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Refer to the reading, The Clash Within: The Manichean claim is that the real struggle is a struggle within
the individual self.


True or False: Galtung’s typologies of violence present the idea of violence being inevitable.


True or False: Massive cultural violence is labeled today as discrimination


The members of the LGBT community being deprived of certain civil rights is a clear manifestation of


The type of violence that represents behaviors that serve to threaten life itself and/or diminish one’s
capacity to meet basic human needs


Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers.

Witchcraft performed as part of native religion in Negroid populations in Africa often results to murder
of human Albinos as they are perceived as objects of fear and loathing.


Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers.

Farmers who cannot own, sell nor mortgage the land to take a loan


Massive cultural violence is till event today but now labeled as


There is nothing inevitable about either violence or peace.


Positive peace is the absence of violence, curative and achieved not always by peaceful means.


Massive structural violence is still evident today but now labeled as

Negative peace includes structural (human) integration, preventive and achieved always by peaceful


The three forms of violence are independent with each other.


Women being deprived of political rights and viewed as inferior to men is a clear manifestation of


All forms of violence are shaped by conscious or unconscious human agency where religious influences
are always operative.

Ans True

According to the reading on Galtung’s Typologies of violence, discrimination is used to sanitize massive
cultural violence.


Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers. Minority (ethnic) discrimination in workplaces


Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers. Verbal attacks/abuse


The type of violence that represents the existence of prevailing or prominent social norms that make
direct and structural violence seem natural or right or at least acceptable


The article, The Clash Within, explains that religious violence is a product of clash of civilizations.


The type of violence that represents the systematic ways in which some groups are hindered from equal
access to opportunities, goods and services that enable the fulfillment of basic human needs


Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers.

Palestinians in Israel do not have 100% rights and privileges of Jewish citizens.

True or False: The three forms of violence are interrelated and mutually reinforcing.


A person working as a house helper who does not meet his/her basic needs such as food because of
his/her employer’s restrictions is a clear manifestation of


Indigenous people being viewed as primitive and uncivilized is a clear manifestation of

Ans Cultural

Structural violence represents the existence of prevailing or prominent social norms that make direct
violence seem natural or right.


Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers. In Yemen, a woman’ testimony isn’t taken seriously unless
backed up by a man’ testimony. Women can’t testify at all in cases of adultery, libel, theft or sodomy.


The members of the LGBT community being viewed as ‘immoral’ by some Christians is a clear
manifestation of


The type of violence that represents the existence of prevailing or prominent social norms that make
direct and structural violence seem natural or right or at least acceptable


Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers. In Yemen, a woman’ testimony isn’t taken seriously unless
backed up by a man’ testimony. Women can’t testify at all in cases of adultery, libel, theft or sodomy.


The members of the LGBT community being viewed as ‘immoral’ by some Christians is a clear
manifestation of


True or False: Religious functions in both the promotion of cultural violence and
cultural peace.
Ans. True
Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the
correct answers. Some numbers may have two/three answers.
In China, female babies are sometimes killed with a law limiting families to
one child.
Ans. Direct Violence

Cultural studies primarily concerns in the following except

Select one:

a. Understanding ways in which identities are formed

b. Understanding how codes of behavior are articulated, enforced and reshaped

c. Understanding about ritual practices and what scriptures say

d. Heightening attention to beliefs and practices implicitly enforces


The correct answer is: Understanding about ritual practices and what scriptures say

A Christian sacrament marked by ritual use of water and admitting the recipient to the Christian

Select one:

a. Monasticism

b. Diaspora

c. Methodism

d. Baptism


The correct answer is: Baptism

You had seen your friend’s post in facebook about how he hates all Muslims because they are all
terrorists. What will you do as a religious literate person?

Select one:

a. Understand where he is coming from and that his post maybe justifiable because many people are
killed during terrorist attacks.

b. Ignore his post because we all have our freedom to express.

c. Accept the fact that in reality, we have our own biases towards our religion.
d. Tell him to stop generalizing. Though Muslim fundamentalists were behind in recent terrorist attacks,
not all Muslims are Muslim fundamentalists.


The correct answer is: Tell him to stop generalizing. Though Muslim fundamentalists were behind in
recent terrorist attacks, not all Muslims are Muslim fundamentalists.

The emotional nature of stressful events is lessened at times by reducing it to cold logic.

Answer: repression

This is the most primitive defense mechanism, in which the ego simply refuses to acknowledge anxiety-
producing realities.

