 56 27 CC Roger. Copy 36.8 and 37.5. Thank you.

l 01 20 56 32 LMP Roger.

_! 01 20 56 hO _.r_ And for yoUr inform,ation, the ascent batteries were

sharing Just about equally.

t O1 20 56 45 CC Roger. Understand.

O1 20 56 54 CC And Spider, we have got a data check. Let's go on

I with the secondary S-band check. Step 2.

01 20 57 02 LMP Roger. PO_R _,_ going to SECONDARY.

i 01 20 57 09 CC Roger.

O1 20 57 21 LMP Okay, and we're on secondary transmitter/receiver.

I How do you read?

01 20 57 26 CC Roger. I'm reading you loud and clear; let me
verify that it is S-band, Spider.
01 20 57 30 _4P Okay.
O1 20 57 33 I24P You want me to llft that, Jim?

/ O1 20 57 34 CDR No. I can get it out, I think.

t 01 20 58 18 _ Roger.

O1 20 58 45 LMP And, Houston. We're back in PRIMARY/PRI_,ULRY.

And be advised on the primary transmitter/receiver,

O1 20 58 55 CC I've got Understand,

Roger. a squeal, you're PRIr.ULRY/PRI_,tARY,and
% there is a - there is a squeal - You're coming
through loud and clear here without any static at
? all. Let's stand by for a data; I'll give you a
I call.

01 20 59 06 LMp Roger.

} O1 20 59 08 CC And, Spider, also we'd llke to, at your convenience,

get an E-memory dump in here. It's a little ahead
of schedule, but we'd like to get it now, so you
can give us a V_RB 7_ sometime on your mark.
.... z"_"_k. Lc.lr_ I:::b_.T1 A I, (
i L,I
A'L Day2 - Page
Tape 09-03601

O1 20 59 19 _4P Roger. Stand by.

01 20 59 29 _ Okay, - 3, 2, 1 -

O1 20 59 32 _P MARK.

O1 20 59 38 CC Roger. We - we got your - we got your mark, you

want to stand by and see if we got it. We might
have you repeat it again, shortly. And let me see
if we're through with this check.

O1 20 59 58 CC And, Spider, this is Houston .... completed your

secondary S-band check tests?

O1 21 OO 03 LMP Roger.

O1 21 00 15 CC And Spider. If you've still got the squeal on


O1 21 00 22 LMP Roger, it's gone away now; we'll see how it works.

O1 21 00 27 CC Okay. Thank you.

01 21 00 33 CDR Phewee!

O1 21 O0 41 _4P ... work hack there, isn't it?

O1 21 00 42 CDR Oh, boy. This thing doesn't fit, Rusty. This

God-blessed netting is all screwed up. Oh, I
almost broke by God-blessed finger off. Now I got
it out; I'm never going to get it back in there.

01 21 01 04 LMP ... netting?

O1 21 01 05 CDR No, no, that's one -Oh, boy, the guy that sent
that piece of machinery up ought to get his God-
blessed head caved in. It s_mply no more fits than
the man in the moon. I can't even push that handle
back and forth without the thing being in there.
I get all fouled up in there. The trouble is, if
I leave it like that and get a little vibration,
that mother's going to shake loose.

01 21 01 52 CDR Oh, bell's bells. All I got to do is touch it,

and it comes right out. Will my feet bash any-
thing they shouldn't?

Day 2 - Page 18 _l'"q [ I/'_L
Tape 09-03601

01 21 02 O0 _P No, you're sticking them in the guards; that's

okay. I'll keep them away from the controllers.

O1 22 O_ 07 CC Gumdrop, this is Houston. We'll have you now for

abcut another 12 minutes.

O1 21 02 13 Cr_ Gumdrop; Roger.


O1 21 02 17 I24P Roger.

O1 21 02 25 CD_ Oh, boy. Phew! Phew!


, 01 21 02 31 I.r._ Don't overdo it.

01 21 02 33 CDR Yes. Well, Rusty, I don't know what the heck else
! I can do with that thing.

i 01 21 02 39 _'_ Oh, boy.

01 21 02 _5 _4P ... handle won't turn, huh?

! 01 21 02 46 CDR No, I can't push Jt in.

O1 21 02 47 I_ Oh, my God, we got an OPE floating up here. I

got to let go of something and grab it.
! Ol 21 02 53 CDR I'll - -

O1 21 02 54 Lt_ I got it.

01 21 03 O1 CDR I don't know where that strap 5s either. This is

really neat.

0l 21 03 05 I2._ ... use a bunch of these.

O1 21 03 06 CDR I trlcd the other one here. And I had it strapped

on one time; it Just got out, that's all. It
doesn't fit, you know, and - -

01 21 03 15 I24P That's why ! say use these, because you can adjust
them a lot better.

}I O1 21 03 ]7 CDR Well, the other one was adjusted pretty well.

0l 21 03 30 CDR The strap's still there.


Tape 09-03601

t O1 21 03 44 CDR Ohhhh. Well, I'll Just - I'll just put it through
one snaps
I of these other on here.

O1 21 04 45 CDR Okay, there, that's strapped down.

) O1 21 04 46 CC ... Houston. We'd llke to know when you're going

to deploy
mark theandlan_ng
on it, get
we'd like We'd itlike to have
before a
we lose
i at Madrid in about 8 minutes, if possible.

O1 21 04 57 LMP Roger. We'll make - we'll put that in work right

away. It'll be pretty close to the end.

O1 21 05 04 CC Okay. Understand.

_f O1
O1 2l
21 05
05 08
09 _4P
CDR Okay.
What do we need? We need the 5-millimeter lens,

don't we?

O1 21 05 12 _._ No, 18 - -

O1 21 05 13 CDR No, the 18-millimeter lens, don't wet

! O1 21 05 14 LMP I'm ... my gloves off, Jim.

O1 21 05 15 CDR Go _head.

O1 21 05 20 CDR ... This is indoor, too. Shoot, we're - we're really

well equipped.

i O1 21 05 58 CDR Okay,film.
the Rusty, here's the eamcra. Let me get

O1 21 06 03 _4P Okay. Stand by. I'll be right with you, Jim.

O1 21 06 07 CDR Okay.

O1 21 06 10 _4P Okay, I got it.

O1 21 06 19 I_P What are you looking for, Jim?

O1 21 06 20 CDR The film.


O1 21 06 24 IfdP Didn't we transfer one?


age C-N'TIAL
Tape 09-03601

O1 21 06 25 CDR No, we brought an indoor one over with us.

O1 21 06 31 _4P Okay, you got it?

O1 21 06 43 CDR Oh, shoot. How do we unseal this thing? Oh, there

we go. Well, S comes before T, let's try that.

t 01 21 07 08 CDR Hey -

I 01 21 07 _3 CDR Oh! Something else won't lock.

O1 21 07 50 I_P ... you're really bashing things.

4 O1 21 07 52 CDR Yes, I know it. Especially my helmet. There it is.

O1 21 08 07 CDR Yes.

i 01 21 08 20 LMP Hello, world.

01 21 08 21 CDR Hey, Gumdrop, this is Spider. We're going to deploy
the landing gear in a few minutes here, so you'll
probably feel a big bang.

01 21 08 27 CMP Okay, Jimmy ...

O1 21 08 31 CDR Roger.

O1 21 08 32 M4P Shoot.

01 21 08 38 CDR Okay, where is that?

O1 21 08 39 _ Ahhhh, come on.

O1 21 08 41 CMP Shut up that and give me a minute, will you?


O1 21 08 52 CC ... Spider ... and stand by ... We'll be going

over Madrid shortly.

O1 21 08 57 CDR Okay, how long do we - we have before we - you

want the gear down?

O1 21 09 01 CC We're ready any time.


i [ C_ Day 2 - Page S1
/ _ Tape 09-03601

/ O1 21 09 Oh CDR Yes, how long do we have?

I O] 21 09 07 CC Okay, you've got about another 5 minutes before

) we'll lose you at Madrid.
) O1 21 09 11 CDR Okay.

01 21 09 14 _4P We'll be ready.

O1 21 09 20 CDR Unstow, adjust, and lock the sequence camera above

the right window. 18-millimeter lens; CEX368 MAG;
24 frames per second; f:4 - 11 - f:ll at 1/250th;

O1 21 09 49 LMP Oh, hell, I can't tell my frame speed, hold on.

01 21 09 52 CDR DFI POWER'a coming ON, Rusty.

01 21 09 57 _YP Okay.

O1 21 10 19 _4P Okay, the ca/hera's ready.

O1 21 10 21 CDR Okay.

01 21 10 22 CC Spider, for your info, we - DFI, we cannot read at

Madrid, so we've only got about another minute
here on Canaries .... monitor that?

O1 21 10 31 _4P Okay, you ready?

O1 21 10 32 CDR Yes. Okay, Dave, we are going to do it very


O1 21 10 37 CMP Okay.

01 21 10 39 CDR DFI PO_P_R, ON; MASTER ARM coming ON.

O1 21 10 42 _4P Did you get the LOGIC A, OPm.,.

O1 21 10 43 CDR LOGIC A is OP_.


got that.

O1 21 10 _8 CDR Okay.
,i Page [.:'::.
Tape 09-03601 '

I've got the c_mera ready.

i O1 21 10 49 I2_ Okay, you can give him a count, Jim, if you want.
} 01 21 10 53 CDR Okay - Put this around.

i 01 21 lO 57 I24P He has to - Why don't you watch it, too.

O1 21 10 59 CDR Yes, I'm going to. LANDING GEAR DEPLOY. Okay,
} Houston, this is Spider. Are you ready? Houston,
! Spider. Do you read? Houston to Spider - -

01 21 11 12 LMP Hey, he's talking, Jim.

01 21 11 lh CDR Okay, Houston, Spider here. 3, 2, 1 -


}_ O1 21 11 24 LMP ...
01 21 ll 25 CDR Okay, Houston. I've got a gray ... talkback, and
I've got a gear out in front of me. I don't hear
them. Hope they're on.

O1 21 11 3_ LMP Sure do. Okay, the camera's OFF; LA_DING GEAR


01 21 11 44 CDR GO.

01 21 11 45 CC Okay, I think we copied you. They were listening

when you said the 3, 2, 1; then I got a broke - a
breaklock Just after you gave the indication.

0] 21 ll 52 CDR Okay.

01 21 11 53 CI4P I pot one out here too, so that snapped right on

down there.

01 21 11 55 CDR Okay. Okay, we've got to finish out that sequence.

O1 21 11 58 LqP Yes, Roger. I'm going. Okay, ED LOGIC B coming


'i 01 21 ]2 07 CDR Okay.

01 21 12 10

? 01 21 12 ll CDR A, CLOf;ED.

CumrtDENTIAL ' ' Day-
' Tape 09-03601


0i 21 12 16 CDR Okay, Dave, I'm going to do it with the other pyro

system now; you may hear a little bump. Okay, 3,
2, 1-

01 21 12 23 CDR FIRE.

01 21 12 25 LMP Okay, ED LOGIC B, CLOSED.

01 21 12 27 CDR Okay.

01 21 12 28 LMP MASTER ARM, OFF.

01 21 12 29 CMl° By the way, can you see me out your ... window?

01 21 12 32 CDR Dave, I haven't had a chance to even look.

O1 21 12 34 CMP ...

01 21 12 37 LMP Okay, LOGIC B, CLOSED. _ got MASTER AP&i, OFF;

L;JIDING GEAR FLAG, circuit brewer, Jim, OPEN.
ED ll.

0t 21 12 45 CDR Okay.

01 21 12 48 LMP R_D TELE4ETRY CAI,, ON. _y don't you try that real

01 21 12 51 CDR Yes. Okay.

01 21 12 55 LMP ... going LOW bit rate, and we're going to CAL
right now.

01 21 12 59 CC Roger. Understand. And _-e'll see you over Carnar-

yon at 39.

01 21 13 03 CDR Okay, did you get that - the gear extension,


O1 _1 13 07 CC That's affirmative, Spider. It came through loud

and clear. We're sho'_ing the relays closed; and I
thought you'd like to transmit.

O1 21 13 13 CDR Thanks, Dave.


01 21 13 17 CMP Roger.

Tape 09-03601

01 21 13 19 CDR Okay, DFI - TELEmeTRY CAL, OFF. That DFI POWER

f OFF now?

O1 21 13 27 LqP DFI, OFF; R&D A, OFF.

01 21 13 32 CDR DFI POWER, OFF; and R&D INSTR_4_T A, OFF?

i O1 21 13 34 _4P Right.

01 21 13 35 CDR Okay.

01 21 13 38 LMP ... on S-band, Jim, and you didn't hear them

answer you.
O1 21 13 40 CDR Yes.
O1 21 13 44 UYP Okay, PI_S prep.
the rest of this floor squared
01 21 13 50 CDR Let me get away.

i 01 21 14 02 _4? ... a view and a half out the window, isn't it?
01 21 lh 04 CDR Yes, you got a real - picture window there.
01 21 ]4 14 CDR Watch your feet, Rusty.

01 21 14 29 CDR Oh, I haven't found anything in this God-blessed

thing that fits yet.

O1 21 14 59 CDR Okay, those aren't exactly flush, but they're down

pretty well.

01 21 15 13 CDR Just a second, Rusty, I'll be right with you.

Shoot, come on water gun.

01 21 15 30 CDR You alright, there? Okay. If you're in any - if

you're in any trouble, wiggle your head, if you're
not, Just - okay? You want me to wipe your mouth
off, if -

01 21 15 45 I/4P Yes.

01 21 15 46 CDR - how about your nose here?

0l 21 16 33 L_._ Okay.

:_ O1 21 16 42 CMP Spider, I've been _nahle to reach you ...

confer Tape 09-03601

i· O1
O1 21
21 16
16 51
59 CDR
LMP Yes,
Yes. that's okay, Dave. Okay?

i. O1 21 17 01 CDR I'll get you my other chin strap here in a minute,

this one of yours is kind of beat up. Here, I'll
tell you what. If you - if you want to use this,
) I'll go down and get a - a clean towel, and I'll

put some cold water on it for you, okay?

O1 21 17 15 IMP Okay. (clearing throat)

t O1 21 17 21 CDR If I remember where the heck they were.

i O1 21 17 39 LMP I sure feel a lot better afterwards.

O1 21 18 12 U4P Sorry.

, O1 21 18 13 CDR That's okay, Rusty. Everybody has a problem. I

_% think though, we're going to have to talk to
I Houston, and tell them what ours is. And - -

j i O1 21 18 21 _P Yes. (clearing throat)

i O1 21 18 22 CDR - - I think we ought to - seriously consider - as
a matter of fact, I'm going to recom,mend we scrub
_ the EVA tomorrow.

O1 21 ]8 27 LMP Yes, I think that's a good idea.

O1 21 18 29 CDH I know how you want to do it, I think - maybe we'll

- let you stay back in the conmmand module with Dave,
and I'll come over here, and we'll run through the

though. open up the cabin. Don't sweat it

: O1 21 ]8 51 _4P Why don't you go ahead and take your gloves off?
(clearing throat)

01 21 18 56 CDR Here. How's that? Does that help, or is that Just

i making you - -

; 01 21 19 02 LMP No, that's okay. Don't shake me too much, though.

O1 21 19 04 CDR Okay.

Day2 - Page26 %._l_ll/_L
Tape 09-03601

01 21 19 06 LMP Because I've got something in my hand here I don't

i want to let go of.

) 01 21 19 08 CDR Yes. Let me - let me use this for Just a minute.

? 01 21 19 36 CDR Hey, Dave?

01 21 19 39 CMP Go ahead.
01 21 19 40 CDR What's the next time we get acquisition at the ground?

01 21 19 43 CMP ...

t O1 21 19 50 L_ I don't know how we're going to clean this up now.

! O1 21 19 52 CDR Well, we'll - figure something.

! 01 21 19 58 CMP About 45 ... which is 20 minutes from now ...

! O1 21 20 03 CDR Okay, I guess nobody's listening. Hey, Busty got

sick again, I think - I'm going to have to call
Houston; we're going to have to have a little dis-
eussion about this. I think we're going to have
to scrub the EVA for tomorrow for sure. But I
think we probably ought to try to at least do the
CABIN DEPRESS. We might want to do it at the end
t . of today, and then Just take tomorrow off.

01 21 20 21 CMP Yes, that might not be a bad idea.

01 21 20 37 CDR Too bad we don't have that - -

O1 21 20 38 CMP ...

1- 01 21 20 41 CDR No, not at all. Thank you. -

01 21 20 43 _4P Okay.

i 01 21 20 47 CDR I wonder if - Let's see, we have a tissue dispenser

_ in here someplace.

01 21 21 02 CDR Dave, as soon as we get contact with Houston, tell

them I want to go PHIVATE with them.

· O1 21 21 06 Cr,_ ...

F-F'%_l_'_ar_ I%_ I l/-%g Day 2 - Page 27
t _ Tape 09-03601

O1 21 21 08 CDR No, I'm going to be - I'll probably not be talking

much here for a couple of minutes.

O1 21 21 12 CMP Okay, I'll let Houston know ... get squared away.

O1 21 21 47 CDR How's your stomach feeling? Is it feeling any


O1 21 21 49 LMP No, it feels fine now.

01 21 21 50 CDR You want me to undo your chin strap for you there?

O1 21 21 52 _4F Yes.

O1 21 21 53 CDR I'll Just - I'm sorry, I'm going to have to gouge

you a little bit there.
i O1 21 22 0O LMP Well, do you want to let it float or do you want
I to - -

O1 21 22 06 CDR I'd get that Kleenex for you, if I knew where it

was. It's over on your side, someplace up there.

t O1 21 22 47 _4P (clearing his throat). Now we got to stow this

stuff somewhere.

/ O1 21 22 52 CDR Yes, I _ow it. I'll be with you in Just a minute,


O1 21 23 25 _4P That's really funny, Jim. Because both cases

there, it's not because I'm moving; I can feel it
way down in n_ stomach.

O1 21 23 33 CDR Uh huh.

O1 21 23 34 LMP It feels like there is something that I ate - -

O1 21 23 37 CDR Well - -

O1 21 23 38 L_ - - or something I took.

01 21 23 39 CDR Yes.

O1 21 23 40 LM_ One or the other.

,_ _ t_.w _ ..... ;__ [.--I Nt I IIX&.

Tape 09-03601

01 21 23 42 CDR ... my stomach's been gurgling an awful lot, too.

I think it's from that water.

O1 21 23 46 _4P Well, I'm worried about that - I'm still wondering

about that bacon. It might be the water, too. I
don't know.

01 21 23 51 CDR Let's see, we got to do something with that. Tell

you what.

O1 21 24 01 LMP With what?

O1 21 24 02 CDR With that - stuff you have in your hands there.

01 21 25 05 _P Hey, great.
_ 01 21 25 10 CDR Oh, shoot. It's not very big, Rusty.

01 21 25 13 _4P What is it?

01 21 25 ]4 CDR It's the bag that the water gun was in.

01 21 25 47 CDR That's a pretty clean one. I'll Just stow this.

! O1 21 25 56 _4P (clearing tkroat)

Ol 21 26 24 CDH Thank you.

1 0l 21 26 26 LMp I don't know where your clip went.

I O1 21 26 27 CDR That's okay. It's around somewhere. Why don't you

Just get comfortable, there, and don't do anything.

O1 21 26 35 _4P Hell, I'm feeling good, Jim.

I 01 21 26 36 CDR Okay. Well, why don't you Just rest for awhile,
. and not - not bother doing anything. I think we'll
scrub most of these C0_4 checks here - a few of
them until we get organized here.

01 21 26 43 LMP Hey, no, no I'm - I'm serious - -

O1 21 26 k5 CDR Well, we're going to have to get the PLS$ out.

01 21 26 28 _,_ Right, let's go ahead and do that. Let me get -

Let me clean off my chin strap here.

i· DayTape
2 -09-03601
Page 29
' C ii AL
01 21 26 58 LMP Oh, that might be good. This one's kind of wet
i O1 21 26 52 CDR Yes, I've got another one with me,
and soggy. I think.

I O1 21 27'00 CDR Yes, let me get it ...

oi 21 27 35 CDR There it is, back there. And there's the other

one. Excuse me.

i O1 21 27 59 LMP Am I fairly well cleaned up?

! O1 21 28 0i CDR Yes, you look pretty goud.

i O1 21 28 06 LMP (Clearing throat)
O1 21 28 21 CDR Alrighty. Let me finish what I was doing, and get

t these helmet bags out of here.

O1 21 28 34 LMP Okay, I'm going
is the to PLSS
look C0_._4
with Alright, the
next thing the _4. I
mean - yes.


- ago
Tape 09-03601


02 0l 33 43 LMP I got the tape on now.

02 01 33 44 CDR DFI POWER, ON.

02 01 33 48 LMP And the radar is reading 81 degrees.

) 02 O1 33 51 CDR Okay. Our steady-state limits are 10 degrees per

i second, or 10 degrees and 5 degrees per second.

02 01 34 02 LMP ... 6 minutes

ON -- we're going to get the PROP QUAntITY

02 01 34 05 CDR Okay.

02 01 34 06 LMP - - DESC_T 1 and 2.

02 01 34 10 CDR Okay, Gumdrop. It looks like our attitude's about

right, looking out the window here at the ground.

02 01 34 ]4 _4P Roger, it looks about right to me, too.

02 01 34 18 CDR It's only 1800 feet per second; it's about right -
It's good enough, huh?

02 01 34 23 C_ _ 15 minutes ...

02 01 34 27 LMP -.. 5 degrees, too.

02 0] 34 29 CDR Great. Let's see. Ooh, look at that.

02 01 34 37 LMP How about that. Everything's in agreement. For

some unu - ulqknowI1 reason.

02 01 34 46 CDR Boy, it's going to be brighter than hell in here.

02 01 34 53 _P Yes, you're r_ght. It sure is.

02 01 34 58 CDR Is your light up there - strong]y?

02 01 35 00 _4P Yes, it's strong.

02 0] 35 06 CDR I guess it got to launch, didn't it? No, it wasn't

going to.

02 01 35 10 I24P No, uh huh. Don't move it back too far because I

wantf,to be able to see thee thing. (

.rL-.JI NI IL.'LI _lq_f'%h
Tape 09-03601
L Day
3 Page
02 O1 35 13 CDR Okay.

02 01 35 32 If_P Okay, believe it or not - we're going to switch

invertcrs, here.

02 O1 35 36 CDR Oh, Jeez.

02 01 35 38 I24P PROP QU;J;TITY MONITOR, DESCENT 1 and 2.

02 01 35 40 CDR DESCE];T 1.

02 Oi 35 42 i2_ Okay.

i 02 01 35 44 CDR Lights work, DESCENT 2, okay.

! 02 01 35 _7 LMP Okay, you're in DESC_Uf 2.

02 01 35 _8 CDR Yes.

02 01 35 49 I24P Okay, CB(Il), EPS, INVERTER 1, CLOSE.

; 02 01 35 52 CDR INV_T_ 1, CLOSE.

! 02 O1 35 53 I24P Okay, and I'm going to INVERTER 1 over here.

_ 02 01 35 55 CDR Okay.

02 01 35 58 I24P ... I_D;ERTER ].

02 01 35 59 CDR How are the buses looking?

02 01 36 O1 I_4P Oh, I can't tell here. Hold on, I'm going to - -

02 01 36 03 CDR Okay.

02 01 36 04 I2_P - - OPEN. The buses look okay .... CLOSE to OPEN.

Okay, commander's bus is at 29, systems engineer is
at 30.3.

02 Oi 36 14 CDR Good. Okay.

02 01 36 19 I2._P Okay, h minutes, TTCA throttling up.

02 01 36 24 CDR Okay.

" CG;, FiDE,,JiAL


Ta e
- page 32 N Yf'A

02 01 36 25 _4P Okay, we might as well wait here.

i 02 O1 36 27 CDR Throttle, up, and on we go.

02 01 36 29 LMP THROTTLE CONTHOL to b_AL.

._ 02 01 36 31 CDR THROTTLE CONTROL to MA_AL.

!_ 02 01 36 32 _4P MA_AL THROTTLE to C0:C4A3_ER.

! 02 01 36 33 CDR CO_UrOER.

'} 02 01 36 35 LMP Verify your throttle now, by moving it.

t 02 O1 36 41 _4P Oh, you got to - you got to have

I guess. the engine armed,

! 02 01 36 _3 CDR Yes. Go ahead, Houston; Spider.

02 O1 36 47 CC Roger, we're showing the AGS address 407 as 10 000.

Revise the checklist as 0 - 000.

02 01 37 05 _ Roger. Thank you.

i 02 01 37 07 CC And you're welcome.

t 02 01 37 10 _4P This damn thing - -

_ 02 01 37 11 CDR There's BaJa California. We ought to be Just about

over Houston, when we do this.

02 O1 37 16 U._P Yes. Okay - ... R_._OTE CONTROL, AUTO.

02 01 37 27 CDR R_dOTE CONTROL, AUTO.

02 01 37 29 LMP Okay, now we'll wait and arm the descent engine

02 01 37 31 CDR Yes. Okay, it's 4 minutes now.

02 01 37 35 L_._ Hey, there's a villace do%_ there. Coming up, it's

going to go across the Z-axis in Just a second.
Tape 09-03601
C_ Day 3 - Page 33

02 O1 37 42 CDR There's snow on the mountains down there. Okay,

let's do ENGINE _4 to DESC_T, here.

02 01 37 51 U_P ... APJ4, DESCENT.

'_ 02 O1 37 52 CDR _;GINE APJ4, DESCE:_; verify that, okay.

02 01 37 55 LMP You didn't get the ... warning light.

02 01 37 57 CDR No.

! 02 01 37 58 LMP X-TRA/_SLATION to 2 JETS.

i 02 01 37 59 CDR 2 JETS.

02 01 38 O1 CDR BAL_d_CE COUPLES, ON.

02 01 38 02 LMP _;GINE GI_ABAL, _ABLE.

02 01 38 03 CDR ENABLE.



02 O1 38 09 CDR DESCENT 1.

02 O1 38 l0 LMP Okay.

02 01 38 12 CDR Here I am.



02 01 38 21 _,[P Okay, I've got the C_4 - the SEQUENCE C_,_RA

breaker closed.

02 01 38 24 CDR Okay, MASTER A_l's CLOS - -

02 01 38 25 CC Spider, Houston.

02 O1 38 27 CDR Go.
Day 3 - Rage 3k /"'"_,"_,_klt'-_l_ll_Wl!_'mj['_%
Tape 09-03601

02 01 38 28 CC Okay, Rusty, that 407 slipped to 10 000 again;

we're recommending that you set 08.

t 02 01 38 42 _4P I'll Just hit it to zero . I didn't hear what

he said, but - -

02 01 38 45 CDR Yes, Houston, you cut off there; say again.

i 02 O1 38 49 CC Roger, your ... has not dropped back to 10 000;

we're recommending you set up 0000 and end right
-ro_nd ignition time_

02 0] 39 0] CDR Roger. Okay, nov I can check my mo - my throttle.

It's throttling. Okay, let's continue.
; 02 O1 39 10 L_ Okay, is the _._STER BJq_4,ON?
02 O1 39 11 CDR 'i&STER AR'I's ON.

02 01 39 12 P,_ Okay, stand by for 2 minutes.

) 02 01 39 15 CDR Let's see, turn THROTTLE CONTROL to A[_O. We don't

have that yet.

02 01 39 ]9 L$iP Yes, THROTTLE CONTROL_ AUTO. Good. Thank you.

02 0] 39 22 CDR Okay.

02 0] 39 23 I_P God, is that going to be brightl

02 O] 39 24 CDR It sure is. Hooee.

02 01 39 27 _4P Hmm.

02 0] 39 28 CDR We're really osci]lating around here in yaw. At

5 degrees. Okay. 2 minutes, verify the AGS
attitude errors .... 0. Okay? Go.

02 0] 39 48 LMF ... reads 17:43.

02 01 39 51 CDR ... in 45 seconds, Gumdrop.

02 01 39 5_ CMP Roger, I'm with you.

Day 3 - Page 35

_ Tape 09-0360]

02 01 39 57 P'_ Standing by for 15 seconds; SEDUm:CE C_MERA, ON,

will he then. Begin ullage at 10; PROCEED at 5;
ignition and then you're going to - -

02 O1 40 07 CDR Going to try to get - -

02 O1 40 08 P4P - - turn the 5_STER AP_4, OFF.

02 O1 40 09 CDR Yes.

02 01 40 l0 _4P Or try too. Then you're going to throttle up at

02 O1 40 16 CDR Going to throttle up at 46 - 40 percent. Man_

I 5 seconds
that after bright.
is really - - Alright, Houston. We're
right over a white deck of clouds, and is it ever

02 O1 40 28 CC Roger. Copy, Spider.

02 01 40 35 CDR 1 minute.

02 O1 40 38 _4P Okay, 4 - -

02 O1 40 39 CC I copy 1 minute; everything looks good.

02 O1 40 48 LMP Okay, I'm going to let the AGS go.

02 01 41 02 _4P Okay, AVERAGE G coming ON.

02 01 41 04 CDR Okay, make sure you are standing up straight, so

you don't get knocked on your can.

02 01 41 05 LMP Yes.

02 01 41 06 CDR Okay, 28 seconds.

02 01 41 13 _ You won't even feel it, hardly.

02 01 41 14 CDR Yes.

02 O] 41 20 I_MP 15 secondc - -
Tape 09-03601 36 _ CONFiDENTiAL

02 01 41 21 CDR Camera's on.

02 01 41 22 LMP - - camera's on; and it's going.

02 01 41 23 CMP Roger.

02 01 hl 25 I_P Okay, ULLAGE, ON.

02 01 41 27 CDR ULLAGE is ON.

02 01 41 31 LMP PROCEED. 3, 2, 1 -

i 02 0i 41 32 CDR Have we _ABLED it?

i 02 01 41 35 IJfP IGNITION. We got it. MASTER ARM, OFF.

02 01 41 40 CDR Okay, there's IGNITION.

I 02 01 41 41 LMI_ Throttle

02 01 _1 42 CDR We're throttlinc up to L0 percent, Dave. That's

40 percent. Look at that ball; my God, we hardly
have any errors.

02 01 41 50 LMP Stand by for the AUTO T}LqOTTLE.

02 01 41 53 CDR Okay, stand by for the AUTO THROTTLE? DESCENT REG

light, DO_.

02 01 h2 00 P4P How's the pressure; it's going down?

02 01 42 01 CDR Pres - pressure's going down. Here comes that

throttle out.

02 01 h2 03 LMP Hey, that pressure's going down, Jim.

02 01 42 05 CDR Yes.

02 0] 42 07 _,_ It's going hack up.

02 01 42 08 CDR Okay. Okay, pressure dropped down to about 190

there, Houston.

02 01 h2 ]3 CC Roger. We copied ..., Spider.

I 02 01 42 15 CDR We're - we're full throttle, and attl - attitude

errors are practically nil, Davey.
........ Tape 09-03601
Cj,,._l_l_ll._klT] _ gay 3 - Pa_ 37
02 01 42 18 CMP Okay, looks pretty good over here, too.

02 01 42 20 CDR Yes, and Just a slightest transient.

02 O1 42 24 CT4P Okay, your HP is 109 and moving.

'1 02 O1 42 26 CDR Roger. We've got 440 to go.

i 02 01 42 30 CMP I've got 443.

02 01 42 31 LMP SEQUenCE C_4_A coming OFF at 59. SEQUENCE C_4ERA,


_Jj" 02014236 CDR I'm pulling 0.8 of a lunar g· in case you're

i II interested.
We're starting
in my yaw.
to get a little

·_ 02 O1 42 43 CMP Roger, ...

02 O1 42 48 CDR Oh, we Just threw a big hunk down at the ground,

i there. There goes another hunk.

02 O1 42 52 CMP Yes, I saw a few pieces go, too.

J 02 O1 43 02 _ Okay.

02 O1 43 03 CMP I have 405.

i 02 01 43 06 CDR Roger, so do we.

02 0] 43 07 _P And the PGN$ and the AG2 are counting do,_l right

02 O] 43 10 CMP I have 109.3 on the HP.

ii 02 O1 43 12 CDR Roger.

02 O1 43 19 CDR Man, am I hmngry.

02 O1 43 21 _4P Me too. Okay, you're standby for a - -

02 O1 k3 25 CDR Yes, it really is, it's going along like a dremm,

except for all the hunk - -

02 O1 43 29 CMP - - pieces back there· some of the Foils coming off.

02 O] 43 31 CDR/I24F Yes.

Uay 309-03601
- Page 38 _, _._

02 01 43 36 CDR ... we're going over Texas right now, I think.

... we ought to be over Houston pretty soon.

02 01 43 ho CI,_ 330.

02 0] 43 42 CDR Okay, 330 here. Attitude errors are staying down

less than 1 degree.

02 01 43 47 Cr_' Roger, 109.3 HP.

02 01 43 49 CDR Okay. We have 1100 feet per second to go.

02 01 43 55 CMP I'm right with you.

02 01 43 56 LMP And the AGS and the PGi_S are ri!?lt to_ether.

quantity is reading 76 and 74; and we don't seem

to have any spurious lockups either at this time.

02 01 44 ll CDR REG - -

02 0] 44 12 CC Roger, Spider; Houston. Copy.

02 01 44 14 CDR The REG pressure's holding pretty steady at about


02 0] 44 19 _P ... landing radar temperature is reading 95 at the

present; it started out at 8].

02 01 44 27- C_._ Okay, HP 109.3, and everything's clean over here.

02 0] 44 31 CDR Okay, same here.

02 01 44 33 CDR Looks like - looks llke it's done s real good job
of steering.

02 01 hh 37 _.T We've only got 890 feet per second left to go.

02 0] 44 38 CDR Yes.

02 01 44 k0 CI.5
_ ... when you call in.

! 02 01 44 4] _,_ Okay.

02 O1 4_ 43 CMP 229.

02 01 44 _ CDR Roger, 225 here.

3 - 09-0360]
Page 39

02 01 44 50 CDR Okay, remember I'm going to start my throttle full

, throttle at 124.

: 02 01 4h 54 _4P Roger.

02 01 4h 57 _'_ Okay s and the SEQU_ICE CM.!_A's going to come back

ON at 200; you're going to throttle at 1 ... 4 - -

02 01 45 03 CDR Right.

02 01 h5 04 I24? - - at 10 I'm going to shut DESC_T REG 1, OFF.

At cutoff - -

02 01 45 08 CMP 2 minutes.

OS Oi 4_ 09 CD_ 2 minutes here, i have [0h.

02 0t 45 11 P4P At - -

02 01 45 12 CMP 109.2.

02 01 45 14 CDR Roger.

02 01 45 15 Lr_) At cutoff you're going to hit the ENGINE STOP


02 01 45 19 CDR At 3 seconds, right.


02 01 45 20 I2_P Right, at 3 seconds.

! 02 0] 1_5 21 CMP You know, actually you are ]ess than 0.1 degree per

02 O] 45 23 CDR Is that right?

02 01 h5 24 _4P And I'm going to go to A_TITI_)E HOLD.

! 02 0] 45 26 CDR Nice and ... solid here.

02 01 45 27 _,_ ... all that?

02 01 45 26 CDR Yes.

02 01 45 29 L_.Q' Okay.

· 02 O1 45 30 CDR 600 feet per second to go.

02 01 h5 33 C!P I'm with you.

Day 3 - Page 40
Tape 09-03601

02 O1 45 34 LMP Gee, that's looking pretty, isn't it?

I 02 01 45 36 CDR Yes.

02 O1 45 42 CDR Okay, I've got about a minute 25.

i 02 O1 45 44 CMP Right with you.

i 02 01 45 47 CDR Okay, when I start throttling, we're going to add
a lot of seconds on to that.

02 01 45 50 CMP Roger.

? 02 O1 45 55 CDR 450.

.: u_ Ul _o uu uu_ 420 to go.

02 O1 46 08 CMP 1 minute.
02 O1 46 09 CDR 1 minute now.

02 O1 46 12 CMP 109.2.

02 O1 46 14 CDR Rcger. Hanging right in there, isn't it?

02 O1 46 17 CMp Yes, really slick.

02 O1 46 19 I_'_ ) Surely it's surging.

02 O1 46 22 CDR Yes. See if we're getting a roll surge. We're

getting a roll, or some sort of an oscillation
_0_, on it.

02 O1 46 28 L[,_ Yes, it's going - it's - we're getting slosh.

02 01 46 30 CDR Yes. Hey, we're getting slosh. I've got 228 to go


02 O1 46 34 I24P Camera coming back ON.

02 O1 46 35 CDR Get ready for us - the throttling profiles.

02 01 h6 37 _.fF Roger.

02 01 46 38 _4P The c_mera's ON.

02 O1 h6 39 C_.ff' ...
(___1 Day 3 - Pace 41

_-' '-- --' ' '"_'_"_ Tape 09-03_01


i 02 O1 46 41 _4P Okay, 124.

_) 02 O1 46 43 CDR Okay, 170. 157. 125. Starting the throttle.
40 percent. Going down to 10 percent. Back up
; to 40 percent .... down to 25 percent.

02 01 47 ih _P Back up again.

02 01 47 15 CDR Okay, coming up to _0 percent. Throttle profi!e's

complete, we'll Just let it sit there.

02 O! 47 21 r,?JFP Great, 27 seconds rermining.

02 O1 47 23 CDR Roger, 24 seconds to go. I'm going to shut down

manually at 3 seconds to go; I've got 18, 16, 15,
14, ... - -

02 01 47 40 I24P No sweat.

02 01 47 41 CDR - - 12, ..., 10, 9, ..., get your hand out of the
way. 6, 5_ 4, 3, -

_ 02 01 47 45 CDR SHUTDOWN.

02 O1 47 46 _,_ Correct ATTITUDE HOLD.

02 01 47 47 CDR The ATTiTI_B HOLD here.

'[ 02 O1 47 49 _4P I'm right with you all the way.

02 01 47 50 CDR Okay.

t 02 O1 47 52 _ Okay, __,QUE_,C_ C_.IERA coming OFF.

02 01 47 57 CDfi Okay.

02 01 47 58 _4P Okay, request the CSM - have it; _[GINE ARM - -

02 O1 48 00 CC That was a beautiful burn. Man, you were right

down the tube.

02 O1 48 04 CDR Yes, it looked pretty neat from here, too.

02 01 48 05 _._ ENGINE _RM to OF};'.

02 O] 48 07 CDR ENGINE _RM, OFF.

Ta 3-
o 9-036o]
p ge ENTIAt'
02 O1 48 09 LMP Okay, proceed. Okay, you want to read h_m those,

while I copy them?

'] 02 01 48 12 CDR Alright, you want our residuals, Houston?

02 01 48 16 CC Copying them on your DSKY now, Sp_der.

02 01 48 18 CDR Okay, very good.

02 01 48 24 CDR Hey, you know we could really feel that stuff

sloshing around in here at the end? Okay.

02 01 48 33 I_4P Okay, - PRO; VERB 79, E_;TER; 00, t2._TEt{

- -

I 02 01 48 42 CMP about 0.3 of a degree per second.

O_ Ol _0 _O _oli The offset that i zl_m oil my r_u_ '4uai_ _v_z :lu_ -
I can't tell where zero is, but - _t - it didn't
deviate hardly at all.

02 O1 48 50 LMP TTC - -

02 01 h8 52 CC No, because you were oscillating right back, too.

02 01 48 56 LMP TTCA JETS, DOW;;.

02 01 49 O0 CDR J-_fS, DO'_;.

& 02 01 49 01 LMP Verify FJ;GINE ARM, OFF.

02 01 h9 02 CDR [, OFF. -

02 01 49 03 LMp t2_GtNE PUSHBIf£TON STOP, RESEll.

02 01 49 06 CC It ... beautiful all the way - Sp_der.

02 0] h9 11 IAfP Okay. THROTTLE CONTROL to AHTO.


02 O1 49 14 I2,.q
° Okay_ lmnding radar temperature's ]007
Roger. Landing radar temperature's ]00 degree's
right now.

02 01 h9 22 CC Roger, copy. ]00 degrees ...

02 0] 49 2h IMP PROP QUANTiTf 5'.ONITOR, OFF.

: . 3-09-03601


02 O1 49 32 I241
° Okay, I}FZE_TER to 2. And I may g_et a MASTER
t ALARM - -

02 O1 49 36 CMP Even the f_S took care of you that time: 1740.6.

02 O] 49 40 CDH (Laughter) Roger.

02 O1 49 43 LMp Okay, IIIVERTER 1, OPEN.

02 O] 49 47 CMP Everybody's singing the same song.

02 O1 49 50 CDR /NVPidTER 1, OPENED.

02 O1 49 52 CDR When you're integrated man, you got to do that.

02 O1 h9 56 LMP SEQUF2_CE CB24ERA, OPEN.

02 O] 50 01 LMP Okay, I w_nt to read out 500 .... the ACS is

good; the AGS 500 is reading plus 3. One's reading
minus 5. And 502 is reading O.

02 O1 50 14 CDR And Davey, we're drifting now, so you have ATTI%"JDE

CONTROL, again.

02 O] 50 24 CMP Okay.

02 O1 50 26 CDR Let's see. We are, aren't we? We have a 76 in

here, I think.

02 O] 50 31 I_FP Yes_ we do.

02 O1 50 33 LMP V_RB 8 - Hit a VERB 82, ENTER.

02 O1 50 36 CDR VEU_B 82, ENTER. PRO.

02 01 50 45 12,_P 273.0 by - -

02 O1 50 48 CDR Dave, I - our orbit - is 273.0 by 109.2.

02 O1 50 49 I2,_P - - ]09.2.

02 O1 50 53 CC Houston; I copy 500, 501, 502, and plus 3 minus 590.

"0 N FtDENTtA'Zrf
Day 309-03601
Tape - Page L4 __

02 O1 50 59 _'_ That's a Roger, and we got a 273.0 by 109.2.

Cutoff at 2 minutes; the lm_ding radar temperature
is 100 degrees.

02 01 51 12 C.IP The Gumdrop's got 271.7 by ]09.].

02 01 51 16 CDR 49:59 - 49:51.

02 O1 51 19 CC Roger, Gumdrop; Houston, copy.

02 01 51 27 CDR It's exciting the way the fuel and oxidizer

pressures dropped off there during the start.

I! 02 01
O1 51 40
35 _
CDR Okay, R&D you're
Houston, TE_4ETRy
to get

02 O1 51 46 CC Roger. Understand you're ... DFI CAL.

02 01 52 14 CDR Houston, how long do we have to that burn 5?

02 01 52 19 CC Stand by 1 for that item.

02 01 52 22 CDR Okay, I'm going to get something to eat. Ail I've

had so far today is a l_ttle bag of fruit salad.

I'm about
get to starve
something to eat to death,
right and this
after I want to olean
- we try to
!_ up this burn.
! 02 O1 52 34 _4P We start the _y-out - Let's start the d_j-out first.

! 02 O1 52 37 CDR That CAL is eomolete.

02 O1 52 38 L_ Okay. DFi FO_R, OFF, but don't open the - the


02 O1 52 42 CC Spider, Houston.

02 O! 52 43 CDR DFI POWER's OFF.

02 O1 52 46 Lr4P Okay, LAI_IN3 RADAR breaker, OPEN.


; 02 01 52 5] CC Spider, Houston.

02 O1 52 52 CDR Go aheud, Houston; Spider.


Tape 09-03601
_P__L Day 3 - Page 45

02 01 52 54 CC Okay. We're going to do the SPS 5 at nominal time

I at 4 hours and a half from now.

02 01 53 O0 CDR Okay, very good. Thank you.

02 01 53 02 L_,_ Okay, you want to debrief the burn anymore?

02 01 53 05 CDR Yes.

02 01 53 08 CDR Okay, ignition was slow.

02 01 53 09 LMP Hey, stand - stand by Just 1 -

02 01 53 11 LMP Gumdrop, Spider.

02 01 53 12 C_,'rP Go.

02 01 53 13 L_,_ Roger. We'd like to stop at an AGS CAL ATTITUDE,

here somewhere.

02 01 53 20 C_,_ Oh! Very well.

02 01 53 24 CDR At ignition the cha_,_er pressure went up very

i gradually to 10 percent. Slow, smooth, steady,
no h_lmp or anything. It Just felt llke somebody
was sort of turning the water faucet on. I came
OFF with the MASTER __,4, we got the - we got the
MASTER AhAR_4 on when I did that at a couple of
seconds. I throttle on up to 40 percent. That
throttle up I didn't make abruptly; the throttle
- and the - the char, her pressure seemed to stay right
together. I stopped at 40 and it did. I ...
throttle up manually to - to automatic. We were
100 percent ... Now the attitude excursions I got
during this time were practically nil, and the
smme thing with the rate. They're Just practically
nll and when we throttled up to 100 percent, the
same thing: they're very low attitude excursions,
very low rates. Considering - that we didn't have
any attitu/e control ... except at slow engine,
we did very well. It ran along steadily at
100 percent or 97 - percent - The chmmber pressure
looked like it went up and dow/_ from abcut 90 to
100 percent during the burn. It went along smoothly
and right at the end, we were - we were feeling
some surging and it looked like it was - it was
controlling a little more in yaw than I expected
it would. And we got a little roll rate in, but
Tape 09-0360] _gj%_[__rTr-_ul_

much less than a degree per second. Then we figured

! really - figures - probably the - the fuel sloshfng
· around - the fuel oxidizer sloshing aromnd in the
tanks, and was probably the slosh. Now, you
;, couldn't really see anything in the hall. I looked
; carefully at it, and I didn't see any attitude
excursions, and I only saw that very slight ...
% hit of roll rate, but it was in a different fre-
quency than the thing I felt. The - PGNS, the
AGS, the G&N over the command module, and every-
body all counted down together. About a minute
and - about 130 - turn that off - At 130 feet per
second we went to manual throttle and throttled
right down to 40 percent. I got hold of the throt-
tle and let it sit there for a couple of seconds,
and then down to 10 percent, then up to 40, down
to 25, back up to 40, slid liolniuully we were sup-
posed to get there at 30 seconds. I got there_
I think, at 29 seconds to go. Then we Just let
it cruise on out, and no trans into here a_ain.
We shut the thing down ... to end - -

02 O] 55 59 C!_ _ ... to Spider. I'll have it over to you in about

3 minutes.

O2 O1 56 02 CDR Okay. We shut do'_l at the end. Rates were very

low, and we gradually pitched up; no roll and no
yaw; but it p_tched up very gradually, much less
than a degree per second. We got the manual
shutdown at about 2 or 3 seconds. We got the
regulators off; and I'll let you - Buss - to tell
you about that. The regulator pressure - at that
time, fuel and oxidizer pressures, were 232 when
we started, and they went on down to about 185,

I then gradually built back up aga_ to 230, until

when they ran at 232, the whole time. The SUPER-
: CRIT PRESSURE got up to 830 during the burn and

that's where it sits right now.

02 O1 56 h2 L_.FI
_ Looks like it might have been the quad that caused
the heater light there at about 20 seconds before
the cutoff.

02 O] 56 h8 CDR Okay, I didn't see that.

02 01 56 49 _._P Because quad ] is now re_/ding ]85, 2 is re_d_n_

162, 3 is reading 185, and 4 Js reading 152.
f-F'%_ I_r_ ITl A ! Day 3 - Page _7
t __ Tape 09-03601

02 01 57 03 CDE Looks like we used a fair amount of fuel in

system B, too.

02 01 57 08 LMP Couple of percent, there, huh?

02 01 57 09 CDR Yes, and we were supposed to be off scale HIGH

for a long time. And, that's interesting, tape.
We're reading in the RCS quad - or the RCS quantity
right now. About 99, I guess, on A, and about 97
on B, and I think they're supposed to be cons_der-
ably higher than that. Too-bad I don't have a -
another camera; I could really take some pretty
pittances. Or do _e; no, it's all stowed away_
There'll come another day For the pictures, I guess.
We're crossing Africa. Alrighty, the temperature
is 70 our fuel, 67 our oxidizer, reading 240 and
242 fuel and oxidizer; that's on DESCENT 1.
DESCEIT 2 is 70, 69, 240, and 2_2. I think that
terminates my debriefing.

02 01 58 03 LMP I don't have much to add at all. Prop - the main

propulsion quantity seemed to track pretty good.
The ... radar climbed very slowly during the burn
from about 81 at start, to close to 100, and it's
now reading about 108 and the time is 49: ... 8:30?
That's about all I've got. The H}3_TER caution -
We got the MASTER ALA_4 due to shutting the !._STER
ARM off right at the start.

02 01 58 44 C_' Okay, Spider; Gumdrop. That ought to be pretty


02 01 58 51 _4P Roger; that's good, if you'll go to FREE.

02 01 58 53 CMP in FREE.

02 01 5_ 55 LM]_ Roger.

02 01 59 I1 I24P And, ... popping that I know of. The H]_AT_H caution
light on panel 2 cmme ON - -

02 01 59 24 CC ... Houston ...

02 01 59 25 M4P - - 50 Just before the end of the burn. Go ...;


02 01 59 29 _._ Houston; this is Spider. Co aheaff.


02 O1 59 32 CC Roger. Spider, we'd like to ask you if after you
finish eating there - before you transfer back -
. If there's any chance of getting the regulator
check - checklist systems, p_ge 17.

02 O1 59 51 CDR Oh, yes; okay.

02 ol 59 56 L_ ...getit?



' g' ._ '_._r,_;_ Day 3 - Page h9
__N117'%"91% Tape 09-03601

02 O1 59 59 CC Okay, thank you.

02 02 O0 00 _,_ Okay, that's about all I've got here.

02 02 O0 O1 CDR Okay, I'm going to eat first, though, before I
Just drop over up here.

t 02 02 O0 03 _._ I'm going to turn the tape off.

02 02 O0 04 CC Roger, I Just wanted to pass that on before you

t dismantled something. We'd really like to see you
I go ahead and _,_+ and we'll
_ you over Tananarive
J about 13.

} 0o no nN 18 _._p Roacr. Okay, let me give you a hack, Dave.

02 O2 OO 21 CC Spider, we'd like to have LOW bit rate.


!. 02 02 O0 28 I2._ Roger, LOW.

02 02 00 30 CDR What did you want, Rusty?

02 02 O0 32 L_-_ Nothing. Okay, tape, it's - Now, my mark is going

to be 50:00:45. 4, 3, 2, 1 -

02 02 O0 _5 _-'_"_ MARK.

