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Point of Sales with Inventory System for Basic Dots Printing Services

A Capstone Project Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of the
Information and Communications Technology Program
STI College Cubao

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Airolle John S. De Vera

John Oliver P. Dela Cruz
Arvie Grace Rada
Basil Don R. Valencia

June 06, 2021

STI College <School Name>


This capstone project proposal titled: Points of Sales with Inventory System prepared
and submitted by Airolle John S. De Vera, John Oliver P. Dela Cruz, Arvie Grace
Rada, and Basil Don R. Valencia, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, has been examined and is
recommended for acceptance and approval.

<Capstone Project Adviser's Given Name MI. Family Name>

Capstone Project Adviser

Accepted and approved by the Capstone Project Review Panel

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

<Panelists' Given Name MI. Family Name> <Panelists' Given Name MI. Family Name>
Panel Member Panel Member

<Panelists' Given Name MI. Family Name>

Lead Panelist


<Capstone Project Coordinator's Given <Program Head's Given Name MI. Family
Name MI. Family Name> Name>
Capstone Project Coordinator Program Head

<Date of Proposal Defense>

STI College <School Name>


Title Page i
Executive Summary ii
Approval Sheet iii
Acknowledgment iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
List of Notations viii
Introduction 1
Project Context
Purpose and Description of the Project
Objectives of the Study
Scope and Limitations of the Study
Review of Related Literature/Systems
Review of Related Literature
Related Studies and/or Systems
Technical Background
Overview of Current Technologies Used in the Current System
Calendar of Activities
Resource Persons
Personal Technical Vitae (one page per member)

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Project Context

In today’s generation, we are engaged in highly computerized technology aiming

to make individual lifestyle more comfortable and easier most especially in the
world of business. The manual system is now considered the first process after the
birth of the computerized system. Online transaction is now very common to
widen the target market of the company. It becomes more efficient to the customer
considering it can save time and considered hassle-free. The most used system by
several companies is the sales system and inventory system creating a web-based
system. Advanced system on sale provides more reliable recording of sales of the
company with comparison to its actual cost. In addition to the data information
needed by the company to decide matters in relation to inventory can be easily
generated. Moreover, the inventory control which ensures stocking the in-demand
and correct items in the correct quantities.

This point of sales with inventory system can help the company to avoid
overstocking. When the company overstock, the fund will not back easy because
the cycle of the stock is a stop for unneeded items required time, space, and fund
which could have been used on more critical assets.

The computer is a useful technology in our society that makes our work easy to
wrap-up. Nowadays, computer technology continues to evolve and grow fast.
Then every business in our society started shifting from using the manual system
to an automated one that makes our work easier and faster.

Point of Sales with Inventory System using a computer is an easy way of

checking and listing of the sales of the company, it is faster and more reliable
rather than doing manually. The system can minimize human errors in editing and
be easily access anytime by the company. Sales and inventory system makes the
company more effective, more productive and is convenient for the company and

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its customers.

Point of Sales system allows your business to accept payments from customers
and keep track of sales. It sounds simple enough, but the setup can work in
different ways, depending on whether you sell online, have a physical storefront,
or both. A point-of-sale system used to refer to the cash register at a store. Today,
modern POS systems are entirely digital, which means you can check out a
customer wherever you are. All you need is a POS app and an internet-enabled
device, like a tablet or phone (Kira Deutch, August 10, 2020).

Inventory management is the supervision of noncapitalized assets or inventory

and stock items. As a component of supply chain management, inventory
management supervises the flow of goods from manufacturers to warehouses and
from these facilities to point of sale. A key function of inventory management is
to keep a detailed record of each new or returned product as it enters or leaves a
warehouse or point of sale. Organizations from small to large businesses can
make use of inventory management to track their flow of goods. There are
numerous inventory management techniques and using the right one can lead to
providing the correct goods at the correct amount, place and time. Inventory
control is a separate area of inventory management that is concerned with
minimizing the total cost of inventory, while maximizing the ability to provide
customers with products in a timely manner. In some countries, the two terms are
used synonymously (Search ERP, February 11, 2021).

The proponents’ chosen beneficiary is a printing service, namely “Basic Dots

Printing Services (Basic Dots)”. The business is located at 15B Casal Bldg.
Anonas Street Project 3, Quezon City, Philippines. Basic Dots is founded by
Andrea Periña in 2015. They can print all types from large format up to small for
instance ID Lace, cups, and many more.

