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Bachelor of Physical Education – Module


Student’s Module in
and Management
of Physical
Education and
Health Education
Coverage: Midterm

Prepared by:

Emmanuel J. Duarte, LPT

MAPEH/PE Instructor

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

Quarter 1:
Administration and
In every school program, there should be a foundation or key persons
that will lead to operate the organization. This is a challenge to every
organization how to deal and how to cope with the changing situation of
their organization. Likewise in the field of P.E and Health Education,
there’s an administration and management that serves as nerves and
backbone to the organization. These regulators implements the rules, laws
and even for budgeting for some project that is going to conduct.
In this quarter you are going to understand the nature of
administration and management as they serves as the key persons leading
each organization.

Let’s get started!

Management and administration are both important functions that
support the success of any business or organization. But what is the
difference between management and administration? At a high level we can
say that management is concerned with getting things done, whereas
administration looks at how these things are done.

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

While their definition should provide a frame of reference there is a

lot more than goes into understanding the difference between
administration and management, the unique skill sets each entails and how
they impact the success or otherwise of an organization.

What is management?
Broadly speaking management is focused on managing resources, in
particular people, and how they are utilized by an organisation in order to
achieve a common goal or outcome.
Essentially a manager works in an environment where they need to
pool resources together, such as people, plant or equipment, financial
resources and industry knowledge into a cohesive unit that has the
capability to achieve this goal.
Functioning more as a coordinator, managers have to often juggle the
competing priorities of various stakeholders, limited or hard to attain
resources, all while taking account of competition and changing market
conditions, to achieve a positive outcome.
Beyond this process of management, there is also the human element
that brings with it: emotions, relationships, desires and fears that all need
to be managed. As can often be seen in sporting teams, you can have all the
right players on the field, but that still doesn’t guarantee a positive outcoe if
the mind set isn’t right.
This deficit in a manager’s ability to coordinate their human capital
can manifest itself in a lack of direction, poor planning or control, and a
decrease in motivation.

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

What is administration?
As we have seen, management is focused largely getting things done.
While there is process involved in the management and coordination of
resources this is more often an art than a science.
The “science” of business is however more evident in the
administration of business. Essentially administration is concerned with
the process around which business operates. So while a manager may be
responsible for hitting a given revenue target, the administration of that
goal would focus on how sales opportunities are managed, forecast and
eventually closed.
Similarly, a manager may be responsible for the hiring and firing of
people on their team. The administration of that role, especially if the
company is of sufficient size, is often handled by an administrative focused
person in Human Resources. I.e. there is a policy or procedure that will be
followed that instructs them how the company should operate when
making these decisions.
As you can see administration is the establishment of procedures,
policies, plans, objectives, goals and enforcing not only rules but also
regulations. It comes up with an important organizational framework
through which the organization management functions. And this is where
the relationships between management and administrative exists.
In fact, in some smaller organizations you can have a manager who
switches, albeit subconsciously from being a manager i.e. leading and
motivating their team, to an administrator, i.e. developing and then
following the policies in place when hiring or firing staff.

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

Key differences between Management and Administration

The differences between management and administration can be very

broad and hence one needs to pay close attention to details. Below are some
of the differences you can expect:
 Management consists of actions and plans whereby administration
entails setting objectives and policies.
 Management aims at managing not only people but also their
work. Whereas Administration focuses on how best the resources
of an organization can be utilized.
 Administration typically has a role in all management decisions,
whereas not all administrative decisions require the input of
 Administration is focused on setting and creating policies and
procedures. Management however is more likely to deal with the
broader functions of an organization and how tasks are executed.
 Administrative functions typically are more defined, whereas how
managers act and operate in an organization can differ person to
 The management style of an organization can also change with the
removal or installation of a new Manager/Leader. Administrative
policies or procedures however are slower to change and may
remain in place for many generations of management.
 The administrative functions of a business can often be guided or
influenced by legislation or law. Whereas how a manager chooses
to guide or lead their team is often a function of their experience
and the company culture.
Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

On the basis of functions

To better understand the differences between management and
administration, take a look at the following meanings below.

 Management – an art of getting things done through others by
directing their efforts towards achievement of pre-determined
 Administration – concerned with formulation of broad
objectives, plans and policies.

 Management – an executing function
 Administration – decision making function

 Management –decides who should do it and how he should do
 Administration – decides what is to be done and when it is to be

 Management – is a doing function because managers get work
done under their supervision
 Administration – a thinking function because plans and policies
are determined under it
Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

 Management – technical and human skills
 Administration – conceptual and human skills

 Management – middle and lower level function
 Administration – top level function

 Management – constitutes the employees of the organization
who are paid remuneration
 Administration – represents owners of the enterprise who earn
return on their capital invested and profits in the form of

Different Titles in Administration and Leadership

Management – interchangeable with administration
Director – head of the program (athletic director)
Coordinator – does not typically have authority to supervise or direct
other professionals
Supervisor – has direct authority over others
Chairperson Department Head – specific to academic

Sports Industry
Health – PE programs, fitness
Leisure – travel, ecotourism
Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

Sports – Gaming activities, contests

Recreation – for pleasure activities
*other industry perspectives: Education, Fitness, Medical

Organizational Administration
Why is it important? – PE, sport, health, teachers and coaches are thrust
into administrative situations.

Sport Management vs Sport Administration

 Sports administration set policies/overall organization goals
associated with school setting… PE programs which are now referred
to as sport studies or exercise and sport sciences
 Sport management executes or carries out policies/creates worker
objectives universal/global perspective, includes a myriad of issues…
consumer entertainment, fitness industry and spectators.

To Lead or Manage
Working with and through individuals and groups to accomplish
organizational goals.
Behavioral process, influence toward goals, interpersonal – anytime
one attempts to influence the behavior of an individual or group.
Manager – does things right (functional)
Leader – does the right thing (behavioral)

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

Test Yourself

Student’s Activity 1
A – Write true if the statement given is correct and false if not.
_____1. Management consists of actions and plans whereby
administration entails setting objectives and policies.
_____2. Administration is focused on setting and creating policies and
procedures while management however is more likely to deal with the
broader functions of an organization and how tasks are planned.
_____3. Beyond this process of management, there is also the human
element that brings with it: emotions, relationships, desires and fears
that all need to be managed.
_____4. Management is interchangeable with administration.
_____5. Management and administration are both important functions
that support the success of any business or organization.
B – Answer the following questions.
1. Why management is interchangeable with administration? Elaborate
your answer.
2. Without management, does administration will function well?
Explain your answer.
3. What is the difference of “to manage” between “to lead”? Explain your

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

Quarter 1.1:
Administrative Philosophies

To become ethical and principled administration, there are
philosophies that should manifest so that the goals of the different
programs become possible.
Philosophy dictates course of action. It is the foundation of all
decisions and actions needed to achieve the desired goal. But before we
continue to the main topic let’s talk about the advantages and
disadvantages of functions of all members of administration.

Let’s get started!

 Financial rewards
 Professional prestige
 Social prestige
 Professional challenge
 Personal power
 Professional achievements
 Effect changes
 Advancement

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

 Stops any further legal action being taken against the company
by the creditors
 Employees jobs can be saved
 Stops the financial position of the company becoming worse,
which in turn reduces the risk to directors of wrongful trading

 Pressure, limited time and long work hours
 Loss of personal contact with students
 Reduce time for research
 Pressure of responsibilities
 Changes in association with faculty
 Public scrutiny of decision
 Lack of job security
 Loss of personal time
 Can result in the company being sold to a 3rd party


Morality is the quality of being in accord with standard of right or

wrong conduct while ethics is knowing the difference between right and
wrong and choosing to do so.
Ethics and morality are the branch of philosophy which deals with
values of human conduct in the rightness or wrongness of certain actions.