02 02 O0 46 L,._ 50:00:45, and I'm going to turn you off.

02 02 35 30 _,_ Okay, Houston, how do you read now?

02 02 35 34 CC I'm reading you out clear, Sp_der.

02 02 35 36 Lh[P Okay, that's step 1. I'm ready to go to step 2.

02 02 35 hl CC Alright. Let's go to step 2.

02 02 35 5P _-_ Okay, Houston, how do you read now?

02 02 36 Oh CC ...

02 02 36 07 _._ Houston, how do you rea_ Spider?

02 02 36 10 CC ... loud and clear, Spider.

3- 09-03601
so SNTfAt
02 02 36 ih II_P Roger; saline here.

: 02 02 36 16 CC 0kay, ...

02 02 36 ]9 II.!P GoinK to step 3.

02 02 36 141 I2,IP Okay, Houston, how do you read Spider now?

02 02 37 O0 I2._
_ He doesn't come in worth a damn on PRII.DIRy.

02 02 37 04 I3.P Alright. Houston, Spider. Try that once aKain.

02 02 3'[ 16 L_IP Re,er. I Just fot the last two words of that.
Say ag,ai n.

02 02 37 21 CC ... the S-band backup voice c}eck has been ...

02 02 37 30 ii,IP RoKer.

02 02 37 50 IJ.fP Okay, Houston, how do you r_ad on backup voice?

02 02 38 03 II,fP Houston, this is Apollo 9 - or Spider. How do you

read on backup voice?

02 02 38 20 Ildp Houston, this is opi_ ...... do you read on backu_


02 02 38 23 CC _p]cer, this is Houston. Loud and clear. How me?

02 02 38 27 IIU _ Roi'er. You're 5 square. }{ow do you read me now?

02 02 38 37 I2 'It_ You're 5 squa:'r', Hou_;ton. }!ow do'you read me?

02 02 39 02 ]lip Houston, how do you read Spid(r now?

02 02 39 09 LI,[P Okay, you're 5 square. I'm supposed to be able to

talk to you without pushing! tile PTT. I'm not sure
I'm getting backup voice down to you. Tell me if
you read up throu_h 5 and back dowll.
l, 2, 3, h, 5_ 5, I_, 3, 2, ].

02 02 39 25 CC Okay, Spider; Houston. You blacked out 3 on the

wa}' up and c_e in with 3 on the way down.

_*_' ---- Tape 09-03601

02 02 39 34 p4P Okay, I was using P_T up to 3 and then from 3 on

down; and I understood the backup voice you were
supposed to get right off the intercom.

02 02 39 49 CC Spider, check the biomed ...

02 02 40 O1 I2FP Roger, the biomed is off.

02 02 40 49 I2_ Houston, how do you read Spider?

02 02 40 59 CC Spider, this is Houston through Honeysuckle. Row

do you read me?

02 02 41 03 LMP Roger. Reading you 5 square. How me?

02 02 41 08 CC Okay Spider, I can hear you transmitting now;

you were way down and breaking up, but if you'll
give me a count, ...

02 02 _1 19 LMP Roger. l, 2, 3, h, 5; 5, h_ 3, 2, l. Spider out.

02 02 41 25 CC Okay, Spider. You're a - you're re]atlvely clear,

i but way, way down.

02 02 41 31 L_UP ... what did you w_nt with the biomed? It is off.

02 02 41 50 I2!P Houston, did you want the - something done with

the biomed?

02 02 42 02 LMP Houston, Spider. Over.

02 02 42 06 i24P Aw - Houston, Spider.

02 02 42 20 I3,IP Houston_ Spfder. Over.

02 02 h2 23 CC Roger, this is Houston. We'd like to have you

return to C0>_4 BASIC.

02 02 42 27 I24P Roger. Going back to CO.'._,I

BASIC. And I'm go,ny.
back to V}{F A.

02 02 42 55 I_IP Is that tunnel open?

02 02 42 58 CC ... Houston. I'd like to have you return to

i C0_,_4BASIC ,..

'} 02 02 h3 04 [2,_
_ Boger, Houston. We are in CO'._".!
PASIC. How now?

t'" f'_ k ICl F', Ck I T IA /

Tape 09-0360]

02 02 43 07 CC Yes, you're coming through clear now - Rusty. We

did get the backup voice check in; it was way.
down low.

02 02 h3 17 _4P Roger.

02 02 43 20 CC And we'd like to have the biomed switched on the

P4P before the regular time, Spider.

02 02 43 33 C5_ Spider· Gumdrop.

02 02 _3 35 CDR Yes· Gumdrop; Spider.

02 02 43 36 C_._ The t_me] is clear.

02 02 43 40 _,_ Roger; it is on the P,_, Houston.

02 02 43 _3 CC Roger, understand; thank you, Spider.

02 02 43 47 _4]_ Roger, and be advised we are presently 28 minutes

into the sublimator dry-out.

02 02 44 O0 CC Roger, Spider, I copy that: 28 minutes into the


02 02 44 04 P,_ Roger, and be advised that we have a great deal

more equipment powered up than we were supposed
to during this dry-out. We're running a little
behind in getting the tunnel clear.

02 OS 44 2] l_]° I'll finish up the checklist, Jim.

02 02 44 51 L_P Did you get an EVA checklist, Jim, over there?

02 02 h4 53 CDR No, I didn't. Let me get this - let me get this

stuff out of the way so we can get the hatch open.

02 02 h5 02 I_._ Okay.

02 02 45 03 CDR ...

02 02 45 06 ]$_ Soon as you get that hatch open, we want to go


N FID'EbCT (....
_F_AL 'Day 3 - Page 53
Tape 09-03601

02 02 45 09 CDR What?

02 02 45 11 M,_ I say we want to go to EGRESS mode.

02 02 45 15 CDR Yes. Okay, let's do that.

02 02 45 17 M_P Okay. Go.

) 02 02 45 23 CDR PULL the EGRESS ....

02 02 45 29 M,_ The REG's to EGRESS, right.

0_ o_ 45 Ji CD_ ... A, ... B.

t 02 02 47 52 C_,_ Spider, Gumdrop.

: 02 02 47 56 _'_ ...

02 02 47 57 Cr'_
) _, it stare takes you guys a long time to open that
little hatch here.

02 02 48 O1 I_P ... ready for us?

02 02 48 02 CMP Sure. Been ready for 10 minutes.

02 02 48 03 L_ Okay, we'll be opening in a second here ....

ready, Jim.

02 02 48 08 CDR Okay, I have the hatch open now.

02 02 48 34 I_,IP ...

02 02 49 09 I24P Okay, ready?

02 02 49 ]2 LMP ... get that umbilical do_m here, and I got to get
off this suit loop.

02 02 _9 15 CDR I know it.

,02 02 49 23 C_,_ Tell him to send the _hilieal through.

02 02 49 27 _,[P That's going to be hard for you to get through,

i 02 02 h9 28 CDR What?

02 02 h9 29 _.fP That's going to be too hard for you to get through.

Tape 09-03601

02 02 _9 42 CDR Are you - Do you want me to sit here and clear this
stuff out, Rusty, or -

02 02 50 45 LMP Okay, Jim.

02 02 50 46 CDR You sure?

; 02 02 50 _8 LMP Yes, thanks.

02 02 50 51 CDR Hey, Dave? Hey, Dave? Hey, Dave?

02 02 51 2P CDR What do we need to take back with us to the ... ?

02 02 51 24 _4P EVA checklist, and the flSght plan card. The

sequence camera anm tne lenses.

02 02 51 40 CDR That's right. I checked - I checked the ...

02 02 52 06 _L ° ... the car.era.

02 02 52 24 CDR Okay. Hey, Russ, let me ... here.

02 02 52 26 _ Okay.

02 02 52 27 CDR We'll make a transfer and see if ...

02 02 52 29 _ Okay.

02 02 52 55 CDR ...

02 02 52 59 LMA° Yes.

i 02 02 53 16 CDR ... I'll be back in Just a second.

02 02 53 50 CDR Rusty, do you ... ?

02 02 53 53 LMR I ... think so.

02 02 53 55 CDR ... Well, come over here ... gloves on_

02 02 54 22 CDR Dave, ... Dave. Dave, ...

02 02 54 58 CDR Make that ...

02 02 55 01 LM3 ...


02 02 55 26 CDR ...

'_ 02 02 55 29 I34P I don't think so. Hey, ]et me plot one more point
on it here.
02 02 55 35 CDR ...

02 02 55 37 LMP No.

02 02 56 04 CDR Okay, I']l take ... over there.

02 02 56 ]5 CDR Got it, Dave?

02 02 58 03 I3_P Alright, Gumdrop; Sp_der.

02 02 58 06 C,'._ Did you ever mount your ...?

O2 02 58 08 I24P Roger, stand by; not yet.

02 02 58 1] CMP What do you need?

02 02 58 15 L_,_ Just checking the C01,2,I.

02 02 58 h! CC Okay, Gumdrop, this is Rouston_ We ._.

02 02 58 45 CMP Gumdrop; Roger.

02 02 58 59 CDR Anything else you wanted, Rusty?

02 02 59 02 I_{P Yes, you got to get that checklist going fast.

Shoot, ] can't get my hose plugged in. God dmnn


02 02 59 20 CC Gumdrop, Houston. Wc'd like to turn the heaters

and H2 tank's 1 mhd 2 off.

OP 02 59 27 CI'_:> Okay, you haw_ to stand by a few moments.

02 02 59 30 CC Roger; understand, Gumdrop.

02 fl'259 37 IZU' I'd like to get flow, Dave,

02 02 59 54 I',IP ... Can you give me flo%'?

D__- _age_6 '"'""k.k_t_el'_tfA't'
"'_' '--'""'
Tape 09-03601

02 03 00 07 C_ _ You got full flow, haven't you?
02 03 O0 09 P'_ ... know. I can't tell.

i 05 03 O0 12 Cl,_ ... give it to you _n that first co]umn.

02 03 O0 41 P4P Okay, I'm going to switch C05_4S, so give me a

few seconds, and then turn my suit power on.

02 03 O0 46 C_,_ Okay.

_L'_NFitDENI_ (.
Tape 09-0360Z

i ' DAY 4
¥ 03 00 40 07 CZR Hello there, tape recorder. It's working fine.
i The time riKbt now is 72:h0:10. The cabin down
· to what, 3.5?

t 03 O0 hO 16 CDR I can see it.

I 03 00 40 CDR PGNS to AUTO.

O3 O0 40 _._ Okay.

03 00 40 CDR ... all the way to zero?

03 00 CDR You got that?

03 00 CDR PRESS in the cabin at th_s time.

03 00 CDR ... Rusty? Hey, on the tape, remember we have

to be on the air for ...

03 00 CDR But we still have about 1 psi.

03 00 CDR Oddly enough, it's not goin_ do_m.

03 00 4] -- CDR ... 243, and we're down to about - holdin_ at

_ about 0.7 of a psi. I'll never get the door open
against that ...

03 00 CDR Well, we ... opened ...

03 00 _._ LATCH HA_LE to UNLOCK.

03 00 CDR ... to where? ... not at all ... over any farther,

03 O0 44 29 _ Unlock it?

03 00 44 30 CDR Right there. No, I can't pull it open, None.

03 00 CDR ... and the pressure seal's broken, too.

03 O0 45 CDR ... air bubbles _n it ...

_ c-fON.F!DENt,

Tape 09-03601

03 O0 _5__ CDR ... yes ... Slowly.

J 03 O0 45 52 I2._ .. pulling the cabin off.

i 03 O0 45 56 CDR .*. we're at ...

03 O0 CDR ... I haven't got it ... no ...

03 O0 46 37 _ Hey, Dave, it's all open up over here.

03 O0 CDR ... making out ...

03 O0 ____ CDR Got the other LCG on.

03 O0 LMP Got that?

03 OO CDR Yes ... feeling ...

03 O0 48 06 CDR ... I'll pass you up your Hasselblad. Then I'll

pass you the camera - a movie camera right after
that. Thereafter ...

03 O0 h_ 53 CDR ... a couple of pictures and pass you the Hassel-

blad. You take a couple and pass it back ...
the movie c_mera, and I'll take some more pictures
of ...

03 O0 49 _4P ... back to ... where it belongs.

03 O0 49 CDR It's now 47. Further on at 47; it's now _9:35.

Do you read ...

03 O0 49 __ _4P .., cooling yet?

03 O0 &9 CDR It ... up.

03 O0 49 CDR .., up, lock, flying )-our tether?

03 O0 h9 D._P Yes.

03 O0 50 CDR .., it's now - 72:50, and we've turned tile ...
on ..., cool, and Rusty said he feels the cooling
I 2Om_ ...

03 00 51 __ CDR We're all set over here, Dave. You're - you're

clear to LKPRESS. Ve:y good.

' .,I;;INFID 'Tf Day
Tape agoS9

03 00 CDR ... buckle do_ .... 10 is ail bent out of shape,

but it'll ... pull it's ... Oh, it's alri_ht now

03 O0 52 09 CDR Got to be careful now; that's sharp on the door

handle ...

03 00 52 _4P The ... will wipe that out.

03 00 52 CDR ... the back handle.

03 O0 52 20 _,_ I have it Velcroed closed again.

OB O0 CDR Okay. We're doing fine .... tangle on any of

the knobs, either, on the way out .... ]0 minutes
to sunrise ...

03 O0 53 31 CDR Houston, you read Spider? %_en's our next station

J pass over there, Rusty?

' 03 O0 56 22 _4P Hello, Carnarvon. Do you read Spider? ...

_; 03 00 56 CDR That's alright.

03 O0 57 CDR 5_is is Spider, transmitting, in the dark. If

you can read - fine - if you don't - too bad.
It's 72:57; we've had this cabin depressurized now
for about 12 minutes. Looks 3ike it's going
along fine. Had a little trouble getting the door
open, but it's open now .... seems to be workin_
alright, and - Dave is in the process of depres-
surizing the cor;mand modu]e ... G_v_y, this is
Spider .... anything when you open the door.
... Okay, ... the goaltender - keep everythin_
in ... Hey, we're about - somewhere between -
7 minutes of bein_ a sunrise, Dave. You might
go ahead and start the door ... quieter now ...
I wasn't hearing any data for a lonK time; I
wasn't hearing any noise for a long time, then
about ... it sort of dribbled on down. I thou?bt
that's what that ... was ... Crank that up -
It was Just as clear as a hell. _ow it's not
making as much as it was before you entered ...
cooling. Cooling ... Hey, let's hope it swings
back again now ...

03 O0 CI._ Are you in the - re]ay -

,. ,L/iiNFID ENT A
Tape Page
09-0360] CLDENTIAL
03 O0 CDR I think it's going to get to be sunlight pretty
soon .... see Hawaii on the horizon ...

03 00 _._ Shoot that other - go ahead, I - There's nothing

I can do about that ...

03 O0 CDR ... the door ... the door on your hoses ... Well,
alright ...

03 OO C_._ Looks pretty good.

03 OO CDR Hey, that's far enough, why don't you Just hang
right there unti] ... _ny don_t you just stay
there until the SuIl gets up ... You holler, Dave,
when you - Looks ]_ght enough to take a picture.
___ v_p_ _tt.v n_at_ h_lh? T _]an t.n n_ _nnn _

Rusty gets out of the way. I especially rolled

back the shade, Just so I could see you, Dave.

03 O0 C_._ Very good.

03 O0 CDR Okay, I'm going to reset the DET here and get
her going up ... over there, Dave. Now we'll fly
'- D_DBAr_.. LIMIT CYCLE? ... that ought to about

%- do it, hadn't it? ... Mr. Schweickart, proceed

out the door ... I see a little hag full of ...
floating away. Red dot on _t. Try mine. Davey,
hey - Rusty, the ... is going to be useless from
in here except to take a picture of Dave, which
I am going to do here in just a minute. Why don't
you Just stand out there and Just sort of ... easy
for a while. Get that door all the way closed
there for fear we'll never get it open again ....
down there, Davey.

03 01 09 07 CI_ Hey, Rusty, _hy don't you throw the - Let me see
if I can - What he's - Everybody's tethered do%m
except me. Very interesting.

03 Oi CDR Hey, Rusty, why don't you ... gloves working out,
Dave? ... Rusty, the sun's hot on those gloves.
... the camera?

03 01 12 __ CDR Houston, this _s Spider. Anybody reading us? ...

Davey ... Just a second, and I'll send in the movie
cmmera. Send tbe movie cmmera for that ... minutes
ONFtDEN' Day - 61
Tape 09-03601

into a 15-minute pass .... left hand up a minute,


03 O1 14 _,_ Okay.

03 O1 14 CDR Just checking it. What was that, a bolt?

(Laughter) It's a little mole in a hole over
there, you pop up every once in a while ... See
you're still getting rid of a lot of that Junk ...
Well, it's Just dirt though. (Laughter) ...
you're feeling, Dave. Keep hopping back down like
that; that's a good idea. I said keep hopping up
and down like that; it looks like a good idea.
... Not far enough, huh? Good, how you feeling?

03 O1 16 -- LMP Fine.
03 01 16 CDR ... stay up another 30 minutes.

O3 01 16 _._ ...

03 01 16 CDR I_ll ... the sequence ca,!era if you're through

with that other one. Sure isn't .... out there;
shoot, I could have taken it ...

03 O1 17 56 CDR Yes, send the camera back in here; I'll take a

picture - a couple of pictures like that.

03 O1 LM_ ...

03 01 CDR How about getting over by the other window? That

one's in the shade.

03 01 _4F Okay.

03 O1 18 _3 CDR ... See you out this one. Let me see if every-
thing is still set. You have a reflection of
you - Oh, I'vc got to havc that camera and _et
you - I can see you - Yes - and in your visor,
our spacecraft Gumdrop completely all the way
down to the bottom of the service module and the
whole earth behind you.

03 O1 19 04 _._ Where?

03 O1 19 05 CDR ... your visor; it's really fantastic ... even

with you as soon as we get back together. Hey -
Tape 09-03601

; Rusty, let me ... emm.era back in or I'll send

you the
EVerything's sequence going c_mera
along .... fine ahead,
up here. Houston.
Do you
'_ have anything special that you want done in this

i pass? .. sure we can get that configured out

quickly .... I want to get it through there
without putting a hole in that door .... the
time limit. How you feeling, Rusty? Hey, you
want to go ahead and try to run the thing for
the ... passes and the one night pass? ... think
we might be able to do that for you. The thing
that bothers me is that - if it does - we may have
to reconsider how we are going to do that ...
tomorrow. We're going to have to _et sotne slee T,
here sometime .... it over and see what you
decide. Hey, Rusty, why don't you start haullnK
it out again?

03 O1 TJX:= Okay ... Let me ...

03 O1 CDR Hey, I sort of felt that way, too. I don't think

we ought to try that transfer for cure ... we'll
terminate here .... come on out, wherever you
are .... Rusty, why don't you lean over here
again. I'd sure like to get a picture of that
whole scene .... fantastic ... those window marks
are all over there ... Okay ... Dave, let me
get around here where I can get a picture, too ...
These marks all over the window. Shoot, oh dear
... You're ahead when you're out there, you know.
This isn't a contest between you and that s_mple
... Hey ... Someplace that's not too hard to
recognize ... f:ll your stop, set on infinity'
... I wanted one out there. No, the other ones
, were taken at - It depends on - One of them got
knocked over ... Got knocked over when you were -
when it was going out ... better leave it there.
; ... know there's a washer between the two panes
of our overhead window? It's 2h minutes throurh
the run. We've got about another 15 minutes, and
then we should start thinking about _ettinc back
in .... the water's all dirty. Thin_s are st_]l
falling out up there. _]at are you doing, throw-
ing everything overboard? ... it sticks out, hut
the city doesn't. (Laughter) The winds look
pretty strong ... Clouds ... Hey ... blue from

Tape 09-03601

up here ... Ilo, I haven't h,_ard him say anything

eitber ,.. This is Spid,.r; dc, you read? ...
Yes, I heard him then ... This ... Spider, do
you read?

03 O1 34 14 CDR Hey Rusty, _-hy don't you p_u;s the cent.

era back in
here, and work on the h_,adl,, holds up to - hand-
] rails up there for Just FL minute. Come here and

} let me get this other _m,- zipped in.

03 O1 I24P Yes.

03 O1 CDR Easy out there, I don't want you - gett_n_ ...

Sun's really bright ... that tether - You're
getting things in and out, but they are sort of
out of control. Just K_ttZn_i tilcm through theft -
!_ that last part of the dor,_, there - They ricochet
off everything on the door ... Want the camera
back again?

03 O1 35 35 IiL° NO, that's alrisht.

03 Ol 35 -- CDR You've got about 10 raor,_ m_utes out there _n_

then you ought to start c/Jr;lingback in. Be ir]
when it's still light out:;_de ... Shoot some-
thing out there, _e'll make a satellite. Coming
- right between your l_-_s.

03 O1 36 lh LMP Is it rea]dy?

03 O1 36 15 CDH No, it bounced off on your knees ... FigLu-ed it

would he. Dave, if - if you _ if you don't think
;: you can hack it - ... }{eck, Rusty, why don't you
t get out there and move around a little hit and -
i if Dave - Hey, there _'_,._1your camera, Dave. kqly
don't you exercise th_ h,_rldrafl a little bit just
to sec how they work and ... very far up, _nd if
Dave gets a picture £_n,'; iF he doesn't, well,
that's Just too bad. H!.':I not to _o 90 degrees
to that way, Dave.

03 O1 CMP Yes.

03 O1 37 __ CDR tley, you ... looks w-ry g_',.at either. (Laughter)

... see one of those th_n;U_ before, Dave?

03 O] 37 __ CMP ...

-- %.Ul_il IL/LI ',l , ,, _ll[J

Day 4 - Page 64

Tape 09-0360]

03 O1 CDR Why don't you come over and get the thermal s_mple
and get it in, so we don't have to mess around.

03 Od I2.9P That's a good idea.

03 O1 38 OO LMP ... movie camera. If it runs again, _t'll be a

miracle .... Jusv gotten bashed around that ...
doesn't hook on to it right and it slides up and
down the wire, and ib's got that stretch cable
in it, so every time the tension comes out the
stretch cable slams it into something. Hold it.

03 O1 CDR Kind of smashed around a little bit, too. I

03 O1 CMP Okay - I've got it.
and that's about it when you're doin_ - work
like this with them .... the nut. (Laughter)
... If you'll Just - hanF on Just a second. Oh,
goodness! Get do,ua in there food. Ah - ...

03 O! 39 __ L_4P Yes.

; 03 O1 39 47 CDR Rusty, I want you to evaluate those handles and -

when you get through with them, I want a cone]u-
sion from you on whether or not - A practica] way
of doing it, like we've already sa_d it is.

03 O1 39 LMP Okay.

03 O] CDR Use the radar antenna.

03 O] 41 CDR Hey, Itt me - any left of that one. Go on back

-- down it again, and, Dave, did you get your movie
camera running yet? Got 4 minutes. (Lau?hter)
When the _ minutes arc over, we're going to have'
to come hack in without thc movies. If we Fet
them, fine .... in the window here, can you?

03 O1 ['] C:._F Okay_

03 O] _l CDR ... getting good pictures is to take a ]ot of

them. These aren't going to be very good; you
Just can't - You're Just not over far enouFJl.

03 O] _2 CMP They pretty good? ...

%___f_F_IEIF_E_ITIA L_,_ DayTape
_ - 09-03_01
Page 65

03 O1 CDR Good idea. Don't touch the quads.

03 O1 43 __ CDR The trouble is, I've got this glass here with all
the marks on it. I'm trying to take pictures
around there_ I'm not sure I'm succeeding ...
Dave_ you've got about 2 minutes to take some
pictures. Why don't you turn it on - and, Rusty,
why don't you go up ~ go up and down the - doll
to the shoes and up there a_ain and call it quits?
Hey, Dave, you have it running yet? ... set it
on 24 frames a second .... because - to come in.
Hey, Rusty, why don't you start coming back in?
... Oh, shoot. Sure like to. The door finally
got itself closed and stuck now, agaln.

03 01 46 CDR ... golly. I'll do my best to stay out of your

way. The only trouble is my hoses are kind of
% out where you're liable to hit them. I th_nk
! they are out of your w_y .... Hey, this way.
, Can you get over towards me .... stand right up,

! you'll be all set ..,

03 O1 46 43 CDR Don't let the hatch go closed, whatever you do

... Okay, now see _f you - pull up all the
straps; pull up all the tethers.

! 03 01 46 _,_ Okay .._

03 01 46 CDR ... right there on my h_a ... Some more now.

One long strap hanging do_m. Look out now ...

03 0I _7 __ CDR Go to that - We Ko to that ? plus ]5 checklist

right there ... Come on egress forward hatch,
closed and locked .... That's right, that's
right here. Give me a while to go do%m and get
that thing closed. I Just wanted to make sure
you got back inside ... Some trouble with the
hatch, everytime it's - once closed_ it hun K up
up there on the top ,.. Sure we're clear that
thing vhile it's still dayli_ht. Here, we've
got to close that thing So I can see the hatch
before I try to lock it ... I think it's okay
... No, like the way it is. The best thing you
could do is if - if you can - is to gather this
tube up here ... keep it up off the Floor ...
0kay, Davey, you ought to start getting your
hatch closed ... Start getting your hatch closed
Day h - Page 66 _' - I A :'
Tape 09-03_0] _INI-IU EIN I I/-_ L

if you're not already doing it. Not quite. It's

closed, Just not locked ... What did you do with
that - I've got to get my head in front of your
; legs instead of behind it. That's good. It's
/ closed .... foot caught ... Let's go back to
the 215 thing there. Opps, Just stay right there.
Okay. Can I - Let me get the cloth over it. Hey,
don't - I got it. VALVE, AUTO. And this one
should be in AUTO. PRESS going to AUTO. Yes,
let's see - What's - _at are the steps after
and it's 4.4 psi ... I'll do it at _6:10 ....

Right FLOW CONTROL, CLOSED .... GO .... ears.

t Huh? ... Start REPRESSING it ... What's that?

03 O1 52 09 I2,._ AlriKht ...

03 O1 52 10 CDR Okay.

03 O1 52 38 CDR Okay, we're at 2 psi.

03 O1 52 48 CDR 2.3.

03 O1 52 59 CDR Okay, 3. I don't even see the cabin pressure ...

3.5. 4.L. You're comin_ up with it, or you're
slipping d3wn? ... CB(16) SUIT FLOW, CLOSED.
Okay. Pressure increasing, give C_P GO for
· or,
REP. E,,_ Hey, Gumdrop, this is Spider here.
REPRESS here about 68. Yes. They're giving you
a plugged nickel for that. I wasn't sure we were
even going to be up here today. (Laughter) Here
you go. Hey, they got PLSS 02, OFF? Hey, I2.iP

operates the OPS PURGE valve to depress the suit.

You found that? DEPRESS valve closes at h.4.

If LM DESCENT 02 - Yes - ... valve, OPEN; OVa{HEAD

DbT[P valve, AUTO ... EVA systems. Oh, CABIN
REPRESS - For him, yes. EVA systems configura-
tion. FAN 1, CLOSE. CABIN FAN 2, anyway - FAN 2.
that's Just - Oh, we're not going to eressurize
him .... Take your helmet off? Put this stuff
back on if we're going to pressurize him. Don't

Day - P go67
TaD e 09-036©1

' want to oyen up a big hole in the roof with - if

! he's in a vacuum. Just like opening up the Front

; valve. How you doing over there? ... the other
hoses. Stand by Just a minute, Dave. Just want

i to put Rusty, on the suit hoses - the spacecraft,

and I'll be rizht with you. The blue in the red
hole ... Yes, but mine do. I want to Force it
in. Push it in again if you want to push on it
... start all you do is push it ... Hey, Dave,
are you ready? PRESS. Hey, come and repress
you with our oxygen ... like to have me pressurize
you with the _._ oxygen. Okay. Here, I'm cut off.
... I can hear something ... goes along and stops
... Great. Cabin pressure now. Very good. He
can cut off again; he goes along; drops right off
like that. There's a - there's a long string of
static that - just cuts off. i thought i just
saw a whole bunch of those. There's another - a
copper w_th a screw to it .... man, here comes
your old gas. I'll give you ... pressure_ Rusty,
would you read that to me?

03 02 00 32 _Q' Good ... 0.8.

03 02 00 CDR ... comin_ up, Rus -or Dave? _%e 02 quantity?

... I - I'm cutting it off myself, too, because
there's - so much crap floating around back there_
and I want to get in the dump valve. No, it's
not .... yes, now, Dave .... point 2, 4.2 ...
you're Just a little more ... stop right there.
... for you. Go ahead and start reconfi_urin_%
here now_ i've given you all you're going to get.
helmet and _loves.

03 02 CMP Go to it.

03 02 CDR ... all the ... does not have those liners on_
Look at that .... that's it.

03 02 03 47 CDR Okay, we'll see you later. How we want to eon-

figure ... can't hear me, I don't believe. Can
you? I can't ... out of here .... hear you ....

03 02 07 __ CDR Houston, this _s Spider here .... repressurize

at this time. Everything's hunky-dory on board,
Day b 09-03601
- Page 68 _/l?'_g'_/""/'"_KIE|l"_r-I_l'"Fl_lli_

and we're Just reconfiKmrin_. We're trying -

we're trying to make that TV pass for you ....
hold onto this, and ]'11 put the cover back on
this thing you've ... close up with these on.
... Hello!

03 02 07 35 LMP }fe]lo_

03 02 07 37 CDR Okay_ ]et me turn off your VOX. Okay.

03 02 12 27 I2,_' Okay, you're back in basic over here.

03 02 12 28 CDR Ah'iFht. Okay. Let's - Why don't you hold

these, and I'll go put your helmet in the back
so Jt won't float away, and then we'll take that
crap off.

03 02 12 45 I2,? Well, okay. Then we got to re - we got to re-

chary,e it before we tak_, it off.

03 02 12 52 CDR Uh oh. _lat I did with that thing ...

03 02 12 59 _,H' I tell you, one thin_ I kept wanting to get out

of here was that helmet bag of mine. Holy

03 02 74 l] ]_P Thank you, by the way.

03 02 ll_ ]2 CDR Okay, appreciate it. That's what we c_me up here

for. I just don't want you _etting yourself

03 02 14 ]9 _'_ No, We]l_ ] agree _ith you on that one. let's

see if we can avoid it the rest of the trip.

03 02 14 34 CDR Oh, :d_oot!'s - let's get this ... up before

_o - It's _ re_] ratIs nest.

03 02 lh hO I24P Yea, You want to try to keep it in there?

03 02 ]1_ 48 CI}I! ¥;e;], ] don't know wLat the hell else to do with
it, do you?

03 02 ]_l 51 I2.._P Okay, well, why don't I fold it while you do

r;nr,ethJ nK useful.

03 02 ]_ 53 CDL ¥i_s. Okay. Hey -

i. I:ID
-_.,_J,m_ ,, _-- .
- ..... DayTape
4 -09-03601
page 69

03 02 1_ 59 I2dP Oh, by the way, we want to change out the - the

LiOH, and do a lot of things, you know, while
it's still on.

03 02 15 05 CDR Yes, r_ght.

03 02 16 35 CDR Get that later. Okay, we don't need the - this

anymore, do we?

03 02 16 42 L_,'d
_ Hey, - could you turn dovuL my intercom volu_.e a
l_ttte bit? Youfre killing me.

03 02 16 h8 CDR IIow'_ that? i, 2, 3, h, 5-

03 02 16 50 I2,lP No, still too loud. Lower. Okay, good, great,
{ whoa!

, 03 02 16 55 CDR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5- How's that?

03 02 16 56 [2,IP That's good.

i 03 02 16 58 CDR You need this anyx_ore?

03 02 17 0O I2'IP A - Yes.

O_%02 17 02 CDI_ Save that for the recharge.

03 02 17 03 LMP Yes, re - the recharge. Okay, why don't you

start readin 6 the checklist here, whi]e I finish
this up.

03 02 17 26 CDR Forgot to put the purge valve in your thing.

03 02 17 30 L_,_' In my what?

03 02 17 32 CDR Your helmet bag.

03 02 17 33 I2.!F Oh yes.

03 02 17 45 CDR Shoot.

03 02 18 OO _.TP Shoot, mr_n, the control out there is easy as pie.

My God, I wasn't even movini].

03 02 18 29 IZ._P Gee, too bad we couldn't quite sec Houston.

Day _- Page 7O F_-_
Tape 09-03601 _N

03 02 18 31 CDR Yes, that was a shaJn,e, wasn't it?

03 02 18 33 IJH) Yes. '_fonder why they left the radio?

03 02 18 39 CDP, I don't know. I wonder what happened to our

c_%meras. We better check these mothers and see

if they still work.

03 02 18 49 I24P Alrieht, that one does. It was working great


03 02 18 58 CDR Yes, it seems like it does. After we got that

{ H handle on it, we'll never get it off.

H 03 02 19 04 I3._P Yes. Okay,

the - -
now I Kot to - I'm ready to put

03 O? 19 12 CDR ... that.

03 02 19 15 12.[P No, that's Just that decal. I'm ready to put

the flap around this thing.

03 02 19 21 CDR %.5:oop. You better look that one over. It really

got bashed around coming in.

03 02 19 2h I24P Yes. Hey, wait a minute. Don't - don't -


: POSITION 3; connect the [21 CO_._ audio. CO>_._[DEH
SUIT ISOI_\TION, SUiT FLOW. k_mergency cabin repress.
Okay, we finished all that. Okay, that helped.

03 02 20 h2 I_,_ _ Okay. Here's the tether.

03 02 20 51_ CDP, Okay, here's the checklist. I'll trade you.

03 02 20 56 Lf.H' Okay, ]et me see whether I can move here. Okay.

03 02 21 06 CMP Spider, G,mmdrop.

03 02 21 09 LqP AlriFht, _o ahead, Gumdrop.

03 02 21 10 CMP How you doinr over there?

03 02 2] 12 k',IP Fi - Okay, we're trying to get through the - the

mess in here, and get it back stowed again.

C_ _ Day h - Page 71
T f_u,,i-i
II_,u.. -, i Tape 09-03601

03 02 21 18 C!'_
F_ Okay, now. Everything's cleared away over here.
/ We're back up to 521, tim- 02 flow high's down,
} and everything looks good.

03 02 21 26 U.5° Okay.

03 02 21 30 CDR Good Job, David Scott.

03 02 21 34 CI._P Good Job to you guys. That was really a neat

demonstration. That mad -_ it look pretty easy.

03 02 21 46 LLIP Yes, it really wa_s, as a matter of fact. Okay.

03 02 22 09 I3,!p Okay, we can go red to red - red to blue, and

b!_!e tn red, if you want. ! don't want to.
Okay. Here we go. Next - -

03 02 22 15 CDR ... you g_ive me that other EVA card over there.

03 02 22 20 MX}* Okay. I didn't figure out the rendezvous -

Well, we'll do that later. Okay, lo_ the

03 02 22 28 CC ...

03 02 22 32 12,_P Houston, this is th_ Spider.

03 02 22 34 CDR Let Dave talk to them. We got to get this mess

cleaned up.

03 02 22 39 CMP And Houston, this is Gumdrop. Back up to 5-1

and evcrythir,_ is very nominal.

03 02 22 44 CDR Let me see this Just a minute.

03 02 22 h5 LMP Okay, that's rlf,ht where we want to he.

03 02 22 46 CDN Well, let's see - -

03 02 22 47 CC We copy, Gmmdro p.

03 02 22 h8 L'._
_ PYAs23. Houston, this is Spider.

03 02 22 54 CC Copy.

03 02 22 5I [2"-}_ Spider, wha - here, Houston. klqat time was that

/ _R; pass?
' D'EIx A L
Tale 09-03601
C'"" ' I"'ENItA'%-
03 02 23 09 C_'_Q
_ Spider ...

03 02 23 17 I24P Hey, Gl_mdrop, ] can't read them. See if you can

get it. (Cou_h_ n_ )

03 02 23 20 Ci.5
° Ro_er. Understand. Houston, 7h plus 57 to 75
plus ]3. Is that correct?

03 02 23 28 I2,tP Yes.

03 02 2B 30 CMP Okay, you copy?

03 02 23 33 CDR Yes, we got it..

03 02 23 35 CMP He copied,

03 02 23 37 _' Okay, - Lovk, that's strictly a CO_',2.f

thinc. _rhy
don't we set that up now - -

03 02 23 40 CDR Yes. ,lust set it up?

03 02 23 h2 [2.9P - - and then press on w_th the rest,

n3 _2 23 4_ CDR That's what I think we probably ought to do.

03 02 23 44 Il-IF Okay?

03 02 23 45 CDP Yes.

03 02 23 46 IJ4P Let mc, get th_s TV out.

03 02 23 47 CDR !,_ayhcwe can _ct that PLSS off your ba_k_ r_nd -
and move _t hack here a little %'ays.

03 02 2]4 h9 I2._
_ Well, 1'1] _ell you what, let's get -

03 02 23 50 CDR Why don't we hurry up and do that, and then we

can - --

03 02 23 5] I24F Let's see a - okay ...

03 02 23 53 CDR Read the checklist.

0'% 02 23 54 I;.'_i' Okay_ read tLe checklist. Lo_ DRLTA-S of the

LiO}_ a_d 02 r_c}large Okay, _'1] rese_ _t here.

. N F ENT'kA'E
CONFID Tape - 09-03601 73
03 02 2h 02 CDR We still have the tape on. ] _uess I should turn
t it off, huh?
'_ 03 02 24 06 I24}' Yes, it's all ...

03 16 56 22 D.!P ... COr._.ichecks incomplete, and I guess the only

thing we found is that my PTT doesn't seem to work
at all. Let me try it one more time here.

03 16 56 34 12._' Okay, how do you read now? Gumdrop, how do you

read, Spider? Gumdrop, how do you read Spider?

03 it, >1 U> l_,n

_ · · . it doesn't work on r_z. _uw AII_Lf[ tZb b±11_3_

enough, Jim - ... over to a ... Spider ... I went

to - I'm on VOX now ... is that the intercom bus
should not be triggered ... ]'he ta_e recorder does
not go off. It looks like there's somethin7, funny
there_ too .... I'm sorry .... on ¥OX, and on VOX
the intercom bus should not be triggered except when
I'm talking .... The tape is going off now.

03 17 34 38 L',,q
_ Hey, tape, in ease you're working, I'd like you to
know that tl_e window shades in the I24 are no dmmn
good. They - they let in too much light for one
thing; and, for another thing, they're extremely
difficult to reinstall after you've taken them
down one time.

03 17 34 52 CDR And when you take them down, then they don't roll

03 17 34 54 12U _ Okay, and I _Taess we ou6_ht to also say a few other

thin_s here. When we put in the LDC DSKY circuit
breaker, it turned out that even though we'd gone
to STANDBy on the - system staF_e, we were not in
STANDBY when we pushed in the LDC DS}fY circuit
breaker. It c_me up with a flashing 37 in P06, and
what else have we got? The com_nander's OPS heater
circuit breaker - or, heater test fliKht se_med to
be either inoperative or intermittent, dcpendinr,
on which Lime you do them. I couldn't get them to
work at all today. They didn't work for me the
other day, hut Jim did it one time and it worked.
Also, the - yes, excuse me - [2,.Q_ pTT, either umbil-
ical or on the ACA, is inoperative today, and the
only way I can transmit is with the V0]'[, which
works fine. Okay, tape, and you're go[ny OFF at
89:36. 2, 1 -


Day 4 - Page 74
0903601 I,DEN'T'PA'k
03 17 36 00 If/J' _RH..

03 17 36 01 LJ4P 89:36 and you're going OFF.

03 18 23 26 Lf_P ... tape· The time is now 90:23 - and we Just

finished pressurizing the aseent system, and
following that, we cyc}e the ascent feed valves,
that ... already been positioned on the system's
day, and I noticed that when we cycled - recycled
the ascent feeds l, and the ascent feeds 1, in
both systems open, that ... valves went OPEN. I
could feel them in my Feet.

03 13 24 12 Lq? Was that 9 - 90:2_ - 90 -

03 18 24 18 C')E iley, let's see HCa3 cold Fire.

03 18 24 22 IJ_P That's a swingin_ idea· Let me Just make sure

of that again now· (Cou_zhin_z) I want these
open. Okay. Okay, CSM _!IN L-_Z&DBA_D and ATTITUDE
HOLD so - -

03 18 24 40 CD!{ Well, let's try to do without that.

03 18 24 42 lflP Okay· X-TRANSLATION of h Jgq'S·

03 18 21_ 46 CDR _ JFTS.

03 18 24 47 I2..'P Verify quad temperature's 120·

03 18 24 48 C[Xt I've already done that.

03 18 24 49 I2dP Have you reset the D_T time?

03 18 24 51 CDR ·,O ·

03 18 24 52 I21}
_ Okay. Those have been - We've been ahove 120
for an hour and 25 minutes right now. We ou_'ht
to keep track of that.

03 18 24 59 CDF, Right. Okay, got that·

03 18 25 03 [2_' ©k_y, the _Y_:_. A and B QUAD ISOLATION VAL\_j,

eight, OPE:I; ATTITUDE CO,_ .D_, three, to MODE
CONTROL. It's verified MODE CO.,_,©L, ATTIIU_

ID'EN- Pf;
Tape 09-0360]

03 18 25 18 CDR They're veri£_ed.

03 18 25 20 I24/_ Okay, and mine are OPEN here.

03 18 25 22 CDR Okay, mine are OPEN.

'_; 03 18 25 25 I2._P V_r_B 48, ENTER; LOAD the DAP.

03 18 25 32 CDR Okay, what mm I going to put in it?

03 18 25 34 I2_fP 2012.

J 03 18 25 36 CDR 201 -

i I 03 18 25 45 M.IP Alright. Yes, we're

I i i

03 18 25 46 CDR 2012.

03 18 25 47 I_[P Hey, look, while you're there - here, why don't

we load those up right now.

03 18 25 50 CDR Okay. Sure will.

03 18 25 55 I3._P Okay, LM weight - -

03 18 25 58 CDR Go.

03 18 25 59 I_,_P - - is 22 1_5. The C_M weight is 27 009.

03 18 26 13 CDR Right.

03 18 2_ 16 I2gF Okay, PROCEED. And these angles now - are plus

00428 and 00730. Okay, ENTE_, and the VERB 34.

03 18 26 42 I24P Okay. V_]!_B77, E_T_....

03 18 26 59 I24P V_R 15, NOUN 01, ENTER. That ought to get it.

03 18 27 O] CDR Okay.

O_ 18 27 12 I2._P Okay, roll, pitch, and yaw.

03 18 27 4'? i_,_P Let's get this thing - out. Okay. I don't want
to read that rendezvous radar.

03 18 27 _9 CI/R Okay.

Day h - Page 76 _,{_'t. Itl A I._
Tape 09-03_01 '_"_..21'NFiTgZL"I
',_ H ,"_t.L'_l_

03 ]8 27 52 I_"_P Okay,

03 18 28 23 L'._P Okay, VERB ]1, NOUN lO, E_:TER; 5, E_YEE]_.

03 ]8 28 36 CDR Easy ups an_ dowms.

03 18 28 37 I3'_ _ CO,',?IANDER, ACA, roil and pitch at 245, 132, 226,

on pitch. Okay. And 151.

03 18 28 59 CDR Okay.

03 18 29 00 lJ._
_ Okay. TTCA, up and down, 252 and i25. Okay.

03 18 29 28 [J,_P Okay, ENTER; 6, ENTE]_. Okay, yaw, right, ]eft,

252 and 125, - and right, - -

0] 18 29 40 CDR Wait.

03 18 29 41 LMP - - left, fore, aft, 220, 140, 11, and 6.

0'_ 18 29 50 CDR Okay.

03 12 30 04 I2,_P They all work. Okay, ]'1] _re it VERB 76,

ENTER; V_B ll, NOUN ]O, E_T_, 31.

03 18 }0 23 CDR Do we - do we do the ... for the AUTO - -

03 18 30 25 i2._P Sir?

03 18 30 26 CDR ... too?

03 18 30 27 I34P We're doing it right now. Okay, roll, pitch -

No, not yet.

03 ]PJ 30 31 CDR Okay.

03 18 30 32 h%It
' Roll, pitch, and yaw, 57, 37, 76, 75, 67, arid 73.

03 18 31 06 IZ.? Okay, now AUTO, 5, okay ...

03 18 31 09 C_.{}' Spider, this Js Gtamdrop. You got a]ignmer_t?

03 18 3] 12 I;..q
_ Very good. Okay, ]et rae Just mark down that we
did that at 90 --

03 18 3] 20 CDR Okay, we']l bo with you Jn Just a m_nute, Ouff;]ro_.

Tape 09-03601

03 18 31 23 Cl'-_ Roger.

03 18 31 41 CDR Rea] good. }{e sounded real good.

03 18 32 05 L_? Gumdrop, how do you read? Okay, Gumdrop, you

can go into your MIN DSbtDBAND, ATTITUDE HOLD,
and read out the 06 20 for us.

03 18 32 20 CMP Roger, stand by l.

03 18 33 06 CI__ Okay, here's those ... here and we're MIN DEAD-

03 18 33 12 I24P ...

03 18 33 13 C_._P 14749, 29000, 34671.

03 18 33 26 L',_P Okay, 14749, 29000, 34671.

03 18 33 33 C:._ Got you, babe.

03 18 33 35 I_._' Okay. Be right w_th you.

03 18 33 40 CDR (Singing)

03 18 34 32 l_4P Okay, you ready? VERB 41, _OUN 20, ENTER. Okay,
plus 15487. That's a OO_ Plus 02000. That's
a GO. Plus 01329, and that's a GO.

03 18 35 25 I24P Okay, it's there? Okay, VERB 40, NOUN 20, ENTER.
Okay, G_mdrop, ATTI2qII)EHOLD is nc longer re-
quired, and anytime you get a chance, get an
0620 and give us a _._ARKwhen you do.

03 ]8 35 48 Cr4P Roger_ 3, 2, ] -

03 18 35 51 CMP _4_K.

03 18 35 52 I2._P Okay, K_ve us another 3, 2, 1, MARK.

O3 18 35 55 CMP 3, 2, I -

03 18 35 57 CMP _%_RK.

03 18 35 58 1J'-q_ Okay, now readout.

03 18 35 59 Cb?P Okay, 14735, 28980, 31_C53,

Tape 09-0360l

03 18 36 14 12_]
_ Let me see if I got those. 24735, 28980, 34653.

03 18 36 24 C,MP That's correct.

03 18 36 25 Ii.IP Okay, thank you.

03 18 36 29 CC Spider and Gumdrop, this is Houston through the

_ r',ercury. Got you about 4 minutes, and I cop_ed

your CSM angles.

03 18 36 36 II_.r Okay, you ready for the I2.!angles?

03 18 36 37 CC Go ahead'.

03 18 36 38 L%5p Okay, I'm going to HIGH bit rate for you, first;
and the [.3,_ ang!_n, 15476; 01907, 01305.

03 18 36 54 CC Roger. I'll read those back in Just a second.

We'd like to have a new memory dur_p. We're
standing by. Anytime, on your MARK.

03 18 37 O0 I_.T Okay, stand by Just 1. Let me finish up the

dock l_ne-up procedure, and we'll be right with

03 18 37 06 CC Okay, reading back your angles: CSM 1_735,

28980, 34653. Th_. _:_
' 15_76, 0_90,,1
_ nl_nq_.

03 18 37 26 I,MP UP Charlie. Okay, VERB 25, NOUN 07, ENTER.

03 18 37 32 CI,[P Houston, GuLmdrop.

03 18 37 34 CC Go, Gumdrop.

03 18 37 35 I_,IP 77, ENTER.

03 18 37 36 Q4F ... torquing angles, if you're ready.

03 18 37 39 CC I'm ready ...

03 18 37 41 C[4F Ro_(r GET - -

03 18 37 42 flip 10 000, EUTER,

03 18 37 h3 CMR - - 03130.

03 18 37 46 1,5,? 1, ENTFZ_.

_Ir_N, JTi Day l; _ Page 79
Tape 09-03601

03 18 37 47 CMP - - plus 0109 - -

03 18 37 49 LMP VERB ], NOUN 1, ENT_.

03 18 37 51 C._,_
' - - minus 00363 - -

03 18 37 55 I2_P 77, E_ER.

03 18 37 56 CMP - - 00193.

03 18 37 59 LHP Okay, that's verified. VERB 37, ENTER; 51,


03 18 38 03 CC ... I copy.

03 18 38 04 CI,[P Alri_hty.

03 18 38 08 L_P THROTTLE two. Okay, and VERB 74, and I'll give
a 3, 2, 1, _tARK.

03 18 38 19 CDR Okay, GO.

03 18 38 20 IAQ) Okay, here we come with an E-memory dmmp, if

you're read_ yet, Houston.

03 18 38 24 CC And we're ... ready ...

03 18 38 06 L_.Ip Roger. 3, 2, 1 -

03 18 38 29 f2,_P r,ta_RK.

03 18 38 30 L',{P E-memory dump.

03 18 39 06 I24p Okay, we got the E-meI::orydump, and that was -

Let me get - I got TEL?2!ETRY, HIGH. Have we
got II_STR[_dENTATION B, CLOSED? Oh, balls, we

03 18 39 18 CDR No, I don't know _e need it on yet.

03 18 39 21 I_'.IP Well, it's supposed to be closed for the E-

memory dump. Right thure.

! 03 18 39 25 CDR Wonder why?

03 18 39 28 [!.? Houston, Spider.

03 18 39 30 CC Go ahead, Spider_

03 18 39 31 12.:P Roger. Just noticed that we don't have R&D

INSTRI_,_E._[TATION B, CLOSED - Or we did r_ot have
it closed for that E-memory dump, Do you want
to re-do that,? Why don't you close it now,

03 18 39 h4 CDR ...

03 ]8 39 45 CC ... we had a dropout of' telemetry, and - Stand


03 18 39 51 CDR I'm not sure that the - -

the E-memory dmnp.

03 18 39 55 I2IP Okay, understand_ A negative on the R&D B, and

another E-memory dump. 3, 2, 1 -

03 ]8 hO 02 I2_P ,'[f_RK.

03 18 hO 03 h'_P And, if you would, please rem_nd us tm flet that

R&D B in at some later date.

03 18 hO l0 CC Houston ...

03 18 40 ll CDR It's in the flight plan right up here.