Answer: denial

This defense mechanism involves directing unacceptable impulses at a less threatening target.

Answer: Intellectualization

It is the most powerful and pervasive defense mechanism. It pushes unacceptable id impulses back into
the unconscious mind.

Answer: Displacement

The person expresses an unconscious wish in a socially valued way, such as a boxer who channeled his
aggressive drive in the ring.

Answer: Sublimation

These are tactics that the ego uses to reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality.

Answer: ego

This is the harsh internal judge of our behavior. It is reflected in what we often call conscience and
evaluates the morality of our behavior.

Answer: Id

This is Jung’s name for the impersonal, deepest layer of the unconscious mind, shared by all human
beings because of their common ancestral past.

Answer: Defense mechanism

This is the Freudian structure of personality that deals with the demands of reality. It abides by reali

Answer: Collective unconscious

It consists of unconscious drives and is the individual’s reservoir of sexual energy. It works for the
pleasure principle.

Answer: super ego

Culture is defined by Storey as

Select one:

a. shared meanings we make and encounter in our everyday lives

b. a set of limits within which social behavior must be contained

c. an ensemble of beliefs and practices that function as a pervasive technology of control

d. personal meanings each person makes with and from the ‘texts’ he encounters from his everyday life

The correct answer is: shared meanings we make and encounter in our everyday lives

In which of these situations was religious literacy applied?

Select one:

a. A public teacher humiliated a student who did not know a verse in the Bible.

b. A Muslim employer refused to accept a qualified applicant because he is a Catholic and it would affect
their working relationship.

c. After the recent Paris terrorist attacks, there was a 300% increase of hate crimes against Muslims in

d. A store clerk who let a Muslim customer purchase despite the manager’s order to block Muslims from
their store after bombing happened in their community.


The correct answer is: A store clerk who let a Muslim customer purchase despite the manager’s order to
block Muslims from their store after bombing happened in their community.

True or False: The recognition that all knowledge claims are situated is a manifestation of relativism
whereby all interpretations are considered to be equally valid.

Select one:

a. Can neither be true nor false

b. True

c. Can either be true or false

d. False

The correct answer is: False

The phrases, “Buddhists encourages internal peace.” or “Islam encourages violence.” are problematic
and even wrong. Why?

Select one:

a. All religions encourage both peace and violence.

b. People’s behaviors in the 21st century are more influenced by media and not by religion anymore.

c. Buddhists are really violent and majority of Muslims is peaceful.

d. No generalizations can be made because of the vast diversity of beliefs and interpretations of
sect/branches within a religion


The correct answer is: No generalizations can be made because of the vast diversity of beliefs and
interpretations of sect/branches within a religion

A study of religion in a devotional perspective presumes religious legitimacy of knowledge claims.

Select one:

a. True

b. False


The correct answer is: False

An energetic devotional reform movement, emphasizing the forgiveness and grace of a loving God

Select one:

a. Methodism

b. Diaspora

c. Baptism

d. Monasticism


The correct answer is: Methodism

One assumption of the cultural studies approach is that the method is discrete.

Select one:

a. True

b. False


The correct answer is: False

Theology is the academic study of religious beliefs, behaviors and institutions.

Select one:

a. False

b. True


The correct answer is: False

Religious traditions and practices of sect/branches within a religion are uniform

Select one:

a. False

b. True


The correct answer is: False

True or False: The Theravada tradition sees Shakyamuni Buddha as central.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

c. Either true or false

d. Neither true nor false

The correct answer is: True

A new movement to reform the corrupt practices within the Catholic Church.

Select one:

a. Pentecostalism

b. Catholic Reformation

c. Sufism

d. Salafim

The correct answer is: Catholic Reformation

Religions are internally diverse.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

The correct answer is: True

What is one possible explanation of why most victims of Muslim hate crimes are women?

Select one:

a. All of the choices

b. Muslim women are attractive and are physically weaker so those who attack them are encouraged to
do so.

c. Most women are vulnerable to violent attacks and their Muslim identity is more obvious because they
wear a headdress.

d. Most women Muslims perpetrate the terrorist attacks. They hold the highest positions among terrorist

The correct answer is: Most women are vulnerable to violent attacks and their Muslim identity is more
obvious because they wear a headdress.

The members of the LGBT community being viewed as ‘immoral’ by some Christians is a clear
manifestation of

Select one:

a. Direct Violence
b. Indirect Violence

c. Cultural Violence

d. Structural Violence

The correct answer is: Cultural Violence

Muslims claim that Muhammad is the final prophet of God.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

The correct answer is: True

One assumption of the cultural studies approach is that the method is discrete.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

The correct answer is: False

She believed that the need for security, not for sex, is the prime motive of human existence.