Based on the information the proponents gathered from Mrs. Andrea Periña,
owner of the Basic Dots Printing Services, the common problem of the business is
the tracking of sales, expenses and the inventory. Mrs. Andrea Periña mentioned

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that there are only two person managing the inventory. The owner stated that they
only count their stocks once every 3 days by listing it one by one to keep their
inventory updated, but sometimes they forgot about it. The owner requested that
the system have a way of tracking their daily expenses because that’s also a
problem they also encounter daily.

In accord with this, the proponents came up with a plan to create a system point of
sale with inventory that will help the business to replenish all the stocks that is
needed and to monitor all the sales and expenses.

Statement of the Problem

General Problem

How to design and develop a Point of Sales with Inventory System for Basic
Dots Printing Services?

Based on the interview with Mrs. Andrea Periña held last April 15, 2021, They
always compute their sales and manage their inventory. However there are days
that they were not able to manage and do their task due to overloading
workloads. The owner also mentioned due to workloads they always encounter
problems in tracking their sales, daily expenses, and managing their business

Specific Problems

1. How to develop a module that monitors daily transactions?

According to Mrs. Andrea Periña, their daily transactions exceed at least 200 daily
during the pandemic. But before the pandemic it was stated in the interview that
they mostly reach up to 400 – 500 transactions daily. She also stated that they are
having a problem sales because of so many transactions.

2. How to develop a module that generates sales and inventory reports?

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Based on the interview, Basic Dots Printing Services does not have an existing
system which generates their sales and inventory reports so the recipient depends
on manual computing their sales and counting their inventory. She stated that they
are having problem generating sales because of too many transactions and
inventory because they don’t know what comes out of their inventory sometimes.

3. How to develop module that automatically update the records of the

inventory whenever a transaction was done?

Accoring to Mrs. Andrea Periña, Basic Dots uses manual type of record keeping
in their inventory, which is either typing it in excel or writing it in paper one by
one. The beneficiary also stated that they count their inventory manual to keep it
updated and they only do it once every 3 days.

4. How to develop a module that monitors the stock level of the inventory?

Based on the interview, There are two people who counts their business stocks
once every 3 days to keep it updated in their records, however they forgot it
sometimes due to workloads.

5. How to develop a module that monitor where the stocks in the inventory

According to Mrs. Andrea Periña, they are having a problem monitoring what
comes out of their inventory because they can’t always monitor it in daily basis.

Purpose and Description of the Project

The purpose of the Point of Sales with Inventory system is to serve customers
efficiently. This study aims to help the staff/employees of Basic Dots Printing
Services to make their work faster and efficient by using the system where they
can monitor sales and the remaining products in the records where they can see in
the database. The system will provide a good service to the business like better
transaction process that brings bigger profit.

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The proposed project will replace the manual process of the beneficiary existing
manual and will use computer based software that enables authorized users to
speed up the transaction process, provide an updated, secured and easy to access
inventory records, and generate accurate sales and inventory reports.

The features of the system will focus on: login/logout services, Point of Sales
module, inventory module, sales module, history module, and users module.

Log-in/Log-out Services, refers to one of the features of the proposed system that
will require authorized users to enter their user ID and password to be able to
access their user account

Point of Sales Module, this refers as one of the main features, it is the home
module of the proposed system that contains about the transaction processes. This
module focus on making the transactions with customers easy.

Inventory Module, this also refers as one of the main features in the proposed
system. This module contains the product price, product counts, low level stock
alerts, and products descriptions. This will help the beneficiary to easily organize
their inventory accurately.

Sales Module, it refers to one of the features of the system that generates daily,
weekly, and monthly sales. This module contains product sales and transaction
sales that generates reports.

History Module, refers to one of the features of the system where one can see also
the logs that’s been made. This module contains product logs on what comes in
and out of their inventory, Stock logs where they can monitor how many stock of
every products was sold, User log where the the beneficiary can see who access
the system and what changes in the inventory or what processes was made, and
Transaction log, that is about the daily transactions.

Users Module, this module contains users informations and registrations. This
allows users to register, log in, and log out.

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Objectives of the Study

General Objective

To design and develop a Point of Sales with Inventory System for Basic Dots
Printing Services.

