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Development Bank

Institutions for
Development (IFD/IFD)

No. IDB-DP-232

Citizen Security
Conceptual Framework and
Empirical Evidence

September 2012
Citizen Security

Conceptual Framework and Empirical Evidence

Inter-American Development Bank

September, 2012

The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the Inter-American Development Bank, its Board of Directors, or the
countries they represent.

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Copyright © 2012 Inter-American Development Bank. All rights reserved; may be freely
reproduced for any non-commercial purpose.

For contact information:

Beatriz Abizanda, ([email protected]) Joan S. Hoffman, ([email protected])



September 2012

This document was prepared by the Citizen Security Cluster of the Institutional Capacity of the
State Division (IFD/ICS) and the Social Sector (SCL/SCL). It was written by Beatriz Abizanda, Joan
Serra Hoffman, Lina Marmolejo (IFD/ICS) and Suzanne Duryea (SCL/SCL) under Nathalie
Alvarado’s supervision. Ana Maria Rodriguez and Carlos Santiso provided overall guidance. This
document was reviewed by Ana Corbacho; Ariel Zaltsman, and Martin Ardanaz (IFD/IFD); Pablo
Alonso (OVE/OVE); and Pablo Ibarraran (SPD/SDV). Valuable inputs were received from
Macarena Rau (Director of the International CPTED Association for Latin America and the
Caribbean) and Lawrence Sherman (Wolfson Professor of Criminology of Cambridge University).
Roseanna Ander (Executive Director of the University of Chicago Crime Lab), Hugo Fruhling
(Director of the Center of Citizen Security Studies and Professor of Political Science at the
University of Chile), and Nancy Guerra (Professor of Psychology, and Director of Institute for
Global Studies, University of Delaware) provided external peer review.

Given the strong ties linking citizen security and the development of Latin
America and the Caribbean, the Bank has been supporting efforts to tackle
crime and violence. It has framed its work in citizen security through the
establishment of specific guidelines (Operational Guidelines for Program Design
and Execution in the Area of Civic Coexistence and Public Safety, GN-2535),
which identify the Bank’s areas of support, as well as those outside its mandate
and those for which it does not have a comparative advantage as a
development institution. It has also developed the present Conceptual
Framework, to complement the Operational Guidelines, by reviewing a group of
concepts to provide focus, rationale, and tools to integrate and interpret
information relevant to the citizen security policies and under the spectrum
defined by the Guidelines. The Conceptual Framework is intended as a tool to
guide the analyses of the sector, drawing from a growing empirical knowledge
base of “what works” in crime and violence prevention.
The framework presents “best bets,” programs, and interventions from
the Latin American and Caribbean region and beyond, which have been
rigorously evaluated, have proven to be effective, and can be tried and applied
in the region. It should be continuously reevaluated, as knowledge of what
works to prevent crime and violence increases. Existing evidence on what works
and what does not is just the tip of the iceberg. Experts agree that hypothesis
testing with a practical, evidence-based approach is the most promising route.


A. Concepts, Policy Approaches to Date, and the Emergence of Citizen Security 4

B. State of the Field in Violence and Crime Prevention 8
C. Institutional Fragility and Weakness of the State in Latin America and the Caribbean 12


A. Social Prevention: Empirical Evidence and Examples 16

B. Situational Prevention: Empirical Evidence and Examples 20
C. Preventive Activities by the Police: Empirical Evidence and Examples 24
D. Preventive Activities by the Judiciary: Empirical Evidence and Examples 28
E. Preventive Activities by the Penitentiary System and Rehabilitation: Empirical 32
Evidence and Examples
F. Institutional Capabilities and Citizen Security Policies 35




Today, crime and violence (C&V) is the number one concern for Latin American citizens,
surpassing unemployment or the economic situation,1 and is one of the region’s top priorities in
the public policy agenda.2 The member countries of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB,
the Bank) have shown growing interest in Bank support for improved governance in citizen
security, with increased formal and informal requests for the Bank to become involved in
various aspects of citizen security.3 At the same time, crime and violence have become
increasingly recognized as development issues by multilateral and bilateral international
development partners (World Bank 2011a; UNDP 2012).

Development is increasingly understood as encompassing broad areas of economic, as well as

human and social development, education, protection of global public goods, governance, and
institutions, along with issues such as inclusion and cohesion, participation, accountability, and
equity. Citizen security is a key dimension. Crime and violence are increasingly recognized as
serious obstacles to the formation of social and human capital formation and sustainable
economic development (CEPAL 2011), investment, and economic growth (WEF 2011). Increased
levels of crime and victimization destroy social capital by fomenting social mistrust, weakening
societal unity, and contributing to generalized fear and the erosion of institutions, which are the
basic requisites for the collective action needed for development.4 Young people,5 women,6
minorities,7 and residents of poor, large, urban areas are disproportionately impacted by crime
and violence in the region.8

The potential development impact of C&V interventions is supported by pioneering9 and

ongoing research by the Inter-American Development Bank, as well as by broader research in
the field.10 Thus, the IDB has supported member country efforts to tackle C&V from a
development perspective, pursuant to its mandate. It has framed its work in citizen security
through the establishment of Operational Guidelines for Program Design and Execution in the
Area of Civic Coexistence and Public Safety (IDB 2009) and the Operational Guidelines for More
Effective Justice Administration Systems (IDB 2012a). The Guidelines identify the Bank’s areas of
support, as well as those outside its mandate, and those for which it does not have a
comparative advantage as a development institution.

The IDB’s areas of support span the spectrum of C&V prevention and include institutional
strengthening across sectors:
 Social interventions to prevent youth from progressing from low-risk to high-risk
behavior, which are proximate determinants of violent and criminal behavior. Social
interventions also extend to preventing domestic violence, which includes preventing
the intergenerational transmission of violent behavior.
 Situational prevention to reduce opportunities for crime and violence that arise from
environmental factors.
 The police to prevent C&V by detecting potential opportunities and deterring the
offense from occurring.
 The judiciary system (courts, prosecution) to prevent C&V by detecting, prosecuting,
and sentencing offenders.

 The penitentiary system to prevent further C&V by forced cessation in criminal and
violent activity, and by providing opportunities for rehabilitation.
 Institutional capacity building to enhance state effectiveness and efficiency to prevent
C&V by increasing policymaking capacities and promoting evidence-based policies.
Several areas are ineligible for Bank funding, including secret, military, antiterrorism,
intelligence, and armed conflicts operations; procurement of weaponry or war equipment;
money laundering; and frontal attack on crime, drug trafficking, and organized crime (see
table 1).
Table 1. Range of IDB Interventions in Citizen Security

Cross- Institutional capabilities Excluded

cutting areas Enhance state effectiveness and efficiency to prevent C&V by increasing policymaking areas of
of action capacities and promoting the use of empirical evidence action
Specific operations
Social Situational Judiciary Penitentiary
areas of Police Anti-
interventions prevention system system
prevention terrorism
Key Addressing Reducing Detecting Detecting, Increasing the Armed forces
objective violent and opportunities opportunities prosecuting, effectiveness of Procurement
criminal for criminal and for crime and and rehabilitation, in of weapons
behavior violent behavior deterring its sentencing order to prevent or war
among young stemming from occurrence offenders recidivism after equipment
people; environmental social Drug
substance factors integration trafficking
abuse; and Money
domestic laundering

Source: Authors.

The roles of the police, the judiciary, and the penitentiary system are not limited to crime
prevention, but are integral and complementary to achieving a balanced approach in citizen
security efforts. Police detect crimes, investigate their occurrence, and gather information to
inform offender management practices or formal prosecution. The judiciary detects, prosecutes,
and imposes sanctions on crimes. The penitentiary system forcibly puts a stop to criminal and
violent activity by incarcerating and rehabilitating offenders.

This Conceptual Framework complements the Guidelines by reviewing a group of concepts to

provide a focus, rationale, and tool to integrate and interpret information relevant to the citizen
security policies described above. The Conceptual Framework does not analyze the risk factors
and causes of C&V in the region, nor some of the new social, criminal, and penal codes adopted
in the region in recent years. The Conceptual Framework is intended as a tool to guide the
analyses of the sector, drawing from a growing empirical knowledge base of “what works” in
C&V prevention.

Over the last few years, there has been an increasing emphasis on evidence-informed and
evidence-based C&V policy making in the region. Although there are varied definitions of what
constitutes “evidence,” there is a growing consensus that solid evidence is a critical input to
guide decisions about policy funding and implementation. The interventions included in this
Conceptual Framework are backed by experimental (well-supported) or quasi-experimental
(supported) evaluations and systematic reviews. Selected promising practices in Latin America
and the Caribbean have been also been included; for these practices, the level of certainty from
the available scientific evidence is too low to support generalizable conclusions, but there is
some empirical basis for predicting that further research could support such conclusions.

Most of the interventions that meet the threshold of evidence for this Framework work at the
individual level, reflecting the early evaluation efforts and intervention frameworks of C&V, and
have been developed in social policy contexts (such as the United States, western Europe, and
Australia) with richer institutional infrastructures (such as social welfare, prevention, and local
governance systems). Moreover, they were designed to address C&V contexts different from
those found in the Latin American and Caribbean region as a whole and in specific subregions in

As such, the Conceptual Framework does not capture the full range of citizen security
interventions and promising practices in the region, nor do the evidence-based interventions
featured represent the full range of approaches needed to address the characteristics of C&V in
the region. Recent multisectoral approaches in cities in Latin America and North America
suggest the promise of more integrated, comprehensive public sector responses to C&V that
address characteristics at the individual and situational level and factors at the community level.
These factors include (but are not limited to) the concentration of the urban poor, residential
mobility and population turnover, family disruption, housing and population density, criminal
opportunity structures (such as levels of leisure activities outside the household, and gang
density), and dimensions of social organization (such as informal social ties, density of
acquaintanceship, supervision of street groups, and organizational density and strength). These
interventions hold promise for rapidly urbanizing areas where violence is concentrated—not
only in the developing world, but also in high- and middle-income countries. In such areas, crime
and violence are characterized by the convergence of a wide range of risk factors, including
overcrowding, inequality, youth unemployment, drug crime, and/or weak or corrupted
institutions. Such conditions often require focused, but coordinated action on several fronts.11

While the Framework can be used to substantiate possible courses of action and preferred
approaches, it is not a plan of action. Existing evidence on what works and what does not is just
the tip of the iceberg. Experts agree that hypothesis testing with a practical, evidence-based
approach is the most promising route. The Conceptual Framework is knowledge-based,
articulated, shared, coherent, and consistent with the Bank´s institutional vision, and offers a
succinct review of the existing evidence-base as it stands. It is intended to be continuously re-
evaluated, as knowledge about what works to prevent C&V increases in Latin America and the


1.1 Violence and crime are two different concepts and dimensions of citizen security
efforts. A definition of violence, informed by public health concerns, considers violence
"the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself,
another person, or against a group or community that either results in or has a high
likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or
deprivation" (Krug et al. 2002). While this definition is not uniformly accepted, a
typology of violence derived from this definition can be a useful way to understand the
contexts in which violence occurs and the interactions between types of violence. It
identifies four modes in which violence may be inflicted: by physical, sexual, and/or
psychological means, or through deprivation. It further divides the general definition of
violence into sub-types according to the victim-perpetrator relationship. For the
purposes of this Conceptual Framework, self-directed and interpersonal violence are the
sub-types of interest. Self-directed violence refers to violence in which the perpetrator
and the victim are the same individual; this category is subdivided into self-abuse and
suicide. Interpersonal violence refers to violence between individuals, and is subdivided
into family and intimate partner violence and community violence. The former category
includes child maltreatment, intimate partner violence, and elder abuse, while the latter
is broken down into acquaintance and stranger violence and includes youth violence,
assault by strangers, violence related to property crimes, and violence in workplaces and
other institutions. (Dahlberg and Krug 2002, pp. 1–56)
1.2 Crime is committed when criminal law is infringed. Crime can be violent, but not all
crime is violent: for example, white collar crimes are not violent. Further, not all
violence is a crime. “Violence” and “violent crime” are often used interchangeably.
However, the legal status of violence varies with context: some violent acts will not be
treated as crimes everywhere: examples are domestic violence or psychological violence
such as stalking. This report uses “violence” to refer to activities and behaviors that
intentionally cause physical harm, or threaten to harm an individual or group, regardless
of whether they are sanctioned as crimes under the prevailing legal framework.
1.3 Fear of crime has a huge impact on societies in the region; while the impact of fear
cannot be compared with the actual harm caused by violence, including violent crime,
it is a key “quality of life” issue. Reducing fear (making people feel safer) is increasingly
common among the explicit components of the regional citizen security efforts in the
region. Fear negatively affects individuals and communities; influences behavior,
politics, economics, and social life; and can lead to population shifts. The costs of fear
are borne by both individuals and society. While fear of crime is related to actual crime,
the connection is less clear-cut than might be assumed. In many cities in the United
States, notes Cordner, “where the actual level of crime has fallen, fear of crime has not
seemed to recede as quickly or as substantially” (Cordner 2010, p. ix). The most fearful
individuals are not necessarily those who have suffered the most crime or at most risk
of victimization. Similarly, the most fearful communities are not necessarily the ones
with the most crime. “Fear of crime does not necessarily go up or down in correlation
with the amount of actual crime and so on. Given that fear of crime is not highly
correlated with actual crime, it cannot be assumed that policies to reduce crime will
reduce fear of crime” (Cordner 2010, p.6). From this perspective, regional responses to

enhance citizen security must address these three key dimensions: violence, crime, and
fear of crime (figure 1).

Figure 1. Three Key Dimensions of Citizen Insecurity: Violence, Crime, and Fear of Crime



Fear of Crime

Source: Authors.

