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Quarter 3 – Module 3:
Music – Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3– Module 3: Dynamics
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders.
Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Authors: Gloria E. Tiwana, Jeanie Balista
Editors: Mary Grace V. Cinco, Ma. Fe L. Brillantes, Lilibeth E. Larupay
Reviewers: Ma. Fe L. Brillantes, Lilibeth E. Larupay, Percy M. Borro
Illustrators: Armand Glenn S. Lapor, Francis Julius P. Fama,
Cyrell T. Navarro, Gil S. Montinola
Layout Artists: Lilibeth E. Larupay, Armand Glenn S. Lapor
Management Team: Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma, Josilyn S. Solana
Roel F. Bermejo, Nordy D. Siason
Lilibeth T. Estoque, Azucena T. Falales
Elena P. Gonzaga, Donald T. Genine,
Athea V. Landar, Jerry A. Oquendo,
Ruben S. Libutaque, Lilibeth E. Larupay,
Percy M. Borro, Ma. Fe L. Brillantes, Juan Adlai C. Caigoy

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education – Region VI

Office Address: Duran St., Iloilo City____________________________

Telefax: (033) 336 2816, (033) 509 7653___________________
E-mail Address: [email protected]_________________________

Quarter 3 – Module 3:
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

Welcome to the Music 6 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Dynamics.

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators
both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in
helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while
overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration
their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies
that will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist
the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:

Welcome to the Music 6 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Dynamics.

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be
enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in
the module.

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link

the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways; a story, a
song, a poem, a problem opener, an activity
or a situation.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of

the lesson. This aims to help you discover
and understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent

practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.

What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank

sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will

help you transfer your new knowledge or
skill into real life situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your

level of mastery in achieving the learning
Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given
to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of
the lesson learned.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in

developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of
the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning
and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know

In the last module, you introduced to the different musical instruments and their
importance to music.
This time, you will learn about the different dynamic markings. It will allow you to
sing songs with varied dynamic levels.

The module has three lessons with titles:

 Lesson 1: Dynamic Markings
 Lesson 2: Singing Songs with Soft Level Dynamics
 Lesson 3: Singing Songs with Varied Dynamics

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify different dynamic markings;

2. sing songs with soft level dynamics;
3. use varied dynamics in a song performance.

 piano (p)
 mezzo piano (mp)
 pianissimo (pp)
 forte (f)
 mezzo forte (mf)
 fortissimo (ff)

 crescendo

 decrescendo

What I Know

Directions: Read the items carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. In the song “Magtanim ay Masaya”, the musical phrase lahat ay masaya, should
be sung gradually from soft to loud. Which symbol is found above the musical
A. B. mp C. ff D. p

2. There are some parts of a song that need to be sung gradually becoming loud.
Which dynamics is used?
A. decrescendo B. forte C. crescendo D. piano

3. It is a dynamic mark in which the part of the song in line with the symbol will be
sung in a very loud manner. Which symbol is being referred to?
A. p B. f C. ff D. pp

4. Dynamics refers to the softness and loudness of a sound in music. Which of the
following is an example of dynamics?
A. B. # C. D. mp

5. It is a dynamic mark in which the part of a song in line with the symbol will be
sung in a very soft manner. Which is the symbol being referred to?
A. p B. f C. ff D. pp

6. It is a dynamic marking that means singing gradually from loud to soft.

A. fortississimo B. decrescendo C. crescendo D. piano

7. In the song “Ako ay Pilipino”, the part taas noo kahit kanino should be sung in a
very loud manner. Which dynamic marking means very loud?
A. mp B. f C. ff D. p

8. The song “Tulog Na” is to be sung softly. Which musical symbol should be used?
A. mf B. C. p D. ff

9. Italian words and symbols are used to indicate dynamics. What is the Italian
word for pp?
A. piano B. forte C. fortissimo D. pianissimo

10. The musical phrase of a song you are singing has a dynamic mark ff. How will
you interpret that particular musical phrase?
A. Sing the song softly.
B. Sing the song very loud.
C. Sing the song gradually from soft to loud.
D. Sing the song from loud to soft.