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

The concept of morality pertains to the principles of right and wrong

human conduct. Moral qualities in human are their character traits such as
honesty, integrity, etc. On the other hand, the concept of ethics is quite
complex for the mankind. It is related to the standards of conduct
acceptable to a group, a profession or members of an organization. Since
whole organization or group is concerned, it creates problem for the
individual to choose between the right and wrong and also between dos and
The effective functioning of an organization rests on its manpower
and leadership quality. Thus, an employee or an individual associated with
the organization or a group establish the most important input in its
administration. The manpower has to be converted into human resources
using various systematic planning, adequate training and sufficient
education. Using these methods, effective moral and ethics are inculcated
among the members of the organization.

Philosophy and Administration

“Investigation of causes and laws underlying reality; injury into the
nature of things based on logical reasoning rather than empirical
investigation; or the system of values by which one lives”.
Philosophy dictates course of action and ethics is principles right and
wrong behavior. In some ways they are parallel to each other in terms of
actions that is going to be done. Administrators are principled by laws that
makes them lifted on their professional prestige. They also have ethics that
gives them the principle in right or wrong behavior. Starting with their
beliefs down to their value and principles, which made their actions, but
there are written and unwritten rules also that affects it. To monitor their
Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

own actions, ethical principles needs to develop. Here are the traditional
philosophies that defines and dictates the action of every person.


A philosophical theory advocating that reality depends on the mind
for existence and truth is universal and absolute. Value and truth are the
foundation for life and remain static.
Since reasoning and mental processes are important in
understanding truth, the physical therapist uses idealism in working with
clients to set realistic goals, persist in their movement experiences, and
realize that only by dealing with temporary discomfort can they recover as
fully as possible.
The idealist and the sport psychologist understand reality is more
mental than physical, so helping elite athletes manage the mental side of
putting a golf ball or kicking a field goal is vitally important.
In idealism truth is universal and absolute. Reality depends on mind
and spirit, the mind is critical to all understanding since only through
reasoning and mental processes can truth emerge. Never-changing ideals
comprise the ultimate reality. Ideas, virtues, and truths are universal and
remain the same regardless of how individuals may interpret them.
The mind and the body are optimally developed simultaneously and
as a whole, although physical activity is secondary to the development of
the mind and thought processes. The idealist believes there is one correct
way to perform sport skills.

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

The philosophical system stressing that the laws and order of the
world as revealed by science are independent from human experiences. For
an illustration, the exercise physiologist uses the scientific method in
investigating the effects of performance-enhancing drugs in order to
understand positive and negative effects on the body. Prior to begin an
exercise program, a personal trainer will assess the capabilities of the client
and as would a realist, continue to use measurements to determine
progress made in achieving personal fitness goal. Meaning, reality is based
on science and truth gained through physical world and experience.
The scientific laws of nature determine what truth is. The scientific
method provides the process for acquiring and applying truth (i.e.
knowledge originates in the physical world but emerges through
The physical education curriculum includes activities and experiences
that enable students to understand the laws of the physical world. Learning
is subject centered and includes progressions, drills, and objective

A belief that the laws of nature govern life and individual goals are
more important than societal goals. Lakes, mountains, and other outdoor
settings provide a wealth of opportunities where recreation specialist use
natural settings as learning laboratories so individuals can be expand their
skills while enjoying leisure time.

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

Physical education teachers agree with the philosophy of naturalism

and a readiness to learn as they instruct students in developmentally
appropriate movement activities. Truth and things valued exist within the
physical realm of nature. “Everything according to nature” means students
learn and develop in and through nature. Physical well-being enhances a
readiness to learn mental, moral, and social skills.
Individual learning occurs through self-discovery and exploration of
one’s capabilities and interests. Through problem-solving, students’
progress in skill development at their own rates.

Reality is a total of individual experiences. An American movement in
philosophy emphasizing reality as the sum total of each individual’s
experiences through practical experimentation. Athletic directors are quite
pragmatic in understanding they must generate increased revenues from
ticket sales, broadcast rights, corporate sponsorships, and private
donations to adequately support their teams.
Directors of recreational facilities realize participants are practical
and pragmatic about use of leisure time as they seek to enjoy pleasurable,
convenient activities with friends, such as playing on a softball team or
using walking trails.
Ultimate reality must be experienced and is ever-changing rather
than absolute. Truth and values are functions of the consequences of the
time and context. Social responsibilities are essential as every individual
functions with and contributes to society. Students develop social efficiency
as they experience solving the problems of life and learn how to become
better functioning members of society. A student-centered curriculum
Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

encourages students to develop social and interpersonal skills and set and
achieve personal goals.

A twentieth-century philosophy that centers on individual choices
and advocates that truth and values are uniquely personal. While health
educators stress the importance of making selections of nutritious foods
and physical educators emphasizes engaging in daily physical activities,
each individual makes choices with the full realization of the consequences
of these choices on their health and well-being.
While an athletic trainer can inform an athlete about the
rehabilitation program to be completed, athletes must accept personal
responsibility and demonstrate self-discipline to complete the exercise and
adhere to the rehabilitation programs to return to competition.
Human experiences and individual determinism (choices) construct
reality. Each person’s experiences determine truth, which is uniquely
personal. An individual’s value system, which is uniquely chosen, is
tempered by an understanding of social responsibility. The desired
educational outcome is the self-actualizing person, who must accept the
consequences of action taken. Individualized activities in physical
education and sport encourage creativity and self-awareness and personal
responsibility for learning.

These are the different philosophies that surely affects course of

action of administration. Moving on, as we proceed to another quarter we
will tackle the different types of administrator in the organization. We will

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

also discuss what are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of

Test Yourself

Student’s Activity 2
A – IDENTIFICATION: Answer the following question.
__________1. It dictates the course of action of administration.
__________2. This the philosophy where reality depends on mind and
spirit, value static, resist change and follow traditional paths.
__________3. Reality is experienced, truth is discovered by experience,
go with what works, just adjust and be practical – what philosophy is this?
__________4. This philosophy believes that reality is based on science
and truth gained through physical world and experience.
__________5. Human experiences and individual determinism (choices)
construct reality and each person’s experiences determines truth, which is
uniquely personal.

B – Follow the directions and answer the following questions.

1. Student will develop their own administration philosophy. Submit a
full one page typed, double spaced paper.
2. Select your philosophical foundation to describe your administrative
3. Describe your beliefs on those foundations.

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

Quarter 1.2:
Types of Administration

“A good leader should always…” How you finish that sentence could
reveal a lot about your leadership style.
Leadership is a fluid practice. We’re always changing and improving
the way in which we help our direct reports and the company grow. And the
longer we lead, the more likely we’ll change the way we choose to complete
the sentence above.
But in order to become better leaders tomorrow, we need to know where we
stand today. To help you understand the impact each type of leader has on
an organization, here are the different types of administration, pros, cons
and how effective they are.

Let’s get started!

