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Written By :


NIM. 1802041034








Diajukan Kepada

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Untuk memenuhi salah satu persyaratan

Dalam menyelesaikan Program Diploma Tiga

Program Studi Bahasa Inggris



NIM. 1802041034











Pembimbing 1 Pembimbing 2

Made Aryawan Adijaya, S.Pd. M.Pd. Made Suardana, S.Pd,M.Hum

NIP. 197712162002121002 NIP. 197506012001121001

Lembar Persetujuan Dosen Penguji Tugas Akhir

Tugas akhir oleh Ni Kadek Restu Pelisia

Telah dipertahankan di depan dewan penguji

Pada tanggal

Dewan penguji

Dr. Dewa Putu Ramendra, S.Pd.,M.Pd. ( Ketua )

NIP. 197609022000031001

Penguji I

Made Aryawan Adijaya, S.Pd. M.Pd. ( Anggota )

NIP. 197712162002121002

Penguji II

Made Suardana, S.Pd,M.Hum ( Anggota )

NIP. 197506012001121001
Lembar Persetujuan dan Pengesahan Panitia Ujian Tugas Akhir

Diterima Oleh Panitia Ujian Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Guna memenuhi syarat-syarat untuk mencapai gelar ahli madya


Hari :

Tanggal :


Ketua Ujian Sekretaris Ujian

Dr. Dewa Putu Ramendra, S.Pd.,M.Pd. Made Aryawan Adijaya, S.Pd.M.Pd.

NIP. 197609022000031001 NIP. 197712162002121002


Dekan Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni

Prof. Dr. I Made Sutama, M.Pd.

NIP. 196004241986031002

The purposed of this study is focused to the revenue on pandemic 2020 between
2021. And also focused to the strategies are used during Covid 19 pandemic in Harris
Riverview Kuta, to get more guest and can increase the revenue. In this research the data
collections that have been used by the writer by observation and interview. In identifying
the data, the writer also asked the senior staff in Harris Riverview Kuta Bali to gather data
about the strategies and the effects of the pandemic for the revenue.

Keywords : Revenue, Sleeping account, Competitor analysis, Social media branding


First of all, the writer would like to express the greatest gratitude to Ida Sang
Hyang Widhi Wasa, because of his blessing this final project can be accomplished. The
Tittle of this final project is “The Strategies of Sales in Harris Hotel and Resindences
Riverview Kuta Bali During Covid 19 Pandemic”

The writer have much encouragement from many parties. In this opportunity, the
writer would like to thank to all of them who contributed in the writing of this final
project, they are :

1. Mr. Made Aryawan Adijaya, S.Pd.,M.Pd, the head of DIII Bahasa Inggris

2. Mr. Made Aryawan Adijaya, S.Pd.,M.Pd, and Mr. Made Suardana, S.Pd.,M.Hum.
the writer’s supervisors for this final project. Thank you very much for your kindness to
give the writer a solution to the problem while doing this final project.

3. The writer’s parents who always support the writer financially and mentally.

4. The writer’s family who always support and help while doing this final project,

5. The writer’s classmate that cannot be mentioned one by one. Thank you for the
help and mental support while writing this final project.

Finally, the writer hopes this final project can be a source of references in the future for
anyone else. Even though the writer already knows that this final project is not perfect at
all, criticism and suggestions are needed for revising this final project in the future.


The writer


This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, purposes of
the study, significance of the study, and scope of the study.

1.1 Background of The Study

Hospitality is the one of many sector of tourism industry that growing rapidly in
Indonesia. Almost every province and region in this country has its own hotel. Hotels are
built both in big cities and in rural areas. According to the decree of the Minister of
Tourism, Post and Telecommunications, November of 23 in 1987, hotel is a type of
accommodation that uses each part or all of its building to provide lodging, food, and
drink services, as well as other commercially managed services (Rahadian & Pratomo,

Many hotels are built throughout Indonesia, especially in Bali. Harris Hotel and
Residences Riverview Kuta Bali is one of many hotels becoming a choice for business,
people and families. Be sides, this hotel is located in the heart of Denpasar city. Harris
hotel has its own uniqueness from most of other hotels in Denpasar because this hotel
is built on the riverbank, near from shopping centers, beaches, and direct access to
main roads.