Answer: Gordon Allport

He is referred to as the father of American personality psychology.

Answer: Abraham Maslow

According ___________self-actualization is the motivation to develop one’s full potential as human

being. A person at this optimal level of existence would be tolerant of others, have a gentle sense of
humor, and be likely to pursue the greater good.

Answer: Carl Rogers

He believed that we are all born with the raw ingredients of a fulfilling life – we simply need the right
condition to thrive. Each person is born with natural capacities for growth and fulfillment.

Answer: Carl Jung

He concluded that archetypes emerge in art, literature, religion and dreams

Answer: Karen Horney

Muslims generally consider translations of Quran to different languages to be interpretations and not the
Quran itself.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

The correct answer is: True

Apartheid in South Africa

Select one:

a. Direct Violence

b. Structural Violence

c. Cultural Violence

d. Traditional Violence

The correct answer is: Structural Violence

True or False: Galtung’s typologies of violence present the idea of violence being inevitable.

Select one:

a. Can neither be true nor false

b. False

c. Can either be true or false

d. True

The correct answer is: False

o be completely unbiased in understanding world religions may not be achieved in reality, what then can
be the best attribute of a religious literate person?

Select one:

a. Being completely unbiased should be first in attaining religious literacy

b. Can be biased towards his/her own religion but should be open and sincere in understanding other
c. Can be biased towards his/her religion but critically sees the similarities and contrasts among the
different religions

d. Firm in his/her conclusion that their religion is the only true religion but then respects other religions

The correct answer is: Can be biased towards his/her own religion but should be open and sincere in
understanding other religions

Religious studies concerns the

Select one:

a. interpreting and applying the words in the Bible and its verses

b. strengthening one’s religious faith and devotional beliefs

c. understanding the truth about God and what one needs to be saved

d. understanding other religious beliefs, traditions and institutions in a scientific approach

The correct answer is: understanding other religious beliefs, traditions and institutions in a scientific

The members of the LGBT community being deprived of certain civil rights is a clear manifestation of

Select one:

a. Indirect Violence

b. Structural Violence

c. Cultural Violence

d. Direct Violence

The correct answer is: Structural Violence

Religion and culture are inseparable.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

The correct answer is: True

A religious literate person needs to understand the following except:

Select one:

a. the truth about God and the ways to be saved

b. understand the historical and cultural contexts that shaped religions

c. the diversity of religious beliefs, traditions and institutions among and within religions

d. religious dimensions across time and places

The correct answer is: the truth about God and the ways to be saved

Jews believe that the words of their sacred book were originally revealed by the Angel Gabriel.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

The correct answer is: False

Religion functions in the promotion of both violence and peace.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

The correct answer is: True

Which of the following statements about religion in the 21st century is true?

Select one:

a. The influences of religions in human society remain potent in the 21st century.

b. Most people choose to be a nonmember due to internal conflicts between religions.

c. The influences of religion have been steadily declining due to modernization.

d. Most people have diverted their belief towards science than in religion.

The correct answer is: The influences of religions in human society remain potent in the 21st century.

The type of violence that represents the systematic ways in which some groups are hindered from equal
access to opportunities, goods and services that enable the fulfillment of basic human needs
Select one:

a. Direct Violence

b. Cultural Violence

c. Structural Violence

d. Indirect Violence

The correct answer is: Structural Violence

What action/s shall be provided to attain religious literacy in a national scale?

Select one:

a. Religions should be discussed personally inside families and not in public schools.

b. Enforce the law protecting victims of hate crimes and violence against religious sectors

c. Include a curriculum on World Religions from a nonsectarian perspective in public education

d. There are more important national issues than hate crimes

The correct answers are: Include a curriculum on World Religions from a nonsectarian perspective in
public education, Enforce the law protecting victims of hate crimes and violence against religious sectors

Muslims claim that Muhammad is only a messenger and not a divine being.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

The correct answer is: True

The assumptions of the cultural studies approach in understanding religion are the following except

Select one:

a. Culture norms represent uncontested absolute, universal truths

b. All forms of inquiry are interpretations which are filtered through particular lenses

c. Religion is fundamentally entwined with political, economic and culture contexts

d. All knowledge claims are situated in that they arise out of a particular social/historical contexts

The correct answer is: Culture norms represent uncontested absolute, universal truths
True or False: Terrorist attacks are not part of Islam.