The proponents proposed system will use C# programming language to design

and develop a Point of Sales with Inventory System for Basic Dots Printing
Services to help their beneficiary in tracking sales, managing inventory, and a
faster way of generating sales and inventory reports.

Specific Objectives:

1. To develop a module that monitors daily transactions.

The proponents aim to develop a system that monitors daily transactions. This
will help the beneficiary to monitor their daily transactions to reduce time
consume in writing and computing on how many transactions was made daily.

2. To develop a module that generates sales and inventory reports.

The proponents aim to develop a system that generates sales and inventory
reports. This will help the beneficiary to change their manual way of generating
sales and inventory reports that is being done in excel or handwritten.

3. To develop module that automatically update the records of the inventory

whenever a transaction was done.

The proponents will use real time in develop a module of the system that
automatically update the records of the inventory whenever a transaction was
done. This module will help the staff and employees to reduce their workloads in
monitoring their inventory stocks.

4. To develop a module that monitors the stock level of the inventory.

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The proponents will develop a module of the system where it can monitor the
stock levels of the inventory. This will remind the beneficiary when to restock
becase it pops up alert when a stock hits a critical level in their inventory.

5. To develop a module that monitor where the stocks in the inventory goes.

The proponents aim to develop a module of the system where it monitors where
the specific products or items in the inventory goes. This will help the beneficiary
about their worries were their stocks goes with them knowing.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The Point of Sales with Inventory system is focused on tracking the sales and
inventory of Basic Dots Printing Services. The business is located at 15B Casal
Bldg. Anonas Street Project 3, Quezon City, Philippines. Along the process, the
sales incurred by the said establishment will be updated automatically during
every transaction. The transaction and recording process will be made accurate,
fast and reliable due to the reduction of human error. The system will also provide
computerized searching of inquired products; it will generate accurate records in
the inventory, and it will also provide system security to protect the business in
the records.

The following are also the features of the proposed application:

 It can generate sales and inventory value reports.

 It has a low-level stock alert.

 It can view sales history.

 It can monitor transactions, stock levels, and stock counts.

 It can add, delete, and update products and categories.

 It has history for monitoring who used the system.

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 It can add stocks to a product.

 It can hide out-of-stock products.

 It can automatically update stock counts when a transaction was done.

This study does not include the following features:

 The use of barcode scanner technology.

 Payroll for the establishment employees.

 It does not support the online transaction, only cash payment

The proposed system is intended only to Basic Dots Printing Services. This
proposed system is only available for desktop computers and not available to
mobile applications.

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Review of Related Literature

This chapter primarily present the different researchers and other literatures from
foreign and local reseachers, which have the significant bearings on the variables
included in the research. It focuses on the several aspects that will help in the
development of this study. The study is generally concentrating on the feasibility
of creating a Point of Sales with Inventory System for Basic Dots Printing
Services. The literatures of this study comes from different materials as PDF and
other existing thesis that are believed to be useful in the advancement of the study.
It will provide broader knowledge on understanding the flow of the system and
where the starting point should be.

Foreign Literature

How POS Systems Improve Inventory Management

A point-of-sale (POS) system comprises hardware and software that facilitates

and processes card payments for products purchased at a retail store, restaurant or
even online. Depending on the type of operations, a POS system can include a
cash draw, credit card reader, receipt printer and barcode scanner. The POS
software records sales transactions and either includes or integrates with payment
processing services.

A POS system enables a business owner to track inventory, whether they have one
store or three. The POS terminals at each location are tied into the accounting and
inventory systems of the business. That means you do not have to be on-site at
each store to see what is on the shelves.

The proponent’s system provides some help to beneficiaries to make the count of
stocks accurate. The article from to help the proponents to develop a
system that give fast transaction for the beneficiaries, the proponents system does
not include the credit card reader (Fuscaldo, D. 2020).

Must-Have Inventory Management System Features, Requirements &


Inventory control handles products that are already in stock at the warehouse and
plays a key role in supply chain management. Inventory control tools can
categorize products by type, location, and sku (or serial number), audit data,
generate reports in real-time and search, filter, and view products.