03 18 40 13 CC We're not g,oinF. to get it here. We'll see you

over Antigua at about 03, Spider, give us LOW
bit rate if you read.

03 ]8 40 22 I2,IP Roger; LO;I bit rate - -

18 _0 2h CDR Yes, we showed a DF] VHF B ON at - over AntiKua.

03 18 _0 29 If._R Yes, okay. Well, I'm not sure, dim; it's in the
checklist, but I'm not sure whether a - because
of the E-memory -

03 18 [_0 32 CLR Yao. ] think it's Just - that ...

O_ 18 _0 35 CC Gmmdrop, Houston. If you still read me, we

didn't give you a NAV checkup, hut your - we

I myrape -mco

pulled a vector compare, and it's real good

and we are going to disregard it.

i 03 18 40 hh OMP Gmmdrop, Roger. Understand.

03 18 40 52 CDH 'dell, we're all through with al_ of our checks,

except - -

03 18 40 57 LMP Gimbal drive.

03 18 40 58 CDR - - frantic pass.

03 18 40 59 CMP ... hours. Is that affirm?

03 18 41 Oh LMP Except the landin_ what?

', 03 18 41 06 CDR Except the frantic pass.

· t
03 18 41 08 L'.IP Oh.

03 18 41 09 C[IN Anti_ua, Canaries, and -

03 1_ 41 12 lJ.H
_ Oh. we ought to be in Food shape for that, too.

O] 18 _1 13 CDR Yes. };e do a PIPA BIAS check here.

03 18 41 18 I;.U
> Yes. Okay, let's do that. Where is it?

03 18 41 2] CDR A REG check, too.

03 18 hi 22 I2._P Oh, _e _,ot to do that day,ned REG check. PIPA

BIAS check. Why don't we do that while we're
p]ayinf_ with the DSKt?

03 18 _1 31; CDR Yes, then we'll Ket the REG check right after
that. Then I think -

03 18 hl 43 ]_._P Gu_ndrop, Spider.

03 18 41 h4 CDR Yes, that's alr_ght. Okay.

03 18 41 46 cIyf Go.

03 18 hi h7 L'.!P Ro_er. Are you in FREE?

03 ]8 41 h8 C_,_
_ I'm there, yes.

Day 4 - page 82

03 18 41 49 I2__ And a_e your rates less then 0.17

03 18 41 5l C.'.IP Let me - let me ...

03 18 41 56 If? Okay .... a few little tweaks.

03 18 42 03 CI._P .--

03 18 42 05 I24P Okay, we'll advise when we've done our PIPA

BIAS check for you.

03 18 42 09 C5_' Okay.

03 18 42 14 127 Okay, VERB 25, NOUN 21, ENTel.

O] 18 42 27 If!P Okay, ENTER, ENTER, and _,ive me a .'.LtBK

when you
hit the third one.

03 18 42 31 CDR Ready, 3, 2, 1 -

02 18 42 33 CDR MA_K.

03 18 42 38 IJdP Okay, VERB 6, NOUN 21, E_?i'?.q_.

03 18 42 53 LS__ Okay, hit it again at 32.

03 18 43 07 I29P Okay, stand by. Okay, Gumdrop, you're clear

to do anything you want. We're done with thc
BIAS check.

03 18 43 ih C_uq
_ ...

03 18 43 15 L_fP Okay, that's different from the other day, isn't


03 1_ 43 17 rl)R It is.

03 18 43 18 !J4P Plus 05, plus 01, and plus 01.

03 18 43 27 CDR That's a nine.

1'. 03 18 _3 29 !2.73 Hey, it's a nine. Thank you. Okay_ do a
'.- _ VERB 06, NOUN 1, and let's look at it. 1452.
., It was ]2 before - -

03 18 43 51 CDR ...3.
-: '¢¢ Tape -09-03601
03 18 43 52 I34P Okay, so we can alter that one, and that - that
was a minus 3; that's now a plus 1. Okay, and
let's do an ENTk_; 1456, E2_TER and check the other
on e.

03 18 44 03 CDR Okay ....

03 18 44 09 I34P That was a plus 1, and it's still a plus 1.

Good old Z ... 0kay, so we want to change X and
Y. Okay, VERB 21, NOUN 1, ENTER. ]452, ENTE_.

03 18 44 30 [3CF Plus - -

03 18 44 31 CDR 09, ENTER.

03 18 44 32 II4P 09000, _2_TkR. ENTER 1454, ENTER. Plus 01000,

ENTER. Okay, you want to check the VERB 06,
NOUN 1; 1452. Let's see, what was that? That
was - that was a plus 12 and a minus 3, wasn't
it? And a plus 17

03 18 45 03 CDR Yes.

,_ 03 18 45 09 [2CF Okay_ got in there. 9045 ...

03 18 45 15 CDR ...

03 18 45 38 LMP Okay, want to do the REG check now?

03 18 45 hO CDR Yes, we might as well. That's the only other thing

that looks like it's going to fit up there. Boy,
I hate to do that damn thing.

03 18 45 47 L_P Oh, and an AGS CAL we can do too. Well, we might

as well wait until they give us the torquing angle.

03 18 45 53 CDR Yes, yes. Let's do the regulator check.

03 18 45 55 L'CF Oh hey, I can do the AGS in]tia]ization. Let me

go ahead and get that thing going.

03 ]8 45 59 CDR Let's - no - let's get the REG check out of the

way. Wc'%e got just about enough time to fit it
in here.

03 ]8 46 03 I2CF Okay.


Day -
Tape 09-03601
03 18 46 04 CDR I'd like to sec it gone.

03 18 46 08 L_4}' Okay, I'll tell you what. I'm going to be off -

hell, I don't know if I want to be off the loop.
Oh, we don't pressurize oil thi,% one. Okay, I'm
going to be on the loop.

03 18 46 25 LMP Gumdrop, Spider.

03 18 46 28 CMP Spider.

03 18 46 29 CDIt Roger, _e're going to come up with our infaynous bang

again here ill a few minutes.

03 18 46 33 C:'_
_ I'm holding my breath.

03 18 46 36 I2_' You made a few yourself today.

03 18 46 38 CM}' Say again?

03 18 46 39 CDR I say, y_u made a few bangs yourself today.

03 18 46 4] C_,q_ Oh, really. When?

03 18 4_ 43 I34}' You were making those docking latches.

03 lg 46 46 C14F ... i was checking a couple of them out there.

They - one of them was a little sticky, but it
works fine.

03 18 h6 52 LI.fF Okay, going off the air here, and you'll hear a
bang ilx probably about 5 minutes. Okay.

03 ]8 46 59 Ci)H G_mdrop, _s the tunnel depressed yet?

03 t8 47 01 CMF Roller, tunnel's acpressed_ and I have a good hatch

... check, and the ... and everything looks good.

03 18 h7 07 CDR Okr_y, very good.

03 ]8 47 ]2 CDk Okay. qh_nnel hatch is c]osad, ctepress - CABI'-/

03 18 h7 ]5 I24P EGRESS, Crazy!

03 18 47 18 CDR CABIq i E_;]iZ_S to AUTO.

k.,'TTI'_I FI L; El N / I/A'!_ Tape 09-03601

03 18 hi 19 L_ CABI: l }{EPRESS Is in AUTO.

03 18 47 23 CDR Okay, FRESS kEG B to EGRESS.

03 18 47 25 I2_F PRESS REG B to - going to E(,_n_S. Okay.

03 18 h7 32 CDR Okay, FORWARD CABIN DNdP valve, OPEN, and then

AUTO at 4 - -

03 18 _7 34 I24P You know that's a bad way to do that. Yes.

03 18 _7 38 CDR Why?

03 18 t7 39 LMP Well, it could shut off al/ the flow in the suit.

03 18 47 42 U,fP Ha!

03 18 47 h3 CDR Lat me open up the -

03 18 47 h6 I_4t
) Okay, now I w_nt to go REG A to CLOSE when the
CABIN REPR_ .... starts.

03 18 47 50 CDR ...

03 ]_ 47 51 I24P Okay, go ah._ad. You watching it today too, huh?

Yes, okay.

03 18 48 05 I34P Here it _oes. Okay, we _ot the MAST_J_ AIJ_RM; I']1

get that. Okay.

O] 1¢% 4_ 11 CDR Okay. As soon as CABIN REPI{ESS starts, PRESS

R_[R_oo stcls; Jt does.

03 ]8 _8 20 I3,5
° AlriFht.


03 18 h8 24 LI,_ R_..-.._ go[n C to CLOSE, here we go. Bang_.

03 18 48 27 CDR Okay, FORW;d_) CABIN DUMP va]ve OPE_';, and then AUTO
at 3.5.

03 ]8 h8 32 T_,_ Ckay.

Tape 09-03601 ..,,.. ,_, ..,. ,_
03 18 48 33 CDR You're go_ng to h_ve to read this one to me

_' 03 18 _g 36 I2,_P You want me to read this one to you?

03 18 48 37 CDR No, tell me when we get to 3.5.

03 18 _8 38 I2_P Oh, okay, yes.

0-t 18 48 _O IJ,gP Okay 3.6, 3.5 now.

03 18 48 42 CDR Okay.

03 18 48 44 IJ_P Okay. _,.hesuit's at 4.2.

03 18 45 48 CDR Alrighty. And - -

03 _o
_° _o
53 _.h_ Get that big noise bank pushed out. (Laughter)

03 18 h8 56 CDR That's a piece of our ECF.

: 03 18 _8 58 I2,_P _at is it?

03 18 48 59 CDR I don't know.

03 18 49 00 I2._P If it's nonconductive, let's put it up through

_ the ceiling.

03 18 _9 04 CDR Oh, shoot.

03 18 h9 05 _',_ Okay, go ahead.

03 18 _9 07 CDR ... little bag.

03 18 _9 09 IJ,_' Okay, OPES then AUTO at 3.5. PRESS RED B, CLOSEL).

Oh, wait a minute. Okay, let me open it up and
bring the suits down. Here we go. Okay, we're
all the way down. REG B to CLOSE.

03 18 49 25 CDR Yes.

03 18 49 26 LMP Okay. Here goes the _,_AmzaR"

e.... ALARJ,_. Okay, you w'_.t
to get that? I'll get it, yes.

03 18 49 31 CDR _ * that.

C )NFIDENTIAL Tape 09-03601 87
03 18 49 34 _P Okay. Well, let's see, SUI_ I CIRCUIT RELIEF, OPEN,
then AUTO at 3.5; you've a]ready done that. PRESS
REG B to EGRESS. B to EGRESS, hell, we already did
that. Okay, we're going back up.

03 18 49 50 CDR Okay, now PRESS REG B to CLOSE.

03 18 49 53 _4P Going back to CLOSE.


03 18 49 58 U4P Okay, coming down.

) 03 18 50 O1 CDR ... suit pressure's 3.5.

03 18 50 Oh CDR PR:._o REG B to EGRESS.

03 18 50 05 _4P A, we Just did B, Jim.

03 18 50 07 CDR Yes, I said A, didn't I?

03 18 50 08 L_ No, you said B. Okay, A comes ...

03 18 50 09 CDR PRESS REG A to EGRESS.

03 18 50 17 _._ Okay, pressure's coming up.

03 18 50 19 CDR _at's a slow one.

03 18 50 20 LMP Yes, it is, isn't it? Okay.

03 18 50 23 CDR ... CABIN REPRESS to AUTO.

03 18 50 25 LMP Oh, here we go. Okay.

03 18 50 29 CDR Okay, PRESS REG B to CABIN.

03 18 50 31 L_,__ Here's where we come up.

03 18 50 53 CDR PRESS REG A, CABIN.

03 ]8 50 54 U.IP REG A, C_BI_[.


03 18 50 56 CDR CABIN GAS RE_JRN to AUTO.

Day h - Page 82
Tape 09-0360] C(_LqFIDEN TIA L

03 18 50 57 I_M}' to AUTO.
CABIN (;ilsRE573!::I

03 18 5] Ol CDR _Ulz GAS DIVERTER, push to CABIN.

03 18 5] ()1_ I2,I}' .qUIT GAS DIVERT_._, push to CAEIN.

03 ]8 5] 06 CDR Okay, and that's it.

03 18 51 07 LMJ' I_t me just check everything.

03 ]8 51 12 12,fP (Okay, it all looks good.

03 18 5] 14 CDR Okay.

03 18 51 15 l_.ff' Crazy. Okay, now I']] set my AGO start. How you
like that, Davi_?

03 18 5t 22 CM}' qwel!!

03 18 5] 27 I2,'P Okay, our CABIN t}lEo.AR._ is - Ohhh, that's okay,

good. That too .,. Hey, my glove's coming off

O? ]8 5l 3}I CDR We seem to have lost our Ve]aro off of ';.._le__,_.


0_ 18 51 38 lY_P Oh yes. It's probably on lhe back of my camera.

I put my cremora oI: there. }Icy, look at those
pretty pink ...

03 18 51 47 Ct)l{ Yes.

03 ]f 5] 55 M.IP Okay, the regulator ch_c_k we did at 90:h6 and


03 18 52 22 iMP Okay, i guess the f'Srst thinq we want i_; the

E-memory durap thing, huh?

0_ l,q 52 26 CDR Yes. Well, we've already done that though, we

may not need that.

03 18 52 3{_ I2._' No, they didn't - I don't think they got it. ]asl
time - again.

J 0'3 38 ....
_, . CDi{ Wkmt make:_ you think that?

03 ]8 bf? 3'_ I2.'! i thSnk thai th%v !;aid thai Lhey didn't.

Day- agu89
Tape 09-03601

03 18 52 39 CDR That's why we gave them the second one.

03 18 52 40 _._ I know it, but they said they were loslng us.

03 18 53 41 L_ That clock's a little bit fast.

03 18 53 55 LMP Not much, but -

} 03 18 54 15 p4P What are we - one REV ahead?

03 18 5h 20 CDR Not qu_te, we're about ... The _GS initialization

would be in about _n hour from now. No, it

from now. We're running about 30 minutes ahead.

I wouldn't either. It'll be in about 30 minutes

03 18 54 58 U4P Okay, so what do we want to do herr, now?

03 18 55 02 CDR Well, we want -

03 18 55 03 L_ We want to see if they need an E-memory dump,

I guess.

03 18 55 07 CDR Yes, E-memory d_mp arid then I want - to get the

DPS GIMBAL DRIVE and final check all set up.
_ _ We're back there.

i 03 18 55 15 U4P And we've also got to get the up - update.

! 03 18 55 17 CDR Yes, that's the big thing.

03 18 55 20 P4P Yes.

i 03 18 55 2] CDR You got to read the I_ gi - gimbal angles down

i at MCC?

,~ 03 18 55 25 I_P We've already read them.

03 18 55 28 CDR Yes, I guess we got those down over the -

03 18 55 29 _dP Yes.

03 18 55 30 CDR - after the aligr_ment after all. Okay. CD update.

That's gimbal dr_ve and throttle check. I guess
we'd better get that.

Da}' 4 - Page 90
03 18 55 4h L24p Yes, okay. You want a setup for that?

03 18 55 45 CDR Yes.

03 ]8 55 46 I_4P Okay, Ti_'.OTTI_] CON'i_._0L to MAr_AL.

03 18 55 47 CDR Just a second. Let me find it h?re.

03 18 55 50 CDR What page is it on?

03 18 55 52 LMP Rendezvous 24.

03 18 56 09 CDR Okay. Rendezvous 2h. Then you want the THROTTLE

CONTROL to MA_AL. Go ahead.


03 ]8 56 22 CDR Okay.

03 18 56 -93 i_,gP TTCA, both, throttle up, ,'4INI1TU'.,I.

Okay, that's
as far as we cam go. Now, I guess we can do thc
VERB h8, arid we can be sitting right there read}'
to - well, but we don't know if they want to do
the E-memory d_='n[ first.

03 18 56 52 CDR Yes. Let's just leave it right here.

03 18 56 53 L'4P Ycs_ then wc just go back into PO0 here.

03 18 57 29 I,_[P Hey, is that OPS _.. on pretty good today?

03 ]8 57 32 CDR I've Kot it on the smme way I had it on yesterdr-_y

with that piece of Beta-cloth nettinK hooked aroun8
the handle, so I hope it doesn't come out.

0-J 18 57 40 I_.[P Okay, wa.I!, w,: don't ever - Oh! The ascent entwine
burn light ....

: 03 lO 57 54 i_P For as ]ittle sleep as we got, I feel pretty

e d good.
d _'hmn

! 0'_ 18 57 57 CDR Yes, mr' too. I'm gett]nl] hungry. Getting hunfiry!

'i 03 18 5_ 19 CDR I've only _'en up h hours.

03 18 _:_. 21 L,'q > Have "_: _


Day 4 - Page 91
03 18 58 23 CDR Yes.

03 18 58 24 I2tP Is that all? Not bad. Let's see. Where are we


03 18 58 28 CDR ... 86:40 we got up.

03 18 59 27 LMP Rendezvous radar. We ought to get that ds3rmed

thing undone.

03 18 59 31 CDR Yes, that comes - ... as we leave there_ we can

take and - ... thing is really printed neatly.

03 18 59 42 LuLP Hey, we want to get R&D B in now, Jim? Past

that ...

03 18 59 45 CDR Yes, when we come up on -

03 18 59 46 I_P Are we passed that time?

03 18 59 47 CDR No, we have about another 5 minutes to go.

03 18 59 51 LMp Oh, okay. You want to unstow that radar and

slew it around?

03 18 59 56 CDR Well, why don't we do it after we finish this

pass? We got all this time here -

03 18 59 59 M4P Fine.

03 19 OO OO CDR Run a self-check on -

03 19 00 O1 LMP I figured _,e could play with it for awhile.

03 19 00 02 CDR Run a ... check on stuff; and then when we come

down hare, we'll run another one.

03 19 O0 06 LMP Okay. Row are you doing, Gumdrop?

03 19 OO 15 CMP Fine ...

03 19 00 16 L_IP Okay. We're we]l up on the timeline here. _is

is our wild pass coming up; and after th_s, we
need to do our AGS CAL, we've got to disable the
B-3 thruster and do our rendezvous ractar check
and all that stuff.

?ape 09-03t,,3 l 9.
03 19 O0 31 CV2 Okay. I'm - right up witb you by about 3 mJnutes.

03 19 00 39 I/4P _tlree m_nute$? _Flat's he talking a_,ut %here?

03 ]9 O0 42 CDR Well, he's probably fo]lowin 6 ir] *_tlt.

· flight plan.
He's probably one step behind us.

03 ]9 00 45 1242 Oh.

03 ]9 01 04 LMP }{ere, let me see if we bypassed anything now.

03 19 01 39 I3_P Okay, we've got everything up to this time.

03 19 O1 44 CDR Yes, that was my conFlux;ion, too.

03 !9 02 06 IJ.!P Oksy_ yo]] _nnt to rehydrs, fn sore' Food?

03 19 02 lO CDR Well, we're just about at that pass. _qly don't

we go through the pass. When we finish it, at
least get a drink .... finish out that AGE
r_ 7
initialization, AGS gAL - %_zl_, we've got the
AGS initialization, haven't we?

03 19 02 23 I3._ _;e]l, no, - -

03 19 02 24 CDR ... No, we've got to uldate thc state vector yet.

03 ]9 02 25 [2--uP - - we had an update -

03 19 02 31 CDR 'Fake my helmet and gloves off and get a drink,


03 19 02 50 13.IP I'll tell you what. tidy, i'm go_ng to put my

window heater on.

03 19 02 5_ CDR Okay, why, you getting _:tc?,?y?

03 19 02 55 LMP Ob, i carl soo a little b_t, ¢,f fog in there and I
don't, know whether it's -

0_ ]9 03 ]8 L'4P Gtawny must be thrust_n£'.

03 in 03 20 CD}_ Yes.

03 19 03 27 Il.
IF !late to see him thrust aroutlt very muc}] just on
thc capture latches.

C- NFID EN1 * peo -o36ol
03 19 03 32 CDR (Laughter) He's supposed to hold it.

03 19 03 36 _P Yes. I know.

03 19 03 44 CMP Gumdrop, 5 square.

03 19 03 48 CDR Oh, shoot.

O3 19 03 49 _hP They're - they're coming now.

03 19 03 52 CDR I don't hear them. Do you hear them?

03 19 03 53 LMP No, Just a minute, let me switch antennas. Here

they are.

03 19 03 59 CMP Spider, Gumdrop, Houston's on %he i_ne, and they

say as soon as they get data, they're going to do
the E-memory dump again.

03 19 Oh 03 UhP Roger. We're ready.

O9 19 04 06 CC Okay, Spider, do you read Houston?

03 19 04 09 P_ Sure do.

03 19 04 10 CDR Roger, Houston, read,nE you now,

03 19 Oh 12 CC Okay, while we are waiting on that E-memory dump,

let me give you your torquing angles.

03 19 04 17 P,U' Roger. Ready to copy.

03 19 O_ 19 CC Roger, torquing angles: minu:_ 00370, minus 00790,

minus 00310.

03 19 04 3h LMP Roger. Read back: minus 00370, minus 00790,

minus 00310.

03 19 04 45 CC Roger, copy; and we'd like to have HIGH bit rate.

03 ]9 04 49 hqP Roger. HIGH bit rate.

03 19 05 04 CDR Houston, did you find out anything about that AGS
warning light yet?

03 ]9 05 07 CC Roger, we're working on that, and we'll probably

have a procedure for you that might solve the

,, ,,.ONFID
Tape 09-03601 CONFIDENIIAL

i problem - probably
again; but to turn
we'll pass zt off
you the and back
details later.on

i 03 19 05 21 CDR Okay.

03 19 05 35 [2,tP The VERB h2.

03 19 06 18 I3,[P ... say again?

03 19 06 23 CC Spider, this is Houston. We aren't getting CSM

data. We're getting no data from you. You might
check the switches, please.

03 ]9 06 33 I3__ Roger, everything is checked out. We are in


03 19 06 39 CDR And Houston, R&D-instru2nentation B circuit bre_f<er

coming in now.

03 19 06 h2 CC Okay, thank you.

03 19'06 52 CC Okay. We've got our data, Spider. We're ready

for the E-memory dmmp on your mark.

03 19 06 56 L_.E
_ Roger. 3, 2, 1.

03 19 06 59 I2'_

03 19 07 05 CDR And, Houston, be advised that once again our

supercr_tical pressure doesn't seem to be working
for the descent stage.

03 19 07 ]_ CC I'm sorry, Jim, I couldn't read that. Say again.

03 19 07 lB CDR Rcger. The supcrcritical pressure gage does riot

seem to h_ working for the descent propulsion

03 ]9 07 25 CC Roiier, copy. Spider, we're reading 704 on tile


03 19 07 38 CDR Okay.

03 19 07 _1° CDR Probably ]ow.

03 1<_ 07 h3 lIIP Wail, we're blowing dowzl an_'ay.

1,/-.,L Tape 09-03601

03 19 07 45 CDR I know it, but that's still awfully low.

! 03 19 07 46 LMP Yes.

i 03 19 07 47 CDR It's going down - -

03 19 07 48 LMP I'll bet that's a big surprise to them all.

03 19 07 49 CDR Yes.

03 19 07 52 CC Okay, Spider, Just as soon as the dump is complete,

we're ready to uplink your state vector REFS_.C._T.

03 19 08 O1 CDR Roger. Okay, go ahead.

03 19 08 05 CC Okay. It's on its way.

03 19 08 45 CDR Houston, Spider, we're ready to copy the NAV check

if you've got that.

03 19 08 50 CC Roger. Reading the NAV check: 092:00:00 ... 1 ...

03 19 09 37 LMP Broke S-band lock. Houston, you reading Spider?

03 19 09 43 CC Try me again.

03 19 09 _5 LMP Okay, Houston. Spider is back on with you now,

and I got the time and that's all.

03 19 09 53 CC Roger. Reading: you have the time ... plus 14

... 1245 .

03 19 10 11 _.IP Okay, you broke out again. I got the altitude

that time. I got minus 027. Say again and all

03 19 10 30 CMP Spider, Gumdrop. Houston ... too.

03 19 lO 33 _*_ Okay.

03 ]9 10 37 CC Okay, Sp_der. I've got you now. Try your read-


03 19 10 41 CDR I didn't get it. You're breaking up pretty bad]y,

Houston. I got a minus 027, and then you broke
out. Say again all after, please.

o9-o36ol }NFIDENTIAI::''
03 19 10 53 CC Okay. Starting with thc- time, 092:80:00, minus
2799, plus 14631, 1245.

03 19 11 ]4 1241
j Roger. 92:00:00 minuz 2799, plus ]h63!, 12!_5.

03 19 11 26 CC That's affirmative, Spider. Houston confirms the

:, updat e.

03 19 11 34 134P Terrible.

: '03 19 11 36 CDR Yes. We're going to have us a troblem; I can sec

· t_hat.

I 03 19 11 38

03 19 11 54

Yes. The S-band

Did you notice what the first

a REFSr.
E4AT or a state vector?

- whether that wa_

03 19 ]] 59 CDR No.

03 19 12 19 CDR That was a state vector.

03 t9 ]2 26 CC ... How do you read me?

03 ]9 12 3',3 CD}{ You're better hr w, Houston. You're better.

03 19 ]2 33 Cb_P G_mdrop's 5 by.

0q 19 ]2 35 CC Very good.

O'_ 19 ]2 47 L2,'iP Come orl, baby, F,c_t ill there. I'd better 6c_ _n
update form rcndy.

03 ]9 112 54 CDR Yes.

03 19 13 09 CC Okay, Spider. Thi!: ks Houston. We've got %hr.

state vector in. We have 5rETnB6_'cd it, and we're
going to hand over }icrc within in a few seconds_
and then we'/] put in a EEFS_.DL%T.

03 19 I 3 20 I2.I]' Okay. Rog_r.

; 03 19 IR 3!* [_.IP Okuy, theru _l. goes. 2l*; come on, bal,y. Ti:c.i'¢- _.zt
go, 7035. Beautiful. Okay, and it's got to work
' its way up to 33].

0_ ]9 11_ O_ C'.5 _ Spider, Gu:_Srop. ] have _ good tr:nz:ondcr.

Day 2 - Page 97
03 19 14 07 CDR Very good. In Just a couple of minutes, we're
going to find out if we have a good radar.

03 19 14 13 LMP Okay. We're ready to go tile gimbal drive and

throttle test. VERB 33, E_TER.

03 19 14 42 CDR Do you have that pad out so that we can verify the
stuff 5n here, when wc go through it?

03 19 12 45 L_ Yes. Right here. Say, Houston. Let us know when

you're ready for the gimbal drive and throttle.

03 19 15 O0 CC ()kay, Spider. _qne computer's yours, and we're

ready for your gimbal drive and throttle cheek.
Press ahead.

03 19 15 06 LMP In work. Okay, VERB 48, ENTER. DAP configuration,

there; 22145, that's good; 2709, that's good;
PRO; F2_GINE GIMBAL TRIM, plus 225, plus 730. Okay,

03 19 15 27 CDR Okay, MODE CONTROL to AUTO.

03 19 15 30 I2._F F2_G1NE _3C,_to - _GIRE GIMBAL, E.UABLE.

03 19 ........ ,_ ?TL,f_T,, T _TTAI_T


03 19 15 33 LMP ECiGINE _d{M to DESCENT.

03 ]9 15 35 CDR _2_G]NE AIL',I

to DESCF_ff.

03 19 15 36 LMP 0kay_ PRO.

03 19 15 39 CDR Okay, Houston. I'm going to start the drive now.

03 19 15 43 CC Roger. Go ahead, Spider. We're ready.

03 19 15 46 CDR Roger. It's going.

03 19 15 50 I24P Okay, we'll monitor it there. Okay, and you're

ready for the throttle check.

03 19 15 56 CC That's affirmative, Spider. Go ahead.

03 19 15 59 124]
° Roger. I2_P's THROTTLE 5s MINIMUM. Coming up to
the SOFT STOP. SOFT STOP is 53 percent. _i_P is

Tape 09-03(_0]
._ off scale high; RCCA light and biek down throu6h


} 03 19 16 21 CC Okay, Spider. We copy. Go ahead.

03 19 16 23 CDR 0ka:-, here comes the C01."..bli_DER'sTtiHGTTLE.

03 19 16 27 CC Okaj, press ahead, Jim. - -

03 19 16 29 I341
_ Minimum - -

I 03 19 16 30 CC - - throttle looked good.

03 19 16 32 CDr{ We're up to SOFT STOP, full throttle, back down

to _4IN.


03 19 16 h7 CC Roger. It looked good. Let's press, and at this

time both vehicles can hrin_ up their S-band.

03 19 16 53 CDR Roger.

03 19 16 54 CMP Roger.

03 19 ]6 59 22.',P Okay, stand by. We're about to 6ct thc thing

finished driving. Okay, and thc next step is
EJGL, E APJ4 to OFF. There goes one of them.
Okay, there goes the other one. Key release.

03 19 17 24 CDR _:I(,L_m ARM, OFF.

03 19 17 26 IJ,ff' TTCA JETS, both DO'_I.

03 19 17 30 CDR Okay.

03 19 17 32 L:.__ PRO. I got that. This s_ys verify £in'_l GDA;

POW'RR, OPEl; And I've got the Dr.o_z.,l ENGii_E
OVY2%RIDE open·

Tape 09-0360]

03 19 17 h2 CC Spider, this _s Houston. You're GO on your

gimbals and the thrott]e chfck. We're standing
by for the hot fire.

03 19 17 48 LMP Roger. In work. Okay, Gumdrop, we're going to

be doing our hot fire check here.

03 19 17 54 CDR Damn it; OB(il) here, too.

03 19 17 57 LMP Roger. Did you get it.

03 19 17 58 CDR No. Was that yours or mine_

03 19 18 01 CDR Yes, i thought that was CB(l]), STAB CONTROL,


03 19 18 04 U4P That's - Okay, I'm sorry; that's a 16. I got: it.

03 19 ]8 07 CDR Okay. Go on. Okay. HIGH bit rate with MSC -

Let's see.

03 19 18 12 I24P Okay. We got that. I Just told him the quad temp_
are up.


03 19 18 18 L/4P Okay. OPEN and RECLOSE.

03 19 18 23 CDR Okay, GUIDANCE COi;TROL to ACS, X-_R. JL_LAi]oh,


03 ]9 18 28 LMP Okay, A_'i_I'i_JI)E CONTROL, three, to MODE CO_;"m.OL.

03 19 18 31 CDR MODE CONTROL.


03 19 18 33 CDR A_H HOLD.

03 19 18 34 [24P Okay. Deflect your ACA slowly. Roll, pitch, an_3

f yaw.

03 19 18 37 CDR Here comes the proportional ACS, Houston.


Day 14 - Page 200

09-0360: CONFIDENTIAL ....
03 19 18 40 CC Roger. You're very weak, but we're getting good
pickup. Press ahead, Spider.

03 19 18 56 CDR Okay.

03 19 18 57 IJMP Okay, three to PULSE - -

03 19 18 58 CDR Wait. Okay.

03 19 18 59 Ii,IP ATTITUDE DIRECT breaker, CLOSE.

03 19 19 02 CDR They're too drifting. 0op. CLOSE.

03 19 19 06 LMP Okay, deflect the hardover, re]l, pitch, and yaw.

03 19 19 13 CC Okay, Spider, we're getting data.

03 19 19 f8 Ii,IP Okay.

03 19 19 29 CDR Complete.

03 19 19 3O L;.{P Okay_ QUAD 1. - 4, 3, 2, 1, CLOSE.

03 19 19 33 CDR 0kay_ 4_ 3, 2, ], CLOSE.

03 19 19 37 I24t
_ Okay, I've got all mine closed.

03 ]9 19 38 CDN Okay.

03 19 29 39 IidP CWEA, OPEN and RECLOSE.

03 19 19 h3 i,,',_' Okay.

03 19 19 44 CC Okay, (;umdroi_
, if - Carl you read me?

03 ]9 19 47 CDR Here we go with the other hot fire now.

03 19 19 h9 CHP Roger.

03 19 19 51 (lC Okay, Spiderls very weak. His data is good_

however. Let me - And I would like to remind you
that B-3 is still El;AP.
03 ]9 29 59 C',-IP Roger. Spider, Gumdrop. They say your data is
z still good,

I' Day
Tape- P golol

03 19 20 06 _4P ... read them. And we're going to start the

PGNS check here in Just a minute. We Just did
the AGS translation and control check ....
control, PGNS.

03 19 20 16 CC Roger ... loud ... Spider. We're working through

Madrid now.

03 19 20 21 CDR Okay, here comes PGNS TTCA's.

03 19 20 25 CC Okay.

03 19 20 3'[ _F Who's transiat_ng it?

03 19 20 39 CDR It's complete.

03 19 20 44 CDR Okay, 2 JETS.

03 19 20 46 LMP Hey, somebody's keying continuously. Okay. Okay,

2 JETS; DEADB._YD, MIN, set the DAP to 01002. Okay,
that was at 91:01:18, 91:21.

03 19 21 15 CDR Houston. How do you read Spider?

03 19 21 16 CC Loud and clear, Spider.

03 19 21 18 CDR Okay. '_nat's th_ troubl_ with our C0_,_4here?

03 19 21 21 CC I don't know. You got real weak ...

03 19 21 45 CDR Houston, this is Sp_der. You're /lnreadable.

03 19 21 51 CC ...

03 19 21 58 CMP ... Spider, he said your tests look rea/ good.

03 19 22 01 CDR Okay, UP.

03 19 22 03 CMP ... LOW bit rate.

03 19 22 04 LMP Roger.

03 19 22 05 CDR LOW bit rate.

03 19 22 06 I34P Got that one.

03 19 22 09 CMP ... up that time.

Tape 09-03601 rr . FtDENTr' 'm
03 19 22 1t CMP Yes, I sure would appreciate it if we had better

03 19 22 14 CC So wou/d I.

03 19 22 18 I__ Okay, that - the NAV check is a GO.

03 19 22 24 CC Gumdrop, ...

03 19 22 28 C5_ Negative.

03 19 22 30 CC Okay, thank you.

03 19 22 31 C_ Should I have?

02 19 22 q2 _,_P RESET that damn heater light again.

03 19 22 33 CC NO ... cycle ... whether you got it or not.

03 19 22 40 CMP Okay.

03 19 22 43 CDR IMU fine align; we've done that.

03 19 22 46 _4P Yes, I think we[ye got everything done up to the


03 19 _ 49 .....
_Ll_ _. AGS initiailzatiorl, too.

03 19 22 52 P4P Yes. Let's do that, and I'll get into HIGH bit
rate again. I don't think _a're supposed to go
back to LOW - Oh, that's alright. I'll go to
HIGH b_t rate now, and we'll do that. Yes.

03 19 23 03 CDR Okay, G_mdrop, this is Spider. You can start

getting us into our AGS CAL attitude now.

03 19 23 08 CMP Okay, Roger.

03 19 23 26 CDR AGS calibration.

03 19 23 29 _4P Okay, I'm getting that.

03 19 23 30 CD}{ ... regulator checks; landing radar self-test.

03 19 23 46 CDR I want to bring the rendezvous radar on the line

here. Hey, Gmmdrop, would you disable your P-3
thruster? We're going to unlimber the radar here.

Tape- Ra 1

J 03 19 24 02 CMP Roger, P-3 disabled.

03 19 24 03 CDR Roger. Thank you. Okay, veri -

} 03 19 24 07 _ You know something? _tat COMP activity light - -

03 19 24 09 CDR Check - check your transponder. It'll be off

too, please.

03 19 24 11 CMP Roger. Transponder is OFF.

03 19 24 14 L_L2 - - that COMt_ activity light stays on a long while;

I'm wondering if they gave us a state vector that's
) more than one REV ahead.

03 19 24 24 CDR 1_,ey can do it more than - more than one RE"v'ahead,

Just can't give it more than one RE_ behind.

03 19 24 27 _ But this integrates it one R_N back. _at's the


03 19 24 32 CDR Oh.

03 19 24 34 LMP I'm going to ask them about that, next station.

% 0q 19 24 36 CDR Okay, You want to do the radar now?

03 19 24 39 _ Yes, let's do the radar now.

i 03 19 24 141 LqP Okay, the update went across when we checked thc
orbit. 127.1 by - Hey, Jim. It didn't flash,
did it?

03 19 24 55 CDR No. I guess it hasn't.

03 19 2h 57 _'_ How about hitting the key re]ease? _%y don't you
wait mitil it - 127.1 by 119.7. Wow! Okay, there
it goes. Okay.

03 19 25 22 CDR Okay, RENDEZVOUS P3tDAR comi_g to RELY\SE.

03 19 25 24 _._ Okay, hey, how about - Wait a minute. Before you

do that, let's look through the - Let me look
through here when you do it, or do you want to
look through it when you do it?

03 19 25 30 CDR Go ahead and look through.

03 19 25 32 I24P Alright, let me get it in FORWARD. Okay, FOHW_PD.
03 19 25 41 CDR Go.

03 19 25 44 LMP Son of a gun never blinked. Okay, now you want

to - Let's see, what's next. Wait, here I am.
isn't the most sterling update to the AGS I've
t ever seen.

03 19 26 04 CDR Yes. Okay, let's see. HIGH MULT. Okay, I'm in




03 19 26 13 I24P ATTI2lrDE MONITOR, both to PGNS.

03 19 26 14 CDR ATTI2_JDE MONITOR, both to PGNS; MODE SELECT to


03 19 26 25 I2,_q
_ We want to remember to go back to RANGE and RA.'I_r

03 19 26 28 CDR TE_4P MO.WITOR, 10 to 150. Okay?

03 19 26 34 I24P Okay.

03 19 26 35 CDR AC BUS A, RENDEZVOUS RADAR circuit breaker, III.

03 19 26 41 I24P Okay. It - it wiggled Lack and forth, but it

stayed in the smme place.

03 19 26 54 I24P Do you get a SL_W to 000 next?

03 19 26 56 CDR As soon as I push in the circuit breaker, yes.

03 19 26 58 I2.1P Yes. Okay, I'll watch you while - You do that in

high, right? Yes. Okay, I'll watch you while you
do that.

03 19 27 14 CDR Okay, RENDEZVOUS RADAR circuit breaker coming IN.

03 19 27 17 _.!P Boinc! Okay, it oscillated a little bit and moved

about 10 degrees, okay.

rr)t_,ll:lhl:::!,.ITI^/ D_y 4 - P_g_ lo5
Tape 09-0360]

03 19 27 20 CDR It's never going to come on here, no way.

03 19 27 22 I2.t
_ It's moving sooth. Very smooth. You're going to
get the switch - right now. It's coming around to
zero zero. I can't believe it. It's zero now.
Did that agree pretty well?

03 19 27 h5 CDR Well, you're a little off, but (laughter) not bad.

03 19 27 49 LUd° Okay.

03 19 28 06 I2dP Okay, you're verifying up, do_m, ]eft, right, and

Lligu low

03 19 28 11 CDR Yes.

03 19 28 13 [2__ Okay, RENDEZVOUS RADAR to AUTO TRY_CK_ when you're

done there.

03 19 28 25 CDR Okay, AUTO TRACK.

03 19 28 27 [2'._P Okay, AUTO TRACK. RADP_R TEST to Rm.CD._ZVOUS.


03 19 28 33 [2.[P Okay, all the tapes ..., read me the AGC's.

03 19 28 36 CDR Okay, 1.6, TRAN_4ITTER POWER _s 3.1, SHAFT ERROR

is 2.2 to 2.6, TRUNNION ERROR is 2.3 to 2.5.

03 19 28 52 [2.K
_ Okay, RENDEZVOUS RADAR to SLEW. It doesn't say to
wait until it locks on.

03 19 28 59 CDR Power's locked on.

03 19 29 00 [2,_
_ Okay, RE_DEZVOUS RAD_q_ to SL_i*
_. Slew the antenna
to zero zero again.

03 19 29 05 CDR Right.

03 19 29 10 I2.[P Okay, and I'll get th_s ready.

03 19 29 ]6 CDR Okay. Zero zero.

03 19 29 18 IMP Okay. iGC.

03 19 29 32 CDR LGC.

, q e 09-03_0i lO6 CONFIDENTIAL
19 29 34 I34P Gkay, PRO.

L_ 19 29 36 CD[4 Go.
03 19 29 37 LMP VERB 62, EMER, rather, PRO. Okay, it's oscilla-

03 i9 29 45 CDR Okay, that doesn't show anything. Let's go to the

next one.

03 19 29 47 I2_P Okay. PRO. Okay, here ii. is. ]95.75 - -

0[4 19 29 52 CDB 5-75: m_nus h95.

03 ]9 29 56 If,if - - minus 495. And what do you read on the tape?

03 19 29 59 CDR 493 1/27

03 19 30 04 IY,_P And - -

03 19 30 05 CDR We want to stop dr]yin C your - range yet.

03 ]9 30 26 I_.IP Oh, boy! ]95 joint what?

0'4 19 30 27 CDR 195.5.

03 ]9 30 3] L_4}' Okay, VEhB 34, ENTER. RADAR TEST, OFF.

03 t9 30 36 CDR Okay.

03 ]9 30 24'{ 124P Okay, and a VERB 41, iI'.')UN 72, ENTER. And we'll
wait until that disappears. Looks like - Okay,
here we go. You want to watch this out the
window or just on the need]e_.?

03 ]9 3('155 CDR Yes, I'll watch oll the needle's;.

03 19 31 08 LMt _ Okay, are we at pJua or minut 507

03 19 31 lO CDR Yes.

03 19 31 13 lJ,_ Okay, ready?

03 ]9 31 ]l_ CDR Go.

03 ]9 3] ]9 E !5_ My God, it's right on the money.

O_ ]9 32 21 CDR Okay, Co,

4- Pa:e
Tape 107

03 19 31 22 L_'5
_ Alright.

03 19 31 23 CDR Keep going.

03 19 31 25 I24P Okay, VERB 16, NOUN 72, ENTER. Okay, that's good.

03 19 31 37 CDR Okay, VERB 41, NOUN 73, ENTEIR. I'll get that.

03 19 31 41 LI4P ... NOUN 72, E_L'ER.

03 19 31 44 CDR Minus 00400, ENTER.

03 19 31 45 L_YP Minus 00 -_ -

03 19 31 48 CDR 400.

03 19 31 49 I24P - - 400, F2ITER.

03 19 31 50 CDR Okay_ minus 00400.

03 19 31 53 I2.IP Okay, ready?

03 19 31 54 CDR Go.

03 19 31 55 I2._R O.._y_ ] going to get a plus or mir:us 5 when it

comes through zero there.

03 19 31 56 CDR Right. My goodness, that was too smooth. Okay_

03 19 32 05 I24P VERB 16, NOUN 72, ENTER. Okay, it's close. It's
not right on it; hut that's the closest we get.

03 19 32 14 CDR Okay. _nat's pretty good. Okay.

03 19 32 18 I2.1P Okay, VERB 44, ENTER, on that. Okay.

03 19 32 26 CDR VERB 41, NOUN 72, and all zips.

03 19 32 28 L_.[P ... ], NOUN 72, ENTF]{, ENTER_ EN2EI_. You ready?

03 19 32 33 CDR Go.

_' 03 19 32 35 12'5_ Oh, there it is to zero. And mine is pretty damn


03 19 32 41 CDR Mine isn't.

P ¢e
Tape 09-03601

03 ]9 32 42 I2.{P It isn't?

! 03 19 32 43 CDR No, that figures. I'll ease off a little, too.


03 19 32 49 U4P Okay?

03 19 32 50 CDR Yes.

03 19 32 51 I24P Okay, now look, I'm going to go down to the 278

and see if that's the right position for the AOT

03 19 32 55 CDR Okay.

03 19 32 56 I2;P Okay. VERB 4_, ENTFt. Okay, here you _o, VERB 41,
NOUN 72, ENTE7{. Plus 00000, plus ... 300, ENTER.

03 19 33 09 CMP ... rance ...

03 19 33 15 CDR Okay, Davey.

03 19 33 16 I24P Hey, you want to watch it, Jim?

03 19 33 18 CDR Shit.

_ 33 19 lu_ can tell mc "_ *_ _ ' _

far enough.

03 19 33 2_ CDR Go.

03 19 33 25 LMP Okay?

03 ]9 33 26 CDR Go.

03 19 33 35 CDR That's fine.

03 19 33 36 LqP That's fine?

03 19 33 ?7 CDR Yes.

03 19 33 39 I3,_ Okay.

03 19 33 40 CDR Oh boy, is there a crop on that telescope! Wtlooee[

03 19 33 4i I2.Q
_ Really?



_,,- Tape 09-03601

03 19 33 43 CDR Yes.

03 19 33 44 LMI_ Let me see it. Oh, and the EVA - Oh, well it's
not going to be there. There's a black spot,

03 19 33 52 CDR That's great.

03 19 33 53 I24P Okay, VERB _4 - Let me check the VERB - 16,

NOUN 72, E2_TER. That's good. VERB 44, ENTER.
Okay, now I'm going to put it to the 323 here.

03 19 34 06 CDR Okay.

_ 03 19 34 07 LMP VERB 41, NOUN 72, E_i'ER. Plus all zeros.

03 19 34 lh CDR All zeros.

':' 03 19 34 15 t24P ENTER, plus 323 - -

03 19 34 16 CDR ENTER, plus 32300.

03 19 34 18 _24P - - 00, F_[TER.

· 03 19 34 20 CDR Go.

03 19 34 22 I3,_P PRO. VEHB 16, I_OUN 72. Okay, it's there. PGNS,
RE?UOEZVOUS RADAR, OPEN, and then the AC. Oh,
damn it]

03 19 34 36 CDR Leave it OPEN.

03 19 34 38 I24t
) Doggone it. I w_nted to see if it stayed there
when we did that.

03 19 34 _2 CDR Ah! Okay, let's press on with the card here.

, 03 19 3h 52 If,gP ... rendezvous radar check - -

03 19 34 53 CDR Want to check the AGS? I've got the AGS calibra-
tion ready to go.

03 19 34 58 I2._P ... trans .,.

03 19 34 59 CDR Oh, shoot_ you're breaking up now.

} 03 19 35 02 L'..Q
_ No, I turned it do_m a little bit. gumdrop, how
! do you read?

Tape 09-03601 qp_.,_...

03 19 35 06 CI,5_ 5 by.

03 19 35 07 L_4P Did you get - We're done with our rendezvous radar
checks, and you can activate your transponder ...

03 19 35 12 CDR Oh, wait a second_ (;mndrop. Leave it off for a

while. We may have to run this again. They want
this run over a station. I wanted to run _t to
see how it worked.

03 19 35 18 CU_ Okay. I'll leave it off.

03 19 35 20 CDR Okay, let's remember that.

03 19 35 2] LM} > Yes.

03 19 35 23 CDR Let's run the AGS _n_tiallzation, AGS CAL.

03 19 35 26 I2.Q_ Okay.

03 19 35 28 CDR We're goi'ng to start running that AGS CAL here in

just a minute, Dave.

03 19 35 30 CI,_P Okay.

03 19 35 31 [24]_ You want to verify those?

03 19 35 39 CDR Hey, we're pretty close to - in one of our gimbal

angles. Yes.

03 19 35 47 CDR/i24P Both of them.

03 19 35 49 CMP Are you really?

03 19 35 50 CDR Yes. We're at 275 on one.

03 19 35 52 I_Q _ Yes, a]] of them are that way.

03 ]9 35 53 C_._P Heek, I'm not even that close.

03 ]9 35 57 CDR Uh oh. Yes, one of them is 17 degrees off; that's

not bad. The other's 13 degrees off, and the

other' s 5.

03 ]9 36 06 I2,1P Okay, Gmmdrop, th_s is because of that 90 degree

rotation _ga]n, ] think.

r lcln zm^/ -
Tape 09-03601

03 19 36 ll CMP Yes. You see, I'm sitting on - sort of a 22

degree - degree offset from 000 inertially.

03 19 36 20 _.ff' We're - we're not in good shape over here.

03 19 _6 23 CDR Okay, we've got to make one of them change. It's

going the wrong way right now.

03 19 36 29 _.IP Okay, that one's okay. Let's see, that's - outer -

which is - Where do we want to be? That one's
okay, isn't it?

! 03 19 36 40 CDR No, that's the one that's wrong. That's the

90-degree mark right now.

going to be closest to his - -

03 19 36 50 CDR His yaw.

03 19 36 5] _'_P - - yaw, okay.

03 19 36 52 CDR Check your yaw.

03 19 37 01 CDR Dave, are you yawing at all?

03 19 37 03 CI'E_ Yes, Roger, J'm trying to go the way you are saying.

03 19 37 05 CDR Okay, fine. Okay, we've got that nlunher increasing

nOW SO --

03 19 37 09 CMP %_nat's the best way to go, huh?

03 19 37 11 CDR Yes.

03 19 37 16 _.E> Check. _ney're all going the right way, and

we'll let you know when we get there.

03 19 37 26 CDR Lighting check.

03 19 37 27 C_._ How about doing a landlng radar self-check while

we're waiting.

03 ]9 37 30 CDR Yes.

03 19 37 31 I!._ C_n't do that though. We got to do the lighting

check at night.

4- Pago
03 19 37 34 CDR Yes. We also have to do the landing radar self
test over a 6_round station,

03 19 37 37 U,.P Oh, okay.

03 19 37 38 CDR You w_-nt to get me a drink of water_ maybe, and

a -

03 19 37 42 L_4P Okay. Let me see how the rendezvous radar - Okay,

it ca-me up to 40.

03 19 38 11 L/._?' Tell you what, I'm going to do another AGS update

03 19 38 20 CDR Okay.
I here, while we're waiting.

03 19 38 26 C;4P How you doing?

03 19 38 30 I2._F We're - we're 5 degrees; we got to go another -

about another 10 degrees at least in - in your

03 19 38 hO CMP Roger.

03 19 39 09 CDR How are the optics looking, Dave?

03 19 39 11 CH_ ...

03 19 40 04 LMP Okay, it's 124 by 128 now, so that's a lot better.

03 19 40 06 CDR Okay.

03 19 40 13 Cbff_ ;me they in thc ball park?

03 19 40 16 I2H_ ... standby.

03 19 hO 23 CDR Okay, we have about 3 - we really have at least

3 more degrees in the direction that you're going.

03 19 hO 30 CMP Okay.

03 19 40 43 I2..'7
_ How are those doing? Okay that's 19 and 20 -

'_ 03 19 40 45 CDR %_ey're doing great.