Select one:

a. Can either be true or false

b. True. Islam is all about love. Nothing else. Acts like these are not supported by the original texts of
Islam and therefore shouldn’t be considered part of Islam.

c. Can neither be true nor false

d. False. Radical Muslims committed terrorist attacks. They may not represent classical Islam or Islam in
its entirety buy they show how religions are interpreted and reinterpreted in different time and space

The correct answer is: False. Radical Muslims committed terrorist attacks. They may not represent
classical Islam or Islam in its entirety buy they show how religions are interpreted and reinterpreted in
different time and space contexts.

Which of the following is/are not included in the five precepts at the foundation of all morality?

Select one:

a. Not stealing

b. Not killing

c. Not lying

d. Not cheating

The correct answer is: Not cheating

Which of the statements is true about religion?

Select one:

a. It is isolated from political and social contexts.

b. It is shaped by historical movements and cultural contexts.

c. It does not influence and is not influenced by human society.

d. It is uniform throughout its branches to maintain its structure.

The correct answer is: It is shaped by historical movements and cultural contexts.
In Arabic, the word islam means called out.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

The correct answer is: False

Geography has a great impact on religion and religious beliefs.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

The correct answer is: True

True or False: The Theravada tradition is more flexible about the orthodoxy of scriptures.

Select one:

a. False

b. Either true or false

c. True

d. Neither true nor false

The correct answer is: False

Why are Muslim families in France facing difficulties after the Paris attacks?

Select one:

a. Parents had difficulties explaining their children that the Paris attacks were for Allah and his cause.

b. All of the choices

c. Muslim families faced starvation after governments cut food supply for them.

d. Children face discrimination in schools and in their communities

The correct answer is: Children face discrimination in schools and in their communities
The ideal spiritual model of Theravada Buddhism who attains nirvana and have perfected their discipline
such that defilements and desires are extinguished

Select one:

a. Buddha

b. Bodhisattva

c. Dalai Lama

d. Arahants

The correct answer is: Arahants

The ideal spiritual model of Theravada Buddhism who attains nirvana and have perfected their discipline
such that defilements and desires are extinguished

Select one:

a. Buddha

b. Bodhisattva

c. Dalai Lama

d. Arahants

The correct answer is: Arahants

Kabbalah represents the repeated exile of the Jewish people.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

The correct answer is: False

Monasticism was the movement emphasizing the forgiveness of and grace of loving God.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

The correct answer is: False

A nonsectarian perspective in understanding religion fosters religious literacy.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

The correct answer is: True

Religions evolve through time and across places

Select one:

a. False

b. True

The correct answer is: True

Massive structural violence is still evident today but now labeled as

Select one:

a. Bias

b. Prejudice

c. Discrimination

d. Injustice

The correct answer is: Discrimination

Which is the best definition of Islamophobia?

Select one:

a. The fear of Muslims

b. The fear of Koran

c. The dislike or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force

d. The fear of Islam


The correct answer is: The dislike or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force
The ideal religious figure in the Mahayana tradition

Select one:

a. Bodhisattva

b. Bhikshus

c. Buddha

d. Bhikshunis


The correct answer is: Bodhisattva

The Buddhist tradition which regards itself as the most faithful to the teachings that have been passed
down through the generations

Select one:

a. Vedic

b. Vajrayana

c. Mahayana

d. Theravada


The correct answer is: Theravada

An Islamic stream of interpretation emphasizing the interior path of mystical love and knowledge of God.

Select one:

a. Sufism

b. Catholic Reformation

c. Salafim

d. Pentecostalism

The correct answer is: Sufism

Which is the best explanation to why radical Muslims commit acts of terrorism?

Select one:

a. They are simply the acts of Allah. Nothing more.

b. They are caused by the rise of arms. The more gun, artillery, and other military weapons are created,
the more these things happen.

c. These acts are more politically motivated than religious.

d. These acts are both political and religious. They are political responses to the atrocities of Western
governments towards Muslim countries and are also seen by those who commit them as expressions of

The correct answer is: These acts are both political and religious. They are political responses to the
atrocities of Western governments towards Muslim countries and are also seen by those who commit
them as expressions of faith.

Relativism presumes that all knowledge claims are equally valid.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

The correct answer is: True

In what way/s is Christianity similar to Judaism?

