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ARC of Electrical system of Ash Handling Plant, Silo utility system, Ash water
recycle system including chemical house, Central Air Conditioning System of main
plant and admin building, Fire Fighting System and illumination system of the
respective areas at 2x500 MW DVC, KTPS, Koderma for one year.

NIT NO DVC/Tender/KTPS/Electrical Maint.- 1/C&M Purchase & Contract/Works

and Service/00039 Dated 11/10/2021


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TENDER DOCUMENT FOR ARC of Electrical system of Ash Handling Plant, Silo utility system,
Ash water recycle system including chemical house, Central Air Conditioning System of main plant
and admin building, Fire Fighting System and illumination system of the respective areas at 2x500
MW DVC, KTPS, Koderma for one year.

The document consists of the following :

1) Instruction : Submission of Tender Paper

2) Annexure-I: Work Details and Techno-Commercial Terms & Conditions
3) Annexure-II: Instructions to the Bidders
4) Annexure -III : Eligibility criteria for selection of tenderers (Qualifying Requirement)
5) Annexure - IV : Terms & Conditions for Reverse E-Auction Bidding
6) Form - A : Format for acceptance of Commercial Terms, General Terms & Conditions and other
terms of RFQ.
7) Annexure -E : Format for BG towards EMD
8) Annexure -F: Bank Guarantee Verification Check List
9) Annexure - G: Format for Letter of Bid
10) Annexure - H: Format for Details Of Banker For Making Payment Through RTGS/NEFT
11) Annexure - I: Format for Proforma For Affidavit
12) Annexure - J: Proforma for Power of Attorney
13) Annexure - K: List of Commercial Banks as per RBI (Source RBI Website dt. 08-06-2012)
14) Safety Clause : As per GCC - 31
15) Techno-commercial Schedule(In seperate Excel Format)
16) Price Schedule(In seperate Excel Format)
17) Checklist of Document
18) E-tendering Instruction
21) Safety Clause
22) CPE
23) Annexure-1

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FAX : (06534) - 292157
Phone : (06534) - 292156



Tender No. DVC/Tender/KTPS/Electrical Maint.- 1/C&M Purchase & Contract/Works and Service/00039
Dated 11/10/2021
Last Date of submission(uploading) of Bid Documents : 11/11/2021 (upto 1000 Hrs. )
Date of Opening of Techno-Commercial Offer : 12/11/2021 at 1010 Hrs.

DESCRIPTION OF WORKS : ARC of Electrical system of Ash Handling Plant, Silo utility system, Ash water
recycle system including chemical house, Central Air Conditioning System of main plant and admin building, Fire
Fighting System and illumination system of the respective areas at 2x500 MW DVC, KTPS, Koderma for one
Tenders for Single Stage-Three Envelope Two part tendering through e-tendering process are invited on behalf of
KODERMA THERMAL POWER STATION, Damodar Valley Corporation, for ARC of Electrical system of Ash
Handling Plant, Silo utility system, Ash water recycle system including chemical house, Central Air Conditioning
System of main plant and admin building, Fire Fighting System and illumination system of the respective areas at
2x500 MW DVC, KTPS, Koderma for one year. for the under mentioned job as per description of work ,scope of
work ,terms and condition as detailed below.

TOTAL ESTIMATED VALUE : 2540968.65/-only in INR currency

EARNEST MONEY : Rs.0.00/-only
OF TENDER DOCUMENT : 11/10/2021 at 1855 Hrs.
OF TENDER DOCUMENT : 11/11/2021 (upto 1000 Hrs.)

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Tenders, will be received by the office of the SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER(C&M), KODARMA
THERMAL POWER STATION upto 1000 Hrs. on 11/11/2021 and the same will be opened in presence of
representative of participating vendors on 12/11/2021 at 1010 Hrs. If the Opening day is declared a holiday by
DVC/any unforeseen situation arrives(local Strike/Bandh etc.), then these activities will be taken up on the next
working day at the same time schedule. Tenders received in the office of the SUPERINTENDING
ENGINEER(C&M) after scheduled time and date fixed for the purpose will not be considered at all and DVC
authorities will not take any responsibility to accept any tender which are received in his office late due to postal
delay. When tenders are intended to be submitted to the tender inviting authority by messenger/courier/speed
post, these should be submitted to the designated officer and thereafter it is to be kept in the designated place in
the office of the tender inviting authority. The names and designation of at least two officers specially assigned
for this purpose are :-


Purchase & Contract STATION
2. JAYABRATA BISWAS SDE-C&M Purchase & KODARMA jayabrata.biswas@dvc.
Nobody in the office of the SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER(C&M) other than those mentioned here is
authorised to receive any tender delivered by hand.

Bidders must positively complete online e-tendering procedure at

The details of EMD & cost of Tender documents shall have to be indicated while filling the Tender documents
form available in the website The Bidder shall also have to submit the hard
copy of the EMD (amount as mentioned above) & cost of Tender documents in an envelope super scribing "BID
SECURITY/EMD" in any of the following forms:

1) COST OF TENDER DOCUMENTS: Tender documents are downloaded from DVC's website. The cost of
tender documents is Non-refundable. The Bidder will pay cost of tender documents through e-payment mode /
electronic mode i.e. credit card, debit card / Net banking etc. Provision for NEFT/ RTGS has also been enabled.
Moreover in case the bidder who do not have any credit card/ debit card or net banking facilities can use NEFT/
RTGS facilities for payment by downloading the challan from the web site and submit the same to nearest bank.
The bidder shall upload the scan copy of payment details while uploading the tender.

Earnest Money shall be deposited in any of the following mode:
a) E-payment mode has been enabled. The bidders can pay the cost of bid document and the EMD through
electronic mode i.e. credit card/ debit card/ net banking. Provision for NEFT/ RTGS has also been enable,
moreover in case the bidder who do not have any credit card/ debit card or net banking facilities can use
NEFT/ RTGS facilities for payment by downloading the challan from the web site and submit the same to
nearest bank.

b) Earnest Money can be submitted in the form of Bank Guarantee from an Indian Nationalized Bank /
Schedule Bank / Foreign Bank (in the scheduled list of Reserve Bank India), irrevocable and operative till
the validity of the offer as per standard Proforma (as per Performa & instruction given in Annexure -E).

c) DVC Bonds duly endorsed in favour of DVC.

d) Post Office National Savings Certificate, having face value equal to the EMD value and duly endorsed by
issuing authority in favour of Addl. Chief Accounts Officer, DVC, KTPS.

e) Attested photocopy of certificate issued by DVC as permanent EMD account holder

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f) Pay Order or Demand Draft in favour of the Addl. Chief Accounts Officer, DVC, KTPS payable at
SBI,KTPP Branch(Code No. 12633) and Bank of India, Banjhedih(Code No.4989), (Code No : )

No Bank Guarantee shall be accepted for EMD amount upto Rs. 50,000/-. However, EMD exceeding Rs.
50,000/- may be accepted in any of the above forms.

The intending Bidder are advised to take care that cost of tender & EMD is correctly drawn and reaches before the
tender opening as detailed in the NIT and any relaxation in this regard will not be allowed and their bids shall be
rejected outrightly.

In the event of submission of BG in lieu of Earnest Money, the B.G. shall not be accepted and bid may be
rejected if:
(a) The name of the NIT mentioned in the BG is different from the NIT for which bids have been invited. (b) The
firm/proprietor, on whose behalf the bank guarantee has been furnished, is different from the bidder. (c) The Bank
Guarantee is not of the prescribed value. (d) The validity of the Bank Guarantee is less than the stipulated period.

In addition to the above, other points to be noted and followed strictly for the purpose of the execution of the BG
as stipulated under the instruction of submission of BG in Annexure -F.

No tender will be considered as valid without acceptance of Earnest Money Deposit.

Note:- The Bank Guarantee to be prepared on non judicial stamp paper of appropriate value which vary from state
to state and time to time. As such no rate has been prescribed. It has to be verified from the bank.

PERMANENT EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT: The Tenderer may deposit with the Corporation, permanent
EMD of rupees three lakhs only (Rs. 3,00,000) in the form DD/Pay order/banker cheque Draft in favour of
Damodar Valley Corporation payable at Kolkata in INR or BG for a period of three years constituting the same
sum as security for the compliance with the obligation undertaken in the tenders involving estimated cost upto
Rs.1 crore irrespective no. of tender. No interest shall be payable on such deposit amount. Tenderer shall be
entitled to submit offers and to have them considered without payment of EMD with each tender separately. An
exemption certificate shall be issued to such vendors and they need to furnish reference of this certificate
alongwith tender document and also superscribe the reference on the envelope so that offers are accepted for

The EMD may be forfeited
1) For failure of tenderers to accept the order / LOI / LOA placed within the validity period of their offer.
2) Any bidder withdraws/varies his offer within the bid validity period before finalization of the tender.
3) If the bidder does not accept the arithmetical correction of its bid price.
4) For failure to submit security cum performance BG within 30 days from the last day of the specified time limit
as stipulated in the PO/LOI/LOA.
5) If the acceptance of order is not received within the stipulated period.
6) If the Bidder does not withdraw any deviation listed in Statement of Deviations at the cost of withdrawal
indicated by him.
7) If the Bidder refuse to withdraw, without any cost to the Owner, any deviation not listed in Statement of
Deviations but found elsewhere in the Bid,
8) On providing false or incorrect information in respect of qualifying requirement etc.
9) In case the L1 bidder for any item fails to produce the documents within the specified period of 10 days in case
of domestic tenders and 15 days in case of global tenders, or if any of the information furnished by L1 bidder on-
line is found to be false during verification of documents.
10) Permanent EMD deposited by vendors/suppliers shall be forfeited in case they
i) Revoke the tender or increase the rates after opening the tender but during the validity period of their offers
ii) Refuse to accept the order/contract issued as per their offer or subsequent mutual agreements.
iii) Do not execute the orders.
Permanent EMD can be refunded if so desired by vendors, in which case they shall be required to deposit requisite
EMD with each tender.

