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WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 0

Introduction to Media and
Information Literacy
Development Team
Writer: April Rose D. Corpuz
Editor: Bryan B. Ecija
Reviewer: Adelyn C. Domingo
Illustrator: Wynnelord Rainier E. Tibay
Lay-out Artist: Wynnelord Rainier E. Tibay
Management Team: Vilma D. Eda Arnel S. Bandiola
Lourdes B. Arucan Juanito V. Labao
Adelyn C. Domingo

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 1

What I Need to Know

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

1. Describe how communication is influenced by media and information.
2. Identify the similarities and differences between and among media literacy, information
literacy, and technology literacy.

Learning Objectives:
In your journey through the discussions and different tasks, you are expected to:
1. recognize the different components in the communication process;
2. understand how these elements connect and influence each other;
3. differentiate media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy; and
4. Describe the influences of media and information to communication.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 2

What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

1. What do you call the process of transforming a message into an understandable sign
and symbol?
a. decoding b. encoding c. interpretation d. noise

2. It is the ability to effectively comprehend and use written symbols.

a. alliteration b. illiteracy c. literacy d. literature

3. A media and information literate individual is someone who _____.

a. thinks critically
b. thinks immorally
c. thinks irrationally
d. thinks unethically

4. Is it possible that different individuals interpret a message in different ways?

a. Yes, because sometimes information is unclear.
b. Yes, because most of the time people do not want to understand.
c. Yes , because strategies in understanding were not introduced
d. Yes, because he/she is coming from a different point of view.

5. What can a media literate person do?

a. He/She can deal with dilemmas that have no solutions.
b. He/She give and receive criticism constructively.
c. He/She pose worthwhile questions.
d. All of the Above

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 3

Introduction to Media and
1 Information Literacy

What’s In

Define it, Definitely!

Without consulting other sources of information, ask yourself what do these words mean
to you. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Communication Media Technology Literacy

What’s New

1. Get a sheet of paper and a pen.
2. Write a short message to any of your family members who are with you at the moment
(e.g. Mom, I am hungry or I love you)
3. Give him/her the piece of paper.
4. Wait for a response.
Did you get a response? If so, you have undergone the process of communication. If not,
still what you did is a process of communicating.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 4

What is It


Communication is one of the most basic and natural human activity. From the moment
of birth, humans start communicating by crying to express their needs and feelings.
Communication enables people to express their opinions and ideas as well. According to the
Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, it is the method of transmitting messages or
information from one location to another. As it may sound simple, this process of
communication is complex in nature as it involves different elements that will make or break
its success.

Communication has many forms. People can share ideas using different media and in
several ways. Generally, communication can be classified according to channel and

A. According to Channel

1. Verbal Communication

The term "verbal communication" refers to the use of words to share information
with others. People typically carry their own beliefs, opinions, feelings, and thoughts to
a conversation, which poses an obstacle to conveying the correct meaning. It is
important for the sender of information to put himself in the receiver's shoes. These
words may be spoken or written.

a. Oral Communication - Spoken words are used in this type of

communication. It includes face-to-face conversations, speech, telephonic
conversation, video, radio, television, and voice-overs. Pitch, volume, rhythm, and
other non-verbal aspects affect oral communication.

b. Written Communication - Written signs or signals are used to

communicate in written communications. A written message may be typed or written
by hand. Messages may be sent via email, letter, report, memo, and other types of
printed medium. The vocabulary, grammar, writing style, accuracy and consistency of
the language used all affect the incoming message.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 5

2. Non-verbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is characterized as the sending or receiving of

messages that are not spoken or written. These are gestures, body language, tone of
voice, or facial expressions, in addition to spoken and written language. The speaker's
body language is the most important aspect of nonverbal communication as it reinforces
the meaning of a speaker’s message.

B. According to Purpose and Style

1. Formal – Formal communication is mainly used in professional settings. Corporate

meetings, conferences, academic lectures, political sessions, and legal proceedings all
use it. Because of its formal nature, it places a heavy focus on proper grammar and

2. Informal - Informal communication is unstructured conversation. This usually

happens in everyday communication with family members, friends, or relatives.
Colloquial speech, slangs and intimate language are generally used and accepted
in this type of communication. Informal communication does not put a high priority
on the manner in which messages are transmitted.