Dynamic Markings
Have you heard a mother singing a lullaby to her sleeping baby? How does she
sing it? Is the music loud or soft? What if a band marching around a town fiesta plays
the music differently in a very soft manner? Do they defeat the purpose for playing the
music? Let’s find out, how!

Music has to follow certain levels of extremes when it comes to volume. This is
called dynamics. You are going to learn more about this expressive element of music as
you go through this lesson.

What’s In

In your previous lesson, you have learned about the different musical ensembles
found in your community. This activity will test how much you have learned from that
lesson. Let us find out.
Directions: True or False: Write T if the description of the ensemble is correct and F if
the description is wrong.

1. The Kulintangan Ensemble is a gong-based ensemble used by the

Maguindanao and Maranao of Western Mindanao.
2. The Rondalla is also known as the Filipino String Band.
3. Choirs are musical ensembles of singers.
4. Loboc Children’s Choir from Bohol is an example of Kulintang Ensemble.
5. Performers of Angklung Ensemble use bamboo which consists of two or more
bamboo tubes tuned in octaves.

Notes to the Teacher
This module is designed for independent or self-
paced study. It allows the learners to learn by considering
their convenience for time and or location according to his
or her individual needs and ability. Learners can study at
his/her preferred time and environment without undue
interruption of work. Please make sure learners who use
this material can get frequent feedback and are given the
opportunity to reflect on information and on their learning

What’s New

A pleasant day to you learner!

What can you say to the volume of sound you hear when you are inside the
church? How about in the public market? How do you compare the them?

In music, we use the word dynamics to describe the volume of music. It is an

element of music which refers to the degree of loudness and softness of sound. It is one
of the expressive elements that adds more beauty in a composition .

Study the musical score of the song “Ako ay Pilipino”.

Aside from notes and rests, what do you call the other musical symbols found
on the musical score? Can you name one symbol? How is it used?

Yes, these musical symbols are called dynamic markings. They are commonly
observed in musical pieces. Dynamics is the volume in music. They indicate how loud
or soft the music should be sung or played. It can also be gradual or sudden change of
volume. In printed and digital music, dynamics are written in Italian. For instrumental
parts, dynamic markings are placed under (or nearby) a note or beneath a musical
staff. For vocal parts, the dynamic markings are placed above (or nearby) a note or on
top of the musical staff. Moreover, composers use dynamics to change the mood of the
music. It is very important to know and to apply the different dynamic markings and
also the different musical signs and symbols in a composition for you to be able to play
or sing more accurately.

What is It

One of the best ways of applying dynamics in a song is to be familiar with the
different dynamic markings and to understand each meaning.

The chart below indicates the different Italian terms for dynamic levels and it’s
corresponding meaning and symbols.

Italian Term Meaning Dynamic Marks

pianissisimo as soft as possible ppp

pianissimo very soft pp
piano Soft p
mezzo piano moderately soft mp
mezzo forte moderately loud mf
forte Loud f
fortissimo very loud ff
fortissisimo as loud as possible fff
crescendo gradually becoming loud

decrescendo gradually becoming soft

The main dynamic levels are p or piano, which means soft and f or forte,
which means loud. More subtle degrees of loudness or softness are indicated by mp for
mezzo piano, which means moderately soft and mf for mezzo forte which means
moderately loud. Aside from f and p, there are also pp which stands for pianissimo,
meaning very soft while ff stands for fortissimo, meaning very loud.

To gradually change the dynamics, musicians use crescendo to increase in

volume or gradually becoming loud and decrescendo to decrease in volume or gradually
becoming soft.

What’s More

Great! Now that you have identified the different dynamic markings, let us get
started with our activities. Are you ready?
Activity 1:
Directions: Study the musical score below. Then, identify the dynamic markings used
in the score and give the meaning of each.

1. _______________________ _________________________

2. _______________________ _________________________

3. _______________________ _________________________

Activity 2:

Directions: Study the musical score and answer the questions below.

a. What dynamic marking means gradually becoming loud?

What words in the musical score have this symbol?

b. What dynamic marking means gradually becoming soft?

What words in the musical score have this symbol?

c. What dynamic marking means loud?