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The earnest money would be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderers within 15 days of finalization of the tender.
Earnest Money will be returned to the successful tenderer after receipt of SDBG as per terms mentioned in the
Purchase/Work order. No interest would be paid against the EM deposits.

Exemption from EMD & Cost Of Tender : MSEs registered with MSME / NSIC shall be exempted from the
payment of EMD & COST OF TENDER DOCUMENTS. MSEs seeking such exemption must upload
scanned copies of valid registration certificate from msme / nsic in the website [1] and also submit the hard copy of the uploaded documents in a
separate envelope super scribing "MSME/NSIC CERTIFICATE" to the office of SUPERINTENDING
ENGINEER(C&M), KTPS,DVC before the date and time set for bid submission (uploading).

The above envelopes i.e. "BID SECURITY/EMD" OR "MSME/NSIC CERTIFICATE" (as applicable) should be
sealed in an outer envelope super scribing on it, the nit no. and due date of opening.
All Tenderers would be bound by the terms and conditions as detailed in tender specifications by the DVC and GCC
available in

The subject NIT has been hoisted in e- procurement portal "" You may visit
website for detail of the NIT & its tender documents and also may participate in the tender through e- procurement
i.e. on line submission of offer .Further to that you are requested to please register your firm for e-procurement if
not registered till date.You may contact for the above through e-mail to DVC.

Offers should invariably be kept open for acceptance for 180 Days from the date of opening of the tenders.

All tenderers would be bound by the terms and conditions as detailed in tender specifications of the DVC.
DVC reserves the right not to accept the lowest rate quoted by tenderer and reject any or all the tenders and
to split up and award the work to more than one tenderer without assigning any reason thereof if considered

Tenderer's authorized representative may be present at the time of opening. However, in unforeseen
circumstances or due to administrative reasons, if the bid is not opened on due date, the same will be opened
on next working day at same time without any further information. However, if required the date of opening
will be extended further and the intimation for the same will be given on-line. DVC reserves the right to
cancel any quotation in part or full and to reduce or increase the quantity of supply and to split up & award
to one or more tenderer, without assigning any reason thereof


1.1. This tender is being processed through e-procurement system. The bid documents are to be downloaded,
filled in and submitted through e-procurement system of DVC at
However for any future correspondences with DVC (such as responses towards techno-commercial bid
clarifications etc), tenderers have to send their reply only to email address as mentioned in NIT & DVC will make
correspondences with the tenderer through their respective e-mail addresses. Changes of e-mail address of any
bidder, if any, must be intimated on priority basis to DVC in writing with proper reasons thereof.
For any queries regarding all sorts of application of e-Procurement system while acquiring digital signature,
registration, downloading & uploading of tender documents, activation of user ID & password, Sk Nawajesh
Rahman , e-mail ID [email protected] Contact No. 9831683690 / Miss Armistha Kangsa Banik, e-mail:
[email protected] (Mob:8240124812) may please be contacted.
A Valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) (class III with Signing & Encryption Certificate) is mandatory to
participate for e- tendering system under CPPP portal. The e-token should have both signing and encryption
certificate for securing the e-tender data for participating in e- tendering system. The certificate may be obtained
from any of the authorised agencies of CCA (Controller of Certifying Authorities)] on Bidder¿s own cost.
The instructions given below are meant to assist the bidders in registering on the CPP Portal

Page 6 of 33
a) Bidders are required to register in the Government e-procurement portal, obtain `Login ID¿ & `Password¿ and
go through the instructions available in the Home page after log in to the CPP Portal (URL:, by clicking on the link ¿Online bidder Enrolment¿ on the CPP Portal which is free of
b) As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique user name and assign a
password for their accounts.
c) Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of the registration process.
These would be used for any communication from the CPP Portal.
d) Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature Certificate issued by any
Certifying Authority recognized by CCA India with their profile.
e) Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user ID/password and the password of
the DSC / e-Token.
f) The Bidder intending to participate in the bid is required to register in the e-tenders portal using his/her Login
ID and attach his/her valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) to his/her unique Login ID. He/She have to submit
the relevant information as asked for about the firm/contractor. The bidders, who submit their bids for this tender
after digitally signing using their Digital Signature Certificate (DSC), accept that they have clearly understood and
agreed the terms and conditions including all the Forms/Annexure of this tender.
More information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal may be obtained at:
For clarification about e-tendering procedures, downloading & Uploading and further details / elaboration, the
bidders are advised to contact the following FMP Support Persons, representatives of M/s. National Informatics
Centre Services Incorporated (NICSI), available in Help Desk at DVC Towers, C&M Department, 3rd Floor,
Kolkata-54, West Bengal, India during the office hours.
(i) Sk Nawajesh Rahman , e-mail ID [email protected] Contact No. 9831683690
(ii) Miss Armistha Kangsa Banik, e-mail: [email protected] (Mob: 8240124812).

(For & on behalf of Damodar Valley Corporation)

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Sr. Task Code Description of Work Frequency/ UOM Completion
No. Quantity Period(In Days)

1 ELEC/KTPS/AH Site Supervisors /Site Incharge 12.0000 Per 365

P/ARC-A Month
2 ELEC/KTPS/AH Routine, Preventive and break down 12.0000 Per 365
P/ARC-B maintenance of all electrical equipment of Ash Month
Handling Plant, Silo utility system, Ash water
recycle system including chemical
house(AHP), Central Air Conditioning System
of main plant and admin building, Fire Water
Pump House and illumination system of the
respective areas
3 ELEC/KTPS/AH Round the Clock Operation and Supervision of 1095.000 SHIFT 365
P/ARC-C electrical equipment /System / illumination of 0
afore said Areas.
As per attachment.


Sr. Task Code Description of Work Frequency/ UOM Completion
No. Quantity Period(In Days)

1 ELEC/KTPS/AH Servicing/Overhauling Support of EOT 15.0000 NO 365

P/ARC/1 Crane/Hoist/Monorail at different locations
under afore said areas:
2 ELEC/KTPS/AH Replacement & shifting of LT motors of rating 8.0000 NO 365
P/ARC/2 (51 KW and above).
3 ELEC/KTPS/AH Minor repair work in LT motors (51 KW and 5.0000 NO 365
P/ARC/3 above) in case of any abnormality:
4 ELEC/KTPS/AH Replacement & shifting of HT motors of 2.0000 NO 365
P/ARC/4 different ratings (Except for Recovery water
Pump Motor).
5 ELEC/KTPS/AH Replacement & shifting of HT motors 2.0000 NO 365
P/ARC/5 Recovery water Pump Motor 285 KW 3.3 KV
(at Ash Pond).
6 ELEC/KTPS/AH Minor repair/replacement of defective parts of 2.0000 NO 365
P/ARC/6 HT motors (3.3KV) in case of abnormalities):
7 ELEC/KTPS/AH For cable laying. Collection from store and 500.0000 MTR 365
P/ARC/7 laying of cables 1.1 KV, above 35 upto 95 mm2
Al/Cu cable.
8 ELEC/KTPS/AH For cable laying. Collection from store and 300.0000 MTR 365
P/ARC/8 laying of cables 1.1 KV, above 95 to 185 mm2
Al/Cu cable
9 ELEC/KTPS/AH For cable laying. Collection from store and 250.0000 MTR 365
P/ARC/9 laying of cables 1.1 KV, above 185 sqmm to
Page 8 of 33
Sr. Task Code Description of Work Frequency/ UOM Completion
No. Quantity Period(In Days)

400 sqmmAl/Cu cable

10 ELEC/KTPS/AH Manpower support during Odd hours, OFF 250.0000 MAN 365
P/ARC/10 days and Holidays-Skilled HOUR
11 ELEC/KTPS/AH Manpower support during Odd hours, OFF 200.0000 MAN 365
P/ARC/11 days and Holidays-Semi Skilled HOUR
12 ELEC/KTPS/AH Welding, Fiting, Grinding and other misc 15.0000 NO 365
P/ARC/12 Mechanical work (per job basis)
1. As per attachment.

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Orders placed by the Corporation are subject to the Techno-Commercial Terms & Conditions as follows and also
will be guided by GCC-2016 available in
However if any Terms and Conditions mentioned in Techno-Commercial Terms & Conditions are similar with
that of GCC,then the former should prevail.
Rate shall remain VARIABLE throughout the contract period.


If any price component related to subject NIT in full or in part is exposed and found with its techno-
commercial offers, the offer shall out rightly be rejected and will not be considered further.


Bid evaluation will be done Summery Wise.
DVC reserves the right to recover a sum equivalent to 0.5% of the delayed work for each week of
delay or part thereof subject to maximum of 5% of the total value of the order as Liquidated Damage
due to delay in completion of work attributable to the contractor.
(ii) Alternatively, the Purchaser reserves the right to purchase the material from elsewhere at the sole
risk and cost of the Vendor and recover all such extra cost incurred by the Purchaser in procuring the
material by the above procedure.
(iii) Alternatively, the Purchaser may cancel the Order completely or partly without prejudice to his
right under the alternatives mentioned above
(iv) In the event of recourse to alternative (ii) and (iii) above, the Purchaser will have the right to re-
purchase the stores, to meet urgency in requirement caused by Vendors failure to comply with the
schedule of delivery irrespective of the fact whether the materials are similar or not.