Select one:

a. the belief in one God as the Creator and the Divine Ruler

b. the belief in Jesus as the prophet and messenger of God

c. the belief that righteous acts and deeds are ways to be saved on the Day of Judgment

d. the belief in Abraham and Sarah as the common ancestor of humankind

The correct answer is: the belief in one God as the Creator and the Divine Ruler

True or False: The nature of method of cultural studies approach to religion is multi and inter-
Select one:

a. Can either be true or false

b. True

c. False

d. Can neither be true nor false

The correct answer is: True

Kabbalah represents the repeated exile of the Jewish people.

Select one:

a. False

b. True


The correct answer is: False

Intrinsic Motivation

→ Care about your well-being,


→ explain why people do what they do,


→ Positive feedback,

Organizational Support

→ j. Autonomy,


→ Goals,

Two-factor theory of Emotion

→ food,

Evolutionary Model

→ State of tension

Hierarchical Model
→ physiological arousal occurs first,


→ Self-actualization

Extrinsic Motivators

→ Changes in conscious experience

What is the main difference between a theologian and religious scholar?

Select one:

a. A theologian is naturally a believer of the religion he studies; a religious scholar is a nonbeliever of any

b. A theologian uses a Biblical approach; a religious scholar uses a scientific and/or academic approach in
understanding world religions

c. A theologian do not require historical and cultural knowledge of the religion he/she studies; a religious
scholar shall understand the historical and cultural contexts of world religions

d. A theologian is biased toward a particular faith; a religious scholar is expected to be objective in

understanding world religions

The correct answer is: A theologian is biased toward a particular faith; a religious scholar is expected to
be objective in understanding world religions

The Buddhist tradition which regards itself as “great” both in its interpretations of the Buddha’s teaching
and in its openness to a broader group of people, especially lay people

Select one:

a. Vajrayana

b. Theravada

c. Mahayana

d. Vedic


The correct answer is: Mahayana

Muslims claim that Muhammad is only a messenger and not a divine being.

Select one:

a. False
b. True


The correct answer is: False

A movement to return the era of the First Muslim Community.

Select one:

a. Sufism

b. Catholic Reformation

c. Pentecostalism

d. Salafim

The correct answer is: Pentecostalism

Traditional schools throughout the Muslim world for advanced study of law, philosophy, theology, arts
and sciences


What is/are Islam’s understanding of God/Allah?

Ans: c. The Creator and Ruler of the entire universe and the ultimate Judge of all human beings

The unity and oneness of God which Muhammad spoke of in contrast to polytheism


The rules of pronunciation, intonation, and approach governing the recitation of Quran


Islamic term for a universal community

What term refers to a stream of interpretation of Islam emphasizing the interior path of mystical love
and knowledge of God?

Ans: suffism

One of the Sunni Muslim’s “five pillars of Islam” referring to the pilgrimage to Mecca


Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers.

Minority (ethnic) discrimination in workplaces.


The type of violence that represents behaviors that serve to threaten life itself and/or diminish one’s
capacity to meet basic human needs


The members of the LGBT community being deprived of certain civil rights is a clear manifestation of


Farmers who cannot own, sell nor mortgage the land to take a loan


Typologies of violence, discrimination is used to sanitize massive cultural violence.


Massive cultural violence is till event today but now labeled as


The type of violence that represents the existence of prevailing or prominent social norms that make
direct and structural violence seem natural or right or at least acceptable

Palestinians in Israel do not have 100% rights and privileges of Jewish citizens


Disabled people/handicapped rarely get a job they are qualified for.


Women being deprived of political rights and viewed as inferior to men is a clear manifestation of


In china, female babies are sometimes killed with a law limiting families to one child

Ans: Direct/Cultural

The three forms of violence are independent with each other.


The article, The Clash Within, explains that religious violence is a product of clash of civilizations.


True or False: The three forms of violence are interrelated and mutually reinforcing.


The members of the LGBT community being viewed as ‘immoral’ by some Christians is a clear
manifestation of


Negative peace includes structural (human) integration, preventive and achieved always by peaceful

Refer to the reading, The Clash Within: The Manichean claim is that the real struggle is a struggle within
the individual self.


True or False: Massive cultural violence is labeled today as discrimination.


The type of violence that represents the systematic ways in which some groups are hindered from equal
access to opportunities, goods and services that enable the fulfillment of basic human needs


Massive structural violence is still evident today but now labeled as

Ans: Dicrimination

True or False: Galtung’s typologies of violence present the idea of violence being inevitable


A person working as a house helper who does not meet his/her basic needs such as food because of
his/her employer’s restrictions is a clear manifestation of


Refer to the reading, The Clash Within: The Manichean claim is that the real struggle is a struggle within
the individual self.


Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers. Some
numbers may have two/three answers.

Minority (ethnic) discrimination in workplaces.


Referring to the successor of Muhammad


What refers to the movement born during the European colonialism arguing that the faith and practice
of Muslims had become distanced from the original message of Quran and the Prophet, as the masses
have adapted and innovated devotional practices?


The movement born for the improvement of the Jews; the Jewish Enlightenment


Term for the mystical tradition within Judaism


Geographical context was essential to the development of ancient Israelite monotheism.


The stream of Judaism which emphasizes concerns with ethics and morality is referred to as


King David’s son who built a Holy Temple in Jerusalem


The Hindu Ultimate permeating all existence is:


Remote communities having no access to basic resources and services is a clear manifestation of
Ans : structural

Women are still not allowed to vote in Vatican City.

Ans : structural/cultural

According to the reading on Galtung’s Typologies of violence, discrimination is used to sanitize massive
cultural violence.

Ans : false

Witchcraft performed as part of native religion in Negroid populations in Africa often results to murder
of human Albinos as they are perceived as objects of fear and loathing.

Ans : structural

Why are Muslim families in France facing difficulties after the Paris attacks?

Ans Children face discrimination in schools and in their communities

Religious studies concerns the

Ans understanding other religious beliefs, traditions and institutions in a scientific approach

The phrases, “Buddhists encourages internal peace.” or “Islam encourages violence.” are problematic
and even wrong. Why?

The correct answer is: No generalizations can be made because of the vast diversity of beliefs and
interpretations of sect/branches within a religion

The following state Islamic understanding of God/Allah except:


a. The Divine being represented on earth as prophets and/or messengers

The Hebrew term for the widespread and enormous genocide of the Jewish people brought by anti-

One of Judaism’s elements that includes customs and food, arts and music, dance and folkways

Answer : CULTURE

The major Jewish holidays all originated as agricultural festivals

Answer : TRUE

Refers to the repeated exile of the Jewish people from their homeland in Israel

Answer : Diaspora Nationalism

Which of the following statements refers to Judaism?

Answer :Judaism is the Jewish religion that teaches the life of Jesus

A Greek termed coined specifically for the dispersion of Jews throughout the Hallenistic or Greek-
speaking world


Kabbalah was the movement of the common folk, stressing populism and social welfare.

Ans : true

Which of the following statement on the early Hebrew’s understanding of God is true?

Ans : a. Like Mesopotamians, the early Hebrews worshipped numerous nature deities and represented
them in forms of images and symbols

The Jewish tradition of peopehood have produced the modern ideological movement of Jewish
nationalism called

Answer : ZIONISM

The Hebrews believe that God was an abstract concept or principle socially constructed by humanity.
Answer : true

One of Judaism’s elements that embodies Judaism’s intellectual culture, focusing on the study,
understanding, and interpretation of sacred texts.

Ans : TRUE

What accusations and/or events of the anti-Jewish reactionaries led to the formation of a new political
movement, anti-Semitism or the elimination of Jews from the society?

Ans :all of the choices

What was the main goal of the movement, Reform Judaism, during the modern period?

Answer : Challenge Judaism’s beliefs, practices and interpretations of the Torah

The Torah is a religious textual compendium developed over the history of the Jewish people.

Ans : true

The promised land in Jewish’ history which Jews’ intended to return to after their enslavement in Egypt

Answer :isaac

What was the greatest and most relevant achievement of Zionism?

Answe : ISRAEL

What was the greatest and most relevant achievement of Zionism?

ANSWER: The establishment of a modern Jewish state in Israel

The vision of a universal, singular God is arguably one of the greatest religious innovations of the Jewish
tradition among the world’s historic religious systems.

Answer: TRUE
A modern ideological movement of Jewish nationalism and the idea of the restoration of the Jewish
homeland in Palestin


True or False: Religious functions in both the promotion of cultural violence and cultural peace.


What is the difference between Shi’a and Sunni interpretations of the Quran?

Ans : c. Shi’a Muslims believe that Muhammad, the Messenger and the final prophet of God, is a Divine
being; Sunni Muslims rejected this belief.