Democratic Leadership
Democratic leadership is exactly what it sounds like – the leader
makes decisions based on the input of each team member. Although he or

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

she makes the final call, each employee has an equal say on a project’s
direction. It is also known as participative leadership or shared leadership,
a type of leadership style in which members of the group take a more
participative role in the decision-making process. This type
of leadership can apply to any organization, from private businesses to
schools to government.
Everyone is given the opportunity to participate, ideas are exchanged
freely, and discussion is encouraged. While the democratic process tends to
focus on group equality and the free flow of ideas, the leader of the group is
still there to offer guidance and control. The democratic leader is charged
with deciding who is in the group and who gets to contribute to the
decisions that are made. Researchers have found that the democratic
leadership style is one of the most effective types and leads to higher
productivity, better contributions from group members, and increased
group morale.
Democratic leadership is one of the most effective leadership styles
because it allows lower-level employees to exercise authority they’ll need to
use wisely in future positions they might hold. It also resembles how
decisions can be made in company board meetings. For example, in a
company board meeting, a democratic leader might give the team a few
decision-related options. They could then open a discussion about each
option. After a discussion, this leader might take the board’s thoughts and
feedback into consideration, or they might open this decision up to vote.
Some of the primary characteristics of democratic leadership include:
 Group members are encouraged to share ideas and opinions, even
though the leader retains the final say over decisions.
 Members of the group feel more engaged in the process.
Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

 Creativity is encouraged and rewarded.2

Researchers suggest that good democratic leaders possess specific traits
that include honesty, intelligence, courage, creativity, competence, and
fairness. Strong democratic leaders inspire trust and respect among
These leaders are sincere and make decisions based on their morals
and values. Followers tend to feel inspired to take action and contribute to
the group. Good leaders also tend to seek diverse opinions and do not try to
silence dissenting voices or those that offer a less popular point of view.
 More ideas and creative solutions
 Group member commitment
 High productivity
Because group members are encouraged to share their thoughts,
democratic leadership can lead to better ideas and more creative solutions
to problems. Group members also feel more involved and committed to
projects, making them more likely to care about the end results. Research
on leadership styles has also shown that democratic leadership leads to
higher productivity among group members.
 Communication failures
 Poor decision-making by unskilled groups
 Minority or individual opinions overridden
While democratic leadership has been described as the most effective
leadership style, it does have some potential downsides. In situations where

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

roles are unclear or time is of the essence, democratic leadership can lead to
communication failures and uncompleted projects.1
In some cases, group members may not have the necessary
knowledge or expertise to make quality contributions to the decision-
making process. Democratic leadership can also result in team members
feeling like their opinions and ideas aren't taken into account, which may
lower employee satisfaction and morale.
Autocratic Leadership
Autocratic leadership is the inverse of democratic leadership. In this
leadership style, the leader makes decisions without taking input from
anyone who reports to them. Employees are neither considered nor
consulted prior to a direction, and are expected to adhere to the decision at
a time and pace stipulated by the leader. It is also known as authoritarian
leadership, is a leadership style characterized by individual control over all
decisions and little input from group members. Autocratic leaders typically
make choices based on their ideas and judgments and rarely accept advice
from followers. Autocratic leadership involves absolute, authoritarian
control over a group.
Like other leadership styles, the autocratic style has both some
benefits and some weaknesses. While those who rely on this approach to
heavily be often seen as bossy or dictator-like, this level of control can have
benefits and be useful in certain situations.
When and where the authoritarian style is most useful can depend on
factors such as the situation, the type of task the group is working on, and
characteristics of the team members. If you tend to utilize this type of
leadership with a group, learning more about your style and the situations
in which this style is the most effective can be helpful.
Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

An example of this could be when a manager changes the hours of

work shifts for multiple employee without consulting anyone – especially
the affected employees.
Frankly, this leadership style stinks. Most organizations today can’t
sustain such a hegemonic culture without losing employees. It’s best to
keep leadership more open to the intellect and perspective of the rest of the

Some of the primary characteristics of autocratic leadership include:

 Allows little or no input from group members

 Requires leaders to make almost all of the decisions
 Provides leaders with the ability to dictate work methods and
 Leaves group feeling like they aren't trusted with decisions or
important tasks
 Tends to create highly structured and very rigid environments
 Discourages creativity and out-of-the box thinking
 Establishes rules and tends to be clearly outlined and
 Allows for quick decision-making especially in stress-filled
 Offers a clear chain of command or oversight
 Works well where strong, directive leadership is needed

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

The autocratic style tends to sound quite negative. It certainly can be

when overused or applied to the wrong groups or situations. However,
autocratic leadership can be beneficial in some instances, such as when
decisions need to be made quickly without consulting with a large group of
people. Some projects require strong leadership to get things accomplished
quickly and efficiently. When the leader is the most knowledgeable person
in the group, the autocratic style can lead to fast and effective decisions.
The autocratic leadership style can be useful in the following instances:

Provides Direction
Autocratic leadership can be effective in small groups where leadership is
lacking. Have you ever worked with a group of students or co-workers on a
project that got derailed by poor organization, a lack of leadership and an
inability to set deadlines? If so, the chances are that your grade or job
performance suffered as a result. In such situations, a strong leader who
utilizes an autocratic style can take charge of the group, assign tasks to
different members, and establish solid deadlines for projects to be finished.
These types of group projects tend to work better when one person is either
assigned the role of leader or simply takes on the job on their own. By
setting clear roles, assigning tasks, and establishing deadlines, the group is
more likely to finish the project on time and with everyone providing equal
Relieves Pressure
This leadership style can also be used well in cases where a great deal
of pressure is involved. In situations that are particularly stressful, such as
during military conflicts, group members may prefer an autocratic style.
Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

This allows members of the group to focus on performing specific tasks

without worrying about making complex decisions. This also allows group
members to become highly skilled at performing certain duties, which is
ultimately beneficial to the success of the entire group.
Offers Structure
Manufacturing and construction work can also benefit from the
autocratic style. In these situations, it is essential that each person have a
clearly assigned task, a deadline, and rules to follow.
Autocratic leaders tend to do well in these settings because they ensure that
projects are finished on time and that workers follow safety rules to prevent
accidents and injuries.

Laissez-Faire Leadership
Laissez-faire leadership, also known as delegative leadership, is a type
of leadership style in which leaders are hands-off and allow group members
to make the decisions. Researchers have found that this is generally the
leadership style that leads to the lowest productivity among group
However, it is important to recognize that this leadership style can
have both benefits and possible pitfalls. There are also certain settings and
situations where a laissez-faire leadership style might be the most
appropriate. Knowing your dominant leadership style can be helpful for
understanding your own strengths and potential weakness.
Laissez-faire leadership is characterized by the following:
 Hands-off approach
 Leaders provide all training and support
 Decisions are left to employees
Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

 Comfortable with mistakes

 Accountability falls to the leader
While the conventional term for this style is "laissez-faire" and
implies a completely hands-off approach, many leaders still remain open
and available to group members for consultation and feedback. They might
provide direction at the beginning of a project, but then allow group
members to do their jobs with little oversight. This approach to leadership
requires a great deal of trust.2 Leaders need to feel confident that the
members of their group possess the skills, knowledge, and follow through
to complete a project without being micromanaged.
Like other leadership styles, the laissez-faire leadership style has its
 It encourages personal growth. Because leaders are so
hands-off in their approach, employees have a chance to be
hands-on. This leadership style creates an environment that
facilitates growth and development.
 It encourages innovation. The freedom given to employees
can encourage creativity and innovation.
 It allows for faster decision-making. Since there is no
micromanagement, employees under laissez-faire leadership
have the autonomy to make their own decisions. They are able
to make quick decisions without waiting weeks for an approval
Some possible disadvantages of the laissez-faire style include:
 Lack of role clarity: In some situations, the laissez-faire style
leads to poorly defined roles within the group. Since team
members receive little to no guidance, they might not really be
Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

sure about their role within the group and what they are
supposed to be doing with their time.
 Poor involvement with the group: Laissez-faire leaders are
often seen as uninvolved and withdrawn, which can lead to a
lack of cohesiveness within the group. Since the leader seems
unconcerned with what is happening, followers sometimes pick
up on this and express less care and concern for the project.
 Low accountability: Some leaders take advantage of this
style as a way to avoid responsibility for the group's failures.
When goals are not met, the leader can then blame members of
the team for not completing tasks or living up to expectations.
 Passivity: At its worst, laissez-faire leadership represents
passivity or even an outright avoidance of true leadership. In
such cases, these leaders do nothing to try to motivate
followers, don't recognize the efforts of team members, and
make no attempts at involvement with the group.