Which measure/s in the musical score has/have this symbol?

d. What dynamic marking means moderately soft?
Which measure/s in the musical score has/have this symbol?

Activity 3
Directions: Read and study the song below. Think of dynamic markings that are
suitable for the song. Place the dynamic markings above the staff
to indicate the different dynamic levels.

To the Learning Facilitator: Evaluate the child’s performance by checking the

appropriate number.

Criteria Very Good Good Satisfactory Fair

4 3 2 1
Uses appropriate dynamic markings
based on a given musical score
Places dynamic markings
appropriate to the dynamic levels
Use varied dynamic markings on
the given musical score
Total Score

What I Have Learned
 Dynamics refer to the degree of loudness and softness of sound.

 A musical score or song has different dynamic levels.

 Different Italian terms and symbols are used to describe the dynamics
of the music.

 The dynamic markings ppp, pp, p, and mp comprise the soft dynamics

 The dynamic markings fff, ff, f and mf comprise the loud dynamics level.

 The dynamic mark crescendo ( ) means gradually getting


 The dynamic mark decrescendo ( ) means gradually getting


What I Can Do

Directions: Give the meaning of the following Italian terms. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper.

Italian Terms Meaning

1. piano _______________________________________________

2. forte _______________________________________________

3. crescendo _______________________________________________

4. pianissimo ______________________________________________

5. mezzo forte _______________________________________________


Directions: Read the items carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1.In the song “Ako ay Pilipino”, the part taas noo kahit kanino should be sung in a very
loud manner. Which dynamic mark means very loud?
A. mp B. f C. ff D. p

2. The song “Tulog Na” is to be sung softly. Which musical symbol is used in the
A. mf B. C. p D. ff

3. Italian words and symbols are used to indicate dynamics. What is the Italian word
for pp?
A. piano B. forte C. fortissimo D. pianissimo

4. In the song, “Magtanim ay Masaya”, the musical phrase lahat ay masaya, should be
sung in gradually becoming soft to loud. Which symbol is found above the musical
A. B. mp C. ff D. p

5. The musical phrase of a song you are singing has a dynamic mark ff. How will you
interpret the particular musical phrase?
A. Sing the song softly.
B. Sing the song very loud.
C. Sing the song gradually from soft to loud.
D. Sing the song from loud to soft.

6. There are some parts of a song that need to be sung in gradually becoming loud.
dynamic mark is used?
A. decrescendo B. forte C. crescendo D. piano

7. It is a dynamic marking in which the part of the song in line with the symbol will be
sung in a very loud manner. What symbol is being referred to?
A. p B. f C. ff D. pp

8. Dynamics refers to the softness and loudness of a sound in music. Which of the
following is an example of dynamics?
A. B. # C. D. mp

9. It is a dynamic marking in which the part of a song in line with the symbol will be
sung in a very soft manner. What is the symbol being referred to?
A. p B. f C. ff D. pp

10. It is a dynamic marking means singing gradually from loud to soft.

A. fortississimo B. decrescendo C. crescendo D. piano

Additional Activities

The song “You are my Sunshine” tells about the happiness of a person when he is
with his loved ones.

Study the song. Use different dynamic markings for you to have your own
interpretation of the song.

Directions: Put the dynamic markings above the notes to where you want them
to be placed. Do this on a separate sheet of paper.

To the Learning Facilitator: Evaluate the child’s performance by checking the

appropriate number.

Very Good Good Satisfactory Fair

Criteria 4 2 1
Uses appropriate dynamic markings
based on a given musical score
Places dynamic markings
appropriateto the dynami levels
Use varied dynamic markings on
the given musical score
Total Score

n Singing Songs with Soft
2 Level Dynamics

We express our emotions in so many ways. One of which is through our voices.
The volume of our voices could express sadness, joy, anger or excitement. A soft voice
usually shows a more positive emotion.

What’s In

In your previous lesson, you have learned about the different dynamic marks used
in a song. Let us find out how much you have learned from that lesson.
Directions: Match column A with column B. Match the dynamics in column A to its
corresponding symbol in column B.