Payment Terms Description Task Description

90% of contract price for works/service contract For All Tasks

against RA bills. This also includes initial
advance, if any.
Remaining 10% after completion of the contract. For All Tasks


Payment Terms Description Task Description

90% of contract price for works/service contract For All Tasks

against RA bills. This also includes initial
advance, if any.
Remaining 10% after completion of the contract. For All Tasks


Except in cases of Criminal Negligence or wilful misconduct,
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(i) The Contractor and The Employer shall not be liable to the Other Party for any indirect or
consequential loss or damage, loss of use, loss of production, or loss of profits or Interest costs, provided
that this exclusion shall not apply to any obligation of the Contractor to pay liquidated damages to the
(ii) The aggregate liability of the Contractor to the Employer, whether under the Contract, in tort or
otherwise, shall not exceed the total Contract Price, provided that this limitation shall not apply to the
cost of repairing or replacing defective equipment, or to any obligation of the Contractor to indemnify
the Employer with respect to patent infringement, copy right, workman compensation.
7.0 Please keep your offer valid for 180 days from the due date of opening.

8.0 Other Terms and conditions which are not specifically mentioned in the Terms and conditions of the NIT
shall be guided by DVC¿s G.C.C as per applicability. Bidders are requested to visit Website and for getting DVC¿s G.C.C.


(A) TERMINATION:- Termination of contract will be applicable as per Clause No.24 of ¿OPTIONAL
TERMS & CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT of GCC¿. GCC¿2016 is available in DVC website. (B)
SAFETY CLAUSE:- As per attachment. (C) UPWARD VARIATION:- Any upward variation in taxes &
duties beyond contract period will be borne by you. However any decrease in this respect will have to be
passed on to DVC. (D) COMPLIANCE OF EPF & ESI SCHEME:- Compliance of EPF & ESI scheme for
the workers engaged by the Contractor shall be applicable as per rules. (E) AGREEMENT:- Immediately
on placement of work order, an agreement is to be made as per DVC norms on Non-judicial stamp paper of
appropriate value before commencement of works/Services. No payment whatsoever related to this contract
shall be made unless agreement is executed. (F) SUBLETTING OF CONTRACT:- As mentioned in scope
of work and other terms & conditions (attached). (G) CPE:- Contractors have to support in generating
contractor performance evaluation sheet (In the prescribed format as per annexure- enclosed). No bill will
be passed/No payment will be made before submission of contractor performance evaluation report. (H)
MOBILIZATION:- As mentioned in scope of work and other terms & conditions (attached). (I) GST
RELATED TERMS & CONDITIONS:- i) Please Submit Tax invoice on supply of material/Service with
prerequisites statutory information within stipulated time as mentioned in the relevant provisions of the
central goods and services Tax Act 2017 and allied acts and rules made thereunder. In case the invoice is
issued beyond the stipulated time as per GST Act then DVC will not be liable to reimburse any such taxes
and duties paid under the GST Act. Further, the supplier of Goods /Services indemnifies DVC from and
against any loss/Extract cost incurred by the company on account of default by the supplier or any of its
third part in any statutory compliance of the GST Act. ii) Vendors are advised to check applicable GST on
their own before quoting. Buyer will not take any responsibility in this regards. GST reimbursement will be
as per actuals or as per applicable rates (whichever is lower), subject to the maximum of quoted GST %. (J)
OUR BANKER:- SBI, KTPP Branch (Branch Code no. 12633, IFSC code. SBIN0012633, Micro Code.
825002609) and Bank of India, Banjhedih (Branch Code no. 4989, IFSC code. BKID0004989, Micro code.
825013612). (K) PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE:- The firm will have to stand guarantee for a period of
SIX (06) months from the date of completion of work against any poor workmanship/poor performance. In
case any deficiencies are found during this period, the same shall be rectified/repaired by the firm free of
cost immediately as per direction and satisfaction of Engineer in charge. (L) SCANNED COPIES OF ALL
THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS:- Scanned Copies of all the required documents for meeting the
qualifying criteria of the tender along with the bid documents shall have to be uploaded in DVC e- tender
portal (all type of E- Tenders) during submission of bid on line for techno commercial evaluation and
compliance thereof. Tenders will be processed on the basis of scanned copy of the documents submitted by
the bidders. Hard copies of the QR related documents (Original/self-authenticated and attested by public
notary) will be asked from the L1 bidder in support of the information and documents furnished by the said
bidder on-line for validating and record.
(A) LAWS:- a. Vendor should have to abide by all Statutory Acts and Laws and Regulations of respective
Government. b. Vendor shall be responsible for compliance of all statutory obligations under

Page 11 of 33
FactoriesAct.1948, Contract Labour Act, Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act and also be
responsible for payment of employees contribution under EPF etc. c. Vendor has to obtain labour license
from statutory body i.e. concerned office of the Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) as applicable. d.
Vendor shall have to obtain license from Govt. License authority under Contract Labour Regulation and
Abolition Act and the copy of the same will have to be produced. e. The workers deployed by vendor will
be bound by regulation of Factories Act.1948. Minor and women labours shall not be engaged in this job. f.
Xerox copies of the documents showing deposit of EPF amount to the EPF department of Govt. & ESI
should be submitted to the controlling officer and personnel department after completion of work for bill
payment. (B) DISCIPLINE:- The contractor's employees should maintain proper discipline and behavior
and do not cause any hindrance to smooth running of the Power Plant or in execution of duties by DVC,
KTPS Employees .Controlling Officer is fully empowered to ask the contractor to withdraw any
worker/workers on charges of misconduct, incompetence/ negligence in discharge of duties and such
worker/workers may not be deployed without his permission. (C) LOCAL RULES & REGULATIONS:-
The contractor has to abide by the rules and regulations framed by DVC authority which may change from
time to time in the interest of the project. They are to follow the duty hours as will be specified by the
controlling officer during execution of contract. (D) DISCONTINUATION OF JOB:- In case the job is
found discontinued by Contractor within the contractual period, DVC, KTPS shall have the right to award
part or full job to any other outside agency and the expenditure thereof shall be deducted from their bill of
the contractor. (E) SECURITY GATE PASS:- The contractor has to arrange Photo gate pass at his own
cost for his workmen from the security department and the rules and regulations related to this subject shall
EQUIPMENT:- The contractor should take care for safety of equipment and property of DVC, KTPS. Any
loss to this effect will be contractor¿s responsibility entirely and they shall have to make good for the losses
and extra expenditure incurred by DVC, KTPS thereof. (G) UNAUTHORIZED
OCCUPATION/POSSESSION:- Unauthorized occupation/possession of Quarters/Shop/Plot of land of DVC
will be treated as a disqualification and tender submitted/Contract awarded is liable to be rejected/cancelled,
as the case may be, at any stage if the vendor or his authorized representative is found to be having such
unauthorized occupation/ possession. (H) NOTE REGARDING DEVIATION ELSEWHERE:- Bidders
who have not complied all the terms & conditions of NIT/Tender Document and taken deviation elsewhere
than deviation sheet ,will be asked to withdraw unconditionally the deviation without any price implication
within the specific time frame failing which their offers will not be considered for opening of price bids. (I)
GST REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE, PAN CARD:- Please enclose a Xerox copy of valid GST
registration certificate & PAN Card with quotation.
[A] Security Deposit in the form of Bank Guarantee shall only be acceptable and the successful tenderer
will have to deposit as security, for satisfactory execution of the order, and for guaranteed performance of
the supplied item/executed works or services for an amount equivalent to 3% of the ordered value in the
form of Bank Guarantee (as per DVC format) within 30 days from the date of issuance of Purchase
Order/Work Order, from any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank and it should have validity covering contract
period & Guarantee/Warrantee/Defect Liability Period/Maintenance Period plus six months claim period
thereafter. In case of extension/repeat of the contract, the same shall have to be extended suitably or the
fresh BG for an amount equivalent to 3% of the ordered value is to be submitted within 30 days from the
date of issuance of Purchase Order/Work Order, from any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank and it should have
validity covering contract period & Guarantee/Warrantee/Defect Liability Period/Maintenance Period plus
six months claim period thereafter. OR [B] Security Deposit is to be recovered as Pro-rata deductions @
3% from the running Bill/submitted Invoice and the amount so deducted/accepted as SD will be released
after expiry of Guarantee/Warrantee/Defect Liability/Maintenance Period as mentioned in the contract. OR
[C] Security Deposit is to be recovered @ 3% of the contract value in the form of advance bank draft issued
in favour of Sr. Addl. Chief Accounts Officer, KTPS, DVC, payable at SBI KTPP, Banjhedih and the
amount so accepted as SD will be released after expiry of Guarantee/Warrantee/Defect
Liability/Maintenance Period as mentioned in the contract. Note: (i)For order value up to Rupees Ten lakh,
Security deposit may not be applicable. (ii) Pro-rata deduction @ 3% is also allowed as SD for scheduled
upward variation on account of variation of scope/quantity/price for any value of contract irrespective of
instrument used for original SD. (iii)No payment, whatsoever will be made till the acceptance of BG/deposit
of initial SD as the case may be as per the terms of the contract. (iv) MSEs registered with MSME/ NSIC
are required to deposit security deposit cum performance guarantee in the form as mentioned above.

Page 12 of 33
12.0 As per attachment.


