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1ST PILLAR: PRICE STABILITY we compute for the consumer price index

(Through the conduct of monetary policy) and those are included in the standard
basket of goods and services we consume.
The BSP’s primary mandate is to maintain price
stability conducive to a balanced and sustainable Inflation Rate
economic growth of the Philippine economy. - Annual percentage change in consumer
price index
- When you talk about price stability, BSP
must make sure that prices are stable. What Inflation
happens if there is no price stability? With - Sustained/continuous increase in the
the same amount of money that you have average prices of goods and services
today is no longer the same 10 years ago typically purchased by consumers
because of inflation. Meaning to say, you - We say ‘continuous” because the increase
will be able to buy fewer goods or services must be sustained. It’s not only for a day or
with your money today than 5 years or 10 a week, but it’s continuous.
years ago.


- price stability when the general price level of
goods and services moves at a low and
- It’s the responsibility of the PSA (Philippines
predictable rate thereby maintaining the
Statistics Authority) to compute for the
value of our Philippine Peso. When the
Consumer Price Index. It was used to be
prices increase unpredictably, our money
NSO (National Statistics Office) but now the
will no longer buy the same quantity of
agency is called the PSA.
goods and services.
- refers to low and stable inflation
5 Steps That PSA Follows in Computing CPI:
- preserves purchasing power
1. Fix the basket
- If there is a continuous increase in the - prices that are most important to the typical
prices of goods and services, then we tend Filipino family are determined. If more
to become poorer. We will not be able to hotdogs are bought than hamburgers, then
buy the same quantity of goods or services the price of hotdogs is more important than
with the same amount of money that we the price of hamburgers.
have today and 5 or 10 years ago. 2. Fix the price
- It is the responsibility of the BSP through - find the prices of each of the goods and
the conduct of monetary policy to ensure services in the basket at each point in time.
that prices are stable. 3. Compute the basket’s cost
4. Choose a base year and compute the index
Consumer Price Index Price of basket goods & services in current year
x 100
- Represents the average price of a standard Price of basket in base year
basket of goods and services consumed by
a typical Filipino family for a given period.
- When we talk about the expenses, what do
we consume every month? Those are food
and rent, we avail the services of the CPI in year 2 – CPI in year 1
x 100
transportation (we commute), education is CPI in year 1
Inflation Rate =
part of the basket, electric and water bills.
These are the things that we consider when
pesos, the inflation rate in Year 3 is 9.1% so there
- Prices increased but inflation slowed down
- This table shows how to calculate the CPI - But consumers will usually fixate on the rise
and Inflation Rate for a hypothetical in prices rather than on the slowdown in
economy in which consumers buy only inflation.
hotdogs and hamburgers.


- Prices are determined by the interaction of
Supply and Demand
- When Demand falls and supply rises, price
- When Demand rises, Supply falls, price

- In determining the price, why price will

increase and decrease, we have to know
the different factors that affect the demand
- The only factor that affects quantity
demanded is the price of the goods itself.
Price Level P100 P110 P120
Increase in prices P10 P10 Ex: the price of gasoline per liter will
Inflation (rate of increases in prices) 10.0% 9.1% increase. The quantity that buyers will
purchase will going to decrease during a
There is a 10% increase in year 2. In year 3 it’s given period of time at a particular price.
already 120 pesos so the difference is 10 pesos. - With the same amount of money, holding all
But it doesn’t mean that 10% also is the increase. things the same (Ceteris paribus), you can
So how did we compute the 9.1%? no longer buy the same quantity of gasoline
**120-110/110 x 100** per liter with the same amount of money
now that prices increase
The inflation rate here is lower. You will notice that - If income will increase, demand for some
the increase in prices is the same, which is 10 goods will increase but not the demand for
pesos. But it doesn’t mean that 10% is the inflation all goods. Normal goods vs Inferior goods
rate. From 100 pesos to 110 pesos, the inflation - But there are several factors that affects
rate in Year 2 is 10%. But from 110 pesos to 120 demand.
- Quantity demanded is the amount of deducted with expenses. That will be
goods and services that buyers are willing your basis on how much you will be
and able to buy at a particular price during a spending for the month. At low
period of time prices savings and investments are
- Demand is the willingness and the ability of encourages
buyers to purchase goods or services at a  Greater productive activities are promoted
particular price during a period of time  Job opportunities are increased
 Purchasing power specially of the poor is
Price stability enables consumers and firms to
effectively decide on economic and financial
- price stability is felt if inflation is low and matters. If inflation is not kept at a minimum, there
stable. Keeping inflation low and stable is will be a tremendous increase in prices of goods
the primary goal of the BSP. This promotes and services. We become poorer and poorer as our
economic efficiency thereby improving the money will not allow us to buy enough goods and
well-being of the Filipino people. There are services. 
a number of benefits of price stability

Preventing erratic changes in the inflation rate has HOW DOES THE BSP KEEP INFLATION LOW
several benefits: AND STABLE?
 It enables households and firms to make - It is the BSP’s task to ensure that Money
better and informed decisions on Supply is neither too much nor too little.
consumption, investment, savings and
production Too Much Money Too Little Money
Higher inflation Deflation
 When prices are stable, manufacturers are
Increased Demand for Reduced Demand for
protected against the increase in the prices Goods & Services Goods & Services
of raw materials. manufacturers can Productive and
therefore price their products at a Prices are Pushed
Economic Activities are
competitive price or at a price cheaper than Reduced
competitors. When people save more, more
funds are available for loans and greater - If there is too much money, inflation will
productive activities are promoted which will tend to increase
result to more job opportunities. This in turn - If there is too little money, there will be
will allow more Filipinos to get employed deflation
allowing them to have money to buy and - Inflation is not bad at all if production will
satisfy their needs and wants. 
- One of the reasons why that price will
 Price stability preserves the value of our
increase because there are too few goods
money. If the value of our money is available while there is too much money in
preserved, we can buy the same amount of circulation.
goods and services with the same amount - Money has a price or cost as expressed in
of money. the interest rate.

