Goose Mang Cultus Lake

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Canada Goose Management Plan

Cultus Lake (Fraser Valley Regional District), BC

Prepared for:
Taryn Dixon
Fraser Valley Regional District (Area H)

October 2019
Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1
2.0 IMPACTS OF CANADA GEESE AT CULTUS LAKE .......................................... 7
3.0 MANAGEMENT GOAL ........................................................................................ 7
4.0 POPULATION DATA ........................................................................................... 7
5.0 MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................15
6.0 IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................17
7.0 RECOMMENDED ACTIONS...............................................................................17
8.0 REFERENCES AND RESOURCES ....................................................................19

List of Figures
Figure 1. Goose nests constructed with materials from different habitats: a) Cultus Lake shoreline, b)
interior forest/wetland complex; c) Nanaimo rocky island, d) Kelowna industrial building ..................... 4
Figure 2. Goose in moult, growing new flight feathers ........................................................................... 4
Figure 3. Cultus Lake and jurisdictional domains ................................................................................... 6
Figure 4. Chilliwack Christmas Bird Count Data (source: Audubon 2019)............................................. 8
Figure 5. Harrison River Christmas Bird Count Data (source: Audubon 2019) ..................................... 8
Figure 6. Abbotsford-Mission Christmas Bird Count Data (source: Audubon 2019) .............................. 9
Figure 7. Seasonal Count Data from Volunteer Surveys (2019) .......................................................... 10
Figure 8. Habitat Use by Geese during Volunteer Surveys ................................................................. 11
Figure 9. Canada Goose nest locations ............................................................................................... 12
Figure 10. Nest locations at “The Cottages” pond................................................................................ 13
Figure 11. Projected Population Growth under Two Management Scenarios ..................................... 14

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Executive Summary

The Fraser Valley Regional District would like to develop a strategic management plan to guide
decisions regarding population control of Canada geese and mitigate conflicts caused by geese at
Cultus Lake. During 2019 data were collected on abundance and distribution of geese. A pilot program
of nest searches and egg-addling was also conducted. Results led to development of this document,
Cultus Lake Canada Goose Management Plan which describes an approach to management of
Canada geese at Cultus Lake.

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Document Intent

The intent of this document is to provide strategic guidance for management of Canada geese at
Cultus Lake, particularly during nesting and moulting stages of geese lifecycles. Where Canada geese
and management are discussed in this document, this refers to urban and rural Canada geese. These
geese are often referred to as resident, non-migratory, or temperate nesting geese. Information
provided in this document is based on best knowledge available at time of development. As part of
the management process, recommendations in this document should be reviewed through an
adaptive management process as new information becomes available.

1.2 Development of a Canada Goose Management Plan

The Fraser Valley Regional District (the District; FVRD) requested EBB Environmental Consulting (EBB)
assist with assessment and management of Canada geese, particularly geese that seasonally occupy
key park sites at Cultus Lake. The District is concerned that the goose population is increasing, and
conflicts associated with health and safety, environmental degradation, and recreational experience
are also increasing. The District would like to work with other park and community stakeholders to
develop a strategic management plan to guide decisions regarding population control of nesting geese
and mitigate conflicts caused by geese.

FVRD and Cultus Lake stakeholders (including BC Parks, Cultus Lake Park Board, stewards, residents
and strata/cottage associations) require a comprehensive Canada Goose Management Plan, including
ideas for communications/messaging and an egg addling protocol that will provide guidance on
managing Canada geese and mitigating impacts from geese at the lake. Objectives include:

• Develop a knowledge base regarding seasonal goose use of Cultus Lake;

• Identify if Cultus Lake hosts key breeding and moulting areas;
• Provide options to reduce impacts to parks and recreational areas;
• Provide examples/ideas for a public information program to assist with messaging regarding
goose management;
• Conduct a pilot nest search and egg-addling project;
• Provide an egg addling protocol document as a resource for future (volunteer) efforts.

1.3 Regulatory Context

Canada geese are regulated under the federal Migratory Birds Convention Act (1994) and pursuant
regulations. Any interference with geese, nests, or eggs must be done with authorization from the
Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). In addition,
Canada geese use lands governed by various jurisdictions including Federal, Provincial, Municipal, First
Nation, and private properties such as golf courses, schools, and agricultural lands. Goose

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management activities are subject to by-laws and authorizations dependent on location and
invasiveness of the management activities.

1.4 Population Status

The global population of Canada geese (Branta canadensis) and the smaller, closely related cackling
geese (Branta hutchinsii) are comprised of 11 different subspecies (Banks et al. 2004). Subspecies
have similar features, yet differences in physiology, behaviour and distribution are significant enough
that unique management approaches must be considered for different groups.

Across Canada, many Canada and cackling goose subspecies (hereafter, collectively referred to as
Canada geese or geese) do not have overlapping ranges and would not interact under natural
conditions. However, this is not the case in southwestern British Columbia where management
programs designed to boost Canada goose numbers caused the unintended creation of non-migratory
resident populations with mixed-race hybrids.

Prior to the 1960’s, Canada geese were considered migrants and summer visitants in British Columbia
(Campbell et al. 1990). By the 1970’s, however, goose numbers had increased through management
programs aimed at providing sustainable hunting and viewing opportunities. Management programs
focused on importing breeding stock and flightless young of large-bodied subspecies from outside
British Columbia. Introduced geese came from as far as Minnesota and Ontario. Once outside their
native ranges, translocated geese did not learn migratory patterns. In contrast, this mix of subspecies
and their generations of offspring nested in their new habitats, conducting only protracted migrations,
if any. Generations of offspring are hybrids of different stocks that were transplanted decades ago.
These mixed-race hybrids would not occur in natural systems and do not fit into standard taxonomy.

At the time of relocations, the British Columbia landscape also changed. Urban and rural areas
increased, and many areas were closed to hunting. Increased habitat with fewer population controls
assisted Canada geese to become abundant in areas throughout the province. Today, many
populations of Canada geese are largely perceived as problem wildlife due to their abundance,
territorial behaviour during breeding season, crop damage, potential risks to human health and safety,
fouling of grassy areas with droppings, fecal coliform contamination of public swimming areas,
damage to lawns and green spaces, as well as other economic losses (Smith et al. 2005).