To benefit from these advantages, certain preconditions have to be

met. For instance, if your team is full of highly-skilled and experienced
people, capable of working on their own, this approach might work. Since
these group members are experts and have the knowledge and skills to
work independently, they are capable of accomplishing tasks with very little
This style is particularly effective in situations where group members
are more knowledgeable than the group's leader. The laissez-faire style
allows them to demonstrate their deep knowledge and skill surrounding
that particular subject.
Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

This autonomy can be freeing to some group members and help them
feel more satisfied with their work. The laissez-faire style can be used in
situations where followers have a high-level of passion and intrinsic
motivation for their work.
Because the laissez-faire style depends so heavily on the abilities of
the group, it is not very effective in situations where team members lack the
knowledge or experience they need to complete tasks and make decisions.
This can lead to poor job performance and less job satisfaction.
This is leadership style is also not suitable for situations where
efficiency and high productivity are the main concerns. Some people are
not good at setting their own deadlines, managing their own projects, and
solving problems on their own. Under this leadership style, projects can go
off-track and deadlines can be missed when team members do not get
enough guidance or feedback from leaders.

Someone must lead the way, the rest will follow.

Leadership Qualities and Skills
 People skills
 Communication skills
 Creativity, flexibility and vision
 Mental quickness
 Reliability and courage
 Enthusiasm and vitality
 Professionalism
 Technological skills
 Diversity skills

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

 Adaptability to environment
 Talented (quality)

Test Yourself
Student’s Activity 3
A – Write true if the statement is correct and false if not.
_____1. Hands-off approach and the leaders provide all training and
support is one of the characteristics of democratic leadership.
_____2. Laissez-faire leadership discourages creativity and out-of-the box
_____3. Autocratic leaders typically make choices based on their ideas and
judgments and rarely accept advice from followers.
_____4. Democratic leadership is one of the most effective leadership
styles because it allows lower-level employees to exercise authority they’ll
need to use wisely in future positions they might hold.
_____5. Democratic process tends to focus on group equality and the free
flow of ideas, the leader of the group is still there to offer guidance and

B – Answer the following questions.

1. What is your administration position?
2. What type of administrator will you be? Why?
3. What are the most important aspects of being an administrator?

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

4. Your job as an administrator would be to do what? Why?

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

Quarter 2:
Management Function -
There are different concepts in managing Physical Education and
Sport Programs. In this quarter you are going to know what is all about
organization, theories in organization, and structures that are present in
most organizations today.

Let’s get started!

Organization refers to a collection of people, who are involved in
pursuing defined objectives. It can be understood as a social system which
comprises all formal human relationships. The organization encompasses
division of work among employees and alignment of tasks towards the
ultimate goal of the company.
It can also be referred as the second most important managerial
function that coordinates the work of employees, procures resources and
combines the two, in pursuance of company’s goals.

Process of Organization
Step 1: Determination and classification of firm’s activities.
Step 2: Grouping of the activities into workable departments.

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Step 3: Assignment of authority and responsibility on the departmental

executives for undertaking the delegated tasks.
Step 4: Developing relationship amidst superior and subordinate, within
the unit or department.
Step 5: Framing policies for proper coordination between the superior and
subordinate and creating specific lines of supervision.

Organization is a goal oriented process, which aims at achieving

them, through proper planning and coordination between activities. It
relies on the principle of division of work and set up authority-
responsibility relationship among the members of the organization.

Types of Organization Structure

Formal Organization Structure: The organization structure of jobs

and positions, with specified activities and relationships, is known as
formal organization structure. It is created by management, to attain the
objectives of the company.

 Line Organization: Line organization is the oldest and simplest

pattern of organization, wherein the supervisor has outright
supervision over the subordinate. The flow of authority is from the
top level executive to the person at the lowest level of the
organization’s echelon.
 Functional Organization: As the name suggests, functional
organization structure is one in which the thorough task of managing

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and directing the employees, is grouped as per the functions or type

of work involved.
 Line and Staff Organization: This type of organization structure
is an improvement over the traditional line organization. In line and
staff organization primary and supportive activities are related to the
line of supervision by appointing supervisor and specialist, who are
linked to line authority.
 Project Management Organization: Project Organization is not
an independent organization, like the organization structure
discussed above. Instead it is a set up within an organization, so as to
accomplish a project or firm’s objectives. It is led by project manager,
who is responsible for project objectives.
 Matrix Organization: Matrix organization is the emerging
structure of the organization, which is a combination of functional
organization and project organization. In such an organization, the
functional departments such as production, accounting, marketing,
human resource, etc. constitute a vertical chain of command, while
project division constitute horizontal line of authority.

Informal Organization Structure: The relationship between the

employees, that relies on personal attitudes, prejudices and interests rather
than procedures. It is system of personal and social connection, whose
creation is not needed by formal organization.
The organization structure is a basic idea, which depends on the
activity authority relationship in the company. It is designed in such a way
to realize business objectives.

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Organizational Theory
The Organizational Theory refers to the set of interrelated concepts,
definitions that explain the behavior of individuals or groups or subgroups,
who interacts with each other to perform the activities intended towards
the accomplishment of a common goal.
In other words, the organizational theory studies the effect of social
relationships between the individuals within the organization along with
their actions on the organization as a whole. Also, it studies the effects of
internal and external business environment such as political, legal, cultural,
etc. on the organization.
The term organization refers to the group of individuals who come
together to perform a set of tasks with the intent to accomplish the common
objectives. The organization is based on the concept of synergy, which
means, a group can do more work than an individual working alone.
Thus, in order to study the relationships between the individuals
working together and their overall effect on the performance of the
organization is well explained through the organizational theories. Some
important organizational theories are:
1. Classical Theory
2. Scientific Management Theory
3. Administrative Theory
4. Bureaucratic Theory
5. Neo-Classical Theory
6. Modern Theory
An organizational structure plays a vital role in the success of any
enterprise. Thus, the organizational theories help in identifying the suitable

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structure for an organization, efficient enough to deal with the specific

The Classical Theory is the traditional theory, wherein more
emphasis is on the organization rather than the employees working therein.
According to the classical theory, the organization is considered as a
machine and the human beings as different components/parts of that
The classical theory has the following characteristics:
 It is built on an accounting model.
 It lays emphasis on detecting errors and correcting them once they
have been committed.
 It is more concerned with the amount of output than the human
 The human beings are considered to be relatively homogeneous and
unmodifiable. Thus, labor is not divided on the basis of different
kinds of jobs to be performed in an organization.
 It is assumed that employees are relatively stable in terms of the
change, in an organization.
 It is assumed that the authority and control should be vested with the
central authority only, in order to have a centralized and integrated
Some writers of the classical theory emphasized on the technological
aspects of the organization and how the individuals can be made more
efficient while others emphasized on the structural aspects of an
organization so that individuals collectively can be made more efficient.
Thus, this purview of different writers resulted in the formation of two
distinct streams:
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 Scientific Management Stream

 Administrative Management Stream
Thus, according to this theory the human beings are just considered as a
means of production.