Meanwhile when the plague of coronavirus hits the world, the situation was
different. According to the World Health Organization or WHO, the 2019 corona virus
pandemic or known as Covid-19 originated from the Chinese city of Wuhan and it is
rapidly spreading in many countries in the world. Scientists of epidemiology believe that
many countries are not ready for this condition. Italy, Malaysia, Singapore, and
Indonesia also have not escaped from the spread of this new virus. Indonesia has been
affected, as indicated by the arrival of Indonesian tourists returned from traveling from a
country that has been infected by this virus. Less of awareness has resulted in this virus
becoming more widespread and ultimately causing casualties and community panic. The
Pandemic of Covid-19 has affected Indonesia's businesses especially in the economic
structure. Many industries are not operated according to the initial target, closed
temporarily or even permanently. Hotel industry has been affected rapidly and most
impacted by this Pandemic.
Many hotels have been forced to close due to no more arrival guests,
restaurants and meeting businesses are no longer visitors. Currently, there are many
policies conducted by the Central Government to inhibit the spread and also the policies
in economic sector and community welfare which greatly impact all sections of society
regardless of class and strata of people's lives. Moreover, the governments recommend to
stay at home, work from home, and study at home so that many of the hotel industries
become bankrupt.

Due to the impact of corona pandemic, it takes several kinds of strategies applied by
the hotel, especially sales and marketing. Sales is a type of department that have several
functions as to offer goods and services to the consumers, and have a task to make people
become customers (Sihite, 2000). This is where sales play an important role in
surviving or increasing sales revenue. This may be very difficult considering that tourist
arrivals are limited and the economic capacity begins to decline due to this corona

The above problems motivate the writer to discuss the problems faced by HRVB and
its strategy in a paper entitled "THE STRATEGIES OF SALES IN HARRIS

1.2 Statements of the problem

Based on the above background of the study, the problems of the study can be
formulated as follows :

1. What is the impact of the covid 19 pandemic on Harris Hotel and Residences
Riverview Kuta Bali in terms of revenue?
2. What strategies are used by sales in Harris Hotel and Residences Riverview Kuta
Bali during Covid 19 pandemic?

1.3. Purposes of the study

Based on the background of the study and statements of the problem above, the objectives
of this study are:
1. To find out the impact of the coronavirus pandemic in terms of revenue for Harris
Hotel and Residences Riverview Kuta Bali

2. To find out the strategies applied by sales to increase room sales at Harris Hotel and
Residences Riverview Kuta Bali

1.4 Significances of the Study

The results of this study are expected to provide the following significances :

4.1 Theoretically

Theoretically the results of this study are expected to add knowledge for the readers,
especially the problem faced by the hotel and sales strategies applied during the corona
pandemic. another result of this study is becoming the references for other researcher in
order to conduct the same study.

4.2 Practically

Practically, the results of this study are expected to give the advice or suggestion for other
business especially sales, in order to gain the maximum revenue according to the
strategies that had been used.

1.5. Scope of study

Avoiding a wide understanding of sales strategies in a hotel, it necessary to the writer to

limit the problems to be discussed in this paper, so that the topic do not deviate from the
scope of the problems. In this study, the writer only examined the impact of the pandemic
on Harris Hotel and Riverview Bali in terms of revenue from rooms and the strategies
used by sales staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.


2.1 Definition of Hotel

The definition of hotel according to the Decree of the Minister of Tourism, Post
and Telecommunications No. KM 37 / PW. 340 / MPPT-86 in Sulastiyono (2011: 6), is
"a type of accommodation that uses part or all of a building to provide lodging, food and
beverage, and other supporting services for the public which are managed commercially.

Based on the definition of the experts above, the authors conclude that the hotel is a
service business which is a means of supporting tourism activities, where its management
is carried out professionally and is supported by a workforce who has good skills in the
hospitality sector.