: 03 19 hO 49 LqP Okay, yen.

Tape 09-03601

03 19 40 52 CDR Well, we're right back on the tire line again.

J No matter now - how you hop to get ahead, you Just
I can't get ahead.

03 19 41 25 CDR How's everything running over there, Dave?

03 19 41 28 CMP Everything's running just fine. Nothing at all

seems off nominal. I don't know where they get
their caution and warning idea, but everything
seems inside the limit. Well within sight.

03 19 41 38 CDR Okay, what he said was that one - that hydrogen fan
came on, and they thought m_yhe you mi6ht Lh_ve
gone down below the limit, like it had been.

03 19 h! h3 P,h'_
z' No_ it stayed right in the middle. Right there.

03 19 41 46 CDR Boy, that COF_d is terrible.

03 19 41 49 LMP Sure is.

03 19 41 59 CDR Okay, Dave, can you kill everything but your yaw
rate and leave Just a little bit in the same
direction you are going in now.

03 9 42 08 CMP Okay.

03 19 42 30 CMP ... I got 0.05 in yaw directional ...

03 19 42 34 CDR Okay, good.

03 19 h2 36 L_t' Balls, I'm sitting here sleeping.

03 19 43 26 IJ._P Okay, we're going to do a VERB hO, NOUN 20.

03 19 h3 h3 CDR I'm checking out the ORDF_L, in case you see my

ball wiggling around.

03 19 43 h5 I2,IP Okay. Okay, Dave, you want to disable ail your


03 19 43 50 CMl© Okay, going FREE.

03 19 43 54 I2,E
> Okay, and we're starting the CAL now.

03 19 h3 57 C_.tP Okay.


03 19 45 05 I3,_ Bias has stayed exactly the s_v:e.

03 19 45 08 CDR The other one did?

03 19 45 09 Ii.iP No, all of them - -

O3 19 45 l0 CDR Oh, good.

03 19 45 i1 U.IP - - stayed exactly the same.

03 19 45 12 CDR Good.

03 19 45 22 CDR That's what ! was thinking, Why don't we gin

that up- -

03 19 45 23 b'.? Okay. Here we go.

03 19 45 24 CDR This one's - -

03 19 45 25 [24F CHOSS-POI_'EHS both to HIGH MULT.

03 19 45 26 CDR - - 45. Let's - leL's see what we have to dc, there.

03 19 45 31 ILFP Okay, there - We'w? d_ne that before _n the middle

of the CAL.

03 19 45 '$5 CDR Yes. Fo, I - I was Just wondering if they want

it over the grou_]d. I think this - Let's just
press on with it, and to hell w_i.h the ground.

03 19 45 hh I24P Okay, HIGH _CJLT.


03 19 45 48 [z.3' LANI)IifG}{ADAP,CO:_'UTER.

03 19 45 49 CDR TEMPERA_2]RE MONITOR, k_J_DING RYd)_ greater than 49,

03 19 45 55 I34P Dave?

03 lg 45 59 CDR RA_GE ALTi_JDE _.'_O}IZTOR


03 19 46 01 _,.k
_ L>_DI_[G Af_...a to D,.)C._,

hAL 4-

03 19 46 02 CDR LANDII[G _2_Tk2;NA to DESCENT.

03 19 46 03 I2_1' MODE SELECT to bqFDING RADAR.


03 19 46 08 LMP CB(ll), PONS, L;d,_Dl!_G


03 19 46 12 CDR CLOSE.

03 19 46 14 U.K_ Oksy. CROSS POINTERS will oscillate, then up and

right off scale. Man, I guess we got to wait
for that to happen. I think I got to go to
LANDING, the RADAR TEST to LA/[DING. Okay, there
they go.

0_ l0 46 q_ CD_ Cl_v ;TA _ 'pre? to _ ^ rnrw_

03 19 46 37 P'_P Right. Okay, and you can read me the things here.

03 19 46 43 CDt{ Altitude transmitter is 3.7, velocity transmitter

is 3.75. Okay, the altitude is - is 8290.
Altitude rate is 450 and a half.



03 19 47 08 CDR Okay, LA:iDI_:GANTENNA to HOVER.

03 19 47 11 124P 10 seconds.

03 19 47 12 CDR 8000 fee_..... 50.5.

03 19 47 2] LMP Okay, the i0 seconds is up. LANDING AXTE.U:[A to


: 03 ]9 4_ 25 CDR DESCE}IT.

03 19 47 26 IY,IP Okay Wait 10 more seconds.

03 19 47 37 I34P Okay?

03 19 47 38 CDR Okay, 8290 and 450.5.

03 19 _7 44 I24P Yes, I dor,'t need that here. Hold on.

03 ]9 47 46 CDR Okay. Oh, yes, you don't.

Tape 09-03601

03 19 47 52 IJ.'.P Come on, baby, now.

! 03 19 47 5h CDR 8292 ...

t 03 19 47 59 LMP Go get her.

03 19 48 01 CDR Hnmm? Minus 247, plus 930, plus 667.

} 03 19 48 09 LldP V_{P 34, ENTER. LANDING ANTEi_NA to AUTO.



03 19 48 36 CDR 8000 a_d 450.5.

03 19 48 40 I2.fP Okay. VERB 62, ENTFiR; VERB 22, ENTER; ENTER, PRO.

03 19 48 50 CDR 82, 81, and 2.

03 19 48 56 I2_-P Okay, and up on top it's - -

03 19 48 59 CDR - - 8000 and 450.5.

03 19 49 03 CDR Okay, VERB 34, ENTER. RADAR TEST, OFF.

AL%P2.!and OFF.

03 19 49 16 I2_i
° Okay, let's see if our time's up; it should be up
right now.

03 19 49 21 LMP Up. Okay? This where we go? The AOS CAL is

complete there, Chief.

03 19 49 36 CMP ...

03 19 49 39 Ii-iP Say again.

03 19 49 40 CMP I say, you're on the air all the time.

03 19 49 42 IZ,_P Yes, I noticed that now. Thank you. I think I'll

use my VOX, and I forget to switch once in awhile.
So if it sounds like we're chatting here, let us
know during the rendezvous.

03 19 49 52 CI.'.P Alright.

4- p,,.ge
Tape 09-03601

03 19 51 40 II4P Okay, and I've got a question for you.

03 19 51 42 CC Go ahead.

03 19 51 44 I/._P Roger, we noticed in updatini_ the ACS that the

computer activity light was on for a very long
while. I wonder if maybe you updated our state
vector more than a REV ahead, and then by doing
a VERB 47 we intergrated it backward too far. I
wonder if you can have someone look at that? Did
you get that one?

03 19 52 09 CC We copy Spider. Struad by.

03 19 52 12 I/4P It's just a question of whether VERB 47 hurts

,as - when we do th,at.

03 19 52 18 CC Roger. We can verify our state vector was not -

was not more than a REV ahead, and we'll - we
copied your question on the VERB 47.

03 19 52 27 LMP Okay, as long as it was not more than a REV ahead

when you updated us - there should be no sweat.

03 19 52 34 CC Roger. Copy.

03 19 52 37 [2_ Okay, did they want - -

03 19 52 38 C_,_
_ ...

03 19 52 38 I2._
_ - - did they want to do a radar test?

03 19 52 47 CC Roger, Gmmdrop. We've been tracking that, and it

is running a little high. We think it's going
to hold okay through the rendezvous.

03 19 52 56 CMP ...

03 19 53 O1 CC Roger. It's been cycling with the night/day cycle.

We think it ... to _h_ radiator.

03 19 53 08 CMP Okay.

! 03 19 53 10 CDR And Houston, this is Spider. Do you want either

} the landing radar or the rendezvous radar self- . .
, test performed again over a site?

Tape 09-03601

03 ]9 53 18 CC That's a negative, Spider.

03 19 53 20 I24P Okay, great.

03 ]9 53 21 CDR Gumdrop, you're clear to tur:_ your transponder

on, then.

03 19 53 24 CMP Roger. And I also ... We'll be going together

this time.

03 19 53 28 CDR Okay, fine. Okay, let's get our B transmitter

on - our B receiver on, too.

03 19 53 3h i_4P Right.

03 19 53 36 uu_ we'±z configure th_ ._'_:_c w_. r_ _._ be - ,,_,*, L


03 19 53 40 C_&p ...

03 ]9 53 42 (;DR Okay.

03 19 53 h5 LMP Okay, Gumdrop, you ready to support a lighting


03 ]9 5 _ h8 CMP Ready to support.

03 19 53 50 I/dP Okay, we're going to turn our tracking light on

now and see if you can see it.

03 19 5h 01 I2.FP I don't see anything Flashing, do you? ... you

look down at the t_orch, Jim?

03 19 51_ 20 CDR Would you beli_ve it's not flashing?

03 ]9 5h ]4 I2.'[P Either that, or we can't tell, huh?

; 03 19 51; 15 CDR I don't think it's flashing, .u.

_ °ty.

03 ]9 54 18 II4P I carl feel it going, can you feel it?

03 19 5h 19 C[,.fP ...

03 39 51421 CDR I don't see it either, Dave. Just a minute.

What circuit breaker is that on?

03 19 54 34 ]YP Uh -


03 19 5_ 36 CDR Lighting? Let's see, the dockin_ ...

03 19 54 38 I3.[P Track, over here. It's closed.

03 19 54 40 CDR Houston, are you with us yet? Hello, Houston,

Spider. Do you read?

03 19 54 49 CC Houston here. Go ahead.

03 19 54 51 CDR Hold everything, I uhink I see it. Okay, it

didn't look like our tracking light was on. I
think I might see it now, though. Yes_ I - Dave,
I think I see it flashing.

03 19 55 O1 CC Roger. Copy. I,
and we'd like to have your S-hand
·._l..... Up _+ _'_ 57 IJ_'ll h_ in Wnnpv_u_k]_
in a couple of minutes.

03 ]9 55 09 CDR Okay. Davc_ ] can see a reflection - a regular

reflection on one of the quad's out here; so I
think it is flashing.

03 19 55 16 Ct,tP ...

0-_ 19 55 18 I2.!P Yes, I can too, Jim.

03 19 55 20 CI)H Boy, it's sure nc:i vory bright, is it?

03 19 55 21 12,IP It sure isn't.

03 19 55 22 C.qP NO, it doesn't seem to l_c.

( 03 ]9 55 23 [,MP Its very directi(ma] · l'm sure.. Okay, here come

the docking ]]gn_o. Okay, going into docking

03 19 55 38 C>IP OYLv. I've got one of them on the right.

03 19 55 42 I2.U' Okay, that's good enough. We'll leave the docking

lights on for you.

03 ]9 55 _8 CDR Okay, why don't you give me your lights.

O3 19 55 51 C]._ All righ t , here c©r;,._srny docking lights.

03 19 56 O1 ]J.IP I don't se_ anything.

f Tape 09-03601

03 19 56 03 CMP ...

O3 19 56 08 CDR Answer what they call.

03 19 56 10 I2,_P Yes, I will. I don't see anything up there, Dave.

03 _ 56 14 CI,_ Okay.

03 19 56 17 I2,_P It's - it's on the other side of the spacecraft,


03 19 56 18 CDR Okay.

I 03
n3 19
19 56
5 _ 23 CMP I don't
_:+_ see anything here, either.
25 T_ No, do I v ....... _+ _ ......
at all?

03 19 56 30 CMP ...

03 19 56 39 I2_P Great.

03 19 56 _2 cr_P ...

03 19 56 45 CDR What's that?

03 19 56 47 C_,_ The EL antenna ...

03 19 56 50 CDR Yes.

03 19 56 53 CMP ...

03 ]9 57 04 CDR Okay, I see the EVA light. That's all I see,

03 19 57 08 CMP Okay ...

03 19 57 10 CDR Yes, that's okay. I'll probably be just about

right for EVA.

03 19 57 16 CMI' Okay ....

03 19 57 19 CDR What's that?

03 19 57 21 CMP ... 10 ...

03 ]9 57 25 CDR Okay.

Tape 09-03601

03 19 57 28 I24P I think we're getting interference from that other

transmitter of his.

0R 19 57 34 CDR Okay, don't forget to put the docking target up.

03 19 57 36 CMp ...

03 19 57 38 CDR Okay, very good.

03 19 57 53 I2.[P Okay, PREP for undocking.

03 19 57 57 CDR Let me ... - -

off there?
J 03 19 57 58 LMP Configure the c_meras. You got everything checked
03 19 58 06 CDR Well, let me look and see.

03 19 58 21 CMP Okay, you want to take a look at the docking


03 19 58 2t_ CDR Okay, go ahead. Ooh, is that ever bright!

05 19 58 29 C_ _nat's ... least ...

03 19 58 33 i2._P _,at did you say?

03 19 58 35 C'.4P _hmt's dim.

03 19 58 36 I24P Okay, give me bright.

03 19 58 39 CDR xn;re o not much difference between them. Boy,

that thing is really off, Dave. _q]cn we corse
back and try to dock, you're going to have to
really keep an eye on me. As a matter of fact,
the thing has shifted a little bit from when ]
: locked at it - yesterday, I think. Not too much,

03 19 58 53 ct/_ ...

j 03 19 58 57 I24P Z:o, it's pretty stationary there. It's Just th%t

the COAS isn't pointing in the right direction.
If it looks like I'm getting dangerous, we - I'll
f Just ATTITUDE HOLD and you can do it.

03 19 59 05 C_.!? _'

Tape 09-0360]

03 ]9 59 11 CC ... I have your phasin_ pad _-hen you ready to copy.

" 03 19 59 17 I24P Roger, Houston. Stand by. I'll get out the
phasing pad.

03 19 59 23 CC Standing by.

03 19 59 32 CDR Hey, Dave, did your spotlight ever work at all?

03 19 59 35 CRYP No, Lord, no.

03 ]9 59 38 I24P Hey, ... Dave, that we're ready to - -

03 19 59 4] CDR Hey, Dave, I think we're going to - -

03 19 59 43 CDR - - send up the phasing pad. You ready to copy?

03 19 59 44 CMP ...

03 19 59 46 I34P S-hand. S-band. You're on S-band.

03 19 59 55 CC Gumdrop, Houston. How do you read?

03 19 59 58 CMP Okay, now that 1 have the volume up, 1' read yo_
pretty good.

03 20 00 O1 [24P ... ready.

03 20 O0 03 Ct,_P Gumdrop ready.

03 20 O0 05 CC Roger, Spider/G_drop. Reading phasing pad.

093:h7:3400, plus 00009, all zips, minus 00907_
00907, 000, 286, plus 00020, all zips, minus 00907.
Your SEP time: 093:02:5300; TPI: 009, 45, 75300.
End of update.

03 20 O1 33 L_'!I-) Roger. On the readback, we've got a - 093:h7:3hO0,

plus 00009, all zip.z, minus 00907, 00907, all
zips, 286, plus 00020, all zips, minus 00907;
SEP at 93:02:53; TPI: Of), hS, 753.

03 20 02 07 CC Okay, Rusty. Rea_ me your SEP time again ....

03 92 02 33 i2':i _ Pogcr. HEP at 93:02:_3.

D,.y - Pat,:12 , '"'"'" '"'""'-'- '
Tape 09-0360]

03 20 02 2] Ci.[P band Ommdrop copies.

03 20 02 23 LM_ Hey, did you agree wlth the S_ time, Dave?

03 20 02 25 CMP ... yes.

03 20 02 28 I24P Okay. Are you transmitting D?

03 20 02 33 CMP Negative.

03 20 02 34 I_fF Okay, we've had a change _n our c0r._4since we

reconfigured here, an_ I'm Just trying to figure
out why.

03 20 02 39 CMP Okay, I'm ...

03 20 02 h4 CDR We - we don't have -- the VY3' B transmitter to DATA

do we?

03 20 02 52 I2,50 No. Okay, you want - You don't want that up there
now, do you?

03 20 03 04 CDR _is thing?

03 20 03 05 I/4P Yes.

03 20 03 06 CDR Nu ... have it up there-.

03 20 03 2] I_[P You want to stay in 83, here?

03 20 03 23 CDR For a little while, yes.

03 20 03 24 1Mp Okay.

03 20 03 32 CDR Okay, since we don't need this al_)nnore, I'll just

deposit it down here.

03 20 03 39 I24P Okay, PRE_P for undocking. Ready?

03 20 03 42 CDR PREP for undocking. J_oger.

03 20 03 _:, CC ... Tananarlve ...

03 20 [13 52 CI4P Gumdrop ....

03 20 03 54 I?fP This is Spider. }/o_er.

CONFIDEN, A-b Day Tape
4 - Page 125

03 20 03 56 CC ...

03 20 04 05 _ Okay, - configure the cameras. I got those, and

would you believe we got the right magazines on
both cameras?

03 20 04 10 CDR I can't, I can't, I can't!

03 20 04 11 LMP That's hard to believe - Go ahead, Houston,


03 20 04 19 LMP Okay, hold up, Okay, CSM configure for DUPLEX A

and RECEIVE A only, and I think he is. IJ4
configure for basic C0},_ with VHF B backup. Got
to VOICE, VHF B RECEIVER this - there's no sense
in putting the transmitter on.

03 20 04 38 CDR No, we're not supposed to have that on.

03 20 04 43 I24P Mount the phasing pad. Set the DET for the RCS
SEP time. Okay, SEP time is 93:02:53. 93:02!
My aching back! Okay, that's right.

Day age CONFIDEN¥1'At '
Tape 09-0360l

03 20 05 01 CDR And use 25 minutes before that.

03 20 05 03 I24P 93:02:53, so it's going to be 57 minutes.

0B 20 05 47 I3_P Have you figured out how you want to configure

yourself to look through the AOT, Jim, as far as
restraints are concerned?

03 20 05 52 CDR I think I'll Just take them off, Rusty.

OB 20 05 59 I24P Okay. And Gumdrop, whenever you get your clock

set you can give me a hack for the time to SEP.

03 20 06 12 CMP Will do.



03 20 06 56 CDR Three, PULSE.



03 20 07 O1 I34P MODE SELECT to LANDING RADAR. And we're in the

(_ wrong configuration on a lot of these things
because we did the rendezvous radar test earlier.

03 20 07 0[ CDR Right, right.


03 20 07 ll CDR RANGE, RANGE RATE.


03 20 07 14 CDR Right.

03 20 07 15 I24P Let's see how they compare now. And ATTITUDE

MONITOR to AGR; they look good.

03 20 07 20 CDR Yes. Shaft and trunnion are plus or minus 5.

03 20 07 23 CDR 5.

CO NFI / - 09-03601

03 20 07 24 I24P CROSS POi_ER to HIGH r,U3LT.

03 20 07 26 CDR There, HIGH _ULT.

03 20 07 27 I24P E]_GINE ARM to O,_F.

03 20 07 30 CDR OFF.

03 20 07 31 I24P X-TRANSLATION to 2 JETS.

03 20 07 32 CDR 2 JETS.

03 20 07 34 LMP Okay, BAL_J{CE C_IFPLE's ON.

03 20 07 36 CDR ON.
03 20 07 37 P4P DEADBAI_D, MIN.

03 20 07 38 CDR MIN.

03 20 07 39 I2,_P MODE CO_rROL to ATT HOLD.

03 20 07 41 CDR ATT HOLD.

03 20 07 43 i/rfp TTCA, both, to JETS - DOW:N, that is.

03 20 07 49 CDR JETS, DOWN.

03 20 07 50 LMP Okay, RENDEZVOUS RADAR to LGC.

03 20 07 54 CDR It's there. LGC.

03 20 07 56 I24P And verify the undocking attitude. Okay, now

that's going to be a little bit different this
time. It's going to be different by -

03 20 08 04 CDR How many - how much are we off in minutes?

03 20 08 06 LMP We're off in minutes by - on phasing we're off by

3 minutes exactly, so it's 12 degrees. So instead
of being 16, and that will he something different.

03 20 08 26 CDR Say, we're out by 4, 9351 against 9347.

03 20 08 29 I2,1P 47. Yes; 4 minutes, 16 degrces. Okay. CB(ll)


( C0 N, ,E E'NTIAL
Tape 09-03601

03 20 08 40 CDR CB(il) R&D INSTRUMF2_ATION A, CLOSE. Okay?

03 20 08 43 _4P Okay, by damn, there it is. Put my checklist

away here. Boy, you Just can't - I can't even
get into that poeket. (Laughter)

03 20 09 17 CDR What are we set up there for; the phasing or the

03 20 09 20 IBP Separation's - Okay. I think I'll put my gloves

1 separation
on burn?
for undocking. Okay, Gumdrop; this is Spider
here. Me're all set up ready to undock. Hey,
you done with the 83?

OB 20 09 57 CDR Let me check it one more time. No, I'm not going
to be doing that.

03 20 10 05 CDR Roger, Houston; this is Spider.

03 20 10 12 I/_P Houston, Spider. How do you read?

03 20 10 15 CC I read you loud and clear, Spider, This is

Houston. You are GO for undocking; you are GO

for 78-1. Your AGS is GO. You can Just unscrew

] the bulb if that light bothers you, and would like

to inform also
you during the braking, you burn
can antic-
that during the phasing and
ipate a heater CAUTION light coming on. This -

looking at the data that we've got here. There'll

t this
he no will be from the RCS, and this is after

i 03 20 10 _8 LMP Okay. Thank you, Okay, let me read SEP 1:

i Prepare CB(/i),
Verify phasing STAB/CONTROL
pad. We got AELD,
that. OPEN.
Set cameras.

03 20 11 16 CDR AELD, OPEN.

03 20 11 17 P_P DECA POWER, OPEN,

03 20 11 19 CDR DECA POWER, OPEN.

03 20 11 20 _4P Earth orbit R&D INSTR_,_ATION A, CLOSED.


03 20 11 25 P._ DFI POWER, OFF.

' Tape 09-03601

03 20 11 27 CDR DFI POWER, OFF.

03 20 11 28 LMP H&D B, CLOSED.

03 20 11 29 CDR R&D B, CLOSED.

03 20 11 30 _4P CB(16) STAB and CC_FROL AELD, OPEN in DESCENT


03 20 11 35 EdP AELD, OPEN.

03 20 11 37 CDR Go ahead, Gumdrop. Spider.

03 20 11 38 CMP I'll give you a _'3%RKat 51:10. Okay.

03 20 !1 hl LMP Okay.

03 20 11 L2 CMP Ready.

03 20 11 43 CMP _U_RK.

03 20 11 45 L&_ 1 second off.

03 20 11 46 CDR Okay, we're off by about a second.

03 20 11 54 CDR Hey, you sure sound funny all of a sudden; say

something again.

03 20 11 57 CR_ Okay. Something again. I just switched to the

other side.

03 20 12 O1 _4P Oh, man alive, you're sort of garbled.

03 20 12 11 LMP Good.

03 20 12 18 LMP Yes, that clock is 1 second fast, Jim, here. We

could go to STOP then START again - on it.

03 20 12 2_ C_,_ Houston, Gumdrop.

03 20 12 34 _P Spider, Gumdrop. You been able to contact Houston?

03 20 12 37 _m Houston, this is Spider. Do you read?

i 03 20 12 hl CC clear.
Spider, this is Houston. I'm reading you loud and

f ( CO L
Day 4 - Page 130 _.U__
._. ,_.r._m.._- _/_L-
Tape 09-03601

03 20 12 44 _ Roger. Gumdrop is trying to call you.

03 20 12 48 CMP Houston, Gumdrop.

03 20 12 49 CC Gumdrop, Houston. How do you read?

03 20 12 50 CMP Loud e_d clear; and me?

03 20 12 53 CC Roger. You're breaking up slightly and way down,


03 20 12 59 CMP Roger. That fuel cell 2 and - and I got - -

t 03
03 20
20 13
13 00 LMP Say, thatI've
can got
surea change radios fast.
04 CMP - - and _el cell 2 light. Just thought
I'd let you know.

03 20 13 11 CC Roger. Understand. Fuel cell 2 light, and that's

from the TCH?

03 20 13 16 CMP That's affirmative - -

03 20 13 18 LMP Oh, no.

03 20 13 19 CC - - and you're loud and clear now, Gumdrop -

03 20 13 21 CMP Okay.

03 20 13 24 L_fP You're still a little garbled to me, Gumdrop.

Whatever you did in the last few minutes you sure
changed the character of your radio.

03 20 13 30 CMP Let me go back the other way.

03 20 13 33 LMP Gumdrop, it wasn't that, it was when you switched

to the rendezvous configuration, I believe.

03 20 13 39 CMP Roger. Let me try it the other way.

03 20 13 45 CMP How do you read now? What?

03 20 13 47 LMP Just that -

03 20 13 48 CDR It's about the same.

Yonder what changed?

03 CON 'F
CO '. TIAL Day
Tape Pa e

03 20 13 55 CDR Maybe he changed something on his C0_4 configura-


03 20 13 59 CDR I didn't hear what he said.

* 03 20 14 O0 _4P Well, that was from one panel to another. You

want to get that - you want to set the mission
timer; right, Jim?

03 20 14 ll CDR Yes, let's see what it is. Let's ... - get up -

03 20 14 17 _P Oops -VERB 16, NOU_{ 65, E_ER. I think you can

go to STOP and START VERB; Just i seeond.

03 20 14 31 CDR Seems about a half a second off.

03 20 14 34 LMP Well, why don't you Just flip it there.

03 20 ih 36 CDR Let me see what we can do here.

03 20 14 43 CDR Rats, now it's a half a second off the other way.

03 20 14 46 CC Houston, Gumdrop. Go.

03 20 1_ 47 CC Okay, that TCE's hanging right on the ragged edge,

Dave, on that caution and warning trip. And we'll
be keeping an eye on it for you, but it might trip
: off here a couple of times during the rendezvous.

03 20 15 02 CMP Okay. Very well. Thank you.

03 20 15 04 CC Roger.

03 20 15 08 CDR Okay, we'll be fast.

03 20 15 10 _4P No, no fooling around.

03 20 15 14 CC - see you over sunny Grand Bah_3nas in about 36.

03 20 15 19 CDR This is Spider. Roger.

03 20 15 20 CMP Gumdrop.

03 20 15 30 CDR Yes.
03 20 15 28 _ Okay; let's continue on down here then.

Da ',- age CON )ENTIAL
Tape 09-03601 _,
03 20 15 31 I24P I got my breakers OpEl;. Verify C0!._4eonf_gura-

03 20 15 37 CDR ACS.

03 EO 15 38 I24P DEADBAND, MIN.

03 20 15 39 CDR MIN.

03 20 15 kO LMP ATT CONTROL, three, to PULSE.

03 20 15 _1 CDR PULSE.


03 20 15 _3 CDR ATT HOLD.

03 20 15 _5 I24P VERB 37, ENTER OO - T know we got that, VERB 76,


03 20 15 50 CDR ENTER.

03 20 15 51 U_P VERB 63, ENTER.

03 20 15 53 CDR VERB 63, ENTER.

03 20 15 56 _ EXTERIOR LIGHTING to DOCK - I got that. COAS


03 20 16 02 CDR Okay, I've done that.

03 20 16 04 [2,_P VERIFY the DAP at 01002.

03 20 16 12 CDR 01002. Okay, we look pretty good.

03 PO 16 19 I_4P Okay.

to start maneuvering
03 20 16 20 I'm going
C!._P Spider, Gumdrop.

... for the undocking attitude.

! 03 20 16 2_ IMP Okay, fine. We're all all ready to go here.
} 03 20 16 28 CMP Okay. Very good.

} 03 _0 16 _6 I2.P2 You know something?

03 20 16 _7 CDR What?


-,age 133

03 20 16 48 _,_ My F[DW CONTROL valves have been in VERTICAL since

_. yesterday.

03 20 16 53 CDR (Laughter)

03 20 16 56 _ No wonder my fingers are warm.

03 20 17 04 IJ4P It _so helps a little with the CO_.

03 20 17 08 CDR I had my vol_es all the way up already.

t 03 20 17 13 _ Really?
03 20 17 14 CDR Yes.

03 20 17 15 _ Okay.

03 20 17 16 CDR _F A, B, Nd MASTER _e _1 f_l _.

03 20 17 17 R_ Okay, I'm pretty far do_ on all of them.

03 20 17 25 CDR How are the reflections in the window?

03 20 17 27 LMP Terrible.

03 20 17 28 CDR _e they?

03 20 i7 29 LMP I'll get into right confi_ration here and see how
they _e.

03 20 17 33 LMP Yes, I've got my side panels O_ now.

03 20 17 39 CDR I cleared my ears; that might help.

03 20 17 42 LMP Ha, - the reflections?

03 20 17 44 CDR Yes, that makes the reflection a lot less. _ey're

not too bad. I can see you, all of you.

03 20 17 51 _ Here, let's t_n this around so it doesn't shine

on you. Yes, there you go.

i 03 20 17 57 CDR That helps a little.

feel it already.

03 20 18 03 _,_ this is going to be a long hungry day; I can

Day h - Page 13h C_/_L
Tape 09-03601

03 20 18 23 LMP 9 hours to go almost.

03 20 18 2_ LMP Huh.

03 20 18 33 CDR I know what I want to do. I want to look through


03 20 18 3_ LMP I don't see much out there.

03 20 18 _3 CDR Would you believe our radar is back up in view


03 20 18 46 LMP Yes, well, it's supposed to be. It's not all

the way up, is it? It's on the bottom of the field?

03 20 18 51 CDR Yes, it's in the bottom of the field.

03 20 18 53 LMP Okay. That's where we put it 323, not the 283 -

03 20 18 5_ CDR Uh huh.

03 20 18 58 _4P And with his light shining in, it shines right in

to the - right into there, so I can't see anything.

03 20 19 07 CDR Let's hope that 283 is better.

03 20 19 11 LMP What's that?

03 20 19 12 CDR Okay, let's hope that the 283 is better.

03 20 19 1_ CMP Yes; well, with his light shining in the telescope

I couldn't see anything anyway.

03 20 19 20 LMP Oh, he's got his lights on, huh?

03 20 19 21 CDR Yes.

03 20 19 28 Lb_ Can I help you back there?

03 20 19 29 CDR No, I Just want to get the eye patch out.

03 20 19 h9 _Y What's he got his docking target on?

03 20 19 52 CDR There's e - EVA light ON.

i 03 20 19 56 CDR (Yawn)
C' gt"K, FNTIAL - 09-03601

03 20 19 57 LMP That's on the EVA RU_;ING LIGHT SWITCH.

03 20 19 58 CDR Hell, he didn't - oh. - Uh huh.

03 20 20 20 CDR Boy, that stuff up there is really all reflected

d in the window.

03 20 20 2_ _ It is?

03 20 20 26 CDR Yes.

03 20 20 27 _ How's that?

03 20 20 29 CDR Looks better.

03 20 20 30 LMP ' Okay, ho_'s that?

can see a
ut e.
t 03 20 20 33 CDR Looks better. I all of it. Wait min-

03 20 20 39 LS_ Yes, we got everything up pretty bright.

03 20 20 42 LMP You know that doggone AGS light doesn't help any

03 20 20 45 CDR (Laughter) Yes.

03 20 20 54 CDR Punch something up on your DEDA. Let's say -

03 20 20 58 LMP Okay?

03 20 20 59 CDR How light. How bright the lights are. I'm going
to power up the -

03 20 21 12 LMP Yes, the balance is pretty good.

03 20 21 13 CDR Yes.

03 20 21 ]5 LMP The trouble is we're going to undock in the day-

time, so we're going to need it up bright.

03 20 21 17 CDR Yes. I Just wanted to see what it looks at night.

03 20 21 19 _4P Yes. You can turn your side panels off, too. That
will help.

03 20 21 22 CDR Yes.

Day h - Page 136 _[
Tape 09-03601

03 20 21 23 LMP Matter of fact, the DSKY goes off her"re the DEDA

03 20 21 27 CDR Yes. That - that's a switch.

03 20 21 _8 _4P Gumdrop, we've got _1 minutes to the SEP BURN.

03 20 21 53 LMP MARK.

03 20 21 5_ CMP Right with you.

03 20 21 56 LMP ... ful.

03 20 22 03 CDR What kind of stars have we got out there? There's

the Big Dipper right in front of us .... right
in front of us. And there is -

03 20 22 10 CMP ... and about 15 more degrees to go.

03 20 22 16 LMP Okay.

03 20 22 17 CDR There's Leo.

03 20 22 22 CDR There's Corvus.

I 03 20 22 33 _4P the hock really

There's planet a is over
bright by Leo? out there.
planet What

03 20 22 _7 LMP Leo, near Leo has got to be our friend; isn't it

03 20 22 4_ CDR The moon Really
looks bright.
like it's around over in Spic& -

03 20 22 53 CDR Yes, very bright.

03 20 22 56 liMP I can't quite see it. Oh, yes, it's down

there. Let me see if I can sec him out here.
No, I can't because of the camera. Yes,
that's Venus. He's minus _.3 magnitude;
would you believe that? Okay, our attitude
is - it's not 180 yet, but it's getting
there. 300, and we're at about ih. Let
me see the PG_;S.
' CO rm, TIAL Day- page
Tape 09-03601

03 20 23 _6 L_P He must be in WIDE DEADB_ND.

03 20 23 49 CDR Yes, I'm sure he is.

03 20 23 56 LMP I sure wish we had those letters on there.

03 20 23 59 CDR Yes.

03 20 24 02 _24P Damn it; oh, is that in the Systems Book?

03 20 24 06 CDR Yes, it is.

03 20 24 10 LMP You want to try to do that now?

03 20 24 12 CDR Yes.

03 20 24 13 L_4P Okay.

03 20 24 19 CDR Can you get the Systems Book?

03 20 24 21 LMP Yes.

03 20 24 23 CDR Here, I think I can probably get it easier than


03 20 24 24 _4P Oh shoot, I can't quite reach it. Okay, it's -

it's the top one. That's it. Okay, I got it.

03 20 24 58 _ Okay, if you want to read them to me out of - on

that diagram, hold on; I want to take off my
gloves, and I'll write them up there.

03 20 25 07 CDR Say again, Dave.

03 20 25 09 CMP ... activity up.

03 20 25 10 I24P Okay.

03 20 25 17 _ We're on the NOMINAL alon_ there.

03 20 25 21 LMP Yes, we should be, as far as attitude and stuff

goes. Okay?

03 20 25 24 I/4P No, we're 4 minutes early.

03 20 25 25 CDR Oh, it doesn't make any difference. They HEFS_AT

us to 1 ais UP and FORWARD.
'i different
place then. Okay, SYSTEMS A
Day _ - Page 118 f(__T[_,[
Tape 09-03601

03 20 25 34 I;4P Quad, let me see where I want to put it now.

QUAD 1, okay, 1 is ...and FORWARD. There. Okay.

03 20 25 _5 CDR QUAD 2, SYST_4 A is AFT and DOWN.

03 20 25 50 I/4P AFT and DOM_.

03 20 25 55 CDR QUAD 3 is UP and RIGHT.

03 20 25 59 LMP QUAD 3 is UP and RIGHT.

03 20 26 07 CDR QUAD _ is DOW]_ and RIGHT.

03 20 26 13 I/4P DOWN and RIGHT.

03 20 26 16 CDR Okay, SYST_._ B. SYSTt_4 B QUAD 1 is DOWN and LEFT.

03 20 26 22 LMF DOWN and Lh_"f.

03 20 26 25 CDR QUAD 2 is UP and LEFT.

03 20 26 27 IMP UP and LIKFT.

0B 20 26 30 CDR QUAD 3 is DO_{ and AFT.

03 20 26 34 I24P DOWN and A_.

03 20 26 37 CDR And QUAD 4 is UP - UP and FOHWARD.

03 20 26 41 LMP UP, FORWARD.

03 20 26 44 CDR Just a minute, Dave.

03 20 26 h9 CDR Check the attitude against what we've got there

in the book.

03 20 26 51 L_P Okay, roll?

03 20 27 02 LMP Hey, it looks llke you're off a couple degrees in

your roll.

I 03 20 27 07 CbT Okay, I'd believe that.

03 20 27 11 I_._P I guess you got to roll right a couple more?

03 20 27 14 CMP Now roll left.

l, C l "t' AL I
C FNTIAL - 139
Tape 09-03601

03 20 27 35 _4P Roll left?

03 20 27 36 CDR 055. I'm not sure that our ORDEAL is working

worth a hoot.

03 20 27 40 L_ Not on ours; it didn't roll left.

to roll here.

03 20 27 47 LMP Okay, but we have an attitude problem then.

03 20 27 43 CDR Don't argue with him about which way we're going

03 20 27 57 _'_ That should be right lined up there.

03 20 28 O1 LMP Okay, you agree with me?

03 20 28 08 _4P What is your roll angle?

03 20 28 10 CMP 180.

03 20 28 13 LMP Okay, I know what our problem is. It's the docking
ring angle, and it's - so we should read 2 degrees
more than normal. Okay, let's go.

03 20 28 21 _4P How about that.

03 20 28 23 _4P Whew, figured it out. 302.36. That's right;

that's right.

03 20 28 40 LMP Okay, we agree then.

03 20 29 26 CDR Say, Regulus is one of the stars we use for our

star check two, isn't it?

03 20 29 30 LMP It's the third star check on the second alignment.

03 20 29 36 CDR Right over there by the moon.

03 20 29 44 LMP Doggone it, the tape is on. I wonder when I turn

that on?

i 03 20 48
20 37 49 CDR 5 seconds,

I 03 20 37 50 C_ 3, 2, 1, UR]DOCK.
Day- age COIx!
-"-'" '""
Tape 09-03601

03 20 37 53 C_P UNDOCK.

03 20 37 58 _ Uh - oh. We didn't release.

03 20 37 59 CMP No, it's hung.

03 20 38 OB CMP I'll reinsert and pull backwards.

03 20 38 10 IMP Say again.

03 20 38 11 CMP I said we are hanging on something - I'm going

to pull you back a little bit.

03 20 38 14 CDR Okay.

03 20 38 23 CDR Okay.
to you. Okay, we're nice and stable with respect

03 20 38 41 CDR Okay, we - we're hanging on to the end of-the

probe, Rusty, and Dave is maneuvering around, and
he's getting straight, and we're going to redoek.

03 20 39 O0 CMP Okay. You seem to be hanging; it seems like the

probe is out; the capture latches Just haven't

03 20 39 05 _ Yes, that's what it looks like.

03 20 39 07 CDR We're pretty stable here. Wonder what's wrong

with it?

03 20 39 15 CMP Houston, got any suggestions?

03 20 39 17 LMP No - You know -

03 20 39 28 CC We're copying all that, Gumdrop and Spider.


03 20 39 21 LMP Jim, we probably ought to thrust up when we - oh,

no - that's right -

03 20 39 2b CDR No, we're captured.

03 20 39 25 _P We're captured.

03 20 39 26 CDR ... We're all right.

C NTIAL 4- Page
-. Tape 09-03601

03 20 39 27 _._ Well, if - if all of th_ are still h_ging.

03 20 39 30 CDR No, we're alright.

03 20 39 32 LMP ... we're - we,re solid. You co_d redly feel

that yank on it, so -

03 20 39 35 CMP You're free.

03 20 39 _ LMP I'm _ee?

03 20 39 38 CMP Roger.

03 20 59 39 LMP What did you do?

03 20 39 40 C_ Oh, went to the old memo_ and put a cycle on the

switch, and you look like you're free.

03 20 39 45 CDR Okay, _eat.

03 20 39 47 M_ Did you deploy?

03 20 39 48 CDR Okay, go to MODE CONSOL.

03 20 39 51 CDR Okay, we're going to st_t o_ yaw aro_d.

03 20 39 53 LMP Okay.

03 20 39 54 CMP Hold off.

03 20 39 56 CDR What?

03 20 39 57 CMP Hold on it.

03 20 39 58 CDR I can't hear you -

03 20 39 59 _ HO_!

03 20 40 00 _ Wait a minute _til I get clearance.

03 20 40 02 CDR Okay.

03 20 40 05 C5_ Now you're clear.

03 20 40 06 CDR Okay, easy. Hey, you got _out 3 de_ees per

-second on that.
_ -,age_ C_l'_rlu_-4
IAL_"_-' I
Tape 09-03601

03 20 LO 12 _4P Ooops. Okay.

03 20 40 13 _ Okay, go again.

03 20 LO l_ CDR Now.

03 20 LO 16 LMP Keep it over there, Jim.

03 20 L0 17 CDR Okay, got it.

03 20 LO 21 I_ Well, I guess we'll see at the end of the rendez-

vous whether all that's going to work.

03 20 LO 27 CDR Yes. Okay, our attitudes are a little screwed up

now, Dave, so we may have a little problem with

t 03 20 LO 3_ CMP Roger. I noticed.

Tape 09-03601

03 20 40 37 CMP Okay, I'm still stationkeeping on you now, so no


03 20 40 40 CDR Okay.

03 20 41 09 CMP Spider, I'm going to stay in plane and Just follow

you with the pitch.

03 20 41 13 LMP Okay, fine. How am I drifting a%ray from you?

03 20 41 16 CMP You're drifting out of plane.

03 20 41 18 _._ Okay.

03 20 41 20 CMP To your rear.

03 20 41 21 LMP Okay, well I can't notice that.

03 20 41 24 LMP My REGS look good - my yaw rate is going around

about 1 degree per second.

03 20 41 34 CDR Yes, the flight control system is reasonably stable -

03 20 41 36 LMP After we get over to the bellyband we could roll


03 20 41 39 CMP ...

03 20 41 L0 CDR Yes.

03 20 41 42 LMP Up - upright first?

03 20 41 43 CDR Yes, I think so.

03 20 41 44 LMP Okay.

03 20 41 45 CMP You yawing now?

03 20 41 46 CDR That's right; I'm yawing right now.

03 20 41 48 CDR I'm doing my 120 degree yaw. When I get over here,
Dave, why don't I Just stop the yaw and roll - my
roll so that I'm up - rightside up on the belly-
band. Then we can get back to maybe about thc
right attitude, at least in plane.

03 20 42 00 CMP Good idea.


Tape 09-03601

03 20 b2 21 CDR Okay. Stand by - stand by.

03 20 _2 22 CMP ... 6 hours. 8

: 03 20 42 24 CDR MARK.

i 03
03 20
20 _2
_2 27
26 CDR
CDR Shoot,
Hit it. let me Just maneuver
There. it over there.

03 20 _2 33 LMP You want it in PULSE to MANEUVER.

03 20 _2 34 CDR Yes, put in PULSE.

03 20 _2 35 LMP You're in PULSE.

03 20 _2 44 LMP Roll PULSE?

t 03 20 42 36 CDR This hand controller is really bad news.

03 20 42 _5 CDR No, let me take it over in yaw first.

03 20 42 47 LMP Okay.

03 20 _2 50 CDR Okay, go to ATTITUDE HOLD.

03 20 _2 52 LMP Okay, you got MODE CO_rrROL?

03 20 42 55 LMP Okay. You want roll PULSE?

03 20 42 56 CDR Yes, give me roll PULSE.

03 20 42 57 LMP ... You got it?

03 20 _3 00 CDR Okay, Dave, I'm going to roll up in plane now.

03 20 43 02 LMP Boy, every time you do that, we get that - oh, I

get it. We should get that though. Start getting
fluctuations in the manifold - yes - but that's

03 20 43 15 LMP Hey, let's pitch at a little higher rate, Jim, to

catch up here.

03 20 43 19 CDR Well, wait a second. Why don't you Just - let's

Just forego some of the inspection, at least get
each other squared away here.

1 Tape 09-03601
t O )t A L age
I 03 20 43 26 LMP Okay, well, we can see how it works out.

03 20 43 28 CDR Okay, Dave, I'm going to come rightslde up here now,

03 20 43 27 CDR and
Yes. when I get there, then I'll Just stop and you
can position yourself.

03 20 43 35 CMP Okay.

03 20 43 59 CDR Okay.

03 20 44 02 CDR We're not going - we're not going to do the pitch,

180-degree pitch.

03 20 44 0 _' I;4P We won't do that 180-degree pitch, Dave. We'll

Just do the 90-degree pitch up here.

03 20 44 09 CICc' Okay, good idea.

t 03 20 44 14 CDR Get over there.

Okay, go
i 03 20 44 30 CDR to ATTITUDE HOLD
03 20 44 31 CMp I think it would be alright if we Just get some

t to the proper
relative attitude
attitudes, for the
because I'm SEP,
to you can

03 20 44 36 I/4P Right. Okay.

i line up with me there.

l 03 20
44 37 CDR Okay, ready for the pitch?

going to pitch 90 de_rees only.

I 03
03 20
20 44
44 38
42 II_P
C?4P I'm going
Okay, do the pitch around maneuver, and I'm

t 03
03 20 44 43
45 I341)
CDR Okay, I'm going
going to
to start
start. now.

accident - okay, you got - that's the other one's

fine. Okay, camera coming out. All set. Boy,
i 03 20 44 _9 LMP Okay there. Oh shoot, now. (Laughter) Just by
that sun is going to be right in the wrong place
t for - for these pictures, ho]y smoke.

} CO INfi"TD'L" L
- age C l rmum" < ,L
Tape 09-03601

03 20 45 21 CMP It's looking good.

03 20 45 22 LMP Okay.

03 20 45 23 LMP Okay, Jim, I'll be ready to hit the hand controller.

03 20 45 26 CDR I can get it.

03 20 45 27 LMP No, that's okay. I'll get it. You got to hit
that doggone hand controller so fast there.

03 20 45 31 CDR I think - let me try - I could - I could do better

myself if I knew when - when it was going to get

03 20 45 36 _._ Okay.

03 20 45 25 LMP How's he coming?

03 20 45 46 CDR I don't know; I don't see him yet.

03 20 45 48 CDR Here he comes.

03 20 46 O0 CMP That's a nice looking machine.

03 20 46 03 LMP So is yours. Where is he?

03 20 46 04 CDR He is over here in the left.

03 20 46 05 LMP Oh, shoot - no wonder - oh, there he is.

03 20 46 09 CMP TLat's about all it looks like, though, is some

.¢ _f a machine.

03 20 46 ll LMP You sure you don't want me to get it, Jim?

03 20 46 12 CDR No, I'll get it.

03 20 h6 13 LMP Okay.

03 20 46 15 CDR Okay, Dave, when I get about perpendicular to you

here, I'm going to stop and start my ya_ to the

03 20 46 21 CMP Okay.

03 20 46 29 CDR Okay, I'm going to start my yaw around to the left.

ENTIAL 4- Rage
_"'_. Tape 09-03601
03 20 46 31 LMP Okay, - do you want to - okay.

03 20 46 34 CDR Okay, why don't you get some pictures.

, 03 20 46 35 _4P Okay.

03 20 46 40 LMP We're not that far behind, J_m. We're - we've got
lots of time.

03 20 46 43 CDR We're supposed to start that in 18 minutes, so

we're Just about - Just auout there.

03 20 47 14 CMP I think we're in good shape altitude - attitude-


03 20 47 18 CDR Yes, we only got off about 20 or 30 degrees there

03 20 47 24 LMP Try anotherDave.

setting here real quick.
I ia Ditch,

03 20 47 36 _P His flashing beacon is working, by the way.

03 20 47 38 CDR Yes, I saw that.

03 20 47 40 LMP Okay.

03 20 48 06 CMP All the downlock squibs look good so far.

03 20 48 16 iMP Okay, let me get this off of here.

03 20 48 24 LMP Oh no, I want to keep it there, that's right.

03 20 48 25 LMP Wool Forgot.

03 20 48 47 CDR On shoot, I think our COAS is erapped up.

03 20 48 50 _4P Yes, that's a pretty bright background.

03 20 48 51 CC Spider and Gumdrop, Houston. Sometime within the

next 4 minutes let's get - be sure your S-bsnd
volume is up. We'll be going over to Madrid.

03 20 48 57 LMP Roger, Spider.

03 20 48 58 CMP Gumdrop.

CONF' ' ,LfL

Tape 09-03601

03 20 h9 07 _4P Well, I think that - Okay, you can - you can -

discuss the thing On the tape here; we got that on.

03 20 h9 18 CDR Okay, the attitude control in - in AGS every bit

as bad as it is in the simulator, I think.

t 03 20 49 24 LMP CB(ll), STAB CONTROL DECA POWER_ CLOSED, first,


03 20 h9 27 CDR Okay. DECA POWER, CLOSE.

03 20 h9 29 LMP Right. Okay, and I got DESCENT ENGINE OVERRIDE,


03 20 49 33 CDR Okay.

03 20 49 3h CMP Okay.

03 20 49 h2 CDR Yes, I really think we've lost the God-blessed


03 20 49 51 CMP Okay, I've got 13 minutes before the SEP burn.

03 20 49 53 _ Okay.

03 20 49 56 CDR Would you believe it, but I think my COAS went out.

03 20 49 59 CDR Oh no, there it is over there. Okay.

03 20 50 02 LMP You got it against the right stop, Jim?

_! 03 20 50 Oh CDR What?

03 20 50 06 LMP You have it against the right stop?

03 20 50 07 CDR Yes.

03 20 50 08 LMP Okay.

03 20 50 13 CDR 93, 00, O0 - .., O093,E?NTER; plus O0000,ENTER; 09300,

_ITER - 0ops! Try it again; VERB 25, NO_i 8h, ENTER.

t 03 20 50 h2 C4P I'm getting a look at your engine down here, and it

looks pretty clean.

CONFI! ' (
Tape 09-03601
Day - Page
03 20 50 _6 LMP Good. I can't see much except your nose, so right
nov I can't even see that. Okay, how close are -
we're still a little weis away.

03 20 51 2_ CDR Boy, if you ever got out against that sunlight

that, we'd have it.

03 20 51 30 LMP 30 degrees of yaw remain. We want to go GUIDANCE


03 20 51 _8 LMP PGNS now. Oh yes, oh yes.

03 20 5] _9 CDR ... you got -

03 20 51 51 LMP Let me get a picture of that. Oh boy, that's

pretty. I'll get the whole thing with you in the
foreground sort of.

03 20 51 57 CDR Oh, go ahead - let's just take a picture of him,

the heck with it.

03 20 52 03 CDR Hey, I'll call up the VERB 77 -

03 20 52 05 LMP No, not - okay, Just hit the 77. Okay, GUIDANCE
MODE CONTROL YAW. Okay. Call on the _TEi_.

03 20 52 18 CMP I can see your skip rudder when I back off Just a

t hit.
03 20 52 21 CDR Roger.

