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The Bubbling Cauldron

When witches make spells, they mix

them in a cauldron. They put in the
things they need, give it a stir and soon
the spell will be ready, but sometimes, a spell
can go wrong and that is what happened
to Trinelda.
It was Wednesday afternoon and
Trinelda was making some flying
potion. She gave it to children for their
birthdays as a present so that they could go flying around their
parties. She had made the potion lots of times. It had normal
spell ingredients like slugs and cobwebs and only one unusual
ingredient, hairs from a mermaid. Trinelda had been friends
with the mermaids in Dove Bay for many years so they would
swim up to Trinelda’s little sailing boat and she would snip off a
few hairs.
The potion only needed one mermaid hair but by mistake,
Trinelda dropped in three hairs. Mermaid hairs are great
for spells because they are full of magic, but Trinelda
had used too many. After a few stirs, the potion began
to bubble. The bubbles were small, and then they got
bigger. Soon, they had filled half of the cauldron and
quickly made it all the way to the top.
1. What do witches make spells in?

2. When was Trinelda mixing the potion?

3. What unusual ingredient was in the flying potion?

The Bubbling Cauldron
Soon, they were all over Trinelda’s blue carpet and they were
making things, like the chairs and the cat, fly. Soon, even the
cauldron and Trinelda herself were floating just below
the ceiling.
Most people would be scared but not Trinelda. She
was enjoying herself. The bubbles spread out into the
garden and down the street. Soon, cats, dogs, buses
and bins were all flying around in the air. People
went outside to see what was happening and as
soon as they touched the bubbles, they started
flying too. It was amazing.
Eventually, the magic began to wear out and
everything floated back down to the ground. One of the many
bins ended up stuck on someone’s roof, but Trinelda used her
magic to put it in the right place.
The cauldron was the last thing to stop flying
and landed back down on the carpet. Even
though the spell had gone wrong, the magic had
brought fun to the whole town. You never quite
knew what would happen when the cauldron
started bubbling.
4. What colour was Trinelda’s carpet?

5. What got stuck on someone’s roof?

6. Would you like to be able to fly? What would you do?

The Bubbling Cauldron Answers
1. What do witches make spells in?
Witches make spells in cauldrons.

2. When was Trinelda mixing the potion?

Trinelda was mixing the potion Wednesday afternoon.

3. What unusual ingredient was in the flying potion?

Mermaid’s hair was the unusual ingredient in the potion.

4. What colour was Trinelda’s carpet?

Her carpet was blue.

5. What got stuck on someone’s roof?

A bin got stuck on someone’s roof.

6. Would you like to be able to fly? What would you do?

Varied answers.

The Bubbling Cauldron
Most of the time, when witches want
to make a spell, they simply mix it up
in a cauldron. Throw in a few ingredients,
give it a stir and soon, the magic will be
ready. However, every now and again, a spell
can go wrong and that is exactly what
happened to Trinelda.
It was a normal Wednesday
afternoon and Trinelda was mixing
up a batch of her famous flying potion. She liked to give it to
children for their birthdays so that they could go flying round
their parties. She had made the potion many times before. In
fact, she could almost do it with her eyes closed. Standard spell
ingredients mostly but the only unusual ingredient was hairs
from a mermaid. This would be a problem from some people but
not for Trinelda. She had been friends with the mermaids in Dove
Bay for many years. They would swim up to Trinelda’s
little sailing boat and she would snip off a few hairs in
exchange for various waterproof treats. It’s hard to keep
things dry if you are a mermaid.
The potion only needed one mermaid hair but by
mistake, Trinelda managed to drop in three hairs.
Mermaid hairs are brilliant for spells because they are
full of magic. One has enough magic to help a party
full of children fly around all afternoon. Three was going to be
a problem. After a few gentle stirs, the potion began to bubble
and froth. The bubbles started off small, and then they start
to get larger. Soon, they had filled half of the cauldron. Then,
they were all the way to the top. In a couple of minutes, the
bubbles were starting to pour out of the top of the cauldron
The Bubbling Cauldron
and down the sides. They began to creep across the floor until
all of Trinelda’s rainbow-coloured carpet was covered in bright,
bursting bubbles. They also had a strange effect on the
different things scattered around the room. Everything
began to float. The table, the chairs and the cat. Soon,
even the cauldron and Trinelda herself were floating
just below the ceiling.
Now, to the average person, this would be a good
time to panic, but not if you are a witch. In fact,
far from panicking, Trinelda was rather enjoying
herself. The bubbles very quickly spilled out into
the garden and down the street. Before long, cats,
dogs, cars and squirrels were all flying around above
the street. Local pigeons were dodging in and out of bikes, rubbish
bins and hedgehogs. Everyone ran outside to see what
was happening and as soon as they touched
the bubbles, they flew into the air too. It was
the most amazing thing that had ever happen
in the town.
After a while, the magic began to wear out and
everything slowly drifted back to the ground.
Things didn’t all end up back in the right place. One of the cars did
end up stuck in a large oak tree but a quick wave from Trinelda’s
wand soon sorted everything out. The bubbles also left the town
clean and smelling beautifully fresh.
The cauldron was the last thing to stop flying and land back
down on the carpet. Even though the spell had gone wrong, the
magic had brought fun to the whole town. You never quite knew
what would happen when the cauldron started bubbling.
The Bubbling Cauldron Questions
1. What potion was Trinelda making? 