1. crescendo A. f
2. fortissimo B. p
3. pianississimo
4. forte
D. ff
5. piano E. ppp

Notes to the Teacher

This module is designed for independent or self-paced
study. It allows the learners to learn by considering their
convenience for time and or location according to his or her
individual needs and ability. Learners can study at his/her
preferred time and environment 11 without undue interruption of
work. Please make sure learners who use this material can get
frequent feedback and are given the opportunity to reflect on
information and on their learning experiences.
What’s New

Hello learner!
You have already learned about the meanings and Italian terms for
dynamic markings; their influence and impact in a song or in a piece of music.
In this lesson, you are going to apply different dynamic levels in your
performance. In particular, you will sing a song with soft level dynamics.

Singing is like a story-telling. It is not about how good your vocal is, but on
how well you deliver a song to your audience. The aim is to invoke an emotional
response to your audience and you cannot do that by singing at one volume level for
the whole song. Imagine, when you listen to a speaker who is speaking in a monotone
manner. The worst thing is to sing the song in one volume from the start till the end of
a song.

That is why adding dynamics to music makes a song or performance more

interesting and dramatic. This can even turn a mediocre performance into a great one.
It can also create light and shade within your song and can help you sound more
polished and professional even if you are just starting out.

“Tulog Na” is an example of lullaby or cradle song. The dynamic symbols found
in a song are called soft level dynamic markings. These are p, pp, ppp and mp. It means
that this song should be sung in a soft level.

Directions: Study the lyrics of the song. Use this Youtube link to listen to the song:

The word or words with p dynamic mark such as Nanay, tahan, and o should be
sung softly whereas words like Dum, dum should be sung in a very soft level. “Tulog Na”
should be sung in a moderately soft; somewhat louder than piano but softer than forte.

Before you go on singing, here are some tips on how to sing with low level

1. In a standing position, keep all your face muscles relaxed, chest out and think
as if you are ready to sing.

2. Be sure to inhale expanding expand the rib cage and also around the waistline
just before humming.

3. Hum softly and avoid tension on your lips.

4. Start singing the notes by opening your mouth correctly; as softly as you can

5. Continue singing the notes while gradually getting softer.

6. Keep the airflow constant as you sing softer.

Singing with correct dynamics with correct facial expressions and appropriate
hand gestures will make your performance better and appealing.

What is It

Look at the musical score of “Tulog Na”. Answer the following questions based
on the musical score.

1. In what word/words did you see a symbol which means moderately soft?

2. In what word/words did you see a symbol which means very soft?

3. In what word/words did you see a symbol which means soft?

4. What are examples of soft level dynamics?

5. What kind of songs should be sung in soft level dynamics?

6. How can you perform the dynamics of the song properly?

7. Why do you think soft level dynamic markings were used in this song?

What’s More

Directions: Sing the song “Tulog Na” following the correct dynamic markings. The live
performance will be evaluated by your learning facilitator based on the
given criteria/rubric below.

To the Learning Facilitator: Evaluate the child’s performance by checking the

appropriate number.

Criteria Very Good Good Satisfactory Fair

4 3 2 1
Can identify correct dynamics.
Can sing correct dynamics with
ease and confidence.
Can sing with correct breathing and
Can sing with dynamics, facial
expressions and minimal hand
Total Score

What I Have Learned

 The dynamic marks ppp, pp, p and mp comprise the soft dynamic level.
-piano (p) quiet or soft part
-pianissimo (pp) very soft
-pianississimo (ppp) very,very soft
-mezzo piano (mp) moderately soft

What I Can Do

“Ili-ili Tulog Anay” is a lullaby from Panay Island and it is traditionally sang to
help the child to fall asleep while the mother is away.
This time, identify the soft level dynamic markings of the song “Ili-ili Tulog
Anay ”and give their meanings. Refer to this Youtube link to listen to the song.

1. _______________________ _________________________

2. _______________________ _________________________

3. _______________________ _________________________


Directions: Sing the song “Ili-ili Tulog Anay” with correct dynamics. The live
performance will be evaluated, based on the given criteria/rubric

To the Learning Facilitator: Evaluate the child’s performance by checking the

appropriate number.