The communication process is made up of four key components. Those
components include the sender, encoding, message, medium/media of transmission,
decoding, receiver, feedback, and the context of communication. Other element
includes the communication barrier called noise. It is through the communication
process that the sharing of a common meaning takes place. The communication
process begins with the sender and usually ends with a response from the receiver.

A. Context
This is the prime component of every communication process. Context represents
the setting in which communication happens or takes place. This context may be
physical, historical, psychological, social, chronological, or cultural.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 6

B. Sender
The sender is an individual, group, or organization who initiates the communication.
This source is initially responsible for the success of the message. The sender's
experiences, attitudes, knowledge, skill, perceptions, and culture influence the
message. All communication begins with the sender.
C. Message
This is the subject matter of the communication. This may be an opinion, attitude,
feelings, views, orders, or suggestions.
D. Encoding
Since the subject matter of communication is theoretical and intangible, its further
passing requires use of certain symbols such as words, actions, or pictures etc.
Conversion of subject matter into these symbols is the process of encoding.
E. Channel/Medium
The person who is interested in communicating has to choose the channel for
sending the required information, ideas etc. This information is transmitted to the
receiver through certain channels which may be either formal or informal. The
sender decides which is the most practical and effective way transmit the message.
It could be face-to-face, over the phone, on the internet, using a handwritten or
printed letter, and many more.
F. Receiver
Receiver is the person who receives the message or for whom the message is
meant for. It is the receiver who tries to understand the message in the best possible
manner in achieving the desired objectives.
G. Decoding
The person who receives the message or symbol from the communicator tries to
convert the same in such a way so that he may extract its meaning to his complete
H. Feedback
Feedback is the process of ensuring that the receiver has received the message
and understood in the same sense as sender meant it. This oftentimes ensures that
a two-way communication have been done.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 7

I. Noise
Noise is any type of communication barrier that hinders the success of the
communication process. Communication will be more effective and interactive if
there is no noise existed. It could be a physical noise such as the loud inappropriate
sound from the surroundings; or a sematic or language barrier such as differences
in how words or phrases are expressed and interpreted. Psychological noise also
distracts the process of communication especially in the receiver’s end.


Most people now have televisions in their houses. Even cars have built-in radios and
televisions as well. A lot of people drink their morning coffee with a newspaper. Most people
use tablets, smartphones, and computers to connect to the internet. Indeed, the media has
developed into an empire that has invaded everyone’s lives.It is no wonder that media and
information play such an important role in successful communication.

1. It makes the world a smaller place. Social media platforms have brought people from
different locations, background, culture, and race together. Dating websites have even
made love possible cross continents. Even news channels are now broadcasting
2. It makes communication convenient. With the existence of email and various
messaging sites and apps, communication has become faster and easier.
3. It shapes public opinions. Because of its wide scope, as well as the media's perceived
legitimacy, mass media has a major impact on public opinion. According to the message
they deliver, the media will sway the opinion of their audience.


21st century is characterized as the new age of media and information. This is brought
about by the technological advancement that led the utmost accessibility of information both
online and offline. While media and information has never been as accessible as they are
today, this leaves an immense responsibility to people to morally and competently access, use
and share information in different platforms. The term “literacy” has changed over time; more
than the ability for macro skills- it has been redefined to three important competencies- these
are media, information, and technology literacy.

Media Literacy, according to UNESCO, involves understanding and using mass

media in either an assertive or non-assertive way. It is the ability to identify, understand,

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 8

interpret, create, communicate, and compute, using printed and written materials associated
with varying context. It involves understanding and using mass media in either an assertive or
non-assertive way. It is the ability to read, analyze, evaluate and produce communication in a

The Association Of College And Research Libraries (ACRL USA) defines information
literacy as a set of abilities requiring individuals to "recognize when information is needed and
have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use the needed information effectively."

In a time when technological advancements have brought an ever-growing amah of

information, people are drowning with way too much data while the abundance of information
may have advantages, verifying its authenticity, validity, reliability, remains a problem for all.
Information literacy help solve that.

On the other hand, Technology (Digital) Literacy includes the ability to read and
interpret media, to reproduce data and images through digital manipulation. It also refers to a
person's ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital environment.