The Scientific Management Theory is well known for its

application of engineering science at the production floor or the operating
levels. The major contributor of this theory is Fredrick Winslow Taylor, and
that’s why the scientific management is often called as “Taylorism”.
The scientific management theory focused on improving the efficiency of
each individual in the organization. The major emphasis is on increasing
the production through the use of intensive technology, and the human
beings are just considered as adjuncts to machines in the performance of
routine tasks.
The scientific management theory basically encompasses the work
performed on the production floor as these tasks are quite different from
the other tasks performed within the organization. Such as, these are
repetitive in nature, and the individual workers performing their daily
activities are divided into a large number of cyclical repetition of same or
closely related activities. Also, these activities do not require the individual
worker to exercise complex-problem solving activity. Therefore, more
attention is required to be imposed on the standardization of working
methods and hence the scientific management theory laid emphasis on this
The major principles of scientific management, given by Taylor, can be
summarized as follows:
 Separate planning from doing.
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 The Functional foremanship of supervision, i.e. eight supervisors

required to give directions and instructions in their respective fields.
 Time, motion and fatigue studies shall be used to determine the fair
amount of work done by each individual worker.
 Improving the working conditions and standardizing the tools, period
of work and cost of production.
 Proper scientific selection and training of workmen should be done.
 The financial incentives should be given to the workers to boost their
productivity and motivate them to perform well.

Thus, the scientific management theory focused more on mechanization

and automation, i.e., technical aspects of efficiency rather than the broader
aspects of human behavior in the organization.

The Administrative Theory is based on the concept of

departmentalization, which means the different activities to be performed
for achieving the common purpose of the organization should be identified
and be classified into different groups or departments, such that the task
can be accomplished effectively.
The administrative theory is given by Henri Fayol, who believed that
more emphasis should be laid on organizational management and the
human and behavioral factors in the management. Thus, unlike the
scientific management theory of Taylor where more emphasis was on
improving the worker’s efficiency and minimizing the task time, here the
main focus is on how the management of the organization is structured and
how well the individuals therein are organized to accomplish the tasks
given to them.
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The other difference between these two is, the administrative theory
focuses on improving the efficiency of management first so that the
processes can be standardized and then moves to the operational level
where the individual workers are made to learn the changes and implement
those in their routine jobs. While in the case of the scientific management
theory, it emphasizes on improving the efficiency of the workers at the
operating level first which in turn improves the efficiency of the
management. Thus, the administrative theory follows the top-down
approach while the scientific management theory follows the bottom-up

The Bureaucratic Theory is related to the structure and

administrative process of the organization and is given by Max Weber, who
is regarded as the father of bureaucracy. What is Bureaucracy? The term
bureaucracy means the rules and regulations, processes, procedures,
patterns, etc. that are formulated to reduce the complexity of organization’s
According to Max Weber, the bureaucratic organization is the most
rational means to exercise a vital control over the individual workers. A
bureaucratic organization is one that has a hierarchy of authority,
specialized work force, standardized principles, rules and regulations,
trained administrative personnel, etc.
The Weber’s bureaucratic theory differs from the traditional
managerial organization in the sense; it is impersonal, and the performance
of an individual is judged through rule-based activity and the promotions
are decided on the basis of one’s merits and performance.

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Also, there is a hierarchy in the organization, which represents the

clear lines of authority that enable an individual to know his immediate
supervisor to whom he is directly accountable. This shows that bureaucracy
has many implications in varied fields of organization theory.
Thus, Weber’s bureaucratic theory contributes significantly to the
classical organizational theory which explains that precise organization
structure along with the definite lines of authority is required in an
organization to have an effective workplace.

The Neoclassical Theory is the extended version of the classical

theory wherein the behavioral sciences gets included into the management.
According to this theory, the organization is the social system, and its
performance does get affected by the human actions.
The classical theory laid emphasis on the physiological and
mechanical variables and considered these as the prime factors in
determining the efficiency of the organization. But, when the efficiency of
the organization was actually checked, it was found out that, despite the
positive aspect of these variables the positive response in work behavior
was not evoked.
Thus, the researchers tried to identify the reasons for human behavior
at work. This led to the formation of a neoclassical theory which primarily
focused on the human beings in the organization. This approach is often
referred to as “behavioral theory of organization” or “human relations”
approach in organizations.
The neoclassical theory posits that an organization is the combination
of both the formal and informal forms of organization, which is ignored by
the classical organizational theory. The informal structure of the
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organization formed due to the social interactions between the workers

affects and gets affected by the formal structure of the organization.
Usually, the conflicts between the organizational and individual interest
exist, thus the need to integrate these arises.
The neoclassical theory asserts that an individual is diversely
motivated and wants to fulfill certain needs. The communication is an
important yardstick to measure the efficiency of the information being
transmitted from and to different levels of the organization. The teamwork
is the prerequisite for the sound functioning of the organization, and this
can be achieved only through a behavioral approach, i.e. how individual
interact and respond to each other.

The Modern Theory is the integration of valuable concepts of the

classical models with the social and behavioral sciences. This theory posits
that an organization is a system that changes with the change in its
environment, both internal and external.
There are several features of the modern theory that make it distinct
from other sets of organizational theories, these are:
 The modern theory considers the organization as an open system.
This means an organization consistently interacts with its
environment, so as to sustain and grow in the market. Since, the
organization adopts the open system several elements such as input,
transformation, process, output, feedback and environment exists.
Thus, this theory differs from the classical theory where the
organization is considered as a closed system.
 Since the organization is treated as an open system, whose survival
and growth is determined by the changes in the environment, the
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organization is said to be adaptive in nature, which adjusts itself to

the changing environment.
 The modern theory considers the organization as a system which is
 The modern theory is probabilistic and not deterministic in nature. A
deterministic model is one whose results are predetermined and
whereas the results of the probabilistic models are uncertain and
depends on the chance of occurrence.
 This theory encompasses multilevel and multidimensional aspects of
the organization. This means it covers both the micro and macro
environment of the organization. The macro environment is external
to the organization, while the micro environment is internal to the
 The modern theory is multi-variable, which means it considers
multiple variables simultaneously. This shows that cause and effect
are not simple phenomena. Instead, the event can be caused as a
result of several variables which could either be interrelated or

Test Yourself
Student’s Activity 4
A – IDENTIFICATION: Answer the following questions.
__________1. It is a collection of people, who are involved in pursuing
defined objectives and referred as the second most important managerial

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

function that coordinates the work of employees, procures resources and

combines the two, in pursuance of company’s goals.
__________2. It is the oldest and simplest pattern of organization,
wherein the supervisor has outright supervision over the subordinate.
__________3. Sets of interrelated concepts, definitions that explain the
behavior of individuals or groups or subgroups, who interacts with each
other to perform the activities intended towards the accomplishment of a
common goal.
__________4. It is a basic idea, which depends on the activity authority
relationship in the company. It is designed in such a way to realize business
__________5. This refers to the group of individuals who come together
to perform a set of tasks with the intent to accomplish the common

B – Write true if the statement is correct and false if not.

_____1. The term bureaucracy means the rules and regulations, processes,
procedures, patterns, etc. that are formulated to reduce the complexity of
organization’s functioning.
_____2. According to administrative theory, the organization is
considered as a machine and the human beings as different
components/parts of that machine.
_____3. According to neoclassical theory, the organization is the social
system, and its performance does get affected by the human actions.
_____4. The modern theory is the integration of valuable concepts of the
classical models with the social and behavioral sciences.

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_____5. The scientific management theory focused on improving the

efficiency of each individual in the organization.