1.4 Policy interventions to reduce crime and violence in the region have been dominated
by a particular, often narrow, approach and its associated professional discipline(s).
Each tends to prioritize a specific type of C&V and focus on a particular target group,
often working in silos. Table 2, drawn from the Moser and Winton (2002) typology,
outlines some of the main policy approaches as “ideal types.” Increasingly, more than
one approach is used simultaneously. Well-established approaches, research, and
measurement traditions—such as criminology and public health, from whence the bulk
of the interventions presented in this Conceptual Framework are drawn—are often
combined with more innovative ones. The various limitations of each of these most
common approaches are listed below, and all share a common challenge: constraints in
the capacity of human resources.
1.5 Given the multiple layering of C&V, policymakers are beginning to shift away from
menu-like checklists of single-sector interventions: citizen security approach is one
such integrated approach (ICPC 2010) Promoted by the IDB and surfacing from
innovations in the region, citizen security approaches incorporate interventions from
varied disciplines and policy perspectives that prevent and reduce violence through a
menu of different initiatives.

Table 2. Policy Approaches to Reducing Crime and Violence
Approach Objective Intervention Limitations
Criminal justice Deter and control Top-down strengthening of Limited applicability; success
violence through higher judicial, penal, and dependent on enforcement;
arrest, conviction rates, police systems and their restraints in human
and more severe associated institutions resources capacity
Public Prevent violence by Top-down surveillance; Almost exclusive focus on
health reducing identifying risk factors; individual; often imposed
individual risk resultant behavior top down; sensitive to
factors modification; scaling quality of surveillance data;
up of successful limitations in
interventions indicators; constraints in
capacity of human resources
Conflict Resolving conflict Top-down or bottom-up Often long-term in its
transformation nonviolently through conflict reduction impact; faces challenges in
negotiated terms negotiations between bringing parties to the table
between conflicting different social actors and in mediating conflict;
parties constraints in capacity of
human resources
Human rights Legal enforcement Top-down legal Legal framework often
of human rights and enforcement reinforced by difficult to enforce in
documentation of bottom-up participation lawlessness contexts;
abuses by states and and NGO lobbying corruption and impunity;
other social actors constraints in capacity of
human resources
Social Building social Bottom-up participatory Less well articulated than
capital capital through both violence appraisal; other approaches; fewer
informal and formal institutional mapping; indicators developed;
social institutions, reduction measures constraints in capacity of
including family, drawing on community human
community, and the participation resources
Citizen security Composite set of Multi-sectoral Promoted by the IDB: very
measures to prevent government-directed popular with governments
and/or reduce approach seeking to address
violence governments concerns
Source: Adapted from Moser and Winton (2002).

1.6 Citizen security policy approaches emphasize strengthening democratic governance

and focusing on the individual within a democratic context, rather than the coercive
functions of the state. The concept of “citizen security” first gained prominence in the
region during the 1990s as Latin American and Caribbean countries were consolidating
their transition to democracy, as an alternative to the concept of “public security.” The
term originally referred to the physical security of persons and goods, but increasingly
has become synonymous with activities that also focus on addressing the interrelated
issues of reducing C&V, improving citizen safety, and increasing a sense of citizenship.12
Today, citizen security is being explicitly incorporated in the approach of many
multilateral and bilateral organizations to security and development (Moser and Winton
2002) and is increasingly reflected in the policy frameworks of many Latin American and
Caribbean countries. A citizen security approach requires collective and coordinated

collaborative action, drawing upon diverse fields and disciplinary and policy approaches,
and can be undertaken at country, regional, and/or city level.
1.7 Regional citizen security innovations underscore the relevance of civic culture (cultura
ciudadana) and the role of the state in actively fostering citizens’ participation. Some
cities in the region13 have explored ways to include interventions to strengthen civic
culture (cultura ciudadana) in policies to prevent crime and violence. According to
proponents of civic culture interventions, violent and disorderly actions are due to a
disassociation among three systems that regulate human behavior: law, morality, and
culture. Civic culture interventions are based on the assumption that culture is
malleable, and cultural changes and citizens’ participation can be fostered by the state.
Activities to improve “coexistence” among citizens (convivencia ciudadana) seek to
increase voluntary compliance with the law based on cultural and moral motivations.
Interventions to foster civic culture use pedagogical strategies to foster citizens’
involvement through communication, sports, and art (Mockus 2008). Among those civic
culture implemented in Latin American countries, the ones in Bogota and Medellin may
be the ones known most widely (Mockus, Murraín, and Villa 2012).
1.8 Increasingly, bottom-up approaches and concepts, such as collective efficacy, that
explore the role of informal social control are being actively incorporated in citizen
security efforts. Research produced in the United States— as well as in Australia, China,
and Sweden, and with less conclusive evidence, in Brazil and Colombia—has highlighted
the importance of collective efficacy in explaining the characteristics that seem to
contribute to exerting informal social control in communities. This concept combines
trust (social capital) with shared expectations for action and is defined as “social control
enacted under conditions of social trust” (Sampson 2004, p. 108). This theory helps
explain why, despite weak ties among community members, the existence of shared
values and expectations can enable enough trust for the community to achieve common
goals. The theory was tested in Chicago and found empirical support. Additionally, in the
same study, the presence of collective efficacy was associated with a 30 percent
decrease in the potential for victimization. Collective efficacy was shown to “moderate
the relationship between residential instability, and disadvantage” (Sampson,
Raudenbush, and Earls 1997). An extension of this 1997 analysis (Maxwell, Garner, and
Skogan 2011) reveals a relationship between levels of collective efficacy and reductions
in rates of rape and homicide from 1995 to 2004. There is some research under way to
gauge how transferable the results of these studies are in different in Latin American
and Caribbean institutional, social, political, and economic contexts, with promising
results demonstrated for Colombia. A 2008 study by Cerda, Morenoof, Duque, and Buka
analyzed the relationship between collective efficacy, homicide rates, and individuals’
perceptions of violent crime in neighborhoods in Medellín. Findings of this analysis
support collective efficacy theory with respect to homicide rates after controlling for
two important factors: disadvantage and paramilitary presence.


1.9 The current state of the field reflects important advances. In the last 35 years, the field
has developed “a substantial science base ranging from knowledge generation
(research) and knowledge integration to knowledge dissemination and knowledge
application (delivery)” (Rosenberg 2012). Applying a scientific methodology to violence
and crime involves “collecting and analyzing data to define the magnitude, scope, and
characteristics of the problem, examining the factors that increase or decrease the risk
for violence and crime, and identifying the factors that can be modified through
interventions. Interventions are designed, tested, and evaluated. Efficacious and
promising interventions are implemented, and their effects and cost-effectiveness are
evaluated. Ongoing monitoring of intervention effects on risk factors and target
problems builds the database to allow quantitative assessment of successes and clear
identification of remaining needs” (Rosenberg el al. 2006, p. 208).
1.10 Significant advances have been made in identifying risk factors at the
individual, the relationship, the community, and the societal levels for each
type of interpersonal violence, with important implications for prevention.14 As
outlined in a recent synthesis report on preventing violence around the globe there is
increased recognition of the need to move toward approaches that address multiple risk
factors simultaneously “for both individuals (being male; previous experience with
violence; alcohol and substance use; family environment with poor parenting; or marital
conflict) and communities (high concentrations of poverty; widespread violence in
society; alcohol and substance use; access to weapons; and high rates of social, justice,
economic, and gender inequalities)” (NRC 2008, p. 25). Further, the strong links
between different types of violence have come to light. There is a cycle of violence that
may begin with child neglect at birth; lead to hyper-vigilant children and youth who are
less likely to be calmed and are more likely to participate in intimate partner violence,
sexual violence, and youth violence than nonvictims; and extend to elder abuse and
suicide when they get older (Rosenberg 2012, pp. 6–16). Perpetrators of homicide
against another family member are at substantially increased risk of later committing
suicide. Underlying and “crosscutting these causal links between the different subtypes
of violence are shared risk factors—such as alcohol and substance misuse, parental loss,
crime, household poverty, and social and economic inequalities—that underlie most of
the subtypes” (NRC 2008, p. 208). This suggests that interventions to address these risk
factors may impact on several types of violence (Welsh and Farrington 2010).
1.11 Such advances have been instrumental in identifying and clustering interventions at
the individual, the relationship, the community, and the societal levels, and
addressing the multiple dimensions of specific types of violence and crime, and
promoting integrated “best bet” approaches—even if the optimal combination of
multiple component interventions have yet to be identified (Krug et al 2002). A major
challenge of risk-focused prevention has been “the limited ability to establish which risk
factors are causes and which are merely markers or correlated with cause,” resulting in
interventions that target multiple risk factors in a scattershot manner (Welsh and
Farrington 2010, p. 9). Interventions should optimally focus on causal factors, since a
focus on factors simply correlated with cause will not necessarily result in decreases in
offenses or victimization. Nevertheless, there is also evidence that points to greater

effectiveness of multi-modal intervention packages than interventions focused on
modifying a single factor (Wasserman and Miller 1998) (see box 1).

Box 1. Evolution in Criminal Justice Prevention Approaches

Scholars and practitioners today generally accept that the criminal justice sector as a
whole is expected to deliver both safety and justice for all members of society in the
form of enforcement as well as prevention, while producing a legally appropriate
resolution of each case brought to the formal or informal system. A country’s criminal
justice sector is understood by scholars and practitioners to comprise all the institutions,
processes, and services responsible for the prevention, investigation, adjudication,
treatment, and response to illegal behaviors. The sector includes the institutions
traditionally associated with it, such as police, prosecutors, public defenders, courts, and
corrections, as well as a wide range of other institutions, such as private police, victim
services, private lawyers and bar associations, human rights and ombudsman’s offices,
addiction and other treatment programs, as well as community engagement and service
programs. Contemporary practitioners and others in the development community
increasingly view the criminal justice sector as a means for the delivery of services to the
public in the areas of safety and conflict resolution, as well as individual and community
development, and as a central part of the everyday meaning of the rule of law and good
governance. This service orientation has changed priorities within the sector, raising the
priority of tasks that contribute to these goals, while reducing the resources devoted to
individual cases unlikely to contribute to either safety or justice. It also has increased
attention to sector-wide coherence, early intervention, governance, and accountability.
Source: Adopted from Leroy (2012).
1.12 In the past, prevention and control (or sanctions) were usually envisioned as mutually
exclusive concepts. This dichotomy fed a debate over which citizen security policy works
best: one that insists on “softer” approaches based on social prevention versus a
"punishment or control" focus, which relies more on “tougher,” more punitive criminal
justice-based responses. As stated by Cook and Ludwig (2012, p. 56), “the line between
those false extremes is being blurred by new approaches that recognize that we can
deter crime by improving people’s life chances, and that coercion can in some cases be a
key element of such efforts, as with compulsory schooling laws.” A crime prevention
program can be broadly defined as a set of activities that causes a lower “number of
committed crimes than would have happened without that policy” (Sherman et al. 1997,
chapter 2, p. 2).
1.13 Increased understanding of socially effective sanctions offer unique opportunities for
preventive criminal justice. Sanctions or punishments are some of the tools available
for avoiding or deterring crime; yet not all sanctions work for all offenders and for all
offenses. Some sanctions can be crime-preventive, while others may be crime-causing
(“criminogenic”), and still others may have little or no effect (Sherman et al. 1997). The
justification for use of sanctions or punishment includes: the deterring power of
sanctions; the retribution that sanctions provide for the crimes they tackle; their
incapacitation effects; and the rehabilitative power of sanctions, or their social
effectiveness, when they contribute to minimize the harms to society caused by criminal
or violent behavior and facilitate the offender’s change of behavior (Banks 2009).

1.14 Significant advances have resulted in a body of applied integrative knowledge that
decision makers can draw upon to design and implement evidence-based C&V
prevention policies, but key challenges remain. Most of the practices evaluated have
been implemented in developed countries, mainly Australia, some European countries,
and the United States. Reviews of evidence-based approaches on crime prevention
(Akpokdje, Bowles, and Tigere 2002) and violence prevention in developing countries,
including those of Latin America and the Caribbean (NRC 2004), find that research tends
to be largely descriptive or qualitative, and that it produces few quantitative results of
sufficient quality to contribute to the creation of a regional evidence-based approach.
1.15 The factors involved in successful implementation of evidence-based policies are not
as well understood. Choosing evidence-based C&V prevention policies will not
necessarily ensure good implementation (Fixsen et al. 2005). As Petersilia (1990, p. 129)
notes, “the ideas embodied in innovative social programs are not self-executing”.
Instead, what is needed is an “implementation perspective on innovation—an approach
that views post-adoption events as crucial and focuses on the actions of those who
convert it into practice as the key to success or failure.” Far more research is needed on
how to implement policies while staying true to the original design, as well as how to
secure good outcomes over time and across practitioners in different contexts and
cultures, in complex settings. Implementers of evidence-based practice stress the
importance of building bridges between practice and research, and establishing a strong
“operating system” that can ensure that policymakers and practitioners follow a logical
path when identifying community, municipal, or national concerns and implementing
programs and policies to reduce or prevent crime and violence, and more broadly
encourage social development (Fixsen et al. 2005).
1.16 Knowledge and institutional obstacles to advance violence prevention around the
world have also been described in state-of-the-field reviews. As summed up by
Rosenberg et al (2012, pp. 6, 18–19), there is limited knowledge on how to reach out to
high risk groups; develop integration mechanisms to link surveillance, timely policy
responses, and evaluation efforts; and move beyond demonstration projects to scaling
up programs that work. At an institutional level, progress is hampered by the scarcity
of political will to enact solutions and try ideas; the intense rivalry between
organizations that compete for the same limited pool of resources; the lack of
resources to build the foundations for violence prevention required to ensure that
prevention activities are sustained over time; the skepticism about the feasibility of
delivering complex social interventions in resource-poor settings; and the time-lag
between prevention program delivery and reduced rates of violence for social
interventions such as parent training and life skills training.
1.17 Increasing emphasis has been placed on the importance of evidence-informed
prevention strategies and evidence-based decision making for policymakers charged
with the task of making decisions around the funding and implementation of violence
prevention strategies. Conceptual tools such as Best Available Research Evidence are
widely accepted and used to qualify evidence in fields ranging from medicine to
psychology (Puddy and Wilkins 2011).15 Such conceptual tools enable researchers,
practitioners, and policymakers to determine whether or not a prevention program,
practice, or policy is actually achieving the outcomes it aims to and in the way it intends.
The more rigorous a study’s research design (through such means as randomized

control trials and quasi-experimental designs), the more compelling the research
evidence—although other research designs and types of research, including qualitative
research, are needed to fully understand both the problem and its solution (box 2).