Technology Literacy is the ability to safely, responsibly, creatively, and effectively use
appropriate technology to:

• communicate;
• access, collect, manage, integrate, and evaluate information;
• endeavor to predict future needs, solve problems and innovatively create solutions;
• build and share knowledge;
• improve and enhance learning in all subject areas and experiences;
• apply technology and critical thinking to real-world experiences;
• develop the knowledge and skills to adapt to changing technologies; and
• use technology to meet personal needs, interests, and learning styles.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 9

What’s More

Activity 1: Info – Action

Rate the different uses of media platforms according to entertainment value, networking
value, information value, education, advocacy and business. Use the following ratings and
matrix given below:

Ratings: 1 - Not Relevant 2 - Not Very Relevant 3 - Slightly Relevant

4 – Relevant 5 - Very Relevant

Media Platform Newspaper Radio Television Internet


For networking

For information

For education

For business

For advocacy

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 10

What I Have Learned

Key Takeaway

Media and information are two distinct

elements that are intrinsically
interconnected with the concept of
communication. Information is one of the
reasons why communication is done, and
this information can be shared through
media. To inform is one of the functions of
communication and made possible
through media.

Individuals can be benefited from being

media and information literate. Through
media and information literacy,
individuals can attain the following:
1. Significant improvement in the quality
of life
2. Greater political participation
3. Better economic opportunities
4. Improved learning environment
5. developed and unified social units

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 11

What I Can Do


Learning Competency: (U) The learner discusses responsible use of media and information.

NAME:_____________ GRADE: __________ SUBJECT:

1. Below are three different opinion column articles about the use of media and
2. Read the selections and choose which article best discussed the responsible use of
media and information.
3. Write your answer in the given table.

Note: You are allowed to refer to your module or available references (e.g. textbook) and
the Internet. You are NOT allowed to ask help from your classmates, parents, guardians,
relatives or any other adult. Before submitting, make sure you have followed the
instructions on how to answer

Article 1: Media has evolved through the years making people's life easier. One of the most
effective use of media is on communication. Media plays a significant role in sharing
information across the globe. Media keeps people aware and updated on important events
and happenings. But in other hand, media also has it's advantages and disadvantages.

Different forms and types of media are can be found everywhere , as a result we can
easily access information with just one click. But using social media has it's downside.
Media can affect a person in a negative way. People's opinion and thoughts can be limited
in medias. Although you can share your thoughts freely, you can still experience judgement
and harsh comments on your opinion. A person can experience cyberbullying. Another
downside in media is that sometimes it provides us with fake and unreliable information.

As cliché as it may sound but we have to "Think before we click." Most of us are not
media literate. Media is created to inform and educate us, but with our irresponsible actions
it is becoming toxic to us. As a user, we have to be mindful on what we share and post on

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 12

different forms of media. We have to remember that a simple click can affect a large amount
of people.


Article 2: Media is considered as one of the most powerful tools in providing information to
people or in society. Media is part of our daily lives. It informs, influences, and entertains
us. Not only they inform us, they have also the capability in shaping our lives.

Advertisements shown on television or even in the internet can affect the viewers. Some
contains violence, nudity or anything that is inappropriate to the viewers who are children
or underage. They might think the information on that certain advertisement is correct
without proper guidance from the parents. In the internet, there is no censorship when it
comes to information resulting to some users to take this as an advantage to spread false
information all over the web. That is the reason that there are some users who were
victimized by scammers, bullies and etc. Medias has biases also. They have the power to
manipulate thus making viewers to believe on the information they insinuate. But all of those
negativeness written above can be abide. Parents must be vigilant on what their children
are watching. They must ensure that it is age appropriate. Users on the internet must check
the authenticity of the information. They must check the origin of it to avoid fallacy. Never
post something too personal like bank numbers, address or any that might put you in
jeopardy. Always consider one’s privacy. In detecting biases in media, look for the sources
if it involves political perspectives. Check if the headline and actual article matches.
Sometimes it contains double standards. Look who’s point of view is the article is written
and find alternate point of views . Biased information tries to change your mind so as an
individual we must not believe immediately.


Article 3: Social media is gaining popularity and a medium for communication, though there
are many beneficial aspects, there are teenagers and individuals who misuse social media.
Let’s glance through a few tips about how to prevent social media misuse.

Teenagers and kids can be advised to avoid unnecessary chatting, gossiping, and bullying,
posting messages on social media. Such activities that spoil others reputation can be

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 13

It would be good to advise kids and teenagers to avoid accepting friends request from
unknown people and ones who don’t reveal their identity.