ATTACHED AS ANNEXURE-1] or hard copy of Valid NSIC/Valid MSME registration certificate (self-
authenticated) from appropriate Govt. authority will be opened on the due date and contents of the envelope
will be prima facie checked. (b)If the prescribed instruments are not found in envelope in line with the NIT
requirement then the offer will be out rightly rejected. (c)However, even after opening of the Techno-
Commercial part, a thorough scrutiny of EMD IN FORM OF BID SECURITY DECLARATION ON
ATTACHED AS ANNEXURE-1] and cost of tender documents or hard copy of Valid NSIC/Valid MSME
registration certificate (self-authenticated) from appropriate Govt. authority will be made. If the instruments
and `cost of tender documents¿ or hard copy of Valid NSIC/Valid MSME registration certificate (self-
authenticated) from appropriate Govt. authority submitted against the offer is found not in line with the
enquiry, the same may not be accepted and the offer will be treated as non-responsive.
As per attachment.
a. Amendment to the existing Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises(MSE) was
notified by Ministry of MSME vide GOI Gazette Notification S.O. 5670(E) dated 9th November,2018 will
be applicable for subject Procurement/Service. b. Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order
2017 of GOI, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Udyog
Bhawan, New Delhi, No. P-45021/2 /2017 B.E. II dated 15th June, 2017 is applicable for the subject
procurement. c. Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), Order 2012 of GOI,
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Office of Development Commissioner (MSME),
Marketing Assistance Division, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi, No. 26((1) /2014-MA dated 6th November,
2015 is applicable for the subject procurement.
16.0 PV CLAUSE:-
PVC for Labour cost Particulars Calculation W Additional amount payable/receivable under PVC W=W1-
W0. W1 To be calculated =W0*[F+(Lb*L1/L0)] W0 Base contract price F Fixed portion of the contract
9.21% Lb Labour portion of the contract 90.79%. L0 Minimum Labour Wage of base period L1 Minimum
Labour Wage of Current period NOTE: 1. Price basis: -The Prices quoted by the contractor for Annual
Maintenance Contract (AMC)/Annual Rate Contract(ARC) shall be subject to adjustment during pendency
of the Contract to reflect changes in the cost of skilled/unskilled labour in accordance with the procedures
specified in PVC for labour cost provided in bid forms & Procedures(BFP)/ Section/Annexure etc. (To be
mentioned as per formation of respective bid document/NIT). A bid submitted with a firm price quotation
will not be rejected, but the price adjustment will be treated as zero. The Price adjustment provision will not
be taken into consideration in bid evaluation. 2. For calculation of increase/decrease (W)-Minimum central
wage( L1, L0) for unskilled & Skilled labours are to be considered as per Circular of DVC HR and L1/L0 to
be calculated both for skilled and Unskilled labours separately on each occasion and minimum of the L1/L0
so calculated to be considered in PV formula. 3. The escalation shall be applied both way i.e. +Ve or -Ve.
4. Central wage components for this purpose will be (Basic+ VDA), [email protected]% of (Basic +VDA), EPF
& ESI, to be considered in estimate and for calculation of L1/L0. 5. Base period will be date of submission
of Bid. 6. W1=W0*(0.0921+ (0.9079*L1/L0)) 7. For this work F & Lb is defined as: Fixed portion of the
contract (F) = 0.0921, labour portion of the contract (Lb)= 0.9079
365 days from the date of commencement of work.

Page 13 of 33


a) The Bidders must visit the website to download the

notification / blank tender documents relating to Tender No.DVC/Tender/KTPS/Electrical
Maint.- 1/C&M Purchase & Contract/Works and Service/00039 Dated 11/10/2021.
b) The detailed NIT includes Techno-Commercial Document and Price Bid document. These
documents should be downloaded from the website.

c) The Bidders must fill all the details in the Price-bid document and Techno-Commercial
Document after going through the NIT. The specific instructions of filling in the details are
mentioned in the documents itself. Bidders are requested to study the instructions carefully
before filling the documents.

d) After filling all the documents, the Bidder has to upload those documents in the website

e) If the Bidder uploads the tender documents without filling them completely as per the
instructions given in them, DVC reserves the right to reject the bid.
f) Addendum/Corrigendum/modification/extension, if any, shall be published in the
website( .

g) DVC shall not be responsible in any way for any delay/difficulties/inaccessibility of the
downloading facility from the website for any reason whatsoever.
h) For clarification about e-tendering procedures, downloading & Uploading and further
details / elaboration, the bidders are advised to contact the following FMP Support Persons,
representatives of M/s. National Informatics Centre Services Incorporated (NICSI),
available in Help Desk at DVC Towers, C&M Department, 3rd Floor, Kolkata-54, West
Bengal, India during the office hours.
(i) Sk Nawajesh Rahman , e-mail ID [email protected] Contact No. 9831683690
(ii) ii) MissArmistha Kangsa Banik, e-mail: [email protected] (Mob:

2.0 Before filling the offers, bidders are requested to go through the general conditions of Contract, DVC
in order to familiarize with DVC's commercial terms & conditions, Cost Compensations for
deviations and bid evaluation procedure.
3.0 The Bidders may visit the site(KTPS Plant) for any clarification/discussion on any point as felt
necessary with respect to NIT before submission of bid. The costs of visiting the site shall be at the
bidder's own expense.

4.0 DVC reserves the right not to accept the lowest rate quoted by a Tenderer and reject any or all the
tenders and to split up and award the W.O. to more than one tenderer without assigning any reason
thereof and may also increase or decrease the number of tendered quantities to be procured, if felt
5.0 On receipt of formal Work Order in duplicate, one copy shall be returned to the Work Order issuing
authority within 15 days duly acknowledged with signature, seal of the firm with date as a mark of
acceptance of the contract.
6.0 Unsigned offer uploaded by any bidder will not be considered valid.

Page 14 of 33
7.0 Conditional discount will not be accepted for bid evaluation.
8.0 The tenderers who are found to be indulging in changing /adding or deleting the contents of the
downloaded tender documents will be liable to face necessary action as deemed fit including banning,
suspension of business dealings etc.
9.0 Tenderers will be solely responsible for the correctness/genuineness of the downloaded tender
documents from the website. If the offer submitted through the downloaded tender documents which
are incomplete, or with changed contents, the offer will summarily rejected.
10.0 Quotation submitted by the tenderers through fax/telegrams/e-mail will not be considered valid and
conditional discount will not be accepted for bid evaluation.
11.0 All Taxes and duties must be clearly indicated in price bid.
12.0 If there is any discrepancy between the unit price and the total price, which is obtained by
multiplying the unit price and quantity, unit price shall prevail and total price will be corrected
13.0 Price must be quoted in both figures and words and if there is any discrepency ,the price quoted in
words shall prevail.
15.0 Note:Bidders will not be required to upload scanned copy of any document or to submit hard
copy of any document for the techno-commercial evaluation process except the scanned copy of Letter of
Bid, cost of tender document, EMD, document in support of exemption of EMD (if applicable), documents
in support of QR criteria (the documents as mentioned in the QR of the NIT) besides submission of Hard
Copy of cost of tender document and EMD before opening the tender. The information furnished by the
bidders on-line along with on-line undertaking with Digital Signature Certificate in support of the
authenticity of the facts, figures, information and documents furnished by them online will be accepted for
the techno- commercial evaluation of the bids.

15.1 The "BID SECURITY/EMD" i.e Cost of tender documents and Earnest Money deposit (for amount
as indicated in the tender documents) have to be furnished only in modes specified in the tender
documents. The documents towards the same in original must reach SUPERINTENDING

15.2 The details of documents towards Cost of tender documents and Earnest Money deposit must be filled
in the space provided in the website. The scanned copies of the EMD Documents also must be
uploaded in "Document Library".

15.3 Bidders must positively complete online e-tendering procedure at Do not submit hard copies of the offers.

15.4 The bidders are also advised to keep on visiting the websites for any notification / amendment /
addendum / corrigendum.

15.5 a. The bidder will have to submit the supporting documents in respect of cost of tender document and
EMD in off-line mode i.e. in hard copy along with uploading the same in e-procurement portal
mentioned in NIT either in person or by post which must be received in the office of tender inviting
authority on any working day after e-publication of NIT and upto last date & time of submission of
bid. DVC shall not be responsible for any postal delay in receipt of cost of tender document and
EMD. In case the cost of tender document and EMD are not received within the aforesaid period,
the bid will be out rightly rejected.

b. In case of exemption of EMD the scanned copy of document in support of exemption will have to
be uploaded by the bidder besides submission of Hard Copy before opening the tender. (Documentary
evidence like valid registration certificate from appropriate government authority giving details such as,
validity, stores etc.).

Page 15 of 33
c. If the information furnished by bidder online are in agreement with the submitted instruments then
the bidder will be evaluated as eligible for next step. The qualification in Techno commercial bid will
be subject to the receipt and acceptance of cost of tender document and EMD.

15.6 The bidder will download the Letter of Bid, Techno- commercial Evaluation Sheet and the Price bid
from the e-Procurement portal.

a. Letter of Bid: The letter of bid as per ANNEXURE-G is to be signed by the bidder and
scanned copy of the same is to be uploaded during the time of submission of the bid. Letter of bid
will be the covering letter of the bidder. The content if the letter of bid should be as per the format
given in the NIT and should not contain any other information.

b. Techno-commercial Parameter sheet: The techno-commercial parameter sheet containing

technical and commercial terms uploaded in the e-procurement portal is to be downloaded by the
bidder and after filling the same in all respect, is to be uploaded during bid submission.

The bidder will have to accept the all techno-commercial and General Terms & Conditions of the NIT
except which are spelt out in deviation sheet and cost thereof along with on-line undertaking in
support of the authenticity of the declarations regarding the facts, figures, information and
documents furnished by the Bidder on-line. No conditional bid shall be accepted.