Quarter 2.1:
Management Functions –
Leadership, Communication
Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward
achieving a common goal. In a business setting, this can mean directing
workers and colleagues with a strategy to meet the company's needs.
Here's what you need to know about leadership, and some examples
of how it can benefit businesses.

Let’s get started!

What Is Leadership?

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

Leadership captures the essentials of being able and prepared to

inspire others. Effective leadership is based upon ideas—both original and
borrowed—that are effectively communicated to others in a way that
engages them enough to act as the leader wants them to act.
A leader inspires others to act while simultaneously directing the way
that they act. They must be personable enough for others to follow their
orders, and they must have the critical thinking skills to know the best way
to use the resources at an organization's disposal.

How Does Leadership Work?

In business, leadership is linked to performance, and any leadership
definition has to take that into account. Therefore, while leadership isn't
intrinsically linked to profit, those who are viewed as effective leaders in
corporate contexts are the ones who increase their company's bottom line.
While there are people who seem to be naturally endowed with more
leadership abilities than others, anyone can learn to become a leader by
improving particular skills. History is full of people who, while having no
previous leadership experience, have stepped to the fore in crises and
persuaded others to follow their suggested course of action. They possessed
traits and qualities that helped them to step into roles of leadership.
The terms leadership and management tend to be used
interchangeably, but they're not the same. Leadership requires traits that
extend beyond management duties. Both leaders and managers have to
manage the resources at their disposal, but true leadership requires more.
For example, managers may or may not be described as inspiring by the
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people working under them, but a leader must inspire those who follow
Another difference between leaders and managers is that leaders
emphasize innovation above all else. Whereas a manager seeks to inspire
their team to meet goals while following company rules, a leader may be
more concerned with setting and achieving lofty goals—even at the expense
of existing corporate structures. When a worker has a radical new idea for
how to tackle an issue, a leader is likely to encourage that person to pursue
the idea.
Managers may be more likely to preserve existing structures because
they themselves operate within that structure. They may have bosses above
them, so they have less freedom to break rules in the pursuit of lofty goals.
Leaders, on the other hand, often operate fairly independently. That allows
them to tolerate a greater amount of chaos, so long as they believe it will be
worth it in the end.
However, the leader's devotion to innovation can sometimes come at
a cost. Chaos and high-pressure work environments can create
interpersonal issues. When such issues arise, a manager is more likely to
see it as their duty to smooth over problems between employees. Leaders
can sometimes be so singularly focused on achieving lofty goals that they let
interpersonal issues and employee welfare fall to the wayside.
 Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward
achieving a common objective.
 Organizations refer to upper-level personnel in their management
structures as leadership.
 To be an effective leader in business, you must possess traits that
extend beyond management duties.
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 Leadership skills can be learned and leaders may evolve.

 A person may be referred to interchangeably as both a "leader" and a
"manager," though the two terms are not necessarily synonymous.

Someone must lead the way, the rest will follow.

Leadership Qualities and Skills
• People skills
• Communication skills
• Creativity, flexibility and vision
• Mental quickness
• Reliability and courage
• Enthusiasm and vitality
• Professionalism
• Technological skills
• Diversity skills
• Adaptability to environment
• Talented (quality)

Importance of communication
We use communication every day in nearly every environment,
including in the workplace. Whether you give a slight head nod in
agreement or present information to a large group, communication is
absolutely necessary when building relationships, sharing ideas, delegating
responsibilities, managing a team and much more.
Learning and developing good communication skills can help you
succeed in your career, make you a competitive job candidate and build

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your network. While it takes time and practice, communication and

interpersonal skills are certainly able to be both increased and refined.
There are four main types of communication we use on a daily basis:
Verbal, nonverbal, written and visual. Let’s take a look at each of these
types of communication, why they are important and how you can improve
them for success in your career.

Types of communication
There are several different ways we share information with one
another. For example, you might use verbal communication when sharing a
presentation with a group. You might use written communication when
applying for a job or sending an email.
There are four main categories or communication styles including verbal,
nonverbal, written and visual:

Verbal communication is the use of language to transfer information
through speaking or sign language. It is one of the most common types,
often used during presentations, video conferences and phone calls,
meetings and one-on-one conversations. Verbal communication is
important because it is efficient. It can be helpful to support verbal
communication with both nonverbal and written communication.
Here are a few steps you can take to develop your verbal communication
 Use a strong, confident speaking voice. Especially when
presenting information to a few or a group of people, be sure to use a
strong voice so that everyone can easily hear you. Be confident when
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speaking so that your ideas are clear and easy for others to
 Use active listening. The other side of using verbal communication
is intently listening to and hearing others. Active listening skills are
key when conducting a meeting, presentation or even when
participating in a one-on-one conversation. Doing so will help you
grow as a communicator.
 Avoid filler words. It can be tempting, especially during a
presentation, to use filler words such as “um,” “like,” “so” or “yeah.”
While it might feel natural after completing a sentence or pausing to
collect your thoughts, it can also be distracting for your audience. Try
presenting to a trusted friend or colleague who can call attention to
the times you use filler words. Try to replace them by taking a breath
when you are tempted to use them.

Nonverbal communication is the use of body language, gestures and
facial expressions to convey information to others. It can be used both
intentionally and unintentionally. For example, you might smile
unintentionally when you hear a pleasing or enjoyable idea or piece of
information. Nonverbal communication is helpful when trying to
understand others’ thoughts and feelings.
If they are displaying “closed” body language, such as crossed arms or
hunched shoulders, they might be feeling anxious, angry or nervous. If they
are displaying “open” body language with both feet on the floor and arms by
their side or on the table, they are likely feeling positive and open to
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Here are a few steps you can take to develop your nonverbal
communication skills:
 Notice how your emotions feel physically. Throughout the day,
as you experience a range of emotions (anything from energized,
bored, happy or frustrated), try to identify where you feel that
emotion within your body. For example, if you’re feeling anxious, you
might notice that your stomach feels tight. Developing self-awareness
around how your emotions affect your body can give you greater
mastery over your external presentation.
 Be intentional about your nonverbal communications. Make
an effort to display positive body language when you feel alert, open
and positive about your surroundings. You can also use body
language to support your verbal communication if you feel confused
or anxious about information, like using a furrowed brow. Use body
language alongside verbal communication such as asking follow up
questions or pulling the presenter aside to give feedback.
 Mimic nonverbal communications you find effective. If you
find certain facial expressions or body language beneficial to a certain
setting, use it as a guide when improving your own nonverbal
communications. For example, if you see that when someone nods
their head it communicates approval and positive feedback efficiently,
use it in your next meeting when you have the same feelings.

Written communication is the act of writing, typing or printing
symbols like letters and numbers to convey information. It is helpful
because it provides a record of information for reference. Writing is
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commonly used to share information through books, pamphlets, blogs,

letters, memos and more. Emails and chats are a common form of written
communication in the workplace.
Here are a few steps you can take to develop your written communication
 Strive for simplicity. Written communications should be as simple
and clear as possible. While it might be helpful to include lots of
detail in instructional communications, for example, you should look
for areas where you can write as clearly as possible for your audience
to understand.
 Don’t rely on tone. Because you do not have the nuance of verbal
and nonverbal communications, be careful when you are trying to
communicate a certain tone when writing. For example, attempting to
communicate a joke, sarcasm or excitement might be translated
differently depending on the audience. Instead, try to keep your
writing as simple and plain as possible and follow up with verbal
communications where you can add more personality.
 Take time to review your written communications. Setting
time aside to re-read your emails, letters or memos can help you
identify mistakes or opportunities to say something differently. For
important communications or those that will be sent to a large
number of people, it might be helpful to have a trusted colleague
review it as well.
 Keep a file of writing you find effective or enjoyable. If you
receive a certain pamphlet, email or memo that you find particularly
helpful or interesting, save it for reference when writing your own

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communications. Incorporating methods or styles you like can help

you to improve over time.