Inventory management features govern the data from other parts of the system,
like inventory control. That is not all; inventory management also handles
business processes that occur before the stock arrives at a warehouse and how the
inventory reaches other destinations. These features include tools for multi-
location warehouse management and integrations with other software
or enterprise resource planning (ERP) platforms (for example, generating
paperless invoices and purchase orders).

Various modules trigger inventory alerts that help reduce waste, optimize
inventory financials, and manage customer expectations. These features include
automated email or SMS messages that alert you to low inventory levels and
shipment and supply chain delays. Inventory alerts offer an added level of
operational control for sales forecasting, materials planning, shipping logistics
and supplier management.

The study of Anny Jenkins helps the proponents to be more accurate and efficient
in terms of database. The stocks depend in the inventory of the beneficiaries that
may help to know the items that needed (Jenkins, A. 2020).

Key Features to Look for in a POS System

It has the capability to generate order invoice, reprint, and email to end customer
along with adding the discount, customer details, additional remarks, and
salesman’s name to an order.

The point-of-sale system must be able to generate a robust report on sales result.
It should be able to report hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly takings and
outgoings so that the merchants can easily understand the overall success of their

The system allows the staff employee owner to know the sales report for each day,
weeks, monthly and yearly. It helps the beneficiaries to know if it still profitable
(Jain, A. 2019).

Local Literature

Importance of Point of Sales Software in the Philippines

Points of sales systems are replacing the traditional cash registers for the better in
Philippines. The POS has redefined the level of efficiency and accuracy in the
sphere of sales. The system is designed to cater to a wide range of operations and
is customizable for any specific business. These systems have made the work at
the counter a whole lot easier and manageable. Administration and accounting are
the other two areas which have seen significant improvement with the installation
of this software. This article discusses the important of the point of sales software
in Philippines (Balagosa, J. 2020).

The study of Balagosa help the proponents in improving the proposed system to
make it more accurate and efficient in handling transacton and other business
operation in different areas.

Choosing the Right POS for Your Small Business

The term Point-of-Sale (POS) may seem very technical, and it’s probably new to
those who work outside of retail. But in truth, the Point-of-Sale or Point-of-
Purchase system has been in practice for thousands of years already, when
humans first learned to barter goods. Strictly speaking, the POS refers to the time
and place in which a retail transaction, such as for a commodity or a consumer
good, is completed. The selling merchant will indicate the amount owed by the
customer, prepare an invoice, and dictate the mode of payment allowed. What was
originally a written system then evolved into the cash register—and today, the
humble cash register has transformed into a smarter version of itself, possessing
capacities such as customer relations management (CRM), inventory
management, and employee management, in addition to accounting. This gears
the whole POS system toward not only retail sales, but retail services in general.
As a representative of a small and fledgling business, you might have already
thought of upgrading your POS software system. Though your line of work offers
the freedom and fulfillment that may be lacking in the big corporate world, it also
comes with its fair share of difficulties. Competition can be very brutal among
small businesses, and even “hairline” errors can plunge a growing company into
debt and obscurity. This is why clinching every sale is crucial, as well as leaving a
good impression on your customers. As such, it’s high time to read this primer on
what a POS software system constitutes, how to go about choosing a reliable SAP
partner, and how an upgraded POS will spell out bigger things for your small
business (ANSI, February 12, 2019).

The proponents proposed system provides an accurate and fast transaction that
will help the beneficiaries save time and benefit more. The article of ANSI will
help the proponents in developing the parts of the proposed system for the
beneficiary to make it more convenient and more flexible for their business to
benefit more.

SAP Inventory System Philippines

SAP is an ERP software that helps businesses, manufacturers and retailers in

managing their supply chain. SAP provides you and your suppliers fast access and
real time information. SAP creates a transparent system that implements efficient
collaboration for a better and responsive supply network. Every business,
companies, manufacturers and retailers are particular with their inventory. It is
important not to have an excessive inventory to avoid overhead expenses.
Manufacturers and Retailers need to ensure that they have enough number of a
given item in stock depending on its trends of sales. Our Inventory System
software provides real time assessment of items in stock. As each item is sold, the
inventory database is automatically updated. When the inventory level is at its
minimum, it automatically creates a purchase order sent to the supplier. As soon
as the order has arrived, the inventory database is automatically updated and the
system will issue a notification to the accounting department for the supplier’s
invoice and purchase order copy.