Criteria Very Good Good Satisfactory Fair

4 3 2 1
Can identify correct dynamics.
Can sing correct dynamics with
ease and confidence.
Can sing with correct breathing
and phrasing.
Can sing with dynamics, facial
expressions and minimal hand
Total Score

Additional Activities

Directions: Put appropriate soft level dynamic markings on top of the staff. Sing the
song with correct dynamics.

To the Learning Facilitator: Evaluate the child’s performance by checking the

appropriate number.

Criteria Very Good Good Satisfactory Fair

4 3 2 1
Uses appropriate dynamic markings
based on a given musical score
Places dynamic markings
appropriateto the dynamic levels
Use varied dynamic markings on
the given musical score
Perfoms correct dynamics through
Total Score

n Singing Songs
3 with Varied Dynamics

Imagine music without any emotion. The music would not be appealing and
people would not be able to relate and appreciate a song. All of our music without
dynamics will be flat and boring. Through the use of dynamics, musicians are able to
create drama and different intensities throughout a piece. It makes music more
fascinating and enjoyable. Musicians are able to create intimate connections between
the audience and the music by putting dynamics to it. Experiment with different
dynamics as you study the scores in this lesson.

What’s In

Directions: Sing the song “Tulog Na” correctly following the indicated soft level dynamic
markings in the musical score.

Notes to the Teacher
This module is designed for independent or self-paced
study. It allows the learners to learn by considering their
convenience for time and or location according to his or her
individual needs and ability. Learners can study at his/her
preferred time and environment without undue interruption of
work. Please make sure learners who use this material can get
frequent feedback and are given the opportunity to reflect on
information and on their learning experiences.

What’s New

A good day to you learner!

In music, the dynamics is the degrees of loudness and softness in a musical
composition. It is indicated by specific symbols in musical notations. However,
dynamic markings still require interpretation by the performer depending on the
musical context. Dynamics help musicians sustain varied interests in a musical
performance and communicate a particular emotional state or feeling.

In this lesson, you are going to perform a song with varied dynamics.

Singing seems like a simple thing to do. Singing with dynamics is a thing that
the most respected singers do in order to create intensity in their performance. Singing
with varied dynamics is the practice of controlling your singing volume using , breath
control, musical phrases, and emotions.
Singing in a gradual increase of volume or crescendo and gradual decrease of
volume or decrescendo on a certain part of a song is a matter of controlling your singing
voice and it will take you from an average singer to an extraordinary one.

One does not just simply sing with dynamics. It takes practice and sufficient
knowledge to execute dynamics correctly. You must know the song wholeheartedly for
you to know where to place the dynamics. Furthermore, when you know your voice, you
can project it confidently.

Here are some tips on how to sing with varied dynamics.

1. Sing the musical phrase as softly as you can manage.

2. Continue singing the musical phrase while gradually getting louder; hence,
maintaining a steady flow of air as you sing louder.
3. Continue singing the musical phrase while gradually getting softer, hence,
keeping the airflow constant as you sing softer.

Directions: Study the song “Climb Every Mountain”. Focus on the different dynamic
markings and be able to answer the questions below. Use the Youtube link
below to listen and learn the song:

What is It

Direction: Answer the following questions about the song.

1. What dynamic markings do you see in the musical score?

2. How will you sing the parts of the song with the following markings: mp, mf,

f, ff, and respectively?

3. In which musical phrase of the song will you sing moderately soft?

4. In which measure of the song will you sing moderately loud?

5. In which measure of the song will you sing loud?

7. In which musical phrase will you sing gradually becoming louder?

8. In which musical phrase of the song will you sing gradually becoming softer?

What’s More

Directions: Sing the song “Climb Every Mountain”. Observe and apply the correct
dynamic markings. The performance will be evaluated, based on the given
criteria/rubric below.

To the Learning Facilitator: Evaluate the child’s performance by checking the

appropriate number.