Sections or departments within the hotel The sections or departments contained in the
hotel in general according to sulastiyono's theory (2011: 63-186) are as follows:

2.1.1 Hotel Front Office (Front Office): The main role and function of the front
office of the hotel is to sell (in the sense of renting) rooms to guests. Because of
its function, the location or location of the front office of the hotel should be in a
place that is easily seen or known by guests. To help carry out the functions of
the front office of the hotel, it is divided into several sub-sections, each of which
has a different service function, because the main role and function of the hotel
front office is room sales service, so the use of Yield Management as a sales
strategy will be a lot. relating to the subdivision of room reservation service
2.1.2 Hotel Housekeeping (Housekeeping): The housekeeping is a part that has a vital
role and function in providing services to guests, especially regarding services to
guests, especially regarding comfort and cleanliness of hotel rooms. In carrying
out tasks in the field of comfort and cleanliness of hotel rooms, the housekeeping
department must also collaborate with other parts of the hotel, such as the front
office of the hotel (Front office), the food and beverage section (Food &
Beverage). , engineering, accounting, and personnel. The responsibility of the
housekeeping department can be said, starting from managing materials made of
cloth such as table cloths, bed sheets, pillowcases, curtains, maintaining tidiness
and cleanliness of the room and its equipment, to the procurement / replacement
program for equipment and supplies. , as well as the maintenance of all hotel
rooms. Seeing the scope of responsibility of the housekeeping department, what
is meant by hotel rooms consists of guest rooms, meeting rooms, public spaces
such as lobbies. Corridor, all of which are referred to as the front of the house. In
addition, the housekeeping department is also responsible for the cleanliness and
tidiness of the back of the house, such as the kitchen, dining room, employee
changing rooms, office space and so on. Regarding the role and function of the
housekeeping department, employees of the housekeeping department are
required to have the behavior, knowledge and skills on how to maintain the
tidiness and cleanliness of hotel rooms by using the correct techniques and
procedures and equipment. Thus, it can guarantee the quality of service in
accordance with the wishes of guests.

2.1.3 Food and Beverage (Food & Beverage): The food and beverage section is one
part of the hotel, which has the function of carrying out the sale of food and
beverages. Even though it performs the function of selling food and drinks,
behind it all there are very complex activities. This activity is to carry out the
business of developing food and beverage products, planning activities that can
attract guests to eat and drink at the hotel restaurant, purchase food and beverage
ingredients, store food and beverage ingredients, carry out processing, serving
food and beverage and product counting.
2.1.4 Marketing and sales Department: This section functions in marketing hotel
products, as well as activities related to hotel marketing. In various ways this
section tries to get as many guests as possible into the hotel, in order to determine
the amount of increased revenue earned through guests who stay and use the
hotel facilities.
2.1.5 Accounting Department: The Accounting Department is a center for hotel
companies in carrying out the preparation, recording and financial administration,
with this department, the management will be able to find out how much income
has been earned and how the company's development for the future.
2.1.6 Human Resource Department: This section functions to carry out activities
related to human resources in the hotel work environment. This department also
has a duty to develop the existing workforce and organize and organize education
and job training for employees of all levels.
2.1.7 Engineering Department. : This department is responsible for activities related
to the planning and construction of hotel buildings, in addition to this part of the
hotel equipment and equipment that is mechanical in nature (machines) and takes
care of the procurement and maintenance of electrical installations and the
provision of clean water for guest needs and for the needs of hotel employees. . In
addition to the above functions and duties, the engineering department also
manages equipment and equipment that can be used in matters relating to fire
prevention and control as well as those related to work safety.
2.1.8 Security Department: This section is tasked with matters relating to issues
related to security within the hotel and outside the hotel as well as maintaining
order in the working area.

2.2 Sales and Marketing Department

Sihite ( 1996 ) states that Sales and Marketing Department is a Department

which carries out planning, assignments and supervions in the company in terms of sales
people, selection, training arrangement, direction supervision, controller and motivation
for the salesperson.

2.2.1 Sales and Marketing Section

According to nDenis L. Foster (1992) the sections in sales and marketing there
are 7 sections, as follows :