1.5 Goose Ecology

Geese prefer to graze on grass and are attracted to farmland and urban landscapes with manicured
lawns (e.g., parks, schools and golf courses). Areas that have grass/water interfaces such as Cultus
Lake are ideal locations for geese as they can forage and then quickly escape predation threats by
exiting to water. This is particularly important when geese have goslings and/or are going through

In southern British Columbia, Canada geese may begin nesting in March, but generally, egg-laying is
initiated in April and can continue into late May. Canada geese usually build nests within sight of
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water; however, will find alternative sites if necessary (Elphick et al. 2001, Environment Canada 2003).
Preferred nesting locations are islands, including the tops of beaver lodges and floating mats of
vegetation. First-time breeders exhibit high natal fidelity and will attempt to nest in the same area
they were fledged (Mowbray et al. 2002). Geese will return to old nest sites, or nearby locations year
after year.

Nests are generally simple, constructed from weeds, twigs and other local vegetation depending on
local habitat (Figure 1). Females will use their bodies to make a depression in the vegetative mound
and insulate it with down and feathers from her breast, resulting in a noticeable area of fewer feathers
on the goose (brood patch).

Females are responsible for building nests and incubating eggs. During this time, the male will
diligently “mate guard” ensuring other geese and predators do not disturb the female. Females
typically lay 4-7 creamy white eggs (average is 5; total can be greater than 12) on consecutive days.
They may also lay replacement eggs if original eggs are preyed upon, or the nest is destroyed early in
incubation, which is approximately 25-27 days (Mowbray et al. 2002, Environment Canada 2003).
Canada geese start nesting at 2 to 3 years and can live greater than 20 years. Birds will pair for life
but may find a new mate if one dies.

Following nesting, geese go through a period of moult when they are flightless. They grow new flight
feathers in preparation for fall migration. Geese are flightless for approximately 4 weeks in June and
July (Figure 2). Prior to moult, they seek out areas of water for protection. Migratory geese migrate
south in the fall after moult is completed and young birds are strong enough for the journey. Resident
geese may conduct protracted migrations but stay close to their nesting areas.

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a b

c d
Figure 1. Goose nests constructed with materials from different habitats: a) Cultus Lake shoreline, b) interior
forest/wetland complex; c) Nanaimo rocky island, d) Kelowna industrial building

Figure 2. Goose in moult, growing new flight feathers

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1.6 Canada Goose Management Area—Cultus Lake
Cultus Lake is situated in the Fraser Valley of Lower Mainland, BC., south of Chilliwack. It lies within
the traditional territory of the Ts’elxweyéqw Tribe within the Stó:lō Territory of ‘S’olh Témexw’
(PlanCultus 2017). Cultus Lake and the surrounding region experience a mild Oceanic climate which
supports strong agricultural, recreational and tourism sectors. Tourism is the leading economic driver
at Cultus Lake.

The lake itself is 650 hectares and is the source of Sweltzer Creek, a red-listed watercourse known to
support federally listed (endangered) spawning Sockeye Salmon (Oncorrhyncus nerka, Cultus
population; Species at Risk Pubic Registry 2019).

The Cultus Lake area is comprised of the lake, the community of Cultus Lake and parks. The
community of Cultus Lake is contained within regional Cultus Lake Park. Cultus Lake Provincial Park
is an additional 2729 hectares of recreational park and conservation areas. The parks and community
fall within the Fraser Valley Regional District Electoral Area H (Figure 3).

The community of Cultus Lake has a permanent resident population of approximately 1110 people
(City of Chilliwack 2019). In the summer, the area hosts daily recreational users and campers. On any
given day in the summer, the population can increase 6-8 times the residential number such that
greater than one million visitors use Cultus Lake each year (PlanCultus 2017).

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Figure 3. Cultus Lake and jurisdictional domains

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2.0 Impacts of Canada Geese at Cultus Lake

At Cultus Lake the non-migratory Canada goose population is considered a public nuisance. They
negatively impact natural park habitats and restoration projects, create conflicts with park users, and
impact water quality. Costs for management create a burden on park budgets as well as to residents
and other private landowners. Conflicts include:

• aggressive behaviour of territorial/nesting geese to park users;

• turf damage and fecal deposits on lawns, and park fields;
• fecal deposits in water contributing to increased coliform counts and swimming advisories;
• environmental degradation related to overgrazing of shoreline vegetation (e.g., loss of native
vegetation and increased siltation) and fecal matter in water (e.g., increased pathogens and
biological oxygen demand [BOD]);
• decreased biodiversity caused by aggressive territorial behaviour that prevents smaller,
native waterfowl from nesting.

3.0 Management Goal

The FVRD has identified a need to manage Canada geese and mitigate impacts caused by geese at
Cultus Lake. Strategies identified in this document should be implemented as pilot projects and
evaluated for further implementation at Cultus Lake.

A key component to developing a management plan is identifying what level of Canada geese can be
tolerated at Cultus Lake. This can be expressed as an absolute population number, or more practically,
as a level of effort (likely expressed in dollars) that is acceptable to mitigate goose impacts. Once this
level is established, the goose population should be managed to stay below this level.

4.0 Population Data

4.1 Historical Data

Christmas Bird Count data are not specifically available for Cultus Lake; however, data collected for
the Chilliwack count circle suggests variability in regional use by wintering geese (Figure 4). The overall
trend appears to be an increase with a five-year average (2014-18) of approximately 3800 birds. The
growth curve suggests the beginning of exponential growth. Similarly, numbers of geese observed in
the Harrison River and Abbotsford-Mission counts have increased (Figures 5-6), although fewer years
of data are available.

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Figure 4. Chilliwack Christmas Bird Count Data (source: Audubon 2019)

Figure 5. Harrison River Christmas Bird Count Data (source: Audubon 2019)

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Figure 6. Abbotsford-Mission Christmas Bird Count Data (source: Audubon 2019)

4.2 2019 Volunteer Goose Surveys

Volunteers conducted goose surveys to construct a baseline of goose activity for Cultus Lake.
Seasonal count data were collected during biologically meaningful periods (Figure 7):

• Nesting (April-May)
• Goslings (June)
• Moult (June)
• Migration (September).