Teach your kids that social media sites are public sites and not meant for personal use. By
this way, the kids should have a piece of good knowledge about what must be shared and
posted on a friend’s wall. Also, teach the kids about the consequences that take place if
personal messages and photos are posted on social media.

It would be good to have sound knowledge about the security features of social media so
that inappropriate contents can be avoided.

A profile can be created on the site where your child is also a member. By this way, your
child’s social media activity can be monitored. You can navigate your child in the right way
and help them to learn new things in the digital world.

Teach your children about digital reputation. As youngsters post videos, pictures, or upload
anything, they must remember that digital footprints are left behind by them. Marketing
people or employers can gather such details and make use of it in the future in a number of
ways. It is important to discuss with your dear ones about posting personal images and
pictures and its consequences.

A family media plan can be created in order to manage social media so that every teen can
be monitored. Draft a plan with healthy technology use habits along with your children.

Advise them not to use technology for long hours and close to bedtime. The sleep quality is
disturbed and the negative impact is sure when technology is used during sleep hours.

Apart from teenagers and children, staffs in an organization also misuse social media.
Organizations need to include policies on using systems, IT and social media in the
organization. They need training about the usage of social media usage, for example,
Twitter usage, LinkedIn connections, posting on Facebooks, contacts organization on
Google + and privacy settings. Organizations also need to conduct risk assessments to
monitor positive, negative as well as personal uses.

They also need to monitor the happenings on social media as employees may bad mouth
about the organization. The organization’s digital footprints need to be checked periodically
with the help of social media monitoring sites.

The social media tool kit can be utilized by an organization that brings together various
policies and tools.


WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 14

DIRECTIONS: Discuss your choice and support your answer with quotations or statements
from the chosen article.

Article no. ____ gave the best discussion on responsible use of media and information because

4 - In addition to Level 3 response, student is able to point out the weaknesses of or limitations
of other articles.
3 - Student’s discussion of his or her choice is convincing and is able to support his or her
answer with specific texts from the article.
2 - Student’s discussion of his or her choice is convincing. However, student is not able to
support his or her answer with appropriate texts from the article.

1 - Student’s discussion of his or her choice is confusing. However, in line with the learning
competency, student is able to mention important parts of the chosen article.


Instruction. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

1. What term refers to tools used by the source to disseminate information to the receivers?
a. Information b. Technology c. Literacy d. Media

2. This term refers to the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate information in
a variety of forms, including print and non-print messages.
a. Information literacy
b. Media Literacy
c. Technology Literacy
d. Communication Literacy

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 15

3. A set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize “when information is needed and have
the ability to locate , evaluate, use the needed information effectively.”
a. Information literacy
b. Media Literacy
c. Technology Literacy
d. Communication Literacy

4. The understanding of the concept behind computing equipment, network connectivity,

application software; the skills to responsibly use appropriate technology to access,
synthesize, evaluate, communicate, and information to solve problems and improve learning
in all subject areas; and the ability to acquire new knowledge for ongoing and lifelong learning
in the 21st-century global workplace.
a. Information literacy
b. Media Literacy
c. Technology Literacy
d. Communication Literacy

5. This is a type of communication that uses spoken words.

a. Oral b. Written c. Non-verbal d. Formal

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 16

17 SHS - MIL Self-Learning Module MELC-Aligned WBLS-OBE
What I Can Do: Assessment:
Answers may vary 1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. A
What’s More: What I Know:
What I can Do: ACTIVITY 1 1. B
Activity 1: Answer may vary. 2. C
Answer may vary
3. A
4. D
Activity 2:
5. D
Answer may vary
Answer Key

Liquigan, Boots. (2016) 2016. Media and Information Literacy. Quezon City: Diwa Learning
Systems, Inc.,.
Gonzales, Edward D. 2016. Media & Information LITERACY. 1ST ed. Vol. 1. MANILA,
Guisehan, Imie. “MIL _ Module 1 | Mass Media | Communication.” n.d. Scribd. Accessed January 31,

krishna. 2019. “Social Media Misuse Consequences You Need to Know.” DigitalNuisance. May 14,
“The Power of Media and Information and the Responsibility of the Users - Angela Mangundayao.”
n.d. Accessed March 2, 2021.
“ESSAY: The Power of Media and Information and the Responsibility of the Users.” n.d. ESSAY.
Accessed March 2, 2021.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module SHS - MIL 18

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