Sales Director

Tour and Travel Convention Sales Manager

Corporate SalesAdvertising
Manager and Public Relation Manager

Sales Manager

Convention Sales Account

Manager Executive Marketing Director The marketing director, also known as the sales director, is
the highest ranking executive in the marketing and sales division and is
responsible for overseeing, coordinating and evaluating the performance of all
staff members. In the head of sales department, the marketing director works
closely with the hotel's executive director to formulate short and long term
marketing plans. Tour and Travel Sales Manager The task of a tour and travel sales manager is to
develop a new business from group bookings and tour or charter operations. This
manager is responsible for developing and maintaining contacts in the travel
industry, including travel agents, tour operators, and airlines. Convention Sales Manager The convention sales manager is responsible for
developing new business from convention trading. This key position requires
close ties to large groups and organizations, such as professional and trade
associations, mayoral firms, and fraternal organizations. Advertising and Public Relations Manager An advertising manager is responsible
for planning, implementing and assessing advertising and public relations
programs. A large hotel may employ a small creative staff consisting of media
buyers, copywriters, designers, and photographers. It is the job of the advertising
manager to identify the most effective medium for promoting the hotel to the
most likely customers, and to purchase advertising from vendors such as
magazine publishers, radio stations, and sign companies. Account Executive An account executive is responsible for marketing the hotel to
corporate accounts, also negotiates special rates with corporate clients, and
arranges sales to small groups. Account executive also responsible for
maintaining ongoing communications with previous guests usually by mail or
telephone to encourage repeat business.
According to setup my Hotel at Harris & Residences Riverview Kuta Bali (2021)
here are the sections Sales as below:

Asst. DOS

Wenda Rusnalia

Sales Manager Kadek Wulan ApsariSales Executive Eva Nathalia

Sales Coordinator Nyoman Suantari Assistance DOSM ( Director of Sales and Marketing

Assisting Director of Sales and Marketing to oversee Oversees and direct all aspects of
the Sales and Marketing activities. Responsibilities include overseeing the planning and
development of promotional strategies and marketing plan ; oversee and assist with the
development and implementation of the sales and marketing plan; management of the
sales and marketing team and reporting on effectiveness of the plan. Sales Manager

To manage sales activities and events in-line with the annual sales and marketing plan to
achieve/ exceed budget and sales strategy for hotel. Responsibilities require direct and
routine interaction with Bali Sales Team, and also Sales team throughout Indonesia. Sales executive

Responsible for Roles and responsibilities give guidelines regarding hotel use to clients or
prospective clients. Making contact with hotel clients. Making offers of cooperation and
promotion to clients. Set up a package offering facilities at the hotel Sales Coordinator

Responsible for meeting, making introductions and ensuring that all arrangements and
requirements are gathered with the function host prior to function. Read and analyze
banquet event order (BEO) in order together with guest requirements, determine proper
set up, buffet, audio visual, timeline, and also give attention to any special guest need.

Definition of Strategy

There are several kinds of strategies as suggested by the experts in their respective books.
The word strategy comes from the Greek word Strategos which is a combination of
Stratos or soldiers and ego or leader. A strategy has a basis or scheme for achieving the
intended goals. So basically strategy is a tool to achieve goals. According to Marrus
(2002: 31) strategy is defined as a process of determining top leaders' plans that focus on
the long-term goals of the organization, along with the preparation of a way or an effort to
achieve these goals. Furthermore, Quinn (1999: 10) defines strategy as a form or plan that
integrates main goals, policies and a series of actions in an organization into a unified
whole. A well-formulated strategy will help compile and allocate company-owned
resources into a unique and durable form. A good strategy is formulated based on the
company's internal capabilities and weaknesses, anticipation of changes in the
environment, and the unity of movements carried out by mus spies.

2.3 Sales Strategies in HRVB

2.3.1 Sleeping Account

Sleeping account is a sales strategy in which guest data who have stayed at a hotel or used
hotel facilities will not return for a long time, therefore sales will contact him again so
that guests remember our hotel and come to the hotel again.
2.3.2 Competitor analysis

Competitive analysis is the process of identifying competitors and analyzing their

business strategy to determine their strengths and weaknesses relative to your business or
offering. The purpose of competitive analysis itself is to be able to handle objections from
the guest.

2.3.3 Branding Social media

2.3.4 Social media branding is marketing in digital form, which uses social media
platforms to promote products owned by a company. The aim is that the products owned
by a company can be known through social media by all people in the world. As we
know, the use of social media is very large and almost all people in this world use social
media to find information, shop, and show their daily activities. frequently used social
media such as Instagram, Facebook, etc.


Research Method explained a method of the research that has been implemented by the
writer in order to conduct well organized research. In this chapter, the writer discussed
several points related to methodology of a research, namely : Research design, Research
instrument, Technique of data collection.