In the undertaking given by the bidder on-line, there will be provision for forfeiture of EMD and/or
banning for participating in future tenders in DVC for one year wherever applicable, if any information
given by the bidder on-line is found to be false at any stage which changes the eligibility status of the

c. Price bid: The price bid containing bill of quantity is to be downloaded by the prospective bidders
and fill the same in all respect and upload it in the e-procurement portal during bid submission. The
Price Bid which is incomplete and / or not submitted as per instruction given above will be rejected out

d. Bidders will not be required to upload scanned copy of any document or to submit hard copy of any
document for the techno-commercial evaluation process except the scanned copy of Letter of Bid,
techno commercial sheet, cost of tender document, EMD, document in support of exemption of EMD
(if applicable) besides submission of Hard Copy of cost of tender document and EMD before opening
the tender. The information furnished by the bidders on-line along with on-line undertaking
with Digital Signature Certificate in support of the authenticity of the facts, figures,
information and documents furnished by them online will be accepted for the Techno-
commercial evaluation of the bids.

e. Verification of documents: (i) L1Bidder/s (Based on the

information/declaration furnished by them online) shall have to produce the documents (as required as
per NIT) in original /self authenticated and attested by Public Notary, in support of the information
furnished by them on-line, for verification on any working day within 10 days in case of domestic
tenders and 15 days in case of global tenders from the date of notification by DVC. All bidder(s) shall
also submit an affidavit (original) in line with annexure -I on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.10
regarding genuineness of the information furnished by him/them online and authenticity of the
documents being produced by him/them, within the same time frame. No additional time will be
allowed to the bidder for producing the required documents.

(ii) In case any bidder(s) fails to produce the documents within the specified period of 10
days in case of domestic tenders and 15 days in case of global tenders, or if any of the information
furnished by the bidder(s) on-line is found to be false during verification of documents, which changes
the eligibility status of the bidder then EMD of the bidder(s) will be forfeitured with caution letter to
refrain in future and in event of 2nd instances EMD will be forfeited and banning of the bidder for one
year from participating in future tender.

Page 16 of 33
15.0 Settlement of disputes and Arbitration : As per clause no. 33 and Clause no. 20 (Optional Terms
and Conditions of Contract) of GCC- 2016.

16.1 During bid evaluation the Employer may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification on its
bid. The request for clarification and the response there to shall be through e-mail only, and no
change in the price or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted.
16.2 Notwithstanding anything stated above, the Employer reserves the right to assess the capabilities and
capacity of the Bidder to perform the contract at any stage during the entire bid evaluation period and
prior to award of Contract, should the circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall interest
of the Employer.

17.1 In case where the business firm happens to have been banned / suspended by DVC / Ministry of
Power/ Govt. of India and the ban / suspension is still in force on the date of bid opening, the offer of
the business firm / authorised agent/ distributor / dealer / affiliates shall not be considered for all
establishment of DVC and in such case no bidder / intending bidder shall have any claim arising out
of such action.

17.2 In case where the business firm happens to have been banned / suspended by Department of Power &
Non Conventional Energy Sources, Government of West Bengal / Govt. of West Bengal and the ban /
suspension is still in force on the date of bid opening, the offer of the business firm / authorised agent/
distributor / dealer / affiliates shall not be considered for all DVC establishment in West Bengal and in
such case no bidder / intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.

17.3 In case where the business firm happens to have been banned / suspended by Department of Energy,
Government of Jharkhand / Govt. of Jharkhand and the ban / suspension is still in force on the date of
bid opening, the offer of the business firm / authorised agent/ distributor / dealer / affiliates shall not be
considered for all DVC establishment in Jharkhand and in such case no bidder / intending bidder shall
have any claim arising out of such action.

17.4 In case, the performance of a bidder in any contract of DVC is found to be unsatisfactory during last
2 years , they shall not be considered for this tender.

Page 17 of 33
1. The bidder should have experience of having successfully executed-

a. AMC/ARC work for maintenance of electrical equipment in power station 200

MW or above in which HT switchboards, HT motors & Transformers of 3.3 KV
or above as a part of the contract in DVC/SEB/Govt. /Semi-Govt. /PSU/other
reputed organisation.
b. Erection & commissioning/Erection-cum-maintenance of electrical equipment in
power station 200 MW or above in which HT switchboards, HT motors &
Transformers of 3.3 KV or above as a part of the contract, awarded by
DVC/SEB/Govt./Semi-Govt./PSU/other reputed organisation as owner of the

2. The bidder shall have valid Electrical Contractor License.

3. The bidder¿s Experience of having completed similar works during last 7 years
ending last day of month previous to the one in which offers are invited should be
either of the following:

a. Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to
40% of average estimated cost of one year i.e. Rs. 1016387.6 (In words: Rupees
Ten Lakh Sixteen Thousand Three Hundred Eighty Seven and Sixty Paisa) Only.
b. Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 50%
of average estimated cost of one year i.e. Rs. 1270484.5 (In words: Rupees
Twelve Lakh Seventy Thousand Four Hundred Eighty Four and Fifty Paisa)
c. One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of
average estimated cost of one year i.e. Rs. 2032775.2 (In words: Rupees Twenty
Lakh Thirty Two Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Five and Twenty Paisa)

* Completed Works means : Completed works/services means the executed/completed/delivered portion of

Work Order/AMC/RC/Purchase Order, Payment receipt documents with ref. to WO No. and date or execution
certificate with executed value and referred order No. be also considered as a proof of execution/delivery even
if the works/services have not been completed in totality (subject to furnishing proof of executed/supplied
value of works/services in the form of certified copies of RA Bills) or any relevant documents, which is
sufficient to prove the works/services completed/delivered or to be completed.
* Similar Works means : AMC/ARC work for maintenance of electrical equipment in power station 200
MW or above in which HT switchboards, HT motors & Transformers of 3.3 KV or above as a part of the
contract in DVC/SEB/Govt. /Semi-Govt. /PSU/other reputed organisation.
Erection & commissioning/Erection-cum-maintenance of electrical equipment in power station 200 MW or
above in which HT switchboards, HT motors & Transformers of 3.3 KV or above as a part of the contract,
awarded by DVC/SEB/Govt./Semi-Govt./PSU/other reputed organisation as owner of the plant.

1. The bidder¿s Average Annual Financial Turnover of last three financial years
ending on 31.03.2021 should be at least 30% of the estimated cost of the work
specified in the NIT/tender i.e. Rs. 762290.7 (In words: Rupees Seven Lakh Sixty
Two Thousand Two Hundred Ninety and Seventy Paisa) Only.

2. Bidder should furnish annual audited account reports (i.e. Profit & Loss A/c and
Balance sheet for the previous three financial years ending on 31/03/2021). If
audited account report is not available for preceding financial year, certification
of financial statement from a practicing chartered accountant shall be considered.

The following self-attested documents, must be Uploaded:

1. Executed value of the work order/Purchase Order certified by the concerned

authority. Self- certified copy of LOI/WO/PO/Agreement in support of
Credential as per above.

2. Status of organization (i.e. Company Registration Certificate / Memorandum and

Articles of Association / Partnership deed / Sole Proprietorship as the case may
be) with documentary evidence.

3. GST Registration certificate.

4. EPF & ESI Registration Certificate

For & on behalf of Damodar Valley Corporation

Page 18 of 33


1. Definition of Key Terms - Reverse Auction / Bidding:

Reverse e-Auction: Reverse e-Auction is used to procure items/services, where the requirement for one/more
Markets of an item is stated and the participants are required to bid down the price to be selected to supply the

On-line Reverse e-Auctions: On-line Reverse e-Auctions refer to those Reverse e-Auctions conducted
through the Internet with simultaneous bidding by the bidders (from one or more locations). In other words, the
venue for the auction is on an Internet website/ platform. website URL ( would
constitute the venue for the purpose of the on-line auction.

Award at the Reverse e-Auction: The bidder quoting the lowest price is normally allotted the item unless
otherwise specified by the Client. Price obtained at any stage in the event is valid and legally binding on the

Client: Client is DVC who has conducted such Reverse e-Auction. In case of Reverse e-Auction, the purpose
would be to meet their requirement for item/s from among the sellers desiring to sell the items to the Client.

Bidder / Tenderer: Bidder is the individual/business entity participating in the Reverse e-Auction, intending to
supply the item/s to the Client. To be become a Bidder in the auction, a business entity has to secure client
approval for participation and also provide written assent to the General Rules and Regulations.

Elapse Time in Minutes: It is the minute(s) before the auction end time and acts as a trigger for auto extension of
auction. If a bid is received successfully within this minutes, the auction will be extended.

Start Time: Start time refers to the time of commencement of the conduct of the On-line auction. It signals the
commencement of the Price Discovery process through competitive bidding.

Duration of the Reverse e-Auction: It refers to the length of time the price discovery process is allowed to
continue by accepting bids from competing bidders. The duration of the auction would normally be for a pre-
specified period of time. However, the bidding rules may state the conditions when the pre-specified duration
may be extended/ curtailed.

Auto Extension Times: In the event of bids in the last few minutes of the Elapse time, the Bid Timings are
automatically extended for a specified period from each such bid. Such Auto Extension shall continue until no
bids are received in elapsed time The Inactivity Time for Auto Extension purpose is normally 5 minutes. DVC
however, retain the right to change the same. The Inactivity Time applicable for the particular On-line Bid shall
be communicated to the bidder if it will be set to a value less than 5 minutes.

End of the Reverse e-Auction: End of the Auction refers to the termination of the bidding event signalling an
end to the price discovery process.

Auction Report: e-procurement portal would provide an Auction Report to the Client containing a summary of
the auction proceedings (to replace by bidding event) and outcome.

ID and Pass Word: Bidders shall log into the e-procurement portal giving user id / password chosen during
enrolment to participate in the Reverse e-Auction.