Each survey was conducted on one day (April 6, June 1, July 10 and September 28) coordinated
between several volunteers, each responsible for an area. Data included date, time, location, number
of geese (differentiating adults and juveniles where feasible), habitat, and behaviour. Collected data
were provided to Taryn Dixon of FVRD. She compiled the data and sent an excel file to EBB. EBB
standardized the data and converted location descriptions into UTM coordinates for mapping.

4.3 Nest Surveys and Pilot Egg Addling Program

EBB conducted a pilot nest search and egg-addling program including developing a standardized
addling protocol, GIS mapping of nest locations, and population estimates using volunteer data. EBB
personnel conducted nest surveys on April 10, 17, 26 and May 10. A follow-up check was conducted
on May 23 for one late nest.
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Surveys were conducted on foot and by boat. Surveys were conducted in pairs. All shoreline areas of
the lake were surveyed, including thoroughly walking Sweltzer creek, the northern shoreline, and all
areas where pairs were reported by volunteers (April 6 survey data). EBB crew followed our standard
egg-addling protocol which is provided as Appendix D: Cultus Lake Egg Addling Protocol.

4.4 Field Data Results Summary

Data indicated that the breeding population consisted of up to 16 pairs. The June surveys indicated
that an estimated 18% of the post-breeding population was comprised of goslings. This is
approximately half the level that would be observed if addling had not occurred. The largest number
of geese was observed in July during the moult (208 geese). Numbers during migration appeared
variable (based on anecdotal observations) and was relatively low on the day of the count (31 geese).

Geese used several habitats but favoured the water/beach interface and most often were observed
near the waterline on sand or grazing on lawn (Figure 8). Geese were observed on rocky outcrops
during nesting, which agreed with addling data that had nests in these habitats.

EBB located 8 nests (39 eggs; Figure 9) during the nest search and addling program. Four of these
were on islands in the pond at “the Cottages” (Figure 10). Table 1 details the nest data. Of the 16
potential pairs observed during early April, 8 nests were identified and addled. Goslings associated
with 4 pairs were accounted for during the June survey. Up to an additional 4 pairs of geese may have
nested elsewhere and/or failed.

Volunteer Goose Survey Observations (Cultus Lake

Number of Geese



50 31 31

Apr Jun Jul Sep

Figure 7. Seasonal Count Data from Volunteer Surveys (2019)

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Figure 8. Habitat Use by Geese during Volunteer Surveys

Table 1. Cultus Lake Canada Goose Nest Sites.

Site Nest Location Zone Easting Northing Total Eggs
Cottages at Cultus Lake Pond Island 10 571901 5431553 7
Cottages at Cultus Lake Pond Island 10 571905 5431536 7
Cottages at Cultus Lake Pond Island 10 571908 5431547 5
Cultus Lake Provincial Park Maple Bay Campsite 10 572611 5431804 5
Cultus Lake Provincial Park East Bluffs 10 572741 5433021 5
Cultus Lake Provincial Park East Bluffs 10 573522 5434273 5
Cottages at Cultus Lake Pond Island 10 571891 5431536 4
Cottages at Cultus Lake Pond Shoreline 10 571890 5431568 1
Total 39

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Figure 9. Canada Goose nest locations

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Figure 10. Nest locations at “The Cottages” pond

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4.5 Population Model
Baseline data collected this year can be used to predict population growth of nesting geese in
upcoming years. Although moult hosted the largest population, a growing breeding population can
quickly compound the nuisance. For example, taking mortality into account, a population with 18%
goslings, as observed this year, will exhibit substantial annual growth. Figure 11 outlines population
growth under two hypothetical management scenarios:

1. If no management/population control is done (status quo),

2. If egg addling is carried out annually such that the goslings comprise about 8% of the
population by year 4 of an addling program.

Note “status quo” provides a conservative gosling estimate of 18%; if left unmanaged, the gosling
estimate would likely be closer to 30-40% of the total population at the end of the nesting season.

Figure 11. Projected Population Growth under Two Management Scenarios

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5.0 Management

Goose population management at Cultus Lake should target nesting and moulting geese. The section
below lists allowable mitigation techniques, followed by suggestions for implementation and specific
recommended actions for Cultus Lake.

5.1 Mitigation Techniques

No single management tool will provide a solution for reducing Canada goose conflict. A management
program must utilize a range of techniques that are seasonally timed to humanely and effectively
control a goose population and its impacts. In general, to manage geese and reduce conflicts, FVRD
and stakeholders must be aware of mitigation techniques allowable under the Migratory Birds
Regulations. The Handbook, Canada and Cackling Geese: Management in Southern Canada is a
federal document that outlines techniques allowable in Canada and is a good general resource. A
summary of techniques allowable for Cultus Lake is provided below. Section 7 lists specific action
recommendations for Cultus Lake.

5.1.1 Habitat Modification

Geese prefer to graze on lawns/grasses with open sight lines and access to water. Therefore, reducing
grassy areas, planting hedgerows and shrubs, and breaking up access to water may reduce goose
presence in specific areas. Other basic habitat modifications can reduce nesting at specific sites. For
example, to reduce likelihood of geese nesting near buildings, eliminate any “bowl-like” features such
as tires, planters, piles of leaves and debris, or coiled hoses. Permanent or temporary fencing installed
prior to nesting can restrict movement of geese with young or in moult. Trialling different habitat
modification techniques is a feasible way of identifying long term practices that would benefit Cultus

5.1.2 Hazing/Scaring

Hazing can be an effective means of temporarily scaring geese away from a conflict area and can be
useful in preventing geese from establishing in an area prior to nesting or moulting. The key to hazing
is to prevent a routine to which geese become habituated and hazing no longer works. An unintended
consequence of hazing geese can be the shift of geese from one location to another, thus diffusing
and spreading the problem, instead of alleviating the problem.

Hazing techniques that do not require a federal permit include using noise (e.g., distress recordings,
propane cannon, air horn), scare (e.g., laser lights, flashing tape) and chasing with a dog. Hazing
techniques that require a permit include falcons, aircraft and firearms.

5.1.3 Temporary Relocation

Cultus Lake hosts a moult population, the majority of which do not appear to use the lake for the rest
of the year. Temporary relocation is an option to move geese that are in moult (after nesting).
Moulting geese can be collected, transported and temporarily relocated away from a site. This is an
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excellent opportunity to band geese with leg-bands/markers so that information on the distribution
of geese can be obtained. Limiting factors to relocation are finding a site that will accept geese and
where regulators will allow geese. Relocation also requires a large amount of resources. Relocation
guidelines are provided in Best Practices for Capturing, Transporting, and Caring for Relocated
Canada Geese (Environment Canada 2011).