Visual communication is the act of using photographs, art, drawings,
sketches, charts and graphs to convey information. Visuals are often used
as an aid during presentations to provide helpful context alongside written
and/or verbal communication. Because people have different learning
styles, visual communication might be more helpful for some to consume
ideas and information.
Here are a few steps you can take to develop your visual communication
 Ask others before including visuals. If you are considering
sharing a visual aid in your presentation or email, consider asking
others for feedback. Adding visuals can sometimes make concepts
confusing or muddled. Getting a third-party perspective can help you
decide whether the visual adds value to your communications.
 Consider your audience. Be sure to include visuals that are easily
understood by your audience. For example, if you are displaying a
chart with unfamiliar data, be sure to take time and explain what is
happening in the visual and how it relates to what you are saying. You
should never use sensitive, offensive, violent or graphic visuals in any

To make improvements to your communication skills, set personal goals to

work through the things you want to accomplish step by step. It might be

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

helpful to consult with trusted colleagues, managers or mentors to identify

which areas would be best to focus on first.

Communication in Sports Management

If you are considering a career in sports administration, it is a good
idea to think about what drew you to sports in the first place. Perhaps it was
the hard work and physical conditioning, or maybe the fun and excitement
of the game. For many, playing sports is attractive because of the social
interaction: being part of a team working toward a common goal. The
desire to be part of a community is an important aspect of human nature,
and communication is perhaps the most important part of developing a
healthy community.
The same is true in a sporting community. Research shows that
developing good communication between coaches and players results in
better, more effective teams. In addition, healthy communication -- both
internal and with the public -- has been shown to be vital to creating
successful business environments. These are some of a sports organization
administrator's most important responsibilities. While earning an online
master's degree in sports administration, candidates will study the nuances
of communication in sports and how it relates to effective leadership.

Is Communication In Sports Different Than Communication In

Other Areas?
Generally put, communication involves people interacting with one
another to convey information. The most obvious form of communication is
linguistic (expressing oneself verbally or in writing), but body language,

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

behavioral mannerisms and many other interpersonal signals are also

forms of communication.
When thinking about communication in sports, the available methods
can seem very specific. A quarterback uses a nod of the head to indicate
which direction the receiver should cut. The coach calls a play using a series
of gestures known only to his or her team. Although these forms of
communication may seem particular to the game, they are analogous to
non-verbal cues people use in everyday life. A nod or shake of the head, a
thumbs up, or any other motion or gesture that people use to convey
something to someone else are all similar types of non-verbal
communication. As far as interpersonal verbal communication goes, clear
and constructive communication between players, coaches, administrators,
parents and others involved with a team parallels positive communication
in any other organization -- like a business.

The Importance of Communication for Coaches and Players

Many studies have shown the benefits of good communication in
competitive athletics. Players who know how to effectively interact with
each other will work together better, forming a stronger overall team.
However, learning to communicate one's thoughts and feelings clearly and
effectively without hurting or offending others can take time. Fostering this
knowledge in players is primarily the responsibility of the team's coach.
Workshops in effective communication are a part of many successful
athletic programs, and coaches who communicate openly with their
athletes can model effective interaction by speaking directly, listening
attentively and valuing others' opinions. Positive communication in sports
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can also benefit from common practices like pre-game meetings, when the
team and coaching staff can come together to give feedback, discuss
strategies and set goals for the day.

The Importance of Communication for Administrators

Administrators have many responsibilities in sports organizations, as
they have a hand in overseeing every aspect of their organizations. Most of
these aspects involve communication, including coordinating and
monitoring the coaching staff, making budgets with financial planners,
interviewing prospective employees and athletes, and meeting with
investors, owners, or officials. Improving the communication of the staff
and management of any business has been shown to maximize productivity
and improve employee morale. This can result in a more successful
business with higher retention rates.
Another important aspect of administrative communication in sports
is an organization's public relations with parents, media and fans.
Administrators need to work hard to develop good relationships based on
clear and constructive communication with parents in the collegiate and
high school settings. In professional sports, interactions with the media and
fans are integral. New research shows that an authentic and genuine
connection with fans through various forms of communication, including
social media, plays an important role as well.
The importance of communication in sports is clear to researchers --
it is integral to successful sports organizations. Teams that promote
positive communication and respect among players improve overall
motivation. Coaches who learn to communicate effectively with their

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

athletes can deliver positive feedback and constructive criticism in ways

that actually influence players' performance.
Similarly, administrators who support open interaction in the
workplace create positive working environments, which can result in more
effective organizations. Communicating directly and positively with the
public through every available channel (including traditional and social
media) fosters public support and the personal connections organizations
need to build committed fan-bases. By pursuing a master's degree in sports
administration, you can develop the communication skills necessary to
administrate effectively and lead others by example.

Test Yourself
Student’s Activity 5
A – IDENTIFICATION: Answer the following questions.
__________1. This is the art of motivating a group of people to act
toward achieving a common goal.
__________2. It is one of the most common types, often used during
presentations, video conferences and phone calls, meetings and one-on-one
__________3. This communication is the use of body language, gestures
and facial expressions to convey information to others.
__________4. It is often used as an aid during presentations to provide
helpful context alongside written and/or verbal communication.
__________5. It is the act of writing, typing or printing symbols like
letters and numbers to convey information.

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

B – Write true if the statement is correct and false if not.

_____1. Leadership captures the essentials of being able and prepared to
inspire others.
_____2. Because people have different learning styles, visual
communication might be more helpful for some to consume ideas and
_____3. Emails and chats are a common form of verbal communication in
the workplace.
_____4. Nonverbal communication is helpful when trying to understand
others’ thoughts and feelings.
_____5. Leadership requires traits that extend beyond management

Quarter 2.2:
Financial Management in
Sports and Physical
As a physical educator, you also need to know how to manage
finances especially in every sport programs like intramurals, district meet,
municipal meet, division meet, regional meet, athletic meet, and national
Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

games like Palarong Pambansa. You should know how much budget are
allocated in the whole year expenses in every sports event, sports
equipment, facilities and maintenance. It is very important to know how to
communicate to your superiors like admins and finance administrators
especially when requesting financial assistance. But before that, let us
know more about financial management.

Let’s get started

Financial management in PE
Good financial management is key to any successful sports program.
The way funds are managed, solutions to budget problems are issued, and
understanding the most significant area within your specific program are
the most important parts of financial administration. The person
responsible for sports financing, sometimes titled a financial director,
should have accounting experience and have knowledge in strategic
planning, accountability, risk management and more.

Finance Administrator Responsibilities

 Monitor all money coming in and going out
 Understand the organization’s fundamentals
 Keep track of expenses, fees, donations, etc.
 Cut unnecessary expenditures from the budget
 Inquire into matters when needed
 Know the organizations policies and regulations
 View all previous financial statements
 Note significant expenses and assess whether they are realistic
Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

 Devise a specific plan and maintain it

 Find the best insurance; price and quality
 Remain up-to-date on all tax related issues
 Prepare reports and submit them to the appropriate personnel

All organizations have a budget. The money they are allotted is
broken up differently according to region and location, so it is important to
be aware of how the money should be spent. Some areas prefer a stronger
emphasis on one sport over another, or the budget is simply not large
enough to accommodate very many alternate athletics options. This is
where strict budgeting can come in handy. When you’re making your
budget, remember to assess what areas require the most money, and to cut
out any unnecessary expenditures. This frees up money for other athletics
programs and keeps your organization from overspending where it isn’t
A few tips for budget preparation:
 When are membership fees/dues, fundraising, and donations coming
in? In spite of a set day for fees or dues, or when a fundraiser or
donation is scheduled to come in, it may be late. It may take time for
the money to be gathered and delivered, so allow your budget wiggle
room for this. Are the expenses set a realistic level?
 Use prior reports to determine if the amount of money going out
makes sense. If too much money is spent in one area, you won’t have
the budget for other opportunities. Does the number of members
effect the expenses?

