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Name: ……………………………………………… Class: ………………………

Unit: 4 Date: ………………………

The Scarecrow
by Walter de la Mare

All winter through I bow my head

beneath the driving rain;
the North Wind powders me with snow
and blows me black again;
at midnight 'neath a maze of stars
I flame with glittering rime,
and stand, above the stubble, stiff
as mail on morning-prime.
But when the child called Spring, and all
his host of children, come,
scattering their buds and dew upon
these acres of my home.
some rapture in my rags awakes;
I lift void eyes and scan
the skies for crows, those ravening foes
of my strange master, Man.
I watch him striding lank behind
his clashing team, and know
soon will the wheat swish body high
where once lay sterile snow;
soon shall I gaze across a sea
of sun-begotten grain,
which my unflinching watch hat sealed
for harvest once again.

A. Find words from the poem which mean the same as the following: (5 marks)

1. a great number
2. frost formed from cloud or fog
3. cut stalks of hay left after harvest
4. throwing here and there
5. an area of land
6. joy
7. empty
8. tall and lean
9. barren, unproductive
10. constant
B. Now answer all questions.

1. The scarecrow is described as if it were a _______________. This figure of speech

is called a _______________. (2 marks)
2. Find three phrases from the poem where the scarecrow speaks as a living person.
(3 marks)



3. From the poem find: (5 marks)

a. two examples of alliteration:


b. two examples of assonance:



c. an example of a metaphor:

4. The word ‘swish’ is used to describe the wheat. This is an ___________________.

(1 mark)

5. What two scenes of the field are contrasted in the following lines: (2 marks)
‘soon will the wheat swish body high
where once lay sterile snow;
soon shall I gaze across a sea
of sun-begotten grain,’


6. a) What is the scarecrow’s job? (1 mark)


b) In your own words describe how he does his job. (1 mark)


The Scarecrow

A. Find words from the poem which mean the same as the following:

1.a great number maze

2. frost formed from cloud or fog rime
3. cut stalks of hay left after harvest stubble
4. throwing here and there scattering
5. an area of land acres
6. joy raptures
7. empty void
8. tall and lean lank
9. barren, unproductive sterile
10. constant unflinching

1. Person/living thing, personification

2. I bow my head, I lift my void eyes and scan, I watch him, soon shall I gaze, my unflinching
3. a. blows me black again, stand above the stubble, stiff
b. The North Wind powders me with snow (I sound)
These acres of my home (o sound)
c. a maze of stars, a sea of sun-begotten grain
4. onomatopoeia
5. The barren field covered in snow in winter and the field in spring full of grain ready for
6. Keeping crows and other birds away and he does his job thoroughly and constantly

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