Box 2. Two Underlying Facets of the Best Available Research Evidence

1. Strength of Evidence
• How rigorously has a program, practice, or policy been evaluated?
• How strong is the evidence in determining that the program or policy is producing the
desired outcomes?
• How much evidence exists to determine that something other than this program or
policy is responsible for producing the desired outcomes?
2. Effectiveness
• Is this program, practice, or policy producing desired outcomes?
• Is it producing non-desirable outcomes?

As shown below, the areas of the continuum are differentiated from one another based on the
extent to which they meet the requirements of these two facets. These areas range from highly
rigorous and effective (“well-supported”) to highly rigorous, yet ineffective (“unsupported”).

Source: Puddy and Wilkins (2011, pp. 7–8). For a fuller discussion, see:

1.18 Increasingly, two other forms of evidence related to clinical/practitioner

experience/expertise and setting/contextual factors have been recognized as being
crucial to the success of prevention efforts for many behavioral health problems,
including violence (figure 2). As defined by Puddy and Wilkins (2011, p. 4), they are:
“Experiential Evidence: This type of evidence is based on the professional insight, un-
derstanding, skill, and expertise that is accumulated over time and is often referred to
as intuitive or tacit knowledge; Contextual Evidence: This type of evidence is based on

factors that address whether a strategy is useful, feasible to implement, and accepted
by a particular community. These three facets of evidence, while distinct, also overlap
and are important and necessary aspects of making evidence-based decisions.”

Figure 2. A Framework for Thinking about Evidence

Best Available

Evidence Based
Decision Making
Experiential Contextual
Evidence Evidence

Source: Puddy and Wilkins (2011).

1.19 Despite considerable progress, prevention policies are still marginalized within the
broader scope of public safety policies. A 2010 review of the evolution and outcomes of
public policies, strategies, and practice of prevention and community safety around the
world conclude that while crime prevention is frequently seen as an objective or
program requiring coordination by various public policies, it is rarely viewed as a public
policy in itself (ICPC 2010).


1.20 The challenges of advancing C&V prevention are increased by the weak governance
contexts, which are very acute in more vulnerable states. This weakness of democratic
governance constitutes fertile ground for a surge in C&V.16
a. A vulnerable state creates voids that become fertile ground for violence.
Residents in socially excluded communities cannot depend on weak of
nonexistent public institutions to provide them with safety and justice. “When
(legal) methods of obtaining increased social status, higher income, and wider
influence are limited,” as they often are in excluded areas, violence becomes an
instrument to achieve “security, and economic gain.” The anti-social actions of a
minority finally affect the majority of residents in excluded areas with a practical
absence of the state (Berkman 2007).
b. Low trust levels in the police and the judiciary affect the perception of insecurity
and social cohesion. Furthermore, low institutional capacity to deliver further

reduces trust (see box 3). Yet the capacity to deliver change is weak in most
societies that score low on governance indicators (World Bank 2011a).
c. Corruption and organized crime erode the legitimacy of the state and its ability
to exercise its functions. The literature highlights that criminal organizations
turn to violence as a way to establish control over territory and (illicit) markets.
Corruption also helps gain impunity. Impunity and corruption in turn erode the
state’s legitimacy to fight violence and keep the rule of law (Solis and Francisco
2009; UNODC 2010).
Box 3. Victimization and Trust in Public Institutions in Latin America
The scarce literature on the relationship between crime and trust in institutions has been
augmented by an econometric study conducted by the IDB in a sample of 19 Latin American
countries. It explores the relationship between individual experiences of victimization and
personal trust in public institutions and in other people (Corbacho, Ruiz, and Phillip 2012). Study
findings suggest that victims of crime are less likely to trust the local police. The probably of
trust is 10 percent lower among victims, a significant reduction from already low levels of trust
in the region. In addition, crime victims are less likely to stay in the city where they live or
recommend that city to friends and associates, weakening existing as well as future social
networks. The study also finds that the erosion of trust is as important as individual victimization
in determining feelings of insecurity.

The implications are that in environments of low trust, governments must work twice as hard to
address the consequences of crime. Public programs to fight crime will not be as effective in
citizens’ view and collaboration to report crime and work with the police will be lower. In
addition, governments will have to spend more money to improve the perception of public
institutions, further increasing the already high cost of crime in the region. Policies in the region
clearly need to focus on reducing risks of actual victimization, but also on rebuilding trust in
public institutions.
Source: Corbacho, Ruiz, and Philipp (2012, forthcoming).
d. The effectiveness of policies is limited by the lack of a comprehensive approach,
which would takes into account an analysis of all risks factors to addresses the
causes of violence in a particular context and ensure effective and accountable
policies. Citizen security has historically been treated and approached from a
perspective almost entirely focusing on law enforcement.
e. Lack of definition of clear responsibilities and low coordination between central
and local government limit the potential of success. Successful examples of C&V
prevention reduction in the region have surfaced mostly from experiences of
local governments and municipal level efforts, rather than from national policies
results. Examples include efforts in Bogotá, Diadema, Guayaquil, Medellin,
Peñalolen, Puente Alto, Quito, and São Paulo. These experiences, as well as
research from within and outside Latin America and the Caribbean, highlight the
importance of the involvement of the local governments in dealing with C&V.17
The literature cites several possible justifications for the importance of a local
approach to C&V prevention. For example, C&V are not evenly distributed in
countries, regions or even cities. Rather they tend to be clustered among
relatively few places (Sherman et al. 2002). Due to their proximity to these

places, local governments have a comparative advantage in preventing C&V
within these places. Furthermore, local government authorities have a major
role in developing and tailoring programs to local circumstances, since crime is
experienced at the local and the neighborhood level and thus can be tackled
locally. However, especially among smaller cities, these governments are
weaker than their national counterparts. Furthermore, weak articulation
between strategies at the national and local levels contributes to low policy
effectiveness. This can stem from a lack of clarity in the allocation of
responsibilities between central and local government.
f. Low levels of specialization among public officials affect policy quality. In
general, staff of security, justice, and related institutions lack adequate training.
This limits their ability to analyze, design, execute, and evaluate security
policies. The practical absence of a culture of evaluation also limits the
government’s ability to improve service delivery and apply knowledge.
g. Weak information and obsolete analysis and management tools impede good
diagnosis, execution, and policy feedback. Several studies have identified two
critical bottlenecks: “(i) the lack of quality data and information to support
empirical analyses and diagnostic assessments that would enable better policy
targeting; and (ii) the weakness of public policy management, planning, and
evaluation tools in the sector, which has constrained the capacity to measure
results and the learning process in the regional context. These problems are
reflected in weak diagnostic assessments, the lack of systematic analyses based
on empirical evidence, the inadequate inclusion of cost-effectiveness
considerations in the interventions, and the limited use of monitoring and
evaluation tools” (IDB 2012b, p. 8).
h. The weakness of the criminal justice system (CJS) compounds risks.
Incarceration rates are high and increasing, particularly in Central America and
the Caribbean. Overcrowding of prisons—which averages 60 percent for the
entire Latin American and Caribbean region (IDB 2012a)—constitutes a
humanitarian problem. It is also a roadblock to the rehabilitative power of
corrections. To a large extent, prison overpopulation is the result of an excessive
resort to preventive imprisonment, which in turn results from delays in trials,
the lack of alternative sentencing systems, the inadequacy or nonexistence of
pretrial services,18 and the lack of protocols for determining when pretrial
detention should be applied, and when and how decisions on precautionary
measures should be reviewed, among other problems (IDB 2012a).
1.21 The legacy of totalitarian regimes and post-conflict scenarios. Dictatorships and wars in
the region have deeply influenced the low trust of the citizens in institutions whose
mission is to protect them.19 In some countries, military forces or death squads violated
civil and human rights. Some police units were part of the repressive apparatus, through
political espionage, illegal detentions, disappearances, and the like. The judiciary was
used as another tool to repress citizens in dictatorial regimes. Due to this troubled
history and weak transparency, compounded by lack of delivery from the security
institutions, some citizens question the legitimacy of the state, perceive a culture of
impunity, and maintain low levels of trust in government (WOLA 2009).

2.1 There are many possible ways of classifying C&V prevention programs. One of the
first efforts draws upon the public health approach for preventing diseases and
injuries. This effort divides prevention activities into three categories: primary,
secondary, and tertiary. Primary prevention involves measures focused on improving
the general well-being of individuals. Secondary prevention focuses on intervening with
populations at risk to stop them from becoming offenders or victims. Tertiary
prevention involves measures directed toward those who have already been involved
with crime or victimization (Krug et al. 2002). A further classification, developed by Van
Dijk and de Waard (1991), distinguishes among offender-oriented, situation-oriented,
and victim-oriented activities. It permits policies to be organized by the different stages
of the development of violent and criminal activity (primary, secondary, or tertiary),
focusing on the victim (or potential victim), as well as the offender (or potential
offender), and on implementing response and prevention efforts.
2.2 Table 3 synthesizes the Conceptual Framework for the Bank’s work in citizen security
and crime prevention policy. It builds on the five specific areas of action and a cross-
cutting area of institutional strengthening.20
Table 3. Range of Areas of IDB Interventions in Citizen Security
Cross- Institutional capabilities
cutting area Enhance state effectiveness and efficiency in preventing C&V by increasing
of action policymaking capacities and promoting the use of empirical evidence in policies
Social Situational Penitentiary
areas of Police Judiciary
intervention prevention system
prevention system
Key Addressing Reducing Detecting Detecting, Increasing the
objective violent and opportunities opportunities prosecuting, effectiveness of
criminal for criminal for crime and and rehabilitation to
behavior and violent deterring its sentencing prevent
offenders recidivism after
among young behavior occurrence
integration into
people; stemming from society
substance environmental
abuse; and factors
Target risk
Primary   -- -- --
risk level
Secondary    -- --
risk level
Tertiary -- --   
risk levelb
Source: Authors.

a. Preventing youth from progressing from low-risk to high-risk behavior, which are proximate
determinants of violent and criminal behavior. Preventing domestic violence includes preventing the
intergenerational transmission of violent behavior.
b. Given that the tertiary level is defined as having conflict with the law, this Conceptual Framework
addresses interventions in the area of penitentiary system and rehabilitation. However, tertiary
interventions for youth in conflict with the law can also be carried out in a range of community settings,
independently of penitentiary systems. See Limbos et al. (2007).
2.3 The sections that follow present a list of activities for each of the intervention areas
defined. These activities are the most supported by the best available research
evidence, and by experimental or quasi-experimental evidence of effectiveness.


2.4 Social prevention. While potentially covering an extremely broad array of

interventions, this area is focused on three key areas of prevention: aggressive and
delinquent behavior among youth;21 substance abuse; and domestic violence. These
three areas contribute to overall levels of C&V in the region. In each area, a well-defined
series of behaviors (trajectories) can be effectively interrupted before behavior progress
to violent or criminal activities.22
2.5 Youth. Violent and criminal behavior by youth are typically preceded by less severe
externalizing behaviors such as dropping out of school, minor acts of aggression, theft,
and/or exploratory drug use (Buka and Earls 1993; Nagin and Tremblay 1999). The
potential to stop minor externalizing behaviors from progressing to more serious
behaviors and keep youth on positive paths is a key objective of the Framework.
Although much evidence suggests that early interventions at pre-school ages or younger
are also effective in reducing criminal and violent behavior among youth and young
adults,23 given the pressing time horizon faced by most governments, the Framework
will focus on specific interventions that can yield reductions in C&V for older children
and youth within a five-year horizon.
2.6 Given that distinct populations require differentiated policies, the youth population is
disaggregated into the three levels of interventions, shown in table 4.

Table 4. Mapping of Risk Groups

Primary Secondary Tertiary
Group 1. Low risk: Group 2. Medium risk: Group 3. High risk:
Youth attending school, Disengaged youth Youth engaged in externalizing
age 18 and younger behavior
 Younger than 18 who have not
 Youth in conflict with
completed secondary school and are
the law
not attending school
 Youth ages 18–29 who are
neither in school nor working
Group 3. High risk:
Youth engaged in externalizing behaviors

 Youth exhibiting externalizing

behaviors (substance abuse,
aggression, theft, adolescent

pregnancy, etc.)
 Youth engaged in serious violent
or criminal acts

Source: Duryea and Vivo (2011).