03 20 52 30 CDR Okay, and this ought to be in nice style.

03 20 52 31 CMP Yes.

03 20 52 33 CDR Okay, 3, 2, 1.

03 20 52 37 CDR HACK.

03 20 52 38 CDR It's not bad. Okay Dave, we - we can take over the

03 20 52 h5 _4P Okay, hit the VERB 77 _ER.

03 20 52 50 CMP Spider, I've got a slight up movement on you.

i! stationkeeping here.
Day 4- Page 150 A/ONF_
Tape 09-03601 __

03 20 52 52 CDR Okay.

03 20 52 53 _ Okay, GUIDANCE CONTROL to AGB.

03 20 52 54 CMP You've got the stationkeeping.

03 20 52 56 LMP Stationkeeping. Let's see - let me look at the


03 20 53 00 CDR No - that's working; it's so dim I Just can't see


I 03 20 53 03 I24P You ready, Jim?

03 20 53 06 LMP Okay, we are in AGS. Okay, LM in active station-

keeping. VERB 83, ENTER. Okay, and you want to
t 03 20 53 04 CDR To AG$ - go ahead.
adjust ORDEAL. Okay, he must be over your side.

03 20 53 25 CMP God-blessed, that ORDEAL isn't working at all,

03 20 53 27 _4F It isn't.
03 20 53 28 CMl) No.

23 20 53 29 I24P 153 degrees.

03 20 53 30 LMP Well, I don't know if you can set it out of plane.

03 20 53 32 CDR Yes, I can set it out of plane - set it out of

plane before, at least it stays somewhere near -

03 20 53 36 LMP Have you got the power on and everything?

03 20 53 37 CDR Yes.

03 20 53 38 LMP And Earth rate.

03 20 53 _0 CDR Yes.

03 20 53 43 LMP Okay, 153.6. Okay, PROCE_. Let me Just check

that here. What do you rant - you want to take a
picture of him ...
Tape 09-03601

03 20 53 55 CMP I'm starting to maneuver to SEP attitude at this


03 20 53 59 CDR Okay.

03 20 54 O0 LMP Gee, yes, I'd like to get a picture of him. Oh,

shoot. Can you yaw a little bit, Jim.

03 20 54 10 CMP No, I'm not going to do that. That AGS Control is -

Just won't work.

03 20 54 12 CDR Try it in PULSE.

I 03 20 54 13 CDR Can you do it in PULSE?

03 20 54 15 C._2
p- I'm translating over there slowly.

03 20 54 17 CDR Okay.

03 20 54 21 CMP Okay, I'll Just miss his attitude maneuver.

03 20 54 25 CDR Did you get the lens cover off? You got the lens
cover on, haven't you?

03 20 54 28 CDR Yes, you do. (Laughter) Great!

03 20 54 33 CDR Hey, why don't you give me the - this camera.

03 20 54 3_ LMP Okay, here go ahead.

03 20 54 42 LMP You want me to stationkeep Just a bit?

03 20 54 45 LMP Okay.

03 20 55 17 CDR My window is in the shade here, I don't know how

03 20 54 43 CDR No, we'll- Just
we ever let weit didn't
I guess run. really figure the sun

ought -

03 20 55 27 IMP Okay, 17 minutes - it's 7 minutes - -

i very well for that, did we? We figured the sun

03 20 55 29 LMP No, he's - he's up too high and over too far.

I 03 20 55 28 CDR Did you set any - can you get movies of h_m now?

! ¢ CO ; IAL
Day h - Page 152 C_[_ _A[
Tape 09-03601 --__,

03 20 55 33 CMP Why don't you unmount the camera and try to hold

03 20 55 36 LMP I can't even see him, Jim.

03 20 55 37 CDR Okay.

I 03 20 55 56 LMP Okay, you ready to go to PGNS?

03 PO 55 58 CDR Yes, I'm ready to go back to PGNS.

03 20 55 59 CMP Okay, going to PONS.

03 20 56 01 CDR Here, why don't you hold on to this?

03 20 56 02 C_-{P Okay, tape we're going back -

03 20 56 03 CDR Why don't you hold this and let me turn it to

PGNS - I don't want to not have my hand on the

03 20 56 08 LMP Okay.

03 20 56 11 LMP Okay, we're in PGNS - and if you want to comment

on the AGS ATTITUDE HOLD there -

03 20 56 18 CDR Yes - didn't seem to be too bad -

03 20 56 19 CMP Well, AOS ATTITUDE HOLD if you don't have to -

ATTITUDE HOLD is good; it's the RATE CO_4Af;D
that's so atrocious.

03 2O 56 31 LMP ...

03 20 56 3_ CDR Can you see him at all now?

03 20 56 35 _ Just barely. Can you get a little higher, Jim?

03 20 56 37 CDR Yes, I'll start - I'm moving up that way now.


03 20 56 L0 LMP Okay, let me have it back now that we've - made

this switch.

03 20 56 41 CMP Roger. Gumdrop copy. Carnarvon at 23.

03 20 56 _3 CDR Okay.

_!A[ Day Tape
4 - 09-03601
Page 153

03 20 56 52 _4P Okay, Spider. I'm Just about, at the attitude now

in plane, and roll is like your attitude, too.

03 20 56 58 CDR Okay, you look good to us. We're drifting over

slowly to the right and up, Rusty.

03 20 57 09 LMP To the left and up?

! 03 20 57 10 CDR To - to the left, yes.

going -
i 03 20 5Y 11 CDR Okay. He's coming over our right, and we're
03 20 57 13 L_r_ Okay, he's coming now.

03 Z0 57 18 _4P Okay. Thanks, S_nokey.

03 20 57 21 CDR Boy, we're sure not hearing them. If this COMM

doesn't improve, David, we're going to have an
awfully quiet rendezvous.

03 20 57 30 C_.[P Roger.

03 20 57 33 CDR Okay, I - Why don't you take the pictures and

and -

03 20 57 41 LS_ Yes.

03 20 57 49 CMP Crew, I have 5 minutes on my mark.

03 20 57 52 CMP 2, 1.

03 20 57 53 _ MARK.

03 20 57 54 CDR Roger. We're right wlth you.

03 20 57 55 _4P Right with you.

03 20 57 56 C_ Okay.

03 20 57 58 L%_ Are you stationkeeping now?

03 20 58 02 CDR Well - why don't we Just let it drift?

O3 20 58 0b LMP Okay.

03 20 58 05 CDR It's not going anyplace.

Tape 09-03601
-- -x,,,
03 20 58 06 LMP That was my one chance. (Laughter)

03 20 58 09 CDR You'll get another chance.

03 20 58 l0 LMP NO, I won't - where?

03 20 58 12 CDR Not until we get back.

C3 20 58 26 L_ Okay, looks like we've got Just a little bit of


03 20 58 29 CDR Okay.

03 20 58 34 CDR Okay, that's enough on the movies, let me go back

to business here.

03 20 58 38 LMP Okay, VERB 84. You have that all loaded?

03 20 58 40 LMP VERB 84 is ail loaded.

03 20 58 41 CDR Okay.

03 20 58 47 CDR Okay, when he starts up -

03 20 58 58 LMP Okay, I'm ready with the VERB 76. Okay,

let me take a few - Oh hell, you've got
a - You want me to take some more that
way? You've got 3 minutes here.

03 20 59 08 CDR No, I don't want to take any more pictures.

03 20 59 09 LMP Okay, I'll try to get one here.

03 20 59 l_ CDR There goes a name-plate off of something.

03 20 59 23 _4P Yes, I see it.

03 20 59 24 CDR Yes.

03 20 59 30 CMP Okay, I got to get - I got to get into 76 here,


03 20 59 36 E4P Roger. 76 is right here, and I'm all ready to

hit ENTER.

L--"- I IA - 09-03601

03 20 59 h2 CMP It's all set up.

03 20 59 k7 LMP OFF, damn it; tape OFF, CLOSED.

03 20 59 _9 CDR AOT LAMP BR AKE is CLOSE.

03 20 59 51 _4P AC BUS B only, right?

03 20 59 52 CMP AC BUS B; that's right. Okay.

03 21 12 39 CDR Rusty, let me - get this off of here, it's sort of

in the way.

03 21 12 4k LMP Okay. I'm - I'm going to take it - Okay, go ahead.

03 21 12 53 LMP Okay. We're ready for the maneuver, ready?

03 21 12 56 CDR Okay, go.

03 21 12 58 _._ Okay, here goes the maneuver. Gee. Great Scott!

Okay, the ERROR needles are coming in, not yet,
almost. 3, 2, 1.

03 21 13 38 _P MARK.

03 21 13 _0 LMP How's that for a shock?

03 21 13 _k CDR Oh, my goodness. Wonder what happened?

03 21 13 _6 _4P What?

03 21 13 _7 CDR I saw it coming right on down and then -

03 21 13 52 CDR Okay, you're - you're clear to MARK on either.

03 21 13 55 LMP You could see it?

03 21 13 57 CDR Yes, I could but, it's Just, it's disappearing

out there - what's - -

03 21 1_ O1 _4P Is the radar in the way?

03 21 1_ 02 CDR I don't know; I can't tell. There, I can see it


03 21 iH 07 _4P Maybe it's exit pupil. It may be moxdng in and

out of it.

Day 4 - Page 156 ,,
Tape 09-03601

03 21 14 16 LMP Okay, you're clear to mark on either. You think

you can mark on it now?

03 21 14 32 CDR I'm clear to mark either?

03 21 14 34 LMP Yes.

03 21 14 36 CMP Okay, which way do you want it?

03 21 14 38 CDR Oh boy, that reticle is terrible, too.

03 21 14 42 CDR Up, 2, DOW]_. Whoooo, stop, to LEFT/RIGHT.

03 22 14 50 CMP It's not moving.

03 21 14 52 CMP Hello, Spider; G_drop. I've got my alignment and

third star check on two bright stars.

03 21 14 58 CDR Okay, give me about 2 UP.

03 21 14 59 LMP 2 UP.

03 21 15 00 CDR And about 2 LEFT. I got a Y - I got an X in there,

didn't I? 1 RIGHT.

03 21 15 07 IMP Yes, you're clear to mark - ~

- 03 21 15 08 CMP 1 RIGHT and stop - -

/ 03 21 15 09 CDR 1 RIGHT and stop the UP/DO_.

03 21 15 17 LMP You're clear to mark Y.

03 21 15 18 CDR Okay, marking Y.

03 21 15 19 LMP Okay, you're clear to mark either.

03 21 15 22 CDR Okay. Well, give me 1 RIGHT.

03 21 15 24 _ 1 RIGHT.

03 21 15 29 CDR Clear to mark X. Okay, give me about 2 DOWN.

03 21 15 32 LMP 2 DOWN.

I 03 21 15 33 CDR Okay; 1 UP.


Tape 09-03601

_,- _age
03 21 15 35 IMP Looks like one's going to do it.
I 03 21 15 34 CMP 1 UP.

03 21 15 37 CDR Yes.
03 21 15 39 LMP CLEAR to mark X.
03 21 15 41 CDR Okay.

i 03 21 15 42 _ CLEAR to mark either.

03 21 15 43 CDR Give me about 1 UP.

· t11 03_ll_ _ _ 1_.

O3 21 15 51 IMP Looks like another 17

03 21 15 52 CDR Yes, 1 more UP.

OB 21 15 53 LMP 1 more UP.

03 21 16 00 IMP Okay, we're in the middle of our's, Gumdrop; we'll

be right with you.

03 21 16 04 CDR Okay, about 1 LEFT.

I 03 21 16 08 LMP CLEAR to mark Y. This is the third set.

I 03 21 16 13 CDR I can take five; I'm going to take all five.


03 21 16 15 I_P Right.

03 21 16 28 CMP Okay, give me one RIGHT.

03 21 16
03 16 22
30 IMP
Okay, CLEAR to mark either.

i 03 21 16 38 LMP Row about stopping the UP/DOWN?

03 21 16 40 CDR Okay, give me about 2 DOWN.

I 03 21 16 43 iMP 2 DOWN.
! 03 21 16 44 CDR That was the fourth set, wasn't it?

; ( CO_L
Tape 4 09-03601
Day - Page 158 _ [

03 21 16 45 _ Yes.

03 21 16 48 CDR I'm going to mark X, right?

03 21 16 49 LMP Right.

03 21 16 50 CDR 1 UP.

03 21 16 51 LMP 1 UP.

03 21 16 56 CDR Okay, now - -

03 21 16 57 _ CLEAR to mark either.

03 21 16 58 CDR i UP.

03 21 16 59 LMP i UP. How about stopping the LEFT/RIGHT?

03 21 17 O1 LMP Yes.

03 21 l? 02 CDR Okay.

03 21 17 05 LMP Another UP.

03 21 17 06 CDR Another UP.

03 21 17 08 CDR Another UP.

03 21 17 I4 LMP Okay, CLEAR to mark Y.

03 21 17 18 CDR This is almost as bard to use as the simulator.

03 21 17 34 CMP Is it coming?

03 21 17 35 CDR It's coming.

03 21 17 40 I_P Stop the UP/DOWN - -

03 21 17 41 CDR Yes.

03 21 17 42 LMP That's the last mark. To hell with it.

03 21 17 28 I_vfP/CDR Okay.

03 21 17 51 LMP See it move back a minute?

03 21 17 56 CDR Let me look at something Just a minute here.

, COh L
--' HUt'N
'-" '' ,_ page
Tape 09-03601

03 21 18 01 CDR Okay, here comes the Acrux now.

03 21 18 03 LMP Okay. Ready?

03 21 18 07 LMP Ready, GO. AUTO MANEUVER. 00.

03 21 18 16 _ ...

03 21 18 18 CDR Yes.

03 21 18 20 LMP Could you tell that was Sirius?

03 21 18 22 CDR Yes, it's defln_tely Sirius.

03 21 18 2_ _ Gee, you could identify all this - It's not even

dark yet. Boy, there's the Gumdrop.

03 21 18 30 CDR That's Canopus over there.

03 21 18 33 LMP Okay.

03 21 18 38 CDR There's a whole mass -

03 21 18 39 _4P Boy, it looks Just like the simulator in the ball.

Man, it is coming right down the same way.

) 03 21 18 _2 ¢MP do.

03 21 18 h_ CDR Roger, great. This AOT is really not a very good

optical instrument, I tell you. Hey, there's
Acrux. Whoooo, pretty close!

03 21 18 59 LMP Okay - okay, you're CLEAR to mark either.

03 21 19 05 CDR Can you pull that right - right window shade up,

03 21 19 08 _4P Okay, right window shade coming up. Stand by and

let me see if I can get that up there. Okay.

03 21 19 19 CDR Oh, let's turn down some lights. My God, we never

even turned off any lights.

03 21 19 20 _ Oh.

03 21 19 2_ CDR That help any? Let me get - -

Day _ - Page 160 _w./l_l I_,_1_ irmm_
Tape 09-03601

02 21 19 25 LqP Yes, that helps a lot.

03 21 19 26 LMP Here, let me get up some for you.

03 21 19 28 iMP Okay, listen. What you've got in there right now

is good.

03 21 19 29 CDR You should have to pitch up a good bit.

03 21 19 32 LMP Yes, oh yes, pitch up and - -

03 21 19 36 CDR Okay, it's - -

03 21 19 37 L_P Under the right too.

03 21 19 38 CDR Yes, I got the one at the right end.

03 21 19 _l LMP Okay, pitching back down. Okay, how's that?

03 21 19 _8 CDR You're too close. I more to the RIGHT.

03 21 19 50 _P 1 more RIGHT.

03 21 19 52 CDR And Just let it drop do_n.

03 21 19 53 L_P Okay.

03 21 20 l0 CDR It's going to be in X.

03 21 20 I1 LMP Okay.

03 21 20 13 LMP Stop the LEFT/RIGHT, or not?

03 21 20 16 CDR Stop the LEFT/RIGHT.

03 21 20 17 LMP Yes. Okay.

03 21 20 18 CDR 1 more UP.

03 21 20 20 _ Okay.

03 21 20 2_ LMP Oh, we're way over control. Ar_ I glad we don't

have to do one with an ascent onlyl

03 21 20 30 CDR Well, we still need UP RIGHT.

03 21 20 31 _,_ Yes, one more UP.

Tape 09-03601

03 21 20 35 CDR There - there it goes.

03 21 20 38 LMP Boy, oh boy, everything is so bright in here.

03 21 20 41 LMP Okay, CLEAR to mark Y.

03 21 20 42 LMP Want to turn do_n your lights before you do that,

or not?

03 21 20 46 CDR If you want to reach over there.

03 21 20 47 LMP I can't reach them.

03 21 20 49 CDR I don't want to mess with them, yet.

03 21 20 50 _._ Okay. CLEAR, to mark Y.

03 21 20 52 CDR Give me 1 to the RIGHT, LEFT.

03 21 20 53 IRP Okay. 1 DOWN?

03 21 20 58 CDR No. Stop - yes, stop to dial -

03 21 21 O1 LMP Okay, yes, right.

03 21 21 03 CDR I wanted to get down a little hit farther there -

You can't get the -

03 21 21 14 CDR 1 more RIGHT.

03 21 21 16 LMP RIGHT or LEFT.

03 21 21 17 CDR LEFT, I mean.

03 21 21 19 CDR Never mind. Just leave it like it _s now.

03 21 21 20 IRP Okay.

03 21 21 29 LMP Okay, mark either.

03 21 21 31 CDR Okay, give me a - 1 RIOHT.

03 21 21 34 LMP 1 RIG}_.

03 2] 21 35 CDR 1 UP, too.

03 21 21 36 _4P 1UP, too.

Tape 09-03601

03 21 21 38 CDR Okay, 1 more RIGHT.

03 21 21 39 _ 1 more BIGHT.

03 21 21 58 LMP How you coming?

03 21 21 59 CDR Okay, Just let it go.

03 21 22 00 LMP Okay. I'd like to kill a roll pulse here.

03 21 22 02 CDR No, not yet.

I 03
03 21
21 22
22 07
03 CDR
LMP Okay,
Okay. now you can.

I 03 21 22
22 09 LMP Okay.
03 21 11 CDR Okay, give me 1 DOWN - What am I marking now?

03 21 22 14 CDR Good. Hey, it's harder than hell to get this star
i 03 21 22 13 LMP You're marking
focused and the X.reticle focused, too. They're not

looking for the

in exit pupilspot.
of one;
You doesn't seem to
I even focused the same know, you're
be where the exit pupil Of the other is.

03 21 22 30 LMP Okay, CLEAR to mark X.

03 21 22 38 CDR Okay. 1 UP.

03 21 22 40 LMP CLEAR to mark either.

03 21 22 42 CDR 1 on UP.

.t+ 03 21 22 h3 L_4P 1 on UP.

03 21 22 45 CDR Another 1 UP.

03 21 22 46 LMP Another 1 UP.

03 21 22 48 I_qP Boy, this pulse is really nice.

03 21 22 55 L_ Okay, CLEAR to mark Y.

03 21 22 56 CDR Okay, - -

_ L Day 4 - Page 163
Tape 09-03601

03 21 22 59 CC Gumdrop/Spider, Houston through Carnarvon;

standing by.

03 21 23 01 I24P 1 LEFT.

03 21 23 03 CDR - - okay, 1 LE_'r.

03 21 23 04 LMP Which set was that?

03 21 23 06 CC Gumdrop ...

03 21 23 07 I2_P That was about the - I think this was the third.

03 21 23 10 CC ... confirm SEP burn.

03 21 23 11 C_._P Roger. SEP burn on time. Good burn, and every-

thing's looking good.

03 21 23 16 LMP Okay, mark either; that was the third set.

03 21 23 21 CDR Take 1 RIGHT.

03 21 23 22 U_P 1 RIGHT.

03 21 23 24 L_F Stop the UP/DOWN.

03 21 23 25 CDR No.

03 21 23 32 CDR And Spider is here. We've finished marking our

Sirius, and we're in our fourth set on Aerux.

03 21 23 38 I24P Okay, now- -

03 21 23 39 CC Roger, Spider; you're loud and clear.

03 21 23 40 CDR Okay, now 1 DOWN. And 1 RIGHT, too.

03 21 24 01 I24P Stop the LEPr/RIGHT?

03 21 24 03 CDR No.

03 21 24 10 L34P Okay, that was the fourth set.

03 21 24 11 CDR Okay, 1 UP.

03 21 24 12 I2.[P 1 UP. CLEAR to mark either'. Can I stop that

Tape 09-03601
03 21 24 14 CDR Yes.

03 21 24 15 CDR Okay.

03 21 24 18 CDR You need that one more right now.

03 21 24 21 LMP Okay.

03 21 24 29 LMP CLEAR to mark Y.

03 21 24 30 CDR Okay, just let it go.

03 21
21 24
24 33 LMP Let get one roll pulse here.
32 LMP

03 21 24 34 CDR No, Just - just delay.

03 21 24 36 CDR Okay.

03 21 24 46 LMP Okay. Ready?

03 21 24 _8 CDR Ready.

03 21 24 51 LMP Oh my aching back! Would you believe 5 zero's?


03 21 2_ 57 CMP Beautiful.

03 21 24 58 CC Roger. Spider.

03 21 25 02 LMP (Laughter) McDivitt!

03 21 25 04 CDR Okay, let's do the next one.

_ 03 21 25 05 LMP Okay.

03 21 25 06 LMP We're way - okay, stand by here. We've got to

get the COAS going. Okay, let me get - copy them
down here.

03 21 25 17 CDR I can see Gumdrop down there.

03 21 25 21 _ Okay, 93 is minus 0.090 - -

03 21 25 30 CC That looks mighty pretty, Spider.

03 21 25 31 LMP - - minus 0.076 - -

[_ _ .
.: Page
Tape 09-03601

03 21 25 33 CDR Thank you.

03 21 25 36 LMP Plus 0.111. Roy, that docked alignment turned out

good, didn't it? Holy smokes! Ready to gyro torque?

03 21 25 _1 CDR Ready, babe.

I 03
03 21
21 25
25 _5
42 LMP
Okay, there they ENTER.

I 03 21 25 50 LMP Okay, you ready for your C0AS?

I 03 21 25 52
5k CDR
Okay, 2's - 526. I want to do VERB 21, ENTER;

all zeros - that darn.

03 21 26 12 CDR Regulus should be way over there.

t 526, ENTER. Okay, PHO, VERB 22, ENTEN; plus

03 21 26 14 LMP No, not Regulus now. This is not Regulus.

03 21 26 13 LMP Okay, you ready? Here we go.

03 21 26 16 CDR That's right_ that's the other one.

03 21 26 18 LMP Spica.

03 21 26 19 CDR Splca, oh shoot, we're not going to be able to

see Spica.

03 21 26 21 LMP Well, we will when we pass the horizon.

03 21 26 27 CDR No ... the moon's going to be in the way.

03 21 26 29 CDR Oh.

03 21 26 30 CMP Spider, Gumdrop, I can see your Jets firing Just

as clear as a bell.

03 21 26 34 CDR Roger. I was watching your light down there.

Stop right there.

03 21 26 37 CMP You Just gave a big burst, didn't you?

166 ,C..,4D'NFIDENTtAL
03 21 26 39 CDR Roger. Well, there's a star out there, and it's
right next to the moon. And that's where Spica
ought to be.

03 21 26 h4 IMP Can - okay, now stand by and let me - zero some

things for you.

03 21 26 50 CMP Here, let me -

03 21 26 52 cc Gumdrop, Houston. Did you do a P527

03 21 26 56 CMF Roger. And stand by, and I'll give you the angles.

03 21 26 59 CC Roger.

03 21 27 05 CMF It will be about 5 minutes.

03 21 27 06 _4P It's right on in yaw, and it's right on in pitch


03 21 27 12 CDR Okay, it's a half of a degree out in yaw, right

out in pitch.

03 21 27 14 LMP 0kay. PROCEED, PROCEED; PROCEED. Okay, now let

me Just check my - where I am here. Okay, the
time now is 93:27:30. Okay, and - we've got the
position of the star - we're there. Okay, we
_ want to do a VERB 34, Okay, VERB 34, ENTER. Okay,
and you can to CB(ll), AC BUS B, AOT LA_, OPEN.

i 03 21 28 05 CDR It's open. Close ...

i 03 21 28 10 CDR Okay.
03 21 28 18 LMP Okay. Come on, baby. Okay, I'm updating and
aligning the AGS, and we're 6 minutes up. We've
never been here before.

03 21 28 33 CDR Yes.

03 21 28 41 _._ 5 zeros. McDivitt, you're fantastic!

03 21 28 47 CDR I'll take that beer.

J 03 21 28 4B _P Yes.

i 03 21 28 49 CDR Where are - where are we_

Tape 09-03601

03 21 28 50 CMP Okay, tape is coming off.

03 21 28 51 CDR Where - where are we, Rusty?

03 21 28 52 LMP We're at - no, I'm going to leave the tape on.

Excuse me. We're at rendezvous - We're at
minus 13 minutes on phasing. We're coming up on
phasing 16.

03 21 29 03 CDR And you're updating the AGS, okay?

03 21 29 05 LMP Right. 8 feet per second free spectrum, and

we're 0.14 - 1.6 miles away.

03 21 29 14 CDR Right.

03 21 29 19 CMP Okay, here goes the aligament on the AGS. Nicely.


03 21 29 26 CC Okay, Spider and Gumdrop - -

03 21 29 28 I_P We'll proceed now.

03 21 29 29 CC - - this is Houston. I'll lose you over Carnarvon

in about a minute, and bring up your S-band
voltunes about that time. We'll have you at

03 21 29 36 CDR Okay.

03 21 29 38 LMP Okay, CB (11), AC BUS A, RENDEZVOUS RADkR, CLOSE.

You got that?


03 21 29 42 LMP/CDR Okay, - that's in - -

03 21 29 43 LMP Okay, that's in 30 seconds.

03 21 29 47 CDR Okay, shouldn't we make an AUTO maneuver here?

03 21 29 50 CDR Right.

03 21 29 51 LMP The VERB 89, ENTER. And you want the Z-axis, so
it's a plus 1, and it's a PRO. And there's going
to be the roll pitch and yaw. And a PRO. Okay,
ready to maneuver?


Tape 09-03601 _,

03 21 30 03 CDR I'm ready.

03 21 20 04 LMP Okay. PRO. Boy, it really goes off with a bang,

doesn't it?

03 21 30 13 CDR Yes. Keep an eye on that propellant.

03 21 30 21 _4P Yes.

03 21 30 27 _AO Okay, you got the time up, yet?

03 21 30 30 CDR 42 - not quite, yes. It is. So we're missing


03 21 30 37 I34P Oh, that's okay. I wouldn't sweat that one.

PRO. Okay, R_TDEZVOUS P3D_R to SLEW, you want to
track the CSM with the COAS, and you are in PULSE.
Okay, and you got a roll - 25 degrees to the left.

03 21 31 07 CDR Yes, let me get up there to them.

03 21 31 10 I24P Okay, want me to turn some lights down for you?

03 21 31 14 CDR No, I can see them fine. Surely they got a good
light out there. Getting close, anyway.

03 21 31 19 CIA° I don't see it. Where is he?

03 21 31 20 CDR He's right at - he's right down the Z-axis about

a half - No - oh, he Just fired a bunch -

03 21 3/ 28 _AO Oh, hell, I got my window shade up. No wonder I

can't see.

03 21 31 35 CMP Spider, Gumdrop, I've got you at 1.78 miles and

4.8 feet per second.

03 21 31 40 CDR Okay.

03 21 31 46 IMP Are you firing a lot out there?

03 21 31 h9 CMP Yes, Just spurts. Yes, look.

03 21 31 53 CDR Yes, it actually put your light out; I can't even

see it.

03 21 31 56 CM}_ Just pulsing.

C0 L (
- -- NllAL Day - Pag169
Tape 09-03601

03 21 32 O0 CDR I don't care what it is; it'll put your light out,

03 21 32 03 _ Okay, we're on him right now.

03'21 32 06 CDR Okay, you want to lock your RADAR, ON?

03 21 32 13 LMP Go to SLEW, don't we, here?

03 21 32 18 CDR Stand by.

03 21 32 19 LMP Hey, don't we want to go to SLEW?

03 21 32 20 CMP Gumdrop, Spider; do you have your light on?

03 21 32 25 LMP Oh shoot! Yes, now.

03 21 32 27 CDR Slew it to zero for me will you, Rusty?

03 21 32 31 LMP Okay. Say, what you want to pass, Houston?

03 21 32 _1 CC Roger, I want to update your redlines on the -

your DPS - your oxidizer to fuel is - -

03 21 32 50 CDR Are you ready?

03 21 32 51 CC - - redline is - -

03 21 32 52 LMP Go.

03 21 32 53 CC - - 25 - 25 versus the 12 as shown on your check-


03 21 32 58 I24P Roger, understand

oxidizer. 25 percent on the redline for

03 21 33 05 CC No, it's a DELTA-P of 25 psi oxidizer to fuel.

03 21 33 13 LMP Okay, 25 DELTA-P oxidizer to fuel is a redline.

03 21 33 20 CC That's affirmative.

03 21 33 22 CDR Okay, we're locked on. Good, solid.

03 21 33 23 CC In other words, they are both 25 now?

03 21 33 28 CDR Roger. Got you.

Day 4 - Page 170 f'_FIA!_._iN[ii./_i_/I/_%L
Tape 09-03601

03 21 33 32 _P Okay, let me see where we are, now. Okay, VERB 70,

RADAR to AUTO TRACK. Okay. You've got it there.
Main load lock ON; you want to verify that.

03 21 33 43 CMP I have.

03 21 33 44 CDR Okay. Here comes a VERB 83.

02 31 33 45 CMP Plus 00035, minus 00109.

03 21 33 53 _ Did you get the landing radar breaker Closed too,


03 21 33 56 CDR No, I didn't.

03 21 33 57 LMP Okay. You want to get that one?

03 21 34 02 CDR You know he actually - he puts out his light when

he fires this stuff.

03 21 34 04 _4P Yes, doesn't he? He puts out a whole cloud.

03 21 34 08 CDR Fantastic.

03 21 34 09 LMP Hey, you want to adjust the ORDEAL here.

03 21 34 12 LMF 353. Hight on the money.

03 21 34 15 CDR Yes, it's doing all right now.

03 21 34 18 LMF Okay. You don't want to adjust it?

03 21 34 20 CDR No, it's ali right.

03 21 34 21 _4P Okay. We've got about 8 feet per second and

2.225 - -
03 21 34 23 CDR Why - why don't you leave it there until I get

right side up - -

03 21 34 25 _4P Let's see how we score on that.

03 21 34 27 CDR Okay. That's a little bit off now.

03 21 34 30 CC Spider and Gumdrop, this is Houston. You are GO

for phasing.


.,M_ t,-_ k i C i I_ C K_ T,ClA /

Tape 09-03601

03 21 34 34 CDR Roger, Houston. Understand we are GO for phasing.

03 21 34 37 CMP Gumdrop copies.

03 21 34 38 LMP Okay, we're going to have a few updates, Jim; it

looks like we've got a little bit different here.

03 21 34 45 CDR Okay.

03 21 34 47 LMP Okay. When we are going to P207

03 21 34 48 CDR Okay. Go ahead.

03 21 34 49 CC And Gumdrop, you might anticipate a MASTER ALARM

on your H 2 tank pressure.

03 21 34 52 LMP No, we are not going into P20 now, Jim; we're - -

03 21 34 54 CDR No, yes, no. Not when I was really - I was Just
acknowledging the fact that - when we go there,
we're going to get a - -

03 21 35 O1 _ Yes. Okay.

03 21 35 02 CDR Probably an update.

03 21 35 05 LMP Okay. We're going to bypass the maneuver.

03 21 35 10 CDR Boy, I wish I had some rate needles I could use.

03 21 35 12 LMP Enter on that - Okay. We've got 12 minutes until

the burn, and we're up to about - Hell, we're about

03 21 35 23 CDR Okay.

03 21 35 24 LMP 12 minutes.
All Whatwe're
of a sudden do you
on the time line.

03 21 35 28 LMP Okay. NOUN 86, ENTER. Okay. Let me copy those

down. Plus 1.2, minus all zips, and m_nus 90.7 -
Okay, but I'm going to use the pad anyway. Okay.
I'll do a F_Y RELEASE.

03 21 35 45 CMP Spider, Gumdrop.

03 21 35 46 LMP 0o ahead.

( 'C. TIAL
- age ,,..,_,
Tape 09-03601

OB 21 35 h8 CMP May I have this crossing late?

OB 21 35 52 LMP Okay.

03 21 35 59 _oa Man, when your thrusters fire, it Just puts out a

great big orange cloud I can see way back here.

03 21 36 03 CMP Yes, yours too.

03 21 36 11 LMP Okay. Now I need that pad, okay, I got it.

03 21 36 18 CDR Looks like somehow or other, we're out of plane,

too. Boy, I sure could use those 1 degree per
second rate needles in that - or at least a set
of rate needles that were accurate.

03 21 36 33 L_P Yes.

03 21 36 39 L_P We are alright there.

03 21 36 52 CDR Gumdrop, did you ever pick up my light again?

03 21 37 02 CMP Roger.

03 21 37 03 CDR Okay.

03 21 37 05 CMP I'vegot your light ...

03 21 37 08 CDR Okay.

03 21 37 10 CDR I have a showing about a degree or so out of plane


03 21 37 14 LMP That's not too surprising.

03 21 37 17 CDR What?

03 21 37 18 I2_P At this close range, Jim, that's not a surprise,

I guess.

03 21 37 23 CDR Well, I really didn't expect it. It surprises me.

03 21 37 36 CDR Okay, at 10 minu_es to go: Okay.

03 21 37 37 I24P Did you get to VERB 78, ENTER?

03 21 37 43 CMP It was ... minutes late for the crossing and I

don't know why.

Day - a e
Tape 09-03601

03 21 37 h5 CDR You gave us what?

03 21 3I _? CMP About ? minutes late for that horizontal crossing.

03 21 37 _9 CDR Oh, really?

03 21 37 50 CMP Yes, I don't understand it Rusty.

03 21 37 5_ CDR Gee, we're Just about crossed right now. We're

Iook- we're going to he looking up at you, I
think, here, if I pitched all the way around.

03 21 38 O1 CDR No, I don't mean that.

03 21 38 O_ _4P Oh, my ORDEAL slewed good.

03 21 38 06 LMP Boy, we're right on 286 in the pitch, Jim.

03 21 38 10 CDR Okay.

03 21 38 11 _ Okay. Did - did you get VERB 78 in?

03 21 38 12 CDR I'll get it when I do - -

03 21 38 15 _ I got it. VERB 78, ENTER. Okay.

03 21 38 25 LMP Okay. Let me see where we are now. Okay. We got

the cumulative DFI POW_, ON.

03 21 38 33 CDR DFI POWER, ON.



03 21 38 39 LMP Standing by for 6 minutes. Okay. Here we go:

if no DPS ignition, or premature shutdown, do not
restart. Okay. Okay, it say_, "Null only Y and D

03 21 38 52 CDR Okay.

03 21 38 55 LMP If the X residual is less than 20 feet per second,

perform insertion as planned. If the X residuals
are greater than 20 feet per second, eventually do
not - do NCC NSR.
- Page C i:'4FtDENTIA[
Tape 09-03601 k

03 21 39 l0 CDR Okay.

03 21 39 11 LMP Okay. Do not stage. Terminate burn, if the

errors greater than i0 degrees, rates greater than

5 are greater
degress per than
second, 3 10 degrees,
second overburn attitude
or equiva-

i lent.
O3 21 39 24 Okay. on
CDR Do you know the burn time this? We

03 21 39 27 LMP No,
don'twe even
everit.have a burn time.

03 21 39 29 LMP Okay. Standing by for 6 minutes. So let me Just

) check all the RCS and everything.

profile. It's all - -

I 03
03 21
21 39 38
39 33 _4P
What doup weto do_0 here?
at 5 seconds.
We slip throttle

I 03 21 39 40 CDR To 40 percent. We'll just stay there.

I 03 21 39 47 LMP Okay.
of 25 That's
in the DPS
25] between
Okay. Do
we haveanda fuel.

03 21 40 01 CDR Now, whoa, whoa, tight.

03 21 40 05 LMP Okay. We're looking like about - -

03 21 40 07 CDR Its 12.

03 21 40 08 _4P ]2, yes. Okay. SO we're - -

03 _1 40 09 CDR We got ULL limit, wasn't it?

03 21 40 12 _4P (Laug_ 3r) Yes. As a matter of fact, OX HIGH,

too. I guess that's why they gave it to us.

03 21 40 23 _4P Okay. In 6 minutes, we're going to do the

inverters. Then w_'re going to go to PULSE, and
you're going to gun control the AGS, and fly
the AGS errors to zero.

03 21 40 43 LMP McDivitt, I can't believe that alignment.

'",. IAL Day
', - age1TS
03 21 hO _5 CDR (Laughter) Neigher can I. Don't tell anybody

03 21 hO _6 IRP Gee.

03 21 hO 5_ CDR There's the one spot on this floor I need a hunk

of ¥elcro I don't have one.

03 21 LO 58 I24P Okay. _07 seems to be holding right now, for

some reason.

03 21 _1 03 CDR Okay. All right, let's start this thing a little

early the first time through it here.

03 21 4l 06 LMP Okay. EPS INVERTER 1, CLOSED.

03 21 hl 08 CDR INVERTER 1, CLOSED.

03 21 _1 10 LMP Okay. I'm going to INVERT}R{ 1. Okay. We're on


03 21 _1 17 LMP Okay, we didn't glitch anything. Cross tie

balance loads coming OPEN. But let me tell you
what your BUS does. It dropped to 29 - 29.h.

03 21 _1 30 CDR What's - what's the other one.

03 21 _1 31 LMP Just a little above that; 30 something.

03 21 _l 32 CDR That's okay.

03 21 hl 3h LMP Okay?

03 21 _1 35 CDR Yes.

03 21 _1 38 _ Okay, we got that done. ATTITUDE CONTROL to


03 21 41 _5 CDR MODE CONTROL t0 AUTO.

03 21 _1 _7 LMP Okay, GUIDANCE CONTROL to AGS.


03 21 hl 50 LMP Fly the AGS nearest to zero.

03 21 hi 53 LMP Oops! Hold on.

Tape 09-03601
03 21 21 57 LMP Come on.

03 21 22 04 CDR Okay, flying to zero.

O3 21 42 10 LMP Woop. Remember, you're not going to be pointing

that at them when you do that.

03 21 22 15 CDR Yes, I realize that.

O3 21 22 16 LMP Okay.

03 21 42 18 CDR I haven't been ... anyway. Let's see, when I get

there, I can Just put these things to MODE CONTROL,
and yaw looks like it's in pretty good - -

03 21 42 26 CDR But you don't want to do that too early, here.

I 03 21 42 24 LMP Well, you don't really want to - -

PULSE isn't too bad, because you can feel it; you
t 03 21 22 27 LMP No.
know it?
It'll eat up an awful lot of fuel. That

03 21 22 32 CDR Yes.

i 03 21 22 34 LMP It turns out it works all right.

03 21 22 42 LMP Okay, stand by for the 4 minute check. The two
clocks are right together.

03 21 42 48 CDR Okay.

03 21 42 51 LMP Okay, PGNS says, they're pegged at 5, that's


03 21 42 59 LMP Get up there faster. Okay, we're already to zero

range rate.

03 2_ 23 04 CDR Yes.

03 21 23 05 LMF Where are we? We're 16000 up, no 14.

03 21 43 22 CDR Dave, it looks like we're having a horizontal

crossing right about now.

03 21 23 25 C5_ Standing by for your burn.

. CON L (
--,.,, Tape 09-03601

03 21 h3 27 _ Oh, no we're not. No, he's not on our Z axis, Jim.

03 21 h3 31 CDR Yes, but the range rate is going to sero. We're

not up.

03 21 h3 3_ LMP Yes.

03 21 h3 38 LMP Roger, Houston. This is Spider. How do you read?

03 21 h3 42 CC You're loud and clear, Spider.

03 21 h3 _3 LMP Okay. h-minute check. ENGINE GIMBAL, OFF.



03 21 h3 52 CDR Okay.

03 21 h3 53 LMP Okay, you want to call them?

03 21 43 5_ CDR No, let me get them in there.

03 21 h3 56 _ Okay. Looks good, come on roll.

03 21 hh 26 CDR Okay, hustle up there. We got a lot to do here,

03 21 hh 32 CDR Okay, get going with the checklist.

03 21 hh 33 LMP Okay, TTCA, THROTTLE, UP, and MINIMUM throttle.



03 21 h_ _h LMP Okay, MANUAL THROTTLE to CO_4ANDER.


03 21 hh 26 LMP Verify MODE CONTROL, AUTO.

03 21 hh 50 CDR MODE CONTROL in AUTO.

03 21 _h 51 I/4P ENGINE ARM to DESCE_T.

03 21 hh 52 CDR ENO]NE ARM to DESCENT.

03 21 _h 53 I34P X-TRANSLATION, 2 JET.


' C AL
Tape 09-03601

03 21 ih 55 CDR 2 JET.

O3 21 _h 56 LMP BAL COUPLES, ON.

03 21 _ 57 CDR BAL COUPLES, ON.

03 21 [_ 58 LMP Okay, ABORT PRESS, to ON.

03 21 h5 00 CDR ABORT PRESS, to ON. You got your stop -

03 21 _5 02 I/4P I got it. Okay, verify DPS and APS, temperatures,

'and pressures. We got 28 seconds to the 2 minute.

03 21 h5 11 CDR They look good.

03 21 _5 17 CDR [ degrees. SUPERCRIT pressures back up again.

I 03 21 _5 lb LMP Can't be
Okay. anywhere
How's there error
that PGNS exceptlook?

03 21 h5 2[ CDR Okay, stand by for 2 minutes. It'll be 2 minutes

03 21 h5 30 _4P Okay.
i on my mark, Gumdrop.

03 21 _5 33 I34P Oh, gees, I got to get my gloves on.

03 21 _5 3_ CDR MARK.

03 21 _5 35 CMP Right with you.

03 21 _5 37 I34P Verify burn attitude compare PGNCS and AGS

attitude errors. Let's see; PGNCS, okay. AGS
and DEAl)BAND. Okay. Okay.

03 21 _5 51 CDR Okay, in 8 seconds we're going to start ULLAGE.

03 21 _5 57 I24P Okay, why don't you read here, and I'll Just - -

03 21 _5 58 CDR Okay. We have the 2 minute mark thing done,

verified to BURN ATTITUDE.

_! 03 21 _6 03 LMP Wait, I'm still - -

f 03 21 _60_ CDR Take your AGS, ATTITUDE ERRORS.


! CON"t'm,, L
4 - Page 179
Tape 09-03601

03 21 46 06 LMP I'm still watching 407, too, cause I don't want

that damn thing to change.

03 21 46 10 CDR Okay. So you got all this other stuff up here,

yet. Okay, at 8 seconds, you do plus-X ULLAGE.

03 21 46 18 CDR At 5 seconds, you hit the ENTER.

03 21 46 17 LMP Right.
03 21 46 22 CDR At 5 seconds t turn the ENGINE GIMBAL to _AGLE.

I 03 21 46 26 iMP Alright.
03 21 46 28 CDR Okay. 55 I throttle up to 40 percent.

03 21 46 31 IMP Go ahead.

03 21 46 34 CDR Okay, ENGINE OFF. I'll go GUID_JiCE CONTROL to

TTOA comes up.

03 21 46 4_ LMP Okay, and I'll be copying down the residuals.

03 21 46 _6 CDR Okay, and then PRO.

03 21 h6 48 CDR - and burn the residuals off.

_ I, 21 46
03 21 _6 h9
_7 LMP
LMP - and burn
Right. the -

i 03 21 46 55 LMP Okay, I'm going to go ahead and forget about _07,

03 21 46 57 L_P Okay.
I here.
seconds, Gumdrop.
j 03 21 47 O0 CDR 35

I, 03 21 47 07 CMP Roger.

03 21 17 CDR If we get out of control, I'll shut it OFF.
Our stop button's uncovered.

I 03 21 47 20 LMP Okay.
right? You got to go to ENGINE G_4BAL ENABLE;
- Page
180 CO MU'L"I" IAL
Tape 09-03601

03 21 47 22 CDR Right.

03 21 47 23 L_P Okay.

03 21 47 24 CDR 10 seconds.

03 21 47 27 LMP 8 ULLAGE, ON.

03 21 47 29 CDR Okay.

03 21 h7 30 LMP Okay, and ENTER.

03 21 47 31 CDR ENGINE GR4_L, ENABLE.

I 03 21 47 35 CDR Okay. Light - there it is.

03 21 47 36 U4P Okay, ULLAGE, OWF.

03 21 47 39 CDR Okay.

03 21 47 41 LMP 71 feet per second remaining.

03 21 47 43 CDR Little rough there.

03 21 47 45 LMP Yes, wasn't it. I think it swallowed a little

helium. Okay, they're both counting down

03 21 47 54 LMP Okay, E_GINE, OFF.

t 03 21 47 52 CDR Together, okay.

03 21 47 56 _4P Okay. 0.9 minus 10 - minus 1.

i 03 21 47 55 CDR Shutdown. Okay controls are off .


03 21 48 02 LMP In PGNS, okay.


COMMAND to JET. Oh, look at that. That's good.
It's a good burn, Gumdrop.

03 21 48 14 _4P Okay, good.

03 21 48 16 CDR Got a little rough there when we throttled up.

C_A[ Day _ - Page 181
Tape 09-03601

03 21 48 18 LMP Gees, it's a hell of a translation.

03 21 h8 21 CMP ... Gumdrop with you.

03 21 48 26 CDR Holy Christmas:

03 21 h8 27 LMP Okay.

03 21 48 35 LMP Look's good.

03 21 48 37 CDR Okay.

03 21 h8 40 LMP ' Okay, PROCEED. Stand by here.

03 21 48 48 LMP Okay, I want to do VERB 79, ENTER. You want

do a CAL.

03 21 48 50 CDR We want to - we want - Yes.

03 21 48 53 LMP ENTER.
03 21 48 54 CDR Fixing the CAL coming on.

03 21 1,8 55 LMP Zero zero, E_T_H.

03 21 _8 58 CDR Houston, Spider.

03 21 48 59 LMP E_TER.

03 21 49 02 CC Spider, Houston.

03 21 49 04 CDR Roger, the burn was a good one, and we're giving
you a CAL.

03 21 49 07 CC Roger. Thank you.

03 21 49 09 LMP Okay, 500, 501, and 502. After trimming the PGNS,
were reading 00, and minus 1.

03 21 49 18 CC Roger. Good work.

03 21 h9 22 CDR Okay, did you get VERB 79 in?

03 21 49 24 LMP Yes, I did. LANDING RADAR, OPEN.

03 21 49 26 CDR Okay. LANDING RADAR, 0PF_.

' ( C AL
Tape 09-03601
e COI "F'I'I '"N /AL


03 21 49 46 CDR It's ENABLE.

03 21 49 47 CDR INVERTER to 2.

i 03 21 49 50 LMP Am I?.

i 03 21 29
49 54
51 CC
CDR Okay,
rough it
and was
a little
here, Spider.
it got asaGood
chuggy 20 percent I wasburn.
throttling up. I waited for it and then
throttled up - -

03 21 50 03 LMP INVERTER 1, OPF2f.

03 21 50 04 CDR You got I,NluJiRTER2, ON?

03 21 50 05 LMP Yes.

03 21 50 06 CDR Okay, INVERTER 1 coming OPEN.

we'll see you over Texas about 05.

03 21 50 11 _ Okay, and you can debrief the burn.

i 03 21 50 07 CC Roger. We're losing you at the Mercury and

03 21 50 15 LMP Yes.
03 21 50 12 CDR Okay, got another?
03 21 50 16 CDR Okay, as I was - we had a nice slow start again,
Just like we had previously. However, as I
started throttling the thing up, I got up to
about 15 or 20 percent, and I started chugging.
You could actually feel the rough combustion of the -
behind the spacecraft. I held the throttle
there, and, I might add, I throttled up quite
' slowly. I held the throttle there, wafted for it
to catch up; it did, and I throttled on up to 40
percent, and it followed itself going up.

·,_f'_NFIDE"'_T'tAL Day
Tape 09-03601

03 21 50 ;.40 LMP And you want to pitch now and - -

03 21 50 4,2 CDR Yes.

03 21 50 _3 IMP Okay.

03 21 50 _ CDR Are we in 76 now?

03 21 50 45 LMP Yes, I'm going to - Here,

03 21 50 47 CDR Here, very good.

03 21 50 52 CDR See how bad off we are; we're pretty bad. The
shutdown was good. The residuals were practically
zero, and Gumdrop is way down below us. There.
See him?

j ( cNFIO"
Tape 09-03601

03 21 51 07 LMP Yes. See him?

03 21 51 10 CDR Yes.

03 21 51 12 CDR Hey, I'm surprised we didn't break LOCK.

03 21 51 15 CDR He's practically underneath us. Hey, we really

got to pitch pretty fast on that.

03 21 51 20 CDR Yes.

03 21 51 21 _ I wonder what it looks like from over there?

03 21 51 26 CMP Your broadcast begins.

03 21 51 29 _4P Thank you. Hey, keep after u_, will you, Davie.

j 03 21 51 32 CMP Okay.

03 21 51 36 CDR Boy, are you down below us.

03 21 51 h8 CDR Let me make sure I still have him, Rusty. I'm not -

03 21 51 50 LMP Yes, right.

03 21 51 53 CDR No sweat, ... 28 000 feet, it's 6 miles, 2.7 °..
and we got a good radar.

03 21 52 Oh IMP Quiet.

03 21 52 05 CDR Yes.

03 21 52 23 CDR Hey, are we still locked down in the pitch part -

03 21 52 _ CDR Okay, we're pit - locked on in yaw, too.

03 21 52 h6 P4P Okay, it's good, huh?

03 21 52 h8 CDR Yes, good. Okay ...

03 21 52 52 CDR Ready for IGC?

Tape 09-03601

03 21 52 5_ LMP Oh, yes, LGC. Okay, watch this thing.

03 21 53 03 CDR Okay.

03 21 53 08 LMP Okay, I know what that was. That was, that thing
, was not on LGC. I didn't read the LGC first to

03 21 53 15 CDR Yes.

03 21 53 17 LMP 5.15 - let me Just verify it.

03 21 53 29 CDR That's a verify.

03 21 53 32 CDR Boy, that old petrol's really gone down.