3.1 Research Design

Research design was a plan used in order to conduct research. This research uses
qualitative design. Qualitative research gave complex details about particular phenomena,
which are difficult to be expressed in quantitative methods. Therefore, the findings of
qualitative research was not in the form of statistical data. Bodgan ( 1889 ) defined
qualitative research as a method in which a result of the data was in the form of written or
spoken descriptive data. In this research, the writer use textual analysis. Textual analysis
was used to describe content structure and messages contained in a text. This research
focused on the strategies and the effect of the pandemic for the occupancy in HRVB.

3.2 Research instrument

Instrument of data collection was a way how the writer gathered the data. The instrument
of this research was the writer herself. One of the characteristics of qualitative research
was a human being as the main instrument of the research. In qualitative research a writer
becomes the signer, data collector, interpreter, and also a reporter in order to report the
result of the research. Along with this research, the writer had also used a supporting
instrument in the form of a table for taking notes.

3.3 Technique of data collection.

In order to gain the data the writer collected the data could be described as follows :

3.3.1 Collecting the data

According to Miles and Huberman ( 1994), collecting the data meant gaining the data or
information in conducting the research. In this research the data collections that have
been used by the writer was observation and interview.
3.3.2 Identifying

Identifying was the second step of the process; this step contained the process of
classifying the data. The data that was gained by the writer were specified and classified
based on the strategies used by the sales HRVB. In identifying the data the writer also
asked the senior staff in HRVB to gather the data about the strategies and the effect of
the pandemic for the occupancy in HRVB. The researcher then related the data and the
theory from the library , journal , and internet.

3.3.3 Describing

In this step, the writer began to explain and describe the data. This step has been done by
the process of noting regarding the theories in the strategies and the effect of the
pandemic for the occupancy in HRVB. In describing data the writer focused on the
sample of the strategies which were emphasized in each category. Those were sleeping
accounts, competitor analysis, and branding in social media.


4.1 Findings

In this chapter, the writer presents the findings based on the result of the research. First
the writer will show the revenue in Harris Riverview in 2020 when the pandemic comes
to Indonesia in March, then the revenue in 2021 when the pandemic still engulfes
Indonesia. Second the writer will show the strategies that use by Harris Riverview in

Revenue 2020
Sleeping Account

Competitor Analysis
Social Media Branding
4. 2 Discussions

In this chapter the writer will discuss the revenue when a pandemic comes to Indonesia
which has profoundly affected the tourism sector in Bali. Then the writer will explain
about the strategies used in the pandemic by Harris Riverview Kuta Bali.

4.2.1 Revenue

The pandemic engulfed Indonesia, it had a bad impact on the economy in Indonesia.
Especially Tourism industry had a impacts because of the pandemic. Based on the
revenue in 2020 in Harris Riverview, still have good revenue because in early years the
hotel still boisterous, it make the revenue in Harris Riverview still normal, but in 2021 the
revenue in Harris Riverview Kuta drop extremely low, on 2020 based on MIS for room
revenue in Harris is Rp. 1.381.617.910,82. In 2021 the revenue dropped extremely low,
the revenue in 2021 is Rp.146.166.814,38 is very different from revenue from last year.

4.2.2 Sleeping Account

Sleeping account is a sales strategy in which guest data who have stayed at a hotel or used
hotel facilities will not return for a long time, therefore sales will contact him again so
that guests remember our hotel and come to the hotel again. Sleeping account contains :
Name of company, Name of the PIC, address, Phone Number, Email address. The sales
staff should do telemarketing to the guest. The staff should call the guest or send a
message to the guest, do small talk and attract the attention of the guests so that the guest
is interested in visiting the Harris Riverview again. Name of company

Name of company. The name of a company must be recorded, so that a salesperson

knows where the group guests are from and can distinguish them from other guests who
are also staying at the hotel Name of the PIC

A person's PIC is in charge of a particular event, project or task. In general, the task of a
PIC is to be overall responsible for the event and the development of the event or
project, as well as answering questions raised by members. If there is a reservation for a
room or group guest meeting room at a hotel, the name of the PIC is important to ask for
certainty or details of the father of a group guest and a photo is also fully responsible for
the event Address

address is the place of the company or the location of a company. This is also very
important to note to make it easier for workers if one day they want to send documents or
make visits to the company Phone number