2.7 The key concepts and evidence presented below are summarized from a longer
document that explores in greater detail transmission mechanisms of behavioral change
and evidence substantiating these different “theories of change” (Duryea and Vivo
2011). The mechanisms draw from traditional economics, behavioral economics,
psychology, and neuroscience.
a. Reduce exposure to opportunities for risky behavior. This approach, also known
as the “incapacitation effect,” exploits supervised time such that individuals
have less time to partake in risky activities. Evidence for youth includes a step to
lengthen the school day in Chile, where Krueger and Berthelon (2011), in a
quasi-experimental evaluation, find that property and violent crime
subsequently declined. In another quasi-experimental analysis in the United
States, Anderson (2010) analyzes state changes in minimum dropout age and
finds that the additional time in school results in lower property and violent
crime. The need for effective supervision is paramount. Researchers note that
bringing youth together for activities without adequately monitoring their
activities can foment C&V. This could happen, for example, if youth centers or
sports fields are constructed without sustainable funds for adult supervision.
b. Increase costs to deviant behavior by improving the future. When the future
looks more promising, the cost of deviating from the positive path with risky
behavior is higher and more likely to be avoided. This can be done by investing
in hard skills and reorienting outlooks to place more weight on the future. For
example, the experimental evaluation of the Jobs Corps training program for
youth in the United States found that the program reduced criminal activity and
increased earnings for several years following participation in the program
(Schochet, Burghardt, and McConnell 2008).
c. Reduce returns to deviant behavior. A systematic review of drug substitution
programs found that methadone maintenance substantially reduces the volume
of crime committed by addicts and that medically controlled heroin
maintenance is even more effective at reducing criminal activity (Egli et al.
d. Strengthening socio-emotional capacity to respond to difficult situations. There
is a strong and growing body of experimental evidence regarding the impact of
strengthening socio-emotional skills (Hill et al. 2010). As an example,
experimental evaluations of Life Skills Training, a curriculum-based program
applied in various settings to middle- and high-school-age students in the United
States, found declines in smoking and alcohol use, with less consistent results
for marijuana use (Botvin et al. 1995). The Life Skills Training program aims to
teach skills to resist social influences that encourage drug use and to foster the
development of general personal and social skills. An experimental evaluation
of the Kingston YMCA program in Jamaica found that this program reduced
aggressive behavior among males who had dropped out of school and were

receiving counseling and skills training (Guerra et al. 2010). Other successful
programs strengthen youth’s socio-emotional skills by providing training to their
parents. The negative impact of harsh parenting practices on adolescent self-
efficacy and behavior has been well documented (Blatt and Homann 1992;
Dodge, Pettit, and Bates 1994). The goal of programs such as Parenting Wisely
and Brief Strategic Family Therapy is to improve parental interactions with
youth, which are subsequently reflected in youth behavior. This reduces risk
factors and strengthens protective factors for substance abuse and other
conduct problems. Experimental evidence for both programs in the United
States and Canada points to reductions in externalizing behavior of youth
(Nickel et al. 2006).
e. Remove constraints for positive behavior. A more positive behavioral trajectory
may be blocked by income or other constraints. Chioda, De Mello, and Soares
(2012) have recently found that the expansion of Bolsa Familia, a conditional
cash transfer program in Brazil, to 16–17 year-olds significantly reduced crime in
areas surrounding schools with an ex ante higher share of 16–17 year olds. This
additional economic subsidy linked to the school attendance of 16–17 year-olds
may lift some of the incentives for these youth to seek income through illegal
activities. Or it may be that opportunity to engage with a different peer group
while staying in school reduces delinquent behavior. While the authors cannot
untangle the transmission mechanism of the intervention, the existing evidence
suggests that the effect is not channeled through the incapacitation effect, as
there is little co-variation of crimes with the school day. Other interventions
have also found that lifting constraints with respect to forming a new living
situation can reduce C&V. Brassiolo (2011) shows that when Spain made it
easier to exercise outside options by easing access to divorce, intimate partner
violence fell, particularly among women without children. In the Midwestern
United States, the ESID intervention was designed to provide women who had
previously experienced domestic violence with legal assistance, employment
assistance, and housing assistance, such that they would be able to live
independently from their abusers. In a randomized control trial, Sullivan (2003)
finds that women who received this intervention of “economic empowerment”
experienced significantly less violence over the two- year period of the study
than women assigned to the control group. In South Africa, an intervention
providing microfinance and training to women (IMAGE Study) demonstrated
major reductions in rates of intimate partner violence (Pronyk et al. 2006).24
2.8 Domestic violence. Preventing the inter-generational transmission of violence is a key
objective of the Framework. Young boys exposed to domestic violence are more likely
to engage in delinquent behavior as adolescents and use violence against women as
adults (Archer 1994; Whitfield et al. 2003).
2.9 Although evidence from impact evaluations remains very scarce, there is some evidence
of the effectiveness of psychosocial approaches in reducing domestic violence,
particularly at the primary and secondary levels. For example, the experimental
evaluation of the school-based program Stepping Stones in South Africa found a
reduction in domestic violence reported by men (Jewkes et al. 2008). Changing
community norms through material transmitted through soap operas has shown to be

promising for altering attitudes toward domestic violence in Nicaragua in the Program
Sexto Sentido (Solorazno et. al 2008). At the secondary level for populations exposed to
violence, programs such as Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools in
the United States (now being implemented in Australia, China, Guyana, and Japan)
have been shown to reduce symptoms of psychosocial dysfunction among youth in the
treatment group vs. the control group (Stein et al. 2003). At the tertiary level, the
evidence is mixed with respect to “control” interventions such as mandatory arrests of
both parties when police are called to respond to domestic disturbances. Studies have
found that incidents of domestic violence increased among parties with lower
socioeconomic backgrounds: that is, those with “less to lose” from an arrest (Sherman
et al. 1992). With respect to the more general approach of enhanced domestic violence
prosecution (including specialized prosecution units and prosecution without witness
testimony), results from quasi-experimental studies reveal mixed results. Positive
impacts have been found for some sub-groups in some applications, but there is a lack
of solid, replicable results. To build the toolbox with respect to “what works” in
preventing domestic violence, much more rigorous experimentation is needed.
2.10 Table 5 summarizes the key lines of action in social prevention and provides examples of
effective programs.

Table 5. Key Lines of Action in Social Prevention and Examples of Effective Programs
Primary Secondary Tertiary
External- Youth 1. Exploit supervised time 1. Improve hard skills (training, Intensive
izing (after-school, extended quality education, etc). psychosocial
behaviors school activities) Examples: Kingston YMCA services.
 2. Target vulnerable schools program (Jamaica), Jobs Corps Example:
with effective programs: (USA) Multisystemic
Example: Linking the Interest 2. Strengthen socio-emotional therapy offered to
of Families and Teachers capacity. youth and families
 (LIFT) (USA) Examples: Strengthening
families program, cognitive-
behavioral intervention for
trauma in schools
Substance All Target vulnerable schools Drug substitution programs Frequent test +
abuse ages with effective programs. (methadone), Counseling and graduated sanctions
Examples: Project No Drug treatment programs Example: Delaware
Abuse (USA), Midwestern Program (USA)
Prevention Project (USA)
Domestic All 1. Target vulnerable schools Psychosocial programs.
violence ages with effective programs: In schools: cognitive
socio-emotional skills. behavioral intervention for
Examples: Stepping Stones trauma in schools
(South Africa) Family-based therapy.
2. Mass
Example: Sexto sentido
3. Economic empowerment:
Example: ESID (USA)
Source: Authors’ compilations.

 Significant impacts found in original programs have not been replicated in some other

2.11 What doesn’t work. It is important to note that reducing risky behavior through “scare
tactics” has tended to be ineffective and at times counterproductive. Scare tactics
typically involve sharing shocking information via ex-drug addicts and convicted felons,
among others. In primary-level interventions, for example, the long-standing drug
awareness program taught in U.S schools by police officers (DARE) was found to
promote alcohol use and to have no effect on marijuana use, according to a randomized
control trial (Sloboda et al. 2009). Similar results have been found in evaluations of
tertiary-level programs. For example, the U.S. program “Scared Straight” brings young
offenders on field trips to scary prison environments. A meta-analysis of seven
randomized control trials of “Scared Straight” has established that the program
significantly increased the probability that treated youth engaged in the risky behavior.25
While information may be a basic ingredient for making decisions about behavior, it is
not necessarily straightforward to construct messages that will shift youth behavior in a
positive direction, and the backfiring of the message is a strong possibility.


2.12 Situational crime prevention has been defined as “a preventive approach that relies,
not upon improving society or its institutions, but simply upon reducing opportunities
for crime” (Clarke 1992, p. 3). “Reducing opportunities for crime is achieved essentially
through some modification or manipulation of the physical environment in order to
directly affect the offender’s perceptions of increased risks and effort, and decreased
rewards, provocations and excuses” (Cornish and Clarke 2003). Situational prevention
techniques are tailored preventive measures that are directed at specific forms of crime;
and involve the design and management of the physical environment in a systematic
way (Clarke 1997).
2.13 Underlying theory. Situational crime prevention is also influenced by rational choice
theory, developed by the Nobel award economist Gary Becker (1968), among other
researchers. This perspective appears to have had the greatest influence on the
pragmatic orientation of situational crime prevention, as articulated by its main
proponent, Ronald Clarke (1997). It posits that before committing a crime, the potential
offender considers the likelihood of being detected, the penalty he/she would get in
case of being found guilty, and the gain to be netted from committing the crime (Seigel
1992). The routine activities theory, related to the rational choice theory, considers the
occurrence of crime based on the interaction among potential offenders and potential
victims in the absence of capable guardians. These elements jointly determine
opportunities for crime. Potential offenders “learn about criminal opportunities from
their peers, the media and their own observation, but they are differentially sensitized
to this information as well as being differentially motivated to…create opportunities.
Thus, offender perceptions and judgments about risks, effort and rewards,
provocations, and excuses play an important part in defining the opportunity structure”
(Clarke 1997, p. 14.) The situational approach is also supported by theories that
emphasize natural, informal surveillance as a means of guardianship (Welsh and
Farrington 2010).

2.14 Situational prevention activities are usually classified in five groups, as shown in table 6.
Table 6. Situational Prevention Activities

Increase the Increase the Reduce the Reduce provocation Remove the
effort risks rewards excuses
Harden targets, Extend Conceal Reduce frustration Set rules, post
control access guardianship, targets, and and stress, avoid instructions, alert
to facilities, assist natural disrupt disputes, reduce conscience, assist
screen exits, surveillance, and markets. emotional compliance,
and control strengthen Examples: arousal, and control drugs and
weapons. formal Time limits neutralize peer alcohol.
Examples: surveillance. on alcohol pressure. Examples:
Public space Examples: sales Examples: Maintain Harassment
closure, and Closed circuit efficient queues and codes,
housing television polite service, reduce breathalyzers in
certification (CCTV), street crowding in pubs, server
lighting, pubs, prohibit racial interventions,
surveillance, and slurs, and enforce and alcohol-free
residential good events
alarms behavior on sports
Source: Cornish and Clarke (2003).

2.15 Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a subset of situational

crime prevention.26 According to CPTED theory, the likelihood for a crime to occur can
decrease if the urban or physical environments are modified. CPTED encourages the
incorporation of preventive features in urban design and housing to decrease
opportunities for crime, increasing the risks for potential offenders to be caught and the
efforts to commit the crime. According to CPTED theory, the likelihood for a crime to
occur can decrease if the urban or physical environments are modified. CPTED theory
has been evolving. Today, there is a second-generation CPTED theory with five
fundamental tenets: “(i) natural control of access points: the opportunity for crime is
reduced by limiting the number of access points to a public space; (ii) natural
surveillance: the appropriate design of windows in houses, the lighting and design of
public spaces, should all enhance residents’ capacity to observe activity going on in their
area; (iii) maintenance: this refers to management plans of public spaces; (iv) territorial
reinforcement: this concept refers to the feelings of attachment that residents form
towards their immediate neighborhood and that might be harnessed to inspire them to
look after it; and (v) community involvement: environmental interventions need to be
grounded in the community to activate social control mechanisms” (Alvarado and
Abizanda 2010). Urban areas with low levels of territorial integration are often affected
by high levels of violence, due to the overcrowding, lack of public spaces, and other
tensions that weaken trust and social capital. As such, slum upgrading projects in the
region are integrating CPTED as a means to tackle security issues, while improving urban
environment in excluded areas (see box 4).

Box 4. The “Metrocable” System in Medellín
In 2004, the city of Medellín, Colombia, built a cable car system (“Metrocable”) to
connect residents in excluded communities, oftentimes with high levels of crime, with
the central city metro line, thus helping to improve the citizen’s mobility and to create
better prospects of inclusion. The Metrocable project also upgraded urban
infrastructure around the cable car stations to enhance the safety of these public
spaces. Other much-needed venues for social development and cultural interaction in
marginalized communities (such as sports centers, public gathering spaces, pedestrian
paths, public schools, and libraries) were also built in these communities. Preliminary
conclusions of studies about the changes between 2003 and 2009 using a
nonexperimental, pre-post analysis provide some insight into changes that have
occurred in neighborhoods affected by the cable car intervention, in contrast to control
neighborhoods. The propensity to perceive higher levels of collective efficacy increased
to a greater extent; the risk of perceived violence decreased to a greater extent; the
increase in trust in the police and the propensity to rely on the police were higher.
However, at the same time, the risk of physical and social disorder was more likely to
increase in intervention than in control neighborhoods, possibly as a result of the
increased intra-urban tourism to the intervention neighborhoods, as well as the greater
traffic that followed the growth of businesses in the area. More research on the effects
of interventions composed by urban upgrade and social components originated in the
region is required to have a better grasp of the change mechanisms they activate and
their effectiveness in curbing C&V.
Source: Adopted from Cerda et al. (2010).

Primary prevention interventions

2.16 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV): Effective for particular crimes. “In a systematic review
of 44 high-quality evaluations from the U.S, U.K., and several other Western countries, it
was found that CCTV is most effective in reducing crime in car parks, in reducing vehicle
crimes, and is more effective in reducing crime in the U.K. than in other countries”
(Welsh, Farrington, and O’Dell 2010, p. 27). A systematic review and meta-analysis of 44
evaluations of CCTV, in several locations (city centers, public housing, public transport
and parking lots in Canada, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United
States) showed that CCTV mostly decreased vehicle crime in parking lots. CCTV caused a
modest (16 percent) but statistically significant decrease in crime in experimental areas
compared with control areas, mostly driven by the decrease in vehicle-related crime in
parking lots (Welsh and Farrington 2002).
2.17 Improved street lighting: Effective in many areas. A systematic review and meta-
analysis (based on 13 high-quality evaluations from the United Kingdom and the United
States) by Welsh and Farrington (2007; 2009a) found that improved street lighting is
effective in city and town centers, residential areas, and public housing communities. It
is also more effective in reducing property crimes than in reducing violent crimes. In
pooling the effects of all 13 studies, it was found that improved street lighting led to a
21 percent reduction in crime.