03 21 53 _5 iMP Okay, now it goes - Okay. Okay, 5.25; 3 degree


03 21 53 5h CDR Yes.

03 21 53 55 _ No sweat. 3.27.

{_ 03 21 52 03 CDR Okay, let's take it.

03 21 52 05 LMP Okay.

03 21 52 15 CDR Gee, there's some funny rates there.

03 21 5_ 36 LMP H_n! _at's that? Well, I thought I could get

into the - Let me get the TPI zero time here going.
Okay, it's 9_:57-

03 21 5_ 59 CDR Is the tape off?

03 21 55 02 LMP Tape coming ...

03 22 26 O0 LMP Recorder on. And I'll tell you what; why don't
you pitch up Just a tad, and I'll get another
mark here.

03 22 26 05 CDR It is coming right on down now.

03 22 26 06 LMP Okay.

I've got a couple of comments about the spacecraft.

t ( 03 22 26 08 CDR Hello, tape recorder. This is the old CDR here.

I! ' CO F. L
rF__klTIA I
Day 4- Page 186 %,%.Yl
Tape 09-03601

The COAS has to be made brighter; it's Just abso-

have great skepticism about whether I'm even going

I to be able
lutely to dock
unusable the this
way afternoon
it is now. with
I - itI or not.

I think than
that that. Also,gotI think
we really to workthat
to the
get re-
straints here pull you toward the front of the
spacecraft too much, and you're continually push-
ing back. I think we could sure fix those up a
little bit, although that - they are not nearly as
aggravating as the COAS. The window shades are in
the way all the time. And when I did the - when I
use the AOT, I find that the - the reticle and the
stars don't seem to be focused at the same place.
Come on radar, don't screw up. Another re4 light
flashing a little bit.

03 22 27 12 _4P Ohhh.

03 22 27 16 _4P Okay, A9 miles, ... - -

03 22 27 17 CDR Okay, I guess those - those are the only comments

I have right now. Oh, the spacecraOt seems to be
very ungainly when you're translating left to right,
fore and aft, with the descent stage on it. MODE
CONTROL, using PULSE, either PGNS or AOS, is very
nice. We have awfully fine control, very good.
The rate needles are absolutely atrocious. It's
-1most like flying without rate needles, and they
ought to be - I'm sure that you could probably
put a new set of rate needles in there for 0.1
of what it costs in fuel to oscillate back and
forth. I think that's all I have for right now.

03 22 27 59 _4P Hey, by the way, I can still see in the daytime


03 22 28 O1 CDR Can you really?

03 22 28 02 _4P Yes.

of us, shouldn't he? Let me find him again.

03 22 28 04 CDR Let's see, he should be right out there in front

I 03 22 28 06 CDR Hey, so can I. again.

C L Day
Tape- 187

03 22 28 07 LMP Yes, he's like a star out there.

03 22 28 09 CDR Yes.

03 22 28 10 U4P Okay, and what's the range now? It's h9 miles,


03 22 28 13 CDR h9 miles.

03 22 28 15 I24P Okay, so that's pretty good.

03 22 28 16 cDR Yes. Hey, Dave, we're at 49 miles and we - -

off our trackin_ light.

i 03 22 49 40 LMP Okay, the tape is ON, and _umdrop, we're turning
03 22 49 49 CMP Okay.

03 22 49 51 LMP Okay, you got the AOT lamp closed; okay, VERB 37,
ENTER; 52 - Oh, you've got to tv_rn it up brighter
than that, Jim - _ITER; VERB 22, ENTER; 3, Ei_f_ER;
03 22 50 15 CDR Ready, go.

03 22 50 16 LMP Go.

03 22 50 25 CDR Could you get that l_ght up over my head off there,

03 22 50 27 LMP Yes, I'm going to turn that off, then I'm going to
turn that off. Then I'm going to turn that off.
How's that?

03 22 50 39 CDR That's okay.

03 22 50 42 CDR }]ere he comes.

03 22 50 53 LMP 3, 2, i -

03 22 50 55 LMP MARK.

03 22 50 56 LMP Great Gadfrey. (Laughter) Okay. Ready?

03 22 51 01 CDR Okay, I'm ready.

03 22 51 02 I2._P Stand by. Okay. You are clear to mark either.

_ f"% k I EI_Ek ITIA /
Day age
Tape 09-03601
,'" '-
03 22 51 08 CDR Okay, Give me one to the RIGHT.

03 22 51 09 I3_P One RIGHT.

03 22 51 10 CDR Stop the UP/DOWN motion.

03 22 51 22 CDR One more to the RIGHT.

03 22 51 23 U4P One more RIGHT.

03 22 51 32 I/4P CLEAR to mark X.

03 22 51 35 CDR Okay. Give me about one DOWN and one LEFT. One


03 22 51 k5 LMP CLEAR to mark X.

03 22 51 k6 CDR Oh, shoot. Give me one to the RIG}IT and one UP.

03 22 51 55 LMP Another UP?

03 22 51 58 CDR No, it's - yes, one UP.

03 22 52 00 I24P Okay.

03 22 52 12 CDR Okay. Now give me one UP.

03 22 52 lh LMP One UP?

03 22 52 15 CDR One DOW_, one DOWN.

03 22 52 16 I24P One DOW_. Can we stop the LEFT/RIGHT?

03 22 52 19 CDR Yes, stop the LEFT/RIGHT.

03 22 52 38 LMP CLEAR to mark either. Excuse me. I didn't see

you mark that. Call that a mark, will you?

03 22 52 h3 CDR X.

03 22 52 _ [._P Okay, turn to mark Y.

03 22 52 _5 CDR Okay, give me about one UP.

'03 22 52 h7 I2.IP One UP.

N Tape 09-03601

03 22 52 49 CDR O_, to the LEFT.

03 22 52 50 I3,[P On_ to the LEFT.

03 22 52 56 CDR ©kay. One to the RIGHT.

03 22 52 57 LMP One to the RIGHT.

03 22 53 04 LMP ©kay. CLEAR to mark eitler.

03 22 53 07 CDR Okay. One to the RIGHT.

03 22 53 10 I24P One to the RIGHT.

03 22 53 18 LMP Stop the UP/DOWN?

03 22 53 19 CDR Yes. Stop the UP/DOW_].

03 22 53 32 CDR Oh! Come on. Okay. One to the RIGHT.

03 22 53 41 I34P CLEAR to mark X.

03 22 53 42 CDR Okay. One DOWN.

03 22 53 45 I24P Okay.

03 22 53 56 LMP CLEAR to mark either.

03 22 53 57 CDR Okay. One UP.

03 22 53 58 I24P One UP.

O] 22 5h O1 CDR Stop the LEFT/RIGHT.

03 22 51, 02 124P Okay.

03 22 54 06 CDR One more UP.

03 22 54 07 I3,t
° One more UP.

03 22 54 19 LMp D_mn! Boy, this won't go UP.

03 22 54 22 CDR Tlx_t's alright, it's coming.

03 22 54 29 I34P Okay. CLEAR to mark Y.

03 22 54 30 CDR Okay. One to the RIGHT - LEFT and one UP.

age19o C NTIAL
Tape 09-03601

03 22 5h 51 CDR One more to the LEFT.

03 22 54 59 I_4P CLEAR to mark either.

03 22 55 00 CDR Okay. One to the RIGHT.

03 22 55 06 CDR One more to the RIGHT.

t 03 22 55 16 LMP Do the radar antennas seem to stay out of the ray?

I 03 22 55 19 CDR Yes!

i 03 22 55 20 LMP You're CLEAR to mark either, by the way.

03 22 55 21 CDR Yes. One more to the RIGHT.

) 03 22 55 23 _P Okay.

03 22 55 31 _4P CLEAR to mark X.

03 22 55 34 CDR Okay. One DOWN.

03 22 55 35 I24P One DOWN.

03 22 55 45 P_P Okay, That's it - -

03 22 55 46 CDR - - Okay.

03 22 55 52 I/4P 2251 By God, that's the right one! No shit, it's

Acrux. Ready to maneuver?

03 22 55 49 I24P Go.
22 55 59 CDR Go.

03 22 56 02 CDR Gracious, sakes alive. 'i_:.., we're going the s_ne

03 22 56 O0 I24P Here weyouwent
go. last time.

03 LI'._
03 22
22 56
56 10 Isn't hethat amazing?
30 CDR Here comes. 3, 2, 1 -

03 22 56 37 I2,1P _.t_RK.

03 22 56 39 CDR
Hang on.
,,,c NFIDE,,.u
IAL Day4 - age191
Tape 09-03601

03 22 56 41 I_dP Yes, let it damp a little bit because we - -

03 22 56 42 CMP - - Coming up through about 20 ...

03 22 56 47 CC - - That's no problem. It's a 7-minute pass, and

, we'll have Honeysuckle shortly thereafter.

03 22 56 51 CDR Okay, no. Give me about two UP, three UP, maybe.

03 22 57 02 U_P Three UP, you've got them.

03 22 57 Oh CDR Right.

03 22 57 07 CDR And, one to the R1GHT - -

03 22 57 08 i_dP - - And Houston, Spider, Ium reading you. We are

in the middle of our a!iffr__ert.,

OB 22 57 il CDR One to the RIGHT.

03 22 57 12 L_dP Okay.

03 22 57 13 CDR Couple more UP.

03 22 57 14 CC Spider, copy.

03 22 57 19 CHP ... this is the Gumdrop, Stu.


03 22 57 23 CC Roger. I would like to hold it, Gumdrop; Spider

is in the middle of tL ir alignment.

03 22 57 26 CMP Roger, I'll wait for them; be ready whenever they


03 22 57 29 CC Okay.

03 22 57 34 CMP St_, I'd like ...

03 22 57 36 CDR How about some more RIGHT?

J 03 22 57 37 CDR MARK.

03 22 57 38 CC Oh, you cut me off by a few seconds. That was my

next question; go.

03 22 57 42 CDR Okay, one - one more UP.

( IA L
- Page192
Tape 09-03601

03 22 57 43 CMP ... plus O00 ...

03 22 57 44 I24P How about one RIG}Yr.

03 22 57 _8 CMP - - ... OO0, plus 00083, plus 00008, minus OS ...

03 22 57 54 CDR nl _y. One to the RIGHT.

03 22 57 55 I2IP Okay.

03 22 57 56 I24P r.ta-RK

03 22 57 59 CC Roger, Gumdrop. Houston copies.

03 22 58 04 LMP Want another?

03 22 58 06 CDR !to; you cs.n stop the _FP/DO_ though.

03 22 58 07 LMP One DOWN.

03 22 58 08 CDR That's good.

03 22 58 30 I24P ... it's going to be faster if we do two, and then

take one out.

03 22 58 34 CDR Oh, Hell!

03 22 58 36 IJIP What is the matter?

03 22 58 37 CDR I marked an X when I should have marked a Y.

03 22 58 38 LMP Give me - Wait a minute, now. We've got a program

alarm. Okay. You are CLEAR to mark either now.

03 22 58 _6 If5° .,h, shoot! .)kay, I screw*d the whole thing up,

didn't I?

03 22 58 49 CDR Yes. Okay, give me one UP.

03 22 58 51 I24P _ne UP.

03 22 58 53 CDR Stop the LEFT/RIGHT.

03 22 58 54 if,as Okay, it is stopped.

03 22 58 55 CDR Okay, give me about one LEFT.

03 22 58 57 L' One LEFT.

'C I h II ,L'gTIA L - Page
Tape 09-03601

03 22 59 O0 CDR Did you give me two; that was probably alright.

03 22 59 02 LMP No, I gave you one ROLL. I'm rolling when I think
you are not marking, but keep that at zero.

03 22 59 08 I_ Okay. CLEAR to mark Y. CLEAR to mark either.

03 22 59 22 CDR Okay.

03 22 59 23 CDR Give me one RIGHT.

03 22 59 24 LMP One RIGHT.

03 22 59 40 LMP CLEAR to mark X.

03 22 59 42 CDR Okay.

03 22 59 43 LMP Just let her drift, right?

03 22 59 44 CDR Just let her drift, that's righ%.

03 22 59 45 LMP Okay.

03 22 59 53 CDR One up. And one RIGHT, too.

03 22 59 56 LMP Left, I've got it.

03 22 59 57 CDR Well, I wanted it RIGHT, but that - -

03 22 59 59 _'_ - - You wanted it RIGHT?

03 23 00 O0 CDR Stand by, Just leave it - I don't want it where

it is right nov. 3ust let - let it go and let me
see where it is going.

03 23 O0 04 LMP Okay.

03 23 00 06 CDR One LEFT or RIGHT. Never mind, Just leave it go.

Okay. One UP.

03 23 O0 10 LMP One UP. CLEAR to mark either.

03 23 OO 13 CDR Okay.

03 23 00 16 _4P Okay, CLEAR to mark Y.

03 23 00 19 CDR Okay, one - Just a minute. One RIGHT.

( C L
Day k - Page 194 __/I/'_L
T,,ie 09-03601

0_ 23 00 33 I_,_P CLEAI_ %o mark either.

03 23 00 35 CDR Okay, one DOW}I. That's good. What pair; this is

only the third pair.

03 23 00'_5 LMP Oh, no, no. It's the fifth pair.

03 23 00 _7 CDR Let's see, is it? Okay. We lost that one.

03 23 00 52 LM'P Yes, I - I know.

07 23 00 55 CDR Okay - -

03 23 00 5,_ _SFF CLEAR to mark ¥.

O3 23 OO 57 CDR - - two DOWT_ and one LEFT.

03 23 00 59 I24P Two DOWN and one LEFT! 0kay.

03 23 O1 03 CDR .Jkay. Stop the UF/DO'_ and another one LEFT.

03 23 01 14 I2.{P _'ou got the mark.

03 23 O1 15 CDR Yes. Just a - Just a second.

03 23 01 18 I24P Okay.

03 23 O1 19 CDR This is a LEFT mark.

03 23 O1 23 L'fF A Y mark.

O3 23 01 24 CDR A Y mark! (Laughter) Okay, there we are.

03 23 O1 26 I24P okay.

0_: 23 O1 29 L'.IP Oh bo/,', terrible.

03 23 01 30 CDR Sert 4ed up. Screwed it up!

03 23 O1 _0 M._ Okay, torquing ankle - Did you get - We're Koin-

to do a third star check on this -

03 23 O1 l_3 CDR Right.

03 23 01 !h IXP Plm: 00089, plus 00055, plus 00037.

03 23 O1 _h CC And Spider, this is Houston. I copied the angles.

03 23 02 O0 Lt,(P Ro_er - Eo_er.

_'_:.- ' Tape 09-03601

03 23 02 10 CC Sounds like things _re going well - -

03 23 02 11 LMP Ready.

. 03 23 02 12 CC - - You might bring up your S-band volume. We

will be going over to Honeysuckle in about 2

03 23 02 21 CMP G_drop.

03 23 02 22 LMP Roger, Spider.

03 23 02 24 CDR Make sure we don't get in gimbal lock there.

03 23 02 %9 CDR Here he comes. Bang, rit-ht there.

03 23 02 55 LMP Stand by; I'm - I'll zero it for you. It's zero
right now .... close. Wait a minute; stand by.
Boy! You know, you get some slosh in there -
Okay, now it is coming hack in.. It is a little to
the RIGHT in yaw.

03 23 03 26 LMP Okay, and about one UP also. Okay, it's crossing

right now.

i 03 23 03 25 CDR Yes.
03 23 03 32 CDR That's gcod!

03 23 03 33 LMP Okay. PRO, PRO, VERB 3h, ENTER, the CB(il) AO

BUS, OPEN, the lamp, OPEN, and a tape coming off
and the time is 95:03:55.

03 23 03 55 LMP MARK.

03 23 33 12 $C - - The tape is on OFF. Okay, CB(il)


03 23 33 22 CDR INVERTER 1 coming CLOSE; it's CLOSED.

03 23 33 23 CMP Okay, stand by. Going to I_WERTER 1. Okay, that's

beck, your BUS didn't even drop at all that time.


03 23 33 36 CDR Okay.

f f 03 23 33 37 LMP Descent BATS are taking some of the ]oad now.

D ,y
Tape 09-03601

03 23 33 39 CDR Yes.

03 23 33 41 LMP Okay. Standing by for 4 minutes.

03 23 33 47 CDR Okay.

03 23 33 59 CDR Let me - let's cheek the ascent 02 and H2 - 02

and H20. Good rates. Okay.

03 23 34 33 I3,_P Oh! Got a long pad up there. Remind me that

that's a 4-minute bias. I want to vri -

03 23 34 43 CDR Oh, boy.

03 23 34 44 I/4P I want to write it on there - -

03 23 34 45 CDR Yes.

03 23 34 46 L_P - - as soon as I - -

03 23 34 47 CDR Oh, yes.

03 23 34 48 U4P - - get out of here. Oh, my back.

03 23 35 02 ku[P TTCA, THROTTLE UP, then MIN THROTTLE.

i 03 23 35 05
Okay, let's THROTTLE
the MIN.
4-minute check.

03 23 35 08 LMP Okay, THRUST CONTROL, MAIfJAL.

03 23 35 10 CDR THkHST CONTROL, Md[UAL.

03 23 35 12 LafP MAh_JAL THROTTLE to Commander.

03 23 35 13 CDR MA_[UAL THROTTLE to Commander.

03 23 35 15 LMP Verify MODE C0_ROL, AUTO.

03 23 35 16 CDR MODE CONTROL is AUTO.

03 23 35 18 LMP ENGINE ARM to DESCENT.

03 23 35 23 LMP X-T?JU_SLATION to 2 JETS.

I 03 23 35 19 CDR ENGINE ARM to DESCF24"r.
COhJ .CR NTIAL - 09-03601
age 197
03 23 35 25 CDR 2 JETS.

03 23 35 26 LMP _i_'A _Cg COUPLES are ON.

03 23 35 27 CDR BALANCE COUPLES are ON.


03 23 35 29 LMP Verify DPS and RCS temperatures and pressures.

Okay, do we have a Delta-T greater than - or a
Delta-P greater than A? ... 15.

03 23 35 36 I2_P/CDR Oh.

03 23 35 37 I2._P About 15; we're still about the same, then -

03 23 35 40 CC ... logged your data. Standing by.

03 23 35 45 I/._P Spider.

03 23 35 47 CMP Gumdrop.

03 23 35 48 I24P Okay, standing by for 2 minutes-

03 23 35 59 CDR Hope we're pointing in the right direction. How

about that? Gumdrop, on my mark it will be 3

03 23 36 05 C4P Okay.

03 23 36 08 U4P MARK.

03 23 36 09 CMP Right with you.

03 23 36 10 CDR Okay.

03 23 36 47 IllP That thing isn't even firing a PULSE! There it goes.

03 23 36 _9 CDR (Laughter) Yes, that's what it did as soon as I

said it wasn't, too.

03 23 37 O1 LMP It's not going to be that way on the ascent stage!

03 23 37 04 CDR I'm afraid you are right.

03 23 3T 08 LMP Okay, 2 minutes. DFI POWER, ON.

03 23 37 10 CDR DFI POWER, ON.

Day 4 - Page 198 CONFIDENTIAL
Tape 09-03601

03 23 37 12 _4P Okay, verify the burn attitude.

03 23 37 17 LMP Okay. That looks good.

03 23 37 20 CDR Yes. Looks great.

03 23 37 21 LMP 7 degrees; okay that's Just about right. Okay.

03 23 37 30 CDR Okay, at 9 seconds we are - -

O3 23 37 32 _P - - We have PCNCS and AGS attitude errors?

03 23 37 33 CDR Yes, we did that.

03 23 37 34 LMP We're at 10h degrees; that's just right.

03 23 37 38 CDR At 9 seconds you are going to begin ullage?

03 23 37 40 _P Eight.

03 23 37 41 CDR In 5 seconds you are going to press the enKine ON?

03 23 37 44 _ Right.

03 23 37 45 CDR Highly efficient burn. How long is it suppose to

be? 43 ft/sec, huh?

03 23 37 50 _ Right.

03 23 37 51 CDR Okay. Our engine OFF. I am going to turn the

engine OFF. _NGINE ARM OFF, I mean. Come ON with
JETS. You'll PRO at the residuals and burn out
the residuals.

03 23 38 02 134P Right.

03 23 38 05 _4P 1 minute.

03 23 38 08 LMP MARK.

03 23 38 09 CMP Roger. Right with you and all ready to go ...

03 23 38 12 CDR Okay.

03 23 38 38 _._ Okay, AVERAGE g's ON. CLEAR, 500 read. Okay.

20 seconds. Begin the ullage at 9-

_.UlNr|[_'[[A[ Day _ - Page 199
Tape 09-03601

03 23 38 53 CDR Ullage at 9.

03 23 38 55 U4P This is going to a lot nicer ullage.

03 23 38 57 CDR I hope so.


03 23 39 10 CDR Okay.
03 23 39 O0 LMP Okay. Ullage ON. PRO. Okay, go, baby. Descent

I 03 23 39 11 LMP Don't sweat that one.

( 03


39 15

39 16





both counting down together.

03 23 39 22 LMP Boy, it doesn't trim worth a hoot in hell, does

03 23 39 28 LMP Okay, 2, 1-
i 03 23 39 2L CDR No!
03 23 39 29 IMP ENGINE CUTOFF.

03 23 39 30 LMP Okay, get the ENGIHEARM OFF.

03 23 39 33 CDR Shutdown.

03 23 39 36 CDR It's a good burn, Dave.

03 23 39 38 CMP Oh, very good. Thank you.

03 23 39 39 M4P Okay, here's the residuals: minus 0.9, minus 0.2,

and minus 0.3.

03 23 LO O_ CDR Okay. That looks good.

03 23 LO 08 _ Aw, come on.

'_ 03 23 40 09 CDR That's good, Rusty.

03 23 _0 10 U4P Okay.

03 23 _0 13 CDR Okay, stand by here. Okay. R&D TEL_-IETRy, CAL;

and DFI power, OFF; and I'll get the VERB 79,

_,k ITIA/
Day _ - Page 200 k._Jl'_lrl_'l I/.,_L
T,pe 09-03601

EfflqER. Houston, I'll give you a R&D TEL_4ETRY CAL

now, and you can call me on the DFI POWER when you
want it.

03 23 40 28 CC Roger, Spider. We'll do that. And, we copied

your burn; looked great. And saw you coming
through . ..

03 23 40 35 CDR Roger. Going to CAL now. Okay. You got it in

PO0? Let's get the POO.

03 23 40 43 I2dP Yes. The landing radar breaker, OPEN. AlriKht -

03 23 40 49 CDR That was power Just to landinK radar breaker?

03 23 40 51 CI4P ... stand by, Houston.

03 23 40 58 CDR What's it doing all the thinking about? Did you

punch up PO0 in -

03 23 hl 02 IMP Yes, it's going into POO.

03 23 41 03 CDR Why this flashing 37?

03 23 41 09 LMP Because I had to KEY RELEASE.

03 23 41 10 CDR Okay.

03 23 41 12 LMP Okay. THROTTLE CONTROL to AUTO.




03 23 41 18 LS[P Okay, I am going back to I_D;ERTER 2.

03 23 41 20 CDR Okay.

03 23 41 22 I24P Okay, INVERTER 2 works. INVERTER 1, OPEN.

03 23 41 25 CDR CAL is OFF.

03 23 41 26 I/4P INVERTER 1, OPEl;.

4 page
', Tape 09-03601

03 23 41 27 CC Roger, copy; CAL is OFF.


03 23 41 30 CDR What?

03 23 41 31 LMP I got the CROSS TIE BALJU_ LOADS, CLOSED.

03 23 41 34 CDR Okay, PREP for the CSI pad, and don't forget to
get that - -

03 23 41 32 LMP Okay, while we are doing that, let me get the


03 23 41 50 CDR Okay, and we're ready to - PO0, come on, baby.

03 23 41 52 LMP Okay, ready to error-monitor RENDEZVOUS RADAR?


03 23 41 57 LMP Okay, we start the AUTO maneuver and debrief the

burn. Or, you can start the AUTO maneuver while
you debrief the burn?

03 23 42 04 CDR Okay, we are going to maneuver. Didn't go in.

03 23 42 08 LMP You didn't wait long enough.

03 23 42 10 CDR Yes. At 61 we should pitch up a little bit. Just

about right. Okay, tape, that burn was smooth

03 23 42 17 CC Gumdrop, Houston. We're still showing all entry

batteries on the line.

03 23 42 21 LMP Roger. Haven't gotten to it yet. Thank you.

03 23 42 23 CDR Rather erratic steering in pitch, yaw, and roll.

Did the residuals out very well. It had some
pretty good size errors as it ran along through
the - through the burn; but it looked like it got
where it wanted to go.

03 23 42 41 LMP Yes, thare was a good bit of Jet firing - -

03 23 42 43 CDR Yes.

( C N
Dsy - COf::1TTD'E't' AL
Tape 09-03601

03 23 42 44 I24P - - on the thing.

03 23 42 45 CDR Smooth shutdown and no adverse con_ments about it.

03 23 42 49 IJ4P Okay, we got the VERB 95 in.

03 _3 42 51 CDR Yes.

03 23 42 52 CC That was pretty good.

03 23 42 53 CDR Don't forget that 4 - don't forget that _-minute

bias thing, now.

03 23 42 54 CC ...

03 23 42 55 I2._ Yes, do that right now.

03 23 42 59 CC ... Roger, I didn't know I was rushing you, Dave.

I just wanted to remind you.

03 23 43 02 CMP Okay, I like those reminders.

03 23 43 05 CC Roger.

03 23 43 07 CDR Okay, how does that look?

03 23 _3 08 f24P Well, we are locked on. Let me see if I can see

him out there. Let me zero the needles.

03 23 43 24 CDR Never see him.

03 23 43 26 LMP How's the signal strength?

03 23 43 29 CDR Well, it's at 2.5 and that's pretty good. That

says we should be 25 miles, and we're at least
that far out. Let me -

03 23 43 40 I24P Okay, by the way, _r. Tape, for your information - -

03 23 43 43 CC Gumdrop, Houston. At your convenience, if you

want to, before you start your marks here, just
turn on the fan in H2 tank 2.

03 23 43 44 CDR ...

03 23 43 45 LqP Okay. VERB 80.

, Tape 09-03601

03 23 43 46 CDR Let's accept him. VERB 80.

03 23 43 51 I24P For your information, tape, we can't hear the burn

at all. I meyer have been able to hear _he engine
burn, have you, Jim?

03 23 43 58 CDR What?

03 23 43 59 LMP The engine?

03 23 _4 O0 CDR As a matter of fact, that is right. No.

I 03 23 44 O1 LMP No, not a bit of noise.

03 23 4b 03 CDR It's no - no audio problem at a31. That's worth -

quite well worth mentioning.

03 23 44 08 LMP Yes. Absolutely no noise. Okay, tape, you are

going to go OFF, and the time is 95:h4:15. 2, 1 -

03 23 4_ 16 LMP _.RK.

03 23 4% 17 I24P Tape OFF.

DayS - Page - NP]IJI:::N
Tape 09-03601


04 00 06 09 LMP Tape ON.

04 O0 06 10 CDR Okay. We'll PROCEED out of there.

04 O0 06 14 LMP Okay. 82 minus 38.0, zips and minus 24.5.

04 O0 06 17 CDR Okay. Go.

Oh O0 06 24 LMP Go.

04 00 06 28 LMP Okay, I missed the 10-minute mark. Let me try to

I 04 00 06 26 CDR Okay, 9:39. The clock is about right.
get that. 1, 27. Okay, cmn you carry on there,

04 00 06 35 CDR Yes. Okay, I don't think we need to mess with

that; we are going to burn this on_ here anyway,
here so, if - if it agrees with the ground, why
don't we Just skip the charts?

04 00 06 41 LMP Okay, I'll just copy down the number, here.

04 OO 06 42 CDR Yes.

04 00 06 43 LMP The range was 62.5.

04 00 06 46 CDR ...

04 00 06 49 CDR Gumdrop? Gumdrop, Spider here. Our solution is

400. At the same time, we are going to burn our

04 00 07 01 CMP Okay, I copy your solution is 40.0 at the same


04 00 07 06 CDR That's affirmative. Okay, kid. We're up to R_GE

and RANGE RATE. We got to go to POO.

04 OO 07 ll L_ PO0 update going in the AGS.

04 OO 07 18 CDR Ready?

04 O0 07 20 _-_ Go.

-- · "--_,-- --- o_y 5 - Page205
Tape 09-03601

0_ 00 07 22 CDR Well ... you're faster than I thought you _ere,


04 00 07 26 _._ Okay, and the next thing you want to do is set the

04 00 07 29 CDR Right.

04 00 07 30 _4P Let's start some of this reconflguring over here.

04 00 07 32 CDR Okay.


04 O0 07 35 CDR PULL/EGRESS.


04 00 07 38 _,_ Okay. I am going to put my gloves on. Hold on.

0_ 00 07 41 CDR Okay.

04 00 07 47 _,_ Come on, you son of a bitch.

04 00 07 52 CDR ... how to get this down, now. I don't know why,
I can't see anything in here.

04 00 08 02 CDR Okay, PRO out of there. VERB 48, ENTER; VERB 21,
E_ITF_. Then I want 02002, ENTER. PRO. VERB 32,
_TER. Okay, we have the DAP set up, and we line
updated the AGS?

0_ 00 08 30 L_ Oh, yes. Yes.

04 00 08 32 CDR 37, _ITER; 41, ENTER.

0_ O0 08 36 LMP kay, SUIT - CABIN GAS going to CLOSE. Watch out.

Oh 00 08 20 CDR ,,kay.

02 O0 08 41 _4P Okay, what's next?


going to go ahead and make the maneuver, Rusty.

02 00 08 26 U,_ Okay, go ahead.

Day5- Pags2O6 COl rl Lk V' ^ ,
Tape 09-03601

04 00 08 47 CDR AUTO maneuver -

04 00 08 48 _P And you can call the NOUN 86 while you me there;


O4 00 O8 56 CDR Okay. NOUI_ 86, ENTER.

04 00 09 00 LMP ... leave it up there, or not? Okay, minus hO.

Okay, 451 is all zeros. Okay, and 452 is minus 1.

04 00 09 27 CC ...

04 00 09 33 CDR You get those numbers?

04 00 09 34 LMP Yes.

04 00 09 35 CDR Alright.

04 00 09 51 CDR Okay, AUTO MANEUVEr, NOUN 86; we've done that.

We're loading the DAP - the AGS.

Oh 00 09 56 _4P I'm doing that.

04 OO 09 58 CDR Okay.

04 00 09 59 LMP Okay, I've got -

04 00 lO 02 CDR PRO out of there. Anyway, it's 1685.

04 O0 10 14 CDR Okay.

04 00 10 17 LMP Okay, I'm ail done.

04 00 10 18 CDR Okay, did you get the suit gas converter?

04 00 10 20 LMP Yes, I did.


04 00 10 27 LMP EGRESS, CLOSE.

0_ 00 lO 28 CDR DF_CENT 02, CLOSE?

04 00 10 29 LMP Wait a minute now. CABIN REPRESS, CLOSE. Right.

I've got it noM. - -

04 00 lO 32 CDR - - DESCENT - -

! C ,,, NTIAL
L.g M[.YRT J, IAL Day5- P ge2O7
Tape 09-03601

04 00 10 33 LMP - - Kas converter and the CABIN REPRESS.

0h 00 10 35 CDR Ok_y. DESCENT 02, CLOSE.

04 00 10 36 LMP DESCENT 02, CLOSE.

04 00 10 38 CDR ;_]CENT number 1 02, OPEN.

0h 00 10 39 LMP ASCE_rr number 1, OPEN.

0h 00 10 h0 CDR THRUST REG's A and B to EGRESS.

04 00 10 hl LMP REG's A and B gone to EGRESS.

Oh 00 10 43 CDR H 2 TAiIK SELECT to ASCENT.

04 00 10 45 I24P H2 TANK SELECT goinz to ASCENT.

0h 00 10 47 CDR ASCENT HyO tank, OPEN.

Oh 00 10 54 U4P ASCENT H20, OPEN.

t 02 00 l0 55 CDR DESCE_T H20 , CLOSE.

0h O0 10 57 LMP DESCI_;T H20 , CLOSE.

0h 00 10 58 CDR Verify that ED BATS are greater than 35 volts.

Oh 00 11 02 LMP Okay. Stand by. Get the side panels on here.

ED BATS are greater than 35.

04 00 11 10 CDR Check the ASCENT BATS and BUS voltages.

04 00 11 14 IY._P ASCENT BATS look good; the BUS voltages are 29

and 29.

02 00 11 21 CDR Okay, DESCENT BATS, deadface; talkbacks, barber


02 00 11 24 LMP Okay, deadface; barber pole.

04 00 11 28 CDR Okay, 6 minutes. We're a minute 30 seconds late.

CB(ll), AC BUS A - -

02 00 11 31 LS_P I'll read them to you? DECA OIMBAL, OPEN.

02 00 11 3_ CDR DECA GI_.IBAL,OPEN.

Tape 09-03601






0_ 00 11 h5 CDR LA_rDING RADAR, OPEN.



014 00 ll 148 CC ARIA 5, Houston CAP COMM. Go REMOTE.



04 00 11 55 LMP CB(16), EPS, CROSS TIE BALANCE LOADS going OPEN,

and I'm going to watch your bus voltage. Okay,
it's holding in there good.

014 00 12 02 CDR Okay.

04 00 12 04 LMP Okay, where are we now?

Oh 00 12 05 CDR RCS and APS temperatures and pressures.

0l_ O0 12 07 P,I'P Okay, and we're at the h-minute check and we're
right on time there. Go ahead and read that one.

014 00 12 12 CDR ASCENT is 68, 68; 180 and 180. Looks good.

0h 00 12 18 LMp Okay, TTCA, JETS, DOWN.

-i 0_00 12 21 CDR TTCA, JETS, DOWN.

I Oh
014 00
00 12
12 22
27 LI_
CDR Okay,

014 28
I O0 12 II4P Stand by here.
_lllll. i irlr_k I?IA/
_b-_1_l_b_l_i_/it'_L O_y5 - Page209
.... _, Tape 09-03601

04 00 12 30 CDR MASTER AP_4, ON. I've got two yellow lights. How
about that!

0b 00 12 33 LMP great! Verify burn attitude.

04 O0 12 37 CDR Okay. We're coming up on it. 3 minutes to go.

Okay, Gmmdrop, we're about 3:15 now.

04 00 12 50 CMP Roger, ... _ith you and ready to support.

0h 00 12 52 CDR Okay.

04 00 12 56 LMP Okay, I don't like that AGS. Yes, I guess it's

alright. Yes, it's coming do_m. Okay, stand by
for 2 minutes.

04 00 13 05 CDR Okay, Rusty, we're at 2 minutes. Verify the burn

attitude ... to clear the PGNS. Okay, now what
are we going to do. When we start burning, TTCA,
CO_t_ZtDER, PLUS-X; then hit the stage fire ...

0h 00 13 lh LMP I guess we're going to open the window shade, too.

04 O0 13 17 CDR You want to check to make sure that your things

are set up there.

04 00 13 20 LMP Yes.

0h 00 13 21 CDR Okay, I am going to start the fire, then I'm going

to stage. When I think everything's under control,
I'm going to say ASCE_ INTERCONNECTS.

Oh O0 13 31 LMP Okay.

04 00 13 32 CDR Then we're Just going to press on like that. You're

going to ASCENT the INTERCONNECTS and the main shut-
off valves and all that stuff; get down to 9 feet
per second, you're going to - to close them up
again. Right?

04 00 13 43 LMP Right.

0h 00 13 4h CDR Okay.

04 00 13 h9 CDR Stand by for a thump on the feed, too.

04 00 13 52 _._ Yes, we're not going to be able to watch it ...

Day 5 - Page 210
Tape 09-03601

04 00 13 5h CDR And as we repressurize or anything, I'm going to

continue the PRESS right on with the burn.

04 00 13 57 _4P Right-o.

04 00 14 02 _4P Let me see how that's doing now. Okay, it's coming
in. Good, there was 2 minutes. Okay.

04 00 14 31 CDR Okay, it's about a minute and 30 now, Gumdrop.

04 00 14 35 C_._ ...

04 00 15 08 CDR Getting high, isn't it?

04 00 15 09 Lb_ No, it's not. It's doing good.

04 00 15 11 CDR Oh, wait a second. We're Just going into darkness,

aren't we?

04 00 15 13 _._ Yes.

04 00 15 15 CDR Okay.

04 00 15 22 CDR Hey, you ready?

04 00 15 24 _._ Okay, all set. Yes, I got to do them one at a

time, here. AVERAGE-G's ON.

04 00 15 37 CDR Okay, start two little yellow lights.

04 00 16 04 _ Okay, thrusting?

04 00 16 06 CDR Thrusting, staged. Okay, INTErCONneCT.

04 00 16 10 _ Okay, coming OPEN.

04 00 16 15 CDR Foot staging. Everything looks good, here.

04 00 16 18 _._ Okay, I don't see anything out there. Would you

call that out loud?

04 00 16 29 CDR 13 feet per second.

Oh O0 16 30 _-_ Okay.

02 00 16 31 CDR 10, 8, ...

04 00 16 40 _._
Tape 09-03601

04 00 16 43 LMP Go ahead.

04 00 16 45 CI4P ...

04 00 16 47 LMP We have a good burn. Do you read?

04 00 16 51 c_P ...

04 00 16 53 LMP Roger. We have a good burn. How do you read?

04 00 17 00 CDR Okay. _e residuals are zero, Gumdrop. The

residuals' are zero. It was a good burn.

04 GO 17 10 CMP ...

04 00 17 20 CDR ... It was a good burn, G_drop. It _ra5 a good


04 00 17 24 CMP ...

04 00 17 28 CDR Okay. Burn time residuals were zero.

04 00 17 33 CDR Okay, ...

04 00 17 34 LMP Okay, CB(ll), ED LOGIC POWER A, OPEN.


04 00 17 38 LMP ED LOGIC POWER B, OPEN, over here.

04 00 17 40 CC ... This is Houston CAP C0_4. Do you read?

04 00 17 44 CDR This is Spider, here; Houston. That was a good

btam. We're staged.

04 00 17 47 CC Okay. Have you heard any transmission from the


0_ 00 17 51 CDR Say again?

04 00 17 54 LMP PRESS REG's A and B, to CABIN.

04 00 17 56 CDR Yes, go ahead. SUIT - next step is SUIT GAS


O_ 00 18 02 LMP Got it.

(' _ ,:_ O1+ 00 18 05 CDR
/-_kl_l'lA /
Day 5 - Page 212 _.,.%,.,;i _1 I_LI 1/rF"_l,L
Tape 09-03601

04 00 18 09 CDR Yes.

t 04
04 00 18
00 18 10
07 I_P
LMP Okay,
Okay, CSI;
now weVERB
got 95,
hustle I got
here. it.

04 00 18 14 CDR Don't - don't forget to - put the bias in - -

04 00 18 18 LMP - - VERB 20, ENTER. Right, I will.

04 00 18 21 CDR Okay, go. I - I'll get it, and get over there.
See where he is. Is your tape still on?

O_ 00 18 30 LMP Yes, it is. I'm going to t%ke my gloves off.

04 00 18 32 CDR Okay, there was a pretty-good-sized thump at

staging and a cloud of debris out front.

O_ 00 18 37 CMP Spider, Gumdrop; you say you've got a good burn

and cleaned it up. Is that affirm?

04 00 18 40 CDR That's affirmative. A good burn - -

04 00 18 _1 LMP There you go.

04 00 18 42 CDR And we cleaned it up.

04 00 18 _4 CMP Gee, I can read you now. Thank you.

O_ 00 18 45 LMF Ready?

04 00 18 _6 CDR Yes, go.

O_ 00 18 _9 LMP Okay, now we got to do the NOUN 31, _TEB; 9656 - -

04 00 18 59 CC Tananarive M&O; Houston, CAP COMM. Go MANUAL key

procedure. And, Spider - Spider, this is Houston.
How do you read?

04 00 19 12 CDR Houston, I'm reading you broken. Be advised we

had a good bttrn, and we're staged.

04 00 19 23 LMP Hey, it's 96 ... 6 - -

04 00 19 29 CDR He's going to be right in the moon.

04 00 19 31 LMP - - 9. 1 plus 45 is going to be - -

C( I'q'F "E1qTI'AL
Tape 09-03601

04 00 19 37 CMP Hot mike.

04 00 19 39 LMP Thank you .... coming up. Came on. }{ouston,

Spider. How do you read?

04 00 19 57 CDP A lot of - -

04 0O 19 58 LMP G_mdrop, our CDH time is 96:58:14.

04 00 20 08 CMP 96:58:14.

04 00 20 10 LMP That's affirmative.

04 00 20 14 CDR We get a lot of signal strength, but he's right

out there where I can't see him. The moon's there.
Gumdrop, have you come back around where youi' light
is pointing at us yet?

O_ O0 20 23 CMP Roger.

04 00 20 26 LMP ... heater. Okay, that's the one they warned us

- about.

04 00 20 29 CDR Okay, I don't see you out there, I guess.

04 0O 20 32 CMP I haven't turned it up yet.

04 00 20 35 CD]{ Okay, let me - -

04 00 20 38 R4P ATT HOLD.

04 O0 20 45 CDR That signal strength looks good, though. It's a

little more responsive on the ascent stage, isn't

04 00 20 57 LMP Yes.

I 04 00 20 59 CDR nothing out there

I Just can't but there,
see out moon. Rusty. There's

04 00 21 08 LMP Plus 000, line 6.

04 00 21 14 CDR 83 miles.

04 00 21 15 IR? Plus 00058, ENTER - -

04 00 21 20 CDR Let's - let's attempt it.

- age
Tape 09-03601
C T, L
04 00 21 21 _ - - plus 01400, 965814, ENTER. PRO. You want to
take it?

04 00 21 29 CDR Let's take it, yes.

04 00 21 30 LMP Okay, VERB 80, ENTER.

04 00 21 34 CDR We don't really have much choice. He's going to

be out there - right by that moon - all the way

04 00 21 39 LMP Okay, we'll look at the first update and see what

04 00 21 42 CC Tananarive M&O, Houston CAP C055{. I think some-

body has an open mike.

0)4 O0 21 49 I/qP Houston, how do you read Spider? Houston, how do

you read Spider? Hey, Gumdrop, if Houston reads
you, would you pass them the T - the CDH time of

04 00 22 07 CMP ...

04 00 22 41 LMP Gumdrop, do you read Spider on this antenna?

04 00 22 51 IRP Gumdrop, how about this antenna?

04 00 22 53 CMP Roger. I read you. You read me?

04 00 22 54 LMP Roger. Did you read the other call I Just made?

04 00 22 58 CMP I heard both of them.

04 00 23 O0 _ Okay. Looks like I can only receive you on my

number 2 antenna, here. Did you pass the CDH
time to Houston?

02 00 23 07 CMP No, I haven't had any contact. Do you have your

tracking light on?

02 00 23 11 LHP _es, I do.

02 00 23 20 CMP And I guess you don't see me?

04 00 23 23 CDR No, I sure don't, Dave. You've got the moon behind

_^k II--lhr"lk ITIA/
Tape 09-03601

04 00 23 26 _4P No, I dontt see you either.

04 O0 23 32 [AMP Gracious. Rope our tracking light didn't fail!

04 00 23 43 CDR It's not flashing.

04 00 23 45 LNP It's not?

0_ O0 23 46 CDR No. Let's check the breaker.

04 00 23 49 LMP Okay. Gumdrop, we no longer see the flash off our

quad, but now that could have been reflection from
the porch. So we - we can't really be sure.

04 00 24 08 CMP Okay, well, I don't see you.

0_ O0 24 lO CDR Roger.

0_ 00 24 20 CDR That's encouraging.

04 00 24 23 LMP Yes, isn't it?

04 O0 24 h2 LMP Okay, let me mush on here - -

04 00 24 44 CDR We're - we're going to really be scrambling for

a ground solution for this mess.

04 00 24 49 LMP Yes, you're right. I better get a good chart,

he re.

0_ GO 25 12 LMP Okay, the tape is still on if you want to comment

on that staging.

04 O0 25 15 CDR Okay, the staging wasn't too bad. There were

some attitude excursions, but not too much.

04 O0 25 19 LMP Okay.

04 00 25 20 CDR The cloud of debris, none of it very large; and I

wasn't able to see the descent stage go away. Not
because it wasn't there; Just because I was too

04 00 25 38 kMP Okay, and we're coming up with VERB 32 here, for

the first recycle, and I got the VERB 93 in. And
I also taped on the interconnect. I can't get
over there in this restraint system to use two

Tape 09-03601 CF, ENT.!X'[
hands, to do them both at once, so I have to do
them one at a time, and that makes it a little
hit slower. And then, when I went to shut them
off, we got a sticky talkbaek on that SYST_{ A
ASCENT FEED number 2; and it did not go barber
pole when I shut it off. So I rapped the panel,
and it went barber pole. So that was a bit dicey,

04 00 26 17 CDR Well, I don't see him out there any place.

04 00 26 22 L.Mp Okay, tape's going OFF.

04 O0 44 27 LMP Tape is ON, and it's 96:44:30. Just set the final
COMP for CDH. How many marks did we have there?

O_ 00 44 41 CDR I don't know.

04 0O 44 42 I_ About 14, or something l_ke that if I - -

04 00 44 44 CDR The number I last looked at was 13.

04 00 44 45 LMP Yes.

04 00 44 46 CDR I'm pretty sure.

04 00 44 47 LMP About 14 marks.

04 00 45 27 LMP Okay, let's hope that radar stays locked on to

Dave. Okay, look at that - 10 miles.

04 00 45 35 CDR Oh, boy.

04 O0 45 42 LMP Okay.

04 00 45 50 CDR Did you get that?

04 00 45 51 LMP Yes. Go. VERB - You want to do the VERB 90. Oh.

I O0 45 56 CDR Oh, shit.

04 0O 45 58 _ That's alright. Why don't you do it, and take a

look at it right now,

04 00 46 02 CDR Yes.

04 00 46 03 I24P VERB 90, ENTER.

ay -*age*.
Tape 09-03601

04 O0 46 07 CDR What's the time?

O4 O0 46 08 LMP Okay, the time is 96:58:14.

O_ O0 46 19 CDR 58?

Oh OO 46 27 CDR Yes.

t 04 O0
O4 00 46
46 28
20 IMP
LMP 58:14.good.
Yes, Okay, come on radar. Stay locked.

04 O0 46 49 CDR Sure looks great. It's a big one. Well, that's

the way it goes.

04 O0 46 54 LMP W_at do you want to do? Forget it?

04 00 46 56 CDR Yes, let's Just forget it.

04 00 46 57 LMP Okay.

04 O0 46 59 CDR Okay?

O4 00 47 O1 LMP Okay, ll - -

O4 O0 _7 02 CDR 17 marks we had.

O4 O0 47 04 LMP 17 marks. Okay.

04 00 47 07 CDR Got that?

04 00 47 08 LMP Okay, got it. Okay, you may have to get my -

Okay, you going to POO?

04 00 47 19 CDR/_P You're in PO0.

04 00 47 20 _4P Okay, you ready?

04 O0 47 21 CDR Yes. Go.

04 O0 47 32 LMP Transmit the burn data to CSM. Gumdrop, Spider.

04 oo 47 37 CMP Go.

04 O0 47 39 Lb_ Okay, here's the burn. Minus 39.2, plus 0.1, and
minus 13.7.

04 00 47 54 CMP Roger. Minus 39.2, plus 0.I, and a minus 13.7.

p _ L i _ i i.,q. pL | '"r IA /

5- age:18
Tape 09-03601
O_ O0 _8 O1 _ That's 6Sqa_lie.

O_ O0 bB 02 Cg_P Okay ...

0h O0 48 04 CC ... Houston. Do you read?

04 00 48 08 LMP Roger, Houston. Spider copies.

04 O0 48 11 CC Roger. I Just copied your solution. I have one

that's pretty close to it, if you'd ... to copy
a CDH pad.

04 00 48 17 LMP Roger. Go.

04 00 48 19 CMP Gumdrop.

04 O0 48 21 CC Roger. And Roger, Gumdrop. 096:58:1400, minus

382, minus 009, minus 151, 305, minus 381, minus
153. End of update.

04 O0 48 55 k_P Roger. 096:58:1400, minus 382, minus 009, minus

151, 305, minus 381, minus 153.

04 00 49 12 CC Spider, ... affirmative ...

04 00 49 15 CDR Okay, how did we make out?

04 00 49 17 LMP Good.

04 00 49 18 CDR Okay.

O_ 00 49 20 CMl° Okay, Spider, Gumdrop here. I did not copy the

dead ground. I copied you, and were all the signs

0_ 00 49 27 LMP That's affirmative. Ail the signs were minus.

Ok 0O 49 31 CMP Good, I got the ground pad now ... certain ...
1 minute late.

04 OO 49 35 LMP Roger.

0k 00 49 36 CDR Okay. Very good. We're going to do ours, I guess.

I haven't had a chance to compare them, Dave, but
they sound pretty good.

O_ O0 49 _1 CMP Okay.

F!OENTIAL - age 219
Tape 09-02601

0_ 00 _9 _2 LMP Okay. Go. They - They're within a foot per second

or so, even in D.

0_ 00 49 51 CDR Yes. Do you have our solution yet, Dave?

0h 00 _9 5_ CMP Roger. I have minus 39.2, minus - -

0_ 00 h9 58 LMP 0h, hold off.

0_ 00 h9 59 CMP - - 0.1, minus 13.7.

0h 00 50 01 CDR Roger. That's plus 0.1.

0h 00 50 03 CMP Okay, plus 0.1.

0_ 00 50 05 CDR Almighty.

0_ 00 50 08 _ Okay, let's put it up there.

0_ 00 50 10 CDR Okay. We're standing for that mark. Signal

strength is staying up, so we're probably going
to get it.

0_ 00 50 15 LMP Yes. I'm going to have to hustle, too.

0_ 00 50 18 CDR Yes.

0_ 00 50 19 LMP After that - What's after that? You can go ahead

and do the AUTO maneuver - -

0h 00 50 20 CDR Roger.

0_ 00 50 21 LMP - - and let me get the AGS started here.

0_ 00 50 22 CDR ... call up h2, to do the AUTO maneuver.

0_ 00 50 26 LMP Cue me at 7 minutes here, Jim.