5.1.4 Population Control

Egg Addling
The most likely route towards curbing nesting population growth is addling. Egg addling is a relatively
simple and humane tool for controlling reproductive output of Canada geese. To be effective, crews
must be trained to systematically access nesting areas and addle eggs in such a way that geese will
not attempt to re-nest. Crews must be thorough, ensuring all nests in a targeted area are included.
Egg addling should occur in April and must be conducted with federal authorization. Field
methodology should be consistent with the Handbook, Canada and Cackling Geese: Management
in Southern Canada (Environment Canada 2010). Egg-addling is a long-term management option.
Very few new geese enter the population, but population decrease from natural attrition of adults
may take 15 years or more.

Damage Permits
CWS may issue damage permits to landowners to protect lands from damage caused by Canada geese.
The two types of damage permits are:

1) Kill-to-support-scaring: issued when intent is not to reduce the goose population, but to
protect lands through changing goose behaviour. Generally, conditions of these permits allow
two geese per day to be killed with a shotgun. Carcasses are left on site to act as deterrents
to other geese. In doing so, geese learn consequences of occupying areas where scaring
techniques are used.

2) Kill-to-remove permit: issued if the land manager can demonstrate all other management
practices have not been successful. The applicant is required to provide a management plan
for the properties. The goal of this permit is to allow reduction in number of geese on land
being damaged by geese. Method of killing is not limited to shotgun but is identified in the
agency authorization and may be subject to review by an animal care/ethics committee.
Guidelines are provided in the CWS handbook Best Practices for Killing Birds and Disposing
of Carcasses: Canada Goose Management (Environment Canada 2011).

5.1.5 Population Monitoring

On-going monitoring allows assessment of population response in terms of growth, abundance and
distribution on the landscape. Population monitoring should occur at key times: 1) spring pairs/nest
surveys 2) post-nesting gosling surveys, and 3) moult distribution surveys. Population monitoring may
be a requirement of some authorizations.

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Summer moulting season is an optimal time to mark geese with leg bands. Leg bands allow individuals
or cohorts of geese to be identified at remote distances and are a strong tool for population
monitoring. Band data contributes to scientifically founded answers to specific population
demographic questions.

6.0 Implementation

6.1 Evaluation
Implementation of techniques recommended in this document should be evaluated and a record of
each technique maintained. Tracking data determines effectiveness of mitigation as well as
contributing to evaluating overall success of the management program. Evaluation must consider
implementation costs and program effectiveness. Evaluation should weigh feedback from staff, ease
of logistics/implementation, costs, response from public, levels of goose damage, and impacts to the
goose population.

6.2 Administration and Reporting

Each year, permits will be required for goose management activities. Regulatory agencies that grant
authorizations will require documentation on results. Data collected during management activities
must be compiled prior to evaluation. Reporting should be provided to any partners, so they are
clearly aware of the process and results that each year of management has accomplished. These
results are essential to prove and/or improve outcomes of specific strategies.

6.3 Communications
A critical part of goose management is an effective communications plan. Management of geese may
be received by public at an emotional level rather than one that regards concerns for environment or
health and safety.

FVRD/Cultus Lake should deliver consistent messaging regarding goose management and foster a
culture that supports a well-planned, humane strategy. Messaging should encourage people to not
interfere with management activities, not to feed birds, treat goslings like pets, etc. An example
communications plan accompanies this document (Appendix C), but any program should be tailored
and updated to ensure it reflects ongoing management culture and activities.

7.0 Recommended Actions

Going forward it is recommended that Cultus Lake:

• Identify specific partners in the Canada Goose management program and realistic
expectations/resources from each partner;
• Establish a management level/population level that will be tolerated each season at the lake;
• Identify which mitigation techniques will be implemented over what timeframe;

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• Determine monitoring and reporting protocols required for each mitigation technique,
• Provide communications to staff prior to management activities so that staff do not interfere
or have concerns with management actions;

In general, it is recommended that management include:

• Reduce attractants by ensuring staff and public are not feeding geese (by-law enforcement),
and garbage or other attractants are cleaned up;

• Train volunteers and continue with population control through annual egg addling, including
careful record keeping—the number of nests will increase in the first few years as the
volunteers becomes more familiar with the sites and people report nests (see below);

• Expand the egg-addling program to include nests identified by private citizens who provide
permission to addle eggs on their properties—provide a contact where people can report
nests and provide permission to access properties;

• Identify sites to implement pilot projects to test habitat modification. Work with each
stakeholder so that efforts are coordinated, and results are shared. For example, BC Parks
and Cultus Lake Pak Board have investigated options and already have some results. Potential
options could include

o installing retractable “beach barriers” to discourage geese from using beaches and
shorelines during moult (See Appendix A);
o installing temporary or permanent barriers (fences, hedging that geese cannot walk
through) around park perimeters (see Appendix A)
o experimenting with mowing regimes to see if geese do not use areas where grass has
not been cut.

• Examine feasibility of hiring a contractor to haze geese at peak conflict sites prior to moult
(e.g., at Main Beach). Hazing could include dogs, trained birds of prey, noise; laser lights (e.g.
avian dissuader or similar product) or windmills (see Appendix A).

• Approach neighbouring jurisdictions, (e.g. Chilliwack, Agassiz, Abbotsford, Harrison), which

may be able to share resources (e.g., addling costs, population counts). In general, working
at a regional scale is a better means of controlling a large urban population of geese;

• Engage with/re-kindle the Lower Mainland Canada Goose Management Group to share
management successes/failures and engage directly with regulators regarding updated
management options and permitting processes;

• Engage with local hunting club to encourage ethical hunting of geese during hunting season
(recognizing this does not specifically target resent geese).
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• Conduct surveys of geese during moult to understand their distribution when they are
flightless. Data can be used to determine feasibility and effort required to round-up geese for

• Monitor the population and the overall results of mitigation used each year. Use data to
compare results of different techniques and across years so that management may be
adapted and improved.