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

 Some athletics programs require equipment or uniforms to be bought

for each individual player. This causes the cost to be higher, so
allowing new sports programs into your organization should have this
factored into the decision making process.
 Set aside money for large expenses; emergency funding, gas and
drivers for travel, drinks, hotels, and more.

Short-term and Long-term Budgeting

The major difference between short-term and long-term budgeting is
relatively simple. Short-term is usually anything that refers to less than a
year, and long-term is anything over that. Short-term expenditures are
anything that you will have to pay money on now and that won’t be used
again and again. This might be uniforms, food and drinks, gas money,
insurance payments, etc. Whereas long-term might refer to large training
equipment or vehicles. Setting a short-term budget first will show you how
much money is left in the budget for long-term investments. It is pertinent
to attempt to set aside enough money for both, but it is not always possible.
This is where a sharp mind and determination come into play.

A forecast is a financial plan or budget that you create for your
specific business. In this case, for the athletics program or organization that
you are the financial administrator for. A large part of a successful
organization is planning ahead for expenses while incorporating expected
income. When you create your forecast, you form one for projected income
and one for expected expenses.

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

After, you combine the two which gives you a cash flow forecast that
will show you exactly how much money you need to have coming in to give
you the money needed for all your expenses. It can also help to have these if
you are applying for any government assistance or looking for sponsors. It
will show them exactly, down to the dollar amount, what you need the
money for. Be practical and responsible in what you deem as necessary,
because potential sponsors and government officials will as well.

There is no specific way to create a budget, do forecasting, or to create
a financial plan. This, while it would normally seem to make it more
difficult, actually gives you room to create a plan that fits your specific
organization. A financial plan notes predicted cash flow, assets, and works
in accordance with net worth, tax liabilities, insurance, and much more.
The plan you create will set out the ground work for all the money coming
in and out of your organization.
Tips to remember when creates a strong financial plan:
•Determine where you want the organization to go.
Set long-term end goals so that you know what direction to take your plan.
•Build your plan in increments.
You won’t know immediately what plan works the best; trial and error is
•Set monthly goals.
Give your plan some wiggle room. Determine what goals you want met on a
monthly basis and do what you need to in order to meet them.
•Assess the impact.

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

Before making any large changes, assess what those changes will do to your
budget, forecast, and plan.
•Cover the difference.
If you have to take money from one expenditures, find a way to make it up
somewhere else.
•Adjust your plan.
When something comes up, adjust your plan. It takes time to create a
successful financial plan, so don’t be afraid to make changes along the way.
•Is the income higher than the expenses?
It is important to pay attention to how much money you have coming in
versus how much you have going out. If you don’t have enough, then you
will have to make the appropriate adjustments.
•What other funding options do I have?
There are many other funding options available to sports administrations.
Government funding, sponsors, donations, fundraising opportunities. Try
new things and don’t hesitate to look for the money you need in even the
unlikeliest of places.
Financial Reporting
This varies from city to city and state to state, so it is vital to know the
regulations relating to the area you are in. Some states require up-to-date
financial reports be sent to them, as well as the IRS and city governments.
If you work within a school that has different regulations than an NFL
sports team, for example, knowing what is required to stay within the
appropriate legal realms can save you unnecessary hassle and fines.


Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

Purchasing is the process a business or organization uses to acquire

goods or services to accomplish its goals. Although there are several
organizations that attempt to set standards in the purchasing process,
processes can vary greatly between organizations.
Purchasing is part of the wider procurement process, which typically also
includes expediting, supplier quality, transportation, and logistics.

Like any process the purchasing process is made up of several steps or

activities each step takes information, processes it and turns into an output
to feed into the next step.
While the purchasing process may vary from organization to organization
the major fundamentals remain the same
1 Request to purchase / requisition
This phase deals with identifying the need – what to buy – how much of it –
and when it is needed for – there are two main forms of requisition – a
manual one i.e. that created on a form (such as a requisition form) or other
document and that created automatically via an ERP type system. The
requisition will likely go through an approvals process whereby
authorization is given to purchase the item (or not!)
2 supplier selection
Buyers may already know which supplier to to buy the item from that is
being requested. If not a tender (or request for quote) process may be
initiated to identify a supplier, price and lead time.
3 purchase order
A purchase order is dispatched to the supplier (either a paper copy or
electronically) to inform the supplier of the intent to purchase. The
purchase order will identify the item(s) being procured, the quantity
Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

required and the price being paid. It will also identify delivery address and
any terms and conditions that relate to the order. Click here for our guide
on how to create a Purchase Order template using Excel
4 Fulfillment
The supplier will then dispatch the goods to the buying organization. Lead
time might be required to allow the supplier to manufacture the item or
receive deliver from Mitsubishi own suppliers.
5 Goods receipt
Once the goods arrive at the buying organization they will typically go
through some form of goods receipting process where the goods are
checked to ensure that they match what was ordered and that they are of
the correct quality.
6 Supplier invoice/payment
At time of dispatch the supplier will typically issue an invoice – which
either accompanies the goods or is sent separately. This will be received by
the finance department – processed and paid (assuming the goods are
received and are correct).
While these are the basic steps in the purchasing process all companies are
different – some will wish to automate as much as possible replacing paper
forms with electronic messages- others may have complex approval rules –
despite these variations however the fundamentals remain the same.

Maintenance functions are often referred to as maintenance, repair and

overhaul (MRO), and MRO is also used for maintenance, repair and
operations.[4] Over time, the terminology of maintenance and MRO has
begun to become standardized.
Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

• Any activity—such as tests, measurements, replacements,

adjustments, and repairs—intended to retain or restore a functional unit in
or to a specified state in which the unit can perform its required functions.
• All action taken to retain material in a serviceable condition or to
restore it to serviceability. It includes inspections, testing, servicing, and
classification as to serviceability, repair, rebuilding, and reclamation.
• All supply and repair action taken to keep a force in condition to carry
out its mission.
• The routine recurring work required to keep a facility (plant, building,
structure, ground facility, utility system, or other real property) in such
condition that it may be continuously used, at its original or designed
capacity and efficiency for its intended purpose.
Maintenance is strictly connected to the utilization stage of the product or
technical system, in which the concept of maintainability must be included.
In this scenario, maintainability is considered as the ability of an item,
under stated conditions of use, to be retained in or restored to a state in
which it can perform its required functions, using prescribed procedures
and resources.

As a sports coordinator, it is his responsibility to communicate with

the admins for the approval of the request budget.

Written Communications
Budget Request Letter – this letter is all about the budget concerned in a
specific event like intramurals, Sport’s Fest, repair or facility maintenance

Bachelor of Physical Education – Module

Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP) – it contains the expected

inventory of sports equipment, office supplies, repair and maintenance for
the whole year.

Test Yourself
Student’s Activity 6
Scenario: Assume that you are the Sport’s Coordinator of your school or
organization and there will be an upcoming Athletic Meet or Sporting event
in your district.
Instruction: You are going to prepare a request letter with itemized
expenses focusing on the budget allocation to every delegates (meals,
snacks, uniform, and transportation).


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