Secondary prevention interventions
2.18 Secondary situational prevention encompasses interventions aimed at the physical
environmental design in different environments and in vulnerable and excluded
communities (see box 5).
2.19 Public space closure and surveillance. As discussed by Welsh and Farrington (2010, p.
32ff), there is consistent evidence that street closures are effective in preventing crime
in excluded neighborhoods in the United States. In an evaluation of a traffic barrier
scheme in Los Angeles, Operation Cul de Sac, which changed through roads into cul de
sacs, the Los Angeles Police Department installed traffic barriers in neighborhoods with
acute levels of gang violence. “In the two years that the traffic barriers were in place,
the experimental area, compared to the control area, experienced significant decreases
in both assaults and homicides, with no displacement of crimes to surrounding
neighborhoods detected. When traffic barriers were removed, homicides and assaults
increased in the experimental area, whereas in the control area homicides increased
and assaults remained constant” (Lasley 1998, p. 3).
2.20 Security guards. Evidence suggests that the deployment of security guards is a
promising way to ensure formal surveillance when implemented in car parks and
targeted at vehicle crimes. However, the surveillance technique of place managers
appears to be of unknown effectiveness in preventing crime in public places (Welsh,
Farrington, and O’Dell 2010).
2.21 Residential: Housing certification–Promising, but requires more research. Safety
housing certification requires that homes features and equipment such as external
doors, locks, and windows withstand reasonable levels of attack from burglars. In the
United Kingdom, a 2009 evaluation of the British housing certification program “Secured
by Design” found that installation of certified doors and windows in a dwelling may
decrease the chances of that dwelling experiencing housebreaking crime (Armitage and
Monchuk 2009). However, this evidence can only be classified as promising because
the evaluation is not rigorous enough to infer causality and requires further external
2.22 Residential alarms. Few rigorous studies have been conducted, but there is promising
evidence. A study based on five years of statistics (Lee 2008) found that an increase of
burglar alarms appeared to explain the decrease of residential burglaries. Burglar
alarms are target‐hardening measures that protect the home where a burglary alarm
exists, without displacing burglary to nearby houses. The study also showed that the
installation of alarms provided other residences nearby with protection from burglars.
This experiment needs to be replicated to increase its external validity.
2.23 Schedule limits on alcohol sales. Evidence from the region points to the effectiveness
of establishing limits on the schedule to sell alcohol. Brazil (World Bank 2011c) and
Colombia (Sanchez et al. 2011) cite several experiences that point toward the positive
effects on reducing murders and assaults by imposing curfews on alcohol sales. The
research evidence suggests that the alcohol policy of Diadema, Brazil to prohibit alcohol
sales after 23.00 hours (11:00 pm) prevented approximately eleven murders a month in
a city of 350,000 people. The research evidence further suggests that this policy also
prevented approximately nine assaults against women each month (Pacific Institute for
Research and Evaluation 2004).

2.24 Nuisance abatement. This “is considered a situational crime prevention measure
because of its place-specific focus, as well as its use of the threat of civil action to curtail
(the crime and violence) problem, and decreasing excuses for committing a crime…Four
high-quality evaluations, including two randomized experiments showed evidence
of reduced drug-related crime” (Welsh and Farrington 2010, p. 24). A randomized
experiment carried out in Oakland, California compared the impact of policies focusing
on controlling social disorder of civil remedies (such as engaging police and municipal
workers in enforcing civil law codes and municipal regulations, inspecting drug nuisance
properties, targeting blighted properties, and bringing civil proceedings against owners
who did not comply) as opposed to traditional police responses, such as surveillance,
interrogations, and arrests. Observed drug selling decreased significantly in the
experimental blocks compared to control blocks (Mazerolle, Roehl, and Kadleck 1998).
2.25 Gun control. A program of banning firearms from residents was applied in Cali (1993–
94), and in Bogota (1995–97). Bans took place at times where probability for homicide
was higher, and applied even to those citizens with legitimate permits. These bans were
evaluated in a study by Villaveces et al. (2000), which compared periods where the
intervention took place with similar periods without the intervention. The study finds
that homicides were reduced by 13 percent to 14 percent. The evaluation was not
experimental, but it shows some effectiveness of the bans on carrying guns in the
particular context of Colombia.

Box 5. Situational Crime Prevention and Displacement of Crime

By definition, crime displacement is the relocation of crime from one place, time,
target, offense, or tactic to another as a result of some crime prevention initiative. “A
growing body of research has shown that situational measures may result” in the
reverse of displacement, yielding a “diffusion of crime prevention benefits” through
deterrence and discouragement (Welsh, Farrington, and O’Dell 2010, p. 37).
One of the most comprehensive reviews of the extent of displacement among 102
evaluations of situational-focused crime prevention projects found that displacement
and diffusion are equally likely to occur, with a slightly greater likelihood of diffusion
than displacement (27 percent vs. 26 percent) (Guerette and Bowers 2009). “Similar
effects have been found for hot-spots policing interventions” (Braga 2007). A
randomized experiment in Lowell, Massachusetts testing for the presence of
displacement in a problem-oriented policing project in 2008 found no significant
displacement to the immediately surrounding areas of the targeted places (Braga and
Bond 2008).


2.26 Very broadly defined, the practical goal of policing is to reduce crime victimization,
which is logically linked to C&V prevention (Braga 2008). Traditionally, policing has been
implemented with reactive methodologies, as a response by society to control and
repress crime and violent behavior. However, as this section will explain, modern
policing theory shows police work can be effective when it acts proactively to prevent
C&V: that is, by detecting potential opportunities for offenses to be committed and
deterring them from occurring.

2.27 As Sherman (2011b) points out, the core knowledge of police effectiveness has grown
mainly on the basis of randomized field experiment methods. These have shown that
the police are more effective in preventing crime when their interventions are targeted:
 In places where crime is concentrated (such as hot spots)
 To more vulnerable individuals and repeat victims )
 On repetitive, high-harm offenders, ensuring all legal protections and due
process are fully respected.
2.28 Another way the police in countries like the United Kingdom and the United States assist
in preventing further crime is by diverting offenders from legal prosecution to
alternative mechanisms (such as diversionary programs for first-time offenders) in
coordination with the judiciary. The effectiveness of diversion of suspects from
prosecution to other strategies is supported by an increasing number of randomized
controlled experiments in the United Kingdom and the United States, especially for
juvenile and low-risk offenders (see Petrosino et al. 2010). These studies also show that
diversion of offenders is more cost-effective at accomplishing deterrence, rehabilitation,
and restoration than anything done at other stages of the criminal justice system
(Sherman 2011a). However, in most Latin American countries, the police do not have
the capacity, legal authority, and institutional alternatives to divert suspects from formal
prosecution; such options are largely mandated by judges at the prosecution’s
2.29 Table 7 summarizes the underlying concepts applied to preventive activities by the

Table 7. Underlying Concepts in Preventive Activities by the Police

Increase the effort Increase the risks Reduce the rewards

Protect highly harmed and Increase surveillance Disrupt the market for
vulnerable victims from (targeted patrolling in hot stolen/illegal goods
repeat victimization spots)
Source: Authors, drawing on Cornish and Clarke (2003).

2.30 Preventive activities by the police can also be classified according to the risk level of
their targets, as shown in table 8:

Table 8. Preventive Activities by the Police

Primary Secondary Tertiary
Non-targeted policing Problem-oriented policing Policing high-harm offenders
Hot spots policing
Protecting highly harmed and
vulnerable victims

Source: Authors.

Primary prevention activities
2.31 Increasing the number of police in and of itself does not increase effectiveness, if
additional units are not deployed to target risks. Evidence suggests that the marginal
effect of adding members to police agencies is weak and inconsistent. This is
compounded by the fact that it is difficult to disentangle the effect of adding more
police to the effectiveness of the deployment strategy from the effects of improving the
skills and training of the new agents in the force (Sherman et al. 2002).
Secondary prevention interventions
2.32 Targeting problems: Problem-oriented Policing (POP) is effective. POP is an approach
to policing that deals with clusters of similar incidents, whether crime or acts of
disorder. Problem-oriented policing is a wide category based on the idea that effective
crime prevention is linked to the ability of the police to identify and deal with the causes
of specific patterns of crime. The interventions that fall into this category can be divided
into two groups: those that focus on problem places, and those that focus on specific
crimes (such as homicide or robbery) or offenders (Alonso and Pousadela 2011). POP
methodology comprises four stages, known by the acronym “SARA” (Scan, Analyze,
Respond, and Assess).
 Scan: Gather information about the incidents.
 Analyze: Examine the information and analyzes it to establish hypotheses of
 Respond: Deliver police work to tackle the causes identified.
 Assess: Monitor and evaluate results from the intervention for feedback.
POP methodologies are backed by evidence and are most effective in places where
offenders or potential offenders have access to alcohol, or firearms, or prostitution
(Sherman et al. 2002).
2.33 One of the most widely disseminated and successful POP strategies that incorporated
additional prevention measures is Boston’s Operation Ceasefire, which sought to deter
gang-related, firearm-perpetrated violence. Its main objective was to reduce the
rampant number of gun-perpetrated homicides among youth under 18, which increased
by a staggering 418 percent from 1984 to 1994 (Braga et al. 2001). Boston’s Operation
Ceasefire combined two elements. First, law enforcement tackled illicit firearms
trafficking that contributed to the surge in homicides. The law enforcement strategy
was accompanied by a targeted message to gang-affiliated youth that illegal weapons
possession and use would not be tolerated. The second element is the “pulling levers
strategy,” meaning that all available levers would be pulled to ensure swift and certain
response from law enforcement. “Simultaneously, gang outreach workers, probation
and parole officers, and other community groups offered gang members services and
other kinds of help” (Braga and Weisburg 2012, p. 69). While under the leadership of
Boston’s Police Department, the Operation included an interagency group composed of
criminal justice officers and other practitioners, as well as outreach workers attached to
the Boston Community Centers program—and later in the development of the program,
civil society organizations. Research techniques were applied to diagnose and assess
drivers of youth violence in Boston, in partnership with academia (Braga et al. 2001). An
analysis of homicides before and after the intervention based on time-series data

conducted by Braga and colleagues (2001) found a statistically significant decrease of 63
percent in the monthly average number of youth homicides in Boston.
2.34 Problem and community-oriented policing reforms in Chile and Colombia. Chile and
Colombia have implemented plans to optimize police effectiveness in urban settings,
with a community and problem-oriented vision. Metropolitan jurisdictions have been
divided into smaller districts, called cuadrantes. The reforms have enabled decision
making (and accountability) to be devolved to police personnel closer to the community;
the aim is to increase the responsiveness and adequacy of response. Reforms also
promote a more intensive use of technology to enhance the delivery of police services—
such as the implementation of the Tactical Crime Analysis (STAD) system by the
Carabineros in Chile28—to increase the police capacity to diagnose and tackle specific
crime problems. This approach depends critically on the trust of citizens in the police
and solid knowledge of the community, its context, and problems. In Colombia, an
experimental evaluation of early impacts has shown that crime rates fell by 11 percent
on average in the experimental sectors. The decrease in car theft (38 percent decline)
and homicide (10.7 percent decline) were especially significant (Araya 2011).
2.35 Targeting places: Hot spots policing is also effective. Many experiments in policing
address hot spots: places and situations in which very high volumes of moderately
harmful crimes are concentrated.29 In particular, common assault in high-conflict
situations is concentrated in specific locations. These locations provide large sample
sizes for implementing high-intensity but short-lived crackdowns, problem-oriented
policing, and stop-and-search for weapons, among other approaches. Evaluations using
randomized controlled experiments30 of hot-spot interventions show more effectiveness
than random, preventive, reactive police patrol (NRC 2004). Consistent evidence from
the United States and Europe underscores that the more precisely patrol presence is
concentrated at the hot spots, the less crime there will be in those places and times.

Tertiary prevention interventions

2.36 Targeting high-harm offenders. Much of the serious harm caused by crime is produced
by a small number of offenders, who are “increasingly identifiable through large-sample
data mining of systematically compiled criminal histories of individual offenders” (Berk
2009). One challenge for developing a rule of law is to find legal means to deal with
dangerous offenders, respecting due process and human rights. Lawful programs to do
this can increase incarceration of dangerous offenders by up to 500 percent in some
field experiments (Martin and Sherman 1986a; 1986b).
2.37 Targeting highly-harmed victims. Much of the harm of crime is focused on categories of
vulnerable victims, including women. The crimes against vulnerable victims are highly
predictable with modern information technologies that allow the mapping to locate
repeated victims (Tseloni and Pease 2004).
2.38 A note on police reform. One of the recurring themes in Latin America and the
Caribbean is the weakness of police, endemic corruption among many police forces in
the region, and the needs for comprehensive reform and modernization. Burdened by a
legacy of nondemocratic practices, the legitimacy of the police in some countries
depends on crucial institutional elements: leadership and modern training; effective
internal and external control mechanisms; and an operative system of command and

control. Success will be hampered “without long-term vision and strong political will on
the part of the region's governments” (WOLA 2009, p. 2). In particular, a challenge that
policymakers and practitioners face is the approach of such reforms: a gradual transition
versus the creation of new institutions (Sherman 2011 b). Box 6 presents an example of
an incremental approach to reforming the police in Rajastan, India, analyzed as a
randomized control experiment.
Box 6. Emerging Evidence: A Randomized Control Trial on the Effectiveness of Policing
Changes in Rajasthan, India
The Rajasthan Police Department designed, implemented, and tested four administrative
interventions, using a randomized control trial, to verify whether police performance
and public perception of the police could be improved as a result of those changes. The
four interventions proposed were: (i) placing community observers in police stations; (ii)
a freeze on transfers of police staff; (iii) in‐service training to update skills; and (iv)
weekly duty rotation, with a day off per week. Two of the reforms (the freeze on
transfers and training) improved police effectiveness and citizens’ satisfaction. The
decoy visits were associated with an improvement in police performance. The other
reforms showed no robust effectiveness.
Researchers argue that one explanation for the differences in effectiveness might be due
to the degree and level of implementation of the reforms. Transfers and training orders
were decided upon by higher hierarchical levels, not by station chiefs. Likewise, they did
not have an influence on the timing of the decoy visits. However, community observers
and the day off required the involvement of station chiefs (and the community).
Another conclusion of the analysis is that even if the senior personnel is committed to
implementing reforms, there is a risk of their being blocked by ground-level participants
if reforms are not carefully designed to include the interests of the rank-and-file
members of the police.
Source: Banerjee et al. (2012).