• Examine feasibility of lethal management options if this is an approach that FVRD would like
to investigate. Regulators will be open to lethal options provided other mitigation has been
attempted and scientifically founded arguments are provided with applications. Part of the
feasibility assessment should be to determine if this an approach with which FVRD and
stakeholders are comfortable, and, after working with neighbouring jurisdictions, how/if
lethal options should be resourced, communicated and implemented.

8.0 References and Resources

American Ornithologists’ Union 2004. Forty-fifth supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union
Check-list of North American Birds. The Auk 121(3): 985-995.

Arctic Goose Joint Venture. 2019. Canada Goose. Available at: [Accessed
September 30, 2019].

Banks, R.C., C. Cicero, J.L. Dunn, A.W. Kratter, P.C. Rasmussen, J.V. Remsen, J.D. Rising, and D.F.
Stotz. 2004. Forty-fifth supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union check-list of North
American birds. The Auk 121: 985-994.

Bird Studies Canada. 2011. Available: (Accessed October 2011)

Campbell W.R., N.K. Dawe, I. McTaggert-Cowan, J. M. Cooper, G.W. Kaiser, and M.C.E. McNall. 1990.
The Birds of British Columbia Volume 1. Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria.

City of Chilliwack. 2019. Cultus Lake Parks Board. Available at: [Accessed October 4, 2019].

Cultus Lake Future Planning Advisory Committee. 2017. Plan Cultus: Community in a Park Plan.
[Accessed September 10, 2019].

Cultus Sockeye Recovery Team. 2002. National conservation strategy for sockeye salmon
(Oncorhynchus nerka), Cultus Lake population, in British Columbia. Recovery of Nationally
Endangered Wildlife (RENEW). Ottawa, Ontario, 49 pp.

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Elphick, C., J.B. Dunning Jr., and D.A. Sibley. (eds.) 2001. The Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behaviour.
Alphred A. Knopf, New York.

Environment Canada. 2010. Handbook. Canada and Cackling Geese: Management in Southern
Canada. Electronic monograph in PDF Format, Environment Canada.

Environment Canada. 2011. Best Practices for Capturing, Transporting and Caring for Relocated
Geese: Canada Goose Management. Canadian Wildlife Service. Environment Canada.

Environment Canada. 2011. Best Practices for Killing Birds and Disposing of Carcasses: Canada Goose
Management. Canadian Wildlife Service. Environment Canada.

Environment Canada. 2003. Hinterland’s Who’s Who: Canada Goose. Available at: [Accessed February 14, 2011].

Government of Canada. 2019. Species at Risk Public Registry; Species Profile: Sockeye Salmon
Cultus-L population. Available:
registry/species/speciesDetails_e.cfm?sid=730 [Accessed October 4, 2019].

Humane Society of the United States. 2009. Canada Goose Egg Addling Protocol, the Humane
Society of the United States Wild Neighbours program. Humane Society of the United States,
Washington, USA.

Link, R. 2005. Living with Wildlife: Canada Geese. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Available as pdf at:

Meays, C.L., K. B. Broersma, R. Nordin, A. Mazumder, and M. Samadpour. 2006. Spatial and annual
variability in concentrations and sources of Escherichia coli in multiple watersheds.
Environmental Science and Technology 40:5289-5296.

Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (S.C. 1994, c. 22). Current to June 27, 2012. Minister of
Justice. Available at:

Migratory Birds Regulations (C.R.C. c. 1035). Current to June 1, 2012. Minister of Justice. Available

Mowbray, T. B., C. R. Ely, J. S. Sedinger, and R. E. Trost. 2002. Canada Goose (Branta canadensis). In
The birds of North America, no. 682. A. Poole and F. Gill, editors. The Birds of North America,
Inc., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

National Audubon Society. 2016. Christmas Bird Count Results Data and Research. Available: [October 2017].

FVRD, Cultus Lake Canada Goose Management Plan 20

Prepared by EBB Environmental Consulting Inc. | October 2019
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. 2011 North American Breeding Bird Survey Trend Analysis Form
1966 – 2009. Available: (Accessed
October 2011).

Smith, D.W., G. White and G. Grigg. 2005. A Handbook for the Control of Problem Canada Geese,
Revision 2005. Environment Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Pacific Wildlife Research
Centre, Delta BC.

Zar, J.H. 1999. Biostatistical Analysis. 4th ed. Prentice Hall Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

FVRD, Cultus Lake Canada Goose Management Plan 21

Prepared by EBB Environmental Consulting Inc. | October 2019
Appendix A
Examples of Mitigation
Example 1: Temporary barrier at Como Lake, Coquitlam BC

Green snowfence is placed each year prior to moult to prevent geese from accessing the

Example 2: Semi-permanent Barrier at Alta Lake, Whistler BC

Retractable nets have been installed at Alta Lake, Whistler BC. Parks staff roll up the nets in the
morning and extend nets in the evening to prevent geese from accessing the shoreline. The black
barrier (foreground) blocks the small space between the post and the wharf. The posts remain
throughout the year, but the nets are seasonally removed.

Example 3: Permanent shoreline habitat modification, Penticton BC

Penticton underwent a waterfront revitalization project in 2015. The City incorporated features
that assist in preventing geese from accessing shoreline parks from the water.

Before: Geese have unobstructed access between Okanagan Lake and park shoreline (June 2012;
source Penticton Parks)

After: Plantings and fencing provide barriers that help prevent geese from accessing the shore.
In addition, design and improved walkways are inviting to park users, including dog walkers,
whose presence discourages geese from accessing the area. Since this photo (November 2015),
the plantings have grown providing a stronger barrier.

Example 4: Scare Windmill, Naramata BC

This is one of several scare windmills that have been placed along Naramata’s waterfront parks.
They have been successful as part of the scare program, which also allows off-leash dog use of
parks outside of peak hours and scaring of geese in early morning hours during beach clean-up.

Example 5: Communications

Creative signage prevents “sign blindness” where users no longer see or respect signs.
Consistent messaging and noting consequences increase message effectiveness.

Appendix B
2019 Fieldwork Photographs
Unobstructed access between water and grass in perfect habitat for geese.

Gap in snow fencing allows geese to easily access the lake.

Some nesting geese at Cultus Lake use rocky outcrops. These require a survey from water and
may be boat access only.