Start -Bid Price: "This is the price at which the bidding will start after sealed bids are obtained from the eligible
vendors. This is the maximum price which the system will accept. Prices above the start bid price will be rejected
by the system. The bidders will have to bid equal to or below the start bid price."

Decrement value: Minimum decrement is the minimum amount a supplier has to reduce in order to beat a higher
bid. For example, if a bidder bids Rs. 10,00,000/ - for a Market, others, in order to beat this bid, have to quote a
lower price with a minimum decrement say of Rs. 20,000/- i.e. in order to be eligible they have to quote Rs.
9,80,000/- (or lower) for the same Market. This minimum decrement shall be pre-decided by DVC and will be
in-built in the auction engine.

Max Seal Percentage: It defines maximum value a bidder can quote in multiples of incremental/ decrement value.

In case of Reverse Auction, in order to displace a standing lowest bid and to become "L1", a
bidder can offer a minimum bid decrement or in multiples of decrement value up to above Max Seal %.
For ex: Current price: - Rs. 49,000 Decrement value: - Rs. 1000 System Defined Maximum Seal %: - 50, in this
case a bidder can quote minimum decrement amount as Rs. 49,000-1000= Rs. 48,000 and maximum decrement
amount is 49000-24500-1000=23500=24000*.

2. Schedule for On Line Reverse e-Auction:

The On Line Reverse e-Auction is tentatively scheduled on the date of opening of the Price Bid, The tentative
timings is as below:
Start Time: 03:00 pm
End Time: 04:00 pm

3. Bidding Extension Time:

a. If a valid bid is placed within 05 minutes of End Time of the Reverse e-Auction, then Reverse e-Auction
duration shall get automatically extended for another 05 minutes from the existing end time.
b. It may be noted that the auto-extension will take place only if a valid bid comes in those elapse time (say last
05 minutes).
c. If a bid does not get accepted as the lowest bid, the auto-extension will not take place even if that bid might
have come in the last 05 minutes.
d. The above process will continue till no bid is received in last 05 minutes which shall mark the completion of
Reverse e-Auction.
e. However, bidders are advised not to wait till the last moment to enter their bid to avoid complications related to
internet connectivity, their network problems, system crash down, power failure etc.

4. Post Bidding Procedure:

DVC will proceed with the Closing Price received in the On Line Reverse e-Auction for further processing and
for award considerations.

5. Procedure of Reverse e-Auction:

a) All bidders shall submit their Initial Price Offer (financial bid) along with submission of Technical bid as per

Page 19 of 33
schedule mentioned in Data Sheet online only.

b) The Initial Price Offers shall be evaluated to arrive at the lowest Initial Price Offer.

c) DVC reserves the right to fix the "Opening Price" i.e. the base price/ start price for Reverse e-Auction.

d) The "Opening Price" i.e. the start price for Reverse e-Auction will be as decided by DVC in Indian
Rupees(INR) after evaluation of the Initial Price Offers.

e) Final price offer (L1 basis) from the techno-commercially qualified bidders (please see point no. 38 below)
will be obtained through On Line Reverse e-Auction procedure on the e-platform of Government e-procurement
system of NIC (GePNIC) under Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP).

f) DVC shall upload the "Opening Price" i.e. the base price/ start price for On Line Reverse e-Auction and can be
viewed by all the bidders at the start of the Reverse e-Auction.

g) During the On Line Reverse e-Auction the Qualified Bidders who are eligible for participating in the Reverse
e-Auction shall be permitted to place their Final Price Offers provided that the Decrement value shall be at least
the minimum decrement amount of 0.5% of "Opening Price" i.e. the base price/ start price.

h) Bidders, by offering a price equal to or lower than the "Next Valid Bid", can become "L1Bidder" and this
continues as an iterative process.

i) After completion of the online Reverse e-Auction, the "Closing Price (CP)" shall be available for further

j) Only those Bidders whose offers are found to be technically and commercially Responsive, shall be eligible
(please see point no. 38 below) to participate in Reverse e-Auction process.

k) Online Reverse e-Auction shall be conducted by DVC on a pre-specified date and time, while the bidders
shall be quoting from their own offices/place of their choice. Internet connectivity shall have to be ensured by
bidders themselves.

l) All Bidders are advised to participate in the RA from their own office / own arrangement. In such an event the
bidder has to make arrangement for ensuring connectivity throughout RA. For this option bidder shall be solely
and exclusively responsible for ensuring continuance of connectivity. DVC shall, in no way, be responsible for
the consequences arising out of disruption of connectivity. In case the bidder desires, efforts will be made to
provide assistance from FMP Support Persons of M/s. National Informatics Centre Services Incorporated(NICSI)
deputed at DVC, HQ, Kolkata during the reverse e-auction phase by deploying skilled persons from service
provider / authorized representative at the participating vendor locations.

Note: If no bid is received in the Bidding system/website within the specified time duration of the online
Reverse e-Auction, then DVC may take decision for repeat Reverse Auction / Bidding on some other date
and time or otherwise, at its sole discretion.

6. Terms and Conditions for Reverse e-Auction:

Against this Tender enquiry for the subject package with detailed scope of Services as per bidding document,
DVC shall resort to "ON LINE REVERSE e-AUCTION PROCEDURE". The philosophy followed for Reverse
e-Auction shall be English Reverse (No ties).

1) Bidders are advised to get fully trained and clear all their doubts such as refreshing of Screen, tender value
being Bid, Bidding rules etc.

2) After completion of the Reverse e-Auction event, based on the final price quoted by the bidders in INR,
successful bidder shall submit Price Schedule-Excel Sheet uploaded by DVC within 4 hours of conclusion of the
Reverse e-Auction.

3) Bidders shall be able to view the following on their screen along with the necessary fields during Online
Reverse e-Auction (live auction):
(a) Auction Start Price/Opening Price.
(b) Decrement Price
(c) Auction submitted date & time
(d) Auction extended up to
(e) Current price
(f) My auction price
(g) Maximum Seal

4) Once the Live auction is over, System will generate BoQ comparative chart showing the Names and Rates of
Bidders quoted in the tender as well as (L1) Rates quoted by them in the Auction. Over all bid ranking of each
bidder will be generated by system based on either Auction price or financial bid price. The chronologically last
bid submitted by the bidder till the end of the auction shall be considered as the valid price bid of that bidder.

5) DVC reserves the right to cancel/reschedule/extend the Reverse e-Auction process/tender at any time, before
ordering, without assigning any reason.

6) DVC shall not have any liability to bidders for any interruption or delay in access to the site irrespective of the
cause. In such cases, the decision of DVC shall be binding on the bidders.

7) Other terms and conditions shall be as per bidder's Techno-Commercial Proposals and as per DVC's Bidding
documents and other correspondences, if any, till date.

8) Bidders are required to submit their acceptance to the stipulated terms and conditions before participating in the
Reverse e-Auction.

9) For the Reverse e-Auction, technically and commercially acceptable bidders only shall be eligible to

10) Bidders shall ensure online submission of their 'Bid Price' within the Bidding Period.

11) Business rules for Reverse e-Auction like event date, time, Bid decrement, extension etc. shall be as per the
business rules, enumerated above, for compliance.

12) Bidders have to accept 'Terms & Condition' and the 'Business Rules of Reverse e-Auction' before start of
Reverse e-Auction. Without this, the bidder will not be eligible to submit bid in the Reverse e-Auction.

13) In line with the provisions of bidding document, DVC will provide the Price Schedule format in MS EXCEL
sheet. (BOQ format)

14) On Line Reverse e-Auction will be conducted on scheduled date & time, which shall be intimated to the
eligible bidders in advance.

15) After conclusion of the Reverse e-Auction event, the lowest Bidder has to e-mail from its registered e-mail

Page 20 of 33
Id, "Final percentage (%) decrement as quoted" during the online Reverse e-Auction duly signed by the
authorized person, in the prescribed Price Schedule- Excel Sheet format, within four (4) hours of Bidding End
Time without fail.

16) Bidders should acquaint themselves of the 'Business Rules of Reverse e-Auction' stipulated at above.

17) If the Bidder or any of his representatives are found to be involved in Price manipulation/ cartel formation of
any kind, directly or indirectly by communicating with other bidders, action as per extant DVC guidelines, shall
be initiated by DVC.

18) The Bidder shall not divulge either his Bids or any other exclusive details of DVC to any other Bidder.

19) Period of validity of Prices received through Reverse e-Auction shall be same as that of the period of validity
of bids offered.

20) Bidders may note that, although extension time is 'X' minutes, there is a time lag between the actual placing
the bid on the local computer of the bidder and the refreshing of the data on to the server for the visibility to the
Owner. Considering the processing time for data exchange and the possible network congestion, bidders must
avoid the last minute hosting of the Price Bid.

21) Participating bidder will agree to non-disclosure of trade information regarding the purchase, identity of
DVC, bid process, bid technology, bid documentation and bid details.

22) It is brought to the attention of the bidders that the bid event will lead to the final price only.

23) Technical and other non-commercial queries (not impacting price) can only be routed to the DVC contact
personnel indicated in the bidding documents.

24) Order finalization and post order activities would be transacted directly between successful bidder and DVC.

25) In case of any problem faced by the bidder during Reverse e-Auction and for all Bidding process related
queries, bidders are advised to contact the persons indicated in the bid document.

26) Bidders are advised to visit the Bidding page and enter the 'Live Bidding' cockpit successfully well in
advance to identify/rectify the problems to avoid last minute hitches.

27) DVC will not be responsible for any PC configuration/Java related issues, software/hardware related issues,
telephone line glitches and breakdown/slow speed in internet connection of PC at Bidder's end.