 Price stability is important in order to keep

With managed inflation,
 a higher level of savings and investments is the purchasing power of our peso stable.
encouraged Ideally, inflation must be kept at 2%. The
- Because when you are working, take higher the inflation rate the more dramatic is
home pay, is different from your its impact on prices.
gross pay. What is left is your take  Recipients of fixed income like
home pay after your gross pay is salaries/wages, pensions and social
benefits (PPPP) are the groups particularly after. If he paid you only 6% interest, your
hard hit by inflation as often because these income was not even big enough to cover
forms of income do not go up for a while the more than 10% increase in prices. 
despite inflation.
 The outcome of this is that because of rising  Inflation gainers include speculators, people
prices, people can afford to buy less and of flexible income, and debtors. Speculators
less for their money. High inflation hurt consist of luck or skilled individuals who are
savers too. Their investments progressively able to buy the goods that enjoy the
lose buying power. For example, money sharpest price increases. Among these
saved in several years for retirement might goods are land, house, gold, jewelry, etc.
not be enough to live on.  People of flexible income are those which
are able to increase their income faster than
 There are inflation losers and inflation the inflation rate. Usually, people in this
gainers. Those people with fixed incomes group have a monopoly situation or have
are losers during inflationary situation. market power that enables them to "get
Among the fixed income earners are the away" with increasing their prices faster
retirees who are living on pensions because than the average. These usually are the
unless some adjustments are provided entrepreneurs, property owners, managers,
during times of inflation, they will surely etc. The debtors or borrowers gain during
suffer from inflation. It is only during the inflation because they need to pay off their
presidency of Rodrigo Duterte that benefits loans and interest in less-valued money.
from SSS have increased by P2000.00. The longer the term of the loan, the higher
 Also, fixed salaried employees such as the gain. That is why those who built houses
government employees, teachers, industrial 10 years or more ago gained considerably
workers, etc. are also inflation losers. In because their housing loans were charged
Silliman University for example, teachers do very low interest than today.
not receive salary increase unless the
members of the Silliman University Faculty
Association (SUFA) demand for salary Two types of inflation
 It is a fact that the CBA (Collective 1. Demand-Pull Inflation - Inflation is said to
Bargaining Agreement) of 2018 has not yet be of Demand-Pull variety when buyers of
been settled. It is a sad fact that members goods and services (households, firms,
of SUFA have no salary increase since government, and foreigners) desire to
2018. Another group that suffered during purchase quantities of output greater than
inflation are the creditors or savers. They what our economy can produce. In
lose during inflation because they will economics, this is called a state of excess
receive less-valued fixed amount of interest aggregate demand.
and principal. For example, if you lent
P10,000 to a friend in December 2019 2. Cost-Push Inflation - the continued
payable in December 2020, the 10,000 you increase in some costs of production (labor,
would get in 2020 could have allowed you to raw materials, profits). An increase in any of
purchase P9,000 worth of goods and these factors of production would cause an
services in earlier years. Your borrower increase in prices of goods and services
actually realized a profit from the transaction and a reduction in output and employment.
because in 2019 he was able to buy more This ability of certain factors of production to
goods and services from the money he increase prices can be attributed to
borrowed than what you could have bought monopolistic powers of firms (profits),
with the amount he paid back to you a year
external suppliers (raw materials) and checks. That includes your notes and coins,
unions (wages). and traveler’s check
 M2 or Broad Money – consists of M1 +
peso savings deposits and time or term
BSP is able to address demand-pull inflation thru
Monetary Policy (will be discussed later) but it
 M3 or Broad Money Liabilities – consists
cannot solve cost-push inflation which needs non-
of M2 + peso deposit substitutes such as
monetary measures such as lowering down prices
promissory notes, commercial papers and
of raw materials and bringing down the cost of
government securities.
 M4 or Near Money –consists of M3 +
Deflation is also harmful to the economy. Although transferable and other deposits in foreign
people can buy more when prices fall on the currency.
average, a general decline in prices also has a
- It means that businesses make less profit or SUPPLY
maybe incur a loss. Some will even lay-off
employees. The people who have lost their
jobs can no longer afford to buy as much as
before and downward pressure on prices
continues to build up.
- Furthermore, people delay buying decisions
or postpone their purchases because they
are hoping that prices will drop even further
(meaning decrease in sales).
- This create a dangerous downward spiral of
profits and investments, tax revenues fall,
the debt burden increases, the government
spends more on social benefits and less
capital is invested.
Price stability is also important for companies' DEFINITION OF TERMS
planning as it allows them to identify price  Market Interest Rate – is the prevailing
fluctuations of individual goods. They can more interest rate offered on cash deposits that is
precisely assess supply and demand and set driven by factors such as BSP interest
production and investment accordingly. rates, the duration of the deposits, and the
size of the deposits.
 Real Interest Rate – is the rate of interest an
HOW DOES BSP KEEP INFLATION LOW AND investor, saver or lender receives after
STABLE? allowing for inflation adjustment or nominal
- The BSP maintains stable prices by interest rate minus inflation rate.
influencing the cost or volume of money
Real Interest Rate = Nominal Interest Rate – Inflation Rate
circulating in the economy (Money Supply).

Money Supply consists of:  Nominal Interest Rate – is the interest rate
 M1 or Narrow Money – consists of before taking inflation into account.
currency in circulation (or currency outside
Nominal Interest Rate – Interest Rate + Inflation Rate
depository corporations), peso demand
deposits or checkable deposits, traveler’s

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