Old springboard logged stumps provide “islands” for nesting

Islands in the Cottages pond provided habitat for majority of located nests

Appendix C
Sample Communications
Cultus Lake Canada Goose Management Plan
Sample Communications Plan
Table of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 GOALS OF THE DOCUMENT .................................................................................................... 1
2.0 COMMUNICATIONS PLAN ....................................................................................... 1
2.1 OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................. 1
2.2 TARGET AUDIENCE .................................................................................................................. 1
2.3 COMMUNICATIONS PLAN CHARACTERISTICS..................................................................... 2
3.0 ACTION ITEMS ......................................................................................................... 2
3.1 IDENTIFICATION OF PROJECT TASKS ................................................................................... 2
4.0 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 4
APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................. 1

Cultus Canada Goose Management Plan vi

Communications Plan
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Goals of the Document

This document is intended to act as a resource and guide for the development of a communications
program for the Cultus Lake Canada Goose Management Plan. The goals of the document are to define
objectives of a communications plan associated with goose management and describe some options for
the communications plan. The suggestions and examples in this document are intended to be a starting
point and can be modified as the program matures.

2.0 Communications Plan

2.1 Objectives
A critical part of urban wildlife management of any species is an effective communications plan. This is
particularly true of a conspicuous species such as Canada geese. Much of the general public are not aware
of the origins of the southwestern BC goose population and perceive these birds to be native.
Consequently, public have no way of realizing the geese are introduced, not migratory, and pose threats
to environment and people.

Management of any species, particularly one that is visible, beautiful and named for the country, may be
received by the public at an emotional level rather than one that regards concerns for health and safety
or economic losses. Consequently, Cultus Lake requires a communications plan that delivers consistent
messaging regarding goose management and fosters a culture that supports well-planned management
that is intolerant of an environment that has caused an introduced species to thrive. Messaging provided
to the public must address misconceptions associated with the Canada goose population, identify
problems associated with resident geese and outline goals of the management strategy. In addition,
messages should include tips for the public on how to contribute to goose management (e.g., do not feed
the geese) so that the public can take some ownership of the issue.

2.2 Target Audience

The subject of Canada goose management will likely attract interest from a diverse audience. At one end
of the spectrum, citizens will ardently and vocally express opposition to any form of management. At the
opposite end of the spectrum, citizens may be supportive of immediately removing/reducing the Canada
goose population, but not necessarily supportive of expending resources and time to research the goose
population and associated impacts. Within the middle, people likely to be interested in learning about the
Cultus Lake Canada Goose Management Plan will include:

• Park users;
• Naturalists and stewardship groups;
• Golf course superintendents;
• Park managers;
• Wildlife rescue/support groups;
• Homeowners, and
• Any citizens who have aggressive or high numbers of geese on or adjacent to their property.

Cultus Canada Goose Management Plan 1

Communications Plan
Therefore information should be directed at this audience, and be comprehensive enough that individuals
can make informed opinions on goose management, and access further resources should they want to
learn more or participate in goose management activities.

2.3 Communications Plan Characteristics

No matter what the overall final Cultus Lake Canada Goose Management Plan looks like, opponents will
exist. Opponents may try to discredit the strategy. Consequently, the communications plan should contain
the following elements:

1) it must be “louder” than any misinformation that may be distributed (i.e., widespread and well-
2) it must not contain any “grey areas”
3) it must be completely transparent;
4) it cannot be patronizing;
5) it must be consistent with other Cultus Lake messaging;
6) it must provide a point of contact for further information and resources; and
7) every message must have a supporting argument (e.g., scientific foundation).

3.0 Action Items

3.1 Identification of Project Tasks

Task 1: Management Strategy Branding

Cultus Lake should consider if the strategy would benefit from an identifiable logo. A logo is not essential,
but could assist identification of the strategy as more than just an extension of any one parks operations
program. This is particularly beneficial to a long-term program with multiple partners. The logo would be
on all education materials and signs. The logo would not exclude the addition of contributing partner
logos on materials or the website.

Task 2: Key messages.

Clear key messages must be identified. This should start with a mission statement and objectives for
Cultus Lake goose management. Additional messages should be provided that relate directly to the public.

Mission Statement

Providing a humane and regional approach for the reduction of conflicts and negative impacts resulting
from non-migratory resident Canada geese using Cultus Lake.


• To develop a knowledge base for Cultus Lake and any relevant stakeholders
• To inform the citizens of the origins of non-migratory resident geese and goose management
• To reduce Canada goose impacts on parks and recreational areas at the Lake

Cultus Canada Goose Management Plan 2

Communications Plan
Messages for the general public

• Don’t feed the geese!

o Encourages geese to congregate in public parks;
o Lose their instinctive wariness of people and;
o Lose their natural ability to forage for native foods;
o Consume foods (e.g. bread) with far less nutritional value than those they obtain
o Teaches our children an incorrect message of not respecting wild animals and treating
them like pets.

• Prevent geese from foraging (and pooping!) and nesting on your property.
o Keep bird feed areas clean and off the ground;
o Plant hedges or place fences between lawns and ponds or other water features;
o Don’t leave empty tires, planters or other “bowls” open in the spring (February-April)
when they build nests;
o Discuss the issue with your neighbours.

Task 3: Delivery options

The strategy should foster a culture that is intolerant of poor goose management. The following list
provides options for delivery:

• Maintain a toll-free telephone line and email address or local point of contact to address
questions, concerns and requests for further information;

• Develop a website or update the Cultus Lake and associated partner websites to reflect new public
information messages;

• Draft press release content for release at key times to maintain public awareness of the program;
o Prior to nesting season (goose-proof your property!)
o During moult (high park user-goose conflict times);

• Develop a stand-alone self-explanatory table-top display for use at environmental forums,

• Develop a brochure as a handout/leave-behind piece to explain key elements of the program (see
Appendix A);

• Develop simple “Don’t feed the geese” handouts for use parks, community centres, or other
public spaces that are not expensive to reproduce when needed.

• Develop and place signage in areas of active goose management

o Conservation areas that promote biodiversity;
o Parks where people feed the geese.

• As the program expands and possibly gains new partners, additional and consistent signage can
support the momentum. In addition, signage assists members of the public to easily identify areas

Cultus Canada Goose Management Plan 3

Communications Plan
that actively engage in goose management activities. Partners can be approached with requests
to place signs or identify potential locations for signs.