The Inventory System Software Advantages are Automate the Order to Delivery
Process, Manage Inventory in Real Time, and Adapt to Changing Business Needs.
The SAP Inventory Software enables you to streamline end to end operations. It
lets you serve customers faster and better and achieve profitable growth
(Fasttrack, 2020).

This study of Fasttrack will help the proponents in developing the features of the
proposed system in terms of inventory. In order for the proponents to develop a
more accurate and efficient system it will gather more data through different
sources to make the best of it.

Related Studies and/or Systems

Foreign Studies and/or Systems

Optimization of reliability-based model for production inventory


Inventory control and its optimal solution is concerned with achieving a balance
between two opposing objective of this system the first objective is to minimize
the cost of holding inventory, the second objective is to maximizing service to the
customers. A company can minimize inventory cost by maintaining zero
inventories. However, customer service may suffer, and customers may decide to
take their needs elsewhere. This study aims to discuss solution techniques for the
EPQ model considering product quality and production process reliability. In this
paper, the production process is considered to be not 100% perfect. This system
helps the users to record all the sales and all the items in their company and can
also record the deliveries.

The similarities of this system to the proponent’s system are the inventory record
all the items and all the sales. The Proponents proposed system have a point of
sales system to record the items that uses to that service.

Point of Sales Systems in Food and Beverages Industry: Efficient Technology

and Its User Acceptance

The objective of this study is to review the factors that influence the acceptance of
the points of sales technology, as the main systems used in the restaurants
environments. The restaurant industry will generate $783 billion in sales every
year and jobs and careers for one in 10 U.S workers. It is so, Food and Beverage
(F&B) industry needs to collect and process data in order to improve sales,
customer service and loyalty, and to make the operation more efficient to the
employees. This study uses Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) this model can
be extremely useful in the development of research of framework to determine
factors that influence the user’s acceptance to information systems. TAM
constructs to reflect the variety of user task environments. This study looks
difficult, but this has an important aspect like the positive relationship between the

The Proponents system have an inventory and more focused in inventory to know
how the items of the company and always check that items is needed to restock
and when it became available.

An Effective approach for optimization of a perishable inventory system with

uncertainty in both demand and supply
Effective inventory system management allows companies to respond quickly to
the market change and develop a flexible production system to improve their
competitiveness. In this study an inventory problem of a perishable product with
random deterioration rate under uncertainly in both demand and supply. They
develop an effective algorithm combining scenario-based optimization and
Lagrangian relaxation for quickly and approximately calculation the order up to
levels. In most inventory models, it is assumed that products can be stored
indefinitely to meet future demands. However, the effect of perishable cannot be

The similarities of this studies to the proponent’s system are that flexible
inventory system that can manage to store all the data of the business and efficient
to the users.

Local Studies and/or Systems

Point of Sale System with Inventory for arm’s Food and Delicacies

This System is Computer-based way of checking and reviewing the company’s

deals. This system can minimize upgrading batches and can be gotten to
effortlessly. The purpose of the Sale System with inventory makes the business
increasingly gainful, proficient, and helpful to the company and its clients. If
documents are required, they can be gotten to in seconds by looking at the show
for appropriate data. All the required insights necessary can be saved in a single
record, as unfriendly to reams of paper and exceptional files for each item
requiring screening within the manual framework. Their framework would be a
significant help to all the procedure since It works at a quick pace in filling in
however many clients as could be expected under the circumstances and helps
screen a wide range records in a faster, less demanding, and increasingly
advantageous ways. The framework is intended to enable the business to
demonstrate progressively pertinent things to deals and above all to build the
benefit to their company.
The similarities of this system to the proponent’s system are the inventory system
that can help to record all items in the and also can help also check if the item is
needed to restock. The proponents proposed system have to Alert the users if the
items are needed to restock.

Sales & Inventory System Barcode

Today’s generation, most of the business use a computer to manage the control
and monitoring aspects of their business, since doing it in a manual way, the data
processing could no longer meet the business demands in increasing the quality of
any volume of transactions. They are upgrading and seek for improvement for
Sales and inventory using barcode technology. The study covered the stocking in
and sticking out of the products, returned order items, managed inventory, and
generate sales report and monthly report. It also records supplier’s data and stored
customer’s data. The system provides official receipt after the transaction and
automatically updating the quantity when the product is sold. Only authorized
personnel are allowed to access the system. The main target of this study is aimed
for the customer to develop the process of monitoring the production of the

The Proponents proposed a Sales and Inventory system but have no barcode. The
system checks the items of the business and to control the sales in the inventory.