The Quran is composed of chapters called as surahs which include themes such as the following except:

Ans : a. Prayers and praise of God and a recounting of God’s signs in creation

The rules of pronunciation, intonation, and approach governing the recitation of Quran


The totality of God’s will regarding human action as represented in the Quran and Sunnah


The opening chapter (surah) in the Quran which is recited by many Muslims as part of their prayer

What is the lightest element in the periodic table?

Select one:

a. Beryllium

b. Helium

c. Lithium

d. Hydrogen

The correct answer is: Hydrogen

What kind of element would you find on the far left-hand side of the periodic table?

Select one:

a. non-metal

b. noble gas

c. halogen

d. metal

The correct answer is: metal

Which were the first elements to form after the Big Bang started to cool?

Select one:

a. H and He

b. C and Si

c. U and Pt

d. O and N

The correct answer is: H and He

One common lab chemical is sometimes called the universal solvent. What is this chemical?

Select one:

a. Water

b. Acetone

c. Hydrochloric Acid

d. Ether

The correct answer is: Water

The symbol Nd stands for which chemical element?

Select one:

a. Neodymium

b. Neptunium

c. Niobium

d. Nihonium

The correct answer is: Neptunium

Which one is not a trend in the periodic table?

Select one:

a. atomic radius

b. ionization energy

c. oxidation state

d. electro negativity

The correct answer is: oxidation state

Order the following forms of matter from smallest to largest.

Select one:

a. electron – atom – molecule

b. atom – compound – neutron

c. polymer – proton – atom

d. neutron – atom – electron

The correct answer is: electron – atom – molecule

Sodium (Na) is most likely to form a compound with which of the following element?

Select one:

a. Chlorine

b. Calcium

c. Iron

d. Lithium

The correct answer is: Chlorine

This person is credited with the invention of the modern periodic table.

Select one:

a. Gregor Johann Mendel

b. Dmitri Mendeleev

c. Niels Bohr

d. Albert Einstein

The correct answer is: Dmitri Mendeleev

Which scientist proposed that atoms are infinitesimal round balls and unable to be seen by the naked

Select one:

a. John Dalton

b. Democritus

c. Ernest Rutherford

d. JJ Thomson

The correct answer is: John Dalton

In Thomson's Model of an Atom, what sub-atomic particle represents the plums or the raisins?

Select one:

a. protons

b. positrons

c. electrons

d. neutrons

The correct answer is: electrons

What process of writing will show the arrangement of electrons in an orbitals of an atom?

Select one:

a. Radioactive Decay

b. Electronic Configuration

c. Orbital Notation

d. Nuclear Reaction

The correct answer is: Electronic Configuration

It pertains to the formation of elements by combining the simple nuclei or atomic particles with the help
of extremely hot temperature and pressure.

Select one:

a. Chemical Bond

b. Nuclear Fusion

c. Nuclear Reaction

d. Nucleosynthesis

The correct answer is: Nucleosynthesis

He believed that all matter consisted of extremely small particles that could not be divided, which then
he called - atomos - that means uncut or indivisible.

Select one:

a. Joseph John Thomson

b. Ernest Rutherford

c. Democritus

d. John Dalton

The correct answer is: Democritus

Which best represents alpha particle?

Select one:

a. Helium atom

b. Hydrogen atom

c. Electron particle

d. Proton particle

The correct answer is: Hydrogen atom

What type of terrestrial motion is responsible for the daily rising and setting of the sun and the stars?

Select one:

a. Annual Motion

b. Diurnal Motion

c. Solar Eclipse

d. Retrograde Motion

The correct answer is: Diurnal Motion

According to Kepler, the path of a planet as it revolves around the sun is a/an_________________.

Select one:

a. ellipse

b. cone

c. sphere

d. circle

The correct answer is: ellipse

Who among the following philosophers is NOT a proponent of the geocentric model of the universe?

Select one:

a. Copernicus

b. Hipparchus

c. Aristotle

d. Ptolemy

The correct answer is: Copernicus

Which of the following is NOT correctly paired with the contribution of the astronomer?

Select one:

a. Johannes Kepler - Lunar Craters

b. Tycho Brahe - Law of Periods

c. Ptolemy – Geocentric Theory

d. Nicolaus Copernicus - Heliocentric Theory

The correct answer is: Johannes Kepler - Lunar Craters

This refers to the closest point of the sun in a planet's orbit.

Select one:

a. equant

b. perihelion

c. focus

d. aphelion

The correct answer is: perihelion

Which of the following best describes Galileo's inertia?

Select one:

a. Inertia keeps objects moving.

b. A heavier object has more inertia.

c. An object with little inertia tends to have its rest or motion changed with difficulty.
d. An object with little inertia tends to have its rest or motion changed easily.