• Provide education sessions/give talks to interested groups and potential partners on goose

4.0 References

American Ornithologists’ Union 2004. Forty-fifth supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union
Check-list of North American Birds. The Auk 121(3): 985-995.

Campbell W.R., N.K. Dawe, I. McTaggert-Cowan, J. M. Cooper, G.W. Kaiser, and M.C.E. McNall. 1990. The
Birds of British Columbia Volume 1. Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria.

Environment Canada. 2010. Handbook. Canada and Cackling Geese: Management in Southern Canada.
Electronic monograph in PDF Format, Environment Canada.

Smith, D.W., G. White and G. Grigg. 2005. A Handbook for the Control of Problem Canada Geese,
Revision 2005. Environment Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Pacific Wildlife Research Centre,
Delta BC.

Cultus Canada Goose Management Plan 4

Communications Plan
Examples of Brochures and Handouts from Similar Projects
Example 1. Brochure for the Okanagan Valley Goose Management Plan (Year 1)

Outside page
Inside Page
Example 2. Draft brochure prepared for the Okanagan Valley Goose Management Program (prepared by Pulse Media Group).

Outside Page
Inside Page
Example 3. Brochure produced by the Audubon Society of Portland.

Outside Page
Inside Page
Example 4. Draft of printable fact sheet

Go Wild in Cultus
by helping wildlife stay that way! Feeding geese and other wildlife can be
harmful to them and the environment.

5 Reasons not to feed geese

1. Local overpopulation leads to increased aggression and competition between

geese and other waterfowl;
2. Large concentrations of geese can reduce water quality and denude natural
3. Feeding geese makes them dependent on hand-outs—the young in particular
do not learn to forage for themselves
4. Bread, crackers, and other processed food offer no nutritional value to geese
5. Increased conflicts between people and geese

Please enjoy geese and other wildlife at a distance to improve their best chances
of survival and reduce chances of conflict. To protect you, wildlife and the
environment, Cultus Lake has a by-law banning feeding of waterfowl.

For more information call XXX XXX XX or see
Appendix D
Nest Search and Egg Addling Protocol
Canada Goose Management Plan
Cultus Lake Egg Addling Protocol
Executive Summary
This document provides the methodology and rationale for an annual egg-addling program as part of the
Cultus Lake Canada Goose Management Plan. An addling program consists of pre-addling nest/pairs
surveys in March followed by an intensive period of addling throughout April. Follow-up surveys are
conducted in late May or early June depending on duration of the main addling season.

The Canadian Wildlife Service authorizes the use of shaking, oiling, and pinning to prevent eggs from
hatching. In this document we refer to all sterilization techniques as “addling.” Upon completion of the
field program, results are submitted to the Canadian Wildlife Service per permit requirements.

Cultus Lake Egg Addling Protocol ii

Table of Contents
1.0 CULTUS LAKE CANADA GOOSE MANAGEMENT PLAN ................................................................................... 1
2.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................ 1
2.1 COORDINATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN EGG ADDLING PROGRAM ........................................................................1
2.2 NEST IDENTIFICATION............................................................................................................................................1
2.3 NEST SURVEYS .....................................................................................................................................................2
2.4 EGG ADDLING......................................................................................................................................................2
2.5 ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................................................................................4
2.6 POPULATION MONITORING ....................................................................................................................................4
3.0 SCHEDULE ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................. 5

List of Tables
Table 1. Summary of egg addling program schedule ....................................................................................................4

List of Figures

Figure 1. Canada Goose Nest with Six Eggs (Photo: O. Busby) ......................................................................................2
Figure 2. Cross section of a float test: Stages 1-3 represent eggs that have been incubated for less than two weeks.
Stages 4-6 represent eggs that have been incubated 14-27 days. (Diagram from HSUS Canada Goose Egg Addling
Protocol). .......................................................................................................................................................................4

Cultus Lake Egg Addling Protocol iii

1.0 Cultus Lake Canada Goose Management Plan

The Cultus Lake Canada Goose Management plan identified options to control and reduce the population
of urban/temperate-nesting Canada Geese in the region. This specific document describes the protocol
for an egg addling program, incorporating the field knowledge that was gained during 2019 field season.

2.0 Methodology

2.1 Coordination and Implementation of an Egg Addling Program

Egg-addling is a relatively simple, cost-effective and humane tool for controlling reproductive output of
Canada Geese. To be effective, crews must be trained to access nesting areas and addle eggs in such a
way that geese will not attempt to immediately re-nest. In addition, crews must be thorough, ensuring
all nests in a targeted area are included. Many egg addling areas are within public view and crew members
must be able to sensitively address questions or refer the public to other resources.

In addition to the actual addling, an addling program should include a yearly revised egg addling manual
protocol (this document), mapping nest locations using GPS technology and maintaining records of nest
sites and addling activities. Very important is obtaining necessary permits and reporting to the respective
agencies that grant those authorizations (e.g., CWS and BC Parks).

2.2 Nest Identification

Prior to addling, nests must be located and identified as Canada Goose. This is best achieved by surveys
in March during nest initiation. The nesting season is generally mid-March until mid-May but may be later
or longer depending on environmental conditions.

Canada Geese usually build nests within the line of sight of water; however, geese like to nest in isolation
and will find alternative sites if necessary (Elphick et al. 2001, Environment Canada 2003). Their preferred
locations are on islands (e.g. on top of beaver lodges). Geese will return to old nest sites or nearby
locations year after year. This knowledge is helpful for finding nests in successive years.

Nests are generally simple, constructed out of weeds, twigs and other local vegetation. Females will use
their bodies to make a depression in the vegetative mound (Figure 1). The nest is insulated with goose
down and feathers removed from the female’s breast, resulting in a noticeable area of fewer feathers (the
brood patch) on the female.

Females are responsible for building nests and incubating the eggs. During this time, the male will
diligently mate guard ensuring other geese and predators do not disturb the female. A good indicator of
a nearby nest is a lone male, particularly if he is in an alert posture with his head and neck extended, or
as you approach, he lowers his head and neck in a threatening stance and hisses.

Cultus Lake Egg Addling Protocol 1

The female lays 4-7 (average 5) eggs on consecutive days. Eggs are creamy white, about 1.5 times the size
of a chicken egg. She will initiate incubation when all the eggs are laid. Incubation lasts approximately
25-27 days (Mowbray et al. 2002, Environment Canada 2003).