Web-based Application for relief and Casualty Monitoring and Early

Warning System for Local Government Units in the Philippines

The Philippines recorded different disasters in diverse parts of the archipelago

such as floods and storms that bring hazards to the people. In this study the
disasters will be record to the database of the inventory system and to know how
will implement the pre-disaster during disaster intervals to that locations. Also, in
this system can be know the distribution of relief assistance that can eventually
guide decision making during disaster responses. The government initiated some
projects in helping constituents to become more resilient in the effect of the
disaster and this is the one of their projects to develop and to record what will
they do when the disaster will affect the cities in the Philippines.

The similarities of this system to the Proponent’s proposed system is the record of
the item that will be dispatch.


The above mentioned concepts on point of sales and inventory management is

relevant to the proposed system because these serve as foundation in the
development of a Point of Sales with Inventory System for the staff/employees of
Basic Dots Printing Services that will minimize the time consumed and effort
exerted by the staff/employees in tracking sales, inventory management, and the
generation of reports. The concepts also point to the features of the present study
such as the supply management, inventory control, and generation of sales reports
that will be integrated by the developers in the proposed system.

The literatures and studies and/or systems are related directly or indirectly to this
study because they provide information to the growth and interest in proposing an
administrative tool to develop a better sales and inventory system.

It can be seen in the related literature that there are several researchers for Point of
Sales improvement, inventory management, and related concepts on developing
point of sales and inventory system. These contracts are vital in formulation of the
concept of office automation or networking system.

The concept on tracking sales, inventory management, generation of reports, and

its fundamental role in the process of efficient information production and
collection is used as basis by the proponents in the formulation of the general
objectives and important factors to be considered in designing the features that
should be included in the development of the proposed Point of Sales with
Inventory System.
With the above related studies and/or systems all the existing system that the
proponents gathered, the researchers used an offline application that can be used
for accurate and efficient type of managing sales, inventory, and generating
reports of the printing service.

Overview of Current Technologies Used in the Current System

This contains the discussions on the current trends and technologies to be used in
developing and implementing the proposed system.

In the succeeding paragraphs, there should be no indentations, paragraphs are

justified with left alignment. Delete this highlighted section and replace it with
your own methodology.

Calendar of Activities

This should contain the detailed sequence of activities that the proponents will
undergo in completing the project. This should discuss the activities, purpose, or
objectives of each activity, persons involved and the resources needed in
chronological order of execution. In the succeeding paragraphs, there should be
no indentations, paragraphs are justified with left alignment. Delete this
highlighted section and replace it with your activities.

Have a Gantt chart of activities to summarize your activities. Use the chart
provided. This should contain a chart that specifies when each of the activities
listed is expected to start and end. The time unit should be in terms of weeks and
not actual dates. Fill in the provided Gantt chart by encoding the activities that
your group will do. Use blue and yellow alternately in highlighting the duration or
period of the activity. Use this introductory paragraph:

The Gantt chart presents the summary of activities. Listed are the activities and
opposite them are their duration or periods of execution.
Gantt Chart of Activities

Data Gathering
Planning and Brainstorming
Looking for Beneficiary
Project Context
Statement of the Problem
Purpose and Description
Objectives of the Study
Scope and Limitation
Review of Related Literature
Related Studies and/or Systems
Technical Background

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 Hardware
Computer Units
Computer Specifications
 Intel Dual Core or Higher Processor
 512 MB to 1 GB Memory (Recommended)
 80 GB, Hard Disk
 Dual LAN Card
 Standard Keyboard
 Standard Mouse
 Switch
 Monitor
 Printer
Local Area Network
Main/Master Computer

 Software
 Visual Basic
o The developers used this software to develop, design,
and screen forms as well as to build the database and server for the
Point of Sales with Inventory System for Basic Dots Printing
 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2018
o For database manipulation and storage of records.

The following pages contain the references, resource person(s), and curriculum
vitae of the researchers. Resource persons are those who contributed to the
development of your research.

Balagosa, J. (2020). Importance of Point of Sales Software in the Philippines. Retrieved

from: Importance of Point of Sales Software in the Philippines | Jinisys Software Inc.