2. Why was Trinelda making the potion? 

3. How many hairs should go in the potion? 

4. What three things began to float first? 

5. Was Trinelda worried when everything started flying? Why? 

6. What did the pigeons have to do? 

7. Why do you think the people in the town enjoyed the spell? 

8. What magic potion would you make? Why? 

The Bubbling Cauldron Answers
1. What potion was Trinelda making?
Trinelda was making a flying potion.

2. Why was Trinelda making the potion?

Trinelda was making the potion for children’s birthday parties.

3. How many hairs should go in the potion?

One hair should go in the potion.

4. What three thing began to float first?

The table, the chair and cat began to float first.

5. Was Trinelda worried when everything started flying? Why?

No she was not worried because she was enjoying herself.

6. What did the pigeons have to do?

The pigeons needed to dodge in and out of all of the things that were flying around.

7. Why do you think people in the town enjoyed the spell?

Varied answers.

8. What magic potion would you make? Why?

Varied answers.

The Bubbling Cauldron
Most of the time, when witches decide to create a spell and
conjure a potion, they simply mix it up in their faithful cauldron.
Chuck in a few choice ingredients, give it a quick stir and hey
presto, the magic will be ready to go. However, every now and
again, a spell can go badly wrong and lead to some unexpected
consequences and that is exactly what happened to Trinelda.
It was an average Wednesday afternoon and Trinelda was whipping
up a batch of her famous flying potion. She particularly enjoyed
to give it to children for their birthdays and watching them whizz
around their parents’ heads all afternoon. She had made the
potion so many times before, that she could practically do it with
her eyes closed. It consisted of standard spell ingredients mostly
but the only ingredient that was truly out of the ordinary was the
freshly cut hairs from a mermaid. This would be a problem from
some people but not for the ever resourceful Trinelda. She had
befriended the mermaids of Dove Bay many years ago and now
they would swim up to Trinelda’s petite sailing boat and allow
her to snip off a few hairs in exchange for various waterproof
treats. It’s hard to keep things dry if you are a mermaid.
The potion in question only needed one mermaid hair,
but by mistake Trinelda managed to drop in three
potent hairs. Mermaid hairs are essential for spells
because they are bursting with magic. One has enough
magic to help a party full of children fly around like
a flock of geese heading south for the winter. Three
was most definitely going to be a problem. After
a few gentle stirs, the potion began to churn and
froth. The bubbles started off small, and then they
start to get larger. Soon, they had filled half of
the cauldron. Then, they were all the way to the
The Bubbling Cauldron
top. In the following minutes, the bubbles poured out of the
top of the cauldron and coursed down the sides. They began to
spread worryingly across the floor until all of Trinelda’s
multi-coloured carpet was covered in luminous,
bursting bubbles. They also had a strange, uplifting
effect on the different items scattered around the
room. Everything began to float. The ancient table,
the mismatched chairs and the rather surprised cat.
Soon, even the cauldron and Trinelda herself were
floating just below the ceiling.
Now, to the average person, this would be a
good time to panic, but not if you are a witch.
In fact, far from panicking, Trinelda was beginning
to rather enjoy herself. The bubbles rapidly fountained out into
the garden and down the street. Before long, cats, dogs, cars
and squirrels were all suspended in the air, staring at the street
below. Local crows were dodging in and out of bikes, traffic cones
and foxes, which snapped at them as they flew by. Everyone ran
outside, bewildered, to see what was happening and as soon as
they touched the bubbles, they too flew into the air. It was the
strangest and most wonderful thing that had happened in the
town for years.
After a while, the magic’s power began to wear out
and everything slowly and carefully drifted
back to the ground. Things didn’t all end
up back in the right place. One of the
dogs did end up suspended in an ancient
maple tree by his collar but a swift flick
from Trinelda’s wand soon remedied the
situation. The bubbles had had an added
The Bubbling Cauldron
bonus. Though Trinelda had never meant for them to, they had
done a brilliant job cleaning the town from top to bottom, leaving
it squeaky clean.
The cauldron was the very last thing to stop flying and it landed
back down on the carpet with a soft thump. Even though the
spell had definitely misfired, the magic had brought fun and
excitement to the whole town. You never quite knew what would
happen when the cauldron started bubbling.
The Bubbling Cauldron Questions
1. Why are mermaid hairs essential for spells? 

2. How do you know that Trinelda had made the potion lots of times?

3. How do you know that the table had been in Trinelda’s house for a long time? 

4. What does the word ‘bewildered’ mean? 

5. Was Trinelda worried when everything started flying? Why? 

6. Why did the crows have to be extra careful? 

7. Trinelda is a likeable witch. Give one example of how you know this. 

8. What magic potion would you make? Why? 

The Bubbling Cauldron Answers
1. Why are mermaids hairs essential for spells?
Mermaid hairs are essential for spells because they are bursting with magic.

2. How do you know that Trinelda had made the potion lots of times?
Trinelda had made the spell lots of times because she could practically do it with her eyes closed.

3. How do you know that the table had been in Trinelda’s house for a long time?
The table was ‘ancient’ implying it had been in her house a long time.

4. What does the word ‘bewildered’ mean?

The world bewildered means confused.

5. Why did the crows have to be extra careful?

There weren’t normally foxes in the air trying to snap at them!

6. What was unexpected about the flying potion?

The flying potion cleaned the town as well.

7. Trinelda is a likeable witch. Give one example of how you know this.
• People don’t get cross at her for floating the entire town

• She is invited to children’s birthday parties

• The mermaid’s don’t mind her cutting their hair

8. What magic potion would you make? Why?

Varied answers.

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