28) Bidders may note that it may not be possible to extend any help, during Reverse e-Auction, over phone or in
person in relation to rectification of PC/Internet/Java related issues and Bidder may lose the chance of
participation in the Bidding.

29) For access to the Bidding site, the following URL is to be used: For user
guidance please follow the manual which is there in the website.

30) No queries shall be entertained while Reverse e-Auction is in progress.

31) Final rate of individual items of the L1 bidder of Reverse e-Auction shall be calculated on the basis of same
percentage (%) of reduction/ decrement for each items as that of received on item-wise price during the Reverse
e-Auction from L1 bidder (L1 basis) over base price/opening price of Reverse e-Auction.

32) In the event of L-1 bidder refusing to give breakup of price and in case order cannot be placed without price
breakup the bidder shall be suspended for a period of six months from the date of issue of suspension order. The
suspension will apply prospectively and during suspension period, enquiry shall not be issued to the firm and bid
submitted in open tender shall be rejected.

33) In the event of L-1 bidder backing out prior to placement of order, the bidder shall be suspended for a period
of six months from the date of issue of suspension order. The suspension will apply prospectively and during
suspension period, enquiry shall not be issued to the firm and bid submitted in open tender shall be rejected. EMD
will be forfeited.

34) Note: All the Techno-commercially accepted tenderers after eliminating the H-1 tenderer will be
allowed to participate in on-line Reverse e- Auction over internet for bidding. However, if the techno
commercially complied bidders are less than five then all the tenderers will be allowed to participate in
online Reverse e-Auction over internet for bidding.

7. User Help:

1) Log on to
2) Enter your Login ID & Password. Click on the link "Login".
3) You will reach your account Home Page, click on the tab "Live auctions" on and then click to view the auction
information against respective the tender ID no. & Tile
#Check points for starting real time Bidding
#Check the details of Reverse e-Auction participating for,
#Had taken the vendor training
#Correct Item name that is set for Reverse e-Auction

Note: In case of any difficulties facing during reverse-e-auction, the bidders are advised to contact FMP Support
Persons of M/s. National Informatics Centre Services Incorporated(NICSI), (i) Mr. Sk Nawajesh Rahman, e-mail
ID [email protected] Contact No. 9831683690 & ii) Miss Armistha Kangsa Banik, e-mail:
[email protected] (Mob: 8240124812)

Page 21 of 33
RFQ No : Dated:¿¿20¿

(To be submitted on Supplier¿s Letter Head)
Format for Acceptance of Commercial Terms, General Terms and Conditions and all other
Terms of the RFQ

We _____________________________________________________________
(Supplier Name)
having registered office at ___________________________________________
agree to all the Commercial, General & other Terms & Conditions listed in the

RFQ No._____________________________________________


for procurement of ______________________________ (item) through Reverse


We confirm that we are in a position to supply material and complete the job as per the specifications given in
RFQ. We have also understood the Reverse Auction Process and the Reverse Auction rules and special
instructions given in the RFQ. We agree to participate in the Reverse Auction and abide by the rules.

We nominate an executive, whose details are given below, to put the bids on our behalf.
The details of the person authorized to bid on our behalf are as follows.

Name & Designation:

e-mail ID :

Contact Phone Nos:

Address :

(Signature & Seal)


Page 22 of 33


Bidder should agree to all the techno-commercial terms and conditions of the bid documents. However,
deviation, if any, should be stated as per the following schedule and to be submitted along with the
technocommercial bid failing which it will be presumed that all terms and conditions are acceptable to them.
Deviations taken elsewhere and not brought out in the following deviation schedule, the same will not be
accepted. The owner reserves the right to reject the offer on account of such deviations if the bidder, on advice
of owner, does not withdraw the deviations.


YOUR NIT NO.: DVC/Tender/KTPS/Electrical Maint.- 1/C&M Purchase & Contract/Works and Service/00039
( Purchaser's Name & Address )
Dear Sir,
Following are the deviations proposed by us relating to techno-commercial terms and conditions. We confirm
that we shall withdraw the deviations proposed by us at the cost of withdrawal indicated in the price bid failing
which our bid may be rejected and Bid Security forfeited

Sl No Clause No. Deviation

Date __________________________ ( signature ) ____________________________________

Place : _______________________ ( Name ) _________________________________________
( Designation ) __________________________________
Common Seal ______________________________________
NOTE : If there are no deviation, this deviation schedule shall be submitted along with the
techno-commercial bid duly signed and stamped after stating " NIL DEVIATIONS".

Page 23 of 33

Cost of withdrawal of deviations

YOUR NIT NO.: DVC/Tender/KTPS/Electrical Maint.- 1/C&M Purchase & Contract/Works and Service/00039


( Purchaser's Name & Address )
Dear Sir,
Following are the deviations as proposed by us relating to techno-commercial terms and conditions.
We are also furnishing below the cost of withdrawal for the deviations proposed by us. We confirm that
we shall withdraw the deviations proposed by us at the cost of withdrawal indicated in this attachment
failing which our bid may be rejected and Bid Security forfeited.

Sl No Clause No Deviation Cost of Withdrawal in (RS)

Date __________________________ (signature ) ________________________________

Place : _______________________ (Name )______________________________________
Common Seal ________________________________
NOTE : Bidders may note that bids containing deviations without the cost of withdrawal price
shall be considered as unresponsive offer and will be out rightly rejected. This schedule
indicating the cost of withdrawal price for such deviations should be submitted along with
the price bid only and will be taken into consideration for the purpose of bid evaluations.

Page 24 of 33
(On non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value)

Dear Sir.
In accordance with your Notice Inviting Tender --------------------------------------------
-------under your specification
No-----------------------dated----------------------M/s--------(Name& full address of
the firm)(Hereinafter called the Tenderer) hereby submit the Bank Guarantee:
Whereas to participate in the said tender for the following:
1. ----------------------------------------------------------------- (Name of the
items to be supplied as per NIT)
2. -----------------------------------------------------------------
3. -----------------------------------------------------------------
It is a condition in the tender documents that the tenderer has to deposit Earnest Money amounting to Rs. ------
----- in respect to the tender, with Damodar Valley Corporation(*) (hereinafter referred to as "Corporation") by
a Bank Guarantee from a Nationalised Bank/ Schedule Bank/Foreign Bank irrevocable and operative till the
validity of the offer(i.e.------------days from the date of opening of tender) for the like amount which
amount is likely to be forfeited on the happening of contingencies mentioned in the tender documents.
And whereas the tenderer desires to secure exemption from deposit of Earnest Money and has offered to furnish a
Bank Guarantee for a sum of Rs.---------------------- to the Corporation as Earnest Money.
Now, therefore, we the ---------------------------(Bank), a body corporate constituted under the
Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertaking) Act. 1969 (delete, if not applicable) and branch
Office at------------- (Hereinafter referred to as the Guarantor) do hereby undertake and agree to pay
forthwith on demand in writing by the Corporation of the said guaranteed amount without any demur, reservation
or recourse.
We, the aforesaid bank, further agree that the Corporation shall be the sole judge of and as to whether the tenderer
has committed any breach or breaches of any of the terms costs, charges and expenses caused to or suffered by or
that may be caused to or suffered by the Corporation on account thereof to the extent of the Earnest Money
required to be deposited by the Tenderer in respect of the said Tender Document and the decision of the
Corporation that the Tender has committed such breach or breaches and as to the amount or amounts of loss,
damage, costs, charges and expenses caused to or suffered by or that may be caused to or suffered by the
Corporation shall be final and binding on us.
We, the said Bank further agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect until it is
released by the Corporation and it is further declared that it shall not be necessary for the Corporation to proceed
against the Tenderer before proceeding against the Bank and the Guarantee herein contained shall be invoked
against the Bank, notwithstanding any security which the Corporation may have obtained or shall be obtained
from the Tenderer at any time when proceedings are taken against the Bank for whatever amount that may be
outstanding or unrealised under the Guarantee.
The right of the Corporation to recover the said amount of Rs. ----------------------(Rupees---------
-------) from us in manner aforesaid will not be precluded/affected, even if, disputes have been raised by the
said M/S-------------(Tenderer) and/or dispute or disputes are pending before any authority, officer, tribunal,
arbitrator(s) etc.
Notwithstanding anything stated above, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to Rs. -----------
------ (Rupees ------------------------------------------------) only and our guarantee
shall remain in force upto ----------------------------and unless a demand or claim under the
guarantee is made on us in writing within three months after the aforesaid date i.e. on or before the ----------
---------- all your rights under the guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from
all liability there under.
Date ---------------------
(Signature) -----------------------------------
Place --------------------- (Printed N

Page 25 of 33


1.Does the Bank Guarantee compare verbatim with standard DVC

Proforma for BG?

2.A) Has the executing Officer of BG indicating his name, designation &
Power of Attorney No. / Signing Power number etc. on BG?

B)In each page of BG duly signed/initiated by the executants and last page
is signed with full particulars as required in the DVC/s standard proforma
of BG and under the seal of the Bank.

C)Is BG No. and date mentioned on all pages of the BG? D)Does the last
page of the BG carry the signature of two witnesses alongside the signature
of the executing Bank Manager?

3.A) Is the BG on non-judicial stamp paper is issued not more than six
months prior to date of execution of BG

B) Is the date of sale of non-judicial stamp paper is issued not more than
six months prior to date of execution of BG.

4.A) Are the factual details such as Bid specification No./NIT No./LOA/PO
no. contract price, etc. correct?

B) Whether overwriting/cutting if any on the BG authenticated under

signature & seal of executants.

5.Is the amount and validity of BG in line with contract provisions?