0_ 00 50 27 CDR Okay, go ahead, I'll - I'll - Matter of fact, I'll

get the range rate for you.

O_ O0 50 35 LMP Okay, I can't go any further right now anyway.

O_ O0 50 37 CDR (Laughter) That ... don't ... is it?

Oh O0 50 hl LMP Yes.
5- Page c NIEIDEN'i'iAL
Tape 09-03601 _jl_l'm_

04 O0 50 45 LMP Okay, you want to read it out for me, and I'll Just
sit over - -

0h 00 50 46 CDR Okay.

04 O0 50 47 _ - - here in my corner and plod away.

Oh O0 50 52 CDR It's going to be close to 108 or so. Maybe llO.

Oh 00 51 11 LMP h, 3, 2, 1 -

04 O0 51 14 LMP MARY.

Oh O0 51 15 CDR 110.

04 O0 51 17 LMP 110. Okay, thank you.

04 O0 51 20 CDR Okay. I'm going to call up - Would you align the

AGS? - I'm going to call up and do the maneuver

04 00 51 24 LMP Right.

04 O0 51 25 CDR V_RB 37, ERTER; 42, ENTER. OKay, it says 306,

and I think our number Mas 305. Okay, we'll do
the maneuver. Here we go.

·i 04 O0 51 51 CDR ... do a pitch up the right way.

! Oh 00 52 28 LMP ... says minus 39.5 and minus 1_.5.

0h 00 52 32 CDR How about that? Okay, minus - Got that NOUN 86


04 O0 52 37 LMP Yes. Okay, you got it? Minus 39.1. All zips
and plus - and minus 13.8.

04 00 52 49 CC Spider/Gumdrop; we'll see you over the Pedstone

at about 03.

Ob 00 52 53 CDR Roger. Did you get that?

04 00 52 57 LMP Yes, I got it.

Oh 00 52 59 LMP Okay, I want to get my gloves on first.

04 00 52 58 CMP Roger. Gumdrop copies. Redstone, 03.

.ay - age
Tape O9-03601

O_ O0 53 07 CDR Okay. We don't need anything there; we might as

well PRO over there.

04, 00 53 12 _ Okay. Okay, you can mush on here, and - -

04 O0 53 14 CDR Okay, it's a 501.

04 00 53 15 LMP - - I'm going to get the AGE going here.


04 00 5h 10 CDR HELIX4 MONITOR, ASC PRESSURE 1 and 2.

i Oh 00 53 59 CDR Okay, MODE CONTROL, AUTO. We go down to ...
Oh O0 5h 19 LMP We're at 4 minutes here. Just got there?

04 00 54 21 CDR SUIT PRESSURE 1 and 2; CB(ll), STAB CONTROL,


04 00 54 26 LMP And 16. I got mine.

0h OO 5h 28 CDR Okay.

04 00 5h 29 LMP EPS, CROSS TIES - -

04 00 54 30 LMP/CDR BALANCE LOAD comes OPEN.

04 00 54 32 LMP Shoot, it's been OPEN. I forgot to close it.

04 00 5h 3h CDR Alrighty.

0h 00 54 h9 _ Boy, that scared me. That - that ammeter drifts

up and - on the bus, and it was up at 100 amps,
04 O0 54 41 CDR STOP button's UNCOVER.
Oh 00 54 56 CDR Oh, Jeez.

04 00 5h 59 LMP It doesn't read anything worthwhile. Okay, you


0h 00 55 02 CDR Yes.

04 O0 55 03 I34P 2 minutes, we want DFI, ON.


5- age ENTIAL
Tape 09-03601

04 00 55 04 CDR Right. 2 minutes, we want DFI, ON.

04 00 55 06 IMP Okay, what else do we do here except hold our


04 00 55 09 CDR Yes. 5 seconds. You're going to get the FLASH

99; you're going to put to PROCEED.

04 00 55 14 LMP Right.

04 00 55 15 CDR AUTO ... at 3.5. Then it's going to go kapow, and

the burn's going to be over.

04 00 55 21 LMP Yes.

04 00 55 24 CDR r_et's see, Tu_4P ...

04 00 55 25 LMP Would you look at that? It's still locked on, or


04 00 55 27 CDR You're right. It is still locked on, so we didn't

pitch up very much, at Z.

04 00 55 31 LMP Yes. We're in the right attitude though, huh?

04 00 55 34 CDR Yes. 30 - -

04 00 55 35 LMP Okay.

04 00 55 36 CDR - - 305 was the ground-calculated solution, and

the PGNS called for 306.89.

04 00 55 41 LMP Okay .... What, you got your window shade up?

04 00 55 49 CDR Yes. I'm on the dark ...

04 00 55 51 LMP It's a big difference, isn't it?

04 00 56 15 CDR Okay, 2 minutes.

04 00 56 18 LMP Okay, DFI POWER, ON.

04 00 56 20 CDR Yes. I verified the burn there, too, as best I


04 00 56 28 LMP Okay, that looks good.

04 00 56 30 CDR Yes.

r' NTIAL s- age
I_pe 09-03601

04 00 56 32 LMP Okay. I'm Just standing by to proceed.

04 00 56 41 CDR Good. Okay, G_mdrop, we're at 130 - -

04 OD 56 45 CDR MARK.

04 00 56 49 LMP Okay, if we don't get ignition, what do we do?

64 O0 56 51 CDR If we don't get ignition, I'm going to start

thrusting. You come on w/th the ascent inter-

04 00
00 56
56 58 CDR Yes, you
do that.
I 56 _ Are to turn the ENGINE ARM off first?

04 00 56 59 LMP Yes, thank you. (Laughter) I can see us getting

all of it, boom, boom.

04 O0 57 Oh CMP Spider, Gumdrop. Right with you and ready to


Oh O0 57 06 R4P Very good.

04 O0 57 15 LMP i minute.

04 00 57 16 CMP ...

04 00 57 25 CDR Tape on?

Oh O0 57 27 LMP Tape is on.

04 00 57 28 CDR Okay.

0h 00 57 46 CDR AVERAGE-G is ON.

04 O0 57 48 LMP Okay.

04 00 58 13 LMP Get the ullage. There goes the burn. Burn is


04 00 58 22 CMP ...

04 00 58 25 LMP Okay, 2.4 - minus 2.4, plus 0.8, and plus 1,

plus 0.1.

04 00 58 51 LMP Okay, the residuals are zero.

Tape 09-03601 (_m.-' · ' ,-

Oh 00 58 55 CDR Well, are we safe? VERB 95 - let's see. Have

you gone to PO0, yet?

04 00 59 04 LMP Yes.

Oh 00 59 05 CDR Okay.

04 O0 59 28 I24P Okay. Shoot, I'm sorry. I hadn't.

Oh 00 59 35 CDR But I looked down there, and I thought I saw the

COMP light ON, and then I went back to looking
outside here.

Oh O0 59 41 _ Okay, ready xor a CAL?

O_ 00 59 h3 CDR Yes.

04 00 59 4h LMP BALANCE LOADS is going CLOSE.

0h 00.59 45 CDR Shoot, we Just broke lock.

Oh 00 59 h8 _ Hmm.

04 00 59 53 CDR Okay, Houston, that TM CAL coming.

Oh 01 00 09 LMP On the rendezvous radar. VERB 95, _NTY_i_;VErB 37,

ENTER; 20, ENTER. Okay.

0_ 01 00 27 CDR Okay, Houston, CAL's up.

0h 01 00 29 CDR DFI, OFF now?

Oh 01 00 30 _ DFI, OFF. Hight.

04 01 00 32_ CDR Okay, DFI's coming off, Houston. Probably nobody


I Oh O1 O0 37 H{P Say again.

Oh 01 00 38 CDR I said, there's probably nobody there.

Oh 01 00 39 LMP Yes.

Oh 01 O0 hO CDR Hey, here we go. Let's see if it's out there.

This is really a good AUTO pilot. You know that?

L_'Tql"1_CI_I I I/AL Day 5 - Page 225
Tape 09-03601

04 01 00 49 LMP Yes, it is. It really tracks nicely, doesn't it?

Boy, it's right on 0.2 - 2 degrees per second.
Oh, that sun is just right.

04 O1 O1 0g CDR Yes, I wonder how we're going to be able to do

our docking.

04 O1 O1 30 LMP Okay.

04 01 O1 33 CDR Hey, where's 2.2? Come on up there, baby.

04 01 01 36 LMP There it is. Doggone thing is really working

good, isn't it?

04 01 01 42 CDR Sure is. Look at that. Here.

04 01 O1 48 LMP Okay, that's good, huh?

0_ O1 01 51 CDR That's good.

04 01 02 00 LMP Okay, you can debrief the burn, by the way.

04 01 02 02 CDR Okay, Just a second. Gumdrop, you got all your


04 01 02 05 CMP Roger, got it all.

04 01 02 07 CDR Okay, we're milling along here, locked on you

again. Okay, that burn - You feel the ullage
came on, and it was a lot more effective with Just
the ascent stage on.

0_ 01 02 16 LMP Sure was.

0_ 01 02 17 CDR And then, when the APS came on, it really belts
you in the can, by comparison to the DPS. It
starts, it stops, and it's all over with before
you even know what the heck happened. I thought
I saw a big pitch attitude, but I don't know what
I saw.

04 01 02 31 LMP (Laughter) I don't know why. I agree with you.

I don't know what the hell is going on.

04 01 02 45 CDR Okay.

0_ 01 02 51 CMP You're on the bea_ there. I got you.

" CO tAL:
5- age
Tape 09-03601

04 01 02 53 _ Well, Buddy, am I glad to hear that!

04 01 02 55 CMP I am, too. And listen, it's great. You're about

I degree from the center of the sextant.

04 01 02 59 CDR That a boy, Davey. You remember that beer we were

talking about the other night?

04 O1 03 O_ CMP Roger.

Ob O1 03 05 CDR I'll buy you one, babe.

0b 01 03 10 CC Spider/Gumdrop, Houston; standing by. How did it


O4 01 03 lb CDR Well, it's sort of a kick ir the fanny by compari-

son to the DPS. But it went alright. And my
good friend over there in the Gumdrop can see me
again. I'm out in the daylight.

04 O1 03 28 CC Very good. Understand.

04 01 03 30 CMP Houston, Gumdrop.

04 01 03 37 LMP Houston, Gumdrop calling.

Ob O1 03 b2 CC Spider, Houston. We're still showing the APS

armed. Could you verify that?

Ob O1 03 b6 IMP Oh, gee. Yes. Thank you, very much.

O_ 01 03 51 CDR Thank you, Houston.

0b 01 03 53 CC Roger. You're welcome.

Ob O1 03 55 CDR Shoot, that's the only thing we had to do on

W_{GINE ARM, OFF, too.

Ob 01 03 58 LMP Okay, I - I still didn't hear much noise on that

one. Did you?

Ob 01 0b 02 CDR No, no.

O_ O1 0_ 0_ LMP Very little noise.

Ob 01 04 06 CDR I wonder if we ought to pull the A - -

Ob 01 04 07 CC ... Houston.
5- Page
Tape 09-03601

04 01 04 08 CDR - - AELD circuit breakers.

04 01 04 09 CC Did you burn the - the solution that I think you

passed to Gumdrop?

04 01 04 12 CDR I burned the PONS solution, which is the one

passed to Gumdrop.

04 01 04 17 CC Very good. Understand you burned it, and on the


04 01 04 21 CDR That's affirmative.

04 01 04 27 CMP Houston, Gumdrop.

04 01 04 31 LMP Okay, let's start doing some updating into that

old ACS here, and see if we can ... that son of
a gun running.

04 01 04 37 CDR Okay.

04 01 04 41 CDR Hey, it's really going to be tough to do this,

Rusty. This thing's got so much control, I don't
know what to do with it.

04 01 04 44 _P Yes, I know. Gumdrop, why don't you give me your

message, and we'll relay it to them.

04 01 04 49 CDR Hey - -

04 01 04 50 CMP ... tell them where - were - was and how I ...
but I guess you told them that. That's alright.

04 O1 04 54 CDR You ready?

04 O1 04 56 LMP Okay, yes we do. Yes.

04 O1 04 59 CDR Oh, I stopped that one there. Come on you. That

other one's hanging there, and we have to scrunch
down a little low to make it look like it. Oh
shoot, it's drifting out.

04 01 05 34 CDR NOW, I don't know, but when it - when we had

these things zeroed, the needle was over here on
the side. I don't know where to put it.

04 01 05 40 LMP Okay, I'm Just going to put it in the middle.

( oE $ttXaL's
·,-' f"% I,_ i i-- i f'_ I- _ I "r i A /
- 228
Tape 09-03601

04 O1 05 26 CDR Right.

04 O1 05 _7 CDR/NCP MARK.

04 01 05 28 LMP CLEAR 316, plus 00750, ENTER.

04 01 05 55 CDR I'm going to take my helmet off and get a drink.

04 O1 05 56 LMP And I want to do a VERB 93, ENTER; and a VERB 32,


04 01 06 04 CDR Hey, why don't we pull the AELD circuit breaker?

04 O1 06 09 LMP You don't trust this engine?

04 01 06 10 CDR Yes, but why do we keep it up?

04 O1 06 15 _ Because we don't give any more ignition signals

or anything, for one thing.

04 01 06 27 I24P Oh, as a matter, of fact, we're going to leave the

tape running here. That's right. So we already
got one mark into the radar, I mean into the AGS
and ...

04 O1 06 59 CDR (Laughter) Hey, look what I had on inside my


04'O1 07 01 LMP I k_ow. I saw that.

-04 01 07 03 CDR (Laughter)

04 01 07 34 _ Boy, it's taking a long while.

04 01 07 46 _ There it is - 97:57:- -

04 01 07 50 CDR Push the NOMINAL, quick.

04 O1 07 52 LMP - - 56. Hold on. Okay. 97:57:56. Stand by,

1,11 check with the - the NOMINAL was 97:56:23.

04 O! 08 18 CDR Okay.

04 O1 08 20 LMP 97:56:23, 97:56:23.

04 O1 08 39 L_P Okay, read_ for another mark there.

04 01 08 22 CDR Oh, shoot, I knew you would be.

..,.kiJgt'q_lgrlN/IAL gay 5 - Page229
Tape 09-03601

04 O1 08 53 CDR Man, that sun is really bright.

04 O1 08 55 LMP Yes, you ought to pull up your shade.

04 O1 09 09 CDR MARK.

04 O1 09 10 _ Mark. 71 miles. Right on the money. 316, CLEAR.

316, plus 00710, ENTER. Okay, 065, ... that says
112.9, 21.7, 27.9.

04 01 09 32 CDR Hey, there's BaJa do_n there.

04 01 09 35 LMP There's plus 7, plus 0.3, minus 0.2. Look at that.

That's beautiful.

04 O1 09 44 CDR Yes. Hang in there, baby. Another couple of

hours. Then I'll have you home.

04 01 09 59 LMP Okay, that's STOP, RESET, and a down, and there's -

04 01 10 20 I_P That's close.

04 O1 10 45 LMP And Gumdrop, Spider. Any time you want to check

our range and range rate, Just let us know.

04 O1 10 51 CMP Okay, stand by.

04 01 11 12 CDR Let's see, we have the W_B 93 in, don't we?

04 O1 11 17 LMP Yes.

04 01 11 22 LMP Ready.

I 04 O1
01 11 18
32 LMP
CDR Actually, there's
3 ... marks. Okay,no ready
big rush, but that's
for another one? okay.

04 O1 11 41 CDR MARK.

04 O1 11 42 LMP Mark. 69 point - or 68.5.

04 01 i1 59 LMP See how it's doing. 114 feet per second. That's
not very good. And range is 67.8. That's pretty
good, not too bad.

04 O1 12 10 CDR Okay.

Tape 09-03601 f
04 01 12 11 LMP It takes a few more before the range rate starts
coming in.

04 01 12 13 CDR Yes.

04 01 12 36 LMP Let's see how our astronaut one is doing

there. That looks good. That looks good.

04 01 12 42 CDR Ohhhh.

04 O1 12 43 LMP That scared you?

04 01 12 44 CDR (Laughter)

04 O1 12 51 LMP Houston, Spider.

04 01 12 54 CC Spider, this is Houston.

04 01 12 56 L_P Okay, onboard RCS is 82 and 75.

04 O1 13 02 CC Roger. Copy, thank you ...

04 01 13 23 CMP Spider, Gumdrop.

04 01 13 25 CDR Go ahead, Gumdrop.

04 01 13 27 CMP i've got 67 miles and 112 feet per second.

04 01 13 30 CDR Okay, we have 67 miles and 107 feet per second.

04 01 13 36 C_ How about that?

04 O1 13 37 CDR Now wait a second; you're 5 feet per second off.

You're going to have to shape that up.

04 O1 13 40 CMP Let me take some more marks, and I'll get it

squared away.

04 01 13 44 CDR Alrighty.

04 O1 13 51 _P Okay.

04 01 13 53 CDR Jees, you Just never give up.

04 01 13 57 _'_ We'll - I'm going to get this AGS going here.

04 01 13 59 CDR (Laughter) See that red light up there (laughter).

L ¢
Tape 09-0360i

04 O1 14 02 LMP Yes.

04 O1 14 03 CDR Hey, that's really a lot that you're doing.

04 01 14 05 LMP Oh, it's not too bad.


04 01 14 06 CDR Take my ...

04 O1 14 13 SC (Yawn)

04 01 14 16 LMP Let's see how our rendezvous radar temperature's

doing; it's 95 degrees. You're going to be a
whiles ahead. 95 and 97.1h.

04 O1 14 36 _ Oh, I'm plotting these things all wrong. I thought

that that was 86. 86 is down here. Okay, we're
right on the curve.

04 01 14 59 CDR Good.

04 O1 15 03 LMP You coming in there, Tiger?

04 01 15 06 CDR Yes. Tell you what, to hur_j up - spend a little

fuel now, and save some later.

04 01 15 18 LMP How you going to save some later?

04 01 15 20 CDR Well, what I was going to do, is going to take a

mark, here, and stop playing horsearound.

04 O1 15 27 CDR Okay, -

04 O1 15 28 CDR MARK.

04 01 15 29 LMP Mark. 64.2.

04 01 15 44 CDR Coming in. Good.

04 O1 15 58 CDR Is there anything else we need to do along here?

04 O1 16 G1 LMP No. Until we get to 45 miles.

04 O1 16 05 CDR 10 marks, we're going to do a recycle. 10 marks,

have we done that? No, we haven't done that yet.

0h 01 17 21 CDR Want me to turn that over?

04 01 17 24 LMP Oh, yes, I guess so.

.ay - age232
Tape 09-03601 tDENTIAL
04 01 17 26 CDR Soon as that pitch needle dribbles up there we'll
be on.

04 01 17 31 LMP Dribbling slowly.

04 O1 17 38 CDR Shoot, what did it do, stop dribbling?

04 01 17 40 LMP Sure did.

04 01 17 47 CDR Just a minute, now ...

04 O1 17 58 CDR Hey - -

04 O1 17 59 CDR MABK.

04 O1 18 O0 LMP Okay. Mark 62.1.

f 04
04 01
O1 18 15
10 LMP
CDR Okay, I Let
Oops. think
me get
I'll over
put in a range rate
there. here.

04 01 18 25 LMP Okay, what is it? 107 and a - -

04 G1 18 28 CDR Yes.

]_ 04 01 18 35 LMP Okay.

04 01 18 43 LMP Okay, 10 marks, and I'll recycle.

04 O1 19 17 LMP Tape, Just for your information, the AGS - on

occasion here, I clear it when I - when I hit the
CLEAR button, I get an OP_TOH ERROR. And I've
had to hit CLEAR several times consecutively in
order to keep the OPERATOR ERRORS off.

CC ,tHDENTIAL - 09-03601
04 O1 19 58 CDR Boy, we really do look coelliptic.

O_ O1 20 03 I24P Do we?

' O_ O1 20 04 CDR Yes, it's been hanging right in 107, you know.
Yes, the range rate.

04 01 20 12 LMP That's the way we like them.

Oh O1 20 lh CDR Right.

04 01 20 hi. CDR Nominal is 19.8 and 11.2. Okay, there we are with
our time.

0h O1 20 53 LMP 9%:57:33. So, we're 1 minute late. That's the

way to be.

Oh O1 21 05 CDR Better late than never, huh?

Oh O1 21 07 IMP Yes.

04 O1 21 12 CDR Boy, that sun is really bright.

04 01 21 ih LMP Yes.

04 Oi 21 15 CDR It's not the sun, I guess; it's just the earth.

Oh 01 21 18 LMP Gumdrop, Spider. For your information, we've got

a TPI time that's Just 1 minute late right now.

0h O1 21 25 CMP Okay. I've got a couple of solutions, and I've

got 98:03 and 98:0h.

Oh O1 21 31 LMP Roger; ours are 97:57:33.

Oh 01 21 39 CMP 97:57:33. Okay.

Oh O1 21 _6 LMP That's pretty stable, boy.

04 01 21 _8 CDR Um. I wonder what they're thinking about in there?

Oh 01 21 5_ LMP I don't know, but it takes a while, doesn't it?

04 O1 21 56 CDR Yes, it sure does. We may have some trouble getting

through that thing for TPI. You notice all this
perigee torquing and gyro dynamics that we're
getting and - (laughter) You've been steady as a
rock all day.

C ,I -,t Ef T!A L
D_ 5 - Page23_ L. urtrlIJ'CIN/I/-_L
Tape 09-03601 _:_*:'

04 O1 22 15 LMP Yes, I sure have.

C 04 O1 22 33 CDR Did you ever get the AGS all lined up and every-

04 01 22 37 LMP Yes, let me set the time again. I've got to take
another series here.

04 01 23 06 CC Spider, Gumdrop, this is Houston. I have a ground

solution, when you're ready to copy.

04 01 23 12 CDR Spider here. Just a moment.

04 01 23 14 _4P Gumdrop's ready.

04 01 23 17 CC We're going to have you in contact for about another

12 minutes.

04 01 23 32 _4P Okay, Spider's here ready to copy.

04 01 23 38 CC Oks_v, Spider. Can you take it now,'Gumdrop?

04 01 23 41 CMP Roger, all set. Go ahead.

04 01 23 44 CC Roger, reading TPI: 097:57:4500, plus 196, plus

001, minus 105, 223, no roll or pitch, 2670, minus
1010, forward 223, all zips, up 003. End of update.

04 01 24 34 I24P Roger. Understand. 097:57:4500, plus 196, plus

001, minus 105, 223, zips and zips, 2670, minus
1010, forward 223, zips, and up 003. And did you
copy our DSKY on our last recycle?

04 01 25 03 CC Affirmative, Spider. Looks like we're shaping up.

04 Ol 25 08 LMP Looks that way.

O_ 01 25 10 _4P Gumdrop copied.

04 01 25 12 CC Gumdrop.

04 01 25 14 _4P ... You and the UP/DOW__Icomponent.

04 01 25 17 CDR (Laughter) Yes. Not, bad, huh? How does - how

do the times agree?

04 01 25 25 _P Within - 12 seconds off. f


CONli,i ' E rAJ Day5 - age
--- -- T_pe 09-03601

04 O1 25 28 CDR 12 seconds. That's not bad. I'll take it.

oh O1 25 33 LMP It's the best sim we've run.

04 O1 25 55 LMP Okay, ready for some more AGS stuff.

Oh O1 25 59 CDR Okay, good. I'm almost lined up.

0l_ O1 26 19 CDR Oh, hell. We're going to have to get this one
done on the fly. Stand by; stand by; stand by.

Oh O1 26 30 CDR MARK.

Oh 01 26 31 LMP 53.0. Okay.

04 O1 26 51 CC Spider and Gumdrop, that was our last update. 'We're

going to go with that pad.

04 O1 26 59 LMP Spider, here. Roger.

04 O1 27 00 CMP Gumdrop, Roger.

04 O1 27 05 IAiP Hey, Smokey, is Dave Reed smiling?

04 O1 27 09 CC Yes, he's - he's pretty happy, but he's not going

to relax until you've finished burning.

04 O1 27 16 LMP He'd better not. We may need that two-burn solu-

tion yet. (laughter)

04 O1 27 45 LMP Gumdrop, Spider.

04 01 27 49 CMP Go ahead.

04 O1 27 50 LMP Aa soon as we get into the dark, give me a look-see.

If you don't see any tracking light, which I guess
you won't, we'll put the docking lights on, and you
might be able to get a mark on those.

04 O1 28 00 CMP Okay. Might be able to do that at that range.

04 O1 28 02 LMP Right. At that range with that big eye ball you've

04 O1 28 09 CMP Roger.

04 O1 28 12 LMP Okay?
Day5 - Rage
236 COt mwrr m
Tape 09-03601

04 01 28 44 LMP Hey, with that docking - undocking episode we had - -

04 01 28 47 CDR Ready?

04 O1 28 48 LMP All set.

04 O1 28 50 CDR MARK.

04 01 28 51 LMP Mark, 50.3.

04 O1 29 01 LMP For that little undocking episode - We're supposed

to do a recycle at 16 minutes. I don't know if we
want to or not.

04 01 29 05 CDR No.

04 O1 29 09 _4P Do you want to skip it? I mean at the 17 marks?

Oh O1 29 14 CDR No, let's go in a little closer and do one more


04 01 29 17 _4P Two? We've only got 14 more minutes, and it takes

'us _ minutes to get one.

04 01 29 22 CDR Yes, okay, let's do it now.

04 0l 29 24 LMP Okay. I'm wondering whether we ought to just maybe

forego that - those DT0's.

04 01 29 35 CDR Yes, that's what I was thinking. I think we ought

to get up there and move _round a little bit and
say, "Okay, let's dock."

04 01 29 40 IMP Yes.

04 01 29 41 CDR See what's going to happen. He doesn't have a


04 01 29 44 _4P He doesn't have a spotlight; your C0AS doesn't work

too well - -

04 01 29 h7 CDR I can't - I - -

Oh Ol 29 48 L_ - - we don't know about that docking probe.

04 O! 29 49 CDR I'll bet you 2 bits that I can't even dock. I bet
you he's going to have to end up doing the docking.

II [ Oay5- 237
Tape 09-03601

04 01 29 53 LMP And we'll thrust at him.

04 O1 30 02 CDR I want to reset the DAP when we get in here a little

closer. Guess maybe I could do that right now.
When we're - wait until I finish this recycle,
though. Load up and put the A system on align.

04 O1 30 22 LMP Okay, 97 - Oh, look at that, would you?

04 Ol 30 2_ CDR Where? How far off are we now?

04 O1 30 27 LMP Right there. No, it's up there.

04 O1 30 31 CDR 4 seconds.

04 O1 30 58 CDR Matter of fact, I guess this is as good a time

to discuss this with Houston as not. Houston,
this is Spider.

04 01 31 05 CC Hello, Spider. Houston here.

04 O1 31 07 CDR Roger. Concerning the episode we had coming off

f the probe, and some little DTO's we get back up
_- there, I think it might be wise to go ahead and
dook when we get there without waiting until

04 O1 31 26 Cf: Hoger, Spider. We copy, and sounds like a pretty

good idea.

04 O1 31 31 CDR Why don't you go through those DTO's and see if

there is anything that's really important there;
and, if so, we'll try to get it for you. But
otherwise I think we might see if that probe's
going to work.

04 O1 31 41 CC Roger. Understand. We're - we've got that in


04 O1 32 14 CDR What was it? Just right?

04 O1 32 16 LMP 0.3 of a foot per second off there. How about a

415 here?

04 O1 ]2 24 CDR Okay, stand by 1.

04 O1 32 _5 CMP Spider, Gumdrop.

5- CO AL
Tape 09-03601

04 01 32 46 g4P Go ahead, Gu_ndrop. Sp_der.

04 01 32 48 _ Okay, mine's converging now. I've got 97:58 ...

on my current solution.

04 O1 32 54 CDR Good show.

04 O1 32 55 LMP Very, good, very good. Ours is now within about

3.7 seconds of the ground. The last one was
97:57:41, I think.

04 O1 33 05 CMP I've got 97:58:19.

04 O1 33 08 CDR Okay, very good. Sounds like we'll all be together


04 O1 33 11 C_ How about that?

04 O1 33 12 LMP Okay, you ready?

04 O1 33 14 CDR No. I got distracted. Okay, stank by.

04 O1 33 26 CDR MARK.

04 O1 33 27 _ Mark. 45.8.

04 01 33 30 CDR We can expect getting in another plot pretty soon.

04 O1 33 34 LMP Right, I'm ready for it.

04 O1 33 41 CDR Over Africa, there.

04 O1 33 43 _,_ In fact, we can get it right now, if you want to

get one pitch up PULSE.

04 O1 33 53 CDR Hight there.

04 O1 33 54 INP ,MARK.

04 01 33 55 LMP And that's 45.0, huh?

04 O1 33 59 CDR Hight.

-04 O1 34 09 CC Spider, Gumdrop, this is Houston. We're about a

minute or so LOS from Canaries. There is an ARIA,

04 O1 34 04 _ That's 12.22.
CO_[ Day 5 - Page 239
Tape 09-03601

if you need it, up to about 42; and we'll see you

at Carnarvon at 06 - -

04 01 34 21 CC Tell them Dave Reed's smiling.

04 01 34 23 CC - - And Dave Reed is smiling now; 8nd we might

catch you at Tananarive at 49, but we haven't had
much luck yet.

04 01 34 33 CDR Okay.

04 01 34 46 LMP See OUr point?

04 01 34 48 CC And Spider, this is Houston. Did you - did either

vehicle read over T_nanarive the last pass, when
we were calling?

04 01 3h 56 L_5° Oh boy, I don't remember.

04 01 35 00 CDR Houston, this is Spider. I don't remember. We've

been over so many stations so many times, I
couldn't tell you.

04 O1 35 08 CC Okay, it was right at around CS[, right - i_medi-

ately after your CSI burn.

04 01 35 13 CDR Roger. I real - -

04 01 35 14 LMP Yes, we did.

04 01 35 15 CDR - - you once or twice, but it was pretty bad.

04 01 35 17 LMP Alright, we called the CDH time down to you, too)

but didn't get any reply.

04 01 35 24 CC Okay, thank you.

04 01 35 26 CMP And Gumdrop doesn't remember whether he heard you

or not.

O_ 01 35 30 CC Okay.

04 O1 35 32 _4P Okay, a couple more of these - -

0_ 01 35 35 CDR What do you want? You want one of those marks,

that's what I'm getting for you.

Day 509-03601
Tape ~ Page 240 CO_JT_ IA_

04 01 35 37 LMP Yes, another one of these marks. '

04 O1 35 47 CDR Oh, you fink head.

04 O1 35 50 CDR MARK.

04 O1 35 51 LMP Mark. 43.2.

04 O1 35 57 CDR Okay, let me get in here with this VERB 48.

I'll read that. VERB 48, ENTER; VERB 21, _ITER

04 01 36 07 LMP Hey, let me pitch up one PULSE here.

04 O1 36 08 CDR Okay, go. Let's see. Zero, 2 JET A. Zero zero - -

04 01 36 14 LMP We're hold at _2-5.

04 01 36 18 CDR - - zero zero, zero zero.

04 O1 36 19 LMP 42.5.

04 01 36 21 CDR I'm rolling. 2 JET A, define hCA, 0.3 of a de-

gree DEADBAND, and 2 degrees per second. AlriKht.
PRO; VERB 34, _:TER.

04 01 36 57 _P It getting dark?

04 O1 36 59 CDR No, not really.

04 O1 37 00 LMP Let me open up my simulator window here. I'd like

to see part Of this rendezvous.

04 01 37 08 CDR Which part? (laughter)

04 01 37 11 LMP The finish.

04 01 37 16 CDR Wonder if we can see him out there?

Q 04 O1 37 18 LMP Depends on what the temperature of the clouds is.

Oh, they're way down.

04 01 37 21 CDR I can see him, I think.

· 04 01 37 23 LS_ Look at the landing data -

04 01 37 2h CDR Hey, Davey, I think I see you again.

CO ' iAL (
C__A[ Day Tape
5 - Page 2_1

04 O1 37 27 CMP Oh, very good.

04 O1 37 31 CDR Yes, I do see him.

' 04 O1 37 33 LMP Okay, we're at 100 - -

04 O1 37 34 CMP Gee, you're awful small.

04 O1 37 36 LMP - - 100 degrees - -

04 O1 37 37 CDR I don't doubt that at all.

04 01 37 39 LMP 97:h0.

04 O1 37 hl CDR We're still oat at hl miles.

/_ 04 O1 37 h6 _4P Okay, and, as a matter of fact, you're fading on me.

04 O1 37 55 LMP Okay, we're below the l_ne, Jim.

Oh O1 37 58 CDR Are we really?

Oh O1 37 59 L_ _ Yes, on the radar temperature.

04 O1 38 00 CDR Oh, boy - -

Oh O1 38 01 CMP I've got you ag_n.

04 01 38 02 CDR On the radar.

04 O1 38 03 LMP I'm sorry.

O_ O1 38 08 CMP You're going through the horizon right now.

O_ O1 38 11 CDR Okay.

r. 04 01 38 15 LMP Where are you going, huh?

Oh O1 38 19 CDR Where am I going?

04 O1 38 21 LMP Yes.

Oh O1 38 2_ CDR Where am I going?

Oh 01 38 25 LMP Yes, are we pitching up - excuse me.

Oh O1 38 26 CDR No.

s - Page CONj cJ m
Tape 09-03601

04 O1 38 27 I242 Okay, I'm sorry, I thought we _.ere pitching up.

I h_d looked out the window, and I saw us way up
in the air here.

Oh O1 38 33 CDR No.

04 O1 38 34 LMP Hey, there be is. By George. Ok_f, how about

another mark here?

04 O1 38 _6 CDR What kind? A radar for the AG3 or radar for the

04 O1 38 51 LMP No, I think we did a chart one last, so we'll do a

AGS one here.

0h 01 38 55 CDR Okay.

0_ O1 39 07 CDR Okay, stand by.

04 O1 39 09 I24P Okay.

04 O1 39 10 CDR Oh, hell.

0h O1 39 23 CDR MARK.

04 O1 39 2h LMP Mark, 39.5.

Oh O1 39 25 CMP Spider, Gumdrop. Will you have your final solution

before, like about a minute?

04 O1 39 30 CDR I hope so, Dave.

04 O1 39 32 CMP Okay, Just to remind you that I'd like your time
as soon as you get it.

04 O1 39 36 CDR Yes, we're going to PROCEED at 1_ minutes, and

then we'll give it to you as soon as it comes up,
which should be in about a minute or two.

04 O1 39 43 CMP Okay, thank you.

0h Oi 39 _4 LMP Oh, by the way. That time is wrong now.

04 O1 h0 0_ CDR We're getting on down close to the end, aren't we?

04 O1 40 06 LMP Yes.

C0 L
COrxq-m ...NTIAL Tape
- 0D-03601
04 O1 40 07 CDR Got to start thinking what we are going to do.
TPI. That's TPF. KEY RELEASE, 5 minutes. What
am I doing over on that page?

04 O1 40 18 LMP Oh, can we get another one for the chart?

O4 O1 40 21 CDR Sure.

04 01 40 43 CDR Okay, stand by.

04 O1 40 50 CDR MARK.

04 O1 40 51 LMP Okay, it's right on the money, 38 miles and 14.4.

38, I said? Yes, 33 and 14.4.

04 01 41 09 CDR Very good.

04 O1 41 20 LMP Boy, I need to blow my nose.

04 O1 41 22 CDR Oh, me too. I've had a head full. That Actifed

sort of helped me at night, though.

04 O1 41 29 LMP Scratch that thing.

04 O1 42 16 LMP Okay - -

04 O1 42 18 CDR Okay ... here.

04 O1 42 19 LMP We've got our last radar warning lights on. Okay,
last AGS mark.

04 Gl 42 27 CDR Okay, AGS mark, okay?

04 O1 42 29 LMP ... I mark.

04 O1 _2 48 CMP Okay, Spider, I still have you against the earth


04 O1 42 52 LMP Great:

04 O1 42 56 CMP This thing is really tracking.

04 O1 )42 59 LMP Do we have a light? Okay?

04 O1 43 O1 CMP NO, no, it's still daylight to me. You're a little

black spot in the dark - in the light background.

Day 5 - Page 244 CON_-[_[
Tape 09-03601

04 01 43 07 CDR Okay, stand by.

04 01 43 09 CDR MARK.

· 04 01 43 10 IMP Mark, 35.8.

': _ 04 01 43 13 CDR Okay. Okay, we're at about 14:25 now.

04 01 43 22 LMP 503 minus 00104_ E_TER. Okay.

04 01 43 34 CDR Throw in that one last mark.

': t Oh 01 43 19
04 01 37 CMP
LMP Okay.
Put that on here.

04 01 43 38 CDR No, on here.

Oh 01 43 39 LM_ Oh, yes. Oh, okay. Let's get one more on the
chart here, since you're glebe.

04 01 44 10 CDR Soon as that time comes up, why don't you give o1'
Davey a gall. There it is, right there.

04 01 44 17 LMP Okay, Gumdrop. This is Spider. Our time - ready

to copy? Gumdrop, you reedy?

04 01 44 30 aMP Roger, standing by. Go ahead and read it.

04 01 44 32 _ Okay. 97:57:59-

04 01 44 39 CMP Okay, good. _- last time was 97:58:08.

04 01 44 44 LS_ Roger.

Oh 01 hh 46 CDR That's great.

04 O1 44 56 _ Where do you stand now?

04 01 45 O1 CDR What are you looking for now? You looking for - -

04 01 45 04 _4P What I'm - I'm looking for a hO - for a 304 re -

I'm looking for a plot point.

04 01 45 09 CDR Right there.

04 31 45 10 CDR 5[_RK.

Tape 09-03601

04 O1 45 12 LMP Hold Okay, it's 31.9 ' 32 - 34 ....

04 O1 45 18 CDR 3].9, yes.

04 O1 45 27 LMP ... plus 60.

04 O1 h5 40 LMP Okay, we're right on the plot·

04 O1 45 42 CDR Okay.

O_ O1 45 52 CDR Alrighty· There we go.

04 O1 45 54 _ ... 11 ... 7 -.- 081 is - Why don't you call in to


04 O1 46 09 CDR Dave, here are our DELTA-V's.

04 O1 46 12 CMP Go ahead: I'm ready to copy.

04 O1 h6 13 CDR Roger; plus 19.4, plus 0.4, minus 9·7.

04 O1 46 23 CMP Roger; plus 19.4, plus O.h, minus 9-7.

04 O1 46 30 CDR Roger, that's correct.

04 O1 46 32 CMP Good·

04 O1 h6 39 LMP You want to compare now? Okay, how do they look?

04 O1 46 43 CDR Where are they?

Oh O1 h6 4h LMP 19.4. I've got 19·6.

04 01 g6 47 CDR Okay, there they are; 19.h, 19.6·

04 O1 h6 49 CMP Okay, Spider, Gumdrop.

Oh O1 46 51 CDR Okay, that's great. Go ahead, Gumdrop.

Oh O1 h6 54 CMP Okay, you've got a hot mike, and also my elevation

angle on your time is 27.32.

0), O1 46 59 CDR Great.

Oh O1 47 03 I2_P Okay, I want to set the D_I; stop, DOWN.

Oh 01 47 23 LMP Okay ...

Tape 09-01601

5- P ge
04 01 47 25
CDR Okay, we can go on to a ° and update the AGS.

04 01 47 31 LMP Okay, I'm - I want to - first I want to get the

AGS solution here.

04 01 47 34 CDR Okay, fine. And we've got an 8-minute mark for

you, too, tn here. Oops, where the hell did ne go?
Oh, there he is. I see him.

04 01 47 4g LMP You got him?

04 01 47 50 CDR Yes.

04 01 47 54 LMP Okay, I'm going to be ready in Just a second.

04 01 47 56 CDR Okay, fine. Oh, the moon is going to be out there.

04 01 48 00 LMP Okay.

04 O1 48 01 CDR ...

04 01 48 02 _ CLEAR 303. Read, 23.46. CLEAR 257. Read -

04 01 48 17 CDR Dave, Just as a matter of interest, the moon has

Just come up, and it's going to be shining right
_ on our front face% so maybe you'll be able to
track us in the moonlight.

04 O1 48 25 CMP Great!

04 O1 48 26 CDR And I also got ...

04 01 48 27 _4P Can he still see us?

04 01 48 28 CDR I'll go to docking lights for you at this time,

since we don't have a light.

04 O1 48 32 CMP Okay.

04 O1 48 33 LMP Okay, I'm ready for the update.

c 04 O1 48 35 CMP Here's my answer to your time: 19.4 zero, and 8.8.

04 01 48 44 CDR You ready?

t 04 O1 48 41 _4P Great!

c: J'
TIAL 5- age
__, Tape 09-03601
04 O1 48 45 LMP Ready. Okay, I m ready,for the 8-minute mark.

04 O1 48 49 CDR Okay.

04 O1 48 57 LMP Okay, I got the update.

04 01 49 04 CDR Gee, these marks are going to be a lot more ragged

than you've been getting.

04 O1 49 06 LMP 100 feet per second, yes - CLEAR 3 - 101 that is.

04 O1 49 11 LMP Yes.

04 O1 49 12 CDR Okay.

04 O1 49 14 I24P Okay, mine was 130.1, Okay?

04 01 49 15 CDR Yes.

04 O1 49 16 LMP ... 400 plus - -

04 O1 49 20 CDR Hey, what happened here?

04 01 49 21 LMP Huh?

04 01 49 22 CDR What are we doing?

04 O1 49 24 LMP What?

04 O1 49 25 CDR We Just lost - Oh, there we go - Oh, wewere doing

thaT. Okay.

04 O1 49 29 LMP I hope not.

04 O1 49 30 CDR That old thing. We Just lost the control system


04 O1 49 34 LMP Oh, yes.

04 O1 49 35 CDR I keep forgetting that AGS update does that. That

was a bad time with me. Okay, we're 20 seconds to
go here.

04 O1 49 43 LMP Okay. Damn alignment isn't that good. Okay.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 -

04 O1 50 O0 LMP MARK.

5- Page
248 C TIAL
Tape 09-03601

04 01 50 03 LMP What have you got there, 29.5 and ...

04 Ol 50 05 CDR 29.5, right - 28.5.

04 O1 50 07 CC ... Standing by. I did copy your final solution.

Sounds great,

04 01 50 13 CDR Roger, Spider. That was 28.5, Rusty.

04 O1 50 15 LMP Okay, I got it.

04 O1 50 17 CDR Okay, fine. Okay, I'm going to _1 now.

04 O1 50 23 LMP Yes, 20.5.

04 O1 50 24 CDR 37 --- 44 -

was your DELTA-V x. I read it as 197.

t 04 01 50 26 CC Spider, Houston. The only one I wasn't sure of
04 01 50 36 CDR I think it was 194. I'll have to check. Just a

04 O1 50 39 CMP 19.4, Smokey.

04 O1 50 50 CDR Did you want anything out of here?

c 04 O1 50 52 LMP NOUN 86, yes. I need a NOUN 86. Okay, and that's
plus 19.k, plus 0.4, and minus 9-7. Okay, you can
KEY RELEASE on that. Okay. CLEAR, and remind me
of the 5-minute mark.

04 O1 51 23 CDR Right. I've got my eye on it.

04 O1 51 37 CDR Shoot, I've lost it again. Can't see with all the
lights up so bright.

04 O1 51 51 CDR There's nothing out there I need to look at. Oh,

I know, he's going to the other attitude. Getting
drowsy. Oh, shoot, we're going to lose lock on

04 O1 52 i1 I2_P I hope not. Call me on that 5 minutes.

04 O1 52 18 CDR Okay, you've got 40 seconds. Yes, he's turned

around. We're going to be lucky if we hold lock.
It's coming hack up now a little_

Tape 09-03601
04 01 52 h_ CDR _hoot, that elevation angle ... very high.

Oh O1 52 49 _ Okay, 11 seconds.

O4 O1 52 5_ CDR So you have 5 seconds to go.

04 O1 52 57 5MP h, 3, 2, 1 -

Oh O1 53 00 K_P MARK.

0h O1 53 O1 LMP Okay, 26.1 - 26.0 aris 99-

04 01 53 11 CDR Okay, go over to the other side here.

0h 01 53 lh I/4P 2208, KEY RELEASE.

Oh 01 53 17 CDR Oh, let's see. We got that. 5 minutes. I'm

going to VERB 77 here.

O_ O1 53 22 5MP Okay.

04 O1 53 23 CDR 77, ENTER.

Oh 01 5h Oh _ Okay, I got a DOWN 1.

Oh O1 5h 19 CDR Where's the next time we do an ORDEAL update?

Maybe I'd better do it here; guess I better.
Let's see, VERB 83, _ITER.

Oh 01 54 hl LMP Okay, I got a 420 and DOWN 1.

04 O1 5h 49 CDR Okay. Going down to the ... That's 24, h5.53,

25-9- How does it nompare, Rusty?

04 O1 55 09 LMP Compares good, within a foot per second.

04 O1 55 13 CDR Great.

Oh O1 55 31 LMP Okay, how much time we got?

04 O1 55 33 CDR 2 left.

04 01 55 3_ _4P 2 minutes? hat's some kind of a world's record.

Oh 01 55 36 CDR Okay, let's see what else we have to do here. Copy

our angle ..., verify the burn attitude, compare

Tape 09-03601 C r,j[TiAL
PGNS _nd AGS attitude errors. I don't see him
out there. I'm sure he's turned around.

0h Gl 55 51 LMP Well, the radar sees him.

Oh 01 55 53 CDR Yes. 0.05 -

Oh 01 55 59 LMP Okay, bow's your burn attitude? Boy, look at that;

w_'re even on this.

Oh O1 56 02 CDR Yes.

Oh 01 56 06 LMP The old REFSMMAT came through, huh?

Oh 01 56 09 CDR Oh, yes. We're on over there, aren't we?

Oh O1 56 11 LMP Yes. Okay, AVERAGE G's coming ON; I'm monitoring

on the AGS here.

Oh 01 56 16 CDR Okay, I'm Just going to burn it out straight ahead.

Oh 01 56 19 CC ...

Oh 01 56 22 CDR Roger.

Oh 01 56 2_ CMP Spider, Gumdrop, coming up to lB3 now, and ready to


0h 01 56 29 CDR Okay, I was right with you.

Oh O1 56 30 CMP Okay.

Oh 01 56 31 LMP ... call something, huh?

Oh 01 56 32 CDR Yes.

Oh O1 56 33 IMP Good, I like it that way.

0h O1 56 hh LMP The other DAP's set in now, right?

Oh O1 56 h6 CDR Right.

Oh O1 56 h8 IMP Change SYSTEM A. Okay?

Oh O1 56 56 CDR Works like a charm - -

CI"" ,r- TIAL S- Page
Tape 09-03601

Ob, O1 56 57 LMP Boy, and he's right on top of old Scorpio.

04 O1 57 O0 CDR I don't see him out there. Oh, yes, I saw him
then. Okay, he's right where he's supposed to be.

04 O1 57 08 LMP Yes, the stars are exactly where they were in the

O4 O1 57 12 CDR Yes, the moon wasn't there, though.

04 O1 57 lb, I24P Yes.

04 O1 57 27 CDR Do you know - -

O4 O1 57 28 LMP ... AVERAGE G ...

Ob. O1 57 29 CDR - - the time of this burn, by chance?

04 O1 57 31 I_P No.

Ob. O1 57 32 CDR AVERAGE G is ON.

04 O1 57 33 LMP Right.

04 O1 57 50 CDR About 10 seconds.

04 O1 57 52 CMP Roger.

O4 01 57 53 CDR Okay.

04 O1 58 02 CDR ... Thrusting.

04 O1 58 10 LMP Boy, it looks like the 4th of July, doesn't it?

O40l 58 12 CDR Yes. Okay, we're getting it in slowly here.

O4 O1 58 18 CMP Good.

O4 O1 58 25 LMP You ought to be able to see it. It looks like the

_th of July.

O4 O1 58 28 CMP I can; I can see you perfectly.

04 O1 58 38 LMP Okay, we're going to go to PO0 as soon as you're


01_ O1 58 41 CDR Okay, Just a second now.

oay 5- COr,,l'r' l TIAL
Tap_ 09-03601

04 01 58 45 CMP How'd you do?

Oh 01 58 48 LMP Looks good.

04 01 58 50 CMP Okay.

04 O1 58 5l R<P 6.

04 O1 58 53 CDR Okay, we had all zips when we went.

c 04 01 58 55 cMP ...

04 01 58 59 LMP There's PO0.

04 01 59 00 CDR Okay.

04 01 59 01 LMP Okay. coming on to the next side here. Okay,

VERB 93 - -

04 01 59 06 CDR I need a 76, EATS.

04 01 59 07 I24P - - ENTER, right aw_y.

04 Gl 5R 08 CDR VERB 76 - -

04 01 59 09 LMP Okay?

04 01 59 10 CDR ENTER.

04 01 59 ll LMP Okay, and I'll get that other.

04 01 59 12 CDR Verb 93 - -

0k O1 5g 13 LMP 3, right. ENTER. - -

04 Ol 59 14 CDR - - _TEB°

04 O1 59 15 _ Okay, VERB 37, _2_ER; 20, E_ER. Did we ever

break lock?

04 O1 59 21 CDR No.

0k O1 59 22 LMP Okay.

04 01 59 28 LMP Okay, I'm goin_ to bypass the maneuver.

04 01 59 30 CDR Let's see, we're at 20 miles -

04 O1 59 33 _
C TALsPae23
Hot mike.
Tape 09-03601

O1 59 34 CDR - - 20 miles.

O1 59 35 _ Thank you.
O1 59 37 CDR - - 2 points, so we're all right; makes 5- Yes, !
verify he's out there. We can use a ...

04 O1 59 46 _MP Okay, you veri - w_teh - watch ... in that.

Ol 59 48 CDR Woo ....

02 00 18 CDR Look at that. Line of sight reads what it's

supposed to he. Okay, now what we have to do -
we have to do a 93 and a 20, bypass the AUTO
maneuver, 35 - _e've got that up vorking - set
the DET, copy the angle for the charts, at

04 02.00 47 IRP Okay. Okay, and I've got - you got 22 FORWARD
on th_, which is Just right, and zero there.
( Fantastic! The AG$ said you did Just right.

04 02 _ 08 CDR Good old AGS.