2.39 “While traditional crime prevention efforts are directed toward those who are not yet
involved in crime,” broader concept also includes programs implemented by the
judiciary (prosecution and judging) that focus “on reducing the criminal activities of
offenders” (Sherman et al. 1997; Sherman et al. 2002). This section of the paper will
present a set of interventions based on empirical evidence (see table 9).
2.40 An important caveat: The need to design interventions with a systemic view. A
systemic view is advisable over a more narrow institutional approach, which can have a
limited impact given the multi-institutional characteristics of criminal justice systems.31
For example, problems in Latin American and Caribbean prisons derive partly from their
overcrowding. This penitentiary overpopulation, in turn, is due to problems of
prolonged detention or heavy-handed use of pretrial detention. Yet the courts, and not
the penitentiary system, have the legal authority to make decisions on length of
imprisonment or pretrial detention (Stone 2011).

2.41 Empirical evidence regarding interventions to increase effectiveness and the cost-
efficiency of the judiciary system in preventing C&V point to three main conclusions:
a. Use of alternative justice mechanisms should be increased. An emerging body of
research shows that restorative justice methodologies contribute to reducing
the frequency and seriousness of criminal convictions in a cost-effective way
(Sherman and Strang 2011). However, more research needs to be undertaken
to ensure external validity.
b. Traditional sanctions tend to be ineffective at changing offender behavior and
reducing recidivism. “A meta-analysis of more than 400 research studies that
examined the effects of punishment on recidivism found that punishment
produced almost identical effects on pretrial detention and offender recidivism
as did no punishment or reduced punishment. This included drug testing,
electronic monitoring, fines, intermittent incarceration, restitution, and
incarceration” (Gendreau and Goggin 1996). In contrast, drug courts, through
their sanctions, have been shown to have impacts on reducing drug use and
recidivism. The effectiveness of drug courts may be related to the fact that
compliance is carefully monitored through drug-testing, with immediate and
well-defined consequences, whereas most sanctions are associated with
behaviors that may happen far into the future, with a low probability of being
detected (Gendreau and Goggin 1996).
c. Different kinds of offenders require different kinds of sentencing. It is important
to target sentences according to the risk profile of the offender, including the
offense committed, the frequency of occurrence, and the ability to inflict graver
harm to society.
Table 9. Preventive Interventions by the Judiciary

Primary Secondary Tertiary

Pretrial services
Diversion of juvenile
offenders from formal
Diversion to noncustodial
sentencing in specific cases
(minor offenses, low-harm
offenders). Electronic
Alternative resolution
mechanism: Restorative
Special courts: Drug courts

Source: Authors.

Tertiary prevention activities
2.42 Pretrial services in the region. In spite of important and numerous criminal procedural
code reforms in Latin America and the Caribbean, not many studies about the
effectiveness of pretrial services are available. Chile, and more recently, Mexico, have
implemented such measures. A 2008 study of Chile concluded that the empirical
information available was too scarce and not suited to draw conclusions on the
effectiveness of the new pretrial provisions in the new criminal procedural code
(Venegas and Vial 2008). More recently, in 2011, the state of Morelos, in Mexico,
opened the Adolescent Preventive Measures Unit, the first pilot program of its kind in
Latin America. This unit contributes to managing supervised pretrial release based on
assessment of each underage person charged. It is also in charge of his/her supervision.
The project has yielded some promising results to date, with 90 percent of the
adolescents supervised by the unit complying with the conditions set by their pretrial
release. Although the number of beneficiaries of the Morelos is small and there has not
been a rigorous evaluation, the results are promising and deserve further research and
2.43 Diversion from the judiciary
a. Diversion of juvenile offenders from formal prosecution. A systematic review
found that prosecution of juvenile offenders increased repeat offending, on
average, across all studies examined (Petrosino, Guckenburg, and Turpin-
Petrosino 2010) as measured by prevalence, incidence, severity, and self-report
outcomes.33 Interventions that provided substantial services and supervision to
the offenders yielded the most evidence of improvements (Sherman 2011a).34
2.44 Non-custodial sentences
 Non-custodial, community-based sentences are more cost-effective. Sherman
and Strang (2012) examined 27 tests in a systematic review comparing
community-based sentences to custodial sentences. They concluded that the
rate of re-offending over two years after a noncustodial sanction was lower
than after a custodial sanction in 11 out of the 13 statistically significant
comparisons. However, in 14 out of the 27 comparisons, there was no
statistically discernible difference in recidivism (see Villetaz, Killias, and Zoder
2006). Given the far higher costs of imprisonment compared to community
penalties, the potential savings of using community penalties is substantial.
 Electronic monitoring (EM) seems an effective and cost-effective alternative to
imprisonment. A randomized controlled trial in Argentina resulting from a
“natural experiment,” allowed a comparison of cases assigned to different
judges by lottery (Di Tella and Schargrodsky 2009). “Offenders with similar
characteristics, offense types, and criminal histories were assigned by lottery to
judges with consistent sentencing patterns, which were either house arrest with
EM or prison sentences. Over a period between one and two years, the repeat
arrest rate of the EM group was 40% lower than for the imprisoned group: 22%
for ex-prisoners versus 13% for those sentenced to EM. The cost of the EM was
US$10 per month, far less than the likely cost of imprisonment. While 17% of
the offenders on EM escaped and avoided supervision, only 27% of those were
re-arrested—not far higher than the re-arrest rate for those sent to prison.

Evidence from Sweden shows that the use of EM for early release from prison
lowered recidivism, compared to release from a longer prison sentence with no
EM upon release (Marklund and Holmberg 2009). The U.S evidence is less
compelling, but also less rigorous (Renzema and Mayo-Wilson 2005).35
 The usage of non-custodial sentences for minor offenses is effective. Research
examining what sentencing options work better in reducing crime show that
noncustodial programs such as treatment programs, community employment
programs, and vocational education programs work with some lower risk
offenders. Successful programs tend to be structured and focused, use multiple
treatment components, use behavioral methods, and ensure meaningful
contact between treatment personnel and participants (Sherman 2011a, citing
MacKenzie 2002).
2.45 Alternative justice
 Restorative justice conferences (RJCs) seem to work. Restorative justice
conferences are face-to-face meetings between offenders, their victims, and
their respective families, after the offender has accepted responsibility for
having harmed the victim. Sherman and Strang (2012) present the findings of a
systematic review of 12 RJCs with almost 3,000 cases conducted since 2005 in
Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This method has been
tested both as an alternative to prosecution and as a supplement to
prosecution, for both adults and juveniles, for violent and property crimes, and
for offenders in prison as well as those serving sanctions in the community.
These meetings have been shown to reduce the frequency and seriousness of
criminal convictions over the two-year follow-up period of the study The cost-
effectiveness estimates of the seven tests in the United Kingdom show that the
cost of crime prevented is as much as 11 times higher than the cost of training
police officers to deliver the two-hour meetings (Shapland 2008). The findings
fit the life-course concept of a turning point followed by desistance that may
have the most effect on the most frequent offenders or most serious offenders
(Woods 2009). Recently, some Caribbean jurisdictions have introduced
restorative justice policies that could prove effective.36
2.46 Special courts
 Drug courts decrease recidivism. A systematic review of 55 tests of drug courts
found that compared to prosecution of drug offenders in conventional courts,
diversion or referral to special drug courts reduced repeat offending by about
one-third (Wilson and Davis 2006). The review found the strongest effects when
drug court was used as a pretrial diversion, which is more cost- effective than
conventional justice procedures.37
2.47 With regard to other regional empirical evidence, an evaluation carried out by the IDB’s
Office of Evaluation and Oversight (Soares et al. 2010) assessed an experience in Peru to
improve judicial coverage for peripheral populations who live far away from courts. The
analysis showed that improving access to formal justice “shifts the resolution of conflicts
away from traditional mechanisms and toward the newly provided formal mechanisms
and…ultimately, marginally reduces the incidence of self-reported conflicts” (Soares et
al. 2010, p.2).


2.48 Activities in the penitentiary system are aimed at encouraging criminal and violent
activity to cease or desist, and preventing recidivism upon reentry in society. Prison is
the stage of the criminal justice system that is the least cost-effective and perhaps most
crime-inducing (Sherman 2011a). However, the penitentiary system can help stop some
crimes from being committed because of it constrains prisoners’ personal freedom; thus
it has an incapacitating effect.
2.49 Two theories underlie the modern conceptualization of rehabilitation:
 Life-course criminology. One of the most influential theoretical perspectives on
recidivism is the view of criminal activity over the entire life-course of offenders,
from early adolescence through age 70 and beyond (Sampson and Laub 1993;
Laub and Sampson 2003). This perspective builds on concepts of criminal
careers by breaking down trajectories of offenses, as well as identifying turning
points that create opportunities for offenders to stop committing crimes and
start a new life. Turning points tend to be induced by engagement in family
responsibility and conventional occupations (Sherman 2011a).38
 Social network criminology. In addition to the life-course perspective, the social
network perspective (Sarnecki 2001 ) on criminal activity provides a framework
for understanding crime as a collaborative activity, more often committed with
co-offenders than alone (Reiss 1988b). This perspective has been largely
overlooked by criminal justice agencies, despite empirical evidence (Sherman
2.50 The influential model advocated by Public Safety Canada of risk-need-responsivity for
offender assessment and rehabilitation (Bonta and Andrews 2007) posits that
rehabilitation programs should be:

 Risk-based. The programs match the intensity of the treatment received by the
offender to the offender's risk to re-offend (risk principle).
 Needs-based. The programs start with an analysis of the characteristics of the
offender that increase his/her propensity to commit crime, and target them in
treatment (need principle).
 Responsive to the offenders’ abilities. The programs aim at optimizing the
offender's ability to learn from the intervention. Their design is based on the
offender’s specific strengths and abilities (learning style, motivation, and the
like) (responsivity principle).

2.51 The brief discussion that follows reviews a series of rehabilitation interventions in
penitentiary systems that have proved effective in decreasing recidivism among certain
offenders and adapting to their specific characteristics (see table 10). In addition, it
presents a novel venue for research offered by a natural experiment of inmate
relocation, which has shown decreased recidivism rates.

Table 10. Preventive Activities by the Penitentiary System and Rehabilitation

Primary Secondary Tertiary

Custodial regime shows
modest benefits for serious
treatments for adults and
Drug treatment for addicts
Boot camps (more effective
than other custodial
Source: Authors.

Tertiary prevention activities

2.52 Custodial treatment of serious juvenile offenders presents modest benefits. A

systematic review of 28 impact evaluations conducted in Canada, England, and the
United States found consistent evidence of modest benefit from treatment programs in
juvenile institutions in those countries. (Garrido and Morales 2007). The treatment
programs included cognitive behavioral therapy, educational programs, therapeutic
communities, and other treatments requiring highly trained psychologists and other
specialized staff.
2.53 Treatments for inmates
 Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for offenders has been shown to be effective.
CBT techniques generally involve a mix of cognitive skills training, anger
management, and various supplementary components related to social skills,
moral development, and relapse prevention. A systematic review of 58 RCTs and
quasi-experimental evaluations of CBT found that this approach to offender
rehabilitation increased the chances of desistance from crime by an average of
53 percent during the studies’ follow-up periods. These effects were combined
from tests of CBT both in prisons and as part of community sentences, with
similar results in both settings (Lipsey, Landenberger, and Wilson 2007). Effects
were the same for juvenile and adult offenders, and were most beneficial for
offenders with the highest risk of recidivism (Sherman 2011a).
 Drug treatment in prison is significantly effective to decrease recidivism. A
systematic review of 66 experimental and quasi-experimental tests of drug
treatment programs in prisons (mostly in the United States) found an average
reduction in recidivism rates from 35 percent to 28 percent (Mitchell, Wilson,
and MacKenzie, 2006). The average difference was 37 percent more prevalence
of repeat offending without any drug treatment compared to the average of all
drug treatment programs. The review found that the therapeutic communities
approach yielded the largest reductions in repeat offending compared to no
treatment. However, the review did not analyze the cost-effectiveness of the

therapeutic communities’ intervention. The therapeutic communities approach
deals with a wide range of issues in an offender’s life beyond drugs, some of
which may be the underlying cause of their drug addiction (Sherman 2011a).
 Boot camps for younger offenders seem effective when compared to other
custodial regimes. A systematic review by MacKenzie, Bierie, and Mitchell
(2007) studied 43 U.S-based boot camp programs for younger offenders.
 Compared to standard prison regimes, the boot camps graduates had
lower recidivism.
 Compared to probation, the loss of liberty experienced by a boot camp
program member seems to be associated with increased recidivism.
 Compared to a large prison, boot camp members showed less recidivism
than persons with custodial sentences.
2.54 Relocation of re-entering offenders to a different city shows promise.39 Kirk (2009)
developed a study based in the United States that analyzed the initial one-year follow
up after release of offenders displaced by Hurricane Katrina. The study found that as
many as 26 percent of the inmates who randomly had gone to their old social networks
had been sent back to prison for new crimes. However, only 11 percent of those who
had relocated to a new community where they had never been were sent back to
prison. This substantial reduction in returning to prison was still clearly apparent after
three years, “with 65 percent of the ‘returners’ re-imprisoned, but only 35 percent of
the ‘relocators’ back in prison” (Sherman 2011a, p. 9). As described in literature on life-
course criminology, success is related to cutting or weakening ties with the social
network with which an offender had been actively engaging in crime.
2.55 Effect of intense correctional interventions on low-risk offenders. Intense correctional
intervention on low-risk offenders does not decrease recidivism; indeed, it might even
increase it. Potential reasons for this might be: exposure of low-risk offenders to higher
risk offenders and disruption or weakening of the protective factors, including strong
family ties and jobs (Lowenkamp and Latessa 2004) (see box 7).