6.Is the foreign bank guarantee, Confirmed by a Nationalized/scheduled

bank in India (as applicable)?

7.Whether the BG has been issued by a Nationalized Bank/Non-

Nationalized Bank. Acceptable to DVC/Scheduled bank at India (the
applicability of the Bank should be in line with the provisions of bidding

1. Bank Guarantee (B.G.) for Advance Payment, B.G. for Security Deposit-cum-Performance Guarantee,
Earnest Money should be executed on the Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of the applicable value and to be
purchased in the name of the Bank.

2. The Executor (Bank authorities) may mention the Power of Attorney No. and date of execution in his/her
favour with authorization to sign the documents.

The Power of Attorney is to be witnessed by two persons mentioning their full name and address.

3. The B.G. should be executed by a Nationalized Bank/Scheduled Commercial Bank.

B.G. from Co-operative Bank/Rural Banks are not acceptable.

4. A Confirmation Letter of the concerned Bank must be furnished as a proof of genuineness of the
Guarantee issued by them.

5. Any B.G. if executed on Non-Judicial Stamp paper after 6(six) months of the purchase of such stamp
paper shall be treated as Non-valid.

6. Each page of the B.G. must bear signature and seal of the Bank and B.G. Number.

7. The contents of the B.G. shall be strictly as Proforma prescribed by D.V.C. in line with NIT/LOA etc.
and must contain all factual details.

8. Any correction, deletion etc. in the B.G. should be authenticated by the Bank Officials signing the B.G.

9. In case of extension of a Contract/Bid validity period, the validity of the B.G. must be extended accordingly.

10. B.G. must be furnished within the stipulated period as mentioned in NIT/LOA etc.

11. Issuing Bank/The Contractor are requested to mention the NIT/LOA etc. reference along with the B.G. No.
for making any future queries to D.V.C.

Page 26 of 33
Letter of Bid
The Superintending Engineer (C&M)

Sub :' ARC of Electrical system of Ash Handling Plant, Silo utility system, Ash water recycle system including
chemical house, Central Air Conditioning System of main plant and admin building, Fire Fighting System and
illumination system of the respective areas at 2x500 MW DVC, KTPS, Koderma for one year. '
Ref: 1. NIT No: '---------------------------------------------------------------'

Dear Sir(s),
We offer to supply the materials/ execute the work as per our offered bill of quantity in accordance with the
conditions of the NIT document as available in the website. The details of the application fee/cost of Tender
document and EMD being submitted by us has been furnished on-line.

I/We are a Micro/ Small Enterprise covered under the provision of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Act'
2006 and registered with the authority of the State Government.
I/We are not covered under the provision of Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Act, 2006

This Bid and our written acceptance of it shall constitute a binding contract between us. We understand that you
are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you receive.
We hereby confirm our acceptance of all the terms and conditions of the NIT document unconditionally.
Yours faithfully,

(Signature of Bidder OR
Authorized person of bidder OR
DSC Holder bidding online with authorization from bidder)
1. Name of Authorized Signatory
2. Type of Authorization
3. Name of the Bidder
4. Address
5. e-mail Address
6. Mobile Number
7. FAX Number
8. Telephone Number
9. Place
10. Date

Page 27 of 33
Requirement for RTGS / CBS /NEFT

1. Name of the Company/ Beneficiary:

2. Address:
3. Phone/ FAX Number :
4. Bank Particulars :
a) Bank Name:
b) Branch Name:
c) Branch Address:
d) Branch Telephone No.& FAX No:
e) Branch Code:
f) 9 Digit MICR No. of Branch (Enclose a cancelled Cheque):
g) 11 Digit IFSC Code of Bank Branch:
h) Bank Account No.:
i) Bank Account Type: Current / CC etc.:
We hereby declare that the particulars given are correct and complete. If the transaction is delayed or
credit is not affected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, we would not hold DVC


(Authorised Signatory)
(Printed Name)
(Designation) ------------
(Name) ----------------

(Company Seal)
Bank Certification:
It is certified that above mentioned beneficiary holds a Bank Account No.---------- with our
branch and the Bank particulars mentioned above are correct.

Date: (Authorised Signatory)

Place: (Name)
(Authorisation No.)

(Bank Seal)

Page 28 of 33

(for genuineness of the information furnished on-line and authenticity of the

documents produced before Tender Committee for verification in support of
his eligibility)
Non Judicial Stamp Paper (minimum value of Rs.10).

I/We, -------------------------------------, authorized representative of M/s---------------

---------------- solemnly declare that :

1. I/We am/are submitting tender for supply/works/services of _____________________________________

against NIT no. _______________________________________________________________________
dated _____________________vide Bid Id ____________________________.

2. All information furnished by me/us on-line in respect of fulfillment of eligibility criteria and qualification
information of this Tender is complete, correct and true.

3. I/We and our facilities is/are not banned/suspended by DVC/Ministry of Power/Govt. of India/Department of
Power & non Conventional energy sources, Govt. of West Bengal/ Government of West Bengal/Department of
Energy, Govt. of Jharkhand/ Government of Jharkhand
I/We and our facilities is/are not banned/suspended by DVC/Ministry of Power/Govt. of India/Department of
Power & non Conventional energy sources, Govt. of West Bengal/ Government of West Bengal/Department of
Energy, Govt. of Jharkhand/ Government of Jharkhand for a period of _______________ year(s), effective from
_______________ to ________________.

4. All scanned copy of documents , wherever applicable, uploaded by me / us in support of the information
furnished online by me / us towards eligibility are valid and authentic.

5. I/We are a Micro/ Small Enterprise covered under the provision of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises
Act'2006 and registered with the authority of the State Government.
I/We are not covered under the provision of Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Act, 2006

6. If any information furnished by me / us online and scanned copy of documents uploaded in support of the
information by me / us towards eligibility is found to be false / incorrect at anytime, DVC may cancel my Tender
and penal action as deemed fit may be taken against me / us, including termination of the contract, forfeiture of
Earnest Money and banning / delisting of ourfirm and all partners of the firm for a minimum period of 01 (one)

Signature of the Tenderer

Signature and Seal of Notary

Page 29 of 33

(To be uploaded by the Digital Signature Certificate Holder)



This is to certify that <Name of DSC Holder>of M/s <Name of participating Firm / Company> has the authority
to sign the bids using his digital signature and any document (s) in hardcopy pertaining to DVC Tender No.
___________ dated _______ using his official usual signature and the bid shall be binding upon us during the
full period of its validity.

Signature of <Name of DSC Holder> is duly attested hereunder.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully

<Signature of the Attesting Authority of the Company>

Signature of <Name of DSC Holder> of M/s <Name of particiipating Firm / Company>

Attested by <Name of Attesting Authority>



Notarized by



Page 30 of 33

List of Commercial Banks as per RBI (Source RBI Website dt. 08-06-2012)

1 Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Ltd.

2 American Express Bank Ltd.

3 Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited

4 Allahabad Bank

5 Andhra Bank

6 Antwerp Diamond Bank N.V.

7 Axis Bank Ltd.

8 Bank Internasional Indonesia

9 Bank of America N.A.

10 Bank of Bahrain & Kuwait BSC

11 Barclays Bank Plc


13 Bank of Ceylon

14 Bharat Overseas Bank Ltd.

15 Bank of Baroda

16 Bank of India

17 Bank of Maharashtra

18 Canara Bank

19 Central Bank of India

20 Calyon Bank

21 Citibank N.A.

22 Cho Hung Bank

23 Chinatrust Commercial Bank Ltd.

24 Centurion Bank of Punjab Limited

25 City Union Bank Ltd.

26 Coastal Local Area Bank Ltd.

27 Corporation Bank

28 Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd.

29 Deutsche Bank AG

30 Development Credit Bank Ltd.

31 Dena Bank

32 IndusInd Bank Limited

33 ICICI Bank

34 IDBI Bank Limited

35 Indian Bank

36 Indian Overseas Bank

Page 31 of 33
37 Industrial Development Bank of India

38 ING Vysya Bank

39 J P Morgan Chase Bank, National Association

40 Krung Thai Bank Public Company Limited

41 Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited

42 Karnataka Bank

43 Karur Vysya Bank Limited.

44 Lord Krishna Bank Ltd.

45 Mashreqbank psc

46 Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd.

47 Oman International Bank S A O G

48 Oriental Bank of Commerce

49 Punjab & Sind Bank

50 Punjab National Bank

51 Societe Generale

52 Sonali Bank

53 Standard Chartered Bank

54 State Bank of Mauritius Ltd.

55 SBI Commercial and International Bank Ltd.

56 State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur

57 State Bank of Hyderabad

58 State Bank of India

59 State Bank of Indore

60 State Bank of Mysore

61 State Bank of Patiala

62 State Bank of Saurashtra

63 State Bank of Travancore

64 Syndicate Bank

65 The Bank of Nova Scotia

66 The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd.

67 The Development Bank of Singapore Ltd. (DBS Bank Ltd.)

68 The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd.

69 Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd.

70 The Bank of Rajasthan Limited

71 The Dhanalakshmi Bank Limited.

72 The Federal Bank Ltd.

73 The HDFC Bank Ltd.

74 The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.

75 The Nainital Bank Ltd.

Page 32 of 33
76 The Sangli Bank Ltd.

77 The South Indian Bank Ltd.

78 The Ratnakar Bank Ltd.

79 The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.

80 The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd

81 UCO Bank

82 Union Bank of India

83 United Bank Of India

84 Vijaya Bank

85 Yes Bank

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by JAYABRATA BISWAS
Date: 2021.10.11 17:43:36 IST
Location: eProcurement System for
Central PSUs
Page 33 of 33

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