04 02 O1 09 _ Good old AGS and count DELTA-V pretty good. That

may be all it can do, but it can _ that.

02 _ 25 CDR Okay, you r,,ady for your 5-minute mark?

04 02 _ 29 LMP Yes. do we want to take another plot?

04 02 O1 33 CDR Okay, if you'd like.

02 O1 34 _ Yes, if you're on - -

04 02 O1 35 CDR Sounds like a pretty good idea. Okay.

04 02 O1 40 CDR MARK.

04 02 O! 41 LMP okay, mark, and it was now - what was the - -

04 02 O1 44 CDR 17 miles.

04 02 01 45 _ - - 17. Okay. 17, 32.5. There we go.

£ C L
Day 5 - Page Ra_ C_A[

Tape 09-03601 _
O_ 02 O1 58 CDR Great. 0kay, get ready for your mark.

O_ 02 02 06 LMP Okay. I'm all ready.

O_ 02 02 55 LMP 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 -

O_ 02 03 uu LMP MARK.

O_ 02 03 O1 CDR Okay. Right ...

04 02 03 02 LMP Okay, and it was 15.9.

0_, 02 03 04 CDR Right.

O_ 02 03 05 LMP And 1077

C_ O_ 02 03 07 CDR Right, yes, lOT's mark. OKay, I'll Just sit here,
and putt along until we get to 7 minutes.

04 02 03 14 LMP 34.73.

04 02 03 21 CMP Spider, Gtundrop. I'm afraid I Just can't see you

without that light.

04 02 03 24 CDR Okay, Dave. We only ask you to do what's humanly


O4 02 03 34 C_[P Okay. Youtre against that earth background w/th

a bunch of clouds, which doesn't help anything.

04 02 03 45 CDR Yes, I know it. Are you all set up for our dock-

04 02 03 50 CMP Ail set.

O_ 02 03 51 CDR Okay, what do you think happened to the probe on

the way out, Dave?

04 02 03 55 CMP I'm not real sure. I think it Just got hung up

on the capture latches. I took a look to see if
it extended all the way, and the ... was in the
retract position. And, when I went back up to
extend the second time, you dropped right off.

04 02 Oh 08 CDR Okay. I want to get on that thing as soon as

possible, Just in case something is wrong.

CO TIAL - 09-03601
04 02 04 15 CMP Roger, I'm with you.

0_ 02 04 26 LMP Okay, are you on, Jim?

014 02 04 29 CDR Yes, I'm on - right now.


0_ 02 04 30 LMP 2, 1 -

04 02 04 31 LMP MARE.

04 02 04 32 LMP Okay, and that was 14 - 14, and you got to hit a
PROC _iu here at 7.

04 02 04 39 CDR ... I've got the PROCEED, ...

04 02 04 42 LMP 14, 37.4. We are right parallel to it.

04 02 04 52 CDR Just a tad high?

04 02 04 54 LMP Yes, we're a tad high. I bet we're going to have

a zero midcourse.

( 04 02 05 02 CDR Okay, Dave, we're ... for our first mideourse.

04 02 05 05 CMP Okay.

04 02 05 07 CDR Okay, and we've got you 52 seconds to get through

your - do your short stuff.

04 02 05 18 LMP Okay, and I need my 8-minute mark.

04 02 05 53 LMP 8 seconds. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 -

O_ 02 06 O0 I._IP MARK.

0_ 02 06 01 CDR That came right at it. Oh.

04 02 06 02 LMP And it's 12.2 and 98.

04 02 06 06 CDR Okay, Dave, I got our DELTA-V's for you.

04 02 06 09 CMP Go ahead.

04 02 06 ll CDR Plane X is minus 1.O; Y is O - is minus 0.3; and

Z is plus 0.9.

04 02 06 23 CMP Boy, you'd sure argue - hardly argue with that?

Tape 09-03601

Oh 02 06 25 CDR NO, I think I'll go ahead and burn them hez'e. You
got that, Rusty?

Oh 02 06 33 LMP Yes.

Oh 02 06 3h CDR Okay. Did you write them down at all?

oh 0_ 06 36 IRP Yes.

Oh 02 06 37 CDR Okay, fine.

Oh 02 06 38 LMP Okay, I get the next ones here. Aft 1.h; left 0.h;
and up 1.

Oh 02 06 h9 CDR 0.1.

04 02 06 50 LMP 0.1, yes, I got it. Okay.

04 02 06 5h CDR Okay, we don't need that. I'm going to leave that,

04 02 06 5'( LMP I'm going to turn up my ... here -'-

04 02 06 58 CDR 21, ENTER; 18, ENTER, PRO.

04 02 07 15 LMP Boy, it reads zero.

04 02 07 19 CDR k"nat does, your chart?

04 02 07 20 LMP UP/DOWN, yes. Aft 4 - I'll he with you in a second.

04 02 07 32 CDR VERB 77, ENTER. Okay, looks like I need them.

Oh 02 07 34 LMP 0ops! Hey, the chart says you need some aft.

Oh 02 07 h5 CDR Yes, so does this.

04 02 07 h6 IRP Yes, but it says my - my chart says aft 6.

O_ 02 07 h9 CDR Oh, goodness.

Oh 02 07 51 LMP So - -

04 02 07 52 CDR We're not going to do that - -

Oh 02 07 53 LMP No.

Oh 02 07 54 CDR - - We're going to do what the PGNS says here.

Minus 1.6.

co C
........... Tape 09-03601

04 02 07 55 _ Okay, are you going to ... okay.

04 02 08 00 CDR Waiting for the flashing 6085. Should be there

right now. There it is; we're going to burn.
04 02 08 ll CDR Wait a second.

04 02 08 16 CDR Shoot.

04 02 08 17 LMP Oops .... be careful of the - -

0W 02 08 18 CDR ...

04 02 08 19 LMP Yes, be carefu/ o_ the bounce.

Oh 02 08 23 CDR Okay.

04 02 08 25 LMP Looks good.

Oh 02 08 26 CDR That's good.

C_ 04 02 08 27 LMP Okay. PRO. Let me Just make sure - -

04 02 08 28 CDR Okay, midcourse is complete.

0h 02 08 29 LMP - - we want to go PO0 again, right?

0h 02 08 31 CDR Yes, let's follow this checklist now Just exactly

the way it's supposed to go.

04 02 08 34 LMP Oh, hell_ we don't want to go to PO0 - -

OW 02 08 35 CDR We go to VERB 93 and then - -

04 02 08 38 LMP VERB 93, ENTER.

0W 02 08 hO CDR And then ENTER, 37, 35.

0W 02 08 44 LMP 35, ENTER. Okay.

0W 02 08 53 CDR Okay, let me just stay here and me_ke sure that
first mark got ins and then I want to put VF_B 76
in. It's taking something; let's see what it's
going to spit out.

OW 02 09 18 CDR Got it, okay?

( CO !AL
C01' 'F.,t ENTIAL
04 02 09 24 [/4P Fine. VERB 76.

0h 02 09 32 CDR We got a digital Jump on our range tape.

0h 02 09 36 _ Did we?

0 h 02 09 37 CDR Yes, we are. We're getting big Jumps, about 1000


0h 02 09 _l LMP Ah ha. That's going to make it interesting.

r.j Oh 02 09 46 CDR See it?

Oh 02 09 47 CDR Okay, we're about on, if you ought to get something

on the - on the big cards.

04 02 09 5_ LMP Right about - how about 56K?

Oh 02 09 58 CDR Okay.

Oh 02 09 59 LMP How much is it Jumping? Oh, that much?

Oh 02 10 02 CDR Yes, figuring jumps to abou_ the start - -

Oh 02 10 0h LMP There we go, 56, h9. Oh, my God.

04 02 10 13 CDR What are you on it?

04 02 10 17 LMP Right on it.

0h 02 10 18 CDR Okay, I'll get it; I'll take it. Have you got some
cameras we can take a picture of Gumdrop with?

Ob 02 10 26 LMP Yes. Cs_n I turn up the lights? Is he bright


0_ 02 10 32 CDR Yes, I'm - listen, I'm not even looking at him.

Oh 02 10 3_ LMP Okay, good.

04 02 10 39 CDR Did we get the 93 in there? Yes, we did.

04 02 10 41 LMP Yes, we did. Yes.

01_ 02 10 45 LMP Ohhhh.

': i O_ 02 lO _6 CDR We're standing by on the 17.

C NTIAL Day Tape
5 - 09-03601
Page 259

04 02 10 54 LMP Come on now, don't be stubborn. Right in there;

there you go.

04 02 11 38 CDR Be careful you don't punch that through the window.

Tkat would ruin the whole d_f.

04 02 11 42 LMP Yes.

04 02 11 43 CC Spider, Gumdrop. This is Houston. We're about 1

minute LOS Carnarvon; we'll see you over the
Huntsville in about 8 minutes.

04 02 11 49 CDR Okay, Houston. What did you decide about that

post - or after I get up there? Should I go ahead
and dock or not?

04 02 11 56 CC Okay, Jim, we're looking through here. There are

a cguple of things that we really would like to
have, and that's some pictures taken of the ascent
engine area. And we would like to get the rendez-
vous radar corona test.

04 02 12 ll CDR Okay, it depends on when I break out in the sun-

light, what I can do for you.

04 02 12 16 CC Okay, very good.

04 02 12 i8 CDR I don't want to go into darkness wondering how

we're going to get the probes fixed.

04 02 12 23 CC 0kay, we understana, and have you talked this over

with Dave? We haven't heard his comments on - on
the probe.

04 02 12 29 LMP ...

04 02 12 33 LMP Dave, can you hear him?

04 02 12 36 CDR Yes, he copied. Okay.

04 02 12 38 CMP Roger, Houston. Do you copy Gumdrop?

04 02 12 39 LMP Okay. Okay, 56; that was 44 and 564.

04 02 17 40 CMP Okay, and be ready to give me a GO for the PYRO

APJ4 there too, please.

5- P, e260 C TIAL
Tape 09-03601

04 02 13 02 LMP Okay, we're right on it.

04 02 13 04 CDR Okay.

04 02 13 08 _ Okay, and I'm standing by for a 17-minute mark.

04 02 13 12 CDR Right, we've got a minute 50 to go to that.

04 02 13 15 LMP Right, okay, suud I got the camera out, and it

checked out. Okay, let me verify bne settings on
it, though.

04 02 13 29 CDR Where's that corona test.

04 02 13 31 LMP Okay, I did that.

C 04 02 13 51 CDR Who does the - who does the jet firing on this
ccr_na test?

04 02 13 59 LMP We do.

04 02 14 03 CDR Okay, it's running.

04 02 14 07 LMP Okay. Okay, 1 minute to the mark.

04 02 14 16 CDR Get back over here.

04 02 14 52 CDR 10 seconds.

04 02 14 53 LMP Okay, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 -

04 02 15 O0 LMP MARK.

04 02 15 01 L_P 17 minutes. Okay, that was - what - and 61 and

what the heck was that? 35?

04 02 15 07 CDR That's 35, yes.

04 02 15 10 LMP 35.

04 02 15 ll CDR Okay, now we're standing by for - -

04 02 15 14 LMP ... 30, 63.3.

04 02 15 28 CDR 19 minutes, we do a PRO.

Tape 09-03601

04 02 15 30 z_4P Yes, we - we may need Just a t_d ,:p. We've dropped

a hair below the line.

04 02 15 36 CDR Okay.

" O_ 02 15 37 LMP But Just a hair. And I'll take one at - 18:30.
We'll take another mark, and see - -

04 02 15 53 CDR ... radar there.

Oh 02 15 54 LMP - - what that looks like. Sa_ again.

Oh 02 15 56 CDR Oh, that's kind of ricocheting aroun_d up there.

{ 04 02 15 59 L_ What's that?
Oh 02 16 OO CDR Tne line-of-sight rate, that's all.

Oh 02 16 02 LMP Oh, yes. Well, they're ste_.dier right now, as a

matter of fact, than they should be, according to
what GrumJnan was saying. They _ad some - a couple
of characteristic oscillations - -

O_ 02 16 18 CDR Yes.

Oh 02 16 19 LMP - - on them that aren't showing up. Okay, 18:30.

Can you give me a mark here?

04 02 16 28 CDR I can.

0h 02 16 29 LMP Okay, great. What was that, 30 - -

Oh 02 16 32 CDR 30 OO0 - -

04 02 16 33 LMP - - 30 000 and 68.7. Okay, we're still right below

the line.

04 02 16 51 CDR Okay. Maybe zero. Okay, you got a PRO coming up?

04 02 17 03 CDR Okay, Dave, we're PROing for our secand midcnurse.

04 02 17 06 CMP Okay.

04 02 17 12 LMP Hey, you see his thrusters firing again?

O_ 02 17 13 CDR Yes. Okay, when do we get your next one? At 20,

isn't it?

{. COI" AL
Day- e
Tape 09-03601 _:_.

04 02 17 18 LA9_ Yes at 20. 30 seconds, okay. I got that.

04 02 17 35 I24P Okay.

04 02 17 37 CDR Want my DELTA-V's for my next midcourse, Dave?


04 02 1T 44 CMl? Yes, go ahead.

04 02 17 46 CDR Okay, plus 0.2, minus 0.9, minus 1.8. Here, we

got 10 seconds to get this thing.

04 02 17 53 [_P Okay.

04 02 17 54 CMP Got them.

04 02 17 59 LMP 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 -
C 04 02 18 O0 LMP MARK.

C 04 02 18 O1 LMP Okay, that's 4 - 49. What wan th'at, 20 - 25 4 and


04 02 18 12 CDR 49 feet per second. Okay, did you get that stuff?

04 02 18 18 LMP Just I minute - 73-37- Okay, and that's FORWARD

1.8, LEFT 0.9 and nothing. Okay, go.

04 02 18 36 CDR Okay. What - -

04 02 18 37 LMP - - talk about nominal.

04 02 18 39 CDR We're - bypass tile AUTO m_ueuver. Okay, I'm going

to leave this program..

o_ 02 is 45 LMP Okay.
04 02 18 46 CDR I'm going to go to 41; I'm going to ENTER that;
and I'm going to go past that; and I'm going to
PROCEED past that. While I'm on that, do a VERB -

0h 02 19 07 LMP There's a nothing UP/DOWN again.

04 02 19 09 CDR Yes. Okay, so ENTER. We're Just sort of putting

in what we took out last time.

04 02 19 24 LMP ...

CO ]
' 'OWmk !AL Days 263
·, Tape 09-03601

0h 02 19 25 CDR ... not going to call - -

04 02 19 27 LMP I got a FORWARD 1.

0h 02 19 28 CDR Okay.

oh 02 19 34 _ Which is close to what the PNGS says.

out nf plane.
Oh 02 19 37 CDR This shows a foot out of plane, a foot per second
Oh 02 19 _1 LMP Yes.

04 02 19 47 CDR Okay, about 15 seconds to go, Dave.

0_. 02 19 51 CMP Roger.

04 02 20 03 CDR Okay, thrusting. Wait a second.

04 02 20 14 LMP Okay, there are big bounces here, by the way.

04 02 20 15 CDR Yes. Okay, that's good. Okay. They're essen-

t ially sero.

04 02 20 22 LMP ... PO0.

04 02 20 30 CMP What kind of range rate do you have?

04 02 20 32 LMP I - and 18 700 feet, right now, and 42 feet. per


04 02 20 38 CMP Roger, I've got 3.0 miles at _3 feet per second.

04 02 20 42 LMP Great.

04 02 20 4h CMP What's your pitch angle?

04 02 20 48 LMP It's about 86 degrees - something like that.

04 02 20 52 CMP Okay.

Oh 02 21 O1 LMP Okay, let me look ahead here mud see if I can

figure out what's going on. Here, let me call
the VERB 62 for you. Okay?

Oh 02 21 16 CDR Okay.

Day5 - AL, ..
Tape 09-03601 CO -'
0h 02 21 17 _ B0 feet per second, right on the money. Did you
get the 90 yet?

0h 02 21 25 CDR No, not the 90 yet. We're just a tad off nominal.
The - the last time ... - -

0B 02 21 29 LMP You're on 90 if you pitch UP there.

0h 02 21 31 CDR ... the ORB RATE ball isn't right.

0h 02 21 33 LMP Yes.

0B 02 21 35 CDH Dave, did you hear them say they wanted to get
some pictures of the ascent engine area?

Oh 02 21 39 CMP Roger. I got that. rl_hankyou.

0h 02 21 hO CDR Okay.

Oh 02 21 _1 LMP Ney, he's in sunlight.

Oh 02 21 _5 CDR Oh, I see you out there coming in the sunlight.

Oh 02 21 h8 CMP Great.

Oh 02 21 50 CDR I see the biggest, ... , friendliest star I've

ever seen.

Oh 02 21 5_ LMP Do you want the DAP where it is?

Oh 02 21 55 CDR Yes, ! do.

Oh 02 21 56 LMP Okay. Let me look ahead to this corona test here.

Oh 02 22 01 CC And Spider, Gumdrop. We are copying you through

the Huntsville - next 5 minutes.

Oh 02 22 05 CDR Okay.

Oh 02 22 07 LMP And let me know wheri you want P_7, Jim.

Oh 02 22 l0 CC And, Gumdrop, in regards to your last request, we

have no TM here at the Huntsville in regards to
that PYRO APJ4.

Oh 02 22 20 CMP Roger. Understand.

Tape- 09-03601

04 02 22 42 CMP Houston, Gumdrop.

04 02 22 50 CC Go, G!,marop. Houston.

04 02 22 52 CMP Roger. We're going to ... here. The only thing

I can think of on that probe, is that my fingers
slipped off the switch before it got all the way
out. Other than that, I Just can't think of a

04 02 23 04 CC Roger. That's about the only thing we can come

up here with, - that you didn't hold the switch
long enough, Dave. I guess - how do you feel
about it? Do you think it's anything - any problem?

04 02 23 22 CMP No, I really don't. I went back to see if it had

gone all the way out to retract, and I had the
barber poles, which said they had extended all the
way. Then I want up to extend again and it
dropped right off.

04 02 23 36 LMP Jim.

04 02 23 37 CDR Yes.

04 02 23 38 LMP It looks to me as - if we Just move right on

through this, we're going to do the whole damned
thing anyway.

04 02 23 44 CDR Okay.

04 02 23 46 LMP As long as we stay in-plane on the ball, we Just

do the VERB 49 maneuver, do pitch up 90 degrees,
let him take the pictures. We can set up the
rendezvous radar while he's taking the picture,
and pitch right back down again. And that does
the corona test.

04 02 23 57 CDR Okay, fine.

04 02 23 5S LMP Okay. Tell me when you want the P47.

04 02 24 02 CDR You can bring it up now. Hey, let me get VERB 77

in there first.

04 02 24 06 _ Okay.

Tape 09-03601

04 02 24 09 CDR Dave, I think what we'll do is come on up and stop

out in front there; pitch over so you can look at
our ascent engine, then pitch back around. And then
we'll start docking,

04 02 24 19 CMP Okay.

04 02 24 21 I24P Okay, if you want to follow me through this one

I'll - I'll just call out the DSKY calls for you.

0_ 02 24 27 CDR Yes.

04 02 2_ ]8 C?4P What kind of range ho you have now?

04 02 24 39 .]DR I have 9800 feet _nd a range rate of 32.5 feet

per second.

04 02 24 44 CMP Thank you.

04 02 24 46 CDR I am Just a little bit of line-of-sight rate up.

0_ 02 24 50 CT4P - Roger. I've got just about 9000 feet and 33.

04 02 2_ 55 CDR ' Okay.

04 02 25 O1 LMP Okay, I'll let you know as soon as it comes up,


04 02 25 03 CDR Okay, because I'm going to start tossing them out

here pretty soon.

04 02 25 05 LMP Okay. It's probably Just about 10 more seconds.

Okay, there it is.

04 02 25 18 CDR Okay. Okay, I'm on my line-of-sight rate, Dave.

0_ 02 25 24 _P Okay.

04 02 25 38 LMP A little more up. Oh, you can see it there.

04 02 25 _0 CDR Yes.

04 02 25 44 _ Okay, I'm going to call the VERB 62 here. Okay.

0_ 02 26 04 CDR Shoot, we're going to go through the first braking

gate without braking, too.

L.4i 'IN IDI'-NTIAL oayS-Page
Tape 09-0.]601

O_ 02 26 07 LMP Yes, beautiful. Okay, I'm going to get my Hassel-

blad ready, ll at a 25Otb.

O_ 02 26 20 CDR Okay.

' Oh 02 26 25 LMP Once again you're going to get the good pictures
on your side.

O_ 02 26 27 CDR That's right; that's right.

O_ 02 26 29 _ Okay. I'll tell you what, you want to do that while

he stationkeeps, and I'll just set up the DAP and
go - -

O_ 02 26 32 CDR Okay. Oh, gees, what was that! _ What in ...

was that - -

Oh 02 26 33 N_ - - on that corona test.

Oh 02 26 34 CDR - - We Just threw a great big hunk of Jun_ out of

our thrusters, there.

( O_ 02 26 37 L_ Really, this isn't the time to be messing with

that kind of thing. Boy, look at that stuff coming
out from around him when he fires his thrusters_
it's amazing'

Oh 02 26 50 CDR Okay, Just went through 6000 feet at 30 feet per


O_ 02 26 53 (24P Okay.

Oh 02 26 57 LMP Okay, I think I'm going to turn the camera on.

How much more time we got - 32.5 minutes at h -

O_ 02 27 03 CDR What have we got, the wide angle - You won't see
a thing here, Rusty.

O_ 02 27 06 LMP Wow, you're right. This one did too. I'm going
to take a picture of the thruster out there.

Oh 02 27 35 CDR Okay, he's coming now. Okay, Dave, I can see the
shape of the spacecraft now for the first time.

O_ 02 27 hl CMP Good.

Oh 02 27 5h I_ Okay, 6 frames a second. Okay, here it goes.

Tape 09-03601
04 02 28 07 CDR Okay, tape, if you're running, I'm at - still at
30 fee% per second, at 3500 feet. Hey, we look
closer than that, don't we? Okay, Dave, I'm at
3000 feet; L'm braking down 20 feet per second.

04 02 28 29 CMP Okay.

04 02 28 34 LMP Boy, look at all that stuff, would you.

04 02 28 41 LMP 24, 23, 21, 20.

04 02 28 49 CDR Oka_r, I'm 20 feet per second now, at 2200 feet.

Ok 02 28 52 CMP Alrighty. I get you a little line-of-sight here.

04 02 29 07 CDR Yes, me too. Okay, I'm coming up on 1500 feet;

I'm braking do%_ to 10 feet per second.

: Ob, 02 29 29 CMP Okay.

04 02 29 44 CDR Okay, there we are; we're 10 feet per second at

1500 feet. Boy, are you bright, Dave. I'm not
sure I'm going to be able to see to dock with this
COAS I have.

04 02 30 05 I24P Just a little up. Beauty! This is running Just

like the simulator.

02 02 30 l0 CDR Yes, isn't it. I Just hope the docking goes like

02 02 30 14 LMP Let's hope it doesn't. (Laughter) As I recall,

the simulator didn't work _ell.

04 02 30 26 CDR See, that clock isn't doing anything any more is


04 02 30 29 LMP No, it'F just counting up from - -

02 02 30 31 CDR Okay, why don't we use 30 minutes - I want to know

how much daylight I have left here.

04 02 30 35 LMP 6_ay.

04 02 30 38 CDR Okay, I'm at 950 feet, 10 feet per second.

04 02 30 40 _P Okay, that looks pretty good.

Tape 09-03601

04 02 30 49 CC Spider/Gumdrop, Houston. We've got you through

Hawaii now good and solid, and I copied your last
transmission; sounds great.

04 02 30 55 cDR Thank you.

_' 04 02 31 05 CDR Takes a little longer to take that DELTA - -

I 04 02
04 02 itl
31 08
07 CMP
CDR ...
Yes, Just a littlereallyyellow
they're dot. a lot cf stuff out.
Okay, we're 5 feet per second, about 610 feet.

04 02 31 23 CMP Okay. But you're upside down again'

04 02 31 30 CDR Hey, I Just thinking, one of - isn't right-side up.

04 02 31 38 CDR ... that contraption's hanging out all over. Hold

this Just a second.

04 02 31 44 LMP ... Just a second. That's show biz.

[ 04 02 31 45 CDR Alrighty.

" 04 02 31 55 LMP Wind - are you going to wind it?

04 02 31 59 CDR Okay.

04 02 32 15 CDR Okay, I have us about 370 feet.

04 02 32 19 CMP Okay. Looks closer than that.

04 02 32 21 CDR Yes, doesn't it ?.

04 02 32 33 CDR Okay, you got your camera out so you can take a
picture of my bottom here?

04 02 32 37 CMP Roger. Why don't you come all the way in and
stop and then pitch over?

04 02 32 40 CDR Yes, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to

come on in and stop. A_d then you're going to take
over stationkeeping, and I'Ll pitch around.

04 02 32 47 CMP Okay.

04 02 33 09 C_P Give mu a mark, next time you turn your th/ulsters

Day 5
Tape 09-03601 _- "

04 02 33 I1 CDR Okay. 3_ 2, 1 -

04 02 33 13 CDR bt_RK.

04 02 33 17 CMP Thank you.

04 02 33 21 I2_P Hey, you're going up a bit, yes?

04 02 33 23 CMP How does that sports car handle, Jim?

04 02 33 25 CDR Pretty nice.

04 02 33 49 CDR Okay, Davey, it says 100 feet on the radar tape.

It looks a little closer than that to me, but
what do you say we stop here?

04 02 33 57 CMP Okay. That's a good idea.

04 02 34 04 CDR Okay, I'll get it stopped and stabilized, and then

I'll give it to you.

04 02 34 27 CDR Okay. That looks pretty good to me.

04 02 34 29 CMP Okay, good.

04 02 34 30 LMP Okay, here you go.

04 02 34 33 CDR Let me take a couple of pictures of your nose,

and then I'll start pitching around.

04 02 34 36 LMP Okay, I'll set up this stuff here.

04 02 34 42 CMP Okay. You tell re when I've got it.

O4 02 34 45 CDR Okay, babe. You've got it now.

04 02 34 47 CMF AlrJghty. I got it.

04 02 34 52 CDR Okay - -

04 02 34 53 CD_ Go - go ahead - I - I got a lot of work to do here.

Ob 02 35 04 _.{P Come on PO0. Get in there, damn lc.

iJ 04 02 35
34 13
55 CDR I don't even
Okay. see you in there, David.

S- Page 'rl
Tape 09-03601

04 02 35 15 CMP Oh, I'm here.

0_ 02 35 16 LMP Which side is he on - he's os - he's on your side.

o. O_ 02 35 22 CDR Yes.

0l_ 02 35 23 CMP I've been waiting for you to bring that good water

04 02 35 25 I24P Okay, here we go.

04 02 35 37 CDR Oh, shoot . .. OPS.

04 02 35 44 LMP ... 0PS. Okay, we're going to start the pitch

here at 355 and 90 - -

0_ 02 35 48 CDR Are we going to do an AUTO maneuver?

04 02 35 49 LMP - - is - yes. VERB 49, it's going to be - -

04 02 35 52 CDR Wait a second - -

04 02 35 53 _ - - 00 and 85. Okay, VERB 49, ENTER; VERB 25

E_'l_m; plus C - plus 00 - oops, CLEAR. Plus
085 00, ENTER; plus 0000 ... F_NTER 12 - Okay,
you ready.

04 02 36 20 CDR Okay, let me - let me talk to him. Okay, Dave,

we're going to start on _.UT0 maneuver here, and
we're going to pitch up. And then you can take a
picture of our bottom.

04 02 36 2h CMP Alrighty.


Tape 09-03601

Oh 02 36 25 CDR Okay, here we go, 2 degrees per second.

Oh 02 36 27 L_5_ No, it's a half.

Oh 02 36 28 CDR Okay, half a degree per second.

Oh 02 36 hO LMP ... Okay. Okay, now let's sta/.t getting the

rendezvous radar ready.

04 02 36 h9 CDR Okay, what do I have to do with this?

Oh 02 36 51 LRP Oh hell, we can't do that until the dmmn - That's

another extended verb. Okay, let's - let's put
it in SL_W and break lock by going up.

Oh 02 37 O_ CDR Okay.

Oh 02 37 13 L_ Shoot, it's going to stay locked on no matter what

you do, I think.

0h 02 37 15 CDR Yes.

Oh 02 37 17 LM_ Okay.

Oh 02 37 20 C5_ Upside down a little bit at ...

OL 02 37 25 CDR Yes, I'm - I wasn't looking at you.

Oh 02 37 27 _hP Okay, if we get up here, I'm going to - We're

going to finish up the AUTO maneuver and change
the DAP to 2012 and set up the rendezvous radar,
but I don't know how the hell we're going to get
it to designate dowl% there, because if it won't
break lock - It's going to be difficult to - to
get the Job done.

Oh 02 38 28 CDR Well, let's see, what do we have to do here?

Oh 02 38 32 LMP Okay, like I said, as soon as we get up there - -

Oh 02 38 3h CMP ... llke a big black hole underneath you, Hou -


04 02 38 39 Lb_ Okay, take a picture of it I guess; we're at

TPF 18 where we're going to - -

Oh 02 38 41 CMP ... why don't you Just keep going the way you're


04 02 38 47 CDR Okay.

04 02 38 20 LMP You've got another 20 degrees to go.

04 02 39 04 CDR What we have to do - All we have to do is put the

shaft and trunnion someplace?

04 02 39 08 _ Yes, at 0 and 300. Why don't you try to break

on that thing after we get up here while I reload
the DAP here. We ought to be able to slew the
thing up and get it out of there. God, he's putting
out so much signal, we don't know what to do.

04 02 39 30 CDR Yes.

04 02 39 33 LMP Okay, there we are. We're in hold. Okay, VERB 48,

ENTER; VERB 21, E'_; _012 - -

04 02 39 42 CMP Okay, I can see your injector, as a matter of fact;

I can even see the taper right now.

04 02 39 47 CDR Okay, fine. Why don't you take a couple of pictures

( of it, and we're going to maneuver back around.

04 02 39 20 LMP This one is going to _e faster.

04 02 39 52 CDR This will be 2 degrees per second - -

04 02 39 53 T_Mp Okay ... 41, NOUN 72, ENTER. Let's try it.

04 02 39 27 CDR Yes, go ahead.

04 02 39 28 CDR Let's punch it in there, designate, then if it

doesn't go, the beck with it.

04 02 40 02 LMP Plus 30000. Okay.

04 02 40 05 CMP How fast do we do this one?

04 02 40 06 CDR Two degrees a second. -

C4 02 40 07 LMP ENTER; looks llke it - PRO. VERB 16, NOUN 72,

ENTER. It's not going, okay?

04 02 40 18 CDR Okay, the beck with it.

04 02 40 19 _.fF Hell with it?

( .
T_pe 09-03601

Oh 02 hO 20 CDR Yes, the hell with it.

04 02 40 21 _ Standby, let me see what I want to do with this.

VERB _4, ENTER. Okay, now I want to go V_qB h9
alld pitch right back down there again.

Oh 02 h0 31 CDR Yes.

O_ 02 40 32 _4P VERB 49, ENTER; okay, VERB 22, E_,_ER; plus all
zips. No, I want to do that one to go plus 35500.

Oh 02 40 45 _P Give me a ..., will you?

04 02 hO 46 CDR Okay.

Oh 02 40 47 LMP Okay, PRO; okay, want to tell him 3, 2, 1, MARK?

Oh 02 40 52 CDR 355, you know.

04 02 hO 53 _4P Okay - get this - Why don't you put the - the
signal strength on there anyway.

Oh 02 _0 57 CDR The transmitter power?

Oh 02 hO 58 _4P The transmitter power, yes.

Oh 02 _O 59 CDR Okay, we're going to start the pit2h do_ maneuver

now, Dave. Are you ready?

Oh 02 41 03 LMP Go.

Oh 02 hl 0h CDR 3, 2, 1 -

Oh 02 41 05 CDR MARK.

O_ 02 41 07 LMP Okay, the deadband is going to go out first and

that is goiDag to ... Okay, the signal strength
is 2.7.

0_ 02 41 lh CDR Houston, for your information, we could never

get the radar to unlock, so we couldn't - -

0h 02 _l 18 U_? We want to see if it changes there - -

O_ 02 41 2h CC Roger. Understand. The rendezveus radar stayed


0_ 02 hi 29 CDR Roger._._

C"'iD'I IDENTIAL 5- age- 75
Tape 09-03601

04 02 41 32 LMP Shoot, it's not changing at all.

04 02 41 B5 CDR No. It's not firing either.

04 02 41 36 LMP Okay, well, wait until it thrusts - when the

thrusters fire is when we are liable to have it
happen. Like right now.

04 02 41 55 LMP No - no change at all? Still 2.7.

04 02 41 57 _P Okay, let's get out of here.




04 02 42 07 LMP Okay, you got both of those. Okay, VERB 44, ENTER.
Okay, that's done. PRO. Okay, now what DAP ...
for the docking?

04 02 42 14 CDR I want 00002.

04 02 42 15 LMP Okay, VERB 48, ENTER; VERB 2-1, _ -

04 02 42 20 CDR You did get VERB 21.

04 02 42 21 LMP VERB 21, ENTER; - -

04 02 42 23 CMP ... get set up.

04 02 42 24 IMP - - 2, ENTER - -

04 02 42 25 CDR Roger, get set up and let's get on with ... docking.

04 02 42 26 LMP - - PRO; PRO. Co. Okay, that's narrow deadband.

04 02 42 29 CMP ... to stationkeep on me?

04 02 42 30 LMP I got it.

04 02 42 31 CMP You got it.

04 02 42 35 LMP Hey, why don't you stationkeep for a minute -

04 02 42 36 CMP ... okay? Don't worry about fuel.

04 02 42 40 CC Houston, standing by for your LOGIC and PYRO.

- age276 C 'IA L
Tape 09-03601

04 02 42 46 CMP Roger, Houston. Thank you. LOGIC on my MARK.

3, 2, 1 ~ Stand by. Okay, 3, 2, 1 -

O_ 02 _2 55 CMP MARK.

04 02 42 57 CC Roger. Copy. PYRO ARM.

04 02 43 10 CMP Roger, understand GO for PYRO ARM ....

04 02 43 22 CDR Oh shoot. Would you believe it's not even on now?

04 02 43 24 LHP YOU got the overhead?

04 02 43 26 CDR Yes .... looked like it gave you ... the earth.
Oh, there it is.

04 02 43 30 CDR Oh, there it is. Holy Christmas.

04 02 43 34 _4P Houston, this is Gumdrop here. I've got the FULL-

EXTEND/RETRACT switch in RETRACT. I've got a couple
of barber poles.

04 02 43 44 L_ 0h shoot.

04 02 43 47 CMPi Shculd have a couple of gray, I believe.

04 02 43 50 CC Roger, Gumdrop. We copy.

04 02 44 03 _ I wonder what that means?

04 02 44 04 CDR That means we may not get back on it. Okay, I got
it again.

04 02 44 09 _MP Okay, you got it?

04 02 44 13 LMP Why did they call our barber pole, Dave?

04 02 _4 16 CMP Well, when I checked the_ for _%lll extension before

they were barber poles, end then when I went back
and pushed it to EXTEND, again, to get you off,
they went gray, dropped off.

04 02 44 34 LMP Then they say they're barber pole now, huh?

04 02 44 38 C5_ That - that's right. Okay, now I went - now I've

cycled again up to EXTEND and now back to RETRACT,
and I've got two gray.

_[ Day 5 - Page 277
Tape 09-03601

2 04 02 44 50 CDR Okay.

04 02 44 51 CMP So I think we're alright now.

04 02 h4 52 CDR Yes, let's get on with it and see if we really are.

04 02 44 55 CMP Okay, you want to try an automatic retract?

0a 02 44 57 CDR Let's try automatic retract Just like we talked

about it?

04 02 45 02 CMP Okay.

04 02 45 04 CDR Why don't you do your roll. And when you do that
then I'm - How's the sun? Will you be able to
dock on top of me, if I can't see you?

04 02 45 13 CMF I am in good shape sunwise.

r 04 02 45 14 CDR Okay, fine.

04 02 45 16 CMP Maybe we ought to not try an automatic retract

because what if I - .,. afraid it will be if I
hit the RETRACT now, it might go.

04 02 45 24 CDR Okay, fine that's a good idea. Excellent idea,

Let's leave it where it is and when I punch in,
you call me in.

04 02 45 31 CC Spider, Houston.

04 02 45 33 CDR Go ahead.

04 02 45 34 CC Roger, would you modify your DAP LOAD prior to

this docking?

04 02 45 39 CDR Roger, the DAP's four balls 2.

04 02 45 42 CC Okay, thank you very much.

04 02 45 48 CMP Okay, and I'm going to go VERB 76, ENTER - ENTER

when you tell me to go to FREE.

04 02 45 5_ CDR Right.

04 02 45 55 _4P Houston, Gumdrop.

( 04 02 45 57 CC
Go, Gumdrop.
Tape 09-03601

04 02 45 59 CMP I think we're okay on the probe now. Do you


04 02 46 04 CC Roger. I_ sounds like it's okay now, Dave. Yes,

we can hear it,

04 02 h6 08 C_4P Okay.

04 02 46 lh CDR Okay.

0h 02 46 15 CT4P Gumdrop, Spider, I'll stationkeep while I turn


04 02 46 19 LMP Why don't you do your roll first, Dave? So that

I can get that - that _indow over on the other

04 02 46 25 C_.IP Rolling left 60.

04 02 h6 26 CDR Roger.

04 02 46 37 I;4P Shoot, let me get that camera back. Where the

hell's the camera?

04 02 46 38 CDR It's in here. Why don't you turn the movie camera

0h 02 46 41 I24P That's all used.

04 02 46 42 CDR It's all used?

Oh 02 46 43 L_3 Yes.

04 02 It6 44 CDR There's a good - p_ctures now.

04 02 46 46 CDR Boy, they sure are.

04 02 46 48 L_Lm Sun's out the window now, too.

04 02 46 _5 h_P Can't get that God damn thing off of there - Sure
is - Oh boy, we're going to come over the earth.

Oh 02 47 14 CDH Yes, we _.mited too long.

04 02 47 19 CDR You ever going to bc able to see that COAS?

_ape O9-O36O1

O_ 02 )_'['37 ]/4P I don't even know _'here the docking .light is to

look for it.

i_ _ 02 _7 I,.6 CDR I think he means the docking target.

Ok O__ );7 !:9 M_ Oh, yes, maybe he aoes. There Jt is; it's on.

[Z_ ;48 03 CDR Yes. Okay, I:ve got it, Dave, very faintly.

02 .%8 06 CMP Stand by.

02 _8 26 CMP Okay, aU set. Tight doadd:,and, the whole works.

pitch over.

02_ _8 33 CMP Okay.

O_ 02 k8 37 _P Okay, yon want to Go 'to -

I _ 02 _8 29 CDR Okay, babe. You stationkeep, and I'm going to

( Oh O_ _B ;42 LMP Down lO degrees,

you when so you've
gone got to go 90.
to 265. I
can tell have exactly
I O_ 02 )_ 39 CDR ... attitude hold for one thip_.
. $

_ _2
02 _8
h9 1,6 CDR Okay,
05 IRP Damn it.fine.
cae on. Bhoot.

02 _9 19 CMP I've still got the target.

02 _9 22 CDR Good.

[_ I_ ;49 29 ]RP Oh, the he/] with it. I'll slip it do_m here.
Okay, you've got ]5 degrees to go. Okay, you got
degrees to go. Yo_,'ve to]ted a bit; you right
there. Yes, I more degree. Okay, that's good on

_ the yaw - -
O_ 02 h9 _2 CMP Looking better, huh?

¢_1 02 }_9 _ LMP - - and a roll right.

_4 02 !_9 5 J_ CDR Not yet.

'!)t_ _2 k9 55 C_ 0ka_.

5- age C i . DENTIAL
Tape 09-03601

Oh 02 _9 56 _4P Okay, a couple more degrees there and about another

2 degrees at pitch.

0_ 02 50 0_ CDR Okay, I can't see my CO_S against you right now;

let me get up closer.

04 02 50 09 CMP Alright.

04 02 50 10 L_P Here let me get this window shade up for you.

04 02 50 11 CMP ...

04 02 50 12 L_ I've got it.

04 02 50 13 CMP Alright.

04 02 50 15 _4F Okay, I got the window shade up for you. Shoot,

I don't even know where that - Oh, there i% is.

04 02 50 32 CDR Oh, i mangled my helmet, so I can't even use it.

0h, I've got to look through the top of my helmet,
and have I beat it up!

04 02 50 _0 CMP Yo'l've got to come b_ck quite a ways to your rear.

Okay, easy does it. That's too far.

0_ 02 30 56 CDR Yes, I know.

04 02 51 0_ LMP Okay, let me -

04 02 51 05 _4P ...

0_ 02 51 06 CDR Man, it's not even going the right d_rection.

_,' 0_ 02 51 09 LMP Hey, I think it's the A_TITUDE HOLD. Jim, - -

04 02 51 11 CDR Yes.

04 02 51 12 LMP - - that's kind of faking you. We know we're about

5 or 10 feet out.

04 02 51 18 CDR Yes.

04 02 51 24 L_ We're probably going to get a heater light here.

04 02 51 26 CDR Yes.

Cv,.,IDENTIAL _ay 5 - Page 281
L Tape 09-03601

I 04 02 51 28 LMP Well, don't let that bother you.

04 02 51 33 CMP Houston, Gumdrop. What time you got there?

04 02 51 39 CC 99:15, Gumdrop.

04 02 51 43 LMP Okay, we got - -

04 02 51 44 QWP We got about - -

04 02 51 46 _ - - 24 minutes.

04 02 51 47 CMP - - 25 minutes ... how many.

04 02 51 53 CDR I Just can't even see the COAS, Dave. I don't

know exactly where you are with respect to it.

04 02 51 56 CMP Okay, want me to do it?

04 02 52 00 CDR No, let me work my way in here a little closer.

04 02 52 02 CMP Okay.

04 02 52 07 IMP Okay, that attitude's Just right.

04 02 52 17 CDR I can't even see it.

target before you can see it, being right next

to it.
t 04 02 52 36 _ You may have to actually get her right on the
04 02 52 41 CDR Yes.

04 02 52 55 CDR I can't see it. There it is, way over there now.

04 02 53 20 LMP How's it controlling?

04 02 53 21 CDR It's okay. I haven't done any attitude control


04 02 53 24 LMP No, uh huh. It looks real good.

04 02 53 26 CDR Sorry to say I haven't had to do any. That's why

it's controlling okay.

04 02 53 28 L_ Yes.

04 02 53 29 CDR Wait until I do something.

Day 5 - Page 282 ENTIAL ".o
Tape 09--03601

O_ 02 53 30 LMP Don't do any (laughter).

04 02 53 33 CDR Oh, man, I Just can't see the target or the COAS.
Oh, there it is over there now.

O_ 02 53 53 CDR Just can't see it.

04 02 54 05 CDR Just can't see it, let me get in a little closer.

O_ 02 54 09 CMP You're coming fine. Keep coming easy like that.

Looks like you're coming from an angle, but you're
C coming in on the right attitude. Better go for-
ward and to your right a little bit, relative to
your body.

O_ 02 55 14 CMP Doing fine. That's it.

t 04
04 02
02 55
55 28
24 CMP
Aw, you've got to look
that doesn't come like
in from
it toan me.
angle anyway,
8o you're doing good.

04 02 55 31 LMP How close are you?

04 02 55 34 CDR I don't know.

04 02 55 35 CMP You're left about 2 degrees.

04 02 55 47 CDR I Just can't see the darn COAS. I can't tell

what my attitude is.

O_ 02 56 15 CDR Okay, I'm lined up in translation, but I can't

tell what my attitude is, Dave. If I don't - if
I don't see it - Oh, there it is, there.
i 04 02 55 51 CMP Yes.

O_ 02 56 2h (2_P Now you're coming in. That ... much better. There
you go. I think you got a handle on it now.

04 02 56 3_ CDR No, it keeps disappearing.

04 02 56 38 CMP Okay, now you're looking pretty good.

04 02 56 59 CMP Okay, you're moving into the boundary now. You're

inside the capture boundary now.


Cd_m_2_F_'[_ DayS-Page 28._

___... Tape 09-03601

0h 02 57 13 CMP You're okay. Iookin_ good.

0_ 02 5% 21 CDR Okay, I can see it nov. This thlng's reall2


04 02 57 3h _ It sure is. I eau tell. You're lookimg good.

Keep it emmlng. You're mlmost there.

0_ 02 58 08 C3_P Okay, you're about there.

O_ 02 58 h2 CMP I have capture.

Oh 02 58 1,3 I24P Very good.

0_ 02 58 hh CDR Free.

0h 02 58 h6 (2_P You're lined up.

t 0h 02 58 h5 _._ Free.
Oh 02 58 h7 CDR Okay, wh_ don't you do it? I can't tell _here it
is. We're free now.

( 0_ 02 58 51 C2_P Good Job.

0_ 02 58 55 CDR Boy, we need a new f20_$. _is isn't a docking

0_ 02 58 58 CC Good show, Spider.

0h 02 59 00 CDR It's an eye test.

0_ 02 59 03 I24P Your onboard fuel reading 65 and 65.

04 02 59 06 CDR 55-

0_ 02 59 08 _ Make it 55 and 55-

0_ 02 59 10 CC Roger, reading 55/55- Thank you, R_sty.

oh 02 59 ]-5 c_P RETRACT.

Oh 02 59 16 CDR We get the latches?

014 02 59 20 C_.FF Hang on.

O_ 02 59 21 CDR We got those latehe_, baby!


Tape 09-03601

04 02 59 22 LMP Oh, did that sound good!

04 02 59 25 CDR Whooo, I haven'_ heard a sound like that in a long


O_ 02 59 BO _4F That was _ pretty nice docking.

04 02 59 31 CDR God doE, that wasn't a docking; that was au eye


04 02 59 33 LMP Okay.

04 02 59 36 _NP Okay, Houston, we're locked up.

04 02 59 _O CC That sounds like you passed a 20-10, Jim, that

k! 04 02 59 _5 L_ Let's
soundedsee something
real here. Good
beautiful. Justshow.
for fun (laughter).
Whew! Range, range rate, not bad.

04 03 00 07 CMF ... Spider ... free ... you're free - -

04 03 O0 10 CDR Roger.

04 03 00 11 CMP - - proceed up through the tunnel here and get you

squared away.

04 03 GO 15 CDR Okay, Dave, we'll start getting ready for the un-
manned APS.

04 03 O0 22 CMP Okay. Why don't you take a break for awhile?

04 03 00 24 CDR No, we still got a lot to do. Man, when I take

a break, I'm going to bed for 3 days.

04 03 OO 29 O4P Roger.

04 03 O0 B1 CDR Houston, did you get that? (Laughter)

04 03 00 32 CC Roger, Spider. Houston copies.

Oh 03 O0 37 U4P Here, you want to stick th6se in that center


04 03 OD hO CDR Yes, let's take all - -

04 03 00 _1 CC ,.. three days off.


CO FTIA"[. D,,,Tape 09-03603-

0h 03 00 h5 CDR H_. %_nat'_ Saturday and Sunday and

(:hri_q? Let's take and lout s/] the - _ll the

0_ 03 00 55 CC That w_5 a herd day's work_ n,_ it looked real

&c_:_l, t_o_ps.

0]4 03 O1 00 CDR t]']h_a--k yo]i, _key, and, h_ - Ah, shoot.

'_ 01_ 03 01 05 LMP _Llm_st sure -- -

01_ 03 01 06 C/3R Smokey, _ s%i]l there?


I 0_ 03 01 0'[ CC Y_, and we've still _ot yOU for about another
0_ 03 0! !0 _ Okay. _mll listen, I hopm the whole world's
]J_, birr I -- I tell you, I t_-'r' _e got the
_reatest set of flight controllers that we - that
there are - is any place that we - can be found.
I _-_ I'd like to thank you ail, end I'm sure
the rest Of the guys up here _ould too.

s 0_ 03 01 25 CC _ger, Spider, we ...

0_ 03 01 h0 IMP What do ] hear?

0_ D3 01 _ LMP NO, ] don't think so. Yes m it ts, but it's a

sound. Let's put that data in the center ...

01_ D3
0_ 03 O]
01 _2
55 CDR
... .q-ba_d
){old - hold Jt there Just a minute.

oh 03 O1 57 .U4P okay.

04 03 01 58 CDR C,e_. I don'L - 1 was leaning my adam's tipple up

_inst my neckring.

0_ 03 02 !0 LMP _)], you got it over your hose, Jim. You're not
going to get out of it. Hey, is that what you call
a n_w{na3L _'endezvous? Holy ._oke! EXCept for the

Oh 03 02 28 CDR Yes.

0_ 03 02 29 IRP Here _ou go Cop, cop, cop. C,m ahead.

Tape 09-03601

Ob, 03 02 b,2 _ Spider, I'm going to put it in a wide Headband

hold here, so we don't lose the platform.

04 03 02 b,9 CDR That a boy. Say, I wonder if we ought to do a

wide deadband attitude hold? No.

O_ 03 02 5b, LMP What are we going to do with all that fuel?

O_ 03 02 57 CDR Use it for S - service module RCS deorhit, babe.

You're not on the ground yet.

Ob- 03 03 02 _ No, but we got - we got enough for two of those.

Ob, 03 03 06 CDR Well, we've still got 5 more days. I _onder if

it'll control?

Oh. 03 03 11 I24P Hey, no. There's no docked Pd_P in this_

t Ob, 03 03 12 CDR ... CSM.

Ob, 03 03 lb, _ No, but that's only with descent stage.

Ob, 03 03 17 CDR Oh.

Ob, 03 03 18 LMP I forgot about that, as a matter of fact. I'll

tell you what. Let's take these clips back for

Ob, 03 03 26 CDP. Yes. We ought to take the whole light.

Ob, 03 03 29 I24P Yes, take the COAS. Take the radiation survey
viewer. Let's take back some souvenirs. If it's
not screwed down, (laughter) take it baek..

Ob, 03 03 38 CDR Wait until we start to use our parachutes, toe.

Ob, 03 03 b,1 .IMP Our wha%? Oh, yes.

Oh 03 O3 _ CDR _h_rn the tape off.

Ob, 03 03 _6 _ Okay, tape coming off.



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