Box 7. Crimes in Prison

Inmates are found to be in possession of knives and firearms, cell phones, and other
forbidden items. “The traffic in arms and drugs, corruption, and low levels of
professionalization of prison guards, combined with the idleness caused by a lack of…
rehabilitation programs” might be among the causes that penitentiaries do not fulfill the
role of helping to stop criminal activity (Dammert and Zuniga 2008, p. 109). Other
offenders continue their business from inside the prison, having technological means
and connections to accomplices outside the prison walls. Situational measures, such as
screening of objects taken into prison and blocking of cell phone signals, have been
implemented in the region, but no evidence of effectiveness has been identified yet.
The structural causes for this have not been tackled.

2.56 Institutional transformation to bring about legitimate, capable, and accountable
institutions for C&V prevention is central to link security and development approaches
effectively; however, the process of effective institutional transformation is poorly
understood (World Bank 2011a). There is a paucity of research literature describing the
organizational and socio-political factors and contexts hospitable to institutional
transformation and public sector innovation in C&V prevention; organizational change
and system intervention frameworks; or sequencing stages to enhance delivery of public
C&V prevention services. No evaluation studies on public management interventions to
decrease C&V and increase citizen security were found. Nonetheless, innovations in
practice and policy—although untested—abound, as different sectors, disciplines, cities,
nations, and the region, seek to meet the pent-up demand for citizen security.
2.57 Recent multi-sectoral approaches, particularly in Latin American cities, suggest the
promise of a more integrated, comprehensive, multi-component public sector
responses to C&V—although they are poorly understood. Brazil and Colombia have
undertaken some of the most intensive efforts to foster multiagency approaches,
creating teams drawn from the military, police, and civilian service agencies, civil society
organizations, and residents, working together strategically in combined national and
local offices to address all aspects of local crime reduction and violence prevention.
These multi-component approaches emphasize a balance between long-term structural
prevention and control-oriented approaches incorporating short-term, quick-impact
programs (targeted policing, urban upgrading, and social service provision) with longer-
term preventive interventions (changing cultural norms, building alternative conflict
resolution mechanisms) and address a variety of risk factors simultaneously.
2.58 These interventions hold promise for rapidly urbanizing areas—not only in the
developing world, but also in high- and middle-income countries. In these areas,
violence is concentrated and is characterized by the convergence of a wide range of
risk factors, including overcrowding, inequality, youth unemployment, and drug crime.
Interventions often require focused but coordinated action on several fronts. The
emphasis on local government and community engagement in design, implementation,
and oversight appears to have resulted in better diagnoses of the drivers of violence,
ensuring stronger community ownership. The emphasis on a broader citizen security
service delivery system, which includes the identification of gaps, duplication, and
overlaps in services, and the establishment of mechanisms to facilitate inter-agency
communication and coordination—such as wrap-around services, joint decision making,
unified assessment and intake processes, and shared information systems—appear to
have ensured a more efficient path to deliver municipal services, better addressing the
intensive needs of specific hot spot communities and at-risk populations (World Bank
2.59 Although such societal-level and community-level interventions are regarded as
potentially more effective and more cost-effective than individual-level, close
relationship, family-level, or single-sector interventions, fewer have been evaluated,
and the underlying institutional “operating systems” are not well understood
(WHO/John Moores University 2010). The art and science of public sector management
of these initiatives remains largely unexplored, reflecting the gaps in the larger field of
implementation research. Their underlying principles, critical components,

methodologies employed, and sequencing could be researched prospectively, as new
municipal efforts informed by such approaches are launched and piloted. This would
help accumulate evaluation evidence to help actors in the region learn from one
another about "good public management practices" for reducing the social costs of
2.60 Communities that Care (CTC) is an operating system that provides research-based
tools to help communities mobilize to promote the positive development of children
and youth, and to prevent adolescent problem behaviors that impede positive
development, including substance abuse, delinquency, teen pregnancy, school
dropout, and violence. This multiple-component, community-based program
(implemented at a city, a county, a small town, neighborhood, or housing development
level) has been replicated in over 300 communities across Australia, Canada, the
Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These programs can address
some or all focus areas: family, school, community-based youth, and community. The
full CTC process is based on large-scale, community-wide public health promotion
model. Results from a seven-state experimental trial involving 24 small to medium-sized
towns show that within four years of using the CTC system to reduce health-risking
behaviors in adolescents, communities can significantly reduce the incidence of
delinquent behaviors and use of alcohol, tobacco, and smokeless tobacco, as well as the
prevalence of binge drinking, and delinquent behavior among young people by grade
eight (Hawkins et al. 2009). As summarized by Welsh and Farrington (2010, p. 46), “This
approach is not without its challenges and complexities (e.g., cost, implementation,
establishing partnerships among diverse agencies), but there is wide agreement that an
evidence-based approach that brings together the most effective prevention programs
across multiple domains offers the greatest promise for reducing crime and building
safer communities.”
2.61 A program in Chile based on the Communities that Care model, Paz Activa, offers a
systematic approach to community building. It guides a community coalition of
decision makers through an assessment and prioritization process that identifies the risk
and protective factors most in need of attention in their communities. It then links those
priorities to prevention programs proven to work in addressing them. In particular, it
helps them assess problems, prioritize initiatives, target scarce resources, implement a
clear decision-making process for allocating funds and other resources; establish a
shared vision, common language, and collaborative design plans, and collaborative
prevention planning structure; develop a data-driven profile of community strengths
and challenges; establish action priorities based on the data showing community needs;
and develop clear and measureable outcomes that can be tracked over time to show
progress. In the first year of implementation of a pilot of Paz Activa in a disadvantaged
community in Santiago’s metropolitan area, crime decreased (Araya 2011). CTC
decision-making processes include both experts and real community participation. The
Citizen Security Program in Uruguay is also incorporating the CTC model.
2.62 The World Health Organization has identified 10 scientifically credible strategies for
preventing interpersonal and self-directed violence that can be implemented at
varying levels (WHO 2008) (see box 8). Applying them in the Latin American and
Caribbean context will require significant capacity building within and across state
actors and broader prevention partners (see box 9). While all the strategies listed

require efficient and targeted response from the state, specific strategies, such as
improving criminal justice systems and social welfare systems, require focused
modernization of the state interventions, and offer unique opportunities for citizen
security efforts in the region to contribute to a global evidence base. As
implementation of these strategies takes place in the region, efforts must be carefully
supported and evaluated to ensure that they are working and to build the prevention
knowledge base. The IDB’s Regional Public Good for the promotion of impact
evaluation in crime prevention policies, as well as the Good Practices to Prevent Crime
competition, are fostering increased attention to evaluation issues.

Box 8. Ten Scientifically Credible Strategies for Preventing Interpersonal and Self-directed
1. Increase safe, stable, and nurturing relationships among children, their parents, and
2. Reduce availability and misuse of alcohol.
3. Reduce access to lethal means, such as guns, knives, and pesticides (often used to commit
suicide, especially in low- and middle-income countries).
4. Improve life skills and enhance opportunities for children and youth.
5. Promote gender equality and empower women.
6. Change cultural norms that support violence.
7. Improve criminal justice systems.
8. Improve social welfare systems.
9. Reduce social distance between conflicting groups.
10. Reduce economic inequality and concentrated poverty.

Source: WHO (2008, p. 3).

Box 9. Transforming Institutions to Deliver Citizen Security in Fragile States

Two clusters of activities necessary to transform institutions to deliver citizen security in fragile
states were described in the 2011 World Development Report: confidence-building measures
to increase citizen trust; and institution-building approaches. The report cites emerging
literature on approaches to development across a variety of domains—from economic policy to
social policy to institution building—that promotes a flexible and pragmatic approach to
progress—and thus one that is suited to the “experimental best-fit” approach. This includes:
• Pressure for performance around meaningful goals. Overall, this is a shift from measuring
progress around outputs (such as budgets spent, items procured, legislation passed, or
policies adopted) to assessing performance around outcomes, including citizen trust.
• Pragmatism and flexibility in the ways goals are accomplished. Pressure for performance
must be accompanied by giving flexibility to the agents responsible for performance.
Reformers need to be given the space for “disruptive” innovations that may look inferior
but hold the seeds to progress.
• Pursuing monitoring, information, and evaluation systems that support feedback loops and
continuous learning oriented to the decision cycle. Rigorous evaluation of results is one key

element of evaluating alternative approaches, but not the only one. Programs need built-in
mechanisms of learning so that what is promising can be scaled up and what is not working
can be changed—in shorter cycles of continuous feedback. Such evidence about what
works and what does not work will in turn be useful for other countries as they strive to
adapt experience from abroad to their own context.
Source: World Bank (2011a).

2.63 Scholars have identified four basic requirements for research evidence to impact
policy and practice: (1) agreement on the nature of evidence, and ensuring that
policymakers are up to date with existing evidence, and with the existing uncertainty of
scientific knowledge; (2) a strategic approach to the creation of evidence and the
development of a cumulative knowledge base; (3) effective dissemination of knowledge,
together with the development of effective means for accessing knowledge; (4)
initiatives to increase the use of evidence in both policy and practice, including action
steps at the organizational level (Davies and Nutley 2001, p. 87).
2.64 A noteworthy regional municipal-academic partnership is the PREVIVA program in the
Metropolitan Area of Medellin, Colombia. It brings together researchers, communities,
and mayors from 10 municipalities to improve evidence-based public policy and uptake
in three main ways: (1) developing action-oriented information; (2) promoting an
attitude for change and a desire for change, based on the assumption that cultural
changes presuppose a community decision to legitimize and promote the acceptance of
public policies aiming at promoting changes; and (3) organizing resources for concrete
programs. The Medellin experience merges tools and approaches from the social
sciences (mapping, inventories of interventions, empowerment, problem-solving, and
consensus) and epidemiological approaches (establishment of surveillance systems and
development of victimization and aggression surveys) to identify important risk and
protective factors for interpersonal violence. It resulted in the development of the
Prevention of Risky Behaviors for Life (PREVIVA) Program (Prevención de Conductas de
Riesgo para la Vida). The activities were organized and managed in collaboration with
Coexistence and Security Committees in all 10 municipalities of Medellin’s Metropolitan
Area. They included the mayor, the mayor’s cabinet members (health, education, social
action and interior), nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), community leaders,
religious and educational leaders; the police, the Attorney General’s office, judges, and
PREVIVA team members. Next steps in the PREVIVA Program include continuing to
follow-up and evaluate the programs and policies developed and implemented under
PREVIVA: prevention of intimate partner abuse in families of former members of illegal
armed groups; prevention of domestic violence in general population; prevention of
child abuse in families; prevention of aggression among children aged 0 to 3; early
prevention of risk behaviors in preschoolers and school-age children; prevention of
dating violence; promotion of the acceptance of the rule of law in communities; and the
adoption of evidence-based public policy at the municipal level.40

2.65 Five key elements have been identified for a robust national foundation for evidence-
based violence prevention in low- and middle-income countries. These elements can
help prevent future acts of violence, reduce disabilities, and help victims cope with the
impact of violence on their lives, and restore trust in institutions of the state The five
elements are: “(1) developing a national action plan and identifying a lead agency; (2)

enhancing the capacity for data collection; (3) increasing collaboration and exchange of
information; (4) implementing and evaluating specific actions to prevent violence; and
(5) strengthening care and support systems for victims” (WHO 2008, p. 35).41