The correct answer is: An object with little inertia tends to have its rest or motion changed with difficulty

Which of the following represents a horizontal line in a velocity-versus-time graph?

Select one:

a. There is a uniformly decelerated motion.

b. There is a uniform motion.

c. There is no motion at all.

d. There is a uniformly accelerated motion.

The correct answer is: There is a uniformly accelerated motion.

Which model of the universe is said to be Earth-centered?

The correct answer is: PTOLEMAIC

Where is the Sun located with respect to a planet’s elliptical orbit

The correct answer is: FOCAL POINT

What property of a planet has this property directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of
its orbit

The correct answer is: ORBITAL PERIOD

What is this type of observable motion that is associated with heavenly bodies?

The correct answer is: DIURNAL MOTION

What is the universe model that is said to be Sun-centered?

The correct answer is: COPERNICAN

What is the term that refers to the slow and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical
body’s rotational axis?
The correct answer is: AXIAL PRECESSION

What is the term that refers to the motion of the Earth around the sun?

The correct answer is: REVOLUTION

What is the periodic observable motion that is the result of the Earth’s movement on its axis?

The correct answer is: DIURNAL MOTION

What is the oldest heavenly body that has been observed and has preceded great events in history?

The correct answer is: HALLEY’S COMET

What is the more common term for the annual motion of the Earth with respect to the sun?

The correct answer is: REVOLUTION

What is the constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler?

The correct answer is: AREA SPEED

What is the center of the universe in the Copernican system?

The correct answer is: SUN

What is the center of the universe based on the model by Ptolemy?

The correct answer is: EARTH

What do you call the motion of the Earth that is responsible for diurnal motion?

The correct answer is: ROTATION

What do you call the event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator?

The correct answer is: EQUINOX

What do you call the ancient constellations that are related to Earth’s annual motion?

The correct answer is: ZODIAC

What do you call Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion

The correct answer is: ROTATION

This structure was developed by the Mayans as they observed Venus.

The correct answer is: CARACOL

This motion is also called the revolution of the Earth around the sun.

The correct answer is: ANNUAL MOTION

This model of the universe considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe models.

The correct answer is: TYCHONIC

This model is the combination of two ancient models of the universe.

The correct answer is: TYCHONIC

This ancient device aligns with the North Star and is used to determine the precise time of its user’s

The correct answer is: ASTROLABE

Name the star blamed by the Greeks for the intensity of their summer.

The correct answer is: SIRIUS

Name the line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths.

correct answer is: CELESTIAL EQUATOR

Identify the main factor in the precession of equinoxes.

gravitational pull of the sun

correct answer: GRAVITY

Identify the date of the year when the Earth is at its closest from the Sun.

The correct answer is: PERIHELION

Where are stars born?

The correct answer is: Nebula

True or False: When a gas is compressed, its temperature decreases.

The correct answer is: False

True or False: The matter in the early universe was not smoothly distributed across space.

The correct answer is: True

True or False: The human body is composed of 65% oxygen & 18% carbon.

The correct answer is: True

True or False: High-mass stars eventually evolve into white-dwarves.

The correct answer is: False

True or False: New stars are born in the Orion nebula.

The correct answer is: true

True or False: Dalton was the first to introduce the idea of the atom.

The correct answer is: false

True or False: Dalton thought individual atoms were solid, hard spheres so he modeled them with
wooden balls.

The correct answer is: True

This refers to a star that has a mass of more than 8 solar masses.

The correct answer is: supergiant

The region where an electron is most likely to be is called an

The correct answer is: orbital

puts the elements in order of increasing atomic number, into seven horizontal rows.

The correct answer is: periodic table

of an element is the average mass of all its naturally occurring isotopes.

The correct answer is: atomic mass

is the small, dense region at the center of an atom where protons are also found.


The correct answer is: nucleus

True or False: The Earth's core is is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and about 1% argon.

The correct answer is: False

are fixed distances from the nucleus.

The correct answer is: Energy levels

About __ % of the universe is hydrogen.

The correct answer is: 90

Who coined the term, "radioactivity"?

Select one:

a. Henri Becquerel

b. Marie Curie

c. Ernest Rutherford

d. Pierre Curie

The correct answer is: Marie Curie

This fusion process details how helium is made in our sun.

Select one:

a. proton-proton chain

b. CNO cycle

c. triple alpha process

The correct answer is: proton-proton chain

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