Criteria Very Good Good Satisfactory Fair

4 3 2 1
Can identify correct dynamics
Can sing correct dynamics with
ease and confidence.
Can sing with correct breathing and
Can sing with dynamics, facial
expressions and minimal hand
Total Score

What I Have Learned

Take note of the following dynamic markings:

The two basic dynamic indications in music are:
p or piano, meaning soft
f or forte, meaning "loud"

More subtle degrees of loudness or softness are indicated by:

mp, stands for mezzo-piano, meaning "moderately soft
mf, stands for mezzo-forte, meaning "moderately loud"

Use of up to three consecutive f’s or p’s is also common:

pp, stands for pianissimo and meaning "very soft".
ff, stands for fortissimo and meaning "very loud".
ppp, stands for pianississimo and meaning “as soft as possible”.
fff, stands for fortississimo and meaning “as loud as possible”.

Words used to show gradual changes in volume:

crescendo (abbreviated cresc.) translates as "increasing" or gradually becoming
decrescendo (abbreviated to decresc.) translates as "decreasing" or gradually
becoming softer

What I Can Do

Directions: Review the song “Ako ay Pilipino”. Identify the dynamic markings used in
song and give the meaning of each marking. Refer to the Youtube link to
listen to the song:

Dynamic Markings Meaning
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________


Directions: Sing the song “Ako ay Pilipino” correctly. Remember the tips on singing
with dynamics. The performance will be evaluated by your learning
facilitator based on the given criteria/rubric below.

To the Learning Facilitator: Evaluate the child’s performance by checking the
appropriate number.

Criteria Very Good Good Satisfactor Fair

4 3 1
Can identify correct dynamics.
Can sing correct dynamics with
ease and confidence.
Can sing with correct breathing
and phrasing.
Can sing with dynamics, facial
expressions and minimal hand
Total Score

Additional Activities

Directions: Study the song “Magtanim ay Masaya”. Sing the song with correct
dynamics. The performance will be evaluated by your learning
facilitator based on the given criteria/rubric below.
To the Learning Facilitator: Evaluate the child’s performance by checking the
appropriate number.

Criteria Very Good Good Satisfactor Fair

4 3 1
Can identify correct dynamics.
Can sing correct dynamics with
ease and confidence.
Can sing with correct breathing
and phrasing.
Can sing with dynamics, facial
expressions and minimal hand
Total Score

Please refer to this Youtube link as reference:

Answer Key

Lesson 1

Assessment What’s More conti…. What I Know

1. C 1. A
2. C 2. C
b. decrescend
3. D 3. C
o, ay maligaya
4. A 4. D
5. B c. f, 13th, 17th measure 5. D
6. C 6. B, 1st and 7th measure
7. C 7. C
8. D Activity 3 8. C
9. D 9. D
10. B Answers may vary 10. B

What’s In
What Can I Do 1. T
Additional Activity 2.T
answers may vary 1.piano – soft
(sample possible answer) 4.F
2. forte - loud
3. crescendo-gradually
becoming loud What’s More
4.pianissimo- very soft
Activity 1
5. mezzo forte-moderately loud
1.pp-very soft

2. p- soft

3. mp- moderately soft

Activity 2

a. crescendo,

What’s In What’s In
Use rubrics for evaluation C
What Is It D
mp,mf, , ff, f E
mp-moderately soft
mf -moderately loud
f-loud B
ff-very loud
-gradually becoming loud What Is It
decrescendo-gradually becoming 1. mp
soft 2. pp
climb every mountain 3. p
(1st measure) 4. p,pp,ppp,mp
climb every mountain 5. lullaby or cradle song
(9th measure) 6. by identifying and
26th measure understanding each dynamic
live marking
dream 7. it is a lullaby song
What’s More
What’s More
Use rubrics for evaluation
What I Can DO Use rubrics for evaluation
pp- very soft
p-soft What Can I Do
-gradually becoming loud 1.p-soft
mf-moderately loud 2. pp- very soft
-gradually becoming soft 3. mp-moderately soft
mp-moderately soft
ff-very loud Assessment
Use rubrics for evaluation
Additional Activity
Use rubrics for evaluation
Lesson 3 Lesson 2
1. Ready Made Lesson Plans in Music6 (Deped Div. of Iloilo)
2. Radiance Worktext in Music, Art Physical Education and Health pp.57-

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Department of Education-Curriculum and Learning Management Division

Learning Resources Management
Duran St., Iloilo City
Telephone (033) 509-7655
Email Address: [email protected]

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