3.1 Ideally, this Conceptual Framework would present “best bets” that have been proven to
be effective and are ready for application in Latin America and the Caribbean. However,
few interventions have been implemented in the region with the capacity to evaluate
the outcomes and collect the data needed to measure cost-effectiveness. Further,
implementation is hampered because the field has not sufficiently advanced in many
areas to identify those core components of evidence-based programs, and open up the
“black boxes” of evidence-based practices and policies. Implementation science is in its
infancy. Finally, this Framework does not incorporate many newer policy and
intervention approaches developed in the region and in many projects funded by the
Inter-American Development Bank since they do not meet the threshold of evidence for
inclusion in this report. Only a few examples of promising work are included for
illustrative purposes. As such, the Conceptual Framework does not capture the full
range of citizen security approaches in the region. The strongest case possible must
therefore be made to increase knowledge about evidence-based policy for C&V
priorities in the region, invest in building the capacity to implement interventions that
have proven effective, strengthen and carry out strong evaluations of promising
interventions in the region, and build the “operational systems” and institutional
capacities for sound citizen security policy formulation and implementation. The
conceptual framework developed by Zaro, Rosenberg, and Mercy (2008) identifies
different domains in which activities are necessary for moving an integrated agenda for
preventing interpersonal and self-directed violence in low- and middle-income
countries: leadership, research and data collection, capacity building, and dissemination
The Zaro, Rosenberg, and Mercy framework serves as a departure point to identify
necessary elements to advance citizen security in the region.42 The elements are
discussed briefly below.
3.2 Leadership. Leadership at the highest level is needed to provide the incentives to build
a comprehensive approach to citizen security in the region.
 Momentum must be shaped through the construction of multi-sectoral and multi-
disciplinary coalitions and collaborations that are sufficiently inclusive, at both the
national, state and local levels, to generate broad support, and establish
coordinating mechanisms with the capacity to involve multiple sectors in a broad-
based implementation strategy.
 The capacities of the ministries, departments, and agencies with a comparative
advantage vis-à-vis citizen security need to be strengthened and fully utilized.
 Building leadership for citizen security also takes place at a regional level, such as
the IDB’s support and launch of the Inter-American Coalition for the Prevention of
Violence, in 2000. The first of its kind in the world, it sought to raise awareness
among decision makers, opinion makers, and civic leaders about the social and
economic costs of violence; to promote the need to transcend traditional crime-
fighting approaches based on control and to advance those emphasizing
prevention; to establish coordination procedures among multilateral organizations
to enhance the success of interventions at national and local levels; and to
advocate for, build, communicate about, and build political will to expand
resources, funding, and collaboration among participating founding member

agencies (the World Bank, OAS, PAHO, UNESCO, USAID, and the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention).43
3.3 Research and data collection. Data are necessary to set priorities; guide the
development of interventions, programs, and policies; and monitor progress at the
local, national, and regional level. Examples of incipient efforts to increase quality
information (some of which are supported by the IDB) include: implementation of crime
observatories; protocols to construct indicators; victimization surveys to complement
information registered by the health and criminal justice systems; establishment of
centralized repositories of relevant data and information for decision-making purposes;
warehouses of empirical evidence; protocols to collect information in police reports;
and a regionally driven set of standard indicators on citizen security.
 A goal should be to create a system that routinely obtains descriptive information
on a few key indicators that can be accurately and reliably measured for the full
range of social, situational, preventive policing, judiciary, and penitentiary and
rehabilitation systems that are emerging as key components of a citizen security
approach. This would enable measurement of interventions at the individual level
and measurement of the population-based impact of local, state, national, and
regional citizen security efforts.
 The contributions of violence and crime to other development challenges could
also be documented, and baseline measurements for C&V and its consequences
routinely measured.
 The IDB, through the development of a streamlined strategic research agenda,
could play a critical role in collecting and analyzing data that illuminate the
determinants, risk factors, costs, and interrelationships among the most significant
types of violence and violent crime, as well as fear of crime, to better inform citizen
security programs and policies.
3.4 Capacity-building and dissemination. Citizen security engages many different sectors of
society. In particular, health, social development, education, and criminal justice
(policing, judiciary, and penitentiary) institutions play critical roles in formulating and
implementing prevention strategies and addressing victims' needs. The success of
citizen security efforts is largely contingent on these sectors being able to cooperate and
coordinate their efforts. Too often, policies are designed in sectoral silos, with limited
interaction among sectors, as well as among different government levels. Projects are
not targeted and potential impacts are diluted.
 Thus citizen security initiatives should focus on enhancing effective collaboration
between these sectors, as well as improving coordination among government
levels, institutions, and communities.
 Building the needed management know-how and human resources to implement,
manage, and evaluate citizen security policies is key.
 Additional priority activities are the development of: information, technical
assistance and training systems to support the implementation of evidence-based
prevention strategies and victim services; prevention and treatment delivery
systems that integrate key sector involvement in the implementation of evidence-

based strategies; translation and dissemination of information on evidence-based
prevention and treatment and successful implementation strategies.
 Additional research to understand what works and why to improve aligned
deployment of resources in the field is necessary, as well as more knowledge to
improve the effectiveness of mainstreaming and scaling up successful pilots.
3.5 Implementing and evaluating interventions The development of information that
evaluates what programs and policies are most effective is critical. A number of
effective, promising and scientifically credible strategies to prevent violence and crime
and reduce fear can be adapted and implemented in Latin America and the Caribbean.
There are also promising strategies from the region that merit further strengthening and
research support.
3.6 One tool to begin to address some of these elements is the initiative recently launched
by the IDB: the Proposal for the Establishment of the Special Program and Multidonor
Fund for Citizen Security (IDB 2012b). It seeks to remediate the existing bottlenecks
hindering effective citizen security public policy formulation by increasing: (i)
capabilities to generate, analyze, and disseminate data to enable the design, execution,
and evaluation of policies based on information; (ii) capacities to evaluate public
practices and policies to prevent C&V; and (iii) opportunities for knowledge-sharing and
dissemination through regional dialogue and bilateral cooperation. By supporting these
three areas of action, the Initiative can help improve the effectiveness of public policies
on citizen security in Latin America and the Caribbean, improve citizen safety, and
increase a sense of citizenship.


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In 2011, nearly twice as many respondents to the Latinobarometro survey in Latin American and
Caribbean countries cited insecurity as their top concern compared to unemployment (28 percent
versus 16 percent) (Latinobarometro 2012).
Currently, 21 countries in the region have a National Citizen Security Policy (Alertaméricas,
Organization of American States.
Demand for IDB projects from countries of the region increased greatly in 2012. Projects in the
pipeline totaled approximately US$328 million (for nine investment projects: one each in El
Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Peru, and Uruguay, and three in Brazil. The one-year total
is almost equivalent to the total approved from 1998 to 2011 (US$382 million).
See McIlwaine and Moser (2001); Corbacho, Ruiz, and Phillip (2012, forthcoming). For a
comprehensive summary and concrete examples of the impact of crime on society, on the economy,
and on governance, see UNODC (2007a; 2007b).
Young people from low- and middle-income backgrounds are more vulnerable to homicide, with
homicide rates of 90 per 100,000, compared to just 21 per 100,000 among youth from high-income
backgrounds. See CIDH (2009).
The majority of studies estimate that between 20 and 50 percent of women in Latin America and the
Caribbean experience violence by an intimate partner during their lives (Morrison, Ellsberg, and Bott
2004). This amounts to between 60 and 150 million women, using 2010 population estimates from
ECLAC. And this is only one subset of violence against women.
Homicide is also racially concentrated. In Brazil, the murder rates among black youth ages 15–24 was
three times the rate among whites the same age in 2007 (Julita Lembruber, written communication
to Costa 2012).
An assessment of Latin American cities estimated that households located in cities with more than 1
million inhabitants had a 70 percent higher likelihood of experiencing violence than those in cities
with cities with between 50,000 and 100,000 inhabitants (Gaviría and Pages 2002).
Buvinic, Morrison, and Shifter (1999).
IDB (2010); Sherman (2012).
Elements of these approaches can be found in multi-sector efforts in U.S. cities that are seeking to
promote multi-jurisdictional strategic plans and coordinated efforts that advocate a balanced
approach between law enforcement, corrections, and social prevention. These extend to education;
health and human services (including public health, substance abuse and mental health, and services
directed at children and families); criminal justice; early childhood development; and labor. These
approaches engage high-level leadership and communities in planning and implementation, and
focus actions in hot spots. An illustrative example is the UNITY Policy Platform, released in December
2010 (Prevention Institute 2010). The UNITY Urban Agenda was endorsed by representatives from 13
U.S. cities in April 2010 and is available at
Indeed, citizen security is one of the dimensions of human security. The Inter-American Commission
of Human Rights (ICHR) (2009, p. 8) states that citizen security involves “those rights to which all
members of a society are entitled, so that they are able to live their daily lives with as little threat as
possible to their personal security, their civic rights and their right to the use and enjoyment of their
property; on the other hand, citizen security problems occur when a State’s failure to discharge,
either in whole or in part, its function of providing protection against crime and social violence
becomes a generalized situation, which means that the basic relationship between those governing
and the governed has broken down.” The IHCR definition builds on the conceptual definition by the
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), which strongly links citizen security to
development (UNDP 1994).
The interventions led by Mayor Mockus in Bogota have been particularly disseminated. Cities where
“civic culture surveys” have been implemented are: La Paz (Bolivia); Belo Horizonte (Brazil); Bogotá

and Medellín (Colombia); Quito (Ecuador); Mexico City and Monterrey (Mexico); and Caracas
Research on violence has increased our understanding of factors that make some populations more
vulnerable to victimization and perpetration. Risk factors increase the likelihood that a person will
become violent or be victimized. Risk factors are not direct causes (DHHS 2001; Mercy et al. 2002).
Puddy and Wilkins’ continuum also serves to provide common language for researchers,
practitioners, and policymakers in discussing evidence-based decision making.
The 2011 World Development Report contains an in-depth analysis of institutional factors that
underlie conflict and violence in weak states, drawing on theoretical background from “Paul Collier in
Breaking the Conflict Trap [Collier et al. 2003], The Bottom Billion [Collier 2007], and Douglass North,
John Wallis, and Barry Weingast in Violence and Social Orders [2006]. North, Wallis, and Weingast
describe three ‘doorstep conditions’ for fragile countries to move toward long-term institutional
violence prevention: (i) ensuring the rule of law, particularly over property issues, for elites; (ii)
creating a ‘perpetual state’ in the constitutionality of transfer of power and the ability of state
commitments to bind successor leaders; and (iii) consolidating control over the military. Their
framework provides a perceptive analysis of national development dynamics but does not explicitly
address international stresses on states, international assistance, or the influence of international
norms and standards. Collier’s work, by contrast, focuses less on domestic political dynamics and
more on low income, corruption, and natural resource rents. He explicitly considers external security
guarantees and international standards for resource extraction” (excerpt from World Bank 2011a, p.
ICPC (2001); Petrella and Vanderschueren (2003); Dammert (2007); Plant and Scott (2008);
Vandereschueren et al. (2009).
Pretrial services are those intended to evaluate the degree of danger posed by the offender and his
or her probability of flight.
Notably, civil wars ravaged parts of Central America and claimed around 300,000 victims (World Bank
2010, p. 18).
The literature review conducted reflects on these areas as critical elements of the policies of citizen
security. Sherman et al. (2002) focus on: community-based crime prevention, family-based crime
prevention, school-based prevention reviews, labor markets and crime, preventing crime at place
(situational prevention), policing for crime prevention, criminal justice, and crime prevention. UN
norms and standards on crime prevention state that “a wide array of approaches [to prevention] can
be used, ranging from environmental and situational interventions…social interventions…community-
based approaches…to social reintegration approaches”
( See also the recent review
by the International Center for Crime Prevention (2010).
So-called externalizing behavior includes aggressive and delinquent behavior that can be minor but
can lead to more serious violent or criminal behavior.
These key areas have been prioritized by the IDB’s Social Sector Division.
According to Aos, Miller, and Drake (2006), the benefit-cost ratios for reducing crime in the United
States are lower for early childhood interventions than for other interventions also shown to be
effective through rigorous evaluations.
The results are based on a quasi-experimental design in that the program was “randomized” over a
matched sample of eight communities. The participants in the microfinance program in the treated
communities may differ on unobservables from the randomly selected individuals in the control
For the meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) of “Scared Straight,” see Petrosino,
Turpin-Petrosino, and Buehler (2003) and Lilienfeld (2005).
CPTED was proposed in 1972 by the criminologist C. Ray Jeffery, who highlighted the observation that
crime occurs because of the opportunities created by the physical environment around the

Hugo Fruhling, written communication with the authors, 2012.
The STAD system is similar to CompStat, which originated in New York City in the 1990s. It allows for
computer-based, more detailed, and more timely collection of information on criminal occurrences.
This information is the basis for a more decentralized decision making, as well as more agile and
targeted police work.
This discussion draws on Sherman (2011b).
Sherman and Rogan (1995); Sherman and Weisburd (1995); Weisburd and Green (1995).
A comprehensive approach to criminal justice systems has been recommended by experts such as
Tittle and Logan (1973), as well as Williams and Hawkins (1986), who have argued that the
effectiveness of crime prevention interventions strongly depend on specific contexts and the proper
functioning of the whole institutional framework (see IDB 2012a).
The systematic review examined 29 controlled, random (or quasi-random) assignment experiments,
with 7,300 juveniles.
This review found particular benefit of the system developed by Michigan State University in the
1970s, emphasizing behavioral contracting and juvenile advocacy.
This discussion is drawn from Sherman (2011a, p. 6)
For example, the Jamaica Justice Sector Reform Task Force (2007, p. 257) recommended the inclusion
of restorative justice measures in cases identified by the police and/or prosecutor in accordance with
general criteria or guidelines.
This discussion is drawn from Sherman (2011a). A systematic review of drug substitution programs
found that methadone maintenance substantially reduces the volume of crime committed by addicts
and that medically controlled heroin maintenance is even more effective at reducing criminal activity.
Given high property crime rates among drug addicts, it is highly likely that these programs could be
cost-effective compared to prosecution and sentencing. A search of the Campbell Collaboration
Library of Systematic Reviews of Evidence on justice system practices reveals several general
categories of programs with very strong evidence of effective crime reduction, including prison,
courts, and juvenile justice
A detailed analysis of this theory can be found in Cullen, Wright, and Blevin (2006).
A promising program is one for which there is one test with considerable effects, but no replication.
The critical issue for any program taken from other continents and tried in Latin America and the
Caribbean is how well it survives cultural translation and how well it fits with the social and
institutional contexts specific to Latin America and the Caribbean.
See Accessed April 21, 2012.
These elements draw on Mercy et al. (2002) and NRC (2008).
The elements are congruent with those identified by the National Research Council (2008) and World
Health Organization (WHO) (2002; 2008) as necessary for advancing violence prevention in low- and
middle-income countries.
For more information, see Hoffman, Guerrero, and Concha-Eastman (2002).


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