Figure 1. Canada Goose Nest with Six Eggs (Photo: O. Busby)

2.3 Nest Surveys

Nest surveys are conducted during the last two weeks of March. In pairs, crew members survey lands
(e.g. parks, playing fields, beach accesses) that they have permission to access. Nest sites from previous
years are checked in addition to searching for new nest sites. Pairs and lone geese are identified, and nest
searches conducted in these locations. Flocks of geese are noted, but these groups are not likely nesting
yet or will not be nesting this season (e.g. migratory geese, have not reached breeding maturity or have
lost a mate).

Where nests are located, the UTM coordinates are noted as well as a general description of the area so
relocation is relatively simple. If a nest contains a clutch of eggs, the eggs are addled, marked and noted
following the addling protocol.

2.4 Egg Addling

Egg addling is a technique used to control new geese from entering the population without harming
existing geese. Addling prevents embryo development within an egg so that it does not hatch. Eggs are
easily and humanely addled until about 14 days incubation (HSUS 2009). If there is concern that the eggs
are older than this, a float test can be performed to estimate egg development (Section 2.4.1).

CWS allows shaking, pinning and oiling as addling techniques. (note: EBB crews typically shake—it is
logistically simpler and simple to field verify). To addle with shaking, eggs are addled by vigorously shaking

Cultus Lake Egg Addling Protocol 2

each egg for about 30 seconds. However, for shaking to be most effective, eggs cannot be cold or in the
first days of incubation. The yolks of cold or newly incubated eggs do not readily snap.
The second method is oiling. Each egg in a nest is coated with biodegradable 100% food grade corn oil.
The coating of oil prevents gas exchange across the egg membrane so that the embryo will not develop.
Eggs can be dipped into oil or sprayed with a non-aerosol trigger bottle.

Pinning is the use of a long pin (e.g., shirt pin) that is pierced through the shell and the inner membranes
so that the fluid balance is disrupted, and the egg will not develop. EBB crews do not often use this
technique as eggs can break or seep more easily, which can draw predators to the nest. If eggs are
destroyed, a goose is more likely to re-clutch.

Egg addling is generally conducted throughout the month of April. Nests that were located during the nest
surveys are visited first. Additional nests are located during the addling process and as the breeding
season progresses. The field crew works in pairs (at minimum). One member of the crew moves the
female goose or pair away from the nest; the other works at the nest. When the addling is completed,
the geese will return unharmed to the nest. When the geese realize that the nest will not hatch, the
nesting season is generally too far advanced to initiate a new clutch.

At each nesting site, particularly where there are multiple nests, a nest will be given a number in the field
(e.g. 1,2,3, etc.). All the eggs in nest 1 will be marked with a “1” etc. This enables the crew to quickly
identify new nests in the field and to ensure nests in high density areas are not missed. The number of
eggs at each nest is also recorded. The crew member working at the nest addles the eggs. Each egg is
marked with the nest number using a waterproof marker, addled, and returned to the nest. Both
crewmembers leave for the next location. Additional notes can be recorded between nests, if necessary.

2.4.1 Float Test

A float test can be used to determine the incubation stage of an egg. The addling crew should take a
bucket (and some water should the nest not be near a water source) if the incubation stage of the eggs is
unknown. Eggs that do not float are less than two weeks old. Eggs that are older than two weeks will rise
near the surface (Figure 2; HSUS 2009).

Cultus Lake Egg Addling Protocol 3

Figure 2. Cross section of a float test: Stages 1-3 represent eggs that have been incubated for less
than two weeks. Stages 4-6 represent eggs that have been incubated 14-27 days. (Diagram from
HSUS Canada Goose Egg Addling Protocol).

2.5 Administration
Egg addling may only be conducted under permit from the CWS. In addition, authorizations/permits are
required to access and to addle on some lands (e.g. Provincial Parks, First Nation Lands, private lands).
CWS requires records for location of nests, the date, and the number of eggs addled.

2.6 Population Monitoring

Follow-up surveys should be conducted to monitor addling success and the population composition. This
provides an estimate of the proportion of young in the population.

3.0 Schedule

Table 1 identifies the components of the egg-addling program and the proposed schedule
Table 1. Summary of egg addling program schedule

Item Proposed Date

Nest/Pairs Surveys March

Addling April to mid- May
Follow-up surveys (population monitoring) June
Data to CWS and ORGMC July
Evaluation of Addling Program July
Permit application for following season Winter

Cultus Lake Egg Addling Protocol 4

4.0 References

American Ornithologists’ Union 2004. Forty-fifth supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union
Check-list of North American Birds. The Auk 121(3): 985-995.

Campbell W.R., N.K. Dawe, I. McTaggert-Cowan, J. M. Cooper, G.W. Kaiser, and M.C.E. McNall. 1990. The
Birds of British Columbia Volume 1. Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria.

Environment Canada. 2010. Handbook. Canada and Cackling Geese: Management in Southern Canada.
Electronic monograph in PDF Format, Environment Canada.

Environment Canada. 2003. Hinterland’s Who’s Who: Canada Goose.

Humane Society of the United States. 2009. Canada Goose Egg Addling Protocol, the Humane Society of
the United States Wild Neighbours program. Humane Society of the United States, Washington,

Mowbray, T. B., C. R. Ely, J. S. Sedinger, and R. E. Trost. 2002. Canada Goose (Branta canadensis). In The
birds of North America, no. 682. A. Poole and F. Gill, editors. The Birds of North America, Inc.,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Elphick, C., J.B. Dunning Jr., and D.A. Sibley. (eds.) 2001. The Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behaviour.
Alphred A. Knopf, New York.

Peatt, A.D. 1989. The Canada Goose of the Okanagan Valley. Ministry of Environment Okanagan Sub-
region, Penticton, British Columbia. Unpublished report.

Robertson Environmental Services Ltd. and Ophiuchus Consulting. 2006. Okanagan Regional Goose
Management Strategy and Action Plan. Unpublished report.

Smith, D.W., G. White and G. Grigg. 2005. A Handbook for the Control of Problem Canada Geese,
Revision 2005. Environment Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Pacific Wildlife Research Centre,
Delta BC.

Cultus Lake Egg Addling Protocol 5

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