The telephone number serves to contact a PIC, via telephone or chat. The telephone
number is very important because it is used to follow up guests Email address

Email address is one of the internet services in the form of electronic mail. Usually email
is used to send several files, to make it easier for workers and a sales person to not need
to send files to a guest address

4.2.3 Competitor analysis

Competitive analysis is the process of identifying competitors and analyzing their

business strategy to determine their strengths and weaknesses relative to your business or
offering. The purpose of competitive analysis itself is to be able to handle objections from
the guest. Every hotel of course has competitor analysis to see the movements of other
hotels, for example if Hotel A sells the room Rp. 350.000 Harris Riverview also should
be knocked down so that the guests also come to Harris Riverview, in this pandemic a lot
of the guests limit the budget, because the economic drop is extreme. Not only price the
hotel also should see the facility the competitor so that Harris Riverview can handling
objections or rejection Facilities

Facilities that refer to facilities or infrastructure or equipment or tools provided by a hotel

that can be used by a guest, in a competition, a salesperson must know what facilities are
offered to guests by our competitors, if the facilities offered are more better than our
hotel facilities, then we must be able to improve our facilities in order to compete with
our competitors so that guests also come to our hotel, because if they do not compete, of
course guests will switch to our competitor hotels Rate

The price which is the value of a product, this must also be very concerned because a
guest is usually more focused on price, for example if our competitor sells room prices at
a lower price than our hotel, a salesperson must find out why competitors can sell at a
higher price cheap, because if our competitors lower prices while we stay at normal
prices, guests will switch to other hotels Service Quality

Service is activities that are intended or intended to provide satisfaction to customers,
through this service the desires and needs of customers can be fulfilled. We should
know the service of the competitor so that it can be our learning or example. Location
Location is where a company operates, a hotel is usually located in the city center or
tourist attractions. a salesperson must memorize the location of the hotel and also its
competitors. Is close to the city center, to the beach, to the airport, to the shopping center.
This is very useful for handling rejection from guests

4.2.4 Branding Social media

Social media branding is marketing in digital form, which uses social media platforms to
promote products owned by a company. The aim is that the products owned by a
company can be known through social media by all people in the world. As we know, the
use of social media is very large and almost all people in this world use social media to
find information, shop, and show their daily activities. frequently used social media such
as Instagram, Facebook, etc. Harris Riverview use some social media, the often social
media that use by Harris Riverview is Instagram and facebook, because both social media
very popular and can be access around the world, so when the we upload some photo or
video the people around the world can see it, so social media is the one strategy that use
for promoted the hotel. Facebook

Facebook is one of the social media that has more than one billion active users, therefore
offering products on Facebook is very effective because it can be seen by people all over
the world by simply uploading a picture or video of our product. The use of social media
of course also saves time. Usually business people use Facebook ads to promote their
product. Instagram

Instagram, a social media that is widely used by teenagers and adults. This application is
also very good for branding so that the products we sell are better known to everyone.
Same as facebook. In instagram can also share photos or videos.



From the finding and discussion in the previous chapter, the strategies are very important
to know for those who work as salesmen during pandemic covid 19. Those strategies are
very useful for increasing revenue and making the guest interested in our product, not
only for increased revenue those strategies also can make our product more attractive and
knowledgeable. This strategies not only for hotel, but also useful if we have a business.

Based on the research findings and discussion which described in earlier chapter, the
writer provides some suggestions, there are :

1. For students, is suggest to find more information about the strategies of sales to
sell a product during pandemic or new normal, this very useful for who want to work in
hospitality especially in sales department.

2. For other researchers, The writer hope that the further researcher who want to
raise the same topic about the strategies of sales during pandemic can get more strategies
because become a sales must creative and find new idea to develop a product. The writer
hopes that the further researcher can apply those strategies, so that the information will
be accept more deeper.

Komang Devi Mertadhi. 2017. A Description of Trainee’s Tasks During on the Job
Training Program at Sales and Marketing Department at Discovery Kartika Plaza
para- ahli.html?m=1

The Strategies of Sales in Harris Hotel and Residences Riverview Kuta Bali During
Covid 19 Pandemic

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