Fasttrack (2020). SAP Inventory System Philippines. Retrieved from: SAP Inventory
System | Fasttrack Solutions Inc. (

ANSI Information Systems, Inc. (February 12, 2019). Choosing the Right POS for Your
Small Business. Retrieved from: Choosing the Right POS for Your Small Business |

Fuscaldo, D. (2020). How POS Systems Improve Inventory Management. Retrieved


Jenskin, A. (2020). Must-Have Inventory Management System Features, Requirements

& Modules. Retrieved from:

Jain, A. (2019). 7 Key Features to Look for in a POS System. Retrieved from:

Capstoneguide (May 30th, 2020). Sales & Inventory System Barcode. Retrieved from:

Agustin, L., & Mendoza, A. R. (December 2019). POINT OF SALE SYSTEM WITH

Ahmed, A. A., Mahmoud, E. S., Hassan, M., & El-Sebaie, M. (April 2017). Optimization
of reliability-based model for production inventory system. Retrieved from:

Ramos, Y., & Castro, A. O. (February 20, 2017). Point of Sales Systems in Food and
Beverages Industry: Efficient Technology and Its User Acceptance. Retrieved from:

Nguyena. D. H., & Chen, H. (June 2019). An Effective approach for optimization of a
perishable inventory system with uncertainty in both demand and supply. Retrieved from:

Rodriguez, R. L., Serrano, E. A., & Balan, A. K. D. (2017). Web-based Application for
relief and Casualty Monitoring and Early Warning System for Local Government Units in
the Philippines. Retrieved from:

 Mrs. Andrea Periña

Business Owner
Basic Dots Printing Services
 Mr. Allan Leaño
Business Employee
Basic Dots Printing Services
 Mr. Vergilio Bonto
Business Owner
Basic Dots Printing Services
Curriculum Vitae of
Airolle John S. De Vera
<complete address>
<email address>
contact number either cellular phone or landline or both

Level Inclusive Dates Name of school/ Institution
Tertiary month year
Vocational/Technical month year
High School month year
Elementary month year


Nature of Experience/ Name and Address of Company or
Inclusive Dates
Job Title Organization
month year
month year
month year
month year
Listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first).

Inclusive Dates Name of Organization Position
month year
month year
month year
month year
Listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first).

SKILLS Level of Date Acquired
month year
month year
month year


Inclusiv Title of Training, Seminar, or Workshop
e Dates
Listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first).

Curriculum Vitae of
John Oliver P. Dela Cruz
#15 Interior Anonas Street Project 3 Quezon City
[email protected]

Level Inclusive Dates Name of school/ Institution
Tertiary month year
Vocational/Technical month year
High School month year
Elementary month year


Nature of Experience/ Name and Address of Company or
Inclusive Dates
Job Title Organization
month year
month year
month year
month year
Listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first).

Inclusive Dates Name of Organization Position
month year
month year
month year
month year
Listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first).

SKILLS Level of Date Acquired
month year
month year
month year
Inclusiv Title of Training, Seminar, or Workshop
e Dates
Listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first).

Curriculum Vitae of
Arvie Grace Rada
<complete address>
<email address>
contact number either cellular phone or landline or both

Level Inclusive Dates Name of school/ Institution
Tertiary month year
Vocational/Technical month year
High School month year
Elementary month year


Nature of Experience/ Name and Address of Company or
Inclusive Dates
Job Title Organization
month year
month year
month year
month year
Listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first).

Inclusive Dates Name of Organization Position
month year
month year
month year
month year
Listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first).
SKILLS Level of Date Acquired
month year
month year
month year


Inclusiv Title of Training, Seminar, or Workshop
e Dates
Listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first).

Curriculum Vitae of
Basil Don R. Valencia
<complete address>
<email address>
contact number either cellular phone or landline or both

Level Inclusive Dates Name of school/ Institution
Tertiary month year
Vocational/Technical month year
High School month year
Elementary month year


Nature of Experience/ Name and Address of Company or
Inclusive Dates
Job Title Organization
month year
month year
month year
month year
Listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first).

Inclusive Dates Name of Organization Position
month year
month year
month year
month year
Listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first).

SKILLS Level of Date Acquired
month year
month year
month year


Inclusiv Title of Training, Seminar, or Workshop
